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' s : - . it . l ' * \ : , / )-' ' . * .-• ‹. 4-t;' ' l *. , '.---.., -•- j . ..!' 7-.- 6 .—."'e' - ' • —,..z,_-...-,..t.l. ) .Slb;Tll,Thr * , ~ : a c:r . ,.,>,.. , k ', • ;'.-.., , • . / 7..'' ' - 7 - .7 il ell --- . - 'z. W rj. . -..-,,- - - - • ,„. , .v ..,, .. . . . \ . .. ; \ , . .., r? . , - 1 4> -•: .„•-• ,-_. , •,,....;• -, ~., ~ - -----t- . ____, _-_-,_.._•.,.„........., •- - ? , . , . i •• • . ~...„...„,, —,,.,-.___...„ _____ _ ~ • . . . . , -...:,. .• . • „.._.,.. • • • _ . . 1 VOLUME -LXXXIV. FIRST ED4IOI, 0 , cx.,413c1E 8 DI. CAPFEAL. „Applies is for Off ice Hush at - • /the White House and Depart. Men ts—Seuten ce 'Revoked- , Op* Commissioners, &v. (57 Tefeitatilao the Pltt.stdriti Ulseite.l s`slirrATlLroToN, March 15;,1869. ' THE RESIT FOR OFFICE. The. rush at the White House to-day was as peat .as ever, including a large numbotref prominent indiv iduals. Secriitary Boutwill was the recipient ,of an patensive levee, at his office. A great many Senators and Representatives called oh • him. Office seekers were pres eht in swarms. -Tbe applications to the .Treasury and Postciffico .Dellartmente are overwhelm :its. "'hundred 'of is ,that not one in ffve "'hundred of the applicants' can be "TWki' delegations visited the President ' thla afternoon, one representing the sol 7, triers and - sailors of the' war of 181.2, , headed by Gen. Skinner.. They simply paid their respects. The interviewlasted. *stout five minutes. Follotiring them , camera ,delligation from Delaware, whose Mit had reference to the distribution of public patronage in that State.: The Pres; ident 'reminded these gentlenien of the rule that applications for. oth must, be - forwarded to heads of DePartrnents to which They pertain. APPOINTMENTS. sinf2,lt:tff,2ll.ll-cB4,3:.t.tatrio de -_ sires it to be understood that no such rule has been adopted, and it is not the policy of the Department to displace loyal ansidaittiftil officers rhose.record •is od,: 4 MAT-that a 'kilo:team:l:dilation wii tnted-in--•this-matter, -and those only marked for remeval-wh,ole cord betrays infidelity or ineitkileneylW • the discharye of their duties. The Herald's s T lacial says speculations as to Preigcr* Matifirtitrpcilia' tments Mill conttnile”. names are mentioned as being likely to be sent in : General t,in place of General Miller, 03116ctbelliathe _Port, of San Francisco; James O. Budge, United States Marshal of New York; William A. Darling, Naval Officer of New York,' and' Frank! M. Phishir, United. States Districtlitter ' nay for California. PE 'NSION AGENCIES. The Secretary of the Interior-has ap pointed Col. W. F. FolliFs as Pension Agent at Philadelubbt - Tire agencies at St: Louis and-Brooklyn, recently made vacant. y„..reggnations, have been tilled, but-theMm4yenpi transpired. ::;: oral„Lltiztertair ,;;.T DEPARTMENTS. IN In accordance with the directions of Secretarrßontwellßstewere to.day pre; pared at 'the Treasury: , Department of the division of duties m the yarious roans of-the Department, number ofper sons employed, salary-paid; Atc.;;iri order that he may become rally acquainted with the Anties - ertiterstaVeral offi ces, dis tribution of forces, &c. - The Postmaster General has also Imd " llsliprepured in his department. • rSEIMMENCE MEVOR=I...•, The sentence .of the_ Naval. General Court- ati.l4-rict-thepageat -the Second tAuslaisfuti?.Ellkiii(mr MX4I V; - B*. $6 United States Nagy, tried on a charge of, uttering disrespectful language, of the President f the United .States, to'be sus pended from rank ancldufy - for one year, and plaped;on waiting orders, -with half pay during that thne,-and-t0 be publicly ,roPrit.Wd - eid .:ity . ./itifl : PearctorYi r or the Navy, having been recommended to the President for , reetdration by Secretary Berle, Pieeldent4, pos i t yeaterpLity issued the following order:" • • l'xecutive Mansion.;•3larch,- /863—: The recommendation of thaSeeretary of `the Navy for the ' , revoCation of the Ben .fence in-the within case is approVed, U. S. GBANT. CU/ 0_,W5 ( 7 135 ,94 4 •`: Titeiracflonil currency printed during 4 , the IWO& amounidd -so; 4582,50 c, ship - Monti; rtetes is suedi.S.l.4A6oo.,,, :Irma Araulation, 5269,- 'Fractloital Curreney destroyed, 537 P 9 aiWI •• • ,TOOT{ CHARGE. Secretwry.:Rawlins took! formal charge of the Was Office to-day. Gen. Schofield " the 'lido - Secretary, waipresent; 'and l.'itirrffetrrer ll the'traffis Of the-. Depart. ment•be the Sherman has pr*Mientecf: in general todere - the act making appreprla -tions for the,army, approved- March 3d, 1869. kiisiasq•ifOirs. Noah Jeffries, Register of the Trees- WY, bitp4falgrced- : , • IA Iketliked,tbst !pc.,u;-q,,Witstrn, ; third Audi ft of the 'rreasuffi intehde resign ing. 0:„,tAlICITY:-WPflit,. Is Atone o'clock to day, one of the trustees of the new Metropolitan 'eStatinoreirvniTond• t - ten th e gin him in the new chum This would have been done sooner hadthe church been f a = "-`, TiAt_l4WlAlClasverY pleasant. COLORED APPLICANT. • " tiliriteZif * lcerfacia ib 13w 3otary Botitwell. a colored \man from -Tag, Mu pnd arlora,...tafeift as As l'essor of Internal ffevenue in that city: , Joubert ,Said he did not desire the office) (- f re , fitpitutilaryeenslatrittions; but Mere --,lyOrtottlfredispositron of - the;, - Partr in • 'orreries to' tliti 4 - rlsPork4 , oo4olio-P. , Clifford, of bisisachasetts, is ;o, .tpp appointed Collec tor of theport made against themailrowi are frivnin 1 14, r cid that the an- noyances to which t •Is road issubjected by every Legislature is outrageous and ought to cease. Flre to Chicago—Loss, 525,000. . . CBT Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gaut tte.7 Cntc.too, March M.—About seven o'clock this evening a fire broke out at. No. 68 Lake street r iaa•four story brick building. M. S. Heckle &. Co., millin ers, occupants of the first floor, sustained a loss of - about $B,OOO. Mrs. Mason; mil liner, occupant of the seoond , third and fourth stories, sustained a loss; of over 014000; No. 66, occupied by Bosebau & Bro., trimmings and fancy goods, stiffer ed a slight loss by water; Wm. Hamil ton, occupant of third and fourticstories of same_ building, also suffered damage by water. Total lass fully 1625,000. 'Cause of-lire unknown, suspected incendiary. U. platelet Court--Judge McCandless. SATURDAY Mancit 13.--Henry tterman was declare' informer in the case of the trait g ed Btates a G1eA1if.41..4Wiii414019% illicit d4stiiling = and ;the conrt ordered that one half the fine of *2O Imposed on the defindant be paid to him. In the case Of the United States vs. twenty barrels of whisky, seized in Lu zerne county, as the - property of . E. and B. Bevan, Max., Einstein was ;declared informer, nud it was ordered that i6BO, 28 be paid him. District Court—Judge Hampton • 'SATURDAY, March 13.—50 business other than motlons.of no - importance to the public was transacted in thisJCourt. The argunient in the Kent habeas CM : - pus case , will take place at the opening of Court Monday morning. TRIAL LIST FOR MONDAY. 1. Ross vs. Espy. 45. Owners aiisamAntTraveler vs. Fra zier et al. 14. Owners of steamier Dolphin vs. Mc- Clay Brother. 16.. Nicholson vs. McDermott. • 17. Blanchard vs. MouuHeld. 21. Strothotrs administrators vs. Mace ler. . 1 22. Semple Jones vs. Marshall. S. McClean ct Co. vs. Barclay's admin istrator. / Common-lPleas—Full Bench. SA.'EURDAT March 13.--John Appel vs. Catharine Appel,and Mary A. Haynes vs. Joseph Haynes, Petitions in divorce. Subpomas awarded in both cases. . C.. S. -F Lerman Esq., presented:the petition of numerous citizens of Lower St. Clair Township", praying the court to grant a preleminary Injunction restrain ing the School Directors of the township from collecting a special tax, amounting to over eleven thousand dollars, assessed for the purpose of meeting a deficiency in the bounty fund of the township. The petitioners aver that - the auditors ap inted to examine the boun o po f the Board ascertained that ty , after fillingoperations the quota of the township. (243 men) and paying thein, there remained 5162,99, in the treasury, and that the deficit of over ,61),000 did not exist. The petitioners therefore claim, that the special assess ment' is unnecessttrY 4trid 'Unjust. The 'court granted a Preliniinary injunction, - - and fixing Saturday next, the 20th inst., fora final hearing in the matter., TRIAL LIST FOR •MONDAY. Notpiker, No. 36. Lighthilf vs. Lighthill et al. No. 98: Reed vs. Mills, , No. 83. Moore VB: Morgan. • • ' December. .List. A No. 4.•Allenbaugh vs. Mains, No. 5: Hagefaan & Snyder va.,Oity of Pittsburgh... . , No. 4 7. Mcdready Fa.Pa..R. R. • ; No. S. midi va. Beat r g„, vs. Banyan et al. • . No:, 10. Vance vs. O'Neill: •No. 11. Hines vs:',Hastings. No. 12. Hines'Vs. Beatings. • ' No:15. Nicholson vs. MoOlarren. Court of quarter eleselons—Jaage Stowei. hiarch 18.—Leonard Hart . man, indicted for felOnions assault, A. U prOsectitor, and convicted:on Pridak of eitnple 'assault; 'was sentenced to pay a - fine of ten , dollar!, .the coot • of "prosecution and undergo, an imprison mentlitlthe'county, Jail for a period of titre°, Months. ; • James Golden, tried arid convicted at ,the loot term of court. on , an indiohnent for, assault and battery with' intent to commit a rape upon Diana Wood, and who was awardedn new trial, was per- S: :.AMY :~-~~ .~, THE COURTS N UMBER 65 i matted to ente a plea of guilty of assault and battery, a d was sentenced to pay a fine of fifteendollars and costs. TRIALLIST FOR MONDAY. No. Co ic . vs. Leander Murray. No. 125. Co .:.vs. James_Douguerty. No. fO r Cot '. ?vs. John Bradford: No. no. com:ccs. George Little et al. The cases remaining on the list as pub lished.for, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, will be disposed of. TRIAL LIST FOR TGE,7•DAY. No. 118. Corn. vs. John Bell et al. No. 70. Coma vs. Borick et al. No. 113. Com. vs. Frederiek Lang. No. 114. Corn. vs. P. A. M. Kreps et of.. No. 111. Corn. vs. Joseph Let<us (two cases.) No. 120. Corn. vs. Wm. Messick. No. 124. Corn. vs. Patrick Bradley. No. 93. Com. vs. Henry Folder. • TRIAL LIST FOR WEDNESDAY. No. 105. Corn. vs. Charles Leaser. No. 106. Corn. vs. Wm. Boyle. No. 107. Com. vs. Wm. Saville. No. 108. Com. vs. John Carey. No. 118. Com. vs. Charles and Mary A. Schmidt. No. 121. , Com. vs. Henry Willetts, Sr. No. 126. Com. vs. John Paisley. . Beaver County Convention'of Good' • Templar's. . Corresrondenee of the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NEW BRIGHTON, March 12, 1889: SECOND. DAY'S SESSION. The forenoon session was occupied in the degree work. Five persons receiv ed degrees. Instructions were given, oc cupying the forenoon session. Every thing passed off pleasantly, The afternoon session opened as usual, G. W. C. T., S. B. Chase in the Chair. Convention proceeded, after the read ing of the minutes, to the election of Diatrict officers for the ensuing quarter. It resulted as follows: • W. G. T.—A., Bestwick, of New Brighton. W, V. T.—Miss Mollie Carter, of Rochester. W. Secretary—E. H. Alexander, of New Brighton. W. Treasurer—Joseph Alexander, of New Brighton. The Committee on Resolutions report ed as follows. Passed seriatim: Resotved,. l'hst we are,' If possible, more thaia ever: convinced of the magnitude of the evils of intemperance, and the importance of an earnest and untiring prosecution of the temperance work. t Beaolved, That we still adhere to the doctrine of-total abstinence from all that would intoxicate, as the only true tem perance. _ Resolved, Teat we deplore the fact that so"many good citizens,•and • even church members, stand aloof, and neglect, or re-: fuse to assist 118 in this work of saving the rising generation from this monster evil,'which is :destroying its by thousands all over the land.' Resolved, That' we believe it to be the duty of every Christian tv be a total ab stainer from intoxicating beverages, and to unite with all lovers of humanity in, our, effort to put away this terrible evil from stud* us. , • ' Besolimd, That while. We believe' that every church ought to be strictly a tem perance organization, and do all they can ,in that capacity, yet the magnitude and urgency of the work demands that every Christian should also work with the Temperance orders, and thus help to use every means to restore the fallen and rescue those in danger. Besolved, That in our opinion no one is justifiable in standing aloof from the temperance work 11D011 the plea that it will injure their. business. We must sacrifice when necessary for the good of others. * %Rev)NO, That we- recommend the or ganizing of Bands of 'lope in. the SEM" bath Schools in'all the churches. -- - - Besdlved, .That we deplore the use of domestic wines on any and all occasions, as being productive of serious eVils, and warn all triothers not to allow any such poisons a placeln their cupboards. Resolved; That, all. -laws licensing the sale of alcoholic liquors'as a beverage are pernicious and wrong and should , be re-, pealed. .Resolved, That while we will continue the use of moral suasion, and all mild means to reclaim the intemperate, and to prevent men from engaging in the liquor traffic, yet past experience has convinced us that we need, and in order to succeed must have legislation lathe shape of pro hibition,. • • • Resolced; That we respectfully b u t ear nestly request the Honorable Court 'of Beaver County to grant no licenses to sell liquors when they can honorably re fuse to do'so. • .Reaolved," That our G. W. C. T., Brother Chase, is cordially invited to visit us again at his earliest convenience. Reaolved. That we return the thinks of this Convention to the New Brighton Lodge for -the hospitable manner in which they have entertained its mem bers during our session. After the resolutions. were disposed - of. Mr. Chase addresaed the meetingon the unwritten work of the Order, urging uniformity.," - ' The. Convention adjourned with sing ing, prayer and benediction. New BrigbOin then" convened and organized a degree' Temple, elected. of- Acers, etc. In thin eiening a' public 'meeting was held' in. the' First .Metbodist Church, (Bev. Crovrther's,) where the Hon. Mr. Chub delivered an - earnest address, ,"to a large arldielleNuonthe importance of or ganized, earnest efforts; ) urging those not Identified' with any. Temperance order to come in end belp - ui. was followed Mr. Locke, of Maine, who save US, a, brief address and two fiile,p,leces of tern pertuutle musiceproduaing u tine uhpres slim upon the audience. 2' - • - The repaonatrances, were , circulated,. and quite a mmther more names secured against ariv more litenries in theibbionb. The benediction closed the. ante Report or the:Flatt einanibssioner•• Col. Janids Worrall, Vounnissionez for ,the restoration of the fisher* Of,Ahe Sus quehanna River, in his report.,for the year 1868, sets forth In detail a very able , manner, all that iingtessary for the rdstoration of our. once vast fish. eries, and shoxs A's can.he done at lit Ale expense either to the corporations , 'own `ing the dams, or to the State whose dutit it undoubtedly la to make sucli.iraprove merits. Unquestionably, when the dams are properly,arrango for, the passage of fish, the people along all theAtorea.of the Susquehanna will have abundance• of shad,. While the introduction of 'new ape. cies of fish will then becothe a • source of great profit to.lishermen. IN