DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN, RAHM & CO., IRON, NAILS, STEEL, -.:- AXLES AND SPRINGS . p • nviiirs NE. L X AND JIINIA.TA, FLAT BA ROUND AND SQU 'IRE IRON, BAND, HOOP, SHEET AND 'rANK IRON. GUARD, IRO N %Tao AND DRAM, IRON, DRAG and DROPPER BARS, PLAND.D cuTriss' tufts, cli.uutzu Xeohr,__ T AND FLAT RAIL, for Coal Hoyle. CROW II • ItS,WEDOIso a: HARK' PW TEETH, - SPRING PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, STK= 0/ ...L INGSAND MOULDS cut to pattern. STEEL. *ES, tiILEL SHaFTINti,._ A. It. STEIL COACH,MUGOT and WAGON SPRINGS and ALEN X AILS . CDT AND SPINES. - Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS: Ixteenth Street and Allegheny River, and 77 Water Street, Pittsburgh. .h 9 - GODEFFROY BRANCKER & CO., Are prepared, its Sole Agents in the llnite-d States for' the Prussian Dining and Iron Cota- Dettf- of Duisburg, Westphaifa, to contract or sell In quantities to suit purchasers, (delivered in ettlierNeF York or Philadelphia ' ) the aelebrated V. G. SPIEGELEISEN Vied so extensively for the manufalturing of This Iron is free from Sulpur and Phosphorus, And contains a heavy per cerrage of Xanganese. Pall particulars, samples, prices or chemical flialysis will tpg promptly forwarded on aptolica . anon. jaaor.d76 SHEFFIELD STEEL WODHS. ifiIIGER I HECK & oaufactoress of every delerlpt3on of - CAST AND. GEMILAN , STEEL, RATOZ EIP.AINGS, - • - Maar C AND PLATIPORY 9P.I7MDS. AUXI3, ISTIN.L TIES, &e., War bone, 83Water and 100 tint Sts. MILLER, BARR ic PARKIN. arit,VT.Ca B ABE,, gatuß . El.l MILLER . Snow. P . A31r121-8. M. BILK.. CRESCENT. STEEL WORKS, TILLER, BARR A,PARKIN I Office, No, 339 Liberty' St, feH:diS PITTSBURGH, PA. BLACK DIAMOND PARK, BROTHER & CO., Mee and Warehonse t UM. ISA ETCOND and 119 and 121 FIRST STREETS. Pron. W. P.Toa 7111, Bu" ,pITTSBIIRGRI FORGE p a r , Ireits nallroad Flab Bars aad Balls; ;ALOI Car Axles Zoned; liallread Car Axles . :14einsatIve Praises; • Laeaseetive Frame Shale - SI liAre,:iletkin • , IFithwiltrais; ...6W4.41610i15t laseluaboaS - Alialls; iteduabeat COlidua IPlstaa Rada, Wrists;" Pitman Jaws, Collars, Am. Mace; No. 177 PENN STREET, .1 1- NII4IISENPROCUS The Trnatees are now nre_p_ared to irrant Men. -sea for the nae or the ZLLESEIKAUSICN PllO The seperfor quality imparted to good iron„ the great hnp.oyement in inferior iron. and the reduced cost.commend it to all manufacturers of Iron. Parties Wishing to use it can obi** libeenieo ST !pwymgto - JAMES P. SPEER, , . • Attorney for the Trustees, OFFICE, 860 PENN STREET. _rustles interested are !nvitee to visit the EHDINSWINIILIt , WOICKS. *hese tile process is no* in sue•esami 'operation. • " E*14180N; PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron , Works. Warebose, Nos. URI andlIST MIEN STIOrt. oopositeaonongasela Flan PITTIBINSIL pITTEIBEIIIGH NOV;ELTY WORKS. AD/LBLS, MIEEE & CO. ZZTBTONZ EITANDARDOFAIRRANK 13 PAT NNT) PLATFORM AND COUNTER-. SCALES,. Janus //wed Patent Door Loa. and Latches , . Paha and Coffee Rills, &a. e g l -ana*Mt.4 6 :1 31 4.09145T WAN r r low ..11" r... 49140 # 21 114r- 1 01 4 — BRASS FOUNDERS, GAB AND STEAM FITTERS, Itanubotamo of of • ! FF3I AND Bull : Am& " r" 7' for. of Pike. and Walnut Streets, Manufacturers of 42 Exchange Place, New York, BESSEMER STEEL. PITTSBURGH; PAL amii=z. rAiirtrzas STEEL WORKS. Xanntactureriot all descriptions at Isprzwirmir PITTSBURGIN. IRON WOMB. AND IRON CO., X ,I 4CRAMMii!.B: s cIP rpra NOVXLTY AVORMS:: munnrAcruszes Pittsburgh. reuses. PITTSBURGH 'CINDERS, .EIACEEINISTS KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COYPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. ErEngines, Rolling MLR Ma chinerY, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings genprally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Cosner Carroll and Banalities Streets, , ) (NINTH WARD,) prz - rsistrucia. *PA. • WILLIAM SMITH 3 Manufacturer of • OAST IRON BOWL PIPE Ton GAS AND WATER WORKS. My Pines are all cast invariablyin Pits, In dry sand, and 12 feet lengths. Also, full assortment of general ' Castings for ('as and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintend • ants of Oas Works to my make of RETORTS. ATLAS - WORKS, MORTON STREECT, Ninth Ward PI'I • ly3BIIRC38. TH03114.13 mituxn. President.. These Works are among the large n sad aloft Complete establishments to the -West, and are wow prepared to tarnish Engines, of every deseriptlaw. Boilers, OH TA'lll46 Sheet Iron Work.- BaUromul flitsUm's. Bolling MU Castings. Engine-Casthym Machine Castings. lihmeral Caitlngs. ORDERS 80LIOITED 1109 :ne9 ROBINSON, REA & CO., 11.nocessoro. to itosztroOtt. XINIS & MILLE&I. WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS. AND MACH MSTS, PITTBBOIIBH, Manttlietarers of Boat and Stationary Steam En arsl irillit ilerin o k es c al reeti MachbcriPt i ron g r r eiT Mice, No. 1511, corner First and ansithneld Streets. • Agents for GITIPARD'EI PATENT INJECTOR ftor seeding Boilers. jall:rd2 uNT BLANC FOIINDIVir. tter Street, Ninth Ward, (Oppoalte Union Iron mug, ) PrfTBEUBON. Bolling 31111 and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, NULOILENNEY AND cavil:Nes eanzaAra.r. Charges Orders promptl y reasona ablend carefa ll y executed. Em . ma k MACHLIBA ocmus THOBILIS CARLIN & co., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, SALIEDUSET 11T.i ALLEGAIENTOITE, Pi., Nanaihrs of Steam Engines, 011 Presses, plulegs;' hafting, Grist' and Saw Mill Work, Bolling and - Machine Castinm Grate Bar& Weights, Wagon Boxes, ex. Build to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. CCENTILIL FOUNDRY • AVID ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Sieeet. BOLLIAN, BOYD & BAGALEY. awl Rolls, Kill Outing., 801 l Latboa, /to"! LIMBER! WARIER! _ ALEzerrosat perrnasoN. Dealer in all Hinds of Lumber ! ON HAND AND POE SALE : 1 000 feet Dry Pine Amulet I¢o. rem Ili and Sr load Clear Plank; 80 , , feet Dry I,li inch Coaunon Plank; 80:9iIPU feet Dry 1 sad lath Oak: 515,000 feet Dry 2, kW and 3 inch Ash, 8,000 ft. Dry gl,ll3‘,3ln.Cherryk Maple,/ - 30 000 , ft. Dryl,, lh, A and 3 Inch Pop l ar: 10,000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling; 5150_ ,000 feet Hemlock Joists and Scanting! TSO,OOO No. I 18-Ine.h Shingles, sawed: ki50,000 No. 116-Inch Shingles, sawed: 4-0, 000 No. 116-inch Shingles, salved: .0,000 Fire Brick; . 1,000 Fire Tile. - • 11#0 Tons Fire Clap . YARDA-1140.-.3OOIIEZBL STANA,_,_fcremerly Manchester r and UT REBECCA STREET. ePrto• sitelbe Has Works, AJUmtheny City. nal 6421. 1R0N BROKERS. IKON 111 , 101011 t; First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Agent for the sale of Cornwall, Donghamore, joaeoblne, Isabella, Duncannon.ntanhope, Olga. don,and other-bruits of Antluweltat!rghlo. PIGI !kW. Cl i g ttlf i Nt • ERONEI t _ '..fliirognlitaiti *remelt resnAtibUi solleltirt MI +.s EAKESOPERr,: 1; `bones utnel L 111 1 1/0131 ° PrrloBllll7/1021. PARK, MoCURDY & CO., danufleture r o of O Sheathing; Brasiers , and Belt Oopper (kipper ,Bottoste,Ealsed Bot- Wms, Ereltetflobler. - Aleti'atuparters and Deal ers la Jietal, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire_, do. Con neatly op hand Tlnners , Machines at.d Tools. Warehouse, No. 140 1/1118T13TBIL4T and IMO 1.300 ND OTREET t _Pittsburgh. Special orders of ooner coat to lute delred WV. - • • . Ault - 4; j 4l ,741 • , • • A44.*_,Zitak.,,Vt1e;' , ‘ ,9 .44 41 A PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : SATURDAY. MARCH 13, 1869. LUMBER. HUGH N. BOLE &•CO. Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St . ," (RIAU THY POIRTO • Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES. of all dam Special attention Invited to onr new STATIONAc . AEY Bth WELL ENGINE. AND POBTABLI BOILER. of 115-borsevower. • • CASTINGS, of every hind. made tobrder stout Eonndi7 on TRIED STREET. below !dirket. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS ana IRON TOBACCO PRESETS, on hand and made to order. at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Tronthig en the Allegheny Elver, near the Point, PITTSBURGH, PA. NIP All orders promptly Ailed. Twr FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TAN WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, MANUTAOTSTRXES OP TUBULAR. DOUBLE-PLUM TUBULAR, FIRR-ZOIC AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL ERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS. canoms, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT' PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, aesoikarmuTh AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES • °Mee sad Warehouse. cornier Second. Third. Short amid Liberty Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa. Jar Orders. sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. rah7:leg AVM,. BARNHILL & 'CO., . BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, • NOB. XO, XS, 114 AND 16 PENN BT. Having- maid a large yard and famished it whin the pprOVed machinery. we arenre. Pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERB in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Mo. Bods. Xtearn Pipes; Locomotive &diets Conaansers, Bait Plum, Tanks, 011 Stills, Agita tors, Battling Pans, Boiler Iron ~_Bridges, Saw Pan,s and sae manufacturers of Barn=l , a Pat ent Rollers. Repairing done on shortest notice. JAMES at. arms, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, prrroßuitzum, PA., /• /ILIINUTACIRIaIIt ca IRON OIL. TANKS, 1=721210 PLIZES, COPPS& STEAM PWZ: ROLLING X 11.4. 13TACIL9, And BREST IRON WORE, Tor Steamboats WILD D. =DM ZDXIRID D. DIME JAILED M. BRUSH & SON, XIIfUTACTDEZDS Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IKON WOES. &O. 61 Pena Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. THE BEST STOVES. _ A. BRADLEY & CO. Manufacturers of the sieatest variety of Coojr; Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE TOIIND IN THE STATE. Bole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning Coke. ft stint ehs Wanodr lFuorn P a ar s o i r b , r O Hoae. S Ca o r Church. Fire needs no rekindling—burns all win. ter. Do both ty until you see or send for Circular. • . No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents fbr Orientals—mm.)llAß BROS., indthfleld Bt.; GEO. HURLEY, Allegheny City. , 11118113 Stet, wururAOningas or Vint PARLEY! OP ISMCVNTMOSI. BOSTON 000.111:NO- RANGE, ", THE FIERY FURNACE," 31.qa WAREING RUILDIROn. THE NEW_ A.NTI-DUST COOKING BTOI7II, "REGULATOR." COLUMBIA COOK STOVE. VAN'S • lanelnnati Pattern) PORTABLE .RANOE OAST IRON MANTLER., REF LECTOR . O RATES, tree Leeman end dut; GRATE 111, PENDER4* -- le. 206 and. 208 'Liberty Street, 5e21:07 PITTSBURGH. PA. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL( * CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOB BrITIMIRO 178 COAL. wairantai ta Cook, kaki or Roast as trill assay other Sias to the tido& • BISSELL & No. 285 Liberty Street. . . klan on nand and for We. PABLOAV A T rro 6 N)& M144,1a AND COED. (VAL! COAL!! COAL!!!' • ;. DICKSON; STEIVAILT lk CO., Ruing removod their OffloO to NO. 567 , LIBERTY STREET, (LAW, City Ploar /1111)82COND XiOOWL Are now O Taredto thrash good Y_ONGHIO. HS NY IVAL 1)3315., at the lowest mos t price. • All orders lea at their omoe, or addressed to them through the mall; will be attended to orotootm. STONE. WEST COMMON - Machine Stons-,Workth N 'oithwasteorner °Meet Oman, Allegheny; ATITATIM & 00. Have on luiad - ot irepasi oi abort notice Buhl' vg.Stel e lV e ly&Wes_wallueswer ::Orita • Ftwourtay ezORW. - facTl reaozabl FORT PITT BANKING COIPANY, No; 169 Wood ',Street. CAPITAL, : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, DICALE.Ii3 IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TINE DEPOSITS. Collection mimic on all socisnible Taints in the United States and Canadas. DIRECTORB I : Jao.O Blither, Bobtrew : H. M Sanger, Andill. Janie. M. Bailey. D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Wallace, I. Fawcett, ISAMU. die E. LEET NATIONAL BANK OF COMIERCE, Core of Wood and Sixth Sto. A. PATTERSO3I...... ...... JOB. H. FULL -,- CAPITAL, : $4500,000. DIRZOTORS, A. Patterson, Wm. H. Brown, Chu. Lockhart, Dan. B. -Davidson, W. B. Haven. DLICKIIINTS DAIL' attinoti HAIRT L CAUGHEY I& CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, • 1 3 Trwaistrit4a.U. (hHCCEnSOBS TO HANNA, LUNT • 00.,) DKALABS IR E.xchange, Coln, ;Coupons; And particular attention paid to the purchase and sale et GOVERNMENT BONDS., Bight israftsi :ahn 1-J0114031. taylmea N nouttEs& SONS, 3E3.A.rt:TINMPLES 57 Market Street, • P11TT53131311431/3, Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canada. I - Steeks,Bends and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. salParticalar attention paid to pgrchase and e of United States Securities. 1430:al . DOLLIR S~V~NGS BANK, After the First of March Next, Will be doted on WEDNESDAY . EVENINGS, And open daily 'from 9 o'clock .al. it. to 3 o'clock r. n., and on Saturday Evenings. fei9:ols OILS. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY, I - HERBERT W. C. TIVFMDLA MAITHIPACTUREII, Or Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Relive. Railroad Axle OH. Stands great heat without change; remains limpidet lowest temperatures: Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive, Engine, llweiiine Shop, cot'Screwa." Saw Rill and Planing Rill OH ., Adapted furbish speed. Spindle OH, WoolilleadALlght Oil, ell. Tanners' Stuff./ Rental., ins Finishinpoll,lGasollne, Harness 011 Parraillne. ARMOR VARNISB,.- - to preserve Bright Iron Wert and Machinery fromprust. These products are maaufacttared sunder Dr. Tweddle's_patent by Superheated Steam In Vac ono, The Lubricating Oily are. utmost odorless, perfectly pure. uniform, and mostly light col ored., Wand a high temperature unchan ed. and remain limpid during extreme cold. The ad, Ma are , pnequalled, and are ineunstant. use on many of the *principarßallroadig Maniples can be examined and orders •left at 114 WOOD STREET, Worts at Sharpaburg Bridge. WADING AND KING, Comalpkownerebitau antt Rrokers la Petroleum and Its Products, DALZEII I II BUILDING, D i iIQtIEBNE WAY. Prllll/111171.1119 rffijAmeix* ppm*.! . . WARING, 1011114,/k 127 Walnut Street, TACK BROTHERS, - common matenw; • Petroleum and Its Producte, ratinnuo Urnoe—DALISZLVS coiner c!.t Duquesne Way , and Irwi n , lititt,4lolofitioriat Wtall* B'4 DIAMOND OIL " 01111.8 . 9 H. LONC & office, DALZICLL BIJ,ILW DG, .Duquesne Viso% Pittsburgh, Pa. IHRBT7.NGI3 AND BATTING; ANCHOR. COTTON MILLS. PIIMM3II3XM4}I s Minvfacturers otHIULVI itZDIU t X and LIOHT ammo* mu) masiiiroxiA 311:CliTINGS AND HAMM 1'• _ . , . ~,i, „ ?...,,...,,, ._, ,•!., „-,-,...,,.. .. ,,,,,, ,,:.,:,,; - , , , ,, ,,_:,., - -: , -1-;. , <1,i , - , - - . , _, , :!... - .":" , -'..7-7,_':—..7 1 ;',:.; t .-,,,,,-- -,,,.--,-.. • 7.--7-- , ;:: , , ,,,,,, , , ..t';' , - , -, ,,6 .-2' -. -- ...... , .A. , ci.i.- , ; , ;;- . ; - . , .^:;- - -.... ? ....__-,-- - .c.‘-' , - , - , -,!•-• ...-'=„:-.,,---.;;,-, - - ;i. , -.,,t r.. -1 - -.. , ..; . i;. - ... - .;.:.- , 2.,.. -;,-,....,. t , -7 , .',-;, , ,,,,.-... , ---,,,,,, „.,...._,„... „_ ~,..:',--:-,. .....t.....,,,,\ -;,.,,,w,,,- , _7,,.... , ..„:7_ ,•,,,,,,,-; _„,.., 0.,,, i ,,,1 z ,,. 0 ,-;1-0,-:„., ; ?.. g .- §: ,-6.- gtt v. .. ,-,,,. 4 „ 0. ,,A- i ..„ iA0 ,,,,,,,,,,, ,i -,, ;..Qat t, ;N ,-.Y .: , ..Vit."?4iit'.t ,- -1=tr ,:; _,V,k4 1-. : 7 44 , ifi.::•:4i.:- -- 7--5i- ., tsilk4C3.' , :_t, , j ,-- ->: , :',, , ,„!.-A..,-;':j47,"7 . 443-* z a Z":4. - r.441,74...Tzr.i.....;.. .. - ' 4,14 - E V 4 W - PPYg•Z I A - ':igFg":" , f,, i, . - t*„„.,''''-lt.4.et'Vq•-%, 4 't,...,t..X.,.'3 , -V.,....= 4 Z5V - o.lv- , -.V , F0 , "•-•7.4" , ..17 , 4 1,-, 3'1:Y4,-&-0 -, '2 , . ,- ; ; Vi1a5:..55q4.,5ipV47, -, • t. '” ''''''" , ;" - T--Pi- -j ';' - ' , ” , - - i'-' ,, "Pt` 1 .4e i 4.... 7- Rf.i.. -.4,, .,5 4 P .a y.gi.W'"4'".'ir4,:, „r,y...:N.1.,,,k...i , 1. ,i . ..,,-, ~.z , f .4egi., , -. Ne"'T , 'i-T i7 "''r , ".%-'-4i ,,k IA . -4 .649-4; 4,,,,,, v. - . ,-, .. T :;.0 . , , ,.p ,„ 1 . ...z.. - 1.. ,,,, , , A-,1:14"., , We1ig.'-‘7i,p.plW.' 1- ,- -- , ,, , A, , ..* , --.-f.k:Llt-a•-..- 4.- , , , ---o.t, ...; 1 7.-.4.4,.W.; :544 - -...,?z.x , y4.1,\•,..ze1,, i -/..tE..y.,, 5...,..- . .vti.,.,.if.z., , ,..x.$ * 1-...-. . : ..,.1 - .r: 1 - '..• , `, l l - iffg.k. , , AV2: - ..4V4' -f- f t .....zw.v.4,,, , ,, , ,.fe, w „„„,„:-.1„,.„ 0 , .. e . i .l--, , :, 4...* , A .-, 4 4- 0 ..A.v , . .:. -, ~.,,-,..-37 ..., 1 .- rf,..40.... -,._45~, ,,, *44.y.0. , :ii-44-, , ,-4-:,, , i' 4t0,4, ...., •• „-.w4 V Lti l ttig, 4 3Lv.g..4;a 4 ,l.oA-V.-ti v 1 ,-, 4,,fi. r • t'' .iric'. en'te 4 ' '''' 76 41..., , --Ti.% ' 4 ilL-Wr. , :& 4 ._er ', • --- CENTRAL AND UNION PACIFIC; RAILWAY BONI)S, The cheapest Investment now In the market for sale by PvLI; Lt. AllFartr.r.Z 9 Corner FIFTH AVENUE & WOOD STREETS. Also, dealer to Government Bonds. Gold and Coupons *ld European Exchange at market rates. dell AXES `I T . ' I B RADCO , (Snecessors to S. JONES a C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., .13 BUY AND SILL ALL HINDS OF . GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TEEMS. Mr Interest Allowed on Deposits. mr : Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates.' Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of _STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO: LIIRW, fteet. N. Cambier. George W. Casa, S H. Palmer Wm. Douglas, Wm. Seed. A. E. '6ljt littsburgti Gaisttt. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, March 12, 1869. The large short interest in the Five- Twenties of 1862 has been the MUG of a sudden rise froni 118% to 120; This class of securities are now almost ' as scarce as 1881's, and will soon disappear from the market. , In 1865 old bonds the market opened strong, as likewise the 1864'5, but prices were not maintained at the close.. 'ln new issues of 1865, 1867 and 1868's, which latter are very scarce, the market; is barely steady and 'likely to react. The first favorable change in the weather will give to spring business an unusual impetus, thus making money easier and, requir ing heavy shipments of currency West and South. It is thus that considerable amounts of 1867's will be disposed of that were held as temporary investment. The gold market is dull and devoid of any interest. Fluctuations were within three-eighths per cent: which will pre vent large speculative transactions, and from the known views of the new Secre tary-of the Treasury it is inferred that he means contraction and lower prices for gold. It is thus likely that a further re action doWnward will take place before the bull element will enter the market as such. The shipment of corn to Europe would lead, it is supposed, to an early rapid rise in the prendum. Stocks were inactive without any movement of magnitude. Erie was the only stock which showed any activity. After two months of neglect, a clique is at work to manipulate the market, so as to create a , shon t interest, for which the old clique has the materialinliluid. Business dull. Money easier. Closing quotations 'as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 131%; Eighty-one's, 116%; Five Twenties, DM% 120 r do, 1864, 114%; do, 1865, 117%; do, 1865, nevi. 113;. -do, 1867 , 113; " do, 1868, 113; Ten •Forties, 1Q5%; Railr oads Cleve and I - Pittsburg. Pittsbuigh t Fort 'Wayne - & Chicago: 18%; Chicago - &' Rock Island, 28%; Chicago dr North- Western, 813 i; do Preferred. _V; Erie, —; New York' Oentriii, 59v ; Mei& .gan Southern; 97g; Reading, 9.134; Ohio & • Mississippi Certificates, 83%; West . rn Union Telegraph Company, 3734; Merchaigs.- Union Exprfts CumPatiart 16%;; I"Seiiic 99j4;' Allan* 6031; Mning shares—Gregory, 2,25; Quartz Hill, 75; Smith & Parmele, 1,35; Cory don, —. —The following is a statement of the approximate earnings and expenses of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayneand Chicago Railway Company. during ; thenth of February, ult., and of the earnings and expenses for- first two months of fiscal year, as compared with the same period of the year 1868. - DM I lam Z,117;e112. FromFr't... Passengers Ex. Matter: Matt Bent of R'y. Ditseellan's Total . I Expeuse4.. o Vet kitiwis from I,—_, Jan. to Feb 28. 1 Expen'a " •` 845,19715) 788,841531 88,35:89 Erlng'S foti 'two nionthr I 388:8:1391 _ 3•40.'0nn " 43444 '7B Decrease from 1868-. : Freight. au,641. N. Total eta 31369. Expenies, Vf184.462f. —Clostmcquottittons reoelved'by lames T. Brady ft 003,t -- Gold, 181 X; United litatfll t gxol, steaVik. $14%1 64 04.4118. 120; s, 1884, 11.1%; 5-20% 1886, 117 X; 10-40's; IOW; 15,2Aniaanty and JulY, 1885, 1 isy„ do. IN7, 118 X; do. 1888, 118; Seven ,Thirties, , pgr lens 'X; Due. Coal! Pounds, /18; . Union Pacific Railroad, par; Central,-1081:Cy, Pacifim f 1013 f: (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) NEW Yonz, March 12, 1889.- Money easy at 867 on call; discounts . quiet at 7®843. There is a feeling in gen mat that all, large borrowers attlung stools' brokers have negotiated a loan for am oral months ahead, said to bp in yiew of an iniportimt movement on the bull aid& Sterling firmer, Br 4 ®SX'for pritno bank. • . era at sixty days, and w@9y for sight: The gold room was comparatively quiet to-day. Gross clearances 1584000,000. The price opened at 31%, advanced to 319`, and closed at 81%©81g. Governinents are active, buoyant and' higher, with the demand chiefly on the later issues of domestl6 bomb!, but orders , from the interior ware large, and some financial liititutions bought freely; 'O FINANCE AND TRADE. 339,769 33 • 427,311:e...$ 161, 851 et les 2.53 941 8,597 67 9.468 00 7.98780 %LOW BO 7,825 00 7,645 00 7,083 38 T 083 33 1 1,000 00 855 011 383,097 321 6 - 45400 3014301 321 •• •• 92629 _ _ 224 - ,66 - 061 2144,47-71 . _ 211,718 8111,109,911 161 701,197 65 reached the highest price ever paid, but as the market is entirely bare of diem this is not strange; new '6.5s and 67s were. the chief feature of the day; Coupons' 'Bl, 11634®116%; do. '62, 120@l20%; do. '64, 1163.4(11634; do. '65, 117)4@117j4; do. new, 111U@113X; do. '67, - 1133( 4 (6113N; do. '6B, 113y,®113%; Ten-Forties, 10534 @IOW. There appears to be considerable short Interest in gold, which soon made 2@235 per cent. for carrying to flat for borrow-. State Bonds qui .and firm. - Mission nu, 88%89; New T et ennessee% 65344%85%; Old Tennessees, 66%6634; North Carol inas, 69 X%60; Louisiana Levee Sixes, The Railway market was strong dar t ing the forenoon with a well distributed business. Express shares steady but lower than yesterday ander the report that the settlement between the .F.rie Railway and the United States Express Company was not completed. In the af ternoon the Railway market was lower but closed - steady though dull. Miscel laneous shares quiet and steady. Pive-thirtY .'noes:—etunberiand, 870 3735; ' Wells Express, 31%3134; Amen can, 41%%12; Adams, 60%%61: Mer chants, 15@17; United- States, Quicksilver, 24%%25 ; Canton, 60% 60k; Pacific Mail, 99% 3 %99%; Western Union Telegraph, 37 7 4%38%; Mariposa, 15;4%16; do.preferred, 33%%34%; New York. Centra4 159%%159x; Erie, 87Q) 3714; Hudson, 139 /@139 34 ; ilarlein,l36X %in; pref., 138; Reading, 9l %@3l3s;Terre Haute, 36%; do. preferred, 67; Wa bash, 67%673 ; 'do. preferred, 77@ 1i 77X; St. Paul, 66%@66%; do. preferred, 77h@77%; Ft. Wayne, 1183)%119; Ohio and Mississippi,33%%3334; Michigan Cen tral, 117; Michigan Southern, 97%%973,x; Illinois Central, 140%141; Pittsburgh, 89%89X; Toledo, 105%%105%; Rock Island, 128%,0128%; Northwestern, 81% @81X; do. preferred, 91@91%; Chicago and'Alton, 150; Dubuque and Sioux Clty,, 110%; Lake Shore, 105%. Mining shares dull. Copper Stocks at Boston—Calumet, 50; Copper Falls, 14; Franklin, 21; Quincy, 27; Hancock, 534; Minnesota, 2%. Receipts at the Snb•Treasury; 1M,007,- 826; payments, $2,825,843; balance, 319,738. - PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF Prrrsztruart Ciezmic, FRIDAY, March 12, 1869. The market was again in a very pecu liar condition te r day, and as noted for some days, the current seems to be float ing in an unusual direction. New' Y4rk continues to be the selling point, and strange as it may appear, Pittsburgh continues. to furnish, the buyers; hereto. : fore Pittsburgh , has received the . credit , of making and aelling the oil while New, York and Philadelphia did the buying. How long this strange and unatural state of atrairswill continue it is difficult at this writing to determine; but it would - 7 certainly look better for the trade to have the tables turned—for New York to buy and Pittsblugh to sell. As we have prbviouitly noted, this Ike de• . termined movement on the part of some of the New Yorkers to bring about a tif. cline, and that they have accomplished something in that direction is plain enough, but as yet it does not appear that the results have been commensurat e with the means employed, as the break thus far has not caused, anything like panic, thOuah there are' those who are confident the bottom has not yet been touched. CRUDE—We can report a continued quiet market with but little offering, and but little wanted. Sale of 1,000 bbls for March, seller, at 16; and 1,000 each (40 to 46) July - tqDecember at 1734. We heard of an Offer to sell 10.000 bbls for April, seller's option, at 5,65 on Oil Creek, which is a decline, the last sale— on Wednesday—being at 16. REFINED--Alio was very quiet here and the same appeared to be true of Philadelphia. while New York wile; offer ing to sell pretty freely, and that, tco, at a decline. Marchwas offered at 34 and, we heard of offers to buy 500 each. May . to September, at 3614; and.soo each July to December, at' Philadelphia deliveries. New York deliveries"..'were offered at lower figures. —Sales 1,000: Libls Crude for March, seller, at ' 16; '1,1300 seine delivery at 16X; and 1,000 spot, (40 to 45) at 16X. LUBRICATING( OILS. Eclipse Winter, Lubricating Ol t 40q, Eclipse Railroad Axle ' 85 0 Eclipse Hatibitiery 4 750' Eclipse Spindle,l SOO. OXL SUMP= EA ST BY A. V. B. 8.-- Braun & Wagner, 400 refined to War- Kingrtfi 0.4, Philadelp toKelvy Bro., 114 bbls refined to W. P. LiNpui ar Bro., Philadelphia. Forsyth Bros. 104 bbis benzole to Warden, Frew WC°,•Phila. ,Total shipments Refined.. " - 514 Total shipments Benzole 104 OIL SHIPPED 'FAST PROM DUQUESNE DEPOT. Brooks, B.'de • ed., 61 bbls refined - it* W. F. & Co.. Philadelphia. H. M. Long & Co., 106 bbls refined to Warring, Ring & Co., Philadelphia. S. B. Floyd, 10 bbls refined oil to D. Cook, Philadelphia. Total - shipments Refined. I:. 177 PITTSBURGH METAL MARKET. OFFICE OF PIFI'SBORGII GALL47I4 FRIDAY, March 12, 1889. s The Metal market has been rather qui . et during the past we ek s and while some particular descriptions are a shade easier, as a general thing there has,been no essential change lit prices oOinpared with last week. There seems to v be rather more inquiry for Foundry Irons, and with 'a limited supply of this partio ular kind, holders are a little firmer in their views. OE 10.228 ANTHRACITE. 175 tons Mottled to arrive..... 987,00 4 pioa, 100 " Hard No: 3` 87,00 4 Linos 150 White. 8700 6 mos 50 .No. 2 Foundry 42, , 14 t mos 100 " " " Com.. 41,00 4 mos 100 " No. 3 close pig: ........ 87,00 4 mos 160^,a' , Mettled &par/Iva. . . 87,00 4 %bit 150 I. White "87,00 fit Mos maze. • 100 tons Red Bank, ... ;.. .. . 3 8,00 0 - MOS. 250 " AlleghetiyOray F'ge 36,50 nada ntoous. 50 " No. 1 Juhlata. ... . . CIIAROOAL. 100 • " Foundry Forge_ ... ... 49 ,084:m0s 60 : .• • 49,00 4 nibs 100 ," Med. Rrit.lorischy.. 46,60 5 mos 8 0 • " N0..1 ; " - " .. 45,50,5 mos gr 16. . . ....... ..... 40 .00.0 I E I O BITI7II/NpiELCOAL /MELTED FROM - LARS _ ankEntoa oft. 4 "' 500 tow Inferior at furl:meek 33,004 mos 360 !, Common, Close Grby Mountala Native Ore.at 50 fUrnace . .. ... . . ...... 34,50 4 mos 41 Open' dray t oarrive 38,50 4 mOti . • 416 4.6 " 38,50 4tH 30 " , 394004 n/60 100 ai Open Gray fro yard 39,00 4 M oe 00 II 14 44 44 200 3 9,00 4140 0 100 - 4' Open Gray to arrive 38,50 4,pio, 11 41, 36,6 0 4 ix" 95,00 4 mos