.Rih 'e, '.~,;.~5 :NDW ADVERTISEMENTS. IgrPUBLIC LECTURE at tho NEW JEEITSiLLEBI CHURCE,conwr of Wood and Sixth m reets. on MIND EvENING. March 13th. SobJect-rTuE TOMY.II Or BABEL dHD TBX CONTUSION or ToNorzs• tgr THE FIRST METHODIST 011 ti RCM (Railroad i‘treetnear Depot,) 11 LW BRIGHTON. Fa. 0. F. into wwuzu, Pastor. Preaching EVnitY SASBAIII. at 103 A. M. and 7'p. X. Punic cordially Invited. fa'CHRIST PROTESTANT EPISCu•ICAL CuITRCH, ALLE6I-.Ie.NY. _ BENJ 3.11.4, F. BROOKS, uf Mempb_ a -w l ill Drew') In WO Ctuareh, on To6monhow. (danday). Hour, 10% codiock It.. and 731, ololoet, r. • 112e9FIR T ENGLISH EVAN ". GELICAL LUTHERAN' CHURCH, Sev enth street—Rev. SAMUEL LAIRD, Pastor. Services TO-MORROW (Sunday.) - and regularly hereafter, at 104 A. R. and ti r. ai. Sunday Retool at 0 a. M. ar THE FIRST METHODIST mithileg H ti r tir 41 1 r , aral.. ti LSTs : . i, A ME C t CLA RE Pastor. Preaching EVERY SABBATH, at 10.39 x. and 7.30 r. Y. Free seats and welcome to all. fitinday ecbool at 9A. Y. and 1.45 P. R. grPIRST CHRISTIAN cituitua of PITTSBURGH, W. 8. +Gray, Pastor, meets- statedly In NEVILLE BLA.L.L. corner of Liberty and Fourth streets. 'Services every Lord's Day at 10X A. X. and VI a'. t[.. The public are cordially Invited. iIgrUNIVERISALIST CHURCH_, BTREliTge;lei Or ly , V T . A F L .N D D Preaching EVNIP SUNDAY at 10X3 A. at.'ana x. I tiestrfree and welcome to all. larßELlololl&—First Chris . TIAN CHURCH, corner' Bearer street and Montgomery avenue, Allegheny City, Jo- IMPS! KIM', restot'. Public worship TtS.MOR. stow.. (Lord's Maya at 10M In the MORNING and TM in toe EVas • Tree dents. and a cordial Invitation given to all. farMESSIAH ENGLISH EVAN.. GELDIA L. LUTHERAN CHURCH, (Gen eral Synod.) Hand Street. below Penn. Rev. J.H. W. EITIICKENBEIIti, Pastor. Religious aervi- Ales regulany en SABBATH hereafter. Sunday Scheel 9A. M. Preaching at 1056 A. at. and TM P. M. Prayer 3leeting and Lecture Wednes day evenings. Friends of the congregation and public are cordially invited. . . orLECTUItt. MRS. M. BARCLEY, of Chicago. will deliver a FREE LECTURE be fore ihe Ladles of Alleszhenv City, on MONDAY AFPISENVON, on "The Causes of the Early Physical Decline of American Women, andow to Train Chlldr-n In order to secure to the sethe highest Physical, Moral and Mental Beauty •" Due nonce wl I he riven of the place where the Lecture will be delivered, mhl3:gl farAN ELECTION FOR PRES- IDENT and EIX DIRECTORS of the 11.114VIDEBTER RAVINGS RANH, will be held at the Banking House, on. SATURDAY, : the - 117th day of March, 1869, between the hours of land 3 o'clock It. at. • THQS.. B. UPDIKE, Cashier. IarANNIUAL MEETING. Orgtailetivenuriou AND BOSTORMINING CO.. • Prrrationou, Mara' Maui, The annual meeting or the Stockholders ot the "Pittsburgh and Boston Mining Company of Pittsburgh." will be held *.t the OVFICE Op THE COMPANY. in Pittsburgh, on MONDAY. - the 15th 1211.81.., at 3 o'clock P. AG nDUcfY4THOMAS M. HOW E, Secretary and . Treasurer. IFTR SALE—LOOK HERE—S3S EE APRE wilt purchase it ram of 131 ores, In Armstrong County, Pa. 4,ti miles from. Rolston Station. A. - V. . Acres in good Umber, balance in cultivation; all underlaid with COAL, BANK “F EN; 4V Acres he grass; (Jr.-chard of4oo fruit trees, X good dwelling houses. a brisk of 6' rooms and a- new frame of 5 rooms. Batik Barn. (most new. 40 by 56. All necessary outuulldiegs, abundance of good water, and In a good neighbornood. Owner has determined to t o west. otherwls. It could not be purchased a IMPLEMEN T S pce. STOCK AND FARMING Al' A BARGAIN ALTO. TERMS EASY. Apply to CROFT A -PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agents, No. 130 Fourth avenue.- ti HOSIERY - HOSIERY! • • - Infanta Hoods, - Infants Caps, _ Infants Clt aka, Infanta Booty, • White Shetland Shawls,. Scarlet Shetland Shawls, Zngllsh !Tench and Eton= Cotton Hosiery AT JABIEIii VII33LA?O'i Old Stand Stockin:g mh18•B No. All FIFTH AVENUE. TOWELS! • TOWELS F TOWELS ! Having just received ; large' assortment, we inVitenn examination of the prices.. ONE LOT VERY CHIC 1LP,7.1.50 Per Dozen. ONE LOT.-,VERY CHEAP, .9.40 Per Dozen. ONE LOT EXTRA CHEAP, $3.00 Per Dozen. ONE LOT EXTRA. CHEAP, $3.60 Per Dozen. All of Which are Bargains, AT JAMES. M. CARR'S; 118 , Federal Street, Allegheny. ja.lo: • ROVIEIiy.EPJING 0.01111. We Invite 'ameba attention to our stock of the above goods, embracing TABLE DAMASK. IRISH LINENS, LOON LINENS, . TURERY RED DAMASK. RIISSIA CRASH. • • FEATHER TICKINGS, STRAW TIORINGS, 104; 9 4, 3.4 SECRETING% zuxim CASE MUSLIMS, METING MUSLIMS, REIRTUSG FRONTS, . SHIRTING PRINTS AND rzamoris. TOWELS! TOWELS! OPECIILL JAMES M. CARR, 118 l r e&irig street. Allegheny. Olt Valium . 8.. • -bbis Willie - Beals: begs beif,readies;• 11 bags quarters eo.; • 3 bags mize4 d 0.% 3 bags Dry apples; • 429 bags Pea Nam; • • , _ICI bags Corr. meal; i rew ir si 4 a 32l . 4s Corn; . from steamer New Tirk.4r sale by ear DICKIty & CO. VOR RENT.--A Rae' e• story brick Dwelling Some. Milllate on Ross street, near teeond. avenue; ball. large narior, dining r oom..titetten. wash house, bath room. sir. chambers, large cellar. gas and water fix ture,. ebli k 6 llers. de Will be leased for two years from April Irk. 15. CUTHBERT. k SONS. SD Elmfthdeld street. nthlB . OOD PAWS FOR SALE.— Near Elrod It woe, P. & C. 8. E.• 17 feels the elty; 100 soros. CUTEIRIEET & BONS. d libmitbdeld street. LEA11),000 gs soft Galena Lead for sale t A" - J. It. QANITZLD. "626 Past &vela% El=Egm=ll 'WW ADVERTISEMENTS. pog,"AL MONEY ORDERS. tridet* guarantee of the North Ger man PostefElo, 9 partment, this office will receive money to be paid by the respective Post ("dices In the Confede. ration FREE OF CHARfiE, and also pay all orJers issued by the various PoStoliices for parties of this. district, At the Banking Hohse of PH. R. XERTZ. CAUTION - ! HE GREAT POPULARITY, On account of Its salutary medicinal *Rep ts, of SQUIRE'S LONDON EPPERVESOINOtBI. GARB. POTASSA, for n bias I am the Sole Agent, has Induced certain unprincipled parties, to imi tate my label, And palm off as the genuine,Worth less trash which bears no resemblance even to the imported article. Thoie desiring the true Po- Lassa can obtain it from Messrs. J. C. MAT TERN, J. B. CHERRY, J. E. BURNS & CO., and 8. K. NORGRAVE. . • SIMON JOHNSTON, Agent for the Manufacturer, Cor. 4th Avenue and Smithfield St. =hit IPA TAGGART & SIMEN. G1C..14 71 0.P.E.,17.1 - G OF . • Spring and Summer BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, • WHOLES/Mil AND RETAIL, AT NO. 129 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny. Give us a call and be convinced of the Durabil ity and Extra Quality of work at lbw prices. And all wilt be satisfied with a good article at the lowest prices. - BOOTS AND SHOES LADE TOORDER. zahlS:ll7 EARLY SPRING GOODS. BLACK POPLIN ALPACAS. COLORED ALPACAS, BLACK LI:II3TRES, PURE MOHAIR% BLACK AND COLD WOOL DELAINES, PLAID AND STRIPED POPLINS, BLACK SILKS. P&NCY DRESS GOODS, PAISELY SHAWLS. SPRING CLOAICINCiS, BLACK SHAWLS TABLE AND MELODEON covias KID GLOVZS, at $l.OO, SLSIS and 41.50, PAST COLORED PRINTS, at mic., 4-4 BLEACHED MUSLIN at Mic AT 15c. ELEGANT CHINTZ STYLES PRINTS. Val Choice. WITH A FULL LINE OF SEAS ONABLE GOO DS At . the Lowest Prices. JAMES M. CARR'S, mbl3llB Federal Street, Allegheny. TO LAWYERS. • KAY & COMPA1 1 111", 65 Wood Street. STANDARD -LAW BOOKS, INTROyY,D FORKS or Legal. Blanks, Legal Cap and Record Paper, Legal Envelopes, Legal Station&y, • Dockets. - Send nar simple of Ear A Compel:l74 ni• PRIMA) TORN 01 WARRANTY DEAD. Orders 1:07 snall promptly attended to. KAY &. COMPANY, mbu 65 Wood Street. WHAT EVERT ONE NEEDS.. A FLOUR That Wlli Rake Choitaßread at a Low Price. MEANOR & HARPER Bare succeeded in getting the best Timm at the lowest price offered it this market tor the last are years: They warrant every barrel to rave entire satistaction t and it bu never failed in a single instance to do so. Dealers will and It to' their advantage to g ye their WHITE Boni: a trial. Kept constantly On baud at their Ware• bonne. 3,115 P LIBLitTY STRlCKT,Plttsburgb, ahlo MTHEFISON & MUHLANEIRING I No. 10 Sixth (Late St. Char) Street. (sootottoto to W. li. IfoGICE CO,). • EtEIItaTIMIT TAILORS, Have - jot received their carefully selected stock of Spring and Summer Goode. and will be glad to Chow or sell . them to old and new customers. The Cutting Department etill be superin tended by We. 0. A. MURLATIBRIN(i. I take pleasure In recommending the above firm to the liberal support of the pantie. mhflUll W. H. Id o(kiCE. PITTSTIMPII.. - GAZETTE sATußtut iktincir NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 14500,000 SEM PBB .CZNT,,GOLD BONDS, 1 THIRTY YESES TO RIIII, The Lake Superior and Mississippi River Railroad Company. THEY ARE A FIRST MORTGAGE Su*'KING FUND BOND, 1 - Freei l of United States Tax, SECURED BY . • ONE MILLION SIX HUNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO •TIOUSAND ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS. And by the Railroad, Its Roillne Stock, and the Franehlies of the Company. A bobble Security & First Claia Investment In every respect, yielding in Currency nearly' TEN PER CENT. PER ANNEX. Present Price, Ninety-five andlnterest Gold. Government Bonds and other Stocks re ceived In payment at their highest market price Pamphlets and full information given on ap pitcation to . . JAY COOKE diz CO., No. 114 South Third Street, E. W. CLARK•& CO:, No. 35 South Third Street, fiscal Agents of the Enke Auperier & Mississippi River Railroad CO. IRA B. MeTAY & SE IDLE & JONES, JAMES T. BEADY & CO., HART, CAUGHEY & Co. - NEW PUBLICATIONS. .VIEWS FROM PLYMOUTH ROCK,' 'A Sketch of the Early History of the Plymouth • Colony, By B. A. AWDGE, Author of "The Christian Statesman, "Forest Boy," etc. YI ith illustrations. $1.50. NEW EDITION OF THE REVIVALIST. 51.00. Liti.ral discount to Ministers and Sunday Schools. JOSEPH. HORNED, Bookseller and _Stationer, (Methodist Eptsc6pal Block.) 1119 SMITHFIELD BT. DAVIS' BOOK STORE REMOVAL. ROBERT S. DAVIS & CO. Are Now Beady for Business •I THENR New g3 - tore; 193 LIBERTY STREET, • A Few Boors Aboie St. Clair. mb.l2a,ex 13AILEY, FAR4ELL & CO" itesurscruitias Cr 17 0 17 M,l: 2 For Steam Power. Well, sad Materna, Rotary, fo Fo r rce, Li ft and. deep Well Pampa., Also Axe= y.: KNOWLES &SIBLEY'S . PATENT STEAM • _PUMP. 167 Smithfield Street, • mble;We • PITTSBURGH. STEM-WINDING WALTHA.M WATCHES. These Watches are of the well.known if-plate and 4 warranted to satisfy the moat exacting demand for beauty, finish and accuracy. The manufacture of Watcher of this fine quality Is not eves attempted in this Fenster except at Waltham. YOR SALZ BY T. 8. IaIED & CO., - - PITTSBURGH mh4:TH.S.T WALTIIMM WATCHES, 8.4 Plate s 18 and 20 Sins. To the manufacture of them fine Watches the oompan7 have devoted all the science and skill In the art at their command, and confidently clalm that for fineness and beauty, no less than for, the greater excalencles of mechanical iusd scientific 'correctness of &sign and exemi.lon, these watches are unsurpassed anywhere: In this country the msanfaetnte of thou**, grad* df Watehes to not oven attempted, ottippt at Waltham. POE SALE BY f - 3. WPADDEN & co. T JOSEPH ' TOIIRENS• mallorservitr.a or WINDOW GLASS. Warehouse—No. A7-WOOD STISEETs _ mh10:176 ' ' Pittsburgh. GO(IODWS. CRILS2 BREAD IN DEAR TIM M . Enquire for WARD'S Bread. Tt e largest and bent. The Initials "EL W." on eveir loaf. Take aorta else. - autrrne ISSUED. BY PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA. NEW ADV.ERTISEME MARSHAL'S' SAL By yir Me of a writ of .renditiont exponas sued ont of the District Court of the t.nl States for the Western District of Pennqlva and to me dlr,.eteo. I will expose to public sale the premises, on SATI7RDAY. MARCH 20, 1869, At 10 'o'doelt A. M., the followlig desert. d property, to-wit: THE TINEGIARMANUFACTORY _ . Situate in the City of Pitt , burgh, at Noe. 16S 169 and 170 Second avenue, (formerly Second etieet.) . . Inven ore of Stock and Fixtures of Vinegar Manus. Wry of ARTHUR BALLOU , located at Nos. 16 169 and 170 Second avenue. City of Pittsbu l b , Pa, :seized April 20„ 1e011: 1 Trough for washing shavings, empty. 4 Stands or Casks with lime wash. a Large Tub; empty. 1 lot of shavings and limb. r. 1 Lot Of Lead and Copper Pipe. • 2 Large Stands; partly filled with preparation for x luegar. 1 Let of Castings and Hoops. 1 loot. of Bag., Castings, Lumber, Pipes and Hoisting Apparatus. 1 Piece shafting. 1 Lot small Vinegar &Wis • 3 Large Stoves; 9 Vinegar Stands. I .1 Barrel full of water and low,wines. 3 Baskets,Vorks and Ropes. I i 9 ems I tlbarrels for receiving vinegar from stl'le., 1 Lot of Lead Pipe. . 1' Large rub containing shavings. connecting with the worm tub. . 1 Worm Tub, with Its'supply plpe,,,waste pipe; and WA top.. 1 Barrel eontainlng mixture for vinegar. I 1 Lot of CepPer Buckets. 1 Stand fur vestal. ' 4 Large Tubs containing mixture for vinegar. 1 Large Trough filleiVwtth suavings and water. 1 Lot of Lumber. Hose and tionnecting Pipe, 1 , arge Wove and Pipe. 1 5 Vinegar Stands containing mixture for vine I Clock. 1 Barrel partly filled with vinagar. 1 Lot of Lumber and fruit I Lot of Sta d Tops. 1 Lot of Trough and Hose. 1 Lot of Shavings. 1 Lot of Lumber. 2 !Rands for Casks. ' 1 1 1 Barrel with mixture for vinegar. , ' rouh. empty. - 1 Large Still. 1 Doubler, Where the Low Wines were taken from, —Also. i 1 Tub connecting with the Doubler with Pipes, and also connecting with the third story. I 1 Lot or Steam Pipe connecting. with tee Still. 1 Lot of Pipe. Copper, Lumber and Cestl,gs. 1 copper U orm. 1 Lot of i.;hips. ' 1 Lot of Wooden Pumps. 1 Let or Troughs. Shavings and Lumber. 1 of uld Lead rlp • and spigots. I 1 Lo of thistle, Castings. Shafting. Wheels, Pipe, &c. as empty Murcia. 1 Open Tub. _2 Old Isarrels 1 Cask istan. t ' . 9 Barrels Molasses. 5 Barrels Vinegar. 11 Empty Barrels. 1 Two Wheeled Hand Cart. 9 Empty Receiving Ciste,ns. 2 Receiving Cistesns partly filled with,Vine gar. 2 Large Casks, empty. 1 Stove. I _ 1 Lot of Gum Plug Huse. 2 Stands coats. lung Beer. i 1 'Tough, empty. 1 Gem Hose. 1 Yeast stand in Trough, empty. 1 Lot Toolsad Pipe Hose. 'fhiells. Hammers, Gauging. Copper Kettles._Measures, Glass Funue s, Troughs, Pumping skids, &c. 2 Barrels Molasses, "1 Lot of i doper's Implemonts. - I 1 Lot or Hoops and Hoop 1r0n..1 Cart. 1 Gray. 1 Wagon. ~ 6 Harrell Vinegar. 1 Barrel Hop Water. 1 Empty Ate Keg. 6 Empty Stands. _1 ' 1 Lot of Old Iran. 1 Uhl. 1 Lot of Empty Barseis and Lomb r. 1 Wooden Pump. 6 Empty Hogsheads and Shovels. 1 Lot. of Hoops and Iron. 1 Lot of Empty Casks and Hoops. 12 Large Stands. 1 Lot oh-email Keeelving Buckets. 3 Large s ermentlng Tubs. . 1 Steam Foreleg üb, connecting with Fer menting Tubs. 'I I , 1-Lot of Copper Pipes, connecting with Ter ence. • . 1 Lot of Pipe (copper) leading across the street to other betiding. 1 Large Lot in Casks. Bartels and Stands, in bad order. I 1 Safe, 1 Stove. 1 Office Desk and Furniture. 1. 3 Cnairs, 2 Stools. 1 Letter Press. 2' Lot Sample Bottles; 1 Barrel partly tilled with Vinegar. 1 Lot of Barrels. Measures, epigote and Old Iron. 1 Lot Iron Castings. - 1 .Scale`, mimes, McKee & Co.'s mate. 1 Lot of Lumber and Pipe. 1 Large lot or Castings, Hags, &c. I t Engine, Boller and brach inery. 1 Lot ur Betting, 1 Wheelbarrow. 1 Iron Pot, '1 lot of slum Hose. . • 2 Barrels coot/Lining Ginger Wine. 1 Large lot of Lead Pipe . 1 Lot of Coal. 1 Lut of Ale Barrels. 1 I.a.rge Tub, emote 1 lot of Lumber. 1 Barrel Ginger Wine, 4 Jugs.containing Yeast. , 9 Bottles Wine. *. •• _I 1 Large lot of Lumber. &c., 1 Shaving mt' chine. 1 Lot of Cleating@ and Iron. • 1 Carpenter's Bence, Tools and Chest. 1 Grindstone, 1 large lot of Bags. 1 Large Mani Top, Copper Bottom, empty. I 1,04. of Belting. 3 Yeast Stands, (one of them lull, ) and Pipes. 1 Copper 'Yeast Worm, 1 Mill and Hopper. 1 Jag full Yeast. - 1 Jug, empty 1 Lot of Hose, Bel' lug and elhaltiree. 1 iron Kettle, 1 Platform Scuie, 3 large Tubs. 1 Lot of empty Casks and Barrels. 1 Lot of !Shafting and Hoistlug Apparatus. Seised and taken as the proner,y of ARTHUR BALLOU, at the stilt of the United Mates. TAIOMAN A. RoWLEY. 1 U. S. MARSH AL.. Marshal's Office, March 19, 1889. loactloo // No. 87 FIFTH AVENU E t PITTSBURGH. PA. P. DUFF, Author of Dude ystents of Book keeping. PRESIDENT. Established twenty-eight years, having educa6 ted many thousands of Merchants, Bankers and Accountants In the United States and Caned's, in the most perfect class instruction, and Is now the tirst College In America to introduce the new important improvement of combining that class instruction with comprehensive exercise in REdL BUSINESS. By WM. H. CHARLES P. and ROBERT P . DUFF, all experienced business Accountants, each having kept books In extensive drms. giv ing our students the rare opportunity of becom lug all once practical Accountants. DUF vs new system of Merchants% Manufscturers, National Bank, Railroad and Private Bankers 1. Splendidly printed in colors by HARPER BROTIIELS, New York pp. 400. Crown Bvo., fa 78. Ppstage 380 The only work containing PI &Urinal Rank and Private baskers' accounts. No other work of the kind been so unapt monaly and emphatically recommended by the press. oy business men, by teachers, sad by those who nave been educated from it. Bee our new Circular, containing also Mc simile of WM. H. DUP oti First Premium Penmanship, Medals. Ac. Mailed trifle bY P. DUPE` aft SON. Principals. P. DUFF & SONS, 124 Seeond Avenue. Pittsburgh, Commission Merchants, Manufacturers Agents, and Wholesale Dealers In Flour, Gra in, and t all.kinde of Produce. Consignments sololted. Advanees made. • no2Matle llpSend d& for F our Weekly Price Current. I li g ft T AN T. , ANNOUNCE. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES.L TobaccO, Cigars & • ISAAC 'STERN, N 0.162 FederatStreet, above the Market ) • ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., Relieetfully annolingi to hie Mende that be Is now offering his stock, cowhides of the • FINEST CIGARS, TOEACCO, And the PIIBEST.U44IIIOSB. At iprtees LOWER THAN EVER OFFERED IN TMB MARKET. Air Remember the pinto, No• 11051 FEDERAL BT., ALLsanawrOrint. se4nlo-SUB FRESH: , • CANNED GOODS. Oneida Community, WinsloWts and Yarmouth Green Corn, fresh Asparagus. Peas. Okra. To matoes. Peaches, Ao• for sale by the case or dozen at the Family Grocery &ere of JNO. A. KENEGIA.W, ; Mhll Corner Liberty and Hand streets, ; ~~~ F : ~.s'r• _. _.~.. 3 -.. . PITTSRUR WTI. FEBRUARY I.lth, Isesit; ' • To the &teat and Common Couneils of the City of Pittsburgh: .. GENTLEMEN: Your• Committee apOointed to Audit the A d-e counts of the Central Board ( f Education, wvuid respectfully report having discharged sal* duty and and the accounts of said Board to be comet. The balance in the Treasdry June 29th.'1‘6S. being 7,999 09; Outstanding Warrants. same dare, St 203'004 making a balance of $6,324.09. Appended wit be found abstracts of .lie Treastrrer's and'Collectors• accounts; the Amounts of Warrants issued, paid and outstanding, and a detailed ptstemlttit of expenses of the High and Col ored Schools. All of which is respectfully submitted. M. EDIA'ARDS, . -w . • GEO. R. PEARSON. • N. P. REED. JOHN R. M'CUNt IN ACCOUNT. WITH CENTRAL BOARD OF EDUCATION. 1567. ' l7ll, - June 47. • lo Balance... ., 8 22.752 SO " State Appropriation 4,110 12 " .J os S p ix t A W B rd l e IS Colleutor, 200 95 " Corrected Assessment, Muth Ward, 1866 - •560 00 "County Trea.urer —Unseated Lands • _.. ... ........-:.... ' 5 91 28 " Collectors, 186 . 7 . ... . . —..... 72,782 08 • !9 . 190_7 97 nj 1868. --...----. June 519, To Balane . e on_hand—..s $ 7;529 t9l COLLECTORS' ACCOUNTS, 1867-'6B. COLLZCTORS. First Ward—samnel Patterson..... t , $.11,526 211 $ 10,183 551 $ Atia 35; $ 411 becond Watd—Mlnas Ttudle.. ..... ' 19.693 97; • 10.165 031 105 40' 44 423 54 Third Ward—James R. Newman.. 3,371 05! g. 955 45 , 292 46: • 123 14 Fourth Ward— 4 nd. P. Thompson '. 11.455 881 10,782 30! 294 32 449 28 Fifth Ward -Joseph Irwin. ' 10.725 47; .10.080 rri 5i2.530! . 425 00 1./..th Ward- , Jos. A. Butler 6.870 27 5,834 30 1 801 87 24310! Seventh Ward—James Trimble ' 3.41332i 2,98760 i ' 30124, 124 , 48 Eighth Ward—Thomas Neely..... 4.812 42 4.915 33 481 45 175 64- Mal ft Ward—Samnel E. Herron. 6.363 77' 5,451 64! . 684 98- 221 15 Tenth Ward—Henry Aberle 10.4-76 51 9.626 71 , 552 85:. 396 95 _ Showing the demount of Warrants Drawn, Paid and Outstanding, for the First Ward—, _Second Ward— 'Third *nu Tenth Wards— Fourth Ward— ' Fifth Ward— Sixth Ward— Seventh Ward— Eighth Ward—. Ninth Ward— • High School— Hig`i School Expenses Colored School, Teachers Salsrles Colored School, Expenses Colored School Building, and Furnishing OZheral Expenses Refunded to Collector Outstanding June, MT , . . , Teachers ' ' 85.740 00 Janitor . 500 00 Rent ; 1,000 00 Repairing Ferniture, -::' 332 05 Carpenter Work - 107 99 Slating Blackboards ‘. - 121 84 Books. Stationery and Printing 168 70 Whitewashing 64 50, Scrubbing and. Removing Rubbish... 52 75 Coal 45 00 Philosophical Appara tus .... 43 10 Chair and Desk . Irons 36 80 Insurance 69 50 Removing • .... 42 00 Painting and Glazing .. .- 25 95 Gus • ' .• 26 61 Water Tax . 17 82 Advertising ' 10 50 Tin and Sheet Iron Work 11 85 Brushes _ 17.63 Store 'Chambers • 10 25 Gong Bells and petting up 11 00 Toweling : 7 20 , Washing Tutee's.— ; 16 62 Soap - 6 08 cleaning_Carpet . 5 73 Lookinglßass • ,1 95 Chymicsla. ~ 375 Exhibition 5 00 Ladies' Hats, MisseS - Hats, Children's Hats; Hat Shapes, Bonnet Shapes, Ribbons' and Flowers, Wholesale and Re— tail, at Nos. 180 AND 182 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY, II NEW SPRING- DRESS" GOODS At Very Low Prices. Choice Colors in Poplins, Alpacas, Lustres, Serges. • Fine Black Mohair Lustres, Black Poplin Alpacei, Black Wool De Lanes, Black Wool De_ 'dines, Black Alpacas, Heavy Black Bepp Silk, Black Perenthur Corded Silks, at - . Nos. 180 and 182 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY.: zra "4077,7 - ' - 's`° v-' $.• ---•• • '-r• OENTRA.T-1 BOARD OF EDUCATION TREASURER'S ACCOUNT. DUPLICATES 09.777 87 1 •?2,782 OW $3,963 22: $3,032 5' TABULAR STATEMENT Year Ending Jnne let, 1841.9, Teachers Salaries DETAILED STATEMENT. Expenses of the 'Hiatt and Colored Schools. BIG* SCHOOL.- $8,495 67 NEW SPRING • STYLES WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, ;By Cash Paid. ;Teachers Ward Schools.. !Teachers High School..._. ;Teachers Co ored Expenses High School... _ ... Expenses Colored School !Building and Furnishing Colored School 1t,111951 17 Secretary 500 00 ;Advertising Auditors' Report..., 30 00 !Advertising Con veution of School Directors !Certified copy or School !Printing Warrant Book Refundedß HI Eberle. Collector. over,ald on Tenth Ward Dupli cate. 1860. • 95 30 Warrants outstanding June 180/ 1.=9 00 Balance ' 7.5219 OW CASH PAID EXONE#AT'NS. COMMISSION. AMT. DRAWN. g 6,700 60 1 5,5100 00 9 ems so' 4.775 00 1 9,155 651 9.645 01 5,163 46: 9,484 04:1 7.000 00: 5,74:0 00: 2,155 671 2,000 001 • • 919 42 1 14, ems 171 550 .9111 95 361 AMT. PAID 6,700 UOI 5,m00 001 8,835 00 , 4.732 50'1 9 116 15 9,339 51, 5.120 96' 9,151 64 1 7,000 001 5,677 50. 2.755 67' 2,000 00; 919 421 - 14,822 171 551. 25 95 38 93.214 03 1 __1;7159'00 1.239 00 X 94,473 031 $95,388 03 0,205.00, COLORED SCHOOL. Teachers ... ' ' 324,0d0 00 ' Janitrix . -132 00 . • Rent 500 00 ' Insurance 60 00 Coal 55 10 Stationery 36 79 Benches " - 515 - 00 Tin aim Sheet Iron Work -IN 50 Whitewashing ' 18 00 Scrubbing 15-00 Blinds and Trimmings 12 42 Carnenter Work 12 50 Blackboard ....... .... 13 50 . Brooms • 10 00 • Gas • ' 5 00 Water Tax- 3 NO _ Digging Drain 1 75 Hatchet and Lock 2 00 e 2.919 42 Building and Furnishing Colored • School. • Contract• 612,408 00 Stone Walls and Extra Stone Wo rk . 550 37 Flans and Specitlcatioms 100 00 Superintendent 100 00 , Lightning Rods - 72 90 (las ripe and Fitting 106 54 Hydrants. , 44 25 Advertising. Proposals ' . • 04 00 Insurance during Erection - 16 OD Recording Deeds Cleaning ' 45 00 Furniture t ' 14102 60 Stoves. Stove Floes, &e -,- 249'24 Slating Blackboards . ~ 139 92 Clocks ' 35 10 • Four Lots paid for In previous year. Bl 51.800 8.95151 01T11 1 Total Cost Colored School'Property..sl7.6llsl 17 X 9 it 65,182 80 5.077 50 .... 2,000 00 2,753 frl .• • • 919 42 1 5115 500 5 00 $100,19T IS OU'iBTAND !NG 190.00 4950 49.60 5151150 451 50 31960 82 50 F• 11 ME