P_ Pirtssu KGB 3IARHfl's• OmeE 01 PITTEIMIRGIC GszErrE, FRIDAY' March 12, 1869. There is really nothing that is new or important to be said aboitt the markets inn general way. As has been the case for some time past, the denlatid for al most everything is very much reatricted, being opntined mainly to supplying, im mediate i ts, and as a cousequence the volume of business is light.. We are fn hopeiii, however, now th at navigation is fully' resumed and the winter pretty well spent, that the spring trade will soon open up, and that business 113 all its various branches will improve. The' drain and Flour Markets continue dull, and the same is true of Groceries and Provisions. APBLES—Apples are coming in more freely, but with a steady demand; prices are fully 'sustained, ranging at t4@B for fair to prime and ‘6,50(41 for choice. APPLE BUTTER-85©90c. BUTRER—Prime to choice Roll is in steady demand at 48@45. CORNMEAL—BaIes at $1,75©1,85 per CHEESE—Market almost bare; sales CARBON OlL—Unchanged, at 31© 3135 for standard brands. CRANBERRIES—SaIes at $18@522. - DRIED FRUIT—DuII bat unchanged: Peaches' 14@15 for quarters: 16@17 for mixed, and lB®2o for halves. Apples 1.1.(12ji eta. EGGS—The market is a shade strong er and we no quote at 21@22. HAY—There Is a slightly improved demand and a little stronger feeling, but no change in prices-$20@25- as to quality. HOMINY-56®55,25 per bbl. PROVISIONS—Bacon is quiet and un changed at 14% for Shoulders; Ribbed Sides, 16%®17. and Clear Sides, at 18® 18, and Sugar Cured Hama 193 . Steamed Lard, 19@ 19 35; and kettle ren; dared 20®203,. Mess Pork $32®32.,50. POTATOES —Dull but unchanged, et 75(4)80 for small lots in store. PEANUTS-10 eta per pound. GRAlN—There is no demand for Wheat worthy of the name and prices are nominally unchanged, 51,58(4)1,60 for • primer Winter. Rye is dull but tin ,changed at $1,43®1,45. Oats, quiet but steady, 65®66 on track and 'Wharf, and 68®70 in store. Barley is unchanged at 52®2„10 for fair to good, and g2.15ig2,20 for Mime to choice do. .. Coen although in limited supply, is dull and unchanged, at 75@80. SEEDS—Cloverseed is steady at 510,00 to 510,50, as to quality. Timothy is un changed at $3,50, and Flaxseed is firmer and we now quote at 52,45®12,50. SALT-4s quiet but steady, and is still quoted at 52 by the car load. . SORGiiIIM-60®65c. FEATHERS—Live Geese Feathers quotel'at 75 to 80, to the trade, and the usual advance in a retail way. FLOUR--There is only a moderate local demand, and prices are unchanged. Good to choice Spring Wheat brands, $7,00@7,50. Rye Flour, 17,25®7,50. Thefolloviing are the Pearl Mill prices for their brands of flour made of the bwheat: Pearl Mill three star green nd, in barrels, 510,40 in sacks 510,10; dotible extra in barrels $9.50, and in sacks at 59,20; Pearl Mill family in bar. rels, 58,50, and in sacks at 58,50, Spring Wheat brands in barrels $7,50, and in sacks 57,20. The Plttebnrgh City Mills prices are as follows: Choice. White Win ter Wheat Flour, n bbls, 59,30. and hacks: $9,00, choice Red Winter Wheat Flour, in bbls, $7,75, and In maks 57,50 ; - choice " Spring Wheat Flour, in bbls, 57,30, and in sacks, 57 per bbl. LARD OIL--We now quote No. lat 51,65, and No. 2 at 51,30. W BlSKY—Elghwines quiet and un changed. • ONIONS—DuII; 54@5 per bbl. Markets by Teiegrapb. _ Nzw Tons, March 12.—Cotton scarce ly so firm; receipts 1,200 bales; 2834 for uplands. Flour, receipts 7,093 bbis; very dull, declining; 5,750 bbls at $5,30436,05 for super State; western $6,10®6,90; coin choice extra State 16;10@7,00; extra west ern $6,9007;50; good - choice white'wheat, extra $6,90®7,50; common choice R. H. 0. $7,00@8,50; common fair extra St. Louis $9,00@12.00; California flour quite nominal, $6,00@8,00; old $8,00©10,50. New rye liour, quiet; receipts' 100 bbls; $5,0007,00. Corn meal quiet. Whisky dull; receipts 100 bbls; western 95(95}4c. Free receipts wheat. 10,180 bush; wheat f heavy. 2@3lower. Private cable BOCOMAS I from Liverpool quote wheat lower and almost unsaleable; sales,lB,ooo bus. at $1,40©1,4310k No: 2 spring in 's tore and delivered, and 51,67 for amber Michigan. Rye quiet.' Barley in moderate request; sees 26,000 bus at, 12,10 for Trieste, $2,20 for German, and $2.18 for Canada West. Barley Malt, dull. • Corn heavy and lower: receipts. - 37,166 bus; sales 34,000 bus at 74y. ®7434c for-Western in store,and 76%* 4@713%0 for do. afloat. Rice dull. Coffee dull. Sugar dull; sales 227 hhds Cuba at 12,4®12%c. Molasses dalL Petroleum lower, at 17M @ISO for crude, and 32® 3.230 for refined. Hops quiet. Linseed . Oil quiet; sales 100 casks. Pork firmer, closing heavy; sales 850 bbls at $31,2,56 31,50 foi.new mess; $31,00®31,12 for. old do.; $26,00®27,25 for prime, and $28,50® 30,00 for plate mews; also, 500 bbls new mess, seller March,.at $31,62. Beet dull and heavy; sales 125 bbls at $8,00016,00 for 'new plait mess, and' $l2O I o 18,00 for new extra mess. Tierce Beef dull and heavy; soles 50 tea at $25;00 e ;',OO for prime mess, and $30©35 for In. mess. Beef Hams decidedly more active, with 'sales 2;100 bales at 524©30. Cut Meats dull; with salee 150 packages at 12 ®l3o for shoulders, and 16®1191.0 for ham& s Dressed Hogs a shade firmer at 18y,(4) 18% for western, and ,14(g;14Xc for city. Middles quiet, with , sales 75 boxes at *.; 15 3 / 4 @l6c for Cumberland cat, 163‘016% P.. for short ribbed, 17 11)r long - clear, and 17}ie for shoit dear. Lard - lower, with ' sales 625 tierees at 17%®18,.ic for steam, and 19@19V3 for kettle rendered; also, f• 1,000 defeat stirn, relief for. - March 13% 113%c: 'Sinter steady 'at • 80@ lir sBO for 0 , and 42(i)45c for State. Cheese stead at 18@WPAc. Turpentine an dull d .. • . Freights to Myer ; ixt4=l;heavy. 619 0 1 ed 'vs dull 'MA la * Whig 100 , lower..heavy . is 'du, and nominal and prices Vas 2@;43c lower. Rye is unit and nominal, Oats are, quiet at 74%0 in store: ` Corn - is lower and nom , .920 for new inlxedwestftm. Pork dull at $31©111,1214 for new mess, cash, and 'regular at $B,-, 1 8 734; seller, April. . Beef dad, and heavy. cut, Meats quiet and Steady, 'Flamm is in limited re and prices are unchanged .Lard' / 8 )018; f a for hdr pr i me "" 4 "'"" ' 910 1 are qu erat 224©21m, . Oswego, u Mara 12,L.RasterzE h is quiet at 1-10 per ostd. xe aage 'nal 140 Per cent- off buying. F in lOur se l i s i . del and• weak at $5©0,87% for spring extra: 100+3 4 1,00 for ring sp g sopertlne. . gir la ..l 4 ir is ero d weakan62 l i62l)°4°lcnver; Bales eat 1.14®1,15; No 2 at $1;09®Y1.1%; No. S at sl® reiected at 960. clod "11 was for.No 2. aid clo sing at 11,09©1,00 'char ea o. 2 were made since ge at $lO9. Corn is fairly active and 2 %@)2y 4 e l lower; sales were made of new at 63 %©5514c, closing at 581 ©5 aNe; nosgroat 50®51% noitingwvo v mange. Oats are ' dull and 13j@1,(03 lovrer; sales at 52@t523ic, cash; 52 X3 53 0, seller last half March, and Mc seller April; closing with seller at 52c cash. Rye is quiet and lgl%c lower; sales No. 1 at f1,18@1;1834; No. 2 at 81,163„ closing at.st,lB@l,lB/ for fresh No. I. Barley dull, inactive and nominal; $1,87©1,88 for No. 2 in store; sample lots in fair demand at 52®2,10 on the track. Seeds dull at pg 3.15 for Timothy. Highwines more active and 340 lower; sales at 82 c. Mess Pork firmer; sales at tzu on the spot, and $31,75 buyers for April, cl sing at P0,75@31,00. Lard steady at 183. Dressed bogs quiet and steady at $11,75®12.75; closing at $l2O 12,60, dividing on 200 lbs. Receipts for the past twenty-four hours-10,309 bbls flour, 33,554 bus wheat, 68,015 bus corn, 25,576 bus oats, 4,117 bus rye, 3,294 bus barley, 2,810 head hogs. Shipments-717 bbls flour. 9,681 bus wheat, 34,650 bus corn,-18,939 bus oats, 3,12 t bus rye, 2,619 bus barley, 4,153 head hogs. CINCINNATI; March 12.—Flour un changed; family, 16,50@6,75; fancy brands, s7lg9. Wheat dull; closing nom inal, at $1,40@1,53 for No. 2 and 1 red. Corn in good demand at 66@673 for ear. Oats dull at 65@)66c for No. 1. Rye and barley unchanged and quiet. Cotton dull; low middling, 26@2634c; 28e. Tobacco firm: all sold at full rates. Whis'ty quiet, at 91©92c, cash and time. Provisions quiet and unchanged; not enough done to establish quotations. Mess pork held at, 01;50. Bulk meats at 1234 c, 14;40 151/o,and 15%C for shoul ders, sides and clear rib and clear sides; small sales of shoulders were made at 12%®123-0." Baoon dull at 13,40 for shOnl dersi 163‘0 and 170 for clear rib and clear sides. sugar oared hams, 183.4619 e. Lard not offered to any extent, parties having small others failed to fill them at 18%c. Butter steady at 360400. Eggs 190, with a good supply. Clover Seed in good demand at 15%016c per pound. bngar unsettled. irregular and lower; hard retitled 17%@18c; soft 16;.(017c; raw 123 E 0154 c. Coffee unchanged and steady. Linseed Oil dull at $1,04. Lard 011 131,5801,62. for best grades. Petro leum firm at' 34036 c for refined. Gold 131 buying. Exchange firm at par buy ing. . RT. LOUIS, March 12.—Tobacco is firm and unchanged. Flour dull and declin ing, with only a small order demand; superfine $5,25®5,50, extra $5,50®6,00, double extra $6,50®7,00, treble extra to fancy $8,00®10,50. Wheat dull; fall 3® 5c lower; strictly prime $1,55®1,60, choice 51,75 ®1,80; spring 2Q5c lower; choice No. 2 $1,2001,21, No. 1 no. 11,24® 1,25. Corn heavy, with a demand only fbr *oh* and 'fancy white and yellow; sale at 68®70c. Oats heavy and a trifle loiver, with sales at 60®640 for common to choice. Barley nominal and not much doing, but held firm at previous prices. Rye dull and drooping; sales of prime at $1,28@1,30. Pork quiet but firm at $31.25 @31,50. Bulk Meabi quiet, with small sales of clear rib sides at Bacon in increased demand but at prices below the viewsof sellers in a small way; city shoulders, clear rib sides and clear sides sold at ISyc, 14c, and 163;®17, 1 c for choice. Sugar cuted'harris 18®19c. Lard; very little offering: round lots of choice tierce held at 18®18y,c. MILWAUKEE, March 12.—Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat unsettled and lower at $1,10% for No. 1, and $1,86 for N 0.2. Oats dull at 54®56c for N 0.2. Corn dull and lower at 64®56e for new. Rye nominal. Barley quiet and un changed: Provisions steady, with city mess pork at Po®3l. Dressed Hogs firmer at 111,50(4)12,50. Receipte-1,000 bbls flour, 24,000 bush wheat, 2,000 bush oats, 2,000 bush corn, 1,000 bush:rye, 1,000 bush barley, 200 dressed hogs. Ship ments-3,000 bbls floor, 2,000 bush wheat, 20 bbls arid 60 tcs pork. • • CLEVELAND, March 12.—Flour, city made; $10,25®10,50 for treble extra white, $8,50®9,75 for double extra amber, $7,50®7,75 for double extra red winter, $6,50@7,75 for extra red; country made at $7 ®8 for double extra red and am ber, $6,25®7 for double extra spring, and $9,50®10 for doable extra white win ter. Wheat—No. 1 red winter held at $1,50 and No. 2 do. at $1,40. Corn—sales cars at 71c. Petroleum a shade firmer; 'refined is held at 3135®3234 for sten dard white in car lots; trade lots 2®3c advance. Lotruivim.s, March 12.—Sales of 63 hhds tobacco lugs to medium leaf at 5© 12c. Cotton. 27c. Mess pork, 131©31,60. Lard, 18%®190. Bacon—shoulders, 14c; clear rib sides, 17c; clear sides, 17mc; bulk=shoniders. 18c; clear rib Sides, 16c; clear aides, 16%c. Flour, $5,50®6. Wheat, $1,60®1.65. Corn, 61@)65c. Oats, 62@65c. RV% 81;48®1,52. Whisky, 93e. Hay firm; choiCe, 318 per ton. Sugar— hard standard declined-to 18c. MEMPHIS, March 12—Cotton is quiet and firm at 27%c; receipts: 617 bales; ex mr•U,--972 bales; receipts for week, 4,863 bales; exports for week, 2,960 bales; stock on band, 26,277 bales. Flour dull and unchanged.. Corn, 76e. Oats, 73 , © 75c. Hay, $26,50@27. 8ran,24 6 25c. Corn, 11,40. - Pork, 881,75. La rd is dull and unchanged. Bulk Meats are steady at 13@14c for bacon should ers;olear, 14c. PHILADELPHIA, March 12.—Flour dull; northwestern' extra family $6,647; Ohio do. 1680)9; fancy 89,50®12. Wheat droop ing; sales 3,000 bn at 111',60®1.66 for prime; red 11,88®1,90 for California. Rye 81,65. Corn dull and declined le; sales 4,000 bu yellow at 91o; mixed western 90c. Oats steady; western 73®75c. Petroleum is steady; crude 26c; refined 34c. Provisions inactive. Whisky 9497 c. " • BALTIMORE, March 12.—Flour active' but unchanged. Wheat dull. Corn inactive and closed weak. Rye very drill at 51,45. Mess Pork quiet at 832,60 @)33. Bacon firm; rib sides 16, , ,A17c; clear sides lo: Lard ' shoulders 14,i(3) 15e; barns ' Lard firm 2oc Whisky loth , , small sales at 960. • enteisfitan, March 16—Cattle Market.' -Beef. Cattle steady at 4@7,60 per con tal gross—latter rate for extra shipping. Hogs steady. at 18,50@e10,00 for light to prime, and 0.0,3411.26 for extra Sheep scarce and in - demand at #4(13 per ceatid 'gross. einem)°, March 12.-Hogs in light supply and in good packing and ship ping demand, sales at ‘8,90@10,25 for : oommod.:ttlitholoe:' Beer• Cattle moder 'ately active and 16@20c lower; sales at 147,22 for common to choice . TOLano eh L , 12.- Flour inactive. Wheat du %o Tower; BalesOf amber at 51,40. C0rn doll ; and 5o lower ; ;•To 1 , a t A6%ei *o.2ltt 63. Oats quiet and nom inal. Itye steady. Barley di* at 11,88 for State. • . Dry Market. NEw Tonic March 11.—There is an improved de mand' for staple • styles of Cotton Goodir; prices "rule quite uni form; if we eteePt the ?eduction which has been made on certain styles of me (Bum dark Prints. Manchester and Lan caster brands in good enough designs are selling at 1230,and the Narragansett , and Briggs. at , 19e. Heavy BKown Sheeting' steady and firm at 16@17c; BrOwif Diillliss 17@i7jf; Osnaburgs 1944200. Woolens; some styles are in limited..request'and prices are low; Sunsuit Shawls jobbed tw day at $3,26. Spanish Linens; Duck and 0 dull and depreesed. Black Silks are inactive yet firm; and Colored Silks are scarce and wanted at high prices. Cloaks, Backings and Repellents are in good request, and are firm at $1,27'4 for Glen ham•and 51,85 for Albemarle double fall Repellents. r" •.-ZY ke l t`7`; 4‹..wd 4, "0, PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : SATURDAY, MARCH RIVER NEWS. The river was receding slowly at this point last evening, with twelve feet six inches in the channel by - the Mononga hela marks. Weather cloudy and cold with indications of another snow' storm. The ice was coming out of the Allegheny pretty sharply late in the day. The Sallie would have left for Mis sodri River last evening, had it not have been for the ice. She will leave today just as soon as the Ice runs out. The Armenia,Capt. A. S. Shepard, will be the firs t out for St. Louis, and passengers and shippers should bear this in mind. The Silver Lake No. 4, Capt. Todd, is announced for Alton and Missouri ttiver. Thar Mania Hays, departed for St. Loal i g yesterday, with an 'excellent trip havi all the freight she could take, and c oaded with passengers. - 'I% Mary Davage and Barges, also de parted for Bt. Louis, with nearly one thousand tons. The Kenton, arrived from Portsmouth, on Friday morning. She would have been in sooner bad it have-been for an accident to' one of her rudders. . . . . Capt. Kerr expects to have his repairs completed, In time to leave to-day at noon The New York arrived from Louis ville with a good trip, including a con siderable onantity of corn, dried fruit, etc. etc. for Isaiah Dickey et Co. The Grey Eagle, Capt: C. L. Brennan, is the regular packet for Parkersburg to-day leaving at noon. - The Glendale, from St. Louis, was mo mentarily expected last evening. The Messenger, Capt. Jesse Dean, the Glasgow, Capt. Andy Robinson, Jr., and the Savanna Capt. Robert Isherwood, all good bo ots, are announced for the Upper Mississippi. The Camelia, Capt. Joseph Lytle, is filling up steadily and will be the first boat out for Nashville. Passengers and shippers can rely on the Camels going through. The Rate Putnam, Capt. G. W. Reed, is announced for Cincinnati and Louis ville, forthwith. Ald Wm. G. Neeper was a passenger on the Bellevernon. for New 9rleans. —The Mollie Ebert left St. LOlllll for Pittsburgh on Wednesday. —The towboats Grand Lake and Dick Fulton left New Orleans on Wednesday. —The Lorena, St Louis to Pittsburgh, was at Evansville on Wednesday, and the Wild Duck was at Louisville the same day. —Capt. Alexander Br Blida, an old Pittsburgher, bu t who for some years has been a resident of St. Lords, died at that place on Tuesday. —The managers of the Northern Line and Northwestern Union Line have agreed upon terms of settlement, but as yet the necessary papers have not been signed. —The Tobe Hurt, from Wabash River, was at Evansville on Wednesday with a full load of bulk pork and bacon for Cincinnati, without the privilege of re shipping. —One thousand men are expected to be employed on the permanent Missouri River bridge, In a few days. A large quantity of. machinery and material Is already on the ground, —Capt. Joseph Scott, formerly corn mender of the steamers Prima Donna and Swallow, and known among the river fraternity, Is an spollesnt for the Assessorship of the First District of Cin cinnati.. —At Nashville, Tuesday, Captain Arch. Overton sold his steamer, the Katy Morrison, to J. M. M'Guire, for the sum of $1,500. The new owner will turn the craft into a grist mill and towboat in the upper Cumberland. —The Local Inspectors of Memphis on Monday examined the case of the Julia and Mollie Hambleton, the former being run into by the latter while making a landing at Hickman. The pilot on watch at the time, Samuel Bowman, wss exonerated from blame. —An Evansville exchang.3 says: Capt. Dexter is massing preparations to form an independent line to 'run between Evansville, Paducah and Cairo. He In tends to. organize a stock company, and .construct three fine boats, and make the time with great punctuality. • —There are 13,000 tuns rails en•route from England for the Burlington it Mis road River Railroad,,to be ' delivered by steamer of Burlington. The St. Louis it New Orleans Barge Company has engage ments for •11 the freight she can bring Northward during the three or four months. ' —The St. Paul Pioneer 'says: Wo cal led on Commodore Davidson yesterday. and made a vain attempt to extract some news from him concerning river affairs the coming season. All we could obtain was that the two lines had agreed upon a freight tariff, and that he would an nounce the appointment of officers to his fleet of steamers next week. —We clip the following from the Cin cinnati Gazette: Somehow, our New Or leans boats 'will get into trouble. The Silver Spray didn't want to go last night, but the Alaska and Alice Dean wanted her to. The latter were right. This is probably the last trip of the Silver Spray in the "New Orleans & Cincinnati Packet Company." The fast boats of the New Orleans trade have been together here tofore, and the slow boats have been to This Made the whole machinery work badly. Sometimes 'outside boats have been taken in to fill up gaps. —St. Louis advice& under date of Wed nesday, report as f011Ows: The Emilie, Labarge, Admiral Farragut and Impor ter are advertised for 'the mountains. The barber Of the Pyxis City. 'whp left the boat last'ldonday week, reports the Salvor No. 1 alongside her, and prepara tions making to raise her. The Subnia rihe No. 13 had been sent to assist. Cap tain Rowell, of the St. "buil Wrecking Company, has a oontract for raising the Peoria City for .000 delivered at' Cairo; the Cincinnati Wrecking Company de clining to take the job at less than 38,000. River and Weather. Lonisvraz, March 12.—Itiver station ary, with elght'feet nine Inches of - water in canal by n)arke. Weather cloudy and threatening more rain: IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. PITTSBREOR, FORT WAyrue& CAGO RAILROAD, March 12.-600 bbls 'Sour owner; 2,Care bulk meat, J H Par ker; 8 bbbi eggs, 41 do 'apples Voigt, Ma hood & Co; 17 sks rags, J B Jones; 7 kgs apple butter, butter,]ed corn, H. Rea Jr; illogs apple W H Graff & Co; 5 bbis pearls. Hartaugh dc Co; 5 bbis on ions, Hipley .& Beokert; 5 eke rags, - Christy & Benham; 12 bbls vinegar, Wm Haslam 6 do' do, Little dc Baird; 6 do do, W D Cooper; 2 bbls eggs, 3 Wilson &Son; 18 bxs butter, 2 do hominy, 8 cgs seed, J , A Graff & Co; 10 bblsapples,l do onions, 1 do dried apples, Meanor & Harper; 6 pkgs tobacco; Lindsay McCune; bxs soap, J S Dilworth "d; Co; 28 bble apples, 3J. Pet ' tit; 68 eke rags, J B Jones; 136 eke oats, Graham it Marshall; 26 bbli flour, L& J Bl a nchard; 10 • bbls apples, H Hobbs; 7 pks batter, 20 bbls apples, W 11 Graff it Co; 100 bbla flour, 2 Cars ;utilised, Culp & • , Shepard; 1 ear corn, Robb & Herron; 150 bdliOaper,Hostetter & Smith;l car Staves, M P Adams Bro; 10 doz brooms, J A Renshaw; 17 bales rags, Frazier &etz gar; 15 bbls flour, Seghtnyer & Vos kamp; G kgs lard, 1 do apple butter, Lit tle & Baird; 77 bbls apples, 3 hf bbls but ter, H - Rea Jr; 4 cars ice, H -Spirts; 2 do do, L Litchfield & Son; 25 bbls apples, Geo IT Stranefelt. CLCVELAND AND PTTTSIBITRON RAIL ROAD, March 12.4 cars limestone ore, M'Knight. & Co; 8 cars M ore, Shoen berger, Blair & Co; 1 car stone, . J L L Knox; 1 kg tobacco, C C Baer; 10 bales o lining, M'Farland & Co; 2 cars pig iron Reese, Graff & Dull; 1 hf bbl butter, E Hazelton; 1 bbl butter, 1. do eggs, Robert Peet; 34sks barley, J M Carson & Co; 3 do coffee, 2 butts tobacco, S P Shriver & Co; 5 bbl apples, 1 do corn, 1 do. pears, 3 do epos, Voigt, M & Co; 50 bbis apples, H A & C B Laughlin; 50 bbis flour, Croft & Phillips; 14 balestroom corn, M'Elroy & Co; 11 bbls dried apples, 18 do ibeans, Morrison & Devol; 7 bbls eggs, P Miff & Son; 8 do do, .1 J Pettit; 11 do do, Van Gorder &5; 4 bbls beans, 1 bbl, Ihf do dried, apples, W H Graff & Co; -1 bbl eggs, 1 firkin butter, H Rea Tr; 15 kgs tobacco, Chas Koethen; 16 caddies do, B L Fahnestock & Co. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD; March 12.-2 cars metal, John Moorhead; 84 bbls oil, W Wilson & Co; 864 do do, Fisher & Oro; 320 do do, Jas Wilkins; 5 bxs butter. 2 bbis eggs, W Reedy; 50 sks oats, - Gay & Welsh; -2 oars metal, Brown & o; 19 sks oats, Adams "& Austin; 8 bbl eggs. 3 bxs butter, J Klenginsmith, 2 I bbls eggs, 2 bxs butter, Jas Smailr2 cars M'Knight. Porter dv Co; 7 sit , dried apples, W M Gormley; 1 car metal, Lyon, Shorb & Co; 26 bgs rags, Godfrey & Clark; large lot of marketing, owners. ALLRGICENY STATION. March: 12;---3 cars ice, .A Ackley; 23 bales cotton, Ken nedy, Childs ck Co; 38 bgs rags, J B Jones; 2 cka cheese, Geo. Meyer; 4 pkgs Japan. H P Schviartz; 72 bdls papor, Fra zier Metzgar; 13 doz brooms. ;Jas 0 Hanlin; 1 car metal. Lindsay It M'Cutch eon; 18 rolls leather, J Eisenbet4 16 bga oats,M Steel Son; 1 car barley, R Knox Son; & 1 pkg tobacco, R W Jenkinson. Prrrsaultoif AND CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD, March 12.-46 rolls leather, Cope dc Porter; 2 cars metal, John Moor head. STEAMBOATS. ICIR ST. LOUIS: SEO. Ea dr a h ECK. DAVENPORT. ROCK ND, DUBUQUE AND ST. PAUL. I SATURDAY. March 510—g. M. The spienald passenger steamer OLASOOV: 4 ND. RODINSON. Ja.. Com% will leave as announced above. lot freight or'paturtge app ly on board. or to • A. ROBINt.N, Ja., Master, or A. J. HAuLa TT, , .lAs. COLLINS, Agents. mhl3 .on ST. LOUIS, VlEO.s i kir ia t A: • UK. MY rtLINGTON,RoCIE IrLAND, DAVENPOKT AND DUBUQUE.— The Eine passenger t teamer. SAVANT' Capt. Harms? Talizawoon, Will leave tor. tbe above and Intermediate ports en TUESDAY, DUAL Inst.. at 4 r. Y FLACK & COLLINOWOOD, &&112 or R. 1:. tiRA.Y. Agents.. Plt CINCINNATI and i ii iggGe unnsviLLE.-The One pim al.lljt Sttlitner K aTE PUTICAM Capt. G. Al, RIM). Win b eve for the above hone on SATITADAY. 13th inst.. tit 4 r. Fur freight or passage apply on board. or to FLACK & coLLINOWOoD. mhl2 A. J. HA&LETT, Agents. OR GALENA, •DIT- . WE i t FDUKE AND ST. PAUL.—The nne passvuger steamer )lESSENUER Capt. JURE DEAN. Will leave for the Above portion MONDAY. 15 th' inst..-at 9 A• H. - For freight or possage apply on bonui. or to .lAM Eh COLLINS, • • GHRIEST ar. CO., - Agents. GEORGE F. MTN RENS, at Rochester Wharf Boa?, Agent. . I uthr. FOR CAIRO AND ST. i ia gr i g LOUIS.—The splendid Passers ger Packet . ARMENIA CAPT. A. S. sitz.ruzno, Will leave for the &bor. and Intermediate ports on SATURDAY. Mach 13, h. JOHN FLACK, or i ' mb9 J. D. COLLINUWOOD; Agents._ F og ALTON, NO.ll3.—The splendid passen ger steamer - . SILVER LAKE, Wits leave for the above and Intermediate torts on THIS DAY, at 4r. lot trelght or passage apply on board or to J. D. 01LLINOWOOD, JOHN FLACK, Agents. mhB FOB CIARKSVILLEAAMA - A: AND NASUVILLN.—The One CAMELIA Capt. SoSkett Lrist, Wilt leas'. - tor the above and all intermediate ports, on 'Tit IS DAY. at 4. P. M. For freight ozipassage apply on board ml,l FLACK - dt. COLLUIGWOOD, Agents. NIOR KANSAS ClTY , s i ar a e . Sr. JOSEPH AND OMAHA. he splendid steamer . . SALLIE Capt. T. 8. CALuosar r. 'Wilt leave for the above ports on nuusY; ism inst. at 4P. x: Ear rebt or passage applzr on board or to JOHN FLACh., 4 D. OLLINOWOOD. OHRITAT A CO., * Agents. 1e24 ORTHERN LlNE_E a dr am h. • PACKET.—The new sp eudid • MINNEAPOLIS Capt. J RIIODII3. Will leave fur ST. PAUL. about the 10th of April. and go through direct. This splendid steamer offers very superior accommoaations for passengers and stock. For particulars apply to FLACK & COLLINU WOOD, Agents, fe2l:e9S or R. 0. GRAY. pIITTSBURGII, maga wineztaisre, .. Marietta and l'arkerabarg Line. Leave Company's Wharf Boat, fit of Wood DAILY. AT IM M. j MO:if:OATS LED TIIIIIIBDAYS. BAYARD GIOICOS, D. Ilcionz, Miner Wzmili3DAYS AND lastaiDAYs, OMIT EAGLE O. L. BaNitirAm, Master. Freight will be received at all boas by sets JAMES COLLINS. Arent. WINES. LIQUORS, itio. SCHMIDT &TAIDAY, , LIIPORTERIS OP' . WINES, BRANDS, GIN; OICI, WHOLESALE DEALERS IR PURE RYE .WIIISKIES, 409 PENN STREET, Win Remove .ott the Ist of April, to NOB. 384 AND - 386 rENN, Car. Elevenih St, (formeily CanaL) JOSEPH S. FINCH & CO4 %Po". UM. /872 /159, 191, rpa and 195,1 TIBET STRICZT;,PTTTtIBUBEIXI. Kaairracnvazas Dipper Distilled Pare Whlskei. dealer la 101181021 WINEIt and LI. IVOR% HOPS, 13, 1869. TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, &C COMMISSION MERCHANTS RETAIL DEPARTMENT. JOS. HORNE do CO. RECEIVED THIS DAY: ALEXLIIDDE :" KID GLOVES,- Including the new shades. Green, Purple, Blue and Drab, Zhe handsomest shades ever produced In Kid Gloves Striped Bow Ribbons, Handsome Scarf Ribbons, Ohemizettes in Lace and Linen, Infant's 'Robes and Waistt, Spring Styles Bonnet & Hat Frames, French Flowers and Roses, Spring Merino Underweir, Furnishing Goods, Neck Ties; Bows, Scarfs, Gloves and Hosiery, _ Best Asetortment in the City. 77 AND 79 MARKET STREET. mh4 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 WORTH OF GOODS SELLING REGARDLESS OF COST, THE ENTIRE STOCK OF DENNISON & HECKERT, At NO. 27 Fifth Avenue, Embracing a complete line of Trimmings, Embroiderim HOSIERY AND GLOVES, STAR SHIMS AND COLLARS, SHIRTS AND CORSETS, ;Gm. BONS STRAW GOODS AND FLOWERS. FANCY ARTICLES AND NOTIONS. Hiving been pnrcbued by MUM & CRLISLE, They will open it up to the publi, 'on THURSDAY MORNING. Feb. 11," With the Most EXTRAORDIII ART BMW AIN ever offered before in this line of Goods, FOR CASH ONLY; -• • This Closing Ont Sale will continue for ONLY THREE WEEKS, and purchvsers would do well to call a oily, when the stmt. is complete. • SPECIAL. INDUCEMENTS to Merchants and Dealers who will buy Job Lots. $15,000. $15,000. $15,000. SELLING AT A SACRIFICE. AT NO. •27 "FIFTH AVENUE. fell GREAT BARGAINS NEI% GOODS, JUST RECEIVED. EMBROIDERIES. In Jacc;net, Hamburg and Swiss. • WHITE-GOODS. At. the Lowest Prices. TRIM'IING9. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF ALL-COLORS. CArT. TODD, A LINE OF BLLE, IVOET, JET, etc. TALE'NCIONES AND THREAD LACES. Jatanet and &wits Puffing, all width', A Desirable Ilne of LADIES , lINDERPLOTH WO, INFANT'S' EMBROIDERED ROBES. A fall line of COTTON HOSIERY. For Ladles?, Gents and Misses. MA.CRITM, GLYDE Sr. CO., 78 and 80 Market Street. WALL PAPERS. WALL PAPER. THE OLD PIPER STORE IN A NEW PLACE, W. P. MAREMEAWS NEW WALL' PAPER STORE, 191 Liberty Street, MEAD MARKET.) SPRING GOODS AVEIVING DAILY. mbe WALL PAPER, fn New and Beautiful Designs, ror PARLORS. 1141Z.8. DINING ROOMS Lind cHAArgieliS, now receiving in great variety at No. 107: Market Street, mh3 "NTEW STYLES HATS AND CAPS, JUST EXCEIVILD AT IicCORD & CO's, 181 WOOD STREET. nt9 r a ESH FISEL•--Benianlin Pali - nd still continues to Oil all city and cotill• orders. ibr s,• • ' . • . FNESH WHITE LAKE FISH. SALMON AND BASS. Bend to No. 415 DIAMOND MARIINT.Tittc• buret,. or his ; old well known TWIN CITY STmiD. klleateny market mlio INDIA. RUBBER ' BELTING, sose, Ream. Packing WO Gukets of the IN DIA Belting. Companies manufacture at prices as low u this quality of can be bought of the manufacturer. A. full stock alwars oil nand at the India Rubber Depot, SO and it g Sixth elicit. , 4 &H. pait.Ltre , . PA • Bola Agents for the ComPan7. : THE EEI BUTTONS, The !Lassa patterns of NEAR Avitxtra. so& v.. nyoups & sea J. L. DLLLINGLIt DILLINGER & STEVENSON, • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. RECEIVE .A..31D SELL AU Kinds of Country Produce, All orders for Merchandise promptly ailed at LOWEST market rates. Particular attention given to the sale of Butter, Eggs,. Cheese Dried ' Fruits ac, We feel confident that we can give entire satisfaction, by making Quicit Batas and PROMPT RZTORNS, at HIGHEST WARIER? PRIORS, and therefore respectfully solicit your consign ments. All correspondence answered promptly. Marking Plates furnished free. Grain to store and to arrive daily. angi:vg ESTABLISHED BY A. & T 43'.138iLY. 18111. W. M. GORMLY, WHO;XSAL.E ‘ GILOC.EIt, N0.'271 Liberty Street, .CDMICTLY Orr. EAGLE HOTZLO pawrsisimicar, se :r8 WATT, LANG & CO., WHOLICSALX. DILALZRZ Groceries, Flour. Grath. Produce. Fro visions, Fish, Cheese, Carbori ; 011. Ate.. • - . • • • , Roe. 17A and 114 WOOD STREET, near Ws. -. env street. Pittstrargh. Pa: . noB:nas PETICII FOUL • JAE. r. ntca.tari. TZ . EUL 84, RICHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS§ • AND DKALNISEI FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, 'KILL kEED, 349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, my24:t37 M. STZELI; 1. A. FITZSZIo M; STEELE & SON, Commission Merchants, AND DILASERE 1-x4:nm, GRAIN. PE - Ea), a.o. No. 95 OHIO STREHI. new East, Common s ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. T .J BLANCHARD. Wholesale and Retail grocers, No. 396 PENN 13TP.ZET spIB:RMI FETZER & ARMSTRONG, POBWARDING & 00311113810 N MERCIEWICIS, Pot the sale of,Plour..tlratn,.. Bacon, Lard,. Bit ter, Seeds.-Drled Fruit, arid Produce genera/lr; No. is HARKET• STREET, corner of Writ, Pittslutrah. , th=:ta . LITTLE, - BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants anti Dealers In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, iftsh, Carbon and Lard OIL. Iron, Nails, Watts, Cotton Yarns and 'all P'itsburgh ManufactuAs generally. WI and P* c4COND STREW Pittsburgh. JOIIIC 811IPTO1 A WALLACIL §sHIPTON &WALLACE. IN hole- SALE G ROCE STREET . ROD 10 eTr DEAL . No. 6 SIXTH Pitt stairah. I=l JOHN I. lIOI7BZ—ILDW. HOUSH—..WM. HOUBH. JOHN I. HOUSE &BROS., Sue-. oration to JOHN I. HOUSE ;t CO.. W hole gala Grocers and Commission 3ierchants, Cor ner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh. KILLER $4. CO., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Coiner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low figures, strictly . Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Sugars. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Re fined 'do. Golden Strips, Loverings, Brunjis, Stuart's, Adams' and Long Island Syrups. Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Molasses. Young flyson, Japan, imperial, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. Carolina and Bangoin Rice. Jays.. Lagnayra and lo Coffees. . _ Tooac,co, !Lard Oil . Fisli, Nails , Glass, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, am, constantly on hand. )IMPORTERS OF . • - Fine Brandies;Wines twit Sews. . . Itbenith, Moselle, and Sparkling Bock Wines of }lintel & Co.. in bottles. _ • , Sparkling,Moselle Sciaarsberg .mll *hinny burg, Hookheltder,'Burgundy, ' • .•• Brandenburg & Freres , Fine Olive Oil. • do do Clarets, _imported in bottled.. do do . —White Winer. in bottles. M. Wort & Sons' Sparkling Catawba. pleold-Stlm7.:Nadcina and Port Wines, Free Old Monop gimes Rye Whi skies. xtire. do Very StMerior Old Swtck :vlo. SteAFents for 'Moot & °band n Grand Inn, larinMay and Seliery..Charepakne. • Brandies of onr own selecLon ; and warranted. '2 _ d3 • . FRENCH BURIN MILLSTONE& " w _ French Barr Smut Machines, THE BEST WHEAT =ANEW LN USE. Portable Flour and Feed Mills, BOLTING. CLOTHS, AM numbers and best quality. For sale at 319 and 321 Liberty St.. Pittsburigh: W.,MACIEEOWN it BRO. WHALES= DRUGGISTS, . AND NANIIPACIDENIN3:O! • XL . MOVED TO NO. 196 LIBERTY STBEETi PITIBBIJBI3II, PEW NA White Window Lead, elate and Gnuawars at Minnfacenrers Delco>. • del MARSILAILL'S — iiaRRITALL , s XLixrwwiLt. comr,iFisspicifL A 14 AusirALL , s ELIXIR WILL cram Dyer . mouggALL o l3 Emus WILL PUSS „GOSTIIII• Price .31' lgsrshallis 0100 par buiAltl.. Depot,' 1301 Market street. EL oA:ESEtauts Co thuggists, Proprietors. „t o A. for '61'06. wholesale 'and retoP. •-* • •KEL LT. Pittsburgh. psiotte•Trniui - fi - H. TOUNGSON-16 CO.r - . , FAL% oi.KE vsszlni. CONFEC TIONARY. IQF DREAM and DINING SALOON', 83 Smithfield street, corner of Dismoild Pittsburgh. m ines' suikplied' With Zoe ArePartles an d Oresta And Cakes,ou short notice. . . 000 Rim? or PEACH niegratai wrgvtwor. 4. 11, BAR ' Gigum xoussious:•• .roiLuxeint.sraiiivittiociif gA•GE'S •'PATEN-T- 'LACE LEATHER, for salebr • ; 8 IDEALUL ASIL--25 casks: for sate or • J. B. CANFIELD. _ WHITE LIME.--200 bbis. foit T . gale B 7 -J.s.ctAinruclip.. NEZT A. Z. EITIIVR.NSON w. w.