NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. p)STAL MONEY ORDERS. Hader guarantee of the North Ger- man Posteffice D:partnient, this. office will receive money to be paid by the respective Post Offices in the Confederation FREE OF CHARGE, and also pay all orders Issued by the various . Boetoffices fOr parties of this district, At the Banking House oil' PH. R. MERTZ. ADIKINISTB ATRIX'SIVOTICE. —WI ere* s. letters of adminlioratto. having been crude , to the uuderslgned,on the estate of Geo g G E GgckiWENDEtt. late of Allegheny Co., alt persons indebted to the said ,estate are requested to msk. Immediate payment. and those baying claims to present then properly authen ticated, sOthout dem.. to Itutsi.-GialdWEN GCUWEN DER. mtai: a2-Tu 524 Penn street.. rrranviaGn AND BOSTON MINING AND EAGLE COTTON MILL rOCKS. TUESDAY EVENING. March 14th, at 7% o'clock, will be sold on Second Floor of COM. mercial Saleslt , onsF, 100 Smithfield street, 410 shares Pl. tabwgts and Boston Mining Co. of rittstairsb; 200 shares Eagle flotton Mil's to. ' rain • • A. MeILWAINE.' Auctioneer. FRESH . • cAaNtism Gi-Ooros. - Oneida Communl; y, Winslow's and Yarmouth Green Corn. Asparagus. Peas.. Okra. To. Iliatoes. Peaches, itc: for see by the cue or dozen At the Family Grocery store of JNO. A. RENSHAW. mhll Corner Liberty' and Hand streets. JOSEPH , °MIENS, XANUFACTrtIIIII Or WINDOW GLASS., Warehouse--..tio. 27 WOOD STREET. zahle:l76 , Pittaburgb. STEM-WINDING' • !, 'WALTHAM WATICHES. , T4eee Wafchea are of the well-known Ng plate style, and warranted to Battey the moat exacting demand for beauty, littlish and accuracy. The manufacture of Watches of this dine quality is not even attempt - ad in