Fa NEW,' AnvEßTzsEmErrrs, - r p OSTAL MONEY ORDERS. 1 Under gnarantee of the North Ger man P . ostelece D , partnient, this office will receive money to be paid-b 3 the respective Post iffices in the Confederation FREE OF CHARGE. Ad also psy all orders issued by the, various Postodiced for parties of this district, • At the Banking House of tnbBI6PEL R. MERTZ. 5 OSEPH TOR RENS, • YA Xl7 FAC Ur. ESL OP WINDOW GLASS, -Wareboase—No.ST WOOD STREET,. , .111110:C78 1 Pittsburgh. 'T;ISTALTE OF GEORGE QUIGG. —Letters testamentary having bees granted Gthe undersigned. 241 persons indebted to laid eorgeo Quigg. deceased. are requested to make payment, and all per,ons having claims to pre sent them to the m , dereigned at 14 ck, 319 Men's, rcteet, Pittsburgh. mhlo:fiB•w CHOICE Just received a choice I elegy of Londus and Hleirantrs of the celebra:ed "Marian. Etta" arid irs.Diavolon brands: also a or retail, "Lit tle Ones" f or sale by the tox or at at the Family tirocery store of J 2 . 410. ♦. RENSHAW. =MO Corner Liberty and Hand streets. 1'• xycirrorts , NOTICE. • • Whereas. letters testamery to the estate JOBS GRAHAM. late of the City of Pitta burgh, deceased, bare been granted to the tin . derslgned. all persona indebted to said estate -sue requested to make Immediate payment, and those having *lmam, avalnst the same will present them. duly authenticated. to WILLIAM BOSE BIIBG, at the Bank of Pittsburgh, WILLIA BI HOSE tinge, / • J''HN IllecoilD, Executors. • inhlo:so JO HN'w B. HEBRO.N, SAL , E.—In pitrsuw ASSIGNEE'S of an order of the U. S. District . Court etern Danrict of Pennsylvania, made - March 9k. h 3889, th re *ld he exposed and bold at Public Auction, at Mcl WAIMEA'S AUCTION ROOMS. at 10 o'clock A. 14. on SAY ÜBDAY. March lath. 1.169, the personal property of JOSHUA RHODES. P. W H. LATSHAW and ' JACOB AND ellSoN Bankrupts. viz.: 75.11.a1es • . of Hops; 1 Wagon; 3 Horses and Harness: 600 oßags at W. G. Meeker warehouse, Pittsburgh: therf Bags, number unknown, in Buffalo and phces, &boa 4.400; 1 nate. Desks and Office uralturet 1 Stove. 1 Letter ernes, some OUStooks. and 1 Muhl, In the Pl•tsburgh Bank for Savings., mh10: 7r R. W. MACKEY. Assignee. . WHAT ETERT ONE' NEEDS. A FLOUR That Will lake Choice Bread at a Low Price. MEANOR & HARPER succeeded in netting the beet "lour at the :rest I rice offered In this :market for the tut a , . years. They warrant every barrel to give /Attire satisfaction. and it has never failed In a tingle 'instance to do so. Dealers will find It to their advantage to g vs their WHITE RuBE a - Rnpt constant!. on band at their W are al:Man. 329 LlBltliTy BTREET,Pittsburgh. Pa. nal° • ME Ql?' 1,-- i'ECIAL SALE OF Ell NEW. CARPETS Titursday,. March 11th, at .2 P. M ., 1 . , . . . . .At Masonic Ball y Auction Rooms. 53 and 57 rffitt Avenue, will be Bold for account Eastern • 1% , ~ anufacturers. FIFTY. PIECES NEW CAE , RETS, i-inbraclng in part superfine two-ply In 1:01. .; grits. Venatiap, Rag and Remo Carpets. tr , ,: .. . This being a peremptory sale, those wanting .. . , i51... , ' - cartiets for spring famishment should not fal to i: • , ; .1 ! , .!• r - attend the sale. Goods cut In lengths to suit. ~: ~ - purchasers. • ' - 1 H. B. 831ITILSON it CO.. AUCTIONEER/3. =IN MTN I • • • I• • 1 • IWO . . MAIISHAVS SALE. . - • By virtue of a Writ of venditioni =panne, Nerved out of the District Court of the United ;Sates for 4e Western District of Pennsylvania, tied to me, directed, I will expose to public sale as the CUSTOM HOUSE, Pittsburgh, Pa., - on ZONDAY. Marsirls, 1889,at 10 o'clook A. 11.. - :1e followipg described property, to-wit: 20 Rarreis Distilled Spirits. Seized as the property of Lang, MO;31111$11 & CO. . , THOMAS A. IttIiVLEY, U. S. Marshal. - .1 () Artemis's news, Marchi 9, 1889 . ribto:t7 . • '' AILEF, FARRELL & co" MANUFACTURERS CF I t 7 WE X ISO Pot Steam Power. Wells and Cisterns, Rotary. '.Vorce; Lift sad deep Weil Pumps. Also Agents ibr KNOWLES k SIBLEY'S . , . PATENT , STEAM , PUMP. ... .. , . 167 Smithfield SI rest, • ' tsbio;ws . - ' PITTSBURGH. =EI ME geig EMS BEI ; ZEN MEE i 4, <."_ MEI ME INEIN ElEl . • i. • • MEE L ARGE SALE OF FURNITURE, CARPETS, j. . • - AND ..1 - 10IISEHOL D Gi•OCk.D S. .. Thursday, larch 11th, At Masonic Hall * Auction Rooms, 55 and 57 aveune, will be sold without reserve, a large assortment of furniture. carpets and house hold goods, as follows: At 10 A. N., Fine Cullen, ftoona. end *Dyer Fisted Ware, Cigar; doaps, Teas. Ito At 11 A. sr., about SO pairs fine Venetian blinds of latest little sad beat manufacture. At A r ar. precisely, a special sale of new car pets for account Eastern manufactures. • -At 3P. m., one sue six stop Mason Mullin ilrgan, almost new. Also, one fine Seven Oc tave Chickens,/ piano, - 1n good order. After which, dressing and plain' bureaus. centre. Card,. extension, dining and kitchen tables, on•h1011, • cane lest and - kitchen chairs, ward robes, cupboards, sofas, lounges, new =Masses. huge In feathers, AC Wilde* general assort- Meat of household goods. Parties h aringfsrutture to dispose of will send in on or before Weonesday evening. tohlo Atronwirrum • 7 -114 . . .1 1 44 • ME • . MI 1 4 Y. ~~,~.; ' Vi:!: • INV AUCTION BALE OF sotrzertrionsuuto GOOD. • • It J. A IL. 111601%. .124 Federal St., Aucirhi ony , - 4=llth:it or cfteensware. Glass,chi ns , Wood en , Belttanli and Silver_ Ware, Bmeti t ,s. ' , eller/ and everything . In tie tlontehltnlanlag laso, .BEVIMAL GLAYIS 8110 W CkkEl3. Bale , to commence on THIJRBDAY, March - u th , ISt 2 o'clock, and cmalnne mall the entire .11,-18:-1° ' &IL BIGGS all " 1 J. 19% TIME DISTRIVI" COURT Lao e UNITED 'STATE ,e *FOR THIS w r g i r. 9@0., DISTRIOT OF PENNSYLVAIA. 'le matter of 11. O. BUTTON, of &0b..... 'n,isoe' 16 Le Bank n t tPi b — it'• r p ey, a tts argb •-• • neat yof March. A. u. 1869 . a Late IW6B tt rtOgre, concern: Tbls Is to elven*. t , . gen. r al l v n;elVn e g re I gf s No. .11 street. Allegheny viti e . rs ear: .r Wt .any c ,, nnty. In mid District on the , lay of MARCH, A. D. 1809 at 10 o'clock rn at the oMce of JOHN• N. POBVIA NO., SAC one of the Resisters in Bankruptcy in saki Mil et, fnir 11 . te .nu pose Ma r ch the 29th a+ Of the Sankropt Act of, 9d, 1807. en JA.1168 W, RUBBLY. Assienee, r ttorney-st-Law, 110 7199 A.tenue. c i t 41:f7J ' ''. SAMUEL DAVIDSON, JOtibr QUIUG, Executors. CIGARS. - ' NEW ADVERTISEMEN Ug`THE UNIVERSALIST `AIR A.Nr) • Wlll be opened on THURSDAY EVENING, March llthOn the vestry of the 'Universalist entireh, corner of Third avenue and Grant street. A pleasant social occasion is ant cipated. Ad mission 10 cents. • mhi0:180 CONTRom.s.e.'s Orrick. CITY or ALLsoarmir. !March /0tn.1989.. ItgrNOTICE TO INSURANCE . AUENTS. I SEALE.B eitOPOSALS will be rereivP4 at this office until 3 o'clock m. on a. ONDAY. March 18th. 1889. for Insuring the MARKET HO ti n and CITY HALL. _ tahl.o R. B. FRA.311:38 City Controller. ACADEMY. OF MUSIC. CHARLES C. NORTRUP MASA-GUM SUSAN GALTON Comic Opera Company ' WEDN ht.ESDAY EVENING, March 10, 1880 iLAst nig morarrr or 1 Miss SUSAN GALTON A Magnificent Bill. The Comedietta, entitled, SUDDEN THOUGIIITS. To be followed by the Comtc Opera, , FANC.HETTE. To coatlude with the Comic Opera, LITCHEN AND FBITZCHEN - Secured Seats to Parquette and Dress Circle. 5/.00. Family Circle, 50 cents. Gallery, 23 Cents. • Seats can be. secured at !Lieber's Music Stois, las Wood Street. table FINE IMPORTED AND • ! art=0042.13. BATES Aff, WILL OPEN` THIS WEEK A NEW STOCK, malt:mißr RETAIL DEPARTMENT. JOS. HORNE & CO. RECEIVED THIS DAY: ALEXANDRE KID aims, Including the new shades. Green, .Purple, Blue and Drab, The handsomest shades ever produced In Kid Gloves Striped Bow Ribbons, Handsome Scarf Ribbons, Obemizetta in Lace and Linen, Infant's Robes:and Waistt, Spring Styles Bonnet & Hat Pram :•: Fraud Flowers and Roses, Spring Merino Underwear, Furnishing Goods, Neck Ties, Bows, Scarfs, Gloires and Hosiery, THZ ,Beet Afisortment in - the City: .77 AND 79 MARKET STREET. UAW • I OLL BUTTER.-12 packages Fresh Roll Butter; inst received nnd for J•ll;l°Ar.rig3/4.1),;.. BEM - :pry , , • - . - ~. .. . . ~ .. „ . . . , • '.! ,' . .'. '., - - •7 •_. , , . • _-___. . PITTSBURGH GA,ZiTTE: WEDNESDAY, ''.llfAltal ~... • Nos. 180 and 182 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY.] $15,000 $l5 l OOO $15,000 SELLING 'REGARDLESS OF COST DOMESTIC THE K3TIBE STOCK OF DENNISON &- HECKERT, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, STAR SHIRTS AND DOLLARS, SKIRTS AND CORSETS, •RIB BONS STRA3I , GOODS AND aLowalts, TANGY ARTICLES AND NOTIONS. • • Hiving been bunt:wed by • BELL They will open it up to the public, on THURSDAY MORNINGL,Feb. 11, With the most EXTRAORDIEARY BARGAIN ever offered before in this line of Goods. e FOR CASH ONLY Closing Out Sale will continue for ONLY THREE WEEKS, and purchssers would do well to call early, when the stone is cookplete: SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS to Merchants and Dealers who will buy Job Lots. - 815,000. *15,000: SELLING AT A SACRIFICE, AT NO. 27 FIFTH AVENUE. tell NEW GOODS, JUST RECEIVED EMBROIDERIES. In Jaconet, Hamburg dnd Swiss At. the Lowest Prices A FINE ASSORMIZN'i OF ALL COLOH2 IALENCLONES AND THREAD LACE& limpet and Swiss Puffing, all widths, A -Desirable line of LADIES' llNDEarrialt- IFG, INFANT . 93 • EMBAOIDERED ROBES. A full Ike of . COTTON HOSIERY. For Ladles', Gents and Misses. MACRUM GLYDE 78 and 80 Market Street. WALL PAPER. THE OLD PAPER STORE IN A NEW PLACE, W. P. NIATILSEULLL'S NEW WALL PAPER STORE, 191 Liberty Street, INBAR ' MARKET') SPRING GOODS Aseatyrina DAILY. mliS 'ALL PAPER', ~ In New and Beautiful Hedges, For PARLORS, BALLS, DINING BOOMS and now reomving ,In great misty at / 4 0.1107 Market Street, NEAR PISTE! A.VENTTE. JO& R. ROGUES & REMOVAL. W. A. SHINN, At!ernepat-Lavr, Has removed nla Milne tom No. 139 Fourth Avenue, to No. 73 GRANT STREET, (corner at Diamond.) - tablirts, NEW . SPRING STYLES Ladies' flats, Misses Hats, Children's Hats, Hat Shalo• Bonnet Shapes, Ribbons and Flowers, Wholesale and 4e tail, at '; 2 • = WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 AND .1.84 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHEN Y NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS At Very Low Prices. Choice Colors in Poplins, Alptica'S Lnstres, Serges. 1 Fine Black Mohair Lustres,- Black Poplin Alpacal, Black Wool De Laines, Black' Wool De Laines, Black . Alpacas, Heavy Black Repp Silks, Black Florentine SillEd„ Corded Silks, at WILLIAM. SEMPLE'S, WORTH OF GOODS At N0.,27 Fifth Avenue', Embracing a complete line of Trimmings, Embpideries, mon & CARLISLE, GREAT BARGAINS EEI WHITE COODS, TRIMMINQ~. , B uTroN4f; A LINE OF SILK; IVORY, JET, etc The tnestilatterns of SCHMIDT & FRIDAY,! IMPORTERS OF WINES, 'BRANDIES, GIN, &C.,1 WHOLESALE DEALERS II PURE RYE WHISKIES, 409 PENN STREET, Will Remove on the let of Arpin to i NOS. 354 AND 886 PENN, Cor. Eleventh St., (fcorn:m.ly Canal.) PROPOSALS WILL BE HE MEWED at the once of the PITTSBURGH WAITER WORKS, Diamond Market, until 7 d'cioek. March AA 1869. FOR ALL Lump ‘AND NUT COAL Needed at the-LOWER:WATER WORKS,O,Hars street, for the. year from Ap ri l I, 111169. to April 1, ISIO. Also, all the 'maw and Nut Coal for the UP -PER WATER WORKS, Bedford avenue, Eighth ward. 915,000 TO FOU.IIDRYMEN: BIDS will be received for PIPES and L. ' L • LANEOUS CASTINGS. Pipe to beot 9 and 12 feet !smiths, and of such size u , Msy be ordered by the Water Committee. Bids will specify the price or 4, 6. 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20 inch ulpes; also for Fire Plum, Elsop Cooks and Percales. mbS JOSEPH . FUBNCII, Superintendent. CH BURR MILL STONES French !urr 4mut Machines, THZ BZBT WHAT CLEANERS IN Portable Flour and Peed Mine, BOLTING CLOTHS, All naniben and best qnsilty. For isle at 319 and 321 Liberty St., Plttaburgh ULU W. MACHEOWN & BRO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND mAxtr/A6rtrazae or 4::;0 Cjirstrlo 01.1. .ROVED TO N 0.195 LIBERTY STREET, • • PITTSBURG , PENNA. White Window Lead, t#lass and Glassware at Manufacturers Prices. deg RzmovAL. NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Of the City of Alioghemb , • WILL BEIft : V: AT THE FIRST F APRIL To THE &wild National Bank Building s CORNISH 014 PEDERAL ETRIDIT AND THE mkt DIAMOND. BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS. MORTGAGES_ AND BONDS, For Building A.ssoolations, W. S. HAVEN & CO., • Cor Wood• Street and Third Avenue. ' =Wale FyRESH FISH.--Beniamin pal. . PRESS stlll continues oft $ll city arid cone. orders tbr• REBH WHITE LAKE FIBII, SALMON AND BAH. Bond to No. 45 DIAMOND ices . Km Pitt.. 11 , 14..°Zitilte°1 1 ,!..1,11Ltkuri WOO Imo III LISIIELIS OF P.OACH DJ:alizu a STEVENSON. W. W. WALLA4UX. FOR BkLE BY 1.10, - .1869. ,~ ~~\ 4191* NOTICES—”To —For • "hest." "Wants," . " Ponll4, " "Han. dingo. vult ex meccinse i Fo OR LINES each mitt he in• sorted in theseiohnnno once /or TWENTY-FIVE 'ITENTS . : each additional line FIVE VENTS. WANTED•--SITUATION. WAiIiTED—SITUATION,-,By a YOUtiG MAN, a situation as clerk or trav eling salesman for some good house. References given. addreel IL M.. GAZETTE OFFICE. 'ANTED—SI7 tr TION.---By a Practical Gardener. Also 'understands pruninir trees and vines. • Apple at Vol. J. D. EGAN'S. Sixth - avenne. nevr Smithfield street. WANTED- 7 HELP. • WANTED.-GIRLSI \ TO SORT RAGB,—Apply at MOONEY'S BASKET FACTOSY. Frentont street,. on Pleasant valley Passenger Railway, Allegheny Clty.\ W A NTED---HELP.--ALT, PLOYMENT OFFICE. No. 1 Bt. Clair Street, BOYe GIRLS and MEN, for different kinds of employment. Persons wanting help of all kinds _ can be aunplied on short notice. , WANTS. WANTED. - HOARDING: - A neat Iy,FURNISHED ROOM In Allegheny. Situation central and desirable. Address J. S., Allegheny Nato/ace. W ANT ED. — PARTNER—In Ei well estab.isted DRUG STORE, with 0 Capital. to take eharge of the store. Address A. 8.. Yostoftlee. • . pENTS WANTED -810 a pay. A TWO $lO.OO MAPS F 01114.00. PATENT REVOLVING DOUBLE MAPS Of Autistic& and Europe. America and the United Kates of America. Colored—in 4,000 Coun ties. These greet Maps,muw just completed, ehow everyplace of importan - e, all Railroads to date, and the latest alterations in the various Ear°. peas Suttee. These 'Maps are needed In every School and family In the land—they occupy the space of one Map, and by means an d ne Reverser either side can be thrown front, any part brought level to the eye. County Rights and large disco u nt - given to good Agents. Apply for Circulars, ferms, and send money far Sample Maps, tu 3. T. MOTH, . N. fe27:f24-d&T 23 CONTLANDT ST., N. Y. LOST. ir 081 1 .—On :Sabbath, the _7th j_j ltut. , rin Allegbeny City, on Middle or obi° streets, between North and Sandusky, a POCKET ,BOON containing Fourteen Dollars and Forty one Cents. be finder will be rewarded by 'ear l!), (tat No. 192 Sandusky Street. Mrs. lidlicY GRAHAM. irOST.On WEDNESDAY AF• TERNOON, a SET OF DEEDS and Ome vaLuable papers, belonging to Jacob Pritchard. The under will be suitably rewarded by leaving them at No. 515. Fifth avenue. JACOB PRITCH; ARD. • LOST. , --Qiii Liberty street, near binithfield, on Thursday' afternoon. i S 1 1 / S AVY BLACK VEIL. Ihe finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at No. 357 Liberty 'Street. TO LET MO- LET:— noolvis.— Two fine 800 BoomsZETTE BUILDING. Apply at Counti.. 84 and 86 Fifth avenue. . rr l O-LET That THREESTORIE 1 BUILDING, No. VlLLogan street. contain ing cigar rooms and having large ya d attaelied. Rent *4OO per annum. Enquire of T. P. HOUS TON, GAZETTE OFFICE. MO -LET. HOUSE. —No. 161 A. 'SI) aleld street., Allegheny City. containing 8 rooms and tinished, Attie.' HOZ and Cold Water and Gas throughout. Possession April Ist. Inquire at Office of FRAZIER BROS.. Ohio are no. an e Sedrwlek S. reel. Allegheny.. ITO•LET.—ROOM.—To gentle .ldAN and WIFE, with board, LANGE ONT , seconn- story, opening on bal cony. Al enso. a few single gentlemen. Enquire at' No. 18 Wylie street. , TO -LET.- A : well . finished HOUSE of 8 rooms, In a most conven:ent OD beautiful location, 27 EIGHTH STREET, formerly Hancock street.oriposlte Christ Church; clean and quiet; In the summer shady. Also No. 59 Irlth seven rooms. Also, No. 2 / 5 - wltb eleven rooms. Enquire at 577 PENN STREET. • !TO-LET.,--ONE STORE ROOM. 6,1 FOUR BASEMENTeI, well lighted and shed. OFFICES In the a.cond story. • I(S)INVEIANRCiGriLMII,n, tviteteitriiodtgkendtas. Iti the fourth story of A. H. English & Co 4 new building, Four th avenue. Apply to A. H. ENO LIPLI A CO.. No. /19 Fifth avenue. NOTICES. R 0771C1 * 07 CITY Ennis/Lan imp SunvairDn. Pittsburgh, March fith, 1869. IarNOTICE.—The assessment • for Grading. Paving and Curbing TW EN MIRTH 87112.6 T, late Carson street, from ?dui ,berry alley to the Allegheny Valley Railroad; is nowrready for examination, and can be seen at this - office. until WEDII7,BI.IAy„ March 17th, 1869, when it will be returned to the City Treas. Prer's office for collection. 3 t0h6:144 H. J. MOORE, City Engineer. 3--- Or' 'NOTICE.--THE StrIISCRI• Bras to the Capital stock of the Com- Any "To erect a !Indite over the Allegheny River. from Ewalt (now 41,1 street), in the City of Pittsburgh, n the county of Allegheny, to the:Allegheny and Butler Plankrozd. at or near the mouth of Girtv 'a Run," are hereby notified that a meeting for Permanent organization will be held at the new P(Jail.lo bC SOM. HOUsE, Fortieth street, Seventeenth ward, Pitteburgh, Date "Lawrenceville,) TUESDAY, the Ai d of March, A: D. 18811, between the bouts of A o'clock P. m. and 5 o"clockl.. m...when and where a R'tlon wil TREASU R ER yot sai d NIN MANA and a f Com pany, to serve for.one year. JOHN W. RIDDELL, Solicitor Mr Bridge Company. !PITTSBURGH, March 14 1889. mbB:f46 #TTTeeIIHGH,FT.WATIOCit CHICAGO R. B. Co., OFFICE OT THE OLCRETART, Prrrsnormsu, PA.. February 20, 15139. rgrVILE ANNUAL DIEETENII of the Stock and Bondholders of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway . Company will be. held at the Mace oc the Com pany, In the City of Pittsburgh, al 10 o'clock JC,. I!. of WEDNESDAY, March 17, 181119, , f0r the purpose of bearing and considering the an nOal report of the , Board of Directors, and for the election of three IS, members of the Board of Directors to serr for four years in the place of three meMbers whose term of service expired bylaw. P. M. HUTCHINSON, ' *num • Secretary. H e J. LANCE,• DYER AND SCOURER. Ito. A am. Q g *Trim irer lAnd Nos. 185 and 187 Third Street, Prrrnnnnaß. To pERCEVAL BECKETT, 11611101UINIOAL• ENGINEER, 4.nd Solicitor 'Patents. (Late of P. P. W. & O. Railvravo Oboe, Ito. 79 FEDERAL oTltElt ,T Room No. 51;Ati stair& P. 0. Bo; 60, ALL-EU/LENT CITY. MACHINERY_of all , description', destined. BLAST FURNACE and. ROLLING MILL DRAW INGS tarnished. Particular attention paid to designing OOLLIBRY LOOOMOT/VES. Patents confidentially annulled. 'GP' An EVEN. !NG DRAWING CLAM An mechanics every WTIDNESDAT lortißT. ant ALL BOOK AGENTS SEND for the 18 reagns wbv bins' Dementia 11l obtrated Fanlike F Bible Is auperlor to any other. Address STRirET & Ott. 111 Nassau street. New York. .agrtioid onli tit agents. Refers to all Eastern Publishers. loNDIA RUBBER . .BELTING, Hose. Steam Packing and Gaskets of the Boston Beltlbg COM pante, manufacture at prices as ;low as this genial , of goods can be bought of the manufacturer. A full stock always on nand at the India Ilubhi/r De pot, AO and AS Stxth street. J. A H, PHILLIPS, , HtS • Solo Agents for th e Company. '.. h FOR SALE ' F " SALE•—Th.e three start' BRICK DWELLINt; Htft::"E. corner of btockton arenne atm Pitt alley, A lezheny city. Lot 30 feet by 940 extending , to Water street," Lothtablittg Awl carriageh.use. TO a respon 11e archase , , terms of payment made to suit his con.nreA,lenCe. Inquire orrllosl &SM.-BOW/4'. Bank Block, ?flak avenue. l:ilOR SALE.—TWO LOTS.—EII- quire of JOHNSTONJOHNSTON. a.t mond street. Pittsburgh. Na. W mbaaf OR SALE.— DRUG STORE A: FIXTITh ES—Consisting orSnelving, Conn. ter, Bottles. &e., ae the nnilerslgrid are going to remove to the ,new building 172 Wylie rtreet. April Ist., They Will - sell the natures at their- old stand ( heap. CHAs. ABEL A CO., Wy.le and Washington streets. (OR SALE. --The Three Story BRICK Undersigned on nciw owned and occu... pled by tue Undersigned on StetensOn street, Sixth ward. Plt:sburgh. Lot Is 25 feet bout bp 120 size . deep. The House contains 10 rooms large Gas, hot and cold water,wash house, cellar throughout, and all modern convealenees . attached. If not sold. wille fo • rent. Posseito Mon first of April. mbillf72 JAMES P. BARR.' . R SelkLE.—A NEW BRICK„PHOUSE or 6 rooms. and lot, 60 by 200 feet, 200 grapevines, fruit trees, shrubbery. &0.. on she lot, at No. 160 Ridge street Finis ward, Allegbeny City. For terms and parties. lars apply on the premises. VOR •SALE..I-FRAME , COT TAGE. containing titre rooms and excellent ce lar, with lot 80 by 187 feet in the 19th ward. (formerly East Liberty.) Price low. Enquire on the premises, Or &duress B. 8..11., GE,S.Z.ETZZ • FOR EIALE.-16th WARIII.- BRICK . 110 II 8 Forsevenraims,_on Wilmot street adjoining the residence of Y. K. Duff; lot 40 feet fron t and g6O feet deep; well Im proved and plauttd wliti fruit. trees. Enquire on the premises, or of L. B. DUFF, 83 DLL.— MOND STREET. OR SOLE.-STOGIE AND FIX. , TIIREs.—The Stock and 'interest:it a drat class "Family Grocery Store. The undersigned. wi.hing to engage In another business offers the "Ixtares and block at a bargain. fI.W.PUSEY. 49 Federal . street. Allegheny City. FOR SA LE.-FARIPI AT ALIBAR (MIN.-44 Westmoreland purchake a Farm of 100 acres In county, Pss.one and a half miles from a regular station on West Pennsylvania Railroad, all under good fence. good frame Wink barn, good house of Ave room lc plenty of fruit, abundance of good, wliter, 70 acres cleared. Palqnce in good oak timber, good neighborhood:, school on the farm. Terms easy. Apply to Ce °FT PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agents—No. 139 Fourth Avenue. FOR SALE.--ROUFIE.—A FINE Brick Mansion, containing 11 rooms, with modern improvements. situated at 203 South avenue. Allegheny City, with, a lot having a Dont of SO feet. extending NOE 130 feet to art alley in rear. The propel ty is situated ott the bank of the Ohio river, having a beautiful view of the river and the distant cultivated hills. Mae Rebecca street cars DBBB It every ten minutes - A. chanc. Ilke. this Is rarely offered In real estate. but the present owners contemplate leaving the city. and will sell on easy paymancs. For par-, neuters call at above number FIFTH AiENITE PROPERTY FOB. fiALA.—Four Two Story Frame Dwel— ling Houses. nearly isew, well built and conve ni.ntly arrauged. , Each house has five rooms and cellar. Liicit 60 feet front on the avenue to Forbes street, with room on Forbes street for four houses. Will be sold at a low price and on easy terms of payment. Apply to 8. CUTPIHNET & SONS, 85 Smithfield street. mh9. e r ARDENERS TARE NOTICE. —R- A ll egh en y ' URTEN MILE ISLANDon the River, and now used fear gardening purposes ; - well improved and In a hikh state of cultivation. containing 40 or • . 50 acres, new offered at a bargain. Call soon. A so, other Farms In good locattone. Woolen Factory two Houses, and twenty acres of land on the Central Railroad. Houses and Lots For Sale and To-let In both cities. For further par- ticulars inquire of WILLIAM . feat 110 Hrant street. ormosite C WARD athedral. • 17A CARLE FARM FOR SALE. I,—Situat P en n s ylvan i a f R a ilroa d. s Station, on Western l7 miles from Allegheny City; contains 90 acres of land, 60 of which Is cleared, balance In best timber, s water In every Held. underlaid with best of cosi; soil excellent for Efrain, growine; on which are erected a two story frame dwelling, two Stables, a young orchard Just beginuin 4' to beam of beat quality of fruit: good ;pads i r ons station to farm- Persons wanting one of the best farms ar s e the county, and at low price and easy terms ex pressly directed to theiabOve. Apply to B. 11cLA Real Estat Agents. WESTERN LAND AGENCY. 70,000 Acres of Land for Sale In lowa and Minnesota; price from 13.00 to $5.00 per acre._ Land bought and sold on ma mission. Taxes paid; Titles examined; atudracta furnished; Surveying and Plotting done. - Information Punished in reference to locality, quality and valuation of lands. General bag business done. Address ; is29;clBB ELLINGTON, lOWA. DESITIABLE -. PROPERTY FOR SALE, A New Frame. 'House, or 4 rooms and hall; Lot 510 feet front by 1311 feet deep .on # aiette street, between Chartler and Manhattan streets, Allegheny. 4180, 0.21 E LOT, 21 feet 'front by 340 feet deep, corner Mutter street and Pine alley, Sixth ward, Allegheny. . Also; Sixteen. Magnificent. Building Lots. Eacb 24 feat front by 134 Seat leen to a 10 foot private alley,' Fioat on Juniata street, between Freble street and the Ohio Elver. All the above property la convenient toPaises- ger Railway For price and terms, enquire of ALEX. PATTERSON, iilh3•fbi No. 86 PREBLE STREET:fr. KEYSTONE POTTERY., • IL KIER & CO., - Manufacturers of OURENSWARR, BRISTOL WARE dbe. office and Warehouse. 383 LIBERTY EITEII3q., arAll orders promptly attended to. J. Z. SWINT J. Y . BEAST &BILt TT, W , eaparrzoTuakz, AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, No. 61.Randusky8t., Allegheny, PL A lave assortment of.,2IZWZI. PONS sad • DAL taiTZll3 oonstenil7 '01,2 head . 1.13111.1" of AU descriptions, dope. aims , RE MAN . OR THE MEN w SERIES ATRON'S TIORICTS or the an 3d OF WASHINGTOSI MEDAL- LION PENS, are hereby Informed that the draw• Inge were made Januar/ Elk 1869. and that oar" rulers Winn Mlt Intbrmatton of the , antsherg drawn, will be sent to persons interested; ow their addressing the WASHINGTON =DAL LION PEN COMPANY. New York. N. 8.-Stn TOO TICI3TB OP 783.4ra 81- tWlif EPH & FINCH /4 ' Nos. 185, 187, 189. 191, 198 and 186,) 4 4 !MST STREET, PITTSBURea, ' YANOTA011:1111118 OP Copper. Distilled •Pure Rye Widskey. Also, dealers in FOIMGII WINID3 and LI. QUORS..IIOPS. &e. inteza.nst vAGEIS• PATENT LACE P 8 AGE'S for sale by • es J. & H. PHILLIPS.- pIIIIED PEACHES.;--100 bush, prime arttole, for sale by • J. B. CANBIEDWZ- HITE LIME.-200 bbl. fog, sale by J. 11.0AIIVIELD:: - - OD& ASIL-100 casks, tor side by J. B. CANFIELD. ii IN E g: ' €: C. WAY,