The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 10, 1869, Image 1

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Proceediugs of the Legislature—
Bills Passed by Senate—Bills
creiting Water Commission
in Pittsburgh Authorizing
the Issue •of Bonds to Retire
'Municipal Indebtedness, and
to Purchase Ground for a
Public Park, Introduced in
tke House—Bill Requiring
Aldermen to Provide Per
sonal Official Seals Amended
so as to Exclude Pittsburgh
and Allegheny—Gas Inspec
tion Bill Passed by the House.
ID, Telegraph to the Plttsburgo Gazette.,
HAnnumulto, March_9, 1869.
Increasing the fees of Sheriff of Jeffer
son county. •
Supplement for the Erie and Alleghe7
ny RaiIYMAI- Company.
• Relating to the collection of State mer
=cantile licenses by the Treasurer of Pitts.
- Authorizing the State Treastirer to pay
certain moneys to Samuel Aliinder, late
Treasurer of Pittsburgh.
- Supplement for Mount Washington
Authorizing The First Presbyterian
Church of Sharpsbnrg,, Allegheny corm•
ty,to remove dead bodies from cemetery.
Relating to fees of Sheriff of Alleghe
ny county.
Incorporating Allegheny County Mon
umental Assodation.
• Authorizing Allegheny Valley Rail
road Company to apply so much as may
be needed of bonds authorized to be is
sued by act of April llth, 1867, or pro
ceeds thereof, to the payment of indebt
edness not secured by mort, and for
improvement of faci li ties o the goad.
Authorizing Mercer Min ng and Man
ufacturing Company to g uarantee Mei
interest and principal of bonds pf She
nango-and Allegheny Railroad Company
to an amount , not exceeding 825,000 per
Owy t litlidge Company, it Hand-surest;
Providing for the construction and•
• - zasintenanoe of foot walks in Chartiers,
' Scott and Robinson townships, Alleglie•
ny county. - • -
Empowering Bishop Domeifec, of Pitts
burgh, to sell certain real feast° in Mif
flin township, Alleghenycounty. '
• itotrag BILLS PASSED.
The following bills frog: the House
• passed finally:
Authorizing Orinsby borough to borrow
money. c
Extending Pittsburgh vehicle license
lair to Orinsby bprough.;
Remilating the levy and collection -of
taxes in Ormsby borough. •
• The bill-requiring Aldermen in Phila
delphia.-Pittsburgh and Allegheny. ities
_ to'provide personal • official seals., was
amended by Mr. ERRETT to exclude
. Pittsburgh and Allegheny, and passed
finally, including Lancaster. .
Mr. TAYLOR, of Allegheny, intio
docied a bill incorporating the German
Turners' j Association of Allegheny City.
Mr. 'HUMPHREYS 'last night intro
duced a supplement Ibr the State Road
in. Allegheny and Butler counties, sub
. atituting Daniel Lardin for Robed Brig
ham as one of the Commissioners. Passed
• finally. • .
Mr. JONES, of Armstrong: Authoriz
ing the School Directors of Kittanning to ,
borrow money.
Mr. WILSON. of Allegheny:'Creating
a Board of twenty-three Water Commis
'downs in the city of Pittsburgh, to be
appointed by City Coundil from their
membership, one from each ward, to
serve without compensation, and provid
ing for the management and dontrol of
Water Works in said city.
Also; authorizing Pittsburgh to issue
1010 not exoeeciing five hundred thou
; !Ann& :dollars for retiring matured and
atring indebtedness of the (AV, and
••• topurclueni and improve grounds for • a
public park.' .
-Mr. MEEK, of Centre: Requiring the
pnblicatlon insurance , companies' an
...itik statements in two newspapers, one
with the largest circulation, in each coon
tYMr. WESTLAKE, of Mercer,: Extend
ing the Lyoomingcountyaotoprohibiting
any but. regular licensed druggists and
graduated phygicians from vending and
practicing medicine, to Mercer county.
. •
In the House in the afternoon the fol
lowing private bills werel)assed finally:
Providing for the appointment of an
- "iy a splotor of illuminating gas and gun
regulating the inspection of , the
same and protecting contemners and mars !
nficturers thereof Allegheny county,.
amended by ME - MORGAN by *areas•
lug the sureties of the Inspector to 'ten
thousand dollars. . • •
Authorizing the, Bargees and Town
' 'Councilor ' Ormsby to grade, pave and
macadamize streets, construct - sewers
and assess the e.spenses thereof.
Authorizing the, School Board of the
' Nineteenth and Twenty•dret wards,.
Pittsburgh, to borrow money and levy s
special tax for building m emos ,
Incorporating•hicad ra ti s . e
Extending the act punishing.buying
and receiving scrap iron, brass or other
metals from minors. unknpirn or irre
• llPonsible parties, In A llegnfUll'i the
,whole State.
providing for the payment of damages
to the Armstrong county Agricultural
Antnoriziog the Commissioners of
Warren county to receive in the county
jailof Erie county prisoners during the
' building of the Briojail.
• Believing J. M. Foss, 'contractor, of
', Pittsburgh.
• 4 .. •
Variety of Bills Introduced—
Bill Repealing Office Tenure
\Act Passed by the House.
(By Telegrapn to the.P-Ittabargh Gazette-1
WASHINGTON, Mani; 9, 1869.
The bill to strengthen the public credit
was reported from the Finance Commit
tee, and Mr. WILLIAMS said lie Auld
call it up to-morrow.
Mr. SHERMAN repotted a bill supple
mentary, tothe ..Vitional Currency act,
and said he would call ft up to-morrow.
Mr. OSBORNE introduced a bill grant
ing land to aid in 'the contraction of
bridges over' the Missiasippi above the
mouth of the Missouri. - Referred. '
Mr. SUMNER ihtroduced a bill to se
cure a copyright •for paintings, drawings,
statuary and models. Referred to Com
mittee ou Patents.
Mr. MORTON offered a joint resolution
to grant I the right of way to the' Mem
phis, El Paso and Pacific Railroad from
El Paso to the Pacific ocean. Referred
to Committee on Public Lands.
Mr. HOWE introduced a bill granting
lands to Wisconsin to aid in the construc
tion of a breakwater, harbor and canal
to connect the waters of Green Bay with
Lake Michigan. Referred to Committee
on Public Lands.
Mr. HOWE offered a joint resolution
extending the, time for the construction
of a' railroad from St. Croix river or Lake
to the west end.of Lake Superior. .
Mr. POMEROY introduced a joint res
olution authorizing the sale of a portion
of Fort Leavenworth - military reserve
lion to-the KanseeAgricultural Associa
- Mr. RAMSEY introduced a -bill to
facilitate telegraphic. communication be
tween the United States and Europe.
Mr. MORTON introduced a bill to pro
hibit the sale of gold by the Treasury.
Referred to Committee on Finance.
Mr. HOWE introduced a bill granting
lands to aid in the construction of the
Green Bay ,and Lake Pepin RailrOad.
Mr. SHERMAN introduced a bill to
facilitate the settlement of accounts of
disbursing officers in the Quartermasters'
Department. 'Referred to Committee on
Military Affairs.
Mr. TRUMBULL introduced a bill rel
ative to the right of property of married
women In the District of Columbia. Re
ferred to Judiciary Committee.
Also, a bill concerning .divorces in the
District of Colombia. Same reference.
Mr. CORBETT introduced a bill for the
•••Meservatton of harbors and rivers of the
Lruttad ;:'1514441,..-zairit encroachment.
'Referred folk= ttee im -- 113turtnieree..-
Mr. WILSON introduced a bill to re- . ]
linquish the Interest of the United Stites
in certain lands in the city and county of
San Francisco. Referred to Committee
on Public Lands.
A motion to discharge the Committee
frnna-the consideration of the Tenure-of-
Office act was in order, and was taken up.
It was laid over under the rules on Mr..
Sumner's objection.
By request the Praident sent a mes
sage transmitting a list or thelaws passed
at the late session of Congtess.•
A bill to prevent the extermination
of fur wearing. 'animals in Alaska was
'passed. -
A bill for the relief of the widow of
the late Senator Riddle, of 'Delaware,
was discussed and recommitted.
Adjourned. •
The resigpation of Mr. Washburne, of
Illinois, WA received:
Rev: .Butler; of Washington, was
elected Chaniain.
A resolution was adopted appointing a
Committee to inquire into the validity
of the Louisiana election.
Mr. SOHENCK intrcxhiced a - bill to re
duce into one get the laws relating to In
ternal Revenue ' which, on' his motion.
was referred to Committee of the Whole,
and ordered to be printed.
Air. KELLY introduced• a bill for the
coinage of picket copper pieces of five
cents and under—Referred •to Commit
tee on Coinage.
Mr. BUTLER asked leave to iniroduce
,a resolution for Joint Special Committee
to consider all matters relative to Indian
treaties. ,
Mr. RANDALL objected.
. SCHENCIt offered resolutions as
follows, which were severally adopted :
For a select committee of nine to pro.
vide fqr taking Uri next census.
-For -a select joint committee on Re
trenchment, to be composed of four
members of the:plot:se and Ibur of, the ,
Senate: • . ,
That the. Committee on Pacific Ala
xoad ahail :hereafter consist of fourteep
;members, and the Committee oElP:dents
of nine members. --
Under the call of States, bills and rase.
lotions were introduced and dhiposed of
* as folloWS:
By Mr. BOUTWELL : A resolution
for the appolutpent of a Select Commit
tee on Reoonstetiction, to consist of thir
teen membemg under the samerules "and
regulaticaussit governed the ; proeeedlngs
of the Reootstruction Cbmmittee of ,the
last Congress, and that all documents
and resolutions betbro the last CbmMit
tee be referred to it. Adotted-109 to 42.
Bill Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts :
Bill to repeat the Tenure-01'40:e act of
March 7d,1867. He moved the previotis
question on its passage.
Mr. MAYNARD - moved to adjourn.
Naativedr-bnly tlfteenatfirmative votes.
e previous question was seconded
and the bill passed-448 to 10. The /Mt-
Wye 'votes were Artuidl; Boles, Farns
worth, Ferry, Hotchkiss. Jenclr.s, jaw
ranee, (Ohiorjard, Schenck, Suilth,
Stokes, Taffes =mut Ward, Whitt*.
more'and Wil lard. ;:•
• Adjourned till Frigay.
Murder Near Mirecatine, lowa.
tilieletraill the rthiburith CiAsett
CHICAGO, March 9.—Great excitement
prevails in Muscatine, lowa, over a tutu
der committed near there to-411y. Pr.,
Christian Hershey had Several law suits
with Mowery, a German. Tbie MOllaing
Dr. Hershey, a manthal and neonatal/11S
from Muscatine, went td; Idetvery's
honse, The latter came 'otit and a'dis
pnte arose, which elided by - Mowery
shooting the Doctor dead. The Murder
er was - artested and an excited crowd
this evening surround. the Muscatine jail
threatening to lynch the prisoner.
* t ~;
~ ~~ r:
11a.a.vau 4k1L i d . l a lmL a
some leading Senators and members - of
the House, but did not satisfy others,
who insisted that Mr. Stewart could not
qualify short of an absolute sale and dis
position of all property he, now owns
connected with his business When the
transfer was yesterday proposed to the
President, he approied of it, provided
it could be done 'to meet the le
galbligations, and expressed his
high' appreciation of Mr. Stewart's
par e; but at the- same time said he
felt rcely warranted in doing so, be
cause Mr. Stewart would have to make
so great a eacrifice, and not only at this
time, but in the evening, expressed him
self to the same effect to many *members
of Congress, who called upon him with
reference to the Secretaryship. In thfs
Way publicity was given to Mr. Stewertts
purposes. The consequence of this has
led to many expressions of opinion, con-,
curring in the view, that although this
would meet the letter of the statute, it
might possibly be construed into an eva
sion of its spirit. Under these circum
stances, Mr. Stewart was prepared-for
either emergency, and haying reflected
upon the matter, he determined to_leave
the question to the result of a conference
with the President.
In thissnirit they met this afternoon
'MESSAGE WITHDRAWN..., and the conclusion at which they arrived
w, it wbuld be ebarrassin
The following message was sent by the
President today: . . to the administ that cation ofless
Pres m ident gang
for Mr. Stewart to place in his 'hands a
To iheSenate of the United States:
.1 formal declination of the Secretaryship,
I have the honor to request-to be per. and in' this manner avoid any comment
milted to withdraw from the Senate of by those who considered the law must
the United States my message of
-the 6th be strictly, complied with. The inter
inst., requesting the passage of a joint ;view was long and marked by the tit - Most
resolution by the two Houses of Con- , cordiality.
gresa to relieve the Secretary of the -. The following is Mr. Stewart's letter:
Treasury from the disabilities impoied WASHINGTON, D. C., March 9, 1869:
by section Bth of the act of Congress, To the President, Dear Sir: Appreciating
`approved Sept 2d, 1789. . _ _the high honor conferred by your nomi
"[Signed:3 U. S. GRANT: nation, and the , unanimous con-
Washington, March 9, 1869. 1-- ' firmation by the Senate, of myself
- . CABINET SESSION. \ to the office of Secretary of the
Treas ury, I regret that circumstances- I
Secretary Washburne was engaged Trees
with the President beyond our control compel me to de
, on, official business cline. Could the difficulties presented
this morning, and at the appointed hour by the provisions of the Act of 1789,
a regular. , Cabinet meeting was held, which, in organizing the Department of
there being resent Secretarys Wash
the Treasury, prohibits
i the Secretary
p from being directly or ndirectly con-
Mune, Creswell and Schofield, and As-, cerned or interested in carrying on the
Blatant Seeretarys Hartley of the Treasn- business of trade or commerce, be over
Faxon of the Navy, Otto of the In- come by come any reasonable sacrifice, persons
terior, and Assistant Attorney General to myself, I would willingly make it. I
Ashton. ' The Cabinet meeting was not would promptly transfer to the hands of
of long duration, the President stating in whom he 'nubile have full
there waano particular public business gentlemen, Ins . .- . .
connuence, every tereg in the gains
demanding attention. Several .of the and profits that could possibly accrue to
Representatives were present. myself In the business of my house dur-
General 'Rawlings, late Chief of Staff tag my official term, to be applied - to
to General Grant,- returned from New such publicehtuities as their judgment
York last night, and was engaged with should slictate, and have; proposed, and
the President this morning.
Mr. Boyle was qualified Secretary of
sought by the execution: of appropriate
- O instruments, to accomplish that encl.
the Navy this morning and entered upon
his duties this afternoon. But serious differences of opinion have
been expressed as to whether that course
GENERAL ARMY ORDERS. _ would satisfy the requirements of the
Head Quarters of the Army, Adjutant- law. Although . I will not hesitate to
General's Office, Washington March 8, make this appropriation, provided it
1869.—General Order No. 11—Thelo.Uow- would enable me to accept the,
orders of the President of the United office, and thus unite my efforts with
' -whilst's!) fOr,the informittionyour own and other members of your
and tgovertultszett . Cabinet in restoring economy. honesty.
War Depart - adif ' - iiiid larlet-ittuolityin the adininistra-
March 5, 1869. By direction of the Pres. tion of the' Governnient;:imd lift. as rap. -
ident, General Wm. T. Sherman will idly as practicable from the people the
assume command ' of, the Army of the burdens of taxation, debt and extriva-
U nited*States. The chief of Staff corps gance resting upon them, yet the bust
of the departments and bureaus will ness relations of my firm are, in its con
report and act, under the • immediate nections with others largely interested
orders of : the General commanding the - in their continuance, such that they
Artily. All official Outlines% which by cannot be severed summarily, nor can
law or regulations requires theaction of i my interest in it be wholly and abso
the President or Secretary of War, will lutei'v disposed of without producing
be submitted by the General of theArmv I great embarrassment and loss to those
to the Seeretary. of War, and in general with whom I have been connected.
all orders from the President or &ere- I cannot consent to enter upon the ad
tary of War to any portion of the army, ministration of lawh by any act or course
line or staff, will be transmitted through that can be construed into a disregard
theefienerat of the Army: . •
____ or violation of law, and while, therefore,
_ _
VOll7ll 02
President Grant Witi draws
His Request for the ß epeal of , '
the Law of 1759—airtStewart
Resigns the Secretaryship of
the Treasury—General Army
Orders -- Cabinet Meeting -I-
Revenne Affairs—Mr. Siew-'
art's Letter of Resignation.-
(By Telegraph to the.Plttsbargh earette.)
WASMINGTON, March 9,,ati69.
Mr. Stewart has declined the appoint
ment of Secretary of the Treasury and
the President has accepted his declina
: J. M. ScworiELD, Secretary of War.
By command of the Generalof the Army,
E. D. Towns:, A. A. G.
Headquarters of the army, Adjutant .
General's O f fice, Washington, March 8,
1863.—General Orders No. 12.—8 y di
rection of the President of the United
States, the underelgned hereby assumes
command of the U. S. Army. His gen
eral staff will be: Brevet Major Gen. E.
D. Townsend, Adjutant General; Brevet
Major General R. B. Marcy, Inspector
General; Bievet Major Gen. M. C. Meigs;
Quartermaster General; Brevet Major
General A. B. Eaton, Commissary Gen
exal of Subsistence; Brevet Major Gen
eral J. R. Barnes, Seon General;
Brevet Major Gen. B. W. Brice. Paymas
ter General; Brevet Major Gen. Joseph
Holt, Judge Advocate; Brevet Major
Gen. A. A. Humphrey. Wier - -.Etwineer;
Brevet Major Gen. A. B. "Wort Chief of
Ordnance; Brevet Maj. Gen. A. J. Myer,
Chief Signal Officer. 1
His personal staff, aides-decamp with 1
rank of Colonel, from this date will be:
Brevet Lieut. Col. J. C. McCoy, 2d, '
Lieutenant of:the 2d Infantry; Brevet ,
Lieut. Col. L. 314 Dayton, Captain's:43lm
7th Cardryrilmet Lieut. Col. Anden.-1
riobi 'Captain of the 6th' . Ca; f liallirevrit •
-Brig, Gen.: C. 8., flonsitock, of the
_Corpit of Engineers; Brevet - 'Gee!,
some Porter, Major of the Ordnance
I:box:Slime:it; Brevet: Brig. Gen,_F. l- T.
Dent, Lieutenant Colonel of the SW In
fantryG en . . -.. • i'
•Generals Oomndlkg hilltitrlePert
'wenn,. in addit ionM Toe 'duties' , sreto.,
fore -required of them, ',Will giTe, Izmir
special attentionle'the•'economical ad.
ministration of eiV,brinichas of the : Mr-
Ice With their comeiMml, wheth 'otthe
u l xi
line or staff. and , olobieid will "Melte
one supervision rin&Onnimand every,
part of the armywitbin their *not
isinsdany excepted.'' k',. ' ' i....- - .
depots of supply. i.
. senals ofoonstruchon. permaaapt fo m rtas
in processorconstruction or - expinfilye
repairs, general , recruiting depot Arid of.
doers employed on duties not %
ire excepted g *bin th
•,..e operationi of 'Me
forevin paragraph.
.• '11.14--All orders and ge;
ii in
strnotimis to the troops, or to. 01.
min serving in ' Military depa ents,
must . go from the headquarters of the
armyl, through' the Adjrunit -oMieral's
*Meet and . the the Genera' mins.
mending th e- Military divisioni or de-
PiKteeriteht width the officers:me sem, 1
ing, but ordirmry emrovoodenota relat
inglo:derMit in hxecution, may, ow* hettire4M ea con , and
head of Oaf; went or - corps
lti larti
with their e ' . ,
[ l3 4nedd ' 4- airmariiiil.Gerieral.
TAX CM/31,07 irnairrnWOV.itnier,XTTlCß
• • ...,s "APIIIKSISATION. , • ••
ThISAVIOnt;*';'V Stewart ' Pre"
pared - :_sitio:" 7 4M 'a tangier of
zoir iMd
Hie "wire ' in the profits
- in the -burn ,
.. , '' l 'A. T. Stewart 'lb
CO. MUNI' .tatV , ollMUCteridi to,,be ap
:plied to charitable purl:ages, to Wm. B.
Aster, James - Brown,' Wm. .E, Dodge, i
James T. Roosevelt-:end 'Henry Hilion..
This course met the general approval of
A. ? 31•
'regret that the plan proposed is deemed
inadequate to relieve me from the legal,
and,, as it seems to me. technical, disabili
ties, I yield to the better judgment of
others, rather than seem to be willing
to accept a position in disrespect of law.
In finally renewing my declination,
which was tendered at the outset ofthese
objections, I repeat to you, Mr. Presi
dent, my thanks. for the honor done me
in offering this high position, and assure
you that you will have my earnest ef
forts to sustain your administration in
carrying out the wise sod salutary meas
ures indicated by. you on entering, upon
your office.
Sincerely, your friend,
The President accepted the declination,
and thus the office of Secretary of the
Treasury becomes vacant. It may be
stated - that from the very beginning the
President and Mr. Stewart were in daily
intercourse, consulting as to means by
which the latter could free himself from
.the disability of the d law. It is said no
'legal gentleman. who had been spoken
to uponthe subject, expressed the opin
thab it would be a violation of the
erns of the act in Mr. Stewart's accept
.ing the office after having made the
transfer, but that many others thought
it Might be considered disadvantageous
to have the spirit of the law in the slight
est degree invaded. This view eventual
ly controlled Mr. Stewart, and in order
to remove all objections he declined.
Ever -Since there have been doubts
about Mr. Stewart taking possession of
the Treasury Department,telegrams from
letiding merchants have been received
urging him in the strongest. terms to
make any sacrifice, even to abandoning
'at once all interest in his business, to
retain.the office, and advising him under
aso circumstances to decline.' Some of
the leading; members of the two Horses
expressed similar views. At the lowest
estimate. - by the means Mr. Stewart pro-posed, ids million dollars would have
been' given to eharideis in New cork
'within the four years' official term. Mr.
Stewart will return ; to New York' to
morrow, befbre which he will have an
interview with President Grant.
- Denim= Avesta&
Commitielonear Rollins was at the Ex
ecutive Mansion, in consultation with the
President, *to-day,. and it is understood
the subject of conversation was the con
dition of: Internal Revebue affairs in
the various dildricts taeoughost the coun
try. Mr. Delano will qnalify and enter
ibrmally upon • his duties to-morrow.
The impression is that many changes in
important offices connected with the In..
ternal Revenue will be made very soon.
David G. Poodtng, of Indiana,- United
States Marshal ibr the District of Colum
bia. resigned that office yesterday. This
is the'first resignation under the present
Brevet Major Generar Adelbnt Ames
has been assigned to the command of the
Fourth Military District, according to
his brevet rank; Brevet Lieutenant Col-
ones Biddle is ordered to report to Gen.
Ames for duty.
The Department of• State has received
information that the Society for the En-
Courattement of Manufactures and .Me
chanical Industry\ in the Netherlands
proposes to arrange an international ex
hibition of articles. of daily household
use, at Utrecht, in August and Septem
ber, 1869.
Walter H. Smith, of Mount Vernon,
has been appointed Solicitor of Internal
Revenue, vice Hinckley removed, and
has entered on the duties of his office. '•
Large crowds 'were present at the Pres
idential reception this morning, also a
great crowd at the Senate, mostly office
t By Telegraph to the.PUtsburgh Gazette. )
NEW YORK, March 9, 1869
• The examination by Assessor Webster
of the affairs of Crarkpodge it Co., with
a view to assess. the of one twenty
fourth of one per cent. on their business
as bankers and broKers, was commenced
today. Mr. Webater claims - the penal
ties in this case for failure to make
proper returns will amount to 511,000,
and extends over a period of Several
years, and that - the gross receipts of the
Government will be very large. ' The
firm, as has also been stated, claim to be
simply brokers, and object to being
taxed on banking basinesa, and propose
to contest the assessment when made, as
the examination was made privately.
The case of Danforth N. Barney against
William H. Mill, Otto Burston, Binder,
and others, to recover 5100,000 for dam
ages sustained by the plaintiff as Presi
dent of the Wells it Fargo Express Com.'
pany by the explosion of a box of nitre
glycerine; in San Francisco, some years
ago, - was commenced to-day before Judge
Barnard. z,
NEW YORIC, March 9.—Chas. A. Wil
lard, postoffice clerk, has" been arrested
on the charge of stealing letters.
The postoffice has received informa
tion that the Pacific Railroad is now
open, and letter mails will hereafter be
sent, overland. The newspaper mail will
go by steamer.
It is rumored that Jas. ;Coulter, at
present alderman, has been appointed
'United States Marshal for the . Southern
District of New York.
The steamer New York, from Bremen,
arrived to-day.
On the arrival of the steamer New
York to-day detectives, on a 'cable tele
gram from Bremen, arrested Harmon
Newport, charged in Bremen with em
bezzling one hundred and five thalers
from G. C. Benckner, of Bremen. The
prisoner will probably be discharged, as
the case does not come under the extra
dition laws. He offers to make restitu
Officers of the Army and Navy Depart
ment of, the Ordf hold a meeting to-mor
towvtvening at ~Delmmtico!s to effect an
organization and mike arrangenienta
for a grand re•nnion later in the Yew.-
New Hampshire Election--Republicans
Successful.—lnefeased MajorMee
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
CoscoßD, March IL—Returns from the
State election show a smaller vote than
in November last, but indicate an in
creased Republican majority over March
last, when. Harriman was elected Gover
nor by about 2,500 majority. The elec
tion of Onalow Stearns, Republicab. for
Governor, over John B edeil,Democrat,
is probably secured by 3,0 00 majority;
also, a full Republican delegation to Con
gress and a large majority in the State
CONCORD, ,March 9. Dover gives
Stearns 924, andlßedell 444—a Republican
gain of 105; Manchester, Stearns 1,703, ,
Bedell 1,322—a Republican gain of 150;
Portsmouth, Stearns 1,114. Bedell 862
a Republican gain of 192; Portsmouth
elects eight Republicans and two Demo
crats to the Legislature. Returns from
all portionsof the State show Repubilcan
gains over last year.
CONCORD, March 9.--Jnoi H. Bailey,
Representative, is elected to the Senate
in the First District, over Frank Jones,
by 150 majority. Concord gives Stearns
1,501, Bedell 895--Republican gain 192.
Nocsan, Stearns 998, Bedell 757—Repub
lican gain 101. Sixty-six towns show a
Republican gain of over 500 since last
year. •
• Governor elect Stearns was called - on
to-night by a large crowd and made
e brief speech, claiming the result of the
election as the first endorsement of
Grant's administration.
Hon. E. H. Rollins furnishes the fol
lowing dispatch: •
The Republicans have elected eight of
twelve Senators and a majority In the
House of Representatives of about sixty.
The Republicans have carried seven of
ten counties. All the Congressmen are
reelected. •-•
S. D. Quartes, Repnbliean, is elected
Railroad Commissioner.
One hundied and, twenty towns give
Stearns 28,482, Bedell 20,100. Probable
majority for Stearns 8,500. •
elswder Confessed.
My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh essette.)
March 9.--Silas Hart
man; brother of, Mrs. Clew, now in jail
waiting trial for the Young murder; has
made a confession, in whit% he states
that he was in the conspiracy, but was
not present and did not take ar. active
part in the murderiand that Mrs. Clem
was not at Cold Spring when the murder
was committed; the woman who decoyed ,
the Youngs to Cold Spring•was a prosti
tute named Frank Claric, and that she
and a man named Fiscus -commit
tad the murder. He also implicatea
Robert L. Dorsey in the conspiracy, and
says Dorsey got Young's money.' His
statement is not believed. His object is
doubtless to relieve Mrs. Clem and light
en his own punishment. Neither ~Wrs
ay nor Fiscus have been arrested, and
there is no doubt but Hartman and Mrs.
Clew are the murderers.
I Horrible Case of Poisoning. • •
[BY Telegraph to the Plttsbutga Gazette., . •
CIIIOAOIO, March 9.—A. horrible'case of
poisoning has been discovered today
a house in Bridgeport, an adjunct of this
city. The wife and two children ofMor
xis Penn were found lying dead in bed.
The father was lying with 'the' ,
nearly dead is supposed that
they were poisoned, but no details or
particulars have yet been learned.
Lair Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
LoNnoN, March' 9.--In the Route of
Commons to-day, Mr. Fortescue, Chief
Secretary for Ireland, stated that the Fe-
Man convict Mackey had not been re
leased from jail, is was publicly-reported.
Lo!wow, March—Consols;
money 925;@92%; commercial' 92%@93;
5.28 s quiet, 82Y 3 ; Stocks quiet; Erie 24y,;
Illinois 97@; and Government 33. -
FRANKFORT, March 9.—Bonds 871(.
Penis, March 9.—Bourse quiet; rentes
71 francs.
LivEnroon, Mardh 9.—Cotton quiet;
middling uplands 12%e; Orleans 12%o;
sales 8,000 bales. California white *heat.
10s. 2d.; red western 9s. Flour 245. Coro;
315.; old 295. 9d. New oats 3s. sd. Buie*
ss. Peas 42a. Pork 975. 6d. Beef 955.
Lard 745. 6d. Cheese 765. Bacon 595.
Common rosin ss. 9d. Petroleum dull;
spirits 7y01.; refined is. B%d. Tallow
465. Linseed oil £29105." •
* LONDON, March 9.—TalloW 4 69 . -61,
Sugar dull, 295. 6d. on spot. Calcuttai
linseed 58s. 6d.
Arixtvrap,March9.—Petrolettm easier !
57,w -francs.
LIVERPOOL, March 9.—Spirits petro.
leum declined to 7d. .
HAVEE, • Miceli 9.--Xvining.—Cotton
closed firmer but not higher.
Virginia Republican State Convention
Breaks up in a Row. -
tßy Telegribb to trie Pittsburgh Gazette.]
PETERSBURG, March 9.--The Republi
can State Convention met at noon to-day
at Tucker's Hall. An anti-Wells man
was attempted to be declared tempo
rary chairman, which the Wells men
resisted. • A general row ensued around
the chairman's stand. A strong polies
force interfered and separated, the com
batants. Mr. Burgess, Mayor of the
city, appeared and made a spa eh, in be.-
half of peace. The rival candittes for
temporary chairmanship follO di wd, advo
cating peace.
Another fight ensued add the Mayor
ordered the police to clear the hall, which
was done. The delegates lire; now- scat
tered about the streets, 'and it is not
known where they will meet again.
After the stormy scenes of this morn
ing, it was announced by the Mayor that
the convention would meet at the Afri
can church. In a short time the dele
gates were collected and the disorderly
scenes renewed; but the Mayor gave per
supervision, with a strong police
force, to the organization, which was ef- -
fected after much excitement; Mr. Jen
kins, a Wells man, was chosen tempo-,
rary chairman. The convention then
adjourned till ten o'clock to-night.
uring the session of to-day a telegram
was received from the Governor of Geor—
gia, asking. for harmonious 'action and.
the re-nomination of Gownor Wells.
Accident on the Erie Railway
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
NEw 'irong March 9.—An accident,
Whieli-tittrthctialeaped being attended
withfatiti ts,.cectirred on the-Eris_
railroad, slew miles this side of Schies.
burg. Orange county. Some construo.
tion cars, -laden with old rails, were
rounding a curve. As the Cincinnati
`Express passed them at the same me.
Mont, some of the old rails became
disarranged, and were thrown with con
siderable velocity into thei smoking car.
insuring t hree gentle men pretty ser ,, rely.
Wm.' A. Smith, of Damnscus. re
ceived. a fracture or the 'right hip, and
'Walker Buckley a bloW on the jaw,
which knocked out all his front teeth.
Other sufferers, names not known, re
ceived no very, serious injury. How the
other passengers escaped appears a mys
tery, as the car-was fUll.
Thirty Penitentiary Convicts Liberated.
cßy Telegraph to the tlttaburgb Gazette.
Cniceao, March 9.—Judge
erta, of the Circuit Court in Morris, 1111-
nois, to-day gave a decision, that liber
ates thirty convicts in the Penitentiary.
It was in a case of habeas calms, in
which the Wardens had been com in an deir
to .produce James Fox. in. Court. Fox
was, in January, 1863, convicted of seve
ral charges ana committed for different
terms, each to commence on the expira
tion of the preceding one. The Court to-.
day decided that a sentence commence a
to run from the time it is pronounced;,
that a judgment must be in the present
and not in the future, and in operation
the moment , the Court adjourns. As
thirty other prisoners were thus cbnfin
ed, the Wardens asked for a decision, and
the Court decided they must bo dis
charged. • -
Convention of Knights 6f Pythi.r.s.
(By Telegraph to the Plitaburgh GftZttte.)
RICHMOND, VA., March 9.—The Su
preme Lodge of the Knights of Pythias
assembled in annual session at Covenant
Kali this morning. Representatives were
present from. Connecticut, New York,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware.
Maryland, District of Columbia and Vir
ginia. Reports were .received from all of
the above named States, also from. Cali
fornia, Nebraska and Louisiana. The
reports read show a membership of over
fifty thousand, . with, two hundred and
fifty` Lodges and eight Grand Lodges;
17,627.88 as the widowi' and orphans'
hand in the Treasury. Raring the past
eight months #1,811.64 have been expend
(lll- for relief. The subordinate lodges
have on hand the slim of $64,729.21. The
session will contintiefour days.
, ,
The Cuban Ihnunecuon.
ill7'telegiipti to the Pt . tuitions oasette.3 ,
Ilaysna • March 9.—Eleveral skii;
wishes are ' reported between the troops
and insurpnts within the jurisdiction of
Bang Many repOrtit ate in circulation
regarding President Grant's views and
intentions ht regard to the Cuban pie*.
Sugar steady; Sales at 9% reahi.
Railroad Mlboldly Adjwited.
1133rTeleniph to the Vlttsburiii Ossetic
BuvYAT.,o,lileireh 9.—The difonity be; ,
tweets the Northern Central and Erie
Railways has been adjusted and tbcpare
of the former 'company make regular
trips over the Eris lines.
—The pringileld, Mass., Woniau g
Suffrage Convention to•day elected BUR.
abeth Trask President and B. Lanaota,
and dirs. R. Ringdoni Secretaries. The!
principal speakers%twere. Lucy Scone
Blackwell, C. C. Barleigh and S. Foster.
The convention continues its swpion to.