PITTSBURGH MARKETS, —i —. • OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GazzrrE, i ' • MONDAY, March 8, 1869. i The general markets are quiet and de void of anything that is really )new or important:;_ The demand for lmost everything continues light and c fined mainly to supplying immediate wants while prices, generally, have u rgone no quotable change. Pro Visions con tinue weak and rather pa icky, both in Cincinnati and Chicago, a b. the decline in those Markets is I.)egi ning to have some influence here. Sugars continue weak an drooping and - standard herds are said o have been offered in New York to day at 1 a decline of about, threetents per ;b. grain and Flour contin e dull antrglected, but without ? quota e change. r. APP ES bbl , y with regular sales at SI,C4 ' per bbl, as to quality. APPLE BUTTER-85e.,90c. BUTTER—There is a continued good demand for prime to choice Roll Butter, with sales at 406143. BEANS—In better supply—may be quoted at 8.3,60e43,75. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—DuII; 3@3;‘. CHEESE—Market almost hare: New York Goshen is quoted at 24@25c. CARBGN.OIL—The markett.is easier and prices may be quoted lower, 31(:)31;f,. CRANBRRRIES—SaIes at slB@r22. CORNIINA_L-51q41.10 per bushel. _ DRIED FRUlT—Peaches steady at 14 @ts for 'quarters; 16@17 for mixed and 18g2.0 for `halves, as to quality. Apples 11@l2 cts. EGGS: 2 LMarket dull with sales reported, at 20®22c., _ HAY—The demand for baled contin ues light, ,and the market d is quiet and unchanged at 523@5, for goo tO strictly prime, on track and wharf. - H0M1NY446,00@5 6 , 25 per barrel. PROVISIOS—Market a little weak, and.priceS, a' shade lower; Shoulders, 14 1 )4; Ribbed Sides, 1635C917; Clear Sides, 18c and Sugar Cured 'Hams, 191,:f. S'..eamed Lard. 19@19 1 and kettle ren dered; 20. Mess Pork *32. POTATOES—Very - dull: small sales at 75@SOc. PEANIJTS-10 cts. per lb. GRAIN' The demand for Wheat con tinues very light and the market is dull and prices nominal at 51,50 for No. 1 Spring and 51,60 for No. IWinter. Oats quiet and unchanged; 65@66 on track, and 68 670 in store. Rye As unchanged at $1,45®147 and but little offering. Barley may ,be quoted at $2@52,10 for fair to good Spring and 52,15@52,20 for prithe to choice do. Corn is quiet and unchanged at 75@80; stock in this mar - ket comparatively light. • SEEDSCloverseed issteady at 510,00 to 510,50, as to quality. Timothy is un changed at $3,50, and Flaxseed is firmer and we now quote at 52,45®52,50. SALT—Is quiet but steady, and is still quoted at 52 by the car 'load. SORGiIIIM.-60@650. TALLOW—Rendered, 12:c. FEATHERS—Live Geese Feathers quoted at 75 to 80, to the trade, and the usual advance in a retail way. FLOT.III--The market is quiet and devoid of anything that is really new or important. Spring Wheat brands may be quoted - $7,00@57,50, and Winter Wheat, 58,00@58,50 per bar rel. Rye Flour, l $7,50. The Pearl Mill quote their, best brands, made of the best Wheat., as follows: Extra Family Flour,in barrels, at 59,30, and, in sacks, 59,00 per barrel; Double Extra Family, -in barrels, 510,00, and, in ' sacks, 59,70 per barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, in bar rels, $7,50, and ,in sacks; s7,soper barrel. The City Mills quote prices follows: Extra Family, (Winter) n barrels, 59,30, and, in sacks, $9,00 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, 59,80, and, in sacks, 59,50 per barrel, and Spring, 58,00, in barrels, and 57,7f),1 in sacks, per barrel. WHlSKY—Highwines maybe quoted, in a jobbing way, at Wag,. LARD OlL—May be (Tooted at 11,33 @51,35 for No. 2, aliir 51,65g51,68 for No. 1. ONIONS-55 to 56 per bbl. PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MolinAY, March 8, 1869. The market, although quiet, with a _comparatively light volume of business, in the aggregate, is firm nevertheless, with considerable inquiry both for pres ent and future delivery, and prices, par ticularly for Crude, are firm with an upward tendency. The operations in Re fined in this market continue light, which is in consequence of an Unwillingness on the part of refiners to sell at present quotations. It was reported, however. thCt some partiek in New York sold con-• siderable "short" to -day, for the purpose of breaking the market, but whether they \will be successful or not time alone will develop. The shipments East con tinue insignificant, and as a consequence the stocks in the East are comparatively light; and, owing to the fact that Crude is relatively higher than. Refined, there is but little Refined being made. CRUDE.—The market was fairly ac tive to-day, the 'idea aggregating fourteen thousand barrels, and with a stronger feeling and considerable inquiry, prices, if anything, are a shade better than last week. We can report 2,006 bbls, seller till Jtilj. Ist; at 16:y• 5,000, seller till August Ist, at l 6 X; 2,4 . 00 till Sept. Ist, at 17; and 500 each March to December at 17 per bbl. delivered on cars at Oil City. April to December, 500. or 1,000 per month,- was quoted at ls@isy, delivered here. REFINED.—There was but little done in refined to-day, though the market is firm and ,prices fully sustained . Sales five hundiedrand one of on thousand, all at 3634. March last half, in the absence of sales may be quoted at 35@35%.• Lt BILICIATI.NO Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40c Eclipse Railroad Axle 350 - Eclipse Machinery 750 Eclipse Spindle 80c Eclipse Tanners' .. . ... 400 Eclipse Tanners' Finishing oil 650 - OIL SHIPPED EA ET BY A. V. B. B. Standard Oil Co., 511 bbls refined to Warden, Frew dr, .00., Philadelphia. Fawcett, L. it S. 150 bbls refined to W. • P. Logan it Bro., Philadelphia. J. C.Kirkpatrick it Co., .56 bbls refined to W.aring, King & Co,, Philadelphia. Forsyth 8r05.,207 bbls benzole to Warclerf,•Frew eo., Philadelphia. Total 'shipments 717 Total shipments Itenzole 207 OIL SHIPPED EAST BROM DUQUESNE DEPOT. H. M. Long & Co., 110 bbls relined to Warden, Frew & Co., Phila. Brooks, B. & Co., us bbls retied to W. F: de Co.. Philadelphia. Hutchinson Oil Ref. Co., 113 bbls ref. to Warden. Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. Johnston de Payne. 62 bble tar to N. Y. & B. Parraftine Oil Co., New York. Total shipments Refined 341 Total shipments Tar TOLEDO, March 8.--Flour a shade low. er, inactive. Wheat lc lower; amber $1,9; No. 1 white, $1,73, closing firmer. Corn dull lc lower, small busines.s.doing; O. 1 66c; yellow 68; other grades Mac, tive. Oats dull, unchanged. Rye steady, $2,28. Barley quiet, unchanged. 'Dressed bogs nominal, 12012y,c. Markets by Telegraph. NEW 'YORE, March 8.-Cotton final;; sales 1,900 bales at 27;, - c for-middling - tit:4 lands. Flour dull, in buyers' favor, and without decided change in price; sales 5,100 bbls at $5,35@6,15 for superfine State and western, 86,20@6,70 for extra State, $6,15617,00 for extra western, 87@ 7,75 for white wheat extra, $6,35®7,75 for round hoop Ohio, V(j..8,50 for extra St. Louis, and 89612,00 for good- choice dot., closing quiet. Rye flour quiet; sales 260 bbls at 84@7,00. Whisky quiet; sales 500 bbls western at 953,c for free. Wheat a shade firmer, with a fair demand for spring; receipts; 10,371 bus; exports, 61,- 00 bus; sales at $1,4'561,48 for No. 2 spring In store and afloat, 81,52(511,53 for No. 1 do delivered, $l,BO for white Cali fornia, $1,85@2,03 for white Michigan, 81,60 for red winter western in store. Rye dull and lower; sales 32,000 bus western lat 51,35. Barley quiet; sales at $1,60, 'and German at $2,28. Barley malt quiet at. 132,12. Corn,receipts 9,589 bus,very scarce and a shade better; sales were reported of 34,000 bush at 95®96c for new mixed western; 77c for western yellow. Oats-, receipts were 1,064 bush; market Is a shade firmer; 26,000 bush sold at 74n® 75c for western, in store; 75@770 for do. at railroad depot and afloat. The stock of grain in the warehouse is as follows: Wheat, 1,994,416 bush; c0rn,1,301,1,67 bush; oats, 2,000.457 bush; rye,, 211,880 bush; \lairley. 81,616 bush; Malt, -50,095 bush; peas, 54,525 bush. Rice' Is more active' but weak; 200 boxe Rangoon sold at 8,!„! ®B3:ic; 150 tierces fihrolua sold ou-pri ;rate terms. ' Coffee is dull and is nomin ally unchanged. Sugar steady and quiet: 450 hhds fair to good refining sold at 12 1 ®1271c. Molasses is nominal. Petr.l - leuni is quiet at for crude; 34;c for refined, bonded. Hops are steady at 5@ 15c for American. Linseed Oil is firm I and quiet at 81,0e0)1,03. Spirits Turpen tine quiet at 54@5434c. Pork quiet_and unsettled; 700 bbls sold at 531,12031,22 'for new mess; $30®31 old; $26@27 nricne; $28,50@30 for prime mess; }Vs° MOO br.r rels mess, seller for r April and tour months at $31,25, and 2,500 barrels 531,50 buyer for last half of April. Beef dull; sales of 120 barrels at $,13,506116 for new plain mess, $12®18,50 for new extra mesa. Tierce' Beef dull; sales of 100 tier ces at 8266130 for prime mess, and 27@ 33 for for India mess. Beef Hams dull; sales of 100 barrels at 825®30. Cut Meats Heavy; sales of 250 packages at 13®13; for shoulders, 16 1 4®16 1 ,4 for hams. Middles quiet; sales of. 170 boxes at 15 3 , for Cumberland cut, for short ribbed. Dressed Hogs quiet at 131,a133•; for western, and 13%6141, for city. Lard quiet and a shade firmer at 15 for tierce, 17=s@19yB for steam, l9@ 191 for kettle rendered; also 500 tierces seller for March and May at 19. Butter quiet at 300338 for Ohio add 420 , 55 for State. Cheese firm at 18@22 1 . Freights to Liverpool heavy and lower,-with -en gagements per steamer for 45,000 bushels at '3@,3? 4 ", chiefly at inside rate. Latest.-Flour closed dull and strongly in buyer's favor. Wheat about lc better 'on spring, with moderate export de mand, and dull and declining for winter. Rye dull at $1,35 for western. , Oats quiet at 75c for western in store. - Corn scarce and firm at 95®95.1ic for new mixed western. Pork very quiet at $31®31,1214 for mess,-cash and regular. Beef dull and unchanged. Cut Meats dull and lin changsd. Bacon very quiet and without decided change. Lard steady at lfic for prime steam. Eggs steady at, 24@26c. CHICAGO, March 8.-Eastern exchange quiet and steady at 1-10 premium set ing. Flour dull and holders firm at 13 , 5@6.25 for spring extras. Wheat firmer and tolerably active and \ higher; sales No. 1 at 81,16R1,17; No. 2 81,11%®1,13 1 ,4; closing firm at 51,13; sales since the change at $1,13. Corn moderately active and %®%c higher; sales at 56 1 1®570, and no grades at 54%c, closing at 56%0 57c for new; sales No. 1 at 67c, sellers for the list haf of April and first of May; nothing doing this afternoon. Oats dull and ;4c lower; sales at 53%@54c for No. 2; 50c for rejected, closing steady at 54® 54;.;,c, for No. 2. Rye quiet at sl,lB® 1,181.; for fresh receipts of No. 1, and $1,17 for go. 2. , Barley steady and quiet at $1,80©1,81 for Nc. 2. Highwines firm and steady at 90c. Provisions dull and lower. Mess ,pork nominal at $31,50® 31,75. Lard dull and nominal at 173;® 18c. Balk meats in fair demand: dry salted shoulders 12c buyers for March, and 1234 c btTS - ers for April. Dressed hogs quiet at $12®13; closing at 812® 12,50, dividing on 200 lbs. Live dulland a shade easier at $9®9,62% for light to fair; $10®10,50 for medium to good, and sll® 11,25 for extra assorted. "Receipts for the past 48 hours-9,264 bbls flour, 34,930 bn wheat, 68,915 bu corn, 29,12054 4 bu oats, 4,053 bu rye, 862 bu barley, 2, ho Ship. ments--12,071 bbls flour, 24,368 bu wheat, 4,566 bu corn, 11,708 bu oats, 4,377 learye, rye, 1,560 bu barley, 3,299 hogs. ST. LOINS, March 8.-Tobacco: nothing doing. Cotton: low middlings sold at 27c. Hemp: new, undressed sold at $1,55 @1,60. Flour is dull and weak, with a strong downward tendency; limited sales of superfine were made at 55@5,65; ex tra, $6; double extra. $6,50@7,25; treble extra go fancy, $7,75®10,50. Wheat is very dull for some grades; fair to choice red fall sold at $1,40®1,75; strictly prime white and fancy. red, $1,88®1,90; No. 2 spring sold at 13,1,26®1,30. Corn dull, weak and drooping, with very little do ing; mixed in bulk, 55@56c; delivered in sack, 65®67c. Oats opened firm, but closed dull and easier at 65®68c. Barley steady and firm at $2,10®2,35 for choice to fancy spring; $2,75 for choice fall. Rye dull and buyers are holding off for lowe prics; small sales of choice at 51,35. Whisky quiet and steady at 920. Pork is very dull; order lots sold at $3l @31,50. Bulk Meats are quiet and there is not much offering; shoulders are quoted at 12%c; clear rib sides, 16c; clear sides, 16%c. Bacon: jobbing lots sold at 16%0 for clear rib sides; 18c for sugar cured hams; shoulders are held •at 14c; 200 casks of clear sides sold at 17c. Lard is nominal. Receipts were: flour, 4,600 bbls; wheat, 6,700 bush; corn, 4,500 bush; oats, 5,500 bush; rye, 400 btish; barley, 900 bush. CINCINNATI, March 8.-Flour dull; family $6,50®6,75. Wheat a shade low er; No. 1 red 51,53. Corn higher at 65® 660 for ear and shelled. Rye dull at $1,42 @1,43- Oats a shade lower, closing dull at 66@67c for No. 1. Barley unchanged sncL dull. Whisky in good demand; sales 500 bbls at 71c. Cotton steady but . quiet, middling at 280. Mess Pork 'dull with no demand; it can be . bought for $31.50. There is abetter demand for Lard, 700 tierces sold at 18c; holders now ask 18%a, and but little offering under the impression that prices are now about reacting. Bulk Meats firmer; 12ge was offered and refused for bulk shoulders; sides held at 1444 c. Bacon ,firmer and more doing; sales clear rib sides at 16® 16X,c; now held at 16140; clear sides sold at 17c; rib 15%c; - shoulders held at 133;o, but did not sell at better than 13%c. Sugar Ouied hams-dull at 18® 19%0. Butter scarce and firm at 40®4.5c for fresh. Sugar dull but unchanged. Coffee steady at 22626 c. Gold 131;0my- Ing. CLEVELAND, March 8.-Flour -City made-410,50®10,75 for double extra amber; 27,50®7,75 for double extra red winter; $6,75@7,25 for extra red; country tnade-$7,25®6,00 for double extra red and amber; 56,50@7,25 for double extra spring; $9,75@10.25 for double' extra white wheat. Buckwheat $B,OO. Wheat; No. 1 red winter $1,50; sales of-o`ne-car PlTTSBllltqft GAZETTE load of No. 2. do. at $1,42. Corn; sales of three car loads at 67c. Oats; sales of one car load at 61%c and 3 car loads at 62c. Rye quiet "and neminal; held at $1,28© 1,30 for No. 1; No. 2 $1,250.1,27. Barley nominal and held firm, at $2,15@2,20 for No. 1 Canada and 52,00@2,05 for No. 2 State. petroleum; there is more in quiry and the market is firmer amf prices unchanged; refined held at 32 1 40 33c for large lots; trade lots, advanced 2€1,3c. MILWAUKEE, March B.—EvENtNo RE. 1 1 Moo) PORT.—Flottr more active, a shade lower; Clot 00@a choice Wis- blor choice-Minnesota $6,00@6,10;‘,.—._ . . _ cousin and. lowa 0,50; medium $5,00@ Adams &kustin; 5 cars limestone, Sho. 5,25. Wheat firm, $1,13; : 1 for No, 1, and enberger - Blair: 320 bbls oil, Jas. Wil -81,08% for No. 2.1 Oats weaker, 53c for kins, 108 ( o do, Fisher it Bro. No. 2. Corn quiet and unchanged, 55@ ,' 1 Pri-rsa RGH AND CONNELLSVILLE 57c. New rye quiet, unchanged. Barley RAILROA , March 8.-50 bbls whisky. unchanged. Provisions quiet, unchang- Keil &Ri chart; _7 bgs \ feed, McNish & ed. Dressed hciga dull, i512,00@12,50. Butler; 15 bbls charcoal; Wm Millar & Receipts-2,000 bbls flour, 31,000 bushels Co; 201 bo es window glass, Michaels R, wheat, 2,000 bushels oats, 4,000 bushels Ac Co; 255 bdi ' s sheet iron, W. J. Arm corn, 1,000 bushels rye, 2,000 bushels bar- strong. . ley, and.-300 dressed hogs. Shipments ~ I'ENNSY VANI I A. CENTRAL RAILROAD , —3OO bbls flour, 2,000 bushels wheat, 50 blarch 8. 50 bbls ti r, T W Perry; 15 bbls and 150 tierces pork. • hides and 1 bbl tallow, W Flacons it Son; PHILADELPHIA, March B.—Flour dull; 4 bgs Clot er Seed, R Robison & Co; 1 bbl common drooping; sales 1260 bbls North- maple su ar, Smith, Johnston & Co. western extra-family at 1i16,75Q7,50; Ohio, ' $8,00R9,00; fancy, Z10,00€.012,00. Wheat dull and declined sc; red, 81,6501,70; white, 81,90@2,10. Rye steady. Corn dull and drooping; sales 2,000 bus yellow at 95c. Oats steady at 74©76c for west ern. Petroleum unchanged. Whisky dull at 97c 881,00. LOUISVILLE, March B:Tobaced; sales of 44 hhds lugs to old culling at 85,0 0 @ 22,00. Cotton 275 c. Mess Pork 531,60. Lard 18 . :1,:c. Bacon; shoulders 14c, clear rib sides 10Nc, clear sides 17!.f.c. Bulk Meats, shoulders 13c, clear rib shies 16c, clear-sides 16 1 ,.;,c, all packed. Flour 65,50 , a 6,00. Wheat 131,45C)1,5.5. Oats 62605 c. Corn 62g63c. Bye 51,4561,46. Whisky 92c. • BALTIMORE, March B.—Flour quiet IS / 14 and steady; western superfine 85,50© Thati 6,00. Wheat firm; prime valley red $2,10 —Bee (ii. 2.20. Corn firm; white 850187 c; yellow. Tt 88692 c. Oats dull at 80@83c. Rye frail nominal. Mess Pork quiet 433. Bacon cent in good demand; rib sides 17o; clear sides Ore , 18,c; shoulders 15c. Hams 20@21c. Cali Lard quiet at 20c. • Nes ton: our - - - lie • Live Stock Markets. NEW YORE, March B.—Cattle Market -L- p a Receipts for the week, 5,188 beeves, ft ,tea 218 sheep and lambs, 7,121 hogs; of t e the receipts otheeves up to Saturday their) were received at Commurdpaw 688, ( it West End 555, and at the National Yar 3 lea 1,943. The supply at the opening of the , - week was light, aud new s the cold weatii- Jul er and favorable nes from western mar- afti kets quotations are firm, prices rnlidg - - from 15G.:17c; a few choice steers sold lit lar 171,,;©16 1 4 '; to-day's offerings compristd 1.200 head at CommunipaW, 2010 at We, t Yi End and 9 a tbe-National lard'; the market was moderately active and prices I , ruled firm at time of quotation; salbe Pil poor to medium at 12g15e, medium to fair steers at 15©16c, good steers and fat ~`" oxen at 16!.. / 16:).;c, prime to extra steers at 170)183c, and choice at 17,4 c; the ma jority of sales were made at 14,11filild, Ott the average price was 15%c; the poorest cattle brought 12@13c. Sheep add Lambs—in the early part of the week there were arrivals of 7,121 head at Coal munipaw, 2,078 at Bergen Hill, and 7,459 at Fortieth street; the feeling at the beginning of the week was a little weak. but the market a seedily regained strength, and towards the close a slight cl ,vance was made on opening figures, the prices ranging from 61 4 e -for pool buneh sheep, and 9N•'c -for choice Canada stock—most sales being 7©81,,c for fair to good. and 9c for prime; stock to-dav offering 2,000 at Communipaw, 2,000 at Bergen Hill, and 2,000!at 40th street; the market ruled firm for all grades. espe cially prime, which are scarce. Sheere— common to fair, 8@814,;c; premium, 8 1 4 c; good to prime, 7®Bc; extra, 8e1.83.e; lathlas nominal, with sales reported du ring the week of 18,354 head. The mar ket for swine ruled quiet and weak, and feeling very much. unsettled at a very heavy decline for live and dressed; to -day offering a were 162 fresh hogs at 40th street, and 730 at Communipaw, but the market Was very slow and' prices nominal; prime corn fed at 11.34'Etdlgc, common to premium, 10 i,A 11%c, and dressed, 13C013;.1c. PHILADELPHIA, March B—Catfte Mar ket.—Beef Cattle active and firmer; sales 1,583 bead at 10.GI0X,c for extra western steers, B@)9;•6c for fair to good do, and 53 ©7;4c, .gross, for common. Sheep un changed; sales 6,000 head at 6©8 1 4c grbss. Hogs dull; sales 2,500 head at t15C916,00 per cwt. net. CHICAGO, March B.—Cattle Markq— Beef cattle steady for upper grades, and dull and easy for lower grades: $4,85® 5,75 for fair to good butchers; $6,123@ 6,50 for good stockers, arid light ship ping steers, and $7,25@8,25 for good to extra choice shipping beeves. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAIL ROAD, March 8.-1 car rye, T Moore; 1 car bones, Seward & Campbell: 1 car lumber, Fuller, Longbead & 13; 1 car do, care B. S Ramsey; 2 cars 1 a ore, Mc- Knight & Co; 5 i cars iron ore,Gray Warm; 5 do do, N York; 5 do doShow:l- berger B & Co; 1 car rye, Jas Graham & Co; 1 car shoulders, Ido sides. 5 kogs butter, 11 Robinson & Co; 100 bbls flour, Schomaker & Langhenheim; 150 bbls beans, 2do apples, Voigt, M & Co; 2 grind stones, Park Bros; 2 bales hemp, 33 rolls capet, 1 parcel, McFarland & Co; 3 cases mdse, Jones 11 & Co; 5 bdls pa per, Wincher, Hartman & Co; 4 bbls glass, Mullin & Maloney; 5 do do, Agnews & Wilcox;" 5 cases tobacco, Pretzfleld•Bros; 43 bdls handles, Logan, Gregg & Co; 1 S Fowler; 37 sacks rye, Dean & Patterson; 13 .coils rope; Godfrey & Clark; 2 s pipes, H H Collins; .2 kegs butter. J J Petit; 1 bbl eggs; J Kenne dy; 44 bbls molasses, SP ti river & Co; 124 do do, Knox & Orr; 8 bbls eggs; 1 do t seed, care. Steel & Bro; 7 bbls eggs. sacks rags, Means & Coffin; 4 bbls eggs, 1 cask, 1 box butter, Head & 1 4 11; f 2 bbls dried peaches, 16 hf bbls butter; Van Gorder & Co; 2 bbls dried peaches, Fris bee, Johnson & Co; 12 doz brooms Me- Elroy & Co. • - PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE & CHI OACR) RAILROAD, March B.—Bryan & Co., 0 cars metal; J W Porter, 3do do.: Nim ick, 16 do do; Coleman, Rabin & Co., 1 do do; Zug & Co., 1 do do: Hagan & Court ney, 11 bxa tobacco; W H Greif & Co., 6 kegs butter, 4 tubs do, 13 bbls apples; S A English, 2 bbls oil; S Marvin, 25 bbls flour; John White, Jr., 11' bags corn, 40 do oats; .H Gerwle & Co., 1 bale twine, 10 do tow; R.. O'Brien, 4 cars ice; S. Litch field & Son, 3 do do; T A Jenkins. 810 bxs cheese: W J Meek, 168 sks rye, 195 do barley: Smith, Johnson , & Co., 7 sks ap ples: Christy & Benham, 1 crate no, 16 sks do; C C Hussey. 2 lAN copper: Kline & Co., 100 doz shovel handles; 13 Plialb, 27 green hides,'2l bbls grease; 11 Irddle, 2 bbls eggs; Arbuckle &, Co., 6 do do; Haworth & Dilworth, 9 bdls brains, 2 bble eggs; Godfrey ,t Clark, 28 sits rags; T Hare & Bro, 43 bdls spokes, 41 do hubs, N 0 Clark, , 22 do fellows; J M Carson & Co, 10 bales hops: 0 H Allorton, 1 car hay; 200 bbls flour; T C Jenkins, boo do do; op sks do; .1 11 Canfield, 10 half bbls butter; D Wallace, 9 can; rye; Scott & bbls 100 ticks\ wheat; P Hanna & Co., 7 36 Pes Co. 100 bbls our; C A indse; S 13 Floyd & Co., 1 car do: Watt Lang &, 40 mks do; li--Frecker, fl 16 do do;, P Duff & IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. IiTARCH 9, 1869 iUESD Son, 12 b els apples; W H Graff & Co., 18, do'o, 5 de eider; P Kolbecker, 5 do do: H Rea, Jr , 5 do do; Voight, Mahood & Co. ! sdot o; Atwell, Lee 6, - .1 Co., 7 kegs lord; 3 C uffuen & Co., 20 bbls bottles. • ALL'EG ENY VALLEY liatarateran , March 8. '. 80 Ws oil. Lockhart, Fret Co; 1 car etal, H. Woodsides; 3 lit bbls herring, att, Lang &Co; 37 sks corn, H Schwan; sks corn, W McKee & Son; 90 sks oats, 3 do rye, Scott & Gisal; 75 do T.' Keil & Ritchart: 1 car metal, John i (rhea ; 2 do do, McKnight, Porter & ' do o, Lyon; Shorb & Co; 12. bdls is, ees, Graff & Dull; 10 saeliitye, _ . wits. RIVER NEWS: The \ ther is about stationary at this point wit • llnee and a half feet in the channel y the Monongahela marks last evening,. The weather has moderated somewhat and the ladication% last even ing were) equally faiorable for rain or snow. The Julia No. 2, for Zanesville, is the only arrival we hiS45 to report. She de_ parts again today, at 4 r. y. he P rkersburg packet Grey Eagle, aid u • at Rochester, foal: the late ,nam from Nashville, is laid up at hest r. he *Bowing 'boats are receiving ght .r the points named but will not Ltur • out until there is a riste: R. C. )yr f.r Cincinnati and Louisville; neli for Nashville; Bellevernon for iv 0 cans: Silver Lake No: 4, for,Al - M • • gie Hays for. St. Louis; and-Sal. and lessenger for Missouri Elver. rho t . yard, is the regular packet for rker burg to-day, but it is not likely it sla will be able to get up, owing to 3 loy. water. —Th • tug Nettie !Jones has been re vied —Th Mollie Hamhleton ran into 'the iliaat Hickman, and damaged her ,erg ands considerably. ~ —T e Government lost a million dol e' 1 orth of property last year by the 'kit •of steamboats on the Missouri iver l —J Iguipnts were rendered at St. ni Thursday, iu favor of R. Mitch. & 'O., for $3,611, and Geo. Price A: , a ainst the steamer :magnolia. for ur fished the boat. A, motion for eiy LAI was filed. —The safe of the Mittie Stevens has been recovered and turned over to the inSurauce agents at Shreveport. It sup poised to contain a large sum of money. II .to the Pith inst. 33 bodies had been recovered from the wreck and buried. —The St. Louis Republican. of Friday sacs: Captain Tom Itea's new steamer, Silver Bow, is due to-day. She is said to have one of the best trips that ever came out of the Ohio. She goes to Omaha, and on her return will load for Benton Captain G. W. Ebert's new sternwheel steamer, Mollie Eberi, made her first appearance at the St. Louis wharf NTS. terday morning. (She appears to be a tine specimen of marine architecture. —The Vicksburg Times says : A pas senger by the Pargoud on her last trip down held a watch over her from Fort Adams to Red River landing. Re sult—ll;_ mites in 274 minutes. Pas sengers who can retain their breatlh at this rate of speed will get ready to leave by this renowned packet to-morrow evening. The Arkansas "stumped her toe" a short distance below the city; and was here all day yesterday repairing. We understand that it was her stem that was damaged. , —The attention of steamboatmen is di rected to the following acts of Congress regulating the :carrying of combustible material : And be it further cliaceed, That Cotton,' hempchay, straw, or other easily ignitable commodity, shall not be car ried on the deck or guard of any steamer carrying passengers, except on ferry boats crossing rivers, and then 'only on the sterns of such boats, unless the same shall be protected by a -complete and suitable covering of canvass or other other proper material, to prevent igni tion from sparks, under a penalty of one tindred_ dollars for, each offense. Nor shall coal. oil or crude petroleum . be hereafter carried on such steamers, ex cept on the decks or guards thereof, or in open holds where a free circulation of "air is secured, and at such distance from the furnaces or fire as may be prescribed Iby any supervisors (supervising), in spector or any local board of inspectors. \ River. and Weather. LOUISVILLE, March B.—River falling, with aix feet of water, in the canal. Weather cloudy and very wet. WILLIAM MILLER & CO., Nos. •221 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low figures, strictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and • Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Snort. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore ' Ra fted do. Drips, Golden r Loverings. lirmips, ptuart's, -Adams , anti Long Island byrups. Porto Rico. Cups anirEngliah Island Molasses. Young Hyson. Japan, Imperial, 0 upowder and Oditmg Teas. Carolina and Bangoin Rice. Java, Laguayra and lo Coffees. - Tooacco: (Lard 011. Fish, Nalls, GI 5, Soaps, Cotton 'Yarns, Ac., constantly on Lan'. IMPORTEItB OF Fine Brandies,Wines an! z ljegars. 'Shenleh, Moselle. and Sparklin Iliock Wines of Hamel & Co.. in bottles. - Sparkling Moselle Settarsberg and Johantils burg, I.loekheituer.'Burgundy, et e . , Brandenburg & Freres Fine Olive 011. do do Clarets, imported In bottles. do do Sparkling Cataw b a ottle.s. M. Work & Sons' Fine old Sherry, Madeira and Port Wines. Free, Old Monongahela Bye Whiskies. purer' do' Very bnperior Old Scotch ,do do. ' Al4€lo. Sole Agents for Moat & Chandon's Grand yin. Imperial. _ ..rzonay and Sellery Champagne. Brandies of our own beleet.on and warranted. 1 li•dts • • GEtAY'S FERRY PRDiIING INK 'WORK& , C. E. ROBINSON, M Alit'r• CTL'AEII Or Blaek and Colored`Printing & Lithographic INES, VARNISHES, &C. Gray's Ferry Road and 83d Street, feld:t4o FOR CAIRO .4ND ST. LoviS.—Tbe splendid Passen ger Packet ARMENIA ..... . ..... CAPT. A. S. tiIIErIIERD, leas . e for the store and intermediate ports on It6l RISE. JOBS Fr APE, ^r . J. D. C'OLIA:aOIVOOD, Agents. TON.V lLl - Asplendid passen- • --- 7 -. ger steamer SILVER LAKE. ........ ......... Carr: TODD, Will leave for the above and intermediate ports on VIIIRSDA Y, Ilth inst.. at 4 P. Si. For treight or passage apiny on board or to J IL Ci1L1.1146W,,01.), • JOHN FLACK, Agents. VOR ST. wLOUIS.ND ST. jagrat A ALL VoINTS ON THE 31 i-SOLT o I ItIVER. — Tne fine pass nicer steamer MESSENGER, will leave on the 1.51 h in.t. or the .hove ports. For freignt or possage apply on boara. or to • JAMES COLLINS, WIRIEST C 0..& • Agents. GEORGE F. LEN RENS, at Rochester Wharf Boa'. Agent. m 3 VOR ALARK.SVII. LE j i agia AN D ILLE.—The fine 5 temner —'CAMELIA Capt. JOSEPH LYTLE, •s 11i tem.- tor the above and all intermediate ports, on FIRST RISE. For freight orp.ssage apply on loan], or to ACE CULLINGWOOD,. Ageurs. 1...!0R EV A NSY I L LE; s i gEt CAIRO AND .ST. LOWS.— The flue passenger steamer. _ ......... B. C. MAitn7r. WPI leave for the above and intermedlste ports on FlltsT RISE% FOT frtiglit or passage apply OD board or to FLACK & COLLLSOWt.rOD, JAMES COLLO 5. O. H. GlinlEST ‘4.. CO.. t' A. J. HASLETT; Agents. T" i's AlierEAol,gme steamer VELLEVERNON Capt. .1. J. nAItitAII,JR. Will leave 'or the above and Intermediate ports uu FIRST ItIoE. For freight or paage apply on board. or to • FL ss AcK. eirTJANGWOOD , fe2l UHRittST S , CO., Agent.i. V(011. KANSAS CITY,AgEt jOSEPH AND 031A11... —The splendid steamer SALLIE Cant. T.'S. CatatorY. Will leave for the above ports on Flllnr RISE. For freight or pa , sage apply on board or to JOHN FLACK, J. O. COLLINTWOOD. tiItRIEST L I:O.. Agents. se'24 NORTHERN LINEzigM PAC K ET„—FOR GALENA AND IYUGUQUK• Al; A.N A Capt. ROBERT T 511EILW don, Wilt commence loading for the above and all In termediate points on te first o M For pa rtiarch, and will go tnrongh without reshipping. culars apply to FLACK & COLLINGWOOD, Agents, ' fe72:e'97 or E. 1' IaRAX NORTHERN LlNEligrat PACKETIIie new ;a nd ti 'MINNEAPOLIS Capt. J. R. Ititonhs. Wilt leave fur ST.: FALTL, about the lOtt. of April. Lnd go through direct. This splendid I le steamer offers v ry superior aceommonations for pusengerb and stock. Forpa-ocularsculars apply to FLAG & COLLINOWOOD. Ag_enis. feff.:e9.3 • or R. C. Otta.Y. FOR CIN INN ATI and lar ri t Lou ISVI LE.--Tte tine pas sengcr steamer , K. C. ORE) Cain T. B..WIIITTARZ3I, Wil,.aVe fur the above ports on FlltaT Hits 4. For freight or•passage apply on board or to • JOHN FLACK. J. D. COIAANUWOOD. fe'.% G. H. GrIRIEST ,t CO.,Agents. PITTSBURGH, WHEELI3/43, Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Leave company's Whrf a Boat, foot of Wood Street, , .DAILY, AT 12 M. TrESDATS AND FRLDATS, BLYARD A. S. SNZPIIS.IM, Miner. WEDNiSDATS AND SATUIIDAT6, OBEY ...... L. L'IMNNAN, Master. Freight will be received at all hours by seas JAMBS COLLINS. Acent. Molasses. ALSO, PIIILADELPIIIA' ['WO I 0 100 te);ZO 0 atitti 11 fel - - - J. L. DILLINGERL A.X. STET - 124E0N DILLINGER & - STEVENSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, RECEIVE AND SELL AU Shuts . of Country Produce, MI orders for Merchandise promptly filed, at . LOWEST market rates. Particular attention given to the sale of Butter, Eggs, Cheese Dried Fruits, Ac, We feel confident that we can givi entire satisfaction, by making QUICK haLES and PROMPT RETURNS, at lIIGIIEST MARKET riticss, and therefore respectfully. solicit your consign ments. All correspondence answered promptly: and Markingarriv Plates fumished free. Grain in :t store to n3llB ESTABLISHED BY A.& T tv RIMY, 1814. • W. 31. GORR'S, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, • (DIRECTLY OPP. - EAGLE HOTEL ' ) PrlsTS3l3tritGrFl. PA. se tylB WATT, LANG & Co., WHOLESALE D7LILEILS Groceries Flour. Groin. Produce Pro silvans, Fish, Cheese, Carbon ate., Nos. 1751 and 14 OOD STREET, nnoSa ear Lib erty street. Pht 7 sbu W rgh. Pa. at. PICTLIt KEIL 3A5. P. RICELABT. KEIL & ItICHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DICALHILS fl FLoIIII, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &c 349 Liberty Si., Pittsburgh, my24:b3l If. STEXL7c a. A. maw& Al STEELE & SON, 111 ~Commission Merchants, AND DIALEBE IN FT....011:711, GRAM. PP..10 - 121, &o. No. 95 OHIO STREET, near East Coreunon, ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. T J. BLANCHARD, A.l• Wholesale and Retail Grocers, , 395 PENN 13TREET. aplB:tali FETZER & AIOISTRONG, FORWARDING & 'COMMISSION MERORAIFFS, For the sale of Flour, Orain, Bacon, Lard, Rut ter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally; No, .16 DiARKET STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. • 1e22:611 IiITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Whotussle Brocers, Commission Merchants and Dealers inProduce, Flour. Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, °lass, Cotton Yarns and all P'ltsburgh Manntactypres generally. 1.12 and 1191 elecoND STREET, Pittsburgh. JOllll 5U1PT0N......... A WALLACE. lIIPTONS‘ WALLACE ,' Whole- BALE 0 ROCERS AND PROD uOE DEAL- No. 6 SIXTH STBSET. Prit3bura6. 412106 JOlllf I. 1101J6E..RDW. 11013132.•.. WY. U. IiOUSE. rrOHN I. HOUSE 841111.08., - amens to JOLTS I. HOUSE & CO. Winds vain Grocers mad Commission lierchttets, Cor ner of Smithfield sad NV I _21±11.---513 Plttetzb. "G4IIESII Fl9ll.—Benjamin Put- PRESS still continues to till all city and cosn try orders for FRESH WHITE LAKE FISH, SALMON AND BASS• Bend to No. 45 DIAMOND Id..klIKE, lisrg or Ids old well known TWIN CITT I:ITAND, Allegheny market ocaa rITTSBURGII its h t.Lri viLL aL„,,AD. On and after TUI 1.17. NoTern'.ier. 17th. Not. trains will arrive and .I..Tzt-t irvai toe Oe9cit corner of Grant and Water s::eet-1. st follows Derar:. Sfsii td and from trII.IOP.- town 7:00 A. M. 6:00 r. McKeesport Accomdt'n 11:00 A. x. ia•ua r. Ex. to and from llnt'n• 3:00 r. x. 10: a, West Newton Accoui'd 4:30 P. x. 1.:35 A. M. Erldtlo6oB ACCollidt:Pt. 6:15 P. M. 7:50 P. M. Night Ac. toMcli , sport.lo:3ll P. M. 6:45 A. ni Bianday Chtrch Train to, and from West Newton 1:00 P. m.10:00 A. For tickets ;play t 3 J. R. BIRO, Agee,: W. B. STOUT, Superintendent. no= CHANGE OFaNEM TIME. ALLEGHENY VALLEY HAILHOAD, On and after MONDAY, November Oth, 1668, TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Pittsburgh Station, corner of Eleventh and Pike streets for Franklin, 011!City, Buffalo, and all points to the Oil Regions. lIILEAvE rrnsariton. rirrsniraou Mail ...... 7:15 a m Mail 5:40 p na • Express 7:10 p m Express - 6:30 am let do Bradyda Works 3 let :00 p m.Brdyda Wo rkss-ilt Ac 10:30 a m a So Accomd —.1.0:50 a m Accomodin. 8.20 a m 2d Soda Works . 2d Soda Works Accomod i n. 5:00 p m Accomod'n. 13:10 pm• Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 14'1 P. ia• Arrive at Pittsburgh at 0:50 A. u. Passengers taking express train have but one chan cars between tsrgh l3cralo and Oil Regions. Mall and Express Tialns stop only at principal points. Mixed Way cud. Ac. commodatiod trains stop at all stations. THOMAS M RING, Asst. Snp't. W. FOSTER HOPE. Ticket Agent. nog rITTSBURtiaIy OINK CINCINNATI AND LOUIS SAT T,SY. PAN HANDLE ROUTE CHANGE OF TrmE.- - cm and after . ST- T N DAM NOV. 22d, 1868, trains will leave and arrive at Ukt Union Depot. as follows, rittsbergli tine: • ' Depart. • Arrive: Mall ..... 3:13 a. m. 12:13'a. M. FIiEL ......... 10:13 a. Ta. 7:33 p. m. Fast Express 2:58 p. m. 12:18 a. m. Mixed Way • 5:43 a. 71. 6:43 p. m. McDonald's Acen, No. 111:2g a.' in. 8:33 p.m. Steubenville Accommod. 3:39 p.m. MCDonald's Acc'n, No. 2..5;08 p. m. 3:18 P. in. mar s_r. lc Express will leave daßy. V 1 :13 P. MM. Mail will arrive daily, The 10:13.a. m. Train leaves daily, tiundayii e, cepted, and makes close connections NeW ark to Zanesville and polars on lianduski Mansfleld 1 Newark R. R. B. F. SCULL, General Ticke F. cents W. W. CARD, Sup't., Steubenville. (;:.:o. ClEi 1868. PITTSBURGH, PORT WAYNE St CHICAGO I. W. and CLEV;ELAND PITTSBURGH B. R. From Dec. 20th, 1868, traits will leave !rota and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, Pitts.; burgh city time, as follow,: Leave. Chicago Ex_.,..3:03 m Chicago 1 E rr4 x. " ...2: 13 Erie& Ygit3l'l7:2B a m 'Chicago Ex.. 11:55s Cl..tWh•g3l'l6:2B a m ,IWheeling Ex 11:13 ' Chicago Ma11..6:58 a. m.Crestiine Mail 3;:53p; Chicago:Ex.. 10:08 a m Chicago El. •• • . 4 : 38 21 C hicago ia'g "Ex 2:23 p m'Cloveland \Ex 4 , 10831, C Ex.. 2:43 p !Erie it Tien Ex0:13)/ - e &Erie Ex4:53 p Wb`gEx6:s, Depart/rots AtleghenV• Arrive tn llAghany, N. Brigt`n Ac. 8:58 a m ,N. Brigt'n Ac • T:O3 am Leetsdale 10:28 a " 8:28 am 11:58 a in New Castle "10:33 am Rochester " 1:33 p m ,Leetsdale " 0:13 am Leetsdale Acc.3:sB pm, " " 1:0g = I N. Brigt'n ...5:33 pm I N. Brigt"n " 2;43 p m N. Brtgt , u " .6:28 p m,Leetsdale ,-" 4: 5 3 DM Leetsdale "10:43 pm,- " "• "lab ;us Leetsdale Sun- ;Leetsdale Fun- m day Church. 1:13 pm , dery't.hucch. 0:58 ani WIT 2:43 p. m. Chicago Express leaves daily. Jar 11:58 a. m. Chicago Expresa arrives daily. der. P. R. MYERS, General Ticket Agent. PENNST V A , = NIA CENTRAL ItAILI _ ROAD. Onand after Nov. 38th. 1'468. Trains will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner o: Washington and Liberty streets, au follows:2rr{os. Depart, • Mail Train.... 1:30 am Day Express.. M:3O am Fast Line..... 2.40 a mlWall's No. 5:30 am. Wall's No. 6.30 a m Tralr 5:15 am BrintonAcc'n. 1:50 a in i*Cincln'ti Ex 14:35 pm Wall's. No. 2.. 8:50 a m Wall's N0.2..11:20 am Cincinati Ex.9:40 mJohnstown Ac. 3:35 m Johnstown :3 Aclos a a mi oc Praddks Noll:2op p m Baltimore Ex. 1.45 p mjPidia. Express 5:10 pm Phila. Express 2 :05 pmf Wall's No. 3.. 5:20 pm Wall's No. 3...1:30 p m !Wail's No. 4.. 6:15 pm Braddocks No15:50 p Fast Line 1:50 pm Wall's No. 4. 7:25 pm ;Wall's 11:50 pm Way PaSSIVI" 10:20 pml • The Church Train . leaves Walls Statmn. every Flundarat 9:15 a. m., reaching Pitts...nigh at 10:00 a. tn. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50p. m and arrlt es at Walls Station at 3:00 p. m. *Cincinnati Express leaves. ds..iy. An other train s daily except Sunday. For further information apply E to W. H. BECWITH, Arent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as some any risk for Baggage, ext-pt for wearingap • pare, and limit their responsibility to One Ban dit, Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding -that amount in valise will be at the risk of the °wear, ur less taken by special contract. EDWARD ri . General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. WESTERN PENNsr - Lvals•lA- 42. -:• • PA.-LROAD.--On and Western ov. 22d, lti6S. the a. senger Trains on. the Pennsylvania Rat road will arrive at and depart frosts the Feder.l Depot, Allegheny City. s follows: ArriVd. Depart. Springd'e No 18:40 a m' Mall 7:00 am Freeport No. 18:20 am, Freeport No. 9:15 am. V.xpress .. , 10:40 a miSharpb , g Not 11:20 am Sharpb•g N0.11:25 p m,Express ... , . . '2:45 pm Freeport N0.24:00 proltipringd'e Not 3:BU pm Mail 5:55 p min'eeport N0.25:20 pm Springd'e N028:45 p mlSoringcl'e N027:1U pm. Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny :Junction ever) dunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. in. and arrive at Allegheny juncs - tion at 3:45 p. CO2lll322.lloll2l=rs—For sale In packages of Twenty, between Allegheny. City, Chestnut street. ilerr's Bennett, - Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburs and good only on the trains stapiping at Stations spe cited on tickets. The trains leaving Atiegneny City at 7:00 a. bermsake direct connection at Freepor withWal ' line of Stages for Butler and HannaLs tovra. Through tickets may be purchased at Vas 001c2 No. 1 at Clair street. near the Buspenslcultridga. Pittabur. h. and at the Depot. AU eghety, For further information apply to - JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent, Federal Street Depots The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their responsibllity to One Rundr , d Dollars in value. All baggage ex. ceeding ti is amount In value will be at the risk Of the owner. unless takan by special contract. EDWARD id. W/LLLA.MS, noM Suneriptentlent, Altoona. It s. Q OIL 11 HILL LI ROUTE. UNION PACIFIC RAILIVA,s, Eastern Division. BI The SHORTEST AND MOST RELIA ROUTE from the EU% to all poLhts la Colorado, Nevada. California, Utah, Waslailgt 6 n , New Mexico, Idaho, Arizona, Oregon. Two' Trelrui leave'State Line and Lealrenworth daiy. (SancLitAreepted,)on the-arrival of trams of facia d from St. LOUIE. In coinni • bat and St. Joe Railroad from Quiliol. mect• at Lawrence, Topeka and ii , amego with stas for all mints In liansa,s4 At_etl._orf STATESd ol Ellsworth • with he ..uAiTE EXpßEhtt cO3IF,A, 5 DAILY LINE or owl:ILA-NV ouir., AND rsmixtss DENVER; 6A-1-11' lAA-UFA .40 points in the Territories" 4 ,,, d wtk ISANDESSON I S U ni on Bent' s LLND of 00A.,HESIOr Fort Union., Bent's Fort. Pass, Al Sa n ta . ie Val " 4 an Wilts in Ari. sons And • 'Jew co. vota the 'wean additions of rolling stook and ecuipmeri. and the arrangements insde wt., Its Overland Transportation Lines WWI Its western terminus, this road now offers • ,aleenaed facilities far the trortsccjasioa of 'relsht to the 'Car West. Tickets for sale at all the princip al offices In the United States and Commits Be sure and ask for deists THE 910Ej HILL BouT tr OH A. r i lc RAILWAY.. ELITE...VS D A A. ANDERSON,' --" General Freight and Tic lief. Ap Mil MEI aMM_M Get.eral Superintend& S, WEICISTER3