6 STEEL *ORES. , GODEEFItOY• BRA UB Si) CO, change Place, New York, • , _ A Are pr pared, as Sole Agents in the; 'United Dtates for the Prussian Xining and Iron Com pany of Duisburg, Westphalia: to contract or sell in quantities to suit purchasers, (delivered in • either New York or Philadelphia) the celebrated v: G. SPIEGEj..AEISEN 'Used so extensively for the manufacturing of BESSEMER STEEL. Thhs-aron is free from eulpur and Phosphorus, End contains a heavy per cm' age of 3langanese. Tull particulars, samples, prices or chemical stutlysis will be promptly forwarded on anolica jaSO:d7B nun SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, NECK &CO., PITTSI3I7IIGI3. PAL. Mannhieturere of every deaerptlon of CAST AN - 0 GERJUN STEEL, BAILV7 131-21 NOS, ELLI? • , C. A La:ILP, VeETlOLNytrtgric - Warehouse, 83 Water andloo:Firststa IV II BARR & PARKIN yer.Tirsits: Witi. IdETCALF. Bzuliirs guszs, GEO. W. B BARB. , CHAS. PARKIN. AL Srscl PAstisras-1-13. Hilgt. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, mili - uu, BAIUt Si TAIIICEN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTBBURGH, PA fel4:d43 BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Xanalseturers of ail descriptions of °sol3Einr-a -liffice'snd 'Warehouse, isaSSCOND and .Ll 9 and 1511FISST BISSET% PITTSIII7IIOII. IRON WORKS. Ms. VZICIEIt, Ilan W. P. FORM, Billet; prrroBURGH UOBGE AND IRON CO., Itssrvamn=ls Or liar Iron; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts% Rattroad Celt Axles Rolled; BailreadVar Asles Hammered; Locomotive Frances; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods: ;Yokes, Straps; 11/SUM Heads; Steamboat Shafts; -Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, eke. OMloe, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTIAIMMit, PA ittEitsMsFAN.ipitotgs. The Trusties are now oroplred to itrrat Own visfzr the nee of the ELUaItSit...:,O.SEN YBOT The superior quality trurted . . , .. , wet the great improvement in nferiOr trout and the reduced coat commend It to alittephfaCturers of Bartles wishing to use it obtaincaii: licenses by applying to . JAMES -P. SPEER, • A.ttorney,fotthe Trustees, ° OFFICE; 860 'ANN - sTRtEr. Parties Interested are invited. to visit the e3IOENRERGER WORKS..whete the process is wow in finecesolui operstiod: . VERSON, PRESTON PernlinriliragiVlron ;Works. . Warehouse. = N 05.166 " antll.Bl 111181. =BENT. o.wcialte Mouongaseis House. suS4:d6 , . ..I,ITTSBUSGII. NMWTIt' OM3. pITTBIII3I6III IWYCLTY WORU • , Wounded, A. D. 1833. ))/ i tEEE & 410. SSTS TONE STANDARD AND SPAT EST) PLATPOSII AND COIII:TES: •SCALES. • Janus Paced Patent Door Locks and Latches, iratut and Cotree lallfs, de. , 008IEZ Or ITBST A-V1312E11 GRANT 818., . . .IPittsiltnargbi.Peinea. OAS AND.STEANE7.TTING. joarc•,;Joy EATS. ...MINWr EMU t irepag BRASS rotngbisits GAS AND 'ISTRABE FITTERS, , , of VW'S AIMWILASi_w2H,E, sons assito In OAS rub+Liaaa '4°.61177,818VP!0M11f.--',.'• • ' Ciir. -or tikt d What 13freeb4 virrasunari: - • _ . ~;. E rrai' " 110 H t int o, ' irlittlitiksv p l: ritacTuguleow - . . . - PRIRtINGSti;:. . , CLINTON *-ATZII.,- _lnawSZTVELawuNlkosl42:ll7l,46o. .... Inuolinet ML , rer , , • • -- i c i nag 4 isiOrilani?T rill . , I 1 ' °, 7 • : • , ' ' 1.,. 1 40& • , p ig . ' IN SA TIM' OM s - ''.., 7 777 ~ - AIM ?Moor: R nICI MIFI Ii t r • On • eit eav seldbil• :an I LI4 lin ire% 13.. iniscrosentpito ario.. . II ' L e $ a !autoi. lanaracrtittronir,gw - ' eAghlZ IsiTEIOGRAPEI 1111 1111.4g10g anyonax....,"..„„rata? csitiiii silwaval,tirketvai,suecess"”" on s' tees°. P. ISoOuOluan 4% CO.. • • • \ , /111410TICAIL LITUOintAPHE,B9.. Mie only Stem I..lttiopa u phfo Eliwitatiment `W I ; ttlutta l tz ) L i t. - B u siness t, r, Letter n Bonds. s ,s au ars, wcm IN twolons, portritts, Vielfll, OCrtlnCitel of De • posits, lovitatioo um , 3l, SSC.. NO6. VS Lug ya gbird Street, Pittirtiorgh. I KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COYPANY. TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. oreniones, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, - Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL F01:/111DItY Corner Carroll and Elmslimas Streets, Pri"TSIVIErItGIEta CAST IRON BOWL PIPE E atinurAcreszs OT OFFICE AND WORKS, 1 AND PIPE . WORKS. (NINTH WARD‘I yILLIAM felOnufe.Aoturer of 70IL Eide. AND WAtElt wours. My Ploes are all east Invariablyln Plts. in dry sand, and IS feet lengths. AlsO, full assortment of general • Castings for Gas and Water 'Worts. I would aLo call the attention of Superintend mita of Gail Works "to my make of RETORTS. ATIL4S . WOll,lO, MORTON STRENT, Ninth Ww'd, PITTSIIIITROU. THOMAS N. Nlll.LEB,President. These Works are among the largest. and most complete establishments in the Welt, and are am prepared to furnish 1 Famines, of every .deserlytion. Bailers. Oil Tanks. Sheet Iron Tierra. Mailioad Castings. Bolting MIII Cabanas. iszigine Castings• iisChtne cisd!mrs. eentrai-eastings. 011DEES SOLICITED: noti:n6 . ROBINSON, BEA. is, CO., Succes9ors to Ro3n9BOrr,lnto) s =Llama, W ABBINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND NACHNISTSirIIFSBURGH , iklixturiclurers of Rost sad Btatlonsry eye= ins. ek e it ßi rt t asTZ E Tl On le.cripu,neT on T.% Bhp Stms,Boiler and Sheet Iron work. Office, }No. LI, corner Inrst and Ssoltblteld Streets. I Agents, for EITYPABD'S PATENT INJECTOR for reeding Boilers. • I intl:rf2 AirON E T BLANC FOUNDRY. utter, Street, Nintli Ward, l inli tonpoiate union iron iilD4l 1 'BO - Mill and ,Bxidge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHU/EBY AND CLIO#I9B EIEtiZEALLY Orden prOmptly and coretallyozeouted. Charges reasonable. . IIBBERT 3W CASEIN & CO., Fourth Wird Foundry and liaehine Worki, BABINVSiaz BT., ALLEGHENY CITY, Pa., Manufacturers- a Steam Zraitnes, 011 Plisses, Pratan, ()slat and tisw -31111 Work, Rotting NM and isseldne Castings, erste Bus, Weights, Wagon Boxes, No. Braid to order and have on Stand Engines of all sizes. talf:qs CENTrite4a M 41981/ AND ROLL WORKS $BO Pe= Street. BOMA* BOYD & MAIM. Clawson., mu isstugs, itou Litho. ae... . LUKB - • - . Eli! LVRIEHEItI 1 • Lv_ Asam&inanii Dealer in all Kllll6 of Lumber. ON BAND ' /OM TON BALE 1. OCKI L UOO feet Dry Pine Boards; 1150.ssuu !bet 13‘ and•S loch Clear • - 10 0:000 000, f fee ee t t Bry n, le an iii i L i c usu orcia t r ais . sa,ooo feet DIY,' 171 1 7 . Cherry BLUspir, • ,3 1 11:0 4 4 pry . land winch.roppir; 10,060 trot Dry PoDpI Beantli t rim .. .4"„ • 517114.1rofiellegcolciilgintigts sair.e4dr. 'll6O ROO o. 110-indi Btiliurle4lawea; • • 1 40:000 No. 1164n0h mule!, .ectiyed; , litsu w ilLiqn,„ok; lOU Zins Tire flay. , Yanngelgo,,B6 PREBLEBTRES_TjtormerIy Idsooliesterd 11.57 REBECCA BTRERT.OPko • site the Gas works. Allegheny City. • • ,• Rom: IRON ,BROKEM. sAlffuEL M. witeßBß44tit nzolt BR HER, L 241 First Street, , ttsbunh, Pa. toy tie isle t Diftetsmorei Jesepltine, IsabellDnucanon,Stanuar.lilei• donoliClaber 'MIRO otAnthqloll‘ Yon 01107 pal 00(1 1 ! 2043 . COT rpsr =tom. Clamoiroutents szemor} reineettaur 1100 w coPigat. r ABM SUPERIOR'' 'lona rig; NYD bulimia :WOW PITTSTYCIUGUI, - PARR, iftlioUßDir • & CO.; •.. :ifintilltoturers of Sheathing, Braden* sad Bolt ,opper.rreraed Cppper BottonfoillateedBlo_Bota lws, Speller fielder, Also.lnvoct ro and Deal en i a Baud, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, WiiNe, to. ao tantly on hand Tinneret Machines std Tools. ITLarehouse, _No. 140 FIRST STII34T and ISO 5300 ND STRKET. I,lttebusgb. • Soecial °Ears of Copper cut to any desired nAto. ten, • Writ ciii.do7 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: TUESDAY, 310 CH HUGE N. BOLE & CO., , Con Point Alley and DiaquesneSt., ' (NILO?. TEM POINT,) Engine BuiZders, F,ounders• - and Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES of all Elam Metal attention invited to our new STATION OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER of 15-boreelpower. CASTINGS. of every kind A =ride 'Words? &tour -Foundry, on THIRD STREET. below Market. RIGS for Oil Wenn, SHAFTING. PULLEYS, HANGERS,HOUSE and TOBACQO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on band and made to order, at the • INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the . Allegheny River, near the Point. zer All orders promptly filed. TILT TM. EMI FORT purr DOUR, STILL AM) TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLESIFLIIED TUBULAR. PINE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL ERS. OIL STILLS Alkil) OIL TANGY. CHIMNEYS. BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS: STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SEMTES 00lee and Warehouse, corner Second, Xhird, Short and-Überty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. sir Orders Nene to the above aware: s wll.l be .romptly attended to. mh7:131) WM. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER - MAKERS AND SKEET IRON WORKERS, /5 1 0 8 . AO, !AL A 4 AND AO PSSII ST. Bating secured a large yard and furnished It mu, the most approved machinery we 'mesme rized to manufacture every descrip.iou of BOIL EBB in the beat manner, Ch i arraned equal to any made In the country.mneys, Breeching, lire Beds, Steam Pipes Locomotive Boilers. Condensers,,Salt Peas, Tinks, OStills, Mina -tors, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Br' djee*,•l3agar Pans, and sole manufacturers of Barnhill , ' Pat ent Boilers. Repairing done on shortest notice. isd:cll r ABIES M. BITER, ta r Host. S 5 and 56 Water Street, rxrrearunas, PA., twxuracrosza_ IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS. COTTER STaX PIPEi solasse MU.I. Errents, Axle sum rams WO= Pot Steamboats. SAPID Y. ...... D. BMW JARED M. BRUSH & SON, , lILLSP7ACTO7I3I3 07 Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. MEET IRON WORE, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, acc THE IIEST STOVES. L. BRADLEY Jr. CO. giusaietarers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating .Stoves, TO BE 'FOUND IN THE BTATE. bole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning .Orleytm Stoves and 'Furnaces for Bard Coal or Coke. Best In the World for Farlor,Ogloe. Store or Church. Eire needs no reldndllng—burns all win ter. Do troth ty until you see or send for Oircular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Onr Agents for Orlentals—DEWlLEß. BEM.. Smithfield et.; enco. HUBLEY. Allegheny City. Bilrflll6ll3 C 0 KANOPACTIJIIXEM OT Z PYAt PLUMP OP 23 11 X 1 C 0 -BOSTON , COOSTNG RANGE, THE FIERY FURNACE," Fos WAIGLING lIIIELDINGs. TUE NEW ANTI-DIIE4 COOKING STOW:: -BEGTI7..ATOR.., COLVAIIIIA. COOK STOVE lIAAME fsizlrllnlrol.:3l4&aktrit.A73.l,B'lll§4 B 8 Braricmmvicksbfree tror e. dlrt and dut 206 and "20S Liberty Street, 5e25i,17.. PITTSBURGH. PA. 0001 i STOVEL 6 FOR 811'17.1111N OUB COAL. . , , • Wriranted to Cooki.Bako or Boost so frill assay other 4 Store to the trldella & 00.,- ° u aB6Liberty Street. ISE co o,: coszu . coArol ISIPON,STRWART & CO., 71‘T,ed their 4sie to PITTBBIIROH, PA. ItANIIIIICITUIZEB 07 CET TFtE BEST. BISSELL CO.ll. TRIUMPH, Leo a h$ d Ind tos'tte: ,; ~'~~''~e~~~' sago ciogLAND core. NO. 56`1 _ !. tut" ay hiclir 2nll)szactisrtoltLOOlt , kre prom_ 712561:14.', unzarr alvs MAL wee4i&ve4 el e lowestlootbet Price. _ orders nut their atm or= i 0 them through the Iglu be to TONE Wietyr COMM ON • - Arichine stmis • _ Work a l Northwest cokner Of West Common. .111egbeny. I,lll3lDrir. ATVATEIn , & CO. , ' Save on hand or repare on short pollee Eteartb and isten stones, - Tlairs for Sidewalks, Brewer' var.tts. a,e. Mead &Ltd Tomb StoneN 44. Orders promptly executed. Prices reasonable FORT Pill BAIC CI COMM. No. 169 Woo Street, CAPITAL, : :: : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DWai3l 3 1.24 PlEk SECURITIES AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TUNE DEPOSITS . • Collections made on el/ acceasible points in the Unitedlitotes and Canadss. DIM: if no. 0 !Jibe!. i bt. H. Kin& ndiew Miller. • ames Ilf. Ballet. - - D. Hostetter. James Gordon, D. Wildlnce, K. Fawcett" IMAM Me D. LEFT NATIONAL BANK Of. COlllllOl, Cor.. of Wood and Sixth Sts.' A. PATTERSON."... ..... JOS. U. LULL CAPITAL, .1 s : $500,000. DrSECTOES: t Oeorge W. Cass, It R. Palmer Wm. Douglas. Wm. Reed. i HART, CAVGIIEN & CO., BANKERS ,ANO BROKERS, Corner Third arid Wood Strada, prrTsig o n. Ps.. 1 tal/C7)ItS TO NA, HART a CO., Exchange, in, Coupon 1 And particular attenti ion paid to the porch 1 an elle of COVERNMENT BONDS. i ligt,tl.TLiciorL_____ ►. Patterson. wns.. R. Brown. Chas. Lockhart, Dan. R. Davidson. W. B. Haven. DISCOUNTS DAIL' are:cen N UOLMES SONS, lEU!L.Xg.X7I€S9 67 Mark t Street, Prrr'rl9l3l:ThU3lll, .PAL. Collections made on all the princiPal rlnte Pt the 'United Btatea and Canadaa• Stecks,lkmds and other Securities Bomar , AND SOLD ON COMMISSION talPardo.ler attention +id to the Wettest and e of United States Seeu.rities. 1.30:41 11OLLIR SIAINGS After the First of March Next, Wilt be.closed on WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, And open daily from 9 o'clock A. at. to 3 o'clock x., and on Saturday Evenings. fel9:eBS ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBS' W. C. IWYMDIA, ItA.NHPACTURP.B, OP LubriCatiDg & High test Burnie; Oils. Eclipse Railroad Azle 011. Stands great heat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather._ . Leeotuotive, Engine, Reehtne Shop, wia cot screw.. , , Saw Will awl Planing 011 s, Adapted Ibrhigh speed. Splindle 011, Weeread-Llghtoll, • 011, Tanners' Stuff- Beusole, tug &Finishing OlL ,Gasoline , Romeo. Oil . !Par/saline: ABHOR VARNISH, to pmserve Bright Iron Wcrk and Machine t i e ftout east. • • These products manufactured under Dr. Tweddle-,s_pstent Superheated Steam in Vac tool Thei Luhricattng Oils are almost odorless, perfectly purg, uniform, and meetly light col ored, stand a highttemperature uncliann4,_ and remairtlimpld during extreme cold. The Bauroad many!unequalled, and are In constant .use on f the principal Railroads Samples eau be examined. and' orders left at 174 WOOD STREET. Wort,' at Sharpsburg Bridge. WARING AND KM% iConuntsaton Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum and its Producti, DALZELL'S BUILDINCctiI.IQUEBNE WAY. Pr 1143 /0 16 # 9 ramAi;2ll,l4," WAKING , 'RING & CO., iIIACH 111191 141 , - 00BIB&ION:, BinCHANTS, I - , 1 „;a63:iaLlHal§tEr'‘ : ' • •. Petroleum s and its' ' • produ c ts, I. 'i ltubl ig thr ee .- 114 1 1Nringi — tnets., ~ , earner oi gnome Plifladetphi iotllce—lLSll"4.l44l7T 81'. ,-solorso . , r IXIS,NDKRG. G HADIOES. DMltiorin 01,4WoliKs; -WI • -LON 0 , 41c , C0.•• bckqviisits j Plttathrgii; l l. 4, 4o SIMETINGSAIMBA.TTING: 1101aYfihnizz &c9r• ANCHOR COTTON MILLS NMI Many ficlii of =AV! MZDW sad LIONT JIBICHOS AND IiA6IIIOLLI svrVETINGS AND BATTINV. Cgai . I trilON PACIFIC BillWlY BONDS, The cheapest Investment now In the market for sale by PH. R. _, Corner FIFTH A:VE.ITUE & WOOD ST - BEETS. .Also, dealer in Go4 u rnment Bonds. Odd and Coupons and Europe Exchange at maexlrket rates. d . 1 Co.,' JAS m L'; 1 RADY & (Successors 13.\ I JONES & C 0..) I Corner Fou h and Wood Sta., ES AL 1V MI 3EL IS, i 1 ' BUY AND SELL ALL 'BINDS OF Tammy, Preys. OF. cashier. GOTERNKEIIT SECURITIES, AT 11 A. N. OILS EMI 427 Walnut. Street. Prkr‘rithEta SOLD, AND COUPONS, ON MOST 4VOBABLE TEEM. "sr Interest .4lowed on Deposits. Sar Money loan on Government Bonds at ow est market rate Orders execu a ted for , the Piirchase sad hale of TOMES, BONDS arid GOLD. T. BRADY & CO. JAMS - , butO etaitt4. Els Mitt FINAPIC ,AND TRADE, Ovirtmov Prrislnnuss GAZETTE, MONDAY, March 8, 1889. S The uncertainty as to who is to be Sec retary of the Treasury, since air. A. T. Stewart has preferred to resign rather than having special acts passed in his favor, kept gold and bonds moving up and down to-day. Gold, which opened before the board at 132 declined to 131)4, and bonds opened weak, and dull at a decline of from One half to three-fourth per cent., and closed a - shade better, especially for old 186`2.'s and 18+355. Bonds are now regarded rather high for _home investment, and the amountioffered on the market in crease daily, and unless we have a rise in gold the European markets can not be supplied at present quotations leav ing a margin for the exporter. The ease in money however is rather favorable to a 'further advance, as ultimately higher quotations are , looked for in Europe. Stocks have improved somewhat but the market has shown, no strength so far, the tendency being for lower quota tions although a weak attempt may be `made to advance prices now for the sake of selling out. Business is rather quiet as it always is on an unsettled market, in the gold premium especially, when lower quota tions are expected by dealers and import- ers. , in local securities very little is doing towards opening of the spring trade. Quotations as received by Ph. E. Mertz: Gold, 131%; Silver, 125; Eighty one's, 116; Five Twenties, 1862, 118%; do 1864, 114 g; do 1865, 116 g; do 1865, Consob3, lag; do 1867, 112%; do 1868, 112%; Ten Forties, 105 g; New York Central, 60%; Erie,---; Reading, 91%; 'Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad' 118; Ohio & MiseissiPPl. 33%; Michigan Southern. 96g; Cleve land & Pittsburgh, 88%; Chicago & Bock Island, 27y; Chicago i& North Western, 81X; Chicago a North Western Preferred, 90g; Adams_ Express Com pany, 63g; Merchants 'Union • Express,_ 17g; Pacific Mail, 100 g; Western Union -Telegraph Company, 37; Gregory, 2,10; Quartz Hill, 76; Corydon, 10; . Smith & Paimele, 1,40; Am. W. Express 45. --Closing quotations received by James T. Brady - & Co.: Gold, 13135; United States Sixes, 1881's, 118; 6-20%1862, , 118 g; 5-20's, ' 1884, lug: - 5-20's, 1865, 116 g; 10-40's, 105 g; 5-20's Jan'y and July, 188 e, 112%, do. 1867,112%; do. 1888, 112 X; Seven Thirties, par less X; Due Com pounds, 119; . Ten Forties, 105%; Union Pada° Railroad, par; Central, 103; Cy. Pacifies, 101%. for Telegraph-6 the Pittsbragh Gazette., Nave YORE, March 8, 1869. . The Express says the chief topic con versationof in financial circles to-day was - the political situation at Washington., Early in the day Mr. 'Stewart:a- resigna tion was reported, which was quickly followed by the announcement that . Boutweli would succeed him. This was , snoceeded by telegrams to the effect that 'Boutwall'i chances were 'slim and that Stewart had requeated the President to ~. appoint David A. Wells, coupled with the, report , that the-President hid asked until to-Morrow to-oonsider . the matter .and that - the - Senate .k had adjourned. The latest teieg. ratocireported 'great excite- Metit in Political .circles at Washington: Thee° varied reports- created 4 dt:settled • feeling here, and geld fluctuated ' rte. quently, • while • operations in - Govern ments . were - cheesed '. to -. a ' ~ f great extent. ' The `-most . intense Interest Tdanifested was relative -to the -.new Cabinet- and "the new Secretary of the Treahuter and his policy:. Ttie counition. of certifying checks by banks for hrokera before Ihe , funda , are in, bank • attracted much attention. , The banks -hay°. net yet received official notification of the Tasiageof the law from the mptroller of Currency; but many Of hem refused' to certify to.day, while. of era continued I tiq k .the old -policy. _ The law le , likely to be evaded. ass broker in credit - may, by keeping-4We , tkan . 000unti, :draw 1 checks ftom one s tuild de it them is:the , . other, provided he mak em. good . bee. fore the close of bank ho - .... ' '; Money quiet and easy t . o@lo On oath Sterling quietist •108%® 09 . for _6O ~ day. bills, and 109%©109 % . ft, sight. Gold, firmer , and c opened at 1 ;I- fell to •131.% and olosbd at ..131%.'..j.a0 s Mere - made' 4e at .4©5 r cent. for car. ling to.. flat for bortv gi„:01010020x3: ,u3,000 - ,ooti. Go ments opened ' active : at. a„de: - cline o % from the highest sales of Sat urday, and ,specniatiVe holders showed a disposition to sell, and in some cases were making engagements for future delivery. The'decline.e n London has PAP checked purchases! for shipment. - At the afternoon board there as an im provenient of %@% per', cent w ., and the market closed steady at an advance. Coupons 'Bl, 1166116 g: do. '62, 118%0 118%; do. '64, 114g6114, do. 65, nos %116 1 ,4-; do. new, 112N,C!112%; do. '67, 112%6112%; 1 0 -40 s, 10 / 5g®105%. State bonds firmer with advance in some :cases; Mis-,ohris quoted at 89%@, 90; new Tennessee's, 67: INorthCarolanas , 58%059; Virginias, 60062. -, Railway Market opened strong, with an advance of 1;0% per cent. on: closing rates of Saturday. Theadvance iltras not .: fully maintained at the morning board, '; but after 12 o'clock the market was again strong. New York Central and Missis- -, - sippi Southern were features, the foruier reaching 160% and the latter 96%. -- Reading was also noticeably active, and touched 914.: Next" in interest 'were Rhode Island, Pittsburgh and North • Western. '- Miscellaneous and express shares were also strong. After the one o'clock board, there was a general reaction of g6;i -- -' per cent., but subsequently prices once .more recovered irons the depression, and the latest operations were at about the highest quotations of the day. Rhode . , Island was the great feature, and closed nearly 3 per cent.-higher. A rumor that that the _Legislative Committee would: report in favor of the New York Central scrip dividend, was the immediate cause of the advance. • rive-{f l irty Prices:—Cumberland, 373. 38; Wells Express, 3110331%; American, *6-15%; Adams, 63g€,63%; Merchants, 17.617 g; United States, IS; Quieksilver, 24%645 ; Canton, • 59',5660: Pacifle Mail, 100%@100% Western Union Tel egraph, 37637%; .laripbsa, 17g61735; do. preferred, 33g633g; New York Cen- Aral, 1609eD13 , ,ii Erie, 36636 g; Hudson, 137%6138;Reading, 903,-,!(90%;" Harlem, 1356136; Terre Hance, 36638; pref., 656, • 65%; Wabash, 66%666%; do. pref 4776 77%; St. Paul, 66%666%; do. preferred, 78%0678%; -Ft. Wayne, 11861184 ; hi Cn and Mississippi, 33%@33%; Michigan Central, 117. , ,611`8; Michigan Southern, 96%@96141 Indiana Central, 13834@1 39 ; Pittsburgh, 88%669; Rock Island, 1290- - 129 g; Northwesterr, 81%681%; do. pre \ ferred, 90g690%; Chicago and' Alton, 152; C. C. &I. C. 68%; lake Shore, 105; Dubuque and 'Sioux City, 107 g: St. Joe, 110. Mining Shares dull; Gregory, V-5; Smith & Parmelee, 140. . ._.- -- Copper Stocks at .Boston--Calumet, 50; Copper Falls, 15; Franklin, 2035; Han cock, 5%; Minnesota, 3. Receipt's at the Sub -Treasury, $7'99,494; payments, $946,515; balance, 486,777,268. The imports of specie last week were $75,821. , EGHEN Y CATTLE MARKET. 'OFFICE OIF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, / , - Moxy.s.y, ;Niarch 8, 1869. CATTLE—The supply was not up ,to. that that of last week, only 737 agains. 900, but the market I seemed to drag, 'and there was not that lxiuyaney and activiti, which usually prevails when the numt ber on sale is so small. The butehers, for some cause or other, did, not take hold very freely, and although I there . was a very fair attendance, they seemed to be very timid and hesitated more than usual—perhaps they thought that by holding back they might be able to do bet ter., As already intimated. however; all kinds of stock were held at fall prices, and both buyers and sellers knew that that the number on sale was too small to• • expect any decline, notwithstanding, the market.was a dull and sluggish one. The great proportion of the stock was from ..; Chicago, and, as a general thing, about up to the usual standard in regard to- ",,•;. quality. , ~ • , Prime to extra Cattle may be quoted at B®B%. geod to medium at 6%®7%; and stockers at 5®5. Fresh Cows range- all the way from s4o®tBo per head. Bulls unchanged at 5®6. _ John Kerwin sold S head Ohio stock ~i on commission, at 634®7; Blackstock & , 1 Hazlewood 80 head, Illinois and Ohio "'l steers, at 6%®8.%; Hedges & Taylor 42 f. head mixed stock, at 534 WI; Nicholas ,i, Carr 40 head commission stock; Smith lit _ Blue sold 15 head cows and steers, at s(gi. -. 7 1 7 eta; Greenwald & 'Kahn 57 head Eh- 1, nois and Ohio steers at 7340835; S. Marks & Bro. 56 head Chicago - steers, at 4 7%®8%; 3103. McAllister sold 40 head ri Ohio cows and steers, at 6®9 eta; Traur- 11 . man &Lohman sold 85 head; stockers, `,,,, at 5%; fat cattle; at 73.,®8/;L. &J Sham. 0 berg 52 head Chicago steers, at 634 ®834; !, Holmes, Lafferty & Co. 71 head mixed stock at 6,87®8,25: E. Katz 17 head Chicago steers at 634®73t,; Peter Hart man Z 2 head Washington Co. steers, at 51,4 ®BN: Jas Kerr 5 head -Whashington ,i. Co. steers and cows, at s®B; L. Keefer 21 '',„ head Chicago steers, at 7®B; Jacob Needy 54 head Ohio and Illinois steers, f'. at 6 ©B%; Zeigler 20 head Chicago stock Haas & Kraus 45 Chicago stock, at 6®B; •ll M. Verner 40 Chicago stook, at 6®B; L. --, Rotlichilds dr. Co. 20 head; Gamin & Bee- •,,: ler 14 head Butler Co. cows and steers, ri at 434®634; Stakely & Bro; 13 Butler Co. l'- stocklit 5®635. SHEEP There was an unusually - 4 ' small number of Sheep on sale to-day, , only, about 400 head, and with a fair re- ~.-,,_ tail demand the market was very firm , . and prices fully sustained. ' The demand, 1.:4 however, has fallen off` wonderfully 7,-:.. within the past two or three months, :,:i_ which is owing to the advanced prices having retired nearly all the "curb t.,,-- stone' butchers, they not being able to.„ ~.- r !' stand the advance. As will be seen by ~1 reference to the report' of sales, prices 1. , . 7 7 ranged from 43038 as. per pound, gross. iF,..- Jas. Kerr sold _O , head commonish • -_-,., Washington CO. sheep to John MeAllis- f ter at 4g. MeAlllst,er afterwards sold the same bunch of sheep to Hoffman 'at i.:';'%- 4%; Jam% Man reports having-retailed 1 ... 74 head of prime to extra, at 7®B; James 5' . ,-.'-:i Shaw sold 60 head of Penna. sheep at 5 ;.`-, ,, 14 ®13%; Garwin & Co. glad 95 head unsold, , '"-!!`,. 1 anti.. ' also had 66 head F Stakely'& Bro'''';' unsold, --.-. I - l" .• - • ck::z HOGS—The - Market - was irk* quiet.l.--: 3 ' ,1 - the dematid being light and entirely of t ' --. a r -, . , retail - ':character. ' Prioes remain-about r.-_-.. the same as last week, ranging from 11® 18 eta gross—as to' quality-some few choice, perhakki, brought atilt:tarter or halfmore ‘ t. • ' v...i. , ,- , . : Drst Gt ods Market. -,- - ' i- s -:' • . /TEAT .Y4Mt.E,Ma ell 8.-;The . dry 'goods trade is still nos riaated,tnt prices for t l .. " :: , 1 the most ~part w well , sustained and 1-.-- -; an improvedin ry le Anticipated ere i - 7.-- aheetin*l634o 7e, • for goods ll , k to e cor Cabo ie long. 'Standar makes heavy brown i';: , A,. A.ppleton A d Indian Head; Dwight f r.' 45,, 1214 c; do P, .1 1 4,c,t do R, 12e; do Q, 15e; I. g• - , GreatlNdbi l 13e; do J . , /3%ei .do ii S, 14c; i I. f do B, 16)(c; do , 14c.1 . do B, 11c; do W, l ;Q:oder:ptoertrequen, at t ..... 93,c; do bleach° it, 21; do bleached Q, - , ", 151.6%. do bleat) ed-414c. Printed and k, regard to that fat u slie r t e si co n f ten t h he u colored nori4ot he cottons: dry uniform rites. e are recpiested by ed- L. : tin,' Dell & Co., or Baltimore and Nuews tet 1: the statement made 111 its bust issue with enough firm r i . t latter . 0 : r p i a t A y y ," m i t York, „ i h s av th il e ig h , o a ikti. appears, is notaffected -by the suspen sion, cents on the do ar. RE 1111 NI