The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 09, 1869, Image 1

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proceedivigs of ths!LeilLsl4re
Variety of Petitioni, Itenion
stranefs anfi Is Presented—
Resolution Ratifying the Fif
teenth Comititational Amend
ment Pagseft by the House-
Death Warrante . liignedhy the
LBy Tele.graph to the PhtsburgliGazette.l
HARRLSBIIIIG, March 8, 1869.-__
The Banta met this evening.
Mr t ,GRAHAM: Supplement - for the"
Sharpsburg and 'Kittanning - Road Com
.P•stiy• • r
- Mr. ERRETT: Relative to grading and
paNing streelp in Temperti3" vine; reg
. .
nlating lateral railroads; i eorporating
Pittsburgh Land an& Homestead Com
pany; extending time of collecting botm
ty tax of 186& .in Tirentum; authorizing
commutation of sentence to Penitentiary
for geed behavior; for better assessment
of taxes in Allegheny county. ,
Mr. SEA RIGHT: To arithoriza_the
Managers of the Uniontown Gas and
Water. Company to transfer its fran
chises; to repeal the prohibitory liquor
law of West Newton and Mount Pleas
, ant, Westmoreland county.
Mr. LOWRY: Joint resolution ratify
ing the Fifteenth Constitutional amend
ment.. Heferred to Committee •on Fed
eral Relations.
A cOmmunication from the. Governor
was read, transmitting the Fifteenth Con
stitutional amendment, for ratification.
The Rouse met this evening.
, A larke number of petitions were pre
Mr. W ILSON objecting to the custom
of handing them to the Clerk without
reading, on the groune. of interference ,
with the right of petition, the Speaker
ruled the paint well taken.
The use of the Hall was granted to the
State Agricultural Convention on Wed
peadav afternoon.
Mr. WILSON presented a petition from
stellevue borough, Allegheny county,
- . -wive to the sale of liquors in said bor-
T e --- . --- . - 4 llegliteny City for a
engin aiso," from ..L.. . \ --° *he Com
change of the license laws pi .
monwealth; also, for the yepeal"Of Scott
township roadla • ; also;remonstrance
from property Alders n -Se c ond &ve
;tnie r W . Mbowhi-ngairs* I .
tion of the : Drinsby Passenger Itituvricir
' Company; also. a remonstrance from Al
leegghen y City against thebill relative to
cea pf said - city; also, a petition
from Pennsylvania Cong r essional Repre
eentatiyes, asking an, ap p ropriation of a
sufficient mum to pay for colossal bronze
statueiat ThaddeasStevehs.
~ .Mr. 'MORGAN, a petition .from. seam
s/4-onm .of Allegheny county, praying
f* the -exemption of su ng machines
from sale, or distress' for nt.
Mr.MORGAN, of Allegheny: Exempt
ing sewing mabhiniaa,from levy and sale
on.execution sind distress for rent in Al
legheny •eountY.;... ineorporating Alleghe
. ny County Monumental Associatisn.
Mr. WILSON, of Allegheny: Repeal
ing the road biw in S6att township, Alle
gheny; relative to to egraph companies,
requiring them' to po t up, lists of rates;
increasing tax ,-on d, canal and
transportation companlea; authorizing
. the , School - Board' il O'Hara.-District,
_Twelfth ward, Pitts urgb, to purchase
. yealestate to enlargelmallowingthe
ii#,,; p_eoplez of : Tann:lto= vote on granting
'1 l iquor licensee; relative to appeals from
arbitrations; .providing additional Aare
. nue ftn. State, lanrpoSes, which imposes
- -, tax, on disttibll snis, -petroleum, es an ,
. . thracite coaLand bo omcompani.
' Mr. iIticCULLOUGH, of Clearfield: A
resolution yeturningto the Senate the tax
- billoni the ground that all such bills
~ must:originate in...the House. Adopted.
ii Mr- DAVIS: A joint resolution ratify'
the Fi ft eenth tionstftutional Amend
. ment. Adopted. I", ,%. • . .
Abolishing printshMent , of death. and
providing for punishment of zhnrsjer , in
the first degree. - I
Mr. SiThglitS,.or Philadelphia: Author
izing the. Adjutant Getreral to, sell or ex
• change,- unavailable artps and military
stores. 4 - - 11, j'"
Mr. Bi 7 NN4 of Philadelphia, .oint
' tresolutialfmrging Congress to place sol
lifers_ of 11312 upon the - game footing on
the-ion wiles those of the--late war.
- 43.raniwtrawns Isserm).
, .
The Govern* to-day signed the death
warrants' of Gpo. L. irertohell; Jr., and
' tGendd Eaton; saf Philadelphia, for axe
imitictn pi:l'Thursday .&pril-Sth.
• " tiantti and Central American News.
ißy Telegigthate<the "PittsbarzkvielmoOte.3
Nor_ Youu.' Horeb .7.—The &steamer
•: Star from Aepinwall brings 138:4-
.000 is specie and, CaUfeltda oewepaPers
of February _
• Soegb.Atnerioaroadviees are or little?
interest. The yellow fever still rages on
the 'ester easest of Peru. Theklolombi.".
artOongms reieeted the proposition to
annul the deer,* bastitsblog illoaquera'a
sons. The leading loternid-of,Bogets.ol3-
posed the Dorton cum, treats, and it is
,salittheCongiresa will xeject but the
.srpuments` against the treaty' Are very
'weak and it %evident tbetnalwobjeotion
is to get alt the moue+, poedble from the
Vatted States. ,
• 'FromCentral Atui lfoleseetnes'HOWEl that
- Buena bas been re.eleebed Pres/dent of
I Salvador% - and that the eboek of an
earthquake Nait felt in the eity, of that'
name On. February 2d.
El° ol 4 ll fts.
i CBylrei - ..h- tolie Pittsburgh Gazett e . )
{ , ' Rof t . an,, March f4--Samnel D. vh urs '.
I ton, Ri .übliqull was . 6 /eS.ted• Mayor re;
IO " ivittic 1,283 vo aitabl..• 7 e 4 for nick.
' er;Deettoorat_ _ ~. ' ' • , • t-'
I ' " AnatteriiMarob .B.—At tfie, city; :
i too toilaySaMnel Titcomb, Republican,
for Mavor received 969 votes, ' and wil„
' Hams • peinbera_
_,t 672. •,, • ' t
i ' , n:on.tiono, march B.—At the city elec.
I ton to day'the Democrats elected Jaa, R,
Clark •• or •
, by l 124' majorityl4
. -
- .
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. )
WASHINGTON, March 8, 186 P.
Messrs. HOWE and CAMERON denied
making certain speeches attributed to
them relative to Mr. Borie.
• Mr. CONKLING introdnceiiii bill pro
hibiting secret sales or purchases of gold
for the government. Referred to Com
mittee on Commerce.
A joint resolution requiring parties
asking relief from political disabilities
to make application to Congress over
their signatures, setting forth the
grounds for the application, was laid on
the table.
A bill supplementary to the National
Currency act was referred to the Finance
'A bill for the better Protection of the
'lives of passengers on steam vesselg was
referred to the Committee on Commerce.
A bill granting an annual pension of
$5 1 0(10 dollars to Mrs..l,incoln was refer
rpd to the Pension Committee.
The following standing committees,
were announced:
Foreign Reiations—Mesars. Sumner,
(Chairman,) Fessenden, Cameron, Har
lan. Morton, Patterson'and Casserly.
Commerce—Messrs. Chandler, (Chair
man,) Corbett, Kellogg, Spencer, Conk
ling, Buckingham and Vickers.
Finance—Messrs. Sherman, (Chair
man,) Cattell, Morrell, War
ner, Fenton and Bayard.
Manufactures—Messrs. Morton, (Chair
man,) Yates, Robertson, 33oreman and
Agriculture—Messrs. Cameron, (Chair
man,) Robertson, Tipton, Gilbert and
Appropriations—Messrs. Fessenden,
(Chairman,) Grimes, Wilson, Cole,
Sprague, Sawyer and Stockton.
-Military Affairs—Messrs. Wilson,
TChairman,) Howard, Cameron, Morton,
hayer, Abbott and Schurz.
Naval A/airs—Messrs. Grimes ( Chair
man,) Anthony, Cragin, Nye, Drake,
Scott and Stockton.
Judiciary—Messrs. Trumbull, (Chair-
Man) Stewart, Edmunds, Conkling,
Rice, Carpenter and Thurman.
-Post Office and Post Roads—Messrs.
Ramsey (Chairman) Pomeroy, McDon
ald, Harlan, Cole, Gilbert and Thurman.
Public Lands—Messrs. Pomeroy,
(Chairman) Williams, Tipton,Oebern,
Warner, Sprague and Casserly.
Private /Kind Claims—Messra. Wil
liams, (Chairman) Ferry, Sawyer, Kal
i logs and Bayard.
Indian Affialm—Messrs. Harlan,
(Chairman) Ross, Corbett, Thayer,
Buckingham, Pool and Davis.
Pensions—Messrs. Edmunds, (Chair
e. Corbett, !Thayer, Backing
" -cis.
ham, Pool and Lin
rensiona—Messrs. Borni...—
tritiu); - -Tiptesi, Spencer, BLAU,—Brown
low, Schurz and McCreary. ,
Revolutionary C/aims—Mesara.. Yates,
(Chairman),_ Pool, Fowldr, Brownlow
and Saulsbury.
Mims—Messrs. Howe (Chairman),'''
Willey, Scott, Sprague, Robertson, Pratt
and Davis. •
District of co/umbia—Messrs. Hamlin,
(Chairman), Patterson, Sumner, Rice,
Harris, Pratt and 'Vickers.
patents—. Messrs. Willey, '(Chairman),
Ferry. Carpenter, Osborn and Norton.
Public Buildings and Grounda—Messrs.
Morrill, (Chairman), Trumbull, Ferry,
Cole and SU:Orton. . -
Ter, itories--i•Mesars. Nye, (Chairman),
Cragin, McDonald, Schurz, Howard,
Boreman and McCreary.
Pacific Railroad —.Mews. Howard,
(Chairman,) Sherman, Ramsey. Stewart.
Wilson, Drake, Rice, Abbott, k enton and
Mines and Mining—Messrs. 'Stewart,
(Chairman,) Chandler, Anthony, Yates,
Ross, Sanhibury and Fowler, •
. On Beuision of Laws of United States—
Messrs:.Conkling, (Chairman,) Sumner,
Carpenter. Pool and Bayard.
To Audit and Control Oantingent Exgen
des of Senate—Messrs. Cragin, (Chair
man,' Edmunds and Davis.
Printing—Messrs. Anthony. (Chair
man.) Harris and Casserly.
Library—Messrat Cattail, (Chairman,)
Howe and Fessertden.
Rnrotted Bills—Messrs:Thayer, (Chair
man.) Patterson and Abbott. I
Engrossed Bins—Messrs. Rosa, (Chair
man,) Buckingham and Norton. •
Mucation—Messrs. Drake ; , (Chair
man,' Morrill, Pomeroy, Sa wyer and
Corbett. , • - • -
A Joint Committee was , ordered to ex
amine all applications for relief from po
litical disabilities, to consist of four Sen
ators and i fourßopresentatives. ,
Mr. MORTON introducod 41 joint reso
lution to refund to- the States interest
and discount on money borrowed, to
equip, Iranspirt and supply troops for
United States service, Referred to the
Military-Contraittee, •
The bills heretofore laid. on .the table
were .referred to the appropriate eons
znittees. _
The District, of Columbia - Equal Rights
till, pocketed by the late President, was
'taken np end passed. ..
Mr. ROSS introduced a bill to pay tors.
certain fortifications in Kangas; also, to
encourage, Jorest growing; also, to ap
;point a eoinmirsion to galley claims of
citizens of Kansas; also. as to -elan= of
Certain counties in Kansas for apoliattqlu
1 ,ecnnmitted by. Quantrill. All were ap
propriesly referred.
Revi l Dr. Newman was elected Chaps
lain, receiving thirty-five of •the sixty one
litotes east. •
Mr.TOMEßOY.introduced a bill , for
the ifo,Ahes securinglbf.. eqaal rights in.
the Ilistrict of Columbia. it' strike* out
the word "male." The .one already
p~aa.aed strikes out the word 'iwlaite.')'
Referred to. Committee on the District.
Mr. ROBERTSON introduced a °multi
tiational amendinent.
Hostas Items--Another Pardon Recall-,
ed--Bant Burglars.
Br Telegraph to the Pittebriro Gazette.,
13eiroorr, March o:—An official order.
from the State DepartMent was received
by the UnitedStateaMarshal, on Satur
day' evening, recalling =the pardon of
Martin. , defaulting ashler Of the Hide,
and Leather Bank; but it came too late,'
the pardon havinfs ; been placed in Mar;
tin's 'hands between Saturday night and
Monday : morning. t.
Burglar's labored hard to break =into
tbo 'Vatilt of the Pr'eemati'll , National
Bank. ; They removed a quantity of
brick work, but failed to foss an ou
Cabinet Rumors—The Treasury
Department Hatter—Mr. A. T.
Stewart Has rot-Yet With
' drawn—He Proposes tojllake
Himself Eligible Under the
Law—The Bush of Office
. Seekers-214. Washburn As
sumes His Hutiel as Secretary
of State—Exit Hinckley. -
LSI? Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
A special to the Philadelphia Telegraph
says: In a conversation with Mr. Blaine,
the President replied, that as Speaker of
the House, and under the circumstances,
he (Mr. Blaine) had a right to know. He
would, therefore, be frank, and say to
him that Mr. Stewart had concluded to
resign; that the Massachmetts delegation
would withdraw Mr. Hoar, at the latter's
request, and that be would appoinC
Governor Bbutwellas Secretary of.tlie
The Boston Transcript publishes the
following dispatch : ' , Late last night
Secretary Stewart determined to with.
draw, and President Grant sent for Gov..
Boutwell and offered him the Treasury
Department and be accepted it.. Judge
Hoar will not, therefore, go into the
The applications for positions under
the Government received at the Execu
tive office are already overwhelming. In
All cases it spay be stated they must be
made to the Cabinet officer in charge of
the Department in which the office is so
licited. The President will not consider
any such applications until they have
passed through the head of tba.fiepart
ment to which they The Prosi•
dent will receive official calls at his of
fice each day between ten and twelve
o'ctock, and after twelve o'clock no one,
will be admitted, excepting Cabinet offi
cers and those with whom special engage
ments lave been made. Cabinet meet
ings will be held at twelve o'clock Tues
days and Fridays. On Tuesday this
President's office will he thrown open to
general visitors between ten and twelve
o'clock. ,'
The subject of die Secretary of the
Treasury was mentioned In caucus, but
laid over, it being understood that the
President will withdraw his recommen
dation for the repeal of the Treasury De
partment law, in which case Mr. Stewart
will necessarily retire from the position.
' - ---ow; shows that if brought to a vote,
Congress vOnlir
to pass the proposed measure AE I'Vtlattal
Secretary Washburne attended to his
duties at the State Department to -day.
A large number of members of Congress
called on him. No changes are yet an
nounced of subordinate - positions. About
32 o'clock the official notification of the
acceptance of Mr. Washburne of the Sec
retaryship of State was forwarded to
each member of the resident diplomatic
corps, and invitations extended to them
to call on him as soon as convenient.
—^ds, (Chair
The Commissioner of Internal Reve
nue, Mr. Rollins, on the 6th recom
mended to the President the immediate
dismissal of John M. Hinckley. The
President to-day referred the matter to
the. Secretary of.the Treasury, with an
endorsement that the services of Mr.
Hinckley will be no longer required by,
the government. Upon which.acting
Secretary Hartly notified Mr. Ilnekley
of his removal from office.
The friends of John A. Griswold, of
New York, are anticipating a change in
the Cabinet cast and are urgently press-.
ing him for Secretary of the Xing.'
• ' Gen. Sherman will give up the build
ing used at present as the Headquarters
of the Army and take possession of the
roomsin the War. Department at the ear;
Hest practicable moment.
The Senate Republican caucus this
morning agreed upon the Standing Corn
mittees to be reported for the approval
of that body.
The report that the bill providing. for a
grant of land to the Denver Pacific Rail
road was not signed by the President: Is
a mistake. It is now a law.
The raimbei of office seekers increases.
Hundreds were at the -Capitol to-day.
Cards were continuously, sent into the
Senate to call Republican members oat.
and when that body adjourned, the ap
plicabts rushed into the Chamber to
press their business on" the , attention of ,
Abe Senators. Apart from duck proceed,- 1
Ingrkiffeirts are 'Wing made by subrO
mites in the various d,epartmenis to ria..
cure bureau and other higher positions,
elpation of removals.
Various rumors prevailed to-day. not ,
only at the Capitol,-but throughout the
city, relative to Cabinet, hangeik They
were Idueel mbre - bn what *ixilitichnis
desired to . Accomplish thsi on anydi ap
on to facts. It
that P
stn the
'Republican canons to-day that President
• Grant- wouldevitbdraw , request for
the modification of the act establishing
theTreabliVoPliftine.b4o4o this IP was
thought wo uld necessitate the, with
drawal of Mr. Stewart. and heneelieoes
)hli Cabinet
programme...L . llot Mr. Stewart has not re
tired, and, the statement is made on good
authoritfthat be lias.beeh throughout id
full accord with Gen. Grant; that ,it has
:been distinctly tuidenkiod between them
that he .1011 not allow biMmdf,bl a
appointment WI embarrass 'Pre ss
Grant lathe slightest „degree, and if it
shall be found inexpedient by Oongrestl
to relieve Mr. Stewart, it is understood
.tie%wlll withdinw.l' stewarti
ever, will notlrece de, if he can-accom
modate his extensive bOiness c° l2.3° -
thins so 'elite obvhit&the dlffloultyoind
inithisi view lie has offered to make an; ab
solute transfer and' disposition qf 'all
proiite arid - Interests '.,which may be
. • \
orvicz sEmrEss.
derived from his busineis while bere
t:mins in office, the transfer to be made
to three' eminent gentlemen as trustees,
who shall.have the absolute disposal of
the profits and revenues for the use of
public charity In the city of New York,
the trustees to select the charities and to
be vested with absolute control and
power in the matter, Mr. Stewart there
by to diyest himself of any Interest what
ever In 'his business. -
delivered no opinions tc-day, as had been
Mr. Seward Going South—Pardons to be
illisregarded-1190.030 Lost by Fire—
Express ,Compauy Litigation—Bogus
Check !Ben Cdught--Legislative Infes
{ ugating Committee.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
NEW Youx, March 8, 1869.
Mr. Seward proposes to make a visit
before many days to Atkin, S. C., partly
tor recreation and partly to pay a visit
to Mr. Weed, of whose rapid improve
ment in health he receives very, gratify
ing. reports.
It appears notices from Washington
were sent to the Superintendents of. Al
bany and Sing Sing Prisons to disregard
any document purporting to be h pardon
for Eckel or Blaisdell.
lEarly this morning a destructive fire
occurred in Dey and West streets. It
originated-in the third floor of No. 85
Der street, occupied by Mayhem and
Schenck, fish merchants, whose loss on
their stuck is 530,000, halt insured. The
Upper floors were burned out, involving
a less of from 50,000 to EB,OOO. Nos. 8.
and 87, occupied by J. K., Morgan and
T. C. Kimball dt Co., were Slightly dam
aged by water. N 0.121 West street, oc
qupied by ?Coombs and Appleton, flour
and feed dealers, was also much( injured;
they lose 520,000; insured for 581500. The
whole building was damaged 58,000. In
No. 119 West street, was Young and
Pratt, flour and grain dealers, who were
injured 515,000 by water; fully insured.
The buildings are all owned by Gould
Hoyt, whose loss is 5a0,000; insured.
Total loss, $90,000.
The•pilot boat Josiah Johnson was run
into and sunk Saturday night outside of
New York Bay by the schooner Wanata.
The crew wore saved.
The litikation against the consolida
tion of the American and Merchants
Union express companies came up to day
before Justice Cardoso, in the case of
Harris versus the Companies. Counsel for
plaintiffie read voluminous papers, after
which the counsel for defendants read an
affidavit of the plaintiff in the case, to
the effect that he had been deceived and
misled; that he had no legal or equitable
cause of action against the defendants,
and that the; suit was brought in in
terests adverse to the stockholders of the
Merchants Union Company and at the
instigation of speculators in Wall street.
1 The Judge then, at the request of toxin
sal for plaintis and by emend of defend.",
ant's counsel, postponed the case.
Henry Staten was arrested ttsday for 1
~,,,s tiaasindie the Chemical Bank
""." obit - 5
by a formed check Belreoer
flaunted m. H. Chambers for'delFfuld; - 1
ing numerous tradesmen by means of
bogus checks to the amount of 51,000.
The Assembly Committees to examine
.the effhtis of the Merchants 'Union Ex
press Company and the various railroads
chartered by the State, have returned to
Albany. The former took no testimony.
The session of the latter, which was
short, was held with closed doors.
Jno. T. Martin, of Brooklyn,contributed
the cost of the expense of the American
Methodist Theological Seminary at
Fran4fort-on-the•bOine, recently dedi
cated, amounting about four thousand
franca. • .
Militia Othcers Resisted in Mississippi—
. One,of tile= Millen.
Telerraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette./
Mvaitruii, March S.—Captain Haynes,
of the Arkanaas Militia, accompanied by
Sergeant Brown and Finch of the Metro
politan Police, with a requisition from
Governor Clayton, of Arkansas, approved
by Governor Brownlow, went to Horn.
Lake, Missouri, twelve miles below here,
yesterday, for the 'prispbse of 'arreming
Cub Harland, a notorious Choctaw Indi
an, who had fled from Arkansas. In ap
proaching the house Cub, who evidently
suspected, their intentiorr, met them at
the door , with a revolver in each hand
and- opened tire on the party, shooting
Sergeant' Finch through the body, pro
ducing a Wound ,front Which he died.
Captain Haynes was also shot twice in
I.the groin and dangerously -wounded.
Cub then fled.._ Brown; and Captain
Haynes were under-the impression that
they had badly wounded the Indian;
but later reports state. that : he returned
to the house where the affair occurred
last night and stole two horses in revenge
fpr his supposed betrayal.;,, Finch was a
dative of Ohio and served in the Union
Memphis Items.
thy Telegraoh to the Pittsburgh Gasette.l
MustraiEs Mai& 6.—Owing to the ex
citement' in regard to Mejor,Earl's case,
Judge Lee withholds his decision until
Allllll4l4k*MeffJ.? H. Caraway; who
,of lands on President's
- brought to the 'city thiS morn
-ing badly wounded by a party of negroes,
who allege ttft Carraway had burned
some of their dwellings in order to get
th r eat Off the lands. In their attempting
to arrest him he had started to run, when
they shot him. He new lies at the eta;
tion house suffering intensely.
Joseph Little, a member of the Ar
kansas militia, was exeduted at Marion
yesterday ftor Murdering and robbing
John Davis 4 citizen of _Mound City,
about a month since.
Virginia Republican convention.
(By Tetegreph to she Pitcsberxh useette:l ' •
. ItivEINOND, March B.—A large numb er
of prcnniuttnt Reptiblicanis are here to
night with a view of attend iug the & a t e
Convention' at Petersburg to-morrow.
The fight for nomination for. Governor
will be bet Ween Wells and•Clitments. A
warm time is expected at the , Convent
tion. as the charges recently made by
'Senator , Nye against- Governor Mails,
connected' with the State internal,lm
nrerernente;,will be brought ffp'•by his
t6pponents.' 31. H. Chandler; late Vatted also promi
nently named for Govern er . • - -
• iiialat,DßnielNblif,'" id th e teat
ter of ) the ,1i03i4 - ..,-.l.rofu anee • Comp y,
hood' bberw . oommenced in the Circuit
Court at :Elmira, If: T.,yeaterday
„.• 2 1
.ttraph to the PlttsbUrgh Gazette.l
1.001.1, March 8.--.ln the House of
Comm ha to-day !dr:Childers, First Lord
ofAdollralty,announced the oovern4nt
would be able to reduce the naval -esti
mates by a million pounds.
-tEy Tel
DilAntun, March B.—At the session of
the Cortes to-day tienerals Serrano and
Prim both said they were in favor of
cranting . pardon to all persons condem
ned for violal ion of the laws regulating
the public press.
LONDON, March B—Evening.—Consols,
for m0ney,•92,‘©923 4 1 for account, 92%,©
92%; Five-TWenties quiet at 82%. Stocks
dull: Erie, 24%; Illinois, 97.
Tallow, 475. Sugar 'quiet at '39s. 9d.
Turpentine, 325. 9d. Linseed Oil, £29 9s.
Calcutta Linseed, 58s 6d.
ANTWERP, March B.—Petroleum quiet
at 58 francs.
FiLkNIIPORT, March B.—U. S. Bonds,
87 1 / 4 .
, IDIA.vBE, March B.—dotton active; on
spot, 142%, and afloat 144 francs. '
LIVERPOQI. ' March s.—Cotton quiet;
Middling Uplands, 12d; Orleans 12Nd;
sales, 12,000 bales. California white
Wheat, 10s. —4d.• ' red : western, 9a 3d:
Flour. 24s 6d. Corn, 318. for old, and
30s. for new. Oats, 3s. sd. Barley,' 59'.
Peas,42s. 6d. Pork, 978. Gd. Beef, 955.
Lard' 74e. Cheese, 76a. Bacon, 598.
Fine Ttosin, 15a 6d. Tallow, 455. 9d.
PA.Ate, March B.—Bourse quotes renter
at 71 ranee, 10c. ,
closell RE, March B.—J.Evening.—Cotton
i s
easier but not quotably lower.. I
Li nroor., March B.—Evening.—Re=
fine Petroleum closed at is. 18d. i
The Insurrection In Cuba—Rebellion In
Mexleo---Negrete Routed.
CBI Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazetto.3
HAVANA, March &—The Government
has made public official giv
ing details' of the advance of General,
Lesca from La Guanaja to ;Puerto Prin
cipe. On this, march the heaviest en
gagement since the beginning of the
rebellion was fought. General Les'ca
found the enemy to A th i l i number of four
thousand strongly en renched on the
Sierra de Cubitas.Artillery was brought
up and commenced a vigorous tire. Cov - -..
ered by the batteries a column of regular
troops one thousand five hundred strong
attacked the enemy's fortifications - with
the bayonet. , Both aides fought.with de
ter ination and the havoc was fearful.
Gen ral Lesca reports his loss
kill d and eighty wounded. The loss of
the ebeis is estimated at one • thousand
killed and wounded. The Government
• acedunts claim a victory for Gen. Loma,
and assert that the insurgents are much
disheartened by their defeat: ' --
A detachment which left Puerto Prin.
cipe for Santa Crae to obtain supplies
; brought to that poi; by•the'lleet, re
on the 2d instant With - the pin.
• VieledalraUd si , lfil nunltlon,Juselnig_peaele
- --Is Witadiitintaftria:
• The entire available strength of the
rebel fOrces now under Qnesada is eel
; mated at seven thousand.
I The steamer from Vera Cruz brings
the following news: General Alatorre,
in command of the national troops, came
up with rebels under General Negrete, at
Attasca, and after a sharp engagement
routed them. General Male:was killed,
and, many of the rebels taken prisoners.
Negrete himself escaped with a few ad
herente,- going ins southerly , direction.
Gen. Bocando's cavalry are in clsse•pur
snit. Col. Procto, implicated in liegrete's
movement,was captured near Vera
Cruz, taken'to that city, 'and shot. Gen.
Amador also joined Negrete, but cannot
be found. Ile probably acconipanled
him in his Bight. The Mexican Govern
ment is sanguine of completely crushing
the revolt.
The Insurrection at Merida, Yucatan,
is, over. The ringleaders were caught
and all shot. - •
Gen. Itosecrans, United States Minis
ter, has frequently bad private inter
views with President Juarez. It is sup.
ppsed that questions of great importance
are under consideration between them.
There is much political agitation in
the Capital. The opposition accuse the
President'and his Cabinet of corruption,
which they 'declare is- increasing daily.
They report that - Lerno' De Tejado
is buying up extensive and valuable
proberties, while Senor Romero is send
ingflarge sums of niOney .to the ,United
States. They also assert that Tejada is
unfriendltto /tomer°, and is trying to
have him disibiseid from thirCabinet:
that the influence of the former is su
`preme with Juarez, but that other Min
isters take the part of Romero. .
General Pakten() has pal dished a letter
on the - eonditiOn 'of the - country, -- which
hasgiven rise to much: excitement., He
considers the administration of Juarez
unecival to the task of the Government.
The Two Republics, ajourritilpublished
at the Capital, manfully defbridel Ameri
can interests, and-replies With courage
and vigor to the tiptoe attacks made on
the United States by Mexican journals.
ELtvirra, March 8.-v-'l%e• commanders
of a British gunboat and French steamer.
which arrived to-day, report, they passed
in the Bahama 'Channel , the Peruvian
monitors in tow of two steamers, with a
Spanish nutwof-war ibllowing in the
- General Puello-left the tom" ,nf. Sante
Espiritu and divided .his command into
three flying eolumicto soon the country.
. , The .M.rto reports the rebel leaders in
the province of Santo Espirita have de
serted their men in the Eastern depart.
- ment:„ Bandit are roving between laol
quim and Gibracca and are'oommitting
great depredations and outrages.. They
carry a rebel flag, but :are .disowned; by
the insurgentsand denounced as bandits.
A steamer, arrived today from Cien
fuegos,with a' number of pritionere;
among Whom were four priests. •
Sligar quiet, sales at 9% reale. ,
. , Union Pacific Railroad.
• CB7.Teiairpph to As P;ttaburqh Garotte.) '
Oxman°, March B.—The Union Paciflo
Railroad track passed Ogden, Salt Lake
Vlley, this evening. The road is now
clear and through trains are running to
the end of the track. '
1 ,
-=A: general commercial convention
i. oets at Memphis on the 19th of ltay.
D x•President Johnson and other iprorhi
:at men have:aiready signified their
tention to , beent. 1 •
pres ,
Ladles , Home Missionary Society.—
The fourth anniversary of this Society
took place on Sunday afternoon at Christ
M. E. Church. By request of Mrs. S. M.
Kier, President of the Society, Rev. Dr..
H. INErler nresicltd, and W. H. Kincaid
performed the SeOr — etarial duties for Miss
Mary Runnings, the regular Secretary.
After the opening exercises, singing
and prayer, conducted by the venerable •
Rev. Charles 7'horn, of Ross Street M.
E. phurcb, Mr. J. H. Hillerman read the
'report of the Corresponding. Secretary,
Miss Mary S. M'Kee, in which the work
of the Society and the success attending
its labors are grouped together in ari ad
mirable manner, showing how much
good may be accomplished by org.anized
and systematic efforts.
The report of the Treasurer, Miss
Sarah G. Shepard, was also read by Mr.
Hillerman. The total receipts for the ,
year from all sources amount to $3,140.88,
all of which was expended, leaving
still, a small indebtedness unpaid. Be
sides the contribution of money, a con
siderable amount of clothing was -also
distributed to destitute persons, valued
at 'hundreds of dollars.
Rev. Warner Long, City Missionary,
under the auspices of the Society, pre
sented a lengthy and interesting report.
The following summary shows the char
acter of the work for the year: Mission
ary visits, 1,088; public religious services,'
123; pages of. tracts distributed, 10,000;
Sabbath schcols. 6; scholars, 849; officers
and teachers, 113; books in -the schools,
1,411; conversions, 10. • .
Rev. W. H. Locke, A. M., pastor of the
Liberty Street M. E. Church, and Rev.
Dr. Nesbit, of the Christian Advocate,
delivered brief, but interesting ad- .
dresses. Late as the meeting was pro
tracted, these well known ministers held
the attention of the audience until the
close by the interest they. inspired in
their speeches. '
Throughout the exercises, excellent:
singing was interspersed under the lead
of Prof. Horner, with organ accompani- •
merit by Harry Kleber, Esq. Exercises
closed with-doxology and benediction.
The SocietY - was immediately con
vened, and nominations were submitted
for the Board of Managers for the ensu
ing year. All the.churches had not fully
reported. The following , were 'lonians
ted and elected:
Liberty Street Church—Mrs. W. H.
Locke, Mrs. A. R. Fulton, Miss Mary
Hunning, Miss A. Grier, Mrs. M; G.
Curry, Miss Nannie Hay, Mrs. W. Dravo,
Mrs. M. Sutch.
Smithfield Street Church—Mrs. Rev:
•H. Miller, Mrs. J. Grazier, Miss M.
Elliott, Miss S. G. Shepard, Mrs. M. But
ler, Mrs. J. B. Stewart, Miss Mollie'
Irwin t Miss 3. A. Bowers. • •
Christ Church—Mrs. L. F. Mt3r.gan,
Mrs.. S. M. Kier, Mrs. A. Bradley, Mrs.
J. H. Elbert, Mrs. J. Moorhead, Miss
Mary S. McKee, Mrs. W. Vankirk; Miss
_Mary Galway, -Mlis Mary Friend, Mrs.
Dr. Coffey.
Pennsylvania Avenue Church—Mrs. -
McEwen, Mrs. S. H. Walter, Mrs. E.
Trinity Church—Mrs. T. S. Hodgson,
Mrs. J. Paisley, Mrs. J. S.,
Centenary -
J. Morrison, Mrs. K. Moore, Miss M.
Wesley Chapel—Mrs. J. G. ' mattbews,
Mrs. D. taw, Mrs. M. A.,Farcell, Mrs. I.
Birmingham Chapel—Mrs. George
Dpncsn Mrs. Mary Challpor, Mrs. F.
McKee, ' Mrs: Amanda Felker, Mrs. Rot -
ert Wallace; Mrs. David Taylor. '
' South Common Church—Mrs. Ann E. ,
Benney, Mrs.- Mary A. Chantler, Miss
Mary. F. Robinson. Mrs. H. Forrest, Mrs.
Mrs. Mary A. Boreland.
Temperanceville—Mrs. John Wood,
Mrs. S. Ryan, Miss Mary Mclntire.
Mirkets bi.Telegraith.
ORLEANS, March 8.--Cotton, fair
demand; middlings 28344 sales,' 3,000
bales; 'receipts, 3,679 bales; no exporta.
Gold 1321. f. Sterling 1433. Commercial
1423,@1427.4. New York sight X pre'
mium.- Sugar dull; common 12,,cc;
prime 15X; yellow 16;1. Molasses,
prime 75@62X. Flour dull; superfine
$6,25; • 'deuble‘ ' extra sB,7szi treble do.
88,76. Corn 78@80c. Oats . 80c. Bran
$1,15. Hay, prime $29,00. Pork doll
533,50. Bacon lower, 1434 e for shoulders.
Lard dull 19@ 2 2` o.' Whiskey dull; wesc
.ern rectified 95©1,02. , Coffee firm;_ fair
15>A6e; prime 17,, , ,®18x. -
BUFFALO, MarchB.LFlour quiet and
steady. Wheat nominal. Corn—new
scarce and advanced; sales 15 cars on
track at 80©82c; .old- nominal, at 90e in
store. Oats nominal, at 6.5 c id store.
Rye firm, at 81,35: Barly dull and, firm;
Canadian, 82,10. Peas quiet and lower;
Canadian, 81,30 'on track. Seeds quiet
and steady,
,Pork lower, at 833,50 for
heavy mess. Lard, 20®20)ic. High
wines; sales 20 bbis at 91;ic.
ALBANY, March S.—Cultic Market.—
Beeves—sales 'rather slow and the - sup
ply is rather large. and the Prices are
(i)%c lower; live weight' sales thus - far.
1,260 head at 667fic for light common
Michigan and State: 7,aBy 4 c for fit to
' good western, and 9@9%0 fbr prime to
to extra Illinois and Kentucky. Sheep
—sales 8,000 head, punting from 85 to 108 .
pounds at 7@850. Corn fed hogs lON@
116; store pigs 12c. 4
. .
Ciaaeao, March ,B.—. vetting,—ln the
afterncion wheat was in fair demand
for No. 2 spring,* prices ranging at
1412% ig51,13, and closing at 11,18. Corn
and oats inactive and noudnal. In the
evening there was but little doing; NO. 2
spring wheat was held at $1,18@81,13%,
seller. Provisions 'were dull and ,un
changed; the sales being confined to
100,000 ponndsrejecteddry salt shouldera
at 100 cash.
ISIEMPIIM, March 8.--Ootton 28yi@g634;
receipts, 1.501 bales; exports, 083 bales.
Flour dull and unchanged. • Corn 75c.
Bar 87500@28,00. Oats 75@ 7 7 0 . Bran
23@24c. Corn meal , _ 13,40050. 2ork
$33,8% Bulk .mests week. Clear sides
103,0. Shoulders - 13340. :.Dx,essed begs
SAw Fit&worsoo, Mardi &—Flour dull,
at 14.75@)5,60. Wheat quiet and dull. at
111,55®1,6 5 . Legal Tenders, 77, 1 1 '. Trio
Savage raining : company has declared a
diviaend of four dollars per share for
February, payable the 11th hot. i
1 13
Sr.Lorrisr . March B—Cattle Mare-
Cattl9 in fair reques and Prices " E l re s r
13®70 gross. Hog* m *§@l,o3/, 0 gro
receipts 400 head - .l .. • ...,,...., • '' "
. --------
_ i . in
—The Swiss Conaul,bu-inidanbuden,...; 0.
Switzerland transpor teg .PauPets*--l9-
i s t
bonds and aria:duals to the UnitedB a e .