t DUQUESNE WORKS, COLEMAN, RAM & CO,, IttIIIIIfa,CLUrtTII of IRON, :NXT.V4, STEEL, AXLES,AND SPRINGS, ltncineame Iron, Sheet and Tank Iron, Juniata Iron, Wagon Box Iron. Charcoal Iron, Cytinder Iron, XL Iron, Flanged Cutter Bars, Guard Iron. Drag and Dropper Bars, T Rail for Coal Roads, Iron Wedges, Plat Ball for Coal Roads, Boiler „Iron, Crow Bars, .Chaln Links; Boiler Heins, Itteel and Iron Harrow Teeth. Carriage, 'Wagon, Beat and Coach "tprlngs, and Axles all styles: Blab Steel for Flows. Cultivator Steel , Wings and Moulds cut to pstteru. FsAing_ steel all *Res, A. B. Steel and SteelTlre Steel Crow Bars, , Steel Shafting:lce-- . • ALL GOODS FIRST CLASA AND WANRAN - 43r011ees. and Works 16th street and Alle. Mheny river and 17' WATER STREET. Pitts. 'burgh ___ GOEVFROY DBMCIM & CO., 42 Exchange Place, New York, . Are prepared, as Sole Agents in the United States for the Prnsdan 'alining and Iron Com• .. Dairy of Duisburg, 'Westphalia, to contract or• tell in quantities to suit purchasers, t delivered in ither New York Or Philadelphia') the celebrated N r . G. SPIEG-ELEISEN • - a se d so extensively for the manufacturing of BEISSEDIEU ' STEEL. )This Iron 15 free from dtdpnr and Phosphorus, I • and contains a heavy per cen' age of 3I an ganesb. gull particolas, samples, prices or chemical ' analysis will be promptly forwarded on apolica , ation. jta):(178 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. MGM, mmicK & col _PITTSBURGH. PA.; Manufacturers of; every description of CAST AND GEB3LiN STEEL, B AnAt armies, - ELIA: c A N PARFELMIREP,RING% U. ita Warehouse, 88 Water AM IN First Fits. ISiTLLER, BAER & PARKIIy. GYNSIEULTA vavrarzas: METCALY. GEIIBEN MILLER, GEO. W. BARR, ICHAS. PARKIN. BPBC!AL e#11757.11-9. M. KIEL CRESCENT STEEL :WORKS, =WA BARR & PARSEC . , Office, No. 339 Liberty St, - PITTBBTTBSI;f, PA. ftl4:d4B BLAeK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS• PARK, BROTHER_ & CO., ltanntazturers of all descriptions of gErriNEElLaa,'. Deice and Warehiiase, 1221. 124511C0ND and /19 and 121 STBICISTS. IRON WORKS. - - JAS. VISITSR, Preet W. P. POUTIS, Sinn. PITTSBURGH FORGE AND IRON CO., ILA strracTiumsus or Bar Iron; Railroad Fish Bars scut Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods: Yokes, Straps; ristoh Reads; Steamhost Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; piston Bodo, Wrists; lEltntan Jalis, Collars, ate. II OSlce, No, 177 PENN STREET, ALLERSIIRSEN PROMS. The Trustees are now orepared to grant licen ses for the use of the ELLERSILA.USEN PRO. OESS. The superior quality Imparted to good iron, the great improvement in inferior iron. and the reduced cost. commend it to all manufacturers of iron. Parties wishing to nselt can obtain licenses by applying to ' JAMES P. SPEER, Attorney for the Trustees, • OFFICE, 860 PENN STREET. Pa:riles interested - are • Invited to visit the BuozNßEßG.tit 'WORM. where the process is now in successful operation. feBidt.7 EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works,. Warehouse,- Nos.. 106 asio67 TIMM ISTREICT. oopoate Monongaaela - Hronse , GH.. 1024:0 PITTSBUR NOVELTY WORKS, pnTSBUBGS 1410V-KIATY WORKS. Founded A. D. 1833. ADAMS, /11'11.2E & CO: sErsistrirs EITATip gr ARD.ilailiANK PAT . - BST) PLAS 0101 A.ND ct/UNTER SCALES. Janus laced Patent Dow Lc)clos and Latches, Pa nt and Cone Atilt% an. y PBIES OP FIRST AVENOZ_eflliAla 871, pittsbilialsoirellh4; GAS AND STEW FITTING. • - iosx Y. coorxe atom ILATII....IISIOIT Bna. joie( N. COOPER & CO. BRASS rot=f23) 3 ,, GAS OD STEAM FITTERS,' Nanifieinfall Mtn of eve T 4: UN 3 °" 1/IserliattoglN ; gaii i ir d vn OAS Maw uP AND % ferief Pike and Walnut Strada, NTrTSBURGIT. FOUNDERS, MA 6 ......, 12:___:: KNAP FORT prrr FOUNDRY COMPANY. t TWELFTH STREET, ' PirrSl3l:lltGß, PA. lorprgines, Rolling Mill Ma citinery, Nail Machines, Be torts, and Castings generalt. mom= NATIONAL FOL7IIIIIE ARO PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Smallman Streets, WILLIAM SMITH, OAST IRON BOWL PIPE My rives axe all east invarlablyln rho, 1n dry sand . , and 12 feet lengths. Also, fp assortment of general . • Castings for Gas and Water Works. 'would also Superintend cll the attention of ents of Gas Wo rke to my make of RETORTS ATLAS WORKS, _ MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLED, President. These Works are among the largest and most complete establishments In the West, and are now prepared to tarnish PITTSBIIRGII. 171t0g. PA wriliscringss, Or (NINTH WARD,) •, PIT'TS33"CrIteB. PA. Dlatrafooturer of YOB GAB AND wl,Tzx WdBXS. prr.rsmivuon. Engines, of ever? deseriPitinn Boilers. Oil Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. Rollins' lin] Casting". Engine Castings• Machine CastiniCs. General Csstini[s• • ORDERf3 SOLICITIED n09:n69 ROBINSON, BEA bf. CO.; Successors to BOBISSOS: MINIS i mnaxas , WASHINGTON WORKS FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manntiettirer. of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines, Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions: CU Tanks and Stills. Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. IS, comer lint and Smithfield Streets. Agents Boi I sFAMD'S PATENT ENJECTOB fbr reedingrs. jall:rs3l IVrONT BLANC FOUNDRY. "Putter Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union IronsXllls, PIYIEBURGH. Rolling Bill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES ; MACHINERY AND °Armes GENERALLT. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. EBBEIff Nana% oets:l23 THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, BANDCBEY BT., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., Mantdiseturers of Steam 'Engines, 011 Presses, Pulleys, Shafting, Grist and Saw Mill Work. Bolling Mill and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, Etc. Blind to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. mvlAnti CENTRAL FOIO3!DR AND ROLL. WORKS sso perm Street. BOLLXAN, BOYD & BAGAIEL ChM Bolls, 11111 Castings. Roll Lathes. &c. 'LUMBER. 'LUMBER LUMBER!!, j " .a ALEXANDER PATTERSON. Dealer in all Rinds of. Lumber. ON rum) AND POE SALE 1. 000,000 feet Dry Pine Boards; 150.50 0 feet lyi.and 2 inch Clear Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 1% inch Common Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 1 and 2 inch Oak: 25,000 feet Dry 2 SW and 3 inch Ash, 5,000 n. Dry 31 EI•C herr i Ma r e ' 50,0 00 ft. Dry 1,18,;51 and. 3 inch Pop ar: 10,000 feet Dry poplin' Santling; 250,000 ftevßeintoo. Joists and Scanting: 150,000 No, 1 184nch Shingles, sawed; 250,000 No. 110-inch Shingles, 40,000 No.l 154nch Shingles, stayed; 40,000 Fire Brick; 1,000 Fire Tile. 100 Tons Fire Clay; TARIM—No. 80 PREBLE 'STREET. formerly Zganchesterosnd 151 REBECCA STREET,eppp site the Gu Works, Allegheny City. UO2l IRON BROKERS. SAMUEL wicsEasuAls - IRON sacurraz, 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, . Pa. Agent for the sale of Cornwall, Donghamore, Josephine, Isabelle,Duncannon,Stanhope, Olen don. and other brands of Anthracite. Youghio gheny Coke and 0. B. charcoal. PIG IRONS. (Inuit giunente are most resnertfults snttott•d COPPER: riAKE 811PEISIOR o "OPUS MILL AND EINFILTDIG WOMB . - - PITTSIFInteII. _ PARK,, & C 0.,. ganuineturerr of She Brasiers* and Belt 'Jopper,Pressed Copper . Bottoms,Raied Still Dot tonisl3peiter Solder. , Also, Importers and Deal ers , At gets', Tin Piste, Sheet Iron, Wire, de. Con *tautly on Nod Tiunerslidaehlues and Tools. Warehouse, 140 FIRST STBILAT and 100 SECOND ETNILET, Pittsburgh. Stssetil orders of Copper out to any desired plkt- WS. • 1nt*14T34447 I'ITISEUEGH GAZETTE: 11.0NrAY, MARCH 8, 1869, 11110111 BOLE & COI, Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., (NAR saa rotar,) Engine Bui/ders, Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT 'ENGINES and STA TIONARY YNGINES of all alzes. fd. y eclat attention invited to our new STATION OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER , of 15-homemower. CASTINGS. of every kind. made toorder Mous Foundry, on THIRD STREET. below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHAFTING. PULLEYS, HANGERS,HOUBE and TOBACGO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the • INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Blver, near the Point, ag- All orders piomptly flied. TRY LIB. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL ABB TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, ÜBULAR. DOYIBLE-TLUED TIIBIILAB. lelli& T -801 AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL ERS. VIL STILLS, AND OIL TANK% CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH rem, OTTLING PANS. BALT - PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES. GASOMETERS AND IRON f.. ) th 3RIDGES; P ON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES Oinee and Warehouse, corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. ,per Orders sent to the above address will be romotly attended to. : -InIi7:1111 '[ATM. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER IVIAKERS A.ND SIiEET IRON WORKERS, IQO9. 20, 22, 24 AND 26 PRIM 8T Having secured a large yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. chimneys, Breeching , Fire Beds, Steam Pipes. Locomo t ive Boner's Condensers, Salt Pans, T anks. 011 Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pane. Boller Iron. Bridge,. Sugar Pans, and sole manufacturers of Barnktir s Pat ent Boile. • Repairi rs ng done on shortest notice. %Cal JAMES urrEn, Nos. 55 and . s6 Water Street, IRON. OIL TANKS, ESZTTLLNG PANS. corm{ ISTEMI PIPE B.OLLING MILL !STACKS. JAZZDA.»..ZDYVND D. BIOME JAILED M. BRUSH & SON, ILANTRACTDDISS OD Steam Boilers, Oil . Stills, Tanks. SWEET MON WOES, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &43 TILE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO. Slannfaetoren of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. Sole Agents for the celebrated Base Bunting Om ate), droves and rail:Mee, for Hard Coal or Coke.liest In the World for Yarlor.Oglce, Wore or Church. Fire needs no rekindling—burns all win ter. Do not b iy until you scp or send for Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Orientals—DEnßlLEß BROS.. Smithfield 131.1 GEO. HUBLF.Y. Allegheny City. Star RUNS& CO y. NANl77l.CrattinS 07 XTZAT VARIZTI 07 firrCioiTMOlS _ . BOSTON COOKING RANGE, "THE FIERY 'FURNACE," 'TES NNW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE. •REGULATOR." COLUMBIA COOK STOVE. VAN'S tOincinnatt Pattern) PORTABLIE BINGE 0 %ST IKON MANTLES. WBLLMAN'S REP LECTOR, GRATEn, tree from dirt sad dut; GOATS. imam, NENDEKS, de. 206 and 20S Liberty Street, ••• PITTSBURGH. PA: COOK STOVES. FOR BITUMINO US 00.4 i. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as Nen as any other Store In the Won. PITTSBURGH, PA. lICANOTACTIIII3BB 07 PITISEVEGEI, PA.. lILLACIACTUIIiII 01 And SHEET L130:I .WORIL, For Bteamboata FOE WARMING BVILDINGO CET THE. BEST. BISSELL * CO.'S TRIUMPH, BISSELL & CO., No. 235 Laibertv Street. A lin on hand and for sale. PARLOR STOVES, To REATI e N ME frI VI ATZENDKK S . COOKING NOES. no. COil AND COKE. COAL! COAL!! COMAS! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., • Bating removed their OfMoe to NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately City Flour DOM SECOND ELOOR. . Are now emend toforalsb l iood YOUG)3IO. oktßsy LIIIIWIP, Nl= COAL BLAZE, attic, lowest morket price. .1 All orders lett at. their Mace, or addressed to them through the mall, will Do - attended-t 0 ,orcmirotiv. STONE lIVEST COMMON ' Machine Eitons Works Northwest corner of West Commen. Allegheny. maim 4vry At= & CO. Have on hand or prepare on short notice Hearth and 13WRI8tones, Triage italldewalks, , Brewere .Varlts, sc. Head en a Tomb Stones, is, elders Dmintly executed. Prices reasoltalga fal PITT BIKING COBOL No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : 5200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TINE DEPOSITS. Collections made on all points in the United States and Canadas. DIBSCTCBS • Jno. C Bieber, Bobt. B. Bing, Andrew J M Bailey. D. Hostetter. James Gordon, D. Wallace, H. FiIt,CPAS, ,LIJUILAN, Pres't• SLWL. Me LsoN. cashier. D. LET NATIONAL BANK Of COMMERCE, Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sta. A. PATTEASOA•• ...... --President JOS. U. HILL ,—.......---....—. oashler CAPITAL, : $500,000. DIRECTORS: A. Patterson, • ' George W. Cass, W oh m . -It o ß th rown iuu , Dan. R. Davidson, Iv 8. Haven. DISICOVNTS DAIL HART, CAVOIREV & CO., • BANKERS AND BROKERS, corner Third and Wood Hireettl, PFTTSBITP.GIII., PA., (BI7CCESSOBB TO HAItSA, BART & C 0.,) Dzawcas IA Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And , particular at i tf u lo a rt e paid to the purchase GOVERNMENT BONDS. sista, Drafts on London. Elyir.bra N. HOLMES & SONS, EiUN-ZZ 313.15, 57 Market Street, PZT 1 Bllh~' PA Collections made on all the principal points of the United dieted; and Canadae. Stochs,Bouds and other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION Particular attention paid to the porcine and We of United. States Securities. )133:11 DOLLAR WINGS BANK 9 After 'the First of March Next, Will beclosed on WEDNESDAY EVENING'S, And open daily from 0 o'clock A. 11. to 3 o'clock P. X., and on Saturday Evenings. fel9:eSS ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBE!IT W. C. TWEDDLE, Ware ACTUREB OP Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Eclipse Railroad . Axle OIL, Stands great heat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special 011 for tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive, Engine, Machine Shop, Wtir cutScrort. Saw Mill and Planing Mill Oils, Adapted for high speed. Spindle Oil, Woolillead.Light 011, Oil, Tanners' Stuff- Bensole, Ing dc Finishing OlLlGasoline Harness Oil ParralUne.i • ARMOR. VARNISH, to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from Sun. These products are manufactured under Dr. Tweddle's_patent bv Superheated Steam iirlac ciao. The Lubricating (1118 are almost odorless, perfec,tly'pure, uniform, and mostly light col ored. stand &high temperature unchanrei4 and remain limpid durinfl extreme cold. TheMallroad Otis are r unequalled, and are in constant use on many of the principal Railroads. Samples can Se examined and orders left at 114 WOOD STREET. Works at Sharpsburg Bridge. WARING MID KING, Connairsion Merelsante and Broken In Petroleum , and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY' rnirsia;rusai, PA. 111:7LADEL1EUL ADpItES}3, WARING, SING & CO., TACK attowarias, COMMISSION VaiLIICT:MS, AND DIALS.= Petroleum and its Products, pictourth UMee—DALSSZLL93 BUILDING, earner at unquesae Way sad Irwin streets. Philadelphia Offiee—lßl WALNUT BT. stol:w3o ; DMIXOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONG & co., Ogee, DALZELL BUILDING, felt Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. SEINETINGS)M IMTTINCir. 11, 6 :} 13 / 6 ." a1( . 30 1 ANCHOR COTTON 'MILLS. facturen of HEAVY and LIGHT MILHON AND MAGNOLIA orsianws A N D amnia. CENTBALIAND UNION PACIFIC BAILWA.Y BONDS, The cheapest investment now in the market for sale by , 3riairrz , Corner FIFTH AVENUE & WOOD STREETS Also, dealer In Government Bonds. Gold and Coupons and European Exchange at mdmaarket rates. JAMES Ti BRADY Str 3E3 11.2 4 7 15. 3S. fa, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AT 11 A. • Money loaned on Government Bonds at owest market rates, - . Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of :STOCKS,' BONDS and GOLD. OILS 127 Walnut Street. PlTlO3lllTitriEff. (Successors to S. JONES a C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., BUT AND BELL ¢Li. Knam OP VOLD, SILVER AND CO:IYONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERRE.. CRT' I4terest Allowed on Deposits. JAMBS T. BRADY.& 00. LlittslntrO etai FINANCE AND TRADE, , --- Oimineov Pxxxsiranext Gmtszirx, i SA.TURDAT, March 6, 1869. S The excitement in the gold, bond and stock market has surpassed anything ever before witnessed, not even the peri od of 1864 excepted, when the aggregate transactions, were comparatively mmall. although the price differences , were greater. The announcement of the new Cabinet, and especially the appointment of A. T. Stewart, of New York, the mer , chant prince, caused a general desire to get rid of gold at anything above 130. His adherence to, the free trade prifici , pies, and his known desire to bring about specie payment in the most direct way, disregarding the Interests of thusands t. of business men, who cast away one-haH can leas a ord to or probably two-thirds • ‘ of their possessions, for whioh they have worked and toiled a lifetime, are too well understood. Gold, which remained firm at 131% on the day of the inauguration 01 President Grant, touched 1301 4 ', on Fri , • day evening, and opened of 129 k on Sat urday, from which point it rapidly rose to 131%,and after again having touched 130% closed at 131%. The rise is based on the suppoiition that Mr. Stewart cannot take the appointment under an old law for bidding any one to hold that position who is engaged in mercantile business; and the decline in bonds in Europe end the general demand for gold by the import ing interests also exerted. their influence. The appointment of Mr. Stewart may be 1 flattering to that gentleman, but if he I should be enabled to carry out his well I known principles; it will and must I bring ruin torthe whole debtor class of the community, special y, which it should be the special care br the Government at the present moment to protect. It would indeed be a carious sight to see five sixths of our grave Senators who, voted for the increase of the copper tariff two i weeks ago, turn a somersault and vote for free trade. Already the free trade I l cliques of New York are raising money I to defray the expense to get matters in i shape. ' It is very desirable to have a free 1 trade policy established and get rid of an enormous burden that presses all classes except the rich manufacturer. But the time_ will not have i• come until every dollar of our greenback circulation is so far redueed that the residue im-con sidered a benefit to the country. and re tained only for convenience sake. As for the Ignited States bonds, tbe tendency is still upward, and must continue so as long as the almost worthless securities of European Governments pass at present inflated prices. Tne parties who kept down Government credit here were also, at work in Europe, and in Frankfort and Paris cliques were formed, assisted by the financial editors of the leading journals, to keep down American bonds for the sake of introducing the inferior obligations of other States contracted for by . the leading bankers; bat the low price oi - mir securities, the convenience of getting the interest collected cheaply. and the confidence of the small investor in the integrity of this nation, has at last made them the leading securities for in vestment with the middle class. It is predicted, 'and founded on good author ity, that even at par these bonds would be considered a better investment than those of any European government. The antagonistic position of Prussia - and France point to an outbreak of hostilities before long, in which event there would be a general desire to get rid of any EU 7 ropean State bonds.'. • The tightness of tho. money market greatly assisted in keeping down the prices of governments and stocks, but on the passage of the bill abolishing the quarterly bank statements , a better feel ing; prevailed.= and we may witness a general advance in prices, although the bank statement is unfavorable, caused by large withdrawals of gold to pay duties; and, as is quite natural, a falling off in deposits and legal reserve. An advance in the gold premium. which is looked for by operators and importers, would.give newvigor to the bond and stock market, although a quidkreacticin o i l" !nail =Ale looked for, one being de. pendent on the o er. and by the gradual reduction of the gold premium the cur rency prices of ad securities would also have to decline considerably, being, even for a forty per cent, gold premium, 'entirely,too high. , , _ Express shares, which were much de pressed last week, are recovering, and a firmer feeling lexista, but ev'entually these companiea will -be superceded by 1 'the railroadcompanies own ! , Arrange-. ment, and the B pro ve v ry ed a r uc ta e l an ar d rali busi ge: ment. Money ness very drill. • Closing quotations as reoeivett.by .lE'h R. Mertz: ld, 1303;; Eighty-9M)% 1 161 4; . fiVo•Tmientiesi,C 1862,1 .1163 i; do, 1264, 114%; do, 1865, 1123;; do, 1865, new. 1124 v do; 1887 i, 112%; • dO, 1868,' 1.12 X; Ten . Forties; 105% Rail do- =-- Cleve. land & Pittsburg:i 89 ; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago. IN; Chicago & Rock Island, 2534.; Chimer° & North- Western, 81 1 4* do Preferred, 893 i; Erie, --; New 'york e Central, 1,751; Michi gan Southern, 9534: Reading,, 91 Ohio & Mississippi Certificat .5. 33: West ern Union Telegraph Company, St3l;.i; Merchants Union E.xpress Company, 17; Pacific Mail, 90:3. , ,'; Adams, 62.!‘; Mning shares—Gregory, , 2,10; Quartz Hill, 76; Smith & Parmole, 1,50 Cory don, 10; Am. M. Express, 4t.. My Telegratai to the Pittsburgh tazette.t • NEw YORK, larch 6, 1869. Money easy, at 6©7 I. er rent. on call, • with liberal offerings at the close at 5 per cent. The change in the tiu eof render-• ing the national bank statement has cre ated some cheerful feature regarding the • future. Some banks, it islsaid, decline to recognize the law lo: bidding certifica tion of cheeks, except as against depos its. The bank statement is unfavorable, showing a large decrease in specie, con sequent on the demand for customs. There is a large falling off in legal ten ders from shipments to Philadelphia and a heavy reduction in deposits. The ex cess of legal reserve has decreased V.- 389,695. Loans, $262,089,883; 'decrease, $717,986. Spacie, $9,486,634; decrease, 11,345,967. Circulation, $34,215,855; in crease, $27,904. Deposits $182,604,437; decrease, $2,217,738. Legal t Tenders,s4 9 ,. - 135,369; decrease, $1,689.685. Sterling • quiet and steady, at 8%,t.8 , ;,; for prime bankers and sixty days, and 9%@93( for sight. Gold opened at .129 M, and upon doubts of Mr. Stewart's eligibility to the Secretaryship of the Treasury $ and the rumored falliof bonds in 1...0nd0n to 82'4, which is not, howskeri authenticated, advanced to 131 g, 'but subsequently reached to 130 N; closing, however, at 1311%. Export to-da, $105,554; nearly half to Havana. Export for the week, 11507,843. Clearances to-day, $132,060,- 000. The market ended \ quietly atter a day of great excitement. Loans were made at leus per cent. for `carrying to 1 fiat. Governments opened 'Strong . , but sub seqnently became helyV, owing to the failure of the Public Credit bill to be- come a law, for the first time telegraphed to London to-day. This is the reason why the London quotation of Five-Toren- ties did not respond to yesterday's de cline in gold here. The prices of the day have fallen largely, but closed. firm. Coupons of 1881, 1160116 M; do. 1862? 118%®1184 4'; do. '64, ,1x1434®1143;: do. '65, 116%411 6 y; do. new, 112 y, ®113: de. '67, 1123(05113; do. '6B, 1123i®113; Ten- Forties, 10534®1053:. State bonds quiet and steady. Mis- Rauh+, 8934 ®9O; new Tennessees, 65 30 2. ®66; North Carolinas, 58®®58X; Louisi- ana Levee Sixes, 71%®71%. The Stock market during the morpting was steady, though devoid of special in terest, though the larger dealings were in New York Central, Michigan South ern. Wabash, Pacific Mail and Mariposa preferred, while Express shares were exceptionally strong, with Adams as the • feature. The market ge ro nerally , became stronger, as the day pgressed, and in the afternbon there was a general ad vance, the dosing prices being the high est of the day. 'Almost cases. Five -thirty .Fklcav—Cumberland, 36 3734; Wells Express, 3034®31; American, 421‘013; Adanis,! 62%0262%; M ercriants, 17®17',; United States, 54; Quicksilver, 2424y.< ; Canton, '593-.‘®6oy,, ; Pacific Mail, 100g©100 1 ;4; Western Union Tel egraph, 36y, ®37; Mariposa, 14!4®143,1; do. preferred, 33,333 z; New York Cen tral, 158Wg)158X,; Erie, j 36®36,q; Hudson, 136.40136%; Reading, 91®91X; Harlem, 135®13634; Terre Haute, 366138; pref., 6534; Wabash, 6.59(®66; do. preferred, 764; St. Paul, 6535®65%; do. preferred, 77;a77 1 ,4; Ft. Wayne,•llB;4®ll9lA; Ohio and Mississippi, 33%®3314; Michigan Central, 1173{; Michigan Southern, 9534 ®96; Illinois central, 139 (0140; Pitts burgh, 89%®89% Toledo, 104%®105 ; Rock Island, 126®126; Northwestern, 81®81.1‘; do. preferred, 8934®895; 3 ; Chica go ez Alton, 158. Mining shares dull. Copper Stocks at Boston--Calumet, 50 ; Copper Falls, 15 ; Franklin, 21; Hecla. 80; Hancock, 530 Minnesota, 3. Receipts at" the Sub-Treasury, $823,998; payments, $1,2,59,474; balance, $86,924,285. Imports for the week—dry goods, - $3,- 507,848; generatamerchandise, • 63,747,593. 1111 PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH ' GAZETTE, i 1 SATURDAY, March 6, 1569. s ' WEEKLY • REVIEW—The market -• during - the early part of •the week was dull and langiAd, being devoid of that - • life and buoyancy which so long pre vailed, and, fora time, it looked as ifthe bears were going 'to have it all their •,. own way. Rumbrs were in circulation • that the brills had run out of funds, and had disagreed among themselves, and that the "ring, was on the point of _. smashing - ' subsequently, it was discov ered that these rumors were without ''; _ foundation, having been originated for effect;' and - right on the heels of this came the report that the production of ". February bad decreased between three and four hundred barrels per day, com pared with the month preceding. This being the situation to-day, the general feeling was al little bullish, and, while there was nothing done, there were but few, if any, sellers of either Crude or ,-" Refined at qbotations. While it was generally conteded that the Crude mar ket was firmer than en the day preced lug, there was an offer to sell Refined , for March, at slight decline, show ing that of all thi 9, the oil business is the moSt inconsistent--indeed, there is no consistency aut it. It would naturally _ be supposed at the one Would sympa- - tbize with the other, as they are insepa- I rably connec ed; but, as the market. ..-. stood to-day, here seemed to be no sym pathy. betty n them, for while Crude was very stro g and generally held at - a. sharp advanc , Refined, particularly, for March delive y, was weak and dull.- 'lt • is alai) a note orthy fact that the former has been rely ively higher than the lat ter all winter and this accounts for the - comparativel_ small amount of oil being made and ve light shipments. CRUDE—T e crude market as already intimated w - considerably stronger to day, owing m inly, we presume, to the i t reported tar g off in the production, and so far ase could learn, there were no sellers a yesterday's %notations. r Spot may be noted at 1634 to Lc; and the same figure spill apply to the last half Of March, as we as to sellers option's from March to Ju e July,' August or Septem ber. April tb July, say. 500 per month, was held at 17 at Oil City, with $6,90 of fered. ' . REFINE—The refined market was _ exceedingly- Wet and yesterday's prices 11 1, were barely stained. March, last half, was offered at 35c;, March and April to gether, was quoted at 35%®36c; and March to July was held at 36x to 37c, wl ß th E 3 u 6Si nuaii. bid. r now _ Receipts for the week 7,891; last. week 15,839; from I:: tel424sanetiine aLyalr 14130.:311pmentsRefined la ; ; : k:4; : 4; : istkli,337ifrcmt:tate4o6sanatime Sales 67,- llswe i B,2oo..- Ec Een li pse pse Red Wf ' n 'c l m roa ter il d l L ° ,ma ti A ri e c e at O in l g Ls . .. 0i1,..... : 4 4 35 00 .3 - Eclipse Machinery Eclipse. __/..piridle%' filn 750 I Eclipse Tannera' Stn - 800 • g '--- 400 I 'Eclipse Tanners', Finishing oil 650