NEW ILDVERTISEMENTS. 1:0041 1 A . MONEY ORDERS. Under guarantee of the North Gar man Posteffice thpartment, this office will receive inoryy to be paid by the respective Post Offices in the Confederation If EIEE OF CHARGE,. and a so pay all orers lulled by the various' Postodlces for pert es of this district, At - he Banking House of PH. R. MERTZ. zuhti:l63 • far -MASONIC. A convocation of the Officers and Mem bers of the Masonic Lodges of the Elghtenth Ptstrlct yrlll be held at The Hall, Fifth Avenue, AT 1 O'CLOCK P. II , ON MONDAY, March SVi!, To attend the funeral of P. D. D. G. M., CHAS SHALBH. Punctual attendance Is requested By order of • A. M. POLLOCK. • taha f 36 D. D. Grand Master. IiSSIGNEEIS NOTICE OF AP-- rotyrsiv:NT; estern , District of Pennsylvania, as: At Pitts burgh, , Pa.. this (1 , 11 dny of 3larch, A. D. 1889. To whom it soap concern: • The antler/oled hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as Assignee of THOMAS WIL• :SM.- of Allegheny el - F. in the county of Alle gheny an:. State of Pennsylvania, within said vistrict, who has been aeljuderrt a Bankrupt Amon his Own petition by the District Court of .011:1 Dietrict, _ r • .1. W. XIIIKEtt, Assignee, mhB;f7o af , Attorney-at-Law, 87 Fifth avenue. TILE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the Weitern Dls . ct . ' of Pennsylvania. JAMBS DRA.VO; WILLIAM B. DRANO :and. ANTHONY E DRANO, late partners, Bankrupts under the Act of Congress of March., ISB7, having applied for a discharge from att. .their debts. and other claims provable under said Act. by order of the Court, notice is hereby given - to all credliors who have proved their debts and •,other persons interested, to appear on the 1 18th day of Al' PIL: 1509, at RI o'clock A. M., be. Sore SAMCF L HARPER. Esti, Register in Bank - rupees , . at his office, No. 83 Diamond street, Pittsburgh. Pa.. to show cause, if any they shave, why a disehargeshould not be granted to 'the said Ban rapt. _ mhB:f69-st • S. C. McCANDLESS. Clerk. pITI'SBURGEI SILVER MINING COMPANY. Books. of subscription for Stock in said Com pany are now open ac NO. 6'7 •FOURTE AVENUE, Where Prospectus. Specimens. ac.. are now :reedy for inspection. Property in Colorado Ter neer oeorgetown. Mine now open to .depth of 30 feet. - The Ore 651111 , 11fr0m $3OO to $4.51,0 per tan. 1 nformstion. with regard to the .stock, property, be furnished by calling .at.the (Alice of the undersigned. a.. S. BE wt.. President pro um- HARRY C. • AMPBELL, Secretary end Treasurer pro tem. =WI WALL PAPER. 'THE OLD-PAPER STORE IN A N&W mad, W. P. 7111.1110 HALL'S NEW 'WALL PAPER. STORE, 191. Liberty Street, SPRING GOODA A.RRIVIhG DAILY. mlig 11 S. DAVIS' & CO'S LIST OF •e NEW BOOKS. Dtt...E.MDRE'S Es."T INDIAN ARCHI PELAGO $5.00 LETTERS *Pr A SENTIMENTAL IDLER - Dn. EDDY'S LIFE I.F CHRIST 2.50 FIVE WEEKS IN A 8ALL00N....:..... 1.50 SAUL - . A Poem ny Bevy Sege 9.00 • THE HANDWRITING OF 00D. BY Blr. Randall ` 3.50 BEYOND TH . ! MISSIsnIPPI. by A. D. Itlebardiron 3;30 COLORED". ITS PAI.KS AND MOON. TAINS. By 8A...1ee• ." .. 1.00 •C atiT LIP Br THE SEA. By Slr Samuel W. Baker.' New snowy 75 HANS BWKIT73I - A.N's PARTY. New Ed. 75 CARPENTER' ON THE MICROSCOPE. New Edition. London 57.50 Dr. PR - ESP:NSW- RELRHON DURING THE REIGN OF TERROA. 1.75 NEVIN'S CHINA. AND THE CHINES E 1.75 , GAGE'S MODERN ATLAS. New inapniv 3.50 DR. PUSEY'S ADDRESSES ON THE .LOSE OF JE. , us, 1.75 SPIta_OIIE'S ANNALS OF THE U., P. CHURCH. 1.75 • 93 WOOD &MEET. B. 8. D • it CO. will remov . in a few 'days to their new and spacious store , 0.193 LIBED,TY VULCAN. mbs:rsx 'LIGHT'S BEE Vast Colors. 'Prices Within the Reach of All, Keep the Wearer dry, do not soil the dress or II oor, and w il l-torn • 'lnside ant.'' l. Al ' will bear inside the above mark: - others gennlne. At wholesale only by _el WEIGHT, BROTHERS & CO., 322 and 324 MARK gT BTRRKV,Phlladelphia, and 354 BROADWAY. New York.. , felsmo2 11:711 EmovAL. NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Of the City of Allegheny, WILL REMOVE AT TT-TE FIRST OF APRIL TO THE &wand Nitional Bank Building s cO na ß i ri Fl i glegiLTEßET THE Bm , innip A SSOCTIONtI. MORTGAGES' AND BONDSI, For Aspoolatipru3, FOR 13*LE BY W. S. HAVEN & OOH, ; Cor 'Wood street and Third Amaral& Einsas) WALL PAPER, In . New and Beautiful Des'gas, For PARLORS. HALLS, DINING ROOMS sad CHAMBERS, now r..Colving In gnat varietx at No. 107 ',Market Street, YEAII neTH AVENtrg. JOS. a E:roans lk. ono. II!!il --. pWISSOLUTIOL . --The Co-pa r= . NEftinlP heretofore existing between IS awl . JOHN, XI. , BEBSOII. Is hereby ills solved by mutual content. WM. 8.. falumaz ts anthorlaid re coliect,the bills dne and settle the bulnettut the Ilro,r LEw ELSEuSoR, JOHN ELsEssoa. ALLzatiarir'Orrro March L M 11517 C ORN AND A. PE NATO.I *Re bitrisc o .' n; 313 bags Pot n Tar; - • On _steamer Lewellen to arrive. Pew ante by mi • - ism tral iirvycrX 011 , 0 e4OLL BUTTER.-12 pa WWI 8011 Butter, last receive 5 IV J. B. BABB LL 141 Floret NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. UNDERGROUND LIFE ; o ne Mines and 3liners. D. APPI:ETON •& CO Nos. 90, 9'2 and 94 Grand St.. NEW YORK, \ HAVE J Chen' 1 3 17.13 r-isirra) MINES AND MINERS. ,fty t.. SIIIONIN. • Translated by 11. W. Bristow, F. R. S. Illustrated with 100 engravings on wood. AO maps, ,grologleally colore4,& - tl 10 plates of metals and minerals In chromo• lithography. 1 rot., Bro. Price, $lB. (FROM THE LONDON' FORTNIORTLY RBrticW.3 "A translation of the well-known and very -valuable `Vie Sonterraine' of M. L. Simonin, by 31. r. Brlstow,,of the Geological eurvey, preterit lug the original work to the 'English pubilein a form more splendid than Is given to most home products. The book contains three parts, of whim the first Is given to coal, the second to metalliferous metals, and the third to mines , of prectonsstones. There are fourteen geological maps, some scores of lilustratiotis of the various elienmstaneee and processes of underground life, Including the most homgly, and the most tragic, and a number of colored illustratlons of metals and-their carious compounds, that are superb in the richness and exacUtude of their coloring. Nothing can surpass the sumptuous- ness or the volume, and the matter is as , good and as interesting as the book Is splendid. It should be said, perhaps, that Its,ivame as a spe cial treatise does not all lessen thelnterest for the'general reader.,, GREAT BARGAINS IN NEAV GOODS, : JUST RECEIVED. EMBROIDERIES. ICI Jaconet, Hamburg and Swiss. WHITE COODS, At the Lowest Prieee. T . it ratan.NGS. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF ALL COLORS. .BUTTONS, A LINE OF SILK. IVORY, JET. etc. • The finest patterns of VALENCLENNES AND THREAD LACES. Jaconet and Swiss Puffing, all widths; A Desirable line of LADIES'ITNDERCLOTII ITV,' INFANT'S EMBROIDERED ROBES. A fall line o f COTTON HOSIERY. . For Ladles', Gents and Misses. GIprDE & 90,, 78 and 80 iarket Street. m 103: (NEAR MARKET;) RETAIL DEPARTMENT. JOS. HORNE lc CO. RECEIVED TIIIS DAY: AIXXODIIE KID GLOVES, Including the new shades. Green, Purple, Blue and Drab, The handsomest shades ever produced in Kid Gloves. Striped Bow Ribbons, Handsome Scarf Ribbons, Chemizettes in Lace and Linen, Infant's Robes and Waistt, Spring Styles Bonnet st Hat Frames, , French Flowers and, Roses, Spring Merino Underwear, Furnishing Goods, Neck Ties, &Ws, Scarfs, Gloves and Hosiery,, THE Best • Assortment in the City: 77 AND 79 MARIET STREET. mike HELLAS, none DRY GOODS AT COST, FOB THIRTY DAYS ONLY. TO .CLOSE STOCK. THODOILE P. PHILLIPS, 87 111A88E2' BTEBEZ dad KEYSTONE POTTERY. S BIER & CO., . • itanntketnrere of QtriENswinz. musToir. WARE office and Warehouse. 383 — LABBILTYSTRE earAn orders nromptly attended to. REMOVAL. W.A.Attornepat-Law,, ckages d end for lELD, avenue. His removed• his omoe from No. 130 Fourth Avenue, to No. 76 GRANT STREET, (corner , or Diamond .) • - tot2:111 UNDERt4ROUND LIFE; 0111 PMSTIVItaIi WEPT'," : NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. FINE ' I M PORTED 7Clry' Goc•cls. BATES WILL OPEN THIS WEEK A NEW EIMIMEI DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK ? NO. 65 FOURTS• STREET. mhEi:ra CHARTERED IN 1853. ASSETS Open daily, from 9 o'clock - A .' x. to 3 o'clock r. m , and SATURDAY EVENINGS, from May Lit to November let, from 7to 9 o'clock. and from November Ist to May let, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums of not less than 021 k. DOLLAR and a dividedd of the room declared twice a year, in June and December. Interest has been declared semi-annually In June and December since the Bank was organized ' , at the rate of six per cent. a year. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to 'the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same int crest framthe let flays of June and December, compounding twice ayes, without troubling the depositor to call.or even to present his pass book. At this rate money wilt double In less th in twelve years. Books containing the ( ' hurter, By-Laws, Rotes and Regulations, furnished gratis, on apple . tion at the office. _ . . Passiozwr—GEOßGE ALBREE VICE PRESIDENTS: John G. Backofen.l A 31. Pollock, 31. D.. Benj. P. gahnestock,i Robert Robb, James Herdman, ' John 11. Shuenberger, James McAuley, James tt , hittle, James B. I/. Needs, Alexander Speer, Isaac M. Pennock. Christian Yeager. TRUSTEES: Wtn. J. Anderson, i Robert C. Loomis Calvin Adams. ' ! Henry J. Lynch, John C. Medley, ' Peter A. Mad.- irs. George Black, , John Marsh.ll. Hill rturgwln. , Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, i John B. McFadden, ChariesA. Colton, • '1 Ormsby Phillips. John Evans, i Heuryi Riugwalt, John J. Gillespie, , Wm. F...Schmertz, William S. Haven, ; Alexander Tlndle, l'eter H. Hunker, •,. William Van Birk, ' Richard Eiws, : Isaac Whittler, James D. Kelly. i Wm. 1. Weyman. Trttagunga—CHAßLES E.'S A..COLTON. bECRETABY—JAMV3 B. D. MZEDS: at TRADE MARK. 'DITIMIDGE'S FIRE - PROOF _Lamp CHIMNEYS. FRENCH BURR MILLSTONES. French BOIT Smut Machines, THE BEST WHEAT C7LEANEEB IN USE. Portable Flour and Feed milts; BOLTING CLOTHS, All numbers and beet quality. - For sate at 319 and 321 LLbertySt., Pittsburgh. an 26 J. L. DILLINGER A. 5. STZTENSON• DILLINGER & STEVENSON ! • COE\IPSION MERCHANTS, 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. RECEIVE AND BELL • All Kinds of Country Produce, All orders for Merchandise promptly filled, at LOWEST market rates. Particular Attention given to the sale of 1) Butter, Eggs Cheese Cheese .Dried Fruits, ac, We feel confident that wis can give entire satisfaction, by making tlilieff BALER and PROMPT RSTDRIII, at RIMIEST MARKET PRICES. and therefore respectfully solicit your consign ments. •AU correspondence answered promptly. Marking Plates furnished free. Grain in store and to arrive daily. •. • • au31:01. E STABLISHED 'BY Ao & T W. M. GORKLY, WHOLESA.L.E GROPER, No. 271 Liberty Street, onammy On. Rama Harsco se . iyis P11CT53131311.07. PA HE •NI&N. OR • -THE MEN. PATRONI TICKETS of the ad isc3d SERIES:OF WANELNOTON MEDAL. LION rEIOI, are hereby Informed that the draw. Inge were made January AO. 1869. and that dr• rulers giving rtill Informattou of the numbers drawn, will tre‘aent tO Donnell interested on LlONandrvaring the•WASIIINGTON MEAL LION PEN COMPANY. New York. . M. E.—BEAD TIIIII TICKETS . 0P THY 4TII 1611. BUIL MUM ALL ROOK AGENTS SEND for the le reasons wht • bins , Domestic Illustrated Faudt7 Bible psierior to ani. other. New el Yo r k ET & 111 Nassau street. New York. Arrsohl on l p e t l 9 a: f i r: „ l g. eters to all Eastern Publishers. INDIA RUBBER. BELTING, Rom Steam Packing and Gaskets of the INDIA Companies manufacture at prices as low as this quality of goods can be bought'of the manufacturer A full stork always on hand at the India Rubber Drpot, 88 and 28 Sixth Street.. J. it H. - PAILLIYS. fes Bola Agents for the Company. ANTI DOMESTIC BELL STOCK, $2,313,804 01. W. W. WAtLACE. MONDAY, MAJtCII 8, Is6' 1 14 Mai FM 3 M IiZA SAVE TIME AND MONEY. lITABLAND &I COLLINS , HAVE .NOW OPEN THEIR NEW SPRING STOCK OF • FINE CARPETS. ROYAL it.ESIINSTER. TAPESTRY VELVET, • ENGLISH BODY BRUSSELS, The choicest styles ever offered, In this market. Oar prices are the LOWEsT. - A Splendid Line of Cheap Carpets. • GOOD COTTON CHAIN • CARPETS At 25 Cents Per Yard. IIeFARLAND & COLLINS, No. 71 and 73 FIFTH AVENUE, • mt B (Second• Floor.) CARPETS. We are now receiving our Spring Stock of Carpets, &c., and are pre _ pared , to offer as good stock and at as low price's as any other house in the Trade. We have all the new , styles of Brussels Tapestry, Brussels, Three Plys and' Two Plys. Best assortment of Ingrain Carpets in the Market. fr BOVARD ROSE & CO ., 21 FIFTH AVENUE. CARPETS.. • I McCA LLCM BROS. beg leave call the attention of those in want of Carpets, and all goods in that line to the fact that they have now in store the largest assortment- of goods that they have ever had the pleasure of offering to the Tiade, and invite an examination of Iteir choice • s!ock. Our facilities for ob taining goods by importationi and from Manufacturers, enable us to offer goods at the lowest rates. 51 FIFTH AVENUE. mhl OLIVER :• McCLINTOCK • • & COMPANY, Have Just received and are now opening the largest Importation of the moot beausithl I = l. • Ever . brought to this city, being Imported by them direct from the most celebrated manuflus• tortes of Europe. OLIVER - McCLINTOCK . . & COMPANY, No. 23 Fifth Avenue. for: I:PITTSBURGH PAPER MANU. L frACTITRING COMPANY, Manufacturers of PRINTING & WRAPPING PAPERS CLINTON MILL—STISIDIENVTLLIC. OBto. BRIGHTON KILL—NEW BRIGHTON, Pa.. • , °MCP, AND WAREHOUSE, No: 82 Third Streot, Pittsburgh, Pa. 01710 BUS—AUGUST HART.TR,Presldent. JNO. B. LIVINGSTON, Treasurer. „ SAMUEL RIDDLE, Bearetary. Dinaerints—Augrst HAMA. John Atwell, B. H. Gartman, John B. I. 4 .llngton. Cash paid for Paper Stook. 0- 1•11:01111 tr J. LANCE, • A.JLe DYER AND SCOURER. Mo. 3 BM CI AAIR STREET And Nov. 185 and 187 Third Stkeet, PITTARTTRI4R. PA. lIINGTZLIN • • 64.. •.••• •PHILW °MU& SINGEILLY, & CLEIS i Successors to eso. F.ElcaguonmaN Bslao.. PHAVTICAL LITHO6IBAPIIIMIL • The only steam. Lltholgaphia Establishment West of the Mountains. Business Cants, Letter 'Reads. Bonds, Labels_, Sto Ciroulars,Show Cards, Diptomas. Portraits, 'Views, CertUlcates posits, Invitation Csols, w Nos or De . SE and 74 um , wtn'ttr. Pittsburuh. JOHN PECIEL, -ORNAMENTAL HAIR WORKER AND PERFUMER. No. 3 Third street. near Smlthqd, Pittsburgh. Alwav ci i on band, a general sortment ot Lis• dies_s OS. HANDS, CUB St 'Gentlemen , ' WitiS. CPEEs, goALpi3, GUARD CHAINS. BRACELETS, &a. Mig•A good Pries In cash will be given int RAW GAOL 'Ladles , and Gentlemen; Bair Cutting done in the nenteei manner. nibt,n, REFINE D ISIIG.AXIS. • We have in store a full stock of Loverlutes re fined Crushed and Piny°. ized liugars, wh ch we offer at the lowest prices by the barrel or abre tall. • , JNO. A. RIENnHAW.I tuh2 Corner Liberty and Head streets. ay, Eon (.',6"B—"To Lizo , •!.f•ar dale "Lt%,, .4 WhOte• " "Found, l'Boaectino.'" nof ermeun.7lFoUß LINES each :DM be in serted& these :amnia once for 7 w.E.,srr .1"-FIVE OSNTS each addi:Canal line FIVE CENTS.' WANTED-SITUATION WANTED -4n U TION.—By a Practical Garden er. Also under.tsnds pruning trees and. Vines. APplv at Col. J. D. .EGAN'S. Sixth avenue. is egr nnatbfleld street. WANTED-HELP. WANTE---lIIELL%-AT EM. ANTED PLOYMEYAT OFFICE. Sio. 1 St. Clair Street, Bin's. ssilinas and NEI7,, for ailerons kinds of ample} meat. Persons' wanting help of ail kinds can be supplied on ss)ort notice. WANTS. eIfirANTED.—PARTNER—!a a oo ,zl l l l egrab . .iatted DRUG- STORE, with Addre gital, to take charge of the store. _5B A. POlltak.e. AGENTS WANTED—SIO a Day. TWO $lO.OO MAR FOR $l.OO. LLO'YD'S PATENT REVOLVING 'DOUBLE MAPS' Of America and Europe. Amer'ea and the United States •of Amtrica. Colored—in 4, DO 0 Coun ties. These great ttfaps. now Just completed, show every place of lmrortsn e, all Railroads to date, and the latest alterations in the various Euro pean States. These Maps are needtti in every School and family - in the land—they occupy the apace of one Map, and by means of the Reverser either side can be thrown front, and any part brought level to the eye. County Rights and large discouu' given to 'coed Aleuts.. Apply for Circulars, ferule, &IA send money for - Sample Maps, to • J. T. LLOYD, • feV:f2itd3T 23 CORTLA NOT 5T..15. Y. LOST. LOST. -$5.00 REWARD.-On baturday, a SUM OF MONEY way lost be tween tne Citizens rasseng er Railway and the Market House The above reword vril , be paid by leaving the lame at the GazErre OrncE. LOST.—On •Sabbath. the 7tb, ju inst., In Alleghrny thty, on Middle or Ohio streers,between North and Sandusky. &POCKET BUDS= containing vourteen Dollars and Sony one Cetus. he tinder will be rewarded by leay- In e Mat No. 192 Sandusky street. Mrs. NANCY GRAM& M. OST.—On WEDNESDAY AY. , TERNOO e• • a SET OF DEEDS and some va.aable papers. belonging to Jacob Pritchard. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving them at No. 25 Fifth avenue. JACOB PRITCH; *RD. LIOST.—'-On Liberty street, near Smithfield, on Thursday afternoon. a LA- S HEAVY BLACK VEIL. the finder will be suitably- rewarded by leaving it at No. 337 Liberty Street. TO LET. FOR RENT.—Desirable Brick DWELLING of Hall and 10 Rooms on Van nrsam street, near vlfth avesue. S. CUTHBERT & SONS, nattS S Smithfield street. mO-LET.—BOOMS.—Two fine R 00.314 In GAZETTE BUILDING. Apply at touptiug Booms, 84 and 88 Fifth avenue. TO-LET.—A fine. large. well tthighed ROOM, suitable for an, office, In I.llspata Building. second door, back. Apply at Roum for terms, .tc. 11 1 0•LET.--Tii e %T. LAWRENCE A. HOTEL, Federal street, Allegheny City, ' the Diamond. •P.orses.lon gl. en March Ist. Apply to KM. SEMPLE, 180 and 182 Federal street. A Ilegnen, TO-LET—That THREE WORN BLTILDING, NU. 7 t Logan Street, contain ing rigni rooms and having large ca d attaebed. Rent $4OO per annum. Enquire of T. Y. BOLTS TON, o,l,zyrrs OFFICE. TO.LET. HOUSE. —No. 164 Sheffield street. Allegheny City. containing roams and finished Attic. Hoc and Cold Water and Gas throughout. Possession April Ist. Inquire at. Office of FRAZIER BRIM.. Ohio are nu• an* Sedcwirk scree,, ailegnenv. TO-LET.—ROOIII.—To gentle. MAN and WIPE, with board, LANGE ItONT ROOM. second story, opening on bal cony. Also' a few single gentlemen. hnquire at Nb. IS Wine street. . _ TO -LET.-THE SECOND AND THIRD STOMES of Ao. 83 Wood street. burnable for Insurance, Iron, lon Mem and &staple Rooms. Central loc‘tlon for busi ness. ApolTto G. B. HILL & ..0., Real Estate Agents. 59 Fourth avE nue. T O -LET.- A well finished HOUSE of 8 room In a EIGHTH conven:ent an beautiful location, 98' EIGHTH STREET, formerly Hanc , ‘ck street,obposlte Christ Church; clean and quiet; In the summer shady. Also No. 29 with seven rooms. Ala°, No. 25 with eleven rooms. Enquire at 527 PENN ATREET. rAIO.LET.-ONE STORE ROOM. FOUR BASEMENTS, well ,lighted and u shed. Amnon in the s.cond story. BLEEPING ROOMS In the third story, and ONE LARGE HALL. with two anterooms, In the fourth story of• A.M. English a Co's new unildingourth avenue. Apply to A. H. ENG CO.,C LISH a 0., No. 119 Fifth avenue. ' LOAN. _ .„.,...... 20.4'1)00 ON L OA N A3IO 4 IIT- Mit: un Al Al eghs. y county property. Applyto CROFT .1 PHILLIttI. Real Er.ate Agents. No. 139 trourth avenue. NOTICES. OFFICE OF. CITY ENGINEER AND SVE7IIYOR, Pittsburgh, March 6th, 1869. NOTICE.—The assessment for Gradlng.raving and Curbing T TTETII 81ItEET, late Carson street, from Mu lberry alley to the Allegheny Valley Railroad, is now ready for examination, and can be seen at thls office until WEDNESDAY. March 17th, 1869, when it will be returned to the City Tress- - urer 8 office for collection. _ . . . mhiliftia H. J. MOORE, City Engineer. arNOTICE.--THE 9111BSCRI BERS to the Capital stock of the Com pany "To- erect a Bed, e over the - Allegheny River. from Ewalt (now 414 street), in the City of Pittsburgh, n the county of Allegheny, to the Allegheny and Butler Plank - road. at or near the month of Girtv's Run." are hereby notified that a meeting for permanent ontanization will be held at the new PtioLIC rCdOOL Etoumz. Fortieth street, f-eventeenth ward, Fittannrgh, (late Lawrenceville,) on TUESDAY, the 23d day of March, A. D. 0 1 89, between the hours of 2 o'clock P. at. and 5 o'clock P. Y., when and where an e ection will be held by ballot for NINE MANAGUA+ and a TREASURER orisaid Com pany, to serve tor one year. JOHN W. RIDDELL, Solicitor for Rridge Company. Pirriinukoil, March 1,1889. inratfell PUTTIBURGH,PT.WATHR & CHICAGO 11. CO.l OPTIC& OP TILL ISLCRETART, PITTSBURGH, PA., February 26, 1869. Egr THE AN NUAL MEETING of the Stock and Bondholders of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and,Chicago Railway Company will' be held at • the office of the porn piny. - la the City of Pittsburgh. at 10 o'clock A. M. of WZDNREIDAS. March 17. 1869, for the purpose of tearing and considering the an nual report of the Board of Directors, and for the election of three (3) members of the Board of Directors to serve for four years in the place of three members whose term of service expired by law. P. M. HUTCI3INSOR. mh2:f34 Secretary._ WATT, LANG & CO., • WIIOLII3ALM DELALZHI3 Groceries, Flour. Grain. Produce, Provisions, Fish, Cheese. Carhork; Oil, d-c., . Nos. 17.9 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Mb. arty street. Pittsburgh, noBnwSs PVT= KEIL JAS. 1. MMUS% KEEL & RICHART, COMMISSION_ MERCHANTS, AND DrALEas IN FLOUR, GRAIN, SKEDS, MILL PEED. ite.. 349 Liborty NI., Pitts9343l4, 'mysl4:bal DIG LEAD.-500 • pigs Soft Malaria Lead for sale by J • 1 11 C r NF Ar L d D se , I'OH SALE:—A IEW BRIM Elegise of 8 rooms and lot, 5U by XCIO feat, - 200 grapevines, fruit - trees, shrubberV s ,ti. . an •ne lot, at No, 161.1 Ridge strett Falk ward, Allegheny Cl/7.' For terms and partici!. • tars aonly ru the oreralses. FOR SA LL. FOR SALE.—FRA M E coT TARP:. containing fire rooms and 'excellent cellar, with lot 60 Ty 187 feet. In the 19th ward, (formerly East Liberty.) Price mar. Enquire on the - premises, oraduress B. B. 11., CiAzarne ()rims.. \ FOR SALE .- 16th WARin.-- BRICK HOUSF of seven rooms. on Wintaat fitz. et, adjoining the residence of PI K. DIM; lot 40 fevt iron t and 260 feet deep; well 11 , 4•• proved and planed with fruit trees. Knottire on the premises, or of L. B. DUFF, 83 Dlts- MOND STREET. VOR SALE.-STOCK MM JIVD class T lmily — oc e y o t k o and TxerWed orf t t sr g ned wi thing to engate In another business offert the Fixtures and stock at a bargain. If.W.PUSET. 49 Federal 4 treet. Allegheny CRT. FOR. SALE.—FARM AT BAR GAIN,—g4S per acre will purchase alarm of 100 acres In Westmogeland county; Pa.. one and a half miles from a regular station on West Pennsylvania Railroad, all under good' fence, good frame bank barn, good house of five rooma, plenty of fruit, abundance of good water. 70' acres cleared. balance In good oak timber, good neighborhood, school on the farm. Terme easy. Apply to cporr ,4 PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agents. Wo. 130 Founts Avenue. FOR SALE.- HOUSE. -A FINE Brick Mansion, containing 11 rooms, With all modern Improvemtnts. situated at AO* South avenue. Allegheny City. with a lot having is out of 50. feet. extending back 130 feet to an alley In rear. Tne property Is situated o.ft the bank of the Ohio river, having a beautiful vierrol the river and the dhlant cultivated-bills. The Rebecca street care Pass It every ten minutes. A. charma like this Is rarely offered In Teal estate, but the present owners- contemplate leaving the- cttyy, and will sell on easy payments. For , par ticulars call at above number "(TALI:TARIM t PENN STREET v PROP eRTY FOR SALE.—A' substantial Brick Dwelling House. conveniently arranged and in good order, wide bath large parlor. dining room, kitchen, cellars, bath room. chambers. etc., fourteen roo m s. in all. large lot. , esirabln location. Possession April let. Apply to b. CUTHBERT st SONS, mhs • B.sBmltbileld street. GRDENERS TAKE NOTICE. —FOR SALE.—The FOURTEEN 311 LEI ISLAND, on the Allegheny River. and now used for gardening purposes! well imrroved and in a high state of cultivation. containing 40 or 50 acr..s. now offered at-a bnrgaln. Call soon. A. en, other Farms, In good locations. Woolen Factory two Houses, and twenty acres of land on the Central Railroad. BOUM& and Lots For Sale and To- , et In both cities. For further par ticulars inquire of WILLIAM WARD. • fe2B , 111) chant !treat. opposite Cathedral. VTALUABLE FA RR FOR SALE. v —Situate Rife . miles from Halicht's Station,. on Western Pennsylvania Railroad, VI miles from Allegheny City; contains 90 acres of land, 80 of which is cleared. balance in best Umber, water in every field, underlaid with best of coal; soil excellent for strain growing; on which are erected a two story frame dwelling, two stables, a young orchiud.,lnst beginalus to bear of best ,quality of fruit: good roads from station to firm. Persons wanting one of the best farms in the county, and at low price and easy terms are ex pressiy directed Loth° above. Apply to R. McLAIN, tea: Real Estate Agoras. WESTERN LEND AGENCY. 70,000 . Acres of 'Land for Sale, In lowa and Minnesota; prlee from $3.00 to $5.00 per acre. Land bought and sold on com mission. Taxes paid; Titles examined; abstracts Itirnished; Surveying and Plotting done. Information ftrrnished In reference to locality' s quality and valuation of lands. General collect ing business done. Address JeMzde3 ELLINGION, lOWA D ESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE, A New Frame' :House, Of 4 rooms and hall; Lot 20 feet front by 134 feet. deep on . Fayette street,: between Chortler as d Manhattan streets, 'Allegheny Also, 03E LOT, 21 feet front by 140 feet deep, corner Chartier street and Pine alley, Sixth ward, Allegheny. Also, Sixteen Magnificent Building Lots. Each 24 feet front by 134 feet deep to a 10 foot private alley. Front on junlats street, between. Preble street and the Üblo Elver. All the above property Is convenient to Pitmen- ger Railway For priee'and terms, enquire of ALEX. PAITFINON, in63;f45 \ No. 86 TREBLE STREET FOR BAL.` 1 Acre at Woods Run. . . 4 Acres anti House In East Liberty. 8 Acres, unimproved, on Troy Hill. SI Acres on Greensburg Pike. _ 6 Acres on Pour Mile Bun Boa 13( mlles from .C. B. B. , TO Acres near P. P. W. & C. B. B. 118 Acrea near Pa. B. 8., Westmoreland coins- 00 Acres at Hill Side Station. Pa, B. R. 4 Farms in Prsston county, West Virginia. ' 1 3 80 Acres In Armstrong county, underlaid with 1. 'QS Acres and good improvements, In Trtunbull ounty. Ohlo. 900 Acres of Timber land, with Saw Kill and House and Lot on Center A.venne, near Kirk- House and Lot on Victory street. House and Lot in East Liberty. House and Lot in Mansfield. House and Lot =Carroll street, Allegheny. House and Lot on Beaver avenue. !jlk A Lots, very cheat', on Vine street. 2 Houses and Lot on Franklin street. 1 House or 0 Booms and 2 Lots on Roberts St. Farms In Illinois, Missouri Wes el Brel a nd Virginia. Coal Lands In Allegheny, Westmoreland, Fay ette and Beaver counties in Penna. - TO -LET. U Houses of 9 Rooms In the 17th wards rents3oo 3 do. of 3 do.• do. 17th do. do. 144 A do. of 3 do. do. 12th do. do. 156 A do. of 6 doe do. Bth do. do. 360 1 do. of 6 do. do. Bth do. do. 300 1. do. of 9 do. do. -2d do. do. 600 1 do. of 3 do. do. 6th do. do. 198 1 do. of 5 do. do. ' Oth - do. do. 240 1 do. of 4 -do. do. 17th do. da. 168 1 do. of I do. do. Ad do. 1 Th d oH o u f s e 6 th do .T h G e r s an for e rent will be rented gltl i 0 37: 11? good tenants for the balance of the APPLY Al' D. P,, Hatch's East Estate Office No. 91 Grant St..Pitt!bul'lll. n07:03 1. M. SWINT J. X. BEAT! SWINT & BRATT, ',uteri:man:Thur. AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS , No. 6: Sandusky St.. Allegheny. pa. A large assortment of NEWEL .Pot'r l3 and Ita.LimTERS ocniatantly on hand. TURVING of all descriPtiOns. done. , °emirs," " 4 7 I°I7IEI NV;Arr* ./10S - Pa. Choice Extra Family ?lour, warranted Idit ground and pure. For Bale by NEANOIi & HARpEg; teZ • 320 Liberty street : 2 00 ELEi OF pil leAc Ala nivasd&&& STILTEWBON. 49 - Biut • z : : Glum za°"I I 3 )ICLIZION33, d STEITENFim jr) IMIEEACHE saIe IL by --100 bush. prim D arti P e c le, for - 7. B. CANFLELD rAT ici t im pll tA ttp c s. E LEATHER, for sale by A „, a a A. sale by?" - pia ITJE LINE .-200:blft. ODA ASIL-100 casks by• J. B, C S.' C. C. WAY, lor sale