13 STEEL WORKS. DUQUESNE COLEMAN, RAHM Manufacturers of LOON, NAILS, STEEL,. -AXLES AND SPRINCS , Duquesne Iron Sheet and Tank Iron, Junbsta Iron. Wagon jai Iron. Charcoal Iron, Cylinder Iron, XL Iron, Flanged Cu t ts B ars, Guard Iron, Drag and Dropper Bard, T Rail for Coal Roads, Iron Wedges. Flat Rail for Coal Roads Bolter Iron, Crow Bars, Chain Links. Boiler' Heads. Steel and Iron Harrow Teeth. Carriage, Wagon, Seat and Com Axles, b Springs, and all styles: blab. Steel for Flows. C ultirator Stea n l. Steel Wings and Moulds .cut to pattern. 8 g Steel all sizes. B. Steel and Steel Tire, 'Crow Bars, Steel Shafting, de. / ALI; GOODS FIBST CLASS AND W./LIMAN TED. airmen anpl Works 113th strf l et .and Alle gheny river andl7.. W i ts.TEN ST BET. Pitts- Web. GODFSBOY BBANCKER & CO., 42 Exchange Place, New York, Are prepared, ns Sole - Agents in tnited Btates for the PrUßßlatl - Mining and Iron Corn. ,pany of Duiaburg, 'Westphalia, to contract or sell La quantities to snit pnrchasers, tdelivered - in e ithirNew York or Yhiladelphisa the celebrated G. SPIEGELEISEN Used so extensively for the'nwinfactoring of BESSEMER STEEL. This Iron is free from &awn and Phosphorus and contains a heavy per cent age of Manganese Fall particulars, samples, prices or chemical analysis will be promptly forwarded on applies jaBe:d7B atton SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, MICK & CO., Przurszuram. PA.. - Mitrosfactirers of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, B IL TI AP : c Si a n nA.TIPORM , • AXLES, STEEL TIRE, ac., &o • Warehou*, 88 Water andloo First Ste. 1111A.1 1 1i, BARR & PARKIN. - GIRENAL risyncaS: WM. METCALF, BEUBEN MILLER, HEO. W. BABE, I CHAS. PARKIN. BrEauz. FAtemax—S. H. HIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, RILTYR, BARR PARKIN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH, PA. =ME BL AC, DIVGIOND STEEP. WORKS. 'ARK, BROTRER & CO., Diinnfactarers of all descriptions of Off a i nd a ll 9 * d2 h l n Fsleß 1 S 20,;12111. 124 SECOND IRON WORKS. JAB. Ilmonat s Pre" —:scr. P. POSIT% nuptt. pirrsmucat FORGE AND IRON CO., MAtWFACTUBB&S Or Bar Iron; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Clay Axles Hammered; Locomolive Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods: Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; - Steamboat Shalt% Steamboat Cranks; - Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, dbs. Offloe, No. 177 PENN STREET PITTSBIIUGH. PA ELLERSILIESEN PROCESS. The Trustees are now unwired to grant licen ses for the use of the ELLERSIRKUSES PRO CESS. The superior quality imparted to good iron, the great improsement in inferior iron. and the reduced coshcommend it to a 4 manufacturers of iron. Parties wishing to use it can obtain licenses by applying to. JAMES P. SPEER, Attorney for the Trustees, OFFICE, 860 PENN STREET. Pstrtiee interested are invited to visit the BHOENBERGER WORKS. where the process is now in successful operation. tell:dl7 glO3lllOll, PIZERrON & cp., Pennsylvania Iron Works. ~. Wakehouse, Nos. 166 . sual67 VS= STUMM, cr.:popite MononiCiels Hansa --. statde PITT6I3ID*OB. -NOVELTY' WOlll4l. ofrfsmrage _ . rom'adeCA. D. 1833. ADAAIS, rirIEEE - dZ - CO. ItAill/PACIRSZMS 07 KEYSTONE STANDAND, $ pp. ENT) PLATYDRItt AND COUNTER . _ SCALES: !anus raced PateDt Door Mug and Latches, OBEER OF rrasl9 3 rEns 6 GRAIAT BTB . Pllllolll*' OAS AND MUM FITTING. C001113.....J05. Juirs....ainarr BEM JOHN EL COOPEIOI CO., BRAUN POIDIDABS, • GAB AND STEAM- PITT/M24 inannfictusere of PIDAIS AND ITAAPB_Vin. I, IfA Of eveff description; deolen in OAn Vara:oar& AND TIIBINU, of n 4 kinds. Col% of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBURG/Tr E FOUNDERS,' MACHINISTS., KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COYPANY OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. prEngines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re- torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carron and Smalhruan Streets, wrom WABD.) PrITISMIJIIO3I. • • WILLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE POE Oki AND WATER WORE& My Pines are all mist fnvariablyin .Pits, in dry und, and IA feet lengths. Also, full assortment of general Castings for Gail and Water Works. • Imould'also call the attention of Superintend. ents of Gas Works to kny make of RETORTS. ATLAS WORKS, • MORTON STREET; Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among the largest and most complete ep eatablintunents thrash in the West , and are now prared to • Engines, of every ileseriPtlam Boilers, OA Tasks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. , . Bolling Jim Castling,. Engine Castings. agaehine Castings. fieneralt Castings. • ORDERS SOLICITZD. n09:n69 ROBINSON, BEA & CO., Succeasors to Boanteow, Alms 3 Nu.r.snit. WASHINGTON WORKS, - FOUNDENS AND VACHINISTS,PITTABLIRGH, NanttAtcturerso!Bost and Staticmsry Steam En. an d Sti fle. d i ele a r a llgt r or &Vint and litlte k ßoll " and Sheet leg Wors. Once,o. corner First and _ drolthrield Streets. Agents for GITTAIID'S PATENT IDIISCTOB for reeding Boilers. - Jaß:reri PITTSBURGH. Ml BLANC FOUNDRY. Aj itutier Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron Mills,' rirraiMmon. Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, x, fIAND CASTISGB OEMALLY. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. EBBEIT & MAULED. 0a5:123 rionsts CABLIIIF & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Radio Works, EA-1;17)01KP Err ALLEGHENY CITY, PA.s , Manufactnrers of steam Engines, Oil Presses, Pulleys, Shafting, Grist and Saw Kill Work , Boiling MU and Xashine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wuon Boxes, de. Band to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. insituili TitAL - FOIINDRY O EN AND ROLL WORKS 880 /Penn street. BOLLMAN, BOYD & BAOALEY. Chill Rolls, Mill Castings, Roll Lathes, do. LIIXIIIERI-. LUMBER! ALEXANDER PATTERSON. Dealer tnaU liinds - of Lumber. ON HAND AND TOR BALE 1 000,000 ftet Dry Pine Beards: 150.000 het 1)( and 2 Inch Clear Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 1% inch Common Plant; _-30,000 feet Dry Laud 2 Inch Oak: 55,000 feet Dry SI, 23i.and 3 inch Ash, • .5000 ft. Dry 2, 63‘ 3 In.CherrY Maple. 301)00 ft. Dry 1, Ih,'S and 3 inch Poplar: 10,000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling; 250,000 feet Hemlock Joists and Scanting: '150,000 No. 118-inch Shingles, sawed:, 250,000 No. 116-Inch Shingles, sawed:' 40,000 No. 116-inch Shingles, snared; 60,00111 Fire Brick: . 1,000 Fire Tile. 100,ToncTire Clan • 'YAW:hi—No. 86 PHEBLZ sum?. ftruterly Manchester, and 151 REBECCA STBSIT. OPP. site the Gas:Worka, Allegheny City. no SAMUEL !IL IMICILEIWILM . . IRON BRORIIEL, 1.114 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. - . Agent for the Ole of Coritwall, Doe Owner% Josephine, Isabella,Duceanaon,etaahoße. Glen don.snd other brands of anthracite. 'mottle /hen Coke and C. B. Charcoal. PIO IRONS. 17UPEIB MI LL, D EGIOLT3 0 WOlOl5 PrT119131:1 11 4 111 . PARK, IifeCIIRD T co kanufacturers of neinlag, draiters , and Balt (topper, Pressed Copperl3ottoms,Bateed BCD Bot toms, ripener Bolder. Also,lmporters and Deal ers .a Metal. Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, WlrN do. Con ;tautly on hand Timers' Machines at.d Tools. Warehouse N 0 .140 /MST fiTICZAT and Mid INCOND STRZETlttstairgh. Special orders of copper ant to any desired nat. torn.. mylte:M:doT vrr , rmn:rmen. ZIMMER. I; II k, 7. :0: 3 :,. :: Consignments are most Teo oactfaUT solLelted COPPER. ..11--GAZETtEI7 , SATURDATiq7MARCH: - .6 - i ..--1 . 861 : PiITiSTII ENGINES, SOMiIM3;-&c. HUGH 11. BOLE 8t CO., Con Point Alley and Daquetme (Nrap. Tze Ponm) _ Engine Buitaers; Fount - Zara and .Afachiniata. ' ' Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONANY ENGINES of all sizes. ; Special attention invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE, AND PORTABLE BOILER, of"15-honewower. - CASTINGS. of every kind, made to order atom. Foundry, on TRIED STREET. below Market. BIGELfor Oil We ile; SHAFTING. PULLEYS, HANGERS HOUSE and TOBACGO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order. i\t the DUSTRIAL -WORKS, on the Allegheny Elver, near the Point, PITT9BI7IIPrH. PA. I Yrontin orderi promptly tilled. THY vs = F° B'' R, STILL AND TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TURMAS, DOUBLE-HLITED TCBTILAB, El -BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL ERS. b . OIL STILLS AND OIL TAMIL .. CHIMNEYS, BRNEOBINO AND ASH PANB, OETTLINO PANS, BALT was AND CON DENSERS; MAN PIPES, BAROMETERS AND. LEON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES Ocoee and Warehouse, corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, ' PITTSBURGH, Pa. 1111 P Orden sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. ath7:1139 Wm. ouevintm & co., • BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. AO, AR, S 4 AND Ti 6 PENN ST. Raving secured a large Fold and furnished It wits, the most approved machinery, we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ayRS In the best manner, and warran to made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Sire • Beds, Stet Pipes, Locomotive Boilers. Condensers, Balt PILES, Tanks. Oil Stills, Arta , tors, Settling Pans, Boiler liork,lies, Sager Pena, and sole manufacturers of bilir 7 ll Pat ent Hollers. • . Repairing done on ehortest notice. IsSiell • JANES ItL BITER ) Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PTIINSBMIGH, PA., bL11110714107X0 07 IRON OIL TANKS, aErrLlxe rANs, oerriut STEAM PIPE. ROLLING *ELL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORN.. For Steamboats. JAM= M....... ...EDMOND D. NU= JARED H. BRUSH & SON, ELENIITACTOMEMB Or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. • SHEET IRON WOHL&O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, .Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO. Ilanufactnzers of the &eaten variety of Cook, Parlor and Heathig Stoves, TO BE POUND IN THE 'STATE. Sole Men ts fbr the celebrated Base Burning Oriental - Stores Wo rl dinnaces for Bard Coal or Coke. B est In the for Parlor,olllce. Store or Charch. Fire unti l no rekindling—bums all wln. ter. Do notbdy yoa see or seed for Clrentar. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Orlentals—DEßNLEß BROS.. imltheeld St.; GEO. DUBLEY. Allegheny City. OM, !MOUS & CO., KA3ureorvarns Or ZVZSIT vAuarry or 191 1 T I CIONang3 BOSTON COOKING RANGE "THE FIERY FURNACE," . . Pon WARNING BUILDINGS. TIM BMW (ANTI-DUST COOKING STOW.. "DEGULATOIt. ,I COLUMBIA. COOK wrov& VAN'S CeTtin FILM w P A STABLI areateirk,riTabfree tro ERS adlst and datit; 200 and 208 Liberty Street, 5e.25:y17 PITTsBUEGH, PA. COOK STOVES. BISSELL at C 0.% FOB 81T1171112101711 COAL. Werranted to Cook. Bake or Boast ea Nell as any other . Stove In the Union. BISSELL & 00 No. 285 Liberty Street. Wee on Mai sad for sals, PAllVATaro rmin i GRATE iso Lrzra/Ell3. 000711Xl Auto Owl. Me. OAL! COAL !! COMA!! C DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Rsvin. removed their once to NO. 567 ILIBEIRTY STREET, .a.sed, city roux snu) sworn) Ewan. Are now urepared to tarnish _g_ooel YOUGHIO , einmy Dona , NUT INAI, OB /MAUS, at the lowest mortet Price. • AU orders lett at their °Zoe, or addressed to them through the mall, will be attmulad to m7 - EswantimioN - • 1 Slone- Works; fforlivrest ocrener or WeatrOommois, Allegheim FRED% ATVATEIa & CO. Hare on band .or prepare on abort notice Hearth and awn Stones, flags for lildewalim, Brewer , Varna, ao. Head and Tomb atones, as. Orders promptly executed. nice* ressonabla 111UNCITACT1=2.8 01 CET-THE BEST. TRI.I3MPH, COAL AND CORR STONE. FINANCIAL. FORT PITT BANKING COEVIY. No. 169 Wood Street, CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. Dlr air Iro• GOVERNMENT BEOIJRITIEB AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON 1131 E DEPOSITS. Collections made on all aocesslble points In the Oultedßtates and Canada.. DIBECTOBB: D. Hostetter, duo. 0 Bieber, James Hordoa, Bobt. H. Haig, D. Wallace, Amdrew R. Fawcett, James H. Bailey. N. Cashier. 1)AIIPL. .LEST NATIONAL BANK Of COIIIIFICE, Cot. of Wood and 81#11 Bth. PATTER508.....4..... President. JOB. EL HILL —..— CAPITAL, r $500,000. DMEOTuBS: Goo Ale W. Cass. kt. A. Palmer Wm. Douglas, Win. Bead.— A. Patterson, Wm. H. BrOWII. Ches. Lockhart, Dan. B. Davidson, W. 8. Haven, Jr, AT 11 A. N. DISCOUNTS DALL aranan - HABIT, CAIIGHEI & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS, Ofiraer4rd and Wood Streets, I. Priwriglatlitert. (NJOCEI3BOBB TO SAMNA, SART a C 0..) Dwane nor Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the purchase and sale or OOVERNNIEN4 BONDS. sight Drafts on-London. mytaal N. HOLMES & SONS, 57 Market Street, PITICT6131:1 110 . 11 ; Collections sande on all the pzinelpal pante of the United antes end Canada*. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON OONNELESION. Particular attention paid to the parcluse and sale of United States Securities. I= DO IR SAVINGS BI -After the First-of March Next, Will be eloaed on WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, Aud open daily hom 9 olclpek A. It. to 3 o'clock P. X., and on Saturday Even.ins. rel9:eds OILS. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HULBERT W. C. 'IMEDDIX, MANUFACTURER OF Lubricating & High Test Burning tils. Sellpse Railroad Attie . Stands great heat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. • Locomotive, Engine, Umbine Shop, WM cot Screws. Saw DIUI and Planing Mil' 01U, Ads ed for high speed. • spin a Oil, Woolinead•Light Oil,. . OU Tanner& Stuff. He tsole, ins?it Finishing Oil,, Gasoline, _Harness 011. ' ARMOR V.A.BSIBB,' 'to preserve Blight I ron Work and Machinery from hush Theseproducts are manufactured under Dr. Tweddle , s patent by Superheated Steam in Vac cuo. The Lubricating its are almost odorless, perfectly pure. uniform, and . mostly light col ored. stand high temperature unchanged. and remain limpid during extreme cold. ,Theallroad 0/la are 'unequalled and are inconstant use. On many of the prineliul Railroads.- liamnles can be examined and orders left at 124 WOOD STREET. Works at Sharpsburg Bridge. VIIINGAND SING, COloadesion Merchants end Brokers is Petroleum. and • its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, prrissumait, Pl. - nuLADILLISIA. ADDRESS, WAItIIiG, ICING & CO., 197 Walnut Street. I T ACK ' n " THEBsi - COMMISSION • MERCHANTS,- AND DEALERS IN Petroleura and Its Proaucts, coil:Mu Offio ne Way _ mad Dwi l' BUil t D A nies Mnswletc IyAISOND OIL WO,Rits, IPA.' LONG . . , _ DALZELL suminNe; fen Duquesne Way, Pittsibutgi,•Pi: r)7=7 . 1 HO BELL*, CO., ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, PITTS33I7aGIE. MaorecihuenolBBAVY 1311)111il UNIT LIMOS AND amorous. SITICNTINGS AND BATTINO. CENTBAL : AND ANION . • PACIFIC RAILWAY .BONDS The cheapest investment now In the market sale by PH. rt.. I.4 , llMt r i l Corner FIFTH AVENUE A WOOBEITHEE • . Also, dealer In Government Bonds; Gold a d Coupons and European Exchange at mark t rates. , deal Jas TI B &WY 8c Co (euccenors to 8. JONES & C 0..) Corner Foilrth and Wood Sts., 3B .AL 3Er.. "M 3FIL. BUY AND BELL ALL KINDEi, Va GIONTE,NNENT SECURI I i'OOLD, SILTEEt MiD COUPONS, ON MOW! FAVORABLE TEEMS. tir Interest Allowed on Deposits. air Money loaned on Government Bon lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Porch' and Sale of _STOCKS. BONDS GOLD. JAMES T. BTU= Ctt littsburgt fSit Fucearep AND TIL&DE' ONIFICE Op PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, THURSDAY, March 5, 1869. On theannouncement of the new inet today and the further riso of bo; in Enrope, the price of gold drop • from 181 to 18831, the lowest mint ,; et reached for this season. It now depenltls how the press will take , up the new ap pointments; if approved of,it is ilk 1y that a further decline of gold sill take place, which will carry with l it every r tide of merchandise .and produce, a• d CM will, for a time, check our export trad but If the new Secietary of the Treasu remains at the head of his mammoth e tablieliment in New York, a further de-' presslon, of the gold premium would certainly bring on very heavy loss es to his large importing interests. Judging from this point, it is not likely that the new Secretary could be over zealous in hastening on specie payments by artificial means. If the appointment was known to Mr. Stuart, be possessed a power which could be detrimental to the interests of those rivalling with him in the-same business. Be it as it may, the inauguration of the new President has not yet the effect on the European bond market that was expected, and instesd of a sharp and decisive advance, the market suffered even a partial decline in bonds. It is thus evident that the whole events have been discounted by far-seeing financiers and disappointment thus fol lowing those who, too over-confident in the effect of the event just passed, their tactics have to be changed to a new di rection. The disposition here is rather to sell bonds than to buy at present high prices, which is shOwn by difference in price of the old and new bonds. 1862's advanced nearly two per cent. while 1867 advanced - but half per.cent. , In stocks the market is dragging along with downward tendency, an disposi tion to get out of the .heavy loads of stocks. Express shares were higher and firmer; American 'Merchants Union ad vanced to 44, an advance 7 per cent. with- in six days. • Money easier, with a gradually im proving demand. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 131; Silver, 124; Eighty one's, 116%; Five Twenties, 1862, 119 3 / 4 ; do 1864, 115; do 1865, .115%;• do 1865, Consols, 113; do 1867, 113y0 - do 1868, 113; Ten Forties, 1053;; New York Central, 5834; Erie, —; Reading; 90%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & , Chicago Railroad, 117; Ohio & 333; Michigan Southern, 95;/;• Cleve land k PittsbUrgh, ; C ' hiCago & Rock Island, 125 3 / 4 ; - Chiolgo dr. North Western, 81 3 / 4 ,; Chicago it North Western Preferred; 89%; Adams Express 'Com pany, 623'; Merchants Union Express, 16; Pacific Mall, 100; Western Union Telegraph Company, 30i; Gregory, 2,10; Quartz Hill, 77; .Corydon, 10; Smith dr, Parmele, 1,55; Am. W. Express 44. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l NEW Yosa t March 6, 1869 The great feature of Wall ' street this afternoon was , the excitement conse quent upon the announcement of the Cabinet appointment of Mr. Stewart, and occasioned a fall of 1 per cent. on gold and a buoyancy and higher rates in the Government rßond market:. His well known views in favor of contraation and the resumption of specie payment, and his mercantile reputation; were, the . oc casion; therein, however, 'a genend opin ion that he cannot retain the office con sistently,witb private interest 4.., The Cabuiet i)thenviswarsaveceived-with sur prise. A certified copy of the bill abol ishing quarterly; bank atatements , of banks ontheaame day; as in , tbe , past, and which is expected to alleviate the periodical stringency of the money market; has been received. - . The :money market, to-day WU easy at 7 per cent. on call, with exception of 6 per cent. on Gkwernments.r. Sterling heavy:at BX(§;£l,li.per cent. - Gold loafer and excited,(wlth aperfect rush to ,sell In ,the afternoon prices Opened at 7 to 3 Per tent: - ftir Carrying. Clearances, $88,000,000., Governments active, buoyant;, and higher, with - considerable :excitement; the• London prices being the highest yet reached, owing. to Mr. Stewart's nomi nation. as, Secretary of the: Treasury, Coupons of 1881, 116N6116)fa do. ?fi2, 1190)1191v do. '64, 11534 @115(;do. '65, 116%44;117. - - State bonds firmer: Missonris, 8934; old Timnessees, 66,40167 W: new do., 653; North Carolinas,• 58®@58%; Viruitdas, 60(062. , • - t Stook market weak and abolitVg34 per cent. lower, without special * features, closing weak and unsettles:l. • "WM/arty Price' a:—Cumberland, 87() 88; Wells Expressi itly‘Q/31.-X; American, 44; Adams, 6234@k32%; Merchants, 17%; Quicksilver, 24%404%; Canton , 89 }i@ 59%; l'acifitl Mail, 99%@)98%; IWeswra U 133011 Telegraph,3 6 X@ 3s 3;MariPosa, 1334(4)13N . do. preferred, 321, _ , 2,1!.,; New York Central, 15734®157 y.; Hudson, 136;4@1363;; Reading, 00N0 9014 Hazlem, 135@136; Terre Halite, 35 @3B; Wabash, 654;t@i16; do. preferred, 76; St. Paul. 641!,a..6474; do. preferred, 76g@7,6,4; Ft. Wayne, 11734@117q: Ohio and /Mississippi, 63 1 4@6314; Michigan Central, 117%; Michigan Southern, 94g @94%; Illinois Central, 1400,142; Pitts burgh, 88 1 ;(,@89: Toledo, 1049.,1@105; Rock Island, 125%; Northwestern, 8036@81; do. preferred, 89%@8914; Dnbuque & Sioux City, - 107; Chicago & Alton, 15634. Mining shares dull. 'Gregory, 210@214 Quartz Hill, 79. Copper Stocks at Boston—Calumet, 50; Copper Falls, 154/ Franklin 22; Hecla. 80; Hancock, i rg; Minnesota, 3; Quincy, 34%. ' Receipts at the Su Treasury, $1,255,- 057; payments, $774,957; balance, $87,- 829,765. PETROLEIIDI, 'MARKET. oFFICE or PrrreaT7Thunr GAZETTE, F.RIDAT, March 5, 1E69. ,S The market to-day was 'unsettled an irregular, with a fair volume of . busin in Crude, but next to nothing in Refined; in regard to prices there is no essential change. The rumors current yesterday in regard to the bull- ring in New York running short of funds, is moat emphati /, cally contradicted; also, that there had been a disagreement among themselves and that they were operating independ ently of each other. We have it, from a reliable source, that everything is work ing smoothly, and' satisfactorily, so far . as the parties above alluded to are con cerned, and that they are perfectly mas t fled with the situation, the thousand and one rumors to the contrary' notwith a standing. We also learn that there are I plenty of orders in the hands of export ers, and that. if so disposed, they could contract for future deliveries at present prices; but 'they are disposed to hold back in hopes that by so doing they will be enabled to fill their orders at lower figures. • REFINED—The market was very _ quiet to-day, not a single sale reported, and at the close the feeling seemed to be a little offish, and eastern bus were asking for concessions. March Wast half, is reported as haying opened at 36, but in.the afternoon, 3534@35% were the best offers that could be obtained. There 3 " were offers to buy March. and April at is 36, and April to December, may be quoted, in the absence of sales, at 35%. CRUDE—The Crude market was a lit tle moreactiye, and if anything a shade stronger, though without important change, compared with yesterday. Sale 500 each April to December at 17%; 500, each March to December at $6,75 per bbl at Oil City; 500 each same months, at 16,65; 1,000 March, seller, at 1634; and 5,000 seller, till August, at 16. LUBRICATING OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil Eclipse Railroad Axle Eclipse Machinery Eclipse Spindle Eclipse Tanners' Stuffing Eclipse Tanners' Finishing oil.. OIL SHIPPED Edt ST BY A. V. R. B. Citizens. Ref. Co., 501 bbls refined to ck Bros., Philadelphia. Fawcett, L. it. S. 250 bbls refined to W. . Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined.. 751 OIL SHIPPED EAST FROBE 'DUQUESNE DEPOT. EilltChillSoll 011 Ref. Co., 223 bbla ref. to Warden:Frew .1c Co.. Philadelphia. H. M. Long ,k Co - ., 106 bbla refined to Warden, Frew & Cr., Phila. Brooks, B. & Co. 481 bbls refined to W. F. & Co.. Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined 810 PITTSBURGH METAL MARKET. OFFICE OF Prr - rsntructs GAZETTE, - FRIDAY, March 5, 1869. The market, since the date of our last report, presents hut little that is really new or important. The receipts both from the East and West continue fair, arid leis said that there is more'Eastern iron in the market, than .- there has been for some time, though sa_yet there is no great iccuinulation of stook. The great proportion of the Western irons are be ing put in on farther contracts; and it is reported that many of the Western fur naeeilie sold ahead for the neat thirty or 'partite sixty days, in regaid to prices there ts little or no change, com pared with last week, though, aa already noted, the market is a little weakish. ANTHRACITE. 30 tons No. 2NentralF'rge.s342,oo-4 mos 60 .4 .4 42,005 mob 100 " " " " " 40,00-cash 100 ". No. & Cold Sheet...— , 46,00-4 mos 50 " No. 1 Anthracite.... 43,00-5 mos 20 - • No. 2 " 41,91-5 mos 70 " Neutral Forge 40,00-5 mos 10 66 No.l Foundry 44,00-4 mos 10 No. 2 " 42,50-5 moe 'prIIIIIINIII3 COAL SICFSMND LAKE 1jPElt.1011; OBE. , 30 tons -Foundry 840,01 mos 50 1, 1t 40,0 0 4 mos 100 " Open Gray Forge... 39,00-4 mos 100 " ,Cotamon ' 6 38,50-4 mos 100 ' " 38,50-4 mos " No. 1-Foundry 40,00-4 mos 150 " ‘, '‘ '40,00-4- Mos 100 " No.l Mixed with natural 41,00--5 mots ALLEGHENY COKE. 100 tons Red Bsink ......:.#3B,oomos Dry Goods Markets. NEW YORE March 6.--Dry Goods.-L• There is rather an improving inquiry for staple goodsadapted to the wants of the early' trade, • and prices generally rule quite uniform, and for;the most part are low enough. Lk/hi Woolens can be boughtto.dity-inimeptable styles`at 111,25 per yard, which is relatively as low as they ever were, and Sprague. Calicos at oneshillingpet yard to.day is us cheap as before the war at 9c. Heavy Brown Sheetinp • like Atlantic A awl Indian Head are 'firm at 17c; Weida extra and Stark, 16)1e; Roxbury, 16r 4 c; Bootte, 11 1 ,ic• do. R, `lo3,c ;' Suffolk E has been reduced to 1031 c, as are Tremont E. . : All ligh Sheetings are . 4 little depressed, as are Printing Cloths, which were inactive at 83ic tor ;standard makes. :Colored Cottons are generally steady and in lim- ited request, at fOrmer. prices. Glaud Cambrica are a little depressed and were offered 3(13 lower at 10c for Manville,' and 110 for Pequo t. • _ CiuoAGo,. March s.—Beef Cattle quiet and 20@)250 lower, 'at $4,00(4)5,78 for goys! and light steers, ;6,00W:1,8734 for fair to medium, and $7,00®7,75 for, good.' to choice shipping steers: Hoge quiet and 10®15o lower, at $9,00®9,75 for common to medium, and slo©ll for good to choice assorted lots. ST. Louis. March 5.--Cattle Market--- Cattle quiet and unchanged; sales at 3 . ; @6X for common to choice. Erogs atestilY at 3g10%. ll= 75c . 800 400 6543