The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 05, 1869, Image 8

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    , S.
(Continued from Ffrat Page.)
wended the Clerk should go on and call
the roll. •
/The Clerk was proceeding, but Mr.
(BROOKS seemed determined not to be
put down in that way, and shouted "I am
a member of the House, and I have a
right to appeal from the tyranny of the
Clerk." , •
The Clerk mildly directed that the gen
tleman from New York should take his
• \ Mr. BROOKS defiantly declared the
gentleman from New York would not
take his seat on the Order of the Clerk.
The Clerk reminded :•, Mr. Brooks that
the Clerk was acting under the authority
of law.
Mr. BROOKS was not -to be appeased
in that manner, and declared the Clerk
was not acting under such authority, but
,in violation of all law. [Loud cries of
order andeat confusion.]
Mr. W SEt
BURNE, of Illinois, de
rnanded e Clerk should put the ques
tion on nomination for Speaker, and he
nominated James G. Blaine, of Maine.
Mr. BROOKS insisted on his right of
appeal and tried to make himself heard,
but his voice was drowned in shouts of
"Call the roll." -
The Clerk once more directed Mr.
. Brooke to take his seat. i
' Mr. BROOKS refused and asserted he
was a member of the House, while the
peraon undertaking to dictate to him was
:,. a Clerk of the House. • :
• The Clerk retorted the gentleman was
. not a member of the House, but only a
member elect. ' - ,
Mr. BROOKS—And the Clerk is not
the - Clerk of the House, nor even a Clerk
--• The
en .
By the gentleman was
mistaken. By the law the Clerk of the
last House was the Clerk of this body.
• Mr. BROOKS--The Clerk inbound by
laws and rules,, and the rule is that pend
ing the election of a Speaker the Clerk
'shall preserve order, and decorum, and
shall decide all questions of order that
may • arise, subject t 0... appeal of the
':H01:18e. :
..: Tho Clerk, interrupting Mr. Brooks,
said—lt /3 a very unpleasant duty for the
Clerk. •
Mr. BROOKS, interrupting—l know it
is;bdt the Clerk ' , is bound by the law,
and is bound to hoar the law.
The Clerk—The Clerk is enforcing the
law. .__. - -
- Mr: BROOKS—The Clerk is not en
forcing the law, but is violating it. [Great
confusion and excitement.]
Mr. WASHBURNE, Ill:—The member
from New York should be put under at . -
'est by the, Sergeantot-Arms. .
, _
At We time - almost' all the members
were on their feet, Republicans calling
to order and Democrats meaning Mr.
Brooks, and the excitement was intense
on the floor and in the galleries.
Mr. ELDRIDGE inquired, as a ques
tion of order, by what rules the Clerk
was governed, by, the.rules of the House
or the law of the land?
The Clerk replied—He was governed
by the law of the land and ,the rules of
the House.
Mr. ELDRIDGE—Is it the law of the
land which the gentleman seeks to have
enforced, and the Clerk refuses to enter
tain an appeal ?I do not believe the ma
jority here today would deny the right
of appeal to a-merriber. [Loud shouts of
"Call the rolL",]
The TMerk,'in the midst of the now in
omit isinglatinfusion, inquired whether.
-there were an* other nominations to the
,office of Speaker?
• Mr: ELDRIDGE, however„persisted
-in keening the floor and trying to make
himeolt heard. He would- not "say the
Clerk was not right, but he would say
the right of appeal was allowe&to mem
bers of Congress, and he dematided that
right. now.. [Applause• and encourage
ment from Democrats.]
Mr. :JONES, of Kentucky, addressed
the Clerk, bat ho was met with vocifer
ous scouts of." call the roll."
Mr. ELDRIDGE put it to the other
side, whether when an appeal was ,taken
in respectful language it should be de
nied? "
• Mr. BROOKS—It neyer has been de
- Mr. ELDRIDGE—It never would be,
denied, bat that we are all slaves to
great excitement. I appeal to the sense
of justice of the men who hold the poWer
of the majority. , ,
Mr. JONES, of kentucky—l desire to
make a point of order. I desiroto have
the ruleread which secures the right of
appeal. '
Mr. LOGAN-I appeal to the Clerk to
keen order. If the gentlemen are de
, termined to make a display of this kind,
I ask that the-Clerk shall have them ar
rested by the Sergbant-at-Artris._
This suggestion was 'received by clap
ping of hands on the Republican side and
in the galleries. : , ,
Mr. BROOKS defied - the 'gentleman
• , from Illinois to make any arrests.
The Clerk again inquired whether
there were any other nominations for
Speaker? -
Mr. ELDRIDGE persisted in appeal
ing to the sense of justice of the major
ity. [Cries of "call the roll."]
Mr-BROOKS—I insist on my right to
appeal.. ' - 5
The Clerk called upon-Messrs. Cullom,
Kelsey, Woodward and Voorhees to act
as tellers in counting the vote for
Mr. 'ELDRIDGE —I ask the gentlemen
if they will not let, us appeal from the
arbitrary action of the Clerk? [cries of
. orfler.l
. Mr. , LOGAN—I insist that the Ser
geant-at-Arms arrest these men. [Ap
piano° and great excitement.]
•- Mr. BROOKS- 7 -There is no Sergeant
at-Arms. ~_
' Mr. LOGAN--We'll do it onrselveth
[Applause and encouragement on the
Repa]alican side, and laughter and de
fiandflaan the Democratic side.]
Mx. LOGAN, menacingly—lf ,I were
Sergeant-at-Arms. I. would' do it very
quick, be assured of that. •
Mr. STOKES at the''] tame time was
vociferating in an excited manner and
threatening some sort of vengeance:on
the Democrats, but the only words that
~ he reporter dietinguished were to the
oraot that . : Democratic members were
worse thin rebels.. 46
. : To this Mr., ELDRUX/E. replied 130133G
thing Which seemed to be sii invitation
to Mr. Stokes to send on biti rebel soldiers.
[Uproar. confusion and excitement.]
', The Clerk called on Messrs. Wood
ward and - Voerbees to take their plums
as tellers at the ,dest. where the other
tellers Were already. Seated.
Mr. Woodward complied - with the sum
mons, but Mr. Voorhees seemed reluc-
Then Mr.. WOODWARD' returned to
his seat and made some conciliatory re
marks as to Mr. Brooks having the right
to appeal, and suggesting the appeal be
entertained and decided by the House.
The Clerk stated he had no desire to
. make a decision that would do violence
to the feelings of any member ' or to do
anything that would throw the body into
confusion; but he was obliged to adman
_ later the law so as to 'effect the prime
duty of the House. He regretted that
any decision of his should be regarded
by any gentleman as' an invasion of his
personal rights, for it was not so in
• tended. He-appealed to the tellers to
r . take their places. _ ,
..., - Mr. BROOKS, satisfied with the re-
marks of t e Clerk, withdrew his a
peas, but without aequiesting in the d
cision., •
The tellers took Wei. places, th e
storm which had looked so portentioul
passed away, and all was apparentl,
serene again.
Mr. RANDALL, nominated. Mr. Ker
of Indiana, for Speaker. •
- The vote resulted, James G. Blaine 131
Michael C. Kerr '55,
The Clerk thereupon announced
Blaine duly elected Speaker of the Hou:
of Representativesfor the Forty-fir
Congress, and appointed Messrs. Datv
and Kerr to conduct him to the Speaker
The ceremony haring been perform:
amid general satisfaction, the Speak
elect delivered his opening speech. I
Gent/eine - 2z of the House of Represen
Caves—l thank you profoundly for t e
great honor which your votes have ju t
oonferro upon me. The gratiticati
which Allis signal mark of your con •
derice brings to me finds its only dra -
ba,:k in the diffidence with which I
slime the weighty duties devolved ur n
me. - Succeeding to a chair made ill ti
tri,,us by the services of such Peril -
ruentarians as Clay, Stevenson; and Pol ,
and Winthrop, and Banks, And Grow;
and Colfax, I may well distrt my abil
ity to mein the just expectatio s of thctse
who have shown me such ma ked parti
ality. But relying, gentlem n, on my
honest purpose to perform all my duties
faithfully and fearlessly, and rusting in
a large measure to the indulgence's hieh
ram MILO 'o3li will always extend to me,
I shall hope to retain, as I have secured,
your confidence, your kindly and gener
ous support.
The Forty-first Congress, assembled at
an auspicious period in the history of
our Government, the splendid and im
pressive ceremonials which we have just
witnessed in another part of the Capitoli
appropriately symbolizes the triumphs
of the past and hopes of the future. A
great chieftain, whose sword at the head
of gallant and victorious armies saved
the Republic from dismemberment'and
ruin, has been fitly called to the highest
civic honor which a grateful people can
bestow. Sustained by a Congress that
BO ably represents the loyalty, the patri
otism and personal worth of the nation,
the President this day inaugurated will
assure to the country an adminiatration
of purity and prosperity. an era of Libern
ty regulated by 'Law, and of Lim , thor=
oughly inspired with Liberty. Congrat
ulating you, gentlemen, on the happy
auguries of the day, and invoking the
gracious blessings of Almighty , Mid on
the arduous and - -responsible labors be
fore you, I am ready to take the oath of
office, and enter upon the \discharge of
the duties to which you have called me.
The oath was then solemnly adminis
tered by Mr. Wishbuine, of Illinois, the
senior member of the House.
When the ceremony of swearing the
members commenced, they were called
up in batches of twenty or thirty at a
time, arranged themselves in the area in
front of the Speaker's chair, and took the
oath with uplifted hands.
When the New -York members were
about to take the oath, Mr. SCHENCK
called attention to the case.of Mr. Reeves,
from the First District, who had been
represented to him as having given aid
and encouragement to the rebels while
editing the Greenport Watchman.
The SPEAKER asked Mr. Schenck
whether he submitted any motion on the
Mr. SCHENCK said he did not, and
thereupon the New York members ; in
eluding Mr. Reeves, were sworn.
Objection was made by Mr. BUTLER
to Mr. Hamill, of Maryland, by Mr.
SCHENCK to Messrs.. Winchester and
Rice, of Kentucky, and by Mr.-BROOKS
to Messrs. Van Horn and Dyer, of Mis.
souri, and these gentlemen stepped aside'
and did not take the oath.
Mr. LAWRENCE, of Ohio, objected
to Mr. Rogers, of Arkansas, and offered
a resolution on the subject, but the reso
lution was laid on the table, and Mr.
Rogers sworn.
All the members, with these excep
tions, and the Delegates, having been thus
sworn, the House, at half past five, ad
' jonrned.
The announcement of a Republican
caucus for to-morrow morning .at half
, j past ten was made by the Clerk.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
LONDON, March 4.—ln the House of
Commons this evening Mr. Goschen,
President of the 'Poor Law Board, advo
cated the removal of restrictions on em
igration and thought it advisable to give
facilities for and otherwise encourage
emigration of paupers 'to America.
MADRID, Mama 4.-4--Itt the Cortes yes
terday a commission, O composed of fifteen
i ! sa
members, was ominated to prepare a
Constitution, de e the rights and liber
ties of citizens a d submit a form of gov
ernment. Senor gasta, Minister of In
terior, made ast ement in regard to the
recent disordera in -Barcelona and
charged they were instigated by mem
bers of the Republican party.
QUEENSTOWN, March 4.—The steam
ship England ar 'ved to-day from New
York. -
Lonnori, March 4—Evening.--Cortsols,
.93 for money, and 93®93% for account.
Five-Twenties, 8234; Erie,24%; Illinois,
971‘; Atlantic Great irestern, 31 1 4 c.
Stocks stoady. ullion in Bank of Eng
land decreased £250,000 during the week.
Sugar on spot, 398. 6d.; afloat, 295. 6d.
Calcutta Linseed, 58.8. 6d. Tallow firm
at 458. ad.
ANTWERP, March 4,—Petroleum firmer
at 58q58 1 4.
FRANKFORT, March 4.—Bonds, 85%@
85 5 .4.
LIVERPOOL, March 4.—Cotton, firmer,
but no higher; middling uplands, 11%;
Orleans at 12X; sales, 10,000 bales. Cali
fornia white Wheat„ 10s. 7d; red west
ern, 9s. 7d. Flour, 255. Corn; 31s. for
old, and 30s. for new. Oats,. 3s. 6d. Bar
ley, 55. Peas, 435. 6d. Pork, 975. 6d.
Beef, 955. Lard, 735. Cheese, 765. Ba•
oon, 58s. Tallow, 455. 6d. , .
- New Jersey Legislature.
EST Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ossetia.)
MANTON , March: 3.—The attempt to
put applications for charters
for inst./am* companies under special
law felled to-day in the House. ,
The Transit Duty bill reducing the per
capita tax on freight on the Camden and
Amboy Railroad, and substituting a tax
upon the:Company passed. both the Sen
ate and House to-day.
Grant's Inaugural in Tennessee.
City Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
NASHVILLE, March 4.—Grant's inaugu
ral was circulated here at half-put three
to-day. It was sought for and read with
avidity by men of all parties. Tho
clause relative to suffrage is regarded as
obscure. Otherwise the address gives
general satisfaction.
—lt is stated that Mrs. Johnson, wife o
the ex• President, is quite unwell.
The Street Committee of the Allegheny
! Councils met last evening.
Tile Allegheny river is frozen over a
short distance above the city.
See Advertisernfat of Cottage House
and large lot of ground in East Liberty,
for sale. '
• The Courts, Real Estate Transfers, and
Brief Telegrams, will be found on our
seventh page.
Fined.—Henry Skiles,
a countryman,
was fined two dollars by Mayor Drum,
yesterday, tor driving his wagon; loaded
with straw, over the sidewalk in the
Firemens' Association.—A meeting of
the Firemens' Association Will be held
in the hall of the Association, City Build
inz, Monday evening, the Bth inst., at
73 o'clock.
The Inauguration Prayer Sleeting held
yesterday at noon in the First Presbyte
rian Chtirch, was very largely attended.
The exercises were of an unusually
solemn arid impressive character.
Miner Killed.—Yesterday afterno6n
miner/employed at Bell's coal works,
Mansfield, was killed by the falling of a
mass , of slate. We could not ascertain
his name. The Coroner will hold at' in
quest on the'body to-day. ,
Assaulted.—Mrs. Sarah Schwartz made
information before Aldertman Mitchell,
of the Nineteenth ward, (late East Lib
erty,) against Thomas McAdams for as
sault and battery. The accused was held
in the sum of POO for his appearance at
Two Charges.—Thos. McAdams made
two informations before Alderman
Mitchell, yesterday, against Jacob
Schwartz, one for selling liquor to mi
nors, and one for keeping a gambling
house. The accused gave bail for trial in
each case.
Allegheny Sewerage.—Considerable
opposition is being manifested in Alle
gheny against the proposed law regulat
ing the sewerage system in the city. We_
understand a number of remonstrances
against the measure are in circulation,
and are receiving numerous signatures.
Another Coal Case.—The war against
the. coal dealers continues. Yesterday
Alderman Humbert issued a warrant for
the arrest of Thomas Moore, proprietor
of the coal yard at the foot of Ross street,
Monongahela wharf, for >violation of the
city ordinance relative to the weighing
of coal. ' •
A Middle Aged lady, yesterday morn
ing, was.tmcidenly seized with an epilep
tic fit, on Seventh avenue, near Smith
field street. Sne was taken into a store
-near by and medical aid summoned. She
recovered in a Short time sufficiently. to
'Walk to her residence in the upper part
of the atty. •
Property Sales.—The following sales
were effected this woek by Mr. A. Leg
gate, auctioneer: House and lot, 155
North avenue; price. $l$,OOQ. House and
lot, corner Bidwell street and Ohio ave
nue; price, 15,400. Two small houses,
38x40 feet, on Sedgewick street; price,
Personal.—Rev. E. B. Snyder, at pres
ent pastor of the North Avenue M. E.
Church, Allegheny, has received and ac-
Cepted a call to the pasterate of one of
the M. E. Churches In Chicago. Rev.
Snyder has been with his present charge
for the past two years, and is quite popu
lar and very much beloved.
Fight Between Teamsters.—Adarn
Weas and James Shoenberger quarrelled
on Penn street, Ninth ward, yesterday
morning, and Adam apparently getting
the worst of the conibat, revenged him
self by lodging information against 'his
opponent, before Alderman Strain, for
assault and tratterv. A warrant for the
arrest of Shoenberger was issued.
New School House.—The erection of a
new school house in the First ward - ,le•
gheny, is talked of. The "old&aiding is
too small to accommodate the number
of pupils in attendance. Messrs. Ingham
and Borland of the Board of Directors,
have been appointed a committee to take
the matter into consideration and report
a suitable site, &c., &c., at a future meet
Assault and Battery.—Alvin Weitzel
made information before Justice Am
mon, of East Birmingham yesterday,
charging his son-in•law, Charles Rose
feldt, with assault and battery. He al
leges that the accused struck him with
his fist and. knocked him down' Rose
feldt was arrested, and after a hearing
was held to-: bail for, his appearance 'at
Beit warrant was issued by
Alderman Strain yesterday for the arrest
of Patrick Irish, charged with assault
and battery, on oath of Peter Gallus.
The parties reside in the Eighth ward.
They got into a dispute yesterday morn
ing, which came' to blows, and finally
led to the result as stated. Patrick man
aged to keep out of the officers' reach
throughout the day.
The Lecture Last Night. —Mrs.' Jane
G. Swisshebil lectured last night in the
Second U. P. Church, Allegheny, before
a large and appreciative audience, many
of whom were drawn from this side of
the river. The lecture was one of the
most entertaining we have heard woman
deliver, and we trust the lady can be
prevailed upon to deliver it before a
Pittsburgh andiwce.
Fatal Result.—Wm. Brown, who was
injured about a week since by falling
from the top of a board pile at Mcßrier's
lumber yard, Allegheny, died from the
injuries - received, on Tuesday. His fu
neral took place yesterday from his late
residence on Sedgwick street, Slath
ward. The decedsed was about fifty-flve
years of , age and well and favorably
known in this community.
Severely Injured Dr. J. H. Dickson,
of this city, was severely Injured by a
collision which occurred on the r
Central Railroad Wednesday morning.
He was brought home yesterday,
and Is
being attended by Dr. Hamilton. Two
of ribs are broken. and he sustained
braises and cuts on various parts of.his
body. His injuries, however, though Ber
vere, are not considered dangerous, and,
with care, it Is. quite , probable that he
will,be able to be about again in a short
Hit With a Brick.—Mary Wbite made
information before Alderman Mldasters,
yesterday, against Thomas Corlin , a
youth about seventeen years of age;
charging him with assault and battery.
Mary states the was walking down Viz=
ginia alley when Thomas hailed her; She
paid no attention to his salute, which,
she alleges, cau..ed him to throw a brick
which struck her .in the back and made
her insensible for a timo. The accused
was arrested and gave bail for a hearing
_ .
Self.DesirucUon—Another Suicide.
Another shocking case of suicide oc
curred in Allegheny yesterday. The
victim, Mr. Andrew Phy, was a man
about forty yeara of age, and the father
of a family of five children. He resided
on Chestnut street, Seventh ward, and
was by occupation a baker. For several
-days past, it is said, he had been drink
ing pretty freely, and upon recovering
from his dissipation, became very
gloomy and despondent. Yesterday of
some of the neighbors in the
vicinity of his residence heard children's
cries coming from the house, and upon
going in they discovered Mrs. Phy en
deavoring to stop the flow of blobd from
1 a hideous gash in the throat oilier hus
band. It StiaLUS the man, during the
sence of his wife from the. ro m, had
seized upon a pair of scissors and at
tempted to take, his life, but".w inter
rupted in his operations by he return.
As quickly as possible Dr. Hardtmeyer,
residing in the neightiorbood Waa sum
moned, and medical aid rendered the un
fortunate man. Notwithstanding every
effort, however, the wound proVed to be
mortal, and about an hour after he com
mittal of the rash act death ensued.
'The decaasediad,been predispo, ed to in
sanity, and t supposition is that he was
laboring and r a temporary =mental ab
eration at the time he inflicted the fatal
wound. His brother has been confined
in the Insane asylum at Diamont for
about seven , years.
--sr. was notified of the
Coroner daivrjon was notine
afirtir and will hold an inquest on the
body this afternoon.
How Do They ,Llyf?
This question, - Linde!' home oircumstan
cos, might be"conAidered ah impertinent
one, and, for aught we linow, may be in
this instance, nevertheless our "natural
curiosity" or desire for infortnation,
which ever it may be, prompts us to pro
pound it. "=Day after day the several
County Court rooms are crowded from
theripening of the Court until it adjourns
with a set of able-bodied, healthy look
ing men, whose only object there seems
to be to hear and see what Is going on.
The same faces that were seen there yes
terday will be seen in the same places
to-day and to-morrow. The appearance
of most of the persons referred to does
not indicate them to be men of leisure, or
at least the possessors of sufficient means
to live without labor, hence the question
"how do they live?" Idleness is one of
the first steps to crime, gird It should not
be countenanced either by individuals or
communities, as both suffer to a greater
or less extent from its consequences.
A Thief Captured.
Yesterday evening Charles A. Hunter,
a young man, and evidently a stranger
in the city, wfp arrested at Smithson &
Co.'s auction store on a charge of larcerd.
He was in the store for some time, and it
appears managed to get possession of a
pair of shoes, which he secreted under
his coat unobserved. He then endeavor
ed *to make his way out through the
crowd, when his manner attricted the
,attention of some one who informed one
*of the employes that he thought Hunter
had stolen something. He was stopped
and an officer called in, who took charge
of him and conducted him to the lock
up. On arriving at the watch-house,
Capt. Graham 'searched him and found in
his possession a pair of shoes, which
were identified as having come from
Smithson & Co.'s by one of the ,em
ployes. Hunter alleged that be pur
chased the shoes in the morning, but
could not tell' where. Ho will have a
hearing this morning
' A Brutal Husband. -
Mrs. Mary Hopfield called at the Alba- ,
gheny Mayor's office yesterday miming
and stated ,that he husband, Henry 1
Tloptield, while in a h3toxicated condi-
Oen, had beat and ab sed her t in atibame
ful manner; Hopfield has been in the
habit of indulging i thisTmanly amuse
ment, and but a fetv days ago was re
leased from punishment for the offense
by , promising future good behavior.
The woman was so, badly abused that
she could hardly walk yesterday. The
accused was, arrested, and, in default of
payment of line, committed to jail for
1 thirty days.
The Rink.
The Keystone Skating 'Rink will be
open to lovers of the skatorial art to-day
and this evening. The Rink was flooded
last night, and will be found to contain
this morning a sheet of ice , smooth as a
mirror and,level as a floor. As this may
be the last opportunity for skating during
this season it should he improved by
those interested. In addition to the
other attractions to-night, Prof. Yeager
will represent "Mercury" on the veloci
pede. Don't fail to be present.
Cool Preceeding.—Alfred McWil
liams made information before Alder
man Mitchell yesterday against William
Heshett for larceny as bailee. The 'par
ties reside in the Nineteenth Ward (late
East Liberty). The prosecutor alleges
that the accused and George M'Combs
gave him a joint note in settlement of an
account, about two months ago. Yes
terday, he states, Heshett called upon
him and Biked to see the note, which he
immediately pocketed and carried off
with him. Heshett was arrested, and
after a hearing gave bail in the sum of
five hundred dollars for trial.
Alleged Aggravated Assault --Timothy
Kelly, an ex-policeman, made informa
tion before Alderman Strain, yesterday,
against Wm. McClure and John Paisley
for aggrayated assault and battery. The
prosecutor states that while` he was a
policeman under Mayor Blackmore, the
accused attacked and beat him one night
without provocation. Prosecution was
entered before the Mayor at tbt time,
but the matter was afterwsulds dtopped.
The present information is therefore a
revival of the ease. A warrant was
Disorderly Bearder.—Thos. Richard
son.drank too much whisky yesterday
morning, which .mused him to create a
disturbance at ids boasting house, in the
sixth ward, Allegheny. He wan arrest
ed on an information for disorderly con
duct, preferred against him by the land
lady. After a hearing, t before Mayor
Drum, he was fined 120 and costa. This
in the second time within the last two
days that Thomas has been In the watch
house for a similar offense. He paid the
fine and departed.
Acknowledgment —The ladies of the
Relief Society, of Allegheny City, have
acknowledged the receipt of various do
nations ranging in sums of from three to
one hundred dollars, in response to their
appeal, recently mader to the public,
which sums added to those already ac
knowledged, tb34, make the totalof 6280.
By order of the managers,
, Mits. F. R. Bati2Gofl
Dins. Dn. TREVOR.
Alderman Peter Bolster, of the Third
ward, Alleghenr. will open his office, in
a few days, on West - street, a few doors
above Ohio.
OPERA House. The andienca at the
Opera House last evening was one of the
largest and most fashionable thafhas as
sembled at that establishment during the
present season, and we have never seen
Lotta play better. The "Female Detec
tive," a piece admirably adapted to Lot
ta's peculiar and original style, giving
full range to tier versatile talent, was pre
sented in a highly acceptable manner.
There is none of that affectation of incli
nation to imitate, so irksome to an audi
ence, about Lotta. Her style is peculiar
to herself and entirely original. The bill
for to-nighrcomPrises "Capt. Charlotte,"
Brougham's builesque of "Pocahontas,"
and "Family Jars.' As . this is the ocda
sion of Lotta's benefit, we anticipate a
crowded house.
Victorelli Brothers continue to be the at
traction at the American Theatre,, and
they have, so far proven a very forcible
and profitable one to the Manager. The
houses are crowded every night, and
doubtless will be so long as these re
markable men form a feature in the en
tertainment. ,
of• Harry Williams, at the Pittsburgh
Theatre, of which he is the lessee, last
night, was a decidedly substantial one.
The hon3e was crowded, - and. the,entcr
tainment• was of 'the most . satisfactory
character tolhe' audience. Dr. Thayer's
excellent company of equestrians, gym
nasts and acrobats gave' an excellent ex
hibition; which they will, also do this
ACADEMY G ' F' Muslc.—The three nights
of the comic English Opera, by the
Susan Halton Opera Troupe, commencing
Monday night, promises to be the moat
brilliant of the season. Monday even
ing Offenbach's comic opera "Litchen
and Fritzchen," the ' , Bonnie Fish Wife,"
and 41 La Rose de Saint Rena," will be
presented. The sale of seats will coin•
menoe at H. Rieber, N 0.122 Wood street,
this morning. No extra /charge for re•
served seats.
JA trAllSCHElC.—FannyJanauschek, the
grea German artist, will give three en
tertaininents next week at the Academy
us's, commencing Thursday• even
ing, when she will appear in Elizabeth,
suported by an excellent dramatic com
pany. Sale of seats willoommence Mon
day at Kleber's.
MUSEU3I.—Kaj. Burnell continues to
add, new attractions to his interesting
• of Letters
Buchanan Postoffice March
Remaining i
sth, 1869.
Plnch,Edward.lllcGuire. A. J.
cinch, Mary J. McbsegultnEU
finch, Wm. 9 r.; Mc L
'McKee, aug hl in, W
G r
Green, Nathq. lMcelatchy, J.B
Gough, Wm. littelionald.. R.
Git more, Henry ;Mclntyre & Bro
Gardiner John; Mau her, Ellen
;Glenn,Maria. McClure. J olla.
I nawk
Fannie, OlKell. - C-
Marmany. Wm. teConly. P.
Hamilton Geo. ii)pely, Kate.
Harthele. G.M. B.
" Wash'n,
rib, Ann
W m.
Boyd, M. E.
Blngey, Em.
Bineley. J. A.
Barry, W. H.
Sanford. Ben,
Beebe. E. M
'Rose, .
Haynes. Mary. ißowlan'il, — Y.
Hindmarels, J. S •
J 'Story T.
Johnsean,Sarahl bunt:David R.
Johnstone.M.J 'Saunders N.J.
[Zones, Robert."Sch , field: Wm.
Kelley. Mary 2.lSsundera MraW
Krepp.. J. M. ItSA ho ny, Be c k
l ip'
Lynch, Mary. Sweeney. Jobn.
ILehberkir, L. 'Shearer, R.A.
Se don, Walter
Morris, 11. R. ISanders, Junu -
;Miler, Oen. M. 6nearwlnit. V.
Murray. Wm.M. Smith, John.
'Montgomery, Li T
Miller, Jno. 01. iTesh. M.
litonpeth. J. 'Tarr, Sarah.
II ow e tz, Sarah. W
Morgan, M. Wescoat,D.
Misetiell. Jno. ,Wareham, R.
' Myers, Eliza. iWsrd. Thos.
!Mercer, t.V.B Ward, B.
Metz. 'Henry. Ward. Jacob.
'Miller, Joseph. Wilson, John.
Wm. J.ltYalktr, Joan.
.; SicCur9 - .J no U.
E. ti. h RERAN. 'Postmaster.
Conner. 9am'l.l
Chrl tine. Jno.l
Cregan, John.
Conran. Rosa.
Colintan.'John. ,
Conaway. A.
Croak, John F.
Collin!, James.
Cline. James.
Galantell, Jane
Custer, J. 31. R.
Croego, Yet,
Conner. Maret
Duvall, Win.
Duffy, John E
Dorsey. C.
Dennis. John.
Dyer, Wm.
Devine. A.
Dongla•s..l W
Davib. David.
Donahue. Jas.
Dawns. C. IS,
teller, ISI.
rrel, James
12m.. 4-4 Shirting alusiins and Sheetings.
12S c. 44 Long Cloth Bleached Muslims.
1234 c. Dark Domestic Ginghams;
12;40. Linen Crashes and 'lucks.
12.340. New style Dark Prints.
25c. Grey Twilled Heavy Flannels.
. Blankets at great reduction.
Bed Spreads and Quilts cheap.
25c. 4-4 Twilled Feather Ticking.
Pink Prints, Blue Prints, Oil Chintz.
20c. Scotch Ginghams, all styles.
New Dry Goods and Low Pecos, on
west corner Market street and Fourth
avenue, No. 60.
We are prepared to say that nowhere
else in the city can a better 'lime of rich
and valuable books, new and second
hand; be obtained than at the popular
literary depot of Col. J. D. Egan, Sixth
avenue, near Smithfield street.• Law
yers, doctors, ministers, professors,
scholars' and students will there find
some one or more works to please them.
All the late* magazines and illustrated
newspapers. together with a splendid
line of stationery and counting room
goods will be found at most reasonable
Spring Shatils, Lace. Mantles—The
choicest, from latest importation at Bates
B el 1' s
Marvin's Superior Crackers are supe
rior to all others in thhi market. For sale
by all grocers in the city and county.
Marvin's Superior Lemon Biscuits for
sale by, all grocers.
The Weather, although inclement, has
not interfered with the great clearance
sale at the store recently ocoupied-by
Dennison & Heckert, trimming and no-,
-don dealers. Messrs. Macrum & Car
lisle having bought out the entire stock,
are determined to close it out Without re
gard to oast, and readers' who study
economy should bestow a large share of
their patronage ontNo. 27 Fifth avenue.
Black Poplin Alpacas, at MO to 6214 e,
a great job. The best bargains of the
season at J. M. Carr's, 118 Federal street.
the very latest weekly pa
pers dime novels, and songsters, for sale
at dotty 's, Alliquipa street, Braddocks.
Also, agent for the Daily and Weekly
Ladle's French made underclothing at
Bates et Bell's.
Spring ShirUngs.--Choice and desira
ble styles of Percales, Chintz and Prints;
also Muslims, Linens, Shirt Fronts, in
great variety, at .1. hi. Carr's, 118 Federal
Melodeon Govera.--:All colOis, at bar.
gains, to'elose out, at J. M. Carr's, 118
Federal street.
The place to get White Lime, Cal
Clned Plaster, Hydraulic Cement. is a
Maker & Caakey's, 13 Smithfield street
Bates & Bell's new stock is complete
In all departments.
American SLlks—Bates & Bell have the
different makes.
'Black Thlbet Shawls, long and square
at Bates & Bell's.
White Goods—Bates& Bell's.
Liebler's Extensive Trunk Factory
The Spring stock of tganks now on
exhibition at the extensive and well
managed trunk emporium of Joseph
Liebler, No.'; 104 Wood street, attracts
much attention, as it Is bne of the larg
est and most complete ever held by any
hotti o e west- of tbe mountains. The en
terprising proprietor, in looking ;forward
to the Spring and summer trade, be
lieves that there will - be a large demand,
not only for trunks but for articles in all
other itnes of business, and hence he has
kept a fall force of harks at work to sup
ply the demands of the - patronage which
will be directed towards him. He sells
at wholesale and retail, and at such
'.prices as to make it advantageous to pur
chasers to bestow their patronage am his •
establishment. We commend Mr. Lie
bler as a fair dealing, honorable busi
ness gentleman, and one in every way
worthy the confidence of our readers.
House Furnishing Goods New and Cheap.
Napkins, Doylies, Towels, Linen Sheet
ings, Pillow Muslins, and Pillow Linens.
cheap. -Slid Eye Linen, Hacks 'and
Crashea, -Hof:my Comb Quilts arid Toilet
Quilta,theap. ' •
50c: , Goedl3laok Alpaca Lbsters.
6234 e. 331ack Queen's Cloths, silk finish.
20c. Linen Shi%Fronts; others'oheap.
75c. per dozen, inen Doykies.
Special bargains'in New Dry G&W', on
west corner Market street and Fourth
avenue, No. 69.
•enawft. E. P.. GARDNER.
ebintzes and Piques—Bates it Bell's
for• an extensive assorbnent.
Maryln>a Superior Cream Crackera,
only twenty you in a barrel, for sale
by all grocers.
Newl DiT Goods.
124 c. Prints, Tickingh and Muslims.'
5-4 Pillow Muslim' and Linens.
10-4 Linen and Cotton Sheetings.
Stripe Shirting Prints and Chintzes.
Linen Shirt Fronts and Irish Linen&
25c. Double-Width Country Flannels.
_Goods and Low Prices , on west
corner Market street and Fourth avenue,
No. 69.
Linen Goods—Byery mike and discrtp
tion of Linen goods at Bates &Bell's.
Unprincipledlifen are engagedvending inferioi imitations of Burnett'a
Cocaine for thq Hair, and are liable to
prosecution. Trrit:sF
Bradley's lateit styles !of Heel) Skirts
at Bates dc Bell's.
It is a luxury and a nifort to bathe,
shave, or have your hair cut or dressed
at the elegant establishment of H.. B.
Williamson, No. 190 Federal street, Al
legheny. Try it. F
Lace Curtalns—Bates & Bell have an
elegant stock.
DOWDLE-On Wedne dsy morning, at 10
o'c ock, at her mother's residence, Wood's Enz.
Miss JANE DuWDLE, aged 25 years.
Funeral on FRIDAY MORNING, at.lo o'clock.
Friends of the family are respectfully invited to
attend., •
McCALLTIM-On Tuesday evening.. at 8
o'clock. at his recidenre, Po. 54 Centre *Ve
nue, Capt• A. C McCAL LIIM, int.
The fluteral will take place from his late resi
dence No. 54 Centre avenue, FRIMAT Arms
otOost, March 5, at 2 o clock, to proceed to Al
legheny Cemetery. ; .. .
It &STON-On Wednesday evening. Maroh 3d.
06of at 11 o'cl
Easton Ck. Mrs. SARAH D EASTON.
wifeßev. J. S. .
The funeral w1:1 take pike from the residence
of her husciand, No. ;201 Federal street, Alle - -
gheny, on Ra•ronoax,..._llin inst., at 10 o'clock
A.M. The friends of ; thelamlly are respectfully
invited to mitt nd. i
BLAt. ESTOCK-At theirard House,.Phila
deinhia, on Wednesday, Id reit 3d, GEORGE M.
BLACKSTOOK, in the 42 year of his age.
1 1 ,
The funeral will take pl ce from his late resi
dence, 22 Anderson stree Allegheny, on Pas
trISDAT, March 6th. at 2 'clock. The friends
oftthe fatally are respectfiilly invited to attend.
MILLER-oaThursday, Marsh 4th, 1869. at
11 'o'clock A.. v., liOliEftr MILLER, aged 64
years.. _
• . Funeral from his late residence. No. 30:01d
avenue, on S_vronniy mow sism, March GO, at
ten O'clock. Th.", friends 'of the tinnily are re
spectfully inv/Ird to attend. .
JACKSON-At Sewickley, st 63-i o'cloek
Mach 3. 1869. MARTHA A. JACKSON. sister
of the lata,Heorge W. Jackson.
The funeral will take place from the residence
of her sister, Mrs. Reesn 0. Townsend, 162
Robinson street. Allegheny, FRIDAY, the sth
inst., at 2 o".clock.-
E. R. GettnlTEE.
burga, Pa. COFFINS of all kinds,ORAYES,
GLOVES, and el en description of Funeral Fur
nishing Goods Cr r nished. Booms open day and
ntabt. Hearse rnd Carriages furnished. •--
BILTZUZICCES-rBeV. Kerr,D.O., gev.M.
W. Jacobus, D. D., Thomas Ewing, Esq., Jacob
H MlRer, Esc.
AVEND t Allegheny City, where their COIr7IN
ROOMS a - a constantly supplied with real and
imitation evrood, Mahogany and Walnut
C0M143, at prices arying from *4 to 6100. Bo .
dies ibrepared for rment. Hearses and Car.
riages furnished; also. .11 clads of Mourning
Goods. if required. Office of en at all hours, day
and night.
A01111'• T. RODNEY, UNDER=
T, Allegheny, seeps constantly on hand
a large assortment of ready-made Coffins of. the
fillowing kinds: Firer, the celebrated American
Burial Cases, Metallic Self-sealing Air -tight
Caste and' Caskets, and Rosewood, Walnut and
Rosewo4 d Imitation Coffins. Walnut Collins
from SIS upwards. Rosewood Imitation Coffins
&run iss upwards, and no pains will-be a_parecl
to give entire satisfaction. Crape and "ItiloveS
furnished free cf charge. Best Hearses and Car
riages furnished on short notice. Carriages fur
nished to funerals at list
11EN.7.1f G. HALE,
Cor: of i'enn. and St. Clair Streets
Hsi now in stock ono of the Largest =dime
varttd assortments of -
eve's , trroakht to this city. . is stock embraces
all the latest French sad English manufacttuns of
Jam. a fall Mae of Gent's Turolablng Goods.
For an the latest styles cut clothes, msde of the
nest material, and by Bret-class wor kmen, and at
prices 'unwillingly low, go to the well' known
Merchant Tailor,
Fall and Wiri.tx. Goods
NO. 50 ST. CLAES STEILET, now Sixth.
THOS. P. DELL D 8. 8. strrrog. Y. D.
AIISOCLATILD themselves together for the
Me, No. 19137.00NT0N ADA..
gbery City. TEO& F. DAI.M. D..
nola•zl3 B. B. BLITTON. , X. D.