.D' . ..Ra4tb4fo.•o..'it' THE MARCH MAGAZINES. Hours at Home, in its light plain drab color, contains a, number of papers of a substantial cast, and/ at the s' `time quite rea able: Of this class we note Prof. Porte 's su,ggestions oi:i," ks and Readings,": and "Reminh.cences of Schleiermache.r." The article c,f S er i fl ' 1 wood, "Lost in' the Desert ; s a dal ty bit. "Emile .la . Giraein " "Sebasta of in May, 1855," I , ‘A Day Amon the Vi °- yards," etc., will repay ,reading. he installments ofd "Motherless Girls," d "Christopher hlroy," maintain the high reputation of the populai writers; The c l os in g pages, devoted to "Leisureo• ments, Books and Authors Abroa ," will be appreciated V many. ' This rn g lii azine happily e mblnes instruction and recreat ion, a,nd s wort hy of generous sup port fiir its mar 1 excellencies. Our Young .F 1 i• - ,s standsat the head of magazine literature . for young people. The rare talent exhibited , by the editors and regular contributors, . and , the ele gant illustrations with which it is adorn-' ed, entitles it to - - ;preeminence ,among thia'class of publieations, "Theater:) , of .a Badilo',' is continued and ;grows in interest...'Papers of 7 , instruction and value, "Glass Cutting and Ornamenting," "The World We Live In," and. "Who first 'used the Mariner's Compass," are , - found:ha-this number. - Professedly,' ed ited for, the youth of both sexes, it isalso a medium of instruction , for men and _Women: The departments "Round the _Evening Lantip,Tand "Our Lettert Box,"_ are conduated with taste and ability. In the April number-the valuable serial en titled "Gardeningfor Giris."-will be con tinued.- -The publishers, Fields, Osgood do Co.. of Boston, offer to send four num bers of 'Our Voting Folks," from Janu ary to. April'of this year, as spechnensto any person who will send them their .address. This liberal offer ought. to be the incati*lof introducing this really val uable marzine into all the :; families *here it is unknown. - - , THE - COURTS United Stn es Dist es Disttict owt.—Judge Mc. Ca - fidless. ' 1 THUBSDAir, March 4.—ln the case of the United States vs. 2iri barrels Of whis ky, owned by Lang, Maston at Co., Phil \adelphia. Verdict for the United States. The dicis i lon of Register Purviance, of Butler, overruling the objections to the 'discharge 'Of Wm Caldwell, bankr upt, . of Armiltrongoonnty was a ffi rmed . by the :Court. ,1 ' ' ' United States Circuit Coart—iiidge Me , I Csiisiless. ' ' THUBSDATA.BIarch 4.—ln the Circuit Court this Morning the case of. Biatch ford & Newinan ms. the Susquehannah & Wyoming Valley Baliroad Company, bill in .equity to' forolose mortgage amounting Co over $200,000, , was called-, 4, for argtent, and Continued. The th day of April was fixed. forlearing . Ih' argument, E. T. Hodge, 'of Boa to , Teodoie Cuyler, of Boston, and ~.U1 ce A wo A. Seward, of ew York, Ois t;ran d, of Philadelphia, aid Wm. H. Jes ...sup, of Susquehannak county, appear as counsel in the case. „ District eart-...ludg Kirkpatrick. i' ' T DA , MArch 4: ,In the ease 'of =Nee vs. - -- ;rits • reprted yesterday, 'Ter 1. . Melly gag. No. No. No. No, No. Donal( No. 2, Gross Co. No. at . in inlati No, Speer udge Sterrett 4.—'l'be case of \ • ...Rd dc, Pittsburgh groad Company, previously reported, w resumed.' The argument of counsel VMS , condlud ~ The Court , will charge the Jury Fri ay morning. 1 ',., rt • TitlA t LIST FOR FRIDAY. 4 No. 79. Donahue vs. Meisner. - No. 82. Coleman vs. Fisher .4 al. No. 89. Czarnecki vs. Fty. \ No. 90.• Evans vs. Renonff. '‘ - • No. 98. Hoffstot vs. Wardrosa., No. 87. Wetz vs. Morrow. - No. 9& Reed vs. Mills. I , - No. 4. Christ vs. Dittman et nx. N0,..5. Weber et ux. - vs.mile. No. 18. Reitiel vs. Rare. L No. 41. Seiler ye. Hottle ler. • , No. 52. Fisher vs. False. I, .. Mc 63. Carson vs. Taylor. No. 93. Henpel & Miller vs. Gbrback. -Quarter Sessions.-Judge Stowe. TkIttliSDAT, Marea.k 4 . -In the case of the Commonw ealth vs. Rudolph Prysi, indicted for assault and battery, the jury found a verdict Of not guilty and direc ted . • - between the two parties. 1 On-motion of W. C. Moreland, Esq., Thomas Holland was duly admitted and sworn to practice in this Court. Commonwealth vs. Patrick Gallagher, indictment larceny: It was alleged that the accused, on or aboutthe 24th of De cember, 1868, entered the public school house at Natrona and carried away a number of school books. The defendant plead guilty and was remanded .to jail for sentence. ' Commonwealth vs. James Dunn, in ' •dictment larceny. .TBM6B Logan prose cutor. The defendant, it was alleged. on the night of thesth . 9f, December, 1888. did steal front'. the i poeket of the prose-• entor a silver watch of the value of fifty ' -dollars. The jury. returned a verdict of Commonwealth vs. James Thackeray, :indicted •fcirlisseult - and battery; 'Ben j. 'Trimble nrosecutor. The parties-are bill posters, and it. was alleged that Thacke ray was pasting,' bills over those put urf by Trimble. when thi9attei interfered to ."save his bills, and Thackeray struck him with a paste arns . Jpry.out. • The next case t en tip was the Com monwealth• vs. Alexatider Ifeeley... in dieted for assault. and \ battery. Olive NeeleY prosecutrix. It appears that the parties had been made BUM and wife, but for some cause the wife obtained a divorce on the second day of February, 1869.:. Ou the, erenlng Of the sanie day, it is alleged, the defendant went to the residence of t he , proseicutrix and walked into the kitchen where she was at work. On seeing her, he remarked that she was .theVotnan he was •after' that she bad "done him dirt" and he intended to kill her. He then, according to her testi. Ir:4:my, seized her by the hair and throat. She called for assistance, whereupon her father and others came in and 'ejected Grothers and James Wallace toThomas Moreland. March 2. 1869: lot in the Thirteenth ward s n Mahon street., 50 by 100 feet: 030 GrecOr Mclntosh to Roam Halsted, January 25, 1868; lot In McClure tolybship, 65 by 330 feet, w.th buildings. 83,500 John Marshall to Mary F. Bollman, A1:1g.:35. 1568; four lots in Robinson's plan, .LawreneevlLle, (now elty) each'•lo bv 845( feet • - .....$1,200 Mary F. Boliman to aunt" L. L. WeighleY, Jan. 25, 1860; lot of ground In Shalef to,wnshlp, con tattling 7 acres 11814 perches 135 000 Wm. Jenniegs to Chas. M. bedrick. • March 2, 1860; lot on Anderson street, Allegheny. 40 by 40 feet, with buildings 84.60 at Rev. 31, Domenee to Andrew Long, Dec. 1 8 ., 1868; lot in Lower St. Clair township, 20 by 160 feet 31ORTGAGI8., • 8960 Sitr day thirteen mortgages were filed of rec ord. WILDwESDAY, March 3, 1699. Stephen Colsiell to David Holliday, August 27. In.!: let near Chanters street, Mancbeater. 40 by LSO feet • 8050 Los eday Petty to Mrs. Anna M. Petty, February 10, 1899: lot In the E•eventh ward. Pittsburgh, No. M hisiter's_plan, wth buildings Lcveday Petty to Mrs. Lureday 'Johnson, Janua/ • .11.1730, 1869; lot No. 116 in Seott's p:an. on Scutt 'street, wsth buildings $1,760 Ann button to John W. Riddle February 12, 1869: sot on, Forty - third street, la the Seventh Ward. Pittsburgh, 30 by 180 feet 200 Richard Jones to Samuel Farley, Decemberl4, 1869; lots Nos. 85 and 33 In Battell's plan tiee ond ward, Allegheny. with buildings.. , Richard Mutall to Simnel Farley, October 11. 1883; lot on eastern side of Pasture lane, Sec • and ward, Allegheny. 31 by 70 feet; also let on Ann - Street. 20 by 179 feet $3,100 Samuel Garrison's mars. et, al. to Patrick Ger m:tat:l,lNovember M. 1668; lot en ,Batter street, Eighteenth ward, Pittsburgh; 49 by 1(0 feet George Black to V.rglnia E. Hay, February s tfe =, 1864 lot on -- no.th side.of Fayette Street, Albs+ , gheny. 48 try IX! feet, with buildings .. $16,000 Michael Voegelerg to Cha lea Illttaecht. Nolan ber 7. 1868; lot on Lower bt Clair township, on. a private road, Bby 140 feet Jaeob Weidmen•to August Detrlch, • Jane 23„ • 16651 lot on Butler street, Lawrenceyille. 24 8750 by ' 110 feet Philip • Gunnegle to Samuel Farley, January 11. :. Ins; lot in Nuttall's plan, Second ward, Alle ghena-. 4 by 348 fe -t 81.000 Stephen Colwell to David Holliday, May Ift; 1853: lot on Ohio lane, Manchester, byili David Holliday to Robert and James Wanboff, August 1„ 1867: lot above described Geo. Weitzel to John tio.seemund, February M.„ 1869; lot on Pucke'y r tad, Collins township. (now city.) sff by 184 feet 61.160 John Stompt to Barbara Wo:forth, December 31, 1868; lot corner of Webster end Lasvrence streets, Pitt township, 20 by MB feet, with build- • Lags +' 090 George Wolforth to Barbara Wollortb, February 10, 1869: lot en Webster .street, rttt township, by 105 feet, with buildings • 81,600 Elizabeth F. Denny to Susanna Lafferty, Feb. 1, 1869, rot on Bedford avenue, Seventh ward. 60 by 100 feet !Mato Henry M. Breckenridge to G. G. Haines, July 3, Abraham In Tarentum borough, 40 by 64 ft...... 580 Dubb to George Haines, January 5: 1365: three lots on Canal street, Tarentum, 240 by 274 feet .81,505 sci. fa., on a mort- R FRIDAY. Lalone. .111p4 vs. Williams. Robb.- . MOUTGGES. Same day nine mortgage's were flied of record, vs. Warden. Wild Cat" vs. Me- Rro. vs. Germania —J. Frank Stevens, for many years chief operator of the Cincinnati and Western Union Telegraph Office, at Cin cinnati, died Tuesday Morning, of con sumption. ' —Captain Efi. D. Cutting, of the Nation- al, Line Steamship Denmark, en route from Liver ...1 for New York, was washed over ..ard and lost on the lath of February. —Bishop McQuade has closed the church In which riotous proceedings re cently occurred, at Auburn, N. Y., un til the congregation conform to the rules of the church. —John C. Braine, the rebel pirate, has been discharged from custody, a node proseouthaving been entered in the case against him, by direction of, Attorney General Evart& . , D. Hess, manager of the Cosb Opera House, Chicago, has leased r Col. y WOOd'a Museum, and will put a dramatic company in there on Monday, besides running the Opera House.. —The National Council of the Union League of America, which had been in session in Washington two days, adjourn ed 'em Wednesday. John W. Geary, of. Penna., was elected President, and Thos. C. Baker, of New York, Secretary. The National Executive Committee Council meets In New York December next. —A dispatch from Washington City states that , the United states Supreme Court has given a decision In the case, of theli.gawam Woolen Company against Eben D. Jourdon, confirming the validity Of the Golding patent. The decision in volves,several millions of dollars, and affects th&wool manufacturing interests of the country. . - - C.impbell's ad Agnew et al. —The Massachusetts Legislative Com mittee on the liquor question are expect ed to present four reports, namely: one favoring, the bid prohibitory law, the second allowing the sale of elder and ale, the third 4/llowing grocers and apothe caries to sell liquor, mot to be drunk on the premises, and the fourth not to med dle with the subject at all. ' • —At Chicago an 'extensive swindling case; .has ' , been unearthed. Last June Moses E. Ludington defrauded several New York, Boston and Philadelphia firms out of a total stock of goods worth $127,000 and the i failed. His silent part nor has been ar ed, by whom the whble plan has been revealed. ,A large amount of the goods will be recovered. The claim of 'Charles HoWard far $250,000 against the Detroit and Milwatt kee Railroad Company has been decided in favor of defendant in the Circuit court at Detroit. The' case, was com- Pawed in 1863 by the - plaintiff for work performed in the construction of a por tion of the railroad. now occupied by the defendants. It will Probably be , carried to the Supreme Court. —O. P. Southworth, Supervisor for In ternal Revenue for the Eastern District, has suspended Assessor John W. Frazier, of the First District of. Penitsylvania for alleged neglect of duty, and directed the Assistant Assessor, IL V. Stafford, to take charge of the office. It is under stood Assessor Frazier refuses to recog nize the authority of the Supervisor, and intends to continue to perform the du ties of his office. him from the room. • Thejury found a Verdict of guilty, and the defendant was remanded for sentence. Commonwealth vs. Dennis Devine, in dicted for larceny, John Ross, prosecu tor, was placed on triaL The parties it appears tor's. ded at Nth 15, in the 'Dia mond, Allegheny. The prosecutof al leues that he put, his pocketbook, con taining twenty dollars, two lives and a ten dollar bill, in his trunk and when he went to look for if Saturday, the 16th of January, it was gone. It appears thkt,when he received the money two of the notes a five and the ten, were torn, 1 and he left them with the foreman to t ti I.l3av' him fix them. Some time after 'i-4ir s, it seemed, during the atsenee of thb efefdant from his boarding house, his po ketbook which he had left in the pocket of his coat, hanging in his room, was taken out and a ten dollar note found in it corresponding to trio one that had been stolen. On trial. TRIAL LIST FOR FRIDAY. No. 47. Corn. vs. Eliza Soles. No. 34. _Com. vs. George Orrnsburg. No. 35. Com. vs. Samuel Russell. No. 26. Com. vs. Samuel Carey. No. 37 Corn. vs. Elizabeth Huett et al. No. 56:' Corn. vs. Wm. Johns. No. 51. Corn. vs. Wm. Arnold, two cases. • No. 53. Corn. vs. William Rorick. No; 49. Com. vs. Patrick Gallagher. Parties to the above cases must be in Court promptly, - „rut much time is lost through. the negligence of those inter terested, and District . Attorney Pearson is determined to send for each parties at their cost. Rea] .Estate Transfers. The following deeds were , filed of record before H. Snively, Esq . ., Recorder, March 2. : BRIEF TELEGRAMS. l'lrrsr,tlitatri,' : " : 6l -, .2'Einj,. . - .,TP,,TP4T . , ...... iX-4..T?•01i'....,,k:..,if340. WISOTICE.-THE SUBSCRI BFIN to the Capital stock of the Com pany "To erect a Brld..e orer the Allegheny River. from ik:walt. (now 4 street). in the,City of Plttsb• rgh, n the county of Allegheny. to the Aileglieur arid Butler Piankro•td. at.td- near the rumth of Girty's nun." are hereby n. tlfled that a meeting for permanebt organization will lie held at ti•e' new P , Crliti HOU-E, Forth th strect: thr,enteenth ward, Fitt-nurrh. (late Lawretetelhe,) o - - fUE•WAY., the 23,1. day 01 Mareh. A.!1). 11.(1, betwem the hours of 2 Welt).* 0; It„ and 5 o'clock P. 74 when and where an cecti.M. will he held hr ballot (or NINE: MANAGKR‘I and a TrikASTIREkt of said Com pany, to servo Pk one ear. JOHN 111 DDEL„ tir.l!cltor tbrl.lge Com,;o T uv. PITTSIImar. sltrch 1. 1869. mi 3:r4G PITT6 , I7IIGII,FT•WAYNti CIIICACI R. F:,rC., lON. Ulu T:tE PITTEBIMG I, PA.. February 26, • 1869. 711 E ANNUAL MEETING of the tock and Bondholders of the Pittsburgh, - For Wayne end Chicago Railway Company will be keld at the office of * the Com pany, in the City of Pittsburgh, at 10 o'clock a. Si. of WEDNESDAY, March 17.1869, for the purpose of bearing and considering the an nual report of the Board of Directors, and for the election of three (3, members of the Board of Directors to sere•'. for four years in the Wace of three members whose term of service expired by law. F. M. BUTVHINSON. mb2:fM Secretary. rurfSBURGR, 1, 1889. PITTSBURGHMarch SILVER COMPAMY.—Hooks of sub s eriPtion for stock In sail Company are now open at Mo. 67 FOURTH AVEC. UE, where Pi os pectns. Specimens, , tc., are now ready for in apection. Property in. ColuradoTerritory. near Georgetown. information with zegard .to 'the stock, property, he., will be furnished by calling at the oMce of underkigned. IL. S. BELL., President pro tem. HARRY C. i , AMPBELL, Secretary and Treasurer pro tem. mhl C.INTRAL BANK, PITTSBURGH. February 24., 1889. IWTHE BOARD OF DIRECT TORS of Vale Bank hare this day declared a dividend of Java. (a) PER CENT. on the Capital Stank paid In, out of the profits of the last six month-,payable to Btoetholders on and after March 10 . 1889. mhli:PM • J. W. DIVITT, Caelde r. tarrnvsnuaGH NATIONAL COAL AND COKE CO.—Tbe third an nual met.tlnk of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held 00 THURSDAY. March 4th, at 10 o'clock A. 4,i., •1. their OFFICE, corner of Fourth avtnue, and Try street. The election for a BOARD OF NINE DIRECTORS to serve the ensuing year, will he held from 11 to 2 o'clock. OIOROE KCHLUEDE BERG, fe25:117 Reeretary and Treasurer. CONTROLLER'S OFFICE. t CIVY or ALLEGUENT, Februaryll4, 1569.{ arNOTICE TO CARPENTERS. SEALIEfi PROPOYALS will ' be recelied at this office until 3 o'clock P. EL on PRID Diarch &h. for building an ENBINE RO iJS tor,the tiOOD WILL FIRE COMPARY. Plans and Specifications can be seen at the office or JAffi t 'M. B .LPB, Esq , Architect, N o . /16, Federal stree up stairs. The right Is reserved t • eject any and all bide. te2.5:118 R. B..PRANCIn, City Controller. 'PROPOSALS FOR PLAN _ TEBING.--Proposals will be received for PLASTERING THE ALLEGHENY. COUNTY WORK. HOUSE'. • Specifications of irork and material Arch een at the °thee of !dews. Barr & Moser, cts. Stith. street, whore propesals will be left, ad-, dressed to H. S. PLEBE NG, • . • W. S. .131.8 ELL. reM:e9,3- . Building Committee, Igintatßully Vf.o TCBELOWS HAIR DYE. This splendid Hair I:7e Is the best In the world: the only tree and per eat .Dye; barrnless, relbw ble, instantaneous; no disappointment ; no 2 1' dloalons tints• remedies the effects of bad dyes; invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful, Nati or brown. Bold by all Druggists and Terfluners; and properly applied at Batche- InV OiVli Factory. No. /5 Bond street, New at:o3.tp9d igrMARII4t4E AND CELIBA-. andssay for young men on the crime of Solitude; the DISEAsES and A BUSitS which erealelnipediruents to litAltillAGE, with sure means of relief. Sent lu itemise' letter en velop,S. free of charge. Add , ess, Dr. J. SKIL LIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association. Phila. delplits, Pa. INSURANCE THE NATIONAL LIFE INSIMINCE COMPIIVY, OF THE UNITED STATES OF AIERICA, WASHINGTON. D. C. Chartered by Special Aid of Cringrese, Approved July 25, 1868. Cash Capigq 51,000,000. Branch Office: PHILADELPHIA, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BITILDING. Where the general business of the Company la transacted. and to 'which all general owlet. pondence should be addresSed. ' DIRECTO AS. Jay Cooke. Philads.. ' E. A. Rollins. Wash`n. C, D. Clark; Philada, • Henry D. Cooke, Wash. John W. Ellis,Mein W. E. Chandler,Wash. W.O. Moorhead. Phila. Jo o. D. Detrees. Wash. 1 1 . h0.F. Tyler, Phila. Ed, Dodge, N. York. J..glnckiey Clark. Phila. li. 0.-Fannestock.N.Y oFFICEIth. C. H. CLARK, Philadelphia. President. HENRY D. COOKE, Washington, Vice Presidn. JAY COOKE, ChairmanEir.ance and Executive Committee. _ EMERSON W. PEET, Phil., Seel- and Actuary. E. S. TURNER. Washington. Ass't Secretary. FRANCIS U. SMITLI.M. D., Medical Director, J. EWING.MR,A.R.b. M.D.. Assn Med: Director. !ED/CAL. ADVItiORT HOARD. K. EARNES,_ Burg, .General U. A., Wash'n.. P. J. HOUW/Tb, Cttlef hiedlesd Dept U. b. N., WttEhington. - D. W. BLISS, M. Washington. ' tiOLICITORS AIM ATTORNEYS. WM; k i IiANDIXII, 'Washington, D.C. tiEO.ll H,ARDINO. Philadelphia, Pa. This pony; National In Ito character, offers by reason of the Larg- Capital, Low: Rates. o Premium and , New Tables, the most desirable means of insuring life et presehted to the pub lic. • The rates of premium being largely reduced, are made as favorable to the Insurers as those of the best Mutual Companies, and avoid all the compliCatleni and'uticeilainties of Notes. Mid. donde end the gulsenderstandlngs which the lat. I , er- 1 M I'd apt AO nanan the Policy-Flolders.. • Bev'eral - hCW Ind' attractive tables are nay Presented . •which , need •only - te. be Understood to prove acceptable the nubile such as INCOME. eitODPICD/0 4 P O LICY and ILETJMN. PRICMI UM POLICY: -Lithe farmer, the volley-header not oOiy secure, life Insurance, payable et death. butwill reeelyet irllving, , after ;forted of.* few veers , artneallreconscsauctf tot rfer amt. /10 thr sent.) Ofifbo Sidr G i r 74441 my. 7r The 14 ' tor. the Company agrees o.returnto aaeured the total amount of money heads paid ht, fa ad. ditfott to Ms amount of his policy. The attention of persons contemplating _Auguring their lives or increasing the amount of Insurance they al ready have, is chiles'. to the special advantages offered by the Natrona! Life Insurance Com panv • t i .1 ; O N. I b en T g A d laal Alta ni:ee: tra W enetsd: Circulars, pes an full part i culars given d r on app li cation to the Branch Office of the -Com pany in Philadelphia, or its General Agents. • A o:nr N i.\ T hrr E i li E l a n eboci e mmo v ep e m r n y ei AGEliTtl ONLY, in their t i d , 7 o : o2 % e P yn T i n i L e c s iit s II:: : F a u l t ta t ir lty L 2n ( ii " l , respective districts. E.:W. CLARK CO. plidadelphla, For Paritil,lsolaTUlo,tern New Jersey. For Maryland, DelawaL. V V i li all , Kton, D. c,, ramie, District of Colum lila and West Virginia. Lt A g ents uorlvfau f tr o hi r i A gr i t i o t p i l f a i l t r e ot t uk f uu i t i tt rs e:a l v a e d V r d , A i. :l77l * B er . , C B , R C r ' uctz BELL, manager, Philadelphia. atahuvr.tr AtlorioN SALES BY H. IS. IMEITHBOli& 00. BOOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS FOR 2'HE MILLION. AT SMITHSON'S 'EMPORIUM, 55 AND 57 FIFTH AVENUE. Ifesars. H. 11. silltTridON & CO., proprietors of. the well known Mammoth Auction Ilousel are cr.ating an exclicmept r~mgequ e n upon the an. rival ot new Gw 4.,0i1s which are Wing sod at re mark I. priceis. 411 . 1JVCry variety: the - finest sewed b Moral ot., the nmistfashionable bat galerg null ax et bi.ot3 s.ippers. .tfit , blankets. flanliela, cioths. entlerY and carpets. Cali and examine. ho trouble to show goods. Ladles'. misses , and - children's ruts at almost your own prices. All roods war ranted as renresentpd. n0.:4 LEGAL ORPHANS , COURT SALE.-By order of the Orphans' Court, at 'No. 4 In Partition, June Term, 1868, these ni:l be ex posed to sale, on the premites Oa Friday, March 19, 1869, All that certsin tract of land In Wilkins town ship, lying on the Pittsburgh and Greensburg Turnpike, one mile east of Wi.kintburg Station. OH the Pennsylvania Railroad, bounded by lands of James Graham's heiri, James 'Kell!, George Johnston and otners, containing 43 acres, hav fng erected thereon 'a frame -house house and barn. Thewhole of aid tract is haippayed and In the highest state of cultiratioti, and 911 bat three acres underlaid w‘th an excellent vein of coal. Title indisputable. Terms made known on the day of sale, Sale to commence at 10 a. m. D. W. ELDER. Esq., Trustee. Corner of Grant street and Fifth avenue. feV:f2l. TN THE COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS, Allegheny county,' PA., In the matter of the VAC ATION- OF GRANT AVE. NOE, between Ohio and Washington avenues, In the Second ward, of the City of Allegheny. And now, February 23, 1869, the petition in this case having been presented In open Court, is ordered to be tiled. And the Court do grant a :rule as psayed for In .said petition to show cause why'that portion of Grant avenue, lying between Ohio and Wash ington avennei I. said Second Ward, should not be vacatedand closed IID: rad do further order that notice of the filing of said petition and of the granting of the rule aforesaid. be Published twice a week, for four consecutive weeks, In the Firrsunnon Gazzrra, published in the City of Pittsburgh. [From the Record.l ‘, JOHN G. BROWN. fe2Bal4-Ty Clerk of Quarter Sessions. of4xEcirrows NOTICE. Whereas. ltr teratestamentary on the estate OLIN l'OßEß,,late of Pittsburgh. Allegheny county. Penna.. deceased. having been duir granted to the undersigned by the Register of said county, all parties haying claims against said estate are request d to present them for sett'ernent, .and those indebted to said estate wilimakupsyaent without delay to .11:2Stit&dr 11. R. TOldsll, Execu-tor. p°titrunvis, AND. LOAN ASsOw 'CIATIOIf OF FRANKS I OWN, No.' I. cs Is hereby flym that an application has been Made. at No. 442. March Term, 11369, for hulloing r a o nd i L o a p o Assoc n a for o n h , w a h b ic o h ewialm ed granted at next term of Court, unless exceptions thereto axe tied. JOtih C McCORB fe4ml4.7v Attorney for Applica nts. . NEW STYLES . RATS AND CAPS, r .1175T.RECEIVED AT McCORD & CO's, 131 WOOD STREET. ROCK THE BABY IN EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD OAT BY LEMON & WEISE. Practicaqiirmitnie Manufacturers, &e., 118 IT ; 0171177-1" Wbere May be founds fell assortment &Par lor. Chamber andKitehen Furniture. ,10.5 GRAY'S FERRY PRINTING,DH WORKS. C. E. ROBINSON _, MANdFACTUILER 07 Black and Colored Printing dr, Lithographic INES, VARNISHES, &O. Graps Ferry Road and tiSd Street, rel6:eal PHILADELPHIA. SKATES, SKATES,. SKATES American Rink, 'New York Club, Empire, Starr, &c. All other styles and sizes at the very lowest rates at WHITESIDES & DILUM, deli • 79 trEDERAL BT.. AttiCaRRN r. J. 14 MINT ' J.M. MUTT SWINT & BRAT'r, • . ANONITEETURAL AND . ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, NO.'S: 'Sandusky St., Allegheny, Pa. BALlarge assortment of NEWEL 1 4 0eT.d errEltli oonetantly on hand. riv of all .lescrintlons. done. oegreS3 JR.cosALict.A.tAs PURIFIES ME BLOOD. FOR. SALE BY BramelsYti EvEltiowaßßE. de7;blO•Mtwa MICONONIZE TOUR FUEL, by 124 . using the SKIVE CENTRIFUGAL GOVERNOR; the only true and easily._regulated Governor made; perfect In its operations and truly reliable. A I tr i tr z slze Governor can be seen at the °Mae of PE VAV BECEETT, _Mechanical Engineer and licltor - of Patents, No. 79 Federal street, Allegheny Olty , thennly agent fbr this Governor In the se422:zee KEYSTONE P9TTERY: 111. - 131 ER & • We • _ • , tianuraptarers ot, A qvicralswmAL-. BRISTOL WARE doe. ()Ace sad Warebopse. 863 LUSERTYBTREAT. aa -. orders nromptly attended to. T YOUNGS9N & t.l J. PAVOY9AICE RAtkRY, CONFECTION .. • a ICE CREAMand DINING SALOOIij . , ••' • - 93 Smithfield street, corner of Minnow' Pittsburgh: . . • . EirPartles and families supplied with Onion sad Cakes on 'wort notice. FRESH FISH.--Benjamin P PRESS still continues to All all city and c try orders for' FRESH WHITE LAKE FISH, SALMON AND B Send to No. 45 DIAMOND MARKET. T us burgh, or Ma okl wroll known TWIN CTY !STAND, Allegheny market • ocao INS URANCE. ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY 'OF PITTSBURGH . , PA., 0210 e, No. 424 PF.NN UN 'NATIONAL TRUST CO. ECILDING DIRECTORS: • Roht. Dickson, I Robt. Liddell, IW. 'J. Friday, G. Merlin, jC. Van Buren IF. Hirsch, E. H. Myers, J. Gannwisch, (Chris. Siebert L. J. Blanchard, :J. Weisser, il". Schildecker 1 E. H. MYERS President. ROBT. DICKSoN. Vice President G t ER. Treasurer. i•:3: 1..1.,1. Llfl ETZ. 14.2 e pENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY QF PITTTSSURGH OFFICE, No. 10734 WOOD STREET, BANK OY COMMERCE BUILDING. • lot.. This is a Home Company, and insures against uv Fire exclusively. - LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. ROBERT PATRICE, Treasurer. HUGH aIcALHENT, Secretary. DIRZCTORB: Leonard Walter, . George Wllson, C. C. Boyle Geo. W. Evans, Robert Patrick, J. C. Lappe, ,Jacob Painter, J. C. Flelner, Josiah King. John Voegtley, Jas. H. Hopkins, . A. Ammon. Henry Sproul, Jr 4: INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE" FRANKLIN INSORANcE,CI3.9! PHILADELPHIA 07710 E, 4 . 25 a 4 270E1E3VMM ST., :mai DI Charles X. BanekerRECTORS., Mordecai H. Lon!! '/'oblaa Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuel Grant, Isaac. Lea, Jacob B. Smith, ' Edward C. Dale, eorge W. Biebards, George rales. CRABLES sexaszat, President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEELE,_ _Secretary, pro tam. • J. GAUDNEE COPPDT, AGEOT, North West corner Third and Wood Streets. laltlimls - EN FEANIELEV INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALUt';IIUM, PA. OFF/CE IN FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANS BUILDINGS. N 9. 441 Ohlo e3t., Allegheny A HOMM COMPANY, managd by Directors wet , known to the community. w ho-trust by raiz Clealink to merit a share of.yonr patronage. • HENRY IRWIN . .. D. RIDDL.EI DIRECTORS: . - I Henry Irwin, ID. L. Patterson .Wm, Cooper, Geo. R. Riddle, `Jacob Praia, ' fiettlelb Pais Simon Drum, :IJ. B. Smith, Jacob Rush, W. M. atewart, i Ch. P. Wblston, Joseph Craft, Jos; Lantnsr, 'H. J. ZinkarL42, Jere. xebec% apto:o3s • - IMPERIAL . • •, • . FIRE INSURANCE CO. g • -OF LONDON. ESTABLIBIIED 1 5 1 03.:CASH CAPITAL PAID UP AND INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED ING $5,000,0001 GOLD. Insurance against Fire effected on Rouses and ,Bulldinga Goods, Wares and, Merchandise, Steamboata, ic. Polleles issued payable in sold or currency. Air 'United States Branch once, 40 PINE STREET. New York-. All losses of the United Stares Branch will be adjusted In New York. J. Ir.lll43l.,AtreartEaN, Agent, T/TTSBURGIL PA. °Mee, 67 FOURTH STREET. MR. MeLAUGIILIII Al also Agent for the Man hattan Life Insurance Company. ses:v72 - . IiirTERN INSURANCE COM. 'AITY OP PITTSBURGH. LEXARDER NIMICK, President, WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, (senate! Agent. Omce, 93 Water street, Span, tt Co.'s Ware , house, upstairs, Pittsburgh. . - Will in:ure against all kinds of Fire and Ma rine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Di rectors who are well known to the community, and alit wh o o ma i de an m theca b ra p ct o er m wh ne h they d h b ve assumed, agoffering the best protection to those' who•dealre to be insured. . "- ismscrOnS: Alexander Nimick, Jenn R. McCune, R. Miller, Jr.,;Giles. J. Clarke, James McAuley, • William S. Evans, Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew Ackleu, Philllp_Reymer, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, D. Ihmsen. no37 13EOPLEW INSURANCE CORP ?ANY. _ OFFICE, N. E. CORNER WOOD & FIFTH BTB • Home Company,tating Fire and Marine Rata 1 DIRECTORS: Wm. Phillips, Capt. John L. Rhoadi John Watt, Samuel P. Shrlver, John R. ParEe, Charles Arbuckle, Capt. James ?Mier, Jared M. Brush, . Wm. Veua Kirk, Win F. Lang. James D. Verner _Samuel McCricEart WM. I PHILLIP eleident. JOHN WATT, Ice President. GARDNER, Seoretaiy. °APT: JAM. GORDON, General Agent. AthL E G E N INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. OF CE; No. 37FIFTH STREET, Rams Biwa. 4 1 0 Insures against, all kinds of Fire and Marine ' JOHN IRWIN. JR., President. JOHN D. McCOND, Vice President. C. O. :DONNELL. Secretary. CA.I'T. WM. DEAN. General Agent. DIRItC2OII6:' John Irwin, Jr., Crpt. Wm. Dean. John D. ItcCord. L. Fab:mistook. ltizial l ez ; W. H. Ererson. Robert H. Davis, T. arv J. e rloskinso . xi, Francis Sellers, Charles Hays, • Cant. J. T. Stockdale. SUPPLIES FOR WATER WORKS. CONTROLLER'S OFFICE. CITY OF ALLEGHENY. FeETUIFF 24, 1809.1 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this °nice until 4 o'clock P. N. on MONDAY, March Bth, 1809; for furnishing the Allegheny Water Works during j the current year with the following any. odes, to -wits • • WATER PIPE, BRANMES and SLEEVES, of the following diameters, Vb.: 4,0, 0, 10 1' andlll.3 Inches. FIRE PLUGS, VALVES AND MISCELLA NEOUS CASTINGS. FIRE PLUG'AND sTor-COON BOXES AND FERRULES. • _ Alen. all the COAL required during theyear. Bids are requested for .both , NUT COAL and SLACK. All of the above supplies to be delivered at such times and. places re as the Superintendent' of Um Works Watert. _ 'Bids for Pipe are solicited Payable both in b per •cent. 'AO year city Bonds, and payable In esso every three months., nneclficationa ann Blanka for bidders can be had at this wince an fret the office of thi Super- Intendent,,Wld, PAUL, '4ln.;.•,Esq. • The right is reserved to reject any and all bldg. R. B. FRANCIS, erry CO'.47TROLLER. rt24:rat REFIN PI We'have In to tined Orushedj offer at the to tail., tore a full neck Of Loveringie re and Pulverized hugarg, which we 'west pekes by the barrel or at re trner Libe NO y A dH N nd stAreWets. mb INDIAINDIA RUBBER BELTING, Bose; Stearn' Packing and Gaskets of the ' Belting Companies manufacture at prices as low as this quality Of goods can be bon ht of the manufacturer A full stock always tufhaud at. the India Rubber - De_pot. AO and A 8 sixth street. 1 J. it 11, PHILUA'S. tea , ; Sole Agents for the Company. 'DOLL BiuTTErt:—N hall bbls .1.11) Fresh Will flutter, lust received. and for LitlU by J. B. CANFIELD. Q ODA ASII.-100 cast, for sale K.) by 13 J. B. ANFLELD. Anitt§iL:=kr E 21TEW OPERA HOUSE. _ LeSsee . ......... ................ War. flitirDlraffOle • Ilauszt‘r ......................'...ai.W. CaNIONG • NEFIT of the Ctia , thlug and Brankona Fltfn %y, EVEN'im, the tirci act Conu.d) of Charlotte Clopler .............. . . .LOtta. .... . . be followed by Brill.fhalll'S rles I • HONTAi. que of To conclude with the farce of • FAMILY JAIt4. Liddy r.arrlgatt. rvith - ong and I'oa-re-...Lott& Alondtty Ev.mit.g-The zu.lheu. actor. Mr. JO sEyff piti up pirrTS GE. THEITILE. H. W. WILf.TAMS. DR. J. L. THAYY.I3 FEANR J. tiO LAST WEEK OF DR, JAMES L. THAYER'S GREAT CIRCUS. Great hit of the K LIT KLUX KLAN. First al , pearance of WM. MoRtIAN, the great Hardie Rider: MAiilE, Premiere Eques. trlenne, M. KELLY, tshaninlo. , Leaper; 'CHAS. FISH. Chami.lon Ifithr; the MADIGAN' BROS. BURRiAWS and HURDEA U. the great (ivmna'sm, and JA MES, REYNOLDS, funniest of Clowns. ,sirand Matinee Saturday afternoon at, 2 o'o ock. Friday evening, Benefit of H. w.wumsms. r4972SMYT EIS AMERICAN .TB EATRE. (Late 'Trimble's Varietis./ FRIDAY EVS.N NG, March sth, 1869. The- verdict of the eope, 'They ars immense, referring Jo the wondertul VICPPREEL.I BROTHER- the ' ings of the Air. Champion Gymnasts oethq World. Great 11.4 of Miss JEN NIE BRADDEN, the Comic Vocalist. GUS. WILLIAMS In new Comic Songs, with the ex ception of Kei.er l s Dog, which he'be Is obliged to produce nightly to-gave the: building Irons coming down. , swiss NELL/Y. TAYLOR'S bean tifultallads. - - • IarBURNE I LIS MUSEUM AND PARE. R RIENAGEZUR; The Great FIFTH AVENVZ Wood streets, oppose; Open Dal and Admission. • 5 cen between s.mitbrhsld and e Old Theatre. venink, all.the year round. ;s: Children. 15 cents. - • ACADE. V OF MUSIC. THE USE GALTO OPERA TROUPE i LRESPE,CTFU LY ANNOUNCE THREE NIGHTS ONLY Comic English Opera.. MONDAY ETENING, March Sth, OFFIEUVILICEra- ClOllllO 'OPERA. L.ITCHEN ANHEBITZCHEL The•Corixedletta, - BOBBIE FISH WIPE, And , • - • LA NOSE DE ST. "'LOB. TII33I3DAY- RVZSING; March 9th, the Unit. cal Barletta of • • : :THE SWISS COTTAIRS, With all the grlgitial nittalci and. Offenbaeh,s Comtd Opera, •.66,••• iqrs,” vzmissmur 'EVENING, Match 10.11, the Cornedtette., entitled- SUDDEN% Tnopenzi, And Offenbach's &rale Opera, L& ROSE DE ST. .ELOR. And A MARDI:AGE BY LANTERNS. ATlMlSslON—Parquette and -Weirs 01.cele,. $l.OO. Family Circle, 50e. Gaileu. 25c. . Sale of sea , ' will commence on Friday morn ing, at H. Kleber's, No. 12 Wood street, where seats for aaypr all e veninga may be re served without ex tra enarne. . gW'ACADERIi Or MUSIC. GERMAN DRS:HAa n, THREE NIGHTS FANNY JANAUSCNEK, Queen of .the German Stage. THURSDAY EVENING. Maich 11th. ELIZABETH. FRIDAY EVENING, 'March 12th, • DEBORAH. SATURDAY BYRNE...GI , , March 13th, CATHERINE THE SECOND, Reterved Seats' $1.00; Family Circle; 50e. Gallery, 25 cents. Reserved Seats can be ob tained on and arter Monday at Bieber Bros. Music Store, 122 Wood street. . mh4:fsl THE ECONOMY BUTTER CO. 2_ • ask the attention of alt interested in the rednc— thin of the extravagant cogt of Butter, to their practical and economical system of making pure prime Butter by the aid of the EXTRACT OF BUTTER PLANT. A brief allusion to the origin of this imrortant discovei y may not:prove uninteresting. Among the authenticated records of the renowned Cap.. taln Cook's voyage around the world, 'is found the statement, that while sojourning fora Short time on the Brazilian Coast of South America, he - observed the natives using, in the preparation of ' their food, a peculiar oil, which; upon examina tion. he found to possess the appearance, taste and flavorof Butter; ufun farther inquiry, noir. ever, he ascertained that , it was simply a sub. stance that the natives 'distilled 'in 0 ertide and Jinni:feet manner, from a rich and ltixurlaxii plant that grew spontaneously and abundantly is ' that warm tropical country. A few 3 elm ago, an eminent French chemist, while on i profes sional visit to the tropics, made nuraerous exPer iments witn this remarkable 'production of na ture, and succeeded in extraitbit a concentrated essence 'plaid plant. The formula for its prepa ration, and the sole Right for its sale in thin country are the excloslve property of this Com pany, by whom it was purchased from the origt-. nal discoverer. We claim for this remarkable, yet simple and perfectly handless Preparation-: its.—That by its use a net gain of from 30 to 200 Per cent. Is made in the manufacture of Butter. ...- Bd.—That Butter, Which from 'age or whatever'3' cause, may be strong; rancid, strewed , or ( coarse-grained. and comparatively usearss for 17; general use, by the aid of this • Extract, Is re. i' stored to its original freshness and Sweetness. fine-grain, and even color, . . ~.. 3d... ,. -By the, use of this Extract, • onepound of d9lielous, fiesh bUtter l is actually Made froM • • one pint of milk. *lb. —That a pure and excel lent table Batter cam be made; at a cost of fro " 16 to 20' ants 'per pound,• The chief expense whereinbeine But:: ter, which is theAasential Ocue. 1 Bth.—That Butter . Mannfactdred ni" the , aid, of thil Extract Is equalnevery respect to the best Butter made by the ordinary method .' I: 6th.-The Extract 'after thorough analysis, by able chemists;lapronounced perfictly free from any deleterious suhstance, the ingredients be.. ing purely of; vegetable nature. Bth.—ln proof of .he foregoing assertiOnsq'the factory of theompany !s matting. one ton of Butterper d 4 which meets with ready _salts in the hew York lilrrket, and Is consumed from, the tables of the first Botels..Eestaurantgand Private families in this elm and elsewhere. A mum" package of the 71Xtract isufllclent to make sti lbs. of Butter) With full diw ilons for use, will be sent to atir address , on receip t Of iv CA UTION.—As art cies of, real receipt . , are sub., caution spurtous imitations., we. Would groan the public agatnst counterfeits sin g to,..imliations, • advertised ' es liOerders v°rtki... ponstla,,&e.. as the i c xtra,ct Of the Butte; P..... 11 1- is prepared and.seld 0111.7 tiy.. ---- --.....0 . . The geonotoy• Butter Co. Orrick. Xll3 LIBERTY STBRICT ' 1 nicrooy, 236 tinge:4l7lw pi; Ic e ". v,,,,,,,. State, ( Maine' and City Ittirhts fOr s ie, - " - we ' to capitalists rare O pportunities for est: bl ir entr i cri -- s. a staple business, paying snorm proll a t e I • Agents Wanted EverYataere. rM. CADAJIT'ti Pure l'egetabiti ,Colo , j u i ld'a . ulli ef e W jen ill t it: igluiTtetet;lol.e'RentdsenprierYnelitainfrinit ftetisilf ..liny'armershouits package. sent-toanwybaidtedr worthb ri o o n n t i t a t ix , a 8 ten te cents lotruilog Butter is _Pound less I in all. 'Markets than that of a rich yellow. fma... ISH essee Manager. Equestrian I)lrector. amity p.esort!o.