NEW ADVERTISrMr,NTS. ..:111BV. J. D. HERR WILL deliver a lecture In the FIRST METH ODIST CHURCH, Meadow street, East Rlfnaing barn on - FRIHAT EVENING, Mareh fith, :for the' benefit . Of the Sabbath School. Sttb:ect— "The Champiohs of Liberty."' Lecture to cola- Inc-nce at 7% o'clock. Ada:asap, 25 cents. . . OIFICE MONONGAHELA BRIDGE COMPANY. tt •_ Pirrestrlidn. a.atchl.lB69. FrTUE PRESIDENT - AND NAGERS of Ithte Compnny baye de clared at, 4vldend of ONE DOLLAR AND-SEV ENTY-FIVE CENTS PER SHARE pdyable on demand. at the Banking llonse of Holmes Sons, 57 Market street JAMES H. WRIGHT, Treasurer. Mh2:739:TrkT CONTROL~RR'S OFFICE, rg"SEALED PROPOSALS will be riceived at tide office until 3 o , cfock FRIDAY, M ARCH I2th, FOB GRADING AND PAYING - The Following Streets , l Avenues and Alleys: C3A.RTIERS STREET, from Fayette street to Washington avenue. ; ' ••• FRANKLIN STREET, from nearer street to the Ohio River. • SPRING- GARDEN AVENUE, from alain street to the City ans. , . DEVINE ALLAY; in the Firth ward. Also, FOR' GRADL'ia ONLY, • JALAPPA STREET, from Allegheny avenue to Walker etreet. BLOSSOM ALLEY, in the Third ward. Also,. FOR PAVING ONLY, . ITE STREET 'in the Seventh ward ! Profiles and a - SDl:cites can be seen in the ollice of CHARLES DAVIS,,Esq., City Engineer. t . R. B FRANCIS, ' • • mb5:110 . City Controller. NEW SPRING GOODS, We Invite Attention to our Assortment OF . !lOUSEKEEPING GOODS, : • . COMPRISIN4I :Sheeting pillow Case Muslins, Marseilles Quilts, Honeycomb Quilts, Table Linens, /Um Table Cloths, Piano, Metodeon - t and Table Covers, AT VERY LOW PRICES, AT JAMES M. CARR'S, 118 Federal Street, Allegheny. uth6 S EMI. BARGAINS BUCK POPLIN ALPHAS, Purchased at Forced Sale. m ig eztl. oa ri4 o oar castomer3 at special In. LINEN TOWELS. At $1.50,L1A0, 13.75 and $5.00 Per Dozen, c 4 • !AIM ARE 6111 EAT JOBS, ; - A.z• JAMES CARR'S, 118 Federal, Street, Allegheny. JAM: , AT 15 CENTS, Elegant and choice Styles of CHINTZ' PRINTS. AT 12 1-2 CENTS, BIYJACHED MIISLINS. AT 6 , Z1-2 CENTS, Very Superior Zoom Linen*. A T - 81.25, SUPERIOR HID GLOVES, * I ;AT $l.OO, it/PERI° B ,31 - AKE CORSETS, With a complete tack f od t he LO tt IV A E II bT P E Rl.4t ia . 6 c e B :7 lt e ß " g a 1 -2 Patera( Street. Allegheny. , DISSOLUITION. „• r [HE PARTNERSHIP LATELY , subslating - between IJABIES STEWART. , AVID NICHOL and 8 'O. ROBB; under the I rm name of 'JAMES STENJAIIT CO., at Diamond. Alleihey, VII dissolved on ie 20th of rebruarnahe above rartner, 13: C. 0118 Saving purehssed -the litertai of the itter partnenr,•and Who 'will settle the business r the old dnii; . ' ' JAMES STEWART DAVID xicnot, 8: C. ROBB. phs:fe wAtt!'pAtmn; . - In New and Beautiful . Deslgnai r e. !, PARLORA., 'HALLS, DINING ROOKS and GAMBRILEI, now ireceiving In great yarieti at To. 107 Market Street, Nun FIFTH AVENUE. 308. R. HUGHES & SRO NE W .A:DVARTISEKCNTS, A r ISSOLUTION.—The Co-part- J-0F NEI3ITIP heretofore existing between LEWT4 ELSESSOIL In conducting the Plastering buslness;is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. _ LEWIS ELSESSOR, JOHN ELSESSOE.' ALLEGIIIINY CITY, 3117011. mb5iFG VA,LUABLE PENN STREET VW/P.11.W FOR SALE.—A substantial Brick Dwelling House. conveniently erranged and In good order, wide hall. large parlor. dining room, - kitchen, cellars, bath room. chambers. etc. iburteen rooms in all, large lot, esirable Pusseeelon April Ist. Apply to ,CUTVI BERT at SONS, h 5 , 83 Smithfield street. EkITTSBURGH AND BOSTON MINING AND EAGLE COT/ON MILL OCKS. • TUESDAY EVENING, March sh, at • o'clock, will be sold Second Floor of Com mercial Saws Wows, 106 Smittoluld str. et, 400 shares Pittsburgh and BOF ton Mining Co. pf ?Mubarak; 200 shares Eagle Cotton hill's Co. rohs McILWAINE. Auctioneer. BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS. MORTGAGES AND BONDS, For , Butldlnir Asgoolations, FOR SALE B W. S. HAVEN & CO., Cor Wood Street and Third Avenue. mbs:fs9 COURT SALE.- k," Win be sold on • SATURDAY, March 27, 1869.. at 10 o'clock' A. 31., at the COURT HOUSF, Pittsburgh, all that certairs LOT (W GROUND Situate in the 11th Ward of the City of Pitts burgh. (late ytiagA of Hatfield,) being lot No. 15 in George A. Bayard's plan of lots, wi,h the improvements thereon, formerly owned by RlM 'abeth Bennett. deceased, at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder. By order of Orphans' Court. Taus—CASH. All papers' &nil V. S. Stamps to he paid for by purchaser. _ For partleularra apply to JONES & PEARSON. Attorneys, No. 61 blrant street,-Flttaburgh. mhs::sB - BY THE COURT. R. S. DAVIS' & C O'S ' LIST OF R NEW BOOKS. • NicKMORE'S EasT _INDIAN ARCM- • PELAGO ' , 65.00 LETTERS oP A SENTIMENTAL IDLER Dn. EDDY'S•LIFE t•F CHRIST ' * 2.50 FIVE WEEKS IN A BALLOON-- 1.50 SAUL. A Poem by Hevy Sege 2.00 THE HANDWRITING OF uoD. By Dr. Randall * ' '' - ' ' 3.50 REYoND THE .MISSISaIPPI. NI A. D. • Itlebardeon - 3,a o COLoRADO. ITS PA.EKS AND MOCN.. . TAINS. By linwlea, LOO OAST UP BY THE SEA. By Sir Samuel W. Baker. New supply 75 FLANS BREITTMAN's PARTY. New Ed. 75 CARPENTER ON THE. MICROSCOPE. New Edition. London 7.50 DE PRESENSE'ri RELIGION DURING • . THE .REIGN OF TERRON , . L 75 NEVIN'S CHINA. AND THE. CHINESE 1.75 GAGE'S MoDEPS ATLAS. New supply 3.50 DR.PUSEY'S ADDRaII.t , ES cgq THE _ . _ _ _ LOVE OF JE-1J 1.75 9FiL , OUR'S ANNALS OF THE U. P. CUUttCH 1.75 _ 93 WooD SntEET. R. !Lit). Et CO. will remove Ina few days to their new and spacious store, N 0.193 LIBER ry STILE aT. • mh15:16-.lf DRY GOODS A.T. cow - Jr, FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY. TO CLOSE STOCK. THEODORE P. PHILLIPS, 87 MARKET STREET. de= HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. I have to store •and am constantly receiving direct from mannfecturrra. a complete-assort ment of BUILDER , " HARDWARE which . I offer for sale on as fair terms as any house in the city, together with a tine assortment of CUT LERY, GUNS and REVOLVERS: - Also. the bast selection of MECHANICS' TOOLS, com prising all the latest and best improvements known to the trade. 'I have my factory in fall operation as usual. and am prepared to do all kinds of lob worklbe same as before the lire of the Ad of February. such as grit , &Sag razors scissors, knives, put.; - Mg in knife blades, and repairing all kinds of ht machineiy. - JAMES GOWN , NO. 136 WOOD STREET, I!ITTBBI7RGH. Also, Agent fr.r. erosskope's famous BIAGIO LINEN MARKER, the greatest novelty litthe fe27:Tr $250 REWARD. THE ABOVE REWARD WILL be paid for the arrest and conviction of the party or parties who struck false alarms from the folldwing boles: Noe. 3;ii, 83, 17, 27, 34 and 54, between the hours of land 9 Weida on Wednesday. JOHP H. HallE„ - • Chief Engineer Fire Department. • SAMUEL T. PAISLEY, mh9 Supt Fire and Police Telegraph. iE MARK. RIDGE'S -1311,00 P INEYS. FRENCH arms MILL STONES. Prenel Bari Smut Michbes, TH&•BEBT WHEAT CLALITEBSSEN 118 E. Portable Fleur, and. Feed Mille, BOLTING GLOTBS, AU numbers find best quality. For hale 319 and 321 Liberty St., Pittabnigh. w. WALLACE. OSUNDRIES., • • sittngs cotton Seed Meal; 44 bags Oronnd Eutaw: ' • • 15-bags Pea Nuts: ' Skagit Feathers; . : • • 31 bags Dry Apples; • . bags . Quarter Apples; . . bags .11 zed do. " , • I bag Halves do.• 2.f100 test inch Cedar 'Boards; 945 Cedar Pence Posts; - _ Cedar Logs — large; • '• /SO sacks Unbohed Cornmeal; 1 sacs. Upholsterers Corn ebonite; TO arrive Bate Putnam. Pur sale by MICKEY ISAIAMICKEY 4'4 Or_ LL ROOK AGENTS SE 4L ND , for the 16 reasona why bbinel Domestic Illustrated Family In Bble superior to any other Address STRRET & Co.; 111 Nassau street. New York. 46g - Sold agents. Refers to all Eastern rut:diallers. te9:ellUss:W:T-T PITTS : j3".UTIG.,ii...:prAZETTE: - ......; FAIDAT;JIWCH-::;5.,. ! ;,1865.', r , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS RETAIL DEPARTMENT. JOS. HORNE k CO. RECEIVED THIS DAY: ALELINDRE, lUD GLOVES, Inetudag tbe aeiv stades, Green, Purple, Blue and Drab, The handsomest' shades ever produced Kid . t L i Wove s. I i Striped Bo Ribbons, , Handsome c art Ribbons, Ohemizette in Lace and Linen, Infant's , It hes and Waistt, Spring S es Bonnet & Hat Frames, French FI , ers aad Roses, Spring Id ' o Underwear, Furnishing Goods, ' , Neck Ties, Boivs, Scarfs, - Gloves and Hosiery, Best Assortment in the City. 77 AND 79 MARKET STREET. FINE lIIITPORTED Dry" arc:oculist. BATES WILL OPEN THIS WEEK A I • 0.0 AIA =hi:lm? THE BEST ORGANS Prices of Inferior Work. 25 PER CENT. REDUCTION IN 1311ICIPASOP MASON & kfAxLlN's 0n.43-.ALN-s. I Prices to Suit theTixnes. THE MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN CO., win ners of ae venty-ate hibestprerniums,incleding the Paris - Exposition MedaL for the best lustre mein of this class in the world..respectfelly an nounce that their facilities are now so great that they undertake to furnish mit only the best and cheapest. • but • the LOUP?' PRICED drat-class Organs obtainable, and they ask attention to their present scale of prices, of which the fol lowing are illustrations:. FIVE. OCTAVE SINGLE REED ORGAN., In Solid Black Walnut Case. Carved an d Panelled with Tremalant. (Style A.l Price, for which other SI a nufac tur en ask ' from $l3O to 2160 • 100 FIVE OCTAVE DOUBLE SEED ORGAN, Five Stops, with Trentulant• Solid Black Walnut Vase• Carved and Panell ed. (Style C.) Price, for which other menu- fact nrers ask fromlllso to S IMS 11125 FIVE OCTAVE DOUBLE HEED CABI NET ORH.A.N. • Five Stops with the new MASON & HAMLIN IMPROVED VQX HUMANA, which excels every other at tachment of this le ass in the beauty and va riety of its effects, the ease with which It IS need, and Ifs freedom from liability to get out of order. Solid Walnut Case. Carved and _Panelled, (New, Style. No, . ill ). This- IA the finest Organ of its site and capacity which can be made. _Price.. for which other manufacturers ash liont- $2OO to $425 SITS EVERY INSTRUMENT YULLY,WARRAN T RD. Be sure to call and examine my stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere., - C. C. 31:01.11-4COrt, 81 WOOD STREET, Sole Agent for I. & H. Organ!. sir °mass Rented, kid rent ippliid to the nurcbase. felEnfie I.ITTSIIEUGH PAPER WANE. YAM/TWIG OOM2A.RY, Manufacturen of PRINTING Si WRAPPING PAPERS. amaeroNsMITeerLIIIIENVILI.E. am; BRIGHTON XII.I.— NEW BRIGHTON, PA. orincrit AND WASICHOLO4. No. 82 Thlrd,(l3ttviit ) 'Pittsburgh, Pa. On!Cias—AMHElTAßTTßn,Pgrident. ; "Mi a lec li rr earalar tarr._ DlMlCTollB—Antgrat Hart's. JOB Aswan, B. Hi4,grgitineoMiMeTitm• h 20.4 isOHN PEC__,li 4 ORNAMENTAL HAIR'WORKErt AND PENYIINEB. 'No. •Third street, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh. Aiwa w hand, kjeeneral assortment or La. dies US BANDS OUNLS. esutiem g . N4pkica, saws, till-iiiD OBk B. LETA Az. Sir A good Price in cash Will ItiVfil fOlr BAN/ HAIR. Ladles , anti tlenuemen , s Hair CUM= done in the Patott 7hititioP. ;i • miff tilt H". NO. 1 TIMOTHY NAY, For sale by bale or In qnsatlty,j‘t , .405 LIBERTY STREET,, Opposite Linton Depot. ABIED PEACHES.-100 bushy s prime article, for sale by J. B. CANPLELD fe2o:e9n TEE AND DOMESTIC BELL STOCK, ina CARPET SAND OIL OLO,THEi CARPETS. We are now receiving our Spring Stock of Carpets, and are pre pared to offer as goOd stock and at as low prices as aay other house in the Trade. We hate all the new styles of Brussels Tapestry, Brusstls,,Three Plys and TWOplys. Best assortment of Ingrain Caryts in the Market. BOVARD, ROSE CO., FIFTH AVENUE. CARPETS. McCA LLUM BROS. beg leave to call the attention of those in want of Carpets,' and all goods in that line to the fact that they have now in store the largest assortment of geods that they haie ever had the pleasure of offering to the Trade, and invite an examination of their choke stock. Our facilities for ob taining goods. by importation and from Manpfacturers, 'enabler us to offer goods at the lowest rates. 51 FIFTH AVENUE. OLIVER 111cCLINTOCK & COMPANY, Have list received and are now opening largest importation of the most beII:WWI C 3FL 36 11 3C° - - Ever brongpt to this city, being imported by them direct from the most celebrated Manufac tories of Europe, OLIVER McCEINTOCk & COMPANY, No. 23 Fifth Avenue. JANUARY, 1869. CAR TS. 1 RLINU ct COLLINS, glil will COlktiiiNie l their IhNNEIL 4 [ ' l I Attli Mil Elli NETS LONER .1 * Greater Bargainsthan Ever will he offered to dlogi out . Special Liies of. Goods, at 71 AND 73 Finn ATEtUE SECOND FLOOR. tar AtiIISILILLLIS ELIXIR. mAnsHALwe ELIXIR WILL CURE READAura. AI ARSHALIAI , ELISIII WILL CURE DYSIIIPSIA. MARSHALL'S ELIXIR WILL COBTIVL• ItZefl. Pries of MaratialPi ElLtfr, $l.OO per bottle. BIM sale by all Druggists. Depot, l l3ol. Mar ket street. M. MitMoHALL ICo Druggists, Pro Meters. . f01:a99-1:711:13 GOOD NEWS. OEM BREAD IN DUB TIM Enquire for WARD'S 0 • T 1 e largest and beit. Tae lnittals "11. a :;; rt ":k every loaf. Take stone else. ler 'N9 rICE To Leto* "For dale,' " Want,. " " Antra," ''Boarding, do., not exceeding:FOCA LINDE( each soft/ Pie StY sorted Sn these lottimns ones for TWRNTZ-FIVB OB NTS : ea:* additionat I,ine Plrs as.yrs. WANTED-SITUATION. •WANTED—SI I UATION.—By a Praet,cal Gardener. Also undent.nds prunlnz tree: and vines. Appl.• at Col. J. D. EGAN'S, Sixth avenue. near emltlitleldetreet. • • lir A NTEM—OOO IL and CITA Itt- BEIMAID oue of •••tperlenee, a; the A IuRIC AN HOUSE. No 419 Beaver_ avtuue, Allegheny-Cate ,11.nebesteil., • '-- • : ' WANTED -HELP.-AT PLOYMENT OFFICE No. No. 1. St. Clair Street, EtlYr 611 Mb. Ind MEN. tor dillerent kinds of employment. Persons wanting help . of all kind!, can he supplied on short notice.'" WANTED -THOSE WANTING a fine goo DINNER for 40 cents, wIII call at W. M. KUHN'S EATING SALOON. cot ner of Sixth avenue and Smithfield street. Also 15 'bay Boarders to get their meals when wanted. Bear this thesp.firat.cla.s riace ahem e In mind. AGENTS WANTED -$1O a Day. TWO $lO.O MAPS FOR .4.00. PATENT REVOLVING DOUBLE MAPS Of America and Europe. Ameeca and the United States ,of.AME rtes. (kolbred•—in 4,000 Celina ties. Thete great Mips, not Just completed. chow every place of imnortan e, Railroads tp date, and the' latest alterations in the various Euro• petit Stases. 'nese Maps are needed In every School and family In the land—they cccupy the space of Gne Marie and by means of toe Reverser saber aide can. be thrown front, ard any part brought level to the eye. County Eights and given to good Agents. Apply for. Circulars, Terms, aml send money f,.r Sample Maps, to-- J. T. LLOYD, • fe2.7:1`4-d&T 23 COlinA NDT IST., N. Y. LOST. -On WEDNESDAY TERNOO , , • SET OF DEEDS and .ome va.uable papers, belonging to Jacob Pritchard. The finder will be suitably rewardtA by leaving - there at No. 25 F,ftheenue. JACOB FNITCH: ARD. LOST.—On Liberty street, near Smithfield, on Thursday afternoon. a LA- S HEAVY HIJACK VEIL The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at No. 35T Liberty street. FOR RENT.—Desirable Brick DWELLING of Hall aid 10 Rooms on Van brassie street, near 7111 h avenue. S. CUTHBERT et SONS, 85 Smithfield etreet. TO -LET.- ROOMS.— Two fine R 00313 la GAZETTE IHTILDINU. Apply at Counting Rooms. 84 and t 6 Fifth avenue. TO -LET.-A fine, large, well. finished ROOM. suitable for an office. In Ispateh Building, second floor, bsek.. Apply as Rouen for terms &e. , TO -LET. -A BUSTNESS_HOP3E4 end n] l'Eli" Ta 11 _ _ GU S Attorney - W78 ' 7 1 : 1 : ,1 1 7 111i avenue. TOaILEI—Th e RT. L ALWRENCV MOTEL. Federal street, Allegheny City, above tbe Manion d. Forster lon given March Ist. Aim! to 11 M. SEMPLE. 180 and 182 Federal etre- , Allegheny, r i -LET.— A comfortable brick IDWELLING of stair mms. hall and double on Forty-third street. (formerly Ewalt.) burgh. Ingot:eat 227 LIBERTY STREET, burgh. Dore Pitt MO-LET. WITH' IMMEDIATE POSSESSION • well-lighted comfortable BALL on vlllb avenule, 30 by 80 feet; well adapted for society meetlngi. Addreas Lock Box 169, Pltteburgb 1 riPtLET.—Three , two story IVWX DWELLINGS , 8 rooms and cellaL, at R ood order, Nos. 291.1199 and 301 Eo !noon street, • Ilegheny. Inquire st office No. 1.41. FOURTH AVENUE. Pittsburgh. MO-LET— That THREE STORY BUILDING, No. II Logan street, contain ing elgat rooms and haying large va• d attached. Rent 4400 per annum. Enquire of T. P. HOUS TON, GAZETTE OFFICE. TO -LET. - HOUSE. -NO. 164 Sheffield street, Allegheny City. containing rooms and llnidied Attie, Hot and Cold Water and Gas throughout. POssession April let. Inquire at Office of FRAZIER B WS.. Ohio ave nue aneSedgwick street, Allegheny. , PON•LET.-RODM.-To gentle* AN and WI P E,- with LANGE T ROOMS second nary, opening on bal cony. Also. a few tangle gentlemen. Enquire at No. 18 Wylie greet. • O-LET.-THE SECOND AND ETTHIRD STORIES I ro n, 83 Wood street'. ulttable Mr Insurance, Cummt skin Mea and sample Rooms. Central location for_lbusi neon. Apratto G. B. HILL ,t v()., Beal Estate Agents. /59 'fourth avenue. • r. A .I INLET.— A well finished HOUSE of 8 rooms, In a most conven'ent an beautiful location. AT EIGHTH'- STREET, formerly Hancock street,opposite Christ Church; elosn and quiet; in the summer shady. Also No. 29 with seven rooms.- Also, No. 28 with eleven .rooms. Enquire at, 277 PENN bTREET. , , TO-LET.-Fours new TWO Jk. STORY BRIDE DWELLINGS on Franklin street, its the second square from the Passenger Railroad. Sixth ward. Allegheny, (late , ffiorOugh of Manchester.) Each house is furntstiedwith a Boston range. ant hot and cold water fixtures complete in both stories, and contains seven rooms besides bath room and flubbed garret. Inquire at the office of th subscriber, No. 33 Franklin Street. Allegheny B. A. SAMPSON. 0-LET.-ORE : ORE , BOOM POOH EASEMENTS, well lighted and %abed. . . . _ OFF ICIES In the ireond story. • . bL }WINO ROOMSin the third !nom and ON LARGE HALL. with two ante•troint , In thq foy - '' story.ot A. H. English & Co 'a new tr.= avenue. Apply to A. H. ENG. No. Att Fifth avenue. 1,-- , C .NIC. FOR SAVINGS. loitnerlrilie_bniz f3AV3.10313 INSTITtiTION N0..67 'Fourth Street. OPPOSITIC TIM BANIC or PITTBIIIIUI3/1. CHAIITERED OPEN DAILY from 9 to 4 o'cloCk, and, on WEDNESDAY sod SATURDArVENINOS. from May Ist to November list from 7 to 9 o'clock. and from November in to May Ist; 8 to 8 o'clock. Books orßy-Laws; &c , furnished at the office. This Institution especially offer to those whose earnings are limited the opportunity to accumu late. by small deposits, easily saved, a sum which will be a resour c e when needed, and bearing in• terest Instead of remaining unproductive. - BOAALD OF MANAGERS: PRESIDENT GEORGE A. BERRY. VICE PRPIDDIINTS, B. B. HARTMAN,' JAMES PARE, JR. • • - SECRETARY AND TREASURER, D. E. McKINLET. A. BRADLEY, WM. R. NIMICE, "A. BELL. B. RAHM, JOHN S. DILWORTH, JOSHUA ERODES, O. FOLLANdBE ,E um( SCOTT. JAS. L. GUATIA_M R. C. SCHHERTZ, • CHRIS , TOPHER ZUG. SOLICITORS—D. W. &A. 8. BELL. mlll4wEte 4,c; REMOVAL. 19. A. SHINN, Attorney-at-Law, Rae removed Ida office. from No. 130 Fourth Aferme. to No. 73 GitANT STBEET. (corner of Diamond.) inh2:f32l WANTED---HELP. WANTS. LOST. TO LET. • LOAN. , - ()AN -.ION 990 N/7D L AND - MORT.. oet 4. y coun nroperty. A prixto vHILLI Ps, Rea Est st? gents, 14 0 . vvenne. . , . BURGH I F f OR SALE ! Vollt SALE.-A NEW MUCK .1," HOUSE of 5 rooms and lot, 5U hv. 400 feet, 200 grapevines, fruit trees, shrubrie.v, ike.. on the lot, at , No. 160 Ithig. Fifth ward. Allegheny City. For terms and particu• lays amply on the promises. FOR SALE.--FRAME COT— TAGR. containing_ five rooms and excellent eellar,wlth lot 60 by 187 feet, In the 10th ward, (formerly East Liberty.) I?rlce low. Imdulre on the prtinises, or stduress B. B. il.. GAZZITZ •IOR SALE.-16th WARP.-. BRICK 110118 F-of seven rO9toil,on William str. et. adjoining the residence= of F. K. Dud't lot 40 feet front and 260 feet'deep; well im proved and plant(d.,witti fruit trees. Enquire on the premises, or of L. B. DUFF. 83 DIA MOND STREET. FOR SALE.-;STOCK AND FIX-. TUBES.—Tbe Stock and Fixtures of a fleet- , class tamllv Grocery store. The undersigned, 'tabbing to engage In another business... offers the Flxtureaand block at a bargain. ti.W.PUSEr, 49 FederaNtreet, Allegheny City. I'OR SALE.-BUSINESS PROP..' 12 ERTY.- , ls now offered for wile that desira ble LOT OF OROUND. No. 187 Smithfield street.aahls property is 'wed located fJubrist-; nes& Parties on lookout for a good stand wo,' do well to call .nRAILEY, ,FARRELL B CO N0. , 187 Smithfield FOW SALEFAJEINI AT A BAR.? 'GIAIN.--4415"pai acre will purchase a trarm of 100 acres in Westmoreland county. Pa.. one and a half miles 'rum a regular station on.. West Pennsrlvania Railroad, all tinder good fence, good frame bank barn, good house of - flce rooms, plenty of fruit, abundance of : good water.' acres cleared. balance in good -Oak timber, good neighborhood, school on the farm. TenIIS easy. Apply to ChOFT Al - PHILLIPS; Real Estate Agents. No. 139 Fourth Avenue. 4 . VOR SALE.-HOUSE.-A: FINE 1: Brick Mansion, containingai.l rooms, with all modern improvements. situated at - 203 SoUth avenue. Allegheny City, with a lot having a f• out of 50 feet. extending back ,MI feet to an alley. In. rear. Tue property its situated 43•1 the ,bank of the Ohio river, having a beautiful view of the river and the distant cultivated hips. The Rebecca street cars pass it every ten minutes A chstic.. ilke this is rarely offered in real estate. but the presenA owners contemplate leaving the city, and will 'belt on easy payments. Forpar ticulars call at above number t FOR SALE.—A. No. 1 STEAM GRIST MILL.' In a flou•lshlng Indiana city, in complete order and doing, a splendid business; located in an excellent wheat growing county and on one of the pr.t cipal railroads leading into Toledo. Present owners took the property to save a bad debt, and aot being prac tical millers will sell for *3,000 less than the original pest of the mill. Any party desiring to purchase will - be tho ougbly satisfied as to the value of the proper.y Pries $6.000. _ BISSELL, GLCASON mb9, .Beal Estate Agvnta..Toledo, Ohio. GARDENERS TARE NOTICE. _ —FOR SALE.—The FOURTEEN MILE ibi...AND4 on the Allegheny Raver. and now used , ng purposes; well Improved and in a high state of cultivation, containing 10 or sameso , now offered' at a bargain.. Oall soon. A'so, other Farms in good locations. Woolen. Factory. two Houses, and twenty acres of land on the Central Railroad. Houses and Lots - For Sale and To-'et in both Mahe. For rarther par ticulars Inquire of ' WILLIAM WARD, fe26 510 firant stroet: opposite cathedral. • VALUABLE FARM FOR S ALE. • v —Situate 213; miles from Hai gbt's Station. on Western Pennsylvania Railroad, 17 miles from Allegheny City; contains 90 acres of land, 60 of which is cleared, balance in best timber, water in ei ery Held, underlaid with best of coal; soil excellent for strain growing; on which are erected a two story frame dwelling, two stables, a young 'orchard just brxinuint to bear of best quality of fruit: good roads from station to farm. Perseus wanting one of the best farms in the county, sod at low price and easy term: are eX pressly directed to the above. Apply_ to _ B. 'MCLAIN, fen; : , : - Kew Estate Agents. WESTERN LAND AGENCY. 70,000 Acres of Land for Sale, In lowa and Minnesota; price from $3.00 to $5.00 per acre. Land bought, and sold on com mission. Taxes paid; Titles examined; abstracts famished; tiurveying and Plotting done. Information furnished In reference to quality and valuation of lands. tieneral collect ing business done. Address jaM:dCB XLIANGTON, lOWA DESIRABLE "' PROPERTY FOR SALE, A New 'Frame House, Of 4 rooms and ball: Lot 20 feet front bi 132 feet deep on Fayette street, between . Chortler ,and Msnliattan streets, Allegheny Also, 0/1E • -.LOT, 21 feet front by 140 feet deep, corner Chartler street and Pine alley, Sixth ward, Allegheny. Also, Sixteen Magnificent Banding Lots. Each 34 feet front by 134 feet deep to AlO foot private alley. Front on Juniata street, between Preble street and the Oslo River 411 the above property Laeonventent to Pla3Cll. ger Railway Irqr price and term, enquire of: - 4E%. PATTERSON, No. 813.PREBLEtTREEP Uth3:f4s laj i xf/h1 sizrelsisi;o la - J. LANCE, 1-Le - DYER AND SCOURER. No. 3 ST. CLAIR emv-rer 1 And ;Sou 185 and. 1.8 7 1. Third Street, PTPTSBITREM. Ri B ir EMOVAL. - INA IONA( INSURANCE CONIPANY L Of th e ; City of Al leghtny, Rs.m°3