El nt..1 ; 10%1*0 ili.,'4,iott. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY , PENNIMAN, REIM & CO., Proprietors. F. B. YENNDIAN, JOSIAH SING, T. P. HOUSTON, P. REED, Editors and-Proprietors. *OFFICE: GAZETTE BUILDING, NOS. 84 AND 85 FIFTH ST. OFFICIAL PAPER Of Pittsburgh. AiNghensf and Ails- Vainly County, reyww—Bathy. \Sense- Weekly. Weekly, One yeey...38,00 . yesr. C. 50 Single copy ..$1.50 One month 75 Six mos.. 1.60 scoples s eath 1.25 Brthe week - 15IThree mos 75,10 1.115 (Rom earder.) laud one to Agent. FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1869. WE rsuaiT on the inside pages of this morning's. GAZETTE &Santa fags Butte .Retrat, Clippingsand Miacellaszeous. Third and. Sixth-pages: Commercial, .Mercantile, .tfinantiat and River News, Markets, imports. Seventh. page: Local and Miscellaneous Matters. U. S. BONDS at FmlkifiiTt.. PETROLEUM at Antwerp, '5,3(58-1-f. (low closed in New York festerds.y . I st 131„• , THE ADDRESS OF VICE PRESIDENT COLFAX, on being inducted into office, was curt, but in excellent taste: MR. GEORGE. Y .P. WOODWARD pertomt. led a graceful act in moving a resolation of thanks to the outgoing speaker of the House of Representatives. Or TEE 68,974 registered voters of Ar kansas, 44,332 axe white and only 19,142 colored. Df these White citizens 13,365, or thirty per cent., cannot read or write. Four counties are named in which one half of the white voters are thus entirely 'uneducated. Decidedly, Arkansas wold oppose an edueationaliqUaliftcation. A DECREASE of newly eleven millions last month, hi the net public debt, brings - the total down nearly to that reported at the pening of the year. _The country 100 now to see the bulk of its obliga to s ? steeply and . regularly dwindling, Wif.li thef4eturn of honesty and capacity to the administration of affairs—and the country will not look in vain. MEENDED =ASTER of-Washing and Jefferson College consolidates all its •departnients in one locatien, within the State, as soon as the needful buildings shall have been provided: That location, if not made by the Trustees by the 27th of April, will be entrusted to a Commie- SionNow let us hear from Washington, Canonsburg, Uniontown and other bor oughs, which yearn for collegiate distinc tion. TILE OFFICE TENURE Aar never ex cited our admiration. When it was first proposed it struck us as a lanie excuse for not doing something else, of which there was urgent need. But we fail to see how fts retention can hamper the new President in initiating such changes in the employes of the different departments as 'limey judge best. The Senate is in session, and until it shall adjourn he can make changes as freely as though the Act did not exist. IT WAS WELL for President Jontisdsr to illuminate his last days of power by 1 granting pardons to all persons under sentence for participation In the Rebellion. It would have been equally well for any other person; who might have beenrefir ing from the Presidential office., to have exercised the same clemency. But for -the .ontgoing President to pardon men convicted of assassination, and other crimes not warranted by the Articles Of War, was an abuse of authority which revealed how far he had become estranged from the party by which he was eleVated to the highest position in the nation, and to what extent his sympathies had become enlisted on the rebel side. WE ANNOUNCED YESTERDAY that six States—LKansas, Nevada, Louisiana, Mis souri, West Virginia and Wisconsin 7 -had ratified the Fifteenth Amendment to the federal Constitution.. It is reasonable to expect that within a week Maine, Massa chusetts, Rhode Island, Nair York, Penn sylvania, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Tennessee and Arkansas will also ratify it. This will leave ten more States Ur concur, if all the States are counted, whether re. stored or not. The Legislatures of Ohio, New Hampshire, 'Vermont and Nebraska do not meet this year; but no doubt exists as to . their consent. South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Virginia, Mississippi and Texas will ratify in due season. This will make the required number, without 'Ohio,, which may , be right a year hence., PRESIDENT GRANT'S INAtIGIIRAL A. DRESS, given elsewhere in these columns, will prove satisfactory to the ,RepOlipan masses in all parts of the country. MB positions on_the finances, on economy and retrenchment, on intercourse with foreign nations, on internal improvetnents through governmental aid, convey as aurances of suchen administration as the nation has pressing need for. Nor less - significant are his 'declarations as to what his course will be in regarto Con gress and its rights as the law-mating de•. partment. Restricting his action within the limits clearly assigned to him by the Condi embodiedft:og- 1 ment of the notion, no conflict can arise betwien the r•resident and the l represen tative bodieF ; but the two will co operate in•all measures calculated to pro mote the dignity of the Republic and the welfare •o 1 the people. • BETIDED S 1101 N BRIGHTLY BREAKS THE DAWN: A new administration entered yester day upon its four years' ' career. And ytsterday's sun went down upon trßepub ll,e in which a ,million'of intelligent men were, each for himself, casting its politi cal horoscope, with feelings mingled of curiosity and pride- When, before, in the National history has It ' , rapidly re volving cycle of the Constitu 'on dawned upon the nation's eyes with such auspi cious omens of coming'pr Ority and glory? Were ever our political s soothsay ers so entirely in accord, as 1 0the future of the Republic, as when they and we— the people of a great State so -lately rent by bloody strife which menaced the over throw of all established institutions—be held the emblems 'of our authority, loftier and prouder than despots ever wielded, transferred, with an orderly and peaceful quiet and atter the simplest of ceremoni als, from a ruler' found unworthy, to other bands appointed' by the people's choice .as fitter for the trust? But once, in the history of our Gov ernment,-has this movement Of transition been marked by any• shock to the puhlic peace. Once only—the last, let us hope, as it was the .lirst, time!—misguided fac tion appealed-from the nation's will to the arbitrament of battle--,andthe result has received the approving judgment of a 1 Christian 'werld. In all the coming time. while God rules this land and its people's _hearts, granting to usthe grace to remelht, [ ber and the wisdoia to understand the teachings of an experience which His Providence has ordered, the lesson shall be for the highest National good. The simple but imposing formalities of yesterday marked a change of dynasty under our Republican Constitution. 'No hostile drum-beat, not one musket-shot,' not even one seditions cry, mingled with the acclamations of forty millions of peo ple who beheld the inauguration of their new Chief Magistrate. It may not have been because he was unanimously, their choice; indeed, another would have been selected by millions of his countrymen. But all, of whatever party, in politics sr creed, whatever their personal or politi cal preferences had been, welcomed their new President yesterday as the expres sion of a wise and salutary constitutional order of things, in which the peace and glory of the Republic are enshrined. An intelligent patriotism, whatenr its indi vidual preferences, must ever regard each peaceful Presidential change as t'he no blest proof, because it is at the same time the most critical experiment and the most successful vindication, of the states manship of the fathers of the Constitu tion. The new President enters upon vast responsibilities. He is sustained by the respect of all, and by the especial confi dence of most of his countrymen. He finds nothing anomalous in the situation, no antagonisms on the threshold. Sur rounded by a harmony, in each of the other great departments of the Govern ment, which - consistently reflects from each a faithful and ,hearty recognition of a common source Of power and a com mon direction of the National will, Pres ident GRANT needs only to be true to the - voices which have honored him with the Republican crown, truo to thete f aebings of the National experience, true to him self, to the character which has been de veloped and ripeneolin the last eight his toric years, and true, in fine, to that trust in the unerring :wisdinxi of n Heiivenl guidance which the last words of his In augural:infoke, to achieve for himself a civic crown brighter with perennial glory than any martial laurels, and to win for a long-suffermg land., the repose which it needs, and the prosperity at home with the honor among the nationi of the earth, which should attend its not far-distant future. 1110111GRATION TO. THE .S9UTU. • Misled by President .10E11002i and the body of Northern men who acted in con cert with him, a large portion of the in habitants of the Southern States, for two or three years, cherished vague hopes that it was possible for them to obtain inside the Union many of the objects for which they went into the Rebellion. The Presidential election, held in NO vember Jag/ effectually disenchanted them, and to/their own advantage. Since then, the orderly and intelligent membeis of the Southern communities have been allowed larger degrees of influence, and have /received considerable and encour aging accessions to their numbers. 's Under the new inipulse outrages upon Unionists, and particularly upon North ern men, are of less frequent occurrence; and are perpetrated without the con nivance or consent of the leaders of so. ciety. This is a promising symptom in itself ; but there are others of still; greater significance. -The system of Slavery hav ing disappeared, the thoughts of many in -dividuals, and of some representative bodies, are turned to• 'discover how best Southern society may be adapted to the new institutions, and so as soonest to re pair the wastes caused by the war. Nor are they who are thus engaged left to grope their way without pertinent 'hints and suggestions derived from experience during the last four years. Much has been done to show that Slayery was not PIITSBUIt4II .GAZEI.TE:- FRI.DAY, AtARCH 5, 1869. • , essential to the sucCeisTiil proseention of the inthistries peculiar to the Southern section of the Republic, and to demon strate that with free labor a higher and nobler career Is open before it. In consequence, a strong desire is growing up for the immigration into that section of Northern men and Europeans, possessing money capital, anti having all the other preiequisites for the develop ment of latent resources in nature. Lou isiana has gone so far as to organize a Bureau of Immigration, one duty of which f ill to invite settlers by the disseml nationl of information. Many of the itailway Companies, whose lines extend throng six of i more of the Southern States ave agreed upon a plan for excur sion ti -eta, at low rates, to be sold to all persons who desire to make explorations, and proffers are farther made of aid from the eployes ofd these corporations in ac quiing information relative to all mat ters of interest. ~. These are but the beginnings of this movement, which must assume, larger proportions in a few months,. when the new administration at Washington - shall make its power felt in repressing linger ing disorders and giving assurances of future repose. Then the South will take a fresh start, and such a transfusion of population , will be the result as shall assimulate ,'the prosperity of the two geographical divisions of the country, and bind them in harmonious relations evermore. THE INTEREST QUESTION. -The measures presented in a number of our State Legislatures, for the estab lishment of a higher or a lower rate of legal interest, as the particular case may be, gives this question of interest an un usual degree of importance, and there is, perhaps, no better time to examine into the principles involved in the right to establish a'standard of interest, and the expediency of applying this standard to any. but a very limited number of cases. Money is the measure of capital. The paper or coin which g man receives on effecting a loan, is in reality not the sub- ject of the loan, but the means of trans fer, entitling him to a certain amount of the aggregate capital of the community— so many barrels of flour, or pork, or so much real estate, or a certain measure of whatever he desires to use it in, and he would be as well satisfied to, at once, re ceive from the bank or the lender, the flour, or pork, or real estate, without the intervention of money. Capital is a positive value vested in a material object, whether it be real es tate, merchandize, ;apparel or furniture. When capital is loaned' for a limited time the owner of the capital is entitle& to an equitable compensation or rent for the same, and where the capital is a specifi cob ject, the rent is made a spcific one by means of a contract, If we rent a house, or a piece of machinery, or a horse, or furniture, we pay a sum previously agreed upon that has been adjusted on the scale of mutu al convenience. Now, when the capital transferred is a portion of the aggregate capital of the community, that is, the loan of so many barrels of flour or pork, given in the form of money, which is but the key to a store containing the desired quantity of goods, why should not this rent be'also adjusted by the mutual con venience of the borrower and lender? It is f not argued that it would be reasonable to fix by law the rent of merchandize, of furniture, or of a house, but these aro equally capital, or vested values parted with for a limited time. put as money is merely the measure of these values, we can no more reasonably have an interest of money than we may have an Interest of a lied stick. Money is not value lt self—it measures value just as the yard stick measures quantity. Interest is simply the rent - of capital and the price of insurance against the hazard of losing it. And as the rent of capital fluctuates constantly In conformity with the supply and demand of Its mate rial objects, and the price of insurance varies acctn . ding to the personal character of the borrower or the use to be made of the capital, is it possible to fix by law an equitable standard of interest? Would It not be as reasonable to have a Legisla ture fix the rent of your house and furni. ture, the premium of Insurance, or the wages of labor, as it now is to have it fix the rent of Elating capital or the pre. mium of insurance against a bad debt or a doubtful loan ? • The great error which:our law makers and many of the people fall into, in view ing this question of interest, #s in consid eringmoney as capital, instead of regard ing it in its true light as only the measure of capital. The loan of money and the use of merchandise rest an the same prin ciple and should be subject to the same rules. - WHY HE WAS SULKY. In forbearing to attend the ceremony of the inauguration of his successor, Ex- President Jommox exhibited a remarka ble appreciation of the real proprieties of the situation. It is but a little more than a' year ago that ANDREW JOUNBON,. Pres ident, made statements grossly ;imPeach" ing the personal veracity of 11. B. GRANT, General of the Armies. Investigation speedily established the falsity of the charge. But, to this hour, Mr. Jommorr has neglected, indeed has persistently re fused, to withdraw his unfounded accusa tion. In the meantime, the public judg ment has pronounced upon it, acquitting the accused and transferring the brand of shame to the ascuser. The lie which he gave came home—and sticks to him. Hence, yesteiday's seclusion of a man, not even whose official station could make a liar fit company for General Galati. It was, some days since, made known to him that his successor would not ride with higown personal defamer— and he knew, too, that a separate place in the procession, the reason for which would be patent to all observeis, would be simply an humiliating acknowledg ment of a historic falsehood. There fore, he was the first of Es-Presidents to absent himself on such an occasion—and simply because he was the first American President to go out of office self-branded with falsehood j upon his record. He sinks into obscurity, realizing that not even a great office can save a slanderer and falsifier from his own personal re sponsibility to the man whom he would have wronged. That is all of it. AMERICAN ORDNANCE. The Congressional investigation into the merits of our ordnance system closes with a detailed repOrt, establishing the facts that all our heavy gung are unreli able for service, and that the adoption of two essentially different patterns has intro duced confusion and the risk of serious mischief in both the military and naval arms of the national defence. - We have not space for the full text. of the report, but the extracts below embody the most important conclusions of the Committee. They say: The Committee are of, theopinkin that, for the reasons shown, tho interests of the public service demand a change) in the system of procuring ordnance and ordance stores, and the manner of con ducttng experiments with a view to de termining the value of the same. The. present system has failed to answer the purpose for which it was designed.lnd the United States is in theposition t 0.4 ay of a nation having a vast coastline to :le fend, and a large navy, without a sin le rifled gun of large caliber, and a corp of, ordnance officers who have thus far failed to discover a remedy for the failure of the guns, or to master the rudiments of the science in which they have been trained at the public expense. The im portance of an immediate change is shown by the fact that the Chief of Ord nance of the army asks for appropria tions to purchase over 1,900 guns to arm the forts,not of a new and better system, •o be decided upon after more thorough and careful experiment, but of a kind that experience has shown to be inferior in range and penetration to the guns of foreign powers, and unreliable as to en durance. , The Investigations of the Committee lead them to the following conclusions: 1. That no more heavy guns should be purchased for mounting in the fortifica tions or use on shipboard until such im provements are made in the methods of fabrications as will insure more reliable endurance than has heretofore been ex hibited. - Rodman system of,! 2. Thet theg.n._ making, -- while partially ' successfitl in smooth-bores slid small callibers, has so far failed in rifles of large caliber as to show it to be unworthy of further confi dence. Recent imgrovements in defen sive works and armor-plating render heavy rifled guns the most efficient means sf attack, and no system of fabri cation which does not furnish such *tins should be adopted or continued:, The principle of initial tension, which is the basis of the Rodman system, appears to he of doubtful utility, as applied by Gen. Rodtnan, especially for rifled guns. This tension, it is admitted, gradually isap. pears from the gun with age, and in time is entirely lost. 11 3. That guns cast solid, in the manner practiced in the navy under the direction of Rear-Admiral Danlgren, while exhib iting satisfactory endurance as smooth bores with small charges and hollow pro- Jectlles, have not the requisite strength for riffles of large caliber. This mbde Of casting seems to be defective in principle. as the tensions inaugurated in cooling have* tendency to aid the powder to rupture the gun. . - i Washington Items The President elect says he will not continue in,office after he gets into the Executive chair, any officer, nominated by Johnson and confirmed by the Senate within the past five or six weeks. A broom was received at army head quarters this morning by express, which the donor said was presented to the Pres ident electio cleanse 'the Augean stable. It has peen the custom with the Presi dents elect to Send the names of the gen tle Men to compose thetir 'Cabinets to the Department of State; to be sent from there to the. Senate, but Gen, Grant has decided not to follow these precedents. He will transmit the nominations for his Cabinet to the Senate direct by one of his staff officers. The mystery of the Cabinet was re garded on all hands as the best kept State secret in the country's history. The last vote in the Senate on the Ten- ure-of Office bill showed that the feeling in favor of the- total, repeal has gained strength within the last few days, so that it will, in all probability, be swept from the statute book during the early days of next Congress. The bill of the Senate repealing the sixth section of the Army Appropriation act puts the militia in thelately rebellious States on the same footing as in all other States. Mr. Johnson signed it, without doubt, because he must do so to be con sistent, but he will deplore the result it produces. THE French chemist Tardieu has made some interesting experiments with red stockings imported from England. After extracting the coloring matter, ho intro duced a certain quantity of it beneath the skin of a dog, which died in twelve hours. A rabbit similarly treated expired in eight hours, and a frog in four. Opening the animals, M. Tardieu re-extracted the red coloring matter from their bodice, and with it dyed a skein of silk. In his re port, communicated to the Academie des Sciences lit Tardieu condemns the use of "corllinett 'qthe mineral poison to which the fatal stockings owe their hue) as an article of general commerce; and recommends that the importation of red stockings from England be absolutely prohibited. —At the meeting of the New York Chamber of Commerce. yeeterday, espe cial committee reported adversely to the government giving any subsidies to steamships or railroads, or for improv ing the Mississippi river, or reclamation of lands adjacent thereto, until the coun try is in better condition to liquidate its indebtedness in coin. The portion in re lation to the MlsNissippl river was struck out, and the reportadopted. 4.; AssassinUon by Air-Guns. The numerous instances of .finding men prone upon the most public streets of the Eastern cities, injured as by a bul let, although neither the victim nor any other person had heard the discharge of any firearm, so far as could be ascertained, has caused the suggestion to be made that air-guns have been brought into requisii tion. According to the authorities, this is a weapon "resemblingi a musket, for the purpose of discharging missiles by meansof compressed xis. It consists of lock, stock, bariel and ramrod. The stock is made hollow, and provided with proper cocks for filling it with compress ed air by means of a three pump. Each lock is nothing but a valve which lets in the barrel a portion of the air compressed in the stock, when the trigger is pulled. The gun is loaded with wadding and ball, in the ordinary way, and the . air suddenly introduced from the stock pro pels it with a velocity proportional to the square root of the degree of the compres sion of the air." By ttpis weapon a person may be killed at a distance of sixty or eighty yards. Later improvements give it a propelling force almost equal to the old-fashioned musket. Its chief advantage to criminals is its noiseless discharge. The victim may be singled out in a crowd by a ;per son standing concealed in an upper win dow, and if the aim is accurate, perforated by a bullet, without any chances of detec tion, excepting those indicated by angles and direction. Indeed, the body might fall in such a manner as to indicate C.,oil ditions entirely different from thosewhich are real. Whether or not this theory is correct, itis evident that the ingenuity of crime keeps pace with the moat appi•oved. detective methods. The Sun's Atmosphere The Academy of gciences, of Paris, has lately received additional detaili from Mr. Janssen . regarding his discovery, nearly simultaneously with Mr. Lockyer, of an incandescent atmosphere--consist ing principally, if not entirely, of hydro gen—surrounding the luminous portion of the sun. This astronomer was! sent, as may . be remembered by our readers, to Simla, in the Himmalaya mountains, to observe the total eclipse of the sun, in August last ; and, while there, made the discovery referred to. He states, in his last communication, that this atmosphere is low down, and with a very irregular level, sometimes not passing beyond the projections of the luminous atmosphere, and forming a kind of vault or canopy, continuous with the protuberances, the general composition of which appears to be the same as that of the atmosphere, and to be simply 'raised and sometimes detached or isolated portions of it.l The presence of the atmosphere is said by Mr. Janssen to explain the phenomenon of refraction of the solar surface, revealed by the study of the spots, and to play an important part in all the luminous phe nomena of the visible 'envelope of the sun, and particularly of the feculte or bright streaks. It is said to be certain that it is to this atmosphere that is prin cipally due that diminution of luminous, heating and photographing intensity pre sented in so remarkable a manner along the border of the solar disk. A Sad Calamity. A few days ago Mrs. Herman Gentch, of Jamestown, Indiana, after lifting a kettle of hot water from the stove, had her attention called to an infant in another part of the 'room, and, going to it, she took it in her arms to soothe and quiet, She had scarcely held the babe a moment when she heard a scream, and, turning, saw that another of her children,, about four years old, had fallen into the kettle of hot water. The agonized and shocked mother, quickly nutting her babe in the cradle, rushed to the poor little one that had fallen in the kettle. - She was too late ; it had almost instantly ceased to breathe, having been burned severely inwardly. • Now comes the strange part ; who will account for it ? Turning to her babe again, she found it dead also. Was it the electrical sympathy of the little one's heart, along whose delicate nerves passed the subtle thrill that rent the mother's bosom the cause that produced its death ? We know not ' • but this seems to open a nice question to those fond of , metaphys ical speculations. ARCHBISHOP Wawa:Ll' says: "He that assails •error because it ss ' error,• without respect of persons, must be pre pared for a storm from the party who were fanning him with the gentle breath of applause, so long as he had been deal ing with the errors of the party who op posed them." A Riontorm paper has discovered that it Is only an unfortunate affair when a white man stabs a negro in the heart, but a diabolical murder when the position of the parties is reversed. THE Registrar General of London has adopted a new American word. In his weekly returns he says "two persons have died from alcoholism." -TEE proceeds of General Kilpatrick's lectures this winter are, he says, $30,000, of which he received one-third and the G. A. R the remainder. —An officer named Whittaker, of the Fifty-third Regiment, was shot in the Quebec (Canada) Skating Rink , Wed nesday night by a young lad named Chalmer, for an alleged insult to the lad's sister. Re cannot recover. Chalmer was arrested. —A prayerqueeting, under the ans picsa of the Y. M. C. A., was held at Ma sonic Hall, Indianapolis, Ind., yesterday, from 12 to 1 o'clock, invoking DiVine blessings on the incoming administra tion, all Christian denominations uniting. . —Ounces C. Baker, charged with am• bezzling funds ofthe Tradesmems'Bank. at New York, received the pardon of President Johnson yesterday, On the rec ommendation of a large number of mer chants. • —The - bill abolishing transit duties in New Jersey became a law yesterday, having received the Governor's signa ture. No tax on passengers or freight is to be paid to the State after March 4th. _ _ --The•Atnerican Presbyterian Church of Montreal, Cana hasiven a call to Henry Ward Bee d c a, her, offering him a salary equal to that he receives In Brook- —on Wednesday night a severe snow storm prevailed about St. Hyacinthe, Canada, covering the railroad track to the depth of ten feet. —The lower house of the Maine legis lature, by a vote of 90 to 45, refused to abolish capital punishment. ' The Ingurrection in [By Telegraph to tne Pittsburgh G , enc.) NEW YORK, March 4.--Th: Mail has information from Cubans latly arrived here that the stories oratrobit es charged .against the insurgents are fabrications; that they have sixty thousand men in the field, of whom twenty thousand are armed, while others fight with such weapons as they can °Una; that they hold two-thirds of the. iland; that its entire center is impassable to the Spanish soldiery; that the Government has had no communication with Nuevitas or Puerto Principe for four months, and that. Valmesada lost eight hundred men out. of five thousand in his march from Nue vitas to Bayamo, picked off by insurgent sharpshooters. All we want, say the Cubans, to finish our work,, are arms. and munitions—arms for forty thousand men, who light with boughs of trees withforked ends, and with wooden can non, which are good for only three rounds, the fourth as a rule barking them. They say they are ready to. pay cash for them; that there is no blockade, and once procured the' Spanish Govern ment will be driven from the island in a month. There are reports that priva teers have left Our ports for Cuba, but' the Mail is unable to vouch for the truth of them. —A. serious accident occurred on'the Housatonic Railroad, near Lenox, Mass., yesterday morning. The passenger train. going South was thrown , from the track by a broken rail, precipitating a passen gsr car down an embankment and se ' nously injuring twelve persons and mere or less injuring all on board. Five of the most seriously injured persons be long in Pittsfield and three in Sheffield. —The Right-Rev.. Bishop Lefevre died at Detroit, Mich., last evening, aged sixty-five. Two weeks ago he was at tacked with ervsipelas in the head, and the disease soon after assumed a danger our form. The deceased was a native of Belgium and was ordained Bishop in 1841. —A correspondent says he has never seen so many persons of the better edu cated and most enterprising lEnglish speaking people of his section emigrat ing as .are now leaving, or preparing to leave, Canada far all parts of the West ern States and Pacific coast. —A resolution has received a first reading in the South Carolina Legisla ture for the ratification of the fifteenth Constitutional amendment. Markets by Tlegraph. Nsw.Osrsets , Mardb 4.—Cotton has better quotations and market is stiffer; low grades are easy; •Middlings sold at 28 1 4 c; sales amounted to 2,300 bales; re ceipts, 951 bales. Gold, /32%. Sterling Exchange,l33; Commercial, 14240143 y,,. New York sight drafts 3,4 c preni. Sugar is dull and has declined; common, 1134 c; prime, 143/ 4 c; yellow clarified, 16 1 4 c. Molasses is dull; prime, 7234@75c. Whis ky remains - unchanged. Coffee is un changed. Flour it firm; superfine, $6,37; double extra, $6,90@7; treble extra sells at $7,37. Corn is firm at 78@80c. Oats are firm at 80c. Brand is quoted at $1,15. Hay is firm; prime, $30@31. Pork dull ; ( and drooping; $33,50 was asked. Bacon is dull and lower; jobbing shoulders, 15c; clear rib, 173..ic; clear sides, 18c. Lard is dull; tierce, 193ic; keg, 22 4c. CHICAGO, March 4.—ln the afteruoon there was a fair demand for wheat, No. 2 spring selling at $1,13;4(4)1,1334 and closing at 51,13 x. Corn and Oats inac tive And nominal, and in the evening there was but little doing in grain; spring wheat nominal at $1,13 4 . Pro visions were rather quiet; sales of 1,000 barrels of mess pork at $3l, buyers for the month; (sales of 20,000 pounds at 12c cash. Cut meats—Cumberland 15iAc; sales 200 boxes of short ribs at 25gc cash. Sales 335 tierces lard at 18c. CHICAGO, Mach 4.—Cattle Market.— Cattle are in fair request and prices are without material alteration; receipts were 1,116 head; sales were made of 939 head at $4%5,50. for Cows; $5,75%6,50 for light Steers; f. 2 6,75€,L7 for fair to medium; $7,25%7,80 for good to choice; $8%8,25 for extra shipping steers. Live .Hogs are steady and moderately active; receipts were 3,688 head; sales were made of 3,547 head at $8,59%8,75 for stock Hogs; $9,50 @lO for common to fair; $10,10%10,75 for medium to good lots. SAN FRANCISCO, March 4.—Flour dull at $4,75%5,6234. Wheat; sales of choice in small lots et $1,65. Legal Tenders, 7734. Nesirvitax, March 4.—Cotton market dull. Low Middling 263. Good to or dinary 25%25y,. A MALARIOUS MONTH. March, that gives us a new President. is also the inangdral month of many harrassing disor ders. Entangled In its fogs are the seeds of coughs, colds and of that alteration of frigidity and fire, more widely known than admired. called fever and ague. The only way to avoid these "little unpreasantaesses." is to render the sys tem strong enough to fight off the at mospheric ' poison that produces therm and the best way endow is with this repellant pew.er la to tone it with ISTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. If a wayfarer were credibly infermed that a ruffian was wetting at the next corner, be would doubtless turn in his tracks, and -take a safer route to his destination. With jest ..about the same amount of trim.' le, the attacks of diseases prevalent at this season. may oe evaded,. Ha!, the trouble will be less, for drug stores 11e In every one's route. and every respectable d. ug est in the Union keeps on band HOsTETTE u"S BITTERS. The article is a staple of trade, and It would be as easy to find a grocery without sugar, - as the store of an apothecary, without this popular tonic remedy. In view of the experience of the nation, with regard to the article. during the space of twenty years, is seems almost unnei.ersary to recanitn- , Late Its merits to Americans. But as our populs-. lion is increasing at the rate of a coeple of mil lions Ina year. In the natural way and by immi gration,. It may bean well to bint to the rising generation and new arrivals- (the old settlers know all about it.) that HOSTETTER'S STOM ACH BITTERS Is the most wholesome and po tent vegetable tonic ever manufactnted, that it is a specific for deuillty. dyspepsia, biliousness, and miasmatic fevers, the It. pf events, as well as cures, those complaints and their compiles tion s: that it is not "bad to, take," and Is abso lutely harmless. THE SOUND OF THE LUNGS. One of the most accurate ways of determinist, whether the lungs are in a healthy or diseased con dition. is hi mean ofllstening to the respiration. To those experienced in this practice it becomes as plain an inaex to the state of the lungs, and is as well known to tee operster as are the yokes or his moa t, intimate acquaintances. The belief that long standing coughs, and diseasei of the lunge upon which they are dependent, are incurable. are fast becoming obsolete. One great idyantage • be gained from this Mimic° in medical knowl edge is ti e earlier application of those who be come afflicted with those diseases to some one competent to afford relief. The error which had taken hold of the public mind in regard to the curabilityorcoaSiamption, or rather son-curabil ity, Is fast becoming obliterated, and tt le well that it should be so. not that persons shbuld that saltitary fear which would make them anPIY: for a timely remedy, but that all alight be indu ced to use remedies srldle there is any hope. It is the delay in these cues that Alla its with af , Prehension 'and alarm, for if every one would mske timely application of DR. KEYSER'S LUNG CUBE in the beginning of scold or cough; few cues would go so far as to become irremedia• ble.- ' • • Boldat the Doctor's great NealeMe Store,' No 140 Wad street. WILL SHORTLY REMOVI 're HIS NEW STORE. NO. 18 LIBERT' STREET, SECOND DOOR PROUST CLAIR. DR. GEYSER'S RESIDENT OFFICE PC LUNG EXAMINATIONS AND THE TREA' ?SENT OP OBSTINATE CHRONIC 'gauss No. 3RD PENN STREET, PITT,aBIIROIL P Odle? Hours from 9a. fit. tutil 4 r H., and fn • 7 to eat algttt.