NATURE AN ART 13 MOPE. .... Carriages—The !be Bridge-4rhitec. tare—The Ma Bets—mreet ceuet,_._ Americans Ab oa&—Their Popularity —The Great G liery—Old Masters and Modern Worshippers —The Public Concerts. l 1 CC4respondence of the Pltt•bargh Gazette.] Dii.snE2 , l," Feb. 10, 1f169. On issuing froni the depot in Dresden ; one comes at, once across a peculiar cus tont, peculiar to Germany at least. There =Lads a long row, of bright blue car ridges, "droskies," as . they call them, but where is the uproar and confusion of the eager drivers that au American natnr ally exoects! All the drivers sit uncdn cdrnefily in their seats and do not even / rouse; out of their \ comfortable doze! ;A man At the door in a snit of plain liv4ry thrusts into your hands kticket bearing a number, and points to the 'carriages; you find for yourself the carriage whose num ' ber corresponds to Your ticket, and rouse the slumbering driver, who very slowly and deliberately closes the do r, mounts mind" the box and starts. One does not mind the slow rate howetker; there 's much to see, and besides the windows , attle and jingle' so that one is really under the im pression that the speed is tremendous! On you go, „through a niodern-looking city with wide streets and !many open squares,. past a statue of a rearing horse with a .rider in Roman armor, "Frederik Angus tus the strdug," not a wonderful work of art for one's first view of this artistic city. Soon you rumble over fine bridge, with an unbroken stream of people on either side; it is the "Elbe bridge," more than five hundred years old, strong to stem the rushing river and bear its tide ;of short lived human beings for another five hun dred years. There is (no sign of age in those low round arches and heavy piers. Just at the end of that bridge stands a house, on the corner of which is a large flying figure of Time', with scythe and hourglass held high aloft—the age of the bridge. Time shaking his unheeded glass, and the stream of living beings, so shortilived in comparison, always impresse strongly. Over the bridge, we enter the "Schloss platz. " Hereare man of the beautiful buildings r of Droden. On your left, the • broad, handsome flight of steps, adorned with two groups of statuary, of uncom mon beauty, leads to a promenade, thickly planted With trees, laid out on the old fortifications, and ending in the "Belvi dere Saloon," one of the delights of Dreg-. den, of which I shall often have occasion to speak. ;The Catholic church, an ugly building, but adorned with many ) fme statues: the old, gloomy Palace; theJloyal Theatre, and—dear to all lovers ot'Art— ``.. l'ihe far-famed picture-gallery;—all these "I cluster round or near the "Schlossplatz." - Compared with quaint old Bamberg and many oth German 'towns, Dresden is modern-looping, but its many bow win dows, onei n top of the other to the very aa roof, and ging suspended to every i c corner hoc , its high, crumpled, red.: tiled roofs, \lth dormer windows, ) like sleepy, half-.hut eyes, one could never for a moment imagine himself in Ainer- Ica ! If he did, he need only bring his eyes again to earth and watch for a mo ment the crowd that sweeps by; little carts drawn by women and dogs—which pulling the hardest it is hard to say; , women with huge baskets on their backs, bending under loads a man might well grumble at; officers and soldiers innu merable, market women sitting in half barrels, with little Dots of charcoal under their feet to keep them warm; and now and then, to relieve the monotony of rather homely faces and homely dresses, -a bright, pretty American woman—for our countrywomen are acknowledged beauties here, and while many dress rather extravagantly, all dress..s,stefully, which cannot be said of the German. women one sees on the streets. Arid what do our countrymen do in Dresden? The world is very much the same everywhere! , Foolish Americans do not cease to be foolish in - Europe, and ) wise ones grow wiser! Everywhere at fashionable places one sees overdressed, , loud-talking and laughing young people, ' that one is not proud to own his country- Men and country-women. The latter have their train of fast young men who think in Europe they can do as they please, of young Saxon officers, who offer titles and birth for good American gold, and make themselves absurd and con spicuous, aE; just such people do at home. There are many who come for improve.. ment, who, living in quiet families, study the languhge and get the real good of the fine gallery and unequalled instru mental music. Although the fast set are the inostnspicuous, it Is evident, from . the kindl feelings of the people, that American are liked. I met a German Eentleman who, with most imperfect English; as trying to Make himself agreeable, asking when I left England, and reed ing for answer, "I sin an • Anserican, ' his whole face changed and . glowed, a d with redoubled - efforts he ' strove to ell me how much he admired Americans 1 It - was like a sudden leap from;winter to warm summer l Every one who comes to Dresden is eager first f all to go to the great picture i . gallery, an a letter from Dresden would i be the play of. Hamlet with Hamlet left out, Without some description of it, and yet from I very beauty and richness it is hard,tc de ribe ! The building itself is a kaigAw story edifice of stone: In She centre is an arch surmounted with a dtime and adorned with stone carvings. The interior is exceedingly handsome, with 'broad, stately-staircases, doors :of dark wood, beautifully carved with artis tic designs, the painters' let and brushes, and sculptors, models P and tools, graceiblly)grouped .in the great rooms, one opening into the other where the pictures are, you quickly cease to notice the room and all but the pictures. Many of us havelstcod before "old masters" in America, with the dismal , mieghing that we had no artistic taste, for if thafamoky, dark, ugly !thing was an "old master," then we had not the soul of art within, us, for, tryl, es we might, no ray of beauty could we see there 1 The walls of all the European galleries are rich in juin such ; ; "old masters," and if one tomes abrOad expecting to see a masterpiece in every picture hdiing a famous - name he will be sorely disappointed; but when he come s to a real masterpiece, if he has any appre: elation and !,love of beauty, he will glow with delight and bless the day that brought him such a joy I Ile need not be a man with be an artist; he need only 41 = a soul within him, and he, too, will love the "old masters." There are people who can stand before Raphael's glorious "Madonna di San Sisto" and "see noth ing in it," and there was a man once who could see nothing in "Niagara" but a gigantic .water power-for sponging coats! This world•famous picture is in a room by itself, (many a fine picture suffers from the want of such isolation,) and men tread softly and speak low, as in a temple, as they enter there, and well they may; for more than three hundred years has that sublime picture looked down in its beauty, gladdening the eyes and up lifting the hearts of men. It is that well own Madonna of Raphael's, whore mother, holding the child in her arms, stands on a cloudy globe. At her right hand kneels Pope Sextus, at the left Saint Barbara. The wonderful, deep, divine lbok in the face of the child strikes you at once, while the full ,depth of expression inlthe mother is more subtle; its exquisite beauty is appreciated at once, but the fullness and elevation of expression grows upon you with every visit, and indeed cannot be fully realized until often seen. It is truly "The Pearl of the Gallery." This collection of pictures is not es pedally rich in fine specimens of the Italian school. There are very fe of t Raphael's, few of Guido's, though those few. are very fine; Guido ranking next to Raphael in my estimation;as a painter of the highest spiritual power. There are also one or two of Carlo Dolce's, beauti ful in coloring "and expression; but the main richness of the gallery Is in its Dutch pictures. Reimbrandt standing at the head of the Dutch school as Raphael does of the Italian. Here is his famous portrait of himself and wife, and many beautiful portraits unequalled richness and depth of coloring. It. is a most delightful sensation to walk down these long rooms and recog nize, one after the other, famous pictures that one has known all one's life, from engravings. The number of small, ex quisitely finished pictures by Teniers, Gerard Dow, Van Dyk and many other well known artists, is very great and day after day one can examine them with never failing pleasure. Once' a month 'a collection of minia tures is op hi to the public, which; though small, is exceedingly interesting. There are many portraits of sovereigns, many of them famous imen and women, of whoin you form new ideas or intensify old ones as yon study their faces. Mary Queen of Scots is there with her lovely face; Catherine,, Of Russia; Maria The. resa • and many a king and hero, from Charlemagne to Napoleon. But nothing is so unsatisfactory as writing about pictures. They are so real, making such strong and marked impressions, yet so delicate and subtle, that it is quite impossible to transfer any just idea of them to paper. Dresden has quite as high a reputation for its music as its pictures—instrumental music principally. There is an excellent opera every night, with very fair voices and more than usually good choruses and remarkably fine scenery and costumes. Classical concerts are given three arm four times a week, and, above all, the cheap concert saloons are never failing sources of delight to all music' lovers. There, for about seven cents entrance 'fee, you can hear first class orchestral music, a fine band of from twenty to forty per formers, splendidly drilled, and many of them performers who might set up for "Stars" in America. Ladies take their knitting or fancy work and call for a cup of coffee or chocolate; gentlemen their glass of beer. Not as Americans sup pose, swallowing it by the dozen glasses, but one, or at most two, lasting them a whole evening as they sip and listen, and talk between times. Such a sociable people as they are, talking incessantly and most volubly, yet never in loud or rude tones; and, what looks strange to an American, not often in a mixed circle of ladies and gentlemen, the ladies gen erally being in little knots by themselves, their tables.,ooking quite like a fancy fair with piles of pretty work and bright knit ting; the gentlemen congregating around other tables, with only occasionally a husband or brother included in the fetal nine circle. There are a thousand new and odd customs•and ways pleasant to watch, and suggesting more thoughts than can be put into one letter, well deserving a sepa rate and full description. Edinburgh. This city, it is reported, is shamefully deficient in arrangements to furnish a supply of water sufficient for the wants of the inhabitants. John Knox's Church, it is stated, is the centre of an area, densely packed with 44,400 human beings, living and dying like swine. Close y John Knox's house is a well, the only water supply of the district, and here, from six in the morning until nearly midnight, women, girls and children are described as standing and struggling for their turn, some, often, having to wait three hours. Though this district is the best paying property in Edinburgh, no taps are to be. seen. A benevolent English lady, who recently made a thorough investigation Into the wants of the poor of Edinburgh, asserts that in no other city could houses be found without gas, without water pipes or sink or temporary re-.. ceptaCle for ashes, nd enterd only by one lone, dark stone stair, which return such enormous profits to their owners as from fortyfive to sixty per cent. One roof sometimes covers a pop ulation of three hundred souls, living In narrow dens, without ventilation and sometimes without light. In Edinburgh, according to an official census, were are 13,200 families, comprising not only the vicious and abject, but large numbers of the poorer laboring. class, who live in houses' of but one room, and of these single rooms, 1,580 are inhabited by from six to fifteen persons. One hundred and twenty of these shelters, for, it asserted, they cannot be called houses, were reKirt ed as without windows, and 000 were cel lars; nearly all of them dark, and many damp. 'The - census gives the astOnishing result that the families living In one room, and often herding together in closer proximity than Animals would endure, comprehend 88,000 persons, or consider ably more than one-third of the popula tion of Edinburgh. PREPARATION OP GLTCERINE.—Four parts by weight, of yolk of eggs, to be rubbed in a mortar with five parts of glycerine. This eompound' has the con sistency of honey, is unctions, like fatty substances, but .is easily removed by water. Applied to the , skin It forms a varnish, which effectually prevents the action of air. It is unalterable, and can be exposed to the air for an indefinite period. , .. I.exIMIV~A?I~LWr._ IMEM RIME ' H GAZETTE: MARQTI 4, INP. W. MACHEOWN & BRO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND DAMMAM:ULM cur 4E4F1.13C.:033. 011. MOVED TO N 0.195 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PENN*. White Window Lead, Glass and Glassware at Manufacturers prices. deg FIUNCESCA PEARL MILL FAMILY FLOUR, PEARL MILL Three Star Green Brand, equal to FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR. This Moor will only oe lent out when eape dray crdered. PEARL MILL BLUE BRAND, Equal to best St. Lod& PEARL BULL RED sAND ittlebtZe,:,. WHITE CORN FLOUR CORN MEAL. ZONED! AlleabenY. Sept. 9 , /808• PsAnz. )4/0" ()HAND uke •a; DERCEVAL' EEC/LETT, RIECRANIOAL ENGINEER. And 94lioitor or Patents. (Late 4 6t P./. W.:5 0. BMlwav4 °Mee, No: FEDERAL STREET, Room No. 2._E. up at P. U. Box 50, ALLEGHENY (RT • MACHINERY, of ail descriptiotuirigned. BLAST FORNAVIC and ROLL MILL DRAW /NOR 'tarnished. Particala attention mad to designing COLLIERY LOCOM(YYMES. pareny.conndentially solicited. Aar An EVEN IRO BRAWOO for meabanica every wEDNEBDAy MORT. Givitzto Et: - i . LANCE *,tio.* often:, swami= 1..--:. ?' .. ..:.: , ': , .!.'• - •;, - 7.'::::':::'11.. • •„ .ii 4 / 4 1016115 at ii) 187 Third !Street, BAri.49s - 11002ritrq"41146.1" • • .„„ n , Rot* 51.38904T10N nuiLnuloth 1 . 1 - 0 -.. 3 ani 48t: ; Qlsk',BaeeL , Pittabur g li, Pa. Special atientiazi riven to the designin g jinn aud PITIII,I n bu u l ir r ,cf/ 7 :7 , ~11.1.13itt; - BEE NOTICES ar-NOTICE.-THE SUIfISCRI BEM tO the Capital stock of the Com pany "Tta erect a Brldve orer the Allegheny River. from Ewalt (now 4 rd street). In the City of Plttsbnrgla., n the county of Allegheny. to the Atlegheny and Butler Plankrond. at or near the neatith Girty's Icon." are hereby n,tlted that a meeting for permanent organisatton will be beld at the new Point ne Hoof, 110U 4 E. Fortieth s i freet. erenteenth n ward, Pittsburgh, (late LAW eneevilied on TUESDAY. the 23,1 day or March, A. D. 1b69, between the hours of o'clock x. at. and 5 o'clock Y. at . when and where an e eetliin will be held by ballot for NINE, MANAGER% and a TREASUREH.of Btld Com pany, to serve for one 'ear. JOHNIW. RIMALL. Solicitor for firldge Cont PITTSBURGH', Dixt/CI) 1, 11359. i PITTsPUROG,PTATATNE S PHICAG , R. H. 00., 01,FICLl/F BY. PITTSBURGH, PA.. February t 26, 1:TA 1869. 'THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock and Bondholders of the Pittsburgh.l Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway Company will be beld at the office of the Com pany, In the City of Pittsburgh, at 10 'o'clock A. .X. of 'WEDNESDAY, March 17, 1869. for the purpose of bearing and ConSldering the an nual report of the Board of Directors * and for the election of three (3, Members of the Board of Directors to serve for four years In the place of three members whose term of lervlcelexplred by law. ' M. LIIITCHINISON, mh2:13.1 Secretary.• , . PITTSBURGH, March 1. 1869. IgrPITTSBURGH SILVER MINING COMPANY.—Books of sub scrtption for stock In sail Company are now open at No. 67 FOURTH AVENUE, where Pros pectus, Specimens., &c., are how ready for in tieeoeigM I.!otill:O3rMaat(igoth'ilth Territo r y,g P nea r stock, proPertY. &c.. will be furnished by culling at the office of the undersigned. A. 8: BELL. Presideno tem. ' • HARR. t:BELL, mbi Secretary an Tr- s u r erpro tern. OFFICE A_LLEGEIENY BRIDGE COMPANY, PITTSBURGH. February /et. 1869. 'AN ELECTION FOR PREtil IDENT, MANAGERS apd OFFICERS of the "Company for mewing a , brolge over the, ,filleabeny River, opposite Pittsburgh, In the county of Allegheny, will be held at the TOLL HOUSE, at the south-efol of the Bridge, on MONDAY, the Ist day of March. at 2 o'clock WM. ' SEBURD, fei:c9-Tll Treasurer. CE77TRA L. BANK. / rrrisnunall, February 24, 1869. rarTHE BOARD OF DIREC TORS cf this Bank have his day declared a dividend of Stock 5) PER CENT on the Capttal pall ln, out of . the prollts of the last Mx months, payable to Stockholders on and after March 10. 1869. mbl:M J. W. DAVITT. Cashier. WPITTSBURGII NATIONAL • COAL AND Stockholdersb third an nual niettinu of the of this Com pany will be held on THURSDAY. March 4th, at 10 O'clock A. an'i3l. at their OFFICE, corner of Fourth avenue Try street. The election for a BOARD OF NINE DIRECTORS to serve the ensuing . year. will be held from 11 to 2 o'clock. GnORGE SCHLUEDEoBERO, fe2.5:117 Secretai y and Treasurer. CONTROLLER'S OFFICE. / CITY OF ALLEGHENY, February 34, 11369. f ItgrNOTICE TO CARPENTERS. • SEALED „PROPOSALS will be rerelved at this office until 3 o'clock P. m. on FRIDA.Y. March sth for building au ENtI,NE HOUSE for the 1300 D WILL FIRE COMPANY. Plans Spcifications can be seen at the °Mee ofJA MS IO M. B 4.LPH, Esti , Architect, .No. 110, Federal street, up stairs. The right Is reserved to 'eject any and all bids. fe2r.,:flk R. B. FRANCis, City Controller. arPROPOSAIS FOR PLAS PLASTTERNNTHEpAoLLEwGHE N YCOUNTY WORN HOUSE. Specifications of work and materials to be seen at trie office of Messrs. Barr & Moser, Architects, Sixth street,-where propesals will be left, ad dressed to H. S. PLEM•NG, W. B. BIISELL. Building Committee, fet?.:e93 SPECIAL NOTICES. Iar * BATCHELOWS HAIR DYE. This splendid Hair Dye is the best in the world: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, relia ble, instantaneous; no disappointment; no ri diculous tints; remedies the Ul effecter of bad dyes, _• invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or tmoion. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers: and properly applied at Batche lor York,'s Wig Factory. No. 16 Bond street. New an28:14:9 IIIarMARAIAGE AND CELIBA. CY.—An Emmy tor young men on tb e crl me of Solitude, and the arsEAniss and ABUSES which create, impedimenta to MARRIAGE, with sure meanaet relief. Sent In sealed letter en, velopea. free of charge. Adtbess, Dr. J. SIM LINHOUGHTON, Rowud Agioclatlon. delphla Pa. jal9:d &T ItarORNAMENTAL AND USE. FUL. BUY ONLY' SILVER TIPPED SHOES. For elithlren.- Will outwear three afro without Sipe. Jades-T:Tit:s DRUGGISTS. lENDE RSON J.& BROTHERS, 260 • Liberty street, Dealers in Drngs, sin in and Patent Medicines. • I aS:2O, FLOUR. DIMrAM'D 800 MM,.kp SCOURER. • M PM)3B R p • A °`~i7 :' . 3 On• `~ l .&U'OT/ON SALES ET H. B. 8M11118031& 00. '" BOOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS FOR TEE MILLION.. • AT SMITHSON'S EMPORIUM, 55 AND 57. FIFTH AVENUE. Messrs. H. B. SMITHSON & CO., proprietors of the wtll known Mammoth Auction Howie are creating en excitement consequent upon the ar rival of new 8001115 which are being sold at re markably low prices. (tooth ()revery variety: the Attest sewed boots, the mu t fashionable be/- moral gaiters and anklet E 10Pg. S tippers . blankets, flannel, ' cloths. •nselmertr, cutlery and carpets. Call and exalt . foe. No trouble to show goods. Ladies'. nu Nor,' and children's furs at almost your own tat - es. All goods war tallied as renresented. no -0 SPECIALxSALE OF N W CARPETS. Thilrsda3. March 4th, at 2 P. M., Atissonl Hallquction ooms, 55' and 57 FIR Ave ee, will be sold or account Eastern manufacturers, FIFTY PIECES NE CARPETS, Embracing in part supertne t o-ply Ingrain Ve netian, Stair, Rag and flemp arpcts. Thls being a peremptory s e, those wanting carpets for ',firing famishment should not fail to attend the sale. Goods ent In lengths to suit purchasers. H. B. SMITifOON & CO., LARGE SALE OF . . FURNITURE, CARPETS, , • • AND • HOUSEHOLD 400DS. THURSDAY, March 4th, at Masonic will Auction Rooms, 55 and 57 7ifth•arenue, will he sold without reserve, a large assortment of furniture, carpets and tiousebold goods, as fol lows: At /0 A. 31., large line flue cutlers, sPoons, and silver plated ware, cigars, soaps, teas, &c blinds l at est about 20 ps manufacture eetian ofstyle and best At 2 p 31. precisely, a special sale of new car pets for account Eastern manufactures. At 3r. Pi. d dining plain bureaus, centre.' , i card, extensi n, and kitchen tables, cu.hion, cane seat and kitchen chairs, ward robes, cupboards, sofas,lounges,new mattrasses, large Int feathers, kc . besides general assort ment of household goods'. earties having furniture to dispose of will send in on or before Weonesday evening. • H. It. SMITHSON It IVO., rata LEGAL O . --, ORPHAN'COURT SALLE,--By order of Orphans' Court. at No •4 in Partition, Jane Term, 1868, there will be ex- I posed to sale, cl.l the premises, . On Friday, March 19, 1869, All that certal tract of land In Wilkins town ship, lying on t e Pittsburgh and Greensburg Turnpike, one le east of Wilkinsburg Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, bounded by lands of lames Graham's heirs, James Kelly, George 1 2 Johnston and otners, containing 53 acres, hay log erected thereon a. frame house sad barn. The whole of said tract Is Improved and In the highest state of cultivation, and all but three acres underlaid with an excellent vein of coal. Title Indisputable. Terms - made known on the day of sale, , Sale to commence at 10 A. M. D. W. ELDER, Esq., Trtiiitee„ Corner of Grant street and Fifth avenue. fe7.7.127 n 4 LLEGIIIENY COUNTY, SS, _ . I the Orphan's Court of Allerneny corinty, In the matter of the partition of the Real Eatate of Daniel Morgan , dec'si, To James Morgan, Emily 8, Morgan, Fanny' Thompsonho has for her guarthan A. R. tieorglana Cook,John L. ro_ ,k Frank L. Morgan, Rush Morgan, Lewis N. Morgan, racegan. Charles Morgan, Imes Mon , gall. tiAnn Morgan, Psalm, E.,_lntermar rind with Joseoh Mountioy; the said Charles. James and (Irate Ann being min,ra, who have for their guardian John R. Large: DAvid Fergu son, Emily Weaver, wife of Henry Weaver, Sarah J. Ewing. wife of John M. Ewing. Mary Kiefer, wife of Smith Kiefer, James A. Fereu son, John M. Ferguson, George W. Morgan, Mary B. wife of Elliah B. Martin, Fanny F , wife of Joan Paulin, John Morgan ,2 Maud M. Morgan.' Blanche B. Morgan, Robert VV. Morgan, Sarah le:Morgan, said John, Maude and Blanche are mitiors. and have for their guardian in the State of Ohio Elijah 13. Martin; Robert andelarah are minors and have for their Mcßriden tb - State of Ohio John Paulin. anti A. gAtar dine ad Mum for John Morgan, Mend M. BlancheMor, gun. Blanche B. Morgan, Robert W. Morgan Sarah E. Morgan. minor children of Wm Mor gan, deceased, heirs and representatives of Daniel Morgan, deceased. And now, to'wit, January 30th, 1868, the Court grant a rule on the above named parties, being tba heirs and legal representatives of Daniel Morgan, deceased,- late of Allegheny county, State of , Pennsylvania , to be and appear at the Orphans' Court, to be held at the uourt • House, in the City of Pittsbargh, on SATUR DAY.- the 13th day of March, A. •D. 1860, at ten o'clock A. it, and then, and there accept • or refuse the Real Estate at the veil um tin a thereof, and in case all the heirs and representative, neglect or refuse to take the same, then and there to show cause, If any they have, why the said premises ehntt'd not be sold accord'ng to the acts of Assembly In such case made and provided. SAMUEL B. CLBLII Y. Sheriff. Feb. ilitllCE. PITTSBUROII, Feb. 3, Mid fe4:elo-313 1 1 V:TRE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. FOR THE WEST IN DISTRICT OP PENNSYLVANIA. J. F. HIFFENBACHLIt, a bankrupt under the act of Congress of March 2d, MY, ha,vlng applied for a' discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under 'said Act, by order of the Court notice is hereby given to ,all cred• Hors who have proved their debts, and other persons Intereyted, to appear on the 4th day of MARCH. 1569. at it) o'clock A. *l., before JOHN N. PURVIANCE, Esq.,• Registery at his office, No. 116 Federal street, Allegheny city. Pa.. to show cause. If any they have, why a tits_ charge should not be granted to the said bank rupt. B. C. MCCANDLESS, Clerk. ret:in•Ta NOTlCE.—Letter s Adminis -4.1 trotion upon the estate of Augustus tioevier late of, ilegbenv county.dee'd,have been granted by too Register of, said county to the under signed. whose residence Is lo the cityof Pitts burgh, late borough f Law:euceville. sons having claim. or demands against the estate of said Mmedant, are hereby requested to make known the same without delay. Pomo bavin.t Walt:les% with the said estate are.refer ed BIIRDWIN. attorney at-law. Fourth a 'mole. ELIZA Ili/STIL ito.Ey.LER, • (Inez. 30.21.4135-TH UTESTERN • DISTRICT _PENNSYLVANIA, zs: At Pittsburgh, the 17th day, of Ifebruar leaa.• • , • The undersigned lureby ives nom sof his appointment as Assignee o THOMAt WAL yitit DAY, of the city Mad county said leglumy and eof Peirglranis. within District, who has been of tinged a Bankrupt upon hie own petit on by the hal let Court of said District. ' , JOHN Ils BAlLEY,Aselenee, rellbelltt , rn , Attorney-at-Law. 07 Grant ISt• ORDINANCES AN ORDINANCE • __ Authortettnr litteney. Wells & Co. to erect en Iron•clad ,lalldtaw. Brener 1: Bs ft ordained and nuictad by the Oity of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common trews. Me a:ambled, and fit ie hereby. ordained and enacted by the authority of the tame, ti That Russel, Wells 04. be and they ire hereby authorised to erect an iron•clad'.building on Seventeenth street, between Pike and Butler streets, seventy by one hint iced and fifty feet. to be used as a Hotting MM. I Szc. lb. That any ordinance or part o rd i na n ce c conflicting with the passage of this at the present time, he and the same Is hereby re p Ordained andsh same affects this ordinance. enacted Into a law In Councils, this taidd day of February. A. i 1.1609. J MS fitcA lect tTLEY. President uf Sc Connell. • • Attest: E. S. Mottitow, Clerk of Select Pennell. ' • • W. A. TOMLINSON', ~ President of CUM mon Council. Attest: n. AcSfASTER. Clerk. or Conuuon Connell. mitt ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH, PA., Office. No. 424 PENN 44`., Robt. Dickson G. tiledie, E. H. Myers. L. J. 131ancbarti, E. H. MYERS, President. HOIST. DICKSON: ;Vice Presiden BOUT..T. DRIER. Treasnrer. (.419: .1. J. ALBIETZ. Secretn.rc. pENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMP - ANY OF PITTTSBURGH OFFICE. No. 107. ii WOOD STREET, BANE OP COMMERCE BUILDING. . nits is a Home Company, an 4 Insures against losr no Ylre exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. RO . B.E BRO Y P L AT RVCE ,P Tre de u n r t e . r. .BUBB McELHENY Secretary. • DIIIX.CTOILS: L eon Lard Boyle, W a lter, George Wilson, . C. Ueo. W. Evanth Robert Patrick, J. C. Lappe, Jacob Painter, " John Pittner, Josiah King, Votley, Jas. H. HoPkbilli. ' A. Ammon.ll.enry Sproul, -• J 74:. INDEMNITY . . FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO.OF PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, 438 & 4 31:CHESTNUT ST., near Sim trittarOas. t (Cries A. Rancher, Mordecai H. Louis oblas Wagner, David S. Brown, ael Grant, Isaac Lea., J DR. Smith Edward C. Dale, tlolisa j . 4 i ßichards ..B b E. E 4le) r e a Presi de nt . e EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEELE, SeeretarT,pro tern, I J. GARDNER COFFIN, Mai-T, North wen carter Third and Wood Streeta. natithwis • AUCTIONEERS BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE IN FEANSLIN SAVINGS BANE BUILDINGS, No. 41 Ohio FJt , legheny A HOME COMPANY, managed by Directors well known to the community, who trust by fair dealinp to meflt a share tif your patronage. HENRY -President. GEO. D. RIDDLE • Henry Irwin DIRECTORS: , D. L. Patterson, !Wm, Cooper, Deo. R. Riddle, Jacob Franz, Gottleib F Simon Drum, J. B. Smith, Jacob Rush. aas W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Whleton, Joseph Craig, Jos. Lautner, H. J. Zlntand, Jere. Kohen. aple:oas AUCTIONEERS . IMPERIAL FIRE, INSURANCE CO. OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1503. CASH CAPITAL PAID UP AND INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED ING IN GOLD. Insurance,against Fire effected on Houses and Buildings, elood_ Wares and Merchandise, Steamboats, ite. ..Rolleies issued payable in gold or currency. .11/. United States Branch Office, 40 PINE STREET, New York. All losses of United Statel Branch will be adjusted in New York. J. Y. 3101.A.A.t7GITLIPirp Agent, IP/TralttlßGH, PA. °Mee, 674POURTIE STREET. MR. McLAUGIILIN la also Agent for the Man hattan Life Insurance Company. ses:v72 IVILTNERN INSURANCE CORI. PANT OF PITTSBURGH. DER NIMICR, President. WM. P.' HERBERT. Secretary. CART. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Office-, 9A Water street, Span, & Co. 'a Ware house, up stairs, Pittsburgh.. a,gainsi all kinds of Fire and Ma ring A home Institution, managed by Di rectors who are well known to the community, and who art determined by promptness and liber ality to maintain the character which they have assumed, as offering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. DLIIECTO ca Alexander Maack, Jean R. McCune, R. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, . James McAuley, William S. Evans, Alexanderl3peer, Joseph Kirkpatrick. Andrew. Acklety• PhlLUpßaymer, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, nal PEOPLES P INEIVRANCE COM. PANT. OFFICE, N. Z. CORNER WOOD & FIFTH 8713 ♦ Home Cempany,takingirire and Marine Wake gyucTons: Wm. Phillips, Capt. John L. Rhoads John Watt, - Samuel P. tibriver, John E. Parks, Charles Arbuckle, Capt. James Miller, Jared M. Brush, Wm. Van Kirk, Wm F. Lang, James D. Verner Samuel ht.tlckart WM. PHILLIPS, R resident. JOHN WATT, Vice , President. W..F. GARDNE Beerebaii. CAPT. JAB. GORDON. General Agent. 4LL COM PA E NY O P P GMENY ITTSBU INS RGHURANCE 0 IOE,No. MU/TM BTREET,BANN BLOOD. Insures against all kinds of Fire and Marine Risks • JOHN LEWIN, JR., President. JOHN D. McCORD Vice President. C. (1. DONNE4L, Secretary. CAPT. WM. DEAN. General.tgent. DIRRCTons: John Irwin, Jr" °rot. Wm. Dean, John D. McCord, B. L. Pahnestoa 0. E. Hussey, . W. H. Everson, Harvey Childs, Robert H. Davis,. T. J. idoskinson, FnuaeLs Sellers, Charles Hays, • Cant. J. T. /Rockdale. 2,000,000 A CRE S OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE. BY THE lJnion Pacific Raikoad Company, IL!,ETIUIN DIVISION, Lying along the line of their road, at $l,OO TO $5,00 PER ACRE, And on a CREDIT OF FIVE YEARS. For further particulars, maps, ,te., address JOHN P. DEVEappi, Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kauai, Or CHAS. B. LAMBORN. Dee% • St. Louis. hiluouri, OF atm CM BENCH BURR MILL STONE& French Barr Smut Machlnns, THE BEST WitE&T CLEABEBS Portabte "tour and Feed =lap BOLTING CLOTHS, All numbers and best quality. irOr sale at 319 and 321 Liberty St., Pittsburgh. an 23 INDIA ns NDIA • RUBBER BELTING, nose. Steam Packing aelok i Gaskets of She oaten Belting Copanles man facture at prices as low as this quality of goode can be bought of the manufacturer. A full stopk always on hand at the India Rubber Depot, .l6 and 28 Sixth street. .T; 4 I T , PHILLIPS. felt Sole Agents for the flompanY• LEAD.-500 I pigs • Soft Galena Lead for Bale by J. IL 'CANFIELD. 141 First Avenue, • INSURANCE Uza NA7IO2CAL TIWST CO. ECILDING DIRECTORS - - ißcitit. Liddell, .W. 'J. Friday, IC. Van Buren, .I'. Kirsch. I.T. Clangwiseb, :Chris. Rilebert J. Weisser, P. lichildeeker AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, OF ALLEGHENY, PA. W. W. WALLACE. ar'NEW OPERA ROUSE. Lessee... 'Manager, ........ .....................31. w. CAsNING. Fourth hightand hr.! /taut sue less of the favor. ite pet or the puune, LOTT& IIrE=DAY EVENING. mArch 4th, be presented toe celebrated drama of the nil ' FE3IALE DETECTIVE. Lotta In Six Characters, with Ban solo cob.. and Danee,... k, To conclude with the glorious farce of AN t.B.TECT OF Fanny. with Banjo Solo .. . ............. lAA's 3latinee c.*aturdar. ... Friday evening Benent of Lo,ta. PITTSBURGH THEATRE. DR. J H. W. WILLTAM S. . L. THAYI.II FItANK J. HOWh. Lessee ............ -fanager. Equestrian Director. LAST 'WEEK 14F DR. JAMES L. THAYER'S GREAT CIRCUS. Great hit of the /EMU KLUX KLAN 4 • First aPpearance of WM. MORGAN. thegreat Hurdle Rider: 3IAUIE. Premiere Re eat M. KELLY. Champion Leailer; CHAS. FISH. Champion Rider: the MADIGAN BROS.. BURIti , WS and BURDEAU, the great Gymnasts, and d'AMES REYNOLDS, funniest of Clowns. Grand Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2,We ock. Friday evening, Benefit of H. W.iva,Liamn. I:gr'S Y T EP S AMEnIC THEATRE- (Late Trimble's IVarieties.) THURSDAY EVENING. 3larch Ith 1869. Tbe verdict of the people , " They are immense, referring lo the sionuertul Airy!uRELLI BROTHER., the Rings ol the limpiou Gymnasts oi s th*World. Great list.of - /Liss NIE BRADDEN, the Comic' Vocalist. GUS WILLIAMS, in new Comic Songs, with the ex ception of Rolser's Dog, which be be i 3 obliged to produce nightly to save the building from coming down. Miss NELLIE TAYLOR'S beau tiful rgy'"B URNE L S MUSEUM AND PARLOR MENAGERIE, The Great Fatal FIFTH AVENUE. betwe n Smithfield and Wood streets, opposite Old T eatre. Arir'Open Day and Evening, all the year round, Admission, Mb centst.Child en. 15 cents. 107 THROUGH HE VERY treat kindness of the Trustees 'of the Second U. P. Choren Wet% Dr. Clark); and lbn gyn.rosity of Mrs. JANIS-G. SWISSH SLR, we I take pleasure to announce that she will repeat. for the benefit of the new African M. I:. Churce. which is laboring under great financial embar rassment, the very Interesting and I..arned Lec ture entitled • Suffrage and Its Relation to the 'Divine Law," In the SECOND U. P. CHURCH, corner of Stockton avenue and San diisky street. Allegheny. THURSDAY EVEN ING, March 4th, at a quarter to o'clock. Tickets of admission 35 cents. For sale at the Book store of J. J. East, Federal street. H. P. Sewall z. DruggLt, Ellis C. Thorn,Central Orug gist, - Allegheny Diamond, door the ' Mers Music store, Pittsburgh. or at the on evening , friendly cture. We cordially . Invite all who ere to the dLseminition of Truth and the enlargement of Christ's Kingdom on Earth to be present. THOS. S. ROACH, MOSES HOWARD, U.EO W . DIMNEt . T HE ECONOMY BUTTER ask the attention of all interested in the reduc tion of the extravagant cost of Butter,. to their practical and economical system of making pure prime Butter tiy the aid of the lEXTRACT OF B u rtER PLANT. • • A brief allusion to the origin of this imrortant discovery may not prove uninteresting. Among the authenticated records of the renowned Cap tain Cook's voyage around the world,, is found the statement, that while sojourning fora short time on the Brazilian Coast of South America, be observed the natives using, in the preparation of their food, a peculiar oil, which, tipon examina tion. he found to possess the appearance, taste and flavor of Butter; upon farther inquiry, how ever, lie ascertained that It was simply a sub stance that the natives distilled in a crude and imperfect manner, from a rich and luxuriant plant that grew spontaneously and abundantly In that warm tropical country. A few jeans ago, an eminent French chemist, while on' a profes sional visit to the troPics, made numerous exper iments witn this remarkable produCtion of na ture, and succeeded In extracting a concentrated essence of the plant. The formula for Its prepa ration, and the Sole Bight for its sale in this country are the exclusive property of this Com pany, by whom it was purchased . from the °Mid i nal discoverer. We claim for this remarkable, yet simple, and perfectly harmless preparation— Its.—That by its use a net gain of from 50to 200 per cent. is made In the manufacture of Butter. ad.—That Butter, which from age' or whatever ninth, may be strong, rancid, streaked or coarsC-grained, and comparatively useless for general use, by the aid of this Extract, is re stored to Its original freshness and sweetness, fine-grain, and even color. 1 3d.—By the use of this Extract. one pound of delicious, fresh Butter is actually c made from one pint of milk. 4th.—That a pure and excellent table Balter can be made, at a cost of from 15 to 20 c nts per pound. The chief expense wherein being But ter, which Is the essential Due. Bth.—That Butter manufactured by titi aid of this Extract is equaliin every respect to the best Butter made by the ordinary method. 6th.-Tne Extract' after thorough analysis, by able chemists, is pronounced perfectly free from any deleterious substance, the Ingredients be ing purely of a vegetable nature: • Bth.—ln proof of the foregoing assertions, the factory of this company Is making one ton of Butter per day, which meets with ready sale In the New York Mrrket. and is consumed fiom the tables of the first Hotels, Restaurants and Private .families In this city and elsewhere. A sample package of the Extract (sufficient to make 30 lbs. of Butter) with full directions for use, will be sent to any address on receipt of el. CAtiIION.-..As articles of real merit are sub lect to spurious Imitations, we Would sueclally caution the public against counterfeits and worth less imitations, advertised at Tvowderd— com pounds & c., as the Extract of the Butter Paint Is prepared and sold only by The Econozny Batter Co. OFFICES 115 LIEIRRTY STREET. - FACTORY, 2 311URERLIWICII ST. , NrW YORK, State, County and City Rights for sale, ~ f fering to capitalists rare opportunities for establishing a staple business, paying enormomy profits. Agents Wanted Everytthere. M. CADART , B Pure Vegetable Coloring $1 a pound, sufficient to give a rich golden yeliow to 200 lbs. Of White Butter; 50 cents per sample packs ge.sent to any address. No Farmer should be 'without it, as white and 'streaky Butter Is worth from six to ten cents a pottud less In ail. Markets than that of a rich yellow flS:el6 SUPPLIES FOR WATER WORKS. CONTROLLER'S orrrcs. 5 CITY Or ALLEGHENY, February 24, /889. SEALE') PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 4 o'clock P. x, on hORDAY, March Bth; 1669, for fornisblng the . Allegheny Water Works daring the ettrient yearWlth the following sap. Wes, to-wit: WATER PIPE, DRAW:HES and SLEENIMe, of the fallowing diameters, Viz. ley, 4 ,6, 8, lli and 15 Indies. • FIFE PLUGS, VALVES AND MISC ELLA. NEO US CAST' e. OS. TIER PLUG ANDSTOC-COOS BOXES AND FERRULES. . Also, on the COAL required during' they ear. Bids are requested for DOill NUT COAL and SLACK. • All of the above supplies to be e ilvered at such tones a nd places as the liiiperintendent of the Works may direct. Bids for cent. Wat,er Pine are solicited payable both i n a per iilo year city Bonds, and payable in casn every three months. :Specifications and Blanks for bidders can be htd at this office and at the office of th , Super is reserved to reject soy and all bids. WM, PAUL. .In.. E.,. The rig R. B. FRANCIS • re24:fl3 CITY CONTROLLER.: WiIITIR LIME.-209 bbls, foi• e by J. B.CANFIELD. El 22E! It esorte.