rl CI II DUQUESNE WO ' KS, COLEMAN, RAHM CO„ 3lbsofaciu.rers of , NAILS, STEEL, A LES AND SPRINGS , 9 i Ditquece 'lron, Sheet and Tan Iron,' Juniata Iron.wagon Box 'lron. Charcoal Iron, Cylinder Iron, X Iron, Flanged Cutter B Guard Iron, Drag a d Dropper Bars, T Bailor Coal Roads, Iron W dges. Flat Rail for Coal oa Boiler Iron, row Bars, Chain Links, Boiler Heads, Steel a d Iron Harrow Teeth. Carriage, 'Wago, .Seat a d Coach Springs, and Axles, all styles: Slab Steel for Plows, Cultivator Steel, Steel Wings and Moulds exit to pattern. Suring hteel all sizes. A. B. Steel and Steel Tire, Steel Crow Bars, • Steel Shafting, &e. ALL GOODS "FIRST T CLASS AND WAIIRAN ED. AnrOffices arid Works 16th street stn& Alle gheny river and 77 WATER STREET, Pitts burgh. ja4:cra IRO GODEITROY 1111ANCKIR & CO., 42 change Place, New York, Are prepared; ak Sole Agents in the United States fop the Prussian blining and Iron Com pany of Duisburg, Westphalia, to contract or sell in quantities to suit purchasers, (delivered In either New York or Philadelphia,) the celebrated • 'SPIEdELEISEN Used so extensively for the manufacturing of DESSEr4ER STEEL. This Iron is free from Sulpur and Phosphoras, and contains a heavy per cent age of 3langaneie. Pull particulars, samples, pilces or chemical analysis will be promptly forwarded on applies a3o:476 ation SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. BINGER, NINICK& CO., PITTSBIIIIGU. PA.. Manufacturers of every deardation of CAST ANSI , GERMAN STEEL, BtEriE.:(.BI;MALMB USING% , Ate, 13' . TIRE, its., &a Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 That Sta. MILER, BARU & PARKIN• 011CREAL parrnmas: ICEITALF.I REUBEN' MILLEB, GEO. W. BARB, I CHAS. PARSE% Eirscua. Pewrass—s. M. WEB.. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARR & PARKIN, Office, NO. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH, PA. fel4:d4B B LAca DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Nannfacturers of all descriptions of Office and 'Ware:hence, 129.19195EC0ND and 119 and 121 FLEST STREETS, IRON WORKS. • iormszunGs 'FORGE AND IRON CO., XASITTACTORIOIS or Bar Iron; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Baliroad Car Axles Rolled; ISaltroad Car Axles Hammered; Loeoinotive Frames; boconiotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods; • Yokes, Straps; Piston Bead's Steamboat Shells; Steamboat Cranks; PlatOU Rods, Wrists; - Pitman Jaws, Collars, dm. °Moe, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBIIIIGH, PA ELLERSILMEN PROCESS. The Trustees are now Prepared to grant licen ses for the use of the ELLERSHAUtiEN• ?BO CFAS. The superior Quality imparted to good iron, the great improvement in inferior Iron, and the reduced cost,commend it to all manufacturers of Iron..Paries wishing to use it can obtain licenses by applying to JAMES P. SPEER, Attorney for the Trustees, OFFICE, 360 PENN STREET. Parties interested are invited to visit the SHOENBEROER WORKS. where the process is now in successful operation. leS:dt7 EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Don Works. Warehouse, 0 Nos. 31.63 an,tl67 FLEW "P6ite Id""ggNalatilGit. NOVELTY WORKS. prrnsiuson NOPELTY WORK* founded 11. 1883. mums, BrKEE Sr. CO. KEYSTONE STANDARDOPAIRSANK PAT ENT) PLATFORM Jaw COUNTER SCALES. damns FacediPant and Door Locks and Latches, Pa tent Cake Mills, 00) . 1312, OY ITEiST 013NIM iIsGBAWL! BTO, rittsbitri • OM AND STEAM FITVNG. sons v. Coggig jog. KATA....MISMar =IL JOHN N. COOPER & 6001 BRADS rotINDEMS, GitEl AND STEAM FITTERS, asaufacttren of RITMPB AND BMABB AWA eveg , tl ß erati• c 3hil i e= . ln GAB n=l./B Ga Cer. of Pike and Walnut Streets, RNLI' FORT PITT FOUNDRY 0011PANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. arEngines, Rolling Mill lie chiller', Nail Machines, . torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOTINDRIti Corner Carr°ltsuld SmsHenan Streets; WILLIAM SMITH, CAST IRON BOWL PIPE Ny Melt are all east lnvartablyin Pits, in dry sand. and 12 feet lengths. Also, fall assortment of general ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth litTard, THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among th'ilareest and most complete establishments e West, and are riOw prepared to tarnish PITTSBIJB OII . W. F. PORTER, stAsurAcrcnizas or PITTSBURGH. AND PIPE WORKS. WARD,) Prr'TSl3l:7llo - 196 PA. Manufacturer of FOR OAS 1.31 D WATER WOMB. Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would also the of to of Gal W orks to my m m ake n ake of BISTORTS Superintend. PrrTiffaCTFLOrri. Engines, of every dents:lolos, Boilers, 00 Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. Bolling 11111 Citotings. Engine Castings. ffiachine Castings• Seneral Costing's. ORDERS tSOLIDITED. n09:n63 ROBINSON, REA & CO., Successors to ROBINBOIg, MIMS 3 MILIASS. WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS,PITTSBORGH , Manufacturers of Boat and Stitionary Steam En gines, Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Ceasing, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions: Oil Tank an d Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No-12, corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFFARD'S PATENT, INJECTOR for seeding Boilers. Jall:rs2 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. BiUler Street, Ninth Ward, 10ppopIte Union Iron .Mille. , rirranunes. Rolling 31111 and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, ILACEGNEBY AND CASTINGS GIINERALLY. • Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. EBBEIT & MA oc15:12:8 THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Vert Wird Foundry and Nadine Works, BANDUSICY BT., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., • kfannfacturers of Steam Engines, 011 Presses, Shatting,, Grist Ca sti n g s Grist Work, - Bolling Mill and-Machine g, ' Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, &e. Bo= to order and have an bowl Ittuttnet of altstses. totlt:O.ls FOIINDIEIN , AND ROLL WORKS• . 880 Penn Street. BOLLMANt BOYD it BAGALEY. Cl2lll Bolls, Butt castinge. Bon Lathes. &e. LUMBER. LUMBER 2 Lira/num ALI:MINDER 'PATTEIRSON. Dealei in all Sinds of LuMber. --- ON :HAND AND von SALE : • ' 1. 000,000 feet Dry 'Pine Boards; 150.000 feet 1X and inchch Clear Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 1X Common Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 1 and inch Oak: 25,000 feet Dry ,w 24 and 3 inch Ash* 5,000 ft. Dry sl,w3l,id in. Cherry & Maple, 30,000 ft. Dry 1, IX, Wand 3 inch Poplar: 10,000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling . 250,000 feet Hemlock 'Joits and Siantingt 750,000 No. 1 IS-Ineh Shingles, sawed; 950,000 No. 110-inch Shingles, sawed; 40,000 No. 116-Inch Shingles, shaved; 40,000. Vire Brick; • • 1,000 Fire Tile. 100 Tons Mire Clay; rilliDd and 6 VREBLE STREET. ibrmerly Wancheeter, 157 REBECCA STBEETOPPP" slte the Oil Works, Allegheny City. no MON BROKERS. SAMEL BL WICHEBSIUM, ''IRON BROILER, 014 Firststreet,Pittsburgr, Pa. A g ent for t h° axle of Cornwall, Don hamore, igria i dnea4g e grA D dr i cragict tem al z iherty Coke and 0. B. Charcoal. PIO IRONS. Consignments sre most res centrally solicited COPPER. AliE SUPEII.IOI I L tOPFEB KELL 4.ND mamma wale PITTWEIVIVIaII. • PARK, IicCURDY & CO., Bannfaeturers of Sheathing, Bragere and Bolt copper Pressed Copper Bottoms,Ralsed Stillt- Bo toms, Speller Solder. I.lso,lmperwrs and Deal ers in Metal, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire ko. Con italitly on band Tim:term , Machines aid Tools.. Warehouse, No. 140 FIRST ISTBEAT and laio VECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. desired at goeetel ordera or CePisir out to any ! one my1.4124:44T PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1E69 111J111 41104:4191 Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., (NskETlrz Poirr,) Engine. Bui/ders, Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEA.MI3OAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY, ENGINES, of all sizes. attention Invited to our newSTATION ABY OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER., of 15.borsessxkwer. CASTINGSosf every kind. made to o Foundzy, on THIRD STREET, below Ma r ket. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHAFTING , . 'PULLEYS, HANGERS ROUSE and TOBACGO SCREWS and IRON TOB.ACCO ?FUMES, on hand ant made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Froatmß on the Allegheny River, mu the rout. gar All orders promptly filled. TUT US FORT PITT • BOILER, STILL AND TAU WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLreBLITED TUBULAR, FIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL ERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANK% CHIMNEYS, SMIRCHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING , PANS, BALT PANS AND CON. DIMMERS; STERIAMD PIPES, S: OASONETENS AND um; BGE PRISON DOORS AND COAL BRUTES .Omce and Warehouse. corner Second, Third. Short and Liberty Streets, • P Orders sent to the shove address will be romptly attended to. mh7:iffi W B M. BABNIMAL & CO., OILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NO9. 20, 2%, 24 AND 26 PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and furnished It wiui the melt approved machinery we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL .EBB in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Bait Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills. Anita , tors, !nettling. Pans, Boiler Iron. Bridges, Seger Pans, and sole manufacturers of Barnhill's Pat ent Boilers. Bewaring done on shortest notice. 1a6:c21 Jams M. 'arra, Nos. 55 and 56 Water 'Street, Prnanunan, PA., YAIWIA=B= 07 IRON OIL TANKS, RETTLING PANS. COFTER STEAM MR. KOLUNG YELL STAMP., And SFUSET IRON WORK. For Steamboats. SAUD Dt. ..... D. BRUM TARED M. MUTSU & SON, 111ANCI7ACTSTRICES or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. !MEET IRON WORE. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &a THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO.. Hanufacturers of the greatest variety of ' Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves,. TO BE FOUND IN THE STATE. Bole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning Oriental Stoves and Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best In the World for Parlor,Oftice, Store or Church. Fire needs no rekindling—burns all win ter. Do nolb ay until you see or send for Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Orientals—DEMMEß BROS., Smithfield St.: GEO. 'SUBLET, Allegheny City. OR 'F, RUNS & CO,, • ALLNITFACTURZEB OF EVERT ITAILIETTOT 269C I CONn rallii BOSTON COOKING RANGE, "THE FIERY FURNACE," • FOE WARMING BUILDINGS. THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE. ••BEGULATOR.',' COLUMBIA. COOK STOVE WIZ CW I IIIIO MANTLES. ly . __ F s ° L9th li A REFLECTOR, ORATES, tree Iromuln.Lld Mut; GRLTE FRONTS, FENDERS, Lc. • 206 and 20S Liberty Street, se2s:yl7 PITTSBURGH. PA. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST iird[WELTA CO: 14 - TRIUMPH, /4:)B BITTIMINO US COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as gat as any, other Store In the Union. BISSELL & 00. 1 No. 285 'Liberty Street. ago on Aaad and for ule. PARLOR STOVES, KEATING STO "131101ATUNfilnl: 'lO AL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STKWART & CO., Having removed their omce to NO. 567 LIBERTY §TREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. itetivrAcreralas 07 PITTSBURGH, Pa. COAL AND COKE• (Late* city Flourlall)l3.3oo2rD ELOOB. Are now prepared to fainleb good YOUGHIO tte h GBILNY LUMP NTJT 00AL 011131A08, a lowest morket Alt orders lett at their office, or addsnsied to them through the mail, will be attended to promptly. STONE. WEST COMMON Machine Stone Works, Northwest comer of West Common. SaleetlellY. HILEDTIE ATVATICH..CO. Have On band or prepare on abort notice Hearth and BteiLlitones. Flags fir eldewalks, Weiler Varna, SC. Head and Tomb Stones. Mi. Orders promptly executed. Prices reasonable FORT PITT BANKING COMPANY. N 0.169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS IN GOV,ERNMENT SECURITIES AND COLD. INTEREST !MOWED 011 'KEE DEPOSITS. Collections made eon. all accessible points in the United States and Canadu. DIBECTOBS• • D. Hostetter, Jno. O Risher, James Gordon. Bobt. B. King , D. Wallnee, Andrew Miller, E. Fawcett, James M. Bailey. MILAN, Pres'%• BASIL. Me D. LEST NATIONAL BANE Of . 001111EBCII , Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sta. A. PATTF.RSOA..-- ..... --PresNest JOB. B. HILL CAPITAL, r $500,000. DIREOTOItI3: _ GengeW. cue, 13 R. Palmer WmDouglas, . Beea. A. Patterson, Chas Lockhart, , Dan. R. Davidson, W. 8. Raven. DLSVOIIDTB D av9:on WWl', CAUGREIE . 84 CO., ' BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, PITTSBIIRGII , OSIICCESSOSS TO ELPIFIA, BAST It 00..) DiLLII33 At Exchange, Coin, Coupons, Arid particular Fa t al e an m n e or paid to the prirclime COMERNMEN't BONDS. Stant Drafts on London. niyl33l 10' HOLMES & SONS, 1,3 • , ,j 67 Market Street, vrra-raznatela, EPA. the Co United llectio 23tates and Conadns made on all thia.e principal points of Stocks Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. , I 1 f i ' e o artenlas attention Dal to the pnrchutee and sa United Stated Securities. issomi DOLLAR - SAVINGS _BANK , , After the First of torch Next, Will be closed on WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, And open Sally from 9 o'clock A. M. to 3 o'clock P. X., ALkp, On Saturday Evenings• fel9:eBs ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY , ROBERT W. C. TWEDDLE, MANHFACTURER OP Lubricating & HighTesf Burning Oils. Eclipse Railroad Axle OIL Stands 'great heat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive, Engine, Machine Shop, Will cut flares'''. Saw SIM and Planing Mill Oils, Adapted for high speed. Spindle Oil, Wool:Head-Light 011, Oil, TIMODOTO' IDS dialrlmishlngoll,l4itisoline, Runless OIL IParraßlne. ARMOR VARNISEIt to preserve Bright Iron Werk and Machinery from Bast. These prodects are manufactured under Dr. Tweddle , s patent by Su4erheated a l most odo r less, Vac coo. The Lubricating Rs are almost odorless, perfectly pure, unifbriti, and mostly light col ored. stand a high temperature unchanged. and remain limpid during extreme cold. The Railroad Oils are 'unequalled, and are in constant use on many of the principal Railroads. Samples can be examined and orders left a Br id ge WOOD STREET, Works at Sharpsburg. WAR ING AND RING; Conurdesion Merehanta and Sinkers In Petroleum 'and its Products DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PIITEIBITEOH, PA. PEOLADELPECLL ADDRESS. VIAIUNGL KING & CO., TACK BROTHERS, - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND MEALS= IN Petroleuni and its . Products, • o groritaraity L a r efgin= mes Madelyn' Wise-Iff WALNUT ST. spl:w9o DIAMOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONG & 'CO:, Once, DALZELL BUILDING, fen Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh: Pa 14" ati 17-lIPPTY*YigitU 1101.111 ES; BELL & COy ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. PITTEII3I7fIGH. /dam Inatarers of MUM leallnllN and LIGHT ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA SNICATINGS AND BATTIK 1. 1•••••••••• • CENTRAL lINION PACIFIC RAILWAXJ BONDS, The cheapest Investment now In the market for sale by yll. R.Arowrz, Corner FIFTH AVENUE Qc WOOD STREETS Also, dealer in Government. Bonds. d arke r COUDOD# and European Exchange at rates. . dell Jas T 1 BRADY & Cu, Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., ON. Cashier. 3E3 .8.1•41 - TICAMEL BUT AND SELL ALL HINDS 07 OTERNKENT SECURITIES, T. AT U A. IN. Fir Interest Allowed on Deposits. 1u -Money loaned on Government Bonds at loweit market rates. Orders execrated for the Purchase and Sale of ,STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. OE littOugij &Ott OPTICS OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, March 3, 1869. % Gold was very firm to-day at 132%® 132%, witli an upward tendency, which was only pievented by the sharp ad vance in the rate of interest on call loans, being 7 per cent. gold, per annum. Importers and speculators alike are now convincedl that gold has touched its lowest point at 130 g, and that it must not be surprising to have at any moment an advance of from.• three to four per cent. Should the paasage of the Hooper bill be,delayed to next Congress, a sharp reaction in bonds may take place, in which case large shipments of cola would• have to take the place of bonds and for a time, at least, cause a rapid rise in the gold premium until sufficient produce could'be shipped to furnish the necessary supply of of exchange. Bonds were very dull and 1862 s had declined to 116%; new 1865 s to 111%; with a disposition to sell' rather than to buy. The price of governtnents now depends entirely on the bill for the closing of all loans and•the legal obligations to pay in , coin whenever due. Stocks dull and lower with a general indisposition to buy. iost of the iniit4- ential operators have sold out a few days ', ago, and are afraid of a tight money market from now to 'April. - 1 Money more in demand.. ' Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 132; Silver, 126; Eighty one's, 115%; Five Twenties, 1862, 117%; do 1864, 11334;• do 1865, 114%; do 1865, Consols, 112%; do 1867, 112%; do 1868, 112%; Ten Forties, 105%; New York Central, 15834; Erie, —; Reading; 91%; Pittaburgh, Fort Wayne dr, Chicago Railroad, 18%; Ohio & MiasissipPl, 33%; Michigan Southern, 95%; Cleve land & Pittsburgh, 89%; Chicago tic Rockl Island, 125%; Chicago & North Western, 81%; Chicago & North Western Preferred, h 9O; Adams Express Com pany, 59%; Merchants Union Express, 16; Pacific Mail, 101%; Western Union Tele h C,ompany; 36%; Gregory, 2,00: Pacific quartz ill, 75; Corydon, 10; Smith & Parmele, ,50; Am. W. Express 41%. , —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady dr, Co.: Gold, 132; United States Sixes, 1881's, 115%; 5-20's, - 1862, 117%; 5-20's, 1884, 113%; 5-20's, 1865, 114%: 10-40'5,105%; 5-20's Jan'y and July, 1865, 112%, do. 1867, 112%; do. 1868, 112%; Seven Thirties, par less %; Due Com pounds, 119; Ten For 110; Union Pacific Railroad, par; contro 103; Cy. Pacifies, 10134.: E2l OILS. 147 Walnut Street. (Succesiors to 8. J 0148.8 & C 0..) GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. LAMES T. BRADY & CO FINANCE AND TRADE C.By Telegraph to tne Pittsburgh Gazette.. 3 ' NEW_ Yonu, March 3, 1869. The combination to tighten money re laxed this afternoon, and after 2 o'clock money was plentiful at 7 percent. cur rency. The change to ease , in money caused an upward movement in the mar ket on Stock Exchange. Discounts are nominal. Sterling quiet at 8%09%; closing firm at 934 for prime bankers. Gold lower, under the passage of Mr. Sohenck's bill in the Senate and the re port that A. T. Stewart is to be Secretary of the Treasury. He Is supposed to be in favor of contraction, and the rumor occasioned heavy sales by bears. The market opened at 132%, advanced to 13234, and closed at 131%. Loans were made at 6010 per cent, for carrying. The clearances to-day were 11100,000,000. Governments opened easier but ad vanced in 'the afternoon, and closed strong at the highest rates of the day. Coupons of 1881, 110115%; do. '62,. 117%0117M; de. '64,1 10113%; do. '65, 114%0115; do. new,112%0112%; do. ''67, 112%0112%; do. '6, 112340112%; 105%0105%. , State bonds firm; Missouris, 87 4 0 87%;' Old Tennessees, 67%06734; New Tennesiees, 65%065%; North-Carolinas, 59%059%. The railroad market opened weak, with New York Central as the feature; sales were made as low as 157%, while 16034 was paid. There were large dealings in Ft. Wayne and Pittsburgh. Pacific Mail was firm in the afternoon. Railways responded to the ease in money, and advanced with better feel ing, generally though, without special feature or marked activity. Miscellaneous list stronger Express shares closed steady. Five-thirtyPrice.4:—tlamberland, 37340 37%; Wells Express, 3103134; American, 42042%; Adams, 5934050%; Merchants, 16017; United States, 49; Quicksilver, 23%024; Canton, 58%059% : Pacific Masi, 101%0101%; Western Union Tele graph, 36X037; • Mariposa, 13%013%; do. preferred, 3234033; New York Central, 158%0159; Erie, 3603634; Hud son, 136013634; Residing, 01%091%; Harlem, \ 1340136; Terre Haute, 36 038; do. preferred, 65066; Wabash, 66%06034; do.' preferred, 763%07735; St. Paul, 650653,; do. preferred, 77%0 TT'; Ft. Wayne, 117%®11S; Ohio and Mississippi, 33!{@1i: Michigan Central, llsqusi.:; Michigan Southern, 953;@ 95!;,'; Illinois Central, 140@1413;', . • Toledo, 105.1 @105 , ;; Rock Island, 125%@126; Northwestern, 81% ®81%; do. preferred, 90@90 1 A; Dubuque and Sioux City, 108; St. Joseph pref., 111. Mining Shares quiet; Gregory, 205; Smith fi Parmelee, 150; Grass Valley, 50. Copper Stocks at Boston—Calumet, 50; Copper Falls, 16;.: ; Franklin, 23%; Heels. 78; Hancockl - 5%; Minnesota 3; Quincy, t 6. • ' Receipts at the Sub-Treasury, %1,070,- 399; payments, P,299,482; balance, 187,- 701,243. Exports for the week, except specie, amounted to ,12,108,676. LIVE STOCK PENN'A CENTRAL STOCK YARDS, t ,WEDNESDAY, March 3, 1869. - CATTLE—The market this week has ruled firmer, under the influence of light arrivals, and, in addition, the advicea from, the East are of .a mere favorable character. Shippers, however, with the experience of the past three months " w e fresh in mind, operate very cautiously, and are not disposed toi run any very big risks: as a consequencia, they have not, thus far, taken hold very freely, not ' • seeming disposed to encourage sellers to put up prices. The supply on sale, is not up to that of last week in numbers, I though fully equal in 'regard to ,quality; there was one drove of very fine Steers from Marion Co. Ohio, but they were held above the views of buyers, 9 cts,—it was thought they would sell at 83,4 or pos sibly , . 8%. As will be seeri by reference to report of sales, there is nothing reported above B%,but it should lie borne in mind that since the date o our last report, there has been no sal s of really prim fat Cattle; this latter ade' of stock ma be quoted at 8%®8%. The leading mar kets appear to be stronger all around this week—Chicago is reported as hav ing advanced sharply! WEDNESDAY, February 24.—Holmes, Lafferty & Co. for Little to Aull & Co. 4 oxen, weighing 5,850, at 7,50; Campbell to Hershberger ,19, weighing 20,100; Keenan to Selser 17, weighing 22,275,0 7,50; same to McCullough 14; weighing 16,950 at 6%. THURSDAY, February 25•-Holmes, Lafferty & Co. for Good to Kelley 12, weighing 18,178, at 5; Hedges & Taylor for Johnston to Kelly 19, weighing 20,875 at 6%; Holmes, Lafferty & Co. for Good to Kelly 15, weighing 16,100, at 6%; same for Felt -to Aull & McCall 14, weighing 18,375, at 7,50; same for same to same 17, weighing lB,lso'at 6,25; same for McFadden to Anil & McCall 19, weighing 15,375, at 5%; same for Baker to Kelly 40, weighing , 38,350, at 6,25; same for same to Martin & Co. 18, weighing 24,650; Thomas to Gillett 19,Pat 6,50; and 28 at 7,501 same to Kelly weighing 18,825, at Ida per head. FRlDAY,February 26.—Holmes, ferty & Co . for-Smith to. Beach, Pr Co. 38, weighing 414360, at 6.50, and , l.9 premium; same for Todd to Crouse & 43. 10, weighing 9,575. lit 5,75. TUESDAY, March 2.—Holmes, - Lafferty & Co. for Doud to, IDlernen 81, weighing 92,600 at 7,50; same or same to same 17, weighing 19,725, at 7.501 Hedges & Tay lor for Henry to Blackwell 18, weighing ' 18,425 - Kirkpatrick to Wells 14, weigh ing 16,950, at 7,50. --- WEDNESDAY, March 3.—Traurman & Lobman to Runyan 18, weighing 20,850, 1 at 8,25; Hedges &. Taylor to Kelley 58 I head, commonish steers, at 6,40. HOGS—There is a decidedly stronger feeling in the Hog market this week, and with a slightly increased demand, and continued light receipts, prices, since the date of our lastlreport, have advanced from a quarter to a half cent per pound. We now quote light averages, such as are usually shipped to New York, at 10%®10%; while prime to choice Philadelphia Hogs may be quoted at 11%@12: It is thought, however, that prices are not likely to go higher, and that in the event of increased receipts, a decline •is almost inevitable. Retail__ buyers do not require ,so many when prices are high add consumers—the masses—cannot affora to buy much fresh pork at present figures. SHEEP—With only moderate receipts and a good shipping demand. The Sheep market is p steady, and, if anything, pri ces, com with last week, are a Shade higher.ared Quotations may be fairly given at 4@5 cts for common . ' 151466 K for good to prime, an 7@7% for extra to fancr—there was bit a Single drove sold at the outside qu tation. There was a pretty fair, attendance, of buyers both from Philadelphia and New York, and there, are but few Sheep in the pens unsold. PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OP PITTSBURGH GAZETTE' i f • WEDNESDA.Y. March 3, 1869.. The market was rather offish to-day, the advance established yesterday, hav ing-been almost lost, and the feeling at the close was weak, though there were no indications of anything like a panic. The advices from the East were rather conflicting in some respects, though upon one point all agreed, and that was that the market was weak and a shade lower. It was rumored that the boll element had quit buying,and this seemed to have the same, effect in breaking the market slightly, that the reports of their buying had in putting it up on Tuesday. PRUDE—There was rather more ac tivity in the Crude market to-day, the sales in the aggregate being larger than for some days previous, and in some in= stances, slightly. improved prices were realized. We can report a "put" of 3,000 bble till August, at 1535 and $600; 1,00 till August. seller, at 16%; 10,000, 1,000 each March to December on private terms; and—last evening -2,500 bbls.' to be delivered on first water ' ,at 17. This latter delivery was offered at 17 to-diy, vrittiout finding a buyer. REFINED—Market offish and weak, and' compared with yesterday, prices are a shade lower.' So far as we could learn, there was not a single sale, and it was discovered that there were no buy ing. ers at March to the quotations June. may re be q curnt st tedst even lauo 3fi3S offered and 37 asked; and April to December at 3635 offered, and 37G0 3 1ii asked. Spot nominal at 353 @3a. mleuto*.Tizio one. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil ..... . Eclipse Railroad Axle ........... . ... . ..... 30 f 1 . 43 Eclipse -.Machinery. ...... . ............ .... . 76e Eclipse Spindle ... ... ...... . ........ .... .. 800_ Eclipse Tanners' Sculling ............... Eclipse Tanners' Finishing 0i1...... , sor OIL SHIPPED SA STll,4ittr,. MdKelvy Bros. & Co:J 154 bbls re au W. P. Logan t Bro., Philadelphia.. 1 R . W. H. Chilcoal, 50 bbls tar to. Jf Traux & Co., Philadelphia. OIL SHIPPED EABDsTparPRO. H. M. Long & Co., 110 bbls refusal. 1. Warden, Fraw & Co., Phila. TotoEttaiwuartcwhidenprisraOFnenreOtsvrilitßtteetnoDf. 067. 23 ............... RKETS
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