S. AND SITBVBBAIt. The !deathly Meeting of Central Board mill be held Tuesday next. The Allegheny > Pollee appeared in their - milorms yesterday and made a yr Ippearance. ;<" special,tor adjdurned City Councils twill be held Lnesday) afterloon tit two Igheny Board Of School Con• want to be bored with ap election to tht propoted City dency. esterdaY a slight fire occurred at .oatal Works at the Sharps burp, dentate worthy of note restjlted,ithe flames tieing promptly ex ti4„uished. • littmoved.—Walter A 8 Davis, who at tani tied to commit suicide at the Green woo libuse, several days since, was ye.'t rday afternoon removed from the loc Up to the Poor Farm. ----- - acancy Filled.—The Supreme Court has appointed R. H. Davis to fill a vacan cy; in the Board of Inspectors of the Western Penitentiary, caused by the res ignation of James H. Parker. _ - .—H 3 'inedenry Lutz was brought fined be fo e Mayor Drum yesterday, a fly dollars dollars and costs for disorderly con e . nat him by his brother, John p Lutz. referred ,-• , • Su ety...ldary liauningtOn alleges that isieeA , Burns threatened to-hit her on the head with a brick. Neely was arrested and gave bail for a hearing, before Al derman hiclVasters, on an information for surety of the , peace. Committed.'—David Stewart alleges that John McCarty threatened to shoot him. _ The parties reside in the First. ward, Allegheny. McCarty was arrested and fined five dollars by Mayor Dram, in de fault of which he was committed to jail. Lied for a Hearing.-Samuel; Allen der, charged With felonious assault and batter before the Mayor, on oath of Geo. G. BroWn, was arrested yesterday and held to bail in the sum of 53,000 fbr a hearing Thursday morning at ten o'clock. Shoulder Dislocated.—A miner em ployed in Bailey's coal works, Mount Washington, had his right shoulder dis located yesterday, by the falling of a mass of Eilate. He was not otherwise in jured;and no serious consequences are a .prehended. Selling Liquor on Sunday.—A warrant WAS issued yesterday by. Alderman Lynch for the arrest of Patrick Bradley, charged, on oath of Christopher Brad ford. with selling liquor on Sunday. Bradley keeps a saloon at the corner of Tunnel And Webster streets. Notice to thi Generous Publlc.—The Church Sociable, under the auspices of the First Colored Baptist Church . of Alle gheny, will be continued in Davis' Hall, on Water street, near Federal, on Wed nesday and Thursday evenings, March 3d and 4th. Admission 15 cents. Recovered.—The body ' of Beckwith Sears has been recovered. It will be xemembered that tho deceased was one of the five men drowned in the Monon gahela river, between, Morgantown and Geneva, about a week ago. The river is being dragged for the remaining three bodies. • , Assault and Battery.--Mary McDonald made information before Justice Salis bury yesterday, charging her husband, John McDonald, with assault and bat tery. She alleges that John is addicted to the use of strong drink, and when he gets drunk abuses her. -He was arrested and held for a hearing. Exhausted.--We learn that the last of the money raised for the relief of the buf. ferers by the explosion at Reese, Graff dr, Dull's mill was paid out yesterday.. It is abotit eighteen months since it was raised.- The Treasurer, Mr. E. T. Cook, is preparing , and will have his final ac count of the management of the fund ready for publication in a few days. Disorderly Condact—Mrs. Pooble made information before Justice Salisbury, yesterday, charging her husband, Fred. Poohle, , with disorderly , conduct. She alleges that Fred. came home drunk on Monday night and' behaved in a disor derly manner. Be was arrested and, after a hearing,was dischargedupon pay of a fine and costs. 3lrs. dane-G. Swisshelm will repeat her lecture), on "Human Suffrage and its Relation to Divine Law, ' in the Second U. P. Church, corner oStoektln avenue and Sandusky street, Allegheny, to-mor row evening, for the benefit of the new African Nr. E. Church of that city. The lecture la full of thought, truth and beauty, and we hope there will be a large attendance. Await Coal Dealer Arrested.---John Wilbert,a coal hauler was brought before Alderman Humbert yesteday for viola ting the!city ordinance relative to weigh ing coal). The information sets forth that the acc,Used is in the habit of hauling coal i. l South Pittsburgh and selling it , in Pitt • burgh without having it weighed on the city scales. Wilbert gave bail for tv furl er hearing on Saturday. Sudd u Death—Coroner's Inquest.— Adam Baker,_ a resident of Mount Washington, died suddenly at his home Monday about four o'clock, P. 31. The deceased, although sixty-seven years of age, was in good health until a short time previous to his death. Coroner Clawson was notified, and held an inquest on the body yesterday, when a verdict of .death from apoplexy was rendered. . Insane Man Arrested. --Monday even ing, a I man giving his name as John ArMfordi was brought from Mineraville by Dr: Thorn, and turned over to an officer, ivho conducted him to the watch bouae. The man is insane, and was wand° ing, around Millersville, when Leann i . charge by the Doctor. He was sent to ail for the purpose of having his cse b ought before the Court, with a view t . having him sent to Diamont. Alle,ed False Pretence.—G. IL Gibson' .rnade i - , formation .yesterday before Al e derma McM.asters against John H. Gib son for false pretence.. The prosecutor states hat the accused obtained from -him la r and material to the amount of thirty-l brae dollars by representing that he had money in bank and was.-the . owner of property in Pittsburgh, all of which are said to be false statements. - The accused resides at Braddock's fields. A. warrant.was issued The ew High Scampi Building. The building committee of the Central Board of Bdtication met yesterday at the rooms of theoard, and adopted the plans and specifi tions for the proposed new gip p Schoo building. The plans and specift• cations will be submitted to the Board at its next regular meeting, and if ap• • proved the committee will, we presume, be instructed to advertise for proposals ;for the coniitruction of the building in ' accordance herewith. THE ALLEGHENY SCHOOLS• Regular Meeting of the Board of Con trollers—Reports of Local Boards, Committees, B:c.—The Chy Superln • tendency—Miscellaneous !Business. A regular monthly meeting of the Allegheny Board of School Controllers was held last evening in the Common Council Chamber, City Building. President Clark being absent, at half past seven o'clock the meeting came to order, Mr. John E. Parke taking tho chair, Rex. King opened the proceed ings with prayer. The following members answered to their names at the call of the roll: Mossrs. Barr, Boyle, Barker, Beckart, Brown, Borland, Chadwick, Dennison. Eaton, Francis, King, Lea, Lockhart, Miller, Moul, Mossier, 'Mcßoberts, Mc Connell, Oakley, Patterson; Pitcairn Parke, Riggs, Swift, Sprague, Torrenc; Trimble, Walton, Wilhelm, White. any Young. • The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. REPORTS OF LOCAL BOARDS. Reports from the various Local Boards exhibited the schools in a flourishing condition. In most of them there was an increase in the average attendance dur ing the month. Good order and atten tion to their- duties generally prevailed on the part of the sonolars. • Mr. Eaton, from the Committee on Colored Schools, presented a report, which exhibited a very encouraging con-` dition of these schools. Mr. Francis, Secretary of the Board, read a monthly report, embodying a statement of the attendance in the schools during the month, from which it ap peared that the - average attendance was as fellows; First ward, _634; Second ward, 1,084; Third ward, , 1,169; Fourth ward, First precinct, 428; Second pre cinct, 513; Fifth ward, 375; Sixth ward, 608; Eighth ward, 154; Colored Schools, 137; total, 5,102. .Mr. Lea:from the Cdmmittee appoint ed to consider the expediency of eatab ' fishing a High School in the city, stated that at the last meeting of the Committee there were just enough members present , to conatitute a quorum, and no action was taken in the matter. ( Mr. • Mont, from Committee ap 'pointed to take into the consideration the matter of the Seventh ward independent school district, reported progress, and thought they would be able to report finally at next meeting. Mr. Trimble presented a petition from two tax-payers in the Sixth ward, asking to be exonerated from the payment of the school tax assessed upon them. On motion, the exoneration was al lowed. Mr. King presented the following : WIERREAS, To a Committee consisting of one frOin each ward in the city has been referred the duty of investigating the matter, and reporting at some future time to this Board, with regard to the propriety or need of establishing a High School and electing a City Superintend ent; and whereas, said,Committee, by an unanimous vote of this Board, hitherto given, is to name the candidate for the position should one be chosen fix his salary, and define his duties, and as the whole subject is yet in an immature, state and not decided upon, and believ ing that especially in such cases as' this, the position should look for the man:and not the man for the po.altion, theiefore, Resolved, That the members of this Board refuse as yet to entertain applica `dons or pledge theanseivesto supixat any one *lib may ask for the position. Mr. King moved the adoption of the resolution. Mr. Lea asked `if the passage of the resolution would transfer the matter from the hands of the Committee back to the Board? Mr. King said such was not the intent of the resolution. It was merely inten ded to act as a check to any persons seekingsition , the po by button -holing the member either of the C'ommittee or Board. Some further discussion followed, after whicib a vote was taken on Mr. King's motion to adopt the resolution, which re sulted in a tie, the President voting in the affirmative. So the resolution was decided by the chair as lost. The Secretary read a commanication from the Sixth Ward Local Board. stating that Isaac Stewart had resigned the po sition of tax collector for the ward and that R. Dilworth had been elected to fill the position. On motion, the action of the Board was confirmed. The Secretary read a communication from Senator Graham, requesting the Board to take some action in regard to two bills accotnpanying his communi cation. The first bill- was : in relation to the formation of Reserve township into a ward of the city and. making adjust ment of all claims between the township and city, arising out of said arrangement. The second was in relation to giving the old wards the right to compensation, from new wards created out of them, for school property. ,Considerable discussion ensued in re lation-to the matter, some of the mem bers contending that the Board had no authority in either case, the local boards of the different wards interested being the only proper parties to whom the bills should be referred. On motion, the bills were finally re ceived and approved. Mr. Walton moved that the Secretary be instructed to notify Senator Graham of the action of the Board in regard to the bills. Carried. • Mr. Lea moved that. an assistant music teacher be employed in the schools. Car ried. ,Mr. Lea then moved that Prof. Harry Horner be employed in that capacity for the remainder of the present year. Car ried. Mr. Francis moved that a tax of ten mills on the dollar be levied for educa tional purposes for the present year. Carried. Mr. Borland moved to increase the salary of the Janitor of the Board from $lOO to $l5O per year. The motion was. lost. On motion of Mr. King, Prof. M. B. Sloan was allowed ten minutes to, ex hibit an astronomical apparatus showing the movements of the earth around the sun. . On motion, adjourned. Exton!'lire Robbery About six o'clock Monday evening the jewelry store of H. Knceble was robbed of jewelry to- the amount of $3OO. Mr. S., it appears, was at supper and had left his son in the store during his ab sence, when two men came in and re quested him to show them some watches, After elfamining the watches for some time they went out without purchasing. Subsequently one of them returned mid asked to see some rings. A tray of rings worth about three hundr h the ed dollars was sot out upon'the counter, from whic man selected one, and asked the price of it. The boy, not knowing what it was worth, went to ask his *father, and when he returned his customer had disappear ed, taking with him the tray and its con tents. No clue to the thief. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: WEDNES]AY, MARCH 3, 1869 4 S . Min Shot--.l7lltainous, - Assault on a Peaceable Citizen—The Whiny Sel lers' Ring. A most villainous assaul t ' teas made upon Mr. Jno. Carvill, a quiet ai4peace able citizen, yesterday, by David Ainlie ,I a notorious character who, it would *- pear, is in the service of the whisky sel lers . of this city. It appears that Mr. Carrill; on Sunday last, was arrested for drunkenness; and during the time that he was in the lock-up the Mayor diScov ered where he•had obtained the, whisky and compelled him to make information against the parties selling it, which he did, much against his own inclination. The parties, who are whisky sellers in the Diamond, were arrested and fined by His Hotior, and Mr. C., who, under the law, waS entitled to a portion of the fine as informer, refused to receive it. Yes terday morning, while engaged at work plastering in the third story of a house on Liberty street, Al legheny, Audio came in and de manded of him a , portion of the money he had received for making the information referred to. He replied that `he had not received any money and that he not expectations an information with the of getting any. Audio then asked him what he made it for, call him a d—d informer, and pulled out a revolver and fired two shots at him, the first of which took effect in his right wrist, inflicting a serious wound, andthe other passed through the breast of his coat and vest, slightly cutting the skin. The villain thinking that he had killed Caryl% which was doubtless his Inten tion, fled, leaving the wounded man alone in the room. Mr. C. on recovering from the shock repaired to Mayor Brush's office and made information chargingi Audie with felonious assault and battery. _ A war rant was issued. This incident is another evidence of the fact, to which we referred some time since, of the existence of a ring or league among whisky sellers, the object of which is to prevent the enforcement of the laws relative to selling whisky, by just "such proceedings as these related above. It is only a few weeks since a man who had " ma de information against a whisky dealer i was attacked by three men and beaeath, for no other reason ter thanalmost that to of d having made the information. It is time these gentle men should know that they, with all other classes of citizens, must either obey the laws or submit to the punishment their violation of it entails. The matter should be investigated. There are. doubtless, men dealing in whisky who have no disposition to break the lava', yet the,public makes no discrimination in its censure, condemning all whisky dealers on account of the doings of a few rogues. _ Sunday Liquor Selling. Notwithatanding the fact that in addi tion to the act of Assembly prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors on Sun day, the violation of which is punishable by fine and imprisonment upon convic tion in the Court of Quarter Sessions, there is also in existence a law imposing a penalty of fifty dollars upon the of fender, one halt of which goes to the in former there appears to be . a disposition upon thel part of many of the liquor dealers to disregard tee laws, and the authorities are unable to enfarce a Strict , observance of thorn. ' That liquor is sold in this city on Sun day, and at divers places, is clearly evi slent from the number of drunken men found upon the streets on Sunday and Sunday nights- The police on; seem to be vigilant in the performance of their duties in arresting the poor, degraded, drunken creatures, many of whom, per , haps, had but a few moments ; prior to' falling into the officers' hands, paid their last dime over the counter of the ruin seller for a glass of his “double distilled poison," and, having no more money, is kicked out of the rum shop, and is picked up by the first officer whop asses ' con• ducted to the lock-up, where he is furn ished with lodgings for the night, and, at the Mayor's Court the next morning, having no money to pay the fine imposed upon him, is, committed to jail for ten or iwoiaty days, while his family, depend ent upon his labor for their daily bread, must beg, starve or steal, and the whisky seller, the only person who has violated the law or committed an offense of which the Courts takes cognizance, is allowed to remain undisturbed in the enjoyment of his ill-gotten gains. Mayor Brush has expressed a deter mination to prevent the Sunday liquor, traffic, and will doubtless use all the means in his power to accomplish that end, and every citizen who desires to see tile laws strictly enforced, shOuld feel it his duty to aid him in this work. The police might, if they so desired, aid the Mayor materially in his under taking. There are no persons,, except the man who sells whisky to the unfortunath wretch whoi drinks it, know so well who it is that sells liquor on Sunday as the policemen. They may not possess that personal knowledge of the fact as to 'enable them to testify to it, but when it is once ascertained that a man sells liquor, it is no difficult matter to obtain the evidence requisite to convict him of the offense. We are not sure that it is not the duty of the police officer, under his oatti, to hunt down these violators of the laws of both God and man and üb ject them to that punishment which, s we regret to say, is inadequate to the offense. Laying 1u a stock. ; The ice men are busily-engaged in lay ing in their stock 'for the coming season. The cold weather of the last few days has been quite a fortunate turn for them, as they will now be enabled to get a pretty good supply on hand, which other wise would not have been the case. Some parties have purchased the ice at the Union Park, which is said tb be quite solid and of a superior quality. This of course, stops skating at the Park, which' is regretted by all the skatorial fraternity. We have been informed that other par ties have contracted for ice, which is now being delivered at the Allegheny Depot of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne it Chica go Railway at six dollars per ton. One of our prominent dealers, whoa( ice house is located near the banr - of the river, succeeded, during the cold wheath er in Dticember, 1868, in storing one tou sandifour hundred tons, at Boost of about thirty-five cents per ton. Comparing the figures, if they are any criterion, he has on ample cause to congratulate himself making such a lucky hit. A Delinquent Husband. A warrant was issued by Mayor Drum yesterday morning for the arrest.of John Sbober, charged with desertion by his wife, Mrs. Phi'omens Shober. Mrs. Shober says the accused has for some time past spent all his earnings in drink ing, refusing to do anything toward the support of herself or their children.• She dended for a livelihooupon the du p c e t of four Cows, but th i s source of rev enue, she states, has been cat off by her husband) who, during her absence on MolgilfrY afternoon, sold the animals and expended the proceeds for liquor. Her case, if the statement•made be true, is a sad ono- Indeed,. ani), the • delinquent wretch should Wpiadto to feel severely the effects of his anutioominga. Real Estate Transfers. . The rfollovring deeds were, filed of record before H. Snively, Esq., Resorder, March 1, . 1869 • Edward Richenlaub to James Summerville, Feb-. ruary 19, 15: threw lots of ground in Stiller town.hip. In Etc .enlaub*.s plan 64.50:1 Thomas it Rice and Joseph S. Reed to Jaeob ,Reed, September 12. 1868; lotin Ross township, (now city of Allegheny.) 402 feet by 11 perches. wlth buildings $10,600 Jatues - L. Ferson to David it. Coon, February 26,- 1869; lot 1a East Liberty, corner of rium an .1 street 6„ 35 by 75 feet. with buildings..4l, 666 Oliver Fersortto James L. Ferson, February 19. 1869; same lot: $1,606 Wm. Reynolds to dward Davidson. Feb , uary 27. 1869: lot on Rellefonraine street. Lawrence ville, 25 by RO feet. with build nits ........ 0 ; 250 _John J. Reynolds to John 'Ulosby. August 25, 1864; lots No& 62 Ew • and 63 In , ilt'i plan, aw • renceville Geo. W. Cole to Alex. 3111 er, February 16,180; withathe borough Me Keesport; , 6 o by 140 'feet bundling iklso John Slalone tOGeurge F. F.asfon, !ISM: lots Nos 22.1 and 226.1 n Cralg's plan- I Ml intngham: also, eighth interest In 211, ',01,1 and 235 $4,000 Jonu Chrysostom . to Patrick Hughes, Aug. 21. - 1 1847; lot on the comer of.slargaret and Center stseetS, Lower it. Clair township, 25 by 100 feet r. $2. with bundle 4oo Same to same. Aug. 21, 1867; tot on the north side of the llirmlnglittm and EllzabethtoWn tur n - pike. Lower St. Clair township, 50 by 10C1feet. with buildings Joseph 51. Gn•zam, trustee to Win. Dlvans.!Feb 8. 1869; lots Nos 41, 42 and 43 in (Jetsam A plan, Commerce street ,000 ril 14, Fleury Sheppard to Hannah Roberts, AP 1864; lot In the borough of Birmingham, 21 by el feet, with buildings t 1 w kiendersAa Wilson to James Robinson, Aug. 24, 1868; lots Nos. 15 and 16. In the p'an laid out by the Oterseers of .the Poor, Sixth ward,' Alle gheny $450 Ot SYR CAPERS Same day 10 mortgages and? ordinances were flied of retard. Terl3voAX, Marche, 1969. C. Hanson Love to,Jacob F. Whitmo.e, June 1, 1588: lot No. 85 in Love's pink, South Fayette township. 50 by 190 feet •' ^J) o Francis NN ails to Alex. C, bohel-Octorer 15: 1567: lot No. 91.: Wall's plan, on Railroad street. /0 by 138 feet 11150 Margaret Ann McFadden to Nancy Marl, Mc- Fadden. December 31. 1663; let on *Resseca street, Second ward, Allegheny; Ri,by 1101 feet. $503 Win. Wilton to Eoenerer Brewer, Eebruary 19, 1569: lot on,Madison avenue, (late _Bast lane,) Allegheny. 12 feet !font, ........ WiDnini Ferguson to Wm'. Lemon, January 1869: lot in Thirteenth ward, i'ittsburgh, on Bedford street. containing one-half an acre 1600 Ju• tine Weighley to Mari A. Boilmao, January 15 1509; lot of ground in Shaler township. con talnlng 13 acr s andl(l4/etches .5.009 Jon 0. Perctvat to D. Delimit, November 50, 1555; lot in the borough of West Elizabetn. on Second street .120 Thdmas Sanderson to Matthew Fonall, January 27 109; lot of ground ic - Penn township. - taining 4 acres and 153 perches 9305 • Fatal Accident An accident of a most shocking nature occurred on the Pittsburgh & Connells: vine Railroad,' at Long_ Ruu station, about a mile and a half from McKees port, by which Jordan Nesmith, an em ployee on the road, was killed instantly. The unfortunate man was, fireman on engine No. 14, which at the time was at tached to a train of twenty-one coal cars. Re was engaged in throwing coal in the tire, standing with one foot on the tender and the other in the, cab, when the coup ling pirr or king bolt raised sufficient to allow the coupling to slip out, when the engine -immediately parted from the 'train causing him 'to fall on the track, and the entire train of twenty-one cars and the tender ,passed over his_ body. The engine was stopped as soon as possi ble, and the conductor and engineer went back to look for Nesmith, whom they found over a hundred feet from where the accident occurred, the body having been dragged along by the train. The body was shockingly inutilated;lone leg having been severed at the knee, one arm torn from the body at the shoulder joint, the head crushed and the remain ing portion of the body crushed and bruised. The remains were gathered to gether, placed in a sheet and removed to:. Connellsville where he resided, when cti an inquest was held by. 7 tice'Benjamin Prichard. The jury foun . a verdict in accordance, with the facts The deceased was abo, t thirty years of ago and leaves a widow - and one child. _.........--- Interesting OcCasion. Mr. J. \V. Drury, the popular and effi cient conductor of the McDonald accom modation train on the Pan Handle/Rail way, was made the recipient, a few/even ings ago, of athandsome and elegant gold. watch and chain, the gift Of his friends. The ceremony of presentation took place at the house of Ildr. S. H. Cook, at Mc- Donald Station, the speech of the occa sion being made by Mr. J. N. McDonald; Mr. Drury appropriately responding. An elegant supper was spread for the guests, and ail were heartily pleased with the affair. The watch was one of the best Howard Chronometers, with compensating I balance, adjusted to heat, cold jtnd position, and was as splendid a time piece as any :wan t need desire. It was obtained of Messrs. J. R. Reed ez Co., No. 6g Fifth avenue; whose time is the standard all of l roads. It is afor noticeable our facteadin thag tr the übli Co.?s fullk s w n a o t w c , hes w en well t t h h e ey m a e r r e it s o e ti e ß ct r g for railroad officials, as nearly all of the presenatious we have recorded of late have been of selections made at that pop •ular establishment. , Leisure Hours. -We have received. the March number of "Leisure Hours," our ably conducted home Monthly magrOne, published by Messrs. O'Dwyer it Co., No. 59 Fourth avenue. It contains a continuation of Mr. J. Trainor }Ding's invaluable history of Pittsburgh, the Life of Senator John Scott, with a life-like and truthful en graving, and a vast amount of original poetry and prose. The magazine-is a formidable rival in point of spirit, tone and, ability to any of its more widely known contemporaries; and all Pitts burghers should take pride in support ing and encoragin well-dir enterprise which puts h it- forward. ected Al news dealers have it for sale. The Masquerade.--The masquerade at the Rink last evening was a brilliant success. The ice was in splendid condi tion and the attendance of skaters and spectators exceedingly' large. Variety. neatness and elegance. with just enough of the comic to render the display inter esting and laughable, marked the cos tumes. The exhibition of faboy skating was unusually fine and elicited frequent applause from the spectators. Superin ' tergient Brown and his assistants have reason to feel proud of the suecess which attends their efibrts in managing the es establishment. The Weather, althoUgh inclement, has not interfered with the great clearance sale at the store recently occupied by Dennison do Heckert, trimming and no. tion dealers. Messrs. Alumni Ltr, Car. lice having' bought out the entire stock, are determined to close it out without re gard to oast, and readers who study economy should bestow a large share of their patronage on No. 27 Fifth avenue. Notice.—All the very latest weekly pa pers, dime novels, and songsters, for sale at Getty's, Allignipa street, Braddock& Also, agent for the Daily and Weekly GiZETTE. - , Special Bargain - a are offered in lace goods and embroideries at W. W. Moor head% fohionable retail trimming and notion. botiae l No. 81 Market street. - The Alarm of fire sounded from Boa SI of the fire 01121:11 yesterday afternoon was false. Amusements OPERA HOUSE.—Lotta was greeted with a large and fashionable audience last night, the second night of her engage ment at the Opera Reuse, and from the enthusiastic manner in which she was received at every appearance upon the stage and applauded throughout the en tertainment, she can have no doubt of the high appreciation in which she is hold in Pittsburgh. , "Paul the Pet" and "Nan," with Lotta in the title roles of both pieces, were presented. Lotta has no rival in her line of characters. She is full of vivacity and her humor is only excelled by her great versatility. To night, "The Female Detective,',' with Lotta in six characters, introducing songs, banjo solo and dances, with eiAn Object of laterest" as after-piece. SMYTHE'S AMERICAN TMEA.ITE.—The Victorelli Brothers are creating a furore I at the American this week. Their hori zontal bar and trapeze performances are of an entirely new character and are generally admired by all who witness them. There are, a number of other at tractions ,at the American, but as the house is filled to its utmost capacity ev ery night, it is useless to mention them. PITTSBURCirWTHEATRE.—Dr. Thayer's excellent conipany of acrobats, gymnasts , and equestrians continue to draw large audiences at the Pittsburgh Theatre. The ladies and children should remem ber the matinee this afternoon. Llebler's Extensive Trunk Factory. The Spring stock of trunks now on exhibition at_ the extensive and well managed trunk emporium of Joseph Liobler, No. 104 'Wood street, attracts much attention, as it is one of the larg est and most complete ever held by any house west of the mountains. The en terprisingproprietor, in looking forward to the Spring and Summer trade, be lieves thatthere will be a large demand,. not only for trunks will, for articles in all other lines of business, and hence he has kept a full force of hands at work - to sup ply the demands of the patronage which will be directed towards him. He sells at wholesale and retail, and at such prices as to make it advantageous to pur chasers to bestow their patronage at his establishment. We commend Mr. Lie bier as a fair dealing, honorable busi ness gentleman, and one in every way worthfi t he confidence of our readers. Auction Sales of Real Estate. A. Leggate, AVioneer, invites attent tion to the following sales of Real Es tate. Cut this out for reference: On Wednesday (to.daY at 2o'clock, by wholesale. twelve Brick Houses of four rooms each, - on Allegheny avenue and Ward's alley, near the outer depot round houSe. This is a good renting property, to which the attention of capitalists is directed. - On Wednesday (to -day) at 3 o'clock, that good dwelling house of eight rooms. 24 Palo Alto street, Allegheny. • On Thursday next at 2 o'clock, two small brick houses, 38 and 40 Sedgwick street, Sixth ward, Allegheny. On Thuriiday next at 3 o'clock, that good brick house of five rooms, on the corner of Bidwell street and Ohio ave nue, Allegheny. ,Also, at private sale, several good resi dences on the best streets, including the North and West Commons. N. B.—A. Leggate's personal atten tion given to auction sales of all kinds in Pittsburgh, Allegheny city and county. i_t c The Continental. It woul be unnecessary in us to call the attention of our many readers to the Continental Dining Rooms, Fifth avenue, next do.* to the Postoilice, since the fact that that is one of the best, if not the very best establishment of its characr in the city, is so generally known, but we take pleasure in recommendine establish ments of this character, when conducted as this one is. Mr. Holtzheimer, the gentlemanlv proprietor, is a model man in his line of business and keeps a model establishment. His rooms are always neat and clean, and, the larder is sup plied bountifully with the best of every thing to be obtained in the market, and as a consequence, the patrons of the es tablishmbut can enjoy a dinner, sup Per, or dish o oysters,which are served in every et, le, such as he can no where else obtain. I • Large S: le of Furniture, Carpets and Household Goods. • On Thursday, March 4th, at Masonic Hall Auction Rooms, 55 and 57 Fifth avenue, will be sold without reserve, a .large asaortmiint of Furniture, Carpets and Household Goods. At 2 o'clock p.:m. precisely, will be held a special sale of New Carpets, embracing fine two-ply in grain, Venitian , stair, rag and hemp Carpets Also, at 3P. at., will be sold one fine sir-storo Mason ct Hamlin Organ (Iloston make), almost new. For par yi ticulars i see Furniture and Carpet adver tisemen of H. B. Smithson dr Co. ....____ _-........___... ii - House Furnishing Goods New and Cheap. Napki s,i'Doylies, Towels, Linen Sheet lugs, I'l low Muslins, and Pillow Linens, cheap. Bird. Eye • Linen, lucks and Crashes Honey Comb Quilts and Toilet Quilts, heap. , 50c. Tod Black Alpaca Lusters. 621. c. Black Queen's Cloths, silk finish. , . 20c. Linen Shirt Fronts; others cheap. 75c. per dozen, Linen Doylies. Special bargains in New Dry Goods, on west corner Market street ° and Fourth avenue, No. 69. smwfs. • New -Dry Goods. • 12 1 ,4 c. Prints, Tickings and Mnslins. 5-4 Pillow Mumlins anti Linens. 10-4 Linen and Cotton Sheetings. Stripe Shirting Prints and Chintzes.. Linen Shirt Fronts and Irish Linens. 25c. Double-Width Country Flannels. New :Goods and Low Prices, on west corner Market street and Fourth avenue, No. 69. stawfs. , E. R. GAILDNEIt. Novelties, Novelties.—The gems of the season in Dry Goods Housekeeper's Goods, Dress Goods, Silks, Shawls, Mace Mantles, Lace Curtains, Piques,Chintzes. We will open this week a most elegant dishy of the most. select styles, which we will offer at unusually low prinks. BA.TES 4t BELL. Cree Brothers are now selling their entire stook to quit business. A rare op portunity to secure bargains, as it is be. ing sold regardless of cost. ou save fifty per cent, by calling soon a 26 Fifth avenue. Constitution Water - is a certal • core fai Diabetes and all diseases of the Kid neys. For sale by all Druggists. Txus:T. 11.4 Sheeting Musline lust opened at J. M. Burchfield & Co.'s, INT% 52 St. Clair street. This Weeic.—A rare selection of Im ported and Domestic Dry Goods, selected with great care, will be opened at Bates dr Bell's. See the new Stock of Dry Goods, this week, at Bates it Bell's. M We are prepared to say that nowhere else in the city can a better line of rich 4 and valuable books; new and second hand, be obtained than at the popular literary, depot of Col. J. D. Egan, Sixth avenue. near Smithfield street. La wyers, doctors, ministers, professors, scholars and- students. will there find some one or more works to please them. All the latest magazines anti illustrated newspapers, together with a splendid line of stationery and counting room goods will be found at most reasonable prices. ' ; 12;5. 4-4 Shirting filuslins and Sheeting& 12 1 ; 5c. 4 4 Long Cloth Bleached Muslins. 125 c. Dark Domestic Ginghtuns. 121,c. Linen Crashes and Hucks. 12? c. New style Dark Prints. 25c. Grey Twilled Heavy Flannels. Blankets at a great reduction. Bed Spreads and Quilts cheap. 25c. 4-4 Twilled Feather Ticking. Pink Prints, Blue Prints, Oil Chintz. 20c. Scotch GingliamS, all styles. - New Dry Goods and Low Prices, on west corner Market street and Fourth avenue, No. 69. smwfs What Doctors, Ministers and Profes sors Think of. Them.—"l recommends their use to public speakers."--Rcv. H. 'Chapin. , "I have never changedpriV mind resecting .'Brown's Bronchial Troches' from the first, excepting to think better of that which I began think ing wellof.''.—Bev. Henry Ward Beecher. "Great service in subduing hoarseness." —Bev. Daniel Wise. "The Troches are a a staff of life to me."—Prof. Edward North, President of Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y.' 4 1%. simple and elegant combination for coughs, etc."—Dr. O. F. Bigelow, Boston. New and Select.-- Chapped Haiuts, false tuid slip rbugh nese of the skin, - certainly cured by using the Juniper Tar Soap, made by Caswell, Hazard dc Co. New York. It surpasses all other remedies as it will pre vent roughness of the akin if used du ring cold weather. It is easily applied, avoiding all the trouble of the greasy compounds now in use. It can be used by ladies with the most tender skin, without irritation or pain, making it soft and clear. Sold by the druggists gener ally. INT The clearance sale of trimmings, lace goods embroideries and general notions, at W. W. Moorhead's popular retail house, No. 81 Matket street, continues to daily attract large numbers of pur chaiers. • plain, Pink, Buff and Blue Percleos, just received at J. NI. Burchfield St Co.'s, O. 52 St. Clair street,- Ladies will find many new novelties just introduced, at W. W. Moorhead's fashionable retail trimming and notion house, No. 81 Market street. New Table Linens, Totels, Napkins and Prints j ust opened at J. M. Burch field & Co.'s, No. 52 St. IClair street. Black And Colored Silks selling cheap at J. M. Burchfield .it Co.'s, No. 52 , St. Clair street. The. Ace to , clued Vaster, Hp Ecker Casket''' New Goods are W. Moorhead's pco and hotion muse. BRIERLY - BNEEI February 28. 1369. and at his residtnc( F. BRIEBLY, Esq.. Was BELL B aKEI SCOTT—STIGEBS . 1869, at the reatden4 City of Baltimore, of 'Meenag. Va.. al of Baltimore City, McCALLI73I -- On o'clock, at his res nue, Capt. A. C M Irottee of funeral LEX. A TAKEN, Cc itt.iburgh, ?a. GLOVEa, and ery nishing Goods furnished. Rooms open day smi. Went. Gear“. slid Carriages famished. ParsuaNcas—ltev.Davlolierr. DA), !laval. Jacobas. D. D., Thomas Ewing, Esq., Jacob 2dlller, E CHARLES be - PEEBLES.i ITN • DERTAKERS AND LIVERY STA.BLESk cornet SAN DUSKY STREET AND CHURCH AVENDa Allegheny City, where their COFFIN ROOMS- ar e constantly supplied with real and imitation. ewood, Mahogany and Walnut Collins, - at prices crying front *4 to 8100. 'Bo • dies prepared for in.. rment. Hearses and Car riages fhruisbed: . II sands of Mourning Goods, If required. °Mee oleo at all hours, day and night. goirr. Tt RODNEY ENDER.. TAKER AND EMBALMR, 1:o. 45 OHIO BET, Allegheny, seeps constantly on hand" s large assortment of ready-made Collins of the fAlowlngltlnds: First, the celehrsted - Amerlcan Burial Oases, Metallic Self-sealing_ Air-tight Casts and Caskets, and Rosewood, Walnut and Roseword Imitation Coffins. Walnut Coiling from $25 inwards. Rosewood Imitation Coffins from *G. upwards, and no pains will be snared to give entire satisfaction. Crape and Gloves furnished freer f charge. Best Hearses and Car riages furnished in short notice • Carriages . Bar- I ntshedio funerals at 54 • E. R. GARDNER. HENRY G. HALE, MERCHAIiT TAILOR. Cor. of Penn and St. Clair Streets, Hu now in stock vtio of the largest snd m • Su e d assortments of Fall and Winter (3rocid,s • • , ever brought to this city. His stock em all the latest French and English niannikcture s CLOTEB, ogentanss An °mooning . Aiso, *fall line of . Gent , s Furnishing Hooalh NEW GOO ES. NEW GOODS. FOR A STYLUS OVER6OA.T H .."- FOR A. STYLISH DRESS C0A..4. • FOR A STYLISH BUSINESS C OAT,_BR A STYLISH WALKING COAT, TOE A. STYLISH PAIR OF PANTa irm FOR A STYLISH VEST OF ALL For all the latest styles cat clothes, sake of thf a rc material, and by lirst•class workmen. anp_s Prices 'surprisingly low, .go to the well In ww Merchant Tailor. E. R.. GAJIDNEIL This week Bates (lc Bell will open a most elegant stock of Lin en Hoods,. Shawls, Mantles, Chintzes, ;Coverlets, Detnitzes, - White Goods, Lace Mantles;luld Mourn ; _ir g Goods., EM UND • RC. 80 BT. CLAIR STREET, nagrell4l' non - -,--,--------_ TllOB. IN DAVE, 11. D. . ...... 11. 8. 817TrOlt. It. 0.. MBE lINVERSIGNED 1111 JL. .A..isocumED themselves together to mb PRACTICE OF rintracom . (moo. No. 19 STOCKTON . AVSNIX. ele, VALE. bi. .. °VITO'. iin."•st',i,roN. D. D. U 1221 W. dug eet. they, Alf and ~ Pa. 'nary, in the 'OTT, ERS, at 8 e ave- DER TREET, ,R4-PES.