PITTSBTFRGII IYMBIEETt. OPPICBOF Pyrrenunon Tri-EsDkv, March 2,1869. It is not a little remarkable that while Flour and Wheat are lower than th d ey have been for several yearyears,having e clined fully fifty per cent., compared with the prices prevailing two years ago, Sugars and Provisions are almost as high in value as at any time during the war. It is admitted•on all Sides that the supply of the two last named articles is comparatively light while the supply of f the former is unusually heavy, but t question as to whether the differenee the in the supplies is sufficient to justify great difference in values, is an import - ant one, and one in which all are more or less intorested. And another very ur important problem is, whether Flo is likely to appreciate or is there a proba bility of Sugars and Provisions depreci ating. Already Bacon, Lard, and almost everything emanating from the Hog pro duct has experienced a slight reacation, and Hogs, too, have declined materially, . . and may not the same thing take 'place in the Sugar market? We admit that the Indications do not point very forcibly in that direction just now, but then the same thing was, true of the 'Provisi on market thirty days ago.! In regard to Flour, it looks now as if there w as but very little chance of an advance, but a good - deal depends on the next NiTheat • crop, and it is too , early to indulge in conjecturea on this point. \ APPLEBUTTER--Firmer; 80Q90c. APPLES—In fair demand and limited supply. May be quoted at z4p536„ for common to choice. BUTIER—There is considerable in uiry f q or prime to"choice Rol Dull at 334. l, and we now quote at 40043. I BUCKWHEAT • FLOUR L BEANS--Firmer and in better de mand, with sales at $3,75Q53,5, for prime small white. CRA.NBERRIES—SaIes at $ . lB to SV. CORNMEAL -51 to $l,lO per bushel. CHEESE --Sales of Western at 22c, and New York Goshen, at 233,6@24c. CARBON OIL-Is Ainade easier but -unchanged at 33Q3334, a jobbing way. DRIED FRUlT—Peaches steady at 14 Ql5 for quarters; 16Q17 for mixed, and 180,20 for halves, as to quality. Apples 11(412. cts. GG—Coninue ta arrive freely and prices are barely maintained, 23Q24 for fresh packed—Sale 50 bbls to go to New York at the inside quotation. PROVLSIONS-,,A. shade firmer but not quotably higher. Shoulders me,@ls.. Eibbeesides 17Q171/.; Clear. Sides 18Q 18,4, and Hams 1914Q20. Lard, 20 1 .: in tierces, and 21Q21% in kegs. Mess fork $33,000533,50. • POTATOES—Very dull and cannot be quoted ,above 80 eta for small lots in store. PEANUTSIO eta per lb. GRAIN—No improvement to note in the demand for Wheat, and the market is dull and pripes nominal atsl.so for No. 1 Spring and $1,60 for No. 1 Winter. Np change in Oata-65066 on track and 67Q 63 in. store: Rye is in steady demand at $1,45031,4 but few buyers above $1,45. Corn is quiet and unchanged, 75Q80. Barley may be quoted at $2,10Q2..0 for prime to choice State, and $2,45 for prime Canada. —Small sales of Citiver Seed SEEDS at $10®10,50, as to quality, and Timothy at $3,50; Flax Seed is firmer and we now quote it $2,45V2,50i° cts. SORGHUM -60 @ and is still SALT—Is quiet, but steady, quoted at $2 by the car load. FEATHRS--Live Geese Feathers quoted at -750 Sects, to the trade, and the usual advance in a retail way. FLOUR, -We can report mod erate receipts and a fair local de mad,-- but no change in prices. Spring Wheat $7,00Q57,50, and Winter Wheat at $8,00Q8,50. Rye Flour $7,50. The Pearl Mill quote their best brands made of the best Wheat, as fol lows: Extra t Family Flair, in barrels, at $9,30, nd, in sacks, $9,00 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, $lO,OO, and, in sacks; $9,70 per barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, in ,barrels, $7,80, and, in sacks, $7,50 per barrel. The City Mills quote prices as follows: Extra Fily, (Winter) in barrels, $9,30, and, in s sacks, $9,00 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, $9,80, and, in sacks, $9,50 per barrel, and Spring, 18,00, in barrels, and e 7.70. in Wks, per barrel. WHISKEY ---High wines dull and are a shade easier, and may now be quoted, in a lobbing wav, at'94(5415, .LA.RD OlL—May be quoted atsl,3sQ. $1,37 for N0. , 2. and $1,68@51,70 for No. 1. TALLOW--Reudered, 12c. 4 , ------------ Markets by Telegraph. Nkw 'irons., March 2.—The Cotton market is without, any decided change; sales were mad'e of 1,200 baled at 29 1 Ac for ltiiddling uplands. Flour—receipts were 8,376 bbls and 505 bags; market is irreg ular and unsettled; medium and good grades are 0c lower; sales were mane e ne of 7,900 Ittls at $5,40®6,25 for superfi State; western, $6,30®6,50; extra State, $6,5007; extra westerta, 57; white wheat extra, $6,50®10; S. H. 0., $7 ®8,50; extra St.-Lonis, 59®12+:cod-to choice do. dos ing quiet. Bye lour is without any decided change; sates were reported no 300 bbls at 55.25®5,70. Cornmeal is quiet. 'Whisky is more steady; 100 bbls western sold at 96c, free. 'Wheat—recepts buyers .tern bush; prices slightly favor and there is more doing for export, 92r 000 bash sold in consequence op the de cline in freight% $1,44% waspaid for No. 3 spring, delivered; $ 1,54j4 ®1,55 tor No. 2 do. delivered; $1,15 for Cmiarla spring, in bond, and $1,80®1,82 for white Michi gan. al dull and drooping; western nominal at $1,40. Barley quiet. ' Barley Malt quiet; sales 600 bushels State at $2,12. Corn lc better; receipts. 11,673 bus; sees 46,000 bus at 95 @Mc new mix- ed western $1 for Southern yellow and old mixed (western in store. Oats lc bet ter; sales 6,000 bus at 74/ ®7sc for wes tern in store, and 74W, do buyers for 'ninety- days. Bye dull. Coffee quiet. Sugar dull and :,4;c lower; sales 20 h et . Sugar fair to good refined at 13®13,c. Moles- Bea dulit i sales 11 bhds Cuba at 50e. Pe ; troleutd dull at DPAci for crude, and' 35e for refined bonded. Hops quietat 5 ®l5O for American. 'Linseed 011 firm at 51, 02 . ®1,05. Spirits Turpentine. dull and un changed. Pork firm; sales 2,250 bbls at 532®32.25 for new mess, closing at 53'4 50 i - casb, and 531,50 prime do, $2602 7 , 50 prime; also 500 bbls new mess, sellers to i July lst, at $32. Beef quiet; sales of 125. bbls, at $9,00a16,,50 for new plain mess, and $12,50®19,50 for new extra mess. Tierce Beef quiet; sales of 150 tierces, at;s26®2 for prime mess:and $ 27®1 for India mess. Beef HAMS heavy; sales of - • 160 bbis at $260133. Cut Meats quiet and steady; sales 135 pags, at 13 ®131,40 for shdulders and 1714®180 for "barns: Dressed Hogs firmer, at 13% ©age for estern and 14(4)14Ac for city. Middles 'w dull and heavy. Lard steady; sales of 500,tierces, at 171,4®19;eic for steam and 101/8®19140 for kettle rendered; also, sales of 150 tierces steam, seller for March and April, at 19c. Butter firmer, 1 at 25038 c for State. Cheese firm at 180 1 V.1,6c. Freights to Liverpool heavy and 1 The weather 00Ilt/1111.38 In cold lower, with engagements of 40,000 bush wheat per steamer at 4®414d. with indications of snow. In the even- Latest -Flour closed dull and in buy- ing, the wind was fair from the west, and 's favor, with a moderate demand for the mercury was stationary at 3s. The cocmnion grades., Wheat steady for river continues to recede steadily, with spring, with a moderate export demand, and dull and heavy for winter. Rye four feet six inches in the channel by the dull and heavy, at 11,40 for western. Monongahela naarks, and the ice in the Oats steady at 75c for western in store. Coin firra, at 95 1 0 for new „ixed es Allegheny was -not so heavy and tore en:1,11,0161,03 for old mixed western in scattered. store and afloat. Pork firm and quiet, at There has been no arrivals since the $32,25 for mess, cash and regular. Beef date of our last report and the Julia, No. dull and heavy. Cut meats and bacon 2 for Zanesville, was the onlY departure. nominal. Lard steady at 19®19%c for ' The Bayard did not get off yesterday, fair to prime steam. Eggs firm at 35®38c. it having been found impossible to get her engtnes in readiness. CHICAGO, March 2. --Exchange weak at The Grey Eagle, Capt. C. L. Brennan , ear buying, and 1-10 premium Selling• is the regular packet for parker to , Flour dull at $5,70®6,70 for spring ex- day, leaving at noon. tras. Wheat firmer and a shade higher; sales No. I at 11,22®1,2.3; No. 2 at 11,14% 1,1 for regular, and $1,16V,®1,161,1, for fresh receipts, closing at 11,14%a1,15 for regular; sales since 'Change at $1,14. Corn firmer and higher; sales new , at 58%®59e; no grades at 57%. closing at .58%®5874c for new; sales No. 1 at 72c, \ seller last half of April, and No. 2 at 63C, seller May; nothing doing this afternoon. Oats in good demand and 10 1 Nc higher; sales No. 2 at 55!,,;®56c,1 05in g at 5514 ®s6c. Rye steady at $l,lB fur reg ular, and 11,20 Cbl;2o 1 , 6 for fresh receipts 1,10. 1. Barley dull at sl,s2 for Capt. Joseph- Lytle has succeeded Capt. Thomas Poe, in command of the Camelia, and is now loadi her' for Nashville. Capt. Poe found, necessary to stop off and superintend the construc tion of his new Mountain boat. The following boats are announced as follows; It. C. Gray, Capt. Whittaker, for Cincinnati and Louisville; Believer non, Capt. Darragh, for New Orleans: Sallie-, t. T. S. Calhoun, for Missouri RiVeT, and Maggie Hays, Cap C, C. Martin for St. Louis• These are all first class ats. • of 'No. 2- - HiMszliwines' .q.niet a • tid and -steady. Mess pork firm at '332,00. • ' \ Lard firm and steady at 18%c. Bulk evenin : avard, America, Silver Lake N. o. 4 Ma gie Hays, Savanna, Mary Davag ' S the Bellevernon, Camelhi, Carrie V. oun ' tz, and R. C. Gray, The allot ing boats were in port last regular, - and 1. for iresn receipts nominal at 90a. Provisions quiet ' 1 121/,®l;.,'„c; short rib sides, 31/A131,4c; r' ad, 143®14N,c. Dressed hogs firm and quiet at 12®13c; do• closing at 12 1 4 c for \ light; live hoks firmer at 10®15c higher; sales at $5-,50V6,0 for common to fair, and $10,75®111,00 for good to choice. Beef cattle firm and steady at $5,75 for cows; 16,2507,25 for light shipping • steerl, and $7,31®58,25 for goo d to extra choice - do. Receipts, past twenty-four hours; 10,000 bbls flour; 40,128 bosh wheat; 50,500 bush corn; 22,056 bush rye; 5,900 bush oats; 3,600 bush barley; 142 hogs. Shipmnts: 5,00 Mats flour; 1,400 n ississippi. between the Pittsbur.gh and Parkers burg and the Wheeling and Parkers burg packets. The former line is repre sented by the steamers Grey Eagle and Bayard, and the latter by the- Rebecca and 'Express. Neither line seems to have gained on the other, and both have been plucky. To have compromised in 1 some way so that fair rates might-be se cured by both would have been a source of profit. We understand that this end is now likely to be attained. Represen t tatives of the two lines were to have met uTobeerSmay.an.ria., Cap t. Isherwood,ls now meats in better request, and a shade firmer; dry salted shoulders) quoted at re d a y to make engagements for the sweet piokled hams, 17 ~.'c; , Cumberland , -Heretofore competition has existed bush wheat; 12.990 bush corn; 9,260 bush - at Wheeling on Friday last to arrange oats; 3,287 bush rye; 760 bush barley; 2,950 hogs. _ . ' Cl:gums:AV, March 2-There is noth ing nett in Flour or Grairi, and the de \ wand is light. Cotton is dull and nomi- Circuit-A nal, with sales of middling at 28®28!,,c.1 for a consoildation.-Cincinnati Gazette. 1 The conference took place as above 1 announced but, as yet,we understand nothing fin'alizois' been agree upon. curious case •'was decided in the Court at St. LOllii Friday. - It is Tobacco is in good demand at fall Prices, one of interest to river men. It appears with sales of 140 hogsheads. Whisky is that Robert Hunter picked up two 'dull at 91. c. Provisions are quiet and un- 1 barges that were drifting on the river, changed; there is not much demand and i oPPOBIO.' the city. They have been there was not enough done to establish \ claimed by Thomas Hackett, who has \quotations. Mess Pork is held at 132,50, brought atilt for their.possession. Hun- Bulk Meats are held at 13c for shoulders, ter claimed themual salvage of ono • fifth and 15c for clear sides. Bacon is held at lon the boata, athe defendant failed to 14e, 17c and 1714 c for shoulders, clear show , Salvage. Judge Rombauer in \ rib and clear sides. Lard is held at 19c. ;strutted the jury at considerable length. Sugar Cured Hams are held at 11(,(7a 1 The jury returned a Yerdlct fcir the plain 19;6c.- Butter Is scarce and 2®3c higher, 1 tiff. Wood and Fichteukam appeared and the market is bare of prime to choice. 1 for the plaintiff; GaresChe and Sleade for Cheese le scarce and higher, with sales the defendant. •• ' of factory at 21®22e. Seeds are in fair -The Point Pleasant Marina 'Railway to good demand, at $16,25®16,50 for Company has received their certificate Of Clover, and $3,3503,11 -for Timothy. ration. It is now proposed that There is no change in the market for the company open hooka for subscri oils. Beef Cattle are dull and 25e lower. Lions to its capital 'stock, arid when the Star Candles are dull 'and have declined \ necessary amount to build and complete to 23c. Tallow Candles have declined to , the Wityfi for business is subscribed, to 14341515 c. Salt is 3c lower, and the de- i commence the work at once. One-half mend is light, with sales of Ohio river at 1 of the stock is already subscribed. 40c per bushel. Gold is buying at 131 1 -In the case or Daniel Murphy vs. W. • ST. Louts March 2. -- Tobacco un. \J. May et al, owners of the steamboat -----_______ ' changed. Cotton lower at 261... Hemp, Mercury, in the Court of Common Pleas, - 0 i:E.A.M- :SEIIPS choice undressed sold at $1,60. Flour 1 at Loulaville, the jury failed Lo. agree rp fr iIIT6-ioL AND' dull and-unchanged at $5@,:,6,15 for spring t arid Were discharged. The jurystood 1 .A. and fall super; 53,55q0,50 for extra; \ nine*for defendants and three for plain- I QUEENSTOWN• $6,75®7,25 for double' extra; 38®10,62f0r tiff. We understand that procee-dlnga treble extra to fancy. Wheat dull and for a new trial will be commenced -it TUB INMAN 16/.02. STEAMSHIPS. lower for medium grades; fair to prime 1 once- ! Numbering atateen. fast-clan vetsels, among fall $1,38®1,57; strictly prime to choice -Tfie John Rilgour refused to receive u.• mtae, celebrated . • • 116@1.,92,/,'; fancy $1,95®2,10. Corn , freight sit Louisville, on Friday, oac \ ITY OF PAttua, CITY O.V ..kIsTNI grr, , 1 aus o I SM' oir BOSTON CITY OF lIALTLWBE , dull, droooing and unsettled; bulk sold. it was hauled down after the hour she CITY ? OF LosisoN , at 64; delivered, sacked 62®70. Oats I was advertised to leave. She bad hauled doll and unchanged at 66®68. RarleY lin her staging, but was still at the wharf. firixi and higher; good Illinois spring 1 We give Capt. Benson credit for prompt sold at $2,00. Rye firm at $1,30®1,35. ' ness. Whisky nominally unchanged at s'2.. _ Pork active and firm at 132,50. Bulk Meats strong., shoulders 13; clear rib, 1 ' J Lavender,• t f the sold . proprie rioter o e dryldock at Evansville, died in that city Saturday morning, from injuries re. sal.._iiiiit giver, 1, For nonage or further iniorma:lou ill:ctt‘7.ll)XY. frcdn Pier 35' IN/11.01 BINGILS.3I, Jr. 70 FIFTH STatv..T. (Chronicle finldinß. 'cowrie ann .-ult.. Post . lair, Pit • 01111 . .11 aides 16;‘, clear her 17. Bacon strong; shoulders 14%; clerar rib sides 17; clear • sides 17%®17%. Lard quiet and un- torment. • - changed at lti;3®l9. Cattle t at _ 3®4. Gross Hogs range at s t eady W. Receipts•---Flour, 3,500 bbls; Wheat, 8,200 ceiVed by an explosion last Tuesday. His remains will be brought to Ohio for in . Thomas Smithera, carpenter of Mr., . • the Mollie Gratz, died on that boat at Evansville, on. Thursday, of pneumonia. bus; Corn, 4,000 bus; Oats 4,600 bus; Barley, 900 bus; Hogs, 200 head. The body was taken to New Albany where he has a wife and family. TOLEDO, March 1.-Flour steady and _ A disiatch from the steamer PeOlia prices nominally unchanged, with sales City states that she is lying in twenty at $7®8,10 for double extra fancy brands , feet of water, on one side, over the.docks Wheat dull; amber lower, with sales .at of the other, and settling very fast, with 11,54, and white Michigan at 11,5634. Corn but slight b.opes of raising her. quiet and unchanged, with sales No. 1 at $1,70, and No. 2at $1,68. Oats offered -'The Glasgow, arrived at Cincinnati on Sunday. Cap t. Robinson won claims that at.62p for No. 1, without sales. Rye steady at $1,28®1,29. Barley-Canada he had the biggest trip ever shipped from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati and Louis le better at 52 Dressed Hogs nomi nal. Grain in store March 1-235,915 bus vine. wheat, 210,416 bush corn, 9,818 bush oats, 1,489 bush rye, 11,324 bush barley. MiuwAsg, March 2:-Flour quiet E tru and steady and prices unchanged. Wheat . quiet at 11,18% for No. 1, and 11,12;4, for 2. Oats firm and unchanged. :Corn firm at 60c for rejected. Rye steady - and firm at $1,16 for No. 1. Batley quiet and unchanged. Provisions firm and un changed. Dressed Hogs quiet and firm at $12,25613.• Receipts-2,000 bbls flour, 29,000 bush wheat, 13,000 bush corn, 1,000 0 bush rye, 200 dressed hogs. Shipment, 5,000 bbls flour, 6,000 bush wheat, 300 - bbls pork. CIAELAND, March 2.-Flour dull and aned; city made, 110,110©10,75 for double oub extra white; 58,75®9 for double extra amber; $7,50®7,75 for double extra red winter; $6,75®7,25 for double extra red; country made, $7,25®8 for double extra red and amber; $6,50®7,25 for dou ble extra springt's9,7s®lo,2s for double extra white. Wheat; males one car No. 1 red winter at $1,60; two cars do at 11,58. Corn; sales 6 cars to arrive at 74c; one car old yellow at 45c. Oats, 640. PittuADELPili, March 2.-Clover9eed active, with sales of 1,500 bus at' 19,120 9,75. 'Fieur very quiet; northwestern extra fapaily /6,7507,25. Wheat; there is a limited inquiry; red and amber un changed; white $2,10@2,20.. Rya is un it changed. Corn in active request and advanced 3c; sales of 4,000 bus yellow at 93c. i Oats unchanged. , Petroleum Mu: Anal: crude 20%,©21c; refined 3415 2 ,4 c. Groceries, Provisions and Whisk -Am . . changed..... . .. , . . Lots, 'March 2.-Tobacco; sales of 232 hogoheada at steady rates. Cotton 21%e. Flour $5,50(34,01: .Wheat,sl,so® 1,55. Corn 60(ginei Oats 62,&33ci: Rye 51,4E41;47. lidessrork $32,50. , Lard 19c,., Bacon; shorilders 14%e; , clear rib sides 17%c, clear sides 18e: .. Bulk Meats; shoul ders :13%c clear rib sides 16%e, clear sides 17c. 'Whisky, 92c. litaiavins, Starch 2. --Cotton quiet end bales.' r 1 • sales su: exports 817 Flea du 1, • nominally sBci .recelpts 855 balest perdue at 5603,50. Corn at 7.5 c. Hay at ps. Oats at 76®800- . Bran at -$24 0 4 25. Corn Meal at $3,25., Pork at 1533,50. Bulk Meats firm; clear'sides at 17 ®17.%,c, and shoulders at 13%e. Dressed Hogs at $l2. _„.•, . 13A.1.T111.01111, Mare= 4..--FlOtur fairly Be ttye and uncliang,ed. Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn; mixed opened at b6' 087 e, but closed dull at 8504 yellow ac tive at 911393 c. . Rye unchanged. Mess Pork quiet at 133,25033,50. Bacon aril and unchanged. Lard quiet at 204520%. PITTOTTE,GII GAZV,TSTE: WEDNESRAY, 31.A.8.CH 3, 1869. RIVER NEWS Cooper 6r. Co;1. tc bacon, Jas Vir:Dripe; 6 bbls dried apples, Voigt, :Mahood itt Co; 38 bbls Sour, Vulp tt, Shepard; 14010 1 . 9 e, McNlenry flood; 4 bbls oat meal, Win France ct SOn; 10 kegs pearl barley, SiDghmver ati Vaskarnp; 2 bbls eggs, P Duff .t.. Son; 15 bag% coffee, W W Swan; I 1 bbl glass ware, Falaenstock F Co. FOB ST. LOUIS, ST. 3t)E, (ilikli k., AND rk. , I, rikINTS ON ] TUE 31,ii•SOU,s1 lIISER.—Toe fine ptss,nger steamer 3IESSENGPIL, will leave LIU the 18th Iti-t. or the above ports. For freight pr poesage apply on boxml. or to ialtIES COLLINS, - I IsBRIEST .t CO.. Agents. GEORGE F. LIIIkEENS, at Rochester Whoral Bor. ./sgel___ mh --, .--__ River and Weather Lotrisvivi.g, March 2.—River falling; seven feet ten inches of water in the canal. Weather --- clear and mild.' -------JlllO- 0 --4.--- --------- IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. Prrrsztruon, FORT WAYISE it CIII CAOO RAILROAD, March, 2-16 cars metal, liimick & Co;" 13 do do, Union Iron Mills; 4 do Bryan &Caughey; 4 do, J W Porter; Ido do, Daornis & Collard; 2 do do, Sup Iron Co; 400 eke flour, Means & Harper; 300 bbls do, owner; 100 do do, Dail Wallace; 1 car barley, Ha worth -Sr, Dewhurst; 1 car do Woodworth & Davison; 105 bdls brooinhandles, W Mardorf; 22 sks rags, Godfrey & Clark; 7 hlf bbls butter, W H. Graff & Co; 3 bbls egs, 6 kegs lard, 3 hlf bills butter, Volgt Mahood & Co; 2 bbis eggs, 3 do •apples, Vangotder & Shepard; 100 Ws] flour, owner;l bbl beans, Little & Baird; 21 sks rags, Christy & Benham; 3 boxes liquor, Sodelheim & Aifelder; 120 dozen shovel handles Lippincott & Bro. RAILROAD. ALLEMEMY VALLEY March 3.-4 bbls butter, 7 do eggs. W Stewart; 50 bbls benzole, Kooplerdo, & Co; 160 bbls oil, Jas Wilkins; 8 80 do Geo Ober; 320 do do, D M Edgerton; 320 do do, Owston & Sowers; 840 do do, Fisher & Bro; 2 kegs butter, h John 1 e Wil ar - son & Son; 3 Riggs, L J Blancard; metal, McKnight, Porter & Co; 1 do do, 'John Moorhead; Ido do, Lyon, Sborb & Co; 62 sks oats, 7 do seed oats, Moreland & Mitchell; 119 do do, 4 do corn, Keil & Bitched; 19 do rye, 50 do oats, Scott & Gisal; 1 bbl whisk.y, McCullough, Smith & Co; 1 car hay, Blaney. 6t.Moore; I bbl eggs, J Guttendorf. ALLEGIIMYSTA.TION, March 2.-6 cars metal. Lewis, Bailey & Dalzell; 100 bbls flour, E & C Magic;- 2 bbls eggs. R& A Carson; 2 sks oat meal, A:Martin; 32 bgs seed, Jos Craig; 1 car barley, M Well & Co; 10 cars ice, A. Ackley; 2 cars barley, .T" Rhodes cars metal,Spang Chal fant &, Co; 3 Cara staves, J M. Hemphill; 1 car-corn, Ido middlings, R Knox & Son; 20 bxs starch, J Kohen; 3 caddies tobacco, B ar,- .W Jenkinson• 2 pkgs do, W G Parke; 58 sks fls ' M B Suydam; 1 car wheat, R T Kennedy & Bro; 21 sks do, John Herbert; 17 sks corny S RoeMastes; 61 bgs rye, 244 do oats, & Ewing; 2 bbls eggs, W B Moore. CAsVgruom AND prnswavag. RAIL_ no&D,March 2.-2 cars rye, Thos. Moore &Son; 2 cars pig iron, Mitchell, Steven son & Co; 3 cars iron ore, Thos Moore & Bon ' ; 100 bbis flour, .W E Beel; 10 half bbls 10 qur do; 10 kits white fish, W 1) 1 F O R c LARKSVILLEAdirsa AN 1.11 N AtiIIVILLE.—The flue steamer CADIKLIA ............. t)a...i.Caapatd. ,614:?sinartertiTaSixed•ritante, th leave tor the _a_ ••"' arch at r. ports, on THUnSOY, M a I, For frelpt or.passs_ge_ ti,ct.vnoohnuar.O,z rota I , LAM:. & rtiAtIRO FA.:Tl'"l,P.l7llM.f2igraitl The tine passenger steamer. MAtiti,E kl S.. . .... cant. B. LUUI S•_ rt. AIASTTK• Will leave for the above anti Intermediate ports on tau RSIPAY, March 4th, •n r. F'Or frclght or passage apply on bo ird or to FLACK it COLLIaI:.\YOOD• Mll JAMES COLLI^S• I Glitt.IEST it 'co.. _it• J. 11.k.SLETT, Alrents• VOW MEMPHIS D .riaa rs .1214EW OItLFAY.S—The steamier FIELLEVERN . . Capt.2l. J. DAtilialt , J ß. Will leave termed ate March *ttl, or the above and intermediate ports. For friight or passage apply on board. or to FLACK eiII,LINiiWOOD. I ...onGII ItlhST 6. VOR KANSAS ClTY,larga A! sr. JOSEPH AND OMAHA. —Tilt splendid tteamer SALLIE .. .... ... .. . .Capt. T. S. elAt.ilotrff. Win leave tor ... .....e ports on THIJ p;SDAY , 'March 4tb, at 4 o'clock P. 11. For freight or passage apply on ward or to .1 6.1 -- - tts. IeOUN FLACh. J. D. COLLINGWOO D 2 4 . I NOUTBERN LINE S i g Wei PACKET. -- FOR GALEN A AND IMBUQUE. BAV AN .......... Capt. ROUXUt 1811BIiS:c00Dn.., Will commence loading for the, above n it -immediate points on the first oi March, and will go t nrough without reshipAng. For particulars apply FLXCE. COLLINGWOOD, /trews, or M i • NORTHERN 1 LINE sairmt 1 PACEET.—The new and gIetVAPOLI.. .. .. . . .. Ca pt. .1. B RwODIS. Wilt lesse for Si. PAUL, about the 10th of Aprl. and go througli dlivet. This splendid steamer offers very buperi,,r sclorrimodations for pazsengers and Itoelt. For particulars apply to FLACK & COLLIN GWOOD; Agynts, or I__!._tC &KAT = 1_ FOR CINCINNATI and I. LOULSVILLE.—The flue pas senger steamer It. C. GREY .. .... .. Capt. I. R. ftrr•ri s tctu. Wlll leave for the above ports on WEDEN DA, 1 J. 1 3 BLANCHARD, , Wren 41b. at 4 OCIOCKP• M. • For freight or ii=g,i,...iLpzlyro.n hoard orto • • Wholesale and Betel . 1 \Grocers, .1,13. COL s ,IN!'t - WOO O, _fef. G. U. talltlEaT kfili.. _Rents. • prrrsisiunGti , WILEELIN 0, laiietta and Parkersburg Line. Leave Companls wharfßoat , foot of Wood Stre TIMIS, AT 12 11. TCESDATS FRIDAYS. BLTAILD .................. S. SIMMER% Itastei., NVEDNILEDAI!4 AND `6ATCNDAYS. GREY EAGLE ......... C• F•nsx?..; A -14r, bi&ster• Frelea will be recelred at all hours by .1 A W M B. NEEPER, ALDERXAN AND VI-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. OFFICE., 89 FIFTH AVENUE. Special attention given to conveyancing and collections Deeds Bonds and Mortgages drawn up. and all lei* business attended to promptly and accurate JOS. A. BUTLER, ALDBECILLH MID VOLICIE ItAGISTUTE. (Mee, )918 WYLIE STRETA. , near - Washington YITTSBFIIOII, P . Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgment , sitions, Collections and all other legith mane business executed Yromptly. • mh2Otnii ..I AIIUBL McifiAiTERS, ILT,33VALN LAN, szAnacto Justice of the ?Wet and Police ap trate. °Moe, GRANT STREET, opposite the Cathedral, PITTSBURG% PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, DPpositions, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. mkt& VIOSTACE 8. RlOltitOW , -4-14 AI.....TWAVALELDr, WS-OPTICI JUSTICE OW TELE PEACE AND GLACE MAGISTRAE. OFFICE, 73 PEN NA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. . Deeds Bonds,Mortget Acknowledgments. DarttnirotinpatuaeV at dieegpatcblTtriess e_secute( mse22 JOHN A. STRAIN, . 1 A.T.ADIOUNLADT, Ex-ornam strencE Oie Tug mace AND POLICE Iti.kaLSTRANE. commits 'FIFTH STREET. opposite the Ca thedral, Pittsburgh, F. Deeds, -onds, klort. gages, tckuowledgents, Depoons and go Legs Busmen executed with nrotoutness and dispatch. A. AMNION, • Justice of the Peace, CoNvEYANCER,RANCE REAL A SSIZE SSIAIE AND INSU -0/15.501; STREET, EAST BIRISIXOTIA3I. Collection of Bents solicited and p romptlyA4 teod J. L. D11t1anakg........ ...... . • .A. E. VrEvsn Son DILLINGER &.ST EV ENSON 1 COOISSION XERCHANTSi 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. RECEIVE AND SELL All Sin& of Country Produce, AD orders for Merchandise proVrisigeendeil LOWEST market rates. l'artirui tygUoltice, leeof Butte i g x.r...heese Dried feel coorndengt np.t we can give entire sallsfactlon, by making QV SALBS and PROMPT RETURNS. St HIGUSSI MAREEIT-PRICSR. and the respectfully solicit iyoir co:AT menr.Alit corresiporancdesweeer ro Mar Ing lates urn e free. aln in storZ and to rrive dally. ' u 31378 VSTABLISITED BY A. Sr, T .11/ Orin:MY , 181*. ' W. 11.. GORMAir , TROLESALE GROCER, No., 271 Liberty Street, [flinsciwz OPT. EAGLE HOTEL,) ' Prr'r E8331311.6:1-I,'PA. se :yle WATT, LANG' A. CO., WISOLBSILLZ DIALERS IN Groceries. FIOUr. Brain, PrOdtlee, provisions, Fifth, Cheese, Carbon ; Oil 4e r ", I Nos.. 17% and 171 WOOD STREET, near M oll, streeta. __ no8:n58 PST=IISIL ....... . - REEL RlCiakT, CODOLISSION .10ERCITANTS, JaXID DIALICIV3 nt FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS,` WELL FEED, &C 349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, my7,4:b37 '' :cir3En. ges II Fr. C. ItIACKIRELL, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW No. 80 Grout Eitr e e _my'4it . I.et: 11% RIDDELL , '.ATTORN MYrAT-.LAW ORlee,ll6 Diamond Street. tOppOisite the Court lionise B. TEXIGV S "' J• ATTORN No. 87 ritb. etreet. eiscpxn nomillowr —Ma's TICIIIIIALD IifiLASJELET, A-16 A. TTOUN - JElt-Arr -x..,xvv. aro. es FITTS STIMET, PITTSBURGH. re. spe:n9Cadia/ COVLUISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers In 'FLOUR, GRAIN and 'PRODUCE GENERALLY,' .No. 1.45. WATER. STREET, stove atirnriewr. .. . ....... STEELS Commission Merchants, • arm nramsna EtT V1a01170., at.° No. 95 OHIO ETRIEVI, near East Common, ALLEGHENY CI TY FA. No. 396 PEN'S STREET Ina:mai "FETZER ai, ARMSTRONG, PORWARDISIG do 0011.11113.310 11111105A1T5, For the sale of Plonr, Grain, Bacon, Lard, But ter, needs. Dried Fruit. and Produce. generally, No. 16 bIAIMET STB.EIET, corner of Fire., Pittsburall. ; felt 4n Ber.T. KstoT. . . .. . ....... -.. .. aVirraVir WAGS. KNOiL,I,SOSI, COMMISSION 114 AIN3INULCIfiIirIi Jag dealers c 2 alTil: I ALLY. :,:o. 19 DIA2..vliD, opposite Citstliall, I Allecrbpnv nits, a1.1r31 T .ITTLE, BAIRD 49. PATTON', 1 .LA Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants I sus Dealers in Proddce, Flour, Bacon. Cheese, Fsh, Carbon and Lard Oil, Don, Nails. 0150, Cotton Yarns and all I" ...aburgh Manufactures 1 generalist. tEI and VI: dr-COND STREET, I Pittsburgh. JOBNentrros .. ... . . ..... , ... vrAt.t.z. QUIPTON to„WALLACEi Whole )," SALE o ROCEBS AND rimp,ucv. DEA.L. ENS. - No. 6 SIXTH tiTILICET. Pin sbureb. pii2:rsS • :MX I. lIOTISI.EDW. BOUSE.•..WX. 11. HOUSE. TOUIV I. FIOVSE &BROS., Sue t" cessors to JOHN 1. 1101.1 SE & CO Wnole sap °loners and Commission 31eretfaVs, Cor ner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pt sbnrgh. WINES. LIQUORS, &C. SCHMIDT &FRIDAY, IMPOSTERS OF VMS,: BR (DIES, .Glli, 'Sit WHOLESALE DEekLESS IN PURE RYE WRISHIES, 409 STREET, Will Remove on the let of April to NOS. 354 AND 356 PENN, "Elevaritla St., (formerly Canal.) or. JOSEPH S. FINCH k, CO., N 05.1115, 197. 189, 191, 195 andl9s, 'FIRST MEIN, PITTSBITEteII, Ituanrrecroasits or Copper Distilled Fare Rye Whiskey. cktic!,o,ll2Zatii.r/rz yIIENVERSON J. & BROTHERS , 260 Liberty stree, Dealers in Drugs, ts and Patent Medicines. ' lisVp WAIACILEOWN & BRO., WHOLESIkLE DUGOUTS, Car Cori . NOM TO N 0.196 LIBERTY STREET White Windoir Leads Maas and. Glasswazt Idaneacturers nrice e. pirrsarmiGs 'PAPER now- A. PLCTUSING COMPANY, Nittinfacturers of PRINTING 86 WRAPPING PAPERS CLINTON NILL--STSITSENVILLE. Orrio. Isigewrox Naar -NSW SSIOSTON, PL. OFFICE .LND WaSOUSS. Igo. SS Third Streot, plttstm.rgh, Pa. HART='Pres ident. iT OtclunistonytivolosTo a Treasurer. ZSAMUEL SIDDLL. eu B. tTgri —ATP 111,14. Cub vslu.or row stock. isvoss rrmszwom. PA. _ BAIR AND PERIVISTEBY. VITA L A 2.1 E. NO. TOON ?Veil., %Riley gm bs sliVtraitt,:near thmitibriseelsod. Vrazeilrit btt.,....titi34nerjuilLsrtmet, t 'IdS."TOP igicidfirrgVA Kft_ts t br f g b i . ,.. Blta'LETB' c'EL,rliAtß• mitt L n g done_ 1011 be Oven f(1 - t aw nr Ladles, and tlentlem in toe neatest manner. RAMBO ITTSBURGH 1 L E.' AIL ROAD. On end after TUESDAY, IT laol , trains will Giant ive at and and Depot corner • follows: Deism Mailto sad from Unio - I town ... .... -.. ... .. . 7:00 McKeesport A(xfouidt'n 11:00 Ex. to and from Ent'n• 3:00 West 'Newton Accom'd 4:30 Braddock's AccomdtM. 6:15 Night Ac. toMCK"sport• lo : 3o Bunday Church Train to and from Wept Newton 1: 1 I, For tickets apply La J. • - W. B. STOUT, Superintend --.....ww. CHANGE OF ~,,,,,,....n. Tom. : .. ......__ :-'-'•:, ALLEGIEENIT VALLE• IMILFWAD, 1 On and after MONDAY . N ovember 9th, 1858, TWO TB.e.INS DAILY vril leave Pittsburg h Station, corner of Eleventh and Pike streets or \ • Franklin, 011ICity, Buffalo, and all,polnis In the Oil Regions. 1111.ZAVY. PrITSBUBGII. • AtxlilV IN n=03,01198 I Mail ...... .. 1:15 a rtill .. . ..... 5:40 p m Express ... ... \ 1:10 nup Ex retie . .. . 6:30 a m Brady's BAo 3:00 pinl Br . Ys B Ac 10:30 am list Soda Works . , lst 'oda Works Accomd,. 10:50 it m ; A comod,n. 6.20 a M Bd Soda Works !Bid Soda Works Accomod,n. 5:00 pln Aecomod,n. 3:40 p m Church Train leave Pittsburgh at h ave . at. Arrive at Pittsburgh at 9:5 A. st. Passengers taking sap se -train but one chae of cars bttween Pittsburgh, Buffalo onlyol p rincipal g Mall an Express Trains stop • on at p points• Mixed Way end .11.0. comet THOMAS trains stop at ell stations. THOMAS M. et 'LNG, A.ss,t. Sup't. - I W. FOSTEII HOPE. TL ent. "9 —...euffrrOßFl ITT 111711.611, Irri rt...3.v.: F. giCIN NIZATI Ali * • ••• • - 0.. 4 .L 0 P.AILWAY. \_ 01-HANDLE ROME. • CHANGE OP TrSfE.—On and after EltrlBlv)4Y. Nov.22d, 1868, trains will leave and lire e at Int - •epot, as follow', rittsburgh tame: Depart. Arvind. ...... 3:13 a. In• 12.1 3 a. 131. ... 10:13 a. m. 1:33 p. m. . ..... 2:58 p. m. 12:1 8 a. m. .. .. . 5:43 a. m. 6:4-3 p. m. a, lao.111l:28 a. m. 8:33 p.m. =mod. 3:38 p.m. 9:48 a. m. , A.140.2..5:08 0. m. 3:18 v. ma JAB. 7. BICILIIIi7. s — =Z • v •••••011215.,t....6,,q!::••iti? 1 ./1:1; FORT WAYNE & CHICAGO ,EVELAND &PITTSBURGH. R. B. 'AOth, 1868, trains will 'rive from the 1/non Depot, north 8 de, Pitts. ie, as :follows: I. 1 I Arrive. .3:03 a m, Chicago Ex... A 13 ,11:8n mlChica go EX. ,11..:58i •16:28nreWheellng Ex 11:1 3 •.: „6:58 a mDrestline Hail 3:53m ~10:081a in Chicago Ex.....4:38: el. & . -Ira 2:23pm Cleveland Ex. 4:082 1 Chicag'o Ex., 2:43 pm lErie & Yg'n Ex6:1130: Yre &Erie Ex4:53 pn.iel. &W•h•g Ex6: B 'is Departfrom Allegheny., _ Arrice in .Al When., N. Brigt'neic . 8:58 a in VN. Brlgt'n Ac,.7 it am Leetsdale ~ 1033111%1L1,3,,rg'51 ....111;33 ta Rochester " 1:33 pm ' Leetsdale •:: Va t / am Leetsdale An 0.358 pm ~.. _n _ . a m N. Brigt'n " .5:33 pro 1... Brlgifi '•: 2: 4 3 pin N. Brigt`n " .6:2Bpm \ Lee!viale " 4:53 p ril Leetsdale " 10:4.3 pm " 1:18 tri Leetsdale Saul- • Leetsdide Sun- in day Church. 1:13_11m , day uhurth. 9:58 am /fir 2:43 p. m. Chicago Expresa leaves daily. 681 - 11:58 a. in. Chicago Express arrives daily. der., P. R. VMS 88, General ral Ticket gent. t~ 1110ENNSILIT A... 'ill, 0,,.;,..,„,,, L NIA CENTRAL RAIL • ••••• -, A . ...... ROAD• Onand after Nov, 9:Bth. 1868, Trains will arrive st and depart trona tht Union Depot, corner th W ashington and Liberty street., as ifolloNt s.4irri — \ Mail Train.l.!:l:3o rim \ Day El)xepPraertss. 2 30 am iii.t Line..... A 10 sni Wail's No.l 6.30 cm Wall's No.l .6 AO arn Mail Train 8.15 sin Brint onAcen.l.so a in •Cincin'ti Er 12.35 pm Wall's No. 2 5O a m Wall' No• .1120 am Cincinnati Ex 9:40 amt Johnstown Ac • 3 25pin Johnstown Aclo 35 am Braddock& N oil 20pm Banta:tore Ex. 1.45 D in Phila. Express 5 10 pm Phila. Expreslsl.os pin Wall's NO. 3 5:10 pm Vaal' s No. 3 1.30 pml Wail's No. 9.-6.25 pm Braddocks No 5.50 pm Faist Litre .... '1.50 pm iVall's No. 4. rain p m, WalPs No. 5..11:50 pm Way Pa s 1 :20 p nil The Church rain leaves Walls Station every Sunday at 9:15 a. reaching Pittsburgh at 10 60 a. m. Ilk -turning, leaves Pitt,bergli at 12-50 p• m and arrives at Walls Station at 2:00 p. cininnati Express leaves daily. All ether troor s daily except Sunday. For hirther information apply to W. H. BECKWITH, Agent. The Petinsylvanialtailroad Company will uoi as - snme any rist forßaggage, except for wearing ap • parel, and Umit their renponettalitv to One Hun dre D04111'5111 value. All Bagg :ge exceeding Oat amount in value will be. at the r 191., of the °anat. nr less taten by tmerial contract. EDWARD a. wiLbiAms , non GeuergsuPe rtn " eat. Altoona. Pa. DRUGGISTS. AND IdAtitfrACITIVICELS O PITTSMIV.OII, TENNI. ...- vemi)er lltti. i 1 depsrt orn It° 7 .t i etsive.B7 .3r. 600 P. Y. .n. 1405 P. Y. • . n. 10:10 A. Y. Y. $3 , ,.35 A. Ids Y. 1 , 50 P. r. 31. 5j415.k.m. F. lc 1 :00 A. rllt. licrs,eJ A 43 , ennotm Expres will leave daily. L. 311111011 arrive daily. in. Train leaves daily, Sundays nakes close connections an alduswarksky New • K points on S F.. B. iiIIYLIA, General Ticket ¢. Sup't.. Steubenville. Oldo• ivirr. ST ERN-17.1.7,:i.,•;----,..,,,,„ rviNstLvAlnA..-- •,z- , --P - -.-- ,. pa, and after rs ay. 22,t,1868. the Pa, senger Trains or.' the Western" Pennsylvania . list road will arrive et and depart from the Pedenl Street Depot, Allegheny City. as follows: Arrive. Depart. Stiringde N16:4 0 s &Mail ............ 1:00 a m ("Freeport N0.16:20 a mtlreeport N0.19:15 a m Express .. ~ . 10:4.0 a reiSlaarph‘g Not 11:20 am Sharpb'g N0.11:25 p al \Express ...... .21:45 pm Freeport N0.24:00 p S.prlngd,e No13:20 pm Mall ... ~ . ~.. 5:55 pin Freeport N0.25:20 put Springd` e'N 026:4 5 D m SPringd,e "N o 27 :10 p m Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Tin.leaves 3.llegbeny JUTICtiDD • every Sunday at 1 : 40 a. in., reaching Allegheny City at 950 a. in. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 120 p. in. and arrive at Allegheny Junc.. Lion at 3:45 p. m.. COmmtrrAtioN TiCititre—Yor sale in packages of Twenty, between Allegheny City Chestnut street, Ilerr4 Bennett, -Pine Creek: Etnaand Sharpsburs and good only on the trains stopping at Stations' sneced tickets. The Ingotrains-lea Allegneny- City at '7:00 a. mi. make direct connection at Preepor. wlthWal ker's line of Stages for Butler and Hannah: town. Through tickets maybe purchased st th. Otila No. 3 Ss Clair street, near the Euspensionßridge, Plttsbur. li, and at the Depot, Alle ghee'. . Por farther Information apply to JA. LEXEITS, Agent. ' . Pederal Street Depot. The 'Western Pennsylvanian= ailroad will not ai surne any risk for BOVRILge, cept for wearing apparel, and limit their-responsiility to One klundia d Dollars in value. All baggage ex ceeding 0 is amount in ve willbe at the risk of the owner, unless taken g ra s pedal contract. EDWARD Id. WILLIAMS noM Gen...xi Stineriatendent, Altoona. I d a. • _____ •—..,..,-,,-Tre QlllOll.ll HILL i-7177-1“ iThIO PACIFIC BAJLI`'-' EaFit,erll DiVil4.oll. ROUTE Mom the East to all points in The SEMITES; AND Colorado, li!Arathi, riga, ' .l3tall ' Califo _:„. utysr r.r.Luut - '• Washington,Arizolr:p - •„ _ . ' .". c s i 4 , Idaho, Neituril e ' Orel;Oil. • rAn d Leavenworth ave State -- e "snivel of rrain3 Two Vains le e ante d j o u ke is. and no' n W au *I LTED bat and St. re e nce . ,_ Toe, s ,„,,ank" At e end of ln~ e t ioi all COAOISB Fyn: Laiss...v, Ora l .VF-A" 19 , AND ~i All Points in the Territoral • diru5f06501413502;41 TRI.WES,E.LY TANS HD3 for Fort Union, Bent , s Fort, Pass, Alaneree, Saute Pe, and all points 111. Axi -11! and Nor Mexico, , t°Nvith the recen .adAiltions of rolling str4r e . aqn Tamale overland Trr ar irTs illertuatiolist Ines liras. its srestellAYnalls, thia road novi ss offal re sit itendtbrelgVresf.or the transosi ion of 'Tickets for sale at all the principal on 111 Ole United States and Canadts Be sure and ask for Motets via ISE WORT SILL ROUT /S, lONBARN; d.Y. taSTBRN DIPDRON A. ANDERSON; 6eLeno Euperintendea J. g, WEBSTIi36 eeueral FrelgM sad Tlctet Agt