The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 03, 1869, Image 4

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CD$ aitttt.
PENNIMBIED &CO, Proprietor&
P. 11.%PlillliimAit, lOSIAS KING.
f" - ad ProPrietoa.
A.U.eghezty ,and 1,
;nozgy Count,. '
ginio — Du ,Vir Seset-Weekti, - Wsatis. ...
. 1
• . se ninglenoPY—O-w
One mine ..1; 75 Biz mos.. L5O 5 colees, each /. 25
-Baur. eek 15 ThreellloB /5 /0 ' . ..... 7.75
[~• m et .) - . •
wa Pmitrr ;on the inside pages of this
GAZETTE ...840'0a par
Bihernelis.` .&tiete of 1 1ton:hip _ Maga•
tines, A Sketch by Parkin on Paintings.
Third _and, Birth pages : Cohonereial,
Mercantile; financial , and Biter Netts,
Markets, lqaportS. *Seventh page: Genera/
Miscellany of rtniereating . Beading , Matter.
II 11,33,01ima a :Frankfort. 6811:
Prmoulum at Antwexp, 57@5701
GOLD closed In New York yesterday
at 132 i.
THE Philadelphia Prisi,' knits new
type, Is oue of the neatest in aPpearanOS
of all'onr eichtuiges;
THE latoistaTtutu of West Virginia
-, stunt adjourn, to 7 tnoTrow, but it.will first
ratify the XVth Amendnient.
t l'ffsve,Da hap ent : ared per name as fourth
on the list of States - ratifying:the XVth
• Constitutiimal Arnendmeat. , The States
; : iihiCit have thus far acted' upon the meas,
• are were officially notified of its passage .
' 'regularly% certified OfEtCusl telegraphic
despatches, and hence, their action Can.
...t9t be held premature, as tome Democrat
ic jounuds assert. .
THE Ritruntacur• memberi; of. the
House of Representatives held a caucus
meeting last night which Tesulted in-the
nomination of Xi. BiAnnt, of Maine for
Speaker, Mr. Mamas= for‘Clerk, Mr.
{ORDWAY for Seirinit:at-Arms; Mr. BlM
vow, of New PoorkeePer.
nomination was •made for Postmaster.
It is given oat Mai :Mr. Tievrni, of Massa
chusettswill be appointed by the new
Speaker Chairman'of the Committee 'on
Olnt ) 45.C.EPIS STATES would be pre
cluded, by the XVth Amendment, from
disfranchising the Mongolian race as a
race, but it embodies' no prohibition
against excluding Chinese, Japanese, or
the natives of any other foreign land on
the, face
,of the glebe. These may still
be excluded either as. Chinese, &c., to
nonatne4 "or, generally, as natives of Asia,
but not as of the Mongolian race. The
distinctiou is certainly a fictitious one,
but members from the Pacific States pre
ferred it, opposing strenuously the Senate
amendment, which specifically forbade'
eiclusion, for =flail/. . - As long as the
distinction satisfies the prejudices of
Nevada or California, we do not care to
discuss, here at present, either its logic or
its abstract juitice.
Tas allif COMIIIBBIO/4/ra of Internal
Revenue, Mr. DaLAwo, was Mairman of
the gemmittee on Claims In the 2C.IMIXth
Congress: - The country has never had
an adricsata idea of the vast amount of
claims from which, in that capacity, he
. was instnmiental in protecting the Ms
sury. Eyery fora: of influence, personal
and Official ' , proper -and improper, was
brought to bear_upon Atm and his . Com
mittee, to secure thell-approial of the
(plausible demands 'of tloi but
he uniformly, turned a diafess to solicita
tions which, if successful, Would have
More than doubled 'our National debt.-
We speak by the book, for we have the
best authority for - this Statement. This
_was the very man whom GRANT wanted,
•• 'to take care of the Avenue-pirates, and.
be will do it, to the satisfaction of every
ltody but themselves. ,
The new - President takei office at noon
to-morrow,, when, eider subscribing to the
constitutional oath, he will deliver an in
augural addresa. This, if modeled after
his cluinicteristiestyle; more re
markable for its Pertinency.' than for its
length. The day for prolix State papers
hss ,gone by,. for four yeais and -we hope
longer The:.':utterances of President
GRANT to-Morrow, Peforc the vast 'audi.
ence '.drawn ftum every ; quarter „ of the
Republic M witness his investiture with'
powor,;cumot but have in especial sig.
nificanCe, as revealing a renewed expies
= don of idirilewsof Xxectttive duties and
Wti arif not among thOse who are aux
loutly waiting for aninatisttpil announce.
'lncat of his poliFy: We know, already,
that thir,notV'fiisidetit will none
other - policy than that to which Jae has,
more than once pledged his administra
tion—a policy of the faithful execution of
Yell nitdonalilegfiltdinzi and intenfationk
treaties.:. Beyond this, we look for noth.
lag but a brief but explicit re-affirmation
of the cardinal "principles of Loyalty,
Xionesty, Justiss2l and Liberty, as ~ the,
guiding points of his Executive trust;
and , wbielt he will commend:to
countrymen as embracbly the whole
luty of each good citizen of the Republic.
wt. 1n
Nr,h. _ ,
• r 1 t ,
FgeZEPViraftjAVN " - • • •
When, in due the •President ad-
OVA.* timielf :to psngress, he will make
each,; special recommendations as the
Constitution enjoins and his sense of pub
lie di:ay : tiny Prompt. But we need ex
pect nothing of this sort in the inaugural
of to-morrow. No one . knows what he
will say—for he has been as reticent in
that regard as upon his appointments to
office—but past experience, of General
GRANT'S character and habits of thought
and speech, is such as to foreshadow what
he will not say.
As to both the. Inaugural Address and
the Cabinet, the public are as much in the
dark as ever. We have known, for the
week past, that licitomaa would retain
the Var-Office, and that Pennsylvania
and Massachusetts would have other de
partments. Beyond that, we know noth
There was a period, of long duration,
when the mturufacbrrera of , Great Britain
:nnanimously .., advocated Governmental
Protection to the various industries in
which they were engaged. At first' this
Protection, in UCCOIYIEUMES with their so
licitations, was extended in the form of
direct bounties, afterwards in the shape of
mposts upon foreign competing articles.
' After a while they became conscious that
they had surrounded themselves, or been
encompassed by the course of events,
with advantages superior to those exist
ing elsewhere; that is
I to say, they. ,had
perfected their. machinery, beyond all
precedent, MUltiplying many -fold the
power of fabrication; lad accumulated
capita to an extent that i carriedri interest
on money to a much lower poird than in
any other nation; and had been far
ther aided by a redundaniy of laborers
which reduced the wages both of skilled
workmen and of common hands to the
lowest pitclrat which the means of human
subsistence were attainable.
Such a body of manufaaturers could well
afford to espouse the doctrine of Free
Trade, and that is just what they .did.
Having reached a point where competition
with them seemed tit be 'repairable, they
exiwatiatedon the cage, Bence of discounte
nancing all ,serts of
,grotection; of wel- .
coming by the, removal of impediments
to trade,the results of discriminating leg-
IshitiOn, and of asserting oractically the
unity and interdependence of all the races
of men. To Superficial thinkers,' there
was not a little of ' this talk that sounded
pleasantly, andexhaled an odor of htt.
At last the British Government, which
had been the staunchest champion of pro.
tection, nominally accepted the Free
Trade system of political economy, and
Ostentatiously invited all other Govern
inentii to do so. But it was careful not
to abolish its custom houses , . or dismiss
the numerous corps of officials who kept
watch against the importation' of foreign
merchandise Isrithout - the payment of du
ties. It did, indeed, modify its tariff of
imposts so as' to meet the conditions of
its indtltry, but that was all. It adhered
to discriminations hi favor of its own
people as rigidly as, ever before; only the
progress of events had enabled it to dis
pense with certain discriminations which
had became inoperative.
Twenty years have produced still far
ther changes; and British manufacturers
are now turning slowly, but certainly,
towards protection. S,everal menths ago,
we gave some accounts of its movement
among the makers of iron and machinery.
Now it appears that the .manufacturers of
cotton goods, even in Manchester, are
dissatisfied with , the degree of_ ;Free
Trade, deceptive as it is, under — Which
they are toiling.
- is the matter with these people ?
there has been no absalute falling away
In the perfection of their machinery,
no diminution in their supply of capital,
ne scarcity In the aupply of operatives,
no, decadence in the excellence or su
premacy of their commercial marine.
What, then; has' rought the change ap
parent in their wislies and purposes?
Simply this, that &her nations, our own
included, have 'advanced in the arts of
productive industry; have skilled their
laborers, improied and multiplied their,
machinery, accumulated capital, and are
coniequently prepared to compete with
British producers on equal terms, or
something akin thereto. '
An& We', May lkjtugl,y; taken BEI only
the commencement of thii; movement.
In propoitiOn as other nations come up
to the point whero their Manufacturing
Classes can meet the Same Brithilt clasies,
on equal conditionsi will the. den2and of
the latter for protection &ow 'louder and
Ikinder; Until Rree Trade, even in sem
blance, shall be set aiide as a' deluslomand
the system of. Protection he 'proclaimed
is all its,ftdiness and rigor:, It will not
be long to wait for the accomplishment
"of-=this /change. Let those Who; , alf
interested watch for its .early COnStiln
mation. • - " • •
'hie` PS:it - 1.4111/ ptuliDen
• Itichmonflelegrams, have already ap•
fprised , ritir readers of the extent to which •
Men insthat City. and County haie die -'
qualified thems,erves for _sitting as jurors,
In the trial .of kinsNTlor the killing of
,PO,LWID.. The facts of this slaughter
will he remembered. POLL ARD iris the
editor ef a newripaper, -au& in the man.
rigenlent theriof indulged; in a wide and
gross license in
... dealing with individuals
`rind their. affairs, , Nor was he at Ca:oh ,
. PPlottE! l !a P theage+ sex or, P9Bltion of
the liereeesitereil4ol) to detidon'or * 4 -,
tempt. :His purpose seemed to be to a t :4,
ate a sensation, ' do as "tO :;keep his
Journal in notice, and there were,
besades, indications that he was ac
tuated,, •to a censiderable , degree, by
morbid dislike _of almost everybody:
Git'ART'S sister waifcoarael§ assailed by
POLLARD, without cause, and in revenge
for that assaalt, as is alleged, GRANT shot
POLLAILD dead as he 7as entering his
office the following morning. The , case
was calculated to excite intense feeling;
and hence it is not wonderful that diffi
culty is experienced, under the rules now
existing, in obtaining jurors to try the
accused. But, it is not our purpose to
comment upon that rule, or the trop le to
secure a jury under it.
The New 'lry rld Times holds that it is
evidence of 4 ta hidf-civilized or barbar
state of soc ety" that a man ag
grieved as- Giux was, should, take re
dress into his ow hands. We are by no
means inclined tol dispute that inference_
or conclusion. No better proof of bar::
barism, or, •at least, of.a• low condition
of civilization, can be adduced than'the
fact that men feel' constrainedto be their
own avengers rather than trust to such
administration of penal justice as can be
obtained through the public authorities.
But It seems to us that the Times over
looks one very important fact in its don
sideratlon of this matter. Such license
as POLLARD exercised in, the conduct of
his journal, without interference from the
authorities, furnishes quite as uncon
trovertible evidence of the barbarism
of Richmond society, as did Ids slaughter
by one upon -whose rights and feelings he
had ruthlessly tram pled.
And this illustrates what we, have re
peatedly urged, that if, either through
the laws, or the operation of public ()pin=
ion, editors are to be granted impunity in
publisbing whet -:they - will concerning
private individuals, or relative to the
private concerns of public men, the per
sonseggrieved ought to be left at liberty
to adopt such. measures of redress as shall :; ',
appear to them suitable. We know this
savagery isbarbarism; but so is the evil for
which this savagery is the natural remedy.
No man, unless dettssed in his Instincts,
would tamely submit to, such an oatiage
as POLLARD' inflicted upon the members
of the GRANT family. Both the laws and
_community are ati fault when such
outraaei can he perPetiated with com
plete, or very nearly complete impunity:
That is the point where the: barbarism
comes in; and, hen4hat is the point at,
which there is most need to have an effi
dent remedy applied.
Tan COUNTRY will thank the Senate
for its refusal to adopt Mr. Sitranteres
resolution for a recognition of Cuban in
dependence. However we might have
been induced to deal wiih the old Spain
of a Bouason despotism, in behalf of a
province struggling for its political free
dom, it becomes a radically different ques
tion when we are asked to countenance a
causeless revolt against the authority of
the new Spain of liberal and progressive
ideas. For it would be but an indifferent
welcome which the Great Republic would
thus offer to the development of republi
can ideas in Europe, to improve the occa
sion for stripping the people of Spain of
their most valuable territorial possession.
, Such would be the substantial effect of
our approtal of the Cuban revolt.
As for any American recognition of
belligerent rights, it is becoming for us
to reziteinblir what injustice'Wen have our
selves atiffered from the premature and
unfriendly exercise of this sovereign pre
rogative by other powers not long ago.
Let 118 be in no hurry to imitate the in-
Miami example 1 .
Tni annexed - paragraph from the
New York Tribune affords a striking; il
lustration of the magnitude of what are
styled the vihisky-frands on the revenue.
Says that journal, apropos to the presi
dent's resolution to stop all that cheating:
In the year 1868,_ when thetas upon dis
tilled spirits was 112 per. gallon, and the
amount collected was twenty-nine mil
lions of dollars, one of the largest of our
commission merchants, who had at the
time thousands of barrels of whisky in
his storehouse said that if the Govern
ment would give him the right to collect
the taxi he - would engage to pay the
whple 'interest upon the public debt.
Now this interest for that year was one
hundred and thirty:three and
the gentleman -referred towts at.-once
tbotoughly acquainted, with' the- trade,
and eminentlyy, capable of estimating its
amount and the amount of tax honestly
due upon it. The presumption in favor
of Ids opimon is clear from the fact that
only sixty-seven million° of gallons
should have paid the interest "which
would have left him at least eighty mil
none of dollars to pay the expense of
collection and give his • profit. If. Presi
dent Grant puts his resolution into lull
force,^at the present rate of duty he will
squeeze half the filtered on our debt out
of the manatlicturers and dealers in in
toxicating figural. •
:Vac division of Texas is earnestly Ter:
commended by General CANBY, the Mill
taffy CofiMuknder, who states his belief
1 ,This measure, will finelly disport*, end
denibralise the • disloyal' element, and
give tut a separation of the State`Which
will bring to the ref* peace and prosper
ity which we have for years been striv
ing tolifotire. •
- -
-has recently been introduced In Martin's
Ferry a new machine for illuminating
'gas from coal:' 'lt Cali`be applied it* ail
classes of heating stoves and every va.
riety of furnace. The gas can b . o. DAM,
factured at a • cost of 50 .cents per 1,000
het." It was invented by s.yotmg ,flopsiek
Mr. J. W. Broivn, , and is known as
"Brown's Domestic Gasometer." One
°talent may be`seen in operation it the
store of Conrad lion& Marlin's Ferry.
It an ingenloup invention. • '
—The city election. In. Des Moines,
lowa, on Woodsy. resulted, in the choice
bf J..EVElst4biltgublioatc' : lbr Mayor,
over Shoff:44i , Democrat, 'the present in.
°unbent,' by thirty , five majority. Mcst
of the city oftlaeis are Republicans.
OnB qrAZETTE : I am not a citizen
were, I
of Pitb3bitrgli • hut if I should op.
pose and vote against the purchase of
ground for a large Park. away out where
such a thing is not needed, and will not
be for a generation to come. It would be
very nice for a few near it, and for an
other few who have the means to reach it
in carriages; but to the great majority of
, the dwellers in the densely populated por
tions of the city, and who really need
breathing _places, it will, be of no more
use than if it were on the summit of the
Allegheny mountains.•
I should say, never mind that. There
is already plenty of fresh air, and there
are abundance of trees in that beautiful
and romantic suburb where it is proposed
.to do this thing; but instead of that, buy
a little ground where the Allegheny and
Monongahela come together and make a
little more by filling; then let the ground
thus obtained be made as beautiful and
shady as possible. Cut it up by as many
serpentine walks—not drives —as good
•taste will allow, and then let'he swelter
ing dwellers in our crowded streets, who
really need fresh air, get free access to it.
Do that, and you will have something,
however hUmble, that will really conduce
to the health and enjoyment of those who
need something of the kind. The cost
will be trifling compared with the other
project, and the results much more profit
able. trTfurataart.
Washlngtou Items.
IT is understood, that all the Cabinet
officers, except General Schofield and At
torliey General Evart's, have officially
tendered the resignation of their port
folios to President Johnson, and that they
will be accepted. In the meantime their
respective departments ' will be left in
charge of officials next in rank as acting
Gmv. GRA= states that the remark at
tributed to him by Uolonel McClure, that
though he was elected by the Republican
party, he is not a party man, is calculated
to do him injustice; and although he;does
not desire to charge Mr. McClure with
intentionally misrepresenting him, he
does net want to be, considered as untrue
to the rights of the party and the men
who elected him.
GEN. GRANT stated again, as he has
before stated, that he will appoint a Com
missioner of Indian :Agairs and a Corn-
Missioner of Internal Revenue on his
own resptutsibility, but in the case of all
the other bureau officers he will take the
advice of his Cabinet members, and ex
pects them o select men who will serve
the Govern ent faithfully and effectively.
'lat. DE o takes the hardest position
in die entir Government. On this place,
whil6 figb g the late Andrew Jobnson,
we piled the, heaviest responsibility and
work that attach 'to any place _in the
country. _ The. Commissioner comes in
contact directly with the biggest rings
and the boldest and most adroit seouU
dreis we are afilicted'tvith. Hr. Deland ,
happily, possesses the necessary ability
honesty, and, let us hope, courage.
. The latest rumor in relation to Gen,
Grant's Cabinet is that the War Depart
ment is the'one allotted to Pennsylvania
and in consequence that the cariosity rei
gardinglhe coming man from that. State
will not be gratified until after Gen. SchoL
field's retirement.
There is a general desire for a reconcil
iation between the incoming and out-
going President, so as to give practical
effect to Gen. Grant's "Let us have
Peace" plattbnn. President Johnson has
been sounded upon the subject, and ; is
willing to accept overtures, but the busy.
bodies hesitate to approach Gen. Grant in
reference to it, the General being known
to entertain very strong feelings in refer
ence to the circumstances of the original
Death'of John Ericsson.
' John , Ericsson the Inventor of the
caloric steam engine, the screw propeller,
the builder of the celebrated "monitor,"
and the originator of various scientific
theories and mechanical appliances, died
in Itichlitno,. New York, on Thursday
last, from hyd i rophobia, produced by the
bate of a dog, n dieted a month ago.
Mr. Ericsson was the son of a miner in
Wermeland, Sweden, and was born in
1808. Hor distinguished himself even in
his boyhood `by his nudhemathial ac
quirements and constructive &lb, and
before he was sixteen years old, itris said,
was charged with the duty of laying , out
work for six hundred then on the Grand
Canal of Sweden. - He sabsequently en
tered the army, but In about six years
left It to introduce in England an engine
of somewhat the same character as his
later "caloric engine." There he intro
duced his idea of an artificial draft for
engines to dispense with largo smoke
stacks, and save feel, and made in seven
weeks a locomotive that won the prize for
speed and lightness,
In 1833 e hard:laced his caloric en
gine to public notice, but It did not sue
ceed 'until about ten or twelve years ago.
It is now extensively used there the
power is not 4 griit. He also, at ti later
daY,- made know in Englands 1119E11-
tion,:of the sore* propeller for s li p ' He
met with no Success in Eng lan d, ind
dame to this eountry, in 1839, to intro
duce it here, and here he has l ived , ever
since. ' ' ' -
His propeller' was adopted for the
Princeton some years ago,
and is now the great rival of the' paddle
wheel. In 113131 Ericsson bullt the lifoni;
tor, the fame of which will not soon be
forgotten. In person ,
he was strongly
and heavily built, and of great physical
enduranee. /lie face showed firmness.
.and resolution; but not so strongly as his
life.' Against material obstacles, envy
and ridicule, hoihan foughi nearly all his
active, life; and now the public owe to an
ap t!y trifling accident the idea .of s
'one • (dr - greatest inventors and Mq-
irt - additiOn to."the utmost neatness .I
Wahl the tuillmom and all vessels
used for milk rsod cream,. the Praria .FUr
rnar'recomme4ds that dishes . ' containing
pulverized charcoal be placed about the
room to absorb ammonia and other gases
that cannotte otherwise removed. The
Charcoal should be freshly prepared, and
by heating it after it hes become partially
"Satdrated wittr gases, they are driven off
and the charcoal'rendered as effectual as
at first.
1 , ri03 fall of snow in Canada this winter
so far has exceeded'any previods snow
fall for twenty years Past, by thirty
14chea. Accordintto a published state
14ent, the depth of snow which has fallen
at;blodtreal is one hundred and eighteen
Inches, or nearly ten feet, and is now
eight feet deep in the streets of that city,
United States IMstrlet Court—Judge Me
TUESDAY, March 2.—Court met at ten
o'clock A. M. A jury was called io tbe
box, but there being no cases ready for
trial, Court adjourned to ten o'clock A. M.
District Court-Judge Kirkpatrick.
TIIESLiAY, March 2.—ln the case of
Jennings vs. Cuthbert, reported yester
, day. V4rdiet for plaintiff in the sum of
$l4O 50.
Wildes vs. Trainer et al. On motion
of counsel, C. Hanson Love, Assignee
of -G. W. Wildes, was substituted a*
plaintiff. Action to recover damages.
Verdict for plaintiff in six cents damage
and six canna most&
W. B. Hays vs. J. D. Ramaley. Report
of 'Auditor presented and confirmed.
-•'.:l t a t vo vs. MeCiarren. Action on a
et. Verdict for plaintiff in the
suni of $492 26.
No. 89. Neel et al vs. McEitiinney.
No. 74. Brown vs. Owners of steam
boat "Arab."
No. 54. Mellon vs. literion et al.
No. & Craft, ii Phillips vs. Williams
No. 45. Brown vs. Ross & Co.
No. 154.p/d Lid—Fleming vs. Flom
No, 3. Jacoby vs. Schoen.
No. 4. Carlin vs. Robb.
Common Pleas—Judge Sterrett.
TUESDAY, March 2.—The case of Cook
vs, Fa. on mechanic's lain.
repotted yesterday, was resumed. Ver
dict for plaintiff in the sum of $305.81.
James A. Speer vs. Cleveland it Pitts
burgh Railroad.. Action on the case, to
recover damages alleged to have been
sustained by plaintiff - from the annoy
ances to which he was subjected, in con
sequence of the action of said company
through their employes, by allowing
their engines and oars to stand in front
of the plaintiff's house upon tracks con
structed by defendants, thereby filling
the house with dust and smoke from the
engines and cars, and by blowing the
whistles and ringing the bells. On trial.
No. 79. Donahue vs. Meisner.
No. 'B2. Coleman vs. Fisher.
No. 89. Czarneeki vs.. Fry.
No. 90. Evans vs. Renonif. •
No. 96. HoffatOt vs. Wardrop.
No, 97. Wetz vs. Morrow.
No. 98. Reed vs. Mills. •
No. 103. Reeling et nx. vs. Sehmoll.
No. 4. Christ et inr.w. Dittman et wt.
No. " 5. Weber et as. vs. same.
No. 18. Reibel et 'vs. Rare. •
No. 41. Seiler vs. Enttlemier.
No. 52. Fisher vs. Feld.
Mo. 63. Carson vs. Taylor.
No; 77. Dithridge vs. Allen. .
Quarter Sessions... Judge stew&
TUESDAY, March 2.—Court met at ten
A. it. The grand jury having returned
no cases] Court adjoarned to ten a. m.;
to-day, when the cases published
below will, be taken up awl dis
posed of.
No. 26. John Dunn. '
No. 48. Jacob Martin. •
No. 128.' John Bird.
No. 151. Franc's Hahn and Gottlelb
No. 155. Robert Foster-2 cases.
No. 166. G. Tobias.
No. 170. Charles Darning.
No. 199. Eliza Prysi and Rudolph
Np. 261. James Dunn.
No. 264. Ottmar Hoffman.
No. 274. Wm. Clark, et al.
No. 277. Wm. Einstein.
No. 297. Wm. Powers.
Birmingham Council.
Last evening there was a regular
monthly meeting of the qouncil of the
borough of Birmingham held at Bui
gess Salisbury's office.
Members present—Xessrs. Atterbnrn
Mcllwaine, 'Ward, Redman, Welker,
Kerr, Ihmsen and Burgess Salisbury.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and approved.
Mr. Ibmsen, Chairman of the Finance
Committee, reported that he had exam
ined the accounts of the various borough
officers and found them to be correct, ex
cept ihe report of Mr. Kunzder, Market
Master, which the , officer had 'been in
structed to make perfect. ;
The Burgess stated that he had re- .
ceived a notice from the Street-Regulator
setting forth that the debris on Harmony
street had. not been removed; that the
work of paving said street had left a,
quantity of rubbish; arid that a final set.'
tiement with the contractors should be
postponed until the street was properly
,The estimate of grading, curbing and.
paving the above street Is as follows:
Grading, 3,522 cubic yards; curbing,
1,36.130ineal feet; paving, 3,213;4 square
yards., ,
rn accordance with the recommenda
tion of the Street Regulator, a final set
tlement was postpinsed: for the present.
Bradford & Co. are the contractors.
A communication from Mr. A. Paiter
son was presented, proposing to furnish
numbers for all the houses in the bor
eugh a d attach tbenkin proper order at
twenty-five cents per plate. The num
bers to be cut on iron plates. 2;4 by 5
inches, .with raised figures two inches
long, the entire plate to be japanned
black and the face of the figures to be
'afterwards painted yellew or some other
bright color. •
The communication was referred to a
Special Committee.
The Burgess cause to be read the fill
To the urpeas, dc.
The petition of T. W. Brigs, President
of the aloneurgkhela V ey Railroad
Comkiany, to behalf of d Company,
respectfully represents: That the said
Monotigahela Valley Railroad Company
is a body corporate, created under and
by virtue of certain acts nf-Aesembly of
-the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and
duly authorised and empowered ud
der said acts of incorporation "to con
struct a railroadfrom a point at 'or near
Pittsburgh, hyena route as the Board
of Direetcut may ,deterthine, to a point
at,pr near , Monongahela Clty; Washing
ton county; and thencexp either, baigh of
the Monongahela riVeri to a point at
or near 'Whet 'is known - as •Rice's,
Landing,' " with , power to coedits:it
Such branches as - the " Direetors
may deem necessary," ee- . Your
petitioner therefore prays your honors.;
bier body to pass an • ordinance kratithig
to the said Monongahela Valley Railr oa d
Company the right • and privilege of locat
in constructing and ,maintaining their
said railroad over, along and across such
streets, alleys, ways and grounds in , the
Borough of Birmingham as may be found
necessary and desirable, in Conformity
with the laws of the Commonwealth, and
subject to such reasonable =lee and reg
ulations as may be Bound necessary fo r;
the protection and safety of persons an d
property in said Borough. Andyottr pe :
titioner, for himself and in behalf of Bala '
Company, will ever pray, tto
ofefr°Mr t e d 7s t'ao r la .
° I
hn Special s Tt e eW n ° , C . nlllll e m r ual b ni: u r ts ftl'ee°
t ir
and ie:ll wasdi
R I 11
r r r 6.11:
with instruct:lons to meet the Directors 04,
said Coinpany in referencia to the_yreposed
The clerk read an.' ordinance Changing
names of streetsas follows: Oliver street
to Sixth street; Gregg to Seventh; Joseph
to Eighth; Ewing to. Ninth; -Mcßee to
Tenth; Grosvenor to . Eleventh; Denman
to Twelfth; Ormsby to Thirteenth; Wil
kins to Fourteenth; Center to Fifteenth;
Perry and Franklin to Sixteenth; Har
mony to Seventeenth.
On motion of Mr. Kerr, the ordinance
was adopted. -
The following bills were ordered to be
paid : • Dispatch. advertising, $4.65;
A. Kent, repairing tools, $11.05; J. C.
Shaffer, tools, $2.05; Regulator, $5O The
other officers' salaries were also ordered
to be paid.
On emotion, Council adjourned to meet
next Tuesday evening. - . -
`—The small pox is rapidly •spreading
in New York City, and a general vaccin
ation is recommended. •
—The Chief of Police at Boston has re
ceived • orders to suppress all public
masked balls on anaatter the 4th mst.
—The medical dissecting bill in the
Maine Legislature on 'its final Passage
was indefinitely postponed in the Senate.
—Henry Christian, the German who
murdered a boy at Pleasant -Ridge, .111.,
last week, was arrested on Monday near
—Frank Hardy and Will Taylor, the/
boys who murdered J. H. Rios, ofSham
rook, Ohio, have been arrested in Cairo,"
—The Opera House in St. Joseph, Mo., T
was burned on Sunday, !involving a loss
of about $12,000; Insurance 12,009, in the
Sangamon, of Springfield, Ills., *
—The Wisconsin Senayesterdaycon
ourred in a joint resolution Increasing
the Governor's salary' to $5;000 and tbe
c l rd
Lieutenant GevernOr's t 11,000. -
—The President has oned John R.
WlOllll3, sentenced to n years "in the
Albany Penitentiary for embezzling let
ters from the Postoffice tit New York.
Railroad Accident In Vermont.
My Telegraph to the l'lttsbargh%tonne.] 1
MONTBR&L, March I.—The Montreal
train, which left New York Friday after
noon, was thrown from tbe track, owing
ton defective rail, near Pittsford, Vt., on
the &Mans! & Burlington Railroad, at 2
o'clock A. hr. on Saturday. The sleeping
car was hurled down a steep slope some
thirty. feet, near the bankifof Cotter river.
The car was wrecked, but no lives. were
lost, altholigh several passengers were
injured. Gen. Averill, U.S. Consul Gen- 4
eral to Canada, received some Severe cats
and braises on his head.
Markets by yelegraph.
Lownow, March 2.--CobsolB 93; S.
bonds 81%; Erie 25; Illinois Central 97M.
Atlantic and Great Western 33X. Stocks
quiet. Tallow 455. 6d. Sugar 395. Cal
cutta Linseed 595.
ANTWERP, March 2.—Petioleum 67(4)
673 franca.
LIVERPOOL, March 2.-Cotton
middling uplands 11g; Orleans 12X; sales 1
5,000 bales. California white wheat 187 d.;
red western 6d.(g9s. _7d. Flour 255., 4,
Corn 315 0 6 d. for old; 30s. for new. Bar
ley 509. Peas. 42a. 6d. Pork 1 975. 6d..
Beef 955. Lard 74a. Chem 765: Bacon
575. 6d. Petroleum unchanged.
455. 3d. - I
FRANKFORT, March 2.-U- S. bonds
NEW ORLRAN - s, March 2.. Cotton it- $.l
regular and lower; demand and offer- ;
ing light; middlings 27%c; sales of 1,300
bales; receipts. 8,391 bales;
.exports, 3,343
bales. Gold 132%. Sterling '43%; Com
mercial 4231©42%. New York Sight IX
@,‘ premium. Sugar nominal; common
1234©13c; prime 15,4©15%0; yellow 1734 c.
Molasses dull; prime 80©81c. Flour is
firm; superfine 16,25; deuble extra 17,00;
treble extra /37,25. Corn Scarce at 80c.
Oats scarce at 80c. Bran easy at 11,12©
1,15. Hay fair; Prime 1.30©31. Pork
nominal at 133,75. Bacon firmer forjob
bing; shoulders 15;ic; clear rib 18c; clear
. 1
sides i lBXc. Lard dull; tierce 1934 c. and
keg 2134 c. Whisky, depressed; western
rectified 921 , 409734 c. = toffee quiet and
firm, fair 1534116 c; prime 17%©183;0.
SAN; FRARcisca, March 1.-Flour dull
at 14,l- 75©5, d 62ji. Wheat, 11,70 for choice.
Legateners - A
NAIMVILLE, March 2.-Cotton dull
and droopiug; low middling 2634 c; good
to ordinary 26c.
HAvArre, March 2.-;Sugar nomitia t l
offers were made of 10,®12 reale fa;
No. 12.
*arch, that gives us a new President, iv alsl
the Inaugural month of many barrassizig disci
den. Entangled in Its fogs are the seeds c?
coughs; colds and of that alteration of frieldit..4
and fire, more widely known than admired, caUe.:l,
lever and ague. The only way to avoid thes 4 -
"little unpleasantnessea, is to reader the $71.2'
tem strong enough to light off the tunioapherkt
poison that produces them. and the best way ts
endow it with this repellentnower Is to tone 412
If a wayfarer were credibly informed that /1
ruffian was waiting at the next corner, he won't"
doubtless turn in his tracks. and take a ask'.
route to, his destination.. With Jun about 'th
same amount of Iron QC the attacks or disease,'
'prevalent as this season may oe evaded, Nat.
the trouble will be lets, for drug stores lie it
every one's route, and every respectable d ug
gist In the Onion keeps on hand 1102ITET'rE4'.7-.
BITTERS. The article ls a staple of trade, anti
It would be as easy - to dud a grneery witholt,
sugar, as the store of an apothecary without thy
po_ppLar tonic remedy. . •
in - view of the experience of the nation, win
regard to the article, during the space of twenti
years, it seems almost unnecessary to recap
lets Its merits to Americus. Bat as oar populs
lion is Increasing at tbe rate of a couple of m
lions in a year. In the natural way and by Imml
gratlon, it may be as well to blotto the ristrl
generation azia new arrivals. (the old settte.i
BITTERSt, 'that lIOST'ETTER'B sror
ACE{ l a the most wholesome and ix k
tent vegetable tonle ever manufsetnted, thatil
is a specide Tor deollity dYfiltePsts, hillossneti
and miasmatic fevers, the . itp. events, as WI
es cures, those complaints and their compite/
lions: that It Is not '''bed to take," and is atk,
lately harmlbu.
One a the most accurate ways f determinist
whether the Inngsare in s healttiy cremated cal..
dillon, is by means ofliatening to the respiratioi i
To those experienced in this practice it becom
aeplaln anUntex to the state of the lungs, snits
a well known to the operators, are the voices of-
Mt most fAttgnate aegnelntanees - The belief the
. .
. lot standing einghs, and dlselses of the lung/
upon which they are dependent, are incurable,
tee , fidt becoming obsolete. One great advantage
CO be - gained frowthis advance in medical knowl-'
edge is the earlier application of those who be.
cote *Mated tifith those: diseases to some one
" competent to afford relief. The error which Mut
i c
taken, hold of the utak mind in , regard to the
curibilitiefeoesu piton, or rather non-curabil
Ilrf ,is that becomin obliterated, and it is well
th a t it t horn be eo, not that persons should lose,
that fluttery fear which would make them apply }
for a timely remedy' but that all might be indn-t
eed to use . remedieswhite there is any hope. It Lel
~,..,... la these
. r , ;that Mir us with ap ~
pre •- ' h - e j, oa an d ,t for If every one would! 1
make timely ap Hoe of pa. KEYBAR 9 S
LUNG CURE hi the nine of scold or cough,
lbw eases would go fares to beoolee bruited's,-
Sold at the Doctor' great Medicine Store. No.
140 Wood street., 'TILL SHORTLY azmovs.
Cidlce HOnis from fp at. mull 4P. ft,, and from
7 to II at night. r r
• .
-,77.14 44)*:-,::•-,,,ze, 1