Clu Eittdiu* Gay*. The Secret Societies of Paris. . First. There is a - union,- composed of i • cUltivated and aristocratic 'people, - who . . . actually believe that , they meet while i asleep, in dreams, or in some equally mysterious Illantler, but in distant lands anti wonderfill 'scenes. Before 'retiring they rub themselves withn ointment' which is given them by the er,of the :t ad OA the composition of 'w ch medicai. men; is, guarded as , a sacred secret, or swallow certain drugs.. Their -present chief is a Countess •de: - Caulment, or- Camont, a highly accomplished and beau-' tiful woman of thirty,' .but, an incurable tete montee and enthusiast. One of her . disciples gravely )stated to: M. Lopeider that he had met the . Countess the night before in the moon. -"Why-not,publish , a description of it r asked the writer. "You could greatly advancethe cause ,of science by your revelations." t'l would do iso," replied the visionary, , "were it not that a. repugnatce' :communicate such: knowlecige--a terrible repugnance —seizes on us at the firststep and increases as we advance. •There are moral laws • and. an irrepressible sense of fitness which insensibly govern humanity.. Mankind. are not yet morally prepared for au semi - - rate knowledge of the moon's surface." It is very remarkable that Mime de 'Ca moat and her disciples converse in their meetings' of the scenes where they met, and evince a perfect knowledge of what , the others liave done. - - * There is the Society of the T7'ollB fr aiid"lnthe eturunetrlblititzwindiciare der it safely habitable. Although moving !roma dry,to a damp house ought to be regarded as a sufficient cause for serious, there are but few who perceive it, imam och asit is the interest of many rarsons to keep the true cause away from observation, in order that hew houses may not remain on their hauls unoccupied by tenants, and also that i there may be patients needing to be e condition in this respect of, the hou into which one- designs moVing ca4t be too carefully weighed, or a newt case may be furnished to aid the pop. ulatconviction which ignorance so readily assigns in such cases as a cause of death if it> occcur.—Harper's Bazar. , The First Court in Butler, Pa. "The first court .held in Butler was held in a log cabin, just raised and cov Bred; but without window sash; . or doors or daubing." (The interstices between the logs were generally filled with clay.) "The hall was barely sufficient 'to con tain the bench, bar 'jurors and constables. The spectators clambered up she walls, and placing their hands and feet in the ()lien interstices between the logs, hung there; suspended like enormous Madagas car bats. Big John McJunkin, (who until now had ruled at all public meet ings,) had placed a foot on one joist and afoot on another, directly over Abe heads of their honors, standing with out- stretched legslike the Colossus of Rhodes. The , Sheriff was ordered to clear the walls and joists. He went to work and soon pulled down by the legs those who were in no great baste to obey. McJun kin was the last, and began to growl. "What do you say, sir?" said the Judge. "I say' pay my lases, and his good a reete here:as my mon - . l ' "Sheriff, Sher iff," b‘wled the Judge, "bring him be fore the Cotnt." McJunkiit's ire was now up, and as he reached the floor, be gan to strike his breast, exclaiming, "My name rht John Manakin,. d'ye see-. - here'e the heart that never flinched, if so be'et 'twas in good cause. • I'le stin orgy mon a twitch in Butler, if so be he'll clear me o' the la." He was accordingly Pinioned and forced to remain silent. Some of the, lawyers ventured to plead formercy. The Judge sentenced him to two hours imprisonment in the county jail. The Sheriff, with much simplicity observed, "May it please the coorte, there is no jail at all at alit° put him in." The Judge thereupon mitered into a learned.dissertation concerning custody, safe and cloie, mainly for the benefit of the bar. But the moment he had ended, the Sheriff was, seized with a lucky thought. "May it please the Coorte, I'me jilt thinkin' that may be .I kin tak him till Bower's pig pen—the pigs are kilt for the Coorte, an empty." "Proceed, sir, proceed and doyonr duty," was the hearty reply. • • A Statue of Lincoln.. Dr. Holland writes as follows in a pri, vate letter from Romer - What do yoti suppose I'irent first to ;See in Rome? Not St. Peter's,' nor the Coliseum, but Randolph Rogers' colossal statue of Abraham Lincoln. It was un veiled to the public the morning after my arrival, and I was amung the first to pay it attention and homage. It is, without any qualification, a grand success, and the city of Philadelphia, for which it has been modeled, will, after the Munich founders have translated it into bronze, possess in it the finest representation ex tant.of the honored and lamented subject. The figure of Mr. Lincoln was not an elegant one, and the marvel of the statue is that, without the addition of a single fictitious grace, it presents Mr. Lincoln to the eye as a grand •inan. The figure .is seated in a chair, over which is thrown a cloak, and this cloak is the only "acces sory." , In t. one hand it holds an open scroll, representarig the emancipation- proclamation and in the other a pen. There is nothing else but plain Abraham _Lincoln in, his frock-coat and' trousers. The face, deeply lined, earnest, solemn, sad, tells its -own story of the struggle r through which he had been. brought to the crowning act of his:life, and his sense of theimportance of the act itself. Such twas the effect of the state upon one, lady whorif noticed' in the little gathering of the - Americans present,—that • she wept during Blithe time' thittshe remained in the apartment; yet rivaii assured she had never seen Mr. Lincoln 'in' her life, and of course was touched by no personal associations. There: is but one • voice among all the Americans here in regard to this statue, and that is that it fills their noblest -ideal' of the • man it represents, and does the highest honor. to the cun ning rand and true genius~ that fashion . edit. EASTER Isr,inn.--thrnsiderable, atten tion has, been. directed in England to a letter published 'tithe r Pall Mall Gazette; in ieferencoto Baster.lsland; a detaChed spot of laud in the Pacific Ocean,. about 2,300 miles off the; coast of Chili. The • island-is of volcanic origin, and, with the exception of Pitcairn's Island, is, - 1 500 miles frdm any ;inhabited land. . ~When Visited by Captain Cook and by La Pe. rettse,.it presented a great number of rude sculptures, which.were not to be seen All a subsequerit visit by Kiitzebue. The re-. ;cent letter, however, written by an offisier on board a British man-of.war, cruising in theSoutiv:Plicific, and whichlyisited Easter Island,'"aileges that a- search for -these' sculptures was organized, and' that ; at least 150 coldikarimagekBo .feet high and 9 feet wide, and Weighing from•2o to 30 tons, were disenvered. Most of these, images have been 'own down on t heir: faces, the aide of a crater . sliteen, were found standing uPright, guarding, aCitlvere;the- silent volcano. TwO of the smallest of these images were removed 'and 'placed on board , the• ship, sent to the British Museum: , • ; - A Tenon Cies.—ln Arkansas, Elder Knapp; while "baptising", converts at s revival meeting, advanced- with a vi'Ve. sharp-eyed old ,chap into the water; Asked the ; _ usual question; whether there was • , 44. _reason why" the': ordinance of baptism should net helitiniiniatered. ter a pause a tali, poweifuLltn:ldngthavi with'sur eye like-a .blaze, ' who Was, lenti lug on ar long rifle and _quietly: loOkint on, remarked: i tElder;• I don't want to interfere in this fire business any; bat want to' say that'is an old "‘ninner yon have got hold of, and,l knowtliaCone dip wolftdo him any , good. If 'you've.* to get . tge, sin. out Of hint you'll • have to 4 =MPidol mit in deeP4ater over night'''. Robertson, or the Atm of Wood thf Bobeittcm, - ;brokerii 30 Broad, street, B r oWniir,-is reported by, his partner, to. - have' abbconded with $20,000 in 5-20 ,bonds of 1807; three certified cheeks of k 10,009 each and 000 shares. of various inds of s tock , - Veined at 140,000. Wood alters - a reward of $5,000 for arrest aud,the recovery of the securities. ,PITTSBURGH GAZETTE _ WEDNESIJAY, 'MARCH 3, 1869. ' - ' err+ TIMA'IIREB • 6 OFFICE, EITT6BGIIGLI, February lltts, 1669. s -NOTICE IS HEREBY GrIVEN to all OWNERS OF DRA.YiI.:CARTP. CARRIAGES. iIfjGGIES, itc.. (whether n.sident or non resident,) 13. toe City , or Pittsburgh, to pay their Licenses At ttils °Mee I oRTIIWITH, accordance w ab an Act of Assembly approved March 30, 1860, and an ordinance of the Coun cils of the, of Plttsaurgh, passed April 10, 1 8 6 0. • All Licenses not paid on or bet MAY 1869; will be.placed in the hands of a police of ficer for collection, - subject to a collection fee of 50 cents and *ll persons who nediect or refuse to take out Licenses will be subject Sri a penalty double the &Monist of - tbe license, td be l iecovered before the Major. " • The old metal plates of last year must be re• turned enlist. time Lieenies are taken out, or 25 cents additicinal will be cbargedLoneack License. • RATES LICEISSE: .Each one borse s vebicle S 7.50 Each two horse venicle 12 00 Each four horse vehicle 10.00 Each two horse back , ; ,15.11.10 , .Omnibus and Timber. Wheels .diawn by two horses, $18,00: each. One dollar, extra will lie charged for each additional horse 'need in any of the above id:deist: A: 'J. COCHRAN, ' • Oily Dr curer. VONTROLLitu"s Or7lar.. ern* or 'At.LEOHNNY, February AS, 1889. f ggr'NOTICE - TO CARPENTERS. , , • SEALED PEOPOSALS will be received at this once until 3 o'clock r m. on FRIDAY, March ffth, for building _an ENOLNE SOUSE for the tiOOD WILL, FIRE COMPANY. Plans and Specifications can be seen at the °Mee of JAM S 8 M. B ILPH. Esq., Architect, No. 118, Federal street, up stairs. The richt is reserved to reject any and all bide. fe2s:fll R. 9.4aAscis, City Controller. Iar'PROPOSALS= FOR PEAS. TERlNG.—Proposals will be received for PLASTERING THE ALLEGHENY COUNTY WORK HOUSE. • Specifications of work and materials to be:seen at the office of Messrs. Barr Moser, Architects. Blxth street, where propesals will be. left. ad dressed to H.-B. FLEX •NG, W. S. BVISELL, Butidinir Committee, IM:e93 SPECIAL NOTICES: gr.BATCHELOWS Walt DYE, This splendlilHair Dye Is the best in the world: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, mill" ble, instantaneous; no disappointment; no ,•n -(Undoes' tints:. remedies the effects of bad dyes; invigorates and leave* the Hair soft and beautiful. bidet or brows. Bold by all Druggbda and Pert:meta; and properly applied at Batch:). love WlN: Factory. No. la Bond street. New York. • i ankihteS • OrDIAILA' TAGIE A.ND tELIBA. , CT. An Essay for wung men melte grime of Solitude, and the 'DISE.itaI.S and 'ABUSES which create impedimenta to MARRIAGE, with sure means of relief. Beat. is sealed letter ea= velo,pee. free of. charge. • Add. eas;Dr. J. aint,-, Lilt HOUGHTON, Hoirard'Assothaltm. • • • 4. .7al9:dlT, INSURANCE. "THE NATI LIFE INSURINCE GOMPINT, - UNITED STATES OE AMERICA, • WASHINGTO, D. C. - • ChortsreA by Apache& - •Ait of Congpress, . • ' - Approved July S, MS. ••- • . oath Capital • $1,000,000. s- Entiabli 'Ude: LPHILADELPHIA, • - FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, - Where the general c allbusines the. Company is transatted. and to-vrhich the. corres, -pondence shuuld he addressed. 'DIRECTO O S. - • , Jay _Cooke. PhUadx. •• 4.-Rollins. PhUada.: • • Henry D. Cooke, Wash.. John - W., , Euis. W. E. Chandler,Wash. W.G. 31w:head. PhUs. - - .lmo. D. Decrees. Wash:. Geo. F. Tyler. Phila. , Ed.l Dodge. N. York.'" J. "'Leaky Clark, Phila.' H. Q. yiwiciestook.Nir • OFFICERS.' • .. CLASH_ , Philadelphia. President.- ' -HENRY D.' COOKE. Washington,. Vice Piesidtt. JAY,COGKE„Chalinuut'lluance and Executive - Committ ee: EMERSON W. PEET, Phil.. .Seel and Actuary. E. S. TURNER, Washington.Aselt Secretary. FRANCIS tE IDIPTHM. D. Medical Dirges*. J. EWINO.B.SAInt. , Aes'thled. Director.; -.• :MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD. V. •E„..BARNES. u rm..° t 5. A.,3Vashin..; I Pi J. HORWITZ, Chief Medical' Dert U. S.N., I 7 Wit.hington. • D. W. ELM, - M.D.. Washington.... ' . BO M ITO BBA ND ATTORNEYS: WM. N. CILA.NDLER, Washington, D. C. ~ tIDOIME HARDING. Philadelphia, Pa. ' Thla Company, IS &Donal in its character,°firs t . by reason of the 'Largo Capital; Low R ates. o Pretainsti and New Tables. the moat desirable means of insuring life) et presented to the pub. - lie: ' • - • ..9. ng , ~. • The - rates premiumbe ing largely reduc ed.; • are made as favorable to the Insurers as those , of the best Mutual Companies, and avoid all the complications and uncertainties of Notes. Dlr., dads and the misunderstandings which the lat* tef are so apt to cause the Policy-Molders; • neyeral- new end attractive • tables are now prethnted which need' only tote understood to , prove accept able to the public such as INCOME. PRODUC Al POLICY and RETURN •PREMI. DM POL OY. In the fonner, the. policy.holder not only secures life insuranc%payalsle at death: : but will receive, fi living, after &Period of a feel years an annual theousseguat fetes „wer cog, at) J , :er amt.) of Ike par if Als volley. =The lat. ter the Company agreee to return to tneassured the total amount Of money MOO paid to. is ad. dittos to Cite amount of his patio, The attention : of persons contemplating : , Insuring their lives'. or' increasing the amount - of they alp ready bare, Is callepl: to , the Special advant offered. Ay 1 . 1 /e . 1 14PrOull Pre iln ages panes suran' co*. Circulare.*PaMphieteand full Partletdars given , on application to y the Branch' thlice of the Com pany in Phila, or its General -Agents e v e r t : MPLOCAL: ASS E N TS. ARE WANTED in City and .Towur and applications from comm.. - Sect parties 'for each' agencies with suitable en. liorsement. should be addreasTp4o,-Tldlt COM. 13 PANY , O.ENFRAL.ADEN ONLY, in their respective districts.:. - _ . .. gitsisuLt. 'AfiEtrret' .. . 'LW. 01,ABK A MA.. .Philadelphia, ' - For Pennsrrlvania salt SOUtherti New Jena,. • 4_4 0 .7 CIMI7 a (10.0faahington,51. C. For Marylant elawa Virginia, District of ColuMbiganaWest - • . , - • : _ • , .: - :[ ;:,IRA B. TAT.* Co:. Virginia, Agents far' Allegb - eny Bear r. Butler, -Mercer and Waslitegtor. coun ties... - - For further- particillarlkit. • fele B. E. RUB SUL. glanagerahliadelpis c. ; au2Dirfritg MECHARAOAL li • GINELER. ~.-............;.---..; , .4"-... ...... - . pEncEvii BE i'' NECISANIOAIV COMER, Kr • 4,414,19a1101t0_r 1 - arsine. 1 , tta,to or P. P. W. a - 0111**No. 119 VEDII3.III/' ,805na.212.4 11 1 41 , Stains. ,P..(1. Box 40,, 44.1,LiMatigi Pr . .kACHIN? LBW all desetiptiOnresiona a BLAST_ p II um iin d , Boy 'N G DRAW MOS the& Poitfen or attention rid to desiring: i3OLLIEST WOOMOTIVZB. , I tiV i trA l VlVr44,l29l,l)l4 l =7 l .4 Alwilta wi . ; ,- Ammar; ' ARORITE TS. BDAB S& MOSE% &114j11144;a&I'S. "BUM HOUSE . ASSOCIATION nvummes, Bios. Band 4 Bt. Clair 'Street. Pittsbnrik, Special attention givin to the designing and building of COURT HOUSES and PUELI BUILDINGS. ' EMI OF THE RILL Tlitto Star Green Brand, equal to FRENCH -FAMILY FI i OUR: Ms Moor wtW.wntr 0 . 13 soot Ant w ex?! Olson! adored. 'MAUL 1111ELIV MIME 1111,ANIN = • • . „ . r .Ir,quot to but eit4otia. ,1441/i;jIUXIs SAD , •• - Xmial to Owlojltow , • WHITE 0011 N Flao, AND 08ti igz.AL. • T. Z &B 0, 1 Auitons:l3ept. 9.18p8. , Psalm Mira. LITHOGRAP mmti*-WiEC„: Br.H. B 811131160114130. BOOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS FOI THE MITZIOP. AT SMI"O4SOR'S EMPORIUM, 651 AND 57 FIFTH AVENUE • • Messis. H. B. SMITHSON & CO.. proprietors of the well know Mammoth Auction H3use are creatingnn •exel ement consegnem. upon the ar rival or new go. s which, are being sok! at re markably 10.4 prl.t . 4330.1 s cifevery variety: the finest sewed b t.t, the most lashlonable bal moral gaiters. a d anklet shoes. .11ppet's. blankets, tisane s, -cloths.' cas.shneres. catlery and carpets. 11 and examine. .No trouble to show goods. *dies% misses' arid children's fuss at almost y. or own prices. All goods war.; ranted as renrese • ted. • noitt LBOillark TWELVE BRICK H USES AT AUCTION, WH • LESALE. larch-3, at 2 O'Clock, Wednesday, . , . Will be sold conl the irebilses. that property known as Ward's Row, corislattng of SIX HOUSE* of four rooms, each, on Ward's alley, JIVE. LIQUSES or Ave rooms esah on Allegheny avenue, and ONE uorstor six rooms and bath on Ohio avenue, r ear to the Round Rouse, at the Outer Depot, Allegheny City. Tinge houses are two story bricks ith cellars and fleisbed attics. :, Gas and water In be Allegheny avenue Row and the Ohio avenue ouse.. This Is first rate renting property. No , trouble in renting and collecting has ever been xperienced. Wile be sold In either one or two reels. The attention of real estate l operatwa Is specially directed to this sale. Terms—On .third cash; balance in two- Years. . . A.CILIATE, Auctioneer. Met • I !LEGAL. .O order ,COMIT SALE.—By •Nororder of the lOrphans , Court, at No. 4in l l' Partition, June' ens, kese, there will be ex. posed to sale, on he Premises, • _ "• On Frid yi March 19,4869; . , . All that certain tract of land it Wilkins town shin, lying on: t e Pittsburgh and _Greensburg Turnpike, one le east of Wilkinsburg Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, bounded by lands Of James Grahal , s heirs, Jaines.Relly, George Johnston and oera.• containing 53 acres, hay ing erected thereon a frame house and barn. The whole of said tract le improved and in the highest state ot cultivation, and all: bat three acres underlaid with an excellent yells of coal.: Title Indisputable. TerMs aside known on the day of sale, Sale to commence at 10. t. M. D. W. ELDER, Eeq., Trustee, Corner of Grant street an• tI avenue fer:M" ESTERN Disriier OF f PENNSYLVANIA, u. At Pittsburgh, Allegheny comity, Pernsylrania, the Sth day of February. A. D. IBS% To whom it /my concern The undeWnedherebfjrPres notice of hie ap pointment as Astrnee Of SAMUEL BAILEY' and WILL iA.X fi r McCANDLESS, pertness as Bailey A- '3fcCandlesty late of the con3ty of Beaver and State Of Pennsylvania,who have been adjudged Bankrupts upon their own petition in the District Court of said District.. - WENDIAN A. LEWIS, • Assignee felo:e2s.Nr I7THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, for the Western District of Pennsylvania. JAMES E. JAMIE, a 'Bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March2d„ 1867, having ap plied for a discharge from all his -debts. and other claims-provable ender said Act,by order of the notice fs herebrgiven , to all creditors who have proved their debts, acid other persons interested, to appear on - the ISt liar of - March, ruary.lsoo, at 10 o'clock A. se.. before SAM. DEL lIARPEO, Esq., Register to 13ankruptcy, at, las once, No. 113 Diamond burg,street,Pitus- Pa., to show cense, irony they have why a scharge Should nut .be:granted to Die said bankrupt. feletelt , S. C. McCAISIDLESS. Clerk. ESTEIFIN DISTRICT OF' FENTifITLYARIA. es: ' At Pitts h usgh, the 16th day of February, A. D. ise9, The undersigned nerebygives notice of his ap pointment as atsignee of ISAAC BROOME, of the CitY Pad County of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania., within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt nppn his own petition by the District Court of said District, . JOHN H.. BAILEY. Assignee. feli:e7e , if UT Orant WESTERN - DISTRICT OF PENNiYLVANJA. sas At Pittsburgh. the Had day of February. A. D.. 11969. The undersigned :riereby_gires notice of his appointment as Assignee or au -. B. HUPP. et Wilkinis Township. , in. the . 'County ofAl legheny, 'Hate of Pennsylvania. within said met„. who has ; been adjudged *Bankrupt, upon ,his. own .petition 4 by_ the District. Court of said District.' • JOHN-li. BAny,ir: . Assignee. 2e24;111-se Attorney at Law. SO Grant, street, neADMINISTIATHIX'S NOTICE. • —Waitress. let ra of adminieratiow hay een granted to the undersigned, on the ee • tate of JAMES WI UN: _ late of Allegheny city, Pa., all versons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make Immediate payment. and those having t laims to preterit thee, I, properly minim- Mated fee settlement, to . I . ELIZ WILSON,` _ja:7:dSl.l7. 42130 Beaver et.. Allegheny 24DRIINISTRATORIS NOTICIC *—Letters of admirdstration on the estate o AMES GEAONY, late 'of Wilkonsbnta. county of . Allegheny; dere' sed, ihave been grant ed to the subscriber, all persons indebted to salt estate ate regneatedtolnake immediate payment, and *tote having clarets or demands against the estate of the said 'decedentwllt preaent them to , H WAD. No. MI Palo ,Alto stree t, A ll ,9w4.Drirro N ORDINANCE ITlthitifislniy ftasw. . t Wails 'it Co. to tweet lan'ltronewled 013Ofek ifewdai a' inPuteurl4, seZ a a n d C l a n g g4lCorn etts assimetwi, and it is tosfoy ordefirtedColl enacted by the au#sortty of tn. *emits Taal , Emmet I Wells & Co, be and they ere hereby authorised 'to mutt an iron clad building on lie.eenteenth street; betereeliTikentld Duthie street", seventy by one bun Arad and fifty feet. to . be n...ed as a k ohleg_11111l; • • ;Sim. S. That any ordinance impart of ordinance conflicting with tint/usage of this Ordinance at the present time; be and the slime is hereby ree , nested so far as the same affects this ordinanc e . 7'.Ordained :and enacted into & law in Cou ncils, this Rad day of February. A. D. IN9. JAMES hicADLET . President of Select COusell. Attest: E. S. liOnnow, • • • • Clerk of Select Connell. W. A. TODLINSOY, • • President of Common Council. . . Attest: H. fehLterritt. • • C i l l er& of CominotiChnnell. PLOUR: PI.AIV-;•:;';Illi:' .- •,i:FAIIIII..:-Ft011ti swim! INOEittir &Cutts' F.., 4z0.,117., pe#ueitaaa . a • ratcwircat ramrod The only Attain *Litheitphle Vest of ;he inounhane. eine :iritt l itsee, lsl P4W. l l,l s ei r s e l lie pnote, - Iniritat esoi. Third ineset,'Pateintroth: • • '; • ENTERPHISIE INSURANCE COMPANY' OF PITTSBIIIIGH, Office, . No. 424 FMN/V. (IN NATIONAL TRUST co. BIIILDING.) Robb. Dickson, G. Medi% • E. H. 'Myers L. J. Ela.nchlrd, BORT BORT: ft:9: J. 4 pENNSYLVANIAL - • ...INSURANCE "COLIPANY OF PITTTSBURGH . OFFICE. Nod 167,4 WOOD STRMET, BA.NR OS COMMERCE BOMA:ORG. This is i • Scrim Oonipany, ind insures against lass by Fire exclusively. •i- ' LEONARD WALTER, 'President. . C. 0. 'BOYLE, Vice President. ROBERT PATRI lc , Treasurer. HUGH McELHE , Secretary. • ' 0 T0118: Leonard Walter,Oeor/Wilson, , • 0. 0. Boyle, Cleo. W . Evans, Robert Patrick, appe, Jacob Painter, • - Cr Pleiner, • Josiah Ring, John Voegtley, Jas. H. Hopkins, • A. Allmon. Henry Sproul, AGAINST FRANKLIN INSURAN omcz. 4t3ii a 4.37 Chutes .V. Esnek D e Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant,. issob E. crm De Richards gpt. eill s : EDW. C. DALE, • W. O. MERLE • J. North West corner inialkwlb B' INSURAN OF orniqz PEAi - st,nr SAVINGS BASK No.f 41 Ohio St.. Alleghen. A 'HOME COMPANY, =Wed toY Directon wl• known to the community, who trust by ibir deaths; to morn &attars ntyonr patronage. ; i nzarair - "Awns_ _. 1 .....:...;.:....`..rea1dinat. OKU. D. RADDI.JE .............Sacratary. • -. DIRECTORS: I Henry _lrwin, D. L. Patterson Geo. B. Biddle , Jacob Frans, • Simon Drum. J. B. Smith, W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Whlston, Jos. Lautnar, H. J. Etaltsmd,. spite= THIPEIIL4.I. .. . FIRE INSIORANk • - . - om , x.C•DrriCr.,. ~: I ESTABLISHED 1803. C ASH CAPITAL PAID DP AND INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED. , Etra 18,000,000 IN rLD. Insurance against Fire affects on Houses and Buildings,' oda,' • Wares an - Merchandise ; Steamboats, Ea.. Pallet 2 issue. payable In gold or curreacy,_B, United fita • - Branch - Ornw,• 40 PINZ STREET, New York. . . All losses of the United States Branch will be adjusted. In. New York.. .. J. Y. Met.A.1743- = , , Agent, PITIIIBITEGII, ' • ' ' . I Villa. , F e 7 oIIRTEL s :•1 : HR. MOLAUGHLI N.. 1 also Ag •1 ' hattan Life Insurance Comeau!. V•- i T. : -i- rEIINTINHVItAI ' (- ANY OF PITTSBURG : . ANDER kinflCK. ' - dent. WM. - P. HERBERT. Beare • . • CAPT. OEOROE NEELD, II neral Dace. 9A Water street. 3 . .1 00.'s Ware. house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will In ore against en • - kinds • Fire and Ma. rim Risks. A home Institution, raged by Dl motors who are sell - known to e community, who au determined by promptness and Übe:- *MT to -maintain the character which they have PE assumed., as offering the best p ction to t hose who desire to be Insured. • - - - • - • einr.nTOlM: • ' Alexander Nimick. Jelin • McCune. B. Miller, Jr., : Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, • Willi B.Hvan • ' Alexander ;Spear,. dose air 1 Andrew Adrieu,' . Ph Beynser . Durk/ IC Long, : ' • orrison:- - D. Itunsen . Wm. , n 027 _____ . ATIONAL INSURANCE CO., N or THE orn OP AiLEGIEE3T. . . . . „ .. 1 Office, No. 89 FEDERAL EMMET, entrance ron ;Stockton Avenue. FIR rArSITRAINVE 0271. Y. w..W.4.A8T1N Prealdent 1 ' JAB. X. ElTEVaNtlON.'l3eeretary: • , ••• i A. H. Bri_gilitt tH.P. Mimi .7 .Thomplos 'Rat Lt . Erril . : r ' " A, Lea, • - Joe . Myers, 'Jrzo. , warm Jr. Beo. acres,Jacoo Kopp. o¢l7:nr4 - FOPLEIP INMURANCE C. 04 MICK; N.E. comma wooD a IMPTH—.;SII;B. Hoaie Ceanpany,taitnenre and ]urine Bich lotaaCrOlta: Malllps, Capt. John L.lthoitga, • b Watt,' Samuel P. Shrive{., .Iblutl.. Parks, Charles Arbuckle. ti! Capt. James Miller, Jared M. Brush.. Wm. Van Kirk. .Wm y. Lang, • • James D. Varner ipi Samuel MeOrleltart V3l. PHILL ?resident. JOHN. WATT Ice President. • W. OARD*EII t Secret's] r. CAPT. JAS..GOS - - ON, General Agent. • , 04LLEG PIE NY . INSITHANCg COMPANY VP PITTSBURGH. . ACR,No, ,3yIMITHSTRERT,Garra BLOW. Ininres against all kisids - of lire and Marino OHN lEWIN, JR; Preatieni. • • •JOHN D. McOORD: Vice President. , 0. O. DONNHLL, seore—tary. OA.PLIVIL DEAN, Gemmel APO. DULICITORS: John •• •Cryt..Wm.Mean. • John,D6 McCord, , B. L. Fahnestock O:•6. Hassey. • 'W. lUlCrerson. Harvey Robert ,H. Darla,,, Ti J. Hoskins" Prime's Sam. ' ohmic. Hays, Cant. J. T. 'Rockdale. strPl7,lEll FOR WATER :WORKS. -iiSSti': :: .'S ;i~-. • ‘, - Ocorntouxsve o iss, j' , ppi70r,414 , Guy.7,, February 2 . 41, xrP. SE.A.LE O PROPOSALS will be rerclred MIA rolicalrnttl 4 o'clock on_ irONDAY, March StD, 4889, Tor ilirallidrig the. . = Allegheny 'Wtiter Works: durlng theioureent year with the foliortntsup. wvelt:= , • • ••• • , ; • - • . . WATER, YIPS , BItANCXUEB and BLIBVII3, of the followks diameters, vie,: 4,0, 8, 10 'lllOOl5 Inchw: - . 1 ' ' mhl s lis s Ekirr l, Jens vat IPl'Bll PLUG. ANlisToraCtiCk BOXES AND TIJIBULZB. 4. •' .. •, '; ' ' Also.74lll.theliNiA,L required ' during re the_year. .Bids ste,quested. lor buil' NUT- COAL end 8LA011: ''' '' ''‘`' ' . ' ;' ' • _AM of the atevesupplles superintend red at such times places as the 'ent of the W elds Ist i te 'lpt are solicited'payable both .In 6 per tent. 20 year clty_Bonds, and payable In cub every three months. • - . • onswiland- Blom for bidderi can be 1044 - mitt t o and at the office of the Supers In a d a r te r AlL. Jn.; Esq. The cello reject any and all bids:- , #1 r, • • . . B.IBANCIA rt 2.4111 ' • Olflt IDONTROLLBS.. ;17110N , ENTERPELINE FOUNDRY, - JOHNSON. 4711L1P CL3lO5* - Successors, APUEIta. Xitablistireent s Cards Letter /11, 'Show . Card* , tttleates of Sland 711 Manufacturer oL HOOHINO BTOVHS, Arches, igh 'Orates, Fenders ,- Bash . Wets. and all kinds of Hollow ware, Car Wheels and all kinds of Machinery Castings. HoILWATSION a SHIN- Ull3B BTIL, rrrrquitoli,. PA. 11°313:Y27WA8 INSURANCE. DIRECTORS:, llobt. Liddell, C. Van J. aturwiseh, I J. Weisser,; I H. MYERS, Tr* DICKSON, V J. GRIER. 're : L SIETE. Secre W.'J. Friday, F. Kirsch, Chris. Siebert I'. tithlldecker 'eldest. We President. *loser. ta'. OSS BY PIRA, E CO, OF PHILADELPHIA, ILINTNLIT wr.,near sTa. =II ' Mordecai H. Louli David B. Brown, iseac at ?t E4w . Dale, I George pales. 1;313, president. ea President. invFlX.° ten 1111 rd and Wood Gag, Streeic F COMPANY, AC •, BUILDINGSi W ottlb aiae t Co A oper G FL Jacob Bally Joseph Criag Jere. Hobert 1 ;E CO. t for the _Mark, "CE CORP; £M[3BEM ' , , rify • NE!V OPERA HOUSE. Lessee... ilansger •'• ...WN. 070 ... . . . W. CANTING* Third night and brlllant sue.fess of the favor* Ite pet of the LOTTA, t - WEDNESDAY EVENING. March 3d. will be presented tue celebrated drama of the • FEMALE DETECTIVE; Lotta In Six Characters, olth Banjo Solo, Songs and Dances. To conclude with the glorioras farce of AN ‘,I3•TEC OF /STEIL Fanny. with Dant o Solo Louis - Matinee oc Faturday. 'PITTS.3I3IFIGH. THEATRE. • . - - H. W. WILLIAMS.....,...,Lessee DR. J. L. THAYER - ' Man2ger. FRANK. J. tiOWA..o...,..Equestrtan Director. _ . 1 • LAST WEEK OE -•- • - DR. JAMES: 4 . TH4YER'S :GREATr CIRCUS. Great Bit of the HOU KLUX ALAN. received with immense lipp!ause, introduclog,loo MEN and HOREEd. First a Opearance of WM. MORGA.N . , the great Hurdle. Rider; VileMA itlE, Premiere Eques trienne,. G: -31.• KELLY. Chamtdon Leaner: CHAS. FISH. Chanivion Rider; tboMADIHAN 1 1311094 15IIRROWS - and - ssURDEAU;Ibe great Gymnasts, and JAMES REYNOLDS, funniest of .clowns. alrand Blatinqa to.tuorruw afternoon at c9 , 4' wk. • ' • • BMYTHE'B._ AMERICAN TREATRE. (Late Trimble's Varieties,' .Theyerdle"qf the people, ' , Tht7 are Immense," referring to the.. wundertut - vicruRELLI :BROTHER..: the Kluge of the Air. rhampion Gymnasts of the World. WEDNESDAY EVEN -6.+. Mara 3d. another reusing. programme, Introducing hir...engan's Corps of Comedians. The 'Ballet: Troupe... , he ..Amerlean. ~ .Coratque. GUS. WILLIAMS, In ,hiti new_ budget. and the Dramatic , Comps tIY in Is Milting mei° drama. . Itgrall!ifElLl.73 11111719E111N AND -PARLOR MENAGERIE, . The Great .Pa,mll7 Resort.. I FIFTH AVENUE. between l em'tie:laid and Wood streets, opposite Old Theatre. Open Day and Evening, all the year round. Admission. ;Vicente: Children.i 16 cents. ECONONLBETTER....OO, ask the attention Or all Interested In the reduc tion of the extravagant emit of Butter,' to their practleal and co:mealiest - ay - stem of making pure retie Butter by the aisl ef the Eurner OF BUTrEt:PLAN'F. A' brief . athision to the-arigin of this imrortant disccoverY*Sy : not prove uninteresting. Among' the inthintfcated records of the renefted Cap fain.: Cooltlii voyage around the world& is found the statement, that while, Soionthing fora short . isle en the trssMan Coast of &tab America, he - -obsilefedittntultiveis Hung; MUM preparation of thtele food, a necullanoll, which.,lnponexaminn tion. he found to posseis the ippesWillic, :- taste and flaverof Butter; non further inetilry, how ever,-he-ascertained that It was simply a sub. stance that the, natives. in a crude and imperfect manner, from S' rich and luxuriant. Plant thitgrivi`spontaneonsly and abundantly in that , warns , itrepical country.. A fowl ea rs ago, anemia chemist, While one more"- atonal videintire tioples; ends numerous exper iments Witli;thit'rerierkible :preduction of na , ture., and sticeeeded In extracting a concentrated essenWe_ tthe„prini,. formulaTer its preps. ration.;' , lnetios- tiole Right for .its isle in this country arethedeXclasive _property : of ithis Com pany, by whorls Mesas purchased from the origi nal discoverer.: We claim for this remarkable,. yet simple and perfectlyharnaleu preparation— lts.—Th at by its use a net gain of from 50 to 200 per cent. Is made in the manufacture‘of Butter. Ad.—That Butter, which from age or whatever cause, -may strong, rancid, streaked or coarse-grab:Led, and comparati'vely useless for general use, by the aid of this txtraet, is re stored tolts ftenhaess:and sweetness, fine-grain. and even color. 3d. By the use of this Extract, one ,pound of delkious, fresh" Butter Is acthallyMide front one pint of milk. 4th.-That a pure and excellent l lable Butter can be m ade, at a cost of from 13 to 20 - c nts per poimd. The chief expense wherein being But- ..ter, which is the essential bass. ' Rth.—That Butter manufactured by the aid of this Estrict is contains every respect to the best Butter made by the ordinary method. Cith.—The Ex:tract after thorough analysis, by able chemists, Is pronounced perfectly free front i any d leteriotui Substance, the ingredients be - int p rely of a vegetable nature. • . Bth.—l proof of ;he foregoing_ assertions, the factory of this company is maxini one ton of • Butter per daY,'l'vhieh Meets with'' ready sale in the New York Dirrket. - and is consumed from . the tables of. the Ants lioteis, Restaurants and prisite f‘rUnies in this city and ellewhere. saraple'package of the .Extract (sufficient to make 50 lbs. of Butter) with. fall directions for use. vili).,ptsmit:ti,any gdress__Oii receipt of 51. CAUTION.—As articles of resit,. merit are sub. *mild specially talltiotethapubllotralageganterfsdt* audworth. .less Imitations, advertiaed as powders. cora-. isobacus, as2the . extract of the Sutter Pleat preparcd and sold only ; by , • ' the Eieniniiinutter Co. 'orrteic.listreteiseteerr.n Xacroar, 2138S0suzewicis bT.. New state,'Countv My-Bights for sale, . I :feriae to•callii-Ulists Care • opportunities forestabliablag ' a staple male ess,' paying mummer profits. '• -AgenteMantedAiveryschere. M. CAD.Sari Pyre T04141* 'Coloring, $1 & to givels rich gblden yellow to t .WOVl l l.4.'nf c ..Me Britten. 50 cents" Per sample • Dsoltsgs. sent toany address. No Farmer should ibelntbOttt it; as. white and, strelay Bolter is worth from six to ten cents a pound less in MI +, 'inarkohl than thitnt s rich fellow. feB:el6 OE, SALE:. AciW at Woods Entr: 4 Acres-anti House .1U .146 ft ' 9 Acres, unimproved. on Troy HUI. • 11 .. 11 .areaon °rewash Pike., 5 Acres on Your 'Ban Boa miles from P.- C. R. R. • - L l' , - 10 Acres near P. 7. R.E. ,118,Aeres near Pa., Westmfireiand eons' Areir Mc . 90 ___ Stile Paat. R. 4 Farms in Preston county, West 'Virginia. 180 Acreein ArinstrongconntY • underlaid with coal. 108 Acreirand good impnrranients, in Trumbull SountyLOhlo.• • 900 - Acres , * otillmter laud, with Saw Mil and dwells , " Molise - and' Lo on n Center Avenue, near Kirk* =trick. - *** 'HaaseasdLOtoh Piero, street: House runi,Lot in East Liberty. • Renee pad Lotin Merrifield. - * Noun. and Lot on Carroll street, Allegheny. Rouse and Lot on Beaver avenue. ; SC/louses and G. Lots, Nery,sheap, on Vino street, *. • • • - **„fl Lots, very cheap, on, ine street. a a a n ssee s o 9 R L o o o t m n s a F nd r XL n knßb erts St. Fermi In liiinls, Missouri and es,lfirginia. - Coal Lands in Allegheny, WestuuntLand, , 'Po et% and Beaver counties in Parma: •-• • • e. do., of -do. do. .I..Xtb Mt. dO. 316 X' do. -of lo "do. - do. utn - do. do. 380 do. ;of dOw do., Ao, 3OO. 1 do. one do." 40.' Ad do. do. 800 1• . Ark. of 3 do, ,; Ao. eith. do. do. 1921 do. of 11 do. „ do. F Oth do. 40. $l4O d0.!.0 - - do. lith • do. do. - 108 1 do. o f , y " do. do. do. 1 t: do. Grant itree,l4•l The Houses that 'Dave for rent will be rented' 'vertl i ow to good tenants for• the bales% of the • . • PPL year, D. P, Hatch's Real -.Estate.,-0111oe. NoLS Gant st.;ritteburgh. LANCE;' air iR AND 'SCOURO. rto. * Awr. CLAM srrnEcirri And nos.. 851 ind 187 'Third Strati' I'ITTSBUBOH, PA., El Lotto, i, '^lho