6. grE a " • :a: z. DUQUESNE. WORKS . COLEMAN, ROM & CO,, Manufacturers of IRON, NA ILS, STEAL, AXLES AND SPRINCBi , Duquesne Iron, Sheet "and Tank Iron, Juniata Iron. Wagon Box Iron. Charcoal Gusyler Iron, Iron, Flanged Cutter Bars, d Iron, Drag and Dropper Bars„ T Rail for Coal /loads, 'Mn. Wedges, Flat Bail for Coal - Roads, Boiler Irork, Crow Bars, Chain Links. Boiler Heads. Rteel and Iron Harrow Teeth. Carriage, Wagon, Gem and Coach eprings, and Axles. all styles: slab Steel for Plows, Cultiva tor Steel, Steel Wings and llonlda cut to pattern. S.,ring eterl all Aced. A. B. Steel and Steel Tire, Steel-Crow Bars,. Steel Shafthig, ALL GOODS FIRST CLAN; AND WARRAN TED. . Ceees and Works 16th street end Alle gheny river and, IT WATER STREET, Pitts an. ja4:c22 GODEfFROY.....pANOMI .4. -CO; 42 Exchsuige Place, iew,Tork, . . ... _ Are prepared, as Sole Agents - in the lJnlted States for the Prussian Mining and 'lron cora- Daily of Duisburg, Westphalia, to contract or sell In..quantltesto suttburchasers,rdelivered In e ither New teri Or Rblindelbilla,) the celebrated v. a. .. PIEGELEISEN . . . Treed so extensively for the iOritflicturing of 13EMINUZIP eL : This Iron is free horn Salver and Phosphor:is, and coittidnis a heavy netcent age'43langanese. Full particulars, samples, prices or c.bemical analysisisill be promptly foniarded on applies , ation; jaSenire Sinarnjq.D STEEL WORKS. ` SINGER, ltriNEl.OK. d; CO., iTrraruggiu• PA•4 - Varynctirere of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, -BAror t ,,, 131•21 NOS, • IfILLI...:4 4 .IOSEtPIATITIEN Tri M G . Warehouse, SS Water and 100 First Sta. j{ LEE B.4.1(11 84 PARSEC PIaLTMCBB - . WU. lifF.TailLle,. REUBEN XVILLia. 8E J. W. BAER, I CHAS. PAREELIT. Emu:lAL PllBll/31t - rB. If. KIEL CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, BLEB, BABB ,8z Office, No. 339 Liberty . St, PITTSBURGH, PA. fei4:da , • " Bc* AMOblp STEEL WORSE. PARK, 1 BROTlEgirit CO. ' ... At.,.... 4 ..ture,0f....46...iiii10n. of ....- - 116PraMEIX-16 • - - 01 See and Warehouse, _l5l STR EE TS.COND and 1.19 and LSI FIRST • iPITTRBDEGH. IRON WORKS. JAE. esit W. P. roam. rrrsutrusin FORGE AND IRON CO., lI.A.NIIIPACTI3IIIXB OP , Mar Dow p . • Sidlread Flail Bass and Bolts; /Railroad Car Aides _Soiled; Railroad tar Axles Hammered; Imeoznativa Frames; Sedbinotive Frame Shapes; 1111delinde: Yokes, Straps; Piston Steads; Ilielanbead Snarls; Steamboat Piston Roth, Pitman Jaws, Collards ae. Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, P1TT581784343. rs MERINSEN PROCESS. The Trustees are now umpired to grant limn wes for the use of the ELLERBHAUSEN PRO - The superior quality imparted to good SZOni the grem imprtrrement in inferior iron.. and the - reduced cost,caromend it to all , mantrhicturers of • Partieemiatic to use It can obtain licenses by Applying to JAMES P. SPEER, 'OfTICE, 860 PEN'S STRkET. 'Parties. hitereetin are invited to visit the 8130ENBERAZIER WORKS. where the pr one's la Dow In anceelstul operation. Seti:di.l VEILMI,PRIESTON ac CO., Pennsiivania Iron Works. . . Nvarebonse. , Nos. 166 0a167 FIRST ojiposite I;onongs.mis le. stekt:d6 PITTSBURGH. NOVELTY womm. FITTSPUBOI I NOVIAOY WORKS. : • F o6ll 4 ed P.- 1 5 33 . ADAMS, WKLE . dire CO. or i t tnaAinBANK. it PAT . - - 'SST)" I'LArtOlti Li ir COUNTLa : • SCALES. Jam Piced Patent Door Locks and Latchellt Paint and Cofto *Mo t &c, ooluira or 'list icitiiinitiOßatir ark • pastibumow: pewee,. I# 3 r_vi FITTMG. JOHN JOHN Re COOPER & co.; • - _ BIWN POtINDMU, OAS -AND NUM FITTERS, atan y uflannrs otrlin&Pg AND BLOB Wp_BK, of estarr . Vat i e2Msi GALS IFIXTU Cer. of Pike and ,Walnut Sfreebi, PITTSBUAGEr. .. . . - -.-..--. • ---:-..-: ': .1, ,_- - .., -, • .-- -- -, - -- VO,l O- .•,..i: 1%. ~ _ • ~.‘...'- - ...' ,.... • ,. 1- ''. ' ' .., . . . . r5it,, , .:,., - 1 , :4, '''lV..'.?:7,. -... . • ''''' . . .. :. . ~ . ..'4,?(e.... Ti . f,:k, : j...., ,i..,,ti - 5;,t,,,.1.-' ~ --: '; 't '- . . ;- M . . , ; - ' - ..! - - . --.. - e: ~.:,::. 4,...; 1,iiamm:ia,,,,i1,.;.....1„...;,a:,,....;,,,,L,,__,,,,..,---ii.)z,L2,,,,..,_:•.;..Lz •-•,,,..,;•,z,•:,,;.1.,.,,,,,,,,,Lzz.1,,.w-4-iz5,,,;,,-A•zl.l-1.44.r.01:1Z:;.:L:-.,;::::;;f...-zs.,,-,.nz.,...-izol,,-.s::"7,1',1.`,..'4;;;--.i.:i-5.,,•`-.;-..,- i .1 .4.:0.k.i.v....,;,...,i F - N r i - 7 7-T w a. KNAP PORT PITT FOUNDRY COYPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. larEngines, Rolling Mill Ma. chinery, Nail ' Machines, Re torts, and . Castings generally. - 1 • • Vorner Carroll and Bn:kiWbiwi Streets, IIitILL'IAM SMITH, OAST IRON BOWL PIPE lily Pipes afe all east invariablyin Pita, in dil sand, and lit feet lengtlui. Also, till assortment of 'general I woad also call the attention of Superlateird .ate of Gas Works to my make of BIITOBIII. ATULS WORKS, MORTON STREET: Ninth Ward, TIEWILIS N. NUUMII. IThident These Works are amosta the Inmst and most complete establndiments in the West. and are now prepared to t a rnish ROBINSON, REA be CO., sneceasors to BOBITSON, MVO A Ytitillit, WASHINGTON WORKS, . FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, ltannfactrirers of Boit and Stattonar7 ate= En etßtast AV3ll Machinery, sinCa lieeai:= and Stills. Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, NNo. 151, corner First and Smithfield Streets. • Agents for m7ll ••5 PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Boilers. - MONT BLANC FOIINDRY. Butler Streo, Ninth Ward, (Opposite 'Naos Iron /CNA • prrresußaff. Biding MU and Bridge Castings, .THIMBLE SKEDIS AND PIPE BOXES, KA.CHINBUY ArG) CASTINGS 6INNERALLT. Orders promptly and earefally executed. (Surges reasonable. EIBBEBT& MAMMA ced3:l22 Attorney for the Trustees PITTSBURGH. GAZETTF, WEDN AND PIPE WORKS. (Nurrit wimp.) up PAA, lifaxtufsettwor of YOB 9&S ALI4D IiTATEB , WORKS. for Gm and Water Works. prr•rmm:mA:a:lL Engines, of every doserfPUen. Boilers, OH Tank*. Skeet Iron Work. Railroad Coi,stipirs. Zoning UM Castings. Itagine Castinlo6 Machhip Castings. General Castings. ORDERSI3OLICTITED ao9:ne rrsomAs CbBLIN & c 0. ,, Fourth Ward Foundry and Watkins Works, BANDIMEY ST.. ALLEGHENY CITY. PA., Manufacturers of Steam Zngines, 011 Prelims, rulings, altaftingt Grist. and Saw Mill Work, 110 ling 11111 and Machine Outings, Orate Bars, eights,Wagan Boxes, • de. Bund to order and have on haudltnitines of all sizes. arglltos CENTRAL \ F!WiIIORIF AND. ROLL WORKS SSO Penn Streei. 'BOLLIAN, IBOYD & BAGALKL xous, anu putatio, Hull Lathes, ac. zumER. IaITBIBERI L - 113111.E1l II 41.111CAPIDDle PATTEIISON . .. . .. , Dealer in all.lllnds of Lumber. _ ON RAID Alitr• YON SALE : 1 000,_000 re t Dry PONS Boards: 160.000 feet 1X and a inch Clear Plank: 30,000 feet 'Dry IX Melt Common Plank; - 80,000 feetirry 1 and as laetrOak: 25,000 feet Pry gly AM and flinch Ash. 0,000 ft. Drysi,laX,3ln:Cheny 8 Maple, 20,000 ft. .0y 1. lh, X and 3 inch Poplar:. 10.000 feet ry Poplar Scantling; , 1, .e , - -. - - Ilk Aotata !ind Bowling: 911 2 6 . 605 teitHeincoefJoists _ 108,000 No.l 18.tncb Shingles, sawed; 550,000 No. 110.1neh Shingles, tweed; 40,000 No. 1 164neh Dignities, wave s; *4.000 Fire • • 3.000 100 Tons nre Clay: . TAsitel--No. 80 PREBLZ STESET. !hymen,' Manchester, and 1071t8BROCIA STRICITIGM' site the OssWorlui. Allegheny Ow. • nota IRON BROKERS IRON 13RbigER First Street, Pittsburgh Pa. , , • agent: for the sale of Cernwall, Donahaziore, 'josephlne, Isabella,Duncannon,gtanhope; Glen don.and other brands otAnthraelte, Youghio gheny Coke and Cl. B. Charcoal. PIG IRONS. nmisignutents &realest resoeuttoThr sanctums COPPER. r AKE strimpluoi "torns DILL AND amnia Irma Prr7I3I3ICrUGU. . PARK, MoCIIRDY & CO. I L /Aficaufactarer• of Sheathing, Brut eravan t kolt '-nflioper...PfellieS.Capper Bottoma,ltamed g : w i no waist sliglaerk Also,lmpeeiers an al.: era .4 Ile In Late, Sheet Iron. W lee: coo Ito:Mg ILA:kers , Machines af.d U. Warehouse,No; ife FIRST STASAIT ,itille . 01.00NDSTREET,_Pittaburgh: 4neetiit inten fit VOW' Cut WNW desirilliat• 10.7. . • - AM14'034: 11127 ..K1101 i 11 1 101;4....:t.i . ;:.c0 .. ,., - Con Point Alley and Duquesne St., (Nzen tß.POiar,) Engine Ett4/4erB, Founders and Machinists. - -- , Mrinnitetnre STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES ,, of all sizes. 1 flieial attention invted to our new STATION ARY. OIL WELL BRUINS AND PORTABLE. BOILER of 15-horampower. ' O Tillie of every kind made todrder atonr ' ndry. o BIRD STREET, below Market. ', • . P 43 OS for 011 Walla, SHAFTENG, PULLEYS,' l iS Et ry 0 Nr. i! B R C O4S p lt s an sum. dTOß o A n C ban OOrgiat made WS au r a INDUSTRIAL WORKS, 1 ' routing 3 u the Allerheny River, near the Point, i PITTSBURGH, PA. 1 1 /fr All rders • romptly . filled. TRY US. OUT PITT - , BOILER, STILL MI TANS WORKS. mom•goia CARROLL & SNYDER, IddlitrrActinexas 010 TUBULAR. DOVIBLVArLI46 TUBULAR. PIEJL*BOX ANIVOYLINDER STEAM BOIL.. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANN% CH YS. BERNARD:NG AND ASH PANS. SETTLING PANS. SALT PANS AND OON. DENBERS; STEAM PIPES GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES% rsisoN DOORS AND COAL man Otdee sad Warehouse, eerser Sowed, Third. Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. Sir Orders sent to the above address will be rconotly attended to. • WM. & CO., BOILER - MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKXRS, 2;08. SO, AA, 114 AIM A 6 PIMA Raving secured *large yard and famished it lola the most approved machinery, we arelme pared to manufacture every description of BOu.- RBA in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Cfhimneys, Breeching, Tire Beds, Steins pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condense t iT 2 fialt Pans, Tanks, Oil edits, Agita tors. 8e Pans. Boiler Iron. Bridges, litigar Pan,. and eveanufscturers of Barnhill! s Pat ent Boilers. Repairing done on shortest notice. JAMES EL BITER, ;Nos. 55 and 56 Water, Street, irrrrsnunan, PA.. nuarrAcnossz O 7 - IRON OIL. TANKS, szTrimre . PALSit , coma num raF„, sAna.nce ]TILL IMAM, And EMIEST IRON- WO= For Steamboats. 7.114ZD BDV&II ZDXIIND D. =MU JARED M. BRUSH & SON, xxlctrrAcrunzns or , Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, talks. SHEET MON WORE. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &c TM BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY dr. CO. llanulheturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and. Heating Stoves, TO BE 701THD, IN THE ;STATE. dole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning Orie ntal - Btoves and rillllleer for Hard Coal or Coke. Best in the World for Parlor,Ofgee, Store or Church. Fire needs no rekindling—burns all win ter. Do notb ;7 until you see or send for Circular. 80. 30 WOOD STREET. Our Agents for Orientals—DEXidLES BEM, imithiled Bt.; GEO. HURLEY. Allegheny City. ORLIT,111111:13 . 8d00,,i' mAsosacrusznis OS SMUT VAJOSTT OF EEPr I CONME 3 , BOSTON. COOKING RANGE, ‘•TIIE FIERY FEIBNACE," . !Os WAssuos SVILDINGS. THE NNW ANTI-DUET COOKING MOIL "BBOULATOIL ,, COLUMBIA COOK STOVE. RC& flan i dAtra . POBTABA lIKVIACTOBICAI'EsOtree from sad din; Gar= Tatt=s, DEBB. So. ZOO and 208 Liberty street, seZkyi7 raTtastmes. re. 000 K STOVES. CET THE BEST. Bias et CO:IS TRIUMPH Fos zzru.arnfous mar.. -warrgulted to Cook, Baitor Roast as 'nal loony' other Stove in the Union. BIBREIL dr 00., No.,2Bs'..TAbertv Street.' iv. On timid and for &sift 41' ' 3 'l' OVII t; SING 011471# —ZICP: _ W ~ . _~VV~~ i; ~ i ALI veapi pefwy GD co.; • Baying recoored tbili Op* to NO. 587 LIBEBT STAMM City nous Km eitaaND ZLOO& Are ige,*-Aloirrati tg; U ousr, 'lowest asorket Woe. tp " Ind " . Iraer' tlietr ogle°, or them through the atail. Will be attended ,•0 orozootrr. • _ , :IRORINON sione works, _ iteitoornitotw•st Common. Aulabenti ATVAsaa. a, co. Martifirband,,„„_ -Or Et'slllikis Oishort notice Hear* Viat e m . lbunees ftrtBidewalks. Brewer , ;illead an Tomb Manes at. 914Mt13 executed. Trice; reasonable' PORT PM BANKING COMPANY, No. 169 Wood ' ii vt. CAPITAL, : : : : : $2 I I ,000 , STOCKHOLDENS INDIVIDUALLY DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT fi . EOl3 /APIt B COLD. INTEREST ALL DOl THEE Collections mad n all aocessib the United States a n d Canada& D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Wallace, H. Yawcets, NATIONAL BANK ' OF COMIERCS Cor. of Wood and Sixth St o. A. PATTER 11012....... ...... JON. S. 1111. L. CAPITAL, $600,000 A. Patterson. Win. H. Brown, Ohm. Lockhart, Dan. B. Davidson, W. B. Haven. DISCOVNTR DMA aD9:442 HART, CAI:WHET & CO., BANIIERS AND. 'maim, Oorner Third and Wood Stlviati 1M Rio EMI iss:ell MI Collections nude on all the the United States sad Caaadas. Stocks,Bonds and othe STONE. SPAY, MARCH 3, 1869 DIRECTORS: Jno. 0 R Robt. Andrew James M. mtriassi BAWL. He IL ON. D. LEST W DISZOTOBS: Casa ; E rg ° PI m WmWm. Douglas. . Been. T, AT U A. N. vrx-risforriteu , CL Blatt, loya.-- .1 0 3M7rTgni BOIJOUT AND BOLD ON Particular attention paid to sale of • United States Sz•eurities. pact:ll DOUR SIVINGS BINA 9 After the First of March 14diext, Will be closed on WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, And open daily from 9 o'clock ♦. 11. to 3 O'clock P. N., And on Saturday Evenings. re19:05 • I OILS. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. TWIIDDLW' ELANEFACTUBER OP Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Et Azle 011. Stands great beat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive. ZOffilits. llaehltia Shop, Will cat Screws. • Saw 31111 and Planing Kill 011 a, Adapted for high speed. litpindleoll, Woolillead•Light 011, ' 011, Tanners' Stuff.' Stengel°, , Int *Finishing 011,14iiisolino. Barnes* Oil Parrallane. ARMOR VARNISH, W preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from. Beni These products .are 'manufac red. under Dr. Tweddle , spatent by Supefneat Steam in Vac ono. The Lubricating Oils are almost odorless, perfectly pure. uniform, and mostly light col ored. stand a high temperature unchanged. and remain limpid during extreme cold. The ad Otis are • unequalled, and are in constant use on many of the principal Baliroluls Samples can be examined and orders left at 114 WOOD STREET. Worts at Sharpsburg Bridge. WARILNEI AND KING, 'Cksunisslon3fesettants sad Broken la Petroleum and its Products, DILZELL I B BUILDING, DUQUISNE WAY, rrnesumes, PA. PBTLADZIZIEM ADDBFBE4 WAILING, KING & CO., 'lSl' Walnut Street. TALCS BROTHERS, COMMISSION , BEIMIANTS AND DzAtims IDi Petroleum and its Products, Pittsburgh (Mot —DA,Wir innLinsre, Fenner of Duquesn• ws7 432 lrynnlstmuk Philadelphia thhoe—lAT WALNUT BT. spi:wSo irtULNIOND OIL WORKS, , - ii:; - ,'1M...,L0Nc.i1e'c0..',.; ;:1 • Ofilce, DALZELL BIIILDING, ~/ Duquesne Way. Plttaburgb, Pa. :T.V4I fdell BELL & ANCHOR CIiTT,CIN MILLS. IPITTS,I3XUMEi. gan;factusillotalArli M:garit andUGHT ANOROS AND RAOSOLLi SWICZTINGS AND DATTINIP DAL AND UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, The cheapest Investment now lb the market for sale by • Pll R. 3101EIIRTZ 9 Corner FIFTH AVENUE & WOOD STREETS. Also, dealer In Government Bonds. Gold and Coupons and European Exchange at market rates. LIABLE, DEPOSITS.. T. JASDRADI 86 Co . , e , polnts In (Successors to S. JONES it C 0.).) .Ors ' lng ie?, [Bailey. Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., =ill =1 33 .a. xic.m rt go, BOY AND SELL ALL IiEDIDS OP GOVERNMENT. SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST 7AVOILABLE TEEMS• Er Interest Allowed on Deposits. Wotter loaned `on Government Bonds at owest market rates. Orders executed for the Put:chase and Sale of _STOOKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. Ely littsinalt Ctaidtt. FINANCE AND TRADE. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, TUESDAY. March 2, 1869. S There is every indication that gold has touched its lowest point for the present. It t urns , out that the shipment of bond were much smaller than was reported, and, as a consequence, coin will soon hate to be shipped to pay for imports and the remitting for March interest due to Europe, which is estimated at from two and a half or three million dollars. The general Impression that gold would touch a much lower point than it actu ally reached so far, kept importers and speculators from buying. The passage of the Finance bill was also discounted and should it not pass in the shape amended by the Senate, it will have to lay over for the new Congress, when its passage may be delayed. In such an event a rapid rise in gold could hardly be prevented, although the improved quotations for bonds in Europe would finally settle the future price of gold. Government bonds were very dull to day, and tending downward. The excite ment to purchase on Saturday exceeded anything ever witnessed, and to , put a check on the bull speculations the prin cipal operators made money scarce, which bad the effect of putting a damper on the spirit of further operations for a rise. Stocks are dull and lower for the en tire list, headed by Fort Wayne, Cleve laud, Ohio and Erie, the entire Erie clique stock. Express shares are dull, and the upward movement was checked to-day by the general decline of the market. Business improving slowly but money scarce. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 182%; Silver, 126; Eighty one's, 11535; Five Twenties, 1862, 1173/ 4 ; do n 1864, 113 X; do 1865, 115; do 186,i, Consols, 112%; do 1867, 112%; do 1868, 112%; Ten Forties, 105 X; New York Central, 6035; Erie, ----.; Reading; 92%; Pittsb h, Fort Wayne & Chicago 19; Ohio & Mississippi, 83%; Michigan Southern, 96%; Cleve land & Pittsburgh, 89%; Chicago & Rock Island, 125; Chicago & North Western, 8135; Chicago & North Western Preferred, 90%; Adams Express Com pany, 59%; Merchants Union Express, 15; Pacific Mall, 1013,; Western Union Telegraph Company; 874 Gregory, 2,00; Quartz Hill, 75 A ; Corydon, 10; Sth Parmele, 1,65; m. W. Expritsa 42 mi & %. —The Chicago Republican speaking of the farmers in the west holding back their grain in anticipation of higher prices, pertinently remarks: All inter ested must be aware that last year's crops were abundant and largely in ex cess of previous years, and that the sup ply of grain in nearly all sections of the country is frilly if not more than suffi cient to• supply the demands likely to be made upon us from any and all quarters, so that there are no signs favorable to an advance in prices. The winter has been favorable, and there ill every indication of an extensive crop of winter wheat, while the prospect of an early seeding of other,terealsia bright, and the prospec tive future clear: —Regarding the supply of wheat in Minnesota the St. Cloud Journal, of Feb ruary 18, says There is an immense quantity of grain in Northern Minndsota, yet in the hands of the farmers. They seem determined to hold bri for $1 for wheat, and will at least await the opening `.of navigation. Even in the new counties the wheat on hand would seem althost incredible- A gentleman from Monongahela' . county informed - us that he had recently vialted a farmer there who had over seven hundred bushels' of graln"alone in his granary. ( • —PIP St, Xaouis Danocnat, of Saturdk notices an arrival Of 400 Sat hogs from . TeVel• ,Thle la ane w , article io be brought from t h at cos t utri. - I -, -4 , ...closing quotations reoelved by James T. Brady ~t Co.: Gbld, 181 X; United, States Sixes, 1881% 11535; 640%, 1862, 117%; 6-20's, 1864, 118%; 6,20 1 3,* 1865, 115 r 0.40'4105X; 5.2 0 's Jan'y and July, 1865,112%, do. 1867, 112 X; do. 1868,.1 %; Seven Thirties, Per lees )41 Due in • pounds, , llik Ten Forties, 110; Un on Pacific Railroad, par; • Central, - 103; „ Pacifies, 10135. Elly'relegisiab to the Pittsburgh essetten ' 'NEW Tons, .March ; i Money active • and Ann, at 7 per c nt.. on -call, with a commission of yi per nt. , added after bank hours. - Many 'banks tallied poor and some bankers and ro kers were calling in their loans. There is no doubt that the present tendency to _ wards stringency is accelerated by artt- Adel means. The great rise in , govern ments caught many , parties . short at Much lower Prim, and they have com bined with bears on the general stock list 8. Pd►. I civil points of , I Securities mmissioN e purchase sad , j' -- (ITV z.irA,t,,,„ to tighten money and depress bonds aid stocks sufficiently for them to cover. The flurry will hardly continue thereaf ter. Prime discounts, 7 , ‘@"3. Sterling firmer; large business at 9@934; closing at 9%%9 1 /,, for •prime. Banker's sight bills, 9%%9X; - a few produce bills were offering. Gold strong; opened at 132%; advanced to 132 1 4; fell to 1313;, and closed at 132%. The price was affected by every rumor from Washington ton- • cerninz Mr. Schenck's bill. Loans were made •at 3%7 per cent. for carrying. Clearances. $110,000,000. Governments were unsettled- during the morning by reports from Washing ton ufavorable to Schenck's bill, and - prices showed a decline of 16 (4) Ix per cent as compared with yesterday's highest sates; from this there was a recovery of %@)% per cent. at noon board, with con tinued firmness at the two o'clock call; ter in the afteroon the market was a La gain lower and n closed barely - steady. Coupons of 1881. 115; do: '62, 116 7 %117; do. '64, 11396%113X; do. '65, 114%0115; do. new, 112@l12%; do. '67,112X,%112%; do. '6B, layAium. 10-40's, 1053;0 _ State Securities dull and +lower. mis.. sour's, 87X%67X; New Tednessees, 65% ©66; North Carolinas, 59).0%60; Lou . Islam Levee Bonds. 693. • At the opening stocks were heavy and so continued until after the first regular Board, when the market became steady and a fractional improvement noticed through list. list. There were large dealings at the 1 o'clock Board in the New York Centrall)Michigan, Southern, Rock Island' and Northwestern, and big blocks were pressed for sale at a decline of 3;®l per cent. The Pacifict Mail was an exception and advanced to 101 X% 101 X. At the second Board the market was steady, but after call it aghin became dull and lower, which was followed by a further decline at the last open Board, New York Central falling . 1 per cent., Pacific Mail IX, Rock Island X, North western VAX, - and Old Southern X. The heaviness continued till the close of the daY. /live-MTV .Prices:—tau 86X% 58; Wells Express, 20 1 4% 0%; American, 421/.@g23+'; Adams, 50%5 X; Merchants, 16%17; Quicksilver, 23;4%24; Canton, 58%%59X; Pacific Mail. 9954%99X; West ern Union Telegraph, 86%%86X . -Marl -123<@18; do. pref. 30X%31; New York Central, 159%159%; Erie, 88X %MX; Hud50n,185%%136; ffeadinsg, 90%%90 3 / 4 ; Terre Haute, 3734%3834; do. pref. 65; Wabash. "68 1 / 4 %66%; do. pref. 77%77%; 'St. Paul, 65%65Xv do. - preferred, 77% Misr 77l/ 4 ; Ftppi .118X%119; Ohio and 82X%83; Michigan Central, 95X%9534;1din0its Central. 141 X; Toledo, 105%105X,; Rock Island, '125X,%125X; Northwestern. 811 + %8134; do. preferred, 89%%893;; Lake Shore, 106. Mining Shares quiet; Gregory, 205; Smith & Parmelee, 150; Quartz Hill, 70: Montana, 42. • Copper Stocks at Boston—Calumet, 50; Copper Falls, 161/ ; Franklin, 22%; Heels, 80; Hancock, 43j4; Minnesota, 33:; Quincy, 34 ". Receipts at the Sub• Treasury, 111,220,- 078; payments, /4,429,124; balance, 07,- 930,225. PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH: GAZETTE, t • TUESDAY, March 2, 1869. 1 ; The market very suddenly and unex- • pectedly took an upward turn this after noon, which took the whole trade by surprise, and towards evening there was considerable excitiment manifested, though there was but little done. Right • on the heels of this came rumors that the • bull element was again buying , and this, ;i of course, had 'tendency to make the mar- ! ket stronger than it would otherwise _1 have been. And this shows how exceed ingly sensitive the market is, as the • slightest fipple puts the whole trade in a sea of commotion, and for the time 4. being upsets everything, and places the ; I market in such a condition, that is diffi cult to do anything, as refiners are afraid to name a price, for fear of what is Com monly termed being "picked up." Therefore, the advance, although as yet, insignificant, produced considerable ex citement, coming as It did entirely un-_ expected, and as always is the case. in I the face of an advaneing market, there r i were but few ers sell at quotatiOns. CRUDE—The Crude market closed I firmer this evening, although without 4., quotable change,—but little offering and, 1' seemingly but little wanted. Spot oil is quoted at 1814 ®163.‘ 40045, gravity, and 16W18% for 40 to 48. Future deliveries held at 17, with offers to buy at 16340 if 163;. Sale of 2,000 Ibis till September at 15 and 640 e. REFINED—The Refined market was dull and weak during the first half of the ' day, but in the afteinoon, under the in- Suence of more favorable advices from the East, the market was much stronger , ; 1 and prices were better. Sale of two lots of 1,000 each, for last half of March at .a 95X,- 1 -later bathe day the same delivery e - was quoted at 88®36% . . "Lines" from March to June or July, which were sold at 36 on Saturday and Quieted at 3836 s-1 yesterday, were held this evening at 3'7. Sale 500 bbls, on cars here, on private terms. • le q- LUBRICATING OILS. • - e Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40e • Eclipse Railroad Axle 850 a Eclipse Machinery 750 s § Eclipse Spindle 80ct Eclipse Tanners' Stuffing 400 ;I•1. Eclipse Tanners' Finishing oil 65c 0 . OIL SHIPPED Eh ST BY A. V. B. B. Citixens Ref. Co., 499 bbls refined ta:: Tack Bros.. Philadelphia. . • I : r A • McKee, Hackett & Co.. 250 bbls refined W.F. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. • A t MoKelvy Bros. & Co., 154-bblis refinees, W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. ' ;St J. C.Kirkpatrick &Co., 111 bblfirefinet; to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. J. O. Kirkpatrick & Co., 49 bbls tar t r :. 4 ,. J. S. Tremor. & Co., Philadelphia. '') - 7 . „t Total shipments Refiner . ... 1014 ri Total•shipments . . ..... .. OIL SKIPPED EAST • PROM VOQUEECiII • DEP OT. , ig H. M. Long & Co., 148. tibia , refined Warden, Frew & Co., Phila. F. A. Bates bbls refined to Mason Whittienfic Co., Boston., Total shipments..... . . 15f it ay 4.7Ew Toils, March 2.—Dry ann./A__ The prices are generally,maintained, the most important _change being a declinakl, in Massachusetts J, from-43% to prlnts there 18 no particular chan ; all first class goods are steady at .12%®18X, the latter or *elect styles of and Merrimack. ..In;worsted theta hati been 'a decline in nistori from 8,75 t 03,50. Oth.. -er 'flakes, of , course, will fall in the same 1,;."- ratio.,; . t. • BUFFALO. Wick 2»—Plour dull; sales of 150 bbla No. 2 spring at ;0,50." Wheat f.t; tends downward; demand; - very . - light.- filfz- Corn quiet and firmer; sales of 15 car ) .V loads new at 79@80° on track. Oats nominal at 650 for Western. 'Rye offered at ;1,80; 'no buyers, Barley firm at 12,10. Pork and Lard steady: High wines nom- hif-s`;' Insist We. , CAxnninos, March 2.—Cattle Market t st, , , , Beef cattle—receipts 222 'head, with r light supply which caused au advanc , of gc; extra 113,50®14; first quality $12,5 ®13,25; second quality $11®12., Sheer and lambs—recelpts 2,370 head and th, market firm and Me higher; sales at $ • 11 I I 11