II cts littsbutgt Gaptts. FARM_, (S ARDEN AND ROFSEHOLD. Mind FOR TUE lIOU6IIWIFE. French Loaf Cake.-- Ise cups . f pul verized- sugar, three cu of fresh utter, four cups' of milk, six gge, ten ups of . dried sifted flour, one me-glass f wine, one wine-glass of b dy, three nutmegs, a small teaspoonful of soda, one pound raisins, quarter pound of citron. , Fruit Cake --Fir at. Three poinDAE, o f flour, one pound - of la tter, one ph alli ,' o f su one quart of °lasses, gig eggs; on gar, e pint of milk, th ee tearpoonfuls of of 1, baki n g powder, one teacr,p ginger, one teacup full of raisi s. 'spice toUste. Fiuit Cake &eon . —To one pound and four ounces of f.l ur, one pound ot hatter - , one pound. of sugar, ten eggs, one pound of mirrants, half pound of citron, spice 143 taste. , Spanish • Ili•itfer,s,—Cut biscuits into lengths as • thick as, your finger, in any shape Tom please; soak in some cream, ntitr.aeg, sugar, cinnamon and one egg, Viten well soaked fry brown and serve 'with butter, wine and sugar sauce. . Bice Paiteakee.—Boil half pound of rice to a ,jelly; when cold mix it with a pint of cream, four eggs, a little salt, and nutmeg; stir in eight ounces of butter just warmed, and add as much ,flour• as will makt the batter thick enough; fry in as little lard as possible. • , A Good Substitute for Cream to\ put in Coffee.—Boila pint of milk and let it cool; beat the yolks of, three e,ags, and 'stir in; it will make the coffee much richer. Pudding Sauce.—Take one cup of bat ter and cup of white sugar;beat them well together, flavor with lenion •extract; just before serving yOur pudding set the sauce on the stove and stir ,until it be comes hot—it will raise up very light. Apple Oustard;—•Take one dozen sour apples, peel and core them, place them over the fire to cook in a teacup of water until they begin to be tender, then put. them in spudding dish, cover them with sugar, beat up ten, eggs with three pints of milk and pour over them; bake about three-quarters of an hour. -To KeeriGoar of Bed Bligahe the whites of four eggs and ten cents worth of quicksilver; put them into a howl and beat to a perfect froth. Take a feather and dip into this preparation, and apply to every part of your bedstead where -bugs conceal themselves; do this once a year, and you wit never see a bedbug in your house. f How to Preserve Eggs.—An easy way to preserve eggs is to rub the outside of thesliell, as Soon as it is gathered from thenest, with a little butter or any other grease that is.not fetid. By filling up the res of the shell the evaporation of the IP-1 liquid part of the eggs is prevented, and , by this means excludes the external air. The' milkiness which most people are fond'Of in • new laid eggs, will be pre- 'served for months, as, perfect as when • taken from the nest. • r Another Way to Preserve Eggs from Nay to May Again—Take a piece of mislacked lime as large as, a pint bowl, slack It -by degrees; when well slacked put ten quarts of water to it, and add salt till the eggs rise; then put them in with care that none get cracked, and lay a cloth on the eggs, that will keep them wet on the top. Soft. Wafers.—One cup of yeast, one quart of milk, two pounds of flour, one pound of butter, ten eggs, one-half to remain until risen. 'Marlborough Pudding.—Take twelve spoonfuls of stewed apples, twelve of wine, twelve of sugar, twelve of melted butter, and twelve of beatenieggs, a little • cream; spice to your taste; Iyin a paste in . a deep dish. Bake oriel hour and a quarter. • - Here is amEnglish dainty : . . I - Tipsy ( lake .- Composition : f pound sponge biscuits; i pound maccaroons; f: strawberry or raspberry jam; a pint and t a half of whipped cream, flavored with, 1 vanilla; a glass of white wine, and a small, glass of brandy. DispOse in an orna mental dish• a layer of sponge cake; a' layer of crushed =maroons; a layer of lam, and sprinkle the who i l; with white 1 wine and brandy, with cream' 1 above. Recommence alle layers and them terminate at last with e whipped ,i „Cream. Let it remain half an hour and 4 . serve. • ,' asranterrs. j the 1 This, as every body knc !delicious an' wholesome i :easily cultiva d, after the f of preparing the ground or, ' l / 4 'quires some f the deepest st l e 1 :den; a richsandy loam. is tl li ;ground can hardly be made' bed should be trench' • three feet deep, and p 1 inanure, well mixed im , mark out yo _r beds si ~ 1 two feet Edleys around '-t Aght inches of top 'Next 'use wel the rat :'ground is w 11 pnlverizet and smooth. Then' mar" - • one foofdpt and two ai deep. ' If you us seed,, sot 'w 'min arm water drop it i i apart in the roiv; ake it In, le soil ever the seed with a bi ni roll . er: When the youny tp, hoe ;• them carefully, and . tear of • - - weeds throu4h the sewn . After the, second hoeing, put reakest plants, leaving them 1 inches apart. an this way you „ _ ._ a good I supply of stalks for the '-table in three, 1 yearn.' If• you plant , roots, which you, . can purchaseat the agricultural stores,. t place them on the top of the well-prepared ground twelve inches apart; spread . the . ,i 1 libel's, and fix la their natural post .ii tion with ths hand; then cover th e whole u with three ,orr. four' inches of the mixed nompostosmooth it off neatly, and the Work 1 finished. By this last Method you. will. have a 1 .4 nice lot of beads in two years: Water ...; . the beh after planting, if, dry weather. 1 . • _., i ' ilOceds, and keep it cleat of weeds du= 1-! ring :swirlier as - from ' the yoting ,-1 plants from the seed. Before, the setting. 4t of wintetzut • off the stalks down td 1.. the surface - kr the'ground, and:: then put :,..1 "(n annuallynbent this time ahoUt three , inches of manure. The ;ought* of-this „.1 Bhoild be raked off in the apring, and the C• - '7,.. 1 surface of the bed loosened with a manure - : '4 , ':i - fork: --In addition - to all this 130 W . YOU/ .. 44 beds With ' Salt, broadcast , ' one to s three,i'i'4 pounds to the square yard. ' ,This is :.::k1 snows to be an admirable manure for it. •,"- --, ,,, , 5,:i , , Some of our Eastern men say that they jery seldom met with asparagus in the i-i . )hio Valley, es tender and • delicious as ...,';',„? ;bat grown on the seashore or well, ma• ured.withSelt. - They say.onr asperses, O though rather large, general y tough and bitter. One reason for tb • ;-doubt -less, is our bad habit of cut .g it at some distance inder ground ass on RS it peeps through `the surface. Ou . market gardeners have got into this '.d habit from imp:itience to realize pro from it as early as possible, it ought not o be cut until it rises to the height of fo . inches, and assumes for that dISISTMe a. 'Re deep greenish color, It is then tend- rer and sweeter. • AI poor 'soil, too, ' , tikes it smaller and, tougher. EFFECTS OF 11FATING THE :El Most gardeners in New England are in thehabit of preparing the hills for.cu cumbers, squashes and melons by burn ing upon them heaps of old pea-brush, shavings, weeds and chip-dirt. If, you were to inquire the cause of this practice, you would probably be told that it was to accomplish two very dissimilar pur l poses—the destruction of the numerous insects and seeds which lay beneath the burning heap, and the imparting to the soil a considerable degree of warmth. Certainly both of these objects are a - complished, but we suggest that the great benefit obtained by this procedure •is the softening of the 13 ilex contained in the soil, whereby it is rendered soluble. Every farmer, who has put in a crop on land that has been recently cleared and burned, as is the practice in all tim bered countries, knows the wonderful fertility of lands that have been so pre-, pared, and has pleasant recollections of the first crops that wereproduced after the ax and torch had dont their work of devastation. Many attribute this marvel ions fertility, which is exhibited for some years, to the presence of 'the ashes that have been produced; but without wishing, in any manner, to detract from the value of the wood ashes, we believe the action of the fire on the soil (producing soluble silica) was the great cause of these, heavy crops. This practice would be especially beneficial to lands that are to be sown to any kind of grain, but more particularly to wheat. For the perfection of either the straw or kernel of this plant soluble silica is absolutely necessary.—Prairie Farmer. Professor LW, of the Cornell Univer sity, in a treatise on "garget" and its cause, says: Diseases of -the teats will sometimes induce garget, as when they have been injured by the reek- - less use of teat-tubes, or if the milk is only partly drawn off in consequence of open sores, resulting from foot and month disease, cow-pox or warty growths. But the retention of milk in the udder is not the only evil attendant on bad milk ing. Some milkers seize'the root of the I teat between the thumb and fore•finger, and then drag it until it slips out of their grasp. In this way the teat and udder are subjected to severe traction for an in definite number of times, and in rude hands is often severely injured. The proper mode of milking is to take the teat in the entire hand, and after pressing it upward, that it may be well filled from the - capacious milk reservoir above; to coMpress it first at the base between the thumb and fore-finger, then, successively by each` of the threer succeeding fingers until completely emptied. The teat is at the same time gently drawn upon. but any severe traction is- altogether unne cessary and highly injurious. These re marks on the mode of milking, and those of milking .clean, are of more moment than many may at first suppose, and in some localities, more -cows are ruined from faults of this kind than from all other causes which act specially on the udder. , CBRAP WASH. FOR BUILDINGS. Take a dean, water-tight cask and put into its half a bushel of lime. Slack it by pouring water over it boiling hot, and in sufficient quantity to cover it five inches deep, and stir it briskly . until thorongly slackened. When this lime has been slackened, dissolve it in water, and add two pounds of sulphate of zinc and one of common salt. These will cause the wash to harden and prevent its wicking, which gives an unseemly appearance to the work. A beautiful cream color may be given to the wash by adding three pounds of yellow ochre; or a good pearl or lead color by the addition of a lump of iron black. For , fawn color add four pounds of umber, one pound of Indian red and one of common lampblack., For stone color add two pounds lamp black. When applied to the outside of houses and to fencer, it is rendered more durable by adding a pint of sweet milk to a gal -1 ofwash.--Scfentific Ameriatn. PREPARED SEASONING. we, is a :very scnlent, and rst operation bed. It I re 11 in the gar e best. The co deep. The spade horse Then rming swing beds. ill the s level drills inches A writer on cookery gives the following , recipe for preparing a &Hamm seasoning: Place in a paper bag. one•quarter of, an ounce of thyme, one-quarter of an ounce of bay leaf, one-eighth ounce of marjoram, and one-eighth ounce of rosemary; put the bag into a moderately-' heated oven, till the herbs are dry; then mix them in a Mortar with a half an ounce of nutmegs, half an ounce of cloves, a quarter of an ounce of pepper, one-eighth of an ounce of cayenne Tepper, pound the whole and press through a hair seive. Keep this mixture in a dry, well-corked bottle. These spices are to be , need either alone or with salt added; the proportion for mixing:with salt 's one ounce of the mix ture to four ounces of fine salt. One ounce of the spiced salt is sufficient to season three pounds of forcemeat. TIM COPS . An exchange says: pr. Warder, ,who:has Just returned froth a tour through Indiana and South ernllllinols, informs us that the winter wheateverywhere looks well and /prom ises .an, extraordinary yield. The fall wasTavorable, and -the plants' got very firinly rooted before cold weather set in. Thls„ information corresponds' with our advices from Ohio and Kentucky. Of course, the crop is not out of danger; but it is all right so far. All kinds of fruit are, safe in:lndiana,. Ohio and Southern 'lllinois. In more northern latitudes pesChesare `ldliet: With a seasonable spring, havePriithise of,good croPs.. A NUM VREANTABTDII3H-OCCAIIIONALLY. 'Take one potuid'otchipped beef, Ponr cold water over it in a frying, pan, par boll'it tour ; five minutes, then drain the water from the beef, plac° it, cn the fire, add a l large lump .of butter and dredge flour until covered; pour on a pint of rich milk, stirring with a spoon until it thick ens. Bring to the table hot. • IZEREDIt von BORERS. Kr. Henry:B. Pierce, its the New Eng land Farmer, says: "After. twenty years' experience, in - which :I havp found it to work.not only , no my own' entire ,satisfact tion; tit that of others ; who have tried it. I can confidently ecommendptop ping up the boles of borers in trees with bard soap, as an infallible cure for this pest to oar orchagde PITTSBURGH Pr4EIIT,I%- fl 61 . MARCH 2, 1869. HOW TO MILK `~ / A,' CONTBOI.LER'S 0117 ) CITY OP ALLEGHYNY. Febniarir, pi, 1800. f NOTICE • TO CARPENTERS. SEALED PEOPO.„SALS. Neill be received at this office until As o'cl ock p. st, on 'FRIDAY. 5 ,.. • ior building an ENOINE HOUSE rzy the tIOOD 'WILL 'FMB COMPANY. Plane and Speettications can be seen at the office of JAM aS M. B ALPS.. Esq ~ Architect, No. 110, "federal streetoiup stairs. The tight is reserved tor electlinv and all bide. fe2.lt(lB R. B. FRANCIT.....Citv Controller. IaPROPOSAOI FOR PLAS-: TERlNG:—Progosals will be received foe PT..ATETtiNG THE ArGHERY COUNTY WORK HOUcE. Specideatlons of work a d materlabi to be seen at the °Mee of Messrs. Barr. t Moser., Architects. Sixth street, where propesals will be left, . ad dressed to • W. 8 8. . BI 4 SE LL EBEM'KG,' L. • Building Committee, fe'22:o3 SPECIAL NOTICES. Or BATCHEILOWS HAIR PIE. -... This splendid Bair Dye Is the best in the world! the only trite and , perf at Dye; harmless, relia ble, instantaneous; no disappointment; no ri diculous tints; remed i es the ill effects of bad 'dyes; Invigorates and eaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or brown. Sdld by all Druggists and Perfumers; and properly applied at Eatcher lore 'Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond street, New York. - . ata8:02.3 `MARRIAGE AND CELIBA I w CY. —An Essay for young men on tb e crime of Solitude, and the. DlSEAlinfl and ABUSES whlch create impediments to MARRIAGE, with sure means of relief. Sent In sealed : letter en velopes. free of charge. Add, en, Dr. J. SKIL— LINHOUGHTON, Howard Association. Phila delphia. Pa. . lat9:dkt ar'ODNAMEN'rAIL AND USE- Fut. BUY ONLY I SILVER TIPPED SHOE'S. For children. Will outwear three pairs without tips. - . Ja.:dC6.T:l3:B THE ECONOMY BUTTER CO. ask the attention of all interested In the redric tion of the extravagant cost of Butter, to th'elr practical and economical system of mating pare Prime Butter by the aid of the EXTRACT OF BUTTER PLANT. A brief allusion to, the origin of thisdnirsirtant discovery may not prove uninteresting. Among the auttientfcated records of the 'renowned Cap tain Cook's voyage around the world, is found the statement, that while sojourning fora Short - time on the Brazilian Coast of South ApieriCa. he Observed the natives using, in the preparation of their feed, a peculiar oil. which. upon examina tion. he found to possess tbe - appearnce, taste and 'leveret' Butter; upon farther inottiry, how ever, he ascertained that Shwas simi ly a sub., stance that the natives distilled incrudesnd ' imperfect manner, from a rich andl luxuriant plant that grew spontaneously said ab udantly in ghat warm tropical country. A feud iea rs ago, an eminent French chemist, while/ on a profes sional visit to the tropics, made numerods-exper iments wltn this remarkable production oftna ture, and succeeded in extracting a cncentrated s essence of the plant. The formula f r its p 'pa ration, and the Sole Right for its sale in till country are the exclasive property o this or party, by whom It was purchased from the o la nil discoverer. We claim for' this retiaark bit yet simple and perfectly harmless preparatio 115.—That by its use a net gain of from 50 to 011 per cent. is made in the manufacture of B u t ter. 9d.—That Butter, which from age or wba ' er r cause, may be strong ,] rancid, streaked or coarse-grained , and comparatively Poetess for general use, by the aid of this Extract, is re stored to its original freshness and sweet s ss, fine-grain, and even color. 3d.—By the use of this Extract; one pound of delicious, fresh Butter is actually made from one pint of milk. . 4th.—That a pure and excellent table Butter can be made, at a cost of from 15 to 20 ,43 nts per pound. The chief expense wherein being But ter, which is the essenUal base. 6th.-That Butter manufactured - bv the aid of this Extract is equaltin every respect to the best Butter made by the ordinary method. Oth.— The Extract after thorough. analysts, by able chemists. Is pronounced perfectly free from any deleterious substance, the Ingredients be ing purely of a vegetable nature. Bth. In proof of ;he foregoing assertions, the factory of this company •Is mating one ton ef . Batter per day, which meets with ready sale in the New York Mrrket. and Ls consumed from the tables of the fret Hotels, Restaurants and Private families in this city and elsewhere. A sample package of the Extract (sufficient to make ;so lbs. of Butter) -with full directions for use, will be sent to any address on receipt of $l. CAUTION.—As articles of real merit are sub. ject to spurious imitatiores, ;we would specially cant ion the public against counterfeits and worth less itelfations, advertised as powders. com pounds, &c., as the• Extract of the Butter Plant is prepared and sold only by • ' . The Economy Butter Co. OrifiCis, 115 LISIRTT &rimer. FACTORY, 230 iIingIISWICII e.T., NEW TORE, State, County anS City Nights for sale. , Bering to capitalists rare opportunities for establishing a staple business, paying enormous profits. Agents Wanted Everywhere. - . , M. CADART 2 A Pura Vegetable Coloring, in a pound, sufficient to give a rich golden yellow to 900 lbs. of White Butter; 50 cents per sample package. sent Loony address. No Farmer ebould be without It, as white and streaky Butter is worth from six to ten centspound less in all marketsarkets than that of a rich y et low Miele VOR SALE. • . ): • . Acre at Woods Bun. ; & Acres and House in East Liberty. 8 Acres, unimproved, on Troy, Hill. 9 Acres on Greensburg - Pike. . 5 Acres on Four Mile Bun Boa 134 miles front P,C. R. R.. . , i TO Acres near P. F. W.l & 0. R. R. 118 Acres near Pa . H.R., Westmoreland -coun -9• 0 Acres at Hill Side Station, Pa. R. R. • 4 Farms In Preston county; West Virginia. 185 Acres in Armstrong county, underlaid with. coal. • ' 108 Acrea and good improv l ements, In Trumbull comity, Ohio. , i 1 900 Acres of Timber land, with Saw Mill and dwellings. ,- 1 : House and Lot on Center ivenue, near Kirk atric pk. • rl I House and Lot on Vicroy street. House and Lot in East Liberty. ROM and Lot In Mansfield. House and Lot on Carroll s reet, Allegheny. House and Lot on Beaver a enne. 9 Houses and 4 Lots,lve ry cheap, on Vine Bstreet. y Lots,,very cheap, on ; ine street. 9 Houses and Lot on Franklin street. - • 1 Home of 9 Booms and Si Lots on Roberta St. Farms in lillinols. Missouri and West Virginia. Coal Lauds in . Allegheny, Westmoreland, Pay ette and Beaver counties in Penna 4 . . TO4CalE ' 9L'' .- —;. , • I Houses of 0 Itoonui In Ott , 17th ward; rota POO 3 do. of 3 do. do. • 17th, do. do: 144 II do. of 3 do. do. 19th do. , do, 100 2 do. of 6 do. do.'_Bth do: 'do. 380_ I do.' of 6 do. do; Bth de.; do, 300 1 do. of 9 do. do. lid do. - do. 600 1 do. of 3 do.. do. 6th do. do. 198 1 do. of do. do; oth d o . do.' 240, 1 40.1'01'4' do. do. 17th do. t do. 1611 1 'do. of if do. do. 94 do , i • I do.- et 6, do. Grant street. The Htnties'that I have for rent will be rented very to goal tenants for the balance of the Jump/ A L A . D. P, Hatoles Real Estate Office Na.9l6rafttSt,, Pittsburgh. so7:pie . . FRENCH 8171EIBMILLSTON 13139 French Barr Smut Bueldue4,:, Tag BUT WIIIEAT, CLICLIINE, IN , USE. Portable Flour and Feed. Millet 130LTING CUMit'4l, AU ngsbers and begt., (multi. Faisal° at 319 anti 321 LlbertySt., Pittsburgh uX BT #.,134.r12,2!!. • BOOTS, 8110E8 AND CAIZF 17- ETS THE 4trizzorr. SMITHSON'S EMPORIUM, 55 AND 57 FIFTH AVENUE Messrs. H. B. SMITHSON & CO., proprietors of the well known Mammoth Auction House are creating an excitement .nsequent, upon the ar rival of - new goods whin kre being sold ;t re markably low prices. G.... ofevery t iariet ; the finest sewed twots the most • fast', nabled bal taoral gaiters and; t shoes. el pers, &43.. blankets. flannels', clot s. cassime4l:.z, Urn' and carpets. Call and =doe. No trouble to show goods. Ladies'. misses' and children's fats at almost your • prices. All goods war. ranted as represented. noLA T WELVE BRICK HODS WHOL Wednes4ay, Marc Will be sold on the known u Ward's It DOUSES of four roe • FIVE ROUSES of nye avenue, and ONE NCR on Ohio ivenue, near t( Outer Depot, Alleghe two story bricks with Gas and water In the the Ohio avenue bons property. No troubl has ever been cape elthtr one or two pare estate operato+s Is s sale. TerrasOne•tht years. 'SORT PI 11 BANE AND 1 fIESDAY EVE 1 o'clock, will be sol merclal Sales Rooms, 15 shares Pliceb 10 shares Coal 31 35 shares Fort r 110 shares Enrek 15 shares Wens mhl A. TARS. COOP wiLLARD, HOME Will remove their next to No. 79 Di of City Mil. GG. W. De . ATTORNEY ANC Once, ItTo. 137 burgh, (formerly c Lowrie.) will rirso , District Courts, In l. i e u Co o n na rtu in o m f o t t i l o e f g h t he ATM.. B. IV ALDEIMAIi AND OFFICE, 84 Speeds' attention collections Deeds up. ant all legal and acturstely. J OS. A. B I ALDERMAN Once, 128 WYPILI Deeds Deposit. stus e boi s xfflu , Ex-Om trate. Cathedral Deeds. DPIIIOIII With Dt IN CM OFFICI Deed Devoe WItD Fi = OL thcdri gues, Lega dismal HC. ItIACKILELL, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW 1ny242b25 JOJEIN W. MDDELII., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Mies, Ile Diamond Street,. • • (Uppoalte the Court House 0315344 J. S. FERGVSON, EIZCOND 740084 "'SORT ROOM ARCIEIIIIAL.D BILAILIELET, Jiro. 98 nrriir speinsotaitt • PITTIERUIteR. PA PEARL : FAMILY . FLOUR mum Itrubl, equal to FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR. 46 Your will only on oat toot when tape • deny r . oraerol. - • . • • I%34I4IIILLSIAM WaNr• • Eqtpa to best t. LOW& PZARL =ILL. BED' BLIND; • - zAlal to beat obto WHITE 00/114 =Mutt *NH OtAIII itWl. • i• ,IL. ICESILDIA.RIO9 eithenyciebt. 9.1800; J l / 1 1 450/1 11 . 1 .• • LITHOCFW°MBREI, AWN BILIMMLY• KEW XLILIB. GERM /0. ( biEIS. Successors S UIIO• a. BouvenatA.N & CO., ... ACTICALLITIIOGEL&O.BEIELEI. ' . . I Ste The of The Kfittlitl.st.i° 'tql`43l'llll.lll .0. Soluble Label% Circult74, Show' Cards, TjePortraits . , Views, Certificates of De• itivitiltlea CiaeAl &C., Nos, 7S sod VII 404. street. - 1 3 1.ttshurgh: • - ' W. W. WAILLAVE ATE. EOM !S AT AUCTION, ii SALE. -3, at 2 O'Clack, reiiilses._that property , w, conetetlng or SIX I t each, on Ward's alley, Irooms each on Allegheny ISE of six' rooms and bath the Round House, at the • City. these houses ire .ellars and finished attics. lleglaeny avenue Rom and This is first ride renting I . !fa renting and collect ing lenced. Will be sold in I .ls. The attention of real ectally directed to this d cash; balance in two A. LEOGATE, Auctioneer. BY A. *ILWAINE. COAL WORKS, s ()RANCE STOCKS. Iliti, March 2d, ,at Ig on Second Floor of Com -106 Smltetleld street, l on roil Savings Bank; 's Trust co.; nrCost Works; .. Insurance Co.: lusurance Co.; cII. I .FAINE, Auctl oneer. SSIONAL. PROF WALLACE and PATWSTS, Ince on the First of April ond, Allegheny elty, rear ja33:6711 ;AMP, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. iFOUT.TH AVIINUE, Pitts upled try Hon. Walter H. lee in the U. S. Circuit and e State Supreme and all the county. and make collec adjacent counties. JIM= EPEE, EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE OP E PEACE. FIFTH AVENUE. le:nvtg a2 lArn. and Torgll.% lnese attended to promptly LER, YOLICIE XAGISTRILTE, SB STREET P ear as . n Washington 'FRGII. A. Aar crifledgments, ess execnte mble 121 PEACE AND ipoatte the Ca• Bonds, Hori. talons and all rote:Adele and No. 89 Grant Street, PITTI3BIIRGH. PA. PITTSBURGH. Pk. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 87:36`Ifth Street, FLOUR. ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY 0 PITTSBURGH, PA., offfoo, No. 424 PENN NATIONAL TAUT CO. BUILDING.) DIRZCNItS . Friday, Bobt. Dickson, Robt. LtabSnl i ff F. ....... • G. Bledle, C. Van Buren ? EG. Myers, J. Gangwiseti. ecker . Blanchard, J Weisser. j .- • n. ?ITEM, President. DICKSON. Mice President. GRIER. Treasurer. LISIETZ. Secretary. BORT BORT. J. J. A pENNSTINANLI. *., INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH OFFICE. No. 161 i WOOD STBEET, BANK OP COMMERCE BUILDING. This is a Home Company, and instues against lop Or Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER,' President. C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. ItOBEET PATRICK, Treasurer.' HUGH NcELHENY. Secretary. DLESCTORS: Leonard Walter, GeorgeWlisOn. C. C. Boyle et*. W Evans, Robert Patrick , J. C. Lippe, • Jaoob Painter, J. C. Flelner, Josiah King, John Voegiley, Jas. H. Hopkins, A. Ammon. Henry Sproul, INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO.OF PHILADELPHIA, onnos.*as a 431THESTNIIT BT., near STU. mutes Rancher, Mordecai. H. Louis Tobias Wagner. David S. Brown, . Samuel Grant, IsaV, Les, _ Jacob R. Smith Edward' C. Dale, eorge_ti.. Richards, George Pules. CHARLES U. BANCE3R. President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. BT J. f3ecretary,pyo tens. J. GARDNER COFFIN, ArlaWe, North West sorrier Third sad Wood Streets. ratas:wis BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF MIJNOIENY, PA. OFFICE IN FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK BUILDINGS, , No. 41 Ohio St., Allelelenl 7 . A HOKE COMPANY, managed by Directors wei, known to the community, who trust by fair dealin* to merit a share of your patronage. HERU IRWIlt_ .». President. GEO. D. H1DDL.D....... Secretary. . _ DIRECTORS: un 'mi e, s?a,t,- Patterson, valesrller% Simon D rum J. B. Smith, Jacob Rush W. H. Stew t, Ch. P.-Whiston, Joseph Craig, Jos. Lantz. , H. J. Zinkand, Jere. Rotten aple:on IMPERIAL FIREJ INSURANCEtO., OF LONDON. --- xerrABLIBILED 1803. CASH CAPITAL PAID UP AND INVESTED ruNDs EXCEED IN3 58,000,000 IN GOLD. Incarance 'against Wa r ed on Houses and Buildings, Goods, and Merchandise, Steamboats, ae. Polieies usned payable In gold or currency .1 sir United Kates - Branch Office, 40 PINE d'iltEßT. New Tort. AU losses of the United Mates Branch will be adjusted in New York. J. Y. McLAI7I3I iN, Agent, PITTSBURGH, PA. °Mee, 67 FOURTH STREET. MR. McLAUGITLIN also Agent for the Man hattan Life Insurance Oompany. se6:v72 ESTIEFIN ENSIIINANCE COM. PANY DER P N I I T M T I S C BU Pr H si dent. 'tr. HERBERT. Secretary. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. Office, RA Water street, Spang a 00.'s Ware. "li2 il" g t lf i gWAaigr ids Tire and ma. ensitks. A home Institution, managed by Di rectors who are well known to the community. and who ar. determined by promptness and liber .ality to maintain the character which they have assumed, as el tering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. _ • Alexander Nimick, Joon R. McCune. 11. - billler, Jr. . Chas. J. Clarke, James IdcAult:y, William S. Evans,. Alexander Speer. JoSeph EirkPat , Andrew Acklen, - Phillip Itermer, David M. Lang. Wm. Morrison, D. Hansen. noir NATIONAL INSUBANCE CO., OF THE CITY or ALLEGHENY. owledgment other legit' lah2ka Poll6e Mag oppoette the ZION AND Mice, No. 89 FEDERAL STB.EET,. entrance on :Stockton Avenue. 1 1 7101 INSURANCE ONLY. w. w. MARTIN, President JAS. E. STEVERSON. Secretary. • . numerous: lA. H. English O.H.P.WIIIIms J. Thompson duo. A. Myler, Jae, Loakart, J oe. Myers, Jas. L. graham, Robt, Lea, C. 0. Boyle, Jno. Brown, Jr. Geo. Elerst, Jacob Kopp. oci7m34 PEOPLES' INS ANCE .0031. PAN Y. 'SBURGH. PA. )wiedgments. executea arm 0371 CL. N. B. CORN*It WOOD & FIFTH w ♦ Home Cempany,tak.ing Plre and Marine Mane zaascrosa: Wm. Phillips. • Capt . John L. Rhoads, John Watt, : Samuel P. Shriver, John N. Park s _ J • Charles Arbuckle. Capt. James Miller, Jared M. Brash,' Wm. Van Kirk, Wm F. Lang James D. Verner •• Samuel McOreckart WM. PHIL LIP' JOHN WATT ice President- W. 7r: ELLSIDNEBq Secreta •ty. CAPV. JAB. fiop.DoN. tleneral Agent. .4LL EG I% ENT INSURANCE 001GPANY OF PITTSBURGH. 0 lOB,No, lIPTH SllT,Biani BLOC,. Insures against 37, all kind T s of of lire and Marine M k/ JOHN rims, JR., President.. • JOHN Di McCORD, Vice President. . C. O. DONNELL tlecretuy. CAPT. WM. Ditilq. General Aleut. , DutzovOirs: John Irwin, Jr" Orpt. Wm. Dean, Jan D. McCord, ' B. L. FahriestMr. 0. O. Hussey, W. H. Everson, Harvey Maids, Robert H. Davis, T. J. Huskinson, Frslicis Sellers, °Rules Hays. Cant. J. T. Btockdale. SUPPLIES N. 7 FOR WATER WORKS. • ' • COWMALIZIVEI CUPPICL f errs or ASIZGUILIkiIt, February 24,1869. If ISBALICO iPROPOSALS nlll be received at this offloe until 4 o'clock P. It. on ktONDAY, March Bth, 1869 for fumbling the • ap4m7B Allegheny IV4terWorks V i r ei ti c : . he par t •ent year with the following eup • WATER Bil/i24f18113 and 131.13 EVES, of th e .following dbunetors, lg. :4, 8, Al, 4 10, Ai and Ali Inches. 4 Flair; PLUes, VALVES AND IascELLA NE4;.IIII3 IIIIIRPLIi(1 AND nor:coos BOXES A 5 • . AlsiA , M the 00Altrequired during the year. Bids are requested for both NUT COAL and . BLACK.; ' AU of the above supplies to be delivered at each times and places as the Superintendent of the Works rasy_direet... Bids for Water Pipe solicited payable both in e per cent; Alik year. city. Bends, and payable in cash every three months. Specifleations and Maras for bidders can be had, at this Wilco an d at, the office of th 4 Super- Interiderit, W . M. Esq. The right is resetved so - reject any and all bids. 204:na • CITY OQNTROLLIIR. TTNION ENTEOP r aIs E FOLTN PR . WII. 111. JOIINNON! Manufacturer of COOKING STOVE S,• Arch Grates, Fenders, 'Sub Weights, and I'll ki, of Hollow WAXY, Car Wheels and all kinds ittschlnenr OnstbiIie,..POIL.YVATLIONLa SHIN, HISS STS., rausur,ol3, .ill arrFwte r"NiEW:. OPERA:it WEISE. Lessee... Mainzer Engagement for slx 'Nights and.one 31atinee with the br.lllaut and charming TUESDAY EVEN'ING, March 241. Igeo wit be pre sented the sparkling Coa.edy, cutated, , THE PET OF THE PEITICoATS. Pant, the Pet, with songs ' Lotta. To conclude With the glorious farce of • NAN, THE 1 000D-FOn-NTTILING. I Nan, With Son!, Harilo Solo and Darce."Lotta. LOtt Idattnep on Saturday. • 1 7 7 .1TTSIIIVRGIR TREAT/7.E. ; - FL W. WILLIAMS.. Da. J. L. THAYER FRANK J. HOWE.. DR. JAMES L.THAYERIS GREAT CIRCUS. Great hit of the KLU KLUX KLAN, received with immense applause, introducing 100 •D!EN and GORSES. . • First anpearance of WM. MORGAN. the great 'Hurdle Ruler: MARIE, Premiere Eques trienne, D. 11. - 1 KELLY,. Champion Letuser: CH.i.S. FISH. Cberation Rider• the DIADIUAN BROS., BURROWS and BURDEAU, the great Gymnasts, end JAME'S REYNOLDS, funniest of Clowns. Grand Matinee to•morrow afternoon at o'c ock. M *THE'S AMERICAN THEATRE. (Late Trimble's Varieties 1 Tbe verdict of the people, 'They are Immense.;" referring to • the wenderlui vicrunEmA BROTHERS. the Kings of the Air. Champion Oymnaats of the World. TUESDAY EVEN ING, March 51d, another rousing programme, introducing Mr. zagan's Corps of Committing. The Ballet Troupe. The American Comique, GUS. WILLIAMS, inss new budget, a the Dramatic Company in oaring meto dram nd a.' ra"*BUIIANELL'S MUSED AND' PARLOR MENAGE The GreaV. Family Be FIFTH AVMS - ITE. betweezi Sinn. Wood streots, opposite Old 'Theatre. gartipea Dal and Evening. all the y - Admission, :45 cents: Children. 15 cc THE RINK. FAN '7.:Y DRESS CARN UNDEB, THE AUSPICES OF Keystone Sk6.ting Costume Tickets can now be seen farLECTILTRF. AT THE FOURTH. 'WAND SCHOOL,HALL, , - Penn street, OW TUESDAY EVEN I NG. ',larch 9d, at 734 o'clook. by the Rev. H. H. GEORGE, or Cincin nati. onoleot— , NationalEeforra." 1 Admission free.l mhi:EZ O RPHANS' COURT SALE. -By order of the Orphans , Court, at NO. 41n Partition. June Term, MS. there will be ex posed to sale, on the premises. On Friday, March 19, 1869, AU that certain tract of land in Wilkins town shin, lying on the Pittsburgh and ',Greensburg Turnpike, one mile east of Wilkinshurg Station, on the Pennsylvaula Railroad, bounoed by lands of James Ciraham , s heirs, Jamea Kelly, George Johnston and others, containing 63 acres, hair ing erected thereon a frame house -sad barn. , The whole of said traci, is improved and in the highest state of cultivation, and rt`ll but three are mideriald with an excellent Vein of coal. Title indisputable. Terms made known on the day of sale, Sale to Commence at 10 s. Y. D. W. ELDKR. Esq. Trustee, Corner of Grant street and Esq., avenue. feZ" :f27 TNTHE COURT OF Q .1 1; , ' ABNER szssioss, ,Allegheny county, Pa., in the matter of the VACATION OF G ANT AVE NUE, between Ohio and Washialvion :menu" in the Second ward, of the City of A.'6gh coy. And now, February SW, 1869, the petition la this case having been presented in open Court, is ordered to be flied. And the Court do grant a rule as prayed for In said petition. to show cause why that portion of Grant avenue, lying between Ohio and Wash ington avenues iu arid second Ward, should not be vacated and closed no; end do further order. that notice of the tiling of said petition and of the granting of the rule aforesaid. be published twice a week, for four consecutive weeks, in the PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, ijillbliShrd in the City of Pittsburgh. . - From the Record:l . , JOHN G. BROWN. j Clerk of Quarter Bessloe,.. fe23:fl9-2? O RPHANS' COURT SALE.—By virtue of an Order of sale, issued out of the terphans , Court of Allegheny ronnty, the under signed, Administrator of ROBERT LA. sFERTY, deceased. ezpoie at Public Kale, at the COURT HOU'E, in the City of Eitisburgb. on TUESDAY. the. Rd day of Niarcli, A.. 13 1869, at 10 o'eloek in the' forenoon,,all the Interest of Robert Lafferty. deceased. Oeing an.undlvided three-fourths et all. Voile certain Lots having front on the BuVer Turuplk. , of-430 feet 1% Inch's. and being Lots .Nos. 31, 12,13, 14. lg. 18. 17, 18 and 19 In the p an of Edward Hard ing mud ts. F. Snyder. recorded In Plan Book Vol. 3, part 9, page 330. and situate in Studer town ship, Allegheny county. rennsylimnia; together with a Lot of liround in said T.isitrusedn. sod de- But bed T inth n e p iskam eb p g la inni n n gthat ow p e o r in de ect a ly opposite the corner of Lots N05..10 and 11 in said plan; thence by the line of the old towing path of the Penney vanla Canal. iis..marked in said plan North 90 degrees 411 minutes East 400 Pet 4 inches, and extending back. preserv ing the same Wilt lt to the Allegheny River at love water mark; on which . Is erected OIL WORKg, known as the Albion itetlne, together with all the Tankage, Buildings, ..ifleetitnery, and five small Dwelling Houses erected thereon. TERMS OF SALE'. CASH, on conlirmation of sale. Tide property is sold anblett to the debts of the late firm .of LAFFERTY & WARING. amountleg to $515,206.54.100. Also to a per chase money mortgage amountiog to $3,338 99-100, witilinterelt thereon. JAMES P. RELIT. AVAINISTRATO2.._ feD:elß-T _ __--- -- .:tSIGNEEPS NOTICE OF AP.. PoINTMENT. _ WESTILUN DISTRICT OF PZIMSTLYANIA. SR: At Pittsburgh, this sill d day of February. A. U. 1869. . . To Whom it May Concerni—Thrsigned hereby gives notice of his appoin o and e tment as As signee of 14101.4.1t.414 MILLEP., of Allegheny .clll. in the county of Aileeheny and Stele, of Pennsylvania, 'within said Listriet.who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own p, titian by the District Court of-said DlBtrlct. -'. ' • • . .1. W. KLIIK.F.I4 Assignee, fe2S•efey Attorney-at-Law. SI Flftb Avenue. 4iSSIGNEWS• NOTIC OF AP PO INTMENT. . -- S.EITSSN DISTRILT rENNEVILVANIA. SS At Pittsburgh,the Bth day- of February. A. D. To wham it may coneern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment •as Assignee 'of - JAMES PLOT tr. of ' Allegheny' in the county of AI; leghany, and State of Pennsylvania, within said platelet. who has been adjuaged•bankrupt upon his own - petition, by tti3 Disubn Court of said Emmett, Attornei-st-I.lw, ST Fifth avenue. AN ORDIN4IYOE • Autloristaft Mister Wens Co. to erect on 11•010 C ad Bultiallog. . . a fixatiOu 1.. Be . ordainedand ended by the oily q r.pittoorylt,ln Sided and,Comotint Vous -4:414/ Cilti.tabkCVa44 it to &ray ordained and En acted by the authority of toe That Filmset W re , ells Co. be and they are beyeby authorized to erect an Iron building , on se vet m ent h street. betwe en o Pike and Butler streete. seventy by one bon iced and fifty feet; to be w•ed as a Rolling Mit. Sae. :A. nit any ordininiehY pert Of °Min:ince eeneleting with:the Passege of 'Mfg ordinance at th e presoit time, be and F L.; ...ante Li hereby re• peeled so tar and the'seine 1v .t this Ordinance. ordained and. enacted Uri) laR, t.,,,tmeni4 , tide laidd day of Toornary,A. D. 1869. , J A BlEh Ide AU LEY: • • - Trechlent of Select Connell. Attest: E.B. dlonnow, ,, A . . Clerk of. Select Connell: W. A. TOMLINSON, _ President of Common Council. Atte.sti hicSimirillt, Clore Of OoluniOn. Council. inbi A. B. Fancies lee, Intl!. HarmssisON. N. cesirrsa. MS= EllonAger. Equektrian Director. LAST WEEK OF eld and sia VAL, Tqesday, March 2d, Club. ed at the sabl:f33 LEGAL. 01tDINAMOE14, orte.