I making it read that for the present. Mr. 'Reed moved mentorL the table.. The resolution yeas, 34; nays, 21. On motion adjourn e d Wednesday, )to-morrow) at two v elock,l , , • 'Assault end. Battery. William Baird, a' barber at the Monon gahela House; made information, before the Mayor, yesterday, charging Annie . Arbison with assau t and battery. It e t appears that tbe pros cutbr, in the course of a conversation Wi h a friend, made some remark deroga to the . charac ter of the d fendant , w hich, by some means, got t her ea ' whereupon, bay ing no ‘•big brother" punish the bar- I: ri:o t bar ber for his adeness,, solved to chastise him horse He was, it is allezed, in duced to Ito to the resdence of Annie, in Montooth's Court, Se venth ward, where he was compelled to take off his coat to . Annie and her sister,lwho threatened by scald him unless he did so, and then sub jected to'a cowhiding c process, which he by no means relishe . A warrant was issued for the arrest of the oowhiders. BRIEF TEIJEGRANS. . —Nearly half the town of Chippewa Falls, WiiAconsin, wak burned on the 24th Inst. —ln the nitwit Hausa, on Saturday morning last, the bill Ito repeal the reg istry law was defeated. —Seven buildings in Mount Pleasant, Mo., were burned Sunday morning. ;Loss, $10,000; insurance small. —The Court House in Buckingham county, Va.,was destroyed by fire on Friday. Al the papers and records were lost. —A dispatch lrom'Cheyenne says the Pacific Railroad has been blocked up for fifteen days, and that no efforts were be. ing made to open the road. • —The Park Savings Bank, in Brook lye, N. Y., was robbed of a email tin box ' containing 45,000 dollars in City Bonds and 200 dollars in money. —At Buffalo, the skating match be tween Swift and Goodrich, for the cham .i pionship of America and a diamond macula], was won by the former; score 42 to 29. —Leonard Choate, recently arrested at the West, was arraigned: yesterday at - Newbuiyport, Mass., on fifteen separate Charges of incendiariiim. He pleaded not guilty. .:The election in Memphis, yesterday regarding the issue of half:a million in thirty year bonds to pay the indebted ness of the city, rosined in favor of is suing the bonds. .L-Satirday morning the west half of the Empire block and three buildings on West avenue, Kankakee, were de stroyed by fire. Estimated loss, $75,000; 'insurance large. —Captain John Ford, of the tug Nellie Jones, arrested by the authorities of Ar kansas for alleged complicity in the des truction of arms, was released at Little Rock on $2,000 bail. —Hon. J. N. Morris, of Quincy, 111., has written toa friend in that city, that he, declined a Cabinet appointment. be cause the salary does not cover the ex pensea of a Washington residence. —Geji. Wyman. B. S. Moore, formerly Unite 4 States Se' tar from Maine, and Consul -iGeneraV to Canada, under Bu chanan, died in Virginia, on Sunday, where he had gone for his health. - —ln Huntsville, Ala., recently, a colli ilon occurred between citizens and about twenty soldiers, resulting in the killing and. wounding of four of the latter, who are said to have been drunk. —A. Woman's Suffrage Convention is in session in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Mrs. E. U. Stanton, Miss Anthony and Mrs. Livitornore are the principal speak ers. The ineetings are well attended. —The Milwaukee' Woman Suffrage Convention adjourned Monday evening, after completing. a State organization of which Laura J. Ross is President. organization; Stanton and Miss Anthony have gone to Madison to Influence the Legislature. The-.paper mills in Lvringham Mas.s., occupied by Watkins. Cassidy & Brother, took fire at twelve o'clock Sat- urday night and were entirely des troyed... The fire is suppused- to be in oendiao; loss /25,000: insured for /12,000: • Governor Fairetilld. presided at as immense audience of legislators and cit. izens who ' onloriday evening last, were addressed :in; Madison,: Wis., by Mrs. Stanton, Miss Anthony and Mrs. Liver= more on the subject of woman suffrage. • —The propoded woman suffrage amend. ment to the Constitution has been voted down in the Minnesota House of Assein- , bly. The HOllBO also passed a bill re moving the BtAte Capital to Kandlyohl county, which act the Goverrum will veto. —Toby Edwads, the negro whom the Democrats last fall elected in a joke .Tna. tic° of the Paula in Desktoines, lowa, and who can now serve under the new amendedconstitution ' has removed to Dallas county to avoid official honors. • _ —This morning's edition of the Chicago Trsbuna will editorially. recommend Joshua R. Hill, of Georgia. for a seat In Grant's' Cabinet, lie a man eminently worthy and desenrimr, and -a fit repro - aentative of SonthenfUnion men. • —At Indianapolis, the Jury - in case of .Nancy E. Clem, Indicted for the murder of Jacob Young - and wife, at Cold Spring, htd.;last September, returned 'a verdict of guilty of Murder in the first degree, and sentenced hello the peniten tiary for life. Her 4tounsel bas moved for a new trial. Canadian.;Afteirs--Expcirt of ' Specie—L • Great Quantity of Snotv., tny ; refesnitia to the , Pittsburgh Gazette. ) brosrminst, February' ,1 - .—The ko rtation of epode , goes on ..favoratdy. ne_rate has fallen 60 3 5. :per' cent. 4/5" went'. The total amount pow ekr6rted le 4203,0iX t c, • The , ortrauliatlon of,tbe militia in the, =witty dlstrictil has have> been received; from the West since Tuesday last.. biON,TEBAL, March 1 .- Rai l way travel is still obstructed. No trains have left • here for the East or West for three days. The Arthabasca Railroad is so completely snowed up that It will be abandoned for the season. In some places snow Rep in drifts nearly thirty feet high. ~ ~~ .«~r• coon be postponed The testimony of Robert J. Walker be fore the Alaska Committee shows that while he was abroad as secret agent of the Government in -1862, he visited fit. Petersburg and set the movement for the purchase of Alaska on foot. The members of the House Committee on Foreign Relations express the belief that the present condition of affairs in Cuba and San Domingo will surely lead to annexation within the first few months of Gen. Grant's administration. 0 lay.' the; amend- Arrlesl. s~ then adopted- General Butler called on Gen. Grant last Saturday and invited suggestions from the General about t he Indian Appro ploti / bill, which were freely given hi General Sherman was present at the intervlew, which was very. cordial and frank. The` slippery ways: of politicians_ are ißus ted by the fact, since_Gen. Grant's iiitima ion that Gov. Curtin would not be a member of the Cabinet, that nearly all the leading Pennsylvanians who, were known to be Curtin's friends, _repudiate all action or knowledge of the McClure attempt to force him into the Cabinet. Some go so far as to deny that they ever endorsed Gov. Curtin's claims for the position. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Jecksoh, Mhz., March I.—A large fire this morning burned the Clarion news paper, job office and bookbindery; loss $25,000; partly insured. Geo. C. Eyrick's book and stationery store was also burned; loss $15,000; insured. The fire was the work of an incendiary. -- The Ciarien will resume publication to-mor row. • DIED: HARTLEY—On Sunday, February 2htb, at 20 inlnutka past ten o'clock P. M.. Mn.s MARIA HARTLEY, relict of the :ate Dank.: Hartley, in the 701 b year of ber age. The fhneral will take plate THIS (Tuesday) AFTERI4OOIt, at SI o , clisck,-from the residence of her nepLew,ll. W. Sackett, corner of Bedford :weave and Gam streets. Frlends of the family are reaper:Unify invited to attend. .31086.A'N-411:1 Monday - snortfag, Morels Ist, at 7 o'clock, EDMUNI, 140116.511. aged 56 years. The funeral will take plaee fiom his late resi dence Brownstown, near Oliver sir eet, THIS sr- TNENOON. at 2 o'clock.. The friends of the family are invited to attend. =A MAILARIOUS - MONTH. March, that gives us a new President, is also the inaugural month of many huvassing &sof- E , dere. ntangled 'in its fogs are the seeds of coughs, colds and of that alteratimaof frigidity and Ire. more widely known than admired. called sever and ague. The only way to avoid these "little ,unpleasantuesses,' , is to reader the sys tem strong enough' to fight off the atmospheric poison that products them. and the nest way to end aw,ll, with this repellant plower Is to tone It with lI•esTe:TTEA!S STOMACH BITTERS. If a wayfarer were credibly informtd that a ruffian was waiting at the next corner. he would doubL'ess turn in his tracks. and take a safer route to his destination. With just about the same amount of trOut le, the attacks of dheases prevalent at thts ssason may ne evaded. Na: the trouble will be lees. far drug stores Ile In every one's route.and every respectable &ea glet in the Hnioa'keeps on hand HOSTETTE eTS BITTERS. The (wide la a staple of trade, and it would be as easy to find a grocery without emir, as the store of an apothecary without this popula nic remedy. In 'view of the experience of the nation, with regard to the article. during the space of twenty years, it seems almost nneece•sary to recapitu late its merits to Americaus. But as our popula tion Is increasing at the rate of a couple of mll - in a year. In th. natural way anti by Immi gration It may be as well to hint to the llama generation nun new arrivals. (the old settlers know all about it.) that HOSTE'fTER'S STOM ACH BITTERS is the moat wholesome and po tent vegetable tonic ever manufactu.ed, that It Is »specific for deuilltv. dyspepsia, and miasmatic fevers, tha it p events, as well as cures, those complaints and their complies. tions: that it is not •thad to take," and la atso lutely harmless. . One of the most accurate ways of determining whether thilungs are in a healthy or diseased con dit ban, is by means of listening to the respiration. To those experienced in this practice it becomes as plain an index to the state of the lungs, and is *swell known to the operator as are the Voices of ••his most inti Ate acquaintances. The belief that long standing coughs, and diseases of the lung s upon which t ey arc dependent, are Incurable, 11 „ are lbstbeco ing obsolete. One great advantage to be gained m this advance in medical knowl edge is tie e Ber application of those who be come stlliete with those diseases to some one competent to fford relief. The error which had taken hold 04 the public mind in regard to the curia:ditty of nsomption, or rather is fast becoming obliterated, and it is well non-curata -I.?mi ity, that It should so, not that persons should lose that salutary ear which would make them anvil' 'foratimely edy, but that all. might be indu ced to use IT: In dies while there Is any hope. It Is the delay in these cases that Ills us with ap Prehension aid - alarm, for if every one would make timely, ippllcatlon of D. KEYSER'S LUNG' CUBE in the beginning of a cold or cough, few cases would go so fares to become inert:m(lla , . • , Sold at the Doctor's great" Medicine Store. No. W Wood street. WILL SHORTLY REMOVE 'IN HIS NEW STORE, NO. 16 . LIBERTY . STREET, SECOND DOOR FROM ST CLAIR: DR. KEYSER'S. RESIDENT OFFICE FOR LIINGEKAMINATIONI .AND THE TREAT MENTOF OBSTINATE CHRONIC DISEASES, No, I.II6PKIOT STREET, PITTeBURG/I. PA. Mace Hours frpm e A. Y. until 4 r. x., and from 7 to' 6at night. • ' NEW ii.DVXIITISEDEENTS.- RESIOVA.L. . if. A. St s INN, Attorney La*, Hai removed. • °Mee from No. 139 Fourth Avenue. to No. 7,5 GRANT STREET, (corner of Diamond.) . mb2:133 .i. APPLICATIONS TO. SELL LIQUORS.' died in Clerk's °Mee. ' John G.. Walther, tavern. 7th ward, Allegheny: The License Board will eft for bearing • the above applleatlon on the oth bat,' at 10 o'clock .mtC:it3 E FINE D We have in stein a fall itok of Covering's re nted OrnShed and Yulveilaed nugars, whith we offer at the lowest prises by the barrel or at re tail.. ItShInHAW. ath2 . -_Corner . LlbertV and Hand streets. LE.V....tIIILEN iIINIDEft , • TAKEN:: No. 168_70 TH BTICNET, a t, Laetrurgn, ks 1,7017.1178 of kinda t CRAPEB, GLOVEn. awl e , Cry deaeriptt of Funeral Fur nhhlug •ffodde fc ralahad. Rooms open day and night.. Hearse „pod Oanlagea furnished. _,,- NedgraaNo3B—Nev: Dar lat !Etre. it. Li" HOT. M . W. Jacobus, D. D. l nomad Nolan; MOO" Jacob l3;l[lller, Nut., ~ k, -,, . , ~ , 4. PEEBLES i UN. DERTAZERS #ND LIVERY STABLES, camelN STREET AND CHITRCW AVENUA Allegheny City. where their COkrYIN ROORf3 e constantly supplied with mid and imitation Ito ewood;' 'Mahogany and Walnut Oodles' , It tutees tarring from +llll to 4100. Ho wee -prepared retie" meet.. Hearses and Car times arnlebedoilso. 11 Linda of Mourning :pond", if reWrea. VOW ienat au hours,,dar T.''BODNEIG• UNDER. , TAKstAND:inseAraura, No. 45 OHIO T. Allegheny, 4ceeps constantly on hand a large assortment of ready-Made Collins - of the £ Rowing Mat_ First. lbe - celebrated American Burial Cues. Metallie Belt-sealing Air-tight Cast s and .Caskets, and Boter k ood, Walnut and Rosewo 4 Imitation Ceding. Walnut CoMus from /28 vpirardS. Bosetrixid Imitation Coill „from _45 Opwarda, and no pains will be spared to. glee enure satisfaction. Crape, and Bloyei furnished free • fame. Best Hearses anti Car' risge • furnished n Short nottee. 'Carriages fur signed to funerals at 1# _ Po DAMN Bt. D Es S• BUTTON. M. D. rrHE lINVERSOCrNED • HAVE ASBOCLITED themselves t,ogether tot the PRACTICE' OF MEDICINE. 0111ce,'No. 19 57001EIVN LTENUE, !ale. gh z e o nj . 2y. D ALE _ 4 ~ _~. .. i ~ .t - _ ~~_.r. ~. ..:_ - ~a ~ ~. -. ~ ~.:. ; r ~_:..'ice ishinigton Items. Large Fire in .ileekson, Mississippi. THE SOUND OF THE LUNOS. JOHN 0. DEO S'IIGFAItS. ,BURGH,' GAZETTE.: - P NIIMN , , MA/. "VIM/!N JVW • 0/7.1C1L IdoziONGAIIEL.A.II)43 COMPANY, / P/TTEMI7IIOII - watch 1.1569. 1 • arTHE APHESIDENT AND M.NAGEBS of this Commity have de clared a I:rvidend pf 0 E. DOLL AR AND SEW /MTV-FIVE CENTS PER SHARE. payable on demand. at the Banking House of N, Holmes Sol* 51 Market street JAMES H. WRIGHT, akb2l79:TrkT Treasurer. PITTSSI7IIGMFT.WATNEA CIIICAGe , R.8.C0. 1 g I Z CI tML Cn 4E4) } riTTaDUIAIV;. 139. TfiE ANNUAL MEETLITI6I of the : Stock and Bondholders of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chleago Railway _Company will be bald at the office of the Com pany, in the ity of Pittsburgh, as 10 o'clock A. M. of WE I'IESDAY, March 17. 1869, for the purpose o bearing and considering the an nual report o the Board of Directors, and for the elettion, f three (3, members of the Board of Directors o terva for four years In the pace of three members whose term of service expired bylaw. • t F. M. HUTCHINSON; mh2:134 ' Secretary. arTHIROUGH THE VERY gre t kindness of the Trnsteee of the Second 17.1. Churcn (Eev. Dr. Clark), and the g, n rosily Of Mrs. JANIe G. SWIbSBELet, we take pleasure to announce that she will repeat, for the benefit of the new African M. E: Church. which is laboring under great financial ember minuet:lt, thievery interesting and Parned Lec ture entitled . 4 •llunien Suffrage and lta Relation to the Divine Law," in the SECOND 11. P. CHURCH, corner of Stockton avenue and an duskr street: Allegheny, THDRADAY EVEN .I24 O. March 4th, at a quarter to S o'clock. ickers of admiss'on 23 cents. For sale at the Book store of J. J. Ea-t, Federal street. H. P. Scwariz. Drnegi t, Ellis C. Thorn,Central Drug gist, Allegheny Diamond, C. C. Mellor's Music store, Pittsburgh. or at the door on' the evening of the lecture. We cordially invite all who are friendly to the dWyemlnetlon of Truth and the enlargement of Christ's 'Kingdom on Earth to be present. THOS. It. ROACH, MOSES HOWARD, naff :f4l GEO. W. DIMNE t QRPHANS , COURT SALE.—By virtue of proceedings of the Orphans' Court o Allegheny county, the undersigned, guardian of the estates of Jobn M. and James Sic silken, minors children and heirs of James Mcguilgen, der eased, will offer at Pubre Bale, at the COURT HOUnE, in the city of Pittsburgh, on • Monday, March 22d, 180, At 10 o'clock A. Y., the following descrlied Lot or piece of ground, Minato in the Borough of Birmingham. being pa , t of Lot No SIB in the plan thereof, bounded as follows: oeginning at the dlslance of fifty-Bye feet from the corner of Neville and Ormsby streets, on O. msby atreet; thence along Ormsby vtreet 40 feet to the line of Lot No. 23: thence westwardly along the line of Bald Lot No. 83 80 feet 6 inches: therms n rthWaruly on line parallel with th insby street 40 fee; to a Ave foot alley; thence along said alley eastwardly a Its feet six inches to the place of beginning, together with right of way to said dye foot alley, a two story Brick Dwelling house halos thereon erected. Terme will be made known on day of sale, or by application to mta:f4o-u JAMES ;MITE. Guardian. DISSOLUTION. TN CONSEQUENCE OF THE deeesse* of J. L. SCHWARTZ in May last, and also the decease of tr. W. FAHNESTOCK In December tali,. the partnership heretofore extst lng under the F y es of B. A. FAHT4ESTOCK'S SON & CO.and FAIINEsTOCK, HAnI,ETT SCHWA RZ. are dissolved. The itusixe of both firms wlh he reified by J. M. SCR iv RTZ at their (ace, corner Wood street and First avennc. JOHN lIASLETT. Ja , • J. E. SCHWARTZ, 11. P. NCH wARTZ, /Executors of J. J. E. SCHWARTZ. I L. Schwartz. , V. E. WOLFF. Admlnlaralore of GEV. D. W.AFF, fu. W. Fahneztock CO-PARTNERSHIP. — The undertlmted have formed a co-parhierahlp under the at) lea sod arum of SCHWARTZ & HASLETT, Falmestock, Haslett & Schwartz, and will continue the busin-ss as heretofore. J. E. SCHWARTZ, mb2:192 JOHN 11 ASLETT, Jn TN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF Allegheny county. In the matter of the es tate of JEREMIAH LINTON, dec'd. No. J, Sept • inner arm, OHM To Susan Linton, intertawried with John Hot ter, of Alit gheny_ county; Hetty Linton. inter married with Simon rimalL of Ilegheov county; to John Bothwell, husband'ef Louisa Gotbwell, dec'll, formerly Louisa Linton, and Mary Both. well. intermarried with Sidney Perry, Jonathan Linton, William Linton. Content's Kin ;Wand. husband of Mary Kingsland, dec'd, formerly Mary Linton. Sarah Kingeland, widow c f Joseph Ringsrand, dec d. r-eorge ingeland. James Rings'and and J. Holder Rhineland, children of Jos. ph Kinn, land, dec'd. by their guardian ad WU= Wiliam Lipton. John Fulmer, husband of Sarah ''ulmer, deed, formerly Sarah 'Ortolan& Ida Veinier. Mary Fulmer anti John Fulmer, children of Sareb Fulmer, deceased, by their guardian ad Mum William Linton. Maras' et It Inge And: in erm a tried with George Illansi and. SasannuhKings'and_, interim reed with John F. Sinclair, Mary H. Klncsiand, intermarried with George Cabbage, and John Kingsland, heirs and legal representatives of Jeremiah Linton, de ceased You are hereby notified that an Inquisition will be held In pursuance of the above mentioned writ of partition or valuation on the premises in tee Riftventh ward, late Seventh Ward, in the City of Pittsbnrgh. on THURSDAY. April lb, 1869. at 10 o'clock A. at , to make partition to and among Hie heirs 01 said deceased In such manner and in inch proportion as by the laws of this - Commonwealth is directed,..c.,at which time and plare sou may attend if ou think Pro Per. SAMUEL B. CLlll.EY,'l3tieriff. mhiffErl . GENUINE GLYCERINE TOILET SOAP, Manufactured by PETER SQUIRE, 221 Ox ford street, London. This roan has been by a headier process, freed from the excess of alkali almost invariably found even In the purest soaps, ann at the same time It is made to take up a large quantity of Glycerine (40 per cent It is to this latter substance that it chiefly owes its svothlng quid. Ity—softening the skin, preserving the cots:ilex• ion, preventing chapping and the unpleasant roughness experienced in cord weather. It Is found most usetni In alleviating the Irritation produced by dryness of the skin. On account of Its great purity It recommends itself to all persons that suffer from the use of common soaps; for delicate skins It Is the only soap that can be tolerated. It Is particularly useful for cleansing diseased skins where the ir ritation produced by ordit ary soaps causes so much inconvenience. It is the moat agreeable shaving soap that can be used, leaving the lace colt and comfortable. The soaps Usually soul as Glycerine /Soaps con tents little or no Glycerine. It is only-necessary to apply the tr.ngue to the surface, a d the gen tdoe will be distinguished from the spurious by the sweet taste. AGENT; SIMON JOHNSTON . N, Clerk Corner Smithfield Street and Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh. • teserrs HENSY,6.HAIE, ;MERCHANT :TAILOR. cor. of Penn and St.Cltdr Streett, Ass now in Stack 41410 of the largest and 1006 vorod assortments of , Fall and Winter Goods' f e r&alreegifr t tgL e it g f i gt 1 4 2 k en t ibrig t) noTail' CIANIMXLES - AND OVBROOATIE108• Also. a nth line of Bent's Purnlehleg Goods. NEW.GOODS. NEW GOOD& • - FOB AIITYLIBIiOVRBOOAT FOB A STYLISH DREW 00. .1 , 011 A BTYLIBiI BUSINESS G OAT,_ 808 A STYLIBR W ALB. MU COAT, FOB AdTYLInH PALK OP PANT_Ily,_ FOB A VEST OP ALL ZAZ4 3,11 . per all the latest styles eat clothes, mule 'of the oast material. and by first-class workmen, sad at rice° Pu rs ll 4 l 7 low , to to th e well . known eyeliant W. lIESPENHEID. NO. 6O BT." CLAM STREET!, now Sixth. nolB P D i g „IL I:4.enik Lead for Bal. toy --111 . 8 _ ° ft &25 - _ R. CANTIELv, PIM Avenue. EEEI Ell7J T.;.Y- , '„,P•AT,,.-TX4P.l;_[;.:.;o•;'_:,:, OiUMITS 'AND OIGOLOTHS. ARPETS. `We are now receiving our Spring Stock of Carpets, &c., and are pre pared to offer as good stock and at as low prices as any other house in the Trade. We have all thi new styles of Brussels Tapestry, Brussels, Three Plys and Two Plys. Best assortment of Ingrain Carpets in the Market. BOYARD, ROSE & 00., 21 FIFTH AVENUE. mid:d&wT CARPETS. McCA LLUM BROS. beg leave to call the attention of those in want of Carpets, and all goods .in that line to the fact that they have now in store the largest assortment of goods that they have ever' had the pleasure of offering_to the Trade, and invite an examination of , their choice stock. Oar facilities for ob taining goods by importation and from' Manufacturers, enable us to offer goods at the lowest rates. 51 FIFTH AVENUE. OLIVER McCLINTOCK wgm , vrl Have just /received and are, now opening- th largest Lmportation of the moat beautiful 3EIL 1 2 • "JE SI Ever brought to this city. being Imported them direct from the most celebrated manuf mice of Europe. OLIVER McCLINTOCK & COMPAN No. 23 Fifth Avenue. MD JANUARY, 1.86 eCARPETS. FFARLAND&COLLINS, Will Continue their ANNUM, CLEARANCE SALT TWO WEEKS LONGEi Greater Bargains than Ever will be offered to clese‘out Special Lines of Goods, ,at 71 AND 73 FIFTH AVENUE, SECOND. FLOOR. TRADE MARK. MEM FIEUEe- PIIIOOV ....__ ..•.,:,xi s i n J o .: : : : : , ._ ~i.,: , „„,y.i . ,..,...,..,..„.. '.0Mt,8., te10:08 869. POTIONS—"To .-••For Sate. 9. "halt "Waage," "Found, ' , I “Boarding," de.. Mt ex sortingfrOOß 1,11578 rad& wilt be in serted in atm lohtintrze for ?WENT Y-PIVE Dews: each 144itt //Om FIVE CENTS. WANTED-HELP. VZAANTED.—COOK and CHAM BERMAID one of ^liperleore,• at. the A K:AN HOUSY:, No 419 Btava• Allegheny (late Mancteaten: WANTED—HELP.—AT EM. PLOPURNT oFricE,_No. 3 st. Clair Street, BOYe tlIALts and 311CNi for dillerent kinds of employment. Persons waiting help of all kinds can ibe- 'implied on short notice. IiATAANTED --THOSE WANTING a fine DINNKit to•da - for 40 - cenrs, will call at W. M. BIAS'S EATING SALOON, cor. ner of Sixth avenue and Smithfield street. Also 15 Day Boarders to get their meals when wanted. 'Bear this cheap.forst-elate place alw in mind. AGENTS WANTED-And aD ay. - TWO $lO.OO MAPS FOE $4.00: LLOYD'S PATENT REVOLVING DOUBLE MAPS Of America and Europe, Amertca and the United States or America. Colored—in 4,000 Coun ties. These great Maps, now Just completed, show every place of importan e, all Railroads to date, and the latest alterations in the various Euro- - pein States. These Maps are neede occupyerr School and family in the land—theyshe apses. of one Map, and by means of the Reverser %Stiles side can be thrown front, and anv parr brought level to the eye. County Rights and large discount given to good Agents. Apply for Circulars, Terms, std send money f.d. Sample Maps; to J. T. LLOYD, fel7sf24-ddT 23 CORTLANDT ST., N. Y. OST.—On Liberty street, near L builtbileld, on Thursday afterncon. a LA DLES HEAVY BLACK WIL. the finder will be suitably rewarded by leaiing it at No. 357 Liberty street. 20.Q00 TO LOAN ON BO ND AND MORT •L. at on A. eigho • ,; founty. property. Apply to CROFT & PHILLI Heal Estate Agents,. No. 139 fourth avenue. TO -LET.-THE SECOND AND TRIRD FITORIF.B of t•o. 83 Wood street. buittahle for Insurance, Iron. Ccinutt slon Men and Sample Rooms. Central loe.tlon for bust ness. Apnlrto O. B. RILL & LO., Real Estate Agents. 59 Fourth aseune. TO -LET.— A comfortable brick . DWELLING of six r •otns, hall and double porch on Forty-third street, ((formerly Ewalt.) Pittsburgh. Inquire at S)2ILIBERTT STREET, Pittsburgh. 0-LET.-A BUSINESS HOUSE. No. 188 s•nslttqleld strett Also on back mi. • f lot a Loumof Mx r, ems. Enquire at 277 PENN iLTE.P.E.T. PT0 -LET.— A well finished HOUSE of 8 rooms. Ina most convenient an heaut.ful locatloo. 27 EIGHTH STREET, formerly Hancock street,opposite Christ Church; clesn and quiet; In the summer shady. Also No. 29 with seven rooms. Also. No. 25 with eleven rooms. Enquire at 977 PENN bTREET. Trlro-LET.—Four new TWO .5.„ STORY BRICK DWELLINGS on Franklin street, In the second square from the Passenger Railroad. Sixth ward. Allegheny, (late Borough of Manchester.) Each house is furnished wi.k a Boston range. an .1 hot and cold water fixtures complete In both stories, and contains seven room, besides bath room and finished garret. Inquire at the c Mee of the subscriber No. 33 F , anklln street. Allegheny. B. A. SA M PSON. rpo- LET.—That de6irable mod s_ ERN built restdeuce. No. 84 Marion St., Pittsburgh. For particulars allay to I. b FER GUSON, Attornep•at•Law, 87 fifth avenue. triO.LET.--The 3T. LAWRENCE ?feral street, Allegheny City, Attuse tbe Diamond. PO! sesNlon gl:en March Ist. pply to Ft M. TEMPLE, 180 and 182 Federal street, Allegheny, MO-LET.—Three • two story BRICK DWELLI299, 8 rooms and cellar, ad in goo I order, Nus. 297. 299 and 301 Rob- Suomi street. 1 , ileglienT. _lnquire as efilee 144 FOURTH AVENU E, Yittsburgh. 710-I.IET That TRU RE STORY BUILDING, No. TA Logan straet, cootans- Ing elgut rooms and having large TA d attsched. Bent $4OO per annum. Enquire of T. P. HOUS TON. GAZSTTE OFFICE. 10 -LET.--A line, large, well • finished ROOM, suitable for an office, in Roofmtck Building. tecond floor, back. Apply at tn for terms, &c. MO-LET. WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION s well-lighted comfortable BALL on stilt, avenue. 30 by SO feet; well adapted for society meetinge. Address Lock Box 160, Pittsburgh PostoMce. It I O•LET,STORE and DWEL LINO, No. 910 Beaver Avenue, Allegheny y: contains five rooms, finished attic, store room and large cellar: gas andwater. Apply to B. B. D. IHO - 311'150N, on the premises. Posses sion given April Ist. TWLET.—ROOIIIB,-Two 11 , e Rooms AETTE BUILDING. Apply at minting Bo o m , e 64 and 64 Fifth avenue. T0 -LET.-ONE STORE ROOM. FOUR BASEMENTS, well lighted and ithed. OFifICEJ3 in the saeond story. bLICEPING RUOMB.In the third story, and ONE LARGE HALL, with two ante•rooms, in the fourth story of A. H. English & Co , s new building, Fourth avenue. Apply teA. H. ENO. LISH A CO.. No. 49 Fifth avenue. CZNTBAI. BANE. PITTSBURGH. February 24, 1669. "THE BOARD OF DIREC• . TORS cf this Bank bare this day declared dividend of FIVE (s) PER CENT. , on the Capital Sto^k pail In, out of the milts of the last sin month.. payable to Stockholders on and.after March 10 . 1889. • mill WM J. W. DAVITT, Cashier. rITTSIII7IIOII. March 1. Isc 9. arPITTSBURGB SILVER. MINING. COMPANY.—Boots of sub scription for stock In sal.) Compsnv are now open at, No. 67 FOURTH AVIMUE, where P,os pectrts, Specimens, 4. C ol ora d o ready for in spectlon. Property InTerritory. near Georetown. Information with rard th stock, g property , /c c .. will be furnis he d C allin gby at the ogles of tee undersigned. A. S. BELL. Preeldent pro tem. ' DARIO' C. tIAMPBELL mbi Secretary and Treasurer pro tau. werrlllrrgetiTlGH risfantrit COAL AND COBB CO.--The third an nual :netting of the , Stockholders of this Com pany will be held on THURSDAY. March 4th, at 1t o'clock A. st., ot their . OFFICE, corner of FOurtb avenue and Try street. The election for a BOARD OF _NINE DIRECPORS to serve the ensuing year. will be held from 11 to A o'olcck. GeORGE .CHLUED se BERG, fa rotary Anil Treasurer. 1 1 1 4 1 E 1 1 :7 RTANT ANNOENCE GREit REDUCTION IN. PRICES. - -.. Tobacco, !Cigars & Whisky: ISAAC STERN, N 0.16.3 Federal Street, above the Market, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., ' • - Iteegeetthlly announces to Ids Mende that he le now offering alikeioOl4 consisting of the', FINEST CIGARS, TOBACCO, &0., Aniethe PIIBEST LIQtfORS. At p r ~tcee LOWER TA ! /1 . *VEAt OrldratED iTHIS MARKET:` irlteteember the place;: 17'0.183 711DERAL #l,LiGnerf aelr7J*Tue c ,,c) 6: c,'R" e c'". ct- c p -a% .R\ c D C' , • WANTS. trig LOAN. TO LET. NOTICES. ;"4- FOR' SALE': F°t` ~a 4 if, 11.—A AiEWt BRICK 11 INN or 5 rooms and lot, 50 hr 2QO feel, 200 grapevines, fruit trees, Arnbbe'. &C.. on , .he lot, at No. 100 Ridge stre-t Fifth ward, Allegheny Clty. For terms and partlete tars apply on the premises. 1 FOE SALE.-lIOUME.--A FINE Brick Mansion, containing 11 rooms, with all modern improvements. situated at 5103 South avenue. Allegheny City. with a let having a float of 50 feet. extending back 130 feet to an alley In rear. Tne prepeztv is stmatfd os the bank of thetthlo river, having a beautlfui view of the river and the distant cultivated hills. The Rebecca street ears bass It every ten minutes A. chine., like this Is rarely offered In real estate. but the present owners cootemplale teat ug the city. apd will sell on easy payments. For par ticulars call at above number VOR BALE.-FitiltgE COT TAGR. containing live rooms and excellent .cellar,witb lot 60 by 187 feet. In the 10th ward, (formerly East Liberty.) Price low. enquire on the premises, or ad..ress B. B. li., Gann. L , Ore ICE. FOB SALE:-FARDI AT A BAR GAIN.-145 per acre will purchase a Farm of 100 acres in Westmoreland county, Pa.. one and a half miles lrem • avegular station on West Pennsylvania Railroad, all under good fence. good frame brut barn, good house of Ave rooms, plenty, of fruit, abundance of good arkter, 21S Acres cleared, balance in good oak timber, good' nelghborhood, school on the farm. Terms easy. Apply to CeoFT' PHILLIPS, Real Estate. Agent& No. 139 Fourth Avenue. i VOR. SALE.--16th WARP.- ii ROM of seven rooms. oil William str. et adjoining the residence of F. K. Duff; lot 4 0-feet fron t and 260 , feet deep; weil im proved and plastid with fruit trees. Enquire on the premises, or of L. B. DUFF, 83 DLL NO.ND STREET. FOR SALE.-STOCK AND FIX- Tin:MS.—The Stock and Fixtures of a erst e ass Family Grocery Store. The undersiened. wliblng to enga,,e In anotner business otters the Fixtures and Stock at a bargain. G.W.YIISE T. 49 Federal Rtreet, Allegheny City. F"fALE.-BUSINESS PROP.• EBTY —ls now offered for wile that desira ble LOT OF GROUND. No. - 167 Smithfield street. This property is well located 1.) , busi ness. Parties on lookout for a good stand wit do well to call ti BAILEY, FARRELL 5 CO; No. 167 emlthrleid street. WESTERN LAND AGENCY. 70,000 Acres of Land for Sale, In lowa and . Minnesota; price from 413.00 to 0.00 per acre. Land bought and sold on com mission. Taxes wild; Titles examined; abstracts - furnished; burveying and Plotting done. Information furnished In reference to locslitY. quality and valuation of lands. general collect ing business done. Address ja29:(163 RILINGTO.V. lOWA VALUABLE STOCKTON AYE NUE PIIEBTY FOR SALE—In good location near F eral street, lot 60 feet fr .I.t by 5140 deep to W ter street. A double two story Brick House, wide central hall, large parlor, library, sitting 'room, dining room. kitchen, wash room, six chambers, two bath rooms, Closets. three attic rooms. gas and hot and cold water fixtures throughout, front and back porches, cemented cellars , skylight ventila ors, brick stable, etc. Persons In search of a good location In Alle gheny are requested to examine this desirable pruperty. -8. CUTHRENT & SON 4, fell 83 Smithfiehi stre t. VFARM FOR SA E. v —situate 513 i miles from Hai ght's Stat on, on. Western Pennsylvania Railroad. 17 miles from Allegheny City; contains 90 acres of land, 00 vt which Is cleared. balance in best timber, water lu every field. underlaid with best of coal; soil excellent for grain growth& ; on which are erected a two story frame dwelling, two stables, a young orchard just b,ginitins , to ben. of best quality of fruit: good roads from station to farm. Persons wanting one of the best farms itq the county, and at low price and easy term. , are ex pressly directed to the above. Apply to I It. "Rata IN. feM: Heal Estate Au, nts. CIARDENERS TAKE NOTIC —FOR SALE.—Tue FOURTEEN NIL :, ISLAND, on the Allegheny River, and now used for gardening purposes; well Mr no -4 and in a high state ot cultivation containing 10 or 50 acres now °Oared at a bargain. flail soon. A so, other Farms in good locations. woolen Factory two Rouse a. and twenty arres of 4and on the Central Railroad. Rouses and Lots For Sale and To-,et In both cities. v torte-I-I par ticulars inquire of WILLIAM WARD, fe23 110 Brant street. opposite Cathedral. THE BEST ORGANS Prices of Inferior Wori. 25 PER CENT. REDUCTION IN PRICEfi3 OF MASON Si - HAIVELI 4o_ruG-Aws. Prices to Suit the Ti THE MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN CO., win ners of seventy-ave highest premiums, ineluaing the Paris Exposition Medal. for the best instru ment of this classin the world, respectfully an nounce that their facilities are now so g eat that they undertake to furnish nut only the best and cheapest. but the ,LOWEBT Panic, first=class Organs obtainable, and they ask attention to their present scale of prices, Of which the fol lowing are illustrations: _ FIVE OCTAVE SINGLE. REED ORGAN, , In Solid Black Walnut Case. Carved and Panelled with . Tremslant. (Style A.l Price. for which other a. annfacturers ask from $l3O to 5100 100 FIVE OOTAVE DOUBLE itEED ORGAN, Five Stops, with Tremniant; Solid hck Walnut (lase: Carved and..Penner. (Style C.) Price, for which other ma n. lecturers &a hem $lOO to SISS ... .. ...SIBS FIVE OCTAVE DOUBLE hEED ...... NILT ORGAN. Five Stops with the new, MASON a HAM.LIN IMPROVED ItvEl HUMANA, which excels every other at-I tacbment of this Oass tbe beauty andv riety of its effects, the ease with whigh it I is used, an 4 its freedom from liability to get unt of order. Solid Walnut Case. Carved and Panelled. (New Style, No. Al ) This is the finest Organ of its size and capacity which can be made. Price, for which othsr manuthettirers ask Dom $2OO to $425 73 EVERY INSTRUMENTItULLY WARR T ED. Be sure to call and examine my sloe and prices before purchasing elsewhere. C. ItnEa-ALCIO 81 WOOD STREET, Eole Agent for ,M. - & H. Orga F. lTOrgane Rented: and reel applied t purchase. I rte.) ARDWABE AND CUTLERY:. I have in atoza and aln constantly receiving direct from manttfactur Ts, a complete assort , . went of BUILDER ' HAItIM ARE which I offer for sale on a' fair term" as any honme In the city, together with a tine aaaortrnent of ICUT 'LERY, GUNS and - BriwOi.VEßO.=Aso the butt .selection or MECIIANtee` TOOLd.l . rom. prising all the: latest and neat improvement' known to the trade. I have my factory in full operation as nensi, and am prepared to do a:I k I ode of lob work the same as before the tire of the Ad of FebruarY, such sa grit'ding razors, ethi-tprit, kolve, tins: In knife butdc", andr. , pairliag all kixtda or light maehinery. • JAMES DOWN NO. 138 WOOD STRNET., 4I'SBURGH. Ala Agentlsr OrOsskepele famous &GIG LINEIi B.F.it, the greatest novelty in the wottd. le n." . THE MAL TIRE! MEN. who hold PATNON TICKETS of *to 9d" Rh . 3d 'szejEs wAtltiiNoTo a MEDAL LIt.II PENN, ate beret's informed that draw- Inge were made January:29,. 1869. aim that cir culate siring informatiot or the numbers drawn, will be sent , to .nerenns interested, on their andreasins the WASHINGTON 151b.DAIrt LIUN PEN COMPANY, New York.! N. B. — Mean TUX Timm OF TOE 4711 86. 1118 P. -• le2s:F3 -HAY. . • • NO: 1 TIMOTEIT. RAT, • For solo by bale or,in qiiantltt, at, 403 LIBERTY STREET. eor • Opposite talon Depot. g (•. C. WAY, C 323 El