PITTSBURGH MARKETS. • cz or. Prrnorrnsizt diZirrrt., i ' DIONDAY, March - 1, 1868. ,l ippirt ade in general' merchandise contin ues rather dull, though there seems to be a better feeling in commercial circlesk and hopeS are entertained 1 that the Spring trade will. scam open up in ear nest. The fact that money matters con tinue tight, rendering co ections diffi cult to make; h s a tend ney to retard b us iness, whit ,at best, as been dull and unsatisfac ry. all win er. APPLE BU TER—Firiner at 75@85 - e. i f APPLES i.teady bu unchanged, ranking from s4©s pertbbl for com - mon to choice. BUTTER—Prime to choice Roll is in demand with sales at 38@42. 13E - ANS—Firmer and in better de mand, with sales_ at $3,75©53,85, for prime small white. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—DuII at 3%. CHEESE—SaIes of Western at 22c, and New York Gosheti at 23Q24e. CARBON OIL—Is a shade easier but unchanged, at 33133334, in fobbing way. CRANBERRIES--Sales at $18®622. CORNIANAL—.I3I@SI, IO per bushel. DRIED FRUlT—Peaches steady at 14 @l5 for' quarters; 16®17 for mixed and 18@20 for halves, as to quality. ' Apples 11(412 cts. • EGGS—In good supply and rather dull but unchanged at 241625. PROVISIONS—A shade firmer but not qnotailly higher. Shoulders 14%@15. Ribbed Sides 17©17y 4 ; Clear Bides 18@18i4, and Hams 1934@20. Lard, ON in tierces, and 1 21@)213 in kegs. Mesa Pork 633,00033,50. POTATOES—DuII and neglected but unchanged, at 80©85 for small lots in :stbre. PEANUTS -10 eta. per lb. • HAY--There is no improvement to mote in the demand for baled, and with .continued liberal receipts, prices are barely rnainti - ned, s2o@s2s, as to quality. HOMINY—SaIes at 66,25 to $6.50. GRAIN—The demand for Wheat Con tinues light, and the market is dull and prices nominal at $1,48@51,59 for No. 1 Spring, and $1,55©1,60 for Winter. Oats firm but the: demand, is very light, as feeders,la consequence of its cheapness, are feeding, corn; we continue to quote at 65®66 one track and 67®68 in store. Rye is unchanged at 61.43©1,45—but lit tle offering. Barley is still quoted at $2,10@2,20, as to quality. . • SEEDS—Cloverseed is steady at $lO,OO to $10,50, as to quality -Timothy is un ' charmed at $3,50, and. Flaxseed at $2,40. SALT—Is quiet but steady , ,and is still quoted at E.`2 by the car load. • SORGEIUSI-130@65e. FEATHERS—Live Geese Feathera quoted at 75 to 80, to the trade, and the usual advance in a retail wak. FLOUR—Quiet and unchanged—de . mend light. being • confined entirely to supplying • immediate wants. Spring Wheat brands may be quoted $7,00©67,50, and Winter Wheat, $8,00©58,50 per bar reL Rye Flour, 67,50. The Pearl •lSlill quote their best brands, made of. the best Wheat, as follows: - Extra Faintly Flour,in barrels, at $9,30, and, in sacks, 69,06 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, $lO,OO, and, in sacks, $9,70 per barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, in bar rels, $7,60, and ,in sacks, $7,50 per barrel. "The City Mills quote prices_ as follows: Extra Family, (Winter) in barrels, -69,30, and, ,in sacks, $9,00 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in. barrels, $9,80, and, in sacks, $9,50 per 'barrel, and -- Spring, $B,OO, in barrels, and $7,70, in sacks, per barrel. • WHlSKY—Highwines are quoted :steady in a jobbing way. at 95@96. ONIONS—SS to $6 per bbl. TALLOW--i-Rendered, 12c..._ LARD OlL—May be quoted at $1,35 .001,37 for No. ,2, and $1,68(2i51,70 .for No. L , Markets by Telegraph. • Naw Youn, March I.—Cotton dull and „, _heavy and lower; sales 'of 700 bales, at 19X,e for middling uplands. Flour; re ceipts, 3,468 bbls; market dull, heavy and declining; sales of .475 bbls, at $5,45 .06,20 superfine State and western; 56,30 (i)6,85 for extra State; 56,20a7,05 for extra western; • $7,10@8,10 for white wheat extra; $6,50©6,80 for R. H. 0 ; s7,oo(gt -8,50 for extra St., "[anis, and $9,00@12,00 for good to choice do., closing heavy. Rye Seta quiet; salesof 450 bbls, at 55,25 Corm Meal dull and heavy; sales of 100 bflis of western at 54,50. Whisky easier; sales of 200 bbls of western fine at 95©970, the latter price short time. Wheat; receipts 17,485 bash; market dull and declining; the demand is chiefly for home use; sales of 26,500 bush, at $1,52© 1,55 for No. 2 spring in store and afloat; $1,60 for. No. 1 do.; and $1,80a1,90 for white California. Rye;quiet and heavy. - Barley dull; sales of 2,000 bush German st •82,20. Barley Malt quiet; sales of 2,050 bush State at 52,10. Corn; re ceipts, 3,009 bush; market lc bet . ter and dull; sales of. 35,000 bush, at 94®950 for new mixed Western; 51,02 - for new Southern yellow; 51,01 for old mixed Western in store. Oats quiet; re. ceipta 1,231 bus; sales 16,000 bus at 74c - for Western in store, and 753‘c for do. afloat. Stoek of Grain in Warehouses— Wheat, 2,191,977 bus; corn, 1,340,934 bus; cats, 2,122,194 bus; rye, 215,611 bus; - bar ley,-102,058, bus; malt, 59,557 bus; peas, 55,252 bus. Rice dull. Coffee in moder ' ate request, and without decided change. Suitor duil; sales 150 Midst Muscovado at 13%(314c; 200 boxes Havana at 14,./ 4 ®lsc. Molasses quiet and unchanged.• Hops 'quiets Petroleum quiet at .20(4)203. o for crude, and 34Me .for relined bonded. Linseed 011 dull at 51,02©1,03., Spirits ',Turpentine quiet at 54%®55c for West. am. 4)11,. Cake, 150,50. Pork irregular and unsettled; salsa 1,650 bbls at $3487@ *2,25 for new mess, closlitgat 531,87 cash; 431,60®31,62 for old do.; $26,00@27,60 for f prime, and 528,75@30,50 for prime mess; ' , ..e150, 500 bbls new mess, seller five Months, at 532,00, , and 600 bbli do., .April,* , private terms; stock- 7 1:0. andnew, 46,268 barrels;?last. month 35,625 bbls; last -Year 70,'263 bbbi. Beef steady', with sales 0f,125 bbls at 5 9 ,00@)16,50_ for new :.plain mess, and 11 12 ,50@19,50 for new extra me Ss; stock • Of old and new 63,337 pkgis; last month 5 0 1 1 4 eirs; last year . 314448 pkgs. Tierce. Beef ull and;heavy; sales of 130 tea at • $264:43 - 0 for prline mess, and $29@34 for India`mesa. Beef Hauls Cut sales of 100 bbls at 526@33.. Cut Meats dull; „ Wee Of .145 f aisge at igliv.o3,i o for s h o w_ dare, and 1 ®l7Sie for hams..;-Dressed Hogs quiet and a shade firmer at sl3(gt 11 ,5,for,ivestern, and 514®14,25 for city. Middles dna and unsettled. Lard fairly, actl' ve••and drooping ; sales of 590 tea at 1734019;` for 'steam, and 19(g)19,0 . for kettle rendered; also; 20300 ma steams 'teller !darn and Aprili• at 19c. Hatter firm at 25®37c for Ohio. Cheese firm at 184022 N- Freights to Liverpool quiet and u nchanged, Latest --Flour closed 'dull, at s®loo Mower. Wheat duly and in. buyers favor, Ivith alimited milling demand for *spring. ',Rye nominal at $1.40®111,41. for Weatern. /Oats quiet and steady at 740 for *Western in store. Corn scarcely so, firm pt 94©950 for new mixed Western, and $1,01®4 t. 02 for old mixed Western in store. Fork firm; sales ot 500 bbls new mess at $32,27 for sellers for April; do. closing regular at 1132,375f32,60. Ifeef - quiet and heavy; FIE • • , . • - - I 1 ; a limit: demand for city' .I.lleats. Bacon nominal Lard—moderate - demand at 100 for : Trims steam rendefed. Eggs steady at 25@26c. CINCINNATI. March I.—Flora' is un changed and steady, with sales of 1:1s1 11 Y at $6,50@7. Wheat is quiet and un changed, with sales of red winter at 11, 40 @1,50. Corn is unchanged and steady', with sales of ear at 64c, and shelled at 65 @66c. Oats; the market is unchanged and prices are firm, at 67g680 for No. 1. Rye is dull, and not saleable at better thus $1,43 for No. 1. Cotton is dull and prices are -nominal at 27®2930 for mid dling. Tobacco is unchanged. Whisky is dull and the market closed unsaleable at better than 91c. Provisions are dull and quiet; there is not much demand but holders are more confident, and, there: fore, there is no pressure to sell. Balk Meats are held at 12%c for shoulders, and ,14 4o for sides, with sales 0f.60,000 pounds at these rates. Mess Pork is held at $32, bit-there were no sales, excepting 500 barrels, at $32,50, buyer for this mouth. Lard is very dull, and was pressingly offered at 19c. Bacon is held at 14 ®l4%c for shoulders, 170 for clear rib sides, and 17%c for clear sides, but there was no demand of consequence. Sugar Cured Hams are held at 18®19%c. Butter-is scarce and in demand at 35© 40c.- Eggs are firmer and in demand at 19@200. Lard oil is dull at $1+60®1,65. Linseed oil is steady at $1,06. Petroleum is firm at 35®37c for refined. Clover Seed is firm at.516,24®16,50. Timothy Seed is less firm, but prices are un changed. Sugar is quiet and the demand is light, but prices are unchanged. Cof fee is firm at 22®26c.' Gold, 13134 buy ing. Exchange is steady at 1-10 per cent. discount buying. The money mar ket is quiet at 10 per cent. . CHICAGO, March I.—Eastern Exchange weaker at 1-10 - per cent. discount, buy ing, and 1-10 per cent. premium, selling. Flour dull and holders firm lat $5,25® 6,50 for spring extras. Wheat firmer and a shade higher, with sales No: 1 at $1,20 ®1,22, and No. 2 at $1,15/@1,16%, for regular, and 81,16@1.16 for fresh; clos ing firm at $1,14 3 / 4 ®1,14y. for regular; sales since 'Change at $1,14%. Corn mod erately active add 340 higher, ,with sales new at 5734058, and. No. 2 grade at 57 @5734; closing at 5855 ®58%0 for new; nothing doing this afternoon) Oats ac tive and 1 4®34c higher, withpes N. 2 at 53X®54%,0 for regular, an 54y,®550 i:. for fresh; closing at 54%c f r regular. Rye neglected and nominal a $1,17®1,20 for regular and fresh receipts No. 1. Bar ley quiet, holders firm and market 34(4)1c higher; No. 2 ranged from $1,82®1,85 for regular. and $1,87 fdr fresh. , Highwines doll at 890 for country, and 90c for city packages. Provisions firmer and mod erately active. the demand, being con fined to Mess Pork and Lard, Mess Pork has advanced 25®500, with sales 4,250 bbls. at $31,50®32,50 r cash, and at ;533, buyer for March; closing at $32®32,50 for cash. Lard steady ... 7d firm at 18%0 for cash and other descri tions. Receipts for the past 48 ,hours ,4301bbls flour, 29,618 bush Wheat, 38,062 bush corn, 19, 7 020 hush oats, 3,948 bush rye, 2,650 bush barley, 1,421 head .hogs. Shipments -11,748 bbls flour, 3,092 bushheat, 16,631 bush corn, 9,881 bush oats, 4,696 bush rye, 2,000 bush barley, 1,616 hogs; Sr. Louis, March I.—Tobacco un changed and blit little offering. Cotton and Hemp dull and no sales.' Flour un changed; small sales of superfine at e 5,50 for extra, $6,2506,40 for spring and fall, double extra .16,50@7,50, treble extra $8®9,00. Wheat was held firm ' but buyers stood off and the market was dull; strictly prime and choice red fall sold at $1,75@}1,85, fancy $1,91®2,00. Corn dull and drooping; bulk sold at 58 ®66c, the latter price for choice white, and sacked at 65®700. OatS firm but in active at 66®680. Barley firm for - choice at $2.20®2,30. Rye steady at $1,33@1,35. Whiskey steady at 92c. Pork firmer, with an upward tendency. at 02,500 32,75 on the spot. Bulk Meats steady and a shade higher; shoulders, 13c; clear rib aides, 16y,c: clear sides, 17c, all packed. Bacon stiff with more inquiry; shoul ders, 14Xc; clear rib, 17o; clear sides, 1734 c: plain sugar cured hams. 18c; can vassed do, 19c. Lard, home, 1834®193. Receipts—Flour, 3,100 bbls; wheat, 4,500 , bus; corn, 4,700 bus; oats, 2,200 bus; rye, 300 bus. 2 _, CLEVELAND, March I.—The flour mar ket is quiet and steady; we quote city made at $11,50010,75 for XXX white; $8,75@9 for XX red and amber; $7.50@ 7,75 for. XX red winter; 16,75@7,25 for XX red amber; $6,50®7,25 for XX spring; 19,75©10,25 for. XX white. Buck wheat flour in fair demand; No. 1 red winter'held at $1,59; sales of 2 cars No. 2do at 11,44. Corn held at 75c. Oats -1 sales 2 cars at 64c. Rye in moderate de mand and held at 11,28®1,30 for No. 1; No. 211,2501,28. Barley quiet and Arm at 12,154@2,20 for No. 1 Canada, and 12@ 2,05 for No. 2 State. Petroleum market dull and heavy; refined 32@32 . tic for large lots; small lots 331535 e. TOLEDO, March I.—Flour in active demand. Wheat dull and lower; amber 11,55; white Michigan regular 11,564; No. 2 spring 11,25 and firm. Coin in better demand; new 70c; rejected 603 c; yellow 730; new 75c, seller, last half of April. Oats lower, with sales at 62c for Michigan. Rye; quiet at 11,28@1,29 for Michigan and No. 1. Barley; State held at 12; Canada $2.24.- Dressed Hors dull at 12@12%c, dividing on 200. , Louismix, March I.—Sales of 45 hhds Tobacco, logs to medium leaf, at 4@13, Cotton 274., Mess Pork 132,50. Lard 19a19%. Bacon--shoulders 143 x,; clear rio sides 1734 clear sides 18. Balk Meats—shoulders 13%; clear • rib sides 16%; clear aides 17. Flour $5,50@6,00. Wheat $1,55®1,60. Corn 82@63. Oats 63@65. Rye11,47®1,48. Whisky 93@94 for raw rifirmenkln, Mari* I.—Flour quiet/ and; buchanged. Wheat quiet at 1,174. For No. I,llg. No 2 oats firm at 5.1 M. No. 2 own steady, firm at 59®60. New rye nominal. Barley firm and un changed. Receipts+• 2,000 flour. 21,000 wheat. 500-oats. 1,000 corn. 1,000 rye. 1,000 barley. SOO hogs shipment. 7,000 Soar.. 6,000 wheat. 700 bbls..pork. • PniraDELentA, March I.—Flour dull, Northwestern extra family -selling at 58,75(07,50: Wheat steady; red selling at 51,80@51,90: amber, $ 1 , 95 . Rye steady. Corn—fair demand for yellow at 89@90c. Oats-steady at 72®750 for Western. Provisions firmer. Mess pork selling at 832,60 1 41133,00. Petroleum un changed. Whiskey dull and unchanged. BALTIMORE, March I.—Ffour fairly OE live and lower; western superfine, 85,50 @6; extra, 87,50@4.45; family, 119@10. Wheat nominal. Corn—yellow steady, at 88@920; mixed, 85c. Oats and rye un changed. Mess pork, $33@33.50. flacon firm; rib sides, 17y 4 c; clear sides, 18V ,c; shoulders, mg°. Liams, 20021 e. Lard quiet at Min. Dry Goods. ITEvr YoAks March I.—The market I generally remains quiet unddr an ad vance in freights; and unfavorable ad vices from LlverpooL , There is a mod erate inquiry in the Cotton market, however, for seasonable goods, and pri ces on the whole role steady at 16%@ 17c for heavy brown sheetings; 18®17540 for brown drills; 1234 ®lBy,o for printed calicoes of best makes; 183 a for 1400 lawns; 20c for now styleadelatnes; V% ® 18c for Loveisdale bleached ranallos; 220 i for Tuscarora ble musin, and 27 New York Millsached bleache l m d uslin.,4o PITTSBURGH GAZET7E t TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1869. Live Stock Markets NEW YORK, March I.—Cattle : 43farkq —Beeves; the receipts up to Saturday were, at Communipaw, 147 head: at Ber gen Hill, none: at National Yards, 1,811..' The week opened with a light supply 1 and quicker market, at a slight advance on better grades, which sold up to 170 17i4c, while poorer cattle on sale brought 14@14 4c. This , feeling, however, wore off as the wee advanced, and at the close trade was dul at those figures. To-day there were on ale at the NationalYtU . ds 180 had, and a Communipaw 2,010 head. The weather was extremely cold but clear, which ded trade; business was fairly activs and with a fair quantity of stock on saletprices were well maintain ed, and wo cannot altei• our figures from those of last Week; poor to medium at 10@12c; medium to fair steers at, 12 @l3c; goodto fat oxen at 14@14;k6c; prime to extra steers atls®l6c; choice at16%@1734i; the majority of the sales at 14©15c; receipts of the week 4,836 head. Sheet) and Lambs—Daring the latter part of last week, under moderate arrivals and a fair demand, the market was firm for, all grades; to-day the ar rivals were to a fair extent, but the mar ket was tolerably • active and a shade firmer, particularly for good stock, which was most sought after; prices range at s@93ic; sales during the.week 14,500 head, and to-day 2,750 head, near ly Ohio, Michigan and State, but includ ing a few Kentucky; receipts of the week 23,899 head. Swine—Since our last report the arrivals have been limited, but the demand has been light and prices depreciated about half a cent to-day; there were on sale 1,400 head at Fortieth street and 730 head at Communipaw, and prices ranged at 10@10gc, with sales 162 head at the latter price. Dressed firm at 13®1314c for western, and 13%©14!‘0 for city; receipts of the week 1,196 head. PHILADELPHIA, March 1.- Cattle Mar ket.—Beef cattle in demand at Dill prices; sales 1,500 head at 10@10360 for extra western steers; , B%(PMc for fair to good, and 6@Bc Or pound gross for common. Sheep in fair demand; 5,000 head sold at 6@B%c gross. Hoes lower; sales 2,200 at $15©16 per cwt nett. Cisticaoo, March I.—Cattle Market.-I Hog products neglected and nominal; Dressed Hogs are more active and steady, closingat 812®12,50 for light and heavy lots; 1.4.ve Hogs are dull and weak, with sales at 119,50010,25 for fair to good lotS.: Beef Cattle' dull at $7,25@7,50 for, good to choicestedrs. Sr. Loins, March 1. -Cattle Market.— Cattle unchanged for common to extra butchers'. Hogs in limited demand at 8@1034c for light to extra heavy. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. FITVIRDROH, FORT WAYITS & CHI CAGO RAILROAD, March, 1-24 cars metal, Nimick & Co; Ido do, Bryan & Caughey; 1 do do, Brown & Co; 1 do do, Loomis & Co; 1 do do,Robinson R Jr. Co; 5 dodo, J Wood & Co 800 sks flour, T C Jenkins; 1 oar oak lumber, J .11 Stewart; 10 bbls lard oil, J Dalzell & Son; 15 cases tobacco, E Wormsor & Co; 25 bbls flour, J B Canfibld; 2 bbls spirits, R Lyons; 200 bbls flour, D Wallace; 50 tes lard, J P Hands &Co; 50 bbls lard oil, J H Parker; 100 tcs lard, 1253 doz should ers, Dalzell &Tovrnsend; 100 bbls flour. Owner; 25 bbls whisky. Jos S Finch; 15 bxs crackers, 'Kramer & Bohn; 65 bales broom corn, McElroy tt Co; 1 car bay, 0 H Allerton; 43 sks rags, M Spratt; 22 bgs oats, S B Floyd & Co; 6 cars limestone, Shoenberger'& Blair: 8 tuba butter. 10 bbls green apples. W H Graff & Co; i kgs butter, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 12 bbls.ap pies, Y Rea Jr. 1 car corn, Scott & Gisal; 14 tea hams, 7, hhds bacon. Robt Patton; 3 bbls carbon oil, McKown; 6 kgs apple butter, JJ Peale; 15 bbls vineg,ar, Means & Coffin; 15 do do, Haworth & D. CAEVELAND AND Pmrsanuoli RAIL ROAD, March 1.-3 cars rye, Thos. Moore & Son; 5 cars N Y ore. Shoenberger, Blair it Co; 2 cars limestone ore. Mc- Knight dc Co; 120 hlf bbls fish, Watt, Lang & Co; 1 car pig iron, Reese, Graff d: Dull; 1 do do, Zug it Co; 1 car pig iron, Union Iron Mill; 1 car oats, it W Fair ley; 1 car clay, S M Kier; 2 cars rye, J W Simpson; 1 car corn, Schomaker it Langenhelm; ,150 eke wheat, R T Ken nedy & Bro; 30 bbls flour, H Riddle; 12 tierces hams, Jos Lippincott. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, March 1.-44 eke oats,J Carothers; 87 do do, 20 do rye, Scott iiGisal; 66 do corn, 58 do oats, Graham &Marshall; 99 do do, H Scnnelback; bbls onions,Knox it Orr; 6 eke clover seed. 2 do flaxseed, Jos Beatty it Son; 12 aka oats, Adams . it Ans. ten; 1 ear metal, John Moorhead; 2 do do, McKnight, Porter & Co; 160 bbls oil, Fisher Bro. PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLSVTLLE RAILROAD, Deli:oTh 1.-0 eke rags, Christy it Benham; 1 roll leather, G K Ander son; 100 boxes glass. Michaels R & Co; 20 bdls sheet Iron, W F Armstrong. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL' RAILROAD March 1.-200 boxes bitters, J W Brown; 5 rolls leather, G N Hoffstott; 1 pkg mer chandise, Watt, Lang at Co. `RIVER NEWS. The weather continues cold and de. cidedly winterish, and the fears enter tained a'few days since in a regard to a short supply of ice, are subsiding. The Allegheny River, between Herr's Island and the Allegheny eide,is reported closed, and the main stream is pretty well coy prod with floating ice, which for the time being, will render navigation on the Ohio tedious if not hazardous. It is not likely, however, that, this weather will continue Tor more than a day or two at the fiftbest. The thermometer at seven oc}Ock. A. at. yesterday was down to 12 degrees above zero, but at noon it had risen to 24. The river continues to recede steadily with .only five . feet in the channel by the Monongahela marks last evening. • The Messenger. from . New Orleans is the only transient arrival we have to re port. She has made very good time, and we hope a successful and profitable trip. The Bayard, Capt. Geo. D. Moore, is the regular packet for Pafkeraburg to day. leaving at noon. Passengers and shippers will bear in mind that the Sallie, Capt. Calhoun, will be the first boat out for the Missou ri river, as will also :the Beilevernon, Capt. Darragh, for. New. Orleans, and the Camelia, Capt. Lytle, for Nashtille. The R. O. Gray, Capt. Whittaker, le announced to leave for Cincinnati acid Louisy s ille to-day. 'The Maggie.Hiya, Capt. B. C. Martin, is the neat boat out for St. Louis. The Mollie Ebbert, Now. Orleani to Pittsburgh, passed Memphis on Frida,y, The Tom Farrow and barges left Cin• cinnati for Pittsburgh on Saturday. The Naahville Banner, of Friday, says: Capt. Boyd secured 293 bales of cotton for the Kate Putnam, after sharp competition with the Emma Floyd, An whioh rates were coniderably cut. • The New York left Louisville for Pittsburgh on Saturday, hying light. she will probably pick up a trip along the way. The Mississippi was fail of ice M. St. Louis on Saturday, causing the Meinotte to ltiv up there. The Julia, No. 2,, Capt. Coulson, is the regular patket .Zanesville to-day, leaving at 4 P. M. The Messenger, amof'g other items of freight, brought up froo New Orleans 320 bids of molasses and 64 hhds sugar. 1 —Captain Jim Tucker has :alien com mand of the Red River pack - et Lotta wanna. —The wrecking boat Salver No. 1, now in Memphis, has been ordert.'d to the wreck of the Peoria City. —The Peoria City is owned by Cp.ptaiir Silver, seven-eighths, and Jos, H. Conn, i one-eighth, and was veined at 00,000. —Ed. C. Carroll, rive editor of the Vicksburg / Timm has su ceed d Win; M. William in' business at hat p ace as for warding and commission merchant and steamboat agent. , —The St Louis Democrat says: Cap. fain Hirath R. Hazlett, one of our yoring est and most : enterprising boatman, has under his control the following steam ers:.; Carrie V. Hountz, Hiram, Sallie, Peninah, Andrew Ackley, Ida Stockdale and Urilda. —The Natrona, which went up to the head waters of White river some time ago with a colony of Germans from Pennsylvania, was taken in charge by the United States Marshal and sold. She is on her way out, bound for the Ohio river. The Argosy passed her at Clarendon, in a crippled condition. —A company is forming to build a bridge over the Mississippi river, at the northern part of Carondelet. It is said that the cost of the bridge willnot exceed one million dollars. The charter has al ready been granted by the Illinois Leg islature, and several railroad companies will interest themselyes in it. —An attempt was made in the Senate on Wednesday to amend the bill provi ding for greater security of the lives of passengers on vessels propelled by I steam, so as to require such vessels to be supplied with a particular patent of life boat and cork mattresses. Mr. Morton opposed such special legislation in the interest of individuals, and discussed it to the adjournment. , -A Dubuque paper says: "The latest phase of the packet companies' confer ence in St. Louis, is to - the effect that, both lines have drawn up contracts for each other to sign: but at last accounts, neither side had put a signature to the paper, therefore, we opine that the war still continues." To whim we need only add that the conference's are yet going on. No solution for the public was ar rived at yesterday. —Novelties on steamboats are the order of the ,day. The Richmond has "Head-light, "her daily stock sales, (t.c. The boats of the St. Louis, Memphis and Vicksburg Packet Company furnish meals to passengers and crew on the res taurant plan. Now Capt. J. B. Archer is going to introduce another novelty in the shape of a Merchants' Exchange on board his boat. the/City of Alton, which may be also adopted by the other boats of the above line. A space will be set apart near the clerk's office for tables, on which he will place pans or boxes for samples of flour, grain, it c., kept by St. Louis merchants. —St. Louis.advices under date of Fri day report as follows: The Glendale did not get off y esterday, but left to-day, with a new pilot-house and a fair trip. The St. Louis, Memphis and Vicksburg Packet Company have purchased the Colorado and St. Joseph towboats of the old Hannibal ,and St. Joseph Railroad line for 810.000, to meet the demands of i I.e i 1: creasing busiuess between here and Vicksburg. It is not iniprofrable that the line will extend its operations to Shrevepoat before long. The North ern and White Collar lines are still hold ing conferences with a view to a joint ar rangement for Lthe upper Missimippi trade, but no conclusion has yet been arrived at, River and Weather LobisviLLE, March I.—River falling; eight feet six inches of water in the canal. Weather clear and cold. STEAMBOATS. FOR CLARKSVIL LEagE s t . AND NASHVILLE.—The flue steamer • CAMELIA Capt. JosErn XATTLE, WILL leas..• for the above and all intermediate ports, on THU nSDAY, March 4th, at. 4 P. N. For freight or passage apply on board, ur to mht CLACK .t. COLLINGWOOD. Agents. FFOILEIVANSVILL ^,s i ggE s t CAIRO AND ST. Tbe fine passenger steamer . AIAOO E HAYS Cant. R. e. MARTIN. WPI leave for the above and tutermedlat6 ports on THIS DAY, March 2d, at di r. n. For freight or passage aoply on board or to FLACK. & COLLIbIiWOOD, JAMES COLL( •S. O. H. °DRIEST & CO., fel7 A. J. HASLETT, Agents. FOR MEMPHIS AND i r i gat NEW ORLEANS—The steamer BELLEVERNON Cant. J. J. DARRiii,JR. Will leave WEDNESDAY. March Ist, for the above and Intermediate-ports. For freight or passage apply on board, FLACK & WO OD coulNo fe2C GERD= & CO.. Agents. FOR KANSAS T. ClTY,lag t hSt f. JOPEPH AND OMAHA. —The splendid steamer BALLIE Capt. T. 5. CA LIWITN,_ Will leave for the above ports on srau itDAY, 517th Inst., at 4 o'clock P. as. For freight or passage apply on board or to JOHNJOHNFLAOh J.OOLIANG WOOD, intlEtil:.& CO..Agents. ie24 XTORTHEItivi LINE IN PACKET.—FOR GALENA AND DTIBUQUE. HAVANA. ('apt. BOUgHT lemintwooD, Will commeuce loading for the above and all In termediate without the drat of March, and will go through reshipping. For particulars apply to FLACK k COLLIENGWOOD. Agents, fel2:eO7 orit. OKAY. ORTHERN LINE PACKET.—The new and sp endld MINNEAPOLIS Capt. J. It Anoints. Wilt leave for ST. PAUL. about the 10th of Apr I. t.nd go through direct. Thla splendid item:her offers very superior avornmoo talons for pat sengers and stock. For particulars apply to FLACK & COLLINGWOOD, Agents, fe`.2:oB , or It. 0. GRAY. = VOII CINCINNATI and: s aga LOIIHIVILLIC. — The line pas senger steamer K. 0. °HEY Capt. I. B. Wrorraxas, Will leave for the above porta on Tllli DAY. March Sid, at 4 o'clock r. s. For freight or passage apply on board or to JOHN FACK. • J. D. COLLANOWOOD. fe'M G. H. 0 pITTSIVOII.44II, 1 wuzimuare, Marietta and Parkeisbnrg Line. Leave Company , . i T t b re a:Lßoat, foot of Wood DAILY, AT Is M. Tost3DAYS lenwATS. ILtYABD ..... . ...... ...A. 8. SmuliinD. Muter WainarAVAYS A D BATMIDAYA, SUZY EAGLE.. .......v. L. BILMINAN, Master Freight will be received at all hours b vela .IAMIC9'OOLIANS. Agent STEAMSHIPS. TO LIVERPOOL AND 4-. Q.; QUEENSTOWN. TUE 'INDIAN rnoIL STEIAVISEtIM. Numbering sixteen first-elan vessels, among . m the celebrated CITY OF Pknin, %CITY OF ANTWErr, OITY OF BOSTON, CITY OF BA.LTINOBE, CITY OF LONDONL Billing EVERY SATURDAY, from Pier 45, rth River, New York. For °image or further intones .lon *nub: , to BINHHA.N4 Jr. To FIFTH STREKT. (Chronicle lintldlne. Neariv opposite Post Oinee. Plttaborgai COMMISSION MERCHANTS J. L. ... .. E. STEVENSON. DILLINGER & STEVENSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. RECEIVE AND SELL All Kinds of Country Produce, f All orders for Nercbancitse promptly tilled, at LOWEST market rates. Particular' attention Riven to the sale of Butter, Eggs, Cheese Dried &c, We feel confident that w e can give entire satisfaction, by making QUICK 3.IkLEE and PROMPT ERTURRE, nt HIGIEESTAKARE_E'.? PRICES, and therefore respectfully' solicit your consign ments. All correspondence answered pi'^oratitly • Marking a rr ive da il y free. Grain store and to arrive daily. au I:t7S . "L'ISTABLISBED BY A. .14 T JUj 0 LOLLY, 181:3. W. M. GORMLY WHOLZIIALE GIitACERr No.' 271 Liberty Street, (DIRECTLY OPP. EAGLE HOTEL,) prrTsn'unl 4-1, se :116 WATT, LANG &. CO., NMOLZSALY DEALZRB IN Groceries. non,. Grain, Prodhsee, Yr° visions, Fiii2k,.Choetsc, Carbon ; 013,dte.. Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, neu 1,11)b eft, street. Pittsburgh. Pa. noSnaSS . Firrgß-K 1 -1 8 i, RI 'MART JAB. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND D1AL31313 Ix FLOTTit, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, ,ber„, 349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, mr.M:b27. M'ILLWX J. B. A. 217121. McBANE & ANJEFL. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 14a WATER STREET, above Smithfield, rittsbarga. les V. 8171Lic M o STEELE & SON, Con/mission Ilferehlints, 1.11 - D DILLZBS 12t VXdoUlts.CrltAM, No. 93 0 : lO96TBEE'L near East Common. ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. HARD. id Retail Greeers, PENN STREET. ARMSTRONG, 001610)3BION ILERCEAIatt r, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Ent mit. and Produce generally, STREET, corner of Fired., fe=gn ANIMILW MINOS. ,SON, COMMISSION 'S and dealers in FLOUR, ,/ :and ritODUCE GENE - .AMOND, opposite Cm: 17 Hall, , ;1a17:1 LURID br. PATTON, rocers, Commission Merchants :duce, Flour, Bacon. Cheese, I(gr.s Lard Oil, Iron Nalls, UV. all . W.l4burgh , Mantas:o s c A 11l anCOND STRE T, 1 ' OH'S SlltrrON A WALLACIC. lIIPTON &WALLACE, W hole- SAX GROCERS AND FLUID 'COE DEAL- S .No 0 SIXTH STREET. Pliciaburah. lal2:r . - JOH:di. lOUSE—IDIV. 1.10U5E....W.K. H. iltpUt3ll. JOHN I. HOUSE . &BROS., Sue-. censors to JOHN I. HOUSE k CO Wnole• Baja Grocers and Commission lllerelulk, Cor• tier of Smithfield and Water Streets. ai burgh. LIZ MILER & CO., 21 and 223 Liberty Street. Nos. Irwin, now offer to ,the trade at low figure's, strictly , Corner New Crop_New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Prime itleo, Cuba and English Island Sugars. Mork, Philadelphia and Baltimore Re . 1725 i Drips, Loverings, Brunjls, Stuart's, ad Long Island byrupt. !leo, CUO6 and English Island Molasses. Flysen, Japan, Imperial. 1 Gunpowder , ng Teas. la and Bangeln Rice. Laguayra and to Coffees. I ipard OIL Fish, sails, Glass, Soaps, 7arns, ie., constantly on band. Golds Adams' or= 1 oungl and Caron Caron E 1213 Toone Cotton 11§1PORTERS OF Brandies,Wines and Smirs. .11, Moselle, and Sparkling Hock Wines el & Co.. In bottles. lorßloselle Seharsberg and 'Johaards ookttelmer.'Burgundy, Sr.. enbnrg IFreres , Fine Olive 011. do Clarets,lmported in bottles. do 'White Wines." inabottles. .ra Si Sons' Sparkling Catawba. -••• Id snerry, Madeira and Port Wines. Id Mouougauelw Bye Whiskies. pure. Very - Superlor Old Scuteli do do. ALB V, t cute for ltoes & Chandon's Grand Via. EiM Ithenf of Mu Spark burg, Bran. M. Fine Free do Sole 'roper verz • Uran Jed nay and Bellery Champagne. • lee of oarown seleet.on and warranted a 00,000 ACRF'S OF Eg: ICE LANDS FOR BAIN,. lE:2 BY las i n Pacific Railroad Company, OM EATER DI DIVIBION. song the line of their road, at $l,OO TO $5,00 PER AWE D a t CALEDIT Or Frig YJLA3IB., larthu partia/an, maps Asa.. addreu JOHN P.. DEVEESEUX4 Land Catanda Muer, Topeka, Kansas ca&R. E. Laanwas, Sect'Y, VUONOINIZE TOUR FUEL, by .I.la using the SEM CENTRIFUGAL GOVERNOR, the only true • and easily regulated Governor Meat perfect Inns op/rations and truly reliable. PEKOEglse GOVernOr can 'be seen at th en g in e er VAL BECKETT"Mechanical and Solleilw of Patents, Mt. '11) Vederal street, Allegheny City, the only agent fbr Governor seel:xes in the West J. X. SWINT SWINT Jr% MATT, ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS' No. 63 Sandusky . Bt., .Allegheny, P.a. A large assortment of NEWEL ?OPTS _al BALL STENS constantly on Itand. TUs IN 4. of all descriptions. done. °toms RESII Pui rl'ltlCSs SUU °marines to 111 elly sad Cou: orders for • FRESH WHITE LAKE FISH, SALMON AND BAS Bend to No. 46 DIA.KOND IlLiatiarT;pl t bumn_. or Ids old well knoird TWIN 4: 4 : 4 1 . q ST Ageghenv inarkat vow* ' DITTSBUaGLJ ts.KENENS f 'ovNyLLS L L E ItAILWAD. On and atter TUE:II/Ay. NOrember. 17 th. tewmi', trains will arrive at and depart ilea tac Denae corner of Grant and Water streets, as Pillows, • Depart, Mall to and from Union- town " 7:00 A. N. 6:00 r. MClfeesport Accoindt'n 11:00 A. M. 2:05 P. N. Ex. to and from Unt'n. 3:00 r. M. llt:10 A. M. West Newton Accom'd 4:30 r. M. f.:35 A. M. Braddock's Accomdt'n. 0:15 P. M. 9.50 P. M. Night Ac. toMcK'sport.lo:3o P. M. 6:45 A. M. Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:001.. m.10:00 A, For tickets apply to J. A. XING, Agent W. E. STOUT, Superintendent. no2o • ORANGE. oF g - so 41,,1 TIME. ALLEGHENY VALLEY E=ROAD, On and after MONDAY, November 9th, 18611,, TWO TRAINS DAILY will leave Pittsburgh Station, corner of Eleventh and Pike streets for Franklin, 011jClty, Buffalo, and all points , in the MHZATZ gmrststlliria. lATIMIV IN PITTSBURGH Mall . 1:15 an ' .. . ... 5:40p m Express 7:10 p inlExpress_.. ... 6:30 ara Brady's B Ac 3:00 p m Brady., B Ac 10:30 ala - Ist Sods Works ;Ist Soda Works Accomd —.10:50 a m Accomodbi. 6.20 aat ; 9d Soda Works , 2d Soda Works AccomotPn. 5:99 pm i Accomod'n. 3:40 p Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. X. Arrive at Pittsburgh at 9:00 A. m. Passengers taking eaPrets train have but one change of cars between Pittsburgh, Buffalo and 011 Regions. Mail and Express 'Trains stop only at principal points. Mixed Way and Ac oommodetic4 trains stop at all stations. THOMAS M KING, Assn.. Suplt. W. FOSTER HOPE, Ticket Agent. nog rITTSBUBGEb •Il CINCDCNATI AND . LOMB RAILWAY. V*. EVO 1 )A 4 MUNOZ OF TIME.—On and after SUNDAY. Nov. 22d, 1136E4 trains w 9.1 leave and arrtve at un Union Depo;:, as follows, Fltisbnrgh time: - .. • De part. • Antes. Nail Exprea—.—...«.. 3:13 a. m. 12:13a. m. Fast Line - ' - 10:131. m. I:33'p. m. Feat Express " 2:38 p. m. 12:18 a. m. Mixed Way 5:43 a. m. 6:43 p. m. Melloneid'a Acen, No. 111422'5. in. 8:33 Pan- Stenbearville Accommod. 3:38 p. in. 9:45 a. in. ra. :IdeDousid , s Aoe'nt No. 2..5:58 P. m. 3::12 P. 11:5S P.M. Enpress will leave daily. Va:= P. M. Basil will arrive daily. !The 10:10 a. in. Train leaves daily, Sundayn es.cepted, and makes close connections at New. arl. Sc,,Zanesville and points on Sandbs7 Ma.nslleld a Newark H.' S. P. SCULL, General Ticket Agen t. ! v Vi r . W. CARD, Sun' t.. Steubenville. Ohio. ,‘ no 2.3 1868. PITTSBURGH, PORT WAYI 2 & CHICAGO . and CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH R. R. J. L. STILLLII. ?roan Dec. 20t h __, 18E8; trains will leave from and ar rive at the Ilnaon,Depot, north side, bargh ti=e, as follows: Artioa. Chlengit Ex....3:03 a m Chicago Ex... 2:13 Erie dElrgn M`17:28 , leago 11:58i CL W h•g1d , .13:28 axn eeling fix 11:13 ti Chicago Ma11..6:58 a mllll l lCrestilne Mail 3:53p: Chicago .Ex..13:08 a michicago Ex....4:38p Cl. m2:23 p Cleveland Ea. 4108 p Chicago Ex.. 2:43 p m Erie A Yg'n Exs:l3p W'e A Erie Ex4:s3pn. Cr. A.Wli , g 3:6:58a Departfroot di septienv . device fn'Aitegitens. Leetsdalegt Ac • ii*:sB a m N. Drigt•n A0.7:03 " IC O -28 a m N- Brtgvn " 8:23 an " " 11:58 a m New Castle "10:33 tui Rochester " 1:33 p m Le/ . adale " 9:7.3 ene Leetsdale Ace. p m "'A itlB tat N. Brigt"n " .5:33 p tN. litrigt'n "2:43 pis >. Brigt'n " .5:28 p m Leetsdale 4!53 pia 'Leetsdale " 10:43 p m 74 -87 Leetsdale Sun. -• ILeetsdale Sun- at •.• church., 1:VI • delyi.,hurch•: 9:B.ana ehurcl._ Sir 2:43 P. arr 11:33 a. m 111. der- F. 2.13.33, , , t) E N'S Slf LT IL..' ~. . - 0 1 „, ,,,,,,, frlr -, • , NIA CENTRAL RAIL 'i - -CF '-. --- 4....... - ....t.:-' R AD. Onand after Noy. 2.115. 186 S, Tra . • . will arrive at and depart iron the Union Depo corner c. • Washington and . Liberty street. • follows: 4 7 ,lN._ ,I Depart. Mall Train.... 1:30 am Day Ex p_ress.. 2:30 lan Fast Line • 2.40 n m Wall's N 0.1.. 6:30 am Wall's No. 1.. 620 a m • tall Traln ' • S:l5 am 13rInionAcen. 7:50 am Cincln'tl Ex 111:35 put Wall's No. 2.. S:3O a an Wall's No. 2..11:29 am Cincinnati Ex. 9:40 am Johnsaawn Ac. 3:25 pia Johnstown Ac10:35 am Braddocks Nol4:29par. Baltimore Ex. 1.45 p m Phila. Express 5:10 pat Phila. Express 2 :05 pm Wall's No. 3..5:20 pm Wall's No. 3... 1:30 pm Wall's , No. 4.. 6:15 pat h Braddocks No15:50 pni Fast Line 7:50 pm. Wall's No. 4. 7:25 p m Wall's Pio• 5..11:50 pm • Way Passn'r 10:20 p zu The Churstr,Train leaves Wails Stationeveir Sunday at 9:15 a. m., 'reaching Pittsburgh at 10:4'0 a. m. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh. at 1.2:50 p. m - and arrites at Walls , Station at . 2:00 p. at, Cincinnati Express leaves daily. • All that' tra'i a tialli except Sunday. For furtherinformation aptly to . • W. Ll.' BECKWITH, Agent. The Pentitylvanialtallnead Company.will not an. ''' sume any risk forßaggage, except fOr yearing ape • parel. and limit their responsibility tse"One 4ax- . • dre Dollars In value. AB, Baggage • exceeding that amount in value will be at-the risk of UM ' owner. or less takes by special contract. EDWARD ti. WlLL:lilili no'N General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. NIVESTEBN-ag PENNSYLVANIA RA-LROAD. - On and alter a or. 9911;15541. the Piu senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Ral road will arrive at 'and - depall from I the Feder,' Street Depot, AlleilbellY CRY. as follows: Arrive. Depart:. 1: Springd'e No16:40 a m ail TOO a m Freeport No.18:210 a m port N0.19:15 am Rxprest..,.. 10:40 am , b'g No1.11:90 am Sharpb'g N0.11:95 p r 5..._„....2:45.pm Freeport N0.24:00 pm gd'e N o.13:210 pm DfaO 5:55 p m reeport N0.25:210 pm Spring e t N026:45 to in liteingsPe No 2 7:10 pm Above trains run daily except Sunday. The - Church Train leaves Allegheny Junction every Sunday at 7:4-0 a. m.. reaching Allegheny City al 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:90 p. in. and arrive at Allegheny Juno. Ma at 3:45 p. m. - COMMUTATION Tielare-For Sale in packages of Twenty, between Allegheny City Cheatent street. Bennett. Creek; Etna and Sharpsbary and good mil!: the trains stopping at Station* spec ed on t tn. • The trains leaving Allegheny City at 7:00 a. make:direct counectiou.st Freeport withWel ker's line of Stages forThitier and Rannahitown. Through tickets may be purchased at thr Olfict- No:-3 en Clair street, near the Susuenalonßridge. Pittsbnr. h, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For further information apply to JA.IISM LWERTS, Ant. ge Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not a , sume any risk foc.Bag gage, except' for wearing klundr apparel,dDollars I and limit n vir ue. .&l1 respons ibi baggage ex. , lity to• One . their ceeding 0 is amount In value . willtie at the risk of the owner, unless taken by special contract. EDWARD H. no Gen.ral Superintendent. Altoona. 114 Sai OILY BILLOWING, notsTE. • . UNION - PACIFIC IaTIMA. Tho SHOUT= AND MOST SIMIAN BOUTS. from the East to all pplata Colorado, Nevada, California, Irtah, Oregon. , Two Trains leave State Lila and Lea f dailv, (Sundays exoentedJoa Swan:t trails of f ac ia, Bil b. oa d nveg, oui sad ELnat• bat and St. Joe Railroad Oda (piney, connect., in. at Lswrenee, 'Yorks and WilAtellw with ste, s for all points in Kansas. :At end or tr&ck west, et hoeworth with the 'UNITED STATES =PEW COMPANY '8 DAILY LINE OF ov KarAND MALL AND EMU= COACH= FOB St. Louts. Eftssotirt INENVER4 BALI T.Airrim4 ' Ad a poi i. to in the Terrtteries i . , .. And with thkkDERSON'4I Tll3-WIXIILY LtN of COACILWO Inr Tort Union, Ben V s. Tort, Pass. An uourree , Santa re, and all Poling In Ad. a ce. and ”Ily Mexleo. _ • . . - with the reaeu " additions of rolling stook and minim nt, and the armuigementa nada with le sponelble Overland Transportation Linea from its wtern terminus, *lt mut now oiler* onequaßed facilities for the tramordsslcm et freight to t e Tar West. . . Tickets t ame at all the principal . Mikes to the United sates and Haundte •__- - e c i k Be sure a d ask for - thumbs via THE . BMOILT HILL 11011T.t, UNION. L' •IC - RAILWAY,. 11114373311 DIVISION !!N MU Arritzs i e~ ro Empress leaves dally. rr Empress arrives dallyl bleaeral Ticket Agent. Eastern Division. Arizona, Washington, New Mexico, Idaho, AND A. ANDIERSOA, Get eval Bnperliatenden a. 11, WEBITIT, General Freight sad Trivet .14,0 ~ 7 t ~ ? ~ .yrt; ~ U, ~ )