Ii N WE. belic.ve New Castle is now an in corporate/1 city. AN oleL canal boat at Mifflintown, Jun iata cov.nty, has been painted and fitted up as v. velocipede school. A a um., showing unmistakeable signs of by drophobia, was killed by its owner, near Greensburg, last Monday. T RE new court-house at Danville is - being rapidly built, and, it is said, will br, a great ornament to that town. .18011:ERSET county has - five ex-soldiers m- who'have lost either an arm or a leg, who are candidates for lucrative county of fices. Kohn than fifteen, hundred ladies of Centre county have signed a petition praying the Court to grant no more li quor selling licences. A roma lady of Great Bend, Susque hanna county, was relieved of a tape worm thirty-five feet in length last week, and she is nowdoing well. 'IN Centre county a man under the in fluence of liquor laid down on a pile of warm ashes on the railroad last week, and was rtua over, by the, nest passing train and killed. • WE see it stated that a' jotu•nal in the interest of the Roman Catholics is to be Started at Titusville ins short time. The • Bishop of this Diocese will have the edi toNal supervision of the paper. ' TEE engine house of the Northern 'Central Railroad, at Sunbury, was• de- Atroyed by fire last week. When a house eatches fire in Sunbury, they let it burn, :as'they have no fire department. I Ma. Jason Dunn, of Hartstown, while ‘engaged in cutting ice in the • Reservoir, • one day last iveek, captured a pikeweigh. ing tweety-two pounds. The Esh came 'to the surface and was caught with an ice ai _odir. i -• _ - gibe Venango Republiean says : '1 The new Bleakley well is producing one'hun •dred barrels per day. -The excitement in -creases every day, and over twenty der 'ziclis are already up, besides others still .g ing up. ROLLING Mai.--It is rumored that the `Wampum Furnace. Co., in Lawrence -county, contetaplate the erection of a rcill ing mill the ensuing stmiuner. A ten acre lot, at Wampum, has been purchased tor - tho purpose.—Mereer Dispatch. Tira.Tuniata Sentinel says: Andrew Dalrymple, the absconding Postmasterat Brown's Mill, Franklin county, was ar rested in Chicago a few days ago and brought back and planed in custody of his bondsmen, to wait •the disposition of , the Government. Ficim Wayne county we learafthat lumbermen'never.had a better season for their business than the one now nearly -over—eleven weeks sleighing. It has ' been iniproved; and our streams and ikaids are lined with an an immense .amount of lumber and logs. Pnn.rp Srprron at the mill, one day i l , - las week, was injured by theexplosion of red hot ball of iron,'which had been ' thr wn Into water. The fragments scat tered violently throughout the mill. Stanton received a particle of iron in the eye. He was 'also scalded about the body.-7.6lamn Times. A I,IAN named Milk, of Light Street, Columbia county, fell beneatlithe wheels of a wagon containing' 5,100 pounds of iron ore about a week ago.: Two wheels passed from the hips to the shoulder. It is said that begot in a carriage and rode home, and two days afterwards was able to.walk about the house. - nac- Press says : The Philadelphia Wilmington and Baltimore Central Rail! road Company have under consideration the expediency of mounting the through care of their road upon wooden wheels. The favorite pattern consists of an Iron hub, teak disc, and steertire.-'This road has had in use such wheels for a long thee. A GIRL, who was recently confined in the gaol at New Castle, for a charge of a larceny, broke the plastering from the walls of her cell and then set fire to the lathing. The fire was opportunely dis covered,before it had done much damage; but the roasting of the incendiary and the destruction of the gaol were at one time imminent. Tan Conneautville Record says: The maple sugar season opened in this sec tion last week, the trees in a number of camps being tapped. The run was large every day last week, and a considerable - amount of sugar must have been made. untilA fe years since no trees were tapped from the 9th until the 12th of March, the latter dote being considered about- the right time. Row.a.days the season is generally over by that time. Trim Williamsport /Standard of Monday says: "We were - startled about 1 o'clock on Monday morning by the ringing of the locomotive bells and the cry of fire, .when it was discovered that a fire had . broken out in the engine house ,occupied by the Catawissa Railroad Company, sit mated on Railroad avenue, above Hepburn street, in this city, which destroyed the house, and also the freight depot, adjoin. ing which. buildings were used by the Catawissa and N. C. Railway Company. The freight and movable property or both buildings were rentoved'and saved, leav ing the loss of property comparatively small. It Is believed to have been the work of an incendiary, as there was no lire known to have been left on Saturday eyeningabout the premises. 7 WEST' ± MWM4. ,To ci Infirmary at Parkersburg • was recen tly delitrayed by fire. • Mt Vitt - Conference of the R, denoininaton will meet at Clarks- Irtrigh,•on the Ilth.intik • ' Tax — Valois Westl Virginia towns are quarreling' about the location of the capi : Isl . of the State. Wheeling; Grafton and P arkereburg seem to be the leading can didates now for the position. . • dirty days since we were shown some fgold quartz, found on the Joseph Benson aun,a un Hazel Run; in Grant township, cint rYs which appeared to be very rich, but In what qu a ntity it e a be we are unable to my, There u has f also some lead ore been found on .this game farta ' Kin g w° °dl TP: , Ye., jOU7II j. The Parkersburg Tim es Bay s; “We r learn that on yesterday the old Shaw well on the' E. W. Petty farm at Bruming Springs, now owned by. Messrs. Allen it Shirts, who have.been sinking it deeper, cleaning it out, &0 . , commenced to flow bat soon ceased, and by a telegra m re. . _ • WYA,TE NEWS. TUE ladies of Springfield have a sort of Sorosis called the ladies' health associa tion, at the meetings of which such sub jects as "sensible, clothing,'? "healthy fashions;"—."how' to preserve health," etc., are discussed. D. P. EBERMAA, an' Akron banker, who "flopped" over to the Democracy during the last campaign, has defaulted 'and levanted, leaving the Akronites losers to the sun? of thirty thousand dollars.— Milaoning Register, THE corner' stone of the old German Lutheran Church, at Canton, was opened last week, and the coins which were de posited there when the Church was built were "absent without leave." What be. came of them is a mystery. Aar old man named Pray has been mur dered in Austintown,. Ashtabula, county. The old man lived alone, in a miserable way, and it was supposed he was rich. The murderers were disturbed and did not get the spoil, about $4OO, which was found 10 , those who discovered the mur der. Ow Thursday evening, a little girl about ten years of age, the daughter of Mr. Aiken, of West Hubbard, Tru bull coun• i ty, while attempting to cross e scaffold ing over their barn floor, fe through. She was taken up unconscio s and re mained in that state until Sat day even in.. , when she died. Medical skill seemed to beof no avail.- Tusearawas C7ironicla says: A little child of Mr. , William Wardel's about two years old, near Trenton sta tion, fell into a kettle of hot water on Saturday last, and was so badly scalded that she died soon alter. The mother had just set down the vessel and turned her back for a moment whets the terrible accident, occurred. - Miss Larry Suzann. a highly re spectable young lady of Yellow Springs, Greene county, who, on account ofpain ful bodily illness, has for some time been mentally deranged, left her father's house at four o'clock in the mornlnl of Mon day, the 22d ult., walked half mile to a stream of water and deliberately drowned herself In'water not more than:elghteen inches deep. LAST week a little daughter of D. H. Varian, of Jackson, Jackson) county, complained of a pain in her ,side, . She became worse, and physicans were called in. It was difficult to account for her symptoms, but finally a physician was called who performed an operation, and took from her aide a piece of knitting needle between three and four inches in length. She is now getting well. How' the knitting -needle l came there is not known. • . , , . ' 'Tint Canton Repository/ says: In June, 1860;there was but one building in Lee. tonia, Columbian's, county, the farm house of Jacob Yodder, .Now there are stores as follows: Four dry goods, two hard ware, one clothing, one furniture, &hotel, cabinet'shop, two livery stables, harness shop, stove room and groceries enough to furnish the Grand Jury a large business. Half a million dollars are invests in the iron busineskand $25,000 are paid out monthly to operatives. A Fianna hear Canton was visited the other day by a young man with a paper of agricultural statistics, who asked him to see if the statistics were correct, and, if so, to sign his name below. leaving subs_ dent space for the names of thp officers of the Agricultural Society. This the, far mer did. The young man then, went away, cut off the statement of statistics, ceived from that place it is nivw reported as pumping five barrels an hour. VALUABLE minerals are supposed to underlie territory in the aeighbDrhood of Weston. Two - mineralogists, Who have been recently exploring that region have purchased one farm and leased several others for the purpose of mining. They report that they find lead containing ten per cent: of silver in such quantities as will pay the expenses of mining for other valuable minerals, which they belieye to abound thereabouts. ---- JUDGIN4 from the followinh• which we eat from the Parkersburg Times, West Virginians do not rely much on the majesty o,f the law: One day 'last week a German living a couple of mi 's out in c e, R. country, - brought $45 in M ney to . P. Steed, Esq., of this city te. pay him for a cow, and upon' his , r , tun in an opetcwagon, was set upon a d - stabbed by a negro, who, it seems, suosed him to be still in possession of be money. Ile was badly wounded and fell from the wagon to the ground in a swoon. On xurning to consciousness, he found the negro searching his pockets, and fearing' to resist simulated death, until the in— tended murderer satisfied himself that no Money was on his person and so es caped. We are informed' that owing to ignorance of the law or a want of con fidence in its being fairly administered, or, perhaps, fearing the trouble which attends a prosecution with the slight pros- • pect •of adequate punishment, the Ger man was advised to snake no complaint, but to take the first opportunity of mur dering the negro, 'for whom he is now upon the watch. 01119 NEWS XENI-. is suffering nightly frcm bur lags. ASHTABULA county has a gaol, but it is 'empty. CHAMPAIGN corwrz is to have a $7,1;00 soldiers monument. THE Metho lists of Canfield have bought a dwelling house for their pastor. 2 1 fAxsprzim is trying to have the new Ohio penitenkiary built within its limits. —A rnemitar ppf t dollars is offered for the bent velociedeerformer at the next Agricultural Fair in Champaign county. THE ladies of St. Johns (Episcopal) church in Youngstown have raised $3,000 and hope to raise $2,000 more, in order 'to be,able to buy a parsonage. THE liansaleld Herald has been figuring in a grand transformation scene and has emerged in as elegant a.dress as the most fastidious community could desire for its family newspaper. THE Churchill]] Coal Uoritpan of Trumbull county is now taking o about fifty tons a day from under the farm of Win. B. Leslie, whose daily income from them thpb reaches 450. Ohio is acolored woman in Steben villeo, who gave birth to four chil dren, a day or two since, who are all liv ing and healthy. The four prodigies are attracting no little attention from the cu rious. A caAPnamed Richards eloped from Canton last week with the wife of Geo: Taylor, the woman abandoning her two years old child. The gully wretches are supposed to have gone to Erie..-Ashi an d Times. PrITSB URG H GAZETTE : TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1869. wrote a note for $92 on th blank space left tor the officers' names, and got the uote - discounted in Canto' . After this that fanner will let the officers sign first. Tan Zanesville Courier; says: There are residing in one house in Geauga coun ty, the following relationship, viz: Two wives, three mothers, two mothers-in law. two 'grand-mothers, one great grand. mother, one grand-mother•in-law, two daughters, two daughters-in-law, two sis ters, two sisters-in-law, two aunts, one great aunt, one aunt-in-lw, one niece, one niece -in-law, two husbands, two fathers, one father-in-la% one grand father, three sons, two gTandsons, on.e greiit grandson, two brothers, two ner:h. ews; one grandnephew, and only eight persons in all. WE learn that on Monday evening Mr. J. E. Robinson, a grocer of Efurton, Geauga county, met with a singular acci dent which terminated fatally. i n test ing a preparation of coal oil, claimed to be non-explosite, he paced 4 can of the liquid on the iop of a barrel containing a considerable quantity of brandy and then set fire to it. The can being quite full some of the fluid ran out upon the barrel. Fearing lest it might soak through the wood and damage the brandy, Mr. John son first attempted to wipe it off, but afterward set it on fire, when a terrible explosbn of the contents of the barrel resulted, killing Mr. Johnson immediate ly.—Canton Repository. CITY AND SUBURBAN Allegheny Schools. The following are the Committees and Ofhcers of the Board of Controllers of the Allegheny City School District. for 1E69 Pinance.—R. AL Young, First ward; Rev. Jos. King, I Second ward; C. C. Boyle, Chairman, Third ward; R. B. Francis, Fourth ward; Jos. Walton; Fifth ward; Wm. Mussler, Sixth ward; G. P. Wilhelm, Eighth ward. Text Books.—J. 11. Ingham, First ward; David Dennison, Second ward; Rev. E. E. Swift, Chairman, Third ward; Thos. McCance ' Fourth ward; Rev. D. I. K. Rine, Fifth ward; Dr. D. W. Riggs, Sixth ward; Wm. akley, Eighth ward. • Teachers and Sat ries.—Robt. Pitcairn. First ward; H. M. unlap, Second ward; John U. Barr, Thir ward; Win. Brown, Fourth ward; Robt. Lea, Chairman, Fifth ward; Jos. Chadwi k, Sixth ward; H. W. Minniriger, Eighth ward. Rules and Regula tions.-16bt. White, First ward; Jos. p. Sprague, Second ward;, F. Torrence,' Third ward; R. C. Loomis, Chairman, Fourth ward; N. Mc- Clinton, Fifth ward;l J. P. Richey, Sixth ward; Geo. McConnell, Eighth ward. , Colored Schools. -111. Boreland, First ward; L. H.- Eaton,+-Chitirman,• Second ward; Jos. Thorn, Third ward; S. Bar ker, Fourth ward; John E. Parke, Fifth ward; W: F. Trimble, Sixth ward; Geo. Moul, Eighth ward. I . Evening.Schoots.—Robt:' Pitcairn, First ward; James Lockhart, Second ward; C. C. Boyle,_ Third 'ward; R. C. Miller, Chairman, Fourth ward; D. L. Patter. son, Fifth ward; C. W. .Kimbal, Sixth ward: Simon . Mcßoberts,. Eighth ward; Printing.—C. C. Boyle, Third ward; ,Rey. E. E. Swift, Third ward; R. C. , Loomis t _Fourth ward; L. H: Eaton, Sec ond ward; D. L. Pattorson, Fifth ward. School inspection . j—, Rev. John B. Clarke, Chairman, First ward; Rev. Jos. King, Second ward; S. Barker, Fourth ward; Geo. McConnell; Fifth ward; Wm. Musaler, Siith warde Jainos Lockhart, Second ward; James Thorn, Third ward. I O ffi cers of the Board. l --Rov.J. B. Clark, President; R. B. Francis, Secretary; Wm. Hamilton, Treasurer; D. Mader ron, Receiver of Taxes; Joseph Marshall, Jabitor and Messenger. , • i Real Estate Transfers. 'lTte ' follovilne deeds were ill cl of record before H. Snivel),, Esq., R rder, February 27th, 1369: 1 Sarah MeCowan and Mil.= ifreowan to ; Eliza beth W. Welsh. Septeinoe 2. 131•8: login; booth Fayette township, es,. lain nit one aere..-•11100 Georze W. Renenburg to la 51. Lloyd, pl an, 1303; lot No. 2, in Nettatorbs plan, on Roberts street. Eleven th a id .... ..... . ph ... $575 Mary A. I'6ll ips to Andrew sow• r 6, ......... IN bpan; lot ins eisrau street, East Blriat ,g , qll2. 20 y 66 feet. . • ..... - .. . . __ .. I . ... ... . . ...... $350 Jo'.,, Taggart to .... n ii. pth's, July I / 1465; lot on Pasture lane, eeeun.l wuru. ALeghonyt 02 br M 3 tbet ........... . ..... 1.114.1X3 Martin Necker to iaeol; Rotisi,fre, .11 , eAristry 2, 55fiH6; lotoo Ed waroa alley, Rirmingbana r 10 by eet. .... ... ... - ,.. ,.. ..... .. .. ..... -.. . roar WM. Marshall COS. S .. J. ti. ISUPIII. Pe 17, 1559; our-third part of 103 acres of rrolystl In - Findley towushle ..... . . ... . . .. Miller ... $2,243 Chat:lna T. Ewing to las-Ob; H.. and J. Murray (lark , February Z. 11353: lot en Grant street, above Fenno avenul: Pittsburgh. 22 br SO teat, with bulidlogs - ..•. . - ..•.•. -$0,56. Elizabeth Mitchell to Emhart ;Gesso, ......... 251 1348: 02 perches of land ;laud in Bs w fealty township ... . .......... . .. ; ..... . .... N• spinal John'Leur zupf t 0 Hush biektion, t . optemtelr 23, tmg. lot,. NOP. 10 and 17 callie iJrch.srd addition o .b l as t. Libor') ............... ! ............ t 5375 /Ira Ann Iti. Edrlagton to Mrs. Ann* E. Pit re d, February 25. 1301; lot; on= Logan street, Pixtb ward, rritiaburgh. ER( by NI feet, with , ; buildings .... . . ...... .. . .... Juno . ... . .. .. 41.P.0 John; Rain In . Samuel Pry, l3, 1a53: lot of grolung In Fenn township, coutalibing nye acre, ....,./ ........... Lew i 5,.................. :IMO Peter CUIMIV to Lews, Oliver & i hillips, Feb rii,ry 15 IWO; four bats on Denman street. Ble zoinglinua ~... . .... . . . ...... . .... .. . ... ......30.,000 Samuel El. Eluley, Sheriff, to Peier . enyder. Feb roar), 20, MI int - -reat -of Matthias ..snyde In ra t 10, of ground In Versailles township , row la g 'Utle-ii tlf sere..., . ... ... . . .1-- .. . .. . ... 200 Elisabeth If. Leek) , to tieo. iit:n•her, N . ove er 13, 1353: lot In 51 eClure'townsuip, 30 by 70 Islet. ..... Row in a Beer Saloon. Michael Bemmellsbaugh, a youth about twenty years of age, was brought before Mayor Drum S aturday even ing, ou an infurmation for assault and battery, preferred propriet against him by Mrs. Mary . 11. rner,proprietress of a beer sa loon on Ohio street, Third ward. The prosecutrix hileges that the accused came into the saloon, and, after taking a drink, commenced a quarrel 'with some others in the r room. She states that he became so boisterous that she was at length compelled to use a ixiker to get him out of the house. of His countenance exhibited the e ff ects coming in contact with the poker, an ugly scar appearing on the left cheek, which had swollen up until the eye was almost closed. rn justification of her rough usage of the accused the prosecu tax sieve he' flourished a handy billy and endeavored to strike her, which was only prevented by the stunning blow he recelv'ed himself. The handy billy.,was exhibited and was one of the most mur derous and villainous looking,affairs we have ever seen. :Hernmellabaughadmit. ted he had made it himself and carried it with him. At the conclusion of the hearing the Mayor , •imposed . a fine of twenty-five dollars': upon the accused, which he at first refused to ,psy, but when about being committed, he chap*" ed his opinion. and paid over the mono: Wag , The Indiana (Pa.) Mesaetiger has a wag on its local,' as the following specimen brick will show: - It does a body good M have their pride flattered once In a while. We realize the benefit of it once a year, when the asses sor comes round and asks how much, money we have at Interest; how Much stock we have in povernment bonds or inhat banks; and various other queetions t are supposed to be only .tO the "solid men.' ", If there be anybody around, we straighten up slightly, ez pand our corporosity, and in• as heavy a chest tunes m we can crommands we an swer, "About the same as last year." They know. well enough what that was. Bo do we. T=Til ExTr 14acrED- Nv=':ktoirr NO VaLLEGE MADE WHEN Azninaakz. 27..ETH ARE ORDERED. PULL BET TOE 80. AT DR. SCOTT'S. 1711 7. 1 TNBTREZT, 3D .IXKMABOYX BEAD ALL WORK WARRANTED. CALL AND .E 7 AMINE SPEC/KENS OF orstrarz VIILCAti ITE. trire:d&T WELDONai KELLY, Ilanulltetnrers and 'Wholesale Dealers In Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers, AND LAMP GOODS. Also, CARBON AND LUBRICATING OILS, 'BENZINE, iko N 0.147 Wood Street. se9:n22 . Between sth and 6th Avenues. FRUIT CAN TOPS. We are now prepared to supply TINNERLd the Trade with oar Patent FRUIT ,_CAN TOP. Having FECT, SIM PLE f an d CHEAP. the names of the various fruits to t e m c p e r n d t eurp on ntd ra from or pointer stamped upon the Top h t clearly, dt.ttnetly and PE R MA NE NTY LISELED fru i t t h e placing. tha name or the fruit the can contains ob posite the pointer and sealing' In the customary answer. No preserver of fruit or good HOUSEKEEPER will use any other after once seeing it. Send 25 cents for sample. P/ANOS. ottGANS, & lapr 17Y THE BEST AND CHEAP.. EST PIANO AND ORGAN. Schomacker's Gold Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The SCHOILACKER PIANO combines all the latest valuable-improvements known In the con struction of a first class Instrument. and has al ways been awarded the highest premium ex hibited. Its tone is fall, sonorous and tweet. The workmanshin, for duntblitty and beauty, amass all o th ers.- Prices from es° to $ll5O. (according to style and finish.) cheaper than .all other so calla° first class Plano. &STET OOITA.3E 0/ZGAN Stands at the bead of all reed Instruments. In producing ,the moat perfect ptpeAnality of tone. of any Instrument In the United . States. It is simple and compact In conatructioa, and not liable to vet out of order' OARPENTER'IS PATENT " VOX lIIIIANA TRILI(OLO'' la only to be found la this Organ. Price from $lOO to $2150. Maas. gairaitteed for She BARB, KURE k BTJRITLER, No. I.IIST. CLAIR STREET. pIIANO9 AND ORGANS --An en • tire new stork of KNARE'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS: HAINES BROS.. MHOS: PRINCE & CO'B ORGANS AND MRLODE. ONS and TREAT, LINSLEY & CO'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS. C 131 II a CTT I3 al 4 3 Finn avenue. 30 1: 7 13. e Arent. DIERCELiIiT TAILORS. OYS' CLIO 1 G At Very Low Prices. Gray & Logan, 47 ST. CLAIR STREET. fe Id BTUEGEL, • (Lute Cutter with W. Hespesseise.) arJERICIErANT No. 53 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh. sem.= • NEW FALL GOOD& A tolendld new Hoek of CLOTHS, C ASsINERES! &C., duet received by lIENRY !MYER. 1 GLASS. ORINIL. OUTUIMY. 100 WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS. ;FINE VASES, BOXIENJAN AND CHINA. NEW STYLES DLNZIER SETS TisiA 'OI7PT CUPS, SHORING sETs, large doe}, or SILVER 'PLLTED GOODS or all descriptions.' =WM Oall'and examine onr and feel satisfied no one need all to be to we tted. R. E. BREED & Co. 100 WOOD STREET WALL PAPEIRS. WINDOW SHViE& A LARGZ ASB ORTJAZif? Cnt NA TI TRAUffilqligET & OPAQUE MANS, fItIBT aBOZIVAD, At 107 Narket Street. XXLII rzrni Annum. tee •io FL EL BOOMS & 8720. WALL. PAPER -- REMOVAL. THE OLD MK STORE IN / NOW PLACE, W. P. sirtLL rerti* Ved horn 8 7 WOOD BTDEET to NO. 191 41 .8ERTY B2RZET, afew doori l sbore BT. CLAM. D EW I7 .4TRY GAS FIXTURES SELF-LABELING COLLINS de WRIGHT, :, .. g 'r cd rie 04 A • PI ''' Ei . ' 0 Efa Z La m 0 p l 0 I ' 4 •4 Z i 4 i A g :4 Z.ll 0 a g' ll a 4 m CD z C 74 I F : 1 4 -so Z gg r 74 IPI 1 : 14 a v hi .ii ='4 o 1- , .. O p W A R 1 2 ' •-• ii. 0 IA MI Z Z •Pi• NI 4 0 Sr; k 4 21 . 4 0, F 4 A 1.1 IA , • r 4 f 4 , r : CARD ? HcCANDLESS & CO., Late Wilson, Carr d (Ivo WHOLES/IZZ D.E.48113 Foreign and Domestic Dry goods, No. 114. WOOD MEET Third door *bare Diamond alley, prrnorinten PA, 01 - 14 TANNED LEATHER BELTING of a superior quality alto round leather Belting or different sires , Alargestock oa hand at the !await price s. _lig PHILLIPS. feS , exta:4B SLUti Street: CM SLlPllirkTar TX:Lajr3m 0.1E 91 11309 HOUSEKEEPING AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Sheeting Muslin, Pillow Case Muslin, Shir;ing Linen Ste eetings, Pillow Linens. White 9u/its, CARPETS OF ALL QUALITIES., . 130 . 7 ELESIE3 In Desirable Fabrics and. Material. CASSEMERIES, TWEEDS,. 41E4NS, FOR .117. EN AND BOYS' WEAR. EMBROIDERIES AND TIMINGS, lIOSIERY AID GLOV2S, All Departments of the /louse will be kept well supplied during the Season, by daily additions of New Goods. WILLTAX SEMPLE, 180 AND 182 :EDERAL STREET, NOS. 54. KITTMING EXTRA HEAVY BASED FLANNEL A VERY LeißiE STOCK, NOW OVFERED, IN GOOD STYLES. M'ELROY, DICKSON & Co. lIM WHOLESALE DRY GOODS ea% WOOD STREET. MEI DRY GOODS FOR THE Full and Complete Assortments of , AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF AT_. lUmNal•Mnm.-. EU FOR THIRTY DAYS ONLY. MOITHE F. PHIL_p4 de23 EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. ' • LEMON & WEISE. Practical Amman Mannfactarers, /ta t 118 WOITItTrEI Where may be found a fall assortment of Psi. lor. Climber and Kitchen Furniture. dal IYfBBZil ------AjTR 3 , N.. . IrE PARTNRSHIP HERETO FORE existing between the undersigned, fling business In the name and style of BEY NOLDs, ALPERP & 00 . Is the manufactun and sale of Boots and Shoes In the city of Pitts burgh. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by J. B. REY NOLDS Cud WM. MOORE, wbo have tell power to use the dam's name In sel Ming up the business. and wbo will settle all claims against sald Ara. and collect all debts due Es! r• film. • J. B. REYNOLDS, • 0.- ALPERT 0,) Wm. moosir., _ E. w. Wrryntss—i. .7. NEW3ITT.R. HILL. Prrrsaunatt, February S 3, 1869. fe76•112 NE *V—STYLES HAIM AND CAIRS, MI GRAY'S FERRY • PRINTING INH WORK& C. E. ROBINSON, Black and Colored Printing & Lithographic nras, vezonsum% Gray's Ferry Road , and 88d Street, Ibielie6o PHILADELPHIA. SKATES, 1311ATEEIEEL, 'American Rink, New York Cleb, • EmPire, s tarrt.itg. AE other mid sisea at. the Ten lovas WiIITEMO DRUZ, del4. 79 PEDIDRAL 9T. , ' AT tzettmirr. V.AltSftl,----1----3. ELUL' Eitlirr • • • . .. AstnAti's Nulls Tint 'CUR' RIWALWOr. _Asurce4.l ELLIII WILL (Alum DTErzpitum Ja.tienALL . 'll BLumi wu.z. Cana - Conn*. P n c eof atarshilPs Mari. oat gr fi4liirnirste,ljeD"pti'els=r .so:tTtMProprietos . giiALL aa i l s es i .a; . a O Oll NEws ------ CREW BREAD rm maxim. , Enquire for WART 'S ligiceirAL _ Tie l it nv gest and beet. The initials .M . WO , es eirelv.: Take wine else..' , morn P ces r ill" littaßEß oeton ar el m :lmppaaaniin.gmaan,diurG l: ost E tukre ltg ato iN frith G e a as IoW as tbls quality of gooqs eau be bought of the Manufacturer A rut stork always on band at the India Blubber Dtpot, 20 anti 28 812$11 Street. a • 4 the Solo Agents for the Company. Table Linens, Table Napkiris Doylies. Tozvellings ' Tawas Toilet Aram. DRY GOODS/ AT CAD ST, TO • CLOSE 1!;TOCIC., 87 ALABRET B.22tEEZ ROCK THE BABY BOLD ONLY BY I JIM RECEIVED AT McCOltD & CU's, 131 WOOD STREET. ItALWOril CRUMP. OP II 11 ~ . 1