The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 02, 1869, Image 1

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My Telegraph to the Pit:ablat' Gazette.)
WASHINGTON, March 1, 1869.
The credentials of Mr. Bayard, of Del
aware, and Mr. Boreman, of West Vir
ginia, were. presented.
The bill authorizing -imprisonment at
hard labor in certain cases passed.
The bill for the relief of certain com
panies of scouts in Alabama passed.
The Finance Committee reperted
equally divided on the bill to colnnickel ,
copper five cent pieces. ' • '
The credentials of Mr. Brdwnlow,
Senator elect from Tennessee, were pre..
The Home joint resolution suspending
the 16th and 17th joint rules until the
end of the session was agfeed to.
The. Committee on Finance was dis
43harged from -the consideration of . Mr.
Stewart's bill relative to refining gold
and silver bullion in the' United States
mint and branches.
The bill for the removal of political
disabilities was taken up.
Mr. CONNESS moved to strike out the
name of Atte Rogers, of Virginia, as he
Was still an arrant rebel..
Mr. TRUMBULL opposed the motion.
saying he had written an application for
Mr. FERRY hod the name of Mr.
Rogers would not be stricken out. He
hacl observed that whenever a man hold
ing office at the South applied for relief
from_political disabilities, there were al
ways a sufficient number of his neigh
bors who .wanted the office for them
selves to get up a remonstrance.
Bic. TRUMBULL commented on the
fact that the Grant and Colfax Club of
Richmond gave no reason against reliev
ing Rogers, except that they earnestly
protested- against it. If the Senate was
to be merely a body to register the de
crees of the Grant and Colfax clubs of
Richmond and elsewhere in the South,
it was time the fact should be made
known., This Grant' and Colfax club
protested against the relief of certain of
fice holders probably because they
wanted the offices themselves.
Mr. TIPTON—They have a right to
Mr. 'TltlfMßULL—Suppose the peo
ple do not want to elect them, have they
a right to the offices?
Mr. HOWARD—They have, if the ,
people are rebels?
• Mr. TRUMBULL asked Mr. Tipton
whether he would 'like to have the ma
jority of:the people 'of Nebraska treated
that Wirt -
Mr. TIPTON said nothing would please
him better, if the majority were rebels?
Mr. CONN...LING was not in favor of
the indiscriminate removal of disabili
ties, but thought Mr. Rogers, in consid
eration of his personal character and
pi:mitten, better entitled to the removal
of his disabilities than many others who
had their's removed.
Mr. SAWYER thought the idea that
no one at the &nth should 'have dis
abilities removed, unless recommended
bythe Republicans in his community,
narrow, short-sighted and wrong.
WheneVer a man of good character ap
plied to have his disabilities removed, ht
would be the best policy of the govern
inent to remove them, and thereby .win
the support of the Conservatives and in
fluential inen of the South. ,
Mr. NYE said he had satisfactory in
formation that the opposition to the re-
Jief of Mr. Rogers arose out of the fact
that, as Auditor of the State, he stood in
the way of the Governor's scheme to
sell to'outside parties the, internal im
provements of 'Virginia.
pers in the case of air. Rogers, showing
that he had taken the oath of , allegiance
and avowed his intention to support the
_Government, and that the removal of
his disabilities had been recommended
by General Schofield, General Stone man
and the leading members of the Repub
lican party in
Mr. CONNESS, in view of Mr. Freling
4inysen's statement, withdrew the mo
tion to strike out the name of Mr. lt,,g
ers. , •
The morning hour haying expired, the
bill went over ,
On motion of Mr. SUMNER, the
Committee on Foreign Affairs was dis
charged from the consideration of a large
number of bills, resolutions and memo
. this in relation to trade with Caand
- tothersubjects. '''. c- -
Mr. CONKLING offered a resol crlpt,
which was adopted, calling upon-the
President for the correspondence during
the last two years between the State De
partment, the United . States Minister
and the Secretary of Legation at Madrid.
The Senate then resumed the considei
, .ation of.tbe Army appropriation bill.
'• -The - pending'amendment was Mr.
Sprague's, declaring the Iniblio domain
within the jurisdiction of the United
states. except that guaranteed by treaty
t 'steTsiertisiu Indian tribes. to bit the Odle
ProPerty of the United States and won
pantsithereof, subject to their laws.
z.., - t Atter --- considerable , discussion Mr.
A:PRAGUE; at the suggeition of Mr.
Morrill, of Maine, that his object would .
be attained in ,other way, tirithdrew
his amendment.
Mr-,WILSON offered an amendment
- pray/diet that volunteer officers retired.
-on, account of disability shall be retired
' .uPoietiiistiatieternis as regular officers.
Mr. MORTON moved to strike out the
Inotialou limiting the number of Brigs
'clier Generals in the army to eight. Lost
'Mr * MORTON moved to amend so as
'to direct instead of merely to authorize the
President to'redneit the army as rapidly
ns_ixesible. Lost-9 to 27.
The bill having been considered as in
eebminittee of the Whole, was reported to
the - Senate when
Mr. SUMNER /mewed his amend
ment to provide' for the payment of the
claim of MaSsachusetts for interest on
'adiraneement made to 'the United States
in thewar of 1812.
• Mr. CONKLIN raised the point of
order that the amendment having been
, .already ruled out of order, could not be
:again offered. ,
Mr. SHERMAN took the same view.
insisted that as the previous action on
- • _. , .
the amen merit was in• Committee of the
Whole,' it was not out of order to offer it
in-the Sc tate. j
The amendment was decided in order
—25 to 20;
Mr. MINES said some interesting de
velopments' had already been made in
connection with this proposition, and
there were others equally interesting to
be made. This was a claim for interest
and advances made b . y Massachusetts,
then including Maine, in the war of 1812.
He had never read that those States had
been very zealous in carrying on the war .
of 1812. Howevdr, they had made some
advances for the United States, which
had been in due time repaid, and thety
after forty-seven years of deliberation,
they had come in with a claim for inter
est, having first transferred the, claim for
the benefit of a railroad corporation, the
directors of which had been.on the floor
of the Senate to-day, no doubt enlighten
ing, Senators in regard to the merits of
the claim. He wished the Senate to note
that when this was introduced, instead
of being referred to the Committee on
Claims, or Committee on Military Af
fairs, it went to the COmmittee on For
eign Affairs, upon which there happened
to be a Senator from Maine, a Senator
from Massachusetts, and a Senator ° from
New Hampshire.
Mr. SUMNER declined to discuss the
conduct of Massachusetts in the war of
1812, because it had nothing to do with
the question before the Senate. That
question was simply whether provision
shall be made for the payment of a
claim which had been twice passed up
on favorably by Congress. When paid
it would only put Massachusetts in fins
respect in the same position • with other
Mr. DRAKE inquired whether, if this
interest were now paid, il, • would not be
a precedent for the payment of simi•
lar claims growing out of the war of the'
Mr. SIJMNER was unable to answer
more definitely than to say, if similar
cases should arise, the precedent would
apply to them.
Mr. GRIMES moved to add a proviso
that interest sail not be allowed to Mass
achusetts upon any sum which she has
not either paid interest to or lost interest
by a transfer to an interest bearing fund.
Mr. SUMNER was willing to accept the
Mr. FESSENDEN, in reply to a sug
gestion that the claim, if valid, ought to
have been settled years ago, said it would
have been at the same time with the
claims of other States, but for tlie - fact
that the Democratic Party, then domi
nant in Congress, singled oat Massachu
setts, and by delaying the payment of
her claim sought to punish her for the
action of the Federal party by which she
had been Controlled at the time of the
war. It had taken a great many years
to get the principal, and Massachusetts
was very glad to get it without at that
time demanding interest.
Mr. HOWARD suggested that• Massa
chusetts had failed to demand interest
within reasonable time.
Mr. FESSENDEN replied the interest
,hadjamt,claimed immediately after the
'paymeneof the principal.
Evening Session—Vhe Joint resolution
to authorize Commander C. H. Baldwin,
to accept a gold medal from the King of
the Netherlands was passed. •
The bill for the relief of the Illinois
Iron dsCoal Co., passed.
The Senate resumed the consideration
of the Army Appropriation bill.
The amendment offered by Mr. Sum
ner was pending.
Mr..PATTERSON of N. H., continued
a speech in advocacy of the amendment.
He said the whole amount due Massa.
chusetts and Maine under this claim was
not a million and a auarter, as stated by
the Seuator trout Ohio, buti only seven
hundred and sixty-seven thousand dol
Messrs Drake and Hendricks opposed
the amendment. .
Mr. MORTON advocated R. He be
lieved the States ought to be compen=
sated for advances made in aid of the
Government. • ,
Mr. CHANDLER said the claim for
Interest was an after thought and oueht
not to be allowed.
The debate continued until 11:40, when
the Senate adjourned.
B Ils were introduced and referred
granting lands to the Tennessee and Coosa
Railroad Company. •
Several bills to relieve persons from
political disabilities were introduced.
Mr. COOK reported a bill to erect
bridges across the Olde. Passed.
Mr. JUDD introduced a joint resolu
tion requiring the Pacific railroads and
their branches to give - bonds guarantee
ing the proper completion of their roads
before receiving Ma. Passed.
Mr. LOGAN moved aninquiry into the
matter of returning to General Lee the
Washington relics, and directing the
Secretary of the Interior not to deliver
them until report is made. Adopted
-119 _to 35.
On motion of Mr. SCHENCK the rules
prohibiting the passage 'of bills from
House to House and the presentation of
bills to the President within three days
of the adjournment were suspended.
It was ordered 'that the House meet
hereafter at'ten o'clock A. If.
Mr. SCHENCKlmoved'Ae suspend the
rules inorder that the House might pro
ceed to business on the Speaker's table
at ten o'clock to•morrow.
The rules were not suspended-72 to
70, less than two-thirds in theatlirrnative.
' Mr. BINGRAM. from' the Committee
on Claims, reported the bill to pay Kra.
Susan A. Shelby, of Port Gibson, blissle.
sipppl, fs,ooo in full for all :claims for
:cotton captured and sold', by the Uhited
States. • • '' ' -
After explanation by Mr. Bingham ,.
bill. passed.
Mr. _ BUTLER, of Massachusetts,
moved to suspend the rides fo dischkrge
the Committee of the :Whole froththe
further cOnsideratiou'vf the Stkiate
amendments to the In4iiita appropriation
bill. to non-concur in the amendnient
relating to hew Indian treaties, to concur
in the others , land ask a Committee of
Conference. I .' ,
The ruleswere not suspended. -
~ . .The Souse ; then went into Committee
of the Whole, (Mr. Daweslir the Chair.
on the Miscellaneous appropriation bill.
Mr. SPALDING remarked' the bill was
highly important and cillould .be passed
to-day. It involved'an apprepriatlon of
about 1€1,000,000, mainly %embraced ,in
three items, printing or bonds, treasu
ry notes and hank bills; the maintenance
of revenue cutters, &c., and the light
house establishment. MI hoped bill
t ir
would have a t tention and --that but few
aniendments would be offered. The
Committee, Ith an eye to economy,
held exercised some liberality towards
the administration' that was to carry on
the government. He thought it had not
reported too much, and he hoped it had
not reported tcolittlein the pending bill.
Mr. BROOKS called attention to the
great expense of printing money, which
had cost since the beginning of the sys
tem over eleven millions, and for which
this bill appropriated $1.300,000. It was
time there was a reformation in that estab
lishment. and that the printing of pub
lic money was removed from tae Treas-
Mr. PRICE moved an amendment ap
propriating 8150,000 for continuing the
'work of the Rock Island rapids.
After discussion the amendthent was
rejected. •
A paragraph in the bill appropriating
$300,000 for the construction of four
steam revenue cutters for Alaska, for
Columbia river, Oregon, for Mobile, and
for Charleston, and for the transfer of the
revenue cutter S. P. Chase from the
Great Lakes to Boston, elicited a lengthy
discussion; its opponents contending that
instead of building new vessels some of
the vessels now in the navy should be
transferred to the Treasury Department
for that purpose. The item was retained
in the bill.
On motion of Mr. O'NEILL, supported
by Messrs. Myers' and Randall, the app
propriation of f 2,000 for preliminary
survey of thasite of League Island Navy
Yard was increased, after discussion, to
On motion of Mr. 63PAULDING, re
presenting the Committee on Appropria
thins, the items for the Freedmen's Bu
reau, amounting to $214,000, were struck
out of the bill.
Mr. KELSEY moved an appropriation
of five thOusand dollars to pay bliss
Vinnic, Ream the amount due on her con
tract to. furnish a statue of the late
President Lincoln. After a brief discus
sion the amendment was agreed to.
Mr. DODGE moved the appropriation
of $229,848 to reimburse ,the State of
lowa for expenses incurred and pay
ments made during the rebellion, as ex-',
amined, audited and found due by the
Commission of Gen. Buchanan. Re
The same amendment, with a proviso,
was offered again by Mr. Wilson, of
lowa. After considerable discussion in
support of the amendment by Messrs.
Dodge, Allison. Price and Wilson, Mr.
BUTLER, of Massachusetts, moved to
amend the amendment by a proviso ap
propriating the amount necessary to pay
the war claims of all States that had been
reported favorably by the Commissioners
appointed by Congress. '
Mr. CLARK, of Kansas, moved to
amend the amendment by appropriating
'42,159,000 for Kansas war claims.
Pending the discussion, the House took
a recess.
Evening Seasion.—A large number of
private pension bills were pas , ed.
Mr. PERHAM reported a bill relating
to the operations of the pension laws.
After some discussion and amendment
the bill was.passed. It provides that no
claim of a widow for Derision, pay or
bounty shall be allowed where she has
voluntarily lived separate and apart from
her 'disband without receiving any sup t ,i
port from him; that all pensions granted
in consequence of death from wounds or
Sickness contracted in the service shall
commence from the date of death or die
charge of the soldier, with a pr . ovision
that nothing in the several acts relating
to pensions shall deprive any person who
was in the, service of the United States
between the 3d of March, 1865, and the
6tll of Jane, 1860, of his pension during
that period.
Mr. NEWSHAM withdrew his joint
resolution for giving to members from
iaouisiatia in the present Congress the
right to nominate persons to fill existing
vacancies from that State as midsnipmen
in the United States Naval Academy.
Mr. SCHENCK said the , bill to
strengthen the public credit havingcome
back from the Senate with two or three
amendments, he proposed, by way of
abridging the consideration of the mat
ter, to ask thellouse to non concur in
them and ask a Committee of Conference.
He had no dulibt such Committee would
come to an agreement.
Mr. BUTLER, of Massachusetts, ob
Mr. SCHENCK moved to suspend the
rules for that purpose.
Mr. SPALDING, who had the floor on
the miscellaneous appropriation bill, de
clined to ylold for that motion.
Mr. SCHENCK—Very well; I want it
understood by the country that it JAI op
the objection of the gentleman from
Massachusetts that we cannot get at that
Mr. BUTLER—And I want it under
stood by the country that the gentleman
froth Ohio cannot get at that swindling
brokers' bill on the objection of the gen
tleman from Massachusetts. [Laughter.]
The House then went Into Committee
of the Whole, Mr. Dawes, In the. Chair.
on the miscellaneous appropriation bill,
the pending amendments being to pay
the war claims Of lowa, Kansas, dcc.
That in regard to Kansas was rejected,
and that in regard to lowa, with Mr.
-Butler's proviso added to it, was adopted.
Mr. BROOKS moved the appropriation
of $200,000 fof laying the foundauotrand
commencing the building of Is post office
in New York City.
Alter discussion the amendment was
adopted-78 to 42.
The, appropriation for the Custom
House in Bangor, Maine,was increased
from $15,000 to $26,000; 150,000 was ap
propriated for the United States build
ings in Knoxville, Tennessee, and $50,000
was appronrlated for the branch mint at
San Francisco. •
On motion' of Mr. LOGAN'. $lO,OOO were
appropriated for the continuance of the
Geological Survey of Territories/. ,
On motion of Mr. LOGAN, an apptv-'
priation of 13,000 was niade;for die pur-•
chase of a portrait of Abraham .Lincohr
for the White House, to be selected by.
the incoming President. 1
An amendment : to pay Hirciria contest
ing members twenty-five htunired dol
lars each gave rise to considerable dia.
enssio n. whole .
Mr. SQHENCH denotinced the h
system Of paying contestants, saying it
had grown to be a perfect nuisance, and
be did not know any more profitable
business than contesting seats in Con
...Finally ii was agreedthat the, amend
ment should be offered in the House,
and the Committee rose and roport d the
bill to • the House, which, at 11 : :0 , ad
journed until to-morrow morninat 10
" 4 D° So t o ( *linty, Mississippi, pow
without civil officers, all• the former in
cumbents having failed to take the oath
required by Gen. Gillen:Vs order.
ARCH 12. 186 g.
oici,ocurs. m.
Supreme Court Decif ions—
Throng at Army Headquai..
ters'Appointments by the
President—Ohio Hirer Bridges
—Pacific Railroads—lnaugu
ration Arrangements— Gen.
Grant and Northern Union
Itlen—The Department Com
manders—Roll of the Next
[By Telegraph to tae Pittsburgh Gazette.]
WASHINGTON, March 1,1883.
The Supreme Court of the United
States to-day decided the Russell, Majors
d Co.'s Floyd acceptances - to be illegal.
The Court also delivered an opinion
sustaining the gold contract case from
Maryland,on the same principle as that
involved in the case of Bronson vs.
The Supreme Court also decided the
following cases: Wm. Sheets, appellant.
vs. Henry R. Belden,
HI Woodruff and
N. E. Paine; appeal from the Circuit of
Indiana. Decree affirmed with costs.
Board or Supervisors (of Lee county,
lowa, vs. U. S. ex. rel., Evans & Rogers.
Judgment of Circuit Conn of Northern
Illinois affirmed with costs.
County of Lee, lowa, ye. same: Judg
ment also affirmed.
The Chief Justice announced the Court
will not hear any arguments this week
after Wednesday.
The interest manifested in visiting
army headquarters is kept up with una
bated fervor. Since this morning it has
been remarkably lively. The number
anxious to pay their respects. to General
Grant; as well as General Sherman, ex
ceeded that of any day during the winter.
Senators, members of the House of Rep
resentatives, officers of the army,. clergy
men and civilians were present in, con
siderable force. Among those who called
this morning were Senators Nye, Stewart
and Warner, with a delegation from'Ala
barna, Joshua Hill,*of Georgia, Governor
Boreman, of West Virginia, Represents
tivea Luan, Anderson, Stover anti others
of the Missouri delegation in the House,
J. H. Ketchatn and Thomas Cornell, of
New York, Francis W. Kellogg, of Ala
bama, and Hon. Geo. C. Gorham, Secre
tary of the Senate.
The icity is rapidly filling with visitors
from all sections of the country. Ad
miral rarragut will arrive to-morrow to
participate In the inaugural ceremonies.
Applications for office under the Grant
administration meet with most positive
Chman4-11169smatt_ .is Atictroting the
greater tiOrtivn of his time to the consid:
eratton of raiktters connected with the
army. General Comstock, of General .
Grant's staff, who has been South on a
wedding tour, Is expected to return to
The bill relative to bridges across the
Ohio river, which passed the House to
day by a vote of eighty-four to fifty. nine,
provides for the appointment by • the
Secretary of VVar, with the approval of
the President, of a board of scientific en
gineers, not less than live nor more than
seven, to report to the next session of
Congress the proper width of spans of
railroad bridges ecross the Ohlo - river,
adapted" to the. wants of. navigation and
commerce, and that Congress take action
on such report. No bridge shall be erec
ted over the Ohio riirer unless It shall
have one c - dntinuous span not less than
four hundred feet in• width in the clear
over the main channel.
The bill relative to the Pacific Rail
roads, which passed the Rouse, requires
the . President of the United States to de
mand and require from the Union Pacific
Railway Company, of California and
brariches beinds or other securities suffi
cient to guarantee the completion of such
rallroad'and'branehes, and to bring them
uttto the standard.fixed by the Special
Commission that has examined and re
ported on the Union Pacific Railroad and
its branches and that IS now examining
the Central Pacific Railroad and its
The President has ordered Assistant
Paymaster General Nathan W. Brown
to assume Charge of the Pay Department
until a successor to General Price be con
firmed by the Senate and commissioned
by the President: The President has
nomif*ted J. C. Stover as Register of
the .Ifuld OM* at St. Pani, Minn.; B. B.
of Pennsylvania, Consul at Bar
buda*; Thos. L.Tullock, Jr., and Henry
C. 3Wchett, Paymasters in the Navy;
also a larkermtnber of brevets.
Several 'days since tha• Republican
members representing the Southern
Statei; 'together with those from Mis
souri .and West Virginia, appointed a
committee of one' from each of those
States to call informally on General
Grant and express to him their hope and
confidence that under his administration
the Union men of the South would be
fully protected. In accordance with the
arrangement, tha Oammittee had an in-.
teiview, with General • Grant*, and after
the , customary salutation, they said
they simply called • to: pay their
respects and Au repeat the ':desire,
above mentioned, of those at whose
instance they wore appointed, ,General.
Grant replied that he hoped his admin
istration would be efficient for the pur
pose, and that he would endeaver to
make it, so. One of the committee re
marked; ""We do. not 001410 here to ask
office for ourselves, or ask or dictate who
shall benn officer in your Cabinet; but
if it suite your pleasure, the appointm ent
of a loyal man, representing the Southern
loyal sentiment, would be a source of
gratification to 1/8 all." •
Another member asked whether there
would be a change pf military command
ers South. Gen: Grant replied in the
affirmative. Another member inquired
whether Gen. Sheridan would be sent
back to Now Orleans. The General re
plied : "Not now; I desire Sheridan to
come here. , But owing to the 'condition
of affairs in, the Indian country,
I have ordered him to remain there and
pursue the Indians." lie theu said, "I
have talked this matter !of military
changes over with Col. McKee, of Ken
tucky, and he does not want:his old com
mander, General Thomas i clianges'•"
Col. McKee replied, "No; I certainly 'Jo
not." Gen. Grant said, "If I give such
commanders to the people will they bt
satisfied?" "They would," was the Col
'onel's response.
The members of the Committee, from
whom the above was, ascertained, say
this4s a true account of their visit, and
deny tnat there was a suggestion of any
particular gentleman for a place in the
1 - - -
It is understood Mr. M'Pherson, Clerk
of the House, holds that the Georgia cre
dentials are incorrect, because they do
not state, as required by law, to what.
Congress the claimants were elected, and
the Louisiana credentials to be imperfect
because they do not certify that elaim.vnts
were duly elected. On both points the
law is imperative. In the iThird and
Fourth Districts of South Carolina two
conflicting credentials have been signed
by the State officers. In all these cases
the Clerk deems it his duty to submit
the papers to the House for action after
the election of a Speaker.
At the meeting-of the House on Wed
nesday at ten o'clock, Speaker Colfsx
will formally resign and deliver his vale
Intelligence was received at the Treas
ury Department today that the cele
brated wine case, which has been on
trial for a month in the United States
Court in New Orleans, before Judge
Durell, resulted in a judgment for the
Government against the winejmporters
on all the points at issue. The amount
involved in the' cases dependent on the
issue of this case is nearly half a million
dollars, and the Judgment settles very
important Iluestions of revenue law
which have been in controversy for many
years. The Court overruled an extraor
dinary opinion of the Treasury Depart
ment, cited by the defense, which was
that false and cheap wines invoiced,
labelled and represented to be genuine
wines of high grades, are not imitations.
. The Senate galleries will comfortably
scat, exclusive of diplomatic corps and
reporters' apartments, twelve hundred
persons, and only this numbar of tioxets
for admission to the Chamber on inau
guration day will be Issued.
General Grant will not, it is said by
several intimate friends, resign hls office
of General of the Army, as he considers
it will expire on his inauguration as
President of the United States.
( . 137 Telegraph to thePltuitiurith Guette.l
NEW YORK, March 1, 1869
Postmaster Kelley has been directed
to send all mails for the California and
Pacific coast by steamer today and to
retain all subsequent mail matter until
thp . AltktuidjUst lusts. I - -
'• Nathaniel Oakley, oortaterfel ter, -
tenced to three years imprisonment, re- .
calved the Pre.sident'sperdon today.
C. D. Robinson, of the 'firm of • Wood
(St Robinson, stock brokers, reported to
have absconded Saturday with a large
sum of money, returned to his office this
Edwin It. Lee, now awaiting trial on a
charge of stealing $lO,OOO In bonds, &c.,
from the Star Insurance Company, has
had a second charge made against' him
by Bierswith & Rochelle No. 69 Pearl
street. It is alleged , he took from their
office a tin box containing documents
amounting in value to $50,000, and sold
some of the property to Fisk k Hatch.
Lee denies his guilt and was committed
in default of $.50 000 bail to answer.
The Rev. T. Dewitt_Talinadge one of
the famous preachers of the Reformed
Church, in Brooklyn, with a salary of
$7,000, has declined that of Calvary
Church, Chicago, to which a salary of,
57,000 is also attached.
A number of Cubans. temporarily
stopping in this city, held an informal
meeting at , the New York Hotel, on Sat.
urday evening, to take into considera
tionl the propriety of holdiu a 'public
meeting at an early, day, with a view of
asking aid for the revolutio 'sta. An
other meeting will be held this week,
when final arrangements will be made.
i :)
`Commodore Vanderbilt having com
pelled the, transportation com anles Over
the Eriti'hid Pentsfivania Ce tral Rail
roads tb came to - his terms, -day put
the freight charges to 'Chicago back to
the old rates.
The representatives of twenty-eight
vocal and instrumental societies belong
ing to the North Eastern Sangerbund
held a meeting yesterday afternoon to
make arrangements for attending the
eleventh general Sangerfest to be held
in Baltimore next summer.
St. Louis Lottery Schemes.
2 1
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 0 ette,3
ST. LOUIS, March I.—The I to Paschal
House , lottery scheme was before the
Circuit Churt to-day oa a peti ouef JllO.
Ring, a member of the A talon, to
have a receiver appointed totake charge
of the effects of the con ern. The
petition 1 states that the• r real value
Of the teal estate pu - In the
scheme *as 5173,000, while theschedule
yalue was 1465,000; gross profit, $285,000;
tickets sold 70,000, yielding 050,000; ex
pense $60,000; net profit :90,000. Ring
also alleges the, parties received pver
6600,00 on 'account of the I enterprlae,
and (initial '875,000 as the balance due
him. liiikpetition was overfilled, on the
ground that he had not fulfilled his part
of the Original agteement.
A large indignation meeting of persons
holding tickets in the Gardner Real Re
tate Distribution, the drawl' g of which
was broken up Saturday nig t, was held
at the court-honee this .e ning. The
Meeting was orderly, and a committee
was appointed to wait on the managers
of the scheme, and see what- arrange
ment could ba/mado for a drawing.
Missouri Ratifies the . .tu
Telegratth to the Pittsburgh eitzette.l
'ST. Loins, March . I.—The Missouri
Legislature today parsed the Constitu
tional Suffrage Amendment. The vote
in the Rouse was 79 to 30; in the Senate.
23 to 9. ,
Amendment Ratified by LiMistana.
Eby Telegraph to the Pittaburgh Gaze Ito.)
NEW °Rim/two, March I.—A joint res.
olutiortratifying the Fifteenth A.mehd
ment to the National Constitution passed
both Rouses of the Legislates° today.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
LONDON, March I.—The British forces e
made reprisals on the New Zealanders
for tne outrages at Poverty Bay. Ninety
natives were killed.
PA.RIS, March I.—Lamartine, the peat
and historian, died to-day in the seventy
ninth year of his age.
BERLIN, March I.—Tcvo million florins;
have been granted by the Diet to Frank—
LONDOWf, March I—Evesing.—Console r
93; Five-Twenties, 82k; Erie, 255;; Illi
nois Central, 97; Atlantic it Great West
ern, 33%. Stocks quiet. Tallow 455. 3d.
Linseed o'3l £2Blos. Sugar firmer both
for spot at 20s. 3d. and afloat ai 295. 3d.
Calcutta Ltnseed ofis. Bd.
•• •
AIITWERIF, March I.—Ntroienm 005 , 41,1
holders ask 67f.
Hwrics, March .I.—Cotton 13 quiet and
PAras, filaaihl—Bourae strong; Renter
71f. 55e..
LIVERPOOL, March I.—Cotton is don;
middling uplands- 11 . 14 d. and Orleans
12 3 , 4 d: sales of 8,000 hales. California:
white wheat len. 9d.; red western 93. 7d,
®9O. Bd. 'Flour 255. Corn; old 31s. 6d,
and new 30s. 6d. Oats 3s. sd. Barley ss.
Peas 425. 6d. Pork 978. ad. Beef 955..
Lard 745. Chem) 765. Bacon 575. 6d.
The Insurfectlep in rube.
tar Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiasette.]
HAVANA. March - I.—Gen. Puello, with.
his con snaandy arrived at Santo Espirata
from Visenfaegos.
The Dtarsereports an engagement be—
tween the troops and insurgenta•at Cien—
fuegos, :in which the troops were victori
ous. The same paper states that three
hundred rebels have surrendered at Villa.
It seems that General Lesca is advanc
ing to the interior without much opposi
tion. This rebels expected he would
march by Sierra De Cu bites, or take the
road to Pa redez; where they had erected
entrenchtnents.and were readyto oppose
his progross; but Loses unexpectedly
took another, route and outwitted the
rebel General Quesada.
The Diaro asserts that • the revolution
ary General Napoleon Arouse has_
joined Count Valmasseda with two.
thousand men, abandoning the rebellion,
and that Valmazeda, reinforced; by a
thousand of these men,. has set out , from.
Puerto Principe to • meet Lesem when
with combined' forces they will.attack
Four Spanish gunboats 'are endsing
between La Gusnaja and Gibra. The
[-Spanish man-of-war Guadina is watch—
; ing the movements of the revolutionist&
' in the waters of _Dessau..
Lav Teletrapti to
— PolerrAlco,
have, earriod
aline 1880. W
Mayor. The
told - Drummo:
carried" dour of
Saco, Mare]
3n the Repabl
to-day resin lti
James 13,1. - 11
lacking eighl
Six Repablii
and in one w'
Parker, Repo'
by a vote•of 6
carried all b'
dernand and 1
sales of mid(
amounted to
hales. ' export.,,
1444.. New York - iiigi
premium. Sugar is dul
with sales of common a
at 1534015%c, and yel
Molasses is , , dull and
sales of prime at 130©81
at 156,80@7 for double e
treble extra. Corn is
scarce at 8C.4). Brants
is held at $30®31 f
nominal at, 533,50@
sales of shoulders at 1
at 17yo, and , clear sid
is dull, with sales of ti
keg at 21319. Whisky
of western rectified at
is firm a
with sales of
and prime at vgaB34
Cuteacio, March 1. I
afternoon there was littl
No. 2 spring:wheat, 1,14 : 4
dull at inside price.
®sse, seller for the in.
tivoand nominaL In
nese was very •
irud, at $1,.14%©1,14X
Oats, 55c on spot or sell:,
Corn inactive. Provisl ,
sales reported, Reef'
easy, at $4,25@7,60 for
choice shipping steers.
sales confined to few lo
orders, at 19,50®10,25
lota. 4''
Burvato, March. I. Flour how Anal.
Wheat' neglected,: `ern—new f timer
and scarce; sales of 10 cars to ar• eve at
78Me do track; 2 cars o , spot at 7' Jo; old
nominal at 90c in 'store. Oats no. rooted:
held at 05e in store. •ye • nos Alas; a t
11,35 in store., . Barley 11 an sal! As of 1;500
bush Canada at I,loin tore. Pass dull;
offered at 111,35. See. • l and
i•bange7d. Pork firm, Mul
at 0 32 , 50 t for beavy
mew . L a o finn, at 20 e. ;lElighwines
laigleoled and minima, t Tic. _
Ara. trr, March 1- 1 . 4 ate le Market.—
patcle opened with a . active de
=lnd and prices ;f0 Ifv , /weight higher,
the range being 6@ioei 'receipts thus far
about 3,000 head' sales 9 500 head- Sheep
.q . :
active and t
o higher; I a les 3,000 head at
51409;0 or a few ferior western.
Mcgs °banging; hand A t 19©1036o; sales
2 car loads western dr: -:d at 14@14X0.
MEMPlilstMare/ 1 .tton, 28o; re
ceipts 1,777 bale' ex " rts 1,602 bales.
Flour ;flan e ' 46,50 Cnrn 72 1, 4©75c..
Oats 713@800. , Ijay as B ran v 2 5-: corn
me413,25@m0. Por 133@)33.51 Bulk
meatasteadY; clear aid • 17(01734o; shoal
deral3M @lye. Dress , d 110ga 12 @123f0.
March 1. Sugar declining;
no sales reported; hold rs pressing on that
Devaftratzs. l
lira. time•
ras elected:
iam 2,297,
ty election.
or Mayor,.
'tl elected,,
—lease N.
ted .Pday9r
-Cotton is la_
Ited., with.
ales to-day-
Jeitpts, 4,9401
Gold, 133%...
it is y, per cent
-1 and unchanged,.
1234013 c, prima
ow at 17017340,
unchanged, with
Flour is firm,
tra, and $7,25 for
. : ce at SOc. Oats
mat f 1,15. Hey
, prime. Pork is
Bacon is. firm;
clear rib sides
.8 at . 18Te.o. Lard
erce at liiXe, and
! 2
s dull, with sales
3.4c0#1. Coffee
fiur at 153 i ®l6e,
venieg.--In the
l i e doing In grain;
0 . 1,14 3 / 4 ; closing
1 , to . quiet at 543( t
;nth. Corn Mac
he evening btud
rieat almost nom
for, lie. 2 spring.
r for the month.
~n a very dull: no p
little quiet an S
.utchers cows I 0
Live ho du
wti i ll;
s to fill to am
.r fair to chi 'ice