CtslttiflittO Gairtte. The crimes of Lopez. Letters received by the last arrival from Buenos Ayres, from a prisoner in the • hands of Lopez at the time of his down . fall, hilly _confirm all previousreports as to his crimes. He personally witnessed • the execution of the brother and brother in-law of. Lopez, the Bishop of Paraguay, the Portugese(maul, the mother and wife of Colonel Martinez, and the Priest Bogarell. He also saw the two sisters and the remaining brothers of Lopez • shut up•in -carts d driven away, and report says - they ha e all been executed. • Bliss and bane an say they regard • • their, treatment b the American navy as far more humiliat . g than the cruelties of Lopez, because p ceeding'frpm the rep ' resentatives of a 'vilized nation. They are here to ask an investigation into - what they consid r a national disgrace. 31asterman rep ited at the State De partment, anti w informed by Mr. Se ward that there no cause tor action against him. Bliss ha@ not yet reported.. Admiral Davis appears to to have made a mistake - in treating these men as c'rlmi nals, and Washburne and the gentlemen • themselves are' disposed to insist on in quiry into the matter. Trtz Americana in Rcime had a grand ball on Twelfth night. The wide atone stairway of the old Palazzo Gregorio was well lighted, lined with trees and flowers .all the way up, anti covered with a sub stantial carpet. - The anterooms 'were filled with shrubs and plants, the red berries of the holly intermingling with the pine, the fir; and the box tree. The • drawing-rooms were festooned with flow era from the lofty ceilings, the side walls being decorated with busts, pictures and the stars and stripes. Houdin's bust or Washington, draped in the flag, was jusf above Healy's picture of--fleneral Grant, while opposite was a bustof Lincoin, and on the side wall one ofVoveinor Ses ard, surmounting Buchanan Read's can vas,- "Sheridan's Ride.", Fragrant flow ers were everywhere, the lights were brilliant; the music excellent, and the stone floors well protected by, carpets, with crash for the.dancers. The compa ny numbered over two hundred and fifty, with half a dozen exceptions, all Ameri cans' from New England to California. The dancing, which began at 10 o'clock, was kept up with unabated spirit, and when' the German, or cotillion as it is called, was reached, there were more than thirty couples on the floor. During the early part of the evening, a buffer was provided, with sandwiches, cakes and tea for the ladies, together with an artistic combination of champagne, green tea. pineapples. strawberries, lemons and snow. Toward' midnight the supper thorn was thrown open, , the - tables well covered and prettily decorated, the cakes iced to represent the stars and stripes, and pretty:little American flags upon all the principal plate. LEONARD CHOATE, who was arrested at Bt. Paul, Minnesota, a few da3ks ago, on the charge of causing the numerous fires:that have occurred in Newburyport during the last two years, is a man about thirty-five years of age, a ship joiner by trade, and in good circumstan ces, and belongs to a respectable family. He has been suspected for a long time, and it is believed that the knowledge that evidence against him had been obtained, • led hire to depart for the West about five • weeks ago. Daring his absence no fire , has occurred at Newburivort. Among 'the • circumstances directing suspicion against him is the fact that the boxes used to "Set the fires are of the materials similar to those used by the prisoner in his bust- nese, and bear the marks of tools owned by him. There are other facts, it is said, which tend to fasten guilt upon him. On the other hand, the Newburyport Herald says, that the fires:lave, been against his family and friends more than, anybody _else; that he has been highly respected in the community, and that there was no reasonable motive for him to 'commit these crimes. If proved guilty, the Herald thinks thatinsinit' y will be found , at the bottom of the whObs. I THREE deserters from the United States Army Were recently "drummed" • out of the service, having been sentenced to have their heads shaven, their - left hips tattooed with the letter D (signify ( ing deserter,) and to be dishonorably dis charged from the United States service. In the morning the harbor of the battal ion shaved the hair from their heads, leaving them as bare, as .a clean-shaven face. Then their pantaloons were taken off and the letter D stamped with India ink upon their hips. The officer of the day, together with a guard, supervised the execution of these penalties. In the afternoon, at the dress parade, the unfor tunate fellows were brought out in their undress, with their shaven heads uncov ered and marched (headed with the drum corps, and followed by a guard) in front of the whole command, through the navy yard to the various offices, and then into the city through several of the , prominent streets. After being exposed and pasaded in this manner for some time, they were then formally dismissed, and' ordered to leave the garrison which they did with an air deep sha me and mortification. GEN. ROBT. E. LEE made application a few days ago, through a gentlemen re siding in Washingtun, to the Secretary of -the Interior for a number of articles, once the property of General Washington, which were taken - from the Arlington Houlie• Gen. Lee's estate before the_war. when that place fell into possession of the UniOn army. The articles were pieces of 'hOusehold furnitttre, clothing, dishes and mere, which formerly belonged to Gen.- . Washington. Secietsry. Browning' has deCided to grant the' request,' and an • or- ' der'has been , given to turn the articles over to the person deputed by ' Gen. Lee • to receive them: , •t• ir Has LATELY ' been .discoiered thai thelnast plains of Colorado overlie avast coal bed, also numentis ~ beds of Iron. Some of these large bede of coal htiVe late 1Y been found to be`on :tire, and to such an extent as to warm tip the earth for sev eral miles around, . The sections ofcoun try most explored lie between the heads waters of the Republican and Platte, riv ers, in Colorado. , nikkrnican critic in Boston lately took from an English' paper, an account e ofm' the first performance of the new Eng play of "School," at 'f 3 elwyn's, but forgot to cut off the concluding ,part, which stated that. the author was called before the curtain; and - as the author has never visited this country,, the theft was at'once perceptible. MEM LCOn'eSDOUdenee Pittsburgh filazette.3 • 111- znyjast article 4 spoke of the mann facturirigadvantages, number and kind "Ot manufactories, etc. In this I will sneak of the home business, facilities, etc. • We have seven dry goods stores, be, ~ 1 sides severa l small trimming" and notion stores, four clothing stores, three mer chant tailors, four boot and ' shoe stores, seven grocery and provision stores, two ,hardware stores, two tin ware and stove stores, four drug stores, two tobacco and sagas stores, three dealers in books pe riodicals, papers, etc., of all kinds, three furniture dealers, two jewelry stores two photograph galleries, three millinery stores, three sewingmachine dealers, sev en or eight shoemakers, three saddle and harness makers, five blacksmiths, besides those employed in the car shops, three wagon and carriage factories, one or two lumber yards, one , dealer in pictures, looking glasses; paints, varnishes, oils, varnish,) also manufactures Cole's patent • two nursery men two beak •,- ing houses—one of them a National,sever- al insurance offices, three homcepathic physicians, . six allopathic phYsicians, several surgeons, three dentists, four at torneys-at-law, three Jaotels, four eating houses, one livery—well supplied with horses, carriages, etc. • There are also_ a good supply of contractors 'or "boss carpentersin stonemasons, bricklayers, plasterers, painters, slay laborers, etc., also three baibers. IThe boroUgh officials are; Burgess-- M. S.' Johns4 s Asssistant Xturgess—C. U. Meyer. Ili h Constable—John Goddard. Council--S. unbar, H. Graham, R. E. HQOII9, A. Dull, J. F. Price, 73. Bedeson, M. F. Kenney, E. M. Justi c es D. Gilleland, John Corbns. of the Peace—W. it Lemon, W. S. Morlan, John . Glass. Constables—H. Reed, A. McLain, W. 0. Larimore. Postmaster-- John Boyle. It is a money order office. In connection with the railroad we have a Passenger Depot, Freight Depot and Express Office. Fraternities--I. O. 0. F., Freemasons, and Good Teruplars, each one lodge in prOsperous condition. New Brighton is the largest town in Beaver county. Several years ago there was considerable talk, of moving the county seat from Beaver to this place, which .I think should be done. C. From the Country. Mxssns. Enrrorts: Knowing that your paper is ever a welcome visitor in many family circles.• and that you are ever ready to publiiih the latest and most in teresting news, allow me to give you some from the rural district of Upper St. Clair. The prospect of wheat is very fine; the grain was growing green when winter set in, and up to the present time I never saw a better appearance. The fruit, I think, is all safe yet. At the pres ent time everything is covered with ice, which to the buds is a sure and safe pro tection from the severe freeze of the last few nights. Stock generally looks well. Farmers have very generally reduced. their stock of sheep from one-fottrth to one-half. The number weighed at the scales near Upper St. Clair Postoilice for the past four months was near ly three thousand,. and probably as many more - were driven through to the :city wittiout weighing. The Wool Growers Association of this district met on the 22d inst., and elected H. H. Murry, :President, H. 'McMurry,• Vice President, James `M. - Espy, Secretary, Edward Wright, Treasurer, and:John G. Milan, Corresponding Secretary.-Their next annual Shearing Festiyal will take place on the 20th of May, at the house of John Oilfibm, eight miles from the city. The young folks, deprived of their usual amount of sleighriding this winter, have not allowed themselves to be de prived of country singings, debating so cieties, and such like amusements. On Tuesday evening a case of mock court was successfully carried through at School No. 5; in Upper St. Clair, an ex member of the Legislature and Joseph Couch, presided as judges, Messrs. T. P. Higbee Borland, counsel for plaintiff, and Warren Phillips and John M. Con ner for defendant. The case being a petition of divorce of Petrol eum V. Nasby vs. Jertue.ha, his wife. The wlidle thing was rather amus ing, and all went away highlt , pleased with the CoUrt. 'On Thursday an enter tainment was given at • School No. 4, in Upper St. Clair, which conSisted of speeches, dialogues and debate. It was a perfect success. Thus you see, Messrs. Editors; if it is not our privilege to hear the many goodlectures furnished by the different Associationaln the city, we do not allow eur time: to pass Idly • by and make no improvement, and tam glad for the welfare of the rural districts that young men and ladies ton, employ their evenings in so useful a manner. Yours, etc., SUBSCRIBER. February 23,1869. Real Estate- Transfers. The following deeds were filed of rec ord before H. Snively, Esq., Recorder, February 26,1869: . Jeremiah Week to the Presbvtertan congregation l' or uharon February 7Xt 1889' • lot In Moon town ship, containing 3 acr:s, 3 roods and 14 perches 32.411 Marc. nn I,lnhart to Gotlelb Meyer, lieut. IS. 186Mlot In Linhart , s plan, Mount Washington. el b 77125 feet 61400 John Brush. Adminbitrator to Idtchael Thomas, top 1,12); 2 acres of land in Sewickley town• s Mil e Inlnulleuoor toJoseph Speigle. Jan. ISM,• In Show den township containing 3 acres and lin perches • Joseph Borne to D. Button, Feb. 13, nine; lot In the boroh of Ittnit, SS by 78 feet 0976 Joseph ' W ilson to A. 8. February 1, 1569; Itit on the south side of Third avenue, near Boss street, Pittaburgh,, 24 by ISO feet. with buildings - ISO A. W. Jawing to Alfred B. Jones, January ISMI; lot P , o. in the Sixteenth nrara, burgh, 24 by. 203 feet Sutphen Batas to Thomas Fox., Septembe r : 1869:.lot la Bobo!, plan,' Temperauceville. 130 by 116 •.. . sliBo Alexander Bra ci . yto Davin McClelland, bantam , : ber 26, 1863: Interest in the' mmor, children of Alex. Cowly. ins lot in the Ninth war n , 28 bY 40feet 4200 slisabetti P. fenny to David McClelland, Feb r aryl, 18121: to; on Allegheny street, Twelfth ward. Fittattargh, 24 by 120 fent. 5 2 . 000 .Jesse W. Davis to Do9lo McClelland. jail. M. , lot on - Allegheny street; Ninth ward, Pitts burgh. 23 by 130 feet . . Sarah M eGowan cad WM. McGlowan, to A Kitza keth W. Welch, Wept. 2, 1868; lot In eonth Fay ette township containing 1 acre - ' •/ 00 Gt4l.'W; Kettenbarg top. .W. .Lloyd, Sept. 12, Milt lot No. 2 In Llntonis plan on notterts • street, Eleventh ward, Pittsburgh, by 10 fret Sante Seventeen mortgages were Sled of . Mr McPherson, Clerk of the Rouse, - hits 'made =a vial-hall for the fourth March. After excluding the repreeenta lives from Louisiana and Georgie, 'and several contested sesta,' therthembersbir toots up to one nundred and 'thirty-seve n Republicans, and dirty -two • Democrats, thus'givingthe Republicans more than two4hirds. * The Democrats claim sev entpone members. —Adam Butcher, a farmer, living Misr Bloomington, ..Indiana, shot, himself' 'on Thursday morning. , After 'learning 'of het father's death, the daughter, eighteen years old admitted . that her child, was his offspring. This fact Is, supposed to have prompted Butcher to the rash act. • —Over' one million dollars in revenue tax on Vflilsky manufactured have been collected in the Second District of Ohio since July 20th, 1868. PIMIII7III, P:A?CITE: Mb FrINARRIAGE r y AN g D m CEL L BAw of boltCe nAEshaDIMEAAennnABGBmB *which create Impediments to MARRIAGE, with sure means of relief. bent lo sealed letter en velours. free of char ge . Add, en, Dr. J. SKIL, LUC ROGGHTON, Howard Amociatlon. Phlia delphLs, Pa. 1319:d AT LIFE MERINO COM UNITES STATES OF . 1 o CA, WASHINGTON, b. C. Chartered by Special Act of Couresw, Approved July 45,:188B . . Cash Capita/ $ 1 ,000,000. Brand Office: PHILADELPHIA, _FIRST NATIONAL BAER BIIILIFII6I. Where the general business of the Com any is transacted. and to which 4/1 general corres pondence should be addressed. DIRECTO ill. Jay Oxike. P'hilada. E. A. Rollbms. Waah'n. Clark, Pkdisida. Henry D. Cooke, Wash. John W. Ellis. Cincing. W. E. Chandler,Wasb. W.G. 'Moorhead. Phila. Jam D. Decrees. Wash. Geo. F. Tyler. Vida. Ed. Dodge, N. York. J. Rincide7 Clark Phila. H. C. Faunestoe N.Y, oFFICERS. C. CLARK, Philadelphia, President. HENRY D. COORE, Washington, Vice Pr Wt. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance and Executive Committee. EMERSON W. FERT,Irbil., Bee'y and Actuary. E. 8. TURNER, Washington. Ass , t Secretary. FRANCII3 G. s kim N. D., Medical Director, J. EWING. M mARS. Al. D.. Assn Med. Director. MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD. J. R. BARNES, Sorg. General U. S. A. Wawa. P. JAIORWITZ, Older Medical Dept 1 11. s. N., W . ar h SOLICITORSiton.D A WD hATO BNITL WM. R. CHANDLER, Washington, D. C. GEORGE HARDING. Philadelphia, Pa. This Company, National in Its character, offers. by reason of the Lars-, Capital, Low Ratea of Premium and New Tables, the most desirable means of insuring life 3et presented to the pub. The rates of premium belie largely reduced. art made as favorable to the insuremea those of the but Matual Companies, and arida all the complications and uncertainties of Notes, Divi. elands an d the misunderstandings which tha late ter are so apt to muse the Policy-Holden. 'Reread new and attractive tables are maw presented widen need only to be understood to prove acceVtable to Marne, much as 111COMS.. t'IIODUCING POLIO and ENTURN FERMI. UM POLICY. In the ormer, the polleyt.holder not, only secures life insurance, payable at death, receive, ihring, after ape of few Tear', at GUMMI g, troll fates Reread. fltitur .ft'sf.) Of the Par r oliy. The La. ter the uutellutiV agrees 'triturate the unwed Au fetal antotuttff "Puff *ease paid fa, ad. /Mos to Ike amould or AU poney. The attention of persons calumniating insuring their Area or increathig tha amount of insurance they al ;ready, Bava r ia ailleg . to the 'pedal advanage. *rend by thet Nauanal Idle Insurance Ocrai. pan. Olrcahrs,Yatephiete and fall particulaft given en application to the Branch Office of the Com my in Philadelibbwr ha General Agents. J.G ARE WANTED la every . City and Town; and applications from outage 'tent Pirtle, .Ibr such euenalee with suitable en dorsement. ahould be addressed Tic THE COM • pm.ryli (ova ',RAI. AG E NT S ONLY, in their ,reapective districts' ororzatai Alining: It.W. CLARK &CU Philadelphia, For Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. JA COOKE & CO., Washington,D. C. For Mar/land. Delaware Virginia, District of Columbia and 'West VirAinia. FAA H. ever & co.. Agents for' Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Mercer and Washington comities. For farther particulars address B. S. RUS BELL, Manager, Philadelphia. aurantw&P criir Sizzierriesn's orrsit",_ _ , Pinantatall, lehrtuirY llth, 1669. rag - mm[oElg lIIEIttEBY GI'VEN to all OWlCind OF DRAYS, CARTS, CARBILGIS. BITGOIES, Lo., (whetherreshient or non resident,) in the City of. Pittsburgh, •to pay their Licenses at -this omce YonyiiwiTii, In ; accordance with an Act of Assembly approved March 30, 1.860, and an ordinance of the Coun cils of the City of Pittsburgh, passed April 16, 1660. All Licenses not paid on or berme MAY 15, 1 1 89, will be placed in the hands•of a police of deer for collection, subject to a collection fee of (50 cents, and . all persons who neglect or refuse to take oat Licenses will be subject in a penalty double the amount of the license, to be 1 etvvered before the Mayor. The old metal plates of last year must be re. turned at the time Licenses are taken out,* 25 cents additional will be charged on each License. •• •.RATES OF LICENSER • • Each one horse vehicle $ 7.50 Each two hone vehicle • 12 00 Each four horse vehicle 15.00 Each two horse hack • '15.00 ' Omnibus and Timber Wheels drawn by two horses, $lB.OO each. One Alallar. extra will be charged for eiich ad Mori/2114m need In any the above vehicles.' A. J. COCHRAN. leito-Sairort 1 City Treasurer.. CIPTICE Or 'ATV' ea. 'NEER At. I) KruVEYOB., FirrenunOit, February 13, 1860. / NOTICE TO CON'rRACT ORS.—SeaIed Proposals for the grading; paving and curg CENTRE S TE E I.T. from Forty-fourth to Forty-tiftli street; LOCUST ALLEY, from Fountain street to .Forty.flrst street: ALMOND ALLEY from BnCer street to the Allegheny Valley Railroad. FOSTE2 ALLEY, from Butler street to the Allegheny Yabey Railroad; Will be received at this office until SATITR, D /Y. February 27 1889. Specificntions an Blanks tor bidding can be had at this (Ake. N 'b bids will be received unless made out on the prcper blanks. The Committee reserve the right to reject anv or all bids. -• R• Jr. moons. fel3 • , City Ettelneer. CONTROLLER'S Ofriet.2 CITY Or ALLEGHENY, February 24, 1809. W . NOPCE TO CARPENTERS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received nt this office until 3 o'clock r. R. on FRIDAY, March sth, Air building an ENOINE HOUSE for the tiOODSpe c FIRE COMPANY. P/ans and ifications can be seen at .the office of JAAI4.B M. 11 tLPH, Esq , Architect. No. 118, federal street, up stairs, -the right is reserved`to 'eject any and all bids. fe'.2:llB R. B. FRANCIt. , , City Controller. arTO IBUILDEUS.—"Separate Proiposals, addressed to the Comma. sioneri for the 'Erection of City Hall." will be re. 66 eSMedT aH FhELIDeTREE C ommsi MON D A Y , the let day of March next, for the Stone Work, Brick Work, Iron Work and Carpenter Work, Required in the erection of the new Ciry according to the plans and specifications of the same, which can be seen at the once of J. W. REHR; Architrct. in Aptqlo Building, No. SO Fourth Avenue, where all requisite information will be given. T EiI:?&AS STEEL, Sreretr, SALE LS FOB PLAS. PLASTIVAVTIOPAtgaEIreakiI; WORK HOUSE. Specifications of work and materials to be seen at the office of Messrs. Barr & Moser. Architects. Sixth street., where ptopesals will be left. ad dressed to ,11. S. FLEY , NO, W. 8. BI 4 SELL. Building committee, fe.=:e93 SPECIAL NOTICES. farDATCHELORIS HAIR DYE. • This splendid Hair Dye IS the bestir' the world: the only true and perfect Dye; harmless, relia ble, instantaneous; no disappointment; no ri diculous tints; remedies the i ll effecti or bad dyes;_invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beanuful. alael or brats's. Bold by a/1 Druggists and Perfumers: and properly applied at Batches fors Wiz Factory, No. le Bond street. New York. - aD28:1128 HE NATIONAL OF THE _ BY B. B. 0/111TESOB di 00. BOOTS, SHOES AND CALIPE'rB FOR THE AT SMIT7SON'S EMPORIUM, 83 ANIS 57 FIFTH AVENTIE. of N t e h s e s well k. nown SM amHmOtN uCOopHpreors are creating an excitement cousequent.upon the ar rival Or new goods which are being sold at re markablyjow prices. Goods ofevery variety; the finest sewed brots, the most 'fashionable bal. moral gaiters and anklet shoes. slippers, • blankets. flannels, clothe. casetraeres, t;ittiery and carpets. Call and examine. No trouble to show goods. Ladles,. misses' and children , e furs at alMost your own prices. All ;mods war ranted as .retneseuted. BY A. LEGOLTE. AT AUCTION. Beautiful Residence AT Monday, March Ist, at 4 O'Clock, Will be sold. by anal:* on the premises, the very beautiful residence and grounds of the Is te Orrin Newton, Esq., at Shadyside Station, on the line of the _Pennsylvania Railroad. The grounds cousin of ail acres, well improved. and highly ornamented Inith fruit, shade and forest trees, snrubbery 'and. small fruits. That portion, in front of thAl house Is a beautiful level lawn of about one hundred 1 ards square, ensile that In the rear bill a handsome, gentle elope to the railway. Tin house is a two-story double frame, containing parlor, sitting and d ping rot ms,with folding doors, Ave Led rooms. kitchen, wash house, pantries, closets, and other conveniences. There are marble mantles, Boston range, bake oven. 'boller4 pumps, tpring house, stable and carriage. There are handsome front and side perches, andlan observatory from which exceed ingly line views of surrounding country can be obtained. The house Is substantially befit, and has a very pleasant appearance. ' , lt adjoins the residence of Dr. Hussy ,and is enoiraed by those of Ilenre. Renshaw, Ilitcheock, Pitcairn, Lewis and Graham. - It Is near to church and school house, and but a few yards Atom :Shadyside Station. There are eight trainsally to and from thespacious city, eighteenlugt nunures ride. in view of the nd com fortable'dwe inhe elik lisle situation, a the easy travel, the good neighborhood, and all the pleas ant surroundings, this property should command the suecisi a4euti,,n of business men desiring to procure a bratttiful suburban home. Tne preml• see are unoccupied. so that immedie.e possession can be given.l By applying at 118 Wood stret t, arrange inentd will be made for daily exhibition. Terme—tine-third cash, balance In one and two years. Train) for nit leaves at 3:35 r. 31., city time. • A. LIEGGATE, Auctioneer. 'feat I 159 Federal street, Allegheny. • -_____,___________,______•______ HE , ECONO ask the attention of all interested la the reduc tion of the extravagant cost f of Butter, to' their practical and economical system of nicking pure prime Butter by the aid of the EX.TRA.CT OF BUTTER PLANT. . A brief allusion to the origin of this imt ortant discovery may , tit . prove uninteresting. ,i Among the anthentka d records of the renowned Cap tain Cook's voyage around the world, is Bound the statement, that while sojourning fora short thus on the B:Hien Coast of South America, he observed the natives using, in the preparation of their food, a Peculiar oil, which, upori examina tion, he found to possess the appearance,' taste anti flavor of Butter; upon farther Inquiry, how ever, he ascertained that it was simply a nib stance that thcl natives distilled in a crude and Imperfect manner, from, a rich and luxuriant plant that grew Ispontaneously and abundantly In i that warm tropical country. A few tea rs ago, an eminent Preach chemist, while on a litotes denial visit to the tropica, made numerous exper !merits wits this remarkable production of na- -mare, and succeeded inextracthig a concentrated essence of the p ant,, The firmula for its prepa ration, and the Sole Right for its sale in this i country are the at:elusive. property of this Com pany, by whom it was purchased from the oriel nal discoverer. 'lWe claim for this remarkable, yet simple and perfectly harmless preparation— lta.—That by Its use tenet gain of from 50, to 200 per cent. Is made In the manufacture of Butter. Ad.—That Butter, which froth age or whatever cause, may be strong, rancid,' strtaked or coarse -grained' and comparatively useless for general use, by the aid of tabs Extract, is re stored to its onginal freshness and sweetness, flue-grain, arid leven color. 3d.—By the ; use of this Extract, Ode pound of delicious fresh Butter Is actuallythade from one pint of milk. 4th.—That a pure and excellent table Butter Can be made; at a cost of from lb to 20' c — nts per pound. The chief expense wherein being But ter, which Is the essential base. sth.—That Butter manufactured bv the aid of this Extract is equailin every respect to the best Butter made by the ordinary method. , 6th.— The Extract after th orough analysis, by able chemists, la pronounced perfectly free from any deleterious Substance. the Ingredients be ing purely of a vegetable nature. Bth.—ln proof of, :he foregeing assertions, the hictory of this company Is making one ton of Butter per day; which meets with ready sale in the New Tort Mrrket. and is consumed from, the tables of the /rat Hotels, Restaurants and, private famillei In this city and elsewhere. A sample package of the Extract (sufficient to make 50 lbs. of Butter) with full directions for use, will be sent to any address on receipt of. (IL CAUTION.— articles of real merit are sub ject to spurious imitations, we Would specially caution the public against counterfeits and worth: less imitations, advertised as powders, com pounds, fte., as the Extract of the Butter Plant Is prepared and sold only by EiM The Economy Batter Co. OpYteis, lin LIBLRTY BTRRRT. FACTORY, 286 Linsassricil NSW YOK, State, County and City !tights for sale, ..ffering to capitalists rare , opportunities for mablishing &staple business, paying enormous profits. Agents Wanted Everywhere. Y. OADART'S Pure Vegetable Oolortwo, $1 a pound, anmclent to give a rich golden yellow to 800 the, of White Butter; 50 cents per sample Dockage, sent toany address, No Fanner should be witnout It, as wblte and streaky Batter Is worth from slx to ten cents a pound leis in all markets than that of a rich yellow. feS:ela FOR SALE. - 1 Acre at Woods Run. 4 Acres unimprov e d Ras: Liberty. 8 Acres, on Troy Hill. Acres on Greensburg Pike. 5 Acres on Four Mile Run Roe 13( miles front P. C. R. R. TO Acres near P. P. W. 'A C. R. P. 118 Acres near Pa, R. R., Westmoreland email. tY• 90 Acres at Hill Side Station, Pa, R. R. 4 Vann. In Preston county, West Virginia. 185 Acres In Armstrong county, underlaid wall coal. • • 108 Acres and good improvements, in Truribn ll Ohio. 900 Acres of Timberland, with Saw Mill and dwellings. House and Lot on Center Avenue, neat Kirk. gimmick. Howe and Lot on Vieroy street. • House and Lot In East Liberty. House and Lot in Mansfield. • House and Lot on Carrollstreet, Allegheny. , Mouse and Lot on Beaver avenue. ' M Minims and Lots, very cheap, on Vine 11 Lots, very cheap, on IlLue street. • , • A Houses and Lot on Franklln sir 1 Home of 9 Booms and A Lots ®'Roberti Ilt, Vermin. Illinois, Missouri and West Virginia. coal Lands In Allegheny, Westmoreland, Fay tte and Beaver counties In Penna. • ' . ' .. r I"CIaAP.Ir. ' Houses offs/loons In the 17th ward; rent /300 3 do. of 3 do. • do. 17th do. • do. 144 9 do. of 3 do. . do. 19th do.! do. 156 -31 do. of 6 'do. 90. auk do. do. 360 1 do. of 6 do. do. lth do,' do. 300 1 do. of 9 do. • do. lid 'dol ' do. 600 1 - do. of 3 dO. do.: 6th do. do. 192 / do. - of 0 do. do. 6th do. do. 240 1 ' do. of 2 do. do. 17th do. do.: 166 1 , do. of 7 ,do.'do. • 9d do. 1 do. of 6 do. , Oran t street,. ' 1 The Houses that I have, for rent will be rented very low to good tenants for the balance of the rental year . APPLY Ar P. P, Hatch's Real Estate Office No. 91 Grunt St., Pittsburgh. na7lpul AY, MARCH 1, 1869. HADYSME. MY BUTTER CO INSURANCE. ENTilimus, z INSURANCE COMPANY \ OF PITTSBURGH, PA., Office, No. 424 PENN BT., NATIONAI. TnusT CO. BLILDiSO.) . DIRECTORS: Bobt. Dickson; IBobt. Liddell, I W.IJ. Friday, G. !Recite, C. Van Buren, F. Kirsch, I E. H. Myers, J. (4angwlsch , .lebert. L. J. Blanchard, ;J. Weisser, IP. !decker. Et H. MYERS, President. itOBT. DiCKSON._ffice President. BORT.J. GRIER. Treasurer. fe:S: J. J. ALBIETZ. Secretary. pENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIMSBUREIN OFFICE. No. .1673 i WOOD STREET, BANK OP COMMERCE BUILDING. This Is a Home Company, and Insures iftdillit lost by Fire exclusively. - 'LEONARD wet/rim President. • (.I O. C. BOYLE,. Vice President. ROBERT PATRICE, Treasurer. 1 HUGH MCELHENY * , Secretary. .1. • Leonard Walter, D - G i gr ze wlison, 1 -C. C. Bore Geo. - W. Evans, Robert Patrick, J. C. Lappe, Jacob Painter, J. 0. Pleiner, Josiah King, . Joint Voegtle Jas. H. Hopkins, A. Ammo y. n. • Henry Sproul, pnratuirry ' • AGAINST LOSS BY PIR FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA ognCE.435 & 437 OHMTNITT ST., near lITH DIBICTOIII3 Charles Rancher, Nor . decal H. Lonli Tobias; Wagner, • David R. Brown, Samuel Grant, Isaac Le Jacob R. Smith, Edward Leas, Dale, Porge W. Richards, CHARLES U. RANCE 13, Pr i gli r es. BD W. C. DALE, Vice PresldPnt. en" W. C. STEELE, eretary,pei; tan ' . J. GAR.ONER COFFIN..Ia:HUTT North West corner Third and Wood Street's. Exh.29:wls BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEGHENY, PA. OFFICE IN FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK BUILDINGS, No. 41 Ohio St., Allegheny •, A HOKE COMPANY, managed trustectors well A:mown to the community, who by fair deallns to merit a awe of your patronage. HENEY IRWIN . .. GEO. D. RIDDLE .............."...."....PreSooresidtas7sai". Ja DIRE CTOR& D. cob L. Patterson, Frans, J. B. Smith, Cb.Y. H. J. Znkand, Henri Irwi n,. Geo. Rlddat, Simon Drum, W. M. Stewart, Joe. Lamer, arilikow IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1803. DASH OAPITAL.PAID DP AND INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED ING 15 1 ,000,000 IN 0074). Insurance against Tire effected on Houses and Buildings, 600thi. Wares and Merchandise, Steamboats, Be. Policies issued p_ ay a b l e in gold or currency. Air United States Branch Mee, 40 PINE STREET, New York. All losses of the United States 'Branch will be adjusted in New York. J. Y. 7YLCIAA.IIIO.II3I.4.UNG Agent, PITTSBURGH, PA. Ocoee, 67 FOIFILTII . T MR. MoLAUGHLIN a &Bo for the Man hattan Life insurance Camping. seS:v72_ wparnrais INEIVBA CE COM. .. PA.NY Or PITTSBURG ALRX ANDER NIXICK, Pre !dent. Wki. P. HERBERT. Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NZELD, tieneral Agent. 012 Me, OS Water street, Span' it Co.'s Ware. house, up stairs, Pittsburgh Will inzture against sa nds of Fire and Ma. Mu Risks. i A home Institution, managed by Di rectors who are well known to the ccanmuulty, and who rmined by promptness and liber ality to ma i ntain the character which they have 1 0 assumed, a offering the best protection to those who desire be insured. Alexande nusurrOna: Nimick. Jenn 174 McCune, • R. Miler, Jr., ' Ghee. J. Clarke, . William S. Evans, .jtilelitnlectiFe'r, Jprah Kirkpatrick, Andrew A en,Phillip David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, D. Ilxusen. . no2gATIONA IN3MrNEb, CO., OP THE OITY OP ALLEBIOIIM Office, N0. , .89 FEDERAL STREET, entrance on Stockton Avenue. 17:13111 .TIV:8 MANCE ONLY. w. W. MARTEN, President JAB. Z. HTZVENSON. Secretary. DERWILVEB I A. H. Engli s h O.R.P.Williams J. ThoMPsoll Jno. A. Myler. jar. Lockhart, . Jos, Mere,. Jas. L. Graham, Rol* Lea , C. C. Boyle, Jno. Brown, Jr. Gob. Gent, Jacob Kelm. oel2:n3S ' 110F4P CE COM- A, PAN Y. 07 7 / 1 0a, N. Z. OOENZE WOOD & IPIPTESTB. • some Company, taking Vire and Marine Was , Dialtnuems: John Watr= r - nunDf, Capt. John L. Rhoads, t, Samuel P. Shrive; John R. Parka, Charles Arbuckle, Capt. James Miller, Jared M. Brush, Win. Van Kirk, Lam, James D. Verner, Sam u el Mceltart WM. PHILLIPS, f'realdetit. JOHN WATT, Vlco President. W. F. GARDNER, Secret. ry. CAPT. JAS. GORDON, General Agent. OALLEMPANGY' o RENT INSURANCE COr PITTSBURGH. ICS, No. 31/IPIPTH STREET, Bans BLOcur. R hsk Insures against, all kinds of lire and Marine t JOHN IRWIN, JR., President. JOHN D. hicCORD Vice President. , C. G. DONNELL, Secrebuy. • CAPT. WIC DEANleeneral Agent. Dinscrons: John Irwin, Jr., Crpt. Win. Dean. John D. McCor d . . B. L. Pahnestock W. H. Everson. / C iiv 3.. ePErhtl e (ti, . Robert, H. Davis, T. J. Hoskinson, Francis Sellers, Charles Hays. Cant. J. T. Stockdale. SUPPLIES FOR WATER WORKS. • 00ATTIOLLI8' e °Prl CITY 01 , ../!. , LLB 1311..ENT, Febraary24lBl39.l . . SEALE!) PROPOSALS ow M O N D AYd at this olhee until 4 o'clock P. X. on , March Ilth, 1869, foi•lnintshing the .• • Allegheny 'Water Works during the current year with the foliOwhig in?* plies, to-wit: . , WATER PIPE, BRANCHES and SLEEVES, of the following diameters, viz.: 4,6, 8, 10 19 and 16 Inches. TIRE ,PLUGS, VAL 1,713 AND MISCELLA NEOI7I3 CASTINGS. I • 1 1 7 BE PLUGr sTor-com BOXES AND FERRULES. • Al• 6, , all the 'COAL required during. tke year. Bids are requested for both NUT cOAL and BRADS. • • All of-the above supplies to be delivered it Bach thee. and places as the Superintendent or the Worka may_Blreet• • Bids for water Plpe solicited fit" yable both in 6 pae 'nem, 60 year 4iq Bonds, and, payable In cash every tree months. Specifications and Blank/ for bidden can be had „At this oelee and at the °Mee of the Super intendent. WM, PAUL, an., Esq. The right is reserved to Meet any and all bids. R. B. FRANCIS, CITY CONTROLLE . • re24:fl3 IFITIONENTIERPRIrie w . ' FOUN.D.R Y, H. JOHNSON. Manufacturer of COOKING STOVES, Arch,* Grates, Fenders, Sub Weights, And al/ Itindo 01 Hollow - Ware Car Wheels and all kinds of Machinery Castings. COE. WATSON & SN/N. GUS STS., F/TTSBURUM, Yd. atiZinnVas NEW OPERA. RODNE. - Lessee... ....... . t ... . . J. Manager . • ....... r•• • • •• ....... r iiriarDgns** ••• •• M . tr. CANNING. --- • En eagement for rta aitebts and one Matinee with the brlliant and cite ming MONDAY EVENING, LOTTA, March 186;9. be presented the sparklinkeuni Ist edy, entitle will d - THE PET OF THE PETTICGATS. Paul, the Pet; with songs . . ................. To conclude with the glorious farce of Lotta. NAN, -THE GOOD-FOR-NTTIIiNG, Nan, with Song, Banio Solo and Dance..-Lotta. Lott a Matinee on Faturday. Vr PITTS BURGH TBEATIIE. lessee • _.... H. W. WILLIAMS Dn. J. L. THAYER nanawer. FRANS J. 130µ'E--• Equestrian Director. • LAST WEEK OF, DR, JAMES L. THAYER'S GREAT CIRCUS, This and every evening during the week the great sensation, the RLU KLUX KLAN, will publicly solve a great national .mystery. KENILWORTH CASTLE GRAND EQUES MAN PAGEANT. ENGLAND, IRO LANE) awl SCOTLAND—Grand Scene by Chas. Madi gan. The Funny CI ourne. Comic Mules, beauti ful ponies, and Star Combination in new ro:es. Grand Matinee on Wednesday. igr'S MY T 5 S AMERICAN • THEATRE. (Late TRAretz's VARlErnta.) MONDAY EVENING. March Ist, first night of the Champion Gymnasts of the World, THE VICTOBELLIA BEOTHEBS, (John. William and Frank,) from Tammany Hall, New York. Also. first night of Miss Jensue Bradden. Vocal ist, Mr. J. W. Herman, Comedian, and Miss Clara Brook, Comedienne. The old . favorites„ Gns. Williams, H. W. Eagan, W. Blair, F. A, Tannehill, and Misses Marsh, Eagan, &c., &c. rgrBURNELVS MUSEUM - AND PARLOR MENAGERIE, The Great Family Report°. FIFTH AVENUE. between Smithfield and Wood streets, opposite Old Theatre. Open Day and Evening, all the year round. Admission. 765 cents: Children. 15 cents. EXECUTORS' SALE OF REAL ESTATE. The following valuable property belonging to the estate bf J. N. PORTER, deceased. Is new , open for sale. If private bids are not satisfac tory to the Executors, the property will be ex pose d at Public Sale, commencing On Monday, March Ist, 1869. .One Varib, known as the Irwin farm, contain ore hundred B a rrety- acre, more less, situatrd in township. Westmore land county. about one hundred yards from A.V. B. R. and Allegheny river, reserving the coal. Also, One farm. known as the Marti n farm.con taining ninetv-tw acres, more or, less. situated in Burrel township Westmoreland county , about one and one-half miles from Allegheny river and A, V. Rallroso, without reservation as to coal and minerals. Also, one farm, known as the Bell farm, con tal+ing one hundred and thirty-five acres, more or less. ettuated In Fawn township, Allegheny county, about one mile from W. P. italiroad ana A Ilegheny with coal and minerals. • Also, one farrii, known as the Vantlne farm, situated In Fawn to - mshlp, Allegheny county containing forty-four acres, more or less, about one mile from W. P. 'Railroad and Allegheny river. Also• one farm, known as the Vantine farm, containing twenty-six acres, more or less, situ ated in Fawn township, Allegheny county, about one mile abovever and railroad. Alt the and eligibly situated, and, ex cept the Irwin farm, the coal In which is re served. the balance of the farms are c anderlald • with coal and limestone. Information as to TERMS OF IiIIAJLE, Wm, elb Cooper, eottl Yeas, Jacob licatk: Joseph Craig, Jere. Kober, Or In reference to the above firms; can be had of either of the executors residing at Tarentum, Allegheny county. Pa. . • In connection therejrlth will niso be sold TWO LOTS, , No. 61 and 69. In the borough of Tarentam, fi widen is a brick lions% and bus a abort distance from 9' estra. Itallroad. Sale to Commence on the Bell Farm, on Mareb Ist 1869 . at 10 o'clock A . X and to. continue until all is sold. JAMES B. FULTON, • JAMES McCALL, 1 Exccutors EVANS, TAicwrirm, PA., Feb. 16, 1869 ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—Ry ,order of the Orphans' Conn, at No. 4 in Partition, June Term, 1,365, there will be ex posed to sale, on thiprenilses, On Friday, March 19, 1869, All that, certain tract of land in Wilkins town ship, lying on the Pittsburgh and ; Greensburg Turnpike, one mile east of Willitnsburg Station, on'the Pennsylvania Railroad, bounded by lands of Jaines Graham's heirs, James Kelly, George Johnston and °Leers, containing 53 acres, hav ing erected thereon . a frami'bouse sad barn. The whole of said tract is Improved and In the highest state of cultivation, and all but three acres underlaid with an excellent vein of coal. Title indisputable. Terms made known on the day of sale, Sale to commence at 10 A. at. , D. W. ELDER. Esq. Trustee.' Corner of Grant street and Iffth avenue. fen= NOTICE. lN THE COURT 'OF COMMON ( PLEAS, •of Allegheny. county, No. 861, arch Term, 1869. The REOTOR. CHURCH WARDENS and VES TRYMEN OF CititlST CH Wien, Allegheny, have ;Ma day made application for amendment to ita Charter: -JACOB H.- WALTER. Prothonotary of the Court of - Common Pleas. FunntrAßY 13, 1 69. fets:eid-]t .XOTICE.—AII Persons knoww fag themselves indebted to the estate of ERT JONEI, late of Plltsbargh, dec , d, will make immediate payment twthe subseriber at his store, in Temperancerille, Allegheny county, and all persons having claims against said estate will present them duly authentiemed for settlement. JAHES RICHARDSON. December 31,,111168. ja7m73-11 PEARL MILL FAMILY FLOUR, PEARL MILL Three Star Green Brand, equal to FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR. This Flour Will only oe sent out when Oslo ordered. e5l" PLUM MILL BLUE HEARD, Equal to beatlSt. Louie. PEARL 1111:LIG RED BRAND, WHITE CORN 40VR nal 4t24 6 110Orr ti M gc La r : L XENIEDI A BRO., Aneshenv, sm. 9.1885.:.Nat. DRUGGISTS, ENDERSON.L&BBOTHERF, '486 Liberty' street, Dealers In Dnars, nta said Patent Medicines. - isaval W.IIILCHEOWN WHOLESALE lIMIGBISTS, ILL.XtriNtorcrazae Cistrltsczn; col a. ]EOVED TO NO. 105 r/TTSBITSGR, PSRNA. white Window Leaci;,lilaat and Glasswize Manufacturers prices. at de9 UTEroGif, RstREI II exxrairnr 812t0-E1U.Y.,..».. . . .... riurataus. ir ItG.Ex Pi c y & CLEIta, Success ors to texo. / 4 t 3 cutrciteterr, & Co., PRACTICAL LITROGIMP The only Steam Litho , rraptrlo ITERS. Es tablichnient Wept .of th e Mountain% Business Cards, Letter Beads Bond/L Labels, Circulars, Show-Car,* Dlploniar, Portriltn, Miro, Certlflentes of De- E•atte, Invitatlev 05t,14 dso,.. Noe. Ifs and 74 . .raird street Pittsburgh: ArenTsm=lciE. IEfdCM fel6:e64 FLOUR. 11