The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 01, 1869, Image 4

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tiglldsturgij Gairttt:
PEATNIMIA REED & CO„ Proprietors.
Editors and Proprietore. . •
Or ,Plttetrurgh. Allegheny and /Me
gtiehy County.
Serms+Datly. liewit-Weeklvd , Waal,.
One month . 76 Six Oneyear ... SB,oo Oneyear . ll2.6ols
. 1.5) 5 coptes,esch 1.25
510 , L .. 1.15
(prom carrier.) ' , : sad one to Agent.
WE EEJET on the-inside pages of this
morning - WAZETTE--Beeend page: Poetry,
Epkenuris, General Miscellany. Third
and Sixth pages: Commercial, financial,
Mercantile and River News, Markets, Im
portli. !Seventh page: ; Letterfrom Corms
pondenid, interestsng 1410p1.11g8.
11. B. Balms at Frankfort, 86}}
PETROLEUM at Antwerp, 57@57if.
GOLD closed in New York on Batarclay
at 1811.
WE are indebted to FRED. L. M.sozz
for numerous favors - 1n the way of pnblie
documents pertaining to the business of
the State Legislisture.
WE "REGRET to hear, fiom Harrisburg,
that the friends of the proposed new
county of Petrolia are not likely to suc
ceed hi procuring its.creation.
IF THE Nevada Legislature adjourned
on Saturday last, as stated, it could have
taken no action on the XVtlr,Amend
ment, which must await a new election
in that State. . •
THE morr statement of the public
debt is expected to , show a reduction of
about $10,000,000. The heavypayments
for interest have been completed, and thp
receipts of the past month have exceeded
the *penditures by the amount specified.
Lorruolcr letters say that "there has
been a great revulsion at the stock mar
ket in reference to the Atlantis and Great
Western Railway Company, and its
bonds have depreciated sadly during the
last few days.'_' The Erie connection
seems to have been damaging.
Tan Chicago Times says, at Jonx C.
BRECK/NBIDGE, that "his ingratitude and
treachery to the liemocratic party were
blacker crimes than his alliance with the
Confederacy." That is about the view
which the Democracy in this quarter have
always seemed to take of the matter.
WHERE can be no reasonable objection
to the proposed .amenduient, by the
Senate, to the House .bill declaring the
obligations of Government to the public
creditors. It is' evident that Senators
agree with.the House upon the propriety
of such an 'eipressiori as shall forever
quiet all cavil from quaai•repudiators.
ALL HONOR TO Ksiimal True to her
loyEfity, patriotism' and love 'of liberty,
she has promptly enrolled her name as
the first State of the Union to ratify the
XVth Constitutional Amendment pro-
posed by COngress. The first honor
taken, whit Commonwealth will com
pete for the second in the order of ratifi
cation? Shall it not be Pennsylvania?
TER ACTION of the House, upon the
claims of certain persons to seats as mem
bers from Louisiana, is decisively against
any likelihood that the Congressional
elections, in,that State last autumn, will
be accepted as legal by the XLlst Con
gress. The precise point entitled to most
weight with this and the next House is
cleaily stated in Mr. SHELLASAILGEB'S
remarks on Saturdiy.
IT rs generally believed, at Washing
ton, that President GRANT will restore all
of the District Comnianders whom Mr.
Jonmow removed. As this will replace
TERRY in Virginia, the engineers of the
- recent movement in that State, to seduce'
-the Federal government into a partial
abandonment, of its settled policy of re.
constructlini, are much' discouraged, and
the -back-bone of . radially Republican
unionism peghts e . to feel everywhere
Tad Hausa decidps to , leave • the
Georgia question as it is, not turning out
the present members_ from that State.
WillAhe Senate still exclude Him, and
IltrzEit from their seats ? It is apparent
that Congress cal - do nothing better
than ta - do , nothing,. with this'business
which it bas contrived to make so em
bartassing for itself. The situation.will
be hippily ehanged-oa Thursday next,
when we hope to see .a fresh departure
taken, and in a line which the law and
facts will sista).
Wr. xtsvu an authoritatiie denial of the
statement, said to have been Made, a day,
Or two ago, to Gen. Guntix, by a prom
inent politician of this State,sthat his re
quest for a high official appointment
for another;of our citizens, was support
ed by the
. recommendations of Governor
GEARY, and Judges AaNsw and Wu,
Luna. Each of these gentlemen advises'
the publiC that the statement referred to
was entirely without foundation, and
that they have made no recommendation
for the appointment of any person as
a member of the Cabinet.
PENDING the passage of the resolution,
for submitting the XVth Amendment,
two points of order were decided, which
are not without interest. • It was held in'
the Senate that the precedents authorized
its passage by two-thirds of the members
present. And the Speaker of the House,
deciding* that the concurrent resolntioji
does not require Executive approval, cited
precedents directly in point, dating back
to the years 1794 and 1803, and establish
ing the exclusive power of Congress to
submit these. Constitutional propositions.
This power was so, exercised, in the
adoption of the XlVth Article.
Tuft REPORT that Gen. GRAFT has
said that Mr. SiviatT is not to enter his
Cabinet, is not generally , credited at
Washington. The appointment is still
regarded as most probable, by the shreivd
est observers. - Butrwhomever the Pann
syivanian Secretary May be, there can be
no doubt that he will be acceptable to the
Republican masses of this Commonwealth.
We may add, in this connection, that on
Thursday afternoon, after the 'DICKEY
interview, the President-elect said to an
old personal friend, - as radical a Republi
can as breathes the air of Allegheny
county, "When you see the names of my
Cabinet, you will be heartily satisfied."
We need not add that this friend, who is
also our informant, felt assured on that
noint before.' •
sylvania to occupy position. in the new
Cabinet is the perplexing conundrum
which worries the politicians of the State,
all of whom are compelled to give it up.
Among the names suggested ,as the prob
able ones from which the selection will
be made, we have yet to hear an. Alle
gheny county gentleman spoken of in
connection with the problem. A large
number-of Philadelphians are suggested
as proper material-from which GRANT, in
his superior judgment, map choose an ad
viser, but not a citizen west of . the moun-_
tains, except a relative of the incoming
President, has been named, thus show
ing that politicians are prone to accredit
all the wisdom and sagacity- of the
Republican party to the eastern section of
the Commonwealth. We have in our
midst men who would adorn the new
Cabinet and carry with them into place
as much wiedotn and knowledge as any
other set of gentlemen - in the State, and
yet they are not even thought of, let
alone mentioned, by anxious journalists
seeking to solve the important conun
drum, "who will be the coming man?" We
have as good a right to take advantage of
the doubt as Philadelphia, and may, with
equal good grace, busy ourselves in se
lecting from Allegheny county the gen
tleman most likely to be astonished with
the appointment —a 2 ' speculation which
can safely be indulges} in for several days
to come, or until GRAFT shall surprise
the State with the announcement.
General Snznm#R, now at Washing
ton, reports the effective termination of
Indian hostilities with all the tribes, ex
cept, possibly, the Sioux, who have some
how escaped the chastisement visited on
other offenders. He reports, also, that
the tribes, ;including those lately punish
ed, are all anxious to settle down upon
reservations in submission to our declared
policy. General SHEErran is still en
gaged in the measures for their removal.
Now comes from Washington the in
teresting announcement. pending the
debate on the Indian Appropriation bill,
that this reservation policy must inevita.
bly.cause an expenditure of seven and a
halt milli ns this year, ten - millions the
next, a n . ten to twelve millions per
annum f the twenty years following.
To meet such a case, the pending bill
appropriates about six and ahalf millions,
instead of two and a half millions as first
estimated' for, and the attention of the
House is ailed, by the Committee, stating
the aboverecited facts, to the need for
still furth, r increase.
Reading the statements made in Satur
day's debate, the inference would be that
Congress, in-sanctioning, last fairing, the .
adoption of the reseriation-policy, com
mitted itself without due consideration
of the cost. EvidentlY, the Committee,
in reporting these figures to the House,
regard the whole question as one demand
ing the most careful consideration, and'
um which. Congress may: find ibself
Instrained to modify the new policy, or
a andon it.altogether. t
Waiving any hopes we may have that
the Commlltee presents estimates much
greater than the real needs of the future
may call i for, we shall be wise to tains
their figures at.the worst. Let us admit
at= once that a large and increasing ex
penditure is Inevitable. The question is,
can we diminish it, or evade it altogether?
'Can we undo what has been already done
in direct obedience to the declared senti
ment of Congress, and challenge a re
newal of the hostilities juit closed.- Shall
We show ; to these , Indiana whom - we
have just chastised for their - breach
of • treaty t engagements, that ,no re.
Hance is 0 be ' placed upon' the
white man's faith? Shall it be pro
claimed ti.) all these tribes,-which are al
ready cI sterint around our military
posts,.an whom BeissivAN holdirin hie
hands u on the pledge, from their con
querors a d,masters, that homes shall be
given to them,. and protection with in
struction • , d improvement in the arts of
V _ '.~
peace guaranteed to them,-that weave
fougl4 the campaigns of- the year, and
spent nearly thirty millions of money for
nothing, except to prove to them at last
that our words are always a lie?
We . must all see that it is now t o late
to reconsider the decision of las year.
Every savageltribe cn the plains has ac
cepted the offered terms. Our Military
Commanders, in every Indian "talk"
since last June, have steadily pressed this
reservation-policy upon the Red men.
Some of the tribes accepted it cheerfully,
and others haVe been harried . and forced
to submit, so that the . close:of the winter
finds two-thirds of all the Indiana surviv
ing in our territories, either eicamped
about our military posts or hastening to
the protection of the flag. And here they
await patiently the redefnptiOn of our
promises. Imagine the consequence of
their disperiion again, when they see all
our engagpments repudiated! It would
be a war of extermination, for the Indians
the last struggle of despair, which would
instantly follow. - - . .
-It will cost us more money to break
our faith, than to keep it. That is a
wretched argument, but it is potent with
too many people,. Cost what it may,
Congress will be sustained by the honest
and intelligent sentiment of the country
in keeping faith with these Indians, ac
cording to the spirit and letter of what is
now the settled understanding With all
the tribes. Better this, than to spend ten
to 'thirty millions every other year in
hostilities which, result as they may in
anything short of extermination, can
never guarantee adequate protection for
the lives and property of our citizens
traversing the continent.
As for, the questions of• public morality
involved in the presebt situation, there
can be no two opinions, among the masses
Of an enlightened and Christian - people.
There may be jobs and private plunder
involved in some of the pending proposi
tions, but we regret to perceive some
danger thatihe House will unworthily
confess its inabilityto exclude these, by
making them an excuse for a moskinde
fensibld' abandonment of that policy to
which the Peace Commission were fairly
authorized to pledge our public faith.
The Indian Bureau.goes into new' and
honest hands this week, so that Congress
can . no longer plead thechronic villainies
by which that Department has defeated our
wisest legislation in behalf of the wretched
Indian race. These and all the appro
priations ought to be, and can be, amply
guarded by Congress, with the aid of an
upright administration, and there is no
longer force in the former excuse for reit
erated injustice to the red men.
We reprint the resolution of Congress
embodying the proposed new Constitti-
Monet article on suffrage:
Be it Besolved, etc., Two-thirds of both
Houses concurring, that the following
amendment to the Constitution of the
United States be submitted to the Legis
latnies of the several States, and when
ratified by thre&fottrths thereof, it shall
be a part of the said Constitution.
"Article 15. The right of citizens
of the United States to vote shall not be
denied or abridged by the United States,
or by env State, on account of race,
color, or previous condition of servitude.'
"Section 2. The Congress shall have
power to enforce this article' by appro
priate legislation." ,
The iatification of thisarticle leaves the
States still clothed with the right to pre
scribe any and , all limitations upon the
suffrage—except such as therein express
ly prohibited. Hence, the . property gnat
ideation in some of the local_ constitti
tions will remain • 'unaffected by this
change. That of nativity, found in ,
the Constitutions of the Pacific States,
will continue to exclude the Asiatic im
migration. It may also be anticipated
that an educational cf alificati on will find
speedy and general favorin the late slave
holding States, and perhaps elsewhere. ,
Senator FowLart's point—that the
Georgians may claim.the refusal of Con
gress, to declare in express terms the
equal right to hold office, as substantially
an endorsement of their expulsion of the
negro members of their Legislature—was
taken more plausibly than justly. An
act wrong when perpetrated cannot , be
made' a right by any sort of en post facto
READ "that man's" amiable and charac
teristic allusion to his Executive succes
sor, in his "remarks" on the 22d, in reply.
to an invitation to dine in Baltimore.
Upon this man's hands the world sees the
ineffaceable stains of thellood, not of the
slain in the late war, but of the thousands
of Unionmen since assassinated with im
, ,
pnnity, because he vian in power. Yet,
he had the audacity to say: •
"AU is gone, name the Constitution is
saved, and it ought to be saved without
bloodshed. Civics honors bad been far
more dazzling for him than fields of car
nage and scenes or blood._ Thrpugh his
stainedby blood. His road through life
e ife
had not beenpaved 'with the craniums
of his fellow countrymen,
nor had the
bridges - over which he creased. been
floored with the mutilated limbs of his
fellciw-eitizens. He bad always followed
the path of perm. He was proud that
neither in the beginning nor the ending
the blood of his countrymen was attached
to his skirts. He would rather wear the
furrows of care from the reaponsibilities
of civil life, rather be coveted with the
dingo of the workshop or the dilin•of the
field, than be deoorated with the open
lette and sword. LUs ambition had been
for the peace, union and loVe of his coun
trymen and that the Constitution might
be restored; let us teach our people that
the Constitution is the Ark of safety, the
palladium of our liberdes."
—Dr. Thomas E. Wilson, aged slaty-.
one years, formerly senior partner in the
firm of Wilson, Peters .&; Co., druggists.
Louisville, Ky., cominitted suicide
Thursday nigbt by shooting himself
through the head, while laboring under
temporary insanity. ,
tainly be repealed or modified early in
karcli. General Grant's opinions upon
the subject are thoroughly. known, and a
decided majority of the Senate are ready
now to change the law, but the time is
Is is known that General Grant has
held correspondence with leading mem
bers of the Society of Friends in regard
to our Indian . policy, and it is certain that
he will select many or his Indian agents
from among them. It is understood that
he is determined to break up the Indian
ring, cost what it may.
seems be settled that the Clerk.
will not the names of the Represen:
tatives from the States of Georgia and
Louisiana on the assembling of the next
Congress. Excluding these States, and
several contested seats, where neither
party holds a certificate of election, the
House will stand 187 Republicans tO 62'
AMONG General Grant's callers were
some gentlemen from New York City,
who went to press Edward Pierpont for
Attorney-General. Gen. Grant replied:
"You cannot say anything, gentlemen,
in which I will not concur about Mr.
Pierpont, and I find I could make five
Cabinets easier di' one." This is sup
posed by some of those who were present
to indicate that he will not call upon Mr.
Pierpont, and Cabinet makers are more.
puzzled than ever to know who are upon
"the slate."
There is a great deal of talk about the
McClure interview with General Grant.
All hands admit that he succeeded in kill
ing himself as well as Governor Curtin.
General Grant talks very freely with
his friends about his interview with Col.
M'Clure, which seems to have afforded
him considerable amusement. The drift
of General Grant's talk has left the im
pression here that representatives of State
cliques who wish to take their quarrels to
Washington had better take warning. A
gentleman, who pretends to know,
General Grant has said that Mr. Stuart is
not the man. He says that Grant has
said that even should he confer the ap
pointment on Stuart, he could not accept
on account of his poor health. This is
not generally credited, howeier, the poor
health business being considered "played
out." A number of prominent men dined
with Congressmen this evening, among.
whom were Senators Morton, Pratt, Sher
man and Morrill. The opinion prevailed
with them that Stuart is the man.
Tun NeW York Time correspondent
has Gen. Grant's authority for stating
that the words put into his month by the
relator of the McClure conversation are
not correct in one or two material
respects. He is { not correctly reported
when he is made to say, "I am not the
representative of a political party. though
party voted for me." Gen. Grant's
questioner was trying to convince htm
that because such a man as Geo. H. Stu
art had not been prominently identified
with the political machinery of the Re
.publican party, he was therefore not
a proper person for Cabinet apppoint
went. • To this General Grant replied
"The same objection applies to me. I
have never been active in{ politics, but a
party voted for me, and I do not see why
the party should hot sustain so loyal and
patriotic a man as Mr. Stuart" I learn
on the authority of a gentleman who was
present when this conversation occurred,
that, referring in conclusion to Mr. Stuart,
MaClure said : "Well, General, I don't
know Mr. Stuart; you'll have to introduce
me to him." To which Grant replied,
"Well, Sir, you didn't know me three,
years ago."
General Grant's family will not take
up their domicile at the" White House im
mediately upon inauguration. General {
Grant will take possession for business{
purposes atone, but some time will be
required to prepare the Executive Man 2
sion for the reception of his family, and
they will need time In which to prepare
to leave their present comfortable resi
' The first order tobe issued by President
Grant is one which ha has already pre
pared; and it orders General Sheridan to
brew Orleans, General Sickles to Charles.
ton, and General Reynolds to Texas.
General Grant Saturday signified his
intention of sending in the name of a new
man for Commissioner of Indian Affai
upon March sth, size Taylor to be re
OPERA Bousz.—The engagement of
Yankee Robinson and the Sanyeahs
the Opera House terminated Saturdtl
evening. Tnpre was a large audience
present, and the Sanyeahs were high'
aPPlanded. To.•night the charming an;
unapproachable Lotta commences an en
gagement, when "Paul, the Pet," and
"Nan" will be presented.
THAYER'S Cinous.—The great feature
of the Pittsburgh Theatre, now occupied
by Thayer's Circus, will be the "Ku-Klux.
Klan," commanded by Gen. ResnoldS,
who will explain the mystic ties of the
order and make some of the most start
ling revelations.
Miss Clara Brook is the attraction at the
American tonight, if we omit the Plato
reins Brothers, the world renowned
gymnasts, Jenny Braddpn, the charming
violinist, and a host of other brilliant
luminaries with whom engagements
have been effected for the week.
Rms.—There is delightful lee at We
Rink af'present, and the, lovers of the
"slippery art” are making good uge of IL
The opportunity should beltnproved, as
it is likely the /ast of the season.
SweuBDAY, February 27.—The follo
ing business wastransacted in this Cou t:
Hugh' Ward ? convicted of an assal . t
and battery upon Daniel H. *ontgora
ry, was sentenced to pay a fine of to
dollars and costs.
The case of Rectum' Bliss, convicted
keeping a bawdy house, was called u .
The motion for a new trial was ove •
ruled and the defendant sentenced
pay a fine of five hundred dollars and
undergo an imprisonment of two months
in the county jail. .7
As thii was the last day of the term,
. day of the term,
the recognlzances of a number of delin
quent defendants were forfeited.
The March term of the, o l,,ourt coin
=laces this (Monday) morning. -The
following officers were appointed: Crier,
J. W. Patterson; .Tipstaves, Criminal
Court, Warren Mcllwaine, George W.
I t
Tbomarl, Johu 0. Smith, I. W. M c l =
waive. Messrs. aB. McCurry and J.
Timmony *ere appointed as Tipstav s
for the Grand Jury. Messrs. Jam s
smith, M. B. Hartsell and Henry Mc y
were appointed for the'Court of Comm
Pleas. •`, •
Wadilngton lams.
Quarter Beaalons—Full Bench.
Levee at Army HeadquartOrs—
Consultation Between Cells.
Grant and Sherman—Gen.
Grant Goes to the Capitol—
The Georgia Matter—lnaugu
ration Arrangements The
Indian Appropriation Bill—
HerrenUe Beceipts:—Texas Be.
tRy Telegraph to the Plttaburgh Gazette.l
WASUrNGTON Feb. 27, 1869.
The Headquarters of the Army were
again to:day visited by numhers of those
anxious to see the President elect. The
presence of Lieut. Gen. Sherman, who
was at headquarters as early as halitpast
9 o'clock this morning, and has (remained
all day, in consultation with General
Grant, has precluded the possibility of
any lengthy interview by others, and as
a general thing they were very brief, be
ing confined mainly to, shaking of hands,
expressing congratulations, etc., the ma
jority of the visitors being strangers
visiting Washington. Several Senators
and Representatives were present during •
the forenoon. Among the former were
Messrs. Nye, Morrill and Howard. Rep .
ritsentatives Butler, of Massachusetts,
and Eggleston, of Ohio, had also brief
interviews with General Grant. Many
of the others also took occasion
to pay their respects to Gen. Sherman.
The very long interview between these
two distinguished officers has reference
to the conduct of affairs connected
with the office of General-in-Chief. Gen.
Grant has not mentioned the precise day
his resignation of - his present
will be tendered. The probability *is
that in the few days intervening be
tween now and the 4th of March there
will be, in the hours set apart for public
receptions, a constant rash of visitors'at
Headquarters, that locality being the
principal attraction to the many visitors
daily arriving here to attend the inaugu.
tion ceremonies. Whatever allusion to
political matters were made by gentle
men visiting General Grant this morn
ing, were only in general terms, no di
rect questions having been asked. The
visit of General Butler is remarked as
among the interesting features of the
morning incidents.
Mr. Brown, Sergbant-at-Arms of the
Senate, with Senators Yates, Cragin and
McCreary, are engaged in making prep
arations for the inaugural ceremonies,
but have not completed the programme.
To-day Mr. grown was In consultation
with Gen. Badeau,
of Gen. Grant's staff,
Gen. Webb, of the Committee of Arrange
ments, and Major Richards, Chiet of
Police. The Senate wing of the Capitol
will be closed on the 4th to all, except
members of the House of Representa
tives and Senators and those having
tickets. Six ticket** will be issued to
each Senator and two to each Represen
tative. Full arrangements will be made
for the diplomatic* corps and Judiciary,
and the entire programme will be pub
lished early next week.
The Committee on Reconstruction to
day passed a resolution to make no re
port in relation to representation. from
Georgia, determining to leave that quell.
Lion as it is. This is said to be in accord
ance with the views. of General Grant,
who held an interview today with. Mr.
Young, member from Georgia: General
Grant informed that gentleman that he
could not see how Congress could avoid
recognizing Georgia as a State in the
' Union, and he was in favor of non-inter
ference. General Grant's interview with
- Representative Boutwell at the Capitol,
to-day, was in relation to that subject,
General Grant visited the House - of
Representatives to-day. He retired to
one of the croak rooms, andsent for Rep
resentative Boutwell, ith whom he had
a long conversation upon the condition
of affairs in Georgia,- lidisaissippi and
Texas: He also had a conversation with
Representatives Bingham, of Ohio, and
Griswold, of New York. A large num
ber of personp took occasion to paytheir
respects to the General, and for half an
hour he held quite a levee in the cloak
Jesse Grant, father of the General, and
Miss Jennie Grant, sister of the General,
arrived In Washington by the noon toin
froth Covington, Ky.
Alton:tun Iyk.RDON.
President Johnson pardoned to-day a
man sentenced a few days ago to pay, a
fine of five hundred dollars, and to ten
days imprisonment in jail, for assault
and battery. •
The receipts of Internal Revenue for
the month ending to-day were $10,276,-
828. The aggregate for fiscal year to
date is $21,286,605-
WASHINGTON, February 28; 1869.-
In the discuesion in the House last
night on Indian Affairs, Mr. Logan de
sired to know whether the Committee
on Appropriations desired the Hones to
- vote for the Senate amendment& Mr.
Butler replied the Committee recom
mended 'no concurrence, so as to - leave
the question entirely with the House.
Mr. Scofield, as s member of the Com
mittee on Appropriations, said he under-.
stood every member to be decidedly hos
tile to the. Senate amendments, consider
ing that they involved the deepest
villainy. Mr. Logan said he ' had
desired to get out• that statement.
The amendments, therefbre, should
be non-concurred in and sent to
a Committee of Conference. Mr. Bur
leigh, of Dakotah, advocated. concur
rence in the Senate amendments, and
complimented the. Indian. Peace Com
mission. Mr. Windom advocated cOn
,currence in the Senate amendments, and
referring to the htatement made by Mr.
Scofield, asked the House to remember of
whom the Indian Peace Commission was
composed. Generals Sherman, Harney
and Anger were members of it, and were
they, he asked, men who would be
mixed up with infamy? Be declared
that a more honest, more honorable and
more intelligent Commission could not
possibly be found within the limit& of
the United States. Mi. Gartieldopposed
3 i t
the amendments, And called attentio to
the tact that she bill, as amended,
ro t
for appropriations to an amo nt
three times as great as the Secrets r of
the Interior had estimated as requisite
for all Indian purposes. He condemned
the policy of making treaties - with war
riors who fight us in summer and wish
us to teed them in winter. He would
never vote s dollar to, be expended
through the filthy eliannele of the Indian
Bureau. Mr. Logan demanded an expla-
nation of the appropriations for the prl.
vats claims contained in ' , the Senate
amendments. He regarded the' policy
of.eur Indian treaties as preposterous
and rididtilous. It was mere child's
play, and no matter what might be said
of the high character of the men who
made those new treaties, he would say
that l , th, made the most ridiculous U 138"
ties, and most unworthy of statesmen.
The difibusslop ended with some hunter-
ons passages In! an amicable vein be
tween Messrs. Logan and Windom r
which excited much laughter.
Major General Canby, commanding the
Fifth Militxry District, has addressed a
letter •to tho Secretary of War, dated
Austin, Texao, February 4th, in which
says the Convention has completed
the work'of for ming a Constitution for
Texas, and that .he understands the time
fixed for submitting it to the people will
be some time in Italy next, the sugges
tion ',for postponing submission to that
time having originated with him. He de
tails at length his reasons therefor, among
which are: the fact' that in. many
counties there is no' ..cavil organization
that is in relation gith the Executive De
partment of the !State,
.in others the
county officers have-refused to, recognize
or report to the Secretary .of State, and
the difficulty of communk•4rting with.
some of the more distant cou.nties; there
are no 'Registers' lists on file; but mess;
urea have been taken to collect. the origi
nal lists and recognize the personnel of
registration. He reports that the condi
tion of the State has materially improved
since the November election, but there
are still still some districts in which the
authority of the United States and the
State is openly defied.
General Canby appends a letter address
ed to him by the President of the Constitu
tional Convention, in which he says the
Convention has passed a resolution for
the division of the State, which is only a
question of time. The opposition crimes
from interested persons at Austin, and
late rebel newspapers. The division,
however, is supported by nine-tenths of
the loyal people. He concludes:, "We
earnestly believe this measure will fin
ally disperse and domoralizethe disloyal
element and give us a separation of the
State, which will bring us the rest, peace
and prosperity. which we have for so
many years been striving to secure."
Mr. McPherson, Clerk of the House of
Representatives, has not yet completed
the roll of members for the Forty-first
Congress. Many credentials - have 'not
yet been received.
IT; S. District Court—Judge McCandless.
SA.TIIRDAY, February 27.—Court met
at ten A. M. No business of public im
portance was transacted. There being
no cases ready for frial, adjourned to ten
A._nc. Monday. •
District C4iit—indges Hampton and
SATURDAY, Feb. 27.—W. H. Sloetita
was appointed reporter of this Court and
sworn to a faithful discharge of the duties
of his appointment. No further business
of importance was transacted.
Following is the trial list for Monday:
37. Harbach et aL vs. Denning.
40. Tibby vs. Shane.
53. Dravo vs. McClaren.
80. Jennings vs. Cuthbert.
_ • 78. Hampton (1: Miller vs. Patterson.
82. M. &M. Nat. Bank of Pittsburgh
vs. Patterson et al.
84. Jenkins vs. Snyder.
85. Irwin vs. Bleakley.,
Common Pleas—Full Bench.
Samosa:oex, Feb. 27.—1 n the case of
Stein vs. Hunter, reported previously,
the juiy found for plaintiff in the sum of
5107. -
In tliB case of Savage vs. Savage. Pe
tition for divorce. Subpoena awarded.
In the case of Hahn's Executors vs.
Neeley. Affidavit filed and rule to show
cause why judgment shall not be opened.
Patterson vs. Purcell. Affidavit filed
and rule to snow cause why levy,,
should not be set aside.
In the case of Porter vs. Porter. Peti
lion filed and preliminary injunction
No. Ed. Cook vs. Elilke.
No. 79. Donahue vs. Meisner.
No. 83. Moore vs. Morgan.
No. 89. Czarnecki vs.
No. 90. Evans vs..Renouff.
No. 94. Toner vs. Getty's Adm'ra.
No. 97; Metz va; Morrow.
No. 98. Reed vs. Mills.
No. 99. Ressick it Bro. vs. Goettma:n.
No. 100. Kearney vs. Kearney.
No. 103. Keeling et nx. Schmoll.
No. 4. Christ et ux. va.Ditman et ux.
No. 5. Weber et tor. vs. same.
No. 10. Obernger vs. Kramer.
No. 11. Bost vs. Kramer.
We have disnensarLes, hospitals. noble .11uti
tntions of all kinds for the relief of human Ills: 1 ,1
Every thought ful citizen appreciates thevalue of
these estabiishments for the amelioration of lie- 13 1
tering. But they do not cover thewhole ground; '5l
indeed, it is impossible. in She nature of things r. 4
that the amount or good they do should be at all,
In proportion to the popular need. They aregoa
fined, principally, to large cities, To the sick
man in the remote west, for example. orwhat A
use is the New York City Hospita, or the New fl
York Dispensary? But, although &spurns for
Invalids are nut to be found everywhere, an ou se
equaled tonic end alterative is within the reach
of all. There is nolettlemnut that bears a name,' E.
within the limits of the United 8 ates. where r),.•
curable. It Is a medicine for the whole comma
nity, easily obtainable by ail Its members.
At this period of the year, when the "slant sun 11
of Feb nary" is beginning to evoke nnwhole-
some - vapors from the earth, and the "fever and 1.7 : -
ague season? , is a we at hami, this excellent Tee-
et able preparationshould be taken as liI , OIITIYIER
I TUE SYSTEM. All complaints proc.eding
from Indigo/II .rt are rampant when the winter iL'
breaks up In a "ground thawiii simply because :13
no sensible precautions' are, as a rule, taken to F 4
prevent them. Forestall the evils that lle perdu.
In Many a marsh, and swamp, and pool, ready to ‘,=
pounce opon the neglectfill as.soon as tnersun
shall have libeigkd the Storing miasma from the
r eking soil. Escape bilious attacks. colic, and lti
znalarlows endemics and epidemics, by strength
entrocand r. gelatin*. the digestive, secretive
and discharging organs with the HOB 2 EVYICA
viciogiarre. -Thiapepsla Is-aloayr aggravated by
the damps of early Spring, and bihalupeare
us that • "the sun In March ' doth nourish agues."
Against both 'hese complaints, 1108TXT CERI3
Sy OMAGH BITTERS are the best possible pro-
One of the . most accurate ways of detenniniail'ei,
:whether thelnngs are. in sheidUly Or diseased eon
&ion, is trr means oflistening to the respiration. r
To tbooe experienced In this practice it becomear:',A
as plaitian Masi to the state of the, lungs, and hitti.
as well known to the operator as are the Voiced df4,',,1
his most intimate aecloalotances. The belief thia
'long standing coughs, and diseases of the lungsr,,
upon which they are dependent, am' incurable. VF:
ate Oat beeoMilla onsulete. One grata adirantageV,..,,l.
to be gained from this advance in medical knoWl-i
edge la Me earlier application of Ahose whobe4r:•;,l
come Mated Nick Abose diseases to some ortes :,?
a:mtnetent to afoul relief. 7he error which UV,
taken hold of the public mind ba regard to the;' , 4
euratdlityofoonsnmption, or rather non-curabil-P_
icy Wild becoming obiltbrated, and it 13 well 4
that it shoitld be so, not that persons Should 100e,, -- y<
that tram Cary fear whirl' world make theri applyl7,:rt
Mr a thnely randy,' but, that might be induqi
ced to nal reatedluirbile there is any hope. ItkV:B
the delay in these oases that Ws us with ail
Prehension and alarm, for if every one woule,
make timely. application 4 pg.. KEYBEI1V;::,: - , , k ,
LUNG CURE in the beat:ming of scold or congktpfi
few cases would go so far as to become irremedial
Bold at the Doctor's pest Biediehte Store. Novo
viumikd street. WILL SHORTLY REMOVIet: - X .
DR: KEYSER% itERIDENT OFFICE 701 ; - ",.7..":1:;
u s Men 91. it. tuttll 4- r. 3 1 •, Ind illa ij; - 2 -I '.
. ' - --.1.7..
Ito Sat night. - :• t
•• 1;.:r.,..-.4
d* ,1 44. 3' ` 114-.