PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OPPIOE OR PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, SATURDAY, Feb. 27, 1868. The general markets continue dull, - and, with a single exception, there is no excitement manifested, and ihe volume of business in the aggregate 'is light. "Sweets" continue very firm, and deal ers, generally, are balding their stocks out of market, being aPprehensive that there may be a still further advance. As we have repeatedly remarked, however, the demand must of necessity be con siderabli curtailed, and this togetlie4 , t‘i with the fact that when the stocks now, in the ands of speculators are thrown upon e market,- may cause a reaction and lower prices,,,though it is not reas onable to expect that that they will go back to ; !where they were previous to the advance,. as _the stocks are, too mach reduce for that. Provisions were a shade easierduring the early part of the week, but ~,since, under the influ ence of a stronger feeling in the wes, 1 the market is firmer. Grain continues very dull, and Flour, also, is dull bat unchanged. APPLE BUTTER-Firmer at 75®85c. APPLES—The cold weather , has stop ped shipments, and 'as ,a consequence our market is almost bare. and prices - are higher. We now quote at s4©st3 per bbl for common to choice. BUTTER—Id •firm, and prime to choice Roll is in better demand and higher, be-. ing quoted at 38©42. • BEAN&—Plrmer and in better de . mend, with sales at $3,75®13,85, for prime small white. BUCKWHEAT - FLOUR—DuII at 3'.. CHEESE—SaIes of Western at =c, and -New York Goshen at 23®24c. CARBON OIL—Is a shade easier but unchanged, at .34@34%, in jobbing way. CRANBERRIES--Sales at sis@ne. CORNM•IAL--131051,10 per bushel. DRIED FRUIT--Peaches steady at 14 @ls for quarters; 16©17 for mixed and 11020 for halves, alto quality. Apples 11(4112 eta. EGGS—In good supply but unchanged at 24®25 for fresh packed. • HAY—There is no improVement to note in the demand for, baled, and with continued liberal receipts. prices are barely maintined, $20©1P1.5, I 1 9 to quality. HOMINY—SaIes at 166,25 to $6.50- PROV.LSIONS--Market is a shade eas ier, and prides a litte offish. Shoulders 14 3 / 4 @15.- IRibbed, Sides 17®1734; Clear Sides isgism, and Hams 19;60520. Lard, 4 , 2034 in tierces, and 219 . 213 i in kegs. " Mess Pork e33,00®83,E10. POTATOES—DuII and neglected but unchanged, at - 80©85 for small lots in store. • PEANUTS-10 cts. per lb. , GRAlN—There is little or no demand for Wheat, and prices are nominal at $1,47©51,50 for No. 1 Spring, and 51,55® $1,60 for Winter. Oats dull but un changed at 65@66 on track, add 67@68 in store. Rye is still quoted at $1,43®1,45, though it is said that it cannot be deliv ered here from any of the Western mar kets at,that figure. Corn is dull but un changed at 75E680. Barley §2,10@52,20, as to quality. • SEEDS—Cloverseed is steady at $lO,OO to $10,50, as to quality. Timothy is at 0,50, and Flaxseed at $2,40. SA.IT—Is quiet but steady, and is still quoted at :32 by the car load. ...SORGIIITM--60@65c. "FEATHERS—Live.Geese Feathers quoted at 75 to 80; to the trade, and the usual ady'ance in a retail way. 1 FLOUR—Is in good supply but steady with a fair local demand, and a fair vol ume of business kr the aggregate, while prices are remarkably steady, no change or ,any consequence for 'thirty days. Spring Wheat :brands May be quoted $7,00®57,50, and Winter Wheat, $8,00(g48,50 - per bar rel. Rye Flour, 57,50. The Pearl Mill quote their best brands, made of the best Wheat, as follows:. Extra Family Flour,in barrels, at $9,80, and; in sacks,- $9,00 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, $lO,OO, and, in sacks, $9,70 _ per - barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, in bar rola; $7,80; and ,izt sacks, $7,50 per barrel. The City Mills quofe prices as .follows: Extra Family, (Winter hi barrels, $9,80„; and, in sacks, 49, - per barrel; d i Doable z Eitra Family, in barrels, 59,80, and, in - Sacks; 59,50.. pe r. barrel, ,and Spring, 58, 00 , In barrels, andf7,7o. in ' sacks, per barrel. ' c WM..I SKY-4fighwines are quoted steady in ajobbing way, at 9,5 ®96. ONIONS-45 to $6 Fier bbl. ...,' TALLOW-Renderati, 1243. • LARD GlL—May be quoted at 51,35 4g51,37 for No. 2, and $1,68©51,70, for .N 0../. Markets by Telegraph. NEw Tonx, February 27.—Cotton is firmer and rather quiet; sales were made 1,400 bales at 2934 c - for Middling Up . /ands. Flonr—recelpts were 5,383 bbls; market dull and heavy; prices lovier; sales are repolted of 5,300 bbls at 85,45® 6,26 for:superfine State; western, 60,30® 6,85 f extra State, 86,20®7; extra.western, $7,/008,10; white wheat extra, 86,30®8; -E. H. 0., 67©3,50; extra St: Lon's, pia) 12, good choice do. closing heavy. Rye Flour is quiet; 150 bbls sold , at 85,25® 7,25. -Cornmeal is in fair request; 300 tibia sold at 85 for Brandywine. Whisky is firmer; sales 250 lib's western, free, are reported at 97c. Wheat receipts . were 38,861 bush; market, is very dull: and prices• are nominally lower; about 9,000 bush sold at 1456 for • delivered Choice No. 2 spring; 81,73 for red winter Ohle;,81,83 for white . Michigan. Rye:is dull and drooping.- Barley is in fair re quest; 9,600 bush. Canada West brought 82,16; 2,000 bush German sold at 82,30. Barley Malt :is quiet; 1,800 bush sold at 62,10 for State._ Corn—receipts were 18,- , 023 bulth; . prices are lo better; supply is light; "there' is a geod home trade ,de rhand;•sales are reported 39,000 bush at 98®9434e for new mixed :western; ;81,01 01,02 for old do. in -More. osta—receipts were 5,325 builh; market is .without - any decided change; 4,600 bush sold at 74c for western in store; 76 yo, for do. afloat. "Rice dull. Coffee_ is :quiet; 500 Zhags' Rio sold on private term. Molasses dull. &Val' la firm;. 250 Itlids Cuba sold at 133 i ®1451,0. Petroleum is dull at 21e for crude; - 35c' for relined, bonded. Hops are quiet at 5@,150. for American. - Coal is quiet. Leather—Hemlock sole is firm at - 301420 for 'Buenos Ayres' and - Rio Grand light- and middle.weights;" 27 0290 for beavyde. Wool is firm; sales are reported or 675,00 1 potinds at 41®36c for domestic }hem; 71®80c for scoured: 25@40 4o for _pulled; 57c for - tubbed; 50c for comivid.- - Linseed 011 isqniet at $1,02 01,03. Spirits Turpentine dull at 54®5511 Pork Is Winer; sales of 650 bbls at 632® 82,50 for new- mess:- / 31, 5 0 ®31,62 for old do; $26 ,,60027;50 for prime, and 1; 1 28,50® SO for :'prime mess; also 1;000 bbls new . mese, seller for April, at 132,50. Beef is dull; sales of 100 bbls at 89 ®16,50 for plain mess, and $12®19,50 for new extra m ess. Tierce Beer is dull andheavy; aeles'of 120 tierces at $ 26 (30 for,priine men, and ,829 ©34 for' India mesa, Beef Hams are quiet, with Bales of 90 bbis at $27®33. Cut Meats are drixmlnai sales of 113 packages at 13m013 3 / 4 0 for shoulders, and 17@isa for hams. Dressed Molnar() firmer, at 812,75®13,25 for weatern, and • . 813014 for city. Middles are dull and i:eavy. Lard is a shade lower, with sales of 08e tierces at 17 1 .;€'419.‘c for steam, and 193.a.7119,1f i c for kettle rendered; also 500 tierces `steam. seller. for March, April and May at 1901930. Butter is firm at 25€026c jrO Obio, and 42®550 for State. Cheese is -held at 18®2234c. Metals— Sheeting Covner is firm at 133. Ingot Copper landk at $26,50®31,25 for Bal timore, 126,75e2rf0r Lake Superior. Pig Iron is steady, .with a moderate busi ness doing, at 840043 for Scotch, and $37 @42 for American. Bar Iron, is dull at $909,25 for refined English and Ameri can. Sheet Iron is dull at 113i013c for Russia. Nails are steady at 51g5 1 .3 for cut, 6@6;4c for clinch, and 27030 c for horse shoes. Freights to Liverpool are steady, with engageraents of 30,000 bus. t'heat, per steam, at 434d1014.fd. Laiest.—Nlour classed dull and :s@io lower. Wheat nominal and lig2 lower. Rye nominal.. Oats quiet, steady at 72% 74. Western in store. Corn scarce, firm at 94®95 for new mixed western, and 1,02 for old mixed western in store. Pork quiet and veryfirm at 32 dollars. For new mass regular, 83,256 seller for April. Beef dull, unchanged. Cut meats and bacon very quiet, without de cided change. Lard dull at 19@19 . % ibr fair toprime.' Steam eggs good demand at:24@)26. CHICAGO, February 27.—Eastern Ex change firm; par to 1-10 discount buying and 1-10 premium selling. Flour dull and almost nominal; sales of spring ex tras at $5,75®6,25. Wheat—No. 1 quiet at $1,22 for fresh receipts in northwest ern houses; No. 2 dull; opened at $1,13M, subsequently became firmer, with sales at $1,14©1,14,;, closing at $1,14y,®1,14%; sales since change at 11,141/„. Corn dull and %@3l'c higher; sales of new at 573.1 ®583. 4 /c; no grade at 56%®57 4 c; No: 2 kiln dried in 59c; closing steady at 58© 583, ~ ;43 for new; sales of No. 1 at 68c, seller for May, and 640, seller for. last half of April; there is nothing doing this after noon. Oats quiet and strong and X i ®;.,/e_. higher; sales at 53%©54c for regular, and 54X©550 for fresh receipts No. 2: closing at 54%)54y 4 c. Rye dull and .I©2c low er; sales at $1,20©1.22; closing at $1,20© 1,21. Barley dull and 20)3c lower, with sales of No. 2 regular at 01,83. @1,84; No. 2 sold at $1,78®1,80, seller for March. Highwines quiet and nominal at 90e. Provions steady, quiet and firm, with sales Mess Pork at $31,30 tor tioun try; closed steady at $31,50 for city. Lard quiet and closed steady at 181A,c for steam. Rough Sides at 143‘c, offered. Mess Beef at $12,25. Beef Tongues at 30e. Receipts for the past twenty-four hoars, 8,357 bbls flour, 30,405 bush wheat, 44,720 bush corn, 20,816 bush oats 2,627 bush Shipments, 3190 bush barley, 2,792 , head hogs. 7,869 bbls flour, 24,251 bush wheat, 12,293 bush corn, 14,864 bus oats, 1,800 bush rye, 3,762 bush barlev, 3,414 head hogs. CINCINNATI, February 27.—Flour-un changed; family, $6,75@7,00. Wheat dull at $1,40®1,50 for Nos. 2 and 1. Corn quiet and in moderate demand at 64c for ear, and 65a6643 for shelled. Oats quiet and 'unchanged; sales No. 1 at 67®68c. Rye steady at $1,4301,46. Barley un changed. Cotton a shade firmer; mid dlings, 28c. Whisky dull and lower; small sales at 92c. Mess Pork irregular; the chief business done to-day was set tling differences on February contracts; 200 bbls sold at $32, but 50c more was generally asked and obtained, buyer March. Bulk. Meats unsettled; shout derksold at 12.fc, but mostly held at 13c; sidis sold at 1434 c, but mostly held at 143. in. Bacon irregular, but held at ex treme rates; shoulders held at 14c, but sold at 13.1 c; clear rib sides sold at 16 ;c, but held as 17c; clear sides held at 17c, but sold at 1734 c. Sugar cured Hams, 18y,@19;ic. Dried Beef, 180184 c for second class brands,and 20(41.31c for best. Lard dull; can be ought at 1834 c. But ter very scarce and in deinand at 35040 c. Eggs firm at 19c. No change in Oil; de mand light. Apples scarce and in de mind at ssos6 per bbl. Clover Seed in good demand at 16y,(4)1634c. Gold 131!‘ ,buying. Exchange steady at 1-10 dis count buying. ST. Loma, February 27.:- - -Tobacco quiet and unchanged. Hemp—sales of choice undressed at $1,60. Flour very dull and pricks unchanged; fall superfine quoted at $ 5 , 90 @? 6 .00; double extra, $7,00®57,20; treble extra, F 7,75: Wheat dull; strictly prime red quoted at $1,66051;70; choice, $1,75®51,80. Corn dull at 68©70c. Oats heavy; closed weak at 66068 c. Barley— prime to choice higher, and In demand at $2,15052,30. Rye in small supply and higher at §1,30@51,35. Pork firm, with good demand at $32,00®132,50. Bulk, meats firm,,with• an upward tendency; sales of city , clear sides at 16c, loose packed, and 1743 for ahoulders. Bacon firmer; sales of shoulders at 14y 4 c; clear sides 17c; clear rib sides, 167ic; sales includesi 20,000 pourids clear sides for April, buyers option, at isy„c. Lard quiet and nominally unchanged; prime tierce•held at 18N©19c, with sales in a small way at 19c. Whiskey quiet and steady at 92d. Cattle market unchanged; hogs in small supply and easier at 8010 c. Gross receipts: Flour, 2,877 bbls; wheat; 2,255 bush; corn, 2,600 bush; oats, 2,860 bush. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 27.—The Cotton offerings are limited; middlings 28Xc; ages 230 bales; receipts 1,786 bales; ex ports 3,500 bales.. Gold 132. Sterling 143. Commercial 141%@142: New. York sight drafts lA, premium. Flour dull; superfine $6,25; double extra 86,80; treble extra 57,25. Corn dull at 78ig80c. Oats scarce at 80c. Bran quiet. at 11,15. Hay in large supply; primel3o®B3. Mess pork. V 33,50. Bacon firm; shoulders 150; clear rib 173;c; clear sides 1710. Lard firm; tierce 19@20c; keg 21X@Tlic. &War firm; common 12 34@l30;prime 1513 W 153%;' yellow clarified 17 c. Molasses firm; prime 80®81c. Whisk dull; west- - ern rectified 97X ®51. 1 Coe 'firm; fair .5 ® 1 61 prime 17Xig18;i0. MLLWAVREE, February 27.—Flonr is morefactive, with seas city extra atiss,73 ®Vopuntry do. at $5,504@6, and double extsz at: 14,75@5,38. l i Wheat steady at '51;17X for No. , 1, and , 81,11lor No. 2. •• ts steady at 540 for No. 2. Corn quiet and unchanged: Rye higher at 81,10 for No: 1. - Barley uric ged. • Prov ' i'sions quiet an unchanged. Receipts-4;000 bbls flour,' 28,000 bush heat; 1,000 hpip• oats - , 3,000 bush bush ryd,2,000 . bush ' barley : 100. dressed hogs. Ship nients-3,000 bbls floury 8,000 bus wheat. T94EDO. • FebrintrY - 27:—Plour steady and:wAthbut quotable change. Wheat unchanged and market 'steady for am ber at $1,67 for No 1; , white Michigan 2c lower at p.ssi amber $1,60M. buyer, March. Corn higher and Vim, , with new at ,70o; rejected 68c; yellow 73c. Oats firm and quiet at 63e for No, 1. and 59c For,No. 2. Rye in demand at 11,28@1,29 for Michigan and No'. I. Barleys State held,ats2, with ;1,94 bid; CanadXll2,23: Dressed Ilogs.d'all and nominal. Clover feed dull at 19,25. • • PAILADLPRIA, February 27.—Clover Seed more active; sales of 1,000 bush at 19,25. Flour a little' more active; north western extra family _sB,7s@/;25; Ohio $8,00©8,50. --Wheat very quiet and un changed. Ryo steady. Corn "battery sales of 7,000 bush yellow at 900. Oats anchanged. Less doingin groceries and provisions. Petroleum -.unchanged. Whisky nominal` and; SAN FRANCISCO, Fenruary 27.-Flour dull at 14,75©5,75; Oregon . brands, ;4,50 ®5,25. Wheat; choice shipping, $1,75. -Legal' Tenders, 77k. Mining Stooks-- Alpha, 54; Belcher, 30; Bullion, 21; PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : MONDAY, MAIINI 1,. 1869. lar, 166; Confidence, 31; Crown Poipt, 74; Empire Mill, 81; Gottle d: Curry, 104; Norcross, 78; Imperial, 1,0; Kentucky, 242: °pi:dr, 41; Overman, 68; Savage, 87; Sierra Nevada, 28; Yellow Jacitet, 72. LOUISVILLE, February 27.—Tobacco; sales of 134 hhdic • common lugs to cut ting leaf ;4,50318. Cotton 27, 1 4 c. High wines 93e. Flour; superfine ;56. *heat $1,50. Corn; in bulk 620163 c. Oats 65@ 67c. Mess Pork $32. Lard 19c. Bacon; shoulders 14 1 ;c, clear rib sides 17,,qc, clear sides 18c. Bulk Meats; shoulders 13y,C, clear rib sides 16%c, and clear sides 17c, all packed. CLEvELewn, February 72.—Flour quiet and steady. Wheat—No. 1 red winter held at $1,58, No. 2 do. ;1,45. Corn held at 75c. • Oats held at 73c. Rye held nom inally at ;1,28@1,30 for No. 1; No. 2 $1,25' 31,28, Petroleum firm and unchanged, with a good inquiry for the Eastern mar ket; refined held at 33c for large lots; and small lots, .q4635c. BALTIMORE, February 27.—Florir fairly active at previousquotations. Wheat dull; 'valley red $2,19@2,15. Corn dull; white, 92@940, , yellow firm at 90392 c.. Oats dull at 75c. Rye dull. Mess Pork firm at $33,25@83,50. Bacon moreactive; rib aides, 17Xc; clear do, 18 ye. shoul ders.' sy,c. Hams 20@21c . Lard quiet at 20Mc. BLEmems, February 27.—Cotton nom inal al 28; holders asking ,l‘ higher. Re celppisl 614, exports " 862. Flour dull, sii @B49.-' Hay 28. Bran 25. Corn meal P,45; perfine $0,00®6,50. Corn 71@75. Oats 75 Pork/ pox. Eulkmeata steady. Clean' idea at 17@l7;;;,. Shoulders 13;4. Dressed hogs 18. NASHVILLE,-. February 27.—Cotton quiet but firm; low middling, 27c; good to, ordinary, 27;ic. Iteceiptst, 3000 bales. BUFFALO, Feb. 27.—There were no transactions and the market is nominally unchanged. Dry Goods. NEW Yolk, February 27.—Dry.Goods Market—The dry" goods market is quiet but nevertheless firm for most descrip tions of textile fabrics, which inmost in stances are selling at prices which hardly offer a living profit. Heavy bro.wn shoot ings, like Appleton A and Atlantic A, bring.l7o; Atlantic V, 14;40; Bedford R. 10;4c: Lawrence D, 16j4c; Pepperell, 14;4®15c; Great Falls 8, 124®130; An droscoggin bleached muslin. Ilio; do 90 mob, 57;4c: Barnsley, 12c; Booth R, 10;4; Hills Semper Diem, 1734(4)18c; Pepperell ten-quarters, 57;4c; "Ilea 35 inch, 21 3 340; - do 4-4, 25e; do 5.4, 35c; do 6.4, 400 f Black stone River tuckings, 17c; Amoskeag do, 250; Hamilton Regular, We; York T, 27;.s0;Hamilton stripes,2234c; York Shirt- inns, 230; Amoskeag Gingham, 17c; War ner do, 1334 c; Peqnot Cambrics, 11c; Vio tory H, 10;4c; Masonville" Paper .Cam brics, 12;4c,,and printed calicoes, 123. pg 13;4c for all best makes. Live Stenic• Markets " mceoo, February 27.-Cattle Market. —Dressed Hogs quiet and a shade ; firm er, closing at $12,25@12,50 for light, and $12,50@12,75 for heavy. Live Hogs active and a shade firmer, with salsa at $8,50 for light and common, and $9,25®10,12 for fair to: good. Beef Cattle steady for good, but quiet and a shade weaker for low grades, with sales at $4®5,8734 for common cows and good 'butchers' steers, f,(3,3567 for fair to good shipping steers. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE & CHI CAGO RAILROAD, Februar* 27.-5- cars limestone, Sboenberger & Blair; 200 sks 50 bbls flour, E.Heazleton; 7 bbls oil, Jas Lippincott; 250 pigs lead. McKee Bro; 300 bbls flour, McKee & Bro; 224 sks oats, 12 bbls eggs, 6 hf obis butter, H Rea Jr; 15 Dbls vinegar, John S Dilworth & Co; 15 do do, W 51 Gormley; 20 do do, W 'Cooper; 2 bbls eggs, Means & Coffin; 35 do do, 8 hf bbls butter, Volgt, Mahood tit Co; 150 sits barley, McHenry & Hood; 10' bbls apples, DWinger & Stevenson_; 176 bgs feed, J & W F air ley ; 1 car corn, Brown & Williams; 765 rolls rooting pa per, Hartman & Lars; 1 car lumber, Sdack & Sholes; 14 pkgs starch, Lewis & McLltire; 11 sks rags, McCullough, Smith & Co; 50 bas starch, Rinehart & Stevens; 25 doz brooms, S Ewart & Co; 20 bgs rye, W J Meekk 11 pks twine. H Gerwig & Co; Bhf doz brooms, S Lind say Jr & Co; 6 kgs lard, 1 do apple but ter, Graff & Reiter; 2 bbls eggs, 3 bbls onions, J J Pettit; 2 bbls eggs, W D Cooper; 33 ska rags, Godfrey & Clark; 9 bbls apples, Meanor & Harper 3 bbls tallow, M Delange; 16 irgs apple butter, 3 pkgs sausage, 4 bbls eggs, W H Graff & Co; 4 bbls sugar o r Sinskep; 198 sks oats, sdo 'rye, H Rea Jr? 1 car corn,, J W Simpson; I . do do, Shomaker & I.angen helm. CenriMarm AND Prrrsimnoir Ram ! noao, February 26.=-3 cars N York, Sho enberger, Blair & Co;' 1 'do • do, .Reese, Graff & Dull; 1 car Wheels, Allegheny y R; 10 bellows, Lindsay, Sterrett it.Co;' 5 caseandls, Logan, Gregg& Co; 42 sacks oats, Kiel & Ritcbart; 62 do, McHenry & Hood; - lot stoneware, H Ornstot; 9 bbIEP apples J Hickman; 132 bdls chairs, 12 do cookers, Bedford Chair Co; 8 tcs shout-. ders, Watt, Lang *&. Co; 4 - bbls eggs, P Duff& Son; 6 kegs apple batter, 0 Bar nett; 1 bbl eggs, Jas Kennedy: 2 do do B .Garvey; 6 bileacotton, E Hyde & Sop; 1 hhd sugar,:J McEetlitt; 85 aks flax seed, MBSuydam; 2 cars pig iron, Mitchell, Steienson & :Co; 1 car bones; Robb & Herron; 3 , bbLs unions, 3 do eggs, Volgt do Co.. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, Feb. ruary 27.-22 sks rye, Scott &Gisal; 1 car metal, Sohn Moorhead; 2 bbls onions, 1 bbl bbl butter, J S Dilworth & Co; 14 pkgs rags, Park & McCurdy; 1 car coal,. Reese, Graff & Dull; 1 car grain, Kiel & ltitchart; 1 do do Martin, Brickell &Co; 6 Mils eggs, Et Rawie; 5 ears limestone, Shoenberger & Blair;.2 cars metal, Mc- Knight, Porter '& Co. 480 bbls oil, James Wilkins; 240 do do, Geo Ober; 180 do do, Fisher Bio; 240 do do, D M Edgerton. ~ ALLEGHENY STATION, February, 27. 28 sks dried "apples; 6do Milano John Herbert: 9 eke cornmeal, S C Maulers; bbis.; Hutchinson Oil Co; 20 bbl. ; flour, ,Geo, Baynoir 2 bble ' eggs,. ' Geo Meyer,'car barleY, iNt'FleakeLman; 4 bbls Jlifeckt 7 do' do, IlLenz: 5 do "do; L tiuk;-1 car metal; Linden'? dr IlfcChitetieon.L• - • arnit nEWEI; The fiver continues to recede steadily at this point, Wit*scatit six feet in the $ , channel .the M onongah ela marks. $ Weather continues cold and 'decidedly whitefish, 'and' the ice on the. Allegheny is becoming rather formidable. Ifferchry , at noon, 28. , The, -Camelia„ Nashville, is the only arrival we . haike to report. 'The Messenger., from Ne*Orleana, is among the first boats ' • • The Armadillo departed for St. Louis, with an excellent trip, having all the freight she could take, and a fair nem. bar .patiOngers. The clerk, Ben Laughlin; went out in command; Capt. litioCarty:sitijuries, although not consid erect dangerous, will'keep him at home 'Or Vim Grey. Eagle arrived and departed for" Parhersburg Oh Saturday, as usual. The SaYard, Capt. Geo. D. Moore, is theregular basket for Parkersburg to morrow; leaving promptly at noon. _ The E.V.Gray, Capt. Whittaker, will be the first out for Cincinnati and Louis- , ville, as *ill also the Sallie, Capt. T. S. Calhoun, for the Mise;ouri river, and the Bellevernon, Capt. ,T; J; Darragh, for New Orleans. The Maggie Hays,•Capt. R. C. Martino, is now in trim for St. Louis, and will be the next boat ont for that point. f The th %melts will reload for Nashville' om. W. J. Rountz has returned from St. Louie, where he has baen on business for several days. Business continues fairly active at the 1 landing, the shipments 'for' nearly all points being fair, and the receipts lib. oral. Rates, however, are exceedingly low, and it does not always follow, be cause a boat has full cargo that she will make any money. 4, —The Rose Hite still lies at the bank, some ten miles above Owensbore. —Mr. McCloud, an old steamboat Offi cer, is second clerk, of the Great Re . public. . / I - —The Torn Farrow/ . and barges, ere to have left Cincinnati for Pittsburg on Friday. —The Ajar left Louisville on Wednes day for New Orleans with a ton of 240,000 bushels coal. —Captain I3enjamin F. Egan, of Nash ville. has bought a one-half interest in the steamer Romeo, for /2,000' '—The Glendaleleft St. Louis for Pitts burgh on Thursday, and Messenger left Cincinnati for this port the same day. —The Government lost a million dol lars' worth of property last year by the sinking of steamboats on the Missouri River. —Mr. William Wood, clerk of the steamer Talisman, was marled in Nash ville on Tuesday to. Miss F. Doreh, that city. —The Petrolia was purchased here on Friday by Capt. W. G. Dawson—price $4,500. She Was built for the Alleghny river-packet trade. —The following shipments of oil bbls have been made from Aurora by W. E. Gibson & Co. for Pittsburgh: 20th—Per Tiger, two barges, 4,000; per Star, one barge, 2,000; 23d—Per Leader, two , barges, 4,000 —Judgments were rendered at St. Louis on Thursday, in favor-of B. Mitch ell & Co., for $3,041, and Geo. Price dr, Co., against the steamer Magnolia, for goods furnished the boat. A motion for a new trial was filed. —The Great Republic added 700 tons between St. Louis and Cairo, and 300 tons at the latter place. She had other engagements below, and it is thought that by the time she would reach Memr phis she would have all she could carry. —The safe of the Matte Stephens has been recovered tand turned over to the . the insurance agents at Shreveport. It is supposed to contain a large sum o r mbney. Up to the • 18th inst. 38 bodies had been recovered from the wreck al buried. • —Tb,e Underwriter's diver is working at the wreck of the Empire, sunk in the Mississippi. At last accounts he had re. covered 12 bbls molasses, and six tons of iron. The. Underwriter is now on her Way to the Peoria City, sunk 10 miles below the Empire wreck. —The Marietta packet Emperor failed to put in an appearance at Cincinnati. It was reported that she had been tied up at Parkersbusgh on the complaint of Cap. tain G. W. Dickinson, one of her own. ers. She was under harter to the crew of the new Ohio, on ThursilaY. —The Captain of the Peoria City, in a dispatch to the St. Louis underwriters, says she lies straight, but don't know whether she can be raised or not. Capt. D. H. Silve owned seven-eighths, and Jos. H. Conn one.eighth. The Cincin nati insurance is as follows: Union 43,000, National 153333, Enterprise 152,500, and Central 15i, It the balance of $28,332 be. ing in St. Louis and Pittsburgh offices. Capt. Silver got possession by giving in exchange for her the Sam Gaty, an old worn-out steamer. The Peoria City was of little account until she was enlarged at Madison, at a cost of 32,000. She , thereafter was a' prodigy as a freight car rier. The bar was owned by' Wolf & Hynes, of St: Louis, and insured. • Ricer and Weather LOtgaviLLE, February 27.—River fall ing; eight feet four inches of water in the canal. Weather clear and cold. ST. Louis, February 27.—Weather clear and cold. S ratim:B9ATs. OR . RIELAV IIL LIE - AND NAISHVILLE.7The fin steamer CAISF.XLIA Capt. JOSEPH LYTLE, pill lest , . tor lite above and all Intermediate For freightUotiuA, March 4th, at 4 e. is. For otpisenge apply on board, or to • mht IbLCIL & COLLINOW(H)D, Agents. 'lr AND E*ANSVILLE,A g gSt CAIRO ND bT. LOUIS.— e passenger ateamer 31AtiOrR HA TS Capt. B. C. MAnvirr, Will leave fOr Rae above and intermediate porta on 31021 DAY; March 114 , , at . 4 P.. 111. Fortrelght or passage apply on board or to ;FLACK & COL O .N LIOWVOD. IJAMES COLLI^. O. H.°MORS?' & CO., fe27 A. J. HASIATT, Agents. FOR MEMPHIS AND NEW OELEASS--The steamer BELLEVERNON' .Capt. J. J. aLltnAll,Ja. Will. leave WEDNESDAY. March .2st, for the above and Intermediate ports: For freight or_p_irsage apply on board„ or to r I *OK'd COL LINGNi ODD, fe2fi 0H411.8T CO., Agents. KANSAS .CITY, Sr.JO.SEPH AND OMAHA. — The splendid Steamer SALLIE Capt. T. El. 0nt.71 , 1;_ . Will leave for tote e above ' ports on SATURDAY. laTth Inst., at II p , clook P.M. Yor frelant or vantage app - ly oa board or to JOHN PLACJIk. J. D. COLLINGWOOD. - GHRIEST & CO, Agents. 1e24 IV4RTHERN LIN E ' ---- VACS ET.-t—IFOR , ' GALEN AND DUBUQUE.. . , , BAVANk. 1 Capt. Rosser ISIIIMWOOD, Will continence loadigor iho above an in Ito . termediate points on t h edrst ot March. and tnrotigh without reshipping. gotparticulars apply to TLACH \ or COLLINGWOOD, Ags nt_f. f422:07 Br NORTHERN LINE . dagi=joi POICJIT.Ihe' new andamams. Ifingarothe ' ' Capt. J . R. simple; Will-leave pr. ST., PMJ[.. about the 101 b _or Apr I. and SO through direct . This spiensto steamer offer, very superior sueMilmodauoil for .pibsengers, and atooko For particulars apply COLLINCIWOOD; Afoot!. rel2matr-- L Or C. (MAIN • Veit CIINCINNATIand ' I , llllsVualr,.—The ! rine psimcmmil., sett* Edema' • B. 0. wary" °apt. t. E. wairincts, • Will Waver tor'thi above ports On,TIJEMAY. March Ad. at& o'clock r. w.. • For freight oryange vie' on board or to D 001.ibINGWOOD. (CU G. it...OIIRLEST eo.•Allonts• T"1111" 1 *,1 Mgrint WHELING, • Marietta and, rarkersburg Line. Le"e C1)21)"715 Wharf Boat foot or Wood DAILY, AT 12. M , . TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY& BAYARD 1 I A . S . SIEETBSIID. Muter. WIDDMBsI9At6 AND BATUNDATB i un zr... . . . L. SamarArt, Muter. . _ Freight will be received et all hours by,, 88 / 41- ;JAMES COLLINS, Arent., VAGE/S e 3 LEATEEICA f. ATENT LACE r sale by J. &H. PHILLIPS. , COMMISSION k C - Jo L. DILLINGEB..;;.. A. E . ziprEv aNso.N . DILLINGER &.STEVENSON I CMIINISSITi MERCHA yrs, 87 Second Streeti Pittsburgh, Pa. • RECEIVE AND BELL All Kinds of Country Procitice, All orders for Merchandise promptly tilled at LOWEST market rates.l Particular attention given to the sale ofßutter, Eggs, Cheese Dried Fruits, &c , We feel confident that we can give entire satisfaction, by making Quick Batas and PRONPT RETURNS. at RIOREBT MARKET PRICES, and therefore rescfally solicit your consign menu. corre cadence answered promptly. Marking Plates hed free. prate. In store and to arrive daily. \ 111131378 VISTABLISHIED,' BY A. T .12.1 fY !OILY, 1811. W. 111. GtiRMLY I I WROLESALE GROCER, I0."271 Liberty Streit, (DLELECITLT 037. EAGLE fOTAL,) 1 2 .1"TT5331:7114911, PA.. .718 WATT, LANG si, co., WIZOLSOALS TOIALSEEI TS • ()reveries, Floor.- Ein.aln, Prodtoser, Provisions, Pisb,Cheese, Carbon ; 0111, 412**1 Nos. 3751 and 174 WOOD - erty street. Pittsbnrab. P taws Wl.* " • JAS. 1. IIICILLIIT• ITEM & RICIBAILT, COMMISSION:MENCELEL NTS, ANDIDIUfEI IN •PLOTTB, GRAIN, SEEM, MILL TEEN &C., 349 Liberty St, Ittiburgni mr24:1:41 ALIZS. 31111•247 s - • & AN . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers In FLOM EFRAIN and ZRODUCE tiNSENALLY. No. 14a : _vr.A.Trav sum, 6-above Binithfleld. Pittsbnign. 1 le- N. STNICLIs 1. A. SWIM STEELE & SO DI, • Commission 11i4hants, AND DDALIEDS IN 1 11 1.01:1X{. GUAM, EMEII). &Os No. 9 OHIO STEAM, near East Comma, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. L. J. HAIWCHAJID. Wholesale and . Retail Bracers, No. 396 PENN STREET. splBmas FETZER & ARINSTIIOIIIG, FORWARDING & COMMISSION SCHRORAITS, ?or the sale of Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, But ter, Seeds,D_ried Fruit. and Produce generally, .No. MARKET STREET, corner of First, -Plttetnirrib. It22:811 ROST. KNOX A ..airprosw mimic. KNOX &SON, COMMISSION' , MERCHANTS and dealers In FLOUR, MAIN MILL FEED and PRODUCE GENER ALLY, No. 79 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny CIII. • • . jal7:r37 •-- B: lUD & PATTON, JLA Wholesale Grocers, Commlasion3lerchants anu Dealers In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard .01.4 Iron, Nails, Ghir, Cotton Yarns and 11.11 P':k;sburgh Mannract generally. 1.12 and 1!.1. on B OND STILE Pittsburgh. JOHN annoy A WALLACK §sHIPTON&WALLAZWhoIe "SALE GROCERS AND PRO CR DEAL 14MM No. 6 SLIM STREET. P ati. Joltle t. aousz..xpw. H. aousz. TWIN I. HOUSE &BROS., Site. t) moors to JOHN T. 11017 SE & CO Wl:min tage Grocer' and Commission }lent*, Cor ner of Smithfield and Water Streets. burgh. WILLIABIZILLER & CIL, Nos. 221 and' 223 , Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low figures, strictly • Prime New Crol li N o lv s tleans Sugar and Porto Rico, Cuba and Rugßib Island Sugara. New York, Philadelphia and BaltimlYre Re fined do. Golden Drips, Loverings. Braniff, Stuart's, Adams , and Long Island bympt. Porto Rico, Coos and English Island Molasses. Young Hyson. Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder and Oolong Tem. • . . • Carolina and Bangoln Wee. Java, Lagnayra and .lo Coffees. • Tobacco..tLard 011, Fish, Nails, Glass, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, 'tea, constantly on hand. ALSO'. - IMPORTER~ OF Fine Brandies Wines and Segars. Ithenish, 'Moselle, and Sparkling' Hock Wines of Mosel CO.. In bottles. Sparkling Moselle, Scharsberg and Seglannle burg, Hockhelmer, Burgundy, dr. Brandenburg & Freres , Fine Clive OLI. do • •do Clarets, Imported In bottles. _ do do • White Wines. In bottles.. WorkA Sons. Sparkling Catawba. Fine old Snerry, Madeira and Port Wines. Free Old MOnongauela Bye Whiskies. pure: Ido Very Superior Old Scotch do do. Imp Soleerial. Agents for Meek '/ Chandon's Grind Vin. Verzenay and Sellery Champagne. Brandies of our own selection and warranted. NEW STYLES HATS AND CAPS, JUST RECEViED AT I McCORD & CO's 131 WOOD STREET. • (Z.BALY's FERRY P., 1 4*(6i *num CJ. Ec%°ROBINS.O N, ~.3t.a4 g inricl r tritra or Black and Colored Printing k Lithographk INES, VARNMIESI &C. Gray's Ferry Road and 83d Street, fel6:e6o PHILADELPHIA. .SKA.TES, .BKATES, suATEs. Anierican Rink, • • New _York. Club * „. • fEmpire, Starr, &e. Another styles and elses at the very lowest rates at WhITESIDES & DEOI, 4514 79 FEDERAL WY.. A T.Lltellltli r. 'IFRESII FlSFlv—Bealamiza Pul. PRESs still continues to Anal city and COCM• ry - orders for • . FRESH WHITE LAKE FISH, SALMON AND BASS, Bend to No. 45 DIAMOND MARKET. PICO. burgh, or his old well known TWIN CITY STMPID, Allegheny martin • OC TITTSBIIRGIT Miami* nrivvi tLLsviLL. E A II ILROAD. IvorOn and after TOP:DAY, Noyearrber, 17th, . cornerill arrive at and depart from the 1)not or Grant and Water streets-7 a follows: Mall to and from Unioa. Mc ................... 7:06 A. at. RAO p. Ig. MCKeesportAccomdt'n /1:00 A. M. 2 rfila P. N. Ex. to and from Unt'u. 3:00 P. M. /0: LO A. M. West' Newton Accom'd 4:30 P. It. 8:33 A. at. Braddocit's Accomdt`n. 0:15 p. It. 7:30 .M. Night Ac. to-licE,spOrt.7o:3o P. ar. 6:45 ll Zunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 P.11.10:00 4. • Yor tickets apply to Y. R. XING, W. B. &rota% Superintendent. agentnola GIIANGE Orafic emgi TIME. • ALLEGED:INY VALLEY RAILROAD. On am/ after MONDAY, November 9th, ISiis„ TWO. TRAINS' DAILY will leave Plttabizrnb. oStation, corner of Eleventh and Pike 'streets ror rankgioUrNns.gip, Buffalo, and all points in the 11 Re Mau IELHAVE 1171THVINFIL !titan , . Mr Prrisauxeß 7:ls'a m I Mali . . 5:40p ns Express..:,.... 7:lo'n miExpresa, 6 :304 ut Brady's BAt 3:00p in Brady, f'Ae. 10:30 ist /At Soda Works 1131 Soda Works Aecomd: -.40:50 a m Aliceomotrn. 5.20 aus Ad Sods Works Soda Works Accomoellt. 5:00 3/ 113 AtmomoiPri. 3:9COp Church TruilE •leays Pittsbush 140 p. Arrive at Pltlbluirglr at 9:50 A. st. Passengers taking. express train have but one change of ears between PAtisbur&a, Bu ff alo and 011 Re4ous. annEmpress Tinsins stop only at principal points : Mt:calf/sr and Acc eOzniziodatiOd .tmtins stop at' all eitutibrta.. THOMAS H KING, Atrt. Aup't. W. POSTER 7XOFE. Mckez Xpent. /109 , aZellraiT. •'''"! fiT.REET, ntieauf:z%lb., . . . . • CHANGE OF..TIME.—fhi. and aftertrig K 2 Naw.2241,11388, trila" will leave exit arri ve atsus Union Depot, at/follows; Pittsburg time: . .. , . .. • Depart. - Aeries. • MailExpres....—....... .3:T3 a. in. IM:13 a. M. Fast Line - • 10:12 a. m._7/.33'p. m a . Past Express 11;artp. m..raus a.m. Mixed' Way 5:43 a; M. 0:43 p. in. McDonald!" Aoc'zi, Now-111:88 a. in. 8:33 Pan. Steubenville Accommot: 3:33p. m. 9t48 s. m. MeDonaldls Aim's', No: 2..5:03, p, m. alp p. M. AP-WM P. M; Hirpriss wil l leave dally.;' 141:13 P. 11. Mall will* arrive daily. The lilltlG ii. ni.•TratM leaves daily, Minden es cepted, and makes .clene connections so New. ark to Zanesville aid - pOintS on. Bandtuay Mansileld 4 Newark M. E. G. P. SCULL, Sinners! Ticket keens. W. W. CARD, Bunn . Steubenville• Ohio' nag, . . 1868. . . : .. ........,.. ammin 7ITTBBURGII. FORT WAYNELAVVIIEIOO I . W. and , CLEVELAND ATITTSIMEGH E. E. From Dee: 20t_ ,Is 1868.. trains will - leave froze and arrive ati the UDIOII Dept% north Ole, Pitts. htirgpoitytlLne, as' follows: Chicryorx73:o3*at Cisicagei El r dsr ... l i/ 3 Erie Ygia cs.9l 7:28 a m .14eago Ex.. 11:584 Cl. & Wleglirls:2B a a: Whee.ling Ex 11:13 s: Chlhafrsheill...43:3B a, m Cr sitiftle'/5fai1•2:5302. Chicago Ex.. 30:08 a m Chteago Ex_....4;28a ! Cl. & WhlgEst 223 p ir. Clevthtnd Ex 41118 pi ' Chicaso Ex,. . 2:43 p m Erie & Yien Ex6:l3pi W 6 e &Erie 3x4:113 pir. Cl. &Whlig Ex8:580: •Ddrfrolis 41 iireelsg. _ . .4lslas fa Alieoheris - N. Mgt n Asi:li. Bam N . .origvn Ac. 7:03 us -Lee tse." .10:28 a m N. Itrfis , 4 ". 8 : 51 8 axe •'' ' " ' 11:59 a m New Castle "10:3 mu Rochester .. 1:33 pto Lee . rele • " 0113 asa Leetsdale Acc.3:sB pm - 6 . i:08 pas N. Brig% " .0:33 pmi " N. Eti gtin - ••8.43 p N .nr, Brigt.te " •5:28 pmnl Leetrie .6 4:53 pts. eetsdale " /0:43P. "" laa hlst Leetsdale Ban. !Leetsdale Run- , re day church. 1:13 pmi damharch. 8)88 as . :M6. 2:43 , p. m. Chicago Express leaves daily. ar* 11:58 a ily. . de.2 P. It. MYERS, General Ticket Agent. N-N L V A-.6ltogn NIAXENTRAL RAIL It AD. Onand after Nov, 261 h. 1808;'' Trains will arrive at and depart from the Union' Depot, corne ,, o Washington and. Liberty streets, at tollows: ' • Arrive. Eleixtre. • Mail '1:30 a m Day Express.. 2:3oans Fast Lire.. .. .2v.410 a m Wall's No. 1.. 0:30 ant. Weirs No. 1.. 6.90 a m Mall Train 8:15 am BrintonAcen. 7:50 am o Cincir.lti Ex 12 :15"pna. Wall's No. 2..0:50 a Wall's No. 2'1120 am Cincinnati 8x.90:40 a m Johnstown Ao. 3:25 pat Johnstown do10:35 am Braddoeks NOl4:2opm Baltimore Ex. 1-15 p m Phlla. Express 5:10 pm' Phila. Expnise2.os pm Wall's Novil.. 5:20 me Wall's No. a... 1:30.p m Wall's No. 4.. 0:15 pm' Braddoeks Nollf