The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 01, 1869, Image 1

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SECOND ElllllOl.
The Constitutional Amend
ment and the Legislatures—
The Public Credit. Bill Dis-
Cussed, Ainemided and Pass
ed by the Senate—Louis
iana Contested Election Cases;
in House—Mr. Mena rd, the
COlored Contestant, • Argues
His Claim to a Seat—The Vital
Point of the Case Stated by
Mr. Shellabarger--Iteriort and
Resolution, of the Committee
Rejected—The Indian Appro.
priiation Rill, as Amended by
the Senate, Taken Up and Dis.
cruised, without Action.
car Telegraph to the Pitisburgb Gazette.]
WASHINGTON, February 27,1868,
Mr. FESSENDEN presented the cre
dentials of Hannibal Hamlin, Senator
elect from Maine. - ,-.- •
Mr. HOWARD galled up the joint reso-
lution to more effectually insure the
fidthfal -completion of the Pacific Rail
road by withholding Government bonds
till certain conditions are complied with.
4ar.sottie discussion the resolution
was POsiptined.
Mr. STE WART offered a resolution re
questing thee President to transmit forth
with to each of the. Executives
.of the
several States, a .copy of the Constitu
tional amendment, so as to secure an
early ratification of the same. -
Mr. DAVIS objected, and the resole
tion went over. -
. '
The Th bill to strengthen the public credit
was then taken up.
Mr. DAVIS proposed a substitute and
I • advocated it.
f - ' Mr. IIAYARD had no objection to the
first section of the bill; bu t believed the
second section, making coin contracts
I legal, was wholly unnecessary and likely
to multiply litigation, and therefore he
=tried to strike tt out., •
Mr.MORTON said the , section was me.
cessary as a limitation upon the power to
( .
. ; make coin contracts under the decision
of the Supreme Court.
• - • - Mr. ,-.FRELINGHITYSEN inbveci to
...‘ - -'ittrikeputthe clettlecof the section pro
'l; viding that on' a trietrbrenght for she
thicement of a coin contract proof of the
t i ' real consideration maybe given. Agreed
', Mr. FESSENIEN saw no reason why
the people of the country: shotfld not be
- 2 ,• Allowed to make their contracts in what
ever farm they please, and he believed
that any-limitation of their right to do
„ f so would tend to postpone the resutup
tion of specie payment.
II Mr. CON.K.L.UsIG also thought it better
to leave the people free to make - such
It contracts as they might choose.
Mr. HOWE thought' the clause pro.
-° , 1 • posed `to bestraok out should be retained
il as a protection.
,:i• Mr. DIXON . Apoke in favor`af.the bill.
• Mr: HENDERSoN moved to amend
the second section, so as to leave only
the words "any contract hereafter made
• , specifically payable in coin shall be legal
and valid-and may be 'enforced accord
!ing to Its terms."
, 4 Mr. HENDRICIIt3 was willing to vote
• , for this provision, but wastopposed to
1 ther first section of the bill, because it
f was not designed torhave any practical
effect, but merely to put upon the past
' I - financial legislation of congress a con
, i ittrnetion -to which he could not agree.
'. .. It propoSed - to increase the bonded debt
• 1 of the - coentry six hundred millions.
; without - increasing in any degree the
j- ability of the country to pay• the debt.
, The bonds of• the . country had been
. bought by themonied men of the COlll3.
II try, with a view to profit..
Mr. EDMUNDS asked what the Semi'
tor from Indiana 'meant by.saying the
bonds had been bought by the tr,oneyed
i , ..''sign of the country, when the candidate
„ . of bis'own party for the Presidency had
in his speeches that the bulk of
them were held by widows, orphans and
1 ' other people? - - _
Mr. HENDRICKS replied •that by
moneyed - men he meant those who had
money who had 'the wherewiih to buy
bonds:slid a jthough'someof.them were.
doubtless comparatively poor, yet he be.
Herod they were chiefly persons of large
melt who sought a profitable !
• ''' '_.:
.. Bin -EDMUNDS Inquired whether he's'
1 • wished to sacrilide the , poor: bebdholder
-biorder to punish the rich? : , ;
-Mii: /lElftßlClDS . otaidhedid not 'timer
: '
Er .._.- ~ to sfacriAtxt Anybody. He was = simply
n" finor
;tattle o
• f paying. everybody. according
. ' contract. and In that way nobody
m ould be sacrificed. The pending ;;bill,
Paned, would, in his judgment, con
: tract the currency, • and :". that , would
... ''..
' lul,erfere witir our national enterprise
-ePtum,MUlOnst, which should be rather
promoted in every legitimate wa
tarp th Y. - es lie
e Want% 'of trade with Europe
, • la Our favor."' When that result should
bar" tin attained, the nationcould xa•
...hi u _M ci ai elments, but no sooner. ''-_-
r.' , M)
thought the value Of ,
. . Mir beat% wa d be incrased and our
credit abroad strength by the **dß e'
' - tionol the LOX and that b f (t I
ought to b e " sad , t ere ore I t . 1
. Mr.
.3111111: . mato
I- amendment- w as
rojected--_yeas, 10; nay, - 3 , a& ~ ,-, - 1
mr4IA.YARD'S `tototion to itirlk o ut
theleougi•seetidil W hr e
7 ; nuss Ili . ''' ---- 2 -eU lellt--ves,
. The
Senate took it reoess. ' ' -
Abettktg.;&ttaion...ldr. WILSON intro:dced am
, •
lion , o r N I fr th , e tw ota Le e Caul diatri be-i
provides that there : AliTtnelialtoltal.b It.
' - dre i.Paill l4 llol Of bankln_g noise o t t i ti r d that
teneigrirld ml i l lobil or/greenbacks shall
sham r,tr, so,the amount of cfrcula.
of the bin i s k i r „ ine cessed-' , The object
faeinti __ . ,_ „ give increased banking
so net now
a e rosoladequat pplied
•ERMAN offered utio t .
aillholize.the recognition of the fndep n oa ° -
~'d , "e l ;'r :Pub.% iauthbrizing the_Tres-
Le. ell „t.„ , Whenever in his opini,in Cut,:,
• _ anau nave established an Independent
Sever/intent de facto, aCCOrdiLlg to the
laws of nations, to recognize her inde
pendence. Referred to Committee on
Foreign Affairs.
The bill to incorporate the .14fasonic
Mutual Relief Association missed.
The• joint resolution donating con.
demned cannon for the erection of a
monument to General McPherson passed.
Mr. COLE offered the following reso
lution and asked to have it laid on the
table:- . .
• Be it Resolved, '
&c. That the PreSident
of the United States be requested to com
municate to_the great Dowers of Europe
the grave concern with which the United
States would regard any interference on
the part of those powera favoring the per
petuation of Turkish supremacy in the
Islands of Greece. •
Mr. NYE—That is all over now.
Mr. MORRILL (Vt.)—l think it is
time, to proceed with the business for
which we came here.'
The Senate then resumed the consider
ation of the bill to strengthen the public
Mr. DOOIATTLI?, spoke in opposition
,a the bill.
Mr. COLE- followed on the same side.
Mr. MORTON could consent to only
one section of the pending bill, viz: , the
declaration that all just obligations of the
government shcibld 'be paid in coin.
_The first duty of Congress under:;this
big, if - adopted, would be to provide for
the immediate payment of the green
'backs. If he could vote for that portion
alone, he would be inclined to do so; but
he would not -vote for the section of
Which it was a part, because the other
portion of, that section would 'put upon
• the law under" which the- five-twenties
were issued a construction which he be
lieved to be wrong. He regarded the
bill'as a mere "bull" movement, intend.
ed to affect the present price of bonds for
epeculative purposes, and could have no
effect upon the final determination as to
whether the bonds = should • ba paid •in
coin or paper:
It, when the bonds became due, the
country should have resumed specie
payment, they, 'as a matter of course,
would be paid in specie but; if, on the
other hand, specie. payments were not
then resumed, the government could
not, if it would, get the coin with which
to pay them. The bill would then be
powerless to affect the future.
Mr. SHERMAN defended the action of
the Finance CommitteitfroM the extra
ordinary attack of the Senatoir from In
diana. Ever since the Committee had
failed to see the merits of the Finance
bill oLthat Senator, he had found fault
With all their work. The Senator
thought the - Finance bill dead, and
thought perhaps"-that he had killed it;
but he (Mr. Sherman) would tell the
Senator that the pending bill contained
one. section of it; aid'" berate - - twelve
months all of itsproviskeet would be the
law of the land. • • " •
Mr. MORTON protested against the
charge that his opposition to the'scheme
of t,hq Finance Committee was inspired
by personal txmaiderationS. He had not
;claimed to have killed the Committee's
bill, 'but he--(M aalti•rit.Nould
die a natural death, and nobody could
dispute the fact. , .
Mr. SHERMAN-4 dispute if it- is
not dead, but liveth, and it will become_
the law of the land. •
• After further' discussion, the amend ,
ment offered by Mr. Henderson to the
first section was =rejected, and the, bill
passed by the following vote:
Yew—Messrs. Abbott, Cattell; Conk
ling, Conness, Corbett, Cragin, Dixon,
Edmunds, Ferry. Fesaenden, Freling
huysen, Grimes, Harlan,Harria,Howard,
Morgan 11, .(Me.,) Morrill, (Vt.,).
Nye Patt er s on, (N. H.,) Robertson, Saw
yer,'Sherman, Stewart, Sumner, Thayer,
Tilton, Willey, Williams, Wilson-30;
Arkye—Messrs. Cole, Davis, Doolittle,
Fowler, Henderson, Hendricks, McCrea
ry, McDonald, Morton L Osborne, ;Patter
son.;(Tennessee,) Pomerey, Ross, Spen
cer, Wade, Welsh -16. -
Messrs. Cameron and Anthony, who
would haie voted yea, were paired with
Messrs. Kellogg and Norton, who would
have voted nair.. =
On motion of Mr. SHERMAN, the title
of the bill was changed.
-.The folio - wing is the bill as passed:
An Act Relating to the Public Debt.
Be it enacted, That in order to remove
any doubtas to the purpose of the Gov
erfunent, co diacharge,all Repast 'oblige-
Mons to public creditors, and to settle con.:
flicting questions and interpretations of
the law by virtue of which such oblige. ,
tione-, have.. - contracted, it is
herelWprovideil and deciared that the
United States fe solemnlypiedged to the
.payment in coin, or , its equivalent, of - ell
the obligations of the United States, ex
cept in cases where the law authorizing
the isaane of any such obligation ham ex
pressly plovided that the same may ne
paid In...lawful money or other currency
than gold andellVer. _
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That
any contract hereafter made -specifically'
payable in coin, and the consideration of
which may be a loan of coin or a sale of
property, or the -,rendering of labqr or
service of any kind, the, price Of which
as carried into the contract may: have
been adjested on-the basis or the-voin
*eine thereof at the time of such ellie;••ei
rendering of such service or labor, all
be legal and' , Validr stud Maybe enfotced
according tens terms. , -I
At Midnight the Senateadjourped.'
. ..-
A bill paised correcting mistakes in the
act rellevingeeitain portent from politi
cal disabilities.
The''Lonislana-Mntestild election 'cue'
wits considered. , '..., r . - , ,
Mtr UP S ON, 15, 2.l)chigan; argued
against giving Jones the seat, on the
fr o o le n n ue n o n f a ti b t r no o t i r 2 4 l . 7 e in n. g received a suf.
Mr. BLACKBUBN, of Louisiana, fe.'
vored giving the seat to Jones on genet's'
principles of right justice.. - -'
Mr.: M AYNAR D, of Tennessee, took
the same view. ‘ t ~.t.-
Afterfurther discussion a_substitute
offered by Mr. BLACKBURN, reciting
that Jones is entitled to a seat, was re
jected; std the resolution reported from
the Cotnmittee on Elections, setting forth
that Jones is not entitled Coat seat trent
the Second District of Louisiana, Area
adopted. ,
- " Ift. - UPSON, of Miehigan,_ called up
the contested election case of Menard vs.
Hunt, from the Second-District oflpuits-
Mr. MARD, of Temtessee. asked
unanimou con s ent that' X. Willis Mo
iler& who is a negro holding the certiti=
cats of election, be sworn in as the sitting
member, pending the consideration of
the ewe),
Messrs. WOOD and KERR objected.
Dir. UPSON Moved' to suspend the
rules for the purpose of allowing each of
the contestants fifteen mimutes to ad
dress the House in his own behalf.
The rules were suspended and. Mr.
Menard made MS appearance about the
centre of the * Republican place in the
. .
Mr. WOODWARD suggested that Mr.
Menard speak em; the! Clerk's desk.
(Laughter amodthe Deiartecrats.)
Mr. VAN HOR ,of New York, object
ed to this. i
The Speaker said the gentleman hay-
I l i
ing no seat of his own on the floor, could
speak from any place he Pleased.
Mr. Menard then addressed the House,
referring to the fact that Mr: Hunt had
_not taken the testimony within the time
provided by the act: He said that if Mr.
Hunt did not know the law of Congress,
be was a very-poor subject to be sent to
Congress. The point was deemed a good
one, and caused some amusement among
the members. He went on to argue the
details of the
_question in an easy, quiet
and good humored - style, which attracted
the attention and apparent sympathy of
the members. After speaking' about a
quarter of an hour, he obtained leave to
print the remainder dt his remarks in
the Globe. 1
After he resumed his seat many mem
bers approached and congratulated him
in a friendlyttmanner.
Mr. MAYNARD suggested that as the
action of the House in the case of Mann
and Jones showed that . there was a va
cancy in the district, and as the gentle
man who had just addressed the House
(Mr. Menard) heldfthe certificate, and
had, therefore, a prima' facia right to the
seat, he be sworn in and allowed to hold
the seat pending the litigation. He asked
unanimous consent to offer such a mo
Mr. UPSON declined to yield tho floor.
Mr. - CHANLER appealed to Illn Upson
to let Mr. Maynard make that motion.
Mr. UPSON declined to do so, adding,
if he did, the gentleman from New York
would be found voting against it.
Mr. CHANLER persisted in his effort
to have the motionimade.
The SPEAKER remarked the gentle
man from Michigan was entitled to the
floor and must be protected in Ws right.
Mr. CHANLER intimated that the gen
tlemen on the Republican side were at
ways protected by the Speaker, while
those on the Denaocratid side were not.
H The SPEAKERsaid the gentleman from
New York was not just, for he had his
own rights protected by the Speaker on
every occasion. '
Mr. CHANLER replied. he had ap
pealed to the Speaker when qtiestions of
veracity were passed between meinbers,
.and thas the Republican members had
been protected and the Democratic mem
hers had beeiahed.
The SPE AKER—The remarks of the
gentleman from New York are not -re
spectful to the Chair, nor are they true.
Mr. CHANLER—Very well; sir; I will
leave that question to be decided by the
record. - .
Mr. UPSON thon went on to argtte in
support of the action of the Committee oa
ns, and to show that neither of the
elpdman - ta for. Nap 8,044 . 4 W. pfenard or
• 011eb 11. Hatt; *erskattidled
Re was questioned by bfeeak f3chenck.
Garfield and Paine, to show that Mr. Men
and had the same prima facie right to the
seat, holding the certificate of the Gov
ernor, that every other representative
MK,UPSON argued they had trot past
theprima fleiecase, anti there were no
merits in it.
Mr. GARFIELD inquired whether the
gentleman meant to say , this was an
election case in which there Wasnoprista
facie right?
Mr. UPSON_ suggested that perhaps
the gentleman did not understand what
prima fade meant, andlie gave him the
interpretation of it by a Vermont Judge,
as being a case that was good on its face
and bad on its rear. [Laughter.]
Mr; PAINE asked. Mr. - Upson to yield
for, a '
resolution de6ltirlng 'J. W. Me
nerd's right to a seat, pending the con
sideration of the case.
Mr. UPSON declined and continued to
state his reasons for sustaining theyeport
of the Conimittee.
Mr. CARY spoke ten minutes in advo
cacy of Mr. Hunt's right to take the seat.
Mt. REAR. of the minority of the.
Committee on Elecons ard that
Mr. Hunt had unquestionableright to
the seat, haying received an overwhelm
ing majority of the votes cast at the elec
tion. • -
Mr. POLAND offered, as a substitute
for the report and resolutions, a
,resolution recommitting • the case to
the Committee on Elections, with
Instructions to take testimony as to
the validity of election, Ike. 'He
admitted that it could not be j done,
as the Congress would expire, next
Thursday, but he offered the resolution
for the purpose of disposing of the case
and to, save the ,House from falling into
the dilemma of making an unfair ;and
unsound -precedent. '
Mr. PAINE moved to amend,the reso
lution bye provision admitting Mr. Me
nerd to• hie seat, pending the considera
tion of the question.
The, previous question having been
seconded and the main question ordered,
stirs Mr.',Upson having an hour to clime
the debate yielded' ten minutes to Mr.
SHELLAD ' ARG.ER, who alluded to the
novelty of ,the case as being, 'Brit,
where one of the down trampled came
=tasked his seat among thelaWznakere
of the Republic,•which had been so long
his oppressor. It was with the most
profound regret :that. be could not
'feel it to be his duty, would
have been:: hie itxtrerde pleasure, to
give the, seat to one of that oboe of his
fellow countrymen. He knew that that
was the Inclination of his own heart, and
that it was actuating a large -, proportion
of hitifelltiiv members, and he therefore
regretted that in this first and signal in
stance, and to be it historical one, when
Ono of-that racco,clatmed to take his place
- among' thutiewho- were to control. the
Republic; bet could not vote , for it,
nor could' he even for the resolution
of his friend, from Wisconsin (Mr.
Palne,) to' let; thiCgeittletrian have his'
seat on amount of his prima
to It. Because; If the House were to rec
ognize that right, then the persons whet
would come to`the ntritt'Congress ; alalm-'
ins to be Representatives from Lonisi-,,,
anti, would bo'entitled to ha enrolled hy,
the Clerk. He trusted the Clerk would'
not enroll them, because it was a matter of
public notoriety, of which tho House was
bound to take notice. that
~the eteeti o P
there was a monstrous , cruei.,bloooY. ,
famous trannactfon, without sigulfle.ation
or validity enough to make a prima fame
title. He asked whether, in the •f,ice of
conclusive evidence that this man was
not elected, he should be sworn in to take
part in legislation., I( such a precedout
were pushed to Its logical conclusion, it
would be fatal to the Government. The
House would indeed be ,playing with
live thunder. It was not safe to do it,
and he hoped it would not 'be d 'ne.
Mr. AIeKEE argued fir mi utes in
support of the claim of M. Me rd.
Alter further discussio by
use s pro-
Paine and Garfield, the H use pro
ceeded to vote on the various proposi
The vote was first taken on the resolu
tion of the minority of the Committee on
Elections, declaring Caleb S. Hunter duly
elected, and it was rejected—yeas, 41;
nays, 136.
The vote was then next taken on Mr.
Paine's amendment, admitting Mr. Me
nard to a seat in the 'Home, and the
amendment was reiected—yeas, 57;
nays, 130.
Mr. DAWES moved that the whole
subject be laid on the table. without division.
Mr. DAWES then offered a °solution
for the payment of the two claimants,
Simon Jones and J. W. Menard, $2,500
each for the time spent and expenses in
Mr. KERR moved to amend by adding
to it the name - of Caleb S. Hunt, the
other claimant.
..v Before the vote was taken, Mr. DAWES
yielded the floor to Mr. CHANLER, for
a personal explanation in reference to a
-difference of opinion between the Speaker
and himself. He proceeded to read ex
tracts from the Globe to prove \ that he
had been correct in his assertion this
morning; that the Speaker, on the ques
tion of veracity between members, had
decided in one was in respect to Repub
lican members and in an opposite in re-•
spec, to Democratic members.
Mr. DICKEY rose to a question of or
der, that the gentleman from New York
had no right to go into the whole history
of the Speaker of thecHouse.
The SPEAKER requested that the
gentleman from New York might not be
interrupted in his personal explanatfon.
'at the request DICKEY
of the with Spe dre aker. ,
w hi.s question,
Mr. CHANLER proceeded with his re
marks, and claimed his' right to state
that the ruling of the Speaker in the two
caries referred to, (the cases of Mr. Lo
gan, of Illinois, and Mr. Holbrook, of
Idaho.) was contradictory and ,unfoun
ded in parliamentary practice. I ,
The SPEAKER remarked that instead
of being a personal explanation, the re
marks of the gentleman from New York
were an attack upon tho Chair. The
language which he gentleman hiid used
this morning had lotion upon the.
Speaker's ear as a direct reflection upon
his veracity. He had understood him to
say that on a question of ver.y he
would appeal
hadrom the decision ,of the
Chair, and ho replied that the lan
guage was not respeelful to the Chairand
was not true. It was the only response
which a gentleman could make te such a
remark. The Spealcer then referfed to
the two cases cited by Mr. Chant° ,r the
case of Messrs. Logan and Holbrook,
and showed that the remarks of Mr. Lo-
Ilan had not been intended to beoffettsive;
and had been immediately withdrawn,
while those of Mr. Holbrook had been
ogrprlyofkintr3, kad peen re I Leated„ and
had not riven. retreated. • w.ttb - 7 Chair
would leave the question, not to his po
litical associates, not to these who put
- him in his position, but he would leave
it fearlessly to the political associates of
the gentleman who now arrainged him,
whether there was not the widest
ble contrast be the cases which po the
gentleman from New York had cited for
the purpose, the second time on the awe
day of attacking the House of which he
was a member. _
Tho question was then taken on the
resolution and amendment and they
were agreed to.
Mr. WARD asked leave to offer a reso
lution instructing the Commuteon
Public Buildings an Grounds to inquire
into the that the relies of
George WaShlngton were about to be General Lee. •
r Mr. BROOKS objected, and the House
theft took'a recess.
i Rvenine Seasion.—Speaker in the chair.
Mr. HURLBURD, of Now York, from
the Committee on Public Expenditures,
made a report on the Alaska matter, with
additional suggestions from seine mem
bers of the , committee, which were or
dared printed.
:.The report is signed by Represen
tatives Huributd, Plante, Peters and
Getz, and is published prematurely
this morning. The following is ap
liended to it: "The undersigned mem
here of the Committee concur with their
follow members in the foregoing report
as far as it goes, butithey cannot forbear
expressing their decided disapproval of
the • conduct of those who , permitted
themselves to be retained by the Rus
sian Minister as advocates 'or as attor
neys for ids government in a ease in
which their own was tie deeply interest
ed, and keeping the fact of their being so
retained from the knowledge of those
with whom they were brought In Con
tact in conducting the business of their
clients. However right or wrong It may
be for an• attorney to be retained by a
foreign power in ouch a case, the under
signed deny the morality of hie acting
upon much retainer without making the
fact - . publicly known as far as his
*orations or influence extend. . Cer-'
IaI,PIY- no. man, ' whose fortrier high
lio position has given him extraordi
ar y, Influence in the community, low
the right to sell that influence, the
trust ang_ confidence of his fellow ent
wine, to a - foreign - government, in any
ease where his own isrinterested. The
, language of the report seems to consider
1 /dri Painter, in hie interviews with Mr.
1 Stanton, as huntin up 'information:on
a tr
1 which to base his rePeated . am:lmola
..tion of what he eel ed , the Alaska swan
' die.' It'seems f ' ther to imply that if
Be. bad 'really 'been Seeking to' be em-'
gloved Secretly with - 114088re. Stanton and
Walker.. In'
_the interests of 'Russia, he
would have= been, guilty pf a great Ina-,
propriety. Thisis all right,,but the re
port' has co` word, of ccindemnaticm for
timid who actually - were bo employed,
and Who are at least:liable to the impu
iationiet 'endeavoring.. to .divert public
attention - from their own anomaloas
position by clirectin,g . it- towards one
whom - 1118v charge .:with oil seeking to
be so emploYed.!! . , - Signed,]
- J. M. Broomall, H. P. . Bromwell,
J. roburn. Stephen Taber. -'
Hr. BIi3OOMALL, from the - same Corn
inittee,reportal the testitriont in the
Welik'Pargo Co. contract .- He also,
from the turnittro on Accounts, re
ported._ on the stationery . fund of the
Mr. °LARK, of Ransas, iutroduced a
resolution authorizin g the Union Pacific
R. R. Po.; Eistorn Division l to'chango its
name to. Kansas Pacific R.R. Co. PAS
sod: ' '
The Home then went into Committee
of .the" Whole, Mr. Pomeroy in the chair,
. .
on the Senate amencitrients to the - Indian
Appropriation bill.
Mr. BUTLER, of Mass., on behalf of
the Committee lon Appropriations, pro
ceeded to explain the amendments. The
bill as it passedthelHouse appropriated
$2,312,240 on est mates which nad called
for $2,997,982. he Senate Cdmmittee on
Appropriations 'has added to it amend
ments amounting to $540,963, and the.
Senate Committee on Indian Affairs has
added amendmenfs amounting to $3,800,-
939, so that now the bill ,proposed to ap
propriate $6,654,158. The bill was there
fore a very important one, but still more
important in viow of the amounts that
would be called for here4ter. If the
policy inaugurated by it was sanctioned
by the House, if the treaties made by
the Indian Commissioners were sanc
tioned by. the House and appropriated
for, Congress would have to appropriate
about seven and a half millions next
year for Indians, about ten millions the
following year, and from
.ten to twelve
millions after that for the next twenty
years. Gentlemen would see this was a
matter which called for very consider-
able care and exercise of judgment. In
deed, the matter was so important and
so difficult that the Committee on Ap
propriations had not been able to come to
any conclushm satisfactory to itself, and
had instructed him to state the facts and
submit them to the judgment of the
- -
After a long discussion, and without
taking a vote on anY of-the amendments.
the Committee rose.
A joint resolution was paused, direct
ing the Secretary of War to , Turnish four
thousand muskets, six brass:field pieces,
equipment and Hags to the volunteer mil
itary organizations wishing to take part
in the inauguration ceremonies.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gszette,)
PARIS, Febinary 27.—1 n the Corps
,Legislatif yesterday •M. Rouliiir, MinS
later of State, after defending the
conduct of M. Honssman, Prefect. of
the Seine, introduced a bin to anthmize
direct loans " for the improvement of
Paris. Subsequently. in a• speech, M.
Rouber.referred to the inamvenience of
the government having control of certain
finaneutt societies, and intimated that the
government would probably introduce a
bill to abolish sueb control.
Paws, Februau 28.—M. Riymond
Theodore Tooploug, President of the
Senate, died yesterday,. aged sixty-two
years. '
'Loxnox. February 2.11.-4. report is
current that the present Spanish Minis
ter to England has received. Instructions
from. Madrid to proceed to Washington
to settle any difficulty which mag-arise
In consequence of the Cubah insurrec
gamma, February An Insurrec
tion was attempted lasw e ek in Bane
lOrsavint wits =quickly suppressed.
About forty persona connected with it
hate been arrested. The city is now
perfectly tranquil.
Ibuttarr, February 27.—The Prussian
Diet Proposes to gran t two million
florins to the municipality of Frankfort,
to which the' King will add a million
from his private purse, in the hope that
such action will draw closer to the mon
archy and crown the hearts of theinhab-
Rants of that city.
LlvEßpooL February'-w- - The steamer
Minnesota, from New York, has arrived.
LONDON, Fe bruary 27.-Everaing-Con•
sobs, ~ American seeurities firmer;
bonds, 83. Stocks quiet. Erie, 253 c; Il
linois, 964 f; .Atlantic dr, 'Great Weaiern,
82. Tallow, 455. 8d®159. 6d. Sugar na.
on spot. Spirits Turpentine, • 33a. Cal
cutta Linseed, 59a.
FRANKFORT, Feb. 27.-U. S. Bonds,'
85V.0)853.c. •
RANK FORT, Feb. 2 7.-Evening -11. S.
Bonds closed at 86. •
PA.D.Is, February 27.-Bourse closed
quiet. Relates, 71 francs 27 centimes.
LONDON, February 27.-EL:citing-Su
gar closed at 259. for Dutch standard 1
afloat. Tallow, 459. 3d..
.A.Nrwratr, February 27.-Petroleum,
57Q57X francs.
I:IA.VRE i February 27.-Cotton nominal
and unchanged.
!cum c
ANTwu nr losed d ull and unchanged. Feb. 27.-Evening-Petro-
HAAN, February 27.-Cotton firmer. at
141. francs for tres ordinaire on spot. and,
142 francs forlow middlings afloat. -
qui t e l t v ; E m nro idd o i r in , g
u F p e l b an ru d a s r , $7.-Cotton s ,
1240.; sales, 10,000 bales. California
White Wheal, 10s. 9d.• Red western; 9s.
5. 11',15,0r1e
Bd. Western Flour, • Corn, 31s. 6d,
for old; 80a. 6d. for now. Oats, 355. tid.
Barley, ss. Pea, 425. 6d, Pork. 975.
Reef, 95a. Laid, 746: Cheese, 766 . . 'Ba
con, 57s.6(1 . 'Spirits Petroleum, 7304
Refined, Is. 9T d. Tallow, 465.' 3d. -Tar. ;
p e ntane, 82s . 'Linseed Oil, 80 pOunds.
-Fitirravorrr, Feb. 2 8.-Bonds firmer
and higher; Ltve.twenties, 86g.
' Kansas Astiilea the Amendmint.
My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gauger
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28.—Saturday af
ternoon, at one o'clock, Representative
Clark, of Kansas, telegraphed to, the pre
siding °dicers of the two branches of the
Legislature of that State that the Consti
tntional aniendment had Passed Con
gress. At. eight o'clock in the evening
of the :' same day he received the follow
ing dispatch:
TOPEXA, Feb. 27—To me Bon. Sidney
0/ark, Af. Q.—The Constitutional amend
ment was ratified btthe Legialature to
day. The vote in, t Senate' was nnani.
moue. 11n the . House the vote stood six
ty-four to seven. G•
[Signed4 M. S. Musts,
Speaker of the Hot:Besot Representatives.
• C. V. AltßtD9B,
President of the Senate.
Railroad Extension Completed.
Mr Telegraph to the i'lti3bersch Gazette.)
KANIMe CITY, Februifry 21.—The ox.
tension of the,. Missouri Valley Rail
road, was - completed last night to the
Western Divlsion of the North' Missouri
road, forming another and direct route
to St. Joseph, thence to Omaha.
Snow Bloci&dobloc.
(By Telegraph to the ritteenreo tiarette.]
ArlausTA. - February. 27.:-Eighteen
lochea of snow have fallen. The rail.
reale are blockaded all over' he State.
The InA/neaten on Cuba—. tevices from
St. Domingo.
C 3y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. 3
HAVANA, February 27.---The night pa
trols of the city have been discontinued.
More troops are going to the interior.
Intelligence from Nenvitas upto Thurs
day -last states that on Sunday night,
21st inst., the doors of all
-the residences
in that city, occupied by Cubans, were
marked by a black cross on a placard,
with the words, "The time for clemency
is ended; Vigilance." Great excitement
was caused, and the strenuous efforts of
a 'few prominent Spaniards alone pre
vented an outbreak.
A foragitigexpeditionlrom the besieg
ed garrison of Puerto Principe a few
days since burned the Xaldivas estate.
On their return they wei e attacked by
the C'iLtban force and compelled to retreat
to Puerto Principe with the lots of forty
I killed and a large number wounded.
Four thousand refugees from the coun
try are reported to be at (Libra. • There is
a great dearth of provisions and an epi
demic was feared.
Advices from Santiago de Cuba to
Sunday state the cholera was decreasing.
Three steamers left this Fort to-day
crowded with Cuban refugees for the
United States. • -
St. Domingo advices to the 23d inst. -
state the negotiations for a loan from
British capitalists was a failure, the se
curity offered not being satisfactory. The
question of annexation to the United
States is exciting considerable interest.
PreSident Baez has instructed General
Frebens to confer with the United States
government on the poliev'of creating a
free and neutral center of commerce in
St. Domingo.
Havarte, February 27—It is reported
that the Insurgents lingering in the
vicinity of Santiago de Cuba have again
cut the acqueduct, causing much inconve
nience to citizens.
Official information has been received
that General Lesca, str6ngly reinforced,
is pushing his way into the interior from
La Guanaja. The Insurgents were sta
tioned in force on the road near Majara
Bomba,,and it is expected that the troops -
would soon attack them. General Pu
ello has arrived at Cienfuegos with re
inforcements. The troops there will be,
diVided into three. detachments : One
under Pnello will go to Santa Espiritu.
one under lietona to Villa Clara. and the
remaining division, tinder . Paez, will
march to Sierra Morena and Macajna:
' An engagement took place between the
Spanish troops and insurgents at Coloma
de St. Domingo, in the province of Sa
guals Grande. Many were killed on
with sides. .The result of the'battle is
not known. .
Reports from Cuban sources say that
alight occurred between the rebel forces • '
under General Quesada and the army of
General Lesca on the road from Guanaja,
and assert that' the government troops
were routed. -- •
The emigration of Cubans is tin dimin-
ished. Every steamer that leaves port.
is crowded with passengers. Additional
supplies of troops'are needed from Spain
to occupy the whole island and drive out
the insurgents. The:troops now hareem
do no more than hold their own. - Mean
while the pemito in the countrynre suf
fering all kinds of Privation and distress.
Their complaints are heartrending;.
thousands are-leaving their- homes and
seeking refuge in cities.
Rumors are circulating in the city to
day that expeditions from the American
shore to aid the insurrection have landed -
Pear Remidos and Quedrillas. Fifteen
hundred soldiers left today for the Cen
tral Department.
Some of the Cubans declare their be
lief that as soon as General Grant is in
augurated President he will recognize
the belligerent rights of the revolution
ary government in Cuba.
Cuban accounts contradict the govern- •
ment dispatches in announcing that
Gen. Lesea is making a triumphal ad
vance from La Gnanaja.
Mr. Hall, the efficient Comm? of the
United States at Matanzas, will assume
the functions .of Csinsul General at Ha- •
Nnw•Yons. February 2&—The schoon
er Wide Awake, from • Honduras, which
arrived to-day, reports that on February
19th, off Sand Key, she was hove to dur
ing the night by a Spanish man-of war,
which sent an officer on board to examine
her papers. The officer said he was on
the watch fora small steamer from some
southern port, said to be carrying, re
crults and supplies to the rebels in Cobs.
Clnchinati items. ,
CB, Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
einem:Ann, Feb. 28 .—Theodore Onts
meith, a German, comraitted suicide last
night by, shooling himself in the head
with a pistol. • He was intoxicated.
John T. Thompson, Citv Marshal of
Covington, died yesterday afternoon froth
the effects of a wound from alristol in
the hands of a highway robber; he at
tempted to arrest.
The report of the City Civil Engineer
states thatin Cincinnati there are ninety
eight miles of gas pipe, ;tine' miles laid
during the year, and, thirteen miles of
sewers. Tbe City Solicitdr reports suits
pending against the city during the year
to recover 8130,000. The Auditor reports
'the present bonded debt of the city to be
14,660,000; ,the value of property owned
by the city 18 111,360,000: an excess above
the debt of nearly seven. millions of
Thermometer 26 degrees; barometer
29:78; weather chiar.
'The Whisky Ring in New Orleans.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
'Nam Ontr.seis, February 2 8:---A. man
was arrested rant night, named J. W.
Eider, on a warrant Issued bY Commis
edoner Urban, - before whom fhe was •
charged with peljury by /Assessor Wol
illy. Bali was fixed at .5,000.' The affi
davit on which the alleged• perini7 was
committed was one in , which it was
stated Elder entered the distilling bust.
ness for the purpose of diaiievering the
connection between the whisky ring and
the Internal• Revenue -01110iss ; t hat he
paid , General Steadman slo;gen and a
monthly sum of $3OO to 'the 'Assistant
Aesessor 'for the Purposeof twi ning a
distillery:' The. affidavit, ,which was •
made before Assessor "WelfUy;give s de.
tails of systematic frauds - in elle whisky
concerned, he lelmaelf beitig a
boldness, with' the 'fleMesof the parties
pant. . ,ii
_ , .
... •
. .
' erdlet in a Seduction Case.
aly Teiegraalt to Uterittsbarigh naieite.l
Lonimi.til.: sob.' 27.—At 'Frankfort,'
Kentuchy, the Jury in the seduo
tioh case or 'Hancock against Wilbert re- ..
turned averdict this favor of
the plaintiff fur $5,000' dainages, heing. • ,
the hill- aufount Claimed. This is the„,;
second trial with the same result.