12 STEEL 'WOMB. DUQUESNE WORKS, 1 .. . .., _ . . COLEMAN RAIIM &£0 P - IS i Manufacturers of . _ IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLEAND SPRINCS, Duquesne Ir , Sheet and Tank Iron, Juniata "Iron, Wagon bx. Iron, Charcoal Iron , Cylinder Iron; %Lir° . Flanged Cutter Bars, Guard Iron. Drag and .Dr Doer Bars, T Rail for Coal Ronde, Iron Wedges Flat Rail for Coal Roads. Boiler Iron, Crow a re , Chain Links. Boller Heads. Steel, and Iro Barrow Teeth, Carriage, Wagon, Seat and Cos Springs, and Axles, a ll styles: udSteel forTiows, Cultivator Steel. Steel Wings Moulds cut to psttern. fi,.ring • steel all &dem A. B. Steel and Steel Tire, Steel Cro wßars , Steel Shafting. JR. " • ALL. GOODS FIRSTTED. CLAtill AND WARMAN. • • inrOflices and Works 10th street and Alle gheny river and 71 WATER STREET. PM:eV uts burgh. GODELFROY BRANCKER & CO., 42 Exchange Place, New York, • Are prepared, as Sole Agents in the United States for the Prussian Mining and Iron Com ' ' Daily of Duisburg, Westphalia, to contract or sell in quantities to snit purchasers, (delivered in ither New York or rhiladel olds, ) the celebrated • V. G. SPIEGELEISEN Used so extensively for the manufacturing of BESSEMER STEEL: This Iron is free from Sulpur and PhOsphorns, and contains a heavy per ten , age of Manganese. Full particulars, samples, prices or chemical analysis will be promptly forwarded on apnlica salon. laSO:dit SHEFFIFJA) STEEL WORKS. SINGER, .NIMICK. & C 0.,. - PITTSBURGH. PA.. spatortotorere or every description or CAST .ANI) GERMAN STEEL, SPJINGS, BLLL, • •.{ ANT/PLATFORM SPRINGS, • AXLES, STEEL TIRE, ft., AO Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 Brit Rs. ht . MILLER, BARR & PARKIN• GRIMMAL PA8.M.1113: WA. METCALF, REUBEN MILLER, GEO. W. BARR, I CHAS• pARRIN. BPS.CLILL PAHrSZE - 8. M. KIER. CICESCENT STEEL WORKS, JUILER, BARR & PARKLN, pace, No.-339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH, PA. bii4:s4B BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Mannfacturers of all descriptions of ssrr3o3=c.i.. On d ad a W ndl h % n FLß S I%O TR 2 E%E.TISSI,4BECOND ' IRON WORKS. IA S. V TP.NXII, Preet pITTSBIIIIGH ;FORGE AND IRON Id.e.:rue.scTirazas 07 Bar Iron; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles BEamnlefpd; Locomotive Frames; locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods: Yokes, Straps; Piston Reads; Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; • IPlston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, dte. 1 02b)e, Ed; 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA IILEESESEN L PROCESS. The Trustees ate now 'prepared to gratitlicen ses for the use of the ELLER/MAUS/a{ FRO' OESB. • The superior quality . imparted to good Iron, the great improvement In inferior iron. and the reduced cost, commend It to als manufacturers of Parties wtshtng to use it can obtain Ilee;nses by al/Miring _ JAMES P. SPEER-, Attorney for the trustees, OFFICE, 860 ..Parties Interested ire invited to That the oguirattEßGElt WORKS. where the process Is now laraccesstul operation. fe8:411.7 EPSON, PRESTON & CO., POnsvlvania Iron W 01103: Nos.- 166 - 1110167 ST'S"t. o r ,sotae Blot:tongaims , 11,DZEd6 t; PlTTSBujunt. WORKS. pITTSBIIIIGH NOVELTY WORKS. Founded A. D. 1833 1 ADAMS, M'ICEE di CO. .4AsurAcitraze.s 07 KEYSTONE ST - ANDARD.)SLAIREANE 8 PAT ENT) PLATFORM AND tiOURTER SCALES. Janis Paced Patent-Door Locks and Lattacii• Paint and Conte its, .Ac, • (lOU= OF ESSTAVIiiing!& GFAST ST& Pittsburg , * Penn* te rT:JEVp 4.10 rfre 6 taligialeil JOHN N. 000P1II JOS. ISMIII....11:1004 BIZ& JOUN M. COOPER .& QO., _ BRASS romsrimm fin AND STEAM 'FITTERS, zanntacturers of PUMPS AND BRASSWOES. caggyr i miptt:nf i e t t in terLin E!AN irgalikum , Cer. of Tike and Wand Streets, PITTSBURGU. FOUNDERS, MACEMISTS. KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Ir'Engines, Rolling inn m a ., chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Smallman Streets, (NINTH WARD,) vrialsituniart. PA. WILLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer of • OAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOR 01613 AND WATER WORKS. ) My Pines are all cast invariablyin Pits, in dry sand. and 151 feet lengths. Also, full assortment of general - Castings for Gas and Water l Works. I would also call the attention all Superintend • ents of Gas Worts to my . make of RETORTS. . ATLAS WORKS, , ! MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLER. • These Works are amonit the complete establishments In th e now preparld to furnish, Engines, of even des Boilers, Oil Taitku. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. Boning Kill Castingsl" general Castings. ORDERS SOLICIT n09:1319 ROBEIifiON, REA tit CO., Successors to Itosmsov, Ms & Moans, WASHINGTON WORKS,' FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En let f ngin l n3l % 7,6 Shafting taeings:Paldes Oil and Mt .. t . - Boller and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. la, corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for OIFFARD'S PATENT INJECTOR for seeding Boilers. jail :r52 PlTTSlttllgli. MO NT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Strad, Ninth Ward, W. P. rotaxn, Sup't. Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, kr/Loammix AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. ERNEST it ILCHLIND. oc15:128 THOMAS CABLIN dt, CO. Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, SANDI:MKT ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, Pg., lanufactnrers ()f Steam Engines, Oil Presses, Ptuleya, Shafting, Grist and Saw Mill Work, Bolling Mill and Machine Cnatings, Orate Ban, Weights, Wagon Boxes, &e. Bulld to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. myl4:qs CENTRAL FOUNDRY • AND ROLL WORKS SSO Perm Street. BOLLIAN, BOYD & BACIALLFL NM Castings, 801 l Lathes, Esc. Lum" Eli! LUMBER!! ALEILANEER PATTERSON. Dealetto alll - Kinds of Lumber. - - ON HAND AND FOR SALE : 1 000,000 feet Dry rune Boards; 150,000 feet 1% and 0 inch Clear Flank; 30,000 feet Dry 1) Inc* Common Flank; 30,000 feet Dry 1 and 51 limn Oak; 145,000 feetllry 2,03 i and 3 Inch Ash, . • 5,000 ft. Dry 2,•4%, a in. Cherry /Maple, 30,000 ft. Dry 1, Ih, Si and 3 inch Poplar: 10,000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling; 250,000 feet Hemlock Joists and Scanting! '150,000 N. 1 18-Inch Shingles, sawed; 050.0• No. 110-Inch Shingles, sawed; 40,000 o 110 - inch Shingles, sassed; 40,000 Fire Brick; 1,000 Fire Tile. y YAIDe—N O 50F1BBE ; S . TREET. formerly Manchester nd 157 REBECCA STREET appp aite the bas - orke, Allegheny City. • 'non PrrTfS33 Engine Castings* Iffaehine Castings. (Opposite Vision Iron little. LUMBER. 'ON atOKERS. SAItIII M. WICIMUSUAIII) N BROKER, I= Street, Pittabli, Pa. e Bale of Cornwall, Deughaniore al ahella,Duncannontanholie, Glen r branda of Anthracite, Xonshio nd 0. B. Charcoal. Agent for t Josephine, I don, and oth gheny (Joke PIG IRONS. to ate moat reenentfttly Noltiluvi COPPER. LAKE z: I • ElllOll. _ tOPPEIL II AND SIDILTEITG VORIS P SElVlCalealt. VAR ; McCURDY & CO., inanity:nun of Sheathing, Brasiers* and Bolt 00PPeriPree ed Copper Bollol3lll,ltaised Still Bot toms, fip_elte Bolder. Also, Impoe,ors and Deal -en atMetal; Tin Plate, sheet Iron, Wire to. Con itantly orihand Tinnere , Machines and Tool.. Warehouses No. 140 FIRST EiTILEsT and DAY ISCOND STBEET,_ Pittsburgh. • Breda! orders or Copper cut to any desired pg. ten:. msli•e34:ditT PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : FRIDA FEBRUARY 26, 1:669. ENGINES, BOILERS, &o. HUGH L BOLE & CO., Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., (NELE THE rorvT,) Engine Builders, _Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENQIINES, of all sizes. Special attention Invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-horseipower. CASTINGS, of every Irlnd, made to orderatour Foundry, on THIRD STREET, below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS) HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS and, IRON TOBACCO FREEZES, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny River, near the Point s PITTIIiMpaH, PA. • air All orders promptly tilled. 'TRY nett FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, FIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL ERS. - OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, ,GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; ' BISON DOOBS AND COAL SHIITES 01114 e and Warehouse; corner Second, Third. Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, -Pa. zar Orders sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mh7189 WM. & CO., _ BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOB. 19, MI; 514 AND Sle PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and furnished It wius the most approved machinery we are pre pared to manufleture every description of BOIL ERS In the best manlier, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive -Boilers, Condensers, Salt Fans, Tanks, 011 -Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole mann fs.cturtrs of Barnhill , s Pat ent Boilers. Belittling done on shortest notice. 115:c2I etident. gest and most West. and are JAMES 11. RITER, Ziot. 55 and 56 Water Street, enTssußon, PA., YA-MVPACTIThiIi 07 IRON OIL TANKS, EXTTLD7O PANES, COPPRRSTRAII ME, ROLLING MILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORE, For Steamboats. piitm 7.1.11ZD 14 BRUSH-, • ....ZDMTIND D. BRUSH JARED M. BRUSH bz SON, YANC7ACTVIIZIIB Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks SECRET IRON WORE, &O. 61 Penn Street, _Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO. klanalhetarers of the greatest'variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE POUND. IN TEE STATE. Sole Agents forihe celebrated Muse Burning Oriental Stes and Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best I nthe World for Yarlor.Offices Store or Church. Fire needs no rekludllng—burns all whi te!. Do not b ty until you see or send for Circular. PITTI3.I3IJBOR. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Oar Agents for Orientals—DE SAILER BROS., Smithfield St.; GEO. HURLEY( Allegheny City. , , n CO,, GRAFF 11,111110 5 ICANBFACTUBIMS or rrzur VeitisTY OP ES I T I CrinneV BOSTON- COOKING RANGE, "THE FIERY FURNACE," FOR WArimING BuILDINGI, THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, ''REOULATOB.." COLUMBIA COOK swig, AVM REFbECTOB., GRATES, free from Wind dust; GRATE FRO NTS. FENDERS, ie. 206 and 208 Liberty Street, i1e25717 riTTSBURGH, PA. • 0001 i STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL! , dit c 0 . 98 TRIUMPH, FOR BITUMINO US COAL. Warranted to Cook Bake or Boast as well as any other Stove in the Union. BISSELL & No. 235 'Libertv'Street. £.1.0 on kand and for sale, PLELOR STOVES, 6 • - IIEATIoNAtraIiTBA VENDERS. 00011.110+ RANO ICS. cm!: co i tuts DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Having removed their °Moe to NO. 567 LIBERTY A3TREET, i th owat om me e r rs ket ie p ft ri x . 'Lately City Flour mui.)BEcorm ELo9B kre new Prepared to furnish good YOUGHIO GHENY LUraP, NUT 00AI4 OBBIAAOKI at the their °Mae, or attended to ete thronti the mail, will be attended to Promptly. • • WEST COMMON • Machine Stone Work's, Northwest corner of West Common, Alleg az4. PURIM VP VATIZR &:00r Have on hand Or prepare ou short notice Hearth and Btep Stones,-Flags ter Sidewalks, Brewer? Veldts, am. Head and Tomb [Stones, its. Orders Promptly executed. Prices reasonable WORKS• ItANITTACTI7II3II.B Ot COAL` AND coKE. STONE. FINANCL&L. 'ORT PITT RANKIN N 0.169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DZA-1,1038 IN GOVERNMF;NT SECURITIES AND COLD. . INTEREST ALLOWED OM TIAIE.DEPOSITS. the United Collectio States and Canadas.ns made on all accessible points in DIRECTORS: . Jno. 0 Risher, Robt. H. E:ng, • Andrew Miller. Je.mes M. Bade/. 1). Hostetter, James Gordon, D. WaDuce, Z. Fawcett, , LiBECA.N. Pses't. BAWL. No ILSON. Cashier. D. LEI= W NATIONAL BANk COMMERCE, Cor. of WoOd and Sixth Sta. A. PATTERSON •.... JOB. H. HILL CAPITAL; : :: $500,000. DIRECTORS: tieorge W. Om, It H. Palmer. Wm. Douglas," Wm. Seed. A. 'Patterson, . Wm. H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart, ' Dan. R. Davidson, W. B. Haven. AT 11 A. M. DISCOUNTS DAIL aVino22 HART, CsaasEY & BANKERS AND BROKERS, - Corner Third and Woad Street', • Pri-rsiiimiGaz, usucopsoas TO HANNA, HART $ C 0..) DMSLXIII3 Exchange, Ckin, Coupons, And particular atten a tion e paid to the purchase sae slol GOVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on LOndon. mpalsr. HOLMES & SONS, N. MBALM.33G-IMFLeS, 57 Market Street, rkr•r-rs - 3vitoix, .PEL Collections made on all the principal pointa of the United Litates and Canadas. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND t3OLD ON 001iimPB1024. Particular attention paid to the pnrchaia and sale of 'United States Securities. Ja3o:sl SIVINGS BANK, After the First of March Neal, mill be closed on WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, And open daily from 9 o'clock A. NT. to 3 o'clock P. at., and on Saturday Evenings. fel9:e6s . OILS. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLE, MANZFACT OMER Or Lubricating 8c High Test Burning Oils. Eclipse Raileoad Axle 011. Stands greet beat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive, Engine, Machine Shop, IVI.I cut Screws. Sew Mill and Planing Mill 01ls, Adapted for high speed. Spindle 011, Wool 'llead.Llght 011, Oil, Ihinnecie‘ Stuff.; lieloole, ins. de 'Lerner& Oil 'Parrett/no. ARMOR VARNISH, to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from snot. These products are manufactured under Dr. Tweddlese !latent by !Superheated Steam In Vac cno. The Lubricating 011 s are almost odorless, perfectly pure. uniform, and mostly light col ored, stapd *high ternperature unchange(L an d . remain limpid during extreme cold. TbeallrOact Otis are 'unequalled, and are In constant use on many of the principal Railroads. Samples can bT R e E x EamTi n W o- reknsd aor S d h r rpsbu rgBrMidgWOOD WAG AND NANG, (Jouandeidon Merchants and Broken In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSMNIGII, PA. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, WARING, KING & CO., TAGS BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALIIBB Petroleum and Its Products, 00 / At b 0111411.V. A ;1 1 War i tir ie Phlladelphls office—lSM WALNUT BT. api:w9o DIAMOND OIL WORKS, H. M. I.ON - C & CO., coca, raLzzu. BUILDING, f e n , :Daquatte Wan Pittsburgh, Pa. a !Ugii&A_s\J s 11 TSpL___ HELL & COy ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. PMTSIE3MR4II3. - Stinv hattuers of FIZAVI MIDDIUM and LIOET ANCHOR AND DAGNOLLI SITILICTINGS AND BATTING. CENTRAL AND UNION - PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, The cheapest Investment now is the market for sale by Pile R. IWIEIR r TZ, Corner FIFTH AVENUE & WOOD STREETS. Also, dealer In Government Bonds. Gold and Coupons and European Exchange at market rates. den COMPANY. JAMES T. BRADT Bc Co., ' (Pccessors to B. JONES & CO—) - Coiner Fourth and Wood Sts., 3131 , 41L.D1 73. 3M SE3 9 BUY AND BELL ALL KINDS OE GOTERNRENT SECURITIES, WILD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Intirest Allowed on Deposita. zap Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY db CO. tts Eittsturgij Gaitttt. OFFICE OP PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, THURSDAY, February 25, 1869. Large purchases by importers and speculators have advanced the price of gold from 132 to 133 1 8 ; but at the close of the day the demand for bonds to be shipped to Europe had the effect of checking the rising tendency, and the closing quotations settled down at 132.;; market strong. Some parties are very sanguine about the future price of gold, but the' shrewd business men are, a present, 'among those who cover while the market is low. The late excitement in bonds must have overstocked the markets - of Europe, to such an extent that a reaction may set in there at any moment, which would immediately ad vance gold here and depress bonds cor respondingly. Little is doing in bonds here. When the market was declining, those ready to purchase awaited lower quotations, and, to-day; when the mar- ket had suddenly adyaneed, they were unwilling to . pay the quotations, and a further advance will bring out large sellers to realize. Any material advance will be checked in this way, until we hear of a change la the market in favor of Europe, when tranfers will be made from Europe, and a considerable decline will ensue. • Stocks were better to-day, especially Express shares, American Merchants Union, which sold a few days ago at 49;5 and 50, soldd, down to 39; but recov 7 ered to 41. The rest of the list was irreg ular but firm. It is reported that a clique is formed to advance gold and stocks, and that the late decline was noth ing but a snare to entrap weak holders. The share holders of the Pennsylvania Railroad looked upon the extension of the connecting links with the Pacific Roads with disfavor, and some got frightened and sold their stocks, which was rapidly picked up and advanced again to 544. The proposition of she Directory to issue 25 per cent: of new stock at par to the old share solders will be rather an inducement to buy the stock than sell it below present quota tions. 127 Walnut Street. FINANCE AND TRADE, For Valley bonds the opinions :ftridi vided, and some are Ilisposed.,rather to sell at present prices than to hold flir any advance, in case new bonds will be Issued. The 7 3-10 per cent. interest, howev",* Is an inducement for investors to buy. In Insurance stocks; the market, is dull, but a better demand is shown for bank stocks declaring dividends In May. Business dull and depressed, mone,) leas stringent. Closing quotations as received by Ph, R. Mertzr Gold, 182%; Eighty-one's, 114%; Five Twenties, 1862, 116; do, 1864, 112%; do, 1866, . 113%; do, 1865, new. 111%; do, 1867, 111%; do, 1868, 111%; Ten Forties, 110; Railroads Cleve land & Pittsburg:l, •90%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne t Chicago, 123; Chicago & Rock Island,,_ 127; Chicago dr Nortn-; Western, 82%; do Preferred. 91%; Erie, —; New - York Central, 64%; Michi gan Southern, 96%; Reading, 92%; Ohio & Mississippi' Certificates, 84%: West ern Union Telegraph Company, 37%; Merchants Union Express Company, 17; • Pacific Mail, 103%; Adams, 59%; Mning shares—Gregory, . : 1,90; Quartz Hill, 70; Smith & Parmele, .Cory don, 10; Am. M. Express, 41. —The failure of the Fourth National Bank, Philadelphia, occasions consider able surprise and commotion in that city, especially in interested circles. The Cashier, it is reported, is a defaulter. to the amount of about 160,000, and noth ing has been paid by the delinquent since the discovery. If all the statements are true, the conduct of the officers of this institution discloses more of imbe cility and unfitness for their position than anything we have met with. in a long while. It is declared that the cash in the vault of the bank is over five hundred thousand dollars, and that it is amply sufficient to pay every dollar of the deposits. and why, under such cir cumstances the institution should have . been permitted to stumble and come to a discreditable halt is both a mystery and a marvel. The capital of the bank is two hundred and twenty:five thousand dollars, and if the defalcation were even a hundred thousand dollars instead of sixty, as now stated, the most ordinary business capacity would have been suffi cient to sustain it -and shield it from se- rious embarrassment. No reasons are given for the 'default of the late cashier, and it is not, publicly at least, known to what his losses are attributable. He has lived in a very modest and unostentious manner, indi cating, on the face of this domestic life, • strict economy, But a day or two will probably suffice to solve the mystery connected with the affair. —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady at Co.: Gold, 132%; United States Sixes, 1881's, 114%; 640% 1862, 111; r*-2013, 1834, 112%; 5.20'5, 1865, 113%; 10-40's, 110; 5-20's Jan'y and July, 1865, 1111.<, ao. 1867, 111%; do. 1868, 1113 t,; Seven Thirties, par less y.; Due Com pounds, 119; Ten Forties,llo; Union Pacific Railroad, par; Central, 103; Cy. Pacifies, 101%. jßy Telegraph to the Pitts torgh Gazette.) NEW YORK, February 25;.1869. • Money market without new featdres; offerings liberal; demand not excessive. -Call loans, 5@7; prime paper, 7@B. The Treasury, is, largely supplied with currency; its balance is about twenty million dollars. The . Erie railway an nounces that it will do its own express business on and after March first. Cus-, toms receipts for three days, $328,800. Sterling steady but quiet at 9@,9;;,. Gold irregular; opened at 132%, advanced to 133%, and under the rise of bonds in London, fell to 132%®13234. At the close loans were made at 2 1 404 per cent. Exports to-day, $6,000, aad clearances, $82,000,000. The great feature of Wall street to-day was Government bonds, which were a source of great excitement and buoy ancy. The advance in London, conse quent on the passage of Schenck's bill by the House, and the probability of concurrence by the Senate, stimulated the demand here, and prices, are fully 1' ®134 per cent. higher than yesterday, closing strong and excited. Private dis patches quote Five-Twenties at 841 in London, and say they closed at 81. Coupons of 'Bl, 115®115.4; do. '62, 1163 x, (4)117; do. 64, 11234®112%. ' do. '65, 111 N ®112; do. '67, 111%4'112; do. '68,1113,( 112; Ten-Forties, 11* B . State bonds firm and 'slightly higher in some cases; Missouris, 8734@87%; new Tennessee% 6536 ®65 3 / 4 ; old do, 604 ®67%; North Carolinas, 60viji,603/ . Virginias, 62 G623‘; Louisiana 6s, 72; 1/ 2 o"tdaiana Levee bonds, 69. The Stock market was firm during the morning* but not especially active, ex cept on Pacific Mail, which rose from 100% Ito 103% on heavy purchases by a leading broker to cover speculative short sales on account of customers. The' Company are about to reduce their trips to three a month, viz. on the Ist, 11th and 21st, from. New. York-, In. the Railway list the principal deal ings were in Michigan Southern, Wa bash, New York Central, Northwestern and Rock Island. ' Miscellaneous shares are steady. Express shares are unset tled but rather higher. On favorable re- ixorts in the afternoon the Railway mar-, ket was more steady, with Wabash, Michigan Southern and Pittsburgh as the features. Miscellsneons shares are higher; except Pacific Mail, which closed at 102. Express shares are steady. Five-thirtyPrices:—Cumberland, 373,1® 39; Wells Express, 30; American, 410 403(; Adams, 5914@59%: Merchants, 17 ®173; United State:, —; Quicksilver, 204(925; Canton, 60@60%; Pacific Mail, 102®102 1 :‘; Western Union Telegraph, 37•%®37; Mariposa, 9%(4)9%; do. pre ferred,3l; New York Central, 16434® 164%; Erie, 363,;e36, 1 4 Hudson, 136 ®1363137; Reading. 92%@9234; Terre Haute, 383, , ,(4)39; pref., 66®67; Wabash, 6734 ®67%; pref. 77®78; St. Paul, 66% ®66%; preferred, .78%®789 , '• Ft. Wayne, 122%®123; Ohio and Mississippi, 3438 ®343 , ,,'; Michigan Central, 118(4)118 1 4: Michigan Southern, 97®973; Illinois Central, 141®143; Pittsburgh, 923 4 ®923;; Toledo, 10534(4)105%; Rock Island, 126 N ®126%; Northwestern, 823,®82; do. preferred, 91®9134, Mining Shares weak; Gregory, 205; Smith dr. Parmelee, 155. Copper Stocks at Boston—Calumet, 50; Copper Falls, 17 ' • Franklin, 24; 3•; Hecht, 75; Hancock, 4Minnesota, 33%; Quincy, 33. •• Receipts at the" Sub-Treasury, $1,304,- 949; payments, $994,205; balance,. V2,- 191,548. PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, THURtDAYi Feb. 25, 1869. The market was considerably mud dled to-day, andlt was difficlut for even operators to uhderstand or get the hang of it. In the morning there was, consid erable excitement, and for a time it looked as if prices were destined •to go way up again; but in the afternoon there was a regular old fashioned break,. particularly in Refined , for February de livery, which declined a. fall Cent. It was thought by some that this was occa sioned by the manipulations of a precon certed movement to, break the market-- by partlesin the East who want , to buy but not at present pricbs- Be 'this as it may, there is no disguising the fact that the market was decidedly list, late in the day, arid `that spot oil was decidedly I weak and lower. Crude was firmer• than,on,Wednesday, at least, this seem ed to be thegeneral feeling and holders generally were a little stiffer in their views. The shipments continue to. in crease slightly, and this explains the 'slight- accumulation of refined in the east. CRUDE--The sales reported were as follows: 2,500 bbls till July Ist, seller; at 16;4; 2,000 same delivery and option at 1634; and 500 spot at ]6X. Salei were reported as having been made at Oil City at 86,75, and on the Creek at 16,50. REFINED—SaIes early in the day of 500 each March and April at 37: and 500 for last half March at 37g. February, which early in the day was quoted at 3634©36},f, , it - is said could have been bot}ght4.lals - ciVening at 3534.: The later months, although a little weak, too, are nominally 'unchanged. Buyers option, all the year, would bring 40, but, we heard ef but one offer to sell, and it was In 41. , LUBRICATING OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 400 Eclipse Railroad Azle 350 Eclipse Machinery....-... 750 Eclipse Spiddle , • 1300 Eclipse Tanners' Stuffing 400 'Eclipse Tannerto Fiuishum 650 OIL SHIPPED EAST BY A. V. B. -B. McKee, Hackett & C0.:250 bbla refined W. P. Logan ft Bro., Philadelphia. Fawcett, L. &S. 250 bbia relined to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. McKelvy Bros. et Co., 235 bbla refined W. P. Logan-de Bro., Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan & Co., 150 bbls =ref to . Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Total shipments' Refined" • OIL !MUFFED BART FROM DUQUE:VS DEPOT. 8. M.. Long & Co., 97 bbls refined to Warden, Wew & Co., Phila. Returner ft _Rogere, 10 bbls ,refined to Pheppa & Thayer, Phil. ST. Louis; ehruary2s—catue Market. —Cattleln moderate demand and a trifle lower; 153@110 for common 'to prime, and 1. 6 . 50 @7,23 for choice Indiana extra. Hogs unchanged at Byi©lo gross•