The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 25, 1869, Image 8

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Fifty tfouars Reward.
The above reward will be paid for the ,
arrest and conviction of the parties steal
fr,g packages of this, paper from the
baggage cars on the railroads. Last week
our New Castle package was stolen twice,.
and our reade in that town were de
priv dof thei papers. We have an ex
per cnced de ective on the trail, and if
w succeed n ferreting the thief, we
s all pr OECC t o him to the bitter bnd of
..t. law. . -
:..._...-- —....0.----
Allegheny Councils.—A. regular semi
monthly meeting of the Allegheny Coml.-
cils will he (held This evening at seven
o'clock. I
Judging from the number of contracts
already made, building improvements
Will be remarkably extensive in Alle
gheny the coming season.
Prepsirations are being made by the
Allegheny Park Commission for rapidly
pushing lorward the work under their
charge during the coming season.
Arm BrOUCll.—Mrs. Vtrinnoirer, a resi
dent of Minersville, had, her right arm
broken yesterday . morning by a fall on
Grant street opposite the Court House.
if the cold weather cimtinues a clay or
two longer, skatists will have an' oppor
tunity' of indulging in their favorite
amusement again before winter is over.
• , .
The new Fifth Ward, Allegheny,
School House la. rapidly' approaching
completion. When finished it will be
one of the finest htildings of the kind in
the country.
Dr. M. S. Bulinga, of Birmingham,
fell in an,apopleotic; tit yesterday morn
ing, while standinipn the steps of his
office. Dr. Dickson was called to attend
him, and it is thought te wlll recover.
The war on the retail coal dealers rel
ative to weighing coal, still continues.
Alderman Humbert had several before
him yesterday. - They were discharged
npon agreeing to comply with the
, surety of the Peace.—Gotfried Zang
made information before Justice Am
mon of East Birmingham, yesterday,
against Jacob Beeler, for surety of the
Ee alleges that 7 Beeler threatened
to shoot him. A warrant was issued.
The idea-of a new market house, in
Allegheny, has not been abandoned yet;
and will likely receive the attention of
Councils, and assume definite shape dur
ing the present Tear,. The need of such
a budding is daily becoming more appa
Abandonment.—Margaret ' , Morgan al
leges that her husband, Thomas Morgan,
has deserted her and refuses to do any
thing toward.her support or that of their
children. Alderman 'Taylor Issued a
warrant for the arrest, of the delinquent
Benedict. -
i.iinibbs” Arnold was arrested last
night for surety of the peace, on informa
tion of, Elizabeth Sinnella, proprietress
of a fruit stand on;Liberty street. She
alleges he drew a revolver and threat
ened to shoot her. He was locked up
lor a hearing. ,
Primary Meeting.- - -Theikßepublicans
of Birmingham will hold ifinceting, on
Saturday evening, at Market Hall, to
place in nomination candidates for coun
cil, two from each presinct, two School
Directors from each precinct, Burgess
Constable, Assessor and Assistant As
Blown Down.—Tbe frame of a pro
posed new dwelling, on Beaver avenue,
Allegheny, was blown down daring the
wind storm on Tuesday morning. A
carpenter, who was working about the
structure at the tinie, received severe
injuries by the accident. We could not
learn his name. •
' Painful Accident.--On Tnesday even
ing James Ranson, a lad residing in the
Fourth ward, Allegheny, while coasting
on the platform of the West. Penns2,lva
xda Railroad, . near Anderson street,
slipped and fell, breaking his left leg be
low the knee and otherwise severely
braising himself. Dr. Hazlett attended
his'injtules at his residence. _
An Amazon, 7 -Patrick Lammon, a resi
dent of the Nineteenth ward, alleges that
his' wife, Alice Lammon, made a fierce
assault on him the other day, and threat.'
erred to make herielf a widow by putting
an end to - hisexistence. -Alderman Cart
wright, upen the inforination of Patrick.
arrested Alice and committed her to jail,
to answer a charge of i feionious assault
And battery.
Persevering.—The pers.
present city oflicials in endeavoring to
enforce • all city ordimnces, is highly
coinn3endable. A nuinber of cases were
disposed oi r yesterday be-fore His Honor,
the Mayor, for various offences, such as
blockading the sidewalks, driving fast
over crossings, blockading street cross:
ings with teams, 4cc. The usual sentence.
, of .1,2 and costs was imposed in each case.
The Sabbath 'Question:—Rov. Philip
Schaff, D. FY., of the most distin
guished Scholars and authors of our
country, is to deliver an address on the
above topic in the Second Presbyterian
ChAreb, (Rev. Dr. Howard's,) -on Friday
evening of this week, to commence at
7% o'clock. AU who desire that the San
hath should be maintained in its sacred
ness and hold in honor la this community
are cordially invited to be present.
Malicious liffischief.—Elizatieth Hosmer
made information , before Justice Sails
bury, of BlrmingYartl, yesterday, charg
ing Fred.'Poohl with malicious mischief.
She alleges thatthe accused came-to her
residence drunk:and acted In a disorder
ly manner, and that he cut a feather bed
to pieces. She also made informatinn
against him' for surety of the peace. He
was arrested and confined in the Bir
mingham lockup to await shearing.
Alleged Lareeny.--Frank Gallaher
made inforthation before Justice Snyder,
of Ormsby, yesterday, charging J. R.
Larimer with larceny. ?It appears that
the Sheriff had an execution against
Gallaher and sent Larimer , to close up
hubsequis drikin
ently s a d g
aislon. The excavation was
s fied, and Gallaher al
leges that Latimer took two dollars from
his cash drawer and drank a quantity of
his Will sky. Larimer waived a hearing
and gave bail for his appearance at Court.
Two Charges.—Patrick Fitzpatrick
'm tdo two informations before Alderman
Taylor, yesterday, against Margaret Ed
wards, for selling liquor to minors. The
prosecutor alleges that the defendant
sold liquor to his' son, aged fifteen years,
whereby the youth was made intoxica-
ted. Tlie same prosecutor also Made
formation against the same defendant
for keeping a gambling- house. All of
the parties are residents of ,the Twelfth
ward. The accused was arrested and
held for a heariag.
Tired of L
Mr. Walter Davis. a ..arder at the
Greenwood Hotel, attemp ed suicide by
cutting his throat with a razor yesterday
morning. Mr. Davis has far four or five.
years past been employed by the Al
legheny Valley Railroad Conipany, in
the ,capacity of night watchman the
depot, on Pike street, and was always a
sober, steady man, and attentive to his
business, Some two weeks since, he
was discharged and thrown out of em
ployment, in consequence of which he
became despondent land resorted to
strong drink. Fors ilveral daYs past it
appears he has shown symptoms of nia
nia potg and evinced a desire to destroy
his life, 'but no one thinight him in earn
est in the matter, and consequently gave
it no attention. Yesterday morning he
wanted whiskey, and the proprietor of
the hotel, Mr. Abraham Greenwood; re
fused to give him any, and remonstrated
with him for drinking so mach. Davis
made no reply, but left the house, and,it
appears,sttec,eeded in getting liquor some
where else. He came back to . the lintel
shortly be:ore eight o'clock, intoxicated.
He went to his room, and shortly after
Mr. Greenwood, having some business
with him, went to his room, and found
him sitting on the bed with a razor in his
hand, and the blood flowing from his
neck. He took the razor from him, and
calling assistance, succeeded in stopping
the flow of blood. Davis requested,him
to give him the razor again to allow him
to finish the job — , but Mr. G. declined and
compelled him to go to bed, intending to
keep him in the house until he recover
ed. 'The door was fastened. but. Davis,
managed to open it and get out. He
was discovered ,and taken. pack,.where
he was kept until after dinner; when he
dgain-mar,aged to escape, and succeeded
in getting liquor :enough to make him
Mr. G. finding in impossible .
him in the house brought him to the
lock-up and requested that he be de-,
taloned until such time as he should re
cover. Dr. Murdoch • was sent for and
dressed the wound on his neck, which
was= ugly
. gash, °lathe left aide, about
two inches in length and fully half an_
inch deep.
The cut was sufficiently deep to have
severed the artery, had it not been too
far back. He will probably\ be sent to
jail this morning, or to some of the hos
pitals, as he is not a fit subject to run at
The final arrangements in the reorgan
ization of the Allegheny police force
were made last evening by Mayor Drum,
in conjunction with the Police CoMmittee
of the City Councils, and the new system
adoptod will go into effect on Monday:
next. There are at present thirty-nine
policemen on the force, exclusive of the
ChieL Four of these, via. Alf. Gobby,
Martin Shaffer, William Green and Jack
son Scott, have been - detailed 'as the
office force. Two of the office force will
be on duty at the office during the day,
the other two doing such special outside
work as may be assigned them, and the
men alternating each weekin the office.
, - Of the remaining members of. the force,
ten have been selected_as the day force,
of which officer John; Meltoberts Is Lieu
tenant. These 'men 'go on' Atilt at one
o'clock in the afternoon and remain un
til midnight. Each of them will have a
regular beat, and be paid twenty-live
cents per day more than those of the-of
fice force. Tweety-three men have been
detailed as it night watch, with Samuel
Crow as Captain.„ The night Watch will
goon duty at nin o'clock in the- even
ing and remain until six o'clock next
morning. They Iso will be-paid twen
ty-five cents extr The remaining offi
cer. Wm. Nixon, has - .been detailed us
"ordinance officer;" having for his pre
scribed duties attention to the enforce
ment of all ordinances relative to- street
obstructions, nuisances, dec.
The whole force is under the supervis
ion of the Chief of Police, Mr. Wm. Bow
den, one of the ablest and most experi
enced officers in the police service. -
It was originally intended to divide
the force into three equal sections or re
liefs, but after due consideration the
system as given above was adopted. It
is thought it will answer the purpose
and be more effective, than the plan of
three reliefs, besides being somewhat less
Chi' rgeverance 9f the
The Allegheny Police Force.
With the new unSorms and the new
system in operation after Monday next,
our sister city may be indulged a little
in the boast of the appearance and effi
ciency of her police force.
Determined Ellbn to Escape
We mentioned y*sterday that officer
Belt, of Alderman Taylor's police, had
arrested C. 0. Hess upon a dispatch re
ceived from the authorities at Latrobe
stating that the inan was wanted there.
The chap, it seems, when arrested went
along quietly enough as long as officer
Bell,.stayed by bim, but when that officer
left him on the cars at East Liberty, in
charge,of a Constable from Latrobe, he
beztur to be obstreperous. After the train
had left the East Liberty station and had
proceeded a short distance, he left his
seat and, while the train was in full mo
tion, made a desperate leap and alighted
'on the ground beside the, track
unhurt. Not to be outwitted In thik
manner, the • Constable leaped after
him, and commenced a pursuit, the
prisoner making good use of his legs,
ran in the direction of BraddOck's Fields,
closely followed ,by the constable, who
with the aid of a resident of tho p lace,
succeeded in rearresting him there. He
was brouget • back to the city, and the
servnea of officer Bell, agahr procured to
aid in getting him to his destina
tion./ At last accounts he was securely
locked up in the Greensburg jail, there
being no institution of that kind in La
trobe. The pr sorer is charged with ob
taining money Item several parties in
Latrebe by false pretence by represent
ing that he was the owner of A large lot
of hay in the vicinity, and would return
the money as scion as he could make a
sale, which, it is alleged, Is altogether
amimaginary case. •
In Favor.—We 'observe by the Mercer.,
Di.spltch that the Bethel Coal Company
of Middlesex have In use one of the
beautiful and unique locomotives manu
factured by Messrs. Smith tit Porter, ma
,Chhilsts and engineers of this city. This.
enterprising firm, whose extensive works
are located in South Pittsburgh, and
office at the corner of Water street and
Cherry alley, make a specialty of little
engines or locomotives, which are perfect
specimens of mechanical skill and per
fectiont and are being very generally
adopted throughout the country in
mines, pits and other places, where their
I ' great convenience is appreciated.
Gray's Printing luk.—We have tried
most of the first.olastrprinting inks man
ufactured in this country, and know
whereof we speak in reootninending that
manufactured at Gray's Ferry Printing
Ink Works, •Rhiladelphia, as superior to
any in use. It is easily worked in all
sorts of weather, is clear, clean and
pretty, and in many ways far ahead of
inks sold'at much higher prices. We
are seconded 111 this recommendation by
our pressman, in the correctness of whose
judgment in matters pertaining to the
press-room we have unlimited confi
dence. •
Narrow Escape_: From. Death.
David Burke, a resident of-the Second
ward, Allegheny ,_narrowly escaped a
horrible death yesterday afternoon about
five o'clock, and was, onlyssaved,,by the
prompt exertions of officer * Shaffer, of
the Allegteny poiice foree. He got
aboard of a freight tralat the outer depot
of the Fort Wayne • R lroad, intending
, •
to - ride to* the Fder ` street station.
As the train neared that 'station, he
attempted to get Each - ` to the rear from
the front car by walking over the tops of,
those intervening, but as he was slightly ,
intoxicated this proved to be a rather
difficult undertaking, and the train
passed over Federal street before he had
glithalf way back. Officer Shaffer, who
ppened to be coming by Federal street,
just then noticed Burke's movement, and
fearing, that some accident would occur,
followed, the' train as fast' as he could.
, When it had reached the curve in the
'track,: near 'Lsicock street, Burke had
succeeded in getting on the last car, but
in attempting to climb down the ladder,
at the side, he missed his hold and fell
'to the ground, rolling over to the other
track. Another train was coining from
au opposite direction along this track.
and officer Shaffer half but just, suf
ficient time to get to the Waco
and jerk the man to one side when this
train went speeding by. In the fall
Burke bad sprained his left ankle badly,-
and could not Stand upright without as
sistance. He was' taken officer to
the Mayor'abilice,,ivhezie the Injured'an
kle received: proper iittention, and W,hera
-he remained for the, night*** crg his
intoxication. His escape from aniriltant
and horrible, death was an exceedingly
liairow - drie:'fbi :- ha& the officer arrived
but a moment ;later, his mangled-re
mains would have furnished a - subject
for a Coroner'sinvestigation. =, -
to keep
An thnitidote.
In our ;eport ,of, coupon , proceeding. of
Monday, we were compelled to.prnit the
remarkS of Dr. Hallaghet•,upon 'the pro
posed act for a Paid Fire Hepattment, in
consecittelied tilt, orhelded-state*Of oar
colusans. The Doctor opp9e,o4ittelosgto
nre strongly, andits,43efeat ,b , Ctay 33e
largely attributed to hie eiertionsu His
Itunarks.were in substanqe as foildvirs:
The Commission sppointed to prepare
ltid : bill - titebttiniated the cast 'of ope
rating the, Department at eBO,OQO. -They
had made a—mistake-in- thia -respect,
They had made
.no provittions for the
wear and tear,. breakage and damages of
the apparatus, &c, and 'this: Indludod
would swell the amount to V 5,0110. The
fire conapanies wore delA to the
. amount of 420,00, and e25.000.w0u1d .156
required to purchase the apparatus,
The paid fire department would call for
an outlay Of 15125,000 the first year, and
175,000 every year thereafter. This would
require a taxation of five and a half per
cent. of the entire valuation of the city
—015,000,000. The city was making great
improvements, far ahead of the progress
of time; but this improvement was un
necessary and uncalled for, had not been
petitioned for-by the citizens, and was a
stupendous undertaking to involve a
great tax on the citizens. The yha
of the most effectively organized and
praiseworthy fire clepartments in the
Union, and the act should therefore be
The Lecture
To -night our lecture-going oommunitV
will be treated to the most delightful en
tertainment offered this season under the
auspices of the Yonrig lien's Mercantile
Library Committee, in a lecture by Miss
Olive Logan. It has not boon our pleas!
ure to heara,Miss Logan at the desk, but
we know her as a sprightly writer, a .
keen observer, and a woman of. elegant
finish and manners. We depend much
on our exchanges in forming judgment
of the lady in her capacity as a lecturer,
and unless the press of the country have
conspired to give her eminent standing,
she better deserves a larger audience
than any of the lecturers who have Ap
peared thus far this season. There will
be no reserved seats nor extra charge on
season tickets. In speaking of her lec
ture on "Paris. the City of Luxury," the
Philadelphia Bullethz said
Her cultivated elocution and manner,
her sense of the iltnesses of speech and
action, and-her trained knowledge of the
art of entertainment, give her wonderful
advantage over thvordinary race of lec
turers. Her lecture sparkles with wit
and humor, and abounds with ludicrous
pictures, but never falls for an instant
from the high level of purity—moral. in
tellectual and artistic purity. It differs
from ordinary lectures in that it will
bear liaring, again. •and again—just as
some of Thaelteray's and Dickens' novels
will bear reading again and again—with
au additional relish.
Should be .Stopped
There is a practice prevalent among
conductors on our street railways of
stopping their cars on street-crossings,
while passengers get on or off, thereby
Obstructing the crossings and occasion
ing pedestrians no little inconvenience.
It often happens, especially on. some of
the most frequently traveled thorough
fares, that a dozen persons are thus made
to yield to the accommodation of one, or
turnout in the mud and make a circuit
of the car. This is a bad practice, and
should be done away with. We noticed
that some attention has been called to
the matter in gheny, the chief of
police having his Alle officers to see that the
nuisance is abated, and the ordinance in
relation to street obstructions enforced
in this case as well as in any other. This
is a good idea and wo would; like to see
it carried out in our own city.
John Grafton, engineer of Engine No.
17,0 n the Cleaveland and Pittsburg Rail
road, won the annual prize of tsloo for
running his engine the greatest number
of miles with the least expense during
the past year. This is the third time
Mr:Grafton has been successful. On the
Wheeling Division of the toad. Mr. .
ward Smith, of Engin No 10,as the
successful competitor e
for the reward.
This competition for the prize was first
inaugurated about five years since, and,
has occasioned a spirited but perfectly
good humored , rivalry among the en
gineers on the passenger trains, to whom
it is restricted,which has not been without
its beneficial results in many respect's.
Arbuckle ;fir, Co., Jobbing_Grocers, we
understand, are about to establish a
house in New York; that Mr- John Ar
buckle, the junior brother, will have
ohargo of the New York, while - Mr.
Charles A. Arbuckle, the senior brother.
will remain in charge of the present
house in this city, whosebtisiness has to
increased that it 18 found ettpedient to
have a partner resident at the great tne
tropolis,,always ready
to r eciprocate fa
cilities With the house here. We have
known these youeg merchants from
their childhood, and rejoice in their;en
terprise' and well earned prosperity.
Linen Plihni , casing, Sheeting
Shirting, at Batea 4 Bell's. •
Heal Estate Transfers...
The ill - lowing deeds were filed of• rec
ord before H; - ` Salvely, Esq., Recorder,
February 25,1869:
Join V. Parson sold Louis Bata to John Cun
ningham. January 4 1857: tot on Boundary
street, Bloomfield, '22 by 97 feet $2OO
Samuel P. Wilson to Willies' McCracken", eb-
Diary 4. 1869; lot In Elizabeth township, ct n
tattling 22 acres and 65 perches $9OO
Mary A. Stnelalr to William H. Hoffman; Janu
ary 21, lan: 1 , 4 in Versailles township, on too,
State real), 30 by 173 feet •
C. H. Lovett/ David M• Park, June 1, 1888: lot
Ito. 721 n C. liantOn Love's plan in South Fay
ette township ' 4400
John Mills to Wm. Burns, August:lB, 1868: lot on
Main street. Eh ape but gh, 26 by 93 faet ....$3OO
John Dodds to Mrs. Mary Moore, February 4,
1580; lots Nos. 04 and 65, In Hopcler's plan.
Bloomfield $4lO
Andrew SW, ready to.lasper 10. opeek. February
6. 1869; lot In North Fayette township. 50 by 280
feet $425
James D. Kelley, aidmintstrator of Robert La•-
ferly, oecea,ed . , to D.tvld we'll, February 10,
1509; corn-r , A ylle street and Union Bitty,
24 by 90 feet, with bullAtitv 12,450
John, Glasitey to EdwardiJav lawn, February 12.
ISO; two lots on Harris street. Lawrenceville,
48 by 100 feet, with buildings k 2 "50
Alexander ob.! Wm..l. Stiller to George W.
Cools. February 2. 1561; lot on Ninth stret , t.
31eKeezport.7A by 1441 feet
James S. Vraft to Jona W. -chmidt, tictobet Is.
ltia.; lot on Murphy street, Pdt township, (now
, city )24by 60 feet $11X)
The' following deeds were filed of
record before H. Shively, Esq., Recorder,
February 24th, 1869:
Thompson Bell to Matthew Slddell, Oct. 5, 1563;
lot on Nunnery 11111, Allegheny City, Wllls
street, 60 by 110 feet 1150
.4aeob Halt:4llr. to (iotletb Dahlringer, Feb. 3,
1860; lot on tong Lane, Seventh ward, Allogbe
ny, 54 by 1.10 feet $l.OOO
John Kraft to Jacob Hain; Feb. 7, 150; lot above
described..., .. - $5OO
Hag Lagglo L. Ylorleg, Aug. 31, 185 S; lot In
steLiberty, on itgankstown Road, 40 by 110
Pot ' < $1,300
'Adana tteinetuan to F. Z. , lgler, Feb. 1, 1810; lot
No. 3,3nßitneman's plan, Third ward, Fitts
- burgh V.=
Mari A. Banc, to W , l ism Bucomb, May 1, 1668;
toAonverner of Batley and narU Avenues, Mt.
Wastilaguy - • - UM
[ Win. Itobinfou, Jr. F.xecnters to Wm. Hough,
Dec. 5, - 1808 lot No 85; Hoblruson a plan. Fifth
ward. Allegheny 1 sl.los
John Ounnlan lo J. 0.-McCormick, Feb, 1860:
lot on Washington street, Fourth ward, Ane
/11103Y:21 trl7o feet. 1. 114,00 r,
YouTGAGits. • -
Same day"s"mortgages were tiled of record.
Won the Prize.
OrsairL Hove:K.—The Sany i ruhs were
greeted with a large andie ce at the
Opera House last night, and the enter
tainment was a highly interesting one.
The feats performed by Madame and M..
SanyeaUti are past all description and
should be seen; as the most credulous
would be lothe to believe us If we were
to desciltse some. of their daring perform
awes. '_'Orphan of Geneva" was
Presented at the Opening and "True
Love" as an afterpiece. To-night the en
tertainment will commence with "Faint
Heart Neer Won Fair Lady" after which
the Sanyeauhs will appear In their dar
ing feats,—and conclude with 'True
ment at the AMerican is unabated. The
people assemb7e there in hundreds; and
homes are turr ed away nightly In cense
quende of the house being tilled to its
utmost CaPacittV.. The French Can-Can,
in all its original beauty, is presented at
this establishment, every night.
A New Project
The subject of a side-walk bridge
acrossthe mud lake on the side-walk,
west side of Federal street, Allegheny,
at thecgateway of the Railroad Company,
is much talked of by those who pass that
way in wet- weather. This, however, is
opposed by the loafers who congregate
in the neighborhood to laugh at the
struggles and frequent discomfiture of
ladies and children who attempt the
paisage'tbttough. If the joint or sepa
rate effettskar the,Railroad. Company and
Street Commissioner shall fall for a year
or two more to abate this grievous nui
sance, a bridge or ferryboat will have to
be supplied. If tolls are permitted, the
4 stock will be quickly taken.
Wo learn that the matter we 'referred
to yesterday under tho head of "An In
vestigation Demanded,"relating to the
escarie of W. J. Robinsonn after shooting
Manager Smythe; at the American
Theatre, has been fully investigated,
and it affords .us pleasure to state that
officers Ruch, Long and Rivers were
fully exonerated from any blame, or
censure in the matter. We did not
learn the particulars of the case; but as
the Mayor investigated 'the matter him
self we are satisfied. 'The result is as
we anticipated, as we know the officers
named to be efficient and reliable.
Thayer's Circas.—Friday evening next,
at this fashionable resort will be a carni
val of fun. It will afibrd our citizens an
opportunity of practically showing their
appreciation of faithful services render-
ed by one of our most popular entertain-
,ers. Dr. Thayer, upon that occasion,
.will take his first complimentary benefit.
This fact alone should fill the - house to
overflowing. The programme, however,
will be one of remarkable attraction.
The entire strength of the establishment
will appear in new and varied novelties.
An old Pittsburgh favorite—Mr. Sam.
Weiser, has kindly consented, to appear
in his speciality as Trick Clown, aided
by a host of volunteer talent: Dr, Thay
er will appear in Motley throughout
the evening, and should be greeted by an
overflowing house. We understand the
original Ku Kluxers are conking and will
shortly appear under the command of
Major General James C. Re nolds.
--- 7 .---
A Distinguished Methodist Minister and
Prominent Temperance Lecttuber once re
marked that go where he ' would, from
one end of the country to the other, he
hardly ever failed to find Plantation Bit
and while he condemned the prac
tice of using these Bitters too freely, he
could not conscientiously sag that he
would discard them from the side-board,
for he himself bad experienced bene
ficial results from their use, and that,
from a long mid close observation, he
was convinced that when, used moder
ately, and, as a medicine exclusively,
they were all that was recommended.
At the same-time ho_wftrned his hearers
not to pull the cork too often, for they
were far too pleasant a tonic to trifle with.
WaTEß.—Superior to the
beat imported German Cologne, and sold
at hall the price. TH.S.T.F.
The Opinion of an Officer In the Army.
— , ,At inspection I noticed that a large
proportion of the men's knapsacks con
tained a box of Troches, being generally
used by them for colds, etc." "Brown's
Bronchial Troches" should be used upon
the first appearance of a Cold or a Cough,
whick by neglect may terminate in some
Lung Dlapaso. ,
Cree Brothers are now selling. their
entire stock to quit business. A rare op
perttuaity to secure' bargains, as it is be
ing sold regardless of cost. 'Yu o save
fifty per cont. by calling, sem at 26 save
Furniture at Auction.—The' furniture
of dwelling tit). 9, Grant avenue, near
Dr. Eiodgeie ohuren, Allegheny, will be
sold at d ten o'clock to•morrow, Friday.
A. Leggate, Auctioneer.
Weed Sewing . Machine—At No. 116
Market street, near:Liberty street. Terms
to suit all.
SL Lei% Ji EfAaylsoN, Agents.
The hebery Life In.surnceCompsey
.., . . .
Among the first-class and thoroughly
reliable Life Insurance Companies, per
manently before the public, none is more
worthy confidence and patronage than
the Asbury of New York, for which our I ,
fellow-citizen, Francis Sellers, Esq., is I :
the Resident Director for this city. Since
its organization this Company has in
sured, in the short period of nine months,
over two millions of dollars, an unex
ampled success and prosperity. The fol
lowing features will commend the Asbury
Company to the reader: \
It issues policies in all the forms in
present use, on single and joint lives,
endowments and annuities. A special
table for insuring lives of ministers by
their congregations is calculated at much
below the ordinary rates; a special table
of half rates for the first ten years; few
restrictions on travel and none after the.
first year; registered policies, counter
signed by the Insurance Department of
the State, certitying that such policies
are secured by a special deposit of public
All policies absolutely' are non-forfeit
able, as the dividends to policy holders
on a new and most popular plan intro
duced by this Company, after two pay
ments, applicable, at the option of in
surers, to an increase of the policy, to
reductien of future premiums, or payable
in cash. 1 Insurers preferring to ' relirrz
quish their Interest in'profits may have
instead a bonus addition of one-third of
amount pi policy. Members are accom
modated)by a loan of one-third of pre
miumswhen divided, but no note re
. Mr. WY. Kennedy is the Solicitor for
yi s
this cit and hest established an office at
No. 129 mithtield street, where full in
formati n may be obtained regarding
policies. We earnestly commend the
Asbury. Company to the confidence of
our readers, knowing whereof we speak
is asserting its reliability.
Brick House and Lot on Knoll Street
Allegheny, at Auction.
On Friday, February 28th, at three
o'clock, will be sold on the premises, the
property No. 8 Knoll street, situated be
tween James and Linden streets, one
square north of the. Third ward public
'school. The house is twastorieJ, pressed
brick front, contains six rooms, finished
attic, bath, hall and vestibule. It has
stone steps in front, projecting cornice
all around, sliding doors in parlors, high
ceilings, gas,. and water. It has been
built but one year. The material and
workmanship are first class. It is well
finished, and is altogether a very neat
and comfortable dwelling. The location (
is very pleasant, abounding . in shade
trees and cultivated lots. It 184 corner
lot, so that all the rooms (are light and
airy. Rooms are fourteen feet square.
Visitors are invited to call and examine.
' Terms of sale, $1.500 cash; balance in one,,
and two yeiars. Full particulars by call- '
tog on A. LEGGATE, Auctioneer,
159 Federal street, Allegheny.
Pittsburgh Past and Present.
.Pittsburgh Past and Present.
Pittsburgh Past and Present.
Pittsburgh Past and Present.
Pittsburgh Past and Present.
In Leisure Hours.
In Leisure Hours.
14 Leisure Hours.
Id Leisure Hours.
Li Leisure Hours.
A full and authentla history of Pitts
burgh from 175.3tt0 1816 is contained in
Nos. 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 of the above Maga
zine, and will be continued to the pres
ent time. A few-full sets of back numbers_
are still on hand and can be had at the
office. •
The March number is now in press_
and will be out in a few days, contain
ing another instalment of the history of
our Smoky City; and a great variety of
qhoice. reading by first-class writers.
o,'Dl4yka Lit Co.,
6 Publishers, 59 Fourth avenue.,
Superfine. fine and plainr mixed can
dies at 112 Federal street, Allegheny.
Casstmeres, for men and:boys' wear,
at Bates Bell's.
1234 c 4-4 Sheeting Musllns.
12 1 ,:c 4-4 long cloth bleach 'muslin.
12c dark domestic ginghams.
12.34 c linens, crashed and lucks.
12 1 4 c new style dark prints.
12;4c gray twilled heavy flannels.
Blankets at a great reduction.
Bed spreads and quilts cheap.
26c 44 twilled feather ticking_..
Pink prints,.blne prints, oil chintz.
20c Scotch gingliams, all styles.
New dry goods and low prices,
on west
corner of Market and Fourth streets,
No. 69; E. R. Gardner. 3
Allegheny Residence, 61 'Union Ave
nue.—This handsome property, to be—
sold on the premises l next Saturday af
ternoon, will be found particularly desi,
rable for those wishing to buy themselves
an elegant and comfortable home. The
situation lathe most pleasant in the' two
cities, and the improvement entirely new
and very best finish. The lot Is large,
with a wido alley in the rear. See Mell
waine's auction adveitisement. Visitors
are invited to exanaino the premises.
Household Furniture Selzed.—Nelly
Gillen made information 'before Alder
man MoMasters yesterday against Rob
ert SMith and Mary his wife, for larceny
as The prosecutrix states that
she entrusted to the care of the accused
a lot of household furniture, valued at
two hundred dollars, and that when she
made a demand to liave it returned they
refused to give it back. The ''parties re
side in the Fifth ward.' A warrant was
The sacrifice of goods at 27 Fifth ave
nue, lately occupied by Messrs. Dennison
45r. Hackett, still continues to draw hun
dreds to ttuit establishment. The stock
embraces everything kept in lirst:class
trimming and notion houses and is offered
at pricqs away down below original cost.
Call and satisfy yourself of the character
of bargains afforded.
French Corsets and Hoop Skirts, the
choicest and best ,makes, at Bates dr
Superior Cream Candle,s, Cream Choc
olates, Cream Almonds and Extra Fine
Bon Bons, at 112 Federal street,-Alle
gheny city.
tConstitution Water is a certain cure fin
neysDiabetes and all c all Druggists. l iseases of the Kid
. ror sale by
Lace Curtains, Gilt Cornices and Ves
tibule 'Lace, at Bates 3c Bell's.
The place to get White Lime, Cal
cined Plaster, Hydraulic, Cement. is at
bicker Caakey's, 13 Smithfield street
Good Pea Nuts, well roasted, at 112
Federal street, Allegheny city. 8
islaln and Colored Chintzes and Lawns
at Bates & Be
New Table illneus,. Towels, Napkins
and Prints Just opened at J. M. Burch
field & Co.'s, No. 52 St. Clair street.
What They Wlll Do.
Dr. Ross' Remedies are purely vegeta
ble preparations, ana are Goiug. more
good to the 'people than any other medi
cines ever offered to the public. - They
are sold at one dollar per bottle, and
generally one or two bottles have the de
sired effect. We make a specialty of the
following diseases, and warrant a cure in
every case: Acute or Chronic Rheuma
tism, Catarrh, we have cured hundreds
of cases, some of long standing; Dyspep.
sis, we elieve we have the best remedy
for this disease over compounded. For
diseases of the Throat and Lungs our
Tar Compound is doing wonders. Dr.
Ross' Remedies are manufactured and
for sale whcilesale and retail, at Nos. 26
and '2S Sixth street, (late St. Clair.)
Unprincipled Men aro engaged in
vending inferior imitations of Burnett's
Cocaine for the Hair, and are liable to
prosecution. . TvraisF
Ladiet.' Underclothing, at Bates &
. -
French Green Peas, Mushrooms, Cel
ery Sauce, Preserved Canton, at 112 Fed
eral street, Allegheny. 6
Fine Boasted Almonds at 112 Federal
street, Alleghony, Geo. Beaven. ' 6
Piques, fresh stock, at Bates & Bell's
Markets by Telegraph.
CHICAGO, February 24.—Evening—At
the open Board this afternoon, there was
a fair inquiry for No. . 2 Wheat, and to
wards the close prices ruled a shade_
higher, sales being made at $1.154@
1,15 1 -,1, cash. Corn and Oat dull but
firmer. at closing figures o 'Change.
The movement in Pork products ' was
moderate, while prices are firmer and a
shade higher; sales 300,000 pounds dry,
salted shoulders at 12c, cash 160,000 do.
do., buyer for March at 12 c. Lard—
sales 200 tierces, seller for ch, at 1834;
100 tierces, buyer for March fat 19c; 200
tierces, cash, at M.O. In e evening
the leading grain market- w dull and
prices nominal. Beef Ca le in large
supply, market quiet and prices 20€45c
lower; receipts 1,067 head; sales 1,564
head at $4.75@6 for stockers. and butch
ers, $6,250,7 for medium to good, 17,10 g
7,80 for smooth to - extra shipping f steers.
Live Hogi dull and heavy and 20@25e
lower; closing with a downward tenden
cy, with upwards of 5,000 bead unsold;
receipts 3,331-head; sales 1,564 head at
$W8,75 for common to medium, and 49
R. 9,75 for good to choice.
NEW. ORLEANS, February 24.—Cotton
y.c lower, with small demand; middings
at 283;c; sales of 2,100 bales; receipts,
3,750 bales; exports, 3,030 bals. Sugar
firm; common 123@13e, prime 1534 c,
and yellow clarified 16%@17q. Molasses
firm at 79©82c. Flour easier; super
fine ;6,25, double extra $7, and treble
extra $7,37. Corn easier at 82@85c. Oats
at 75c. Bran firm at $1.15. Hay; prime
$28@ ; 30. Pork dull and declining; sales
at $31,75. Bacon dull; shoulders 14qc,.
clear rib sides 17c, and clear- sides 1734 c.
Lard ddll and unchanged. Whisky and
Coffee steady and unchanged. Gold, 132%-
Exchange Sterling', 144!•‘. Commercial,
142; •C'u14,33:;. l
- - -
EVERSON—DAVIS. — On Tuesday erenitg, at
the residence of the irrlle's father, South Pitts
burgh, by Rev. James S. Dickerson, Mr. V. M.
iiIIWIti—TLIOMP3OI—By R T. J. B. Clark;
Mr: D. P. ERWIN an miss Y TRUMP
SON, butlrot Allegheny City. ..
LEX. AllikEN_,_ Utl
ATAX ER, No: 1.6 G TOutellf STREET,
bargc, COFWINS of all kInds•CA4PE 3,
6L0V10..:r. nun e , cry Aescriptlon of Fune...ral, Fur
ni:-.htug Goods ft rnished. Rooms open day and
niunt. I.lpur. - nd Carriages tarnished;
RF.VElTlBCBb—liev.l.o4ssu Kerr. D.
W. Jacobus. D. D., Thouths Ewing, Esq.. Jacob
13 Killer, Eeo.
AVENUE Allegheny City, where their COli - FIN
ROOMS a: e constantly supplied witk real and.
Imitation its earocul, Mahogany and Walnut
Coffins, at prices \ 'wring from 44 to SIGU. Bo
dies prepared for in rment. Hearses and Car
rives iurnished: also. II Linda of Mourning
Goods, if required. Office o, en at all hours, day
and 2/17,11t.
EET, Allegheny, seeps constantly on hand
a large assortment of ready-made Coffins of the
f 4 Rowing Miis: First, the celebrated American •
Bs.rlal Cases. Metallic Self-seallnit AR-tight
Cases and Caskets, and Rosewood, Walnut and.
Rosewo. d Imitation Coffins. Walnut' Coffins
from $25 upwards. Rosewood Imitation Coffins
from $5 . upwards, and no pains will be spared
to give entire satisfaction. Crape and Glovee
furnished free f cltarge. Best Hearses and Car
risges furnished . d short notice • Carriages far,
riabed to funerale, at 44
Mannlacturrd by PETER SQUIRE, 227 Ox
ford street, London
This soap has been, by a peculiar processl.
freed from the excess of alkali almost variabl:.
found even In the purest soaps, arm . at the mutt
time it _is made to take up a large quanta',
or Glycerine (40 chieflyt) It is to this latte'
substance that It owes its sotking quid
Sty—softening the skin. preserving the complex'
ion, preventing chapping and toe nupleasan
roughness experienced In co'd weather. It 1-
found most useful In alleviatink the irrltatim
produced by dryness of the spin.
tin ac : oust of iP great pu It recommend
itself to all persons that 8U ec from the use c
common soaps: for delicate skins it is the out,
soap, that can be toletated• It, is particularl .
useful for cleansing diseased skirts where the it
citation produced by ordirary soaps causes a
much Inconvenience. ,
It Is the most agreesVe shaving soap thst ca
be used, leaving thd race soft and comfortable.
The soaps usually soot as Glycerine Soaps con
teln little or no Glycerine: It Is may necessar
to apply the tongue to the surface. a. d the get
blue will be distiturnithed from the sintrious
the sweet taste. ,
Corner Smithfield Street and
c ourt
Avenue, Pittsburgh..
Cor. of Penn and Steil& Street
Elm now to stock, 'arm of the lergeet and me
varod usortmentS of
Fall and Winter GoodE
ever brought to this city. Ells' stook embra4
all the latest French and English manufacturer
Also. a full line of Gent's Forntehing Goode
NEW t ir% °OD&
For ¢ll the latest styles eat clothes; made of.
Jeer naterial, and by ilrst-class workmen, as
prices surprisingly
low, go to 010
'Merchant Tailor, ,
well kno
No. 50 ST. , CLAIR. ISTMLET, now Sixtl,
TAUS. A. DALM, M. D D. 8. 8II4TO:q.
TED themselves tog for t
Office. No. 19 STOCK ON AVWITE..&
ghtuy City.
B. . DALE. af.
na3•al3 IL B. SUTTON. D.