, PNIGB nuiumrs °MOE OP Pyriuncriton . GAZETTE, Wnius•pane's . , February 24,1869. , ite Trade in general merchandise contin ; nes dull; with but little prospect, at, preient, of any immediate improvement' • The demand for most of the leading • commodities is confined mainly to sup ' 1. plying immediate wants; and, as a con ; sequence, the volume of business, In the -;.; aggregate, is light. Groceries firm but - not quotably higher. Grain dull and 1 unchanged, and thesame is true in- re gard 'o Flour. Provisions easier ' , in conseejtence of the break in the. Hog • market. ' • , . , APPLE BU .1...ha-Firmer: 75 to 85c. APPLES . -Dull but unchanged; .'"regn • lar sales in store, at 13®11.5 per bbl. as to quality. - • - • • BUTTER-In fair demand and prime • to choice roil steady at 38(4)40. - ••,. • t BUCK WHEAT . 3 L01111,...Du1l at 3X. DEANS-43,25 to $3,50 per bushel. CRANBERRIES -Sales at 118 to $2O. CORNMEAL-411 to $l,lO per bushel. • CHEESE -Fialesof New York Goshen ; • 23)4 ®24. CARBON OIL-Is a shade easier bat , ! unchanged at 34034 X, in a jobbing:way. • ; DRIED FRUIT-Peaches steady at 13 . • ®l4 for quarters; 15016 for mixed, and 1 0®1 2 ®2O cts for.. haling, as to quality: 'Apples 1• ' • • EGGS--Firmer and in better demand; - sales fresh packed at 25. • • FLOUFW-Dull and neglected bur nn changed.' Spring Wheat , 0 0 0 57,50, and Winter Wheat: at 18,00 4 50. Rye Flour • $7,50.' The . Pearl Mill quote their beet brands made of the beat Wheat, - 'as fol lows: Extra Family Flour, in barrels, at 69,30, and, sacks, $9,00 por barrel; - 'Double, Extra Family, in barrels ? $lO,OO, and, iff Backe,' $0,70 per barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, in barrels, $7,80, and, In sacks, • $7,50 per barrel. The 'City Mills' quote prices as follows: Extra Family,: • (Whiter) in barrels, $9,30, - and, in' Sacks, .g 9,00 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels, 19,80 and , in sacks, $0,50 per - barrel, and Spring; $B,OO, in barrels, and . $7.70. in sacks, per barrel. • FEATHERS -Live - Geese Feathers quoted at 75® S&Ls, to the trade, and the usual advance in a retail way. • • GRAIN--Wheat is • exceedingly dttll, and sellers are obliged to accept tow prices in order to effect sales; No. 1 Red •Winter may be quoted at 11,55, and No: - • 1 Spring at $ 1 ,48011,50. Sale 5 cars of the former. On.private terms: 'Oats dull but held firmly at 65,566 on track, and. 67068 in store: Prime • Yellow , Corzi is , firm at 80, thougtrthe demand continues very light; mixed.ls. Rye Is in steady demand•at $ 1 ;43(x,81.45. Barley, may be quoted at $ 2 ,10®12,20, for -, prime gy choice Spring.. • • ' GROCERIES-.The market Tor Sugars although firm is less . excited, and for some days past tbere has been no ad . Vance, though holders, generally, pre not free sellereat- uotations., It begins tolook, 'judging from present indica. tions, that the clima# 'has been reached, and that .‘ a reaction is near at hand, though it is difficult •to con jecture with • any degree' of accuracy. There is one • thing certain, the demand will be con siderably reduced, unless prices go lower again. Comm.-20g to 250 for fair to prime; • • good, 23. to 23Xc, and choice, 2635 to 27e. Sunans- Crushed, Powderd and Granulated, 20xc; "A," Coffee. 19xc; "B," Coffee. 19y,c; Extra "C," 19e; "C" 18X. Choice New Orleans and • Port Rico, 16c; prime,l 15 35 ; fair 14 35c; g00d, 13 3 ; . Choice Cuba, 15c; medium to , • prime MX ©1434c. 31ouAss)m--.Cnoice N 'lv Orleans, 90; prime do 115 good, 80. Srurrys--Lovering,sl,os: Drips, • ®51,20; Long - Island. 87: BOoth,& Edgar, 90c; lower grades, 65c®78c.. • Rren--oarolina, 11. to 1135 c; Rangoon, • good, 10c; primo to choice, 10X to 103;c. TEAS-Yoring Rya:in, $l,lO to I,&S, G. -• P., $l,lO to 1,90. Imperial, $1,40 to 1,80. Oolong, 85 to $1,45. Son Chong, 90c to $1,50. STARCH—PearI, 734; Silver 4 310.98,123ie, and Corn Starch, 14c. \ CONCENTRATED LFE-48,00 per case. F.nurrs-Layer Raisins, $4,00 per box; Matt do, 18,25; Prunes, \ 150; Currants, 14c. •, . Smcns-Casate, 90o; Cloves, 4 5e; grain ' Pepper, 36 to 38c; Allspice, 33c; Nut.. ut egs, $1,50. - Bea o -1235c; Shot, s3,sope . r bag SoArs--"Babbit's " 12c;.. 1134 c; Rosin; 5 to ' 7c; 4 "Dolibin's," 15c; Wax, 10c; Chem. Olive, 9,40: Casuuns-Monld, 16c; Star, 25e. Br CaBB SODA-17,50 per 100.\ a; • HAY-There is no improve ent to note in the'demand and - widle the mar ket is dull with a supply largely in ex cess of the . demand prices , • are changed-$20025,• on wharf, as ta quality. HO MINY - 4 6 .25®5650. per barrel. P ROVISIONS--Marketis .shade eas. • ler, andprices.a littliroffish. • Shoulders 15®15X. Ribbed. Bid* ,47 617,36 Sides 18®18X, • and I Ma ”sirloX®axr Lard,.20 1 ,4 in tierces, and 21 oe in Mess Pork 883 00@p3,50,• •,• , LARD OIL-May be quoted at 11;354@ $1,37..f0r No. 2, and 1 1 .68®11,70 for No. L ORORANGES-14,00 per *ix; • " S-45@i16 pin+ bbl.' ;;:: POTATOES--Dull • but 7 -unchanged; small sales in store at 86085. . • r PEA N11T8.7.10 cts. per lb. SEEDS -Small sales of Clover Seed at $ 10 ® 10 . 5 9,•as to quality, and Timothy. at $3,50; ?lax Seed.is firmer, and we now. quote at #2,,45@i2,50. • SAI/P-ile quiet but. steady,: and is still quoted at $2 by the carload. • • • hOßGEltilif-60070 cts. _. TA LLOW--Rendered. 12c. WHISKEY-High wines areundisn id At 95®97, in a lobbing way. g. Markets by Telegraph, NEW Youx, February 24.—Cotton dull and m(4);ic lower, with sales of 1,300 bales at 29M, ®29,14c for middlinguplands. Fiotir dull and s(a 10c . lower; receipts of 5,627 bbls, with salsa of s,loobas at 85,50 06,35 for superfine 'State and western, 8 5 ,351®6,90 for extra State, .86,25017,15 for extra western, $7,2A08,15 for white wheat extra, $6,6508,00 for round hoop Ohio, for 87,5g00d t o o ®B,sor extra choice do. ; closi S. Loui n4. s a dull andnd 89 ®l2 heavy. Rye Flour steady, with sales of 300 bbls at $5,25®7,25, and 300 bbls do. to arrive on the °petting of the river at 17,00. Corn Meal in moderate request, with sales of 1,000 bbls at 81.90a5,00 for western r and $5,00 for Brandywine. Whisky dull;. fillies of 400 bbls at 95c for • western free, Wheat heavy and le lower; receipts of 6,176 bus, with sales of 59,000 bus - at'11,54®1,57 for No. 2 spring in store and afloat, 81,64 for No. 1 do. in store, 8.1,82 for amber - western, 81,82, foramber Canada; and white California on - private terms. Rye is ' dull and lower, with sales of 1,000 bus west ern at 51,43. Barley 'without decided change; sales of 3,000 bush °holm State on private• terms, 'and 1,500 bush Ger man in lots at 82,30. • Barley Malt dull. Corn; receipts 12,399 bush; market a shade easier; sales of 4,700 bush, at 89 !-5 (4)91c for new mixed western; 940 for white Jersey, and 9 4a93c,f0r white south ern. Oats; receipts 5,775 bush; market dull; Sales of 17,000 bush, at 73 1 0 for western in store, and 75c for do. , afloat. Rye dull and quiet. SugaCuba a r firm and ac tive;-sales of 8,000 hhds t 133‘(4) 143ic; sales also of 2,100 boxes of Savan na at /3®15%c. Molasses quiet; sales of 2.000 bbls New Orleans at 87M®90c. Petroleam quiet, at 2M for crude and 36e for refined tondo& Hopequiet. Leather; Hemlock sole firm, and in good demand at previous prices. Wool quiet; Hales of 250,000 pounds, at 46;44®51c for domestic fleece;. 9504,81,17 lbr scoured, and 44® 480 for pulled., Coat quiet,St 15,50@f:1,75 for domestic. ' • Linseed Oil moderately active,- at- 81;03®1,05 In casks and barrels. 'Spirits •Turpentlne quiet.• ,Pork• firmer, • • with' • moderate de- Mandy sales f fof :'O5O bble; tit , 1181,76® 132,00 for new Mess; 831,25(4)531,60if0r' old do.; 526.00(4427,50 for prime; 828,75(4) 130.50 for pime mess; also, sales of bun bbls a new' for sellers for April at #82,00. Beef dull: sales •of bbls at $14;00®16,50 ler new plain mess; $14,00® $14,50 for extra meas. Tierce beef quiet; sales of 900 tierces at 8253,00W00, 'for prime ; mess, and . 830,00(41830,50 'fcirin diana meas.- . • Beef hams dull and heavy; sales of-100 bbla $ 28 ,000134,00. Cut Meats quiet heavy; sales of - 130 pkgs 'at 13,$)914M and o for ' shoulders; 1714(4)18Na' for. Dressed hOgw'heavyat 12X(4) 13)4c for Western; 13;4®14c lot city. Middles dull; dales of 300 boxes Odin berlanii cut at 150.• Lard firmer; saim of 1,600 tierces. at • 17 3 / 4 ®19X0 ••for steam• - rendered, and 193•1®20ge for kettle rendered; also, sal of , PITTSII.II‘../1 Mmilub - T. tierces steam; toiler, March and ell Apri 3 l, 2se at _ " • ' 'l9°. • Butter : firm at iis®3so for Ohio •' PENVA CENTRAL &roux Mums, Cheese fir m...Metals—Sheathing Co per . -- WsurmsDAY, Feb, 24, -18112. „S• ' "steady at 33c; Ingot 'OoPoer .Unsettled 'at CATTLE ---Thus far, t hi s - wee 4 k;'sh ern `263•60 for Baltimoreeand 2630 for Lake. has been but, compustliely little done Pi g moderate request and steady at 840(4)43 for Scotch, and 136©42 in Cattle, and. .notwithitaridin4 there Is American; bar %Met at 8 9 0092,50 for i. a fair attendance .of buyers botli fro m ~fined English and American; sheet qui: Philadelphia and New York, the sales 'at 14 1 ,0 0 @i+3,00, gold, for /leads. Nails ; have been remarkably light. From Sat, a stelid apjara d ta g a ul ha e a, " a t a s d @ ker icl d r it u r t l2 , o 9 e r V:4) urday, up until noon to-day,the sales all ae. a. told do not reach •••otte hundred head,— Lutist-410m. closed • ctuu and 515100 ; not enough to make a good sized d rove . lower on medium ,and good arades. Wheat steady for spring, with a limit e d it is thought, however, that hWh .37t0-MarraW export demand; market dull and heav the market will'open up in earnest , and foiwinter grades: Rye dLUI and -heavy '• 4 that, business will impmve , materially, at 81;40(4)1,43 for western. - Oats dull and • heavy, with / though there la one thing certain that , Y, h saleaat 7330 for- western in score Corn quiet at 89®90 for new mixed in the . Meantime. buyers western . . Pork quiet, at 131,75082 'tar come up a little or else sellers will bave nevi Mesi, caah'andregulak d u x - 4- to let doWn. The receipts to-night , and mar et in buyers • eat Meats • and ' an d 'd to-morrow , It e x P eeted ' wi l l be large _'and 'lltiletat'l9lllo9.l-1,11101 d eclining Eit Lar atti l about 75 or 80 car loads, and it is probe.- Eggs m a 8 s t ea d y • a t• . •; ts# FM ghte tle this is what made' buyers hold Off . ..to Lf . LelPool - firmer; With engagements today, thinking that with an - inOreaselt • fo r t wW. bum Yfneatt Per. Steanier , Oy :number e . n sale there world , he a better a G00ar.„. ... , e dry goothda— ehance to break the. market. - The New , rather mareiliverable, whir a n a Impr oy, un toyed ,•' 7 York market Is reported as having' been ' inquiry for textile ,' fabrics , ' althatibi the hard this week, and this had its Influence market is still dtill'enanght':bnt prioss, in the liiefintime, 004tInue utiPh4nged. ibere, in restricting bush:lass, and retard- Familypi ; log operations* The 'following is utichange and firm. grikt • t•bf the sales since the dato.of bur last sold at $6 50®7 40r ..• _ , • No, 1 ;wheat at re ar WEDNESDAY, • now nerd at 81,52. Corn 84©650 for ear wErmsDAY, February 17. —Ke ys to and shelled. Oats 68©600 for No.l. Rye Traurman - dr, Co. 11 head,. weligking at 81,15, and the 'supply light, Cotton is - . X ! ,x • )1". t , . 11,425, at $ 6,50; same to same 8,. weigh. ing 7,050, at 5; Hazinwood * Blaekstook for Hardesty to Bicses 13, - weighing 13,775 at 6@7y 3 . f TRURSDAY, Februaiv 18.--Holmes, Lafferty & Co. \ for Calhoun dt Co. to Berry, 67 steers, weighing 81,850, at 7,25; in same for McFadde to 52, Co. 51,17 5, at 6,25; n letcherKell to y Aull & Co. 12, weighing 9,550, at 5; same to Wend fall k Co. 14, wei ning• 17,550, at, 7,50; same to same 3, we ghl - ng 4,125, at 5,60; Kinsey to Shambe 16 oxen and steers, weighing, 15,700; Evans to Klemen 11, weighing 14,275, at 7,75., Holmes, Lafferty & Co. for Stouffs fo Moses & Co. 18, weighing, 17,850, at 5_,80f Hedges & Tay lor for Stafford to Doren 17, weighing 20,850, at 7,30; Smith dr Blue for Shepard to Kelly 5, weighing 4,800, at 4,60; same for Browning to same /1, weighing 12.425, at 6,40. FRIDAV, February' 19 .--Allerton to Beach,. Prl , y & Co, 77, weighing 101,775, 7,62 1 WErer: Ai, February 24 .—Hedges & Taylor flirldeek to Mahon 20; weighing 18,700,1 at 0,640 Trauman dt. Co. to Ma hon-1 steer, 'weighing 1,845, at B,so;,Prin gle to Kiern & Martin 2 oxen; weigh ,Mg 2,97kat 6. an ••- . - • HOGS -;-The" Hog , market from, the date of our lait report - up until to-d#y, hasheen very sick, and prices have de •clined fully two' dollars per hundred, causing those who have been holding for a week or so to lose 1250 to 8800 per car load.' It will be remembered that in the in the early part of last week, there was cte an aterkmulation at these yards, the o wn e r being unable to get what' they asked, 13)4@)14; held ' them over. o t i but finding the t he market wiis getting worse instead o better, they either sold or Shipped efts , s and : in both cases suf.' fered a heavy 1 . Dttring•Monday and Tuesday of title week, the demand. was verliht, and 11 eta w' oer that y co u l d be obtained fOr as prithethe beat Philffa.. delphia Hogs. To-day, under 'the tuflu ,ence of a slightly improved demand, the market was stronger - and hig w., her, sales having been made at nvorYork. Hogs, also, a little stronger to-dav, and sold at 9M6i.10. The:sales were as fol lows : - , . Saturday, Feb.. 20„ ' 798 Monday,Feb. 22 • 268 Taesday:Feb. 23 818 Wednesday,-; Feb. 24 ' 463 SHEEP-The Sheep market has been fairly active this week, and under the infitteifee ()fa good- demand, prices have been, fully sustained, and, in -somein stane6x, slight advance estab li shed. Therb. s was a Avery good tennce of buyers, ,both from Philadelpat da hia and New York u and all the Sheep, especially the best, grades, were taken at - full prices. Quotations may be, given at 566 ctg, for common to fai r, follows : and 667 cis for prime to extra. The sales were as foll Monday, Feb.e 22 A CIO Tuesday, Feb. 23 .. Wednesday, Feb. 24 r ~. ~! ...v ~,u~i.: PITTSBURGH , GAZETTE : THURSDAY': FEBRITAr. ' :BY 25, d.E.69. dull - but not lower; middlings 2834 e. To 'bate° In good demand; sales - 215 hhds;-- . and 37 basing; at $6,20©10, and leaf $l2 ©27,30. Whisky in good demand at 93e; sales 1,200 tibia.- Mess pork irregular; sales 200 bbls city 3125; it is mostly held at $32. Bulk mea t s are held at 123.4 ©1414q the best is not saleable -to any extent at ••better than 12®14c, though a small lot .of shoulders was bought at. 12y,c. Bacon"notaidal 'and unchanged, snd It is held' at 1 4%®143(,©17y,C for houlders, clear rib and clear slcles;• su gar cured hams in fair demand at 190 1914 c. Lard dull; no demand and the prices are nominal; city Is held at 19 . 14 c. Butter scarce and firm at 33037 c for fresh. Sugar firm but not higher. Cof fee unchanged. There is no change in oil. Gold dull at 132 buying. Exchange dull at 1,10 baying. ST. Lops, February 24.—Tobacco un changed. Cotton; very little doing; mid dling worth . 28®2814c. p Hemp, dressed in fair demand at 12,401 ,2,50, Flop dull and unchanged; Superfine ranges from 14,80®6,25; extra, 15;50©6,75; double ex tra, $6,2.5©7,75; treble extra, $7,00©9,50; fancy, $9,75©11,00.1; Wheat - dull and un• changed; choice red fall sold at 51,80, and fancy white - itt $2,1231; No. 2 spring sold at 11.30©1,82. - Corn lower' and unset tled; 66c for naixedi 67©680 for yellow and white, and 69©70c, for fancy white. Oats firm, but quiet, at 62066 c. Barley; small sales choice fail at 12,75. Rye un changed at $1,25®1,28. Whiskey higher; held at 92c. Pork held at /31,00 ©31,50, without any buyers. Bulk meats held firmer; /2o offered and re fused for loose shoulders up the river. Nothing doing in Bacon; jobbing lots can be had at 14c for shoulders; 16M© 163.0 for clear rib; 123ic for clear sides and 17;4618c for sugar cured hams. Lardenothing doing, Cattle unchanged with only moderate local business. Hogs range at 81.4®10.14c, Receipts— Flour, 2,500 barrels; Wheat, 12,000 bush ebs; Corn, 2,400 bushels; Oats, • 3,800 bushels. • • • CHICAGO, February 24.—Easteru Ex change is dull and firm at 1.10 per cent. Off, buying, and 1.10 per cent. premium, selling. Flour is held firmly at $5,25© 6,623 i for spring extras. Wheat is quiet and unsettled; N 0.2 opened at 11,15;,,e' advanced to 11,153„ afterward receded to $1,15‘, and olpsed at 11,1514(5)1.153 for regtuar sales; this afternoon there were some sellers at 11,1535. Corn Is dull ands shade weaker; sales were made of 1 new at 58®59c; rejected ~at 563‘©57c, market chistng steady at 58®58'0 for new; shade 'change there were sellers at 58c. Oats are dull and firmer, prices being W r (K43O higher ; are quoted at 53%©5436c; market closing at 535,;054c. Rye firm, ringing. at $1,18©1,21 for winterand fresh receipts of No., 1, dos ing at 11,191 i ©, { n eg lec t ed es , receipts. Barley in store and nominal at $1,85®1,87 for. No. 2, sample lots in good, demand a /2,10(92,15 for good to choice. Highwines dull and nominal at 90c. Provisions dull and firm; safes confined to 200 bbls Mess Pork at 131,25, and 300 tierces Lard at 18e. Dressed Hogs steady, closing at 112©12,- 50 for light and heavy lots. Receipts for past twenty-four, hours-5.705 bbls flour, 8,790 bus wheat, 13,506 bus corn, 7,290 bus - oats, 800 bus rye, 2,616 bus barley, 4,321 bead hogs. Shipments-8.504 bbls flour, 4,444 bus wheat. 4,642 bus corn, 5,307 bus oats, 2,761 bus rye, 2,8.56 bus barley, 1,728 head hogs. CmtveLann, Feb. 24.—Flour is quiet and steady, with sales of city made at I 810,75 for treble extra white; $9 for dou ble extra red and amber; $7,75 for double extra spring, and $8,75(5)7,25 for extra red; country made is held at 09(99,50 for double extra white winter; $7,50©8,25 for double extra red winter, and $6,50r 7,25 for double extra spring. , Wheat; sales were made of 1 car No. 1 red win ter at $1,58; 1 car No. 2 do., g 1,45. Corn; sales of 1 car at 69c. Oats; sales of I car at 62c. Rye Ls nominal and held at 81,29 61,32 for No. I, and 81,2561,26 for No. 2. BALTIMORE, February 24.—Flour nom inal. Wheat dull, with sales prime Val ley red at 42,15. Corn firm, with sales mime white al @;9se, and yellow at 86 @Sic. Oats dull y at 70(5)75c. Rye dull at $1,50©1,55. Mess Pork quiet at 1330 83,50. Bacon quiet, with sales rib sides at 171. 4 'c, clear sides as 185;c, and shoul ders at 15xc. Hams at 21c. Lard dull at 2034 c. • TOLEDO, February 24.—Flour quiet and steady; wheat unchanged and dull; amber 1,61 on the spot, and 1,65 buying; March No.l white Michigan 1,85, and No. 2 do. 1.50, all slow of sale. Crn (inlet, small sales; new at 68, rejected 60, closing firm at 683 x, for new and 60iz for rejected. Oats _quiet and firm; small sales for 63 for Mighigan; Some holders ask 65. Rye steady and,firm at.1,28@1.28 for Michigan midi No. 1. Barley tut changed and quiet.", Dressed hogs dull and nominal. Clover seed at 9 25. . • PEUT,ADELTRIA, Feb.: 2 4.—Flour is very dull, and sales were made of north western extra fam de m an d, $6,75(5)7,50. Wheat is in limited with, sales of f red,, at 1 1 , 8 0(g1,00,• and No. 1 ing at 111,76. , Bye Is unchanged. corn la held.more nrmly; sales of 6,000 busheltypilow,at 82®00o. , Oats. steady at ...13075& ,-Petrpleum is.",verr quiet, with sales of crude at 27;4®28c, - and , re fined at 87(4,37Mce •Provisions are dull and dro9ping. , Whisky . is • selling slow at 97c011. MILWAUKEE, February 24,—F/our very quiet andprices unchanged .. Wheat in aetive at $1,183i for, No. 1, and 1 1 .18 for N 0.2. • Oats quiet and : steady at twie for No. 2. Corn unchanged. Bye nominal. at /1,14a1,18 for No., 1. Barley, quiet at $1,85@1,88 .for NO. 2. , Provisions quiet and unchanged. Dressed Bogs dull at $ l /, 76 ©1250. Aecelpts-3,000 bbla flour. 17,000 bits wheat, 2,000 bus oats, 1,000 bus corn. 2,000 bus rye, 500 bus barley, 700 dressed hogs. , • . . , : BUFFALO, February 24.—Flour • dull, dray lota selling at 6,50©7,50 for western spring; -8 ,00©8,50,f0r amber western,and 9,50(09,75 for whitewastern: Wheat ROM. InaL Corn quiet; , 10 ears new changed ;hands at 76;i©77, on trauk; old nominal, 90 in store. Oats nominal. Rye ditto. Barley 8,10 for Canada;: no salsa: Seeds firm. , Pork lower, at 82,50. Lard, lower at 20M, /11gbwines held at 98.®07. : : -.,. Loursvirms, February 24.--Tobaeco; sales 817 hlids at full. rates. Cotton 28c: Mess . Rork - 8 81 ,80®32,00: Lard 4930. Bacon; shoulders .1 2 11 g clear rib sides 17c; clear "sides 173.i0: ' Balk shoulders 18a; clear rib sides :160; clear sides 16y,0, all .packed, Flbur $ 5 ,50®0,00. ' Wheat A1,60®1,60, Corn 60®63e. - Oats 80©620, Rye (11,48©1,46. Whisky 92@93c. , • MEMPHIS, Febivary 24 —Cotton ,nom- Inal at '27;1(448; 'recapts, 129 bales; ex 'torts, 'l5O bales. .FIOUr drill; super s6®7" Cara- 72p,. Oath 786385. ' Bar 1028. Bran 24. 'Cornmetil 18.40. Pork'f337 2 5@ 34,00. ,Bulk Meats weak; clear s i f t:i lea' 7_ l /,(;) 7;.5; shoulders l7X.- 1 1 ressed its 18. ' CalcsOo; February 24—Cattle. 0r44 —ttog# iipAmeak and drooping; thaws at. 18,37%010 65for common to eltra. Beef `to smelly, atf 1 .75105,75 for . common 10 fair,16©.6,85 1 , for mediurn. and 87.10 for gßodto extra steers. , • 2,346 -.4,413 IMPORTS BY RAILRO Po P/TTt3I4I7ROH FORT WATtis & care metal; Stituto/D, February • 24.-6 care Nimick & Co; 2 , do ,do Bryan it Canghey; 2 dodo, John Moorhead: '6 bbis knitter, A T Canfield; .100 green hides, J. Hammett & Som.lo bgs need, A Kirkpat rick & Co: 10 bales broom corn, Ha Mo. Clelland; 400 eke flour, Watt, Lang & Co; 100 bbLs do, R D Clark; 10 bags rage, —;; .'a. --- . . - Frazer tt Metzger; 4 bbis eggs, I.do but.' ter, - Voig4 . Matiood - de tkorte bass eheesea Graff & /leiter; 10 bbla apples, HRea Jr; 8 cars limestone, Shoenberger, ritair & Co; 2 bbls eggs, Shipton It Wallace; 50 dozen wooden ware, Haworth & Dewharst; 100 bbls flour, owner; 1 - bbl eggs, 5 P Sbri ver & Co; ado do, W H Graff& Co; rdo, Little & Baird; 1 car lumber, Nanz & I Herchenlo:her. CALTELANi Am) Prrrshusox Reft.- rtoAD, February 23.-1 car rye, Citizens Nat Bank; 6 ears New York ore, Shoen berger, Blair & Co; 2 do do, Reese, Graff it Dull; 1 car lumber; R A Clark & Co; 1 car clay, S M Alen 1 do stone, J L L Knox & Co; 1 do _ pig iron, Wm Smith; 2 cars do, Mitchell, Stevenson t Co; 8 bbli'beans, 6 do eggs. Head &Metzger; 2 tcs hams Hunter & Watson. Azazenls bbls 24. mr vAzrxr RAILR AD, Feb. rna fisher —l6O oil, Jas ; 0 do, Bro, 4 bbls eggs, Geo Wilki ns Hoe 2 r 4 ; 2 cars metal, John Moorhead; 5 do lime stone, Shoenberger t ,Blair; 1 dd metal, Brown & Co; 2 do do, McKnight ] t Co; 1 do, H Woods! es; 15 bbls apples, Thomas Logan; 51 sks ats, Adams & Austin; 46 do, Scott 4 isal; large lot marketing, Owners, , 1 , ALLEottExty STATION, February 24. a cars wheat,T Kennedy & Bro; 12 %eke flax seed, Ewer, Hamilton dr, Co; 172 aka corn. Rose, & Ewing; 1 car I corn, .M Steel & Son; 12 ddls broom cord, H'Ger wig; 100 bbls flour, Geo Stewart; 20 green hides, Lappe & Weise. Pinsaultorf AND CommtisviLLE RAILROAD, February 24.-1 car metal, John Moorhead; 1 car metal, Bryan & Caughey; 02 bge rags, Christy & Ben ham; 12 pgs sundries, Smith'. Johnston it Co; 24 kegsnails, G W itCo. Paul; •' , 5 ddo McGinneas Co. ' RIVER NEWS. A ------ , The Over was" falling last evening. with nine feet , five inches in channel by Monongahela marks. Weather contin ues very cold, and we noticed some new made ice in the Allegheny yesterday af noon. Thermometer at seven o'clock, A, sr. yesterday, was down to 17, and at 'noon had risen to 28, Business continues fairly active at the landing, with considerable freight offer ing; and the boats loading seem to be getting their share. The R. C. Gray, Capt. Isaac R Whitta ker, Ezra Yining, clerk, Is announced for Cincinnati and Louisville. The Grey Eag;e, arrived and departed as usual for Parkersburg. and the Bay ard, Capt. Geo. D. Moore, is the regular packet for to-morrow. The Sallie from - Louisville, has arrived and will at once commence Idading for Missonri River. She is one of the fleet est and. most substantial boats - that comes to-this port. The Kenton, from Portsmouth, is due here to-day. The Carrie V. Konntz, made a trial trip yesterday. We did ' not hear how her engines worked, but presume they performed as well as expected. , The Glasgow, Capt. Andy Robinson. Jr., is announced to leave for Cincinnati , , an The A d Lisville this evenin M ou rmadillo, Capt. cCarty, is fill ing up steadily for St. Louis, and will be the first boat out. The - Mary Davage and barges are also up for St. Louis. —Bids for the transportation of United States Army supplies from St. Louis to various military posts on the Missouri river opened on Saturday. Owing to the number and complication of items it was decided to only read the bids 'for transportation of freight from St. Louis to Fort Benton. The bids for this ser vice were as follows: Durfee Ot Peck—St. Louis to Benton, March, 56,85 per leo lbs; June 57. Sioux City to. Benton—March, 84,65; June, 55. C: M. Seaman—St. Louis to Benton, March, 53; July, 510: Sioux City to Ben ton, same. Vincent Yore-L -St. Louis to Benton the entire season at 87,50. Sioux City to Benton, the same, 86,50. John P. Keiser At Co.—St. Louis to Ben tMaron, March. 86; July, 58; Sioux City, ch, 8.5; July, 86,66; or during the en tire season at $7,20 from St. Louis, and $6 from Sioux City. i l H. K. Hazlett—From St. Louis during march, 154,75; April, 57,20; May, 57; June and July, 5 7 i -2 0; August and Septembert 1 1 57; October, 814,40. From Sioux City, March, 53,25; April, $4; May to - Septem ber, $5,50. John N. Bolinger—From St. Louis du• ring theseason, $5,40. From , Simix City, 84,00. Joan Lawrence—From St: Louis du ring the season, 85,60. From Sioux City, $4,60. . —The question as to who has been awarded the contract for transporting U. S. Army supplies is not as yet settled. By the way one of our contemporarlea corn plimenta"certain gentlemen for what they will do if awarded the contract. - Now, certainly, Captain Hiram K. Has- • , lett, the contractor of - last year, is cer- , tainly deserving of great commendation , fer .what ,he has done. Captain H. sent , up last season quite a number of boats I loaded with army supplies, and Of the whole number so sent but one was lost. Captain H. Is a bidder for the contra ct this year, and has under control the fol- 1 loviing steamers."vizt Carrie V. Konntz, "Hiram, Salle. Peninah, Andrew Ackley, -IdaStorikdale and Urilda. These steam 'fzirs were built expressly for the moon tain trade, and are in every respect up tooth° requirementaof the Rord of. Un- 'derwriters. The Carrie V. Kountz and 1 Hiram are entirely; now,-84 LOWS .1?o• publican 24th. —A St. Druis telegram under date of Monday says: Ice is making rapidly In the Upper Mississippi, and navigation la' lemporarily suspended in that stream. The storm has extended far to the West and the Northwest, and the , Missouri is 'cleeed again at Omaha, and bele*, and ( the Weather very cold. The Barge Com :pariyis preparing to send five tows , per week to New Orleans. They design to charter the Mary' Alice, Sam - Brown and Atlantic, in addition to , their present towboats.. The propeller E. G. Good. has Just brought out of the Illinois river 81,600 bushels` - of corn in' bulk and a large lot of sundries. It is expected great quantities of bulk grain will come 'out of that river this season. The Glen dale will lie here and repair damages re ceived by , the late Ate in the Ohio river. —The Clarksville Chronicle says there ha's been no time since the war that so on the CmaamnYbeblrlaantedh•airaVeatbeperneserunnt;:lige Cairo Packet Company have changed time. • from tri-weekly to a daily line. Form erly it wits almost like tnaking a trip to New , York to ga from our eity . . - to Amin. calm or Cariet .but under the present arrangement you will arrive ' at Paducah'. in twelve hours' from the time of de-' partnre. - ' - -: -, ---- -, -e-The largest tow that -fies, ever gone over the fails since putting up the bridge piers was taken down by Captain. Pink Varble on Saturday last. , The tots vex made by the W. H. l Brown, under mom. mand of Captain Smith, being eighteen thousand barrels of salt and ten thou sand,bushele of coal. The, bargeS Were taken over seven abreast. .=Steamboat tains are not o ft en "t an" aken of In d one for," but the "city m the Mehis Appeal tells how the captain of nt the Memphis and one 111=3 New Orleans packets iihad a hand put curbircel-br acouplept-pretended sugar. buyers and a scrumptious female. Some four or five' hundred dollars changed hands on the occasion. t —Mr. Collins, first mate of the Gov ernor Allen, who was shot on Tuesday, on the landing at New Orleans, by the second mate of the Allen,, died on Wednesday, and was .buried on Thurs day. The Messenger, New. Orleans to .sburgh, was at , .Loulsville on Monday, the Kate Pntnam, Pittsburgh to ; hville, passed Evansville the same The Camelia left Cincinnati fcT Pitts• h on Monday. Among other items eight, she has over I,soo_scks corn. , e Lorena arrived at Cincinnati on day night, and the New York was cted in same night. line of boats 'between Vicksburg tShreveport is talked of this season, he Glendale arrived at St. Louis all on Monday. bur. i of 11 Mo sap and righ River and Weather. ,"1/31:ILLE. February 24.—Weather and cool. River falling, with nine wo inches of water in the canal. Lo' clear feet t STRAIKBOATS I' OR KANSAS CITY 51'. JOSEPH AND OMAHA,. —The splendid steamer SALLIE Cart. T. S. CALHOUN. Will leave for the above ports on SATURDAY, Math Inst., at 4 o'clock P. W. For freight or passage apt; on board or to JOHN FLACh. J. I t. OLLINW GOOD. CO., &CO Ag 5.1e2.4,111 N ORT HERNLINE uga gr at , PAC X ET.z-FOR GALENA AND DUBUQUE. SAVANA ' Capt. ROBERT ISHERWOOD, toi commence loading for ?kJ above and rmedlatepoints on the firstiot March. and will go through without reshipping. For particulars apply. to, FLACK & COLLINGWOOD, Agent, fe=:i97 ..or R. C. littAY. ' MORTH _ERN LINE ...LAIMi A.l PACKET.—The.new ; andsengiu splendid • . I . MI NNKAPOLIS• Capt. J. B Iltionis. Wilt leave fur Si'. PAUL. about the 10th of Apr Lt.nd go through direct. This splendid steamer offers very superior ACTOMMOCat lons for pl' sengers and stock. Fort patliculars apply to - FLACK & COLLIA 6' WOOD, Agents te'.2:oB " rB. C. MCAT. VO ciNclNNATiand_ .i: LO ISVILLE.—The fine pas sengers nmer GLAS IV • Capt. ANDREW ROBINSON. J.n. Wit lea o for the above and Intermediate ports on THIs PAY, 25th Inn , at 4 1.'. - ae.. For freight or passage apply on board. or to FLACK & COTINUWOOD. (. 4 11111081' i C - JAMES COLLI ' A, Pliii CHARLES BA BB as. Agents. FOR ST. LOUIS. .- The aget n.e,passen K er steamer , ARMADILLO •" Cipt. A. Itlceim, %tilt leave PH. the "above and all intermedLate ports, on THIS DAY. 25th inst., at 4 P. M. Fox:freight orp‘ssage apply on board, or to , O. 1 - I;LHIlteeT & CO.. fe2o FLACK & COLLINtiWOOD„ Agents. pITTSBURGH, Adria WHEELING, Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Leave Company's 'Wharf Boat, foo - t of Wood Street, • DAILY, AT 1.2 TUESDAYS AND ranytTs.- BAYARD.... A. S. SIIEPAIYILD. Xaater. WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, utzr EAGLE C L. BEENNAN. Master.. Freight 'still be received at all hours by sell J AMES COLLINS. Anent. N i ° 1 " 04 =):1 - 4U: 2 1 O VERPOOL ANDairk Q EEN:4TOWN. Tile! • MAN 2ILtL STEILIUSIZIPS. Numbering sixteen Mit-Maas vessels, in- mtbe celebrated among CITY OF PABin, ' CITY OP ANTWErp, CITY OF BOSTON, CITY OP BALTIMORE, Bailing EVERYIT6. 1 1Yom Pier 4b. W rk I River, New Yo. For uassage or Butler infunna.ton *Duly to BINGILLII, TO IIFTTI STRI RT. iChroetcle nun , One. %.Ir)v oponsitt Post I inle , ...Pwohnr 'h WILLIAM' FILLER . 4, CO., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Cornet of Trwla . ..nottrotrer to the trade at lo* figures, strictly Prime . New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Porto Etco, Cuba and English Island Sugars. New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore Be- do. Golden Drips, Lovering,.' BrubJle, Stuart's, Adams , and Long Island IsYruPs. Porto Rleo, Cuba and English Island Molasses. Young Hylton. Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder and Ooiong Teas. Carolina and Baniroin Rice. . • Java, Laguayra and to CodeeS. Tooacco. /Lard Oil. Fish, Naha Glut, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, Sc., constantly oil hand. i ' itPoaricit?3 P or I Fine Brandies,Wines and Segars. .Nnenisri,"MoseUs.' and Spartiltig-Ifoek*lnes of thrum! & Co., i n bogies. Sparkling Moselle, liellarsberg 'and' JobanaL burg, Ifootheiroer. Burgundy,- Brandenburg . t - Freres , Fine 01lye 011. do do, Claretik__lnitiorte d in bottles.. do 'do White Wines,. in bottles. M. Wort & Sons ' Sparkling Catawba. •. , Fine old Sherry, Maaelralnd Port Wines. Free Old Monoogwaelaflys Whistles. pure. do . Very Sonerlor Old Scomb do do.. Imperdal So'e Agents for Moat &Chandon's Grand pin. • Versenay and Eiellery Champagne. . Brandlea of ourown , select i on and warranted. 2•dia . 4 L L E Glii ENY rolinnx*Nc ia coarpArrr OP prrrspintott. , O eiti No. a TRIPTH BTEXIT. BABB BLOOE. Tnsureimalast all 'kinds of Fire and Hartita • JOHN DIWIEN, Jn., Pietddent. JOHN D. IIfeCORD, Vice President. • D. G. DONNELL. secretary. . OAPT. WM. DW.T_ N . General Agent. Diar.crons: John Irwin, 'Jr. - - Criss. Wnt. Dean. John D. /devoid. • B. L. Pahnestoet 0 - Et- EnzaeYl W. H. Everson', Harrey_Childs, 'Robert H. Davis, T. J. Hoskinson, Frauds teller*, • Marks Hark Slant. J. T. Stock dale., EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB.- I --- VilbrES. LIQUORS, erm. 1 ,-- ROCK THE BABY BOLD °xi: BY LEMON& WEISE. Practical Ft/influx* Miuni Alchn* iten 3113 irotrirrn,Aomin-736. Where nal be a fitil worth:len,' of Par. Mr. Chamber and Hitchen Vurniture deZ5 vOTICE.—The °Mee of the .L PITTSIIITROM wunz LEAD AND COLOR , WORKB had this 414 been REMOVED Lout Mo. OT Fcrurti, Avenue,. Pittsburgh, PACTORY, I No , 454 Rebecca a bilret, Allegheny. 84 aransh Oka at HARRIS it EWING'S, No. LIDIAETY STREET, corner of Tenth, (for. .merly Waroe), Orders lect at the Factory, at Hanle & twines:or eebt Girl:pub thePltts burgh Poet Once. tirni receive pronipt site abb. , te/icefi- J. BCHOONMAititit A BON , 14.AJEtSlIALvlit ELIXIII. , --- fIsUALL,II ELIXIR. WILL CCU TINA.D.A(III3. 14AnsUALL'S ELIXIR WILL C 171114 DTSPEPIIIA. Mit o HanALLIO - ELtrut wiLL: COBB ,. COSMlC agssFrio. .° , of EfarshalPi Elixir; sl.oofer liottle. For sale bLall Druggists. Depo lBolJita rket'Street. al. - 31eRsHALL & Co t Druggists. Proprietors. feitino•Trrilill GOOD NEWS. . - : ... aEf'SAP BREAD IS DEAR TiNSI " Enquire for WARD'S Brea d. 'lle largest 'and bed: t be Initials ..H. W. 90 OD rm.!' /oaf. Take none . au4:2113 INSINE ' .-__ .. I ENTERPItI i tsE INSURANCE _COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH, PA., ofilee, NO. 424 PENN' ST.i UR NATIONAL TRUST CO. BOILDLIUL) DIRECTORS: _ Robt. Dickson, C opan Liddell, iW. , ,T, p l u m G. bledle, !, Buren, IF. lilrsch, " E. H. /dyers, i J-0 angwisch, !Chris. Siebert. L. J. Blanchard, J. Weisser, I.P. Behlideekee• Roh li biczcsi g gf. V Pr e sident. eat BORT.J. 6RIER , Treasurer. . fele: J. J. ALB ETE. Secretary. V NI pENNSYLV N NIA INSURANCE COO ANY OF PITTTSBURON OFFICE, No. 107 WOOD STREET, BAN& OP COMMERCE BUILDING. This is a Raine Company, And insures against /0111 by Tire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President.. 0. C. BOYLE, Vice President. ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. NOSH NcELHENY. Secretary. Dinr.exons: • Leoliard Walter, Georse insert, 0. 0. Boyle Geo. - W,, Evans, Robert Patrick, . J. C. Lappe, Jacob Painter, J. C. Plelner, Josiah King, John Voegtley. Jas. H. Hopkins,, A. Ammon. .._. Henry SProsl. rammiwyry AGAINST LOSS BY FIRS" FRANKLIN INSURANCE - CO, OF PHILADELPHIA, Offf/ICE, 435 & 437 CHEATNIIT ST., near tru. sisSordhs. _ Charles V. Rancher, Mordecai H. Louis i Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuel Grant, Isaac Lea, Jacob B . Smith, ' Edward C. Dale, IrPorge W. Richards. George Tales. CHARLES (i. BANC 11, President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. , 1. , W. Cl. STEEL S , Secretampro tem J. GARDNER COFFIN, AGnsT, North West corner Third and Wood Streets. mit22:wls BEN FRANNCLE4 NSURANCE COMPANY, OF .iLlailums PA. -= OFFICE DV FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANS BUILDINGS, No. 41 Ohio 13t.. Allegheny. -, • A HONE COMPANY, managed by Directors web mown to the community who trust by fair I dealina to merit a share of you r patronage. . HENRY MIiVIN. ......„....Prosldeat. GIRO. D. RIDDLE : ....... Secretary. .. _ , . • DIRECTORS: - I Henry Lrwin: D. L. Patterson, Wm, Cooper, Geo. B. /fiddle, Jacob Frans, Gottlelb Pau, Stmon Drum, J. 8. - Smith, - Jacob Bdsh, W. M. Stewart, Ch. P.3gNston, Joseph Craig, Jos. Lautner, Ef. J. zintand, Jere. /Cohen. atdo:otts • I DIPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON. . • ESTABLISHED 1803. CASH CAPITAL PAID UP AND INVESTED FUNDS EXCEED. ING it 8,000,000 IN 09LD. 111,11211 i r' rinnh PlSifgerecitirLdoVelgrisidtenhd Steamboats. &c. .rolleles issued payable in gem or currency. United .ntates Branch tham 40 NNE dTBEZT. New York. • All losses of the United Mates Branch wi ll be adjusted in New York. • Y. Ztior-.A.IIGITIMENT Agent, PITTSBURGH, Ocoee. 11i FOURTH STREET. 31E. MCLAUGHLIN a also Agent for the Min. hattan Life Insurance Couroany. aes:v72 1 -WESTEN INSURANCE COMA . . PANT OF PITTSRURGH. • • ALEXAIIDER NIMICE, President. WM. P.-HERBERT. Gen . . CAPT. GEORGE NEEL"), eral Agent. Ogice, WS Water street, Opartg & Co.'s W are* house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will litzure against all kinds ot Fire and Ma. rine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Di rectors who are well known to the community, and who Sr. determined by promptness and liber ality to maintain the character which they have assumed, as altering the best protection to' those who desire to be Insured. Alexander Nim D/RACTOBEI ick, Joan R. McCune, R. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, Alexander Fpeer, , Joseph ElrkpatriCk• Andrew Anklet:, Phillip Renner, _David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, D. Rumen. NATIONAL INSURANCE CO., OP THE MY pp AILEOHIML ol3'llZell,n*ABv9el;ll23ElL" aTREET' "'trail" FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. W. W. MARTIN, Presideat JAS. K. STEVENSON. Secretary. areacTons: A. H. Engltsh o.ll.P.Willlaras i Jail. A. Myter. ;as, Lockhart, , Jas. L. Oratiaza, Eobt, Lea. Jo°. Brown, Jr. Geo. Gertt,' oci2:n34 • pz i ozpetp usunAstE COn. 07f1ICE, N. B. HOHNNE*OOD a_IIFTH ♦ Home Compsolstaiirtg7lre end itiulne Mai o I • DERICTOAa: , '1 pa, M 121 M Capt. John L. asa, rot; wiAt, Samuel P. Shrive; John K. Park Charles Arbuckle, Capt. James KUM; - - Jared M. Brash,- " , Wm. Van Kirk, Wm .p.j. 44 ,,, JamerD. Verner.' Samuel x4o.4kart WM. PHILLIPS,. Prealdeet. . ~- - JOK& WATT vied President. ::' W. P. HARD 8., Secret 4 Ty... CAPT. JAB. 0 06 DON, General Alient. . _ SCI - 111t1IDT & FRIDAY, lIIIPOBTER4 OF MRS, BRANDIES, GIN, &C., WHOLESALE niesi,,Eas th PURE RYE WHISKIES, 409 PENN ST .T, Will }tame° on the Ist of is to 1. NOS.IIBI AND 886 P N 2 •rl•• Core-Eleventh St., (formerly earl, JOSEPH :& Men & CO., Nos. MOM% lON 111, 193 and M s , nizeT. 8/114NT,_ PITTEIBMOB, masuptonouou op copper .-Displed PUri , ityt, Whiskey s dealen In ORB WINES and Lin QIIONS. 119f8. ogoo.no._ I AS . EI" Cat;lts No. 1 Pot ,„Autia /11 store and for Isle b a. B. C.a.7llllas =Si Ell INSURANCE n 027 J. Thompson , Jos. Mlrevs - C. O. ppybrh Jacob Kopp. • =I REIN