The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 25, 1869, Image 1

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, Proceeduigs of the Legislatur-
81Pts Concerning 'Local Mat.
ten Introduced in Senato;-
' Bills Passed Finally in House
— ReA.0414107 Adopted ''to Ad:.
Jonrn Over' or th e Presiden
tial Inauguration.
._. •
1.13 y Tele..-“ph to the Pittaburigh Gazette.) '
BAZi p ti Pt i SsPelpttarY 24,4869.
• 1 -.I •, ' • • ... ~ -.
. Y. SENATE. r
,-4 itlLldlittliOntielio.
By Mr. ER.RETT: Increasing the cap!-
tai stock of the Pittsburgh and Alla
ichen,y Bridge- ' tomma!,
.lEfand street)
tyiLlio, ..- „ '
Apthiorlaingi_ the Ailegheny Valle y
Railway Company to apply the bonds
authorized by act of April llth, 1867, the
:Proceeds thereof to pay the indebtedness
not secured by mortgage and to improve
the facilfftek of 'the road.
ProviCig for the construction and
nudntenanee of foot walks in Chartiers.
townshfp, Allegheny county. •
.n.tdhttriiiiii.the'Stata Veasurer to re
ams Samuel ATlinder; late Treasurer ef
Pittsburgh, 21,250, over paid into the
State Treasury.
Monntn _
--','lneorporeang the Allegheny:County
ental :Associatio. for the erea
tion7,6talfoldlerst monument. )
Supplement tbr Mount Washington
borough, extending the Pittsbrugh . v 6 ;1 1
blobs linerisalawthereto.
Givialki•tho rtttateirg,h Treasurer the
- Same fees as the Allegheny county Treas
carer • for- collection,of:State mercantile )
licenses, And giving .oae_ IfeiSePt. on ail I
- collections for other corporations than
Pittsburgh.:.... . '
Anthbrizing the First Methodist]
, Chtircht:Slutrpsburg, to remozo tilitt4l
--4 - &Li.: s.. )
Regulating h mailing of the Legiela- i l
.tive Record. ,
. : By Mr. CONNELL : Authorizing the
j .. , • Governor, Auditor-ljeneral and State
Treasurer to exchange registered bonds
1, - for coupon bonds.: - ),„-
• '') ":- Enabling. Bdilding and Loan Associa-
I - tious toconedvdebp after the eXpiration
f" - of charters.
_,„7 _ _\\ i
__ ..
... I L-- . --
.7.; By Mr. BROWN' of Mereert , incor-
t•- 7 % porating the ElbßA%lpsvilia and: , Butler
• , cogrity-•Blii_irpAd mpany. '..- ,
By .ML.r. q,BAHAM . Bill to „preserve .
the health attd.'rvollent ei,ligabsakfahfr
''' i - JAlrejtfbelt 41;erlittevArei=
.. rut/gore tar, b! or ot .er r ... into
j +kr 77-sa idlifernraftlitritintarleNt- 3` ,. -,. .
it v •-•`' -A jtaiiiiishlt.' - ,th*'. it *eters of
.. 1. - ' . ..l'areo_tittn; 4 eel - - connty, tb vote .for
.-, of agfnst grithtintlicenso to sell fate:al.'-
: catinkjiquors, accotmpanied . byatetition.
j, • - ByMr. BROWN ) of Mercer:, Author.:
king rthe Mercer:Mining Company t,o
guarantee the \ interest and principal of
bonds of the'Shen_ango and Allegheny
; 1 Railway Coinpanyto an amount. not, ex. a
ceeding 825,060 net: Mlle •-'• : ' '
f By Mr. DAVLS, 'of Berke ;:".7 A p
i resolution propoSing a Constitutional
;f • ' amendMent an ing the October else
Lions to Novena be in every yearin which
,-- thePreidgential- elections occur. ''
• ..........._ ........ , - -
; ' -' - - • ' 4,-..TtEXO eirtifAtigit..
farr , - GRAfrAti el Oiltiht a raree)r
',. • strance agains: the annextitionof Lower ..
St. Clair township to Bi rniingha m.numer
p nsly signed; also, a petition for asup
leatent)for,MoKee's-Ferry. •
AD.rotirtNatENt FOR' , 1.1 • rivetatritAnolg,
. The concurrent resolution for adjourn.
ing both Houses over from Friday till
March Bth was adopted.
. At. to
h.Senate . atterzipoil , session thp
--gel:leis' tax bill wag Vaasect-tOrp, second
liir.iiIIERMAN calleil np the bill .
adosit_free of duty philosophical appara
tui;-books'and charts-Imported In good
faith for the use of instruction.
Mr. CONRLING moved to add "and
chimes of bellt• of-kinds no t made, in
this country . "
.' ' - 1 '''
Mr. GRIMES opposed the amendment,
the bill, aftexa brief discussion, was
laid over. '
The bill to authorize the selection of a.
oRite for. a Territorial prison in Idatit!
4 - in 1 , '""
1 4 .
___- ingati. 1 in the President of the
United States was received and , read,
vetoing the uopper tariff bill.
The bill was then passed by the , follow
,--Ittg !pie : , , =• };
Ye as - Messrs:Abbett, Anthony, Cam
eron, Cat ell,, Chandler,l Cole, Conklin%
Corbett, Drake„ Frelinghtlysen, Harlan,
Harils,,Hciward, Howe, . I Relloitg, Me.
Donald, Morgan,Morrill, (Vt.,) 111oHonV
Nye, Osborn , Pa tterson, (Tenn. ) Pome
roy, Pool, funsey. RION Rosa," Sawver;
Shernian, SPenderoStowarti Thayer, ,Tip.,
ton, Wade, Warner, Webb, Willey'ruid
Williams.-44. . . . _
lire.e.l.-41-esiirs. Buckaiew, Davis, Dix
on, Ferry, Fessenden, Grimes, McCreery,
'Sumner, Trumbull, Van Winkle, Vick.;
e..and ,W,hyte---12. ,
.„-"The Sepate then i i ii ' iciedeg.teinonsider 1
the-joint "res - oltitiort'repairted by joint 1
Committee on Printing, to provide fec.
reporting and panting the debate s of,
the next Congress.
. Mr. WHYTE said, as a member Of .
Committee on Printing, he had invest!,
gated the subject, and was satisfied the
best coarse Congress could take would 'dirc@t'i the i f olnrccrninittee on
riptinkjo make irnely,„contract with'
Rives .t Bailey, present publishers of
the Globe, and he offered an amenment'
directing the Committee to make a an t`
tract with Rives dt Bailey at the rate
. , c9NTEnED ftrarcvrorr.rxxv.ursszs nanted in their bid. The choice, in - hls
i - Mi.' AMES,' 61' Ore'witsrd, introduced judgment, lay between them and the
1 , a joint resolution to pay the ex penises pi, government printing _office, Pecans& it
the Greenbank contested election cow.- aftcuieirto'hlin /die to consider' the pr 0:,....
:,.... intttee,,, while sitting In
,Philadelphia nositiOn of Mr: Crowell, living-in a. We . • next week, to be the : Chair- tent city, and having neither an statt
, . min.' 'Phsied finally.'' -- - - lishruent in which to , do the work nor
' time to create one. As between 'Rives
dr, Bailey and the Congressional Printer.
i t .... _ FOTtho preiteCtlert_oftivft stable keep- loe'was in favor of Thonsina the former,
-.:era in C rawford, Chester and L e b anon be:suse they had already Vensonstrated
coinnies. - - " - ' their ability, to do the work well, and
..„ „,, AuthPri?ing,(4lllBll °.+ 7 .4 ol lloi t o 13°r- their
be thought the netituate of public
I row money.- . - ~_,.
.._ "
. L. , , ~ i '„,
~_ printing very unsatisfactbry, some of the
a •
lawExending Pitteenilin•Yeuiele ,! lee ".'e Items, particularly the binding, being es
i . . to Ormsby borough.
timated at an absurdly low figure.
..,. #' ' --- riiegtilatirig , tire ion ruldexicilipetion of
After considerable discussion Mr.
k ~, taies in Ormsby borough. .
Whyte's atriendment was adopted,:tind
, .7480; till Srolll' the ,'Senate atinuiliT the Senettveslied a Joint resolution au..
i '„,'
, i ; the If, IL-B. Thom
lied 1 th r a Ct i l l a..'C-tralidttee Pii PERM°
...;-'1,..t-Nien., A.11.14i,,b Mt ,4 1 ,,- ; /4 4 , --4,...);fiari - s' . .Pr a ia ins to
e v es a dea * siftialidnarrn o "''' • *dated Aplai_otn,.-incc.'" ' - ' tract with Rdc Balltof fot reNaing
TO Joint, re i bo latinfirrnin the' &and° PP and ptiblishing the debates for theiseit
:---'-,, adjoprti-overfroinghidaY to-Monday,
I.i Cinet,ch/ ith,! in, etinittder4W Or ;the in. The vote was 24 to 11. ' ' ....),
"'‘'" ItlikuliatM•4lYB.4-108i4"Yeliii4it'thY8 51 Mr. TRUMBULL, from the Cl4,,ligrol
. At the evening 01/410,49 5EP EL 9 0 tee on Judiciary, reported, with anpmd
' ''' 'nf PidladelPfati,pi,vo treeemsideration mentsadr., coos bill to further the ed
-rjt . Ct. , the VotOlneKetiYittl4/10,..-raaaiail.°_lll n if u l atratiolicotbOitice: (3. 'l.: - Ti'A . . ..,-
*hick Was iigrred Ur =a tint rbsolgtivn r-, -I,fr" 'NORLitt.itefAte.i,rehhrted 'with
aala P t ed• - '')".' ITttit',2)2''' I 'Out imendiiienf; the poste service apl,
. 4 . c .The bill a ppropriatipeoe,ooo; kr de- propriatron bill. • '
---,,"-- - '',,,......,..4g Iniel,_„...ll7l'ilraT'lNPflanw'UPailmetnii Mr. MORRILL then called to
.1 ,---. 4,,... .. , . Army appropriation bill, , -
t authorizing the Governor to The amendments reported by the Corn
- :., • PPointlt inninyil)totaviet Public its the ftnit teeonAnnropxlationx were agreed t 0.,......
.- . .
1 ,1- ..?“uptuess , ,,of Itlo , connty ntay . relit/RSV ..-.llfryty-XLSON take -coffered-lan amend:
~..- .!ansext ilualty..t.„) ~. f me 4t redticiugl e number or infantry
".?"---11"nt.....1e1r'"414_. ./tft)"_.- .. w lgg; i t • tgbilients3eib t fto, 7 l b4P/Inl - bernf
ette. "Algal'af . a• Brigadier Getter ' s& to eight, axiug the
3,000, el i'..- - ' -I,:ter.. • form 0491Wmeit* n'ef IPM Mmer"
i the lAts AikittingPartte, iittgatriatriat tar 'bittiar • pMitell'lnfintrly ingt•r:
2/ ,.,
stye debited, shall conaolidide,thibAglmOntigllriMiirs.
„,_.**a .."4!enidlletittleit-the House as the requireneents of the public ser--
..,-,, 177.
.(47,.:,-- : J. , f.4 ' ,- .Z...:. ......:3?. f vice Will permit. Agreed to. f -
Tie ol( iiiir 't'n,...,..' '' -111 is Mr. GRIMES offered J-11 amendment,.
-, - • , - --•-, . -, rs'.,
;me& noA 5m 3 e.4..t0-striking, out the
s!Swittrrelesripl44/34,;totiaticalltirt,414,,,,, stoi,-37. grisied*Ttiatinta&t..4.
--- , ; ' 15t 4 4,3, 4 Beer d. z. ilt., Ye tat manta, in the ordnance, engineer and
inuch obstructed en. 1 41 ,4 1 i 'Ve l 7- medical departments:
' .
Y 9 lie -35e.tvg§:Aai• % I VA' Mr• Bri."ER in 9594 to add an a"
..tada.y.-:,.'llllq,storM- - - r . Altiinerit TiOijOrfilitttairUitikihe ho 1n
'hirt-anather; lakim'ail' vieliti44l / 4881 4 iiit()l'igi,b_k_ of _the.Treasury to audit enl:liaTttiPth.`
•,.- -is very severe at ?exabtoce:vi d ' hi t ,g >Ceres; af - ptrt , Alf-gidnfs land MansavEtn
inm boring remMl:4-mi the 4044 % , 4 1 . - • betel- for adv_anehitifadelor the ;United
to.niglit. The luti*r opesekftar Mt_ piitakoduring theiWa l r Of 4
. 48 4 1 ' 1
• - '
Winter be eentiiietely-eh eekedz ,L,, ,v, , ,`. ttr, GE.tgEgralited, the: 1 14 of order,
' ----.L.- -.4.....„. ; ,_. ‘ ,,4
~ , • -,,
„:, that ;this . wan sublitatitia Via: private'
'Dinner to Cori Setiur z ,. ' dale', being for the benefit - of a Railway
0. - T i le i rr i s i, h 4 , ,I;i, pus a bi maimsz -. .., . , ;Company,
.and, that tberefre'lt 'mid
I Y e
tea not, under the rul be k-d
NEWT43.I"S-Feb;3 2477 A dinne r t "-- Carl penillntr appropila es tio . a bi t ri c . -',? '! )31 °.
c , iiiirz -7- wlll-• be ' given,, at Del mogico2s. ,- Mr SUMNER, ma intained that this be
tirdaY evening by ` tha ' 1 .
L ' next Hat
theG t and Colfax
ennan ng a,clairn of a State, was not a private,
members If ~, !at-, . , ;?,Club of but a public claim. 'What he proposed
i,istet4:4l# -
was that the Senate should provide for
~. , _ . ,
•,r .
SENATE: The Copper Tariff
Bin Passed Over the Veto--
Contract for Reporting and
Printing Debates of the Next
- ation Dill Consideration.
litiESE: Rill to iirregigthen
Public Credit and Legalize
Gold:Contiaeis Passed—Legis
lative Appropriation "Rill
.Considered. .
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gaiette.3
WasiurrerroN, February 24, 1889.
CaroMlinra. T(itirßlT.MSßaCrwyLeLr,,,i)*rowmontihde Cznoamktenitti.tee
on Judiciary, reported, and the . Commii:
tee was discharged from the further con
sideraXion of, the petition, dre., asking
legislition to meet the existing state of
affairs is Georgia, thd b ill to proilde a
more dfliciebr governMent for Minis
sippi, the bill supplementary to the
act to abolish the system of Peonage in
New Mexico and other
.parts of the
United States ands Memorial against a
change in the ' bankrimt law:
Mr. TRUMRULL, from the same Com
mittee, reported adversely the bill to de- -
fine, felonies and\ misdemeanors and
regulate. . penmptaxm. challenkes in
- United States Courts, on the ground that
the objects, of the bill are already pro
vided for in the statutes; also adversely,
to the bill to preserve the purity of elec
tions in Territories, on ti m ero that.
there wad nOt stifticientat this ses
sion to entertain it.
Mr. WILLIAMS, from the Committee
'on Private Land Claims, made tuiverse
reports, , signed by himself and Mi.
Terry, bn the claim of Wth.McGarrahan.
He said the Senator frqm Louisiana (1)1r.
Kellogg,) and the Senator from South
-favorable ?sport nponthe Claim, and that'
as theßenator "from Delairire (Mr. Bay
ard).declined to have anything to do with
the niattai L tha Cemitittee were,unable
-to arrive at mai-decision, and must there.
'fore leave it"wholly to the oritionbf the
the payment of an outstanding account
due to 1• for Services dvrlng
the war of 1312, and the question of the
justice of thelalm, or the propriety of
providing for At in this way, was not at all
affected by the fact that Massachusetts
had generously appropriated proceeds of
the cl to the construcion of a very
imporaimtant railroad, by which the general
interests of the country would be ad
Mr. SAWYER, from Committee on
Private Land laims, presented a report,
signed by him elf and Mr. Kellogg, fa
vorable:to th , claim of Wm. McGar
• Mr. SUER N thought the , amend
ment to the pe ' ding bill, offered by the
Senator from chusetts, was not-in
order. -.- --- •
Mr. ,FE&SENDEN , took the opposite
i sa
view andrthe question - of order was (M
-oused until four o'clock, when the Sen
ate took a recess, • ', •
Zveniiig . Seaston—Mr. .. WILSON, as
Chairman of. tbuCorumittee on Military
Affairs,called up the following bills and
- resolutions,.. which wore passed: ' • .
The' bill HOWIE) providing that brevet
cotendasionsishall only be issued in time
of war; joint iesolution authorizing the
Secretary of War to 'take possesaion of
national, cemeteries' at Antietam and .
Gettysburg; joint resolution dropping
from the army, rolls certain officers ab
sent three months or longer without'
leave; bill continuing freedmen's hos: -
pitals at Richmond and other points in
theflouth until the 30th of itine next;
and longer if necessary; bill declaring
and fixing the ' ealaries of Corps Judge
Advocates; bill repealing the law requir
ing the. General of the Army to reside
orders in ;Washingthe armon, and requiring
all to t
army y shall go the through him. •
- The Rocks Joint` resolution'authorizing
the payment ofil,OfX)to Walter P/owden,
a colored scout and spy, for services dm.-
big the war. , , -, . _
The following bills, :from the Commit
tee on Military Affairs, we also passed:
- ' Vhdßouse bill in relation re
to additional
bOunties; , the bill to remove the charge
Of 'desertion from c , certain soldiers of
North Carolina iiiottnted Infantry.
, The /louse bill tudefine the pay of °fa
c.ers of the army detailed to act as mili
tary instructors in colleges and univer
shies was ,tliscussed and tabled.
• Several private bills passed.
AdjeurnecL ; .
The House resumed the consideration,
of the unfinished business. of yesterday,
being the bill to strengthen the public
credit end legalize gold contracts.
- Mead,. Prayn, Coburn and others op
posed the bill, and Messrs. Logan De
lano, Brooks 'and others approved it,
after which
Mr. SCHENCK moved the provions
kuestion on thsbil lupindMent.....-..
. • Mr, SIWTKS ifiolvirthe ;bill 'be Litht.
Upon'the . tablii. "Not egree'crfo--yea‘.fis,
nays 132 • • • , • ''
Mr. NLBLACK Moved to strike out the'
first section. of the bill. Not• agreed to—•
yeas b 4,
motion of
• ,
The otion of hlr. Allison to strike out
the (second section was defeated--yeas
73, nays 90.
questioiißas taken op, the passage
of the bill, resulting, yeas 110, nays 6/.
AIM bPd'passed in the Jame minim as re- -
ported from the Committee on. Ways' and
mettum" . ~' ,-- ',-- 1" „. ,
' The Honse agreed to 'meet tozmorroir`
at 11 o'clock. a.
:Mr. BUTLER, from the Committee on
;Appropriations, - reportOd'Abe Senate;
"amendments ' to Indian Apnropriatiois,
bill, which were referred to Committee_
of the Wholkabd made the speolal order
for' to-morrow.
- . The-House then weut,4nto Committee`on ttierhilative ApprdPitliukta bill, Mr.
Schenck in the chair.-' i 9 4
, 47 0 4 0 motion ; of Mr. ALLMON, the pro
•lix) striking out the salary
was,e Special'
Commissioner of Revenue after de
bate by Messrs. f , Allhien•i: Keller and
Pike, amended by . adding 'the words,
*. atterliiiie.3o,4Blo." ' - - . -
I•Thp.,,apprcopritition for ,pdrellaneous•
items of the Treasury
bureau was re.
ducted from $20,000 to _,55,. 0001
Items were Inserted for Conitnisidoiii;
of Edocatlons3,oooi for 2 clerkii of Chilli
one, .2.4oo;‘and 'forconiiiiieit e
alsee, $6OO, •-. t. . .. . ,
The appropriation for,siliTe of i Gener-
Of. twar strhckbut.t.3-- .., •,-
tad. R Other rtfirtor i amain:hi:Lents ,Tvere adop-
TheUounnittee rose, afid •,the Ifeinse,
orimotion-of-Mr.--BLAIR,- Ordered the
discharge °tithe two recusant -- wlttiasses
from New York,' Reeves 'and Bell: ill - '•
' . , Mr. WILSON, of• 014 , offered a
littlei;that thi CoMMittee'on Beads aria
Cilualk be aid hprized .to print - the ,tostiq'
monY-Mi the-proper:lehgth of apiftut for
brlcigeit iferiwthe Ohio river
. *•-i PHELPS, of/liiiiryla d, , , eotOd.
Th_n /12naR citaln % font:Jab? Co. "'Roe
oh - ;Me LegislatiVe :A.ppi,opriatiolti blil;'
and pending its consideration toss a re
cess till eViinlnft. .., .ei •
-•Epen Ing'Sdaszon. —Tile House ritigxned•
' its session in Committer:prof-tile:WWl":
Mr. Allison. of lowa, in the Olialt,trand
• laiinmed the consithiration 9fthi'XiNtl#:"
' tatty° NFPltiation bill: - I —' ' ' . s •
Mr.. 4E1,4
,y, or New Yorli-,- Mit*
to indrease the number ' of sepridsnlitlia
clerks in the-Patent Office from I,,Vrt,Y--,
, (wci to thirty-five. Adopt I"gt
sd. :. - L ,*
, - Also, to fabletnik`the jttibiblow iif. ,
class clerks from ‘ tivency;iiiii fto forty...
.-- ptaix, - i °s;:z. „zz .51.,... , ,
monuments were •aZt,ed-litriging
pftt --Abe ...aftpropritioptl or toinV
dcitlii•tha-.Ptitent...o Ittul , piii i
ding f orthlrteezroopylato of drawl A
ontrthoutatuf dollar Afid tifyluiat aelfeir
htindted silo/lap ,:. • . '' .. 4.th0,. 7
Comfahisibtief' en 'A. I .' , , ,‘ . efoorl
cute his inquiries in , 1110 o t • Visor
:•tusalineofte rit We salittleistof Ju gest, .
the tAigre.nie co'art, A rejected4lig
leSimfg;dthßlMEntihi ifidifitiso, ;
&red and at last the Go itteeroBo4l: ".
Nfiri I KEVEVT, VA t h' CoMmittet .
youlasktfr.q; rfporect a ill for lir do ~
1 attird IMMO; Animilt AV& ce its and`
ktrZßUifiE4 (24616; glad. irsticti
fro n ,l,Ackrommuse# Jr ouirereptte t ,. , 1
the-w- cp.Approiviatiololll... <4i
Adjourned- -.,......_ , _.. 4...,..1 i lac - ,
- " - r ;:rt...^, , ,Yt.
11U:11 -- 1.1....•"-411-37-..eArt • - ..f., ..
rire.Prom ispentaneous Coibuittori , th
[Er Tequila La the Pittsburgh claseVlA'4
Ciitio.oo., ry Februa 24 This ,
If ArexigquiTed,loZ-.Ndsi /85;and•187.Lage
street; in a roil,' kiwi tirhili bidhimg.- •;
originated from spontaneous combustion.:fit
M ,the varnish room ; : of H.Q.N . Parsons;
11a Imola about 1112,000.. IfolliMer ik.
Phelps, carpet manufacturers, loss. Is '
$lO,OOO. The stores of SimpfermanA CO."
and Stanton et Co. were greatly damaged
by water. The total loss is estimated at
$40.000. •
A ppointments by the President
—The Postal Telegraph Pro
ject — lleniains otj Wir l z, &c.
LEY Telegraph to the Pltisbu gh lisreme 3
• WAsztirravos, February 24, 1869.
The President to-day transmitted to
the Senate a' large number of appoint
'meats in'the army, among them John T.
Sprague, Thomai WiLson, Milton Coiigs
well, Nehard N. Bitehelder, Allen Ruth
erford, and Robt. AVery, to be Brigadier
Generals by brevet; atio the last named
to be Major General by brevet for gallant
and meritorious serviCes." There are i
many other brevet appointments pending
in the Senate. '
The House Committee on Postoffices
and Post-roads have rendered an adverse
report on the several schemes of Mr. E.
B. Washburn, Mr. 6. G. Hubbard, and
Mr. J. P. Hall for the establishment of
postal telegraphs. The Conei ttee be
ganc their report by a careful nalysis of
each of the three bills under iscussion
And followed it up by the gene alconsid
mittens applicable to to the whole sub
ject, and the special objections o which
each of the proposed measures are open.
Mr. Washburn's scheme is to establish
a four wire experimental line from
Waahington to New York, to be operated
in connection with the Postoilice Depart.
meat: by persons wholly in the Govern
ment employ. The blii fixes a uniform
tariff' of one cent a word, exclusive of
date, addrentiand slgnature,• with five
cents_ additional for postaize and delivery.
It appropriates for the construction of the
line $1 goo which, in an accompanying
paper; Mr. Washburne thinks ample to
construct the line and sustain it until
it becomes self-aufforting. Trauma:Wel ,
and remunerative to the Government, 1
the lines are to _be gradually extend
ed to _all parts of the country.,
Mr. Hubbard asks for the • passage of ;a
law, which, by one act of legielation.
should create a new branch of public
service, the postal telegraph system, and
also grant a charter to him and his asap
'elates as the "United States Postal Tele-
graph Company," authortFing them to
erect and maintain lines of telegraph
ti over the States slid Terittortes,,
laiv ;tWeater• f.r%ge).ead,
occupy nest • rlght-rp,sile and 'routes ac o ff '
the publics' &Main, navigable riverk
ate. The bill fixes the tariff:of messages
at a maximum of twenty cents for twenty_
words, including due, address and sig
natare, for each distaaccof five hundred
Miles toor frectional postageef,fiv
cents be adde I for and deliv,
cry.. The Postoilice Department Is, bow
ever. to do - everything bbt ,suPply the
wires and' other telegraph :.rnachinerv,
width aret6 be supplies and operated
by Dep art m ent arties under contritnt with
e` , at rates' not exccetl
;-ing• those 'epeohied; the receipt 'and
edelivery of messages office room, fuel,
betty, blanks, stationery,.baok-keepiejt,
and the superintendence of the lines_ o
he, at the expense of the Government contractors are to - he required only
'lo:;eitablish lies and" do business at'
towns having a population of fifty thott-t
Baud and over. The Peatmaster deneral
iit •• open offices at railway stations, and
aresitalf In terniedtatePlaces. Both the
corpotations'are to he under the
.act, atici•any existingcompanies may bid
for, the contract, but in case • no better"
offer lein
reeeived, the United States Co
Angle reqdhed in, accept a
l ea . nontrac t
the ,iates established, if.tbe same is ndereff by the Posttriastdr General within
_six monthe'from the passage of the act
'cse'penalty of 'forfeiting their charter.:'.
' Mr. Hall's bill, introduced by Mr. Van
Born, of-New York, is for the construc
tion of a line between Washington and
Beaton, under the direction or the Post
.clifts Department. the line to be built by
Mr. Halt ,and his associates over and
upon any line °ries:no of travel by Post
,office road or oliterwlae by - railrd an
the bridges of ailltlndeover streams and
rivers used or that may be 'need as mall
rotiteSOf the United Stable, and that said,
partylor parties shall be proteotectin the,
centitruction, erection, preservatio and
i nA
use, thereof,•upon the. lines": or • , tea
above designates, Said line or line ta,ble,
• bu il t of znetallie polee and air , bleat 1
the tariff between teeny two points n the'
riffle to be one cent a word, counting
lisle, address and signature,.'the ovris-,•J
'era of the line are to have the right to'
import any--materials minable tor -tbe , J
"conatrztetion and workiniofit, including'
ja)1611, - wires, fdiustruments, ens., free of
duty; after three years successful opera-.
Lion of the . line,,the ' Governmehit is •re-i
,quited to bhp It at its cost and seven per
tent"itterest. ' ' ' -•
With regard to the general antject of
itiattniiiiirtlne telegraph; 'the COMmittee
'adVert to the Ault throbs • the infancy of 1
the inventiomProf. Morse offered it to
'the:Government ; - and. an experimental'
wlill eetabllshed between Baltimore
scad ,,- Washiagtea and operafed, 7 by & the 1
eaPpi 4 A Offtoe B s opartment; that- upon the 1
,w lig or thia nue and' the propriety or
Wing the iincilati- the ,L'estmaster
I, at the v request of 1 '
Ctingress t
ftriadiabiaderse• report', and the busl.l
teairciriei theses/Wm remitted loch'shands 1
`4if Vie Pponleatictithe .Itsgislauen ot the I
aittathiri,, awl w lapte 'lot hinore than
titentYYMVlsWbenthesyscetnhad Frown,
Ltstrite;ll4llelPar l lvil q d e r iMmiliullloril3r ;
ratIRP ...1 1 .Pg9901 5 414 *0,4 , 014101)y lump
F i99ll,o*Yan#qTlt4 - - - •
,;, .. EL °Port:goes on tnivlew.the-eifinir
- rtul et 1800 to reviv,e the - anbject, and
hlitlfill intiQutitlefunt alien- tel • create
•poittAttelogritrew- The matter was fully
rtfOltild /Ng 4441i1xi44 co; theTpassvot r of
I l vulN , tPiesTit.Pn-iitwAyplch .Teger l ia .
m iho vpipp o pomp hit•prlyilege of - it/Aug'
Oct reffot,`"ketee esitablie4oll* kir• "the
Ala ' I Depattrnenefor tloikattientr rues:'
' ` athdtilatitheitght to phiahaae Bald
lhatikake uhlepfifailltohont nnjetline Jtvltli
ln 'eve,. rveara P . -Under that 1 . laiE all the
iettdib ff -00 0. 1 1 11 1 1 t, es Iti n : nbWrontilig, ;and
, the
•In tine years from annct,liily:theßioncu.
ent:, nteark•claim ,isesseetcalett: atr.liPareisa
w - This act,wita o - obviate a
coed-et between Statespasse an d d t 'the *United
States Government relative to the con
trol of the wires.' 'This OltinTor the utti-
Mate acqrtiretnent of_ine telegraph Is
the same as that adopted by England
and Belgium. The GOverrouneut entered
FOUR o , ltmockc. A. M.
hut that compact with the understand-
Ina that 110 act chould tie done to impair
the value of he companies' "property,
K hich it held t e right to subsequently
purchase, and ngress should not now
deal unjustly.
Mr. Washburne's plan is next dis
cussed, and decided to be ono not calcu
lated to succeed, the appropriation being
inadequate, and two systems, public and
puccessrivate. fu not being able to work together
slly for either to benefit the pub
lic. By figures, it is demonstrated that
the Belgium . postal telegraph arrgnge
ments and sumemea should not,for vari
ety of reasons, be eaampled or cited in this
countryin favor of the system. Theop
ovations n Swi tzerland,Prussi a and Eng
land are compared with what they would
be in this country, Without deducing/nay
thing favorable to the mists! telegraph.
Mr. Hubbard's scheme Should not be
accepted, as Congretss in 1866 refused to
grant charters of like import, add there
has been nothing to demand a reversal
of that decision. The pressdoes not urge
it, the people do n t petition for It, Leg
islatures have not used resolutions
voring the fa
change. The Constit
right of Congress togrant a charter touttonal a
Drivats company to build telegraph lines
within. States !without their consent is
very questionable.
Mr. Hubbard's scheate violates a radi
cal princi ple , in respect to Government
work. Whatever service falls- within
the proper functions of the Government,
should be perforrhed by it' immediately,
and not through the intervention ofri
vate parties leaping an
profit. It is a proper subject of taxation
and the whole revenue which it yields
belongs to the Treasury.' No company,
looking for ten per cent. dividends, can
be 'allowed to intervene.
, Mr. ll'ubbard's scheme mixes the ser
vice and the servants of the contractors
and of the Government in such a man
uer that tha public will fall between two
stools. How is this .system to be made
profitable to the contractor' It can only
Ire done' by potting , nearly all the cast
upon thp Government. ''The'cost and
maintenonce of lines and the wages of
operators, are all that ;tail on the con
tractor. 'All the'rest must he .lionie by
the Government. , a'.',.:- • ' - .
Mr. Hubbard offerS a Tery_partial and
imperfect eubstiteto for the great net
work of telegraph: lines 'now in open.. ,
Mien. He is to 'be required to go only 1 1
to town Of. five thoarand inhabitants
and over, and is to be allotted five yeses
'to do it in. -In 1880 there were ory;
three hundreffand, thirteen 'towns with./
that populatiOn.; Haw-tweth . srat of the
four -thousand "telegraletf - OWN' to be i
served! ArethifY , W' be z Eibtiiidened, or ,I
left to the forbearattee ot private eoth- I
pa'aies, whose most profitable territory
has been invaded , b e tt the Govern-
meat?' Tl3O Conimlttest , see , :nti such .1
middle. , ,l,-, - koeftwtho .-- : Os* '
Apptirnkrrsztt- PP - wit-c;Vivrtifigl
systhin - ifairldi. - thit aid- proposal, and
if such a contract aysi ern werOdestratile,
it is not necessary, to-charter a new to corn
readerpany the eenricea. Old ccin-'
parries can e it, or new companies can
be organize in the States, and brought
~withlb the , privileges and :obligations of
the law of 1866. If new inventionsare de
*able; 'private capitalists ' will much
'mere readily embark in them now" than
when Prof. Morse offered his discoteries
toaninerednlous public.:, , , • .
Mr. Halite bill , has for its object the in
tied uction of z tron poles and air cables--
the former now in use in'those European
conntries,,which havea rack of wood arid,
thO latter at preset an Untried experl
ment anyWhere.' Ha asks that these and
'ell Other materials necessary to construct
this hbe may be imported free of duty; . '
In a act business Well established as the
taertiph, the introduction of im'provech
machinery. may ' safely be left .te the
Ittimulua of competition, seeking to
avail itself of the latest and best intltru
mente, end whenever iron posts and air
cables.commend themselves to the judg r
.6147 i: 4410 e teleiroFaiiiiianil AmeiiTer.
kiln mechanics will probably be found
to make them: j The coligatiori which.would be impose don' the Government
to bky those Balm at cost and interest
after three years' is stieh-'as' Congress
ought not to sanction.
The 'President' to day gave orders to
Lewis Schad. Earl.. for the remains of
Henry Wira who was executed in the
Old Capital !Prison in November. 1865,
and this afternoon the body wasrernoved
by an undertaker.
The Grand Jury o f t T
he rdstrict of
Columbia have found true bids against
seventeen persons, for illegally register.
ing their names at the late municipal(
election: 4
Special meetings of the City Councils
are called for to-morrow to take action
concerning the Inauguration:
The Senate Judiciary Commlttei3 to-• -
day adopted a resolution to take no fur
Aber action this session onappkications
for removal of political disabilities— ..
-The Fourth National Bank of Philadel
phis, the Agora of.vrhich were closed yes
,terday morning, wound S its affairs as
a-depository -of G overnmfunds on the
fulsi of September,And evierything relat
(ing thereth was satisfaetooli. se .
The ~ Comptrolleirr of; OUrrehou , • ha at s
in d -'
struoted"-a_•Special -, , Agent to examine
and report all rams; relating the alleged
The atinaLs of b.ottit- ftepubliean and
DolllootatlO Representatilres in . Congress
will bei held' about' TuesdaY nett." All
bein meinbere the"Pftiuse are urged to
Waihiturtotio ionda
Affs'...ln Salt leratelim...kldteuiiiii-
Aniong the" C tilu e s e - -antianecittent of
. Oreetibaras.. • •
tar Televsoh to the Pittsburgh ossetis4
SAN Basrrnistio, Feb: 2 4.,-AbOut four
ed Chinese rwctiten arrived by the
_Chitt.. Thex;vrare . takhn Gfrom theAhip
and police :peril to design"-,
teArbf .the head
,ellert 'Was
1 § 8 4 4 1511074 kin° theln and'aottittie
t e Atilt 'perthill were '' wetitided: The
peliCe-prlifehtlida ketierall Eight. m a t .
excitementintistititOthe Chinese quitter
qR tatu,keitY aPdACTOTakaillatit3l4aVO'been
92 111.3 . - ;) `r, t • ' '
.44e. Wittil•Treamio,r s,prof elicited the,
aalenf OrgOld lbur'
bide for from seventeen to one hundred
then/find'', eteksatseventy.six thirtP,
three 'end if halUto 'fietkotitY•eight
Current Market rates for greenbacks are
only seventy4d.x. ;The 'Sub-Treasurer
:declined , - to receive any. of - w al k bids.
The intention tootier the gold hown
here before that officer received his in
structions, and 'greenbacks went up at
The large distillery nwded by General
Nagle at San Jose was destroyed by tiro
to-day. Loss, slo,ooo, including a large
stook of native brandy.
EBY Telefir =Ph to the7.—lttsbargh Gaze tte.l
COPENHAGEN, tbrua 24—G
Ilassloeff, Minister of War ry
and formenerlyeral
Ambassador of Denmark at Washing
ton, arges the sale of the 'Danish West
Indies to the United States.
Le:Knox, Februsiy. 23 .—Consols, 93;
5-20 s, 793. f. Stocks quiet; Erie, 24 1 /; Illi
nois Central, Sugar We. 9d Tal
low 4,5 a. Calcutta Linseed Os. Re
lined Petrpleturils. 10d. .Linzeedi Oil £2B.
LIVERPOO4 February 23.—Cotton de
clining; sales 7,000 ba es middling up
lands at 12d.; Orleans /230. • CallfOrnia
white wbeat , loB. - 9d.; red western 9s. 7d.
Flour: western gria: Corn 30s. 6d. for new,
and 31s. 9d. for old. Ogita 38. sd. Barley
ss. 4d. Pork 975. Beef .955. Lard 75e.
Cheese, 765. Bacon 58a.. Spirits Petrol
eum 7,%d; Refined Is. 10d.- Tallow 455.
Turpentine Ms.
FnAmtroar, February 23.—United
States Bonds 83.1 •
ANTWERP, February 23.—Petroleum
is Bat at 57 francs., .
q at 142 fi
atm; Febru a-X 23.—Cotton closed
CErrelegraph to the Plti share' Gazette.]
NEW ,YoRK, February ?4, 11368. •
In the Supreme Court to-day Judge
Ingrahani ' rendered a decision in the
case of Blatchibrd vs. Boas et al., Which
was brought to prevent the contagidation
of the Merchants Union :and American
Express Companies. The Jadge holds
that the -Executive committ ee of the
Merchants were not authorized to change
the business and terminate the existence
of the corporstion, and that the injunc
tion restraining. the Directeirs and-Exec
tip° Committee of the.consolidated com-
PanY from, enforcing compliance with
the terms' of the consohdatien be con
:tinned until the final- decirdori. The ap
ePrlisveaaati?den44l4lthuenatipr art in e t f i lh n e tt p 9 Le a r t e t e
ceiver made's thirty' and - shall file an
answerin the action: ..r
—Thg alumni of, Williams . College will
give a banquet and re-union at the Astor
Seamen the Ilth of Merck. • Preiddent
nulddrist eeventl Members hi—the Eno
tiljy. and mahy distin&uhlbed_gpaduates
will be p r esent . -D.:D. Fiehronlpleside.
... , ..
• ,„ The imturrectlon;ln,Cube.r; ,
My Telegraph to the El ttehargh,Galete j l
HAVANA, February 2 4.-7 The naval ex-
P;edltiOn to La "Gtinajw Was' boenpletely -
•anbeatiturc.ZVl, 14 Antilietidalikletteted
there by the insurgents were.liest, bore.:
barded, by the fleet.. Tioops were then
;landed end the works carried by assault.
The rebels withdrewand retreated into
the txrantry. A- permanent: garrison of
regulars was left in the town. • \
.' On- Sunday two' battalioni of troops
marched from. La Guanirja -to" the; relief •
lof. Puerto Principe.
Captain Gener Dulce yesterday ad
dreastid:the Sergeants- and: , Corporals of
the , volunteer it: - exhorting, them
.AO Innintabi Order and Obedience, and
discountenance all dangerous agitation.
• A. large. number: of - rebel , prisoners
have been bitught to, the city and more
are expected. ' - ' ,
Sugar mstnufasturers demand relief
from the, burdens of
_taxation ..and pro. .
lection for their .products,„ which. they ,
- complain have decreased'oneLtlurd.
• The'.Prensq adt'ocates the•re-establish- .
went of export duties.
1 Itek.'veN,A, FebruitY2-I.—Evening.—Ac
counts from Santiago are unfavorable.
The cheleia is not r abating. and the in--
s u rgentsitre pinntierlng and
g destroying
i. plat/aliens. Thq_reyplutionariGeneral
Fiuero bas issued strict ll' p ordera to his
subordinates CO respect aropeity and ,
estates owned , by,French Citizens. Cane
grinding hasoommencedona few plants
tions in the Santiago dretrict, but it is not
expected that'more thantitPf-te.brop will
be realized 'this sewn,
_Anieridan pro
visiong are - wanttid - on the plantations in
Neuvit-s, Gibra and Manzanillo.'
The Captain General has- lashed a pro
and im p ort du ties. additional export
. , ,
Sugar quiet; buyers demand a reduo.
No. 12.
lion, and, Went ate made atl10.;, reels for
Starving Condition-of the Cadge-Indians.
Br Telegraph to um Pintingen Gazette
ing dis .
NEW Youri, February 24.-44 fw
ollopatch -lajust received' by tbe Ex
ecutive Committee of the fUnited - States
Indian Comm iEitiON front -Vincent Col
yer, now on his way to.viet .the Indians -
at Fort Cobb, and others in that vicinity,
by Invitation othlejor.:Generalt W. B.
Ipmen, now in command .at timepiece:
_Pert 'Le - dnf 'worth, Jranacts,'lltb. 23.--
To Edward, Croulttell: There are. about
thirty-five hundred,optbePsage Indians
left on • their reservation. , They were
stariing to death this Wl' when General.
Sherldiut issued • ratioha to .them. The
Amt . six, beeves. that were miaughtered
the - .eat raw, entrails and',all, in about
an hour. , They will have to be fed by the •
Government until next April"; When the
hunting season - begins. It is their land,
eight million abres, width the specula
.tors claim to`have bought• from them at
nineteen cents per acre. General Sheri-
Alan will not be here till the middle of
- March. ' I leave for the - Indian country
via Lawrenee to-morrow. -, • r •
Billiard Match. • '
.111, Telegretit tattle Ytttsbuish et:tette.]
Cure. tio, February 24.--itt the pres
iii ence of a 'urge und, orderly:assemblage.
Crosbrs Ilan, the match be:
•tween tidhh Frawley, of Cleveland, antt
• Thames.- .Voley. of f. this oity i : ~was cern
1 1 ,94130 e d? The game was for 1,000 aside
'17600 paint s up, , hill-'game' on trat size
table. The game Is not yet Ilittshed, nor
is it Ilksly:to ba,tioti/ two. o'clock In the
Morning- Foley led, but.Frawley by a
run 0r.125
ns: r hts pa 111ssed' blm one, *Mat, when
Feley „i • eighth : hundred,
Foley Immed his 1 ,000 not more than a
dozen points ahead.— Pelting - 1511 i to five
in ltvor orFOl - ey.-
• -
! " —lt isstated that Rev, Ur.. Sherman, - 4
who was
denuniat h ion of 'tnhe. Pres dent
: for hitt '
for his
pardoning Mr. , Denipsev, sent a note to
Mr. D. invifinghice to - bring , hie threat
ened cowhide to ShOrman'a rooniand try
It on, guaranteeing: that there shottid
never be any Jegni . d . filimities. Mr.
Dempsey, ascertaining that Sherman was
foriperly an 'English army officer,' and
,7 , ,,,,.
now a fighting parson. declined theloltt.,...: ; zez z.,-c: i...
tation ' ---. •41'...---,''''Z