II PTroit!liGielmAttK ors . CMYIDEO 7 / P/TYSCSUDOE(GAXIME. TUESDAY. Feb. 23, 1868. The markets. in a general way, are quiet and devoid of anything that Is really new or important. • There is no improve. , • ment to note in the demand for any.. of ' , the leading commodities, cud 'with. a light volume ,of business in the ggre . ci. , gate, • values generally . are .unchanged. •TI 3 excitement in Sugars and Molasses hoe not .yet subsided, and holders Are very;Stiff in their views, 'and'not• inclined to sell freely, being, apprebensivq, that there may be a still failther 'advaium. That there is some.cause fbr the .resent =expected and, we .might say, alMoet unprecedented advance, in- Admitted, . but it is more than likely that •it has , 'been considerably exaggerated; as is generally the. case , in q simden And =- looked fit of excitement; APPLE BUTTER —Firmer; • 75 to 85c. Apprxsi...Dcill but nrichtinged; regu lar sales is, store,,at 53 ®55 'per bbl. as to quality. BUTTER--Is steady ' demand, with a supply, fully equal to it. and we can report sales of prime to - choice et 38 BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—DuII at 3g. BEANS-53,25 to 53, 50 Ter bushel. . CRANBERRIES-Sales at $lB to 520. CORNMEAL—SI to 51;10 per lineheL • CIIEESEJ-Sides of New York Goshen, ' at • CARBON OIL—Is a shade easier but unchanged at 34114;34g, in a jobbing ray. DRIED. FRUIT--Peaches steady at 13 ,@l , l for quarters; 15@16 uafor mixed, and 18@20 'for halves, as to qlitY. Apples ,10(012 cts. • EGGS-,ln better demand and higher, fresh packed being quoted at 24@25. - HAY—There to ,no imProveinent to note in the demand and while the mar , ~stet is dull with a supply largely in ex cess of the 'deudind, prices are tin ' changed--520@25; on:Wharf. as toquality. HOMIN - Y-'46,25 660,.; 50 perliarret PROVISIONS-.Baced 1s steady bid . unchanged at. 'lsg for' Shbuldeis; 17g 'for Rib,bed, , end- 1.8g@18% - for Clear . Sides, and 20 for Hems: • Lard, 21 in tier= ces, and 22022g1n bids and kegs. Mess .Pork X 3,5 0• POTATOES—DuII.' but nneluingeq; small sales in store at So©Bs. SEEDS-;Small sales of Clover, Seed , at 510@/ 10 , 50 , ea to quality, and • Timothy at 53,50; Flar.Seed la firmer and we now qu0te1it52,46@f2,50: , SALTIs quiet but steady, and is still quoted at _s2by ° the car load. •, SORGEITAI-00g70 cts; GRAIN-Wheat is dull and neglected, but nominally unchanged,' 51,50 for No. Spring, and .51;80 for No. 1 Winter. Sale of 3 cars on private, ternui; ,Oats firm but in limited deniand, 65@66 on track,. and 67(?.68 store. Rye is in steady demand at 51,43051,45; Corn is dull but nriclitimmd at 75(080. Sale 2 cars primq, yellow at 80. Barley is scarce and higher. and -.we . now knot° prinie to choice Spri_ng'al,s2.ls@2,, - 2 0 ORANGES.-41,00 per bor.` TALL(' WRendered, 'l2c. ONIONS-55@56 per bbl. PEA. NUTS-10 eta. - per lb. FEATHERS--Live Geese .Featheis - quoted at 750 Sects, to the trade, and the usual advance in a retail way. FLOUR—DuII and unchanged. Spring Wheat brands are quoteds7,oo©s7,so, and Winter:Wheat at 58,00®8,50. Rye Flour 57,50. The Pearl . Mill quote their best brands made of the best Wheat, as fol lows: Extra Family Flour, -in barrels; at 59,30, and, in sacks, 59,00 per barrel; --Double Extra,- Family, in baxrels, 510,00, and; in sinaltio9.7ol , per..)barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, in barrels, 57,80; and, In • - .sacks,-57,50 er barrel.: The City Mills quote o prices as follows: Extra Family, - Winter) in barrele, 59 2 30, and, sacks, . ,00 -per barrel:" Double. Extra Family, in barrels, 59,80, and. In sacks, $9,50 per barrel, and-Spring,- 58;00, in barrels, and 57.70. intacks,-per • . • wHisKEy;..fnirh wines ,areuncluing ed at 95@97;in ajobbing - way. -; LARD' OIL=Is firm, andanay be quo , ted strong at 51,40 for No. and 51,70 for No. 1. • '• • , •• - • , Markets by Telegraph., ITENv Tons, 'February 21 7 :-Ootton firm er and in good demaad,vojh'flabis - 3,500 bales 29%6 :for middling nplands. Floar—receipte, l B,6B4 - bbls; market Aull and heavy 'and - s®llle lower, with 'sales _ . 4,200 o bbls `at, 15,51,51ge.50, for superfine,' State and western, K45114)6,95 for extra State, 16,30w,20 for extra' western, $7,25 ®8„25 for wiilte - Wleit"extra, $6,65®8,10 - for B. ILiO. fi7:64W O for extra' t.. . • Louis, end $9(4)12 forgoodito shoicerdo; ) closing heat 7. BY4#. 4 .lriburi,!heisvy, with sales 280 bblaht $5 1 25©7,25;• Corn Meal in moderate request, with sales 500 bbLs western at, $4,75@14,90; and 500 barrels Brandywine: at . fa. Nbisky quiet and unchanged. Wheat—receipts 37,975bu5; Market favors buyers, with a fair export demand; sales 85,000 blush at $1,48 for /qO.l / sP- 14 -11 50' for No.. 2 and 8 do. mixed, an d 11 (gi1,56;4' for No. do. in ji , store . and - a oat; .;the • tatter price is an extreme: , `,12,78 , .. for winter red" Indiana; .1,90 for libelee white Califor nia in small parcels; fi1,57, for Canada spring,n'bond. Bye Barley quiet and firm; sales 3,800 bu extra choice State; • 1 2 , 1 7 in store;'l,soo bu Canada West at about $2,17. - Corn—receipts. 22,981 bu, and about:le , better, sales 70,000 bu at 89 0 9 1 c :for:new mixed western; 'sBo for white western; 96c for southern - yellow; 986©51,0210f old mixed western. Oats —receipts 6,625 tin and lower, and - more • active; sales 64,090 bu at 78y,,,,5783e for .• , western it store, ' an - 11750 for do afloat. Stock of grain in .warehouse; 2,1324,266 W wheat,l,BBll,6ol bu core; 2,111,9¢3 bu oats, 216,601 bti rye, 116,168',bu•,tarley, 64.804 bu Malt, '55,252 lan peas. Rice dull. •Cof fee firm; salei2,sooskaltio at 22%®2280.' Sugar firm; 500hlidsCaba at 12@18Xc; 500 bxellstimattlay,®lB3,o. Molasses firm; sales2,ooo bhds stayed to s arrive at 50c. Petroleum , dull .at 21®21340,f0r crude, and 85®36c for.refined bonded; sales of ,24000 bbis 'refined bonded for. March at 87c. Hops in. fair request at 5,5150 for American. Linseed. Oil dull at $1,03@ 1,05. -,Spirits ' Turpentine. , dull, at 55@ 55)40. :Tort lower. and. unsettled; sales' 2,250 bblsat $31,25@62 for, -new mess; 18 0 . 50 ® 81 . 00 for old do i 31 ,.;• 528,00@27,00 for , prime, and $29,430W31,00• for ,prime mess; • also, 750',bbls newe mesa, seller April,. at ;31,75 Beef steady; sales 140 bbla at- $9 ®16,50- for sew plain' mess; and $14,00© - 19,50 for .new extra tnete. Twee Beef dull; sales 125 tierces at $27,00®80,00 for Prbue mesa, and $ 31 .00®35,00 for India' mess. Beef Hams quiet; hales 75 bbis at 1129,00q34 t 00. Cut Meats quiet; sales 150 packages at 18%®14o• • •for shoulders. Dressed - Hogs heavy and lower; l 3" 11190 for - Western, and 18y,@14 yo for city; middies 'doll and - heavy; Lard heavy and lower; sales 600 tierces at 17 @1943 for steam, and 19@19g0 for 'kettle, rendered: - also. 250 tierces steam; seller February, at 19c. • Butter firm at 2.5@350 for Ohio, and 40®420 ; for State.. Cheese -arm ate _17@220 for common to, s - i rime. il ereigkts to Liverpool lower , h en gagements 50,000 bus wheat er sir earner x afe. o.—Flour _plosed dull at 56100 lower ` for, medium and good grades. Wheat quiet and steady. with - moderate .. e xport inquiry for good spring. R ye , , • ' 4.^.>trf...te-470. 07, '- • • . . . . ....-i. :7 ,:-.rim'sp.l74p4qAz:Tp-..., : :,.7,: 21, . . . . . . dull ai4 nominal. O at s s firm at 73g© 73% for western in store. - Corn steady at II:4;40199, 2 ( for mixed western. Pork dull and - heavy at 11,31,50 for new niass and regular, and $31,75 teller for April. Beef quiet and ster 3 v. Cat Meats find' co Ban - dull sand n rainal., Lard dull at 18%®18y, for fair , prime ateam. Eggs moderately betweet 211g56. ' • -- CancActo, Febrintry '23.:—Eastern En •obange islirm at 1-10 per cent.: premium selling, and 1-10 per cent. oil buying. Flour, quiet and firm; sales were made of spring , extra ati5,25®6. 'Wheat quiet unsettled and, Irregular; sales of No. 1 were made at 81,21®1,24; No. 2, $1,14%.@ .1,18;,, closing with sellers st-- - ‘1,15%; sales since 'change at. 81,15. Corn quiet and firm; price are g@gchigher; sales were Made at g 0 Pc; -no grade sold at (434@56y0rl n w sellow, 60c, closing - quiet:At • 66 re fqr nevi; sales • were • made 1 of new thisrnoon at 68go; No. 1,690, seller, first h lof May; No. 2, ¢3l@6 9 3‘c, $l,ll - seller, May, \ ats,are dull,.and holders are.--firmer ; arket is,g@lic ,higherp salew.were made of N0..2 , •at , 53g ®543.1e, and wafkrejected at 5034 c.; ,closing -with buyers at Mg(' and sellera at-:5834x.• Rye is in very, fair request and market Is a shade firmer, ranging at $1.18®1,20 fo,r, winter andfresh receipts of No. 1,- clos ing at 81,1934@1,20 for fresh receipts. Barley dull; weak,* nominal- and , 2(gs4o lower; sales of No. 2- at ;1,86, - , closing nominal at 81,84@1,85.. Etighwines, quiet at 90c. Mess Pork opened dull; sales at: P 0,75031,00, but subsequently became firmer under a fair : demand, advanced and closedatrong at 661,25031,50..-. Lard quiet and easier- at -18@l8gc. Sweet pickled hams 173;0.. • Short% rib middles 15@15gc. i Shoulders 12e. - White grease 15@1534; yellciw, - 1.2.g@131(c; brown, lOgigilo. - Dressed hogs dull 2 and easier, ranging at i $11®12,50, - closing' at gap 12,50-for fair to,. good: -- Receipts for the past twenty-four houra--16,254 bbls flour, 21,912 bus wheat, 24,514 bus corn, 4,512 busnats, 4,706 pus - rye, 5„492 bus'-, barley, 4,740 head hogs: ' Shipments-16.987 bbls flotir, 21,158 bus wheat.- 31,116 bus corn, 12,471 bus 0at5,13,379, tais rye, 2,756 bus barley, 8,759 head hogs. • - CINCINNATI,' February fig.—Flour in better demand arid partli, _speculative; sales of 2 , 000 - barrels family at g4,50a8,75. Wheat Anil at tielfial,so for Nos. 2 andl red.- (kirn.firm. •at #34a650 ,for, ear and shelled Oats ,at 678880 .for No:1. Bye, scarce:and firm, at $1,45. BarleY 1 44- "changed' and; film.; Cotton firmer and higher; middling:2Bo. Whisky dosed firmer, at 03c; sold in the forenponatl92c. Provisions still unsettled; there is not enough doing to test the market, there. fore, , quotations can't. be given. -,Mess pork held at VI at 49 Ne• Bag meats at 121A,®141/,,a; oould nave been sold at,l2Ql4c. Bacorelreld at 14c,10' and 17' o for shoulders. cleat riff, and clear sides; with sales of sides at the quo tations., Butter very scarce and the mar ket,firin, at .18©370. Eggs. firmer and in deinafid, 18©19c. Clover'seed steady. at' $18,25, Linseed oil dull at $1,06. Lard oil, $1;65911,70. Petroleum,Bs@ 36c for refined. Gold; 132;6 . buyin g., : lEtuFrew, February 23.;—Flour Mao tiye. . Wheat nominal. Corn dull, with sales ten car loads new at.76(4)76%c. and 77c on track: Corn held at .900 in store. Oats nominal.oso in store. Rye nominal at 81,85 in store. - Barley active with sales 3.,000 bush Canada at $2,10 in store; also sales 2,800 - bush do at 62,10 deliv ered. Seeds quiet but firm. Mess Pork dull and heavy at 133. Lard dull at 21 3 4 a22c. Highwines dull at 94c bid and 96c asked. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 23.—Clover seed is in fair demand at `s9,7s®io. Flour is dull, with sales of northwestern extra family at $7,75@8,50 and Ohio do. at 13,25@9. Wheat;•pzime is scarce; red is held at 11,90; amber, $1,95; white, s2® ' Rye, $1,55. Corp is in fair demand, with sales I.yellow .at.BB . @BCom: Oats steady at-74(:)78m.. - Pitibleum,° - Grobeiles' and Provisions are unchanged. Whisky 'is nominal at 97c®$1. - CLgesmitxrD, February . "23.—Wheat ; sales of 1 car No. 1 red winter at $1,58, and 1 car No. 2at $1,45. Corn; sales of 1 car at 68c. - Oats; sales of 3 cars at 62c. Rye held nominal at 81,30©1,32 for No. 1„ and $1,25a1.28 for No. 2. Petroleum; market steady and, quiet; crude #7,75; refined held at 33 .G.U%li for standard white in car lots; prime light straw to white 32(g.32.14c; trade lots 2@3c, above these prices. . _ . BALTIMORE, February_23.—Fkrar num- Inal and unchanged. Wheat very dull and low, grades unsaleable. Corn firm .and in good demand; white 92®93c; yel low 87(P38c. , '.0ats dull at 75c. - Rye npm inal at 11,50©1,55. Mesa. Rorkquiet at $33.- Bacon quiet; rib aides 1734©17;40: clear do ~ .181@)18,‘13; shoulders. 15X@ 15„<c; hams 21c.- Lard dull at 20Mc... , Lovsmait, ;February 23.--Tobacco • Wes 0r844 hhda at* fall rates for good lags and. desirable :leaf: Cotton, 28Ao. .Mess pork, s3l,oo®=oo. ]hard,! 200. Bacon—shoulders, 18c; clear rib sides, 153 c; clear aides,l6l4c; all packed. Flour, 85.60(446,00. Wheat, 11,50®51,56. Corn, 60©62c. Oats, 60(03o. Whiskey, 92(g,93c. , Crwcriotieri. Feb. 23.--Cattle Market— Beef cattle in large supply and 50.3 lower; common to prime,13,76®6,60. Hogs in large supply and best in limited. demand; prices are 15 per rental lower; whole range is $8,50@i0,60; the latter , rate for extra; receipts for the week; 8,600 head; sales 220 head at fall rates . CAArnumos, February 23.—Cattle Mar; ket-Meef Cattle—recipts 269 head; prices advanced A ';4c; sales of extra at 111,3,60®14, quality. $ 12 , 25 @13,25i second quality, $10,78®12, third quality, g8,50@10.50. Abeep 'and Lambs:-reccipts 2,130 head: market generally unchanged; sales at 44583 c. Carom" February 23-Cattle Market. —Hogs dull and 26€450a loweri sales at g9@9,85. :Beef Cattle quiet, nominal and lower ,at 15.1 l b for cows and light 11t0611193 and f6,40@7,00 for fair to good slilpping steers. IMPORTS RAILROAD. PITTABISEDEft,' PORTyWAINE. & ' CNI DADP , RAILDOAD• February 28...4 . cars umestoue,.Shoebberger; , cara „metal, Nimick.& Cotfii do; Jas.W... Bon 4c o; g do . doßrYollaVaugheYi 440 d 0,13 Hear baUgh QG CO; 7 cars blooms, Sohn Moor. beaa ; l2 do, do, Coleman , Rahn &Ike; 800 .. t,14 5 ,, flour, awners; ; .100 ,do do, lyellis Booth; ; ,100, do do, Johns Dilworth ,* Co; 1 car wheatv „Ocott.i& Gisal; 2; ears ; rye, Jenip & Shepard; 180 rioury Seyhin. ;get* VoskanlPo:,3 B P l w E t9bc, ,Worm-• I ser; we bbls flour, A - Kir k trick , _ &.Co; 400 bbis flour, Watt l Lang it Co; 12.0141 s ,P.l!Perf!Godfro7:'4; Clark; 8 - bbls ; ems, Woodworth Davison; 1410,40hn son;'2s bbls apples. 10 bit bbls batter, vi H Graff it Co; 1 car Wiley, J Rhodes it Co;Lcar °atil t W Simpson; .5 bbls oil, BA..English;74 rolls leather' , .1 Hammett &Son;.800h0; spokes, T'.Hare & Son; 8 bbls dried•apples, :S P Bbriver & Co; 26 bdis handles,' Matthews & Co; 10 bdls broom handles,-MoKiroy,& .CASTIIitAVID AND: PITTSBURGH RAIL ROAD, 'February 21=1 'cat iron - ore, Springer Harbaugh; , tear •N York ore, Reese, Graff & Dirll; 8 tars dad 6, Shoen berger' Blair & Co; 1 Car 'stone, L L Knax;l bin wood,- -Boyd; Murray it F; 2 cases cigare, - E Worniser & Co; 110 do do• W II Kirkpatrick & Co; 10 do- tobacco, S Ewart &Co; 5 kegs a coffee, Rinehart & Stevens;7s sins oats,' McHenry it Hood; 10 bbls 'teen apples, 108 sks oats, Brown & Willianis; I bbl tallow, Wm Flacons & , Son; 7 bbls eggs, I bbl flaxseed, Fetzer & A; 6 bblifeggs, J -Daub; 8 =bail ehft-. -se, Graff & Bolter; 2 tem -soap, lkikewiAl, Pears Co;& 6 kgs, 1.,w,% 4, Ins WI, Pretztield Bro; 20 - cads tobsbeo, E - 31 graw * Co; 20 Oka: dridff; riciadies, I- Canfield; 4 casks hams,. E..11. 1 .44,yer5,& Co; 15 bbls whisky, I' &Meth' & .Co;. 5. tes hams, - 1 tre bacon; ' ttirtertialffit.o). - : ALiaromonr V. - Wiii- - 'itatilautra'n, Feb •rnar3r 211.-..4 pkgs - butter,::JlHllty; -6 do do; J 0 Cuddy; 1# slut oats, G 'grainer; a ;Ws ref Oil; Mniihall - deMktraw; 'l3 bge rye, Binghani alairig;'slskstetprOdnee, J E Shomsker; 18 sks oata, , R/Rewart; 194 do do, . .Bricker. & Co; 1 ear. metal: Mc- Knight;' Porter 1t Co; 1 'de de, -John -Moorhead; 3 do do, ,Svcasoir, •;Pseston & Co; 3 do limestone, Shoenberger , & Blair; 49 ski ryri, 20 d 6 ferick'Se6tt & gliali 51 il. 'do oats, Adams & -Attain; 8 pkgs- -- prci• -dues. L t J Illartehar .160 bbls oil, Biaher ,Bro;.. 4 ,bbis .dr , apples, 11 bgs seed, - Ewa &Orr. ' " " '' ALFebruary2§.= d:= Robertson; = 2 • - ears wlieati Melismt & coi;2 pro t,00,01_, Lewis" ,Billey it Dalzell; §F CAM *hear, ' ll i r Ken : 'nedy - dr.Brof'2o6griken `lkYtlfiti; 'A it 3- Grci etzingral.2ll bblswhiskY, B Etic A - carson; 100. bbis flour, J111511 3 K92 ears barley ) Sthith 4i, Cof I. dii - lnn A. r, " Patterson; •pker toraec6, 7 li4 V;Jenkirison; 2 oars iron ore, Pittsburgh PorireA Iron Co. • . RIVER NEWS:k . The river continues to secede slowly, with eight ,feet in the elia4telipy, the Monongahela. inarks. Weiitlier 6,stet•'-' day wails*,l4,f and d * i • • The .11.aY#0t; for Parkerebu f g - and . Julia No. 2 for Zanesidlle, departed. Business fairly active `at the landing. withconsiderable freight *bilbring, eve. daily for the Upper ,Mississippi and . -Upper Missouri. • Private advices from St. Louis report that bids, for - carrying. government freights from' St.•Lonin to 'Fort Benton have been _opened, and' John N. .Cofutger is likely to get, the contract; he having made the lowest, bid, 5,40. cengi per pound, lbr the 'whole Season. Capt. Banger, we believe; Ina St, Louis man. " , Alejandro" lithe name , of the. new boat., built here by Capt. Stockdale for some pirties in South 'America, and in tended to navigate the,Magdalene River, in that country. She irnearty txtmplated and is only wilting" fei:her engines f which are being-built- at Broiinsville r and will be ready to be put upl within a few days. Capt.,Stockkale expects , that she will be ready to leave here' for New Orleans about the 25th of March: The ''Bon-Ton,” Capt. Tom Poe's new mountain bcet, will be finished shortly and it is expected, will be ready to leave for Fort Benton, direct, about the middle of March... , , The Bellevernon arrived from St. Louis yesterday'witb a fair trip, 'nein& ing_a considerable qnantitY of metal. She made the run from _Cincinnati in less than four days. notwithstanding the rough stormy weather. Pilots—John Ferguson andßon. • The Sallie from ' 141118i:rine; was due here-last night, and will doubtless be found in port this morning. As will be seen by ;card, she will -at once com mence loading for the Missouri River, and will be ready to leave on - Saturday. Passengers and shippers can , rely on the Sallie going through as advertised. The Grey Eagle, Capt. C. L; Brennan, is the regular packet for Parkersburg to-day, leaving promptly at noon. The Glasgow, Capt. Andy Robinson, Jr., is filling up steadily for Cincinnati anti Louisville; as is also the Armadillo, Capt. A. McCarty, for St. Louis. These are both first rate boats. , —Thetvansville Journal; of Friday, in giving the particulars of the tiro t on the Glendale says:' •- Capt. W. P. Fuller, 'late of the Cham pion, was at the wheel, and Capt. Hare, a lady and three or four men were in the pilot-house. The head of the boat was immediately turned toward the shore, and all left the • niLoPhouse except Capt. Puller, who, stood at his post, although the pilot-house beneath and around him was in flames. and 'held tho wheel Until the boat was landed, when he leaped through the flames and descended to the hurricane deck, • and thence into the cabin, where he addressed himself tothe duty of reassuring the passengers, and assisting in getting the women and child ren ashore. The boat was made fast , to bluff bank; and the stage planks got out with.the utmost expedition, when all the women and children were landed safely. Geo. W. Clark; formerly pilot of the Glendale, who wawa passenger aboard, receives waim enooniums for his daring and efficient services during the perilous oriels; Capt. Hare was slightly scorched, but not seriously injured- Capt: Fuller .lost one of,hiseyelashes and•had his ems brows, whiskers and hair and his Vest smartly singed. Ho also inhaled some hot air, which gave him , some apprehen sions at first, but after swallowing halt a pint of sweet 011, he felt no further in convenience, but at supper time was able Ito take his "rasbuns regular." Capt. Hare, Capt. Puller, and a few of the other officers lost most of their bag lage, Capt. Fuller , being the heaviest oser, having in addition to a fine now suit, lost a pair of fine opera-glasses val ued at 1145 or #5O, but for which he would not have taken any sum of money. —The Louisville Democrat says: An article in the Chicago Tribune, of the 16th, in commenting upon the action of Congress in reference to the Portland Canal, t shows a wonderful lack of knowi edge when it says that the canal is owned by the State of Kentucky,' and jhat it has been a "dead horse" ever since it was built. , The canal is owned principally by the Government of the United States; •in fact, we believe the , State,of Kentucky owns but very little in it. A few private citizens here. and elsewhere are also stockholders to the aMettnt of slew shares; the Government, howev,er, is , the headed owner and we are authorized to say to the friends` of the Tribune that the Government might, if desirable, dispose of its interest. The •canalo for the „ecillirlficitTient ot the Tri bune, hail been a source of revenue to the United States Government ever since Its completion. --There lea bill before , the Kentucky Legislature to charier , a company to builds, railroad bridge over thejriver he tween Cincinnati and, lower Covington. Jay Gould, of New York, is one of, the corporatorse In, view of I‘) many pro" jetted bridges over the Ohio at different Points, the question of length, of, span to be settled by. Congresa is an important one, to river interests.. • —A Louisville paper of Saturday says: mute Sullivan, watchtnan on the tow boat Mary Alice, In, endeavoring to step from one barge to another the Tow bbadi on Wednesday, !Malted his-footing, fell into the. river, and was drowned, The deceased was from Pittsburgh, 2S ye a rs' old, with light hair, blue, eyes. 5 feet, 5 or 8. inches .in height, and was roughly drbssed. • .. , , -Captain Lancaster, formerly of Wel: 1 3 .,Webb..w 111 take Gemmind of the Tobe Hurt; i small built :at Paducah for thR Wabash. • --The Linton Is running iu the Arkan sas, from M _ mihts.'. The Bulletin, of the 17th, says: , ‘weleara that the . Era No. 8 was yeste ay exchanged by Captain i = • Ben. B. Ronne for thearay'Eagle at a rating of $1g0(10 inrArtiasfiti. ;Captain Minns will, it is said; imiriediatnlynquiP the Gray. Ragie fir the Red River Ode:" -:-.The Madison Cotitler gays the Wekt Wind will receive a:hearty welcome in the Cincinnati and Madison trade. .. Salle left Cincinnati for Fitts. b . tirgh on Saturday with a fair trip Pilots—Conant and Fawcett. towboatS rk S Louis ' —Thet. to New .Orleans,seceived 3,000 tons of. graitt aryl flour at Crairo. 2 -Tho Tom Farrow has 330 - bblis tic lasies and 148 hhds sugar for Pittsburgh. ' `-• —The i aanits Pittsburgh -t& New Orleans, d CinoinnatkonSandak- —The Wihi Duck and ',barges were Cezio on Stu:app.. River and Weather: Lorain - tux, Febrttary 2& Weather clear and moderating, Itiverjalljng, with nine feet six inches of,water in,„th-e STEADLBOATS„ , g: FOll - U.ANSAS : P. .1D•311P/1 s AND 1331AHR, Ttte sptesalld steamer s • , sALtre- -- •'. taist. Okittoutr, - Wlll lakse fW tRe above poitsoi SATURDAY. %Yak fut.,. at 11. o.'elock , , •For frelant satvassagealolllPlita , orto • • JOEIN FL-4,01k, 7. 14. 0,.1.14N0 WOOD. • -4311R1Ezirit ILAISLZT Agents:. '-ie24 NO liTaalitir ) 161Stigiga i k PACCB7%,•-••BOB RALBN4 . • • ‘"-Capti VonbaileittinicoOlt, oomarnencelltedirst top the-above and all in. termedlate points On tbe tint or Id Arch, and will go tti ply to rough t letkqokxoilOpping,, - For pritttculnrs ap / • 1 • _ , BrACK it-cOI4,INGWO9Df otsenta, feM:e97 • or R. C. • omi.r. 0 lir k BABl RTli dirr rE k iL . aandsklaWitt !tflli rt a l iPOLT9' r ciapt. B Aprleave .for PAUL, about the ,IlOtti of Apr I. uta - goAltrotigts direct. This 10th steamer offers, vert taperlorreommoastlons for passengers and stock. FOr arttcnteri applrto F,LAAS A COLLIA WOOD, Agents. fetZie9B 11; C. CFR.AIr. B VlSCllliclif ATI arid_ i agg .1!-TAMISVIOLLE.—The flue pa or:4er titlamer OL:ABGOW Capt. ANDREW itOpTICSON, jlt. Wilt lairvd 7 for the stine and intOrraidlate porta on THIS 1) Y, 314th lust, at 4r. at. • Fotrrelght or basaane apply on, Inyartli...bi to . FLACK ete t tlaVlTOU,D." ST At utr r - ft4o titi li KfttlE C S : Vtirlt : Agents' . - 0011 .11.01118.—ThelgEt Ateepassenger steamer • . '' , '". Cl , l * lICPAILTY, ABAIATMLIO Wlltlakv• for the above and all Intermediate porta, cro TrllEt DAY, at* r, at. For freight or passage apply.. on board, or URELI hlSTat_co..; BLACK & COLLINUWOOD, Ageota: prrritivraG.* • .. z a ir k e _ wuzzursia, Harkitta and, Parker§'haft lin% . LeSoo4mpanylorWttort Pot, soot of Iraqi 4 suctu- • - 717E8DiTe [XD rfirDAYS. .......... 111 BECIPLIZP.D. Maker wzmirsamorfp Awl). sAsuitzusts; OBEY atom. .. .. Buswiras; Muter Freight will be reeeivtd it all hone br ANTS 'COLLINS. duct. -STF A wuriPsl - )- . - - LlVEltradt - ALVDatt QT_TgENSTOWN. DIAIL.STEADISEUPS. Namllerlng slateen • frst.elais Vessels, among torone eelebrateAl • CITY OY Wits, CITY OP ANTWEPp, CITY BoaTON, ern' OF BALTLMOZE, - - CITY OP LONIKO4, AWL .VILICY SA.TWIDAY, from Pier 45. t '=•ver: S* Yoz. Par nonage o; Sather Sauna silos aoolV WILLIAM 11.04111.;Ti t Jr. TO ovatftEEi,(SPEMlcießgidinw.i, LITHOGRAPHERS. BULTAVIN 'Coatis. QINGERLY & CLEM!, Successor' A 7 to 07,0, P. licarociluart & Co.. , PRACTlCALtrritoesuainikiit' The *illy iiteuti Lithographic Eiitatilfslitien . NY est ot the iliountahts. Business , iigge u ler Beads. • Bondi, s , eircul ,ars s, Diplomas. Portraits, Ticws, tear cif Lie posits, 'artistic! , Csr is. &c.. Nos. 711 and 14 Third street, Pittsburgh. ROCK THE BABY. - IN EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. s SOLD ONLY NT . LEMON & WEISE. Practical Furniture Nandadarers, 4te., 1118 irovirria AVENUE. Where tea, be - found a full assortment arm , . tor. Chamber zed Hitcher Furniture. der. IVOTIOne-The Office- of the PITTSRUIISS WHITE LEAD 'ARO COLOR WORKS has this day been REMOVED from Do. G 1 Fourth Attune, Pittsburgh, TO TEE 1140 TORT,, Na' 460 Rebecca Streeti ,Mlegheyty. Ennui' °Mee at 114111113 & "EWING , S, No. 341LIBERTYllTNE6T. corner of Tenth,(for =Orly Warne). (Mem left at the Factory. at Hanle & Ewing's. or sent tbriough the Pitt& burgh Post Omce. will receive prompt Attention. 8111100N1fAIC411 & SON. KEYSTONE POTTERY.' S M. KIER 41‘ CO., , mi t) . . , , Miuntsout of . , . 9.111 . 7.3111/318Mrf. MTh 11411/Mlll aie. . Alai. and .11pirebouse. 383 .141 ERTY, STREET. siren °Merit nromptly attended to. J. 01012(1.' • • J . s „„. QUINT& BRA'llry 14 " ABoailzonruki AND ORNAMENTAL. CARVERS No, 61 Banausky 81„ !dleghenh , . A, limo assortment, of, NEWEL _ ,POSTS an • lIALL,rrrERS eonstantir on 1111hd.T1111 1 INti ?f deserintions. done._ oestral -18ESSI PRZt3S stilt omatinues to altelly and mom . orders for • . FRESH WHITE 'LAKE FISH, SALNON'AND' BASS. Bend to No. 45 DIAMOND litAliftET;;Pless. STAND. • or Hs old .well known TWIN 2 pay STAND. Allezbenv market AY'4 - • c ,. t j • • o,rpx:E. 'Fifteen bags chola° old Government Java Cof fee, Jun teerlied an 4 for sale low by the bac r Fa" 719321/14'111eNrit.r.VENTSHAW, - COrner 'Whole and Hand strftu. 011111 , 2 4 1TAL . bWKEPBTAICER., - • Bap HI V/T2 11.032, Very choice, for sale py NEANOR , ' do BASPEW, fee 220 Liberti. street. OT ABU.-4 casks No• 1 IPol - Ash in store find for sale by el 2 J. 11. COMMISSION MERCHANTS J. L. umweese..... A. E. EITZVEICSON. - DILLINGER & STEVENSON, coinitssiiK MERCHANTS ) ST Second Street, Pittsburgh, pa, 1 • nryrivE LAD BELL • .Ik4itft9 .1 of Country: Produce, . orders for , Idercbandlre Prempti7 filled, at LQWEST market rates. Particular attention pen to the sale of Butter, - Eggs, .Ckeese Dried Emits, &c, We feel conndent that we can give entire satistaction by. asking WOK Ouse and PROMPT nErcritne. at riPtassr wenn= PRICES, tutd therefore:. respectfully solicit your consign ments. All correspondence answered promptly. Markrnir;;Platea forritsiied free. Grain in store and to arrive daily. ~ .anBl:t7B • I \ at \ STABLISHED, , BI & T, ./IJA Gr ENLY, I 18L2. GORNIAG Wit'OLESALE - GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street,: (DrEECTLY Or! EAGLE HOTEL') . se :re 137TSIEStritagEG ViATT, LANG 'A, CO., waorasmar. azAssas Gr°Carlon, Grain, PrOducel Pro vLsions, Fifth, Choose, Carbon ; • Nod. 171 and Itilk•wOOD BTILEICT, not* Lib. ..erty a G. Pittsburgh. Pa. n08:n66 nrrsa ........ Jaz. T. Namur& IL & • MERCHANTS, _ .fftr_l,:44 l FRP,P. • Galalge SPEDB , Mnalf $49 St; PilijibUrlibt • - - B. 1217101. McBANE,B4. eaysga,, , • COMMISSTON Dealers In . MCKIE; . GNAIN , PRONNCE 'GENERALLY',` No.- ilia .w.kTra wrinarr. , above linalthneld,Elttinarnix.' Grurak Al • firtimr. • Comm :Merchants, tiisit - M — • • AND . r t'E AL4 M ' MlORirprp4ll44:pT,E l .ltE:Do .10 . m. near iiks y t Common.. P• . . (inap t • I , z :.-.„110.,39NR7411449.C.' ... . . _ .. . . . igicu.a._AwsirrizoNa; nixiurnaktleanitinWoitibmnwn, 4 .6 . ireki(tiii: `45 1 4117;nr. Grain," Telioe4i. Bat ter; .. d Frultoinet _TroOttoO tonelsl l 79 No, 1 . ►r~r T BTR,F.ST. „corner of Pint, lists -7. is .-. . : - - rezhen RCBL - XXClig ANDKIEW 1111_44... &SON, , COMMISSION • MERONANTS an o dealers In FLOUR, Vi AIN MILL .FEED and 'PRODUCE, GENER ALLY, No: TO DIAMOND, opposite iCits Rail, , Alleitbeti7 ' ' jal2:rlD pArroaw, .1.4 Wholesale Grocersi Commission Merchants sum Deilers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish. Carbon and Lard Otl Iron,Nails, iv, =ton Yarns and all IP 4 '..mburgh Manufac a generally. .1.1.11 and nuV,ND STIL E , Pittsburgh. • • Rant B.llotrar;. TORN'''. ! US OUSE &AMOS:, Sue- u reapers to WIN t; HOE CO., Wnole• 241.1 a Grocers a d Commission ditereha=a, COe. ;ler of Smithfield and Water Streets. piTtsbnrib. JOIIR SZUPTOIC •I...**AAT_ALLPOL N &WALLA Whoke §ems-unooznarAstuat ?to. EILXT/1 ciTHEET. DRUGGISTS. Tpgrif VERSON .1. & BROTHERS, 966 Liberty street. Dealers in ' Drugs, a ats and Patent Medicines. IsA:29 W.:3IAUEOWN BRO., .WHOLESALE'; DUGOUTS AND NANOTACTITAI2I3 Or Carboxi. MOM TO NO. 195 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. PENNA. licrtitta Window Lead,' cilium sta Glasiware at Manalactarers prices. deg' PAPER. 4.llTTBlltUltGit PAPP.II 2ACTITRIN6 .COILPANT," Xanalleturers Of PRINTING Ss WRAPPING PAPERS CLINTON mim-wrgaranirvit.ur, OBto. BIM:MUM M ILL—NEW BBIONTON, PA. OFFICE AND . WADI/NOME. _ No. 82 Third Streot, Pittsburgh, Ps. Orszczne—AUGUST NABTJA L Prealdent. • JNO. B. LIVINGISTON. Treasurer. WWI= BIDDLE, Becretary. DIMICTORII—Aseast Hartje. John Uwe% B. N. Oarsman, John B. 'Arington., Clash paid Inr Wrier Stock. ja2noeB ILCIR'AND isOHN' PECK EAL _l,ll. AND ORNAMENTAL W RZBIPIIILSE, No. Third stroot,,gear tbanneld, Pittsburgh. Alwatm hand, a_generar assortment m La.. WEilysAliM. GUARD i_Hntlemen NV% L P . BCALPS, CHAINS, B Z *0: 1 lir IF illoo la cash will given font EtAw HADI. LedleiP , And Gentlemen** Haig Hutting done in the neatest , mama. rubella FRENCH DUMB MILLSTONES. French Burr Smut Maddnes; ;THE BEST WHEAT ipLIRASEEB /IT 'ME. rewtcate 1 1 7(nir , and Feed MUls, nownici minus, /.1/ vizaltera and best quality. For sale at 319 lila 321 Liberty St., Pittsburgh suit; WASTE OF 'HYDRANT WATER. The .undersioned deems it his duty to Inform consumers of Hydrant Water in the City of Pitts burgh that extensive and highly inirortant changes in the machinery at the Lower Water Works' will require, for the present, careful use and strict prevention of the waste of water. Railroad companies and ocher large consumers must use strict economy in use of water for all purposes, and the use of all street washer' and fire plop, except in case of ilre r must pe sus pended until further notice. JOSEPH paEgolz, fe3 Superintendent Water Woiks. tIIEARL caiks Prime Purl Ash now in store and for ule ppyy J B. CULNYIELD. rITTSBURGRatag" CONNINILS VILL LIKUD. On and after TINCbD.A.Y, No ember, 11th. lisot, trains will arrive at and. depart from the Denot corner of Grant and Water streets, Its follows: Mall to and from Union town 7:00 A. M. 5:00 r. M. McKeesport Accomdt'n 11:00 A. M. 51:05 P. K. Ex. - to and from Duna. 3:00 P. M. 10:10 A. M. West Newton Accom"d 4:30 P. M. 835 A. M. Braddock's Accomdt'n. 8:15 P. st. 7:50 e. M. Night Ac. toEicK.sport.lo:3o P. Y. 5:45 A. m Sunday Chura Train to and from West Newton 1:00 P. M.10:00 A. For tickets apply to J. R. HUNG, Agent W. B. STOUT , Superintendent. no2o riIIANGE OF aximai V TIME. ALEOUENT VALLE'S! RAILROAD On and after MONDAY, November eth. ISB TWO . TRAINS DAILY will leave Pittsb Station, corner of Eleventh and Pike streeir for Franklin, 011jOity, Buffalo, and all points in the Oil Regions. wyza,lll PITTITHErBGEG, lAREry • .TX rrrynninoli Mail 7:15 a m !Mall 5:40 p m Express:l.... ‘11':10 m,ltspress..• 8:30 •nt Bradrs B de 3:00 p m Bradys B Ae 10:30 a m Ist Soda Works ',lst Soda Works .A.ecomd. 10:50 am : Acconsodni. 8;30 a m ad boda Works 111 3 d Soda Works Aer.opiod`n. 5:00 p m Aecomod , n. 3.40 pm Omni: Train. leave ttsbargh at 1:10 P. 74. Arrive at Pittsburgh at 9:50 a. If. Passengees.Ukinr , express train' bays but one elianeit cars tween Pittsburg:, Buirldo and Oil ORM Nal.rillid.EXpreSlLlTSlTlll 51.9j1 only at p • nelpal points. Mixed Way and Ao. : commodstioll triltii stop at all stations. . . •. • THOMAS H. =NM, /mit. Supt. W. FOSTER 110P3,, Ticket Agent. nee • SIEMMI P CINCINNATI ; AND LOUIS RAIWAY. • PARVANDLE ROUTE.' • CHANGE OF TritE.L-On and after SUN DL!. Nov.22d, 1888, trains will- leave and arrive, at tta. Union Depot, as fbllows, Pittsburgh ttme: Depart. Arrive. • 3:L91. tn....137:13 a. Fast Line • 10:13.5. m. 7:33 p. m. •if ast 'Express 2158p.m. 19:7.8 slid. • Nixed m._ 8 p. m. DoDonald'e Aoem, No. 11.1:98 i. m. 9:33 p.m. Steubenville Aecommod. , 3:38p. m. 9:48 a. m. McDonald's Acen..No. 2..5:08 m. 3;/8 p. m. it - 0:58 Z. Y. Express will leave daily. • 1 4 4:13 P. at. Mail will arrive daily.' The 10:13 a. in.- Train leaves daily, lannillyS e cepled, and makes close eminent:lolM New. ark - to • Zanesville and points on - Bandesky Mansfield • Newark . R. • • • 8. F.I3OIILL, general Ticket Ilurenti r , , W. W. OA2D. Supn.. E 3 teubeDYß ) F.9K o '.:i. tidr. 1868. PITTSBURGH, - -70.22 - WAYNE & CHICAGO R. W. and CLEVELA ND IPITTSBIOD3N - IL R. W. Dec. .—. . . .. . From. D 20t,n, 1858. trains will !cave frent and arrives& thellnigist Depot, north aille..lllo - pity, time, us follows: ,' •'• , Dmo. . 1 : ' , .-- .1 . ' Aryls& Vcmo Ex_ ~ . 3:oa &Menton° Ex.: , 141.3 e & Ygn111.11:118 a m .t rh ica go Ex .. 7.1:,88 if, Oh &,Wieg IV 5;28 am i eeling Ex 1113.1 Chimer Mai1.. , ..6:53 a m;Crestitneldall 3:53}d Chit:AM . /ft— QBa m ;Chicago Ex....4:384 Cl. & we gEx 9 nava. jeleverand Er 4:08 pt. Chicago Ex ; , 2:43 p m . Eris & Tait Exls:l3s 'W. , e &ErieExt:o3pre.lol: &Wit , ExeltriSM J'reol A tieg44 m . . L . Arrive a 44/seasna flit_ N. _at'lli AC: 8:58 ie in N . Brigtln At:7:o3 iaa Leelfftle " 10:28 aml N. Brigt n " 8:28 goi " 11:58 a m INew Castle "10: 3 3 am Rochester .. —11433 pro t Ulla:tale .. 9:13 am i Leetadale .11.94.3459 pin I . . ~ " 1:U8 pas N. Brlgni .3:33 DMA. Brigt , ll: - "11143 pm N. Bftt. , it . 4 .s:2Brim Leetsnard -."' di:lsazaa Leetsdale "10:93pm ' " ' " ii/8 tat LeetsdalcOinn• • Leetsdale RIM. , . •in 1 day Char_ch. 1:13 p m day linet. 9 . :68 am .q. 2:95 0. in. Chicago Express leaves daily. &F/g. 11:58 - a. in. Chicago Express arrives daily. dt P. B. MYERS, General Ticket Agent, . ENNEITLVA-Mgami NIA CENTRAL ILUL ROAD. Onand after Nov, 25tb..1888, Trains will 'arrive at and depart from tht,lfirlou Depot, corner oi , Washington , and Liberty streets, AM follows Arrive. rasamiiiireir „._....,_._ Mall Train.— 1:30 a -W:3o= rW Past-Ltssor.: - .1 - 11 , 80 am "a o. 1.. 8:30 am' Wall's No. 1.. BAO a m all Train. ... *L./8 am BrintonAoe'n. If 40 a m sOlneinntx .151:65 pm Wall's N0..2.. 8:50 am Wall"s N0.2..11:20 am Cincinnati Ex.8:40 am Jelmstown Ao. 3:95 pm Johnstown Ac10:33 am firaddocks Nol4:EOpm. Baltimore Er.1.48D To phila. Expre s s 8:10 pm Phila. Expresssl:oB pm Wall's No. 3..15:510 pm Wall's No. 2.'•.: 1:30 p m Wall ' s No: 4.: 6:15 pm Braddocke Nolliaglp in Fast Line 5:50 pa Wall's NO. 4: 11E5 p m tWall's No. 5..1:1:80 pm Way Passo't 110: 11 8p mi • .. • The Chtirsh• Train leaves Walls Station every Sunday ar,14115 .O. In,: teaching Pittsburgh at 10:00 4 1 .• in. Returning,. leaves Pittsburgh at :Winne pt so and - az:rhea at 'Walls Station at 11:001o. ips, -.; . - .w, .M.. unit* Aroma • haven itaity., Ail other -Srosao.stallgt Sandity... . . " For radios to •-- -.- W TW , Agent. The Penrwylvaula ro Company will not as - some any dais Torn-usage, except for wearing art • pare),and limit their responsibility to One Bun dre. Dollars in value. . It 'Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner. us less taken by special contrset. • EDWARD H. WILLLANN, no= General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa; Ar- E ST ER - qv i i la i l a• - iniggi 51 - - PENNSYLV ROAD.—.On and after e. ov. 319d,1865. the Pa. senger Trains on therWestent Pennsylvania Rai• road will arrive at and depart from the Feder. I Streeteri Depot., Allegheny City. as follows: Ae& • . l Springd*o No151:40 a m Moil 'Ds - - 1:00 am Freeport No . 18:20 a m Freeport No. 9:15 am Etpres. 10:40 a' ut Sharpb , g Sio111:20 am Sharpleg No.11:215 p mißxpress...g,.. 9:45 pm Freeport No . 24:00 pm s_pringire No13:90 - pm mall ,_ _ 8:55 p m Freeport N0.25:90 pm Springd'e - No 28:45 n m Smingd , e No 3 1:10 P m Aboye trains run daily elteept Snnday: The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junction every. Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. in: Returning, leaves Alleg heny City at 1:40 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Juno. Con at 3:45 p. m. COnnterATION TM:gni—For sale in packages of Twenty, between Allegheny City, , ‘'hestnut street. Herr's, Bennet r, Pine Creek: Etna and Slisrpsburg.and gad o on the tail= stopping at Station+. speeified on Yeti. The trams 'leaving Allegheny City at 700 a. In. make direct connection at Freepon withWal. ken: line of Stages fOrßutler and Hannalu Won. Through tickets may be pnrchmy i t the Office No. a ist .Clalr street , near the Su sionßridge. Pittabur. 11, and at the Depot , egbeny. , For further information apply to , JAMES LEFFRETS,-Age w 2. • Federal Street De t. The Western . Pennsylvania Railroad not at same any risk for Baggage, except forwearing apparel, and limit their responsibility to One Runde. d Dollars in value. All baggage er. • ceeding this amount in value %lithe at the Hat* the owner, unless taken by special contract.' EDWARD H. wiudams, no= Getetral Bunerintendent, Altoona. PL. QMOKI HlLL aimm S 1 ROUTE. " UNION PACIFIC RArrawA; Th o BRORTINL':I: AND MOST RELZABI ROUTE from the East to all ponne la COUra4lo , Califonda, Utah, Two Trairus leave State Line and Leavenworth asilJaluidan exceptxdOon the arrival of trains df tic Railroad Tram St. Louis said Hama• bat and et. .Joe Ballroad tram connect,. Inv at Lawrence, Topeka and Wamego with Buise for alb points In Kansas. At end of track west of itilsworthi_ with the UNITED !STATES • EXPRMS. CONF PANT% DAILY LINEIDe OVISELAND MAILLND EXPRESS COACHES SON • ; W. W. WALLACE. -~~,w. RAILROADS. DeDart. Eastern Division. Nevada. Arizona, Washingtc, n, . • New Mexico, Naha, Oregon. 11MNVM111 sAx,T, . All Pointe in the Territorial COLONESioiRsOtps TRI-WEZICLY LINZ Mr Fort Onto% Bent , s ;Fort. Paell• Albuquerque, Banta Would 11l points In Art aorta and New Mexico. • With the recenadditions of ?Winn stook and equipment.. arid the , arrangements made with responsible Overland Transportatton Lines froM Ns western tenuthea, this road.now offers unequalled actinic' for theunnalasion of frelsht• to the Ifirlitett. , • - ' —i• t: kati Tickets for sale at all th e win carts In the United States and Calmly t , . Be sure and safer Viotti. via TOE SMOKY HILL ROlll`glonobl p • 10 (RAILWAY. EASTERN D/WAWN . A. ANDEIiSON," . . . _ Get.eral Bnpetintenden •IF. 111, WEBS:NEB, General Freight and Tir k . et Ast E 3 AfTIT6B. I= ?.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers