N N STEEL WORKS DpQUESNE COLEMAN, RAlnw & co„ IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES. AND SPRINGS, Ditquezne Iron, Sheet and Tank Iron, Juniata Iron. Wagon Box Iron. Charcoal iron, Cylinder Iron, XI, Iron.. Flanged Custer Bars, 011011 Iron, Drag and Dropper Bars, T Rail for Coal Roads, Iron W edges Flat Rail for Coal Roads, Boller Iron,- Crow - Bars,Chain Links, Boller , Heads, Steel and Iron frrow Teeth. Carriage, Wagon, . Seat and ' Coach Springs, and Axles, , all styles: Saab Steel for Plows. Cultivator Steel, Steel Wings and Moulds • cut to p•ttern. S..ring steel all sizes. A. B. Steel and Steel Tire, Steel Crow Bars, ateelShafting. do. ALL GOODS. FIRST CLASI AND WANBAN- iiirOffices and Works 16th street sad Alle gheny river and 77 WATER STREET. Pitts burgh. 7a4:e12 GODEFFROY BOANCKER & CO., 42 Exchange Place, New York, Are prepared, as Sole Agents. In the United States. for the Prussian Mining and Iron Com•, Piny of Duisburg, Westphalia, to contract or sell In quantities to suit purchasers, (delivered In either New York or Philadelphia,) the celebrated V. G. SPIEGELEISEN treed so extensively forthe manufacturing of BESSEMER STEEL. This Iron is free from Bulpur and Phosphorus, and contains a heavy per cen!age i of Manganese. pull particulars, samples, prices or chemical analysis will be promptly forwarded on npnUca ation. jaBo:d76 SIN ER A MICK & CO., P;TTERIIIRGEI. PA.. Monnbotorers of ever/ deeeriptlon of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, BA mw sr - Awes, =Lir, c. AND PLATFORM SPRINGIN , A ILES. STEEL TIRE. So.. se Warehouse, 88 Water and 180 First St e . N J UCLLER, BARS & PARKIN. OKENELAL PAIITICLES: WW. murmur, REUBEN MILLER, GE:). W. BARR, I CRAB. PARKIN. SPECIAL PART:wan—B. : M. /EIRE. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILER, BARR & tAltliali, Offiva,_No. 339 Liberty St, ransuman,re adtde BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER' & CO., Manufacturers of all descriptions of g39rwgi - r Office and Warehon__,_se 120. 122.124 SECOND and £l9 and 121 FIRST STREETS, IRON WORKS. JAB. VEariza, Preen W. P. ronszn i , Bap% pITTSBERGH FORGE AND IRON CO., XA RUTACTeItZSIS OF Bar Iron; Railroad Fisk Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car'Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods: Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; Steamlboist Shafts; steamboat Cranks; /Piston Bodo, Wrists; Pitnsan Jan's, 'Collars, like, Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBURGH; PA ILLERSIINSEN PROCESS. The Trustees are now *wavered to grant lleen- Met for the use of the ELLERRRAIISSM FED- I 4)E813. The superior' quality Imparted to good Iron, 'he great impwrement In Inferior Iron. and the reduced coet.COmmend it to aft manufacturers of Partleswishbag to use It can obtain licenses by Applying to • • JAMES P. SPEER, Attorney for the Trustees, OFFICE, 860 PENN STREET. Parties interested are invited to visit the . SHOENBERGEE,WORKEL where• the process Is now in successtul operation. felkder • EVERSON, PRESTON rib_ co., Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse, tgLel InBT aao.tlonawn. aDillsde PITTSBURGH.. NOVELTY WORKS. pITTSBURGH NOVELTY WORKS. Founded A. D. DIM ADAMS.' DrICEE . & CO. MA3IJ7LCTONO 0 07 KE ENT)) I PLAT TDAMRDADBUNTKRAT SCALES Janus raced Patent Door Locks and Latches. Paint and Colree,llllla, CORNEA or FIRST AVENUE & GAUT 8111, Pittaburibt Pennut. GAS AND sTEAra aan. /11. COOP= . 406.; sir JOHN DI. COOPER & CO. BILISS_POUNDERS • GAS MID. STEAM FITTERS, Usaufactoress Of P 112413 AND Dugan of evenjlesorlipt!on; fleMrs_ to GAS AND Tußlitet. of magmas. , ; Or.. of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBURGIL _ „, , WORKS, Manufacturers ‘f ICI STEEL WOURL PITTSBITRON. FOUNDERS, MA.CHINUTS. KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. larEngines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATH e iNAL FOUNDRY, - AND PIPE WORKS. corner Carrell and Smalintan Streets, MIRTH WARD,/ WILLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE POE DAB AND WATZE WORK& My Pines are all east Invarlablyln Ms, in dry land, and 1.51 feet lengths. Also, fun assortment of general Castlngrtbr Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintend ents of Gas Worke to my make of RETORTS. ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET. Ninth liVard, P Fr7131317R,431. THOMAS N. MILLER, President. These Works are among the largest and most complete establishments In the West, and are now prepared to furnish Engines, of every description. Boilers, Oil Tasks. 'Sheet Iron Wor k. Raliroad Castings. Bolling Mill emoting& Engine Castings. Machine Castings, General Castings. ORDERS SOLICITED no9:neB ROBINSON, BEA. & CO., Succeision to ROMEI3OIe. Milne & WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manefactnren of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Gearing, Shafting Castings of all descriptions: Oil Tanks and Stifl e, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No._ DI, corner Prat and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GINTARD'S PATENT INJECTOR for seeding Boilers. jail:re/ MONT BLANC FOIINDBY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron =led ITITSBUBGH. Balling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, XACHINEIVI AND CASTINGS GENEB.ALLY. Orders promptly and earefit/13 , executed. Charges reasonable.. EBB= & MOM S& oeisms THOMAS ,CARIIIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Eathine Work", GANDIIBILT, LIT., ALLEGHENY CITY. , Itartaikotnrers of Steam 'Engines, Oil Presses, kitileys, Shafting, Grist and Saw Mill Work, ,Bolling Mill and - Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, do: Build to order and have on hand of all sizes. , sislipss riENTß44`olThrintY' AND"ROLL WORKS • 19£10 Penn street. BOLLIAN, BOYD & BAGALEL Cbßi Bolls, Mill Outings, 801 l Lathes. Lo. LUMBER. LUMBER! :LUMBER!! • ALEXANDER PATTERSON. Dealer DI all Binds of Lumber. • ON HAND AND FOB SALM 1 000,000 feat Pry Pine Boardo; 150.000 feet 1H Clear.,nk • 30,000 feet Dry inch Common Punk; 30,000 feet Dry hand 3 Inch Oak: 515,000 feet Dry 4, AM end 3 tech Ash. 5,000 ft. Dry 51,u, in. Cherry &Maple, ao ow) ft. Dry 1,13. U end a Inch Poplar: Id,ooo feet Dry Poplar Scantling; 950.000 feet Hemlock Joist. and Scanting: 750,000 No. I 18-Inch Shingles, sawed; 350,000 No. 116-inch Shingles., sawed; 40,000 No. 116-inch Shingles, allayed; 40,000 Piro Brick; /.000 Fire TUe. • YAEog—No. Annual, sMaitelltehlroasterwanodotr, REMBOUA sTBEZT.OI4 • Allegheny City. nol2 IRONBROKER/3 sABIUEL AL • • ICHEItSII4III, IRON BROKER, 124 First Street, Pittsbnigh, p a kieutTor the we or Dorn se wal ‘ tanor hainere, Josephine, Isabeliz,Dtineannon.n . ens don.ind other breads or Anthracite, °n Gl olo gheny (Joke end O. B. Ohnrcioal. ERONEIe milsolinments are mat resnontfillir avilstftm - COPPER. - - r ALE SUPEIIIIOU ,OPPita MILL AID BILELIZIO VOLTA 1 2 1T•Iwintato.11. VARKs' Ait*CURDY .1 - CO. - , danuracturen • et Sheathing, Brasiers' and Boit ;iopper A PressedOoper Bottomb,Balsed Bot. ;oath welter Bolder. Also,lmperors and Deal ers u Metal, Tin Plate, lineePiron, Wire, Be. pan itantlron hand Miners , Machines atd wools. Warehouse No. 140 If LUST 81 . 8.145 T and OW SKOOND BT Pittsburgh. ';osetial orders of vopper cut to any desired pat. wv. nuntegllsderT ES I'ITT6BURGH GAZETTE TITERA fa . FEBRUARY 23; 1869. EN c INEf3, BOILERS, &o. HUGH N. BOLE & CO. Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all aizes. fAilirlal attention Invited to our now STATION OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-honemower. I set CASTLNGS, of every kind, m eto order atobr Poundl7, on THIRD STREET, below Market. 'RIGS for Oil Wells, SHAFT NG, PULLEYS, HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBA GC/SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on handand made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Pltnting on the Allegheny River, near the Point, Na- All orders promptly tilled. Tai trB FORT PITT , BOILER, STILL AND TANK WORKS. j CARROLL & SNYDER, MM TUBULAR, DOUBLE4LITED T7JBTJLAR; FIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM 'BOIL ERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL .TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHUT= Office and Warehouse, corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, or Orders sent to the above address will be promptly attended to: i mh7:1921 WM. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKE AS &ND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOB. AO, se. sa AND se PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and feinished It wan the mast approved machinery, we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the best manner and warranted equal to any made In the country . ' Chimneys Breeching, Fire Beds, ' Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Ingits tors, Settling Pans. Boiler Iron. Bridges, Boger Pans, and sole numufecturers of Barnhill's Pat ent Boilers. Repairing done on shortest notice. 0615:e2i JAMES M. BITER, Nee. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., , MAAIIPILOTIIIIIII OP IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAK PIPE, EOJ.I.TNG MILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORK, For Steamboats. JAI= M. 1121178.11.. ..... ...IDMVXD D. DRUM JARED 21. DRESS & SON, MA` ITPACTITRIBEI OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORN, &O 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, STOVES, CASTINGS, &o THE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY & CO. Manufacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE POUND IN THE STATE dole Agents for the celebrated Base Burning Oriental - Stoves and Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best in the World for Parlor,Office. Store or Church . . Fire needs no rekindling—burns all win ter. Do not b ty until you see or send for Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Oar 'Agents for Oriel+ tals—DEat MLER BROS.. -Smithfield St.; GEO. HURLEY. Allegheny I isy. ORO, NUM & C awrorAcnrazas or 11 , 77.117 VABlirt 07 Srl CONnOiS, BOSTON COOKING RANGE, "THE FIERY FURNACE," THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, REUULATOR.," COLUMBIA COOK STOVE VAN'S 'Cincinnati Pattern ) PORTABLE RANGE C IST IRON MANTLM WELLMAN'S REFLECTOR, GRATES, free from dirt and MS: GAATE ?RUNTS, TENDERS, &a. 216 and 208 Liberty Street, se2s:yl7 STOVES. `, CET THE BEST. BISSELL 41k CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOB BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as _ well mow other Stove In the Ualon. BI FFITI & No. 285 Liberty Street.; auo on hand and for guile, PARLOR BTOVES.. Li I itsA st " A '080 11 2 1 8: 5 11NOES, at. GOAL ANDCOKE (*ALI COMM COALM DICKSON, STEWART C 0. ,. Haring removed,tbeir Office to NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET 'll " sl7 o , trMoir M 111) snow:moon. 'r . Ate n ilyw at, es bil i c r il& pt era ur to Ihnils ooAL li c tood Y u p s rl a lli t 0 0i tu O t y °piers iert their aloe, or addressed to . Ai l t intjir. reeire the mail, will be attended WET Machine Stone Works, Northwest corner of Westoommcro, Meg/marl FREEPIE. ATVA.TIOR & 1 UM on hand or prepare on abort notice Beath, and Step Stones, MARS for SidewaLta. Rymer; Veldts, ee. Head and Tomb Stones, ' I Orders ore:mot' executed: Prices reasonable • • • .- • M (Mesa Tax PI''TSBIJRGH, PA. DIA3I37ACTIIIMBB op PITTSI3IIRGH, Yos WAlurato Bunantse. PITTBI3UIIGH. PA. STONE. ~ 1 " S ` .~-pi's„ .. FINANCIAL. FORT PITT BANKING COMPANY, N 0,169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT, SECURITIES AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TENE DEPOSIT Collections made on all accessible points In the United States and Canada'. ~IBECTOB8• Jno. C Maher. Bobt. H. Bang, Andrew Miller, James M. Bailey. MeeLIiBEAN, Pron. D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Wallnce, E. Fawcett, CM D. LE !NATIONAL B II OF COME Cor. of Wood and , Sixth Sta. A. President. JOS. H. HILL ~.. CAPITAL, : $500,000. , • DIRECTORS: I 4 1 1 e 39 IZ e PTI;sr • Dou g . A. Patterson, Win. H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Dan. It. Davide W. H. Haven. HART, CA GREY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and *oed Streets, PITTSBURG-IL PA., WIICONBBOIO3 TO HANNA, EAST a C 0.,) DZALIKBB flt Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the purchase and aide of COVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on London. ranuen _ N. HOLMES & SONS, .1 r] DISCOUNTS sp9:ott , ket Street, 57 Ma 'Collections made the . United Mates , n all the principal points of • d Canadu. StociEs,Bon. and other Securities • LD ON COXIIIBSION. BOUGHT AND PartlcuLar attend isle of n paid to the pnroiuse and United S ja.3o:al tes Securities MLLE SAVINGS BANK, After the First of March Next, Will be closed on WEDNESDAY EVENINGS And open daily fromi) o'clock Al at. to 3 o'clock r. at., and on Saturday Evenings. fel9:tBs OILS. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLE, MANUFACTURER OF - • Lubricating & HOTest Burning Oils. lellpse Railroad Azle Oil. 1, Stands great heat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. Loesomotive, Engine, Machine Shop, Will cot Screws. Saw NW and Pianism MU 011*, Adapted for high speed. • Spindle 011, Woolißead•Lightoll, oil, Tanners' Stuff-ISensole, ing Flni alb ins OM 1 0 asoline, • Harness. Oil Parragine, ARMOR VARNISH, to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from Anat. These protects are manufactured under Dr. Tweddle , a_patent by Superheated Steam. la Vac coo. The Lubricating sills are almost odorless, perfectly pure. uniform, and mostly light col ored. stand a high temperature unchanged. and remain limpid during extreme cold. The Mdlroad Ohs are 'unequalled, and are in constant use on examthe principal Railroads Samples can be ined and orders left at 174 W OOD STREET. Works at bbarpsburg Bridge. WARING AND KING, CozadSalon Merchants and Brokers to Petrizdeum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITESIBUSCIEt. PA. PRILADELPHLA ADDRESS, WARING, RING .& CO., 127 Walnut street. TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION . MERCIUNTF, AND DNALXVB IN Petroleum and ith Products, ecrutrAaati a raW ri nFil vt i n i . i s nraDlXG. Otlee—lSlT 'WALNUT FM spnwao (DIAMOND OIL woitris, H. M. LONC & CO., Office, DALZELL !WILDING, fan Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. Ps. sanaurcie . k c Houtnx4m6Lafrilo;, ----- ANCHOR COTTON. MILLS. PrZrBEirJkinki• limbo&+nen of IriAVI MEDII7X sad LIGHT aIIXCHOS AND itseN9LIA SFriCICTINGS AND BATTING. ; LSON. Cashier. T. AT 11 A. RI. Washington's birthday was observed as a legal holiday. Very little business was transacted. The stock boards, banks and produce exchange were all closed. The Custom House and Pi:stalk° were . only open a short time in the forenoon. No mails were dispatched after ten o'clock.' There was no military parade in conse quence of the many receptions appointed for this evening. There was no display of fireworks to-day, the appropriation having failed in the City Council. In the forenoon there was a full choral service at Trinity Church, with reading of the farewell address. .• 131:111C3kl, PA The transactions in Broad street em braced half a million gold at 133 k, and $lOO,OOO at 133, closing at 133%: In Gov ernments the only quotations were 110% @lily, for '67s. In stocks the only sale Was one hundred shares of Ohio and Mis sissippi at 3414: Pacific Mail was offered at 1011„ while for Michigan' Southern 9414 was bid. Rumor says the Pacific Mall Company Intend to run only three steamers per month instead of four. Ornon or Prrrsnunos GAzETTB, MONDAY, February 22;1869. The general market continues, dull and neglected, with ft single exception, and. the volume of business light„ the demand being limited and confined en tirely to supplying immediate :wants, while values • are without important change. Sugars and Molasses continue very strong and excited, with an upward tendency, though it is probable the cli max has been reached, for - the present; however, the feeling is decidedly bull ish, and holders, generally, are not disposed to sell any more than they can help. APPLES—DuII but unchanged; reign= lei pales in store at $3®55 per bbl, as to quality. ;APPLE BUWER—Firmer at 75@85c. BUTTER—Is coming in more freely, bUt as yet prime to choice Roll still corn- Mande 37@49. BEANS—S3,26@ ,50 per bushel. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR.DuII at 13N. CHEESE—Sales.of New York Goshen 42334 ®24. ,CRANBERRIES—aaIes at $18®520. CORNI 4 nIAL-4i®51,10 per bushel. CARBON OIL—Is firm, and in limited supply; may be quoted firm at 34®3135, for standard white. DRlED quarters FRUlT—Peaches steady at 13 ®l4 for ; 15®16 for and 18®20 for halves, as to quality.m ixed Apples 10®12 cts. EGGS--Unchanged at 23@24 for fresh packed. PROVISIONS—Bacon is steady but .unchanged at 15% for Shoulders; 1735 for Ribbed, and 1834®18% for Clear Sides; 'and 20 for Hams. Lard, 21 in tierces, and 22®22% in bbis and kegs. Mess Pork 03,50. POTATOES—DuII and neglected but unchanged, at 80®85 for small lots in store. PEANUTS-10 eta per lb. HAY—There is no improvement to note in the demand, ,and no change in prices, $20®525, as to quality. HOMINY—SaIes 56,25 to 50. GRAlN—Wheat is at dull 'and s6, nominal, at $1,60 fir No. 1 Winter. Oats quiet and unchanged; 65®66 on track, and 67® 68 in store. Corn is dull though in com, paratively light supply; we , continue to quote at 75®10, for mixed to prime Yet ! low. Rye also is dull, and a shade • low er, and cannot be quoted above Ilea@ $1,45. Sale 2 cars strictly prime Spring Barley at $2,14. SEEDS:rOloverseed is steady at 110,00 to $10,50, as to quality. Timothy is un changed at ;3,50, and Flaxseed at $2,40. SALT—Is quiet but:steady and is sti ll quoted at la by the car lima: ONIONS-45 to 50 per bbl. ORANGES -414 to 11150 per beme:akii FEATRERS=Live Geese F era quoted at 75 to 80, to the trade, and the usual advance in a retail way. , TALLOW—Rendered, 120. FLOUR—There fa no improvement to note in , the demand, and 'the market, is dull and. neglected :though prices are unchanged. Spring Wheat brands may be . quoted f7.00®57.50, and Winter Wheat, 18,00®58,50 -per bar rel. Rye Flour, 87,50. The Pearl Mill quote their best brands, made of the beat Wheat: as follows: Extra Family Flour,in barrels, at $9,80, and; in -sacks, $9,00 per barrel; Double Extra Family, in barrels,4lo,oo, and, in sacks, $9,70 per barrel; Spring:Wheat Flour, iu bar rels, 57,80, and,ineaoks,l7,Bo per barrel. The City MilAquote Firlees as follows: Extra Family, (Winter) in -barre $9,30, and, Backe, MOO per barr el; ••.• CENTRAL AND UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS, The cheapest Iniestnient now ln the market for sale by PIE. R. .7.4IOIKEETrZ 9 Corner FIFTH AVENUE & WOOD STREETS. Also, dealer In Government Bonds. Gold and COIIDOIIII and European Exchange at :m arket rates.deal , 46 I a_ Co., J AS T. BRUIT li (Successors to S. JON= a 00.4 , Corner Fourth and Wood Sta, 8.-ELIVIE.MPLIB, BUY AND SELL ALL KINDS OP \ GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COMES, ON Hon r&VORA.BLE TEEMS. Ur Interest Allowed on Deposits. air Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of .STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMBS T. BRADY & CO. Clje littshtglj Gaidtt FINANCE AND TRADE. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Giu tte.) NEW 'form, February 22, 1869 PITTSBURGH MARKETS. 4 • - Double Extra Family, in barrels; 59,80, and, in sacks, 59.50 per barrel, and Spring, $B,OO, in barrels, and $'7,70, in sacks, per barrel. WHlSKY—Highwines are quoted at 94 to - 96, in a jobbing way. PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBIIIIGH GAZETTE, ? MONDAY, Feb. 22, 1869. ( This being the anniversary of Wash ington's Birth Day, basineati was almost wholly suspended, both here and in the East, and, as a consequence, there is but little that :an be said that is really new or important in regard to the oil market. It is reported there was a better feeling in the East at the close on Saturday, but whether it would have been manifest here to-day, had it not: hive bsen for the hindrance above - mentioned, is. a ques tion which cannot be answered. That the market is in a very unsettled and sensitive condition is conceded, and it looks as if it was hanging in the balance, and that but , very little would turn it either way. Stocks are said to be in creasing slightly in Philadelphia, - while the rep sta in regard to the production are confileting. Several new wells have been reported quite recently, one of them producing three hundred barrels, and another one hundred and fifty, and the number of new wells being put down is said to be unusually large for this sea son of tie yeas. CRUDE—There was not a single oper ation in Crude to-day, at least there were none reported; and while the market seemed to be exceedingly quiet, prices, compared with Saturday, have under gone no quotable change.. Spot 16m@17; July to December, .18; March to July 1634©17. Private advicea from Oil City quote at 66,75 at that point. REFINED-Also, .was very quiet„not a single sale reported, and compared with Saturday, unchanged—February, 37%, and March 47. There seems to be no inquiry for the late month,s, and in the absence of sales, prices may be regarded as nominally unchanged. LUBRICATING on& Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40c Eclipse Railroad Axle 55c Eclipse Machinery 75c Eclipse Spindle 800 Eclipse Tanners' Stuffing 400 Eclipse Tanners' Finishing oil , 65c OIL SHIPPED EA ST BY A. y. B. B. Lockhart. Frew. & Co., 648 bbla to Warden, Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. Citizens Ref. 235 bbla to Tack Bro, Philadelphia. J. C.Kirkpatrick & Co.. 48 bbls refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. McKee, Hackett & Co., 100 bbls refined W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Fawcett, L. de S. 200 bbla refined to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. McKelvy Bros. & Co., 56 bbls refined W. P. Logan de Bro., Philadelphia. McKelvy Bros. & Co.. 105; tar. New York. Phila. Oil Co. McKee, Hackett ct Co., 50 tar W Lin coln, Boston. Co.,Standard Oil o 353 bbls refined to Warden, Frew de Co., Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined 1635 Total shipments Tar 156 OIL SHIPPED EAST PROM DUQUESNE DEPOT, H. M. Long & Co., 169 bbls refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Brooks, B. & Co., 128 bbls'refined to. W. F. tic Co., Philadelphia. Hutchinson Oil Ref. Co., 176 bbls' re fired to Warden, Frew it Co., Phila. Total shipments Refined. • 463. ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MONDAY. February 22, 1869. There was again a light supplyof Cattle on sale to-day, and with a good retail de mand, the market was very stiff, and compared with last week, prices are higher—an advanced of from a quarter to a half a cent has been established. The whole number on sale was less titan 600 head, which is only about ones half the number usually on sale, and indeed it is not enough to supply the retail mar ket, that is to afford the butchers a fair chance to make selections, The quality of the Cattle on sale Vas up to the usual standard, there being a fair proportion of good butchers stock, but, as eJready noted, the number was not large enough to meet the 2:equirem,ents of the retail trade. . • ,•• As will be seen by reference to the re port of sales, prime to extra Steers sold :1 at B@k9 eta; good to , medium, at 7®734; :- and stockers at 5%®13i4. Fresh cows 7: may be quoted at 1)18) :0 per head. (~ McGehan 19 head, commonish Ohio stock to Blackwell at 5,75; Keeler sold 20 head Western Reserve stock to Zeigler & Co., at 88,20; Coulter sold- 13 head of • ".," Steers, Cows and balm to Hazlewood & Blackatock at 16,25; R. O. Crum sold 6 head of good Washington Co. Oxen, weighing 9,440 for Hamilton, at 88 1 60; N. Carr 20 head Belmont Co. Ohio stock, •-;' at 6®7,75; Stakely Bro. 13 head bulls, oowa and steers, at 8406; Adam !Eckert sold 10 head fresh cows, at 150®70 per 4" head; L. Rotlichi/ds &Co. 21 at 5,25®8,25; Haas & Kraus 42; at 708,50; M. Verner 18, at 7,25; 2 oxen at 8; J. Needy 32 Ohio ';. stock, at 6®9 eta; J. Zeigler 20, at 53‘4% 734; J. Keefer 10, at 708,70; Hazlewood & Blackstock 70, at 5®8,50; Jas. BlAllia ter 25 Butler Co. stool, at 507; Marks & Bro. 6 ,0 Ohio & Chicago, at 7 5‘@91 Tran man it Lobman 31 Ohio & Illinois •at 6X @3'; L. J. Sheinberg 29 Oh b.- at 6®734; Holmes, Lafferty & 03.75 mixed, at .53,/, ®8; Hedges & Taylor 63., at 6®Bg; Greenwald &Kahn 50, at 6@)B. - • HOGS.—The Hog! market, to use a common phrase, has received a' black .• eye, and one from the effects of which; it it is not likely, will soon recover. Since 0 this day week, prime fat hogs are down 14 fully a dollar per cwt, and on common , wades the difference is even greater. We now quote in a retail way at 110 12;4-80Me few extra sold at 13. ohn Kerwin sold about 100 head , of, oonimonish }lnge at 10010,%., HOlmes. Lafferty & Co., sold 37 for t i Copeland at 10®11 eta. ' Coulter sold 12 to Kahn, Boyer & Greenwald at 11. Lc , Entqrick &Co report retailing at 11% la, And Kahn, aoyer It Co at 11®13M. r SHEEP AND LAMAS The supply of 'Sheep was again light today, less than 800 P. head, and with a fair local demand, prices are &in and well sustained, and L'4 prime fat Sheep, such as our first :class t.. 1 butchers are in the habit of buying may be quoted a i.shade higher. It Is but a. proper to remark, however, that the tie mand has fallen off very n aateriallywithin s the past few weeks, Which, is owing,iwej presume, to the advanced prices, forcing! many, If'n from ot all of the scalawag butchers to retire the market. We now 14 quote prime to. extra fat sheep at 6®7l' 'ytai: per es, pcmind. • • Holm Lafferty & Co. Sold 100. c ad for- Todd at 5®7 cts. Adam Eckert 37 at 82,70 per head. M. • Flinner 80 at s3(g)-1,50 per head. j Smith & Blue, sold 100 head for Porter, even /Ring 6816, at 82,80 per head. t•?.. J. It. Pringle_ ,ad 310; Kelley. . 5 : 3 : Shaw, 100; which Were sold, bat we did ;lot get particulars. ' 11