The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 22, 1869, Image 8

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Six Drnn made their appearance at
Mayor Dram's levee yesterday morning.
The majority of them went from thence
to jail.-
Postoilice will be open
to-day (2.2 d) from 7 to 9 A. M., and from
to S P. M., for the benefit of the business
men of the city.
ReAl'alon.—The members of-No. 9, I.
0. 0. F., intending to participate in the
re-union, will meet at Alderman Hum
bert's office, Fourth avenue, this evening
at eight o'clock. I
Council bfeetings.--Pittsburgh Coun
cils will hold their regular monthly
meetingthis afterndon at 2 r.
A special meeting of the;Allegheny
Councils will be held this evoning at . 7
T. to consider the sewerage question.
Committed for Trial --Joh ' \Sillily - an,
charged with setting fire t& the Pitts
burgh Glass Works, in 'BitWuhan',
January 25th, had a final heart g before
Fire Marshall. Murphy, Saturday, and
was committed to jail for trial. .
iuwo Informations.—Ann Kelly alleges
that Eveline Myers , attacked, and beat
her without provocation, and threatened
to do her bodily harm. The parties re
side on Locust street, near Magee. The
accused was arrested on a warrant is
sued by Alderman Lynch and gave 'bail
fora hearing. •
Paid Fire Department. The Vigi
lant Fire Company held a meeting on
Saturday evening, at which a committee
was appointed to present to Conricils a
protest against the proposition to take
the property belonging to the 'volunteer
Fire Companies for the use of the paid
Fire Department, without remuneration.
Ruled on the Ratlroad.--Between nine
ar.d ten o'clock Saturday night, the body
of William Johnson; a coarminer, was
found-on - the Pentisylvania railroad be
tween Wilkinsburg and Homewood, ter!
riblv mutilated, indicating that a train
had passed over it. Coroner Clawson
Was notified yesterday morning and pro
ceeded to hold an inquest upon it. After
swearing the Jury the inquest adjourned
to meet at Wilkinsburg at •-12 o'clock u.
to. day.
.Larceny.--Thonuut Dunn, a boy about
fifteen years old, was arrested on Satur
day night on a charge of larceny, pre
ferred by John Reiseck, of Beiseck fi
Bro. machinists on Seventeenth street,
Tenth ward: For some time past a nuna
ber of•articies have been stolen from the
establishment, and on Saturday the boy
Dunn was caught carrying off on iron
coupling, and was arrested and taken to
the lock-up. He subseauently procured
bait fora hearing and was released.
Wife Whipper.—James Kelly was
brought before Alderman Donaldson on
Saturday afternoon, onamjnformation
for assault and battery pre e rred against
him by his wife. The parties reside in
the Ninth ward. The woman allege
that James liaS been in the habit of abus
ing her of. late, and exhibited a long gash
across the right side of her head, which
she stated was inflicted by James'with a
chair: }The accused gave bail for a hear
t ng on Wednesday next.
Vagrants .1a11ed....-Saturday evening
about eleven o'clock, the Allegheny po
lice arrested four young men and two
notorious vagrants, Jennie Taylor and
Betty Riley, in a brick yard in the Second
ward. At the hearing yesterday, Mayor
Drum committed the women to jail for
thirty days each, and fined the men ten
dollars each. Three paid the fine and
the fourth, in default, was sent to jail.
We suppress the names of the young
men out of regard to their parents, who
occupy a respected position in 'society.
Alleged , Lareeny.—Chas. McGraw made
information before Alderman McMas
ters, Saturday evening, against' Barney
Laverty for larceny. The parties have
been employed at Lindsay' Mill in Al
legheny, and Laverty seems to have
been in the habit of collecting the.wages
of both and paying McGraw, who was
helper at one of the furnaces, the amount
due him, afterwards. On Saturday morn
ing McGraw alleges that Laverty as
usual collected the money, but was dis
charged by the firm, and neglected to
pay him hisabare . of the amount, henco
the suit: A warrant was issued.
Seddon Death.
Coroner Clawson was called upon yes
terday to hold an inquest on the body of
Wm. M. Davis, who died suddenly at his
residence at Woods Run, on -Saturday
evening. Mr. D., who was employed at
the works ol the Superior Iron Compa
ny, returned from his work and retired'
to bed at an early bonr Saturday even
ing, apparently in his usual health.
About half an hour afterwards, his wife
heaad a gurgling sound in his throat and
went to get a light to ascertain the cause
of it, but when she returned he • was
dead. The jury returned a verdict in
accordance - with the facts. Deceased was
about sixty years of age and an old resi
dent of Allegheny City.
, Young America.
Ifattheiw Crilley, a youth of fifteen
years, was arrested yesterday on a uharge
of larceny. It appears that Matthew/
with several boys, went Into Wald's con-
feetione on Flfth avenue, near Tun-
nel stree , and called for some cakes, at
the same time laying the money, to pay
for them on the counter. The cakes
were pro need and the young scamps,
seeing an opportunity to speculate, im
proved it by grabbing both cakes and
money an • making off. An officer was
called an • started in pursuit, but only
succeeded in capturing Matthew. He
was brong •t to the lock-up and will haVe
a hearing his morning.
Fatal Accident.
William Little, fireman at Zng's Mill,
residing a , the corner of Pike and Thir
stre l ets, met with an accident yes.
terday morning resulting in his death.
It appears that Little had been drinking
c onsiderable Sattlrday night and went
home drunk. He succeeded in getting
up stairs to his-bed-room and retired.
About four o'clock in the morning he
'got Up and went down stairs, where he
remained some time, when he attemp ted
to return. He sucCeeded in getting a bout
half way up the stairs when he fell back
wards, It is presumed. as he was found
by his wife, who heard the fall and ran
to his assistant)°, tying at the foot of the
stairway with his feet up. She Galled in
one of the neighbors to assist her in get
ting him up stairs when it was discov
ered that his' skull was fractured. Dr.
Duncan watt sent for but bis efforts were
of no avail, as the unfortunate man ex
pired about 8 o'olook, A. M.
Coroner Clawson held an inquest on
the body yesterday, when the jury re
turned , a verdict in accordance with the
abOver facts. •
Deceased was about thirty-three years
of age and leaves a widow and Biz
Meeting of the Monumental Aiseelatlon
-Charter to be Applied Fer—Names of
' the Corporators—Fundson • hand, dce.
The MonumentarAssociation, an or
ganization having in charge the matter
of erecting a suitable memorial of the
deceased soldiers from Allegheny count-,
ty, during the late war, held a meeting
on Saturday afternoon in the rooms of
the Young Men's Christian Association,
Fifth avenue. Nearly all of the mem
bers were present, and the Association
came to order at three o'clock, when, on
motion of Gen. A. L. Pearson, Mr. Pres
ton was called to the chair, and Col. T.
M. Bayne appointed Secretary;
The minutes of the preceding meeting
were read and approved.
..Capt. B. F. Jennings, Chairman of the
Committee appointed at the last meeting
to procure a charter, reported progts,
and asked for instructions. There w a
difficulty in the matter, as the opinion
had been expressed that the Courts could
not grant articles of corporation to an
Association 'consisting of - ladies alone.
Mrs. Robinson stated that the Womens'
Home of Pittsburgh was incorporated,
and it was altogether Customary to. in
corporate associations for various-pur
poses, In which ladies alone appeared as
the incorporators.
Mrs, McKee moved the addition of the
gentlemen composing the original Build
ing Committee to the Committee on
The President said this would only
make the matter more complicated. •
Capt. W. B. Cook said, if this was done;
the name of the association would have
to be changed, as it was now known as
the "Ladies Monumental Association,"
and the motion 'adopted at last meeting,
constituting ladies only members of the
corporation would have to be reconsid
ered. For his part, - he ivould rather
leave the matter in the hands of the la
Capt. Jennings suggested the discharge
of all committees, until the act of incor
poration was prOcured.
Major Samuel Kilgore moved as an
amendment an increase in the number
comprising the Building Committee,
The amendment was not seconded.
After some Anther discussion the mo
tion of Mrs. McKee was lost by a vote of
four to eleven.
Mrs. McKee presented a communica
tion from Charles A. Miller, Adjutant of
Post 35, G. A. R., dated May 1, . 1868, pro
testing against the location of the 'pro
posed monument in the Allegheny
On motion of Major Kilgore the com
munication was laid on the table.
Mrs. - McKee also presented the report
of the Treasurer of the Association, as.
Park, Jr., showing the following
amounts of mon on deposit at the
banks named, Bub ect to the check of the
Trustees appoint by the Building Com
Pittsburgh Hint thr Savings V. 1,220 00
N. Holmes 1 Sous 1,351 17
Ph. E. Mertz 1 4 , 0 es
101.797 7,1
The report was received and ordered
to be Sled.
On motion of Major Kilgore. General
Pearson was added to the Committee to
procure a charter of corporation.
The. Committee on Charter were in
structed to have the matter immediately
attended to, in order to have the charter
procured before the adjournment of_ the
present Legislature. The following ,la
dies constitute
Mrs.-Samuel McKm:, Mrs. Dr. Abel.
hire. John Watt. t Miss M. Galway.
Mrs. R. isoblnnon. . Mrs. C. C. Eolith.
Mrs. B. Preston. Miss Mary Howard:
Mrs. E. sellers, My, Linne Pres*ley.
Mrs. B D. Thompson, Miss Maisie Yowler.
Mrs. Alex. Chambers, Ws. Leonard d. Jt.hnsi
Mrs. Den. Peasson, Miss Annie Stewart.
Mrs John Barton, Mrs. Q. A. 'cost.
Mrs. 11. H. Mann. Miss t_ ue McCord.
On motion, the name adopted - was the
"Allegheny Oonnty Monumental Aesoel
On motion of Captain . Cook, the meet
ing adjourned to convene at the same
place on Saturday, March 13th, 1369.
Interesting gervlees at the t irhiril Pres.
byterian Church—lnstallatkni of the
Pastor Rev. F. A. Noble.
The services at the / Third Presbyterian
church, Sixth Avenue, last evening were
of an unusually interesting character, it
being the occasion of the installation as
pastor of the congregation, Rev. F. A.
Noble, who hai been officiating as pastor
since she erection of the, new church. At
an early "hour in the evening, ttevaat
auditorium was filled to its utmost ca
pacity, aid when the time for the com
mencement of the services arrived there
was not a vacant , seat in the church.
The exercises were opened with a vol
untary by the choir.
Rev. 3. F. Hill then read the Scriptural
lesson from theist to. the 15th verse, in
clusive, of the 52d chapter of Isaiah, and
the 4th chapter 'of Ephesians, from the
let to the 15th verse, inclusive.
The choir then sung the 1028th hymn,
after which Rev. Willlam'Hunter led in
The 1009th hymd was then sung by tho
Rev. Dr. Howard, of the First Presby
terian church, preached the installation
sermon, and - it was one of his ablest ef
The constitutional questions were then
put to the pastor by Rev. J. S. Travilla,
and promptly answered.
Rev. W. T. Wylie delivered the prayer
of installment in a most solemn and Im
pressive manner.' •
The charge to the pastor by Rev. P. S.
Davis followed, , after' which came the
charge to the people by Rev. Mr. Stuck
The congregation then sang the 1010th
Hymn, closing with the long meter Dox
ology, after which the congregation was
dismissed with ;be / benediction by the
pastor, Rey. Mr. Noble.
Thief Captured.
On Saturday evening, about seven
o'clock, Samuel Early went into Yates'
tobacco store,
.on Fifth avenue, near
High street, and there being no one in
the front shop it appeaxs he proceetd(to
help himself to several pieces of to coo
and then endeavored to open the money
drairer. The store having been robbed
on a former occasion, in the same way,
the proprietor, who is mostly engaged in
the back room. had a hole cut through
the that he could nee when
any person entered the store. A boy,
who was at work in the back room, look.
ed through the aperture and noticed Ear
ly endeavoring to open the monevdrawer.
He at once gave the alarm and Early was
arrested and taken to the watch home,
and on the way there he threw away a
memorandum book containing& numSer
of receipts and other valuable papers.
The book was recovered and the owner
sent for. Early had a hearing on the
charge of , stealmg the tobacco and was
held to bail for his appearance at Court,
in default of which he will be commit-
ted. He was kept in the lock-up await
ing a hearing In the , case of stealing the
book referred to.
United 'States District Coart—Jadge Me.
Candles", - -
SATIIRD4Y, February 19.—The case of
the United States vs. Benjamin. Harts
horn, indicted for personating a revenue
officer, was resumed and concl ded.
Thejury returned a verdict of g lty.
The Court sentenced him to pay afi e of
5500 to the United States, and un ergo
an imprisonment of six months i the
county jail.
In the case of the United State vs.
Finley, indicted for making false re
turns, Mr. Golden, counsel for defendant,
moved to quash the indictment on the
ground that the section of the act under
which the indictment was drawn, had
been repealed. The motion was argued
at length.
District Court_Judge Kirkpatrick.
SATURDAY, Feb. 20.—The case of Mc-
Vay vs. Wilson, et al., previously re
ported, was resumed . (Plaintiff entered
nolic pros. as to John Sullivan. Judg
ment of non-suit as to J. V. Wilson.)
In the case of Miller & Co. vs. Tilton,
previously reported. Verdict for plain
tiff in the sum of $1,417 97. Motion for
new trial 'and reasons filed by defen
dant's counsel.
In the case of Vanhook vs. Hartbns
hiirs, on motion of R. Biddle Robert's,
solicitor for complainants, the Court or
dered that the case be re-argued.
S. B. Clulev, Sheriff, in open Court ac
knowledged live deeds to various par
In the case of Herschenrother vs. For
rester,in which a verdict was rendered for
plaintiff; subject to the opinion of the
Court, on a question of law reserved,
opinion by Hampton, P. J., ordering
judgment on the verdict upon payment
of verdict fee.
Common Pleas—Full Bench.
SATURDAY, February 20.-L-The usual
amount of Saturday business was trans
acted in this Court, none of it, however,
of public importance. •
October List.
No. 99. O'Neil vs. Pittook et al.
November Lie.
No. 32. Hunker vii: Sawyer et al.
No. 50. Cook vs. Hilke. •
No. 60. Hotekkiss vs. McGovern.
No. 63. Carson vs. Taylor. .
No. 64. Lippencott vs. Gibson.
No. 65. Dederick vs. Hartman.
No. 674. Gordon vs. Frazier et al.
No. 68. Wachter vs. Barnett.
No. 69. Landgrotf vs. Semendinger.
No. 70. Finan vs. Bally, Farrell & Co.
No. 71. Steil) vs. Wenzell.
- No. 72. 'lonian! & Lazier vs. Abrams.
No. 73. Nesbit vs. Lupton et al.
Court of Oyer and Termlner—Full
SATURDAY, February 19.- Lewis Lane,
colored, convicted on an indictment
in which he was charged with murdering
his wife, Henrietta Lane, by means of
administering poison to her, was called
up for sentence the accused, It will be
remembered, has twice been found guilty
of the crime by ajury, the case having
been carried to the Supreme Court on a
writ of error, ttie judgement reversed
,and a hew trial awarded. Mr. Haines,
one of the prisoner's counsel, again
moved for a new trial, and Judge Stowe
delivered the opinion of the Court over
ruling themotion, after• which the pr:s
crier was directed to stand up and
asked if he had aught to say why
sentenoo of death should not be
passed upon him according to - lair.
He replied that he had nothing to
say, only that he was not guilty of the
crime. His Honor, who had risen to his
feet, then alluded t o the crime of which
the prisoner had been convicted, refer
red to the two trials which had been no-
corded to him, and urged him not to rely
upon the hopes of any further interfer
ence on the part of the Supreme Court.
His Honor then pronounced the dread
sentence of the law, as follows: "Louis
Lane, the sentence of the law is that you
be taken hence to the jail of-Allegheny
county, the place whence you came, and
from thence to the place• of execution,
and that there you be hanged by the
neck till you are dead, and may God
have mercy on your soul."
The prisoner's/ counsel will carry the
case up again upon a writ of error, and
may probably snowed in obtaining an
other trial.
Mr. Haines and his associates deserve
great credit for the manner in which they
have managed the case.
Court of Quarter Sessions-. Judges Mel-
SATURDAY, February 19.—1 n addition
to the usual Saturday's business, the fol
lowing sentences were passed
Wm. Memminger convicted of rob
bery on the 23d of December , last, was
sentenced to two years imprisonment in
the Weistern Penitentiary.
James Sullivan, Jeremiah Hawley and
Michael Ryan, the parties convicted of
the felonious assault and battery upon
George front of the school
house, Second ward, Allegheny, on the
evening previoneto the October,election.
were next called up fer sentence. Sulli
van was sentenced to the Penitentiary
for one year. Hawley was sentenced to
undergo two months and Bryan three
months imprisonment in the county jolt.
George Rumble, convicted of com
mitting a rape upon a little girl,
Awilda Jane Stephens, who resided with .
Joseph Haugh, her uncle, in Allegheny
city, was next called up. A motion for a
new trial and in arrest of judgment had
been made in his behalf, but it was over
ruled. Judge Mellon,
previous to pass
ing sentence, said that for fear that in
justice might be done defendant, It had
been determined, after consultation, to
impose the penalty prescuibed by law
for the attempt to commit the offence of
which he had been convicted. He was
then sentenced to pay the costs, and to
undergo an imprisonment of five years
in the Western Penitentiary.
An argument on a • motion for a new
trial and in arrest of judgment in the
case of Eliza Soles, convicted of burning
a barn, was heard, and an order for ar
rest of judgment made by Court.
DIVISION OP sswiaztay
A. M. Watson, Esq., presintod a peti
tion from citizens of Sewickley town
ship asking for a division of the same.
Messrs. R. H. Davis, George Neely and
James D. Hilanda were appointed Com
missioners to inquire into and ( report
upon the matter.
S. C. McCombs, Esq., Solicitor of the
Allegheny Board of Control, presented
a petition, askjng the Court to rescind
the order creating an independent school
district out of the,Seyenth ward ef, that
City. The reason urged was that the act
of Assembly confers no authority upon
any of the courts to create an independ
ent district out of a ward of - a city. A.
rule was granted, returnable on Satur
day next at ten O'CloCk, A. at.
Cree Brothers are now selling their
entire stock to quit businillis. A rare op
portunity to secure bargains, as if is be-'
Ing sold regordiers of cost. Yon save
tiny per cent. by calling soon at 28 Fifth
avenue. •
lon and Stowe.
Darlagineasebreaki:ln—llbusked Opera-
tors-17eirowarded Labor.
An exceedingly daring housebreaking
operation was performed in Allegheny
on Wednesday evening last, brit fortu
nately the operators, notwithstanding
all their boldness and. skill, failed to
secure anything worthy of their
pains. The scene. Of the affair was
a house in Sterretts alley, Third
ward; occupied by Mrs. Gibson, a .
widow, who lives a quiet and retired
life, with none but herself in the house.
About midnight on the evening named
she was awakened out of her sleep by
a noise as of some one in the room,, and
upon fully arousing herself, she diseoy
ered three men, masked and carrying re
volvers, standing by her bedside. Be
fore she could make an outcry, one of
the men placed a revolver to her head
and bade her keep quiet. He then, still
holding the deadly weapon in the same
position, in a few words, stated that they
nazi entered the house for the purpose of
securing a sum of money, which she had
received that day from the rental of some
property in another part of the city.
She protested that it was a mistake, that
no money of any account was in the
house, but the intruders persisted 'in
their statements, and to satisfy them=
selves two of them commenced a search
of the premises ' while the other kept
strict watch on their Victim. The house
was thoroughly ransacked from cellar to
attic, drawers overturned, the contents
of b oxes scattered' about, cupboards in
spected, portions of the podding ripped
open, and in fact not a' crack or cranny
seemed to escape the vigilanttearch, but
the supposed treasure was not to be
found. Daring the continuance of the
overhauling the fellows were quite com
municative, and expressed themselves as
being reluctantly oompelledto proceed in
such a manner to obtain a livelihood, ow
ing to the dullness of the times and the
impossibility of securing honest labor.
They remained! in the house several
hours, and at the conclusion of their
search, departed as they came, taking
nothing with them and without' offering
any violence to the lady, or in any way
demeaning themselves as roughs. In
the morning it was discovered that ope
of the panels of the front door had' been
cut out large enough to admit a hand,
by which admission to the house was
Mrs. Gibson on Thursday rdorning left
the house and went to her brother-In
laws',. Mr. Geo. W. Evans, who resides
in another part of the city, where she
has since remained. The exaitement
and fright of the occasion brought on .a
severe attack of illness, but it is proba
ble she will recover in a few days, and
no serious consequences are apprehend
ed. There isnot the slightest clue which
might lead to the identification of the
men engaged in the operation, and it is
quite likely they will escape.
The affair throughout was one of 'ex
treme' andacity. and boldness, and is
quite a forcible reminder of the "Ku-
Klux" operations which have. spread
such a terror among the inhabitants of
some other portions of the country.
Larceny of Logs.
On Saturday evening information was
made before Mayor Drum against Geo.
McDonald and Charles Caakey; two boys
about eighteen years of age each, charg
ing ttiem with Weeny. The alleged of
fence consisted in cutting loose a log raft
from the landingof Mr. Wm. Dilworth's
planing mill, Fifth ward, Allegheny, on
Wednesday evening,andta king the prop
erty to Baden,about thirty miles down the
river, where they sold it far thirty dol
lars. The raft was valued at seventy-five
dollars. As soon as the loss became
known, one of Mr. Dilworth's e'mployees
started in pursuit of the thieves, and
succeedesi in- securing them at Baden.
They were brought back to Allegheny,
and while getting off the cars at the
Federal street station, McDonald broke
away from his captor and made his
escape. Caskey was taken to the Mayor's
office and entered bail for a hearing this
afternoon at three o'clock. Caskey
states that he was standing on a corner
near the mill, on Saturday morning, in
company with a crowd of boys, when he
was approached by a man who offend
him two dollars fbr assisting him to take
the raft from McKee's Rocks, where it
was then lying; to Baden. He accepted
the offer arid had just completed the con
tract when he was arrested. The facts
of the case will doubtless be developed
at the hearing this afternoon.
A munments.
I OPERA 110118 E.--Saturday night Harry
Opera House, took a benefit. The house
was fall, as a matter of course, and the
entertainment was all that could be de
sired. To-night Yankee Robinson, the
inevitable delineator of Yankee charms
ter, will appear in "Naval Engage
ments," after which t the Madame and
M. Sanyeah will appear in their wonder
ful and daring feats upon the traper..
The' entertainment will conclude with
the amusing afterptece, "A Wife for a
Day" with Yankee Robinsbu in the role
Nof N than Tucker.
Pr snusi3u THEATRII—The Circus at
the ttsburgh Theatre is drawing crowd
ed h uses and doubtless will continue to
do whilait occupies the 'building. The
company comprises some of the best tal
ent in the profession and the entertain
manta are of a versatile and amusing
character. Everybody goes to the circus.
attra ions at the American Theatre have
been 0 strong daring the past week:hat
on several occasions the manager has
been cOmpelled to refuse admissions to a
large number of persons for want of room
to acCornmodate them. 'The house is
filled to its utmost capacity nightly.
ElecuUve Department.
The r . vernor Thursday evening ap
pointe . the following Notaries Public:
Charles T. Hall, Athens, Bradford cone l ,
iyt; Francis IL Reichaid, Philadelphia,
ro.appointment;) Leonard S. Johns,
ittaburgh, (reappointment;)- Jos. L.
'Clore, Sharon, Mercer county; Wm.
H. Jones, Ebensburg, Cambria county,
and Robert H. Negley, Sturloy. L. Cuth
bert, William W. M'Clelland, Thomas
Roberts, A. B. Hay, W. S. Miller, John
H. Mueller, Henry Bauer, John Q. Bry
ant, C. ft Bostwick, E. Penderich, Moses
Phillips, Josiah Cohen, David S. Wit-
Hams, Thos. Hindman, Alexander Mil
lar, A. M. Stotler s ,Henry P. Weaver,
Charles Mani, J. Wishart Wylie, Thos.
B. Hunter, and David L. Smith, of Al=
legheny county.
Mayor's Ofilee.
At the Mayor's Morning Court yes•
terday there were thirty - eight oases ,die
posed of, mostly ' , drunks' , and Nileor
derlies." Of this number Nineteen cases
came from the ' , Marble Front,_," a.noto
rinue dent on - Dancan street, - Eleventh
ward, upon which the police made a
raid Saturday night, capturing the in
mates, male and . female of both colors.
The thirty-e ght oases were disposed of
re follows: Five were discharged, six
paid fines • • d the remaining twenty
seven were .minitted to jail in default
of fine and tn.
The Aueghemy Bewenge.
Enrroas GlazierrE: One of the most
important measures before the Allegha
ny Councils is the new sewerage laW'
which, if passed, changes the manner
making assessments from the, "superfi
clal foot" to "valuation." The law, as i
now stands, is exceedingly obnoxious t
parties owning large scopes of ground I
the rural districts, for the reason that
while It adds nothing to the value df
their property, it largely increases their
taxes, causing them a heavy outlay with
out any benefit. The idea ot taxing
property which is located perhaps a mile
distant from the sewer as much as that
which is not two squares distant, and
which is benefited and enhanced in
value by the same, is perfectly absurd,
and it seems to me that for the city to at
tempt to collect the tax under the pres
ent law would be an act of tyra nny and
oppression unheard of in this country.
To illustrate: A lot in We rural districts
worth, say five or six hundred dollars, is
taxed as much as another lot in the cen
tral part of the city worth five thousand
or perhaps ten thousand dollars, while at
the same time, be it remembered, the
latter is benefited by the sewer and en
hanced in value, while the former derives
no benefit whatever. There is no equity
or sense in the law as it now stands;
it is said that there is nothing like it
in any city In this country, and the
sooner It is erased from the statute books
and blotted out of existence the better.
The Councils, or at least a majority of
them, seem disposed to ,do what is right
in the matter, and the new bill, which is,
now under consideration, affords the re
lief that is asked. By the provisions of
the new law the tax is pat on the valua
tion, and all will be assessed equally and
fairly; and then there will be no cause
for complaint; the city will be enabled
to go ahead with the work, and the citi
zens will be willing to pay their share of
the expense.
-The importance of having the city well
severed is conceded; and no one, not
even those located a mile distant from
any ot them, and who really receive no
benefit whatever, excepting, perhaps,-in
a sanitary point of view, will, object to
paying their pro rata; but when it comes
to - laying it on as it has been done under
the present law, and for the sewers built
last year, it is more than the people can
stand. JUSTICE.
A Nuisance,
The custom of blockading the entrance
to the Opera House at the conclusion of
the entertainment, which is indulged in
by a large number of fellows, unworthy
the name of gentlemen, is an intolerable
nuisance, and should be abated. We
can see no reason why men should be
allowed to congregate at that particular
point, obstructing the sidewalk and star
ing honest people out of countenance,
when it is prohibited in other places. If
the nuisance cannot be prevented during
the week it probably can be on Sunday
evenings, so that people who have at
tended religious services at the Opera
House may not be subjected to the an
noyance.. Last evening when the con
gregation were retiring the sidewalk
was blockaded tor a distance of twenty
or thirty feet, so that it was almolt im
possible fOr ladies to get through the
Ece.leasLutleal Stsindards.
Rev. Samuel Collins, the energetic Su
perintendent of the United Presbyterian
Board of Publication, 93 Third avenue,
has handed us a copy of the Subordinate
Standards of the United Presbyterian
Church of North America, bound in one
volume. It contains the Westminster
Confession of Faith; Larger and Shorter .
Catechisms; Testimony and Adopting
Act; Government and Discipline and
Directory for Worship. The book is
printed with clear typo on mow-white
paper, and being of convenient size will.
be a valuable =de mecum to United
Presbyterians—both lay and clerical.
Mr. Collins has all the publications of
the Board for sale,-in addition to a choice
assortment of Bibles, Testaments and
Psalm Books and religious and theolog
ical works generally.
A Novelty.
A very great novelty has been pre
sented to the Pittsburgh public by the
New England Jewelry Manufacturing
Company, at No. 8.5 Smithfield street.
The novelty does not consist in the fact
that this great Company has opened an
Agency at the above number, but in the
truth that they dispose of genuine ar
ticles of their own manufacture rat one
third their real value. • Their plan of dia
. sing of these articles is peculiar, and
ply explains the seeming mystery.
They dispose of photographs, aocompany.
/lug which are notes specifying the ar
ticles purchasers are entitled to for
twenty-five cents. In this way knives,
albums, do g intrinsically worth one dol
lar are disposed of at twenty-five cents—
each purchaser having a chance for the .
Bathe small investment of drawing a val n
uable gold watch, silver tea set, or other'
articles of 'value. The immense sales of
these articles procured in this pleasant )
way will account to any reasonable mind
for their marvelous cheapness. Quick
sales and small profits will solve the
problem. /
French Green Peas, Mushroons, Cel
ery Sauce, Preserved Canton, at 112 Fed
eral street, Allegheny. 6
Bates A; Bell—lnvite - Sr - Our attention to
their assortment of Plain
Dreas Goods, American
Silks, Mourning Goods,
Flannels, Ladies' Under
wear, Chemisps,Drawers,
Night Dresses, Corset
elopers and Dressing
Elhadyside Residence at Auction.:—The
beautiful property of the late Orrin New
ton, Es q., at Shadyside Station, ib to be
sold on Monday next. It consists of four
acres, finely situated and well improved
and a very handsome, substantial dwel
ling of nine rooms. In order to inspect
the premises call at 118 Wood street. A
Leggate, auctioneer.
Fine Boasted Almonds at 112 Federal .
street, Allegheny, (1430. Beaven. 6
berth Avenue Residence at Auction.—
The, property of Air. Thos. Ham, 155
North avenue, Allegheny, is to be , sold
en Thursday next at two o'ciciak. See A.Leggate, auctioneer. \
Attfaetions.—We offer at reasonable
• Iprioes.a most attractive stock
of ,Honsekeeping Goods,
' l linens of every make, Lin...
'en Shirt Fronts, .Handker...
chiefs, Quilts, Crib and Cradle
Spreads, Tea Cloths,. Muni
tare Coverings. Our assort.
meat is fresh from celebrated
makers. Hems Rau..
Saiemor Cream pansies, Cream Choc
olates; Cream Almonds and, Extra Fine
Bon Bons, at 112 redeyal street; Alle
gheny city. •r 6
Rouse and Lot, 52 Boyle Street, A 1•
legheny.—This property will be sold on
Thursday next, at three o'clock. It is a
seven room• dwelling in a good location.
Call and see it. A. lAggatc, auctioneer.
Cana Pea Natas well roasted, at 112
Federal street, Alleghenrcity., 6
Our readers contemplating the pur:-
chase of a sewing maohine should not
overlook the famous Singer Machine, aa'
lately improved. -
It is now the moat perfect in the, world;
runs as light, as the lightest; is almost
noiseless, makes the perfect lock stitch'
alike on both aides, and is a perfect mar
vel of perfection and simplicity.
It is complete with Hemmer, Feller
and Braider, &c.
The new Singer has been advertised
and puffed less than. any machine in the
market, and yet its sales outnumber the
sales of its competitors- by many thous
ands annually, since its introduction
three years since, proving conclusively
that it is sold strictly and eiatirely'on its
own merits. The Singer. Company are
now manufacturing sixteen hundred
machines per week, which is double the
amount made by any other ( company.
While these figures may seem enormous,
an examination of• the Singer Machine
will explain its wonderful popularity-
These machines are sold in the city by.
Messrs. Straw & Morton, corner of St.
Clair and Penn street:
They keep a large and elegant stock of
machines on hand at all times, and take
pleasure in exhibiting them to visitors.
The terms of payment are as favorable
as these of any othit house. All ma
chines are warranted three years, and
instructions free.
Complete.-alVe have new French Corsets
of' all sizes, Bradley's Hoop
Skirts, (new fityles) Notting
ham Curtains and Net Gilt
Cornice and! VeStibule Lace.
21 Fifth street.
The 816,000 sacrifice sale of trim
mings, notions and embroideries con
tinues at No. 27 Fifth avenue, and thfi at
tendance daily is quite faze. The goods
must be sold out imme tely, and no
regard is paid to the original cost. 'The
present sale is in every way worthy,to be
called a grand sacrifice of goods, and we
hope none of our readers will fail to
embrace the opportunity presented for
great bargains.
The Purest and sweetest . Cod Liver
Oil in the world, manufactured. from
fresh,,healthy livers, upon the sea shore;
it is perfectly pure and sweet. Patients
who have once taken itj can take none
other. Ask for "Hazard and Csinvell's
Cod Liver •Oil," manufactured by Cas
well, Hazard & Co., New York • sold by
all druggists.
Imported—A new stock of Broche Shawls
in black, scarlet and white
centres. Breakfast Shawls,
bright colors, fresh, good and
attractive prices.
21 Fifth avenue.
The place to get White Lime, Cal
cined Plaster, Hydraulic Cement. Is at
Faker Caakey'is, 13 Smithfield street.
Imports by River.
No. 4.—li hhds sugar, 43 bbla molasses,
Watt & Lang; 89 bbls molasses, 38hlf do,
William Gormley; 30 bbls molasses,
Dunlevey & Bros; 9 hhda sugar, 89 / bbls
molasses, Haworth & Dewhorst; 9 hhds
sugar, 40 bbl inolasSes, Head & Metzgar;
153 bbls molasses„fohn McDevitt; 86
bbls molasses, 17 bhds sugar. Knox.t
On; 76 bbls molasses, Shipton & Wariace;
298 bbls molasses, 150 bbls sugar, .1 bbl
=Arbuckle & Co; 833 bbls ma
88 lihda sugar, J S Dilworth & Co;
30 hlf bbls molasses, W Haslege t Co.
BEllq—On Sunday morning, Febraari 21,
1869. LEONA.. daughter of Andrew J.
and Permella Beaa, aged I years.
The faneral will take plate from the residence
of her parents. Haysville, Tats mortwrithi at 11
oselock., Friends of the famLy are invited to at
tend without farther notice.
GE AY—On Sabbath morning. February 91st,
at 1 o'clock. WILLI" nAWYEIt, youngest son
of James A. ana Elinor Gray, aged 16 months.
' 'Tho funeral.wilt take place from the residence
of his parents. No. 13 lJnionAienne...kilegheny
City, THIS APTEILWOON, it ii O'clock.
O'DONOVAN— n Saturday evening. relay
ary SlOtb, 11381, at fire o'clock, at the residence
of lb eon In-law, Mr. Joseph Atillipe. on ,Ann
street. three doore from Marion, Mr. JERI MAIL
O'.DOMQVAN, In the 21th year of We age.
HAYS- ,7 aturday morniag, lebruary 'dOtb, at
his residence, 0111 Liberty street, COL JOSAYS
HAYS, 5r.,. to the 54th year of his age:,
The funeral will lake placeToltßDAY xol.wiaa.
at 10 o'clock: to proceed to Allegheny Cone-
Wry. The friends of the family are invited to at
Tollig7-011 Friday evening, Ifebrnary 19tb;
OHM TON LE.' aged 16 years.
I.taborgn; Pa COFFINS oral kinds, CRAPP,B,
GLOVEe a and ery deserlp_tton of Pnaeral Par.
niehing eoods forniabed. Nooses open day and
.n.lant. Hearse *ad Carriages Towline&
. Itarnnwevire—Bee. Davie Herr, D. r.r., Nev.K,
W. JaoobnN D. D., Thom.aa Nwing, Pad.; Jacob
H Miller, ESQ. 1 '
AVXNUe. Allegheirf whew their 001 r
BOOMS a: a constantly implied with real and
imitation Ito ewood, Makogany and Walnut
Conine, at prices scrying from RS to $lOO. 80.
dies prepared for tett rment. Hearses and Car.
Tinges fundshedt alto, Kinds of Mourning
Goode, if required. Mace at on st alitiOnri. day
and Watt.
ET, Allegheny, neaps constantly on hand
a Large assortment of ready.made Coßtis of the 11
fs.llowing kinds: First, the celebrated American
Burial Oases; Metallic Self-seallng Mr-tight
C. a and - Caskets, and. Rosewood. Walnut and
Resew°, d Imitation Coring. Walnut Collins ft
from $25 onwards. Rosewood Imitation Collins 4 ,
from hb onwards, and no patus wi' be mired P.
.to give entire satiathetion. Crape and utoveg
furnished free i f charge. Beet Hearses and Oar
rives furnished cix short solace.Oargagee fu r.
ebbed to ft merals a, as
IpiENIRY G. BALE, - „.
Con of Penn and St.aldr Streefa,
Eas ncrw In stook oao of theflarrest ana most
Tanta assortments of •
Fall and Winter Goods
ever brolutht to We eltz Hls stook embraces
all the latent Preach and nngllah manufactures of
Also, tall line ot @elateltnrstatdaz Obodi•
NE W ""
FOR A STYLItsil PAIR OP psalm s: 6 s: LI
!lir the latest styles out Mother, made of
nest material, and by drat-atm rnrm , . 631 %7 t .
YarW"eel I W IIIS S I, I " , IP. to the i ksito
t 'Oar. - • sw e
ll :4
w. maspiourrip.
• NO. 50 BT. BTEIET, new 31.:36
!floe. F. DALIN L D 5..11177213ff• IL V*
33200LITZD th emselves tote th er•— -
3oisee,„ tio, 19 EITIXINTON Arnak Allll ,-. I
hrvitY.' o& r. DAL&
as:44 ' 6 ' l3 B T
B. liZturrolo.
SEW 00dips, 151