The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 22, 1869, Image 3

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MARKETS. • , per is steady at 33e: ingot Copper is dull
--- - at 26%c for Baltimore. Pig Iron is in
°num or PisTrafitmosGAzzevre., / Moderate request at 2,4oate for Scotch,
' - feA.TunA Feb. 20, 1868. S and $35a40 for American; bar is very dull
k single ex.
The general mar ets wi h a ..i at 29a9,50 for refined English and Ameri
can., sheet is quiet and sales were report
ception, groceries, have een very dull ed of Russia at 11%a13c. I•iails quiet
during the past week, but hopes are en- at sxs`/ac for cut, 6 ti,a6,,,c for clinch, and
tertabsed that the worst has been passed, 27a30c for horse shoe. Pork unsettled
, and lower. closing firmer, with sales of
and that au improvernet is near at hand. 145 bbls at 231,500;2 for new mess, 23a
The excitement in Sugars, Molasses and 30,50 for old do:, 22647 for prime, and
Syrupe still continees, the market being 2.-Ne.3o for prime mess; also, 750 bbls
very firm, and advancing, and holders new plebs, seller March
_and A.pril,
on private terms. Beef dun; sales of 120
generally are not inclined to sell. In bbls at 29,00a16,50 for new plain mess,
other articles, there are no new or im- 214,00a19,50 for new extra mess. Tierce
portent worthy of special notice. Beef dull; sales of 100 tcs at $27a30 for
rime mess,and 23044 for India mess.
Ap p L ES -Dull but unchanged; regu- 343 e
f Hams dull and heavy; sales of 80
ar sales in store at 23 to 25 per bbl as to bbls at $28a34. Cut Meats dull and droop
quality. .ing; sales of 115 pkgs at 1%111414c for
APPLE BB ER—Firmer at 75 ix) 85c. shoulders, 173,4a18i4c for hams; middles
BUTTRL-Is steady but unchanged, dull and heavy. Dressed Hogs heavy
veto. sales of prime to choice Roll at as and lower at 213a14c for western, and 14a
to ilir, ,e..,1\ -1 3 /,c for city. Lard heavy and lower;
13 NS-43,25 to $3,50 per bushel. sales of 609 acs at ry,al9lAo for steam,
B WHEAT FLOR—DuII at 33!,. and 19ga19%c for kettle rendered; also,
CARBON OIL—Is firm, and in limited 750 tesstearniseller March at 19c. But
supply; may be
at 34 to 34%, ter firmer and more active at 25315 c for
for standard white. Ohio; and 40a55c for State. Cheese firm
_in better supply but at 17a22c. Freights to Liverpool lower',
prices are well sustained, Goshen being with engagements for 50,000 bus wheat
quoted at 23 to 23%.c. at 3' d. per sail and 4y , d. per steam.
CRANBERRIES—SaIes at $lB to $2O. Latest—Flour closed dull and un-
CORNMY.AL-21 to el,lO per bushel. changed for common and very heavy and
DRIED FRUIT •—Peaches are quoted at declining for medium and good grades.
13 to 14 for quarters, 16 to 16 for mixed, Wheat dull and without decided change
and 18 to 20 for halves. Apples 10 to 12 for spring and heavy and 2a3c lower for
cents. winter. Rye nominal. Oats dull and
EGGS —Steady wiih sales of fresh heavy, at 74c in , store, and 75c afloat.
packed at 23 to 24c. _ „ Corn quiet and steady, at 88a89%c for
11.A.Y—Baled continues exceedingly new mixed western. Pork rather more
dull, and prices are barely maintained, mid ill weights. Wool is very firm and
t)2,0 to $2,5, as to quality, • the eis more doing; 850,000 pounds were
HOMlNY—Sales at 26,25 to $6,50. sold at 46a48c for domestic fleece; 41847 c
PRVISIONS—Bacon is steady but for pulled; 62c for tubbed. Linseed Oil
unchanged at 15% for Shoulders; 17% for quiet at f1,03a1,95. Spirits Turpentine to
Ribbed, and 18% to 18X for Clear Sides; dull at 5 imassc. Metals: sheathing Cop
and 2f) for Hams. Lard, 21 in tierces, active; sales of 1.250 bbla new mess, sell
22 to `4.6 in bbis and kegs. Mess er for March, at 231,60-A31,6T. Beef quiet
Pork 233,50. • and without decided change. Cut meats
POTA.TOES—DuII and neglected but and bacon closed dull and in buyer's
unchanged, at 8f) to 85 for small lots in favor. Lard quiet and without decided
store. change. Eggs dull, at 21a23'. •
FEANS-10 cts. per lb. CeticA.oo, Feb. 20.—Eastern exchange
GRAIN—No demand whatever for i very quiet at par to 1-10 premium sell
linaeat, and the market is dull andprices ing. Flour quiet and the demand prin
nominal at 121,50 for No. 1 Spring and cipally for low and medium grades at
$1.60 for No 4 1 Winter. Corn continues $5a6,50 for spring extras. Wheat dull;
very dull, netwithstanding the arrivals I firmer and %ale higher: sales No. 1 at
are very light: we now quote at 75 to 76 $1,20a1,V..; No. 2 $1,1414a1,14%, closing at
for mixed ac d7B to 80 for yellow. Rye 21,15a1,155‘; sales this afternoon at 21,15 1 4.
ieedull and cannot be quoted above eix Corn less ac-ive, firmer and %rile higher;
to $1,45. „Barley is in steady demand sales new at 573.ia58c, and no grade at
at $2 t0e2,10. Oats dull, but firm at 65t0 55%a56%, closing firm at 58a5 B%c for
66 on track and in' elevator, and 67 to 68 new; nothing doing this efternoon. Oats
in store. • dull and 1/.,*c lower; sales No. 2at 53a5% c;
. SEEDS—Cloverseed is steady at 210,00 I rejected 50%a51e, closing at the inside.
to $10,50, as to quality. Timothy is nn- Rye steady at 21,19a1,19% for No. 1, and
changed at 23,50, and Flaxseed at $2,40. $1,16a1,161,4 for winter and fresh receipts
SALT—Is quiet but steady, and ii still of No. 2, closing at $1.19 for No. 1. Barley
quoted at $2 by the ear load. ' dull and weak; a small lot of irregular
ONIONS—AS to ,!,(3 per bbl. sold at $1,90 at north side house cosing
ORANGES*-24 to 24,50 per box. with sellers at 21,3 for March. High-
FEATHERS—Live Geese [ Feathers wines moderately active and stronger at
quoted at 75 to 80, to the. trade, and the 90a90% c. Provisions dull. Mess pork
usual advance in 'a retail way. ' 75calil lower; sales at $31831,2.5 cash, clos
• TALLWendered, 12e. ing at the ii3side. Lard lA:c lower; light
FLOR—The market is quiet and sales at 18%c, closing at 18%a181,4c. Dry
dull but nchanged. Spring 'Wheat salted shoulders 12c cash, and 12%c buy
brands may be quoted 27 to $7,50, ers for March. -Dressed hogs dull and
and Winter Wheat, 4 48,00 to $8,50 per easier at $11,25a12,50, ~losing. $12a12,50
barrel. Rye Flour, $7,50. The Pearl Mill dividing on 200 lbs. Live very quiet and
quote their best brands, made .of the unchanged. Receipts, for the past 24
best Wheat. as follows: Extra Family hours-7,273 bbls flour, 80,650 bu wheat,
Flour,in barrels, at $9,30, and, in sacks, 1732 bu corn, 10,348 bu oats, 1,624 burye,
$9,00 per barrel; Double Extra Family, 3,312, bu barley, 3,338 hogs. Shipments—
in bare's, 210,00, and, in sacks, $9,70 9,035 bbls flour, 30,2i8 bu Wheat, 19,347
' per barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, •in bar- bu corn, 5,158 bu oats, 3,687 bu rye, 800
eels, $7,80, and ,in sacks, $7,50 per barrel. bu barley, 4,524 hogs.
ne City Mills quote rices as f°ll°Nvs: ST. Louis, Febratiry 20.----TobacCo dull
Extra Family, ,(Winter) in barrels, and drooping, although. the market •is
$9,30, and, in sacks, $9,00 per barrel; not quotably changed. Cotton and Hemp
Double Extra Family, in barrels, $9,80, _no sales. Flour lower and weak for
find, in sacks,. $9,50 per barrel, and medium and lower grades, with sales
Spring, 28,00. in barrels, and 27,70, in super at $5,25a6,25, double extra at $6,50a.
sacks, per barrel. 7,50, treble extra at $83.9,24, and fancy at
WHISKY—IIIs are quoted - at $10,50a11. NV heat lower, except for fan
' to 96, in a jobbing way. cy lots fair to choice lowerwith sales red
at $1,65a1,80; spring at $1,a1,30
for N 0.2, and $1,32a1,35 for No. 1. Corn
dolt and declining: buyers off and not
enough done to tix prices; choice
fancy white sold at 71a73c. Oats
at 63a56c. Barley quiet and unchanged
at 151,85a2,30 fur spring.. Rye heavy and
drooping at $1,30a1,31. Whisky lower
at 93c. Pork declined to $32a32,50 on
spot, and $32 to arrive the Ist of March.
Bulk eas dull. with only retail sales
at 17c M for t clear elides. Bacon dull and
lower; irregular order sales city sho
ders' were made at 14y,a11%c, clear
sides at 17a17 yin, and clear sides at 17a
17%a18c. Lard dull, with jobbing sales
tierce at 19%, and keg at 21%c. Receips,
5,100 bbls flour, 12,300 bush wheat, 3,500
bush corn, 8,700 bush oats, 500 bush bar
ley, 1,700 bush rye, 450. hogs.
Cattle --there is a dull feeling
ed from
buyers of stock. cattle; prices rang
3%a5c for inferior to go
q. od, fla7V„c for
prime to choice. Hogs quiet at 8,5
1 ,
CINCINNATI, February 20.---, lour ir
regular and lower; family, $6,5036,70.
Wheat dull; no demand; it is held at
$1,40 for No. 2, and 21,50 for No. 1. Cori
in fair dernand at 63a6 le for ear or shelled.
Oats firm and in fair demand alt 67a68c
for No. 1; the simply is very lig. Rye
scarce and albs at $1,45. Barley
in demand; No. 2 Canada choice at
$2,30;N0. 1 Canada is held at 22,40: fall
held at 22,,40a2,60. Cotton dull; middling
nominal at 27%c. Whisky dull and ,
prices declining; small soles at 92c. To
bacco unchanged and quiet. Provisions
dull and unsettled: Mess Pork nominal
at 232-132,50. Bulk Meats sold it - "12%c
for shoulders; sides were offered
sold at at 14%,c
flacon neglected; shoulder% 14
clear rib can
no demand for bides;
be bought at '16101634c, and clear
at 17%; sugar cured hams declinedto 18%
al8; lard dull,unsettled,asking 19;019;4,
no demand; butter firm at 33a37; cheese
steady at 19 1 42; clover seed fair at 16V,
a 16%; eggs dull and declining, closing
at 17a18; sugar active. and raw - 1-4 and
refined 1-2 higher; coffee Ann, fair tprices; linseed oil dull and prices droop
ing, small sales at 1053106; petroleum
drill, droOping, refined 35a36; lard oil un
changed sndsteady at 165a170; goldo con
tinues depressed, owirigr to a va in bbritialu England,closing at 133
buying;'excliange dull at 1-10 discount
buybig , — ,
'4llartzwyb, February2o.--Fiour dull
liad-lieavy; city made--treble_ extra
whitn;sll,so; double extra amber,s9,so
476; double extra red` winter ;
13,50; double extra spring, .57,50a 8
try inade-741oable eltra red wither. 157, 50
aB:* double extra apring,lo,soa7,so; double
extra 'White, 410a10,50. Wheat--more
inquiry but the transactions are light
and the market weak and loWer;
red winter $1,59; No. 2do offered at
$1,47; No. lispring, 21,40. Corn in very
,good request but lower; sales at 870 for
new shelled. Oats lower and in moder
ate- detnand; sates of No. 1 State were
tnade at '6oc. Rye held neminall No y, at
$1,3051,32 for No. 1; 21,25a1,28 for .2.
Batley—No. 1 Canada and State firm, at,
$2,25; State, $2a2,05. Petioleum a shade
firmer; but unchanged; 'refined held at
331,4a34c for standard white; 32%03c for
prim alight straw to wbtte in large lots;
small lots 2a3e advance.
Naw ORVEANEI, Feb. 20.—Cotton in fair
demand and improved q,a; receipts 1,158
bales; exports 9,688 bales. Gold 134.'
Sterling 1.4.5 1 /0 i commercial I rem 43% ium.
a 142.
New York sight drafts il„ p
Flour firm; superfine $6,50; XX 17,26.
7,50, X.X.X. $7,10. corn market bare at
87a90c. Oats 74a75c. Bran $1,15. flay
supply light; prime $2,8a30. Mess pork
dull at $33,75. B aron dull; shoulders 15c;
clear rib 18c; clear sides 1855 c. Lard
20 GAZ
186 ETT 9: E,
SATURDAY, Febrnary ,
The market is quiet but steady, wite
th a
fair volume of business in the Theaggre
and 110 Material change in prices.
.receipts of Western Irons have fallen off
somewhat, in consequence of a difficulty
in procuring transportation, while the
supply of Eastern Irons is 'reported
light,'with a better feeling in that quar
ter. , The mills, generally, are pretty
well supplied for the present—some of
them, it is said, have enough s
keep them going for sixty day to co.
The sales Were:
200 tons Mahoning. . . ..... .. .P.
200 " Grey Forge ........ .438,50-4 mos.
100 " " " .... .... . 38,50-5 mos.
200 " Medium Grey
Forge. .. : .... . ..... 38,00-4 mos.
Medium Grey
Forge . . ......... . . 38,00-4 mos.
Grey Forge .. .... 39,00-5 mos
Grey F0rge:...:...39,00-4 mos'
Grey Forge 38,75-4 mos'
40.00-4 mos'
Open Grey .. . . ... .
100 tons N
00. . 2
1 Anthracite... 41,00-4 mos.
-142,00-4 rnos.
5 0 66 1•; ,
50 " No. 3 " ... 39,00-5 mos.
150 " Cbiekles Forge
to go out of the
In ... . ........ 41;00 cash.
Neutral Forge... 41,00-4 mos.
100 tons Bed Bank .. . ........ ps,oo-6 mos.
60 tons Extra Forge ....... ... 01,00-4 mos.
10 " Extra Forge , . . . ..... 80,00-4 mos. '
10 , g 'Extra Forge ... . ...... 49,00-4 mos.
" do do .. . ...... 51,50-4 mos.
50 "
100 "
50 "
30 "
30 ; "
Markets by by Telegraph. .
- -
Nuw T ons, FebruarY 20.--Cotton
opened quiet and steady, and closed firm;
demand of 2,000 bales at 290 for ling
uplands. Flour receipts, 2 , bbls.
Flour very dull, and 9aloc lower; sales of
4,900 Ibis at 55 55a56,55 for superfine_
State Western; 1§6,4046,95,„: tor . extra
State; $6,35a*7,5G-.Pf extra...;Weaterni
. T 7,2548,2.6 for_wkil "; wheat. nxtrat -8 7 1 15 ;,
atii, l o,lor A. - ,11.,' OA .for - ,St-,
.clO5l kliket-q-,Ble,fittrtr.:,arleti=lkillifli:4l
-;.l.2oifbt, "Y1;70141640; 7.'oem' 3 f .
4'r,,.:11 i.. 0 . i WitUcks'...stinchanged.
ut zontit
4 ' -04.'1' Olaf P bpsh. Wheat
lc , ,_ 17 at . la2ctAriwer for spring, and 6asc
L.:-...-„,lovetibr-Weisfern; sales of 43,000 bush
~..:.iate.411564 11
1,63 for o. 2 spring in store
'...atid delivered; 61,57a11,58 for doi mixed,
$l.-,92241,87 for white California, andfd, Bs
.for white Western. Rye dull and droop
pig. Barley quiet; sales of 70,000 bush
, . • Canada West at V 2 41542,17 delivered; the
latter an extreme price. Barley malt
very quiet. Corn receipts, 176,000 bush.
heavy and without decided change; saletV
were made of 39,000 bush at 88a90o for.
new mixed western, the latter price for
v ery choice; 92ez for western yellow; 04i
-95 c for yellow southern. Oats: receipts
were 15,60 bush; market heavy and de,
ei r dng; sales were made 41,000 bush at
.74 6 74%c for western, in store; 76e.for do.
afloat. Coal is quiet_and declining. Rice
is d u n.: Coffee is firm_.. Sugar. is firm;
1,000 hhds Cuba sold "1.2y,a1.4c; 600 boxes
fisv er i a bronght 13Ma14e. Molasses is
41,tet. Petroleum is, quiet; 370 is paid
O' V refined bonded. Hops are quiet:
leather: ' hemlock is firmer; 30a320 for
Buenos Ayers and Rio grand light and
dull; tierce 20c; regular 12c. Sugar in
good demand at 12a12%c; for prime 14%
alsc; yellow clarified 16,4 c. Molasses
steady; prime 78a810. Whisky steady:
western rectified *131,05. Coffee firm;
fair 15a16c; prime 17%a17%c.
TOLEDO, Feb. 20.-Flour is quiet.
Wheat; amber is moderately active, but
closed weak, with sales at $1,62a1,6 2
on spot, and $1,66 buyer for March, the
market closing With no buyers at 51,61%
on spot; No. 2 red Wabash is 2c lower, at
51,50; No. 1 white Michigan is dull at
$1,85. Corn: new is quiet and a shade
lower, at 67c; rejected opened at 65%c,
and closed at 65%e; condemned is lc
lower, at 63c. Oats; Mi d chigan is hel
63c, with 62c bid, and rejected at 69c.
Rye is lc' better, with' sales of No. lat
51,29. Barley is steady at $232,25 for
State and Canada. Dressed Hogs are
dull at 12150.
Mu.vmukgg, Feb. 20.-Flour dull; city
double extra, $6a6,25; country do, 15,18%c
extra, $5a5,50. Wheat quiet, at slt,eady,
for No: 1; f 1,12% for No.
2. Oats s
at 54c for No. 2. Corn unchanged. Bye
and Barley nominally unchanged. Pro
visions dull; city mess pork, *31,50.
S. P. HamS, 16)ialic, prime. Lard, 19%
a2oc, Receipts-2,000 bbls flour, 1, 000
bush wheat, 100 bush oats, 2,000 bush
corn, 600 bush rye, 600 bush barley.
Shipments-2,000 bbls flour, .5,000 bush
wheat, 500 bbla pork.
LOUISVILLE, February 20.-Sales 164
hhds Tobacco at full rates, lugs, s.saB;
cutting leaf, $18,50. Cotton, 27%0. Mess
Pork nominal at532,50a33,00. Lard, 20c.
Bacon; shoulders, 14%c; clear rib sides,
17%c; clear sides, 18c. Bulk Meats;
shoulders, 13%c; clear rib sides, 16%c;
clear sides,•l7o, all packed. Flour, $5, 0
a 6,00 Wheat, $1,50a1,56. Corn, 60a63d.
Oats, 62a650. Rye, :$1,45x1,46. Sugar;
N. O. prime, 16e; refined standard, 210.
Whisky, 93a99c.
PHILADELPHIA, February 2'• sold
is dull; Northwestern extra family
at $7a7,50. Wheat : good qualities sl
scarce; red sold at $1,8501,90 amber, ,95.
Rye is steady. Corn in fair demand at
88c for yellow. Oats are steady at 60e.
Petroleum is very quiet and crude sold
at 27%,a25c; relined, 37 %a3Bc. Provis
ions dull. Whisky sells slowly at 97a98c.
B.i.yrniong, Feb. 20.-Flour Is steady.
Wheat very dull but unchanged. Corn
4. 4 3
steady; white $1,90a1,95; yelloW $1,85a
1,87. Oats a Rye unchanged. Mess
pork quiet ,50. Bacon quiet; rib
sides 17% , 7gq; clear do. 18%a18 %c;
shoulders 15%,a15 c; hams 210. Lard
quiet at 21c.
ls:m MIS, Februa 20.-Cotton firm
at 28c; receipts, 500 bales; exports, 319
do. Flour dull; sales of superfine at
$6,50a56,75. Corn, 73c. Oats, 80c. Hay,
$27,00. Bran, 24c. Corn meal, 52,40.
Pork, $35,00. Bulk meats weak; clear
sides, 17%c; shoulders, • 14c. Dressed
hogs, liar:4.
BEFFALO. February 20.-Flour dull.
Wheat , nominal. Corn dull, with du es
new at 76c on track; old in store
Oats dull and held firm at 65c. Rye held
firm at $1,45, without inquiry. Barley
firm. Pork, Lard and Seeds dull and
changed. Elighwines held firmly .
Nast:l.yr LLF., February 20. -
market quiet with a good demand; low
middling 26c; good . ordinary 25c; stock,
s,ooo . bales.
Cuicnoo, Feb. 20.-C:lttie ,211arke-
BeF , f cattle dull at tr5,25a6,25 for fair to
good butchers.
--______ -
-------r ---
T'S rlio
cars r ItO 11 YThos
ROAD, February o.—y ,
Moore; 1 car lumber, Hamilton, Aigeo &
Co; 2 cars "New York ore, I car pig b ou,
Reese, Graff Sr, Dull; 6 do do ore, W II
Simenberger, Blair & Co; 1 car stone, J
L Knox; 3 bbls eggs, .I'Voodworth &
Davidson: lot oats, Scott &; 49 scks
barley, Meaner & Harpers; 42 scks rye,
McHenry ,it 'Hood; 2 bbls eggs, Robt
Peet; 2 do do, F G Craighead; 1 bbl 1 kg
eggs, Atwell R. Lee; 2 bbls eggs, 11
M Rea
Jr; S hf bbls 1 keg butter 1 bbl eggs
a,ie or
rison & D; 4 bbls dried apples, MCB&
Anger; I bbl dried apples 1 do eggs, W
J Steel & Bro; 5 bxs butter, Voight M &
Co; 1 bbls hams, Strickler & M.
°Ago RAILROAD, February 20.-2 cars
wheat, J S Liggett t Co; 100 bbls flour,
A RArkpatrick & Co; SOO do do, owuer;
2S bbls apples 3 half bbls butter, W 11.
Graff & Co; 309 sks oats, Graham & Mar
shall; 21 bbls apples, 1 do butter, Meanor
& Harper; 2 bbls eggs, '2 do dry apples,
P Doff& Son; 20 bbls butter, 1 bbl eggs,
11 Re Jr; 1 do butter, Knox & Orr; 1 car
rye, Thos 14.00 re it SO
limestone,M 1 ear corn,Shomr Bing
ham & Laing: 6 cars
berger & Blair; 2 do old wheels, Maloney
dr, Co; 5 bbls butter, W H. Graff & Co.
RAILROAD, February 20.-2 cars metal,
Bryan & Caughey; Ido do, John Moor
head; 5 bbls maple sugar, L II Voigt &
Co; sdo do, Little, Baird &. Co.; 7 do
do, Sinith, Johnson &. Co; 10 k
Martini Brickell & Co; 310 bxs glass, Mi
chaels R & Co; 439 bdli Iron, W F Arm
strong; 35 reels yarn, Fulton, Bollman &
AvtiEot.EN STA'rioN, .E , eoruary 20
190 bbls flour, Geo Stewart; 2 cars metal,
Graff, Bennett & Co; 3 do do, Lewis,
Bailey & Dalzell; 3 do do, Spang, Chal
fant & Co; 2 do do, Pittsburgh Iron and
Forge Co; 1 car staves, J M Hemphill; 1
car -barley, Geo Ober; 1 do do, J Rhodes
& Co; 6 kegs butter, M Jenkins; 1 car
wheat. R T Kennedy &. Bro: 1 car lum
'ber, McCurdy & McGinniss; 3S bush
barley,' Smith & Co.
ruary 20.-1 bbl eggs, Paul & Gibson;
54 sacks oats,l7 do do r ye, Scott St
Gisal; 5 pkgs 5 G Kahn; pkgs tobc,
C D Arnsthal; 33 bxs cheese, S P Shriver
Co; 2 cars metal, McKnight, Porter &
Co; 50 ticks corn, J & A Dietz; 30 do do, S
Georgo t Co; 400 bbls oil, Fisher Bro;
400.d0 do, Cosmos Refinery; 320 do do, 0
Ober; 400 do do, James Wilkins..
The river continues to recede slowly as
this pant, with seven feet eight inches in
the channel by the Monongahela marks.
WeathervesterdaY mild and pleasant—
merobry at 60. -
The;onlyr.transient arrival we have to'
report .. is the Silver Lake No. 4, from'
New Orleans. She has been, absent
most a year, having made a trip to'
mountains; then from St, Louis to Red'
River, and from thence' to NeW Orleans
and back here. She brought up a cargo
of groceries.
The Lorena, for St. Louis, and the
New York, for Nashville, iteparted.,Tbe
guards Lore had an excellent freight list, her
s being almost dovin to the water.
W.'C. Dorsey and Aif. 'Williamson are
her pilß. ots.
The C. Gray, from Louisville, and
Believernon, from St. 4 Louim, are among
the first boats due.
Captain A. McCarty has quit the
grocery business and gone back to the
river again, having assumed command
of the Armadillo, now loading for St.
Louis. Captain McCarty is an old and
well VIDOWn steamboatman.
Igor: some days past, rumors of
drowning of Wm. Irvin, son of Capt. J.
C. Irvin, of Rochester, Beaver county,
have, been rife. Irvin was engineer on
thesteamboat Messenger, which landed
at New Orleans about the first of this
month. A dispatch orl letter from offi
cers of the boat a few .days since, stated
that Irvin had been missing since the
sixth—that he had disappeared without
drawing his pay, and that all efforts to
learn his whereabouts had proved fruit
less. Added to this is a rumor that his
hat had been found, Lex. It is not be
lieved, however, by those best acquaint
ed with him, that be was drowned.
Possessed of a venturesome and romantic
disposition, a personal inspection of Cu
ban affairs might have become an object
with him.
—A Cairo telegram to the Cincinnati
diinercial, under the date 01 Thurs
day: says: The Great Republic passed up
to St. Louie, to-day. Captain Hambleton,
of the Marine Ways, has entirely re
moved the ugly . wist given to her hull
when she was first launched,
••Greciand she
now has a most graceful an
Bend," as her bottom is not ht,
and the bend on the deck, instead of
vice versa. Captain Hatubleton believes
she will be one mile an hour faster.
—A Cincinnati pap says: Captain
Frank Y. Batchelor, some time since
appointed Store -keeper, in the Second
District, yesterday tendered his resigna
tion of that position. He resigns rather
than submit to the frequent than o
place which the orders of his superi
have subjected him to. ,
-_Napoleon B. Jenkins, pilot of the
America, was before the United
le, States
Court on Thursday, at Louisvil
his counsel moved that he be discharged.
This was opposed by the District Attor
ney, who expressed a desire to have the
Grand Jury in . March next to consider
the case. He remains under bond.
—The officers of the Glendale acquit
ted themselves nobly, when she
their cool-
was in
flames, the other day, and by
ness and bravery saved both the boat,
and valuable lives. It seems she b
ar ad
quite a number of passengers on bod
many of whom were women and
dren. . ,
C h e r be seen by adversement ,
the Northern Line packet Savannah will
commence loading for the Upper Missis- \
s t eam e ro the Ist of March, and the new J• L. Dthtaxagr..... .... .... .. .. A . 3r.. svav j assox.
seam \t leave it is expected, will
be ready to leave for St. Paul on or about MUNGER & STEVENSON,
the 10th of April. -
—The .Marietta Times announces that COMMISSION MERCHANTS,
the new Ohio is nearly completed, and
will probably be ready to start on her 87 Second iStreet, Pittsburgh, Pa.
first trip about the middle of March. RECEIVE AND SELL
She is a line vessel, and will compare fa- I
vorably with any other for beauty and All Kinds of Countrg Prodtwe,
speed. an orders for Merehandise promptly tilled, at
—At last accounts eleven hundred LOWEST mariset rates. Particular attention
men were employed upon the, grand Elven to the side of Bu t ter,ggs. Cheese Dried
Lase, in the Parish of Point Coupee, ar
entire stiisZiotb M t lictl l e h e a g e s.tils gin
La., and there are strong hopes they will racism , immass , at ITIGUEST 24/atEliT emcee,
succeed in keeping the water out, al- and therelsgegrectfgnlycesio= yarptcaszir.
though the river is six feet ainst the meats.. Plates effligislied free. e t . frain to store
levee and rising. and to arrive catty. an 317378
—The Richmond has ahead received ESTABLI SUED ,BY A. ilk, T
a proposition to carry-two h
died phy- 64 sau,y, isle.
sicians to New Orleans and return, to at
tend the National Medical Convention
that meets in NeWOrleaus on the 4th of iW. M. GORILY,
May next. .
—Capt. J. N. Corbett, Wednesday', at
Nashville, purchased of Commodore ,
Hughes oue-half interest in the steamer \
Pink Varble—,terms, fifteen hundred \ •
No Tit - Liberty Streek
dollars cash—skid the one-halt of the A.
Baker: 1
• - ,
—lt was rm 11
icored in Memphis Wed
nesday that the Bermuda had teen sold \ s.!_ L _.,
b 2- Messrs. Vinson (t. Donahue to the -kr- UTATT, LANE & CO:,
kansas River Packet'
fort 1,000. , vse
She will be fitted u and then ener that
wide. I
—A St. Louis exchange save: The
famous low pressure sliaciiinery is last
coming into use. One of the uew
"White Collar" boats will be supplied
with lia,rtupee's engines.
—The 'lhomp.on Dean. from Si. Louis
for New Orleans, added 1,000 tons to her
cargo at Cairo. She will go into New
Orleans with another monster trip of
3,000 tons.
—Captain John 'Edson, formerly com
mander of the Rowena, in the Meniphis
and White river trade, is now engaged
as mate of the Arkansas river packet
—Mr. -W. T.Pov.'ere. an old Missouri
River cleric, has quit steamboating and
gone into the law business with the firm
of Chipman, Hosmer dr, Co., Washington,
D. C. .
—The Belle of Alton made a short stay
in the South, only one trip in the - Bayou
Satra trade. She left New Orleans on the
13th for St. Louis.
—CaptainGeMe has bought the
wreck of the D. 11.131er, burned at
Carrollton on the night of December 4th,
from thetinder writers, for Z 12.5.
-1-The steamer D. Lynch has been pur
chased by Mr. James Sentz, and placed
in the Charleston and Coalburg trade as
a daily packet.
—The Glasgow, Captain Andy. Robin
son, Jr., will be the first boat out for
Cincinnati and Louisville, leaving
The Bellevernon left Cincinnati for
Pittsburgh on Friday, and the Sallie as
advertised to leave on Saturday.
—The Kate Putnam, for Nashville, and
Leonidas, for New Orleans, whre to have
left Cincinnati.n Saturday.
—There is a large amount of govern
ment hay to be shipped from Vevey, In
diana, to the Upper Missouri.
—The Torn Yarrow and barges, enroute
from New Orleans to Pittsburgh, passed
Cairo on Thursday. ,
—The tow boat Leader left Madison
(Indiana) on Monday Loader f oe Pittsburgh
with 6,000 oil bbls. -
The Messenger enronte from New
Orleans to Pittsburgh, left Memphis on
Wednesday. ,
--The Great Republic, is announced to
leave St. Louis for New Orleans on Tues
day riext.
—The Emma No. 3, arrived at Nevr
Orleans on Thursday
River and Weather.
Lolitsvu.tx, February 20.—Weathth
clear and pleasant. Elver rising, wi
nine feet seyen inches in canal.
Printing, Straw,
Bag' Glass,
SOOFING, llltintigE- OD Miliitial
Manufactured and lOW b'
$2 T 1 ' Elan: l
E 01511) AV •
oL.1)12/ttLmfil../2._)P°11 11( ff .F1 ---- --- N:11 5 •0611P
; e.
ilorroatua a rArEa BIANILI.
A. FADTUSIDIEI OMYANT. Manufacturers of
• • .
CLINTON MIL Tzuuratvr.wc. ClllO.
No. 88 Third I Street, kfttsburgh, Pa.
Orricea B IN A IT. tYflvltllffif,' pres ident.
DrauCToge—ljergillat tag: liegen.ll..filieell, B.
11. Hartman, John D. Li-ington...
Cash paid for 'raper Hunt. ifils%oss
AND tynpugirE. , \
SA.VANA.. ... ... . ... Capt. ROBERT ISIIERWOOII,I
Will commence loading tar the above and all in-
termediate pot is on the first of. 'March, and will
go turough without rephipping. For particulars
apply to I. 4
FLACK ..t, COLt.INGWOOD, Agents.
or R. C. tiltA.Y.
--. _
\I I ORTH RN LIN E Ag gM• ',
PAC-liC —The heir and
splenatd '
\VIII leave fur'
Apr I.
.t.nd gr
steamer offerl
passengers to
fe• tie9B
1. 0 1
. • .......... ... J. B BTJODHS+•
i sr.
throuFguAtlAlLS; s:
a s i r:l
n e t n:d f o l t i
s ver : s'l F . or paritcUlars a pply 1.0
td stock.
.12 LOUISVILLE .—The tine pas
seng. r steamer ,
Will leave for the above and intermediate voila
on TUESDAY, 23a Inst., at 4 r• bo ard 1
For freight o Ftssa aPIAY on :oojrtpo
G A. R C I if. o 4.
„eC64.!:: foi v, ,;
I f,20 CHA.ItLES 13 ailllkS, Agentri.
FOR ST. LOUIS.-The ;drab
Are passenger bteamer •
ARMADILLO. ....... . ...... Capt. A. McCall:ff.
%V leave tor the ilaove and all Intermediate
poirits, onTUESDAY; 234 inst.. at 4 r. N.
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
O. H. IHT to es'r A CO .
[ le.° FLACK ..t. COLLINGWOOD, Agents.
t ' WHE.I6IIPai6I,
!Marietta and Parkersburg Line.
1., company,. 'Wharf Bo+, foot of Wood
DAILY, AT 12 34. ''-
BAYARD ... . ...... . .... A. S. DEUXIIND.D. MaAtet.
GREY' EAGLE.— ...... C. L. Ilustrisets, Master.
Freight will be renelved at nil hours by , '
a eV
firocertc., Flour. Groin, Produce,
Orovieioun, Pio.h,Claeemc, Carbon
Oil, eke.,
ros. 1:2 and 114 WOOD STREET, near Lib
ertl Etreet.Pltttburgb. Pa. r.08:r.5.1
........... ........................
l'u-cons-Aitssiox IarEaCHANTS,
SiD Liberty St., Pittsburgh,
WDANX ........... " ".
6emers in FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE
ORbiERALLY, No. 14i WATb.I3 t3TREET.
above Stratbtlele.!,
. ...... . .....
Comtniss tan Merchants,
./..RD Di/ALIAS Ts
VL &O.
OVIt ,
Wholesale and 'Retail Wears,
FOILW Willa & 00' 8910 H 31BRUELASTB,
Foi the sale of ylour, Grain., Bacon, Lard, But
ter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce. generally,
No. 10 . id.A.II.B.EIT, tYPIDWE, corner of First,
Pittsburgh. • • fe22:sn
ISOSi. AN. (M. .... . . ... . -. .... .. . .. ... AN .
rotWa* suffix.
1.10 8..1.140X. br.SON, . COItifiIISSI ON
AN, MERCB s..NTS and dealers in FLOUR,
AiN, HILL lefiltD.and -PRODUCE GENBI3.
ALLY, No. 19 DIAtiOND, opposite City Hall,
Allegheny City. 1 • jailirg;
rmr., 4.3 itrau PA .01V,
1...4 Wholesale tirooers, Commission Merchants
ano Dealers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese,
Fish, Carbon •and Lard Oil, iron, Nails, (At
Cott YAMS and all 14liblIrgil
_b_l_aivies_ , J -
generally. 11.51 and 11A oACOND M'Els.. ..
Pittsburgh._, •
On and after TUESDAY, Noyember, 17th.
lbat , trains will arrive at and depart from use
corals of Grant and Water streets, as
Mail to snd fromllnion
oan ....... ..... . .... 7:00 A. M. 6:00 P. K.
McKeesport ACcomdt'n 11:00 A. M. 2:05 P. M.
Ex. to and from Unt'n• 3:00 P. M. 10:10 A. M._
West Newton Accom'd 4:30 r M. 8:35 A. ra. .
Braddock's Accomdt , n. 6:15 P.l M. - 7:50 P. IL.
Night Ac. to3lcB.l,aport.lo:3o P. M. 0:35 A. K.
Sunday Church Train t
and from West Newtol
1:00 r. M.10:00 A. • ;
For tickets apply to
- J. B. KING, Agent
W. B. 811'01jT. Supe ntendent. n 023
rirrip6,13313130G.1.T. -JE.A...
ROAD. °nand after Nov. 25:11. 1569, Trains
. will and depart from the Union Dep ,id
---- I
'encra.- o Washington and Liberty st reet s
Arrive.. Depart.
Rail Train...: 1:30 a m•Day Express-2:30 In
. last Idne.. .. 'A •40 ain Wail's No. 1.. 6:30 am
i Wall's No. .1... 6 20:_m 'Mail T rain,- r S:l5 am
I lirintonAcc'n• 7;50 a ini,•Cincin'ti Ex 12: 35 ran.
Ir all,s No. ?.... 13:50 a m,,Walt':: o. 2-11:210 am
Cincinnati Ey...11:40 a in iJohnstown Ac. 3:25 pm
Johnstown Ac.10:35 ain Itraddoeks No11:20pm
'Baltmore Ex. 1•4 5 p mlVhlls. Express 5:10 pm
MM. EapreseA..os pm , Wall's No. 8.. 5:20 pm
Wall's No. 3... 1:30 p m 'Wall' a No. 4..6:15 pm
Bra4ldocs No15:50 p ra,,Fast Line ...... 7:50 pm
Wall's No.!. 7:915 p mrWall's N 0.5.. 11:50pm.
Way Ihosn' r 10:20 p m I
The Church Train leaves Walls Station caul
,saudy at
_. 915 a. ru...„ reaching l'ittaburgla at
19:41 0 a. in. Returning, leaveS
_Pittsburgh' at
12:50 p. a, and arrit es at Wails Station at
-2:00 p. in.
.Cineinnati Express leaves daily. All other
try... a daily except Sunday. I - -
For further Info:mat:Lon apply_to_
W. H. BECII . :1, Agent.
The Pennsyl‘-anlaßailroad Company will not as
sume any est forßaggage, except for On ap •
pare, and limit their responsibility to One Run
dre. Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding
th: t amount in value will be t at the risk, of the
ownar, ulless tskPr p a nic special contract...lm..
non General Superintendent, Altoora. a.
avuoLy.sAir. DEALZ.V.:i IS
splellsX 4
Joint I. Bousll..srog. uousx.....Wm. 8. 11017811..
' editors so J0111(1. MUSH &CO We .
Einocers and Commizslon Mercb , Co -
Cot of "SllaNgtt.
J 01127 81111.1.0 N .. . ... ........... ... ITALIACIZ.
§toj,E ROCERS AND'lsataliCit DE4I.-
NS. No. 6 BLN.TH NTILENT. Frlllsoutah.
1112alk .
Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street.'
Comer of Irwin; now offer to the Snide at low
figures, strictly
Prune New Crop‘New Orleans Sugar,
- Molasses.
Porto filo°, Ceiba and Ensliatilsland Sugars.
New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, Re
fined do.
Golden Tirlps; Loverings. Brunß6i fituart's,
Adams'. and Long Island yrups• • ..,
Porto IMO, Cuoa and 'Edelen Island s.olasses.
Young Menu. Japan, linti•erisl, Gunpowder
'and 001. us Teas.
Carolina and Bangoin Bice.•
Jaya, La and io Co ff ees. ,•
a °, Land 011. Flab: Nalis, Glass, Soaps.
Cotton Yarns, Jitc,, constantly on hand. Os
rine Brandies,Winea and Segara.
Gnentsb,-310selle, and Sparkling flock Wines
of ilinsel & CO.• in bottles.
Sparkling Co.. iieharsiors and Johann's
burg, floeitheleser.lturenily, VI..
Brandenburg & Fro
- do do '',, Clarerests,F Aturnennirtveed idhlottles.
Work do White Wines, in bott es.
If. &Sons Sparkling CatawbAi,
glue old iinerry, Madeira and POLL V nes.
Free Old Motions* As Ilya Whiskies. pure.
do Very Superior Old Senteh do ~ do.
.gaA 3O,,
So'n Agents for ?dont & Chsndon,s Grand Vin.
Impo se l . ay and Sollery.Champague. i •
. Brandies of our own -selection and Isranted,
1 2.d IS
-;•!-, .
Cll AN G E OF - • - ,- = z - -- -
On and after MONDAY, November 9tb, 113459.
TWO TiIAIN DAILY will leave Pittsburgh
Station, corner of. Eleventh and Pike streets for
Franklin, 0 ilfCity, Buffalo, and All pinta
la the
Oil Regions. , •
iratorn rircsatritort. jaunty Dr rifrenintelt
Express . . .... 7:10 p Eat Express 6:30 am
Mall ...... —. 7:15 a m Mail .. . ....... 5:510p m
Brady's BAc 3:00 pm . Bradys B As 10:30 ars.
Ist Soda Works Ilst.SodaWorks
Accomd,.. wow aro 1 . Accomod,n. 13.20 aus
3d Soda Works !3(1 Soda Works
Accomcid`n. 5:00 pmt Accomoirn • 3:40n
Church Train leave Pittsburgh at 1:10T. X.
Arrive at Pittsburgh ;it, 9:50 A. la .
Passengers taking express train baire but
one change of cars between Pittsburgh, Buffalo
and Oil !legions. Mail and Expreserrains stop
only at principal points. Mixed Way and An—
commodatiod trains stoiq at all stations.
• THOMAS 11,. KING, As Stmst.
W. POSTER HOPE, Ticket ,Agent.
ORANGE OF TIME.—On and after BUNDAY it
N0v.221, 1868. trains will, leave and arrive
tw. Union Depot, as follows, rittsburgh tiMe:
'r Depart. Arrive!.
'Fast3l3 a. rd. 12:13
Line ... . ......... . 10:13 m. m.
Fast Exwess ... .......... 2:58 p. m. 12:18 a. m.
Mixed Iv ay . . . ... .. . 5:43 a. m. 8:43 p.
'McDonald's Aren, No.111:28 a. in. 8:33 p.m.
Steubenville Accommod• 3:38 p.m. 9:48 a. m.
IdaDonald,s Aue'n, No. 2..5:08 p.m. 3:18 p. 216.
Mr 2:58 st. Express will leave daily.'
l04:11.3 ar.. Mail will arrive daily.
The 10:13 a. in. Train leaves daily, Snadart
ark re cepted, and
es makes close coanO a 1 New ,
Zanville and_pointctloas. on Sandusky
'Mansfield Newark R. R.
B. F. SCULL, General Ticket gent.
CARD, Sup't., Steubenville, Ohio.
...•.. ....... .. . n .: . 2 1.... , :: ..... .
From Dec. 20th, 1858, trains will leave from
and arrive at the Union Depot, north bides ritu
bar& city time, as follows:
- Lave. .... ' , ._ Arrive.
Chicago Ex....3:03 a m I Chicago Ex... sal
Erie & Ygnkill:9lB a m Pilate go Ex.. 11:581
Cl. & Wh•g1116:28 a m I Wheeling Exll:l3si
Chicago Nail-6:58 amlerestline Mail 3:53g:
Chicago Ex.. 10 :08 a miChicago Ex....4:380t
Cl. &NWlEx2:2l3paoCleveland Es 4.:08gi
Chicago Ex., 2:43 pro 'Erie & Yg'nEx ol3 p l
W'e &Erie E 1 4:53 pu.191. & Wit" g Bald:sBgs
.Deliartfrows Allegheny. i Arrive in ditegheray
N. Brigt'n Ac• 8:58 a =N. Br Ac.7:03 my
Leetsdale " 10:28 a mIIL Brigt.n ' 4 8:28 am
" 11:58 a relliew Castle "10:33 am
Rqchester " . 1:33 p m ILeetsdale " 9:13 am
Leetsdale A L cc• 358 p m.. • • ' • 1:08 Tam
N. Brigt`n • .5:33 p MIN. Brigt•tt "2:43 pa
N. Bill:Vit. " .6:28 pmq.eetsdale " 4:53 pa
Leetsdale .* 10:4-3 pm I " ‘l. ilia Vs
Leetsdale' *an- ',Leetsdale Snit. 111
day Clutro.ll. 1:13 pm l. day ...hurchs. 9:58 ash
Air 2:43 p. tn. Chicago Express leaves daily.
Vii- 11:58 U. m. Chicago Express arrives daily.
de-1 F. U. MYER% Oeneral Ticket Agent.
- i
I'ENN SYLVANIA.- '-'-'3'...........ttn.Z.--,....'
RA.-LROA.D.—On mid after Nov 3a1d,1208, the
Pat senger Trains or. the Weste:rn Pennsylvania
Rat road will arrive Alleghenyepart from the
Feder.lStreet Depot, -ity. as follows:
Arrive. Depart. ......
Springd. e No16:40 a m .. , ... 7:lw , am.
Ir'reePort No.18:310 a at Freeport .1...0.19:15 am
F•xpress .. , -. 10:4 0 ata harpb'g N ot
11:20 am
Sharpb,g N0.11.:25 p m X.:press ...... .1:45 pia
Freeport. N0.24:00 pna,Sprlng:F N 132 pm
~. iniFteeport N0.25:2 0 p
Spring:Fe N026:45 ti m,SPringd'e No27:10 p m
Aboye trains run daily except Sunday.•
The Church Train leaves lAllegheny Junction
ever!. dainday at 7: Returning, nu reaching Allegheny
CM at 9:50 3. in. leaves Allegheny
tllty at 1:20 p. tn. and arrive at Allegheny Juno.
tion at.3:45 p. In. . • I
'.of Toren
Ticlarn—For sale in packages
of Twentv. between Allegheny City, Chestnut
t i
street. Hem's. Bennett, Tine Cress , Etna and
Sharpaburg and good only on the trains atdpPing
at Station. specified on tickets.
The trains -leaving Allegheny City at 7:00 I.
ni. make direct connection at i eepor with Wa
lker. s line of Stages forßutler d Gannalutown.
Through tickets may be parch ed at thi Officc
No. 3 pt. Clair street. neartheS repensienßridge„
Flitsbni, h, anti at the Depot. Allegheny.
For further information appl to
. - JA.NR.S L}:ar Agent,
Fede Z.Street Depot.
The 'Western Fennsylvanis blallioad will not
a: acme any risk for Bag mge, xcept fOrWearing
apparel, and limit thekr res onsibillty to One
idundftd Dollars in value. An baggage ex
ceeding tt is amount in value ilibe at the-risk of
the owner. unless tak.Thbv s dal eontrsat.
. EDWARD . W1L1.11!..2
nem Gen...sal Superintend nt, •Altoona.. Yu
S -11:141! BILL
Eastern Di
ROUTE aom the East to paste to
Colorado ,
California, 'Milk,
• 'Arizona,- Washington,
New Mexico,. Idaho,
TWO Valllll leave EtatelLine and Lesrenwortk
daily, Oandais eacepte Jon the a rrival of trains
of Yam° Esuroad tro bt. Lords, and Hanni
bal and Bt. Joe Eallroa from Quincy, connect.
Inv at Lawrence, To lux and '.. Waxnego with
staisos tor all points Halms. at end of
tract west of hilsworth with t b e UNITED
AU Points in the Territories,
of COACHES for Fort Union, Bent's Fort, rasa,
Alturpierqrie, 13%1h, and all poihts In
zona and Nem Me co.
With the recen additions of rolling stock
and equipment, d the arrangements made
with rewonsible Overland Transportation Lines
frdra its western terminus, this road now otters
unequalled facilities for the Manumission a
freigh to the if
Tick t ets f or sat at ail the printing offiell is
the United State and Macias . •
Be sure and for *Rants , via THE S'SIOICE
snit. Bouve .. - 1014 p .lc RAILWAY . .
, • - A. ANDVDSOI. 4 s '
• emeral superinteadea
J. 11, WE)MEII,
General Freight and TV net 4(