SENATE: Hilt to Repeal the Ten ure - of-Office A ct Discussed Without Action. ROUSE: The Constitutional Amendment— Adoption of the Amendment in the Form Reported by the Senate Judiciary .Committee, and which Failed in the Sen ate, Last Week, for Lack of a Two:thirds Vote. lay Telegraph to the Pit-cabana Gazette.) / WassrtzforoN, February 20, 1869. Mr. M _.. ORGA SENATE. - N', • Commerce, reported from the Committee on the Ho , with amendment, use bill to repeal the act approved March 2d, 1867, regulating the disposl tion of fines and penalties and forfeit ures received under the laws relating to customs, and to amend certain arts for the prevention and punishment of frauds on the revenue, 'and the prevention of• smuggling. The amendment restricts the repeal to the 21; 3cl " a 4th sectiOns of said act. Mr. SHER/WAN, from he Coninitttee on Finance, reported : a b 11 to allow the . City National Bank of N w Orleans and the Second National Bank of Flensburg to change their names. Mr. RAMSEY introduced a bill au thorizing the claim of Minnesota to lands for the sn_pport of a State University. Mr. CORBETT called up.the bill to is- sue an American register to the ship Agra, of Boston, put under the protec tion of the British flag during the re bellion. Mr..NYE said he was strongly opposed to allowing American ship owners who, 1 from selfish !naives had put their yes se/s under foreign flags, to bring them again under the protection of our flag. . 1 Mr. CAMERON was in favor of a gen eral bill applying , to all vessels entitled • to be given again the protection of the ; American fiag, and nntilsucha bill could be passed he would have the interested parties Wait. Mr. SUMNER was, too, in favor of a general bill, but he wished in the .mean_k while to take up individual cases and deal with them on their merits. - Mr. NYE' ,moved an amendment ex , , tending the provisions of•the bill to all k;Visleselsi amflarlyaituated. p -4- The discussion continued until the ex piration of.the morning hour, which , brought up , the bill to repeal the Tenure , of-Office act. Mr. CHANDLER made an tuisticcess ful effort to Lave it set aside for the pur -1 I pose of taking up business from the Committee on Commerce, but the even ing session of Tuesday nest was set apart for the consideration of that business. Monday evening was appointed for the consideration of business front the Com mittee on Military. - Mr.- tVRELINGHITYSEN moved to /ay aside the bill lemporarily, that he might move to assign Wednesday for the consideration of his naturalization : . bill. tiort, Mr.• HENDRICKS opposed the mo- If because he regarded the bill as one, passed, which would make naturaliza tion very expensive and almost impossi hie. The motion, was lost and the Senate proceeded to consider the bpi to repeal• the Tenure-cif -Office act. offic e act _ ' . Mr. CONKLING said the. Tenure-of tempt had been enacted to meet an at made in the interest of slavery and treason, to make merchandise of of fices, Of the integrity of its citizens, and to employ the purse of the nation to enrich and aggrandize the nation's foes. Now, however, the exigency bad passed away, and ex ecutive office was about to be rusteden • to one who never set himself above law, who everywhere had 'evinced such a !sense ofntitle moderatid himon, capacity and integ • rity as eto the confidence of . Congress and of the people. The ques tion was how to dispense withso much of the Te nure-ofofilce act as was now need less and inconvenlent, and dispense with nomore. Looking steely the requirs. meats of the next four years, he would Lave no ohjection to the absolute repeal of it, or, its complete auspeasion; but •.' _ neither was necessar for other . . reasons he -preferred toretain the law in the Modified form in which It will stand - ---- if the report of the Judiciary Committee be adopted. • Mr. MORTON ' said inasmuch as the la ork w advocated by the Senator from Now ••• Y would require the Senate to pass • prod the propriety or impropriety of the ',. ent's action in removing officers l• during &recess of the Senate, it would be a mere matter of phraseology, as the , • Senator from would be. New York had said it Mr. CONRLING replied the onnt!- , lion'lithvided that the, Senate Should revise the a ppointments of the Feud - dent. Made sai d recess. Mr. Il?RTON that Under the law, before t epattlazo of the Tenure-of-oflice lair, when the President retnotred A. B. therecess arid appolnte D. to fill the vadanhy.. even .ff nate refused rtavonarel the aPpointment, that did not put A. B. back; but under the law oaths Senator front Ne* Yo, the refuel of the Senark would /jay.) itte to confirm a .suspensidn from Mee by the President would ph t into office again the officerre . snored, so that It sveuid not be without - practical effect. • Parr•OONKLING replied theta the sam e 'moment, with or witheat the law, ' with President would -become Meshed with the, powers of filling an oak*, because . under the lw genetsffi must remain ya cant till the confirms the appoint ment ot_some one to 411 it - 2 and Without the law the President could dismiss the i ncumbent of an office and appoint a sub stitute to hold the place during the whole vacation. , . 'Mr. DOOLITTLE said question w hether under the Constitut the ion of the , United states the President had the . Powersf removing fromt office, was by no•mns a new one. It Ocoee, arisen in the beginning of the Government end had been decided in the affir mative, and =I ......... . ' . • I 1 . , • . , • .„. . . . .-...-.: ss.: , l i i /*/ •-•:....:••::, - - ---.--------_•_,----- - '''.. . . .„,,.... .. , . " • • ,•;• . . ..,,, ~„ • ~,,.. i , .)... fi, ..,i . t • :....--„, • . „... ~... , , ... .... • „::... ..„.„......____ ! . , ~,,,. ~..,.. „...„....., .... „ . .- • •, , ..:•, ... ........_ -- , .,..„.5_-:,,----, •_....„.4.- ..,,,,,.. , _, _ - • 'D- '..r ''• ..! - ,:;:::-1.1 , ,-. r _.• 264-411,..7 ----- ' kli 1 .- . ~.. .. .. , 7,P4p . ,..,..ppi-' - 2 -....:. t .. .../' ..., . • • - .i.-4 , ........_• , _ . ... 1- ' 'ft‘ 74l,l-7- '4 - IN ' ' . • -r".. ..,.-..:- ' 4 4lVi i v 7.., -::. t 1 4 1 : -,-.''.,..,, ~. -1- - * i nil: ..' ! ; " : " :-14- 2 . *7 . iftz, ie.!. , .4, _......5„ ;„ 1.7 .1 , 0- " N\ , ------- ,1 4:` --- -- . ----- 'l'o LAN. ' f !.'"-t"..:- ptfk.-* ,-'-.. - - Yi,T .-re , l' - ' /.. f / I* .t> } I I: t .•,- . • -...\ . ........1.',-....--.t...- ----L.--Z=._____ - _-__ -r-- -- - -.-- - :._ - Q:" .------7` . ... ------------7-- c....„ ---,....._ -......., -----:.:,—,.---- .-- ------------=.-_ - • , 41 _.:'..i.._ 4T.."-.144''1'-.... --t--i -- -. 7 ,- - - --- _-• — 7 - ,-.-=', , -- ..• 33 ;.t. .j ' ' ', n- • I, 'e,.* r . • , , . . VOLUME LXXXIV PITTSBURGH . nrcv.oxiv-m-co,crig az, FORTIETii GRESS. [THIRD sEssioN. ROUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. Twenty of last night's absentees were brought to the bar of the House by the Sergeantst-Arms, when it wait' resolved that further proceedings under the call of the Rouse be suspedd. , The New Mexican 'contestedelecton ease was debated and decided by giving the seat to Mr. Chaves, the.coAteatant. Mr.r EftIIENCK by unanimous con sent,reported a joint resolUtion postpon ing the time for the first meeting of the House of R enresentatives for the Forty. first Congress from noon of the 4th of March next to three o'clock in the after noon. Passed. On motion of Mr. BOUTWELL, and, under a suspension of the IVO; ;the resolution pros amendment to the joint resolution proizosing an amendment to the'Consti tution was taken from the Speaker's table and read, as follows: • "ARTICLE 15. Stction 1. The right of citizens-of the. United States to vote and hold office shall not be denh3d ,or any S abridged by.--the United 'States, or by account , of race, color or previous condition of servitude:. "SEo enforce .2. The C ongreasshalt have pow er to to thie article by appropriate le Mr. VVOODWARD asked Mr. Bout— well to allow him to offer anamendment, providing that the said amendment to the Constitution shall be submitted to legtsistures to bcrelected hereafter. Mr. BOUTWELL declined to iet the amendment be offered, reniarking Con2"' gram bad no right to select the legisla tures to which an amendment should be submitted. . ' • M. BINGHAM desired to offer as An Amendment the amendment heretofore ag ree d to by the Senate by a to 16, as follows: vote of 4e "Thb riht of citizens oi the States to vote or hold office shall not Unit be ed denied .or be abridged by-any State on account of race or color, nativity, prop. erty, creed, or previous condition of ser vitude." . ' Mr. B OUTWELL at first refused to allow any a mendments to be offered, but subsequently consented to the offering' of the above a mendment by Mr. Bing ham and other a taeadmenta by Messrs. Shellabarger and Logan, not admitting, I'll in the latter days of the giants Webster, Calhoun, Clay, Benton and Wrigh it had again arisen and had been debated and decided in the same way; but the Ten ure - of-Office act had in a new element, by requiting that remov als should be for cause, thus putting every officer whom the President desired to remove upon trial before the Sbjecting his character to public scrutiny, and if in any case the Senate should decide that the cause assigned was good, the de. cision ymuld have:the effect of a Public unfit, that the officer in question was unfit, because of h isicharacter, to hold office. Under the old system, a removal from office did not involve the character of the person removed, but simply indi cated that the President preferred the new appointee. If, however, an attempt should be made to carry out practically the theory that every reoval must be for cause, it would fail for m want of time on the part of the Senate to investigate cases that would arise, so as to be able to determine the sniff ci en cy or insufficiency of causes asaigned. The Tenur-of-Office Act was wrong in theory and incapable of execution, and therefore he would vote for its repeal. , . Mr. DIXON said he voted against the Tenure-of -Office bill when it tvas on its passage, and should vote for its repeal. He agreed with the Democracy theen necticut in the idea expressed in res olutions of their recent Convention, that they would not wage indiscriminate war against the administration ofGen. Grant. So far as he supported and upheld the Constittition, they would support him, or any other President They were in favor of giving him a fair chance to so admin ister the government as to deserve up- Port. They had great hopes that s he would do so, and perhaps, if he or a te a Prophet, he might predict with safety that the time was not far a majority in the Senate . Would t u when ld be quar reling over him. If so, perhaps the honest men of the nation wo e fitted by such a difference. Wishingto give General Grant fair Play, and an op portunity to serve the aauntry , by a gen erous and magnanimous policy, re far above the atmosphere of the Radical party, he should vote to repeal the civil tenure bill. Mr. ROBERTSON was in favor of the repeal. The Tenurelif-Office act had been necessary at the time-of its enact ment, but it was no longer necessary, and to refuse to , repeal it would be to manifest a want of- confidence in Gen. Grant. Mr. R 1 OWE opposed the repeal The Gent . argument that the act should be reled; because G. Gnt Could be trust ed,had no effect upon him, because he' bad ad vocated its passage on not upon the ground that Mr. Johnson could not be trusted, but because he regarded that as an opportune time to remedy a great Mistake of the first Congress that ever assembled under the Cnstitu was true no evil resulted o from lion. It the first President with the poweructingr of re inoval at , will. It was also true that on the 4th of March there would beinaug rated a President not unlike the first. A tt man who by the dint of achievement in 'a few years inapired the whole country Puwith unlimited confidence in his wisdom, purity of his purposes and his ability to ri them out, atalit was no wonder that Senators and others should be wil ling to trust with him extraordinary powers. But he (Mr. Howe) had no guarantee that future Presidents would be like Gen. Grant. He visa in favor of keeping the Te nnre:of-Oflice act upon the statute book, as a declaration of the true measure of Presidential power In this di rection ttnder the Constitution. Mr. SAWYER said he had not the slightest want of confidence in the Presi dent elect, but on ontrary he de , served the general c on fi dence of the peo , pie, because in every position in which he (Gen. Grant) had been placed he had justified the confidence placed in him. But he thought there was some danger of manifesting confidence in an unwise way, by repealing the Tenure-of --Office act. lie believed - if that act had been passed twenty years ago it would have been better for the country and was in favor of continuing it in forde, at. least for the present, and probably always, and even if he were disposed to repeal it, he would not do it on the eve of an ad mlnistration, because it would look like fag before the rising sun. - Mr. MORTON rose to address the Son „ate. but gave way to a motion to ad. Journ. which was carried. Adjourned. .. however, the amendment proposed by Mr. Woodward.' Mr. Shellabarger's 'amendment is as folloWs: ' , Neither the United -States, nor any State, shell abridge or deny to any male citizen of the United States, of the age of t , iventy•one years or over, and who is of sound mind, an equal vote at all elec tions in the Staee in which he shall have such actual residence as' shall be pre scribed by law, except such as have en gaged or may hereafter engage in insur rection or rebellion against the United States; and such as shall be duly convic ted of treason, felony or other infamous crime; but such right to vote shall be subject to such regulations and form of their application to alt-electionsas may be provided by law fa: preserving the P he urity of the elections', and prescribing the same.' t times, places and manner of holding The amendment offered by Mr. LOGAN was to strike out the words in the Senate amendment "and to hold office." He contended they were unnecessary; that, there was nothing in the Constitution of the United States restraining the right to hold office, except as to the Presidency and Vice Presidency, and that the em bodiment of those words in the Consti tutional amendment would endanger its chances of adoption. ALT. BUTLER, of Mass., expressed sim ilar views, but still announced his inten tion to vote for the amendment in order to save this great measure of justice. Mr. L AWRENCE, of Ohio, asked Mr. Boutwell to allow him to offer the fol lowing amendment: "No State shall enforce any law which shall deny or abridge to any male zen of the United States, of the age of twee and years, and who is of sound mind, and who has resided in such Stab one year, sod has complied with such regu lations equally applicable to all ,electors as to registration and local residence, greater than one year, as mayhee, be de scribedpre- by law, an equal right to vote by ballot in all elections in such State, ex cept only such u have aided or par ticipated, or may aid and participate in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any State, or to - such as shall be duly convicted of treason, felony or infamous crime." Mr. BOUT WELL declined to allow `lt, to be offered. Mr. BINGHAM spoke ten minutes in advocacy of his proposed amendment. Mr. WOODWARD 'Poke fifteen Min utes in advocacy of the amendment which he had desired to -submit. He de clared that it was a historical and tradi tionary principle In Pennsylvania poli tics that the African was au alien and barbarian race, which should have no act or part In the work of the Govern ment. Mr. BOUTWELL offered -a resolution that the rules be , suspended and the re cess and evening session oday be dispensed witb, and that the Hose pro ceed immediately to vote on the pending amendments and the Senate joint reso lotion without dilatory motions. . , Mr. KNOTT moved, at four o'clock, that the House adjourn, the only dilatory motion permissable before putting the question on the suspension of the rules. The House refused to adjourn. The rules were suspended, yeas 164, nays 37, and the resolution adopted. - 'The vote was first taken on Mr. Piuyn's amendtuent, which was rejected—yeas -71; nays, 97. Mr. Bingham's amendment was then agreed to—yeas, 92; nays, 70. Mr. SHELLABARGL'R withdrew his amendment. The Senate resolution as amended was passed—yeas, 140; nays, 33. Mr. SCHENCK gave notice that he would try to have disposed of on Mon day the bill to strengthen the public credit. Adjourned. NEW YORK CITY.. By Telegraph to the Plttabarga casette., brim YORK, February 20, 1 868. The President has pardoned John R. Eagan and Nicholas Henry, convicted in November and sentenced to the Peniten tiary for defrauding the government by false bounty money and back pay papers. Lewis S. Cole, one of the parties arres- Pequennocted as the supposed robbers of the k bank or Bridgeport, Conn , of $95,000, has been diecharged at the re quest of District Attorney Aiarshall, but is retained in prison for a requisition from the Governor of Connecticut. Six counterfeit money dealers were to day iientenced to the penitentiary for different terms. • Edward R. Lee, °harked with stealing. $40,000 worth of bonds from the Presi dent of the Star Insurance Company, has been committed for trial in default of $40,000 bail. McLaughlin And Shaw, who made false affidavits against Collector of In ternal Revenue Bailey, were to-day sen tenced to five years each in the peniten tiary. Tee ford sensation story that young Jef s was the murderer of De Burdell is completely disproved by his counsel. A: ;Washington special says , the Senate Fiscussinance Committee, after an informal dion postponed the bank bill for the present. The coin balance to-day was 196,000,- 000; currency 818,000,000. A Navy meeting of the Army and Navy DePartment, of the Gulf is to come off at D elmonico's,- in this city, on the - 10th of March, and not the ' Ist of March, as 'published in mine localities': The steamer Miasissippl, (rota Rio Ja- Were, january2Btb, and P The war. between Brazil and Paraguay ass considered ended. It was kielleVed Lopez had gone to Bolivia, on board an Ameri can man-of-war. Ascucion was occupied by the allies on Jamul 7r 6th. ThejurYin the caseof olienry,charged with perjury against 'Coininissioner Rol lins, of the Internal Revenue Bureau, have been discharged, having been un able to agree. , . 'The steamer Arizonia; frOM Aspinwall on the 13th. arrived today with f 270,000 in treasure. No news. • 'St:l,ouls Heins. • fily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette./ Si', LOUIS,' February gobseriD• tione to the St. Lonls and Illinois'Bridge Company; amounting to three millions of dollars, were completed here to-day and th e'b ooks closed. The construction of the bridge will be _roughed Vigorously and without delay. Large numbers of New York and other Eastern capitalists, together with many prominent St. Lott- Islam', are subscribers to the stock. The examination of Fred Biebuseb, tho notorious co unterfeiter, was closed to-day and the prisoner sent to jail In default of $lO,OOO bail. 116 .NDAY - , 1 _ The Late Disaster on the Ohio— Bills that Have Become Laws —Colored /tied and the Inaug uration Ball. ,By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette,: WASHINITTOIV, February 20, 1 THE LATE OHIO RIVER DUARTE . The Secretary of the Treasury has in structed the Solicitor of that department to take the necessary steps to secure the enforcement of the twelfth section of the act of 1838 against the pilots of the steamers United States and America, be. of the recent collision between tholie vessels, which resulted in so large a loss 'of life. The section referred to provides that every captain, engineer, pilot or other person employed on board of any steamboat or vessel propelled In part by steam, by whose misconduct, negligence or inattention to his respec tive duties the life ofany person on board Said vessel may be destroyed, shall be deemed guilty of anslaughter, and upon conviction imposes heavy pen alties. ..._ - RAVE 13.HCOME LAWS. The following bill and Joint resolu lons, having been presented to the Pres ident on the 6th inst., and not having been returned by him within the consti tutional limit' of ten days, Sundays i)eex cepted, have come laws; . DM approp feting $30,000 for the tem porary relief f the poor and destitute people in the Istrict of Clumbia. Resolution elative to the recent con tract for statio ery for the Department of the Interior.; It suspends payment to Dempsey de, O'Toole. - Resolution respecting the provisional governments of Virginia, Texas and Mis sissippi. - This •• Provides that persons 4 holding oftice4 i these States, who can not take or mu rib° to an oath of office according to a p evions act of Congress, shall, on the passage of this resolutiom be removed therefrom. It shall be the duty of the different commanders to till the vacancies so created by, the appoint ment of persona who can take the oath; provided, the provisions of this resolu tion shall not apply to persons who, by reason of the removal of their disabili ties, as provided in the fourteenth article of amendment to the Constitution, shall have been qualified for Office. TUE CEIV.IP.S. The Committee on Census at a meeting discussed the question whether the ratio of representation should be enlarged to r ativesetain the present numberzlf_Represeia, should t, remain uor whether t present ratio unaltered. ' The lter would increase the number of Rep at resen tatives. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. LONDON, FebruarY 20.--eveniath—Co sole,. 93. .Five-Twenties, 78%. Fries, 24; Illinois, 975‘; Atlantic & Great Western, 37. Stocks steady. FRANKFORT, Feb. 20.—Bonds closed at 823,;. • PARIS, Feb. 20.,—Bourse closed firm. Rentes, 71f. 42c. VRE, Feb. 20. f Cotton closed. quiet a d steady at 13630. for fres ordinatre, on s ot, and 1341 francs for low middlings, a oat. • I • AxrwitnD, Feb. 20—Petroleum is dull a 58 francs. ITERFOOL, February 20 .—Cotton is q iet; middling uplands, 1140; Orleans, 1 ; sales of 7,000 bales. Wheat; white -0 lifornia, /Os 9il, and red western at 9s 7 d®9B Bd. Flour, 255. Corn, for I old, and 305 6cl for new. Oats; a sd. 1 Barley, ss. Peas, 4.3 a. Pork is quiet at 978. Beef, 955. Lard, 9004. Cheese, 768. curt RRltielt MATTEns. 1 13acon, 58s. Spirits Petroleum e 7 d ; c 1'..£99. Whale Oil, £36. sar The fractional currency printed for the 1 week amounted to $891,000:, amount . / LoNnox February 20 .—Tallow, 45s 6d. Relined, Is 10d. shipped 6..n2,850. National Bank ea r _ 1 Sperm 01 ug , shi pped issued $2,026,000; amount in c(rcu- I on. spot, at 89s 3d, and afloat at 29s 6d. lation $299,815,077. Fractionai currency °a/Cola Lius Ped, 583 64:i • destroyed $637,700- ' --, RELEASED FENIANS. i Body ot a Murdered Detective Pound-i— -nertial Law In Tennessee. •The President to-day sent a brief roes- . 1 t By'releiraph to the Flttahurah Gazette.) sage to the House notifying that body of ! the release of Warren and Costello by the 1 NAsirvitix,!ebruary 20.—Yesterday British Government. .. I afternoon a negro man called on Major • Fredericks, commander of the detach- VAR.IOI7S 3f ATTER% 1 ruent of United States troops stationed Hon. E. B. 'Washburne, whb has been 1 at Columbia, and informed him that the confined to Ida house several days by 0 dead body of a white man had been dis sickness, la improving in health. • i coverd in Duck River, two and a half The President to-day. nominated Geo. I t miles south-west from t'olumbla. Major W. Summers as Postmaster at .4..ugubta, I Fredericks sent a squad of soldiers to the Georgia. designated snot, who returned _with the A colored man of. this city has addres- body last night, typon examin a ti on it sad a note to Mayor Bowen, Chairman of Proved to ba that of detective Barmpre, the Committeo on the ' ale of tickets for who was taken' from a railroad train at the inauguration ball, stating a number Col o mbia a month since by need men. of his friends from all, adelph la and New A rope was around his neck, the end York would like. to be here on the 4th of forming a noose, as If he • had been tied arch, and asks whether any distinc- to something.' The hands were tied :ion on account of color is to be made in behind his back with a linen handker the sale of tickets. Mayor Bowen this chief. A valuable dlaniond ring was on morning addressed hitn a reply ; • in which ono finger. 'He was evidently not ' mur- II dared Air Money,' A Coroner's inquest he says: 44Any person of respectable was held over the body to-day. character and standing in this cant m uni ty. who applies and pays for a ticket to The proclamation of Governor Brown the inauguration bail to be held in the low, declaring martial la* in the court- Norh wing of the Treasury a rum Deent, ties of Overton, Jackson, Maury, Giles, will not be denied, at lean so as my Luvrence, Gibson, Madison and Hay action is concerned. The question of 'wood, and ordering General Cooper to send militia to them, published to-day, color never having arisen before the Committee, I, of course, cannot decide excites :nth uneasiness. Thoughtful for them." - Men fear. it Is. the co mmencement of WAsitisturort, February 21, 186& serious tro bles in Tennessee. General LARGE LAND PATENT. ma per is n experienced soldier and may avert t o danger apprehended. The largest patent , for lands granted for many years, excepting grants to rail roads. was signed by authority of the President yesterday in favor of James' F. Joy, for 113,478 acres of Cherokee neu tral lands. THE ALABAMA CLAIMS TREATY. The action of the Committee OE For eign Relations, Who have reaolved to recommend the rejection of the Alabama Claims treaty, has not met with a cor responding unanimity from other Sena tors, The report has not been made to the Senate in executive session, and hence the members of that body are gen erally not yet officially advised of the grounds upon which the Committee base their conclusions. It is said by some Senators that the discussion of tbe re port on some important question would occupy more time than the Senate could bestow upon It, considering the ad vanced period of the session and the large amount of legislative business to be transacted. Therefore, it is probable the consideration of the treaty will be de ferred until the next seaslou of cc:tigress. BOYS IN BLUE PARADE.I The Boys in Blue have consolidated in three brigades and will parade to-mor row night in torchlight proof) ion in honor of Grant and Colfax. Fire in Philadelphia. :BY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Giiset. Pa;Laint.mite. Fb. 21.--Thi morn. ing a fire occurred I n the engine •oo the lead works of Taylor dr. Sin ,th, No. m of 1,241 Noble street. It was a atone build ing three sto'rles high, and coiiipletely gutted.. In the rear 'a one sthry shed, occupied by George ' !.' $ t Coate Brother as a_planing rnill, was entirely destroyed. Taylor it Smith's loss is estimated at $15,000; insured in the following Compa nies: Metropolitan. New York, $4.000; United States, of lialtimore, 82.000:. Queens, of thlndon, $4,000: Franklin aud valuing, of VVilouling, Vfost 13,000 each. The loss Of Coate Jiro. 18 said to bo 165,000; insured. The building damaged $,000; Insured. F EBRUARY OCR Vcruil THE - • iilelitica in Georgia. IJy Telegraph Co the £lttahurth Eia?ette. ATLA N A. GA.. February 21,1860. The Conservative Republicans held a meeting in the Jegislative hall ,last night and adopted resolutions declaring that Georgia is reconstructed according - to acts of CongresS; that reconstruction was completed by the admisilon of repre sentatives to Congress, and that no sub sequent'acts or the legislature can inval idate it; admitting the right of Congrok by approprlatklegislation, to'protect eon atitutional rights of all citizens of tbe State and II ited States, and pledging 3 1 .____ Simi and loya support to the incoming administratio . Supplementary resolu tions endorai g General Grant and ti Republican rty, also the adtninistra- , thon of Gen. elide, were adopted. The • meeting was 1 ge and respectable. Safe Bobber Arrested. ;By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. - CINCINNATI,February 21. Charles King alias HolbroFebrua oke, who robbed the rafe of Cambreling tit Pyne. 14 Wall street, January Ist, was taken to New York on the seven P. m. train, in charge of Captain Jordon and detective M'Cord, of New York. , He was arrested here by Chief of Police Ruffin.and kept under guard at the hotel wh il e the cue was worked. The result was that 'sixty thousand dollars of the stolen bond s were - Bemired. A man ed t o went to Boston with a co unter s n to a frienof King, who had these bond s , a third p ar ty brought theta te the thy. 80. orated them and wrote a note ,to the he thoritles here where to find then'. T he, was kept profoundly sec h ere = untillate last night. Alleged Defaulting Cashie . . - . Steamboat Snagged and Sunk. .Bx Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Ty Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 'gazette.) MUMP/INI. February 20.—The steamer PEEILANNLPRIA, Febrtiary2o.—.4t tier s.. ~,,_ Fairy Queen struck a snag in Black Riv- ported the Cashier of. the Fe - -- - 8 . -- er on Thursday night and sunk. She tional Bank is'a defaulter in theurattliimNof I s lo, and that he h Was owned by parties in Cairo, valued at over /2,000. and insured to the full amount in escape. -There was a s he has made°u thhij: Cincinnati oilices. She will probably be bank -to-day, but chi% tit re 1 -- - - ~. . were , raised. . closed. n os i 1 , San ?ninelam Items. in, Telegraph .ti; the PlashMO Gazette.) SAle FBAATISCO, February 2 0 .—The China steamer is not expected till the Sl26th, the schedule terms for sailing from a o y o s g Kong having been advanced four The track of the Central Pacific Rail_ ;cad is again clear through the deepest snow of the Sierra Nevada& Since the probability of the defeat of the bill before Coritrress granting a trad tng tnonopoly in Alaska, several trapping and hunting expeditions are fitting oat ,• this city. Advices from Arizona, up to the 30th It., report favorably of the mines, and . ention no Indian troubles. . 0 1869 Mt NEWS BY CA;81:E. _......_..„7-. (ny Telegraph to the l'lttahurgh Gan.tte.J : - FRANCE. ' • PARIS, Feb. 20.—The Gaulois says Montpensiel• has been re turn to Spain as a private citizen. The recent order of M. Forcade, Min ister of the Interior, for guarding against an abuse of'the right of the people to peacefully assertible, was put in force yesterday. A public meeting was con templated at Mount Parnasse, an aron dissenient of the city, but viral dispersed by the authorities. All public gather ings on' h next have been pro hibited. Wednesday will be the 21st an niversary of the second i nauguration of the &publican government in France. Gen. Dix American Minister, publish es a card today denying a story t d been extensively circulated that be bad recently made a speech sympathizing with the Greeks in matters at issue with Turkey. The General calls attention to the fact that the policy of America has been that of non-interference with Euro- pean political affairs and affirms this is and has,been his policy. ePARIS, February 21.--A frigate has rbeenests of ordere d French citi to Cuba tozens protect the in ter. A. M. TAL. ifiIARINE NEWS. nuEsTE, February 21.—A terrible dis aster occurred yesterday on the frigate Radetsky. While cruising in the Athl etic an- explosion took place In the pow der magazine making a complets wreck of the ship and causing great loss of life. Most of the officers and crew were in stantly killed or thrown into the water i and drowned. SPAIN. MADRID, February 21.—The iron clad Victoria is under orders to sail for Havana. By a recent decree Colon later , all all restrictions a rehe removedial from the office of commercial broker in the islands of Cuba , and Porto Rico. The Insurrection In Cuba. CST Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] HAvANA, February 20.—The Govern ment has received..information of the surrender of one hundred revolutionists near Colon, and of the death 'of the leader, Jose Guerra, formerly districtat torneyl The revolution in the districts of ColOn, Jiguaine and Grande is now considered ended. The inforznaticm received that the revolutionists are sur rounded in the Covogo mountains is fully confirmed. The bullion in the savings bank, since Costello first became President has di minished 5700,000. The Government authorities to-day seized an insurrectionary proclamation calling upon negroes to rise in rebellion. The authors were promptly arrested and imprisoned. - The navy has taken steps to watch the Peruvian monitors at Key West, as Cubians think the monitors intend to the at tack Havana. ' The latest Mexican advices report that, Dr.kelton, no rrespondent of the 'New York Herald, has had an award granted to him for building a railroad. It la thought this concession is worth a lion dollars to the grantee. A special frome steamer Louisiana was expected Illexleo with four ml lion dollars. Senator Henderson, of Missouri, and his party, left for the United States on the steamer Columbia- An American, named Dudley, who at tempted to leave without a passport, was detained by the authorities. The Penes says that the insgets have been totally defeated nearur Vilnla Clara, and cOnsiders the insurrection. ended in that par; of the Island. Havels:a, FebiluirT2l.—The term men tioned in the p carnation of Captain General Lersundi, ranting; amnesty to all rebels who wonid /ay down their arms and submit to U. •,vernmen, has expired. Anotherproc li !Aation has t been leaned still offering fo • • eness to all those who will leave the Jaime of the hs- Bargains, excepting the leaders and ... those convicted of crime. Revalve, February 20, via Liss he - aPIA., February2l.—One thousand Chas seurs have arrived here from Spain. At a meeting of merchanta, at the viernor General's palace, it was un animously re solved to guarantee the issue of. eight. million dollars in paper bY the l3anoo, these notes to be declared legal tenders by the Governor General. General DAlca has requested the act ing Consuls here to furnish him with M list Of the names of American resident& r. Dunlap has notified other Connie that he has assumed the offide of British. Consul. The steamer Louisiana has arrived • from Vera Cruz with $ 2 ,000,000 in specie. General Doria had a fight with and beat the rebels in Pachuca lliewalerom 31e:ice—Revolution /life Ev— erywhere. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh eszetteo The steamer fro HAva-s, February 20, 1869. • m dates from the Cit Vera Cruz brings 13th. y of Mexico to the Gen. Negrete on the 3d captured tint city of Puebla. He issued a roclama tion, but vacated the city on the tith, On: the approach of government troops, Bataking the road to Matamoros.. General ird i, of the government trodps,' now holds Puebla. The report that Porfirio. Diaz was Implicated in this movement is untrue. The revolutionary General Zepata, at Sisal, bad fled, • General Vargas having attacked the insurgents The insurrec tion in Yucatan was local merely. A revolution was expected at Guada lajara. There was considerable trouble between the military and Civil authori ties. The Governor has resigned and the courts had declared theirinability toad minister justice. A rev - elution had also broken out in Tlascata and Vicinity. A revolution has also broken out in Nuevo Leon. .Quiroga, with twelve hundred well armed men, had pronounced in favor of Santa Anna. It was reported that Gen eral Corona would be appointedMizaster to Washington. General Canto had ar rived at Durango. I The. If .. .. J atura Ilzation Quesuon and ,the Germans. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gaaette.l NEW YORK, February, 21.—A joint mass 'meeting of the German Republi cans end Democrats, allied by general committees of both parties, held this af ternoon in the Stadt Theatre; this by over five tboUsand by meeting was called to order by Gen. Franz Siegel, Republican and Oswald Oltendorter Democrat, was appointed President. 'A memorial to Congress,was adopted reciting the willingness and anxiety of both parties to aid Congress in . every_ effort to purify the bal lot box and to prevent fraudulent naturalization, bat' strentiously urging upon Congres.s not to take any step to lengthen the term of probation or to ob- - struct the attainment of the rights of citizenship, which the memorial states would be the inevitable result of the present proposal before Congress, to vest in the United States Courts the exclusive power to grant naturalization certificates. Sei,eral prominent members of both parties made speeches,_ declaring that this proposed obstruction in the prdoesa of naturalization was not alone opposed to the spirit of liberality and progress, but unjust and injurious, in view of the services rendered by 'adopted citizens during the late war. E