The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 20, 1869, Image 8

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CITY -1211.11-
The Monongahela City paper mill is
again in operation.
Mercer county has two hundred and
sixty public schools.
Au elegant now snail car has just been
placed on the-Connellsville road.
The Fifty-Seventh Pa. Vols. are to hold
re-union, at Meadville neat; Monday.
Discharged.—ln the case of Patrick
Gibbons, charged with false pretence, a
nolle pros was entered yesterday and the
def,indant discharged upon payment of
the costs.
The . Alice Mcßoberts, mentioned by
a cotempor ry
, in connection with a
prosecution for assault and battery, is
not officer Mcßoberts of the -Allegheny
police force.
The Court of quarter Sessions will
convene on the first Monday of March.
The case of the Commonwealth vs.
Roffman, charged with murder, will be
the first otise taken up.
Committed.-'-Alderman Arent, of the
Sixth ward, Allegheny, yesterday, com
mitted to jail for trial Frank Ketterly,
charged, on oath of his wife..Frederika
Setterly,,with assault and battery.
The President of the Columbus and
Chicago Railway officqilly contradicts
the sensational report, in a Cincinnati
journal, that the recent lease of that road
was secured to the Panhandle Company
'by the use of corrupt appliances with
hlinself and its other managers..
• Thanks to Hovey & Co., of Boston, fore
a copy of their beautifully illwatrated
"Catalogue and Guide to the Flower and
Vegatable Garden," for 1869. These 150
pages are replete with valuable hints and
useful instructions for both professional
and amateur devotee's to Flora and
ChM Sdaided.—On Tuesday evening
a little son or Wm. naney, a butcher re
siding in the Third ward, Allegheny,
was very badly scalded by falling into a
tub of -boiling, water,, which his father
bad been using in the slaughter house.
The injuries of the little fellow are quite
serious, and fears are entertained for his
Sisterly illiection.—Mrs. Mary Welab,
residing in the Ninth ward, alleges that
her sister, Ellen Welsh, manifested her
sisterly affection. yesterday by using ex
ceeding abusive and violent language to
ward her, and threatening to take her
life. Alderman Taylor, at the instance
of Mary, issued a warrant for the arrest
of the pugntielous Ellen.
Alleged False Pretence.—John Walker
was brought before Alderman Thomas,
yesterday, on an information for feilse
pretence preferred against himty A4,t.
antler tAcCreery, a boarding house keep._
er in the Sixth ward. The accused is
charged' with:' obtaining boarding to
the ao:Ktont of 'tett dollars by false rep
resentatioiil3. After" a hearing he was
committed for trial. -; •
• Noiwitlittantling the:really dull times
a`nd'scateity of money, it is, to our per
ional knowledge a fact that the Great
Steam Dental EEitablishment of Dr. Geo.
'W. Spencer, - No. 234 Penn street, is con.
ttrimslly, crowded with people from all
parts of the country, who are anxious to
avail themselves of his justly celebrated
skill. He keeps sixteen assistants con.
stantly employed.
Distressing Accident.--On yesterday
morping a little son of Mr. Joseptkilow
• aid, residiug in Gout ditNintit street,
was badfy scalded 4 - tbe upsetting of a
bailer filled; with. hotwatar s
which his
mother .was. attempting to, lift off the
stove. The arms and neck of the little
victim were quite severely scalded, but
ho -Setiothrtxmsequenoes are apprehend
ed. !The child was about seven years of
age. • 1 - • -
Mayorii:Cottit.=-There' were twenty
six eases.disposed of at this Mayor's Court
yesterday evening, most of which , ware
for drunkenness and disdrderly ponduct.
'Of that nnmber fourteen paid fines rang
,ing from one to ten dollars and the ctug
.totnary costs, and.the remaining twelve
;-were committal, .according to the enor
xiiity"of the offense With which they were
'charged; flir'peiriods of from twenty-four
to thirty: days. , . . •
Ran OVer.-Zast evening about
o'clock a boy about fifteen years of age,
While attempting tocross Wood street,
near Diamonfl alloy, in front of an ap
proaching dray, was knocked down, but
fortunately received no other injury be
yond a severe fright. The affair caused
quite an excitement in the locality, but
the crowd which gathered aronbd was
relieved of all anxiety by seeing the boy
in a few minutes get up, put on his hat
and walk off as thoughnothing had hap
Soldiers' Monument. —The Soldiers'
Monument Association will hold a meet
ing this afternoon at half past two o'clock,
in the rooms of the Young Men's Chris
tian Association, 51' Fifth avenue." It is
desirable that every member be present.
,The Question of locating the nionntnent
still remains unsettled, and as the matr
ter has been held in abeyance for some
time, It shorild
,be pretty well matured
at this date. The meeting this afternoon
promises to be more than usually inter
eating and important. ' • •
An Awful Sacrifice in lace gads, trim-
wings, embroideries and notions is now
going on at the store occupied by the late
firm of DEttallil3oll' & Heckert,lTo. 27 Fifth
avenue. It will be remembered that
' Macrum 6c Carlisle purchased the entire
stock at public sale, and are now run
ning it out/ at very cheap prices. The
stock must he all sold, no matter what
the sale realizes, so that our readers
should not 'fail to avail themselves of the
opnortunit • to secure unusual bargains
in choice, i rst-class goods.
The Nicoisou in Allegheny.—There is
soma talk among residents on the line of
Qnio street, in ,the Eighth ward, Alle
gheny, of having the Nicolson pavement
laid in • front of their- properties. The
street will be paved Meat spring and the
water and gas .eittended along the thor
oughfare. The street would:require but
little grading, and it is thought that the
small addliloaal cost of the, Nicolson :
overthevaible stone pavement would
be trifling compared with, theadvantaget
of the former. r '
The; Keystone Pottery.—lt has been the
'arm of Messrs. Kier et, Co., in the mann
. .facture of Q,ueensware, to produce work
which in - quality would fully equal and
;n ,price be censiderablv cheaper than
that imported from abroad. Of the sue.
ease which has attended their efforts the
beet evidences are seen in the large
trade which they have already secured,
and the terms of commendation and
praise with which their manufactures
are everywhere spoken of. Any of our
readers who wish articles in their line
would do well to call at the warernoms,
No. 359 Liberty street, and examine the
stock 011 hand. •
Washington's Birthday.—Monday, the
22d of February, is the anniversary. of
Washington's birthday, arid,alegal holi
day. Persons having business with the
banks should remember this Act and
act accordingly, as the banks will be
closed that day.
Overboard.—An amateur oarsman of.
this city, while taking a little exercise in
his graft on the Allegheny' river this
morriing, was capsized near the „Mechan
ics street bridge, by the waves made by
a passing towboat. The accident was
noilced by a number of persons on- the
bank, a couple of whom procured askiff
and rescued, him. His boat was also
brought safely to shore, but the oars and
his hat:floated off.
Patent Right Difficulty.
George Day and Nicholas Knoerr, res
idents of the Seventh ward, Allegheny,
got into a row on Thursday in regard to
the ownership of a certain patent right.
The difficulty occurred in the yard cat
ncted with Knoerr's tannery, and Day
alleges that Knoerr pushed hint off the
premises, using violence in so doing and
accompanying this action with a threat
to'tear down the water spouts connected
with a tannery [owned by Day. The
next morning the spouts were down and
accordingly Day proceeded to Alderman
Mullin's office and made informatimi
against Knoerr for assault and battery
and surety of the peace. The accused
was arrested and after a hearing gave
bail for Court.
The Tables Turned.
Leonard Praeger made information be
fore Alderman Taylor yesterday against
John Henry Roswog, better known as
"Cooney" Roawog, for , assault and bat
tery. The parties are employed at Post
ley, dr, Co.'s shovel factory in the Ninth
ward:. Yesterday morning they got into
a difficulty, which finally came to blows,
Praeger, according to his statement, be
ing hit several times in the face by Ros
wog with his fist. The accused was ar
rested, and upon putting in an appear
ance at the Alderman's office , entered a
cross•suit against Praeger for assault and
battery, alleging that Praeger created
the row by first striking him with a bir
of iron. Both parties were required to
give bail for a hearing this evening at
seven o'clock.
Choice Segars.
Since the law-makers for the National
Government have decided it essential,
in order to raise sufficient revenue, to
impose a tax on tobacco, which is very
properly considered a "luxury," it has
been with the greatest difficulty that
those accustomed to indulge in the luxu
ry of smoking could find an article of
segars, at any price, which would com
pare in quality of flavor with what they
Ibrmerly used. That difficulty has been
obviated, and smokers can now, by call
ing at No. 45 Hand street, John Me
gratv's, obtain the very best article of
segars at the most reasonable prices: - He
alsokeeps a full stock of the best brands
efehewing tobacco, as well as a large as
sortment of pipes, segar tubes, Ate.
Caught at last.
Some time since an old man was,
knocked down and robbed of about
eleven dollars, tin a station house of the
Western Pennsylvania Railroad located
at the intersection of the railroad and
Chestnut street, Fourth ward, Allegheny,
the particulars of which we published.
The robber escaped with bis.booty. and
nothing was ,done in the , matter until
yesterday, when .the Allegheny pollee
arrested. William twins Flatty Boyle, a
well known character, on suspicion of
being the guiltpparty. At the hearing
before Mayor Dram the accused was
positively Identified by the man who had
been the victim of the robbery. Several
other 'circumstances also corroborated
this testimony and "Flatty" accordingly
wds tommitted, in default of bail, for
Disorderly House.
Yesterday morning Mr. Stewart Robin
son made information before Alderman
Lindsay against ,Patrick and Mary Mc-
Zaino, and Jane Deanney, for maintain
ing a diSorderly house on Third street,
'Third ward, Allegheny. The accused
occupy, the_lower part of the house
owned byMr.Robinson, and the
Upper part bit' rented to Edward Shahan.
• He , elates that complaints have reached
him:very often of late of the disorderly
character of the accused, and from per
sonal investigation he,is satisfied of the
With of the charges hence the suit.
Edward Simi:lan, occu pant of the upper
part of the house, also made information
against Mrs. McCann for surety of the
peace, and his wife, Margaret. lodged in
formation against Patrick McCann and
Jane Deanney for agglavated assault and
battery', The accused were all arrestod,
and after a hearing , were - committed to
ail for, trial. '
Stove Larceny.
Andrew Jackson still lives. ' Yesterday
he called at Alderffur Mcllfasters' office
and made informati / I against Boise. Susan
Lucas for larceny as' bailee.. Andrew
and Sugan are both colored. , Andrew
states that Susan appealed to him for the
Man of a cooking stove, in order that she
might set .np housekeeping, and take in
boarders, by which she expected to
maintain herself ? and, Übe desired, pay
him for the article. Her appeal was so
affecting that the. gallant Andrew could
not resist it, and the loan was granted..
Subsequently, he alleges, Mrs. Lama
.on a spree, and noon making in
quiries he discovered that the had not
`gone to , housekeeping, as proposed, but
had pawned the stove for, five dollars,.
with which she was rioting. Feeling ag
grieved and wrathful at this piece of
treachery, he foathwith made the infor
mation as stated, upon which a warrant
was issueff.
Wes/1 billet Fah%
There has been n progress for several
days past in Wertanhapel, corner of
Liberty and Seventeenth streets, a grand
Fair Festival, under the anipices of
the ladies cf that congregation. The
chapel presents a beautiful appearance,
being handsomely decorated, and we
know of no place where an evening can
be more pleasantly spent. The follow
ing articles : are being warmly and spirit
edly contested for by, friends of ;Tepee.
tive candidates: an elegant gold watch
for theAnostpopulargentleman; a recep
tion chair for the most popular Council
man; a gold headed cane for the favorite
physician; a conductor's lamp and out-fit
1 ,0
for railro conductors, and a pair of
splendid king stoves, ( the: princely
donations f the well known foundry
men, Mess a. John Roney and McKee dr.
Sons,) and' a complete out-fit for a bed
chamber to the most amiable young
lady.. The choicest of refreshments and
confectionaries are provided by the ladies
for visitors; and as the festival keeps up
for a weekilonner we earnestly urge our
readers to pay it a. visit, and thus help
on, a good , ause, as the object, the repair
of the chapel, is worthy the charity of all.
,ritvgrAp . g.Lp 4 ggnk i .,oo..m:4.7,;. : ,,,:F:FOTTA,Ti.. , _.'.q",. - : . ...1. 1 ,
•• Blacknuslllug:
For some time past retail dealers in
liquors, especially proprietoin -of small
saloons, in and around the ti. , o cities,
have been much annoyed and hunted
down by parties claiming to be in the
interests of justice 'and law, while their
real object, if "actions speak ldnder than
words," is undoubtedly . blackmailing.
The particular point at which these pseu
do-law preservers aim is the abolishment
of the liquor traffic on Sunday. For this
purpose, a strict watch Is kept on the sa
loons, and every violator of the law is
pounced upon immediately; and com
pelled sometimes, and only sometimes, to
appear before a magistrate and pay the
penalty. The general rule, however, is
to levy a tads upon the unfortunate indi
vidual, which finds its way into the
pocket of the supposed watchful guardi
an of the law, who thereat er, as long as
the specie d tax fs promptly paid, as
sumes one of the /ma thictd, character
istics of ustice-Lthat of blindnes.s.
A case in illustration occurred yester
day. A person whom we shall desig
nate as Smith, because his name was not
Smith, mlde information before an Al
legheny Alderman againnt Brown, for ,
false, pretencm Smith jalleged that
Brown havl collected twenty- fi ve dollars
from a sateen keeper in .Rittabugh, by.
falsely representing that ,
authorized to collect Abe -same by
Smith, to• whom, it ; ;wasati. A
• farther development ,of 'the case
revealed the fact thal this motley was
the amount of tax which bee been
levied by_ Smith upon the Woolf -keeper
for services , rendered, that ILO. day for
keeping quiet in regard'in his #lolattons
of the Sunday liquor late. The ,proso
cuter, hesitatingly, of , conise, wits tool
pelled to reveal this part of the' transac
tion in order to sustain his cane •which
we understand was hold over; by. the
Alderman for a future decision.:,
Now, thia is not a solitary case, although
it is perhaps made out; somewhat more
directly than some of theseereeei others,
which might be adducted and which are
occurring every day.,. at Is nothing but
just that every viola ()Vibe law in this
or any other point quid, I:ie *ode to
suffer, but not in , id. manna'. ' Let
them be • returned p,' erly to the'troper
authorities, and be fully dealt - wail,
but not placed ma such a Vetoes of.
blackmailing and Oafs/Nish knavery: The
attention of those
_itli whom this matter
snecialiv belongs . ,t be very profit*:
bly turned in this, .i /action, and no 'pro--
ductive of benefic fruits, : '
Bar-room i?lgbt—A:lllaii's Nose and -Ear
A very disgraceful and somewhat se:
rious affair occurred at Joe Armstrong's
saloon, or bar-rooin, on Fifth avenue,
near Tunnoll street, about ten o'clock on
Thursday night irt - the woof a llar-rooni
tight, partaking more of, thenature of , an
engagement between two members 9f
the canine race than a set-to between pro
fessors of the "manly, art." The beliger
ants were Sam. Share and George Young,_
a pair of "sportinegentlemen:of leisure,
the latter hailinerom Philadelphia, and
the former •a active of this city.. The
parties naniedint Company with a num
ber of their comions, were at Arm
strong's saloort-drinklng. when a. diffi
culty arose betsireen Shore and. Young
which, they decided to 'settle by "cheap
ing" and beating each other, and after
.the manner:of dngs• they ment at .their
work. Their commnionsilmany of whom
were of that class of- community who
patronize "cocas, pits" arid "dog fights."
doubtless enjoyed the fez, and -allowed
them to tight it out; nAtije,,retsult Was that
Shore gene olit-vtliliWsPotiti!'. Minns a
part of one ear, and' the point of his t10:30
bitten almost of Dr. Pollock was called
in and repaired the nose as well as the
nature of the case would admit of.
Yesterday morning Shoreappeared be
fore the Mayor and made information
charging Young with;
malicious may
hem,,which is a very serious offense.
The punishment is. by. o fine not te
exceed one thousand dollars, the three
fourths of which-gees to the person in
jured, and imOrifionment in the Peniten
tiary for a period not exceeding five
years. Yong was arrested arid - taken be
fore the Mayor, who held him to bail in
the sum of three thoesand dollars for his
appearance at court. - •
John Myer, , a resident of Birmingham,
was robbed of hie watch, pocket-book
containing ten dollars, and several arti
thes'of clothing in an alley in the rear of
Schniidt's Saloon, Smithfield street, near
Fifth avenue, on Thursday evening about
eight o'clock. He had been in the sa
loon a short time befbre, and left coneid
erably under the Influence of liquor.
'He remembers going into the alley, but
nothing further of hie operations. He
was discovered by Mr. Schmidt standing
at the gate leading into his back yard,
and when brought Into the bodge made
knoyin his loss. He ' thinks he was
drugged in. the alleyy and then robbed.
The, perpetrators of the deed, besiddstak-
It:1g kis watch and money, stripped him
of his coat, pants and boots, which they
also carried off; leavinz him indebted to
the kindness of Mr. Schmidt for the
loan or sufficient 'Wearing apparel to
make him presentable in the street on
WS way home. There is no 'clue to the
depredators. -
Yesterday morning about ten o'clock,
a man whose name could not be asoer
tained, was noticed walking along the
track of the Pennsylvania Railroad near
Nineveh station, by the engineer of the
Baltimore express train, coming west.
The engineer gave the signal, and whis
tled down brakes, but ,the train could
not be checked up in time and the mart
failing to heed the alarm. was struck by
the cow-catcher of the looomotive and
thrown from the track. a distance, of
several yards. - 'As soon as the train could
be stopped the employes went, back and
found him lying on the ground ,insensi
ble. He was picked up and conveyed
to New Florence, where medical attend
ance was procured. Se revived , some
what in a short time, but was unable to
speak. Although no bones were broken,
he is • severely injured internally. and
the physician in attendance fears he may
not recover. , •• •• •
City Mortality.
Dr. Whitmer Snively, Physician of the
Board of Health, reports the following
internients in the city or P i t tsbur g h
from February
1889 :
Diseases--Unknown,•• l ; • apoplexy, 1;
7th. to Februaty 16th,
pneumonia, 6; typhoid fever 2; cholera
111:1;facnontusumEnt 2 p ; ii i o n n fla ,
4 m ; m b
ro a o o n t a o ti f s t , • bg y w d e r l o. e,
thorax, 1; inflamation of the bowels, 1;
croup, 1; convulsions, 1; scarlet fever, 1;
enteritis, 1; heart disease, 1; congestion
of the brain, 1; cyanoeis, 1; still born, 2;
psoae abcess, 1; burn 2.
Of the above there were under 1 Year,
15; from 1 to 2,3; from 2 to s,l;.fromb to
10, 1; from 10 to 15, 2; from 15 to 20, 1;
from 20 to 30, 2; from 30 to 40,.3; from 40
to 504 3; from 60 to 70, 2; from 70 to 80. 1.
Females...l3 I Colored
Males - 21 1 White ' . .''
0 Totah..34.
Bitten Otr.
Bold Blgbwity Bobliery.
Kriooked off Ulf Track.
Seecind Street.
Some time ago we called the attention
of the street authorities to the condition
of Second street, stating that unless cer
repairs or alterations were made it
would become necessary to repave the
entire street from the Birmingham
bridge to l na summit. As an evidence
of the correctness of our conclusions at
. 1
that time, we refer to the present condi
tion of the street, which, between the
points named, is so badly torn up as to
necessitate the repaving of the street en
tire to put it in proper condition.
It is asserted by a "citizen" that the
work was poorly done in the begginning;
that the large cobble stones from thegnt
ters on Fifth avenue and Wood street,
4 7
taken up to be replac dby Nicolson pave
ment, were used n p ving Second
street, and that the and I which they
' were imbedded was wet. Others con
tend, on the contrary, that the work was
properly done arid the cause of the diffi
culty is the spouty nature of the ground,
in consequence of which the road is con
tinually damp. With these matters,
however, we have nothing to do now.
The fact that the street was paved and
taken off the contractor's hands, by the
proper officers, is sufficient evidence that
the work was properly done, but it was
no evidence of its durability. There is . a
very large amount of travel upon the
street, and of a very heavy characte4
which will In some measure account for
its bad condition, and is at the same time
a good reason why it should be put in
proper repair. It would be an excellent
place to test the qualities of the Nicolson.
_ of jotter'
Buchanan - Postoffice Feb
ruary 19th, 1
Hetzell, E. } N
Hushes,Mts.P.;;Nearsiy. M.
Hunter, 1'...1. I . 0
Haves, Hum.lo`Donsid.Wm,
ilorton. btra.C.;oll.stro, M.
Hamilton. A.. o'C:donor. K.
lletern, Jolla. O'Connor, If.
Hughes, Pat'k., P
; Fivnaresy,Mtiv. I Phillips. Suite.
I lia.alage. Frank I PhiVips. John,
Jr 'Patton, W7n.
. ; Powell, Geo.E.
Johns. t__.' Johnston,'
M. Pearce . ; Lizzie.
Jones. Ellen. 1 R
Jones, T. G., !Robertson. B.
Joon', Jonah. IBlchants. M,
• K . ;hew, Evan, -
King, A. . S •
Keatlog. P. ;Pprlnger, L,
Keyhum Kate ;Shook. Levi,
IKrepps. J. W. 'Statham, J.
.L • ; IStAwart, S.
Leonard, V. ISanvage, M.
Manta'. A. ;Swaney. S.
Lluhart, Mary, Stepherts,W.D.
Lorentz: L. 'Smith, Go.
M ,Rnlth, Thos.
Macheth. A. ; T
atorley. Kale. ITltompson,Jas.
Michaels. Jae. !Taylor, Emma.
;Male. Marla. ,ThornUm, B.
;Moore", N ick., 'V
; lleawy, peontalVannoomon,G.
, tiltchel, Jane. , ; 'W
Mitchtl, itota't, ;Wagner, R.
Mitchel, Mary.; Williams, D.O.
Morton. Chas. ; Willis. E.
Moots Dowry. W I Wallace, Jane.
Morgan, A. 1)- IWuse, Alex.
;Mungaven, P.',l' Wood, Chas.
illiulliihilli. T. `Woodward. W.
Miller, Bertha.llVenver, J. C..
• Me ' Wallace. Jane.
McCarthvl'D• ; Warman. E. ILlWard, Thomas;
i bicGroiran,Jaa. , Watson, ta. S.
'Mel:lolly. aim Watson, Mrs,
aicDonald'. Jas. ;0: titer, s.
Mclntosh, Mrs. Ward, Martha.
Mclntorh, Mrs. Waiter, T. C.
Dr. Wareham, Jas.
hicAllister,'S. Wise. Um.
Mclntosh. Jno. Wober..C•
Malt rmott. T. Willard, M. I - ,
McDonald, P. Wagner. ;Kate.
McKee. C. C. I Wtryian. Kate.
Mc ly. .1 , 41 n,. T
McDonald. J. Taney, 'Lewis,
McCracken. J. 4.,..
Mire°, R.
Asbery, Thos.
Adams. Adolibh
BOrton, M
Brown. N. 0.
Buchanan, J.
Berk, litrtv.
Curtley. W,
Mack, Johu d.
Brook, Lori G
'Crawley, M. A.
Bliddely, Jos.
'Gerd, Marl J.
Brown. Joe.
- C
Cook, Beo.l
Crouse, M. If.
'Corcoran. Jno.l
Gaining', It.
Cox, W. T.
Clark. Win.
C + an ion, M.
11rOnto. Adam.
Campbell. U.
Cox, Jobn.
Cavanagh, 11.
Campbell. R.
Canine, Rosie.
craft, V. D.
(wisp, Thus.
Coslett. Thos.
Dowden. Jas.
Doyle, Sl•chael.
Do an, Andrew
Day 14 tom:M..7.
Dodson. Sam'l.
Dacey, sarsh.
Davis, John J.
Evans, John T.
Evans, M. S.
Felker, )1. W.
Fryant. sry e.
Finorghso. M.
Flock; 'Win. J.
Freder.ek, Jog.
Forger. Jao.N.
Gallagher, P.
Guiy, lzsle.
H•rrle. Frank
Generous Course
A merchant who will sacrifice profit 1.
-ordettt6Be godd and :charitable' set to
wards his feflow'man, Is worthy the it
most respect and confidence, and inns
much as we have in view a dealer who
in view of the poverty and want of large
Classes of the community, has deter
mined to sell flour, the staple of life, at
prime cost to all his customers, we' feel
he is pre.aminently worthy the proud
distinction. We may as well give the
llama, as we will - thus benefit many per
sons and say that our enterprising and
spirited citizen, Mr. C. A. Boucher, whose
extensive and commodious "Original
Ited Front Grocery" is at No. 114 Smith
field street, opposite the Postofficet has
determined to sell 'the famous thine
River Flour at two dollars per sack, de
livering It free to residences, boats and
depots. Not' a few will promptll take
advantage of this act of philantbrophy
and business generosity, and long' may
Boucher live and flourish in good deeds,
the. Ladles. •
For the benefit of our lady readers,
who are desirous to know where they can
be accommodated with trimmings, lace
goods, and notions of a superior quality
upon most reasonable terms-, we call-at
tention to the establishment of W. W.
Moorhead, No. 81 Market street. whose
stock to one of, the largest and best se
lected, and the best to select from, now
offeredto the public. Ili:order to make
room for the spring trade, the time for
which is rapidly approaching, his im
mense stook of superior goods is being
sold at reduced prices, and ladies when
on a shopping tour will find it to their
advantage to call and examine it. A
large force of courteous and accommo
dating assistants are constantly employ
ed in the establishment, and customers,
no matter whether they purchase or not,
receive proper attention.
Whet They Will Do.
Dr. Ross' Remedies are purely'vegeta
ble preparations, ana area sing moke
good to the'people than any other me
clues ever' offered to the public. They
are sold at one dollar per bottle, and
generally one or.two bottles have the de
sired effect. We make a specialty of the
following diseases, and warrant a cure in
every case: Acute oc Chronic Rheuma
tism, Catarrh, we have cured hundreds
of cases, some of long standing; Dyspep-,
els, we believe we have the beat remedy
for this disease ever compounded- For
diseases of the Throat and Lungs our
Tar. Compound is doing wonders. i Dr.
Ross' Remedies are manufactilrect and
for sale wholesale and retail, at Noe. 28
and 28 Stith street, (late St.
• Cree Brothers are now selling their
entire, stock to quit business. A rare op
portunity• to. secure bargains, as it is be
ing sold regardless of oost. You save
fifty per cent. by calling soon at 28 Fifth
avenue. •
Enmities Visiting Boston can- find no
better accoMmodations than a suite of
rooms at the American Rouse, with bath
rooms; closets, Ate. , Close to principal
places of business and. amusement.
, .
The place to • get White lame, Cal
cined piaster• Hydraulic Cement. is at
Eoker & Caskey's. is Smithfield street.
114 Sheeting Mualine just opened At
'L M. Burchfield tic C 0.% o. 52 Bt. Clair
Initial Paper at Pitteek's, opposite the
March: Magazines at Pitiook's.
A Certain Sign
It is a good index of the prosperity of
any business house that may be com
pelled, for want of proper accommoda
tion for the transaction of the trade
directed thereto, to abandon old es
tablished quarters for' new ones more
expensive and more commodious. It is
a sign that the •house has a solid basis,
and on 'merit alone rushes ahead of
slower neighbors. As an evidence of
this fact it is but necessary here to cite
the rapid growth into popularity — and de
mand of the Weed Sowing Machine,
which was only a few years ago intro
duced into this market for public favor.
Its high merits were soon discovered by
the discriminating public, and from
year to year the sales became larger and
larger, till the enterprising agents,
Messrs. Long dr. Harvison, were corn
pelled to seek more extensive quarters
for their business. The stand on Grant
street, so long identified with the
machine, had to be abandoned,
and to-day the firm is located
in ono of the largest and handsomest
stores of the city, No. 116 Market street.
The building has been remodeled I
throughout, and in point of elegance and
completeness Is unsurpassed. The front,
which is supplied with mammoth plate
glasti panes reaching from the ceiling of
the first floor to the ground, faces St.
Clair street, commanding a fine view
across the bridge and into, the heart of
Allegheny City, and can be seen from
every point of approach, being decidedly
elegant and conspicuous. . The main
salesroom is richly furnished and car
peted, and contains a line assortment of
the various styles of the famous Weed
machines. The second floor is also oc
cupied as a salesroom and for exhibition
and storage. In the mammoth windows
are placed specimens of the • sewing of
t the “Weed,' which arrest the attention
,and challenge the heartiest admiration
la all who pass that way, especially
the ladies, who are most interested. We
are glad to observe this fresh evidence of
the continued popularity of the Weed
Sewing Machine, and trust it may ever
enjoy the proud position to which en:
titled from 10anerits.
- I Immense Forced SaleS.
The well known firm of Smithson t-
Co., AuCtioneers, 55 and 57 Fifth avenue,
seem determined that their reputation
for doing business shall not suffer, judg:
ing from the announcement of the im
mense stock of boots and, shoes which
they are now disposing of at low prices.
ThelitoCk is-principally from banki apt
and Sheriff's sales in the East, and must
bo closed out at once. The stock em
braces levery style of ladies, misses,
gents - and boys' boots,
shoes and gaiters,
all manufactured in the best manner of
excellent mater ial. Country dealers
who desire to replenish their stock, as
well as retail purchasers, should not
fail to call, as rare bargains may be se
A Disiiniutshed llicthodlstMinisterand
prominent Temperance Leetureronce re
marked that go where he would, from
one end of the country to the other, he
hardly over failed to find Plantation Bit
ters, and while li e condemned the prac
tide of using the Bitters too freely, he
could not conscientiously say that he
would ;discard them front the side-board,
for he' himself had experienced bene
ficial froth their fuse, and that,
from a long and close obse'rration, he
was convinced that when used moder
ately; and as a medicine exclusively,
they were all that was recommended.
"At the Saida tithe he warned his heafere
not tepull the cork too often, for they
were far too pleasant atonic to trifle with.
MAQNoLre W.aTER.--Stiperior to the
best imported Getman Cologne, and sold
at hall the price. • , THLTY.
Harper, Atlantic, Putnim,Galtiay, Lip
ineott, Godey, DeMorest's Lady's Friend,
Arthur's Once• A Month, Young Folks,
and all the late Eastern weeklies at Pit
tock'Et, opposite the Postollioe. -
New Table Linens, Towels, Napkins
'stud Prints just opened at J. M. Burch
field & Co.'s, No. 52 St. Clair street.
An Esti . a Good Bargain. Black Poplin
Alpacasl for walking &leases at J. M.
Carr% 118 Federal street.
Largest assorizaelit of French Note
Paper and Envelopes in the city is at Pit
took's, opposite the Postoince.
Boots and Shoes.—The Mammoth Boot
and Shoe Emporium of.H. B. Smithson
.dt Ca, Maud b 7 Fifth avenue, was never
stocked with a larger and better assort
ment of boots and shoes than at the pres.
ent time. It consists of men, women
and children's wear, and is especially
adapted to the winter season. It is a well
known fact that tifty per cent. can be
saved by purchasing at this house. Pri
vate sales this day and evening.
•Handsome Calidos now opening at
J. M. Carr's, 118 Federal street.
frolrs Gold Pens at Pittock's, oppo
site the Postottioe.
The best and Origmat Tonic of Iron,
Phosphorus and Calisaya, known as
Caint'ell, Meek & Co's Ferro Dolga°.
rated Elixir of Censer' Bark. The Iron
restores color to the blood, the Phospho:
rue renews waste et the nerve tissue, and
the Caßeayac at s a natural healthful
time to thedigestive mans, thereby
curing dyspeps a in its various forms,
Wakefulness, General Debility and De•
preesion of Spirits. Manufactured only
by Caswell, Bamrd & Co., New York.
Sold by all druggists.
Five Handred
`Pairs Men's Heavy Boots. -
Pairs Men's Kip Boots.
• Pairs - Ladies' High Cut Polish Boots.
Pairs Misses Polish Boots. •
Pairs Children's Lasting Boots.
Pairs Children's Morocco Boots.
To be:sold this day at the Opera House
Auction Rooms, at private sale, at auc
tion pripes.
Imported—A new stock of Broche Shawls
' • 'black, scarlet and white
oent - res. Breakfast Shawls,
bright colors, fresh, good and
attractive prides.
- •
BAT dc - Bau.
•21 Fifth avenue.
Plnk, Buff and Blue Perelens,
jnat received at J. M. Burchfield Co.'s,
No. 52 St. Clair street.
Very Handsome Prints just opened a
J. M. Carr's, 118 Federal street.
Photograph Albums, Wallets, and
Prang's Chromes at Planck's, opposite
the' Postpflice.
Biack and Colored Sins selling cheap
at 3. M. Burchfield & Co.'s, No. 82 St.
Clair street. ' ,
Handkerchiefs of ull Muds: cheap, a
J.Bl. 'Carr's, 118 Federal street.
EtttplicockPa pima 151 t o. at Pi
took's, opposite the •Poatoflice.
lLaiwßoolts - in large. assortment; com
prising volumes Esteetded valua
second-hand books of ancient and
moern writers, rare and attractive to
book connoisseurs; first quality legal,bus
iness and epiatolary st at lonery,envelopes,
pens, pencils, inks, etc.; together with all
the latest magazines and illustrated pa
pers, will be found at the old estab
lished and ever popular literary head
quarters of Col. J. D. Egan. Sixth avenue,
near Smithfield street. Go there for any
and everything in the literary line you
may want, as nowhere else can you pro
cure better advantages in selection and
Attractions.—We offer at reasonable
prices a most attractive stock
of Housekeeping Goods,
Linens of every make. Lin
en Shirt Fronts, Handker
chiefs, Quilts, Crib and Cradle
Spreads, Tea Cloths, Furni
ture Coverings. Our assort
ment is fresh from celebrated
makers. BATES BELL.
There are meals served at the Conti-_
nontal Dining Room every day which ,
could hardly fail toewaken the dormant
activities , of the" most satiated epicure.
This may seem a strong assertion, but
any of our readers are at liberty to ques
tion its truth, provided they first call at
the Continental, next door to the Post
office, Fifth avenue.
If you want to buy Boots, Shoo or.
Gaiters this day at private aale; - ' at auc
tion prices; go to the Opera House Ano
tion Rooms.. -
Bate* & Bell—lnvite your attimtion to,
their assortment of Plain
Dress Goods, Americah
Silks,- Mourning Goods,
Flannels, Ladles' Under
wear, Chemises,Drawers,
Night Dresses, Corset
Covers and Dressing
The “Continental," next doer to' the
Postalee, Fifth ayenue, still continues
to be place of eager resort by business
men nd others who are - compelled to
take inner in the city. Holtzheimer
understands their wants, and takes
pride and pleasure .14 supplying them,
hence the popularity of his establish
ment.' -
Constitution Water is a certain cure (et
Diabetes and all diseases of the Kid
neys. For sale by all Druggists.
Complete.—We have new French Corsets
- of ail s, Bradley's Hoop
Skirts, (new styles) Notting
ham Curtains and Net Gilt
Cornice , and Vestibule Lace.
21 Fifth street.
Shaving, Bair;Dressing or Bathing.—
No better place for either than at the
finely furnished apartments of H. B. Wil
lliatnson, No. 190 Federal street, Alle
gheny. - • a
Don't forget to go to the Opera House
this day. Private sales at auction.pri
VOIGT—PHILLIPS - -On Thirtday, the IRth
Inst—tit the resideace of the bride's parents. by
Res. S. Laird. Dir. A. IL Voll3l . 'Whfiss3tAlßß
PHILLIPS, all of this city.
ALEI . AIA E N - _,_ • • UNDER-
. 'Mi, aim e - . - e - ry description of Funeral Fur.
tashing • Goods ft rubbed. Booms open day and
night. Wars* , $ rid Carriages tarnished.
BATICRZXCES—hay. Dario Kerr. D. D., Her .M.
W. Jacobus. D. D., Thomas Hying, Zee., Jacob
H Hiller, Hee.
.AVN.NT.Ia Allegheny City, where their C01 , .71.2i
DOOMS e constantly supplied Wltit real and '
initiation t o ewood,' Mahogany and - Walnut
Coeins, at prices t 'trying froml.4 to $lOO. Bo
dies prepared - for int, recent. Hearses and Car
riages b..rnithed,* also. . 11 cinds of Mourning
Goods, If required. (Mee of en at all hours, day
. ,
ET, Allegheny, seeps constantly on hand
& large assortment of ready-made Coffin, of the
r. Rowing kinds: First, the celebrated American
Brats' Cases, Metallic Self-sealing -Air-tight
Casts and Caskets, and Rosewood, Walnat and z
Itclewo• d -Imitation Coffins,.
;roe& &sirs p wards. Itosewot Imitation Conine
from $5 tpwards, and no pains will beeared
to give' entire satisfaction. Crape andl:Coves
carnished free (reborn. Beet Hearses and Oar
rlatteg tarnished en short noti c e. Carrilures far- ;.
ri f led to friderals at 49 ", •
Idennfaetured by PETER 139111 RE, 921 Or
ford street, London:
This coup has been. by a 'peculiar process,
freed from the excess of alkali almost invariably .
imsnd even in the purest soaps, also at the same
time . It is made to take up a' large quantity
of Glycerine (40 per cent ) It is to this latter
substance that it chiefly °ivy) its s , ,othing Val-
ity—softening the akin. preserving the complex
preventing chapping and the unpleasant
roughness experienced In cod weather. It is „;
producedost useful in alleviating the irritation
by dryness of the skin.
tm acNttttnt of its great purity It recommends
Itself to all, persons treat suffer from the use of
common 501.14; tor delicate skins' it is the only
soap that can be totelated. It Is particularly
useful for cleansing diseased skins where the ir
ellattloil Produced by ordinary soaps causes so
much inconvenience.
It is the most agreeable shaving soap that can
be used, leaving the lace soft and comfortable.
The soaps usually sold as Glycerine tioaps con
titn little or no Glycerine. It is only necessary
nineply the
disctonue to the surface, nrd the gen
will be nguthed trout the spurious by - -
the sweet taste. AGENT.
8111110 N - JOHNSTON,
Corner Smithfield Street and Fourth
Avenue, Pittsburgh.
Cor. of Penn and St.ClairStreefs,
Has now' in ' stock ono of the largest and mast
yarn d assortments of
Fall, and . Winter Goods
er ' brought to thls tit!: His stock embraces ,
all the latest French and Ensile' manufactures oe .•
CLOMP; MUM= AID omoogramo. f ,
Also. a full line of Gent's Furnishing floods.
, . .
Per all the latest sqles cut clothes, num% a _ ' i
nest material, and by Bret•class workmen, an d
• Drees InTrishillP low. go to the well khcl 72 i,
non O. 50 BT. CLAIR BTRZET, now filstlir
=cm. V. DALY, Y. D S. B. 8112 TON. N. D.
AIiEOOIATED themselves together for the
. .
Office,. No. 198TOORTON .1•17E10714
ghitie • '.. THOS. F. DALIC,Df• ••
1113 frU l7Viall • H. 8. BUTTON, M. D. .!•.,•