The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 20, 1869, Image 6
C. STEEL WORKS. DUQUESNE WORKS, COLEMAN, .RAII3I & CO„ Manufacturera of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND -SPRINCS, Duquesne Iron, Sheet and Tank Iron, Juniata Iron. Wagon Box Iron:Charcoal Iron. Cylinder Iron, XL Iron. ,lrlanged Cutter Bars, guard Iron, Drag and Broer B ' ars TRIM for Coal Roads, Iron Wedges lat Rail for .Coal Roads, Boller t a p , n, Crow pars,Chain Links, ' Boller Heads, el and Iron Ha rrow Teeth, Carriage, Walton, t and Coach t. , prings, and. Axles, all styles: b Steel fot Plows. Cultivator Steel:Steel Wings and 'Moulds cat to pattern. s..ring rteel all 'sties. A. B. Steel and idled Tire, Steel Crow Bars. , Steel Shafting. &e. I 1 ALL GOODS FIRST CLASS AND tABBAN SIMI - - lEiP•Offlees and Works 16th street sad Alle gheny river and 77. WATER, STREET. frivan Flits nnrgn. • P GODEFFROY BRANCKER 611 CO., 42 Diclutnge Place, New York, Are prepared, as Sole Aieuts in the 'United States for 'the Prussian. Mining and Iron Com: Davy of Duisburg, Westphalli, to contract or sell in quantities to suit purchasers, (delivered in either New York gr Philadelphia,) the celebiated SPIEGELEISEN 111sed co extensively for the naannfactnrinq of BESSEMER STEEL. -! This , Iron is free from Bulimr and Rhospborns, And coMsfns a heavy per eetOnge of Manganese. Pull particulars, samples, prices or chemical analysis will be promptly Sorwarded on applica stion. ja3o:d7R S HEFFIELD STEEL wowiEL BINGER, MICK &.00., P/TTSBUTIG3SI. lifsatifactiarers of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, Eir AMPS, zuar.:c. PLATFORM SPRING% AXLES, BTICEL TIRE, Warehouie, 83 Water and 100 First Sta. IIeLLER, BARR & PARKIN. conrsr.AT. rAlimizes WAL METCALF, I REUBEN MILLER, 6E9. W. RABIC, I CHAS. PARKIN. BPZCIAL PARTNER-S. M. EMI. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, KIILER, BARR & pARKff, Office, No. 339 .Liberty St, PITTSBURGH, P.A.. b114:d48 BLACK ;DIAMOND; sTrxL. WORKS. ,PARK, BRMMR & CO., Manufaastnrers of all descriptions of Office and Wareicina__,_ _C • 14110,1519. 194 SECOND and 119 and 191111 EST STREETS, IRON:..VIORKS. JAIL Viunnia,:Preet Cir.Tf'Pairriutqatip , t. pITTEIRERGII . FORGE AND IRON CO., meserrecTtraims 07 Bar Irina Railroad Fish Bars and Bolt.; sallroad Car Axles Relied; Railroad Car. Axiee Hammered; Loeomotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes;' Side Baler, Yokes, Straps; Piston Heady, Steamboat Shafts; • Steamlbost Crankal Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman jacci, Collar*, 80. - Ofllce s No 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA ELLERSEREN PROCISS. The Trustees are now nrepared to grant Il e ti for the use of the ELLERSHAUSIGN PBO- Tbe superior queuty impirted to good iron, the great Improvement' In Inferior Iron. and toe• reduced otishcomtaend It to eh raanufactureritof Parties wishing to use it can obtain licenses by aPPIYiug to • tT-A - 41.F i S P. , SPEER; Attorney for the Trustees, OFFICE, 860 PENN STREET.. Parties interested ire *invited . „visit the BUUENBEROER WORKS. where the process is now in snecessini operation. . telkd.A • - ai; co, . Pennsylvania Iron Works. : : Waretionie, - Nos. lAN - 1401,67 TLEWT NTREST. oopoOlte Nonouga4eiscHonse. ap2l:d6 , erini*BURGIL NOVELTY WORKS. NOVELTY WORKS. ' , Minded; 46 D. - m B BB. ADAMS; ,MILIF.F. & CO. - • MANIITACTIMV3I3 SZYSToNESTANDAOD, __)PAIRBAITKP PAT-, ENT) PLATFouisi AND couriTEß, 13 C AT. ES.% Janus ?aced 'Patent Door Locks and Latches; Paint and Cairoo Mills, a^ CORNER OP FIRST AVE NOS & GRANT 8034 PittOntirghi.Penn,a. GAS AND STEAM FITTING. JOlnz seYs....tritmaT itiza; JOHN COWER & CO.*, BRASS 1 4 01711BERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Naatilletureri of 1111d113 AND FBAS'S WOM oAND f eve gpac i ati2:lM . er.s .. in 64.8 FEETUBM Ver. of Pike and Walnut Streets, PITTSBIJItGrf. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. !MAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Enghses, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re. torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDItir AND PIPE - WORKS. Corner Carroll and Ilmallatan Strietsk - pri-renimorx. PA. _ . WILLIAM..SMITH, . - , llltumfooturer of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE TOR Gin AND WATERMORES. My Pines are all east Invariablyin rite, In dry wind, and 151 feet lengths. Also, full assortment of general • Castings for ('as and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintend. onto of Has Works to ray make of RETORTS. ATLAS WORKS, 111ORTON - ttNEET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLER. President. These Works are ainong the largest and most Complete establlatimezts to tke West, Lad are now prepared to furnish Famines, of eves/ desinriPtiOn. Boilers, Oil Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Casting.: Rolling fill Castings. Engine Castings. Machine Castings. General Castings. ORDEIig SOLICITXD no9:ne9 ROBINSON, REA & CO., Successors to Bourustur, Man 3112LXXES. Iff ASILINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH ' manuflietarers Orßoat and Stith:nary Stearn Ea sines, Blast. El:wit:es, Mill Machinery, Gearing, ilhaßlefi. Castings of all descriptions: Oil Tanks and thIUS, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Mee, No,. 151, corner. Pint and Smithfie ld Streets. Streets. Agents tor GIPTAED , E. PATENT INJECTOR ita reeding Moller*. , PITTSBURGH. /('OPT SLANG }FOUNDRY. — tatter Street, Ninth Ward, (opposite union Iron Balling and !ridge Castings THHIBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, HAVELLNERY AND CASTINGS ctioncßauzar. Orders promptly and earefelly executed. Charges reasonable. 11:13BKBT MIACHLUD. trIONLIS CARLIN & CO., - • Fourti Word Foundry, and Nadine Works, 13.0011113/rT STrr ALLEOEBNYCITT. Manufactarers of Steam BEglnes, Oil Tresses. .rniteys; Skating.- firtat and t3aw Mill Work, ica,dlll Bolita agifildaoltbie castines, ewe Bars Welgilta,WaXon•Boxes, &a. 8084 t e aorder and have on. hang Enairtea of all sires. myl4:qs CENTRAL FOUNDRY _ AND ROLL WORKS BSO Penn littreei. BOLLMiI, BOYD k•BAGALEY. _ _ emu Balm, p o ugs n, Roll Lamm a.e. , ALEIZANDBR'IPATTERSOI 4 I. Jartaikin 'on Wilds of Lumber HAND AND POI/ SALE 1 000i011 1 0 feet Dry. Pipe Boards; 150.000 feet 13S and. 9 Inch Clear Plank; 20,600 feet Dry 131,1nen Common Plank; 30,000 feet Dry 1 and 9. Olen Oak; 95,000 feet Dry 9, 9)ftnne-3111eh Ash, 5,000 ft. B r i SI, 3ln t ih t erry allaide4 30,600 n - •)i t .%511 aletoplar: 10;00tr 'feet' ITPOPIar tilt 950,000 feet Hemlock Joists and ting; 760,000 No . 1 18-inch Shingles, , sawed; 950,000E0. 1111-Ineb Shingle*, sawed; 40,000 No. 1 15+Ineh Mangle., sagged; *O.OOO Fire 1,000 Fire Tile. 100 Tons Fire may. Tesnetzleo. S 6 PURELY, 'STREET. tbrmetly Manchester, and 151 BESEOUA.STSEITORP site the Gu Works. Allegheny CRY. SAMUEL RV WI HERSHABI, IRON . .121 First Stre e t, Pittabivayh, Pa. • ' Agent for the sale of Cornwall, Doughamore, Jesephine, laabella.Buncannon,Stanhope, Olen dort,and other brar.da of Anthracite. Youghio gheny Coke and C. B. Charcoal.: - - - PIO /MONS. ' flhuillirninelita - are most resnectftille solicited ri mir, SUPERIOR MB MILL AND SMBLTIJG WOB/B Prrrrisiruzzon. PARK, ..11cCI.TRDY & CO., lanufsettirers of Sheathing, Braziers' and Bolt Josser,Pressed Copper BOStOI2III, Raised Still 801. sos, likelier Solder. - Also, /msel-pre and Deal ers At Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire_, &e. 00n itantlyonlaand Tinners , Maehineeud Tools, Warehouse4lo. 140 /LUST STB/LisT and /Jig iSCOND ST ET,Pittsbtirgli„ Speeisd Orde pof Copper cut toner desir ed pat- WT.. - • ' - 1411"6.131D1GH GAZETTE f'SittAIDAI ?. .- 1 FEBRUARY : 20, 1869. P=TSMIIThiGn. :..ifuraßgEL IRON >BROI ERS. COPPER. "ENGINES, BOILERS,' &c. HUGH N. BOLE& COI, Coi. Point Alley and Duquesne St.; (Num THZ POINT.) Engine Builders, Founders 'an Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA. TIONARYENGINFB of all sixes. Special attention invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER,of 15-horsemower. CASTINGS of every kind, made to order stout Foundry on THIRD STREET. below Market. HANGERS 011 Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, ,HOUSE and TOBACCO itICREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order: at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, proour 4 on the Allegheny River, near the Point, PITTEIBIMGH, PA. All / orders promptly filled. TRY US. *oll4' PITT • I BOWSTILL kill..TillVE Vi r OtiKS. CARROLLA SNYDER , mANtrrecruazus op MEDLAR:. DOUBLE.FLDED 'TUBULAR, FIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER. ST EI ROLL ERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS; BREECHOIG AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES,' GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES:, PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES *MBE End Mterehiml corner Second, Third, Short andLl Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa. sir Orders sent to the *hove address will be promptly attended to. mh7:180 W. -BARNHILL & BOILER MAKERS &ND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOB. 80, 22, 24 AND 25 PENN ST. .11511.14 secured 's line yard, and fuTishihed it witn• the most approved machinery we are pre pared to manufacture every description <ISOM ERS in the beat manner, and Warranted equal to Any made ift the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds,' Steam Pipes; Leeermotive Boilers, Condelsers, Balt Pans, Tanks, 00 Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron. Bridges. Sugar Pane. and sole manufacturers of Barractll's Pat ent. Beliefs. - • - - Repairing doite on shortest notice. tabidn. J ANES BITER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PrITSBIIRGIZo icaxtriAcrraza 07 IRON OIL TANKS, - EULTTLEtie YANG, corvtal3TZAM sousiva kru. frmao. And BEM= IRON WORK. For Steamboats. /A= X. EDDSH EDMUND D. 7SED9B JARED 111. BRUSH & SON, mArorAcrlnuces or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. ARNDT IRON WORL&O. - 61. Pemi Stria, Putsetsigh, Pa. STOVES, pASTIZ!TGOidto THE BE* arro*int. A. sitArlizir & co. Manuerctunrs of the greatest variety of Cook Parlor and Heating Staves TO BE FOUND IN. THE STATE. dole Alen's for the celebrated - Base Busing Oriental Stores and 'Furnaces for Bard Coal or Coke. Best in the World for Parlor,Othee. btore or Church. Fire needs no rekindling—burns all win ' ter. Do not b ty until you see or send for Circular. 80. 30 WOOD STALE "Onr . Agents IbrOrientals—DErikfLEß BROS., Smithfield Si.; OEO. ROBLEY. berry City. litilffilluaUs 86'00 3tAxoraoroalaus or mu: vasrarr OP gaP i rCrO r ale - BOSTON COOKING .BANGA " TILE Mai 1131tNACE " : FOB W_AILMING BUILDINGS. . , THE OR . NTI-HUST COGEING STOW% ?ItEGULA , COLUMISIA COOK STOVE. TAN'S (Cincinnati Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE C (ST litOlg MANTLES. WELLMAN'S REF (W ~ .ECTORMATEStree from (Uri and duet; ept IP.VWFABS. "206'arid •208 Liberty Street, ae2e:yi7 PITTSBURGH PA COON: STOVES. • TitE BEST. BISSELI st Co.'s TRITMPHP' "Wairirited to CoOt; Bake or Boast IS - I ligaggai l rot4er , StoTe.luthe name , 1),5T1,T 4 45; 00- ,1 =i 12 ll, No. 285 Liberty Street. chiltaiuranti for sale, PARLOR STOVES, "ila i f4 T r EalripM,p B. ' 000KINO — EANGES. ho: • • I' L YACTUBING COMPANY, Manufacturer's! PRINTIRS'i WRAPPING PAPERS osno. BIUMSTON )SILL-FEW . BRIGHTON, PA. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, ' No. 82 Third" Sired,. Pittsburgh, Pa. '• _ • Oirmins—AUDUßT HAItrJE. Prennent. - - J'NO. B. LYFINGSTON.- Treasurer. J-Dnunts. i BAAS mts'oasttrati l igt l it Johnnall, B. H. tiartman, John B. LA fington. Caigh mad for Parser Stock. jii19:088 STOI E ` WEST COMMON Machine Stone Works, Northwest corner of West Common. AlleghellY. - • PRICEPK• ATVATER Z . illave on hand or prepare on Abort notice ffeartb and Step Stones, Vises Ibr Sidewalks, Brewer , panne, ie. Mud and Tomb Stones, M. Orders promptly executed. Prices reasonable moo FINANCL3L. FORT PIEVBANKEIG -COMPANY, No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : :: : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT BEG'IIRMES AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collections made on all accessible points In Um United States and Clansaaa. DIBECTOBS• D. Hostetter, Jno. C Fleher, James Gordon, / Andr e w King,' D. Wallnce, Miller, E. Fawcett, James M,Malley. lIBIKAN, Pres't. BAWL. Me ILSON. 4distiter. D. LEET W NATIONAL BANK OF COMIERCE, Cor. of Wood and Sixth Bth. A. PATTEILSOA..... • President. JOB. H. HILL CAPITAL, $500,000. DiELSOTORB: George W. Cu,, H. Palmer Wm. Douglas, Wm. Reed. A. Patterson, Wm. H. Brown, Chas. Lockhart,' Dan. R. Davidson, W. B. Haven. 1, AT 11 A. 11. DISCOUNTS DAUM avii:on HAHT, CAUGHEY & CO., NI.NIPgRg AND BROKERS, Garner Third and Wood Streets, • - rrprentrxttni, UMCCIESSORd TO HANNA. HART DZAIXIIB IN Fli f ebAnge, Coin, Coupons,- And particular attention paid to the purchase arm sale of COIiERNMENt BONDS. sightprarto oniAop.don. Anyusisic . . . N. HOLMES & SONS, 33# 14 G - Mr OOl R- , 57 Mariwt Street, rrwrisimanciait.E.A. Collections made on all the principal points of the United iltates and Canada/. Stocts,Bouds find other Securities BODO= AND BOLD ON CONNDISION. Particular attention paid to the _purch.sse anti sale of . Unit - 44 StateS Securities. OILS. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W.. C. TWEDDLA ) MANUFACTURER Or Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Xellpso Railroad Axle Oil. . Stands great heat, without change; •remalsr; • limpid at lowest temperattires. bpecial'Ull tor tropical climates or hot weather. Loeomotive, Engine, Machine 8110 P, •ZVLI cot Screws. Sew Mill and Planing MU Otis, Adapted for high spied. Spindle Oil, leoolltlead-Light Oil, OM; 'Dinneen* Stuff.' Sedintle, Insd Firdeliing 011, , Gasollize, Harness Oil ;parted:no. ARMOR. VARNISH, to preserve Bright Iroh Week and Machinery from must. • These products are manufactured under Dr. Tweddlei_patentbri3uperheated Stevan In Vac coo The Lubricating OIL are almost odorless, perilictly pose. uniform,' and mostly' light col ored. s tand shish temperature unchanged. and remain limpid during extreme cold. The Railroad Ohs are 'unequalled, and are in constant use on many of the 'principal Railroads aseedes can he examined and orders left at 174 WOOD BT EET. Works at Sharpsburg Bridge. WARING AND KING, ComaLsilonDlerehanta and Brokers in Petraeum find its Products, DALZELL!SIDILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, t'?‘ .A T PHILADELPHIA ADDREEB. - - 341 144 33. 59, KLNG CO•1 127 Wilitut tithrbet..: Tics. xnumuess„ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DMAIXIIB Petro'tenni and its Products, Pittsburgh tiZee—DALIMLVEI B1111•DINe; caixrs of Duquesne Ws! Kull 11.7 in itrecui. PinL ' elphliOtdoit-taiiiirA46tri it. ) 0 itpl:w110 wr 7 I . ‘ . 31Z i. A • a 1 ,0111803C0e CHMIDTA FRIDAY • .1 • P IP R I FFZ 2B OP . . . • WINES' HOMES' , witourastarbizAimis IN PURL RYE - WHISIMS; . 409 PETt.N.StREET, Will Remove .on the 13 t of April to • • NOB. 04440 886 PENN, Cor. Elevaiak.*;{formerly Canal.) JOSEPHSariSpiI & CO., Nos. 186. 187;111e8, 193 and /Psa IMST EMUritTv nrrinsuuds, -scourepron igus OT Capper Metal*Pere, Bye Whiskey. • Also. do's's,. is Ikagalt wiNES and Lu IWOB/4 /1944 32112940 CENTRAL AINID UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY BONDS , The cheapest investment now In the market for sale by - I'll. ...MElala r rZ, Corner FIFTH AVENUE WOOD STREETS. Also, dealer in thrivernment BOnds. Gold and Coupons and European Exchange at market rates. den TAMES Tr : Big . ' Bro CO., (sotte.tort to B..tozcio S 00..) • ' Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 13 AL. IV' rft- gO, BUT AND situ. ILL SINEW or GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, UOLD, SEVER AIM COUPONS, ON MOST YLVONABLE TEIMS. lar Interest Allowed on Deposits. //r3loaey loaned on BoTesnmeat Bonds at irukrl!et, rates: Orders executed for the Ptirchase and Sale of .STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMBS T. BItiLl5T & CO. tiji .:Vitt, FINANCE AND TRADE, OFFICTE: OP PITTSBURGH OAXErnr, FRIDAY. February 18, 1868. Stocks recovered somewhat to-daY, and a better feeling was manifested in nearly all the New Yorke Central clique cocks, whilst the Erie clique dependen cies declined about per cent. from the closing quotations of last night. The short interest was largely increased dur ing the last decline and this is the only support of the market. From all appear ances, there Will be some' rapid fluctua tions in stocks during the remainder of the month and a steady decline with average. Bonds were very dull early in the day, and old 1862 s sold down to 114, and new 186.5 s to 1093, with a heavy market. The laige decline in gold has stopped the, excessive shipments of bonds and may a gradual rise in gold and the rates of exchange. European markets are completely overstocked with American securities, sent there an Speculation, and it remains too be seen bow much of themtbehms tors can absorb. The decline in bonds here has.stoppcd investments entirely, and'; the eietfileT spectdidors are - only' waiting 'for an'OPportrinity to 1%-pur chaSe what they have sold when the market begins to rise. As for the chances of a decline, nothing but a light money maTi?et deism bonds Sprther, whilst, on the other hand, the moment the •-`,llfMr .:rcollioo,24 l iCilzutugdrated, will be the signal for a new but not a sinis f ', modic advance; but a steady, gradual , gbsorbsion of , all that is ; offered on the maiket; Withotitthe • rapid advance that characterizes a purely speculative mar ket. The approach of Spring, and -the; tud in biesa rtkuire . a larger amount of money, and when interest is offered in business operations exceeding the rates government bonds yield, to a new purchaser, he will, in most cases, prefer the larger interest and run a slight . risk. AB to the - co u r s e ` -of -the-future- gold market little can be said with certainty. The shipments and price of bonds vall, regulate( that more than anything else. In local stock a better feeling exists yet, and those shares that do not commanda ready...ll4e r are ,88, mach as possible avoided by initiate's. - More inquiry is made for connellsville RailrOad shares in small lots to put away for speculation. lii Allegheny Vidley bonds scarcely any., thing is doing, whilst the stock could not be pieced at the nominal quoletions. In Pennsylvania Central Railroad stiares there is more, deinand,in, smaller stUni,' :opersiors are \ disposed to discount the rumors of further lesne of Atecki the pazsr4etrettirT sjps4v jattitht.Wof 35. Fort Wayne, which sold downt,to 1}63;. auddenly , reached.aud. sold at, 1,19% to :*(). •ptin'OSl shateti*dull And lower, • with little doing. , - FeleEptg quetatistusi as ravelved by Ph. it.'" "Mertz: Gold,' 188 x; " ItightY 4 Ele'll$ %-1 13 X; • Five ' , A 7 W I / 2 " ,. ief., 436 2 , 1 1 1%; do; 1864, 111; d o , 1865, 112%; do, 1865, new. 4 0 3iVflfiv 1867,410g;id0,',11368, 110 M; Ten Fortfai, 1091 A; Railroads Clara laud dc.., Pitteixtrz.t; Wit EjttsimtStP: =Fort Airayde-eatiOagdii-19% ' -' Ohicagei & Rock ,Island, 24i; Ohicago& Mirth- Nireattuni Mir 416"Preferred.:91)‘; Erie, if o ..p New, Yoxlc, ,Gemtral, 64 ;,-Michi gan Southern, 94%; Reading, • ' Ohio & Mississippi Clertificates, 84 ; West:. ern ''Union Telegraph ' Company, 87y„; Merchants , Union ExPrezz Company, 17',; • Pacific Mail, 106%; Adams,: 65; Mning shares-Gregoryr 2,49; Quartz Hill, 72; Smith & pairmele, 1,60; 4 4)17- don, 10. . - -- - The unusual steadiness of the price of gold, while governments and stocki are fluctuating so ;greatly, 4s explained, by the New York journals, by the fact that the' bulls - had made preparations for a .. . great advance by ; matting very large -purchases, but were unexpeptedly checked . by the advance In the,priae of bonds and the large exports of them to Europe, thus throwing an unusual slip ply of foreign exchasge on, the market. This induced so large short'sales that the transactions • is. , one day at the Golli Bank reached the enormous swn of $119,.. 000,000: Things are in such a condition now that,any attempt to cover by the shorts,when the gold is in the hands of the bulls, will result in an advance of the Premium, contrary to' its natural ten dency. On the other hand the shorts count upon another influx of cotton bills and further exportation of govern- , ment bonds. ' , It is believed in New York that the bills passed by Congress to 'prohibit the certification of checks of parties having no funds - on deposit, and also the one prohibiting loans on greenbacks depos ited as collateral, will—if they become laws—be systematically evaded in that city, and have practically no effect whatever to - , prevent the evil they are aimed at. —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady it Co.: Gold. 13335; United States Sixes, 1881's, 113%; 5-20's, 1862, 114%; 5-20's, 1864, 111; 540's, 1863, 112%; 10-40'13,1091'; 5-20's Jan'y and July, 1865, 110%, do. 1817, 110%; do. 1868, 110%; Seven Thirties, par Less Y; Due Com pounds, 119; Ten Forties, 109%; Union Pacific Railroad, par; Central, 103; Cy. Pacifica, 10135. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OFFICE OF PITTSBLIEGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, February 19, 1869. With the exception of Groceries, the generil markets continue very dull, the volume of business in the aggregate being unusually light; but hopes are still entertained that an improvement is near at hand. Sugars, Molasses and Syrups, continue very flinch excited, and prices , have still further advanced. Refined Sugars, within ten days, have -advanced. 3 3to 4 cts. per pound; Raw fully 3 cts; Molasses 8-to 10 es. , per gallon, and ' Syrups from 15 to 20. As we noticed ypsterday, these extreme prices must of necessity curtail the demand, and while there is no doubt but what there is good cause for the advancerit is probable that the movement , will be overdone, and then, as alwaysia tie c ease, there will be a reaction and a lireak." APPLES—DuII but, unchanged; r egu salesin stetre at s3 , to *5 per bbl as to quality. APPLE BUTTER—Firmer at 75 .;43 85c. BUTTER-,-Prlfner tolichoice Roll is in rather better demand, and quotations may be fairly given at 38 to 40. BEANS-43,25 to $3,50 per bushel. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—DuII at W. CARBON OIL—Is firm, and in limited supply; maY be quoted firm at 34 to 34x, for standard white. CHEESE—Continues to arrive more freely and the supply is yet light, and supply fully sustained; - CRANBERRIES—SaIes at $lB to t2O. CORNMNIAL--51 to $l,lO per bushel. DRIED FRUlT—Peaches are quoted at 13 to 14 for quarters, 15 to 16 for mixed, and 18 to 20 for halves. Apples 10 •to 12 cents. • • EGGS—In fair demand.' and fresh ,packed may be quoted at 23 to 24. HAY—Baled - continues exceedingly dull, andTricep are,„barely maintained, $2O to 825, as to quality, ID HOMINY--Sales at ..86,2, 86.51 L PROVISIONS—Bacon - steady but unchanged at 1534 for Shou dens; IN for Ribbed, and 1834 to-18% fo Clear Sides; and 20 for Hams. Lard, lin tierbes, and 22 to 2234 in Up and kegs. Mess 'Pork 833,50. " POTA.TQES 7 -Dull and neglected but unchanged, at 80 to 85 for small lots in store. . . , , - , PEANUTS-10 cts. per lb. SEEDS—Cloverseed is steady at . 110,90 to $10,50, as to quality. Timothy is un changed at $3,50, and Flaxseed at $2,40. - SALD—Is quiet but steady, and is still quoted at $2 by the car load. GIBA.I.Ig-T-Theresearas to be- no demand • whatever for Wheat, and the market is • exceedingly dull, and prices nominal at , 51,50 for . No. 1 Spring. and $1,60 for No.l 1, 'Winter, ••• Oats drill= but lirm at ;-former ; 'quotations-65 to' 68 on track, anti , 67 to 68 in store. There is no improvement to note In- - -the -demand for Corn, and '• while the stock is pretty well reduced and the receipts are comparatively light, prices are ,barely ,ntaintained,-75-to SO, : fOr mixed to prime Yellow. Rye 'also is '• . dull, and , cannot be , quoted ab0ve,51,45. Barley la in steady demand, and - prime, • to choice Spring, may be quoted at $2 to ; $2,10. '-- TALLOW—ltendeted, 12e; • ' ONIONS-45 to e 6 per bbl. ORANGF.S—S4 to $:1,50 per box. FEATHERS—Live Geese Feathers:' quoted at 75 to 80, to the trade, and the usual advance in a retail way. FLOUR —No improvement in the de :mand no changein prices. Spring• Wheat i brands may , , bkftquoted $7 to 17,50, i and Winter 'Wheat; $8,50 to $9,00 per I barrel. Rye Flour, $7,50- The Pearl min ; quote their best brands, made_ of the but - Wheat, es folloWst Extra Family 1 , Flonr,in barrels. at $9BO, and, in sacks, , -s9,oo,per i barrel; Dou b le Extra Family. i in barrels, 110,00, and, in sacks, $9,70 • per. -barrel; Spring Wheat Flour, in bar rels, $7,80, and ,in eackl4l7,scl per barrel. -• The City Mills cluote 'prices as ibllows: Extra Family, (Winter) in barrels, ‘, $9,30, and, in sacks, $9,00 per barrel; -, •:Double, Extra Family, in:barrels;s9,Bo, ... -rind; in sticks, - $9,50 per barrel; and ~ Spring, $8,00,,. in barrels, and $7,70, in - sacks, per barrel. , • ' :f WHlSKY—Higliwines dull and lower; and may be quoted nominally, at 95 to ~ 961n,•ajobbing Wart, ' ~, 7' , GROCERFESTIth 'Market continues •1 very much excited, and . Sugars, Moles- Ana, and Syrups, are generally held out of market. Prime New Orleans. Sugar 3s-quoted at _.1534 -to -16; Cuba,-18-to 14; Crushed, 20; "A" Coffee,. , 19:. elyt 18%; Extra "C," 18X. New Orleans, Moles- ?I see, 90. 'Syrups have , : advancel , all I. around from 45 to 20 eta per gall On. I Vk'r-r , .:4 PrilSl: BURGH METAL MAR 1 • , ..0 o; •,,',...' - :-- 6-- ~" . , . ' r l,' OFFICE op4wrsittilt AZETTE ) I , ... licire yr h 2 . ' FRIDAY, Febr cr• 1 41 1865 The metal market has agars bAc4:ll, .rajherAulet thIS week, the _Wes in the I . aggregate being comparatively light, - though there seems to be no accumula tion ~ of stock, and prices are fully sus- ; . tabed. The 'receipts 'of Western irons haveLfallen otr somewhat during-the past week, which was owing to a want of • transportation, arwiltiifficulty In getting -. cars, and not to any falling off in* the • production. It iswell enough to bear in mind,-also, that nearly all of the iron • *ilich is now -arriVlng is being Put in ; otriortner contracts and not going on to ' • marl,tet. , ,Easterrt: advices • report a .. . . firmer feeling, withont, however, as yet, ` :; . any a dvance in , prices. ' - , Merchant bar irillis held with more i Annum, and,there ia no accumulation -: of stock tie nail trade looks better,,; and a round lot could hardly be a t last week's prices—m.snufacturerr , gen eiallYs'are asking an advance, •