WI Ett littzburgij etayttt. PUBLInED DAILY, BY PENNIMAN, REED & CO„ Proprietors F. B. PENNUIAN, J 0812,11 KING, T. T. HOUSTON. N. P., REED, Editors and Proprietors. I • OFFICE: BETTE BUIL ING, NOS, 84 AND 86 FIFTH ST, OFFICIAL PAPER et Pittsburgh. Allegheny c end, An s .. giseny • rains—Daily. &vat-Weekly. lir t4 ki ti . On e year... 98,00 Une year:l2.so ,151ngtecorty-41.50 Vne month 75 Six mos.. 1.501 5 c(p*es,eacd 1.25 B_ y the week I.s . 'rb.ree mos 75110 *. L " 1.15 Mom carrier.) ; I andone to Agent. %ATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 911309 W 3 P3AINT on the amide prgea of t is morning's GAzErrE--Second page: -Poetry, Religious Intelligente, The Burdell :Mystery Solved, 'Washington Item. Third and Sixth pages: Commercial, Financial, Mercantile: and River News, Markets, lm- Torts. Seventh page: Poetry, The City's lehitdren, Retris Won. U. S. BoNDi at Frankfort. PETROLEUM at ARAWerp, GOLD closed in New York yesterday at 133 f. Oui RELIGIOUS INTELIZGEnE depart xnent will be found on our second page to-day. - THE NEW tax-bill from the House can not get though the Senate. • Whisky and tobacco may possibly be reached in a =I TEL BETE makes but few amend inents to the river-and-harbor bill, and lts passage is considered certain. This would finally adjust all questions touch ing the canal at Louisville. Mr. Sumun appears to have lost his temper again in the House yesterday on the discussion of the Army Appropria tion bill, and lost his point, too, inasmuch as Mr. Brarsn's amendment virtually prohibiting reduction of the forces, save by absorption—death, resignation and Court-martial—passed the House. WE ARE not yet persuaded of -the truth of a current report that the Erie clique - have bagged the Fort Wayne road, Mad-. vance of the March election. Neverthe less, that report is credited by some peo ple, and may be true. If so; we may in fer that.but little confidence is felt in the efficacy of recent legislation at Harris= Imrg, and that fiscal considerations have proved potent with the Fort Wayne man agers. CONGRESS discovered, on Thursday, that it had not time to complete the re construction of HississipPi. That this - would be the fact, was apparent to the country weeks ago. The same end is also to , be reached for Virginia, but in a slightly different way, the Senate so amending the House bill relative to that ,State as to preclude any possibility of the acquiesence of the other body. As to Georgia, the Senate, which admitted her Electoral vote as a 'State, still excludes her two 'Senators who stand upoa the Same legal title: THE FrnsT section of the bill amending the National Banking Law, as it passed the House on Thursday, provides for the security of the public funds deposited with banks. The second section regu lates the mode of liquidation for banks retiring from , business. The third sec tion regulates the duties and compensa tion of receivers. The fourth section, and the only one of general importance to the public, provides for the partial 'nqualizatibn of circidation in the various States pro rata to the appraised value of all real and personal property in the States. The passage of this bill by the Senate is by no means certain. THE INSURGENT FLAG •floats in Cuba more menacingly than ever. The revolt spreads more and more throughout the island, assuming a magnitude which :threatens the final overthrow of the Span ish authority. But we must not forget that all the reports which reach the American press, are tinctured by sympathy with the rebel cause, and adapted to the special purpose of compromising our Govern. ment and people in support of the insur rection. And it is also to be observed that 'Spain is redoubling hcr efforts to maintain her authority, and that all the military resources of the kingdom will be exhausted before she consents to the loss of her "ever faithful" island of Cuba. WANT OF TIME is the general com plaint at Washington. Congress has no , time to revise the tariff, no time to amend the defective tax laws, no time to perfect Southern reconstruction, no time to re adjust the national finances. And the President, too, lacks time for all he wants to do; give him a little more time and he will pardon all the conspirators, restore to their forfeited citizenship every rebel, welcome home every unhung traitor, purge the prisons of every revenue:thief, and ransack_ every grave -yard for assas sins' bones. But His Excellency has the aavantage of Congress In one respect; he is bound to do as much on his line as time will permit—which is more than we Can say for the other. OUR CITY itAILwATS. The people of our Municipalities recog nize these roads as elefnents of great use fulness to t4 , _, public We , have given them large :Forporate privileges, in the way of sp eal concessions of franchise, and we r..re r paid therefor in the direct advantage to their immediate customers and in the 1 romotion, generally, of the e. material interests of oar communities. Our municipal policy in this respect has been wise in the main, and we hope it may continue to tie as commendably guided. If we have given too large a franchise in some cases, or if we have hitherto fallen short of the-promised ben efits to the public in other cases, we may, on the whole, congratulate ourselves•that the system has been wisely developed and faithfully adhered to by each party to the contracts The roads now in operation are but the nucleus, .of the system hereafter to radiate through every part of that city of the future which is to surround our confluent rivers. The present' roads will be ei tended, new roads will be needed and built, the modes of conveyance or traction thereon will be improved, and so the carriage of the people will be quickened and cheapened in every fashion, until the remotest verge, of the that is to be; will be brought within such con venientsreach of its centres for trade and businessi as practically to annihilate space for our citizens. Herein the public enjoys, l and is -to enjoy, the benefits of a service Which has never yet been over rated, which is secured only by the en tiatment of private capital, and which we are equally bound to piotect from in fringement, whether we consider our own material interests, or the good faith of each party to the agreements. We cannot afford to be without these roads. The municipal authorities may not construct them, and so we invite pri vate capital to assume the work. We should ask in vain for a dollar, unless we can give to that dollar a reasonably fair promise for an adequate return. Cap ital never hesitates to take its own -risks according to its own judgment, upon questions of fact, but it asks for certain- ties in all the legal conditions. Whether . II particular new route will pay, or will prove unprofitable, is the risk which cap ital must assume or decline, after a clear, definite understanding of the preliminary conditions' of the franchise. The route should be precisely fixed between the ter mini; there must be no cloud upon the special concessions from the municipal authority; no exposure to an unlimited future 'biampetition along that route; there should besthe most exact arrangement of all the details which might otherwise in volve daily conflicts between the corpo ration and the public; every priiilege con ceded and each obligation imposed must be closely defined on each side, before capital comes in to improve a special privilege ,of this sort for the bommon good. ' That special privilege is of the very es sence of the mutual contract; usually it presents the main temptation to capital. Divested from the public and offered as an inducement to private citizens, it, may not be recalled or abated without the joint consent. It should not be granted without sufficient consideration, for, once grantdd and the grant accepted, it can never be resumed as long as the contract is maturely kept. It is of vital importance to our munic ipal interests that the responsibilities and rights, of each party to these grants of railway-franchise in our streets, should be completely understood and adhered to with a rigid fidelity. Let us be sure that we know what we agree to in each case— the precise limits of the concessions we are to make; but let us fix the route, spec ify the, service, adjust the fares, regulate the taxation, provide for supervision, and nominate in the text of the, contract every point of detail which foresight or experience may suggest; then we offer_ this to the capitalist and invite him to take his chances in the investment of his money, guaranteeing him'only our good faith and against competition on that par ticular rottte. It is wise to add; also, a lim itation of the period in which not only the offer must be accepted, but the work shall be completed, The municipality, has then exhausted its power, and while it remains for capital to accept or reject the terms, its decision is 'expiessly made upon the irrevocable'faith of the legal con , ditionsthus prescribed.' Our laws require the Legislative as well as the municipal sanction to these contracts, but the contract is properly, made here, not at Harrisburg; when we have settled its conditions, we submit them to the approval of the Common wealth. We are the sole judges of their local fitness, remitting the general ques tion of public , policy involve(U in each case to the higher authority. We can grant to no morporation the right, upoh any terms whatever, to ap propriate any or all of our streets at its own pleasure. We grant no franchises whatever, except upon the most distinct conditions as to route, time, and every other detail. Granting only what we ex. pect to abide by, we pledge our munici. pal faith to those whom we deal with, and expect them, in their turn, to make good the last tittle of the stipulations to which 'they are bound. We beg our delegation at Harrisburg to assume no responsibilities which properly belong to the municipal authori ties here, as well in this matter of street. railways as in all others of local concern to our people. Be good enough, gentle men of the Legislature, to make no bar- PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : gATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 186.9. gains for us; we can do that for ourselves much better than you, and shall duly submit them to your approval. ' It will be time enough for you to put through our railway bills when they come to you already stamped with the official approval of our city authorities. The scheme , which cannot command home support, or which comes to you in advance of it, has not only no title to your favor, but ) it should, upon its, own face, awaken ybtir suspicions. We take no sides in quarrels between private corporations. The more street railways we have, the better for these cities. Our authorities refuse a franchise to no meritorious project, and will keep good faith with all. Such a refusal witli out good cause is s ever subjectlto'a popular appeal at the ensuing charter election, and for any bad faith our courts can apply prompt and efficient remedies.i . But we want no "snap judgments" talon upon Councils, under bargains made at Harris burg, such as this which is covered up in a bill now pendibg, which gives one of these corporations the right to lay 14A single or double track, with the ne cessary turn outs and switches, in any of the streets of the city of Pittsburgh, and to connect the same with the terminus of their road in the market square of the city of Allegheny; provided, no street in said city of Pittsburgh shall be used or occupied by said company without the consent of the oouncils of said city being first obtained." It will be time enough for this grant of power when the particular streets to be used in either city have been designated and approved by Councils of each city for themselves; time enough when you learn why 'the previous assent of Alle gheny is not provided for in this bill ; time enough when we and you can be certain that the terms above quoted do not cover any attempt to override her municipal' legislation with a Legislative interference; time enough when Alle gheny knows the precise route to be taken from her market-square to and across the river. The bill here quoted closely illustrates the justice of our general observations, upon the necessity that these matters of municipal concern should be left entirely to our regulation and approval, before the Legislature shall be called on. Here is the place to discuss a new project. If it has merit, It will ultimately win, and if it wins here without merit and in spite of opposition, it will be all the more certain of scrutiny and rejection at Harrisburg. This is far better, than that any sharp pri vate speculation of any sort should be quietly planned, kept under the board, and smuggled through the Legislature without discussion or opposition, and then sprung upon Councils and rushed through before the city wakes up to what is going on. In behalf of the citizens of all our municipalities, we protest decided ly against all that sort of thing. A Justice and Crime in New York A pet of the thieves (John Real), him r self ii deputy sheriff, was brought to trial before Judge Bernard, last week. He was a man who had premeditated and car ried out in cold blood the murder of a police officer. Bo confident was he that his own political strength would se• cure-him from the consequences of his crime, that he had proclaimed his inten tion to murder in an open court room. The chamber of the Court was thronged with the worst desperadoes. - Witnesses werethreatened with death. The jury was dared to bring in a verdict of guilty. Bets of fifty dollars to ten were made in the presence of the jurore that the mur derer would escape. The-Judge on the bench was cursed for his precautions against an attempt to rescue the murderer. In open Court be warned the villains that their purposes were known, and that they would not be allowed to succeed. So great was the danger, that the presence of two hundred policemen was necessary to prevent an outbreak. The witnesses gave in their evidence with nervous re luctance. Thejury went out to deliber ate, but were afraid to return with their verdict. Even the judge resorted to strategy to clear the room, saying that he was going home, and ordering the jury to be locked up, as there was no prospect of their , agreement. The, gang still watched the, proceedings with Wolfish eyes. At last, tho jury returned. Fear had left its trace in their verdict, for it was tempered with a recommendation to mercy. The gang festered with curses. But the judge, with quiet dignity, arose in the midnight 4aslight and sen tenced the brutal assassin to death. By his order the doors were closed, and the prisoner sent to -the tombs. Then the thieving mob went to their homes. This Judge was the only one who had the courage to wage an open warfare with the robbers and murderers. He was taken fronr the regular term- of the Supreme Court, end :placed overthe Oyer and Terminer solely on account of his indomitable pluck. The thieves know and fear him. All their efforts to procure the usual writ of error have failed. Even if a writ of error should,.be granted, the lion-heared Judge has announced his 'de termination to quash the firoceedings. John Real was sentenced to death. From that moment his gang of cut throats dogged the footsteps of the Judge. The witnesses are hourly threatened with murder. The life of one of them was saved only by the timely presence of a police officer. The hatred of the gang„ however, seems to have been concentra ted upon the Judge. On the - evening succeeding the sentence of death the Judge , visited a friend in the Fifth Ave nue Hotel. In ten minutes the main ball was tilled with a crowd of beetle-browed ruffians, all eagerly scenting his tracks. Respectable citizens gazed at the unusual eruption In wonder. The Judge, though unarmed, remained cool and impassive, not; seeming to notice the scowls of the gang or the curses hissed in his ear. Once 'he asked a number of well-known citizens whether they had any special ob jection to accompany him home. All re fused. One man—a prominent Republi can office-holder—took the Judge by the hand. , "You are doing a noble work, Judge, but you are in great .danger. Why do you go unarmed?" "the law. !Grid& the carrying of con cealed weapons. I cannot break the law, even if my life should pay the forfeit: I shall do my duty regardless of conse quences." "I am armed, atid will go home with you," replied the Republican. The circle of ruffians was broken as the two passed without the door of the hotel. Stealthy footsteps followed them, and beneath the gas lamp at the intersec tion of Broadway and Twenty-first street another murderous eyed gang was en countered. The Judge and his compan ion were saluted with profanity, but no violence was offered. They reached the Judge's home, in safety. But the band of assassins are still at his heels. Ttte Whiat Crop. The report of the Department of Agri culture for January, contains an unusual amount of interesting information. It appears from the reports collected and classified that the average yield of New England wheat per acre was less last year than in 1867. The average field of New York is placed at 14.6 instead of 14.5 last yeiir. New Jersey gives one tenth of a bushel less, and Pennsylvania three tenths more; Virginia four-tenths more, and the more Southern Atlantic States all make a decline in the average. Texas and Tennessee report a smaller yield than last year, while Arkansan claims an advance from 9.2 to 13.5 bushels. Kentucky and West Virginia make no material advance, and Ohio scarcely holds the previous average. A small in crease appears in Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin, and a still more marked re sult is shown in Minnesota. An increase is made in lowa and Kansas. The decline in the price of wheat dur ing the past twelve months has been very perceptible, amounting to 42 cents per, bushel in New Engla d, 50 cents in New York, 47 cents in N w Jersey, 45 cents in Pennsylvania, 71 cents in Ohio, 77 cents in Illinois, 48 cents in lowa, with differences less striking In the Southern States, which grow cereals only for home consumption. In the \ central and popu loui parts of the West the prices are this year lower relatively to the more Western and Northwestern States than last year; as Illinois compared with lowa, $1,97 to $1,43 last January; $1,20 to 93c now. Tnn censure heaped on GenOal Butler for the course he took is the most unjust that has fallen on the devote head of that gentleman, and that is saying a good deal. He appeared merely as the cham pion of the H.ouse, that had been grossly insulted though the blundering of Senator Wade. Had Senator Wade made his last dectsion first, or had he render ed his decision in a reasonable, courteous manner, there would have been no trouble. But the venerable war-horse first decided with the House, and then when the House, by a resolution, acted on his decision, the `abrupt announce ment of a contrary course put the Repre sentatives on their dignity. The _only mistake General Butler made was in not putting his resolution of censure to a vote while the wrath was hot. He would have carried it by a large majority. But with the morning cool reflection came, and every one saw how absurd and childish the contest was.—Don Piatt. A connzaPOYDENT of the Detroit Tri bune, writing from Flint, Mich., says: "Justice Stevenson was applied to by an excited husband, on Tuesday, for a war rant for the arrest of complainant's wife and her 'next friend' for the crime of 'adultery. On examine' ion of the injured husband, it appeared that he had !swap ped' his wife for a pony, which was war ranted •sound, true and good to ride,' but on trial the pony was found lacking, and although the 'accused parties had been living together ha Livington ty; about five miles from Fentonville, since the 'swap' was made, the husband proposed to repudiate the bargain. This case, which is actually true as stated, sur passes anything of the kind that has transpired in the commercial world in our recollection. THE Ohio State Board of Charities has made its annual report. They discuss the condition of the various jails throughout Ohio, some of which are well' fitted for the purpose designed, but many are in a horrible fix. The Board denounce the present jail system, and speak of the jails as frightful nurseries of crime. The as sociation of comparatively innocent in mates with the depraved and vicious, and the idleness of the prisoners are the two worst features of the system. Some county infirmaries are in a good condition, while others are a disgrace to the State. The Secretary of the Board reports the average number of the inmates of the Infirmaries in sixty-two counties, 8,008. The number at , the time of making the report was 3,778, of whom 819 are insahe, 281 idiotic, 219 epileptic -874 boys and 226 girls. Tux. Senate Judiciary Committee, to which the President's message communi cating his Amnesty Proclamation was re ferred, report that they concede the right of the President to grant a reprieve : or a pardon, but deny that 'he is 'lnvested with any constitutional authority to pro claim a general amnesty. _ The report concludes with the following resolution: ffßesolved, That in the opinioti of the enate the proclamation of the President of the. United States of the 25th of De cember, 1868, purporting to grant general pardon and amnesty to all persons guilty of treason and acts of hostility to the United States during the late rebellion, with restoration of rights, ac., was not authorized by the Constitution or laws. ANECDOTE OF SID NEY BMITTI. —lt was at this same, dinner (it the Foundling Hospital,) that the great Wit met, with a retort that he was never tired of eferring i to afterward. He had been co versirtg, in the haltbatittering manner lit hich he was inimitable, with his ade.a-ots at the table, a Swisa gentleman of lineation connected with his country's em assy at the Courtpf St. James, upon the relative merits of Swiss and English soldiers, and urged the superiority of the latter, inasmuch as they fought for honor, while the Swiss fought for money. "The fact is," answered the Swiss-gentleman, "We each of us fight for what we most want.'- --[Lippencort's Magazine. i= Tui Terre Haute Express publishes the following biographical sketch: "George Wood, of Wabash, Ind., who was re cently blown up on the steamer Glide, bad been blown !up twice before, to say nothing of, the bountlesss times by his .wives, of whom he had four. His first wife was killed a week after marriage by a carriage runaway; his third fell into a well and was not found for two weeks. He is the only one living of a family of seven children." A NEN/ patented cattle car has arrived in Providence from Albany. It has Made one previous trip from Chicago to Boston. It is 40 feet long, divided into 14 stalls, each 34 inches wide, intended for one head of cattle each. They. thus have room to lie down at pleasure. Each stall is provided with a trough to feed and water the animal on the way. Un der the canter of the car is a large box for carrying feed.- The inventor,,,James H. Aldrich, of Worcester, Mass.'; has two patents, both obtained in 1857. NEARLY every distillery in New York has suspended business. The receipts of revenue from whiskey, as a matter of course, have fallen off to a very large ex tent. More than half of the whiskey sold in this city comes from one district in Illinois., It is stated thiit Illinois man ufactures more whiskey than any ten States of the Union. This, it 'is said, is owing to the peculiar advantages enjoyed from her revenue officers. —At Memphis. Wednesday night, a blacksmith, named Emits, was shot in the head while working in his shop. The perpetrator of the deed approached the shop through a back yard and fired through a crack in the wall. Frank Murray has been arrested, charged with firing the shot, and held in $lO,OOO bail 'to appear at the Criminal Court. I THE COURTS. United States District Court—Judge Mc- Candless. FRIDAY, February 19:—The case of the United States vs. Benjamin Hartshorn, reported yeateaday, was resumed and still occupies the attention of the Court. District . Court--Judge Kirkpatrick. FRI4AIr, February 19.—1 n the case of J. H. Roush vs. J. McD. Crossan. ,Ac tion on book account, reported yester day. Verdict for.plaintiff in the sum of $323.15. • The base of Miller ,t, Co. vs. J. C. Til ton. Action to recover on a contract for the manufacture of patent business, which was ,postponed yesterday at the request of one of the attorneys, was re sumed. ' The case was ably argued by, counsel, after which Judge Kirkpatrick charged the jury at censiderable length.' fury out. The case of McVay vs. WilSon, post poned yesterday in consequence of the absence of an important witness, was re sumed, and was on trial when Court ad journed. It will be concluded to-day. Common Pleas—Judge Sterrett 1 FRIDAY, Feb. 19.—The case of Ronnell vs. Eckert dc Lang, reported on trial, was settled by the parties. %1 Bridget Toner vs. Mrs. Kearney's ex ecutors. Action to recover for sevices rendered as a domestic. The plaintiff in this case, it appears, was a niece of Mrs. Kearney's, and when she came from Ire land to this country mad,e her aunt's house her home. She - •was, it seems, subsequently employed to do the work In the Mittse, for which, she alleges, she receive&no compensation. After. Mrs. Kearney's death she presented a bill to the executors, who refused to allow it. The jury found for the plaintiff in the sum of $l5B. In the case of Dain and Pitcairati vs Robison, motion for new trial and rea sons filed by defendant's counsel. W. EL Levy vs. Wm. F. Kaiser. 1 Ac tio on book'account. Verdict for pain. tiff in the sum of $340. tio ...li n . n Ar p m ro s in tro imo ng ry vs n . o N t e e i . l I, Do o r ro ls. lot t A fo c- r, pl WWI in the sum of $166 86. auley vs. Black's Administrators. Action on a promissory note. Verdict for plaintiff in the sum of 1573 26. The jury were discharged from a further attendance at Court until ten o'clock Monday mornine. The argu ment list will be taken up Saturday. deal Blotters In Wed Deer and In diana Townships. ' ESSRS. EDITORS : The manner , in ich your 'readers in any portion of the 4. munity are interesting themselves their children in the matter of must- education must be a topic of no small. inerest to all the remainder, -consider in: the high estimate at present placed n l i r n a good musical education. With yo permission I will tell your numer o family of readers what we are doing in he matter in Indiana and West Deer to nships. During the winter Prof. 43: W Huey, of McKeesport, has been en gaged in teaching.a large class, partly adult, partly juvenile, in the U. P. Church of gest Union. On Thursday evening, Ilth inst., the Professor and his class gave a concert in that church, which was largely attended and was a decided suc cess. ' The improvement manifested by the wholeelass, both adult and juvenile, was certainly surprising; and this both in ! their knowledge of the principles of music and vocal execution. One feature of the concert was specially noteworthy —the class did the singing. It is quite a different matter to execute a piece with af. they' teacher leading with his own voice an to execute it without any. such help. Pr . Huey has evidently taught his el s to rely , upon themselves and put' their musical abilities in practice unassisted. Another feature was praise worthy. His pupils are taught to enun ciate the words distinctly, so that the , /istener has, not only the Melody, but' the sentiment. (*ratio lunging so much in vogue now, May beadmissible in im mense popular musical displays, where melody is the only thing sought after, but in the services , of the sanctuary I think It out of place. AR the instructor of our youth in this delightful art. it is . a pleasure to know that Prof. Huey does not belong to the operatic school. It is certainly encouraging to those who love the progress of the community at large, especially our youth, to seesuch,interest manifested In musical attainments by our rural population and that' they are making such advanoement in its acqui sition. It is encouraging too, to know that a first clad teacher can be induced to teach in rural districts, thus giving us much of the advantage of the city in our country homes, We have. long, known Prof. Huey as a first , class singer, but his concert last Thursday evening proves him a - first class teacher also. With such opportunities then, our rural population have only .themseives to !blame, if they are hereafter deficient in proper musical attainments. The Grab Game. J. P. Smith and E. Blairsley are em ployed on the Oakland Passenger Rail way, the former as conductor and the latter as driver. Yesterday Sthith made information before Alderman Lynch against Blairaley, for larceny. It seems the parties had soma difficulty in regard to the) payment of some Wages, and ac cording to the allegations of Smith, Blainiley put an end to the controversy by snitching the money, about one dol lar and a half, out of his hand. A war rant was issued for the arrest of the ac cused. The following deeds were filed of rec ord before H. Snively, Esq., Recorder, tebruary 19, 1869: Alexander Gray to James M. Snyder. February 11. 1869; lets 'Nos. 10 and 11, Snydees plan, Twenty-first" ward, Pittsburgh, on Centre street. 4S by 116 feet en* JAmes M. Snyder to Joseph Weyman, February 16 1869: the above described lot. ..ssae David Elkin to Andrew Taggart, September 30, 1868; lot No 2, 'Parton's plan, on Snyder street, Allegheny Chy. 20 by 65feet $475 Joseph Spelgle to E. Aluq , 'tour, January,=, IstXt; lot . In Snowden townthlp, eontain,ng 3 acres... 11 1 540 ElizsbethDenny to Peter O'Neil, February 1E66: lot on Webster street Fith ward, Pitts burgh. Xi by so feet *2590 11. R. pnardian to G. A. Iffun , torff, Oc tober 24, 1808: lot on ?diary s.tret t.East ham, 29 by 120 feer $1,540 &utlet Belfore to William M. Siren. February 1.13;9: lot No. 4, Wright's plan, on Bq*KC dford r street, Thirteenth ward, Pittsburgh, 24 by. Ir. feet George Schafert to George Weber, February 13, .1869; lot on Frlnk In stre'4, Sixth . nrkra,- Ano -gheny, 22 b F IM fact, with buildings.' 42,303 _ _ Baron Manchausen tells a story of a postbors horn, which bad a number of wicked tuneeiblown into it one frosty night, but made no response. Nevertheless, when It was flung before a hot tire, the tunes; which had been ft o,en in, thawed our, to the amazement of all present Just so tae human system. subjects et to tile iniurlons infiu ences during the Winter, sometimes give no token of the effect they have produced upon it, ' until the, moist atmosphere or Spring developes their Anita. Many noting di cases are the result of Winter Imprudencies. and great and especial care should be taken of :IP system In the cold season, so that It may be in a sound and vigorous condition when the xnalarions fogs of March and April make their appearance. To this. end. strengthen the stomach and the general organi zation at this season with 'HuS t LETTER'S BIT- - ZEUS. Take this pleasant, vegetable antidote In advance of the uprising of the me'httle mlsta and vapors, whin produce t. hIlLs and fever,-and other miasmatic diseases....tt member that It is a preventive me lietne-as powerful to protect as to reatort. The stomach is, apt to be overtaxed at this time o the year It is a nsriod devoted to dinner and sapper parties, and luxurious llving generally. Feastiug mad late hours weaken the digestive Orgatis and disoreier the liver. The of • feet of the - Bitters is to invigorate the one and regulate the other. • There is no *month in the twelve when a tons , and alterative Is more gen erally needed than in this. and there is no . oration of that nature so thoroughly sambr so bracing, and so entirely free from undue e - citing properties, as :this celebrated vegeta e cordial. THE SOUND.OF THE LUNGS. . . One of the most accurate ways of determinixig j whether the lungs are in a healttiy r diseased. con. dit ion, is by means ofilstening to the respiration. To those experienced in tali. pr nee it becomes as plain an lnaex to the state of the kings, and la as well known to the operator as are the Voices of his most intimate acquaintances. , The belief that long standing coughs, and diseases of the lungs upon which they are dependent, 'are incurable, are fast becoming obsolete. One great adyantage to be gained from this advance in medical knowl edge is tt e earlier application of those who be come-afflicted With those diseases - is some one competent to afford relief. - I'ho error which bad taken hold of the publit mind in regard to the cuntbilityof consumption, or rather non-curabil ity, is fast becoming obliterated, and it Is well that it should be so, not that persons should lose that salutary fear which would make them anpty fora timely remedy, but that all might be Indu ced to use remedies while there !salty hope: It is the delay in these cases that Ellis us with ap; Prehension and alarm, for if every one would make timely application of D. KEYSER'S LUNE/ CURE In the beginning ofacold or cough, few cases would go so far as to become irremedia ble. . . Sold at the Doctor's great 3ledlchte Store. No. 140 Wood btreet..,WlLL SHORTLY RIIIIOVZ TC HIS NEW STORE. ,NO. 18 LlfillratTr STREET, SECOND DOOR. 111031 ST-110111.. . • DP. ..KEYSEE'S RESIDENT .OE/WE JOB LUNG P.XAMINATIOI , IS AND . THE ffiREAT— MEND OF 013STINATE CHRONIC DISEASES. No. .1.30 - PENN STREET.. PITTSBITEGH. PA. Office lionrelrom 9 A. )a.. until 4i. lt., and from 7 to S at night: k( 3 17.4.:1k 00_34;," lett tv, • 414 PUBLIC LECTURE at the NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH. corner of Wood and Sixth streets. on SUNDAY EVENING. February 51st. IlubJect—TmeDELEGE. llgy 4 ' THE FIRST METHODIST CETURCH, (Railroad tcreet, near Depot.) Raw Bntattrox. Pa. k. CROW THEP., Pastor. Preaching Evan? SABBATH. at /UN A. . and 7P. Y. Public cordially Invited. . • - • ;grFIRST ENGLISH EVAN GELICAL. LUTHERAN -CHURCH, Bev entb street—Rev. SAMUEL LAIRD, Pastor. Services TO-MORROW. (Sunday:) and regularly hereafter, at 10,1 A:: X. and 7,ff Y. u. . Sunday School at 9 11E. lar THE FIRST "METHODIST • CHURCH, 11rrir AlWarr, between Smithfield and GrAnt, strecis. Pastor. Preaching Ey -a ux SABBATIX, at 10.30 A. 2i. ;and 7.30 P. ar. Free. seats and welcome to all. Sunday School at 9A. r. and L 45 r. m. • arrumst CHRISTIAN CHURCH OP PITTSBURGH, 'W. S. Dray,' Pastor, meets statedly in NEVILLE. HALL, corner of Liberty and Fourth streets. Services every .Lord's Day at 105 E A.. Y. and Vi P. N. The public are cordially Invited. arCHRIST. M. E. CHURCH.- BISHOP SiktPoON will preach in ibis Church, corner-of Penn and IL:ncock Streets. at, 1.014 o'clock, TO 2dOttitOW. Sabbath morning. The annual collec , lon for the Superannuated Preachers of the Pittsburgh Conference will be taken up. "RELIGIOUS.-First Chris TIAN CHURCH; corner Beaver street and Montgomery avenue, Allegheny City, J. , - NEP It KING, Pastor. • Public worship T , 4310R ROW, (Lord's Day.) at 10% A. X. and 7% Seats Fuzz, and a cordial welcome to all. aril:lEBB'Aß' ENGLISH EVAN GELICAL LUTHER AN CHURCH,(Ges eraI Synod.)Band Stmt. below Penn.ltev. T.H. W. STUCEENBEitii. Pastor. ' Religions pervi- Oct regulany on SABBATH hereaftcr., Sunday Schaaf A. N. Preaching at 10% a• M. and 70( P,l. erayerateeting and Lecture Wednos day evenings. Friends of the congregation and public ars cordially invited. ilar'THE' CHURCH WAITING for the Deming of JeAUS and the.promlses made to Abraltant. Isaac and Jacoh, and•whose hope la only In the Resurrection ' wl I bate EL— DER J. 'WENDELL to declare this word unto them TO-MORROW, in QUINCY HALL, La cock street, AIL sheny City. at 1U . 30 a. and 3 30 and 7:30 P. sr., and some evenings during the week. The pabilc areinrlted. Beata free. rgrBLIND TON. ' THE !MUSICAL WONDER. • AT EXCIip3_IOH HALL, (Allegheny City,) MCIHDAY.ANIY . TUESDAT Teb— . :; • . =my ASO and 934. FlCketa for sale at the Drug !Stores 04 at the Book and Knelt Stares. ildr Matinee on ineeday, February Sad, at SOi P. IL " • fe2.1:6,7 HAY. NO. '1 TEINOTEET RAY, Foi, sale by bale or le enastity, at 4~6' LIBERTY STREET, - _ Opposite Union Depo fe2o:e9o . _ § ECOND LIST , . 1869, -APPLI.. CATIONS TO nELJ. LIQIIGna; RIO , to the era's 00lee, month of Februarr. VW% ' NAN& KIND. YX.A.CIL Michael . Ltapett. O. 9th ward. el. tshlrch... O. D. • btra ward, Allegheny, The License. Board uali 51t. r.r !marina thS above aptnimulons on WEDNESDAY. the *4O inst.. at 9 o'clock A. N. • • •• fr2oieel JOHN G. BROWN, Clerk. JOSEPH HORNER, Bookseller, Stationer, Paper Dtaler, Ana Blank Book Tffanufacturor. METHODIST - BOOK DEPOSITORY ) oft:moan Eplvopal Block;) SUBSCRIBER. N 0.129 k 4 mitlifield Street, A tall assortmentof Law, Medical, Miscellan ous. and game' Books constant yon hand. The latest-stylee of .fancy Note Paper, Envelopes, And ViaLli.g Cards in great variety. rivvra 0" 1 14 NNEID LEATHER BYLTING of a superior quality; also round leather Belting of (Afferent sizes. A large stock on hand at the lowest prices. feB J. & H. PHILLIPS, !AG an.itabl Nlxrq . Atreet. 40it i ott IMF : MI OF SORGHUM Jab • D/LLINGEE & STEVENEON. Real Estate Transfers. THE SEEDS OF SICKNESS (Con. VIRGIN ALLEY.)