PETROLEU MALCKE7 OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, February 19, 1869. There is really nothing that is new or' important in the- oil market worthy of special notice; There was not a single i operation in Relined to-day, at last there were none reputed, nd while the market is dull and lang id, prices are nominally unchanged. - he confusion and uncertainty which h s prevailed for some time in regard to the future, still continues, and with a general conflict of - views, and feelings, buSiness is:neelect ed, and the sales I unusually light. The first instalment of oil by riveron the present rise arrived, haying been • towed down by the tug Oil Valley, and was consigned to!Maw'ninney . ct Bro. and Fleming ct Co. It is probable that the receipts within the next few days will be large, and the river could not be in better condition for running oil than It is at present. CRUDE. The market Is unsettled and rather - weak, with more sellers than buyers, though compared with yesterday, prices have undergone no quotable change. Sale 500 bbla on spot at 17; 1,400 to be de livered on this water at 17y,; 1,000 bbls eaoltfrom March to December, at 18; and I,ooo . 'seller. till October, at 16%. Last evenibg there were sales of 3,000 bbls, seller ;till December Ist, at 10; 2,000 seller till August first, at 17; and 1,000 October Ist, at 1634. REFINED. The market, as already noticed, was exceedingly quiet to-day, not a single sale • reported, and while the feeling, apparently seemed to be weiker, prices are nominally unchanged. There seem ed ,to be no demand , whatever for any delivery, though, it is proper to remark, in this connection, that there is not much disposition manifested to sell, re finers generally appearing to hold off for the present. LIIBRIC.&TIlkIG OILS Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 400 Eclipse Railroad Axle - 350 Eclipse Machinery 75c Eclipse Spindle 80c Eclipse Tanners' Stuffing 40c Eclipse Tanners' Finishing oil 650 OIL SHIPPED EA ST BY A. V. R. B. Lockhart. Frew dr, Co.. 53 bbls to Warden. Frew dr, Co„ Philadelphia. McKelvy Bros. dr. Co., 216 bbls refined W. P. Logan dr Bro, Philadelphia. McKee, Hackett dr Co., 200rbbls refined W. P.-Logan dr. Bro., Philadelphia. Standard Oil Co., .525 bbls refined to Warden, Frew 4t Co., hiladelphia. Total shipments Refined. .. . ..... 994 OIL SIIIPPED EAST FROM' DUQUESNE EM:ii2 H. M. Long & Co., 39 bbls refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. A. D. Miller, 48 bbls tar, to Win. Lin coln, Boston. Brooks, B. & Co., 60 bbls refined to W. F. & Co., Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined. Total shipments tar Financial Matters in New York. Gold Closed at 1333.4133 ,5 8.. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh ti'azette.] NEW YORZ, February 19, 1869. MONEY. The-money market Alas become ex tremely easy; after meridian - offerings increased rapidly, banks and foreign bankers appearing in the market as lib. ..eral lenders; the rate on call declined from 7to 4 and 5 per c ent. among stock \ brokers while 'in the . Cinveniment bond market loans were made as low as 2 per cent. Many bankers and brokers have carried over balancee, being unable to lend at any rateOf interest. These ex treme rates are hardly a fair criterion of the market, however, but it %accounted . for by the free influx of currency from the interior and the increased demand for foreign exchange, which relieved the limkers .much. Prime business paper is in demand at 7® B . ' Sterling is active, the decline in Gold: having stimulated tree purchasers on the' part of importers. Prime bakers. 9@9y; sight: 91‘@9%; bond bills sold at a octiT. cession of 3iigtc froth these quotations, but are growing scarce as are commer cial bills. Gold is lower, the combina tion for a rise having withdrawn all sup ' port to premiums they have fallen as low as 133%, but closed at 133%@133,( 1 . Clearances:were eighty-six millions pf dollars. ;, BONDS AND STOCKS. Governments strong. Coupons of ISSI, 113%g)114%; do. 'B2, 114%, ®115%; do. '64, 111®111%; do. '65, 11235@112%; new do., rioy,@liow, , '67, 1.1015@ iloy• do. '6B, 110®111%4 Ten-Forties, 1094'@1.09%. -State Boa& dull and, lower. Missouris, -37%( - 487%; New Tennessees, 66%® 66 7 .‘;`,North Carolinas, 59(5934; Virginias, • The Stock market opened stronger and higher, with Pacific Mail and New York Central' as the featiires. It , was rii ..mored_that the* Court had modified its, the latter and that 80' per cent. interest could 'be paid, and the price went up to - 164%. Pacific Mail ad- , vanced from ioaq to 107%. Ohio and Mississippi, P.ock Island, Michigan Southern, Northwestern and Fort Wayne were next in interest in the afternoon. The announcement of the reducing of,, freight to Cbicago to:twenty-live centit, per cwt. on heaviest matter had a der pressing effect on New . York 'Central, which fell to 162%, taking the whole market with , it: 'Pacific, Mhil went to 105%. After the last call there was a firmer feeling and prices recovered, dos-, ing steady. Ave-thirty Pricea:—Cumberimid; 36%; \ American, 44% ®45; Adams, 64 1 X: Mer \ chants, 17%@18; 22X©23; \ Canton, 60%@61: Pacific Mail. lOW@ \ 106%; Western, Union Telegraph, 56344) 37; Marlposa, 9©91/,; do. pref., 29©29%; IgeW York Central, 1636/(1633f; Erie, 36;Niledson,, 135@ 1 36; Varlet:3c -13 8 X@ • -• .1931' Reading. 92% ®92%* , Terre filaute, 38X@40; Wabash, 664646%; preferred, ~......16%078: St. Pahl, 65%®66:;preferredli78 678%; Fort Wayne, 119%@120; Ohio and MississiPpi, 34% ®34%lMlchigan South ard, '94% 3 (4)94%; • Illinois Central; 143; Pittsburgh, ' ::%®9O ; !Toledo, 10434; , Rock Island, 127%®168%; Northwest- ern, 82%®83; :do. preferred, 909,4@ 90 'X; St. Joe, preferred, 119; Chicago and Alton, 155; Michigan Central, 117. Mining. Shares lower: Rmith Parm lee, 165; Gregory, 240; Quartz Hill. 73. • Copper Stocks at Roston--Calumet, 50: Cohner Falls, 15% ; Franklin, 19; - Heels, 70; Hancock, 3%; Minnesota, 2%; Quincy, ~ ;.,91‘, Receipts at the Srib-Treasnry, $1,534,- 904; payments, 01,067,085; balance / ~$B9l 942,124. TOLEDO, February 19.—Flour steady, at $9,59a10 for double 'extra and fancy brands. Wheat quiet; amber 51,62%; No. 1 white Michigan 230. lowet at $1,85. Corn-naive; new %c lower. 67% on spot; rejected 66%; white 97% Oats firm and 2c better. sales of Michigan at 62. Rye quiet and unchanged. Barley firm at *2,25 for Canada. Dressed Hogs dull at .12a12%, dividing on 200. Markets In Telegraph NEW Yonk, February. 19.—Cotton is about 14c lower, with sales of 1,900 bales at 28%c for middling uplands; closing more steady, with no sellers under 29c. Fiour dull and heavy and 10a15c lower; receipts, 5,229 bbls, with sales of 4,700 bbls at $5,60a6,35 for superfine State and western, 56,55a7,00 for extra State, E6,40a 7,30 for white wheat extra, e.6,70a8,20 for round hoop Ohio, 87,50a8;50 for extra St. Louis, and 59,12 for good to choice do.; market closing dull. Rye Flour is quiet at $5,25a7,25.1 Corn Meal quiet; Jersey $4,00a4,25. Whisky is nominally nu changed. Wheat—receipts ' 800 bus, dull and la2c lower; sales of 29,000 bus at $1,56a1,58 for Igo. 2 spring in store and afloat, and 02,1234 for white ,Michigan. Rye quiet and heavy. Barley quiet. Barley Malt dull. Corn—receipts, 8,275 bus; dull and heavy and is lower, with sales of 44,000 bus at 88a90c for new mixed I western, 89c for white western; 90a93c for yellow, 93c for southern 3 ellow, 93 1 ,4 c for good white southern. Oats—receipts, 2,945 bush; the market is dull and low er, with sales 23,000 bush at 74a74%c for western in store, and 76 for do. afloat. Rice dulL Coffee firm; sales 2,394 bags Rio at private terms. Sugar excited, with sales 29,000 hhds at 123(,a13%c for Cuba, and 1334a1430 for Porto Rico; 1,200 boxes Havana at 1334a14Xc. Molasses dull. Hops quiet at salsc for American. Petroleum quiet at 22c for crude, and 39 for refined bonded. Linseed Oil dull at $1,03a1,04. Pork heavy and loWer, witn • sales 900. bbls at. 532,37a32,56 for new mess; ciosing at $32,50 for'regular; $42 for old do; e26,50a27,25 for prime, and e29a31 for prime mess; also, 1,750 barrels' new mess, seller for February, March and April, at 632,50a33,75. Beef steady and unchanged; sales 135 bbls. Tierce Beef quiet; sales 125 tierces. Beef Hams quiet; sales 90 bbls at $29,00a34,00. Cut Meats steady; sales 150 packages at 14a 143. c for shoulders, and 17r,a1834c for hams. Dressed HOgs quiet and lower at 1314a14c for Western, and 1434a15c for city; middles quiet and heavy •Lard heavy and lower; sales-550 tierces at 1834 a19 3 8 c for steam, and 19 1 4820 c for kettle rendered; also, 500 tierces steam sold yesterday afternoon, -seller April, at 19%, and- to-day 250 tierces do., buyer March, at 19,ic ' and 1,000 tierces do., seller March, at 19y, c. Butter firm at 25a36c for Ohio, and 40a513c for State. Cheese firm and quiet at 18a22c. Freights to Liverpool lower, with engagements of 15,000 bus corn and wheat at 4X. Latest - Flour clotted dull and saloc bwer. Wheat heavy and 1c lower, with only a very limited inquiry for export and home use. Rye nominal. Oatsdull and - heavy, at 74e for western in store. Corn quiet arutheavy, at: 88a8,9c for new mixed •western, and 99cfor old mixed western in store. Pork drill and rather heavy, at $32,25x32,50 for new mess, cash and regular. Beef nominally unchanged. Cut meats quiet and steady. Bacon dull and unchanged. Lard heavy; sales of 250 tierces prime steam, buyer for March, at 19%c, and 1,000 tierces, seller for March, at 1934 c, Eggs dull, at 21a23c. NEW Yonx, February 19—Dry Goods. In prints ,there has been a further de cline, and it his been quite general. Sprague's goods have been reduced to 1330 regdlar, and they now job at 13a 144 c. The Merrimack D fell off to 1334 c, and all others are down to 13c except DunnelPs and Pacific Mills, ,which coin. mhnd 14c. Amoskeag is selling at 12c, and so are Lancaster and Oriental; the decline in both of the latter makes forced all the latter brands down. At the pres ' ent prices the goods cannot be made to pay a profit with gray cloths at 93;e and cotton at 30c ' at the mills. Spool cotton, it is thought, has found a leyel, as the stock has bedtime reduced: prices are firm - at 900 for all important six cord makes except Orr and MaNaughty,which sell at 80c. 'Three cord thread is lower, and sells at 40a4234c for the most popular brands. ME Sr. LOUIS, February 19.—Tobacoo-- buyers and sellers still apart, and but little doing. Hemp and cotton, nothing doing. Flour very quiet, and lower and medium grades easier; superfine sold at $5.5046.25; latter for choice fall; $5,50a $6,75 for double extra; 58,0049,00 for treble extra. Wheat tending downward; prime to red sold 51,5041,60; spring, $1,30141,33 for N 0.2, and $1,35 for No. 1. Corn unchanged; Sales at 70a73c in sacks and 68c in bulk: — Oats heavy and slow at 63a66c. Barley, nothing doing. Rye steady at $1,30a51,32. Whiskey nominal at 940. Pork quiet, with jobbing sales st` $33;00; round lots offered before this ' price without buyers. Bulk meats nom inal; sales of city packed Shoulders at 13q,a13%% clear rib. sides, 16c. Bacon dull but firm, with jobbing sales at 1434a1,43;c; shoulders,. 17%43; clear sides; 19 for canvassed sugar cured hams. Lard dull, with small retail sales at 19% for tierces and 214a2134 for kegs. Pro visions are now well concentrated in strong hands and the demand being lim ited, there is no disposition to make con cessions, holders preferring to rest until Inc consumption begins to be.felt again. Feeding cattle are wanted and there is a fair demand for butchers' stock, but very little inquiry for shipping; prima range at 3a734 for inferior to extra. Hogs range at Baloq. Receipts—Flour. 2,100 bbls; Wheat:7,4oo bus; Corn, 2,600 bus; Oats, 4,300 bus; Marley, 400 , bas; Hogs, 350 head. Criscrictrarn, February 19:—Flonr ,is unsettled and dull; family, $6,75a7,10. Wheat unsettled and lower; red winter, $1,40a1,50; choice sold,at $1,55. Corn closed firmer at 63a64c for ear. Rye has advanc ed to $1,45 owing to alight supply. Oats firm at 07a680 for No. 1, and 69a70c for choice. Barley unchanged. Cotton dull; no demand and prices are nominal; mid brenaght 270. • Whisky declined to 93%, market not much demand. "Tobabco in fair ' denrandr sales 140'hhds lugs it 16,10a10; leaf, $12,20e27,50. ''Meas 'Porklower.and tinsettled;2oo bbis city sold at 532, thongh it.was not offered to any extent below $32,50. Lard dull and, drooping ; but prices are - nominally un changed. Bulk Meats and Batson are ne glected and there is no detnand and no accurate quotations can be given, hold era Bee asking 13a15c. Bacon dull and no demand. Butter firm and in good 'demand at 3347 c. Eggs are in good supply and dull at 18a19c. I Linseed - Oil dull at ',51,66a1,08. Lard 011 firm at $1,65 411,70.' 'Petroleum, Wage for for refined. Sugar active and prices %x 'higher; ae Nardi 140 hhds raw and 369'bbls relined; raw ,closed at 1434a1ec for New Orleans: refined,'l73:alBy,c for soft; 193020 c for bard. Molasses active. New Orleans ' 80 aBsc. Coffee firm at 20a25e; sales 630 bags Rio within this range. Gold, 1334, buying. Carcs.oo,Feb. 19.—Exchange 1-10 pram selling and 1-10 off buying. Flour: choice qualities neglected and nominal; low grades in fair demand at $6,75 for low 'grade to choice spring extras, Wheat dull and lower, with sales No. 1 at $1;18a1,20; and No. 2 $1,14a1,15N, clos ing at 11,141/01,14%; sales 'since change at $1,14. Corn dull and lqalMc lower. with sales. low at •,5734a57,4;,0, and no grade 55855%c, closing with sellers new at 5734 c; No. 1 at 70c, No. '2 640, seller, last half of April, new 5814a596, buyer, March, 57W,,buyer February, and, 57%a 57 1 gc, seller, March;' Unchanged this af ternoon. Oats dull and qa 1 ,40 lower, with sales No. 2 at 53a5330 for regular and strictly fresh. Rye dull and lower: sales No. .1 at $1,19a1,1934. Barley dull at 51,90a1,92 for regular and fresh re- PITTSBURGH GAZETTE - : SA T,l ceipts of No. 2. ilighwines dull and entirely nominal at 90c. Provis;ons dull and weak. Mess pork 50c lower; early sales $32,25, closing nominal at 831,7502. Lard qc low3r; small sanest 19c; closing nominal at 18 3 ,019 c. Receipts for the p twenty-four• hours-6,743 bbls flour, 15,Q53 bu wheat, 25,463 bu corn, 13;712 but cats, 2,304 bu rye, 3,382 bu barley, 5,961 hogs. Shipments-12,079 bbls flour, 23,679 bu wheat. 18,049 bu corn, 7,752 bu oats, 4;102 bu rye, 565 bu barley, 4,286 head of hogs. CLEVELAND, Feb. 19.—Flour dull and steady; city made $11a11,25 for 'XXX white; $9.25a9,50 for XX amber; $8,50a 8,75 for XX red winter; ,50a7,75 for XX spring; $6,25a6,50 for X spring , country made; $9a9,50 for XX w ite winter; $8,5 0 a 8,25 for XX red and tuber: $6,25a7,25 for XX spring. Buck heat 'flour in fair demand at $B, Wheat sales at $1,40; 1 car No 1 red winter ld at. $1,59; No. 2 do offered at $1,47. rn—sales 2 cars at 68c; 7 cars at 67c. s held ;at 60a61c. Rye held at $1,30a1,3 for tNo. 1; No. 2 $1,25. Barley quiet b. t Brion; No. 1 Can ada. held at $2,20a2,25; No. I 2 State nomi nal. Petroleum—crude 25c: refined nom inal at 33a3314c for standard white in car lots; prime light straw to white.32c; trade lots 2a3c above these prices. Ilitwarkku, February 19.—Flour dull and nominal. Wheat lower at $l,lB for No. 1, and $1,12 1 / for No. 2. Oats firmer at 54c for No. 2. Corn steady and un changed. Rye dull at $1,15 for No. 1. Barley nominal. Provisions dull and nominal. Dressed Roza lower at $12,50 a 13,00. Receipts-2,000 bbls flour, 1,000 bush wheat, 100 bush oats,' 1.000 bush corn, 1,000 bush rye, ,000 bush barley, 100 dressed hogs. Shipments-2,000 bbla flour, 20,000 bush wheat, 60 bbls pork. LOUISVILLE, February 19.—Tobacco— sales of 190 hhds at $4,25430,50 for lugs to wrapper. Cotton-27%c for domestic. Mess pork, 532,72a533,00. Lard, 20a21c. Bacon—shoulders, 1434 c; clear rib sides, 1040; clear sides, 160. Bulk meats— shoulders, 13c; clear rib Sides, 16e; clear sides, 17c, all packed. Flour—sales ut $5,5046,00. Wheat, $460. Corn, 58a 60c. Oats, 65c. Rye, $1,46. Whiskey, 94c. Sugar—hard standard, 20c;• prime New Orleans, 15c. BUFFALO, February 16.—Flout nom!. r ally unchanged. Wheat nominal. Corn dull; a few cars sold at 76a77c on -track. Oats inactive, but held firm at 65c. Rye neglected. arley neglected. Pork firm at 433,00. Lard unchanged. Seeds quiet; sales of 100 :bags timothy at $3,50: 350 bags medium" clover at *9,25. High wines firmer; 940 offered, with no sellers at that price. Cuiceoo, Feb. 19.—Caftle Market— Dressed hogs (lull at $11,75a13 for light and heavy, closing at '312312,50, dividing on 200. Live dull and irregular at ttBa 6,50 for stockers: Z9,75a10,37m, for fair to medium, and $10,70a11 for good shipping. Beef cattle dull and heavy at ,14,75a5,75 for cows and stockers. PHILADELPHIA, February 19.—Flour dull and weak; northwestern extra fam ily $7,00a7.50, Ohio do. $8,50a9.50. Wheat; prime is very scarce; red $1,80a1,90, am ber $1,95. Corn better; yellow 88. Oath firmly held at nano. Petroleum nom inal. Provisions drooping. Whisky is nominally 97ca51,00. BALTIMORE, February 19.—Flour fair ly active; all grades declined 25c. Wheat nominally unchanged. Corn dull; prime white,,9la93c; yellow, 87a89c. Oats dun at 70a75c. Rye firm. Provisions firmer, but unchanged. P/TTSBVROR, FORT WAYNE & Ci. 130 RAILROAD. February 19.-6 card limestone,Shoeaberger & Blair; 20 cars meta', Ni mick & Co; 6 dodo; Jas Wood Son &. Co; 2 do do, Loomis , it Collard; r do do, Brown & Co; 3 do do, Bryan & Canghey: 3do blooms, John Moorhead: -100 bbls flour, C B Leech; 100 do do, Watt, Lang & Co: 200 do do owners; 13 bbls apples, Graff &Reiter; 1 car barb* J M Carson & Co; 1 do do, Pier, Dannab; & Co; Ido do,John Garogwleb; 6 bbls 4 casks cider , Patterson it Co; 6 bales sheep pelts, J B McCune: 32 aks rags, Carter, McGrew et Co; 6 bbls apples, 1 keg lard, Woodworth & Davison; 1 car slate, T W Parry;l bbl tobacco, SP Shriver at Co; 60 bdls carriage hardware, T Hare & Bro; 170 do do, McWhiniaey it Co; 2 cars old wheels, Maloney dtl i Co; 2 bbls cider, Ir Plank; 34 • hides, . G N Hoffstott; 5 bbls brandy, Jos S Fine 2 bbls apples,Van- Gorder et Shepard; 6 bbls butter, W H raff & Co. \ CANVELAND ADD PITTBIDSOR RAIL. ROAD, 'Pebniary 19.-2 cars New York , ore, Graff & Dull; 2 cars brick; Coleman, Rehm Jr Co; 6 cars New York ore, Sho enberger, Blair Jr Co; 200 bbls of flour, A W Patton; 1 car pig iron, Wm Smith; 8 bbls oatmeal, Rinehart & Stevens, 20- cases matches, 10 do tobc, Watt, Lang & Co; 18 bbls beans, W H 'Graff dr, Co; 18 sks oats, 10 do rye, 20 bbls potatoei, 3 do dried apples, bbl eggs, Head & Metzgan; 2 bbls wine, P Gelchsbelmer; 10 bbls dried apples, Allen Kirkpatrick & Co; 2 bbls flax seed, H Rea, Jr; Bdo apples, H Riddle; 36 sacks oats, Fetzer & A; 36 bbls green apples, 5 do eggs, Voigt Ma hood & Co; 1 bbl dried apples, W J Steel IBro; 2 tubs cheese, J Daub; 6 bbls green apples, T C Jenkins, 6 brie 2 hf do wine, . J F Waiters. AzaMonmery VALLEY RAILROAD, Feb ruary 19.-50 bbls ref oil, Lockhart, Frew & Co; 15 pkgs, W George; 4 do do, Joseph t3ohl;, 58 bbis salt, Watt, Lang & Co, 38 aka oats, 8 do corn, Graham & Ivlarshall; 1 car bay, Blaney & Moore; 1 balelWool, W Barker Jr & Co; 400 bbls oil, Jas Wilkins; 1 car grain, Scott & Gisal; Ido do, Crawford & Co; 6 bgs onions, A Kirkpatrick &Co; 2 cars metal, H Woodside% I do do, John Moorhead; do do, McKnight, Porter .kCo; 11 pkgs .ripxliice, 1) Stewart. „ ALLEOHENT EITAT/Orf, February 19.-:- 4 car,s wheat, R T Kennedy Bib; 8 bbis Lappe & Weise; 2 oks cheese, G Myers; 1 car oats; • R Knox ,t Son; 3 pkgli butter, Beckfield & Netilionse;‘' 5 bbls cider, S Dyer; 3 cars metal, Rogers & Burchfield; 1 car barley, J Rhodes & Co; 1 car shingles, J Nanz & Co; 1 bar limo, J Abdell et Co; 4 cars metal, 'Pittsburgh Iron 43r, Forge Co; 1 bbl tobacco, R& J Elton; 10 bxs candles, Mercer & Robin- BOOTS,SHOEg AND CAIarETS FOE THE MILLION. SMITHSON'S EMPORIUM, 55 AND 51 FIFTH AVENUE. Messrs. H. B. SMITHSON & CO., proprietors of the well known Mammoth Auction House are creating an excitement consequent upon the ar rival of new geode which are being sold at re markably low Ices. Goods ofevery variety; the duet sewed rots, the most fashionable bal. ineral gaiters and anklet shoes. slippers, &c.,. blankets, flannels, cloths. cassimeres. cutlery and carpets. Call and,examine. No trouble to show goods. Ladies% Misses , and children's furs at almost your own prices. All goods war ranted to renresented. nom _ SSIGNEEN SALE IN BANE RIIPTCY.—FRIT/AY MORNING, irthrua r t at 10 o'clock.•wlls be sold at No. Su Mar ket street. near Filth avenue. by order of Job n H. Bailey Assignee In Bankruptcy of James McConnell and Alexander R. kfcConnell, Co partners, the entire large sto •k of Boots. blioe, 1.e., In store. Also' the Counters, Shelving, and pther flxturea. • • . felt; A, M'ILWAINE, Auctioneer. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD .A.UCITION SAZEIS. BY IL 13, 11141113011 dr, 09. BY A. irrmAINE. lIDAY, ,FEBRUARY ;20, _IE69. RIVER NEWS; The river continueS to recede ,steadily at this point with nine feet six inches in the channel by the Monongahela marks. Weather yesterday was unsettled, and cold, with a slight snow storm early, in the morning. Mercury at noon was up to 31. We have no arrivals to report beyond the regular packets, and the same is true in regard to tbe departures. The Kenton departed for Por Smouth last evening, and the Bayard cl ared fdr Parkersburg, at noon. / The Grey Eagle, Capt. C. L. rennan, is the regular packet for Parkersburg to-day, leaving at noon. The following boats were in port last evening: Armadillo, Armenia, Maggie Hays, Carrie V. Kountz, Silver Bow, New York, and Lorena. The Lorena; Capt. Samuel Shuman. will positively depart for St. LOnis this afternoon, and passengers and shippers should bear this in mind. Capt. James Vandergrift still has charge of the office. We found another hull - at the -levee yesterday for a mountain boat. The Glasgow, Capt. Andy Robinson, Jr. will be the first boat out for Cincin nati and Louisville, leaving on Tuesday" next. —The following order has just been is sued by Supervisiug Inspector J. V. Guthrie, of Louisville: OFFICE SUPERVISOR INSPECTOR, LotrisviLLE, Feb. 13, .1869. Gentlemen: I desire, as a matter of safety to the traveling public, that in all cases in foture, where the boilers of steam vessels in your diitrict aro need ing or undergoing repairs, that you will require of ail engineers In charge of such (defective) boilers to promptly report the same to you for examination and in spection. Also, that you will keep a complete record of such repairs diade during the inspection year, and report the same in your quarterly and annual reports. Yours, very respectfully. J. V. GUTIIIIIB. Supprvisor In Spector Sixth District. To Messrs. Withers and Houghton, Local Laspectors, Louisville, Ky, —The Mettle Stephens was built aV Madison. Ind., 1883; capacity 420 tuns; length on deck 108 feet; breadth 29 feet; depth 5 feet; floor 26 feet; she, bad three boilers 24 feet long, 36 inches diameter; waterwheel 18 feet diameter length of bucket 7 feet. Her 'machinery , was for merly in the Grampus. The 51. Stephens cost $24,000. She was built for A. C. Geddin, I. L. Stephens and A. T. Tern. ple. She was intended for the Missouri, and made several trips in that stream previous to her lower river career.' Cap tain Goddin is now commander of the Wild Wagoner. —A Louisville telegram to the Cincin nati Commercial, under dated Wednes day says: The Sallie arrived from Pitts burgh. The Glendale passed down. The Sam Brown arrived with 3 model bargee of iron ore for Pittsburgh. The tow boats Baltic and Colter were assisting her over the Falls with her barges all this afternoon. The Dexter goeik - to New Orleans, to-morrow, The Belle Vernon ascended the Falls late this evening, assisted by the Falls Pilot. She bad a good lot of freight for this port, and will doubtless lay here till morning. —The Mollie Ebbert arrived at New Orleans on Wednesday, and the Messen ger enroute from New Orleans to Pitts burgh, passed Vicksburg on Saturday last. —The R. C. Gray also left there the same day for this port, with 300 tons iin eluding 187 bales cott n and 100 tons Sugar. Pilots—Whitte and Shouse.. —The Mary Davage, I n Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Wedneta ay—pilots Whit ten and Mulrine. =The Bellevernon vas advertised to leave Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Thursday. —Gibson k. Wymond. f Madison, have 8,000 oU bbls ready for s ipment to Pitts , burgh.. River and Weather. Louisiii.LE, February 19.---Westber clear and pleasant. River stationary. STRAIN:BOATS. VOR CINCINNATI ands i ggr a t LOUISVILLE.—The Sze pas senger steamer ULASUOW — Capt. ANL:qtr. ROinssON. Ju. Wlll learn firthe above and I termedlate ports on TUESDAY, 513 d bit at 4 .u. • ' For freight or ras6age apply do board, or to ' FLACK & COLLINDWOOD. • GitiN.s+ rd CO. .. • • JAMES COLLI CHARLES BALANNS, Ageits FOR ST. LOUIS.—The Lae passenger steamer ARMADILLO Capt. SWEENZY, Wilt leave for the above and all intermediate ports, on TUESDAY, 234 inst., at 41&.*. - For freight or passage apply on board, or to • 0. 11. MIR , oriT & Co . fela FLACK & COLLINGWOOD, Agents. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS—The steamer • 4.414PNL Capt. D. Sfiustax, Wiiiie:ive for the above and in teiliedlitiiiorts on THIS DAY, 510th inst., at 10 .A. Fortnight or_passage apply on board or to JNO. FLACK, or feIS J. D. coLLibiGWOOD. Agents. pirrstanmon, sie gmo • WEIEELICNO, Marietta and Parkersburg Line, Leave Company's Whalf Boat, foot of Wood Street, DAILY, AT Isl ' TCBEIDAYB MID FRIDAYS, BAYARD A. 13:811ZPILKILD. Mater. WIDNISDATB AND akTUBDATB,' EMT EAGLE C L. BUIMIA24 Master. Freight will be received at all hours by eel!. . " JAMES COLIOINS, Arent. STEAMSHIPS. T o .LITERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWIsT. Tin INMAN MAIL STEIMAISIIIPS, Niambertnit sixteen arat-dlitas vealels, among tm in the celebrated CITY OP PARIN CITY AITTOrmrP. CITY,OI BOSTO N ._, CITY OP B44,adattoßE, orrY OP LONDON, • galling EVERY t3itTURDAY; , from Pier 45, Rivet, New York. lot image ?pp:Tiber Information annlyto WILL a~f WUHAN, ar. • TO FIFTH STREET. (chronicle lialldlng. vo‘rlo onneulfr Poo Plttahnr•l, UNION ENTERPRISE FOUNDRY, WIC M. JOHNSON. Manufacturer of COOKINU STOVES, Arches, Orates, Fenders, Sash Weighte,' and all kinds of Hollow Ware. Car Wheels and ill kinds of Machinery _Castings CUR. WATSON . I SHIN -0155 Prrauuritoll, PA. stmvziwas MARSHALLiii ELIXIR. MARSHALL'S ELIXIR WILL OURS EXADACIIR. MARSHALL'S ELIXIR WILL CURE DYSPEPSIA. MARSHALL'S ELIXIR WILL CURE COSTIVE- Price of Marshall's Elixir, 151.00 per bottle. For sale by all Druggists. Depot, 1301 Mar ket street. M. MAIIuZALL It Co Druggists, Proprietors. • fe4:deS.T:TII:B GOOD NEWS. CHEAP BREAD IY DEAR TIMM Enquir© for WARD'S Brand, TI e largest and beet. The initials "H. W." on every loaf. Take none else. an4vns NOTICES. t woTRIUMPH. OIL COMPANY. NOTICE.—The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the TRIUMPH .OIf..COMPANi will be held at th=lr ollite, No, 10 SEVENTH, (late Irwin) STREET, On Monday, Mack Ist s IS69 s at 3 P.M., For the purpose of electing officers for the en en- -tug year, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before them. feleiet2 WILLI t3f MUSSLEIL Secretary OFFICE OF THE nary 23, rt.R. Pittsburgh, J &unary 25, 1869. 10—STOCKHOLDERS ANNUAL MEKTINO.—T he regular annual'meeting of the Allegheny Valley Railroad company' be held utile office of the mostly, No 26 Pike street, on TUESDAY, 23d day of Februari', 1869, for the pu , nose of electing a Board of Managers for the coming year and the transac tion of inch other business as may be presented. Ja27:(169 JOHN tiALLANTII4E, Secretary. OFFICE OF , :ITY ENGINEER AF D SURVEYOR, _I PITTSBURG/I, February 13, 118t19. 'NOTICE TO CONTRACT OHS.—SeaIed Proposals for the grading, paving and curbing o 1 CeNTUE STREET. from Forty-fourth to Forty-nfth street; L. tCUST ALLEY, from Fountain street to Forty-first street: A Li4I.. , ND ALLEY. from Butler street to the Allegheny Valley Railroad. FOSTER ALLEY, from Butler street to the Allegheny Val.ey Railroad; 'Will be received at this office until SATUR- D aY. February 27, 1869. Specifications and Blanks for bidding can be had at this office. No bids will be received unless made out on the pre per blanks. Toe Committee reserve the right to reject any or all blds. U. J. amour. .fel3 • City Engineer. TO BUlLDERS.—"Separate Pr.:otiosela, addressed to the Cowing stoners for. the F.rectlon of City Hall." will be re elvett at the office of the Commissioners., No. 66 87.11THFIVLD Until:ET, until MONDAY, the lot day of March next, for the Stone Work, Brick Work, Iron Work and Carpenter Work, Required in the erection of the new C,l'y Aall according to the plans and specifications of the name, which can be seen at the ortice of J. \V. • K ERR, Architect, In App 010 linilding, No. SO Fourth Avenue, where sal requisite information will, be given. THOMAS STEEL. Secretary OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER AND Sravv.vOn, / Pittsburgh. February 4th, Mil. ; rjrN ICE OF S WEE BUILDERS. svALET) ROPOSALS for the construction of a Dublin sew ron )IfLII or Pennsylvania avenue, from Wash! gton street to Dinwhidle street, about twent seven hUll(11 , d feet (2700,1 and also for a p bite sewer on Diamond alley, from the Wood it eet sewer to bmillitleld Street., will be received at this office until SATURDAY. Feb ruary 110, IQoo .. boccifications and blanks for ; bidding can e had by calling at this office. -o bids will be received by the Committee unless made out on he regular blanks lhe Comm ttee reserve the right to re:ect any or all bid.. fei eb i 11. J. 310011 E, City Engineer. OFFICE OF O'ITY timusgzu AND bERVEYOR, ( I'ITT.ECRGII. February 4. 18E9. ..1 11- 7•40110 E TO FOUNDRY -I,—. bIEN.--Sraled Prcposals for furnishing the City of Pittsburgh, with castings for the estchbasingiequlred in the , sewers n n w %bout being chntr et. d fa . will be receivhd at this of fice Until S • URDAS. Feb. 110, 11469 hoecltleati ns can be seen at this office. The Comb:LIMA, eserve the right to reject any or all bids. H. J. MOCKS. fe':e4 • Cltv Engineer. SP 3CL9.1., NOTICES. ar BA CHELOWS HAM BYE. ..••••• • This splen • Id Hair Dye is the best in the world: the only tru and perfect Dye; harmless, relia ble. instant . eons: no disappointment; no•ri diculous tints; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes; invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or brown.. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers: and properly applied at Satche -1 ion's Wig Factory, No. 10 Bond street. New York. atM:p2:B rgfrMARRIAGE AND CELIBA•• CY.—An Essay for young men on the crime of Solitude, and the DISEnhaS and A BUSSB which create Impediments to MARRIAGE, with sore means of relief. Sent la sealed letter en velopes. free of charge. Add. ess, Dr. J. n•KIL LIS IRMIGHTON, lioward Association.• Phila. delphia, Pa. , lal9:d&T tgrOHNAMENTAL AND USE.. F UL. BUN ONLY SILVER TIPPED SHOES. For children. Will outwear three pairs without Ups. ja.audGs-Trrilis LEGAL. TN THE 'WAIVER OF TOE AP plioatlon of the GERMAN NATIONAL 'WILDING AND LCAN ASSOCIATION, of Pittsburgh, for a Charter of Incorporation. No. —, March Tenn. 1860. Court of Common Pleat. -Allegheny County, • . Notice is hereby given that a petition has been presented to the ouurt otCommon !Pleas for the 'treating of a Charter to the GERMAN NA TIONAL 'BUILDING AND LOAN•ASSOCIA. TION, of rittsburgh, and If no (Meet:on is shown to the contrary, the game shall be granted at thu nen t tarm of Court. • MORELAND. MOORE & KERR, feiSteSS 8 Solicitors for Aasoelation. IN THE MATTER OF THE AP xolication of the TWELPTU WARD BUILD. (3 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, of Pitts burgh, for a Coarter of Incorporation. No. —, March Term, 1860. Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County. Notice it hereby given that a petition has been presented to the Court of Common Pleas for the granting of a Charter to the TWELFTH WARD BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. of Pittsburgh. and If no objection is shown to the .contrary , the same shalt be granted at the next term of Court. MORELAND. MOORE & KERR. , fel3:e34-8 Solicitors for Association. VEST RN DISTRICT OF , Penn sylv in la vS At Pittsburgh, the ISith day of February, A. D. 111369. The, undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap t Ointment as ASsignee of TAMES ItcCONNELL and ALEXANDICE It. IdeCONNELL. of. Pitts burgh, in the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania within t. aid District who have been adjudged bankrupts upon their own peti tion, by the District Court of said District. JOHN ii. BAILEY. Assignee. felSaiks Attr nter-at•Law, 89 Grant street. mrESTEIIIOI DISTRICT , OF PENN:XL VANIA SS. At Pittsburgh, the 111th day of February. A.D. 1869. The undersigned hereby gives notice or bin VRllllirtor Assigned of lowitiLsaArnD r co e unty of Allegheny, and Mate of .Penusylvania. within said District, wbo has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. , JOHN H. BAILEY, Asslsmee, telamso. 8 .. Attorney-at-Le w, 89 rant St. A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE 'AP POINTMENT. • • • . • astern Blatt'lot of Panneylvants, se: At Pitts burgh, Pa., this lEtk day or February, A. D. .11169. To school it may concern: The underelined hereby gives notice of his sp. pointment as Assignee of CHABLEm e. BAI.a• LEY, of Allegheny cPy, in the county of Alle gheny, and State of Pennsylvania, within said Listrict, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon hie own petition by the District Court of said District. • • ' KIRKE% Aeglgnee. Attorney-nt-Lsw, 87.14ftb avenue. , i fel3:es2-8 —. IES ] ay. , AvEstE.,„ DISTIIICT OF ST VANIA; 88. • ' . • • t Pittsburgh, the 27th day of January, A D. 1809. To 'whom , It may' concern; The under signed hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee. of OEORON: ki. HAYS, of 'tipper St. Clair tOwnship, in the county of A l leg h eny, and 'State of Pennsylvania, within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Cow t of said district. JOHN 0. MAcCONNSI.L, Assignee, Attorney-at-law, No. 00 Diamond street. „ia30:01 INSURANCE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PiTTSBURGH, FA., OHio©, No . 424, PENN ST., ON .NATIONAL TRUST CO. BUILDING.) DIRECTORS: Robt. Dickson, !Rob:. Liddell, IW. •J. Friday, G. Sledle, 'O. Vah.lturen, 1". Kirsch, E. IL Myers, J• Oangwisch, Chris. Alebert. L. J. Blanchard, J. Weisser, r. SO:tided:et. DYERS, Pre KSoN,I 7 . GRIER, Tre• LBIETZ, Secre rt: rzag MMffiA MISCELLANEOUS. THE ECONOIY BUTTER CO. ask the attention of all interested in the reduc tion of the extravagant cost of Butter, to their practical and.economical system of making pure Prime Butter by the aid of the , EXTRACT OF BUTTER PLANT. A brief allusion to the origin of ; this inirortant discovei y may not prove uninteresting. Among the authent'cated records of the renowned Cap tain Cook's voyage around the world, is found the statement, that while soJourrilng fora short time on the Brazilian Coast of South America, he observed the natives using, in the preparation of their food, a necaliar oil, which, upon examina tion. lie found to possess the appearance, taste and flavor of Butter; upon further inquiry, how ever, he ascertained that it was simply a sub. ' stance that the natives distilled in a crude and imperfect manner, from a rich and luxuriant plant that grew spontaneously and abundantly in that warm tropical country. A few yea rs ago, an eminent French chemist, while on a profes sional visit to the tropics, made numerous exper iments wltn this remarkable production of na ture, and succeeded in extracting a concentrated essence of the plant. The formula for itB Preps,- ration, and' the Sole Right 1 ,, r . Its sale In this country are the exclusive property of this Com pany, by whom it was purchased from the origi nal discoverer. We claim for this remarkable, yet simple and perfectly harmless preparation— llts.—That by Its use a net gain of from 50 to 200 per cent. is made in the manufacture of Butter. 2d.—That Butter, which from age or whatever cause, may be strong, rancid, streaked or coarse-grained, and comparatively useless for general use, by the aid of this Extract, is re stored to it s original freshness and sweetness, fine-grain, and even color. 3d.—By the use of this Extract, one pound of delicious, fresh Butter Is actually made from one pint of milk. 4th.—That a pure and excellent table Butter can be made, at a cost of from 15 to 20 c nts per pound. The chief eiVense wherein being But ?er, which is the essential base. sth.—That Butter manufactdred by the aid of this Extract Is equal i in every respect to the best Butter made - by the ordinary method. - 6th.-The Extract after thorough analysts, by able chemists, Is pronounced perfectly free from any deleterious substance, the ingredients be- log purely of a vegetable nature• St.h.—ln proof of .he foregoing assertions, the factory of this company Is magosg one ton of Butter per day, which meets with ready sale in the New York 3irrket. and Is consumed from the tables of the first Hotels, Restaurants and Private families in this city and elsewhere. A sample package of the Extract (sufficient to make 50 ihs. of Butter) with full directions for use, will be sent to any address on receipt of $l. CAUTION.-•As articles of real merit are sub-. Ject to spurious imitations, we Would specially caution the public against counterfeits and worth less imitations, advertised as .powders, com pounds, Sc.. as the Extract of the Butter Point Is prepared and sold only by The Economy Butter Co. OFFICE. Us LrBEETT FACTORY, 236 GREEN nriCH DT., NEW YORK, State. County and City Bights for sale. • Hering , to capitalists rare opportunities for establishing a staple business, paying enormous profits. Agents Wanted Everywhere. • M. CADART'd Pure Vegetable Coloring, $ 1 pound, sufficient to give a rich golden yellow to 200 lbs. of White Butter• 50 cents per samnie package. sent teeny address. No Farmer should be without it, as white and. streaky Butter is worth from sir to ten cents a mend less in all markets than that of a rich yellow feS:el6 ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. LEMON ISc WEISE. PraCtical Furniture Mannficturers, FoviLTHAVENUE. Where may be found a fall assortment of Par lor. Chamber and Kitchen Furniture. de :5 NOTICE.—The Office of the PITTSBURGH WHITE LEAD AND COLOR WORKS has this-day been REMOVED Flom No. 67 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, TO TEE FAOTO,RY, No. 450 Rebecca Street, Allegheny. Brahth office at HARRIS EWING'S, No. 344 LIBERTY STREIT, corner of Tenth, (for merly Wayne). Orders left at the Factory, an Harris Ir Hering's. or sent through the Pitts enrgli Post Office. "i'ill . recelye prompt attention. felaeu . • J. SCHOONHAICKB & SON. WINDOW SHADES. A LARGE ASSORTMENT-OF NEW TRANSPARENT & OPAQUE SHADES, At 107 Market St' eet. NEAR FI?TH AVENUE SKATES, SKATES, SKATES. American Rink, New York Club, Empire, Starr, &e. All other styles and shies at the very lowest rates at • WHITE:3IDES & DRUM, del4 ' Z 9 BEDERAL ST., A LLEG HEN r. =I SWINT & BRATT • £JCHITECTUBAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, No. 61 Sandulky St., Allegfeny, Pa. A large assortment of NEWEL : 20` ,, T'd and BALLeazits nonianntly on hand. TUX) ING, of all descriptions. done. ocotvas . . E CONOMIZE YOUR. FUEL, by Eusing the • SJUVE CENTRIFUGAL GOVERNOR, the .only tree and easily regulated Governor made: perfect in Its operations and truly reliable. A large Axe Governor Cl7l be seen at the once of PRECIS VAL BECKETT,,Mechardcal Engineer and Solicitor of Patents, No. TO Federal street, Allegheny City, the only agent for this Governor in the Weat. • • - ser-vres DIAMOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONG & CO., 041ce, DALZELL fel3 Paw:mane W:ii,•Plttabnrgii, pa T'RESII FlSH.—BenJamin Put- PRESS still continues to Jill all city and , coml. cry orders for • FRESH WHITE LAKE FISH, /SALMON AND BASS. Send to No. 4.IDIASIOND MARKET. ritt.. burgo, or his old well known TWIN CITY STAND. Allegheny market . ocao veEARL ASH-30 casks Prime Pearl Ash now In store and for sale by l 2 • J 13. CANFIELD. FRESH IR ALL BUTTER.-10 belt Maks Choice Roll Rutter, luel, recclyetl and for aide by R. AN . v VOT A 51 1 ..-4 casks No. q . Pot Ash In store and for sale by el 2 J. R. CAIIFIELD. - _ fIIAGE)B PATENT -,LAC E LEATHER, for sale by e 8 , J. hH. PHILLIPS. !sident. lee President. asurer. kJ SOLD ONLY BY JUST RECEIVED, JOS. R. HUGHES & SRO. J. H. BRAT?. II