The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 20, 1869, Image 1

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Proceedings of the Legislature—
The Postage Itlatter—General
Appropriation Bill Passed by
thollfonse. -
Li3y TelmaWith the I'MM:inn% Gazette.,
HARRISBURG, FOrwrry 19, 1869.
Mr, WHITE called / pp 'the resolution
appropriatingll34 hundred ,dollars to be
expended by the Sens e Postmaster for
stamps, thus obviatin the chance of
fraud In the Governm at PoStoffice.
Mr. GRAHAM cha ed tiutt the Har
risburg Poitmaster ha Ictrniahed mem
bers of both Houses with stamps and
charged them to the a count of the State.
Mr. CONNEf÷ 1110 V dan amendment,
_ instructing the Retrenc ment Committee
to investigate tbe:abov charge.
Mr. LOWRY - move the indefinite
' • postponement of the w ple subject.
Mr. ERRETT --- Imething be
There was fill
ing the questil
till Tuesday.
Senator Tayl
his room for si
matism, havini
of his hands ai
The whole BESSI
Appropriation '
with no impo3
the striking om fired thous
and dollars for the new asylum at Dan
ville. A large number of appropriations
to - illvate charitable institution.s, inserted
yesterday and today, were struck out
on final passage. -
Adjourned till Monday evening.
• —One hundred and 1 twenty-seven Cu
ban refugees arrived lat Key West on ,
Wednesday, and mare 2_ie coming.
—Gov. FairchEd; of Wisconsin. has 1
vetoed tbe-tal authorizing minors to
convey real estate.
—The Legiglatare of British Columbia,
after a long debate, decided against the
Confederation, by a vote of eleven to five.
• --The New Foundland Legislature, by
a vote of twenty to eight,t have adopted
an address n response to the Lieutenant
j Governor's j speech, recommending the
union with Canada.
—A contract has been concluded be
tween the Baltimore - and Cincinnati, a
new railroad company, and the. Mariette,
for entering the city of Cincinnati on a
common track, a distance of seven miles.
—The suitof JohnXl,Lawrencs,
nibasioner. of Cincinnati, against Murat
Halstead t . of the - Cincinnati Obniniereicat,
' for libel, for fifty thousand dollars dam
ages, was commenced in the Superior
Court yesterday.
—A resolution was introduced in the
Massachusetts Legislature yesterday,
that_ the- Alabama treaty should be
snurned with contempt, and its ratifica
tion would be dishonorable to the nation
and unjust to its citizens.:., •
—The •
Senate, on -Tuesday, de
feated a proposition to amend the Con
stitution by striking out the word{
"white," by a vote of fourteen toneven
teen. :Three - Senators voted "no," be
cause they want the word "male" strick
en out before the word "white."
• —The Legislature of Nevada has passed
a:Constatutional amendment providing
foi biennial sessions, limited,to ninety
• days, and also a resolution asking Con
gress to annex to Nevada the territory
south IT:of'Srti3ke river. Theworkon Vir
ginia and Truckee Railroad has been
; The New Albany; Mount. Carmel. &
St. Louis Air Line 'Company was fully
organized at New Albany, yesterday, by
the election of Augustus Bradley, Pres'-
: den% Newland; Vice President,
and George Lyman, Secretary. Fifty
thousand dollara were subscribed on the
• .
spot. The route will be surieyedlmme
-The Dela Ware; Lackawanna and Wes:.
- N s
tern -Railroad Company of Pennsylva
• -
o pia have purchased. the Morris & Essex
'=-and- the Syracuse &,Binghataton
roads, and have obtained a perpetual
• lease of tiaa3 Oswego 4k.Syracuse railroad,
thus fornding an independent and direct
"route bijo rail from the seaboard to Lake
—=The bill to lease the Penitentiary at
Joliet and allow the convicts to work in .
Alton, was indefinitely postponed in the
.711inols Leglidature yesterday. The Sen
ate Committeepn a Penitentiary intro
' clused a - bill ,Itppropilating three hun-
, r dred thooaud dollars to be added to the
-‘4s6toliZlnviested in the manufacturing in
' forest at Joliet.
—From Harlan nounty, Kentueky,B is
• reported. that an armed party, headed by
Lige Baker and others, - have been com
'r Emitting depredations In the neighbor
, •*ttood of bionnt Pleasant. Peaceable
aens have been driven from their homes
by them. :'A few days since the party
met a Mr David . Middleton on the road,
and shot him to pieces.
—For insulting his wife a citizen of
-Chicago demanded , satisfaction of. his
. " family physician whereupon the Doctor
struck the injured man live times .with
a slung shot, leaving him almost Insen
sible.. Yesterday - morning, at the police
court, the Doctor was let odWith a tine of
ten dollars, while the -citizen paid five
-dollars.for'being the aggressor.
--A Washingtonspecial says General
Grant remarked to a Republican mem
• ber of Congress that he would consider
it an insult to the party which had
elected Min to think of putting any
men in his Cabinet who were not with
• the party during the war, or who'had
not acted with it since then. He knew
I -. the party had rights and he should not
alloWhis personal, feelinjis to interfere
with these rights.
SENATE: Bill to Conipertsate
Farragut and His Hen Pa sed
• —lndian Appropriation Pass- ! .
ed Tenure-of 7 Offil:e, Bill.
HOUSE: The Army Appropri
ation bill Passed, the Amend
ment of Mr. Butler Being Be
ee ted—PostolOce Appropria
tion Taken Up and During its
Uonsideration the House Left
Without a Quorum.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh quette.)
Mr. STEWART, from the Pacific Rail
road Committee, submitted a majority
report, in opposition to the views of' the
minority, on the Omnibus Railroad Bill.
Air. WILSON introduced a bill to re
peal the act fixing the headquarters of
the General of the Army at Washington,
requiring all orders of the President and
Secretary of War to be issued , by him,
and, lu case of his inability, by the next
in rank, and providing that he shalt not
be released from command or assigned
to duty elsewhere, except at his request,
without the approval of the Senate, and
that all contrary orders shall be null
and void.
Mr. POMEROY, from Committee on
Public Lands, reported, with an amend
ment, the bill amendatory of the act of
July 27, 1563, relating to the location of
Agricultural College scrip. As amended
the bill provides simply that all such
scrip shall be received from actual set-
lens in payment of pre-emption claims,
in the same manner as is now authorized
by law in the case of military bounty
land warrants.
but pend
confined to
with rheu
lost the use
Also, adversely the House bill to de
clare forfeited to the United States cer
tain lands granted in aid of the construc
tion of railroads in Aligsissippi, Louisiana
and Florida.
On motion of Mr. HOWARD, who
stated that during .the short' remainder
of the session the Committee would not
have time to• act upon them, the Com
mittee on Pacific Raitreads were dis
charged- from the further consideration
of bills In aid of the following railroad
enterprises, viz: Southern Pacific of
Texas; Union Pacific; Southern Branch;
Lawrence, Kansas and Guayamos; Lake
Superior and Sioux City; Lake Superior
and Puget Sound; Idaho, Oregon and
Puget Sound; International PaChic, from
Cairo to the Rio Grande; Atlantic and
California, thirty-second parallel line,
and Memphis, El Paso and Pacific of
Texas. Also, from the further consider
ation of House bills extending the time
for the completion of the Dubuque and
Sioux City Railroad; the House joint
resOlution declaring the. meaning of the
acts relating to Pacific railroads, which
direct the use of American iron in their
cone - traction, ;namely;- - that American
iron - Mu:it be'also used - in repairs and in
re-laying track; and the House joint res
olution providing forthe appointment of
eat:lard - of ,Commissioners io establish - a
tariff of prices for the transportation of
freight and passengers on the Pacific
railroads and branches. - •
,pied on the
passed finally
Lents, save
Mr. PERRY, Item ' the Cbmmittee on
Patents, reported adversely the bill to
repeal the sixteenth section of the act of
March 2d, 1861, relating to patents lor
inventions and _discoveries_ patented
Mr. ANTHONY, from the Committee
on Printing. made a report on the sub
ject of reporting and printing debates,
and said he would ask the Senate to con
sider it tomorrow.
He also made a report, from the same .
Committee. on the Dailey of continuing
the publicationby Congress of otherpub
lic documentr-than those , connected di-,
rectly with or forming a part of the Con
gressional proceedings.
Mr. POMEROY introduced a bill to
abolish and forever prohibit peonage in
New Mexico.
Mr. WILLIAMS, from the Committee
on Public Lands, reported a bill for the
sale of time Hot Springs reservation,: in
Arkabsas. •
Mr. GRIMES called up the bill in-re
lation to captures made by Admiral Par
ragut's fleet in the Mississippi in 1862.
In reply to a question by Mr. Truinbull,
he said the bill did not give the officers
or men anything more than they were
entitled to under existing laws, but
would . haye merely a technical effect.
The bill pagied. ' • - •
Mr. GRIMES called up the bill to corn-
Pansato the officers and crew of the Kear
serge for the destruction of the Alabama.
It gives to Commander Winslow and his
'crew $190,004.-
4 Mi. TRUMBU/IL callad up'the bill to
reorganize 'the' Judicial system 'of. the
United States. It fixes the number of
Judges of the United States Supreme
Court at nine, and provides for the ap
pointment of Circuit Judges to perform
circuit duties now performed by the
Judges of the Supreme Court, but re
quires that each of the latter shall do
"circuit duty for et least one term every
two - yeare..
Mr. EDMUNBS:tiegan a speech in op
position to the provision of the bill for
circuits, bat was interrupted by the ex
piration of the morning hour, which
brought up the unfinished business, the
Indian Appropriation bill.
Several additional amendmenta,repor
ted by the Indian Counittee, were adop-
Mc - STEWART offered as an addi
tional section the bill
_which lately pass.
ed the HouteAraneferring the control-of
the Indian Bureau to the Vital:it:Part
After discussion, in Which - Messrs.
Morrill, of Maine, Pomeroy, Morton,
Hendricks and Sprague opposed, and
Messrs. Stewart, Edmunds and Conklin
favored the amendment, it was rejected
—yeas 8, nays 26, the yeas being Messrs.
Anthony, Ccuakling, Edmunds, Grimes,
Harris, Howe, Morgan and Stewart.
The appropriation was then passed.
On motion; Mr. Edmunds' bill to repeal
the Tenure of Office act was again taken
np, wheretipon, at 4:45 P.• lc. th e Senate
Several petitions praying that the Al
rnighty• be recognized by the Coustitu
tion were received. •
The Army Appropriation bill was taken
up. All the amendments reducing ordi
nary appropriations were agreed to.
Mr. KELLEY made a speech express
ing his faith in Gen. Grant.
Mr. BLAINE appealed to the House
not to agree to the amendment striking
WrAsniNaToN, Feb. 19, 1869
out the $200,000 for military surveys, ro
decing the appropriation for the Rock
Island Armory and Arsenal from one
million dollars to five hundred'thousand,
or to the amendment offered by Mr.
`Butler for the reduction of the army.
The Rock Island item provoked a
rapid and heated discussion, such as it
usually does provoke whenever the sub
ject comes up- It was participated in by
Messrs. Blaine, Price, Scofield, Phelps,
Benton, Farnsworthand others
In the midst of the discussion Mr.
BUTLER, of Massachnsetts, obtained the
floor and made a final appeal. to the
House in laver of his amendment for the
reduction, of the army. He eharacter
ized the amendment offered by Mr.
Blaine as a delusion.- It only provided
for consolidation as officers•were reduced
by death or court-martial. There world
not be by it a single dollar saved, a sin
gle sdrvant cut off But the gentleman
from Pennsylvania, (Mr. Kelley,) a new
recruit; came here this morning and told
the House it must trust General Grant.
The difficulty was, the amendment pro
posed by the gentleman from Maine did
not trust General - Grant. Under it he
could not muster out a single officer.
'The only trust they would have to get rid
of an officer would be in Almighty God to
bring him to an end, for he would not
resign. [Laughter.] The gentleman from
Pennsylvania (Mr. Kelley,) said a large
army was necessary in order' to keep
the peace. But if they name the policy,
the moral power of the election of Gen
eral Grant would not keep the peace in
Texas. An army scattered over that ter
ritory would be of no avail. There was
not going to be any organized opposition
to an army; it was going to be stealthy
murder, not in the presence of soldiers,
but behind their backs. Another fact
was, that one-fourth of all the United
States soldiers in Texas were ex-confed
erate soldiers, recruited from the confed
erate army, and they were not to be re
lied upon in any question between their
old brethren 'ln arms and citizens of the
United States. As to the argument that
the army would decrease by natural---de
pletion, he reminded the House that there
was a school at West Point which turned
out officers for the army as fast as officers
• The argument also had been made that
members did not know anything of the
subject, and that therefore they must
turn the matter over to Gen. Grant. 1n
reply to that he would say the Constitu
tion puts it on the representatives of the
people. Any gentleman who says he
does not understand it, had better learn,
or go home. He has no business here.
It is• his duty to understand it. We have
no business to come here if we do not
know how to do the duties which the
Constitution devolves 'upon us. The
Constitution sends us here to legislate,
not to take the ipse di.rtt of any man.
Here is a case of economy. Here is a
saving of thirty millions of taxes; Let
us see whether this talk of economy, this
kicking -of some poor, clairauds, this
overthrowing of• a small appropriation
for some public work, is to occupy our
time, while this great question is to have
the go by.
Mr. BLAINE, of Maine, inade an ear
nest appeal to the House against the
adoption of Mr, Butler's amendment.
He hoped the House would not vote to
deprive General Sherman of the chance
to attain the rank of General of the Army,
and that it would ' not deprive General
Sheridan or General Thomas of the
chance to attain the grade of Lieutenant
General, and would not render necessa
ry-the mustering out of Generals - Meade
or Hancock as Major Generals. That
would be the effect of the adoption of the
amendment. . He admitted there was
mach in tlie amendment that was Meri
torious; but there were provisions in it
which he thought the House would not
approve. The amendment . which he
(Mr. Blaine) had moved jnst"tled'up the
army so that there should be no appoint.
ments or' promotions until Congress
could take hold of the whole question,
and by this meane, under the administra
tion of General Grant, the army could be.
Very rapidly reduced. In conclusion he
asked leave to modify his amendment.
Mr. BUTLER objected.
'Mnt BLAINE—I only 'want to perfect
my amendment.
Mr. BUTLER—Yon cannot perfect any
thing that is bad all over.
Mr. BLAINE went on to say that un
der his plan the process of reduction
would begin the moment the bill was
approved, It was safe; prtident and wise
to take this step, but it was difficult to
go beyond.
• Mr. BOY ER asked unanimous consent
'to offer an amendment directing the
BecretarY, of War to consolidate.. the
Quarterniaster's . Department, the Com
missary Department and the Pay Depart
'went Into one - Department, to be called
the Deputment_of,Simply.
...Mr.. HOOPER objected. '
The Rock Island appropriation was
still further debated by Messrs. Logan
and Pruyn in favor and Maynard against
Finally the debate ended and - the
House proceeded to vote on the various
amendments. -
The amendment striking out the sum
for military surveys was agreed to.
The amendment reducing the Rock'
Island appropriation-from '11,000,000 to
600,009 was disagreed to—yeas 19; nays'
90, and the appropriation remains at one
The 'qnestion was then taken on the
substitute offered last night by Mr.
Blaine fqr the' conjoined amendments of
Messrs. Dodge and Butler. The substi
tute wag agreed to—ill to 64.
Mr. ELDRIDGE moved to lay the bill
on the table. Negatived.'
The bill then passed. .
Mr. PIKE, from Committee of Con
ference on the bill to amend certain acts
in relation to the Navy_ and Marine
Corps, made a report, which; after some
discussion, was agreed to without di.
The Hume then took a ream. .
Evening Session .—The House, resumed
session'et half past seven, Mr. Boutwell
in the chair as Speakerpro tem.
Mr. KELLEY offered a resolution
directing the Secretary of State to
take, immediate measures to ascertain
the cause Of the ariest and Incarceration
by the . Captain' General of Cuba of Emi
lia'Cobada,acitizen of the United States.
Adopted. - • -
On motion of Mr. BUTLER, of Mass.,
the expenses of removing the remains of
Thaddeus Stevens from Washington to
his home in Pennsylvania, were ordered
to be paid out of the contingent fund of
the House. • -
Mr. CHURCHILL, from the Commit
, tee on Judiciary, reported a bill to define
felonies and misdemeanors, and to regd.
late peremptory challenges. Passed.
The bill provides that all offences
against the United States, punishable by
death or by imprisonment for not less
than II veyears, unless otherwise express
ly provided, be taken and deemed to be
felonies; all others to be taken as rote
demeanors, unless otherwise expressly
proVided. In trials for crimes, the pun
ishment whereof is death, the United
States andldefendant are each to be en
titled to twenty peremptory t? challenges;
where the punishment :a itnprisoninent
for not less than live years, to ten per
emptory challenges. When two or more
persons are on trial together, they shall
join In their peremptory cbuilenges.
The House then went into Committee
of the Whole, Mr. Poland in the Chair,
and took up the Postoffice Appropriation
bill. The total sum appropriated is $BO,-
217,50,3, of which sum $22,752,503 is to
be defrayed by the revenue of the Poet
office Department,
Mr. FARNSWORTH moved toiticreass•
the sum for Postoffice clerks from. 02,-
000,000 to n. 500,000. Rejected.
Mr. BEAMAN• moved to amend' the
item for letter carriers, by reductlig. it
from $lOOOO,OOO to $500,000, with a mai
so that letter carriers shall not be em
ployed in any city, the populatioa of
which is less than 100,000, and thatno
greater sum shall be expended for flee
delivery in the next fiscal year.
After quite along discussion the ques
tion came to vote, but there was no qua-.
ruin voting. The rollwascalled and only
ninety-throe membeis answered to thelY
The Committee rose, and,. Mr. Bout
well having taken the Chair es Speaker
protein, the names of the absentees were
A motion to adjourn was rejected.
Mr. BEAMAN moved a call'of -the
House. which was ordered.
The Sergeant-at-arms was directed to
bring absentees before the bar of the
Some hours were consumed therein,
and it was after midnight when the
House adjourned.
London Times and the Rejec-
tion of the Alabama Treaty.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
LONDON, Feb. 19.---The Timer in an ar
ticle on the Alabama Treaty, says the
want of a definite basis of arbitration
will reconcile England to the rejection
by the United States. This• point shOuld
be kept clearly in view in the event of
offers for further negotiations. England
now awaits proposals from America. The
Timer continues: We have done our
best. We have gone to the verge of
national humiliation to smile a settle
ment of the questions at issue. We shall
now wait for propositions from the new'
administration undei Gen. Grant. It is.
admittedthe claims azlitAfair subject for
friendly Arbitration. • •
SouvrEamrToN, Feb. lA—The steam
ship Cimbria, from New York, arrived
LONDON, February 19.-4:vening.—Con
sole, 93: Five-Twenties, 78%. Fries,
24k; Illinois, 9&%. Stocks steady.
FRANKFORT, February 19.—Bonds,
82g 6 82y;. •
ANTWERP, February 19:—Petroleum
dull, at 58f.
LIVERPOOL, February 19.—Cotton low
er and dull; Uplands. spot; 11%; afloat,
11%; Orleans, 12; sales of 5,000 bales.
Wheat—sales of 45,000 bushele, inoltul
ing MOO bushels for speculation and
4,000 bushels for export; stock, 277,000
bushels, including 96.000 bushels Amer
ican. California White Wheat, 10s. 9d.;
Red Western,9s. 7d.®98. Bd. Flour,
255. Corn, 32.. for old; 80s., 9d. for new.
Oats, as. 6d., Barley, 6s. Peas, 435.
Pork quiet, at 97c. Beef, 95c. Lard,
70s. 6d. Cheese, 765. Bacon. 665. 6d.
Spirits of Petroleum, .71 1 4 d; Refined,
is. 10d.
Lownors, February 19.—Tallow, 455.
6d. Fine Rosin, 195. Turpentine, 335.
6d. Linseed, 58a. fid. Linseed Oil, 28s.
Linseed Cakes, LI 1.
FIIANSTOILT, Feb. 19.—Bonds firm at
Pvests, Feb. 19.—Bourse steady: Renter
711. 450.
. -
HAVRE, Feb. 19.—Cotton easier hut un
The Insurrection In Cuba.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
Have Iva, February 19.—The Insur
gents• hold Guaraja, a port south of
itoinan Cats. They have fortified the
town, and have batteries of brass cannon
•mounted, and manned by Americans.
'The water in front of the position has a
depth of eighteen feet, and the guns bear
upon the narrow channel by which the
town can only be approached from the'
sea. The Government is equipping a
flotilla of launches for an attack 'on the
place. "
A landing has been effected by a rebel
expedition at Cochoros.
Itl is . whispered here that Secretary
Seward has made strong representations
to the Government at Madrid in regard
to the death of Mr. Cobner, and other
outrages which have occurred at Havana,
and that he has asked tbat condign pun. 7
isbment be visited Upon the perpetrators.
Transports arrived yesterday with one
thousand troops from Spain and others
arrived to-day with one thousand more.
Orders have been issued requiring
citizens to deliver to the• authorities all
private arms.
Gen. Wm. F. Smith positively declines
the appetutment of Conant General of
the 'United States at Havana. •
sugar market active; No. 12 firm at 10
reals. .
Ban Francisco Items.
(By Telegraph 10 the 'MUM:wilt °agate.)
SAN FRANCISCO, February 19.--The
excitement about the White Pine mines
Is increasing. Fifty-four companies to
mina there have been incorporated here,
with nominal capitals aggregating sixty
' two millions.
The , Board - of Brokers_ is considering
the propriety of adopting more stringent
rules regulating the admission of new
Bond Bobber Arrested
(By Telegraph to the PR tebuish eisette.)
Ngw, Tong, February 19.—Edwin R.
Lee has been arreked on a charge of
stealing 440,000 in bonds, last August,
from the office of M. U. NI Hier, Insurance
Agent, 98 Broadway. It is alleged that
some of the bonds were sold by Lee.
OfIlT(1111 111111111
Rieelingof Presidental Electors
—Fenian Prisoners in Eng
land Released American.
Shipping and the Cuban In
ity Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Oazette.l
WASHINOTON, Feb. 19, 1868
All the members of. the Cabinet were
*Fitt at the regular meeting to-day.
The Presidential Electors now In the
city lipid a meeting at the National Hotel
this-afternoon, for the purpose of arrang
ing for attending in a body the foithcom-
Mg-inaugural ceremonies. Electors were
present from Mississippi, Nebraska, Ten
nessee, lowa, Arkansas and Indiana.
S`eretary Seward has replied as fol
lows to a Philadelphia firm
Department of Mete, Irtaikingtott, Feb.
18, IbB9. —LIEN T IanSEN : I have received
your letter of yesterday's date, in which,
as citiaens of the United States, you make
a request for special protection for ves
sels and other property on the south side
of the Island of Cuba, in the-harbors of
Tunas, Trinidad and Cienfuegos. I
apprediate the anxiety which yeti,
he common with other merchants
having large interests in Cube, feel at
the present time, and Mace the receipt / of
'ymir letter I have conferred with the
Secretary of the Navy, who informs me
that at least one the vesseleunder
command of Admiral Hoff are now la.
Cuban waters, and the Admiral has of
late .been flatly and frequently instructed ,
to be vigilant and active in extending
every proper protection to American in
tercets in tte regions referred to, which
are supposed to be especially exposed to
danger. I am, gentlemen, your obedi
ent servant, Wx. H. SEWA.R D.
The Senate Committed on Printing to
day reported - a resolution authorizing a
contract to be made with• Joseph T.
Crowell for the publication of debates in
Congress fol . a term of years after March
9th, prox., in accordance with the propo
sition submitted by' him. in case of ten
ure to contract with. him, or his inabili
ty to fulfill the contract,. the Taint Coin.
mitteeen PrintiUg.ittauthorized Us. have
the .werk done under tim - directioillaf flte
Congressimmt Printer at theGoversumuit
Printing Office.
The Senate to-day, without opposition,
passed the House joint resolution au
thorizing the Northern Pacific Railroad
Company tmmortgage its road and prop
erty and to issue bonds to aid in the con
suction of its railroad and telegraph
line from Laic& Superior to the Pacific
Mr. TheraOn, British Minister, this
afternoon communicated to Secretary
Seward the following dispatch from the
British Government : "Inform Mr. Se
ward that ordemhave been given- for the
release from farther custody of Costello
and Warren."
The argument on- the application for
hafseaB corpus in the case of Spangler and
Arnold, prisoners at Dry Tortugas, was
to-day, in the Supreme Court, adjourned,
until Friday neat.
Markets by Telegrapts.
Nair ORLEmss, February 19,—Cotton—
recnIpts to-day, 5,295 bales; receipts for
wee1t,i28,331 bales; exports to-day, 8,135
baies,and for the week to Liverpool 23,-
417 bales; Continent, 4,914 bales; Coast
wise, 3,765 bales; stock, 14.6,898 bales;
sales for the week, 10,300 bales; to-day,
3,300 bales; market 3ic lower, with mid
dling at 27148275ic. Flour—low grades
firmer, with sales staperfine at 86,50, dou
ble extra at 97,25, and treble extra at
97,50.. Sugar in good demand, with sales
common at 125. prints at 14;015, and
yellow clarified at 16c. Molasses in good
demand, with sales prime at 77a80c.
Whisky—western rectified. at Sl. Coffee
quiet and firm; fair at 15V,,a16, and prime
at 17y018140.
Cuacm,o, February 19.—After close of
'change the grain market was very quiet,
and prices without change; No. 2 spring
wheat sold at 51,143091,15; closing at
, outside figure. Corn and oats neglected.
Provisions dull and inactive, and nomi
nally unchanged.
Nasuvu.r.u, February 19.—Cotton mar
ket doll; new middling 26; good ordi
nary 25.
OPEICA HOUSE.—The "Daughter of the
Regiment" was presented at the Opera
House last night, Ettie Henderson ap
pearing in the leading role. The piece
was well put upon the stage, and render
ed general satisfaction to the audience.
The entertainment concluded with the
am using comedy of "The Youthful Days
of Richalina," with Ettie Henderson as
Count St. Louis. "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
will be' presented at a matinee this after
noon, and this evening, which is the oo-
Casion of Harry Hotto's benefit. A ver
satile entertainment will be given.
Ebtrrista'a TagArm—There will be a
grand Saturday night jubilee at Smythe's
American Theatre this evenlniq. A great
bill is offered,
consisting in part of
"Black. Eyed Susan," “Panch and Judy'?
and the wonderful performances of Gurr,
the. Mao:Fish. Other attractions will
be presented, and a crowded house may
be anticipated. • _ '
PITTSBURGH THavraE.----Thayer's ar
eas is ' the attraction 'at this place of
amusement just now, and the attraction
must be pretty strong, judging from the
large audiences with which the perform
ance has 013811 greeted since the opening
night. This afternoon there will be a mat
inee, and this evening the regular Per
formance. The troupe is composed of
first class artists, who perform their spe
cialities in agraceful and confident man
ner, which Wins from all who attend the
heartiest applause.
Church (Jceasion—
In large congregations it IS a matter of
desire and concern on the part of the
pastors that individuals and families
should become acquainted and inter
mingle socially together, so as to be
really united and not worship the seine
God under the same roof as strangers to
each other. In religion all are neces
eerily on an equality, be they rich' or
poor, high or low, so long as they are
worthy followers of Christ: worldly
society has no good authority for pre
cribing rules to the contrary, at
least so far as church communities
are concerned. Many of the cot.-
gregations of the city have very
successfully established (loser ties of
friendship between the individuals and
families comprising them by bolding
what are termed "Chrrch Sociables" in
which all' are invited to participate.
These occasions are always interesting
and prolific of _much good in strengthen
ing, religion and creating a brotherly
love among those professing the faith..
If all such sociables could tie made as
pleasant and enjoyable as that held last
night at the Sixth avenue United Pres
byterian Church, (Rev, T. H. Hannats,)
none would doubt their efficacy or dis
parage the wisdom and zeal prompting
congregations to hold them.' The enter
prising ladies and ,gentlesten charged
with the arrangements left nothing un
done to secure the enjoyment of all at
tending,. and were fully rewarded in the
universal expression of delifilat and sat
isfaction from . the . four .or five
hundred ' persons attending, many
of wham were invited guests of
other denominations. In the lecture
room' of the Church were spread a num--
ber of tables artistically arranged and:
decorated, 'and trembling beneath the
weight of - elaborate pyramids of ice
cream, water lees and macaroon, huge
cakes delicately iced' and bearing
mottos, fruits, confectionery., sand
wiches and substantiate in profusion.
PI eyious to partaking of the sumptuous
repast. the guests assembled in the audi
torium.of the Church and organized on
Rev. Mr. Hanna assuming the chair and '
announcing,the 133 d Psalm, commencing
"Behold how good 13. ttlng It's, .'
Awl how becomlngwell;
Together such as urcthreu are,.
to unity to dwel 1. , * • '
Which was Bung by the entire audience..
Rev. B. B. Reidjmade an eltiqfienit and'
fervent appeal 'to the Throne of Grace,
invoking Divine blessing on all in at
tendance, after which Rev. Dr. Douglas
was invited toaddress therneeting,which
he did, at some length in his happiest
manner, succeeding_ In putting all into
good hunter and braakbv.the ice for the
enjeyment of the.evening,..
He was followed by William Frew,
lisq„ who in a carious manner announced
that he had found a pocket book, and
asked If ativhiady bad keg one. Many
hands want doyen into as many sockets,
'hilt no one disedyered the • less. On
°Petting the' blink It stitti tinind-tisonntaln
a humored dollar baulk 'nbtei and the
speaker resumed, stating that it was
found to be over by the Committee after
paying the expenses et the sociable feast
out s of the generous contributions made
by the congregation, and he was instruc
ted to present it as a slight token of appre
.ciatien to. Mrs. Hanna,.the:esteemecl wife
of the pastor of the church, but ha wanted
the lady to come forward and make a
speech. .he intended recipient falling to
put in a appearance, Rev. Mr. Hanna re
ceived t present on her behalf, mak
ing a few , very pleasant remarks, and
stating : l int such, ' surprises had of late
not bee unfrequent to himself from his
Rev..l. W. Reed,in an exceedingly hu
morous and yet dignified little speech,.
next held the audience, increasing the
general enjoyment.' A choir of youthful
t • voices, under the leadership of Prof,
I Sherratt, rendered in exquisite style a
pretty isalm, at the conclusien of which
supper was announced. The good things
being disposed of the party returned to:
the auditorium and in promenade and
conversation spent the balance of the
evening, retiring about twelve o'clock,.
all much pleased with the entertainment
afforded and all hoping to be present at
the next occasion' of the character tinder
the management of that congregation..
Dirs. SuLsahelcu'e Lecture
On "Suffrage," in the A. M. E. Church,.
Allegheny, delivered on Thursday even
ing, the 18th instant, to a large and ap
preciative audience, was worthy of the
theme and the lecturer. She based *the
right of suffrage on the natural God
given privilege of the ruled to choose their.
rulers. Frotn her standpoint it is cer
tainly very difficult to see bows govern
ment that has laid the -black men of the
country under contribution for its sup
port, on the high places of the battle
field as Well as at ,e offices of
should any longer -withhold from them
the ballot.
In'regrird to her own sex, she believes
if it be urged with any reason that it is
anwomanly to vote is it quite as unlady
like to pay taxes. The peculiar line or
argument pursued on this important
subject by Mrs. S. will hardly be set
asi e, nor the attempt made by any who
admit her premises, viz.: That civil
government is the ordinance of God,
that all citizens reeponeible to the laws
made should have a voice in their mak
ing, and that in making and adminis
tering laws the State and the nation are
bound to respect the teachings of the
Sacred Scriptures.
While utterly disclaiming any sympa
thy with those who would desire any
sectarian teat of citizenship In the
Constitution of the country, the distin
gUished lecturer earnestly advocated the
propriety and importance of amending
the Censtltution so as to acknowledge
the being and government of Almighty
God, and the remodeling of the oath
taken by the President of the United
States, eo as to attach more solemnity
and responsibility to that act of religio
worship. us
It may not be generally
known, nevertheless it is a fact, that the
oath taken by the President, when sworn
into office, is simply "Do you swear that
you will do so and so," and not,: as in
our courts of law, generally, 'inn you
swear by Almighty God," etc. r
We do not propose at present to notice
particularly the special points of the able
and interesting lecture; =as we under
stand Mrs. Swieshelin has been formally
requested by some gentlemen and ladies
who beard it, and by others who did not,.
to reheat the lecture within a fortnight
in one ofthe large halls of this city.
Why shonld not the Young Men's
Library Association secure Mrs. S. for
their siate before the lecture season or
this yeac is over? She has other lectures
besides this one, which her many frlends
would be delighted tO hear.