II ittgl: kr NEW PUBLICATIONS TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE IN TIE TER RITORY OP ALASKA. By A3derick Whymper. With Maps and Illuatra tions. Published by Harper ek Bros., New York. For sale by Henry Miner. Pittsburgh. Since Russian America was ceded to the United States, everythiug calculated to throw light upi)n our new possessions has been read with avidity. People are very naturally anxious to know the char ' acteristics of that far off land. The pub lication of this Work of travel and adven ture is opportune, and will fill a want long existing. A considerable portion of the book is devoted to an acc)unt of a journey made in the Yukolt region. Remiriiscences are also given of men and things in British Columbia and Van couver Island. Rrief trips are described, to the eastern coasts of Siberia and Kama chalks. The description of Alaska territory and its Capital, and other things relating to its purchase, are full of inter est, and will afford persons a pretty good estimate , of its • resources. Such a disinterested'account of this new country is furnished that it cannot fail to find fa vor among the thoughtful.- Much of the , narrative is journal form, and the epi sodes interspersed throughout the, book tend to give additional charm to the work. The maps and ° Illustrations are valuable as well as instructive. The atr that- furnishes' sketches of great "value, and his style is free and fiovving. The work is admirably pristi - d. ' - GRIFFITH GAUNT; or.rwAi.ousT. Wun.E Lam. ANovEt.. By Ch.tries Heade. Household Edition. Published by Fields, Osgood & Co., .11 eton. For sale by Henry Miner Pittsburgh. We took occasion when the first two volumes of the "Household Edition" was issued to speak favorably of the tasteful manner in which it had been printed and bound, and at such a low price. Unsually publishers are tardy in, publishing a se ries of volumes; but thishousehasshown the extraordinary resources they have at command by their actiyity in. publishing succeeding volumes. The excellent qual ities will bear repetition, namely: printed on white paper, - clear type, double col umns,•and bound in green muslin, with the name of the author traced in gold on one page of the'cover. The ability of Mr. Heade, as'a Writer of fiction, is gen erally conceded "Griffith Gauat," when first published, caused quite a sensation, and "White Lies" is alsb held in high esteem by the .admirers of this talented - author, War= WINS? By the Author of Ro bert Joy's Victory," "Christian Man • ness," etc. Published by Henry Hoyt, Boston.. For sale' by Booksellers gen . orally. This work, like those usually issued by • this excellent publishing house, is'a story with an excellent high-pm:Led moral, in which the history of two cousins are traced from childhood to mature years. Both were thrown upon their own re sources in London, and both occupied po sitions in a hank. They, however, chose divergent pathways. One early became a Christian and rose, rapidly to power and usefulness, ivhile the other sought happi- Bess In evil pursuits and associations, and died a complete wreck, but was finally saved by grace at the dying hour. Ifis a ;story of touching interest. THE CHAPLET or PEARLS; OT, The White and Black Ribonmont. By the Author of "The Heir of Redclyffe." With illus trations. Published by D. Appleton & - "Co., New York. • . The popularity of the authoress, Miss Yonge, is sufficient to awaken high ex pectations from her numerous admirers, • • Without any special. , commendatien from us. Her previous works have won her a fine, reputation, and, not because they are of the sensational order, but for her sen ' sible - views, and sprightliness as, a writer. ' Portions of this work appeared in serial form, and has been extensively read. It is of that class of bonks that embodies a" thread of Ildstory, which is both instruc tive and entertaining, and forms one of the adtnimble series of APpleton's Illus trated Library of Romance. The story covers an interesting period in - hiatory, and is one of thrilling incident. THE LETTERSZF LADY MARY WORTLEY MONTAGUE. Edited by Mrs. Bale. authoress of. "Woman's Record," etc. Published by Roberts Brothers, Bos ton. -For sale by! R. S. Davis, Pitts burgh.. rho simple fact that these letters are re • published as models of epistolary corres pondence, though written so many years ago, indicates their superiority and worth. This lady lived and wrote in the first hal; of the eighteenth century, when our land was under. British rule. Soci etys Customs and manners of the old Eng .7_l4hrespris are sketched in elegant lari gtlage 'and with a master hand. Her edurimon'sense views, clear style of writ ing, will command admiration. Alto gether the collection Is a choice one, and will be highly appreciated by thousands. Tlie work is admirably hrought out. IT IS NEVER. Too LATE TO M.smn. A Matter of ,Fact Romance.' in.'fiE ME LITTLE, Love ME LONG. By (Irides Reade. Published by Fields, Osgood Co., Boston. For sale by R. S. Davis, Pittsburgh. Hardly laid the publishers placed at our disposal "Griffith Gaunt" and "White Lies" for notice, when we were also favor ed by thernyiith copies of "Love Me Lit tle," and "It is Never too Late to Mend:" 7he different phases of talent 'displayed lAr this , distinguished author have long since been freely discussed on both sides of the water; dip faults and excellencies in the' characters and construction of each novel have been freely analyzed, and the verdict rendered by critrcs: `Presnin: ing that all , of ,etir 'readers hate: decided these questions; favorably to the author, we need only commend this elegant "house Old edition" for its compact and convenient size; , good paper and clear type; heautifill and modestgarb, and with al-Eo cheap. DOCTOR JACOB. -93 y M. Witham Ed wards, author of' "A Winter„ with the Swallows.” Mublished by Roberts Brot ers, Bori. For sale by R. S. Davi ; Pittsbu gh. Thin} s another 'of the Handy-V(ibime Series; and is unlike "Happy Thoughts" in mani , respects, ,and we think an. isi improvement, if itnything on the latter. It partakes of the ,cast of so many works of fiction now issuing from the press, in having a good sPrinkling of theology 9f the liberal type, i it , least net of the severer views of evangelical religion. "Doctor Jacob" is the story of a German school teacher and her protege, and of a German and English Minister. The volume is gotten up in dainty but not expensive style, and is offered at a low price. z;, THE STATUES- AT LARGE OF , THE UNI TED STATES OF AMERICA., passed at the Second Session of the Fortieth Con gress, 1867-1868, and Treaties. Care fully?, collated with the Originals at Washington. Edited by George P. Sawyor,, Counsellor at Law. To be continued annually. Pnblished by Little; 13rown 4i,,; Company, Publishers of! the', Laws of the United States. _ . The copious -title page — indicates the character of this valuable and important publication. ITo public men, in all de partment's, it is invaluable, and it would be well for every man interested in Gov ern' ment affairs to have a copy for con sultation. The work is carefully indexed for reference to the laws and treaties,!and very convenientofor those who may wish to consult it., Tim Six etxxv MAGAZINE. Snowed Up. A . New Year's (lift from New Z , 4.ancl and Australia. By B. L. Far j ynb Published tor the proprietors by Win. Macintosh, 24 Paternoster Row. N0..1.. New Series. January, 1869., 151(e have been favored by- the author with a copy of this Magazine, the charac ter of which may be gathered :from the agave.The' story, -"Snowed Up," is quite readable and no doubt will be ap preciated by the lovers of romance. Legislative Matters. ' We note the progress of bills relating to local'matters before the State Livia - laturh. The act giving new wards in the city of Allegheny the right of compensation from the old wards, out of which they were created for school property in such old wards, was on the Senate_calendars of the 10th and 10th inst., and objected to on both occasions. An act to enable the School Directors of the Fifthwarcl, Allegheny, to borrow thirty thousand dollars, at eight• per cent. interest, for the payment off in debtedness incurreill in the purchase of , 'ground and com Motion and furnish- 1 mg of the school,building being erected_ thereon, has been passed by both Houses and signed by the Governor. A further supplement to, an act con cerning streets and Sewers in Pittsburgh, has passed the Senate and is in Commit tee in the House.' It empowers Coun cils to vacate parts of streets rendered useless by opening or straightening, the vacated portion to become the:property of the owners of lots abutting `thereon; all 'assessments of damages and benefits to be made with a view to such accession of property.. Provision Is also made for the transfer f ownership of property, whenever by the vacation of any street the, property of one owner- shall inter vette b•-tween the new street and the lot of another owner having no outlei. The act extending the time for build ing a bridge over the Allegheny river from Ewalt street, Pittsburgh, to the Al legheny and Butler Plank road, at the mouth of Girty's Run, for three years, has passed the Senate and is in conimi it tflb of the House. An act confirming the sale to Pit burgh of that portion of the Greensbvg turnpike road lying within the city imt its, for $5,000, payable August Ist, 1809, authorizing the transfer, and providing for the distribution of the purchase money, among the stockholders, hue passed the Senate and is in Combaittee of the House, An act creating James L. Graham, Rev. J. B. Clark, Robert Robinson, Wm. A. Reed, Rev. A. K. Bell, Jacob Rush, Rev. S. H. Nesbit, Simon Drum, Algernon S. Bell, D. L. Patterson, Daniel Swoger and C. W. Benney, st body politic and corpo rate in law, under the name and style of the Iron City Mutual Life Insurance Company, has passed the Senate and is on the House calendar. The object of this company is declared td .'be the mu tual benefit of the members and for the protection of themselves and relatives." • ;The act to incorporate the Central Pas senger Raihy,sy Company, of Pittsburgh, a synopsis of which we have heretofore given, has passed bofh Houses and awaits the Governor's signature. - Both Houses have passed ap act giving to the District Court of Allegheny county like chancery;jurisdiction and powers In all cases of partition that are now con ferred on any other court of the Com monwealth: I -Both Houses have passed an act au thorizing the Truestees of the First Re formed Presbyterian Congregation.. of Pittsburgh to remove the dead bodies from the burying ground attached to their church building. and to sell their pio rainy. An act authori;ing the Allegheny Gas Clunpany to increase their capital dock to a sum not exceeding 4500,000 has paued both Houses.. An act authorizing the JOlllO6 Ferry Company to run and land their ferry boats to and at any point within the limits of the borough of West Pittsburgh, has passed the Senate. An act relating to interments In Trini ty church yard, Pittsburgh, on -Lienate calender of Pebruary 16th,_ was Objected to. It proposes to authorize the minis ter, wardens and vestry of Trinity church to'erect a church and chapel on any part of their grounds, and to alter and modi. fy ‘ the avenues, walks and grades now existing to suit the convenience of the congregation. The second section pro vides the ministry, wardens and vestry shall give public notice, for three weeks, in two or mere daily papers of the_ city, of, the intention to use a part of thegravo ground for churoh, chapel or grade, after wiiich, in default of other disposition of the graves, it shall be lawful for said au thorities; in the case of all unmarked or unknown graves, to remove and place the same underneath the church or chap el proposed to be erected, and all other graves to, any unoccupied parts of the ground, or to one of the incorporated public cemeteries near the e,ity, re-erect vw. PITTSIMTI GAZEITE: PlMAL—MattlAitt el 9 m • g over to in cue new place or sep ulture, ,the stones or , ronakrierita by which they are now marked and known. An act to incorporate the East End ('as C ompany passed the senate on Tuesday An act relating to Birmingham bor ough, on Senate calendar, Feb. 16th, was objected to. It provides fur the annex. hag of a portion of Lowtir St. Clair town ship to the borough, to constitute a third precinct, entitled to; , two members of Council, and 'for the period of five Years the tax to be levied and collected in this third precinct shall be five mills on the dollar less than in the first and second precincts. An act to indorporate the Allegheny County Savings Bank passed the Senate Feb. 16th.) The corpirators are Alexan der Speer, Barthel Erbo, Alexander Nitnick,,j. B. D. ;deeds, ThOs. Howard, J. G. Baekofen, B. F. Jones, Wm. K. Hart, J. H. Jones and W. W. Patrick. An act passed the Senate Feb. 16th, ex tending the charter of the. Bank of Pitts burgh for the term of twenty years from the expiration of its present charter, and providing that , this bank shall hereafter be subject to the provisions of the gener al laws of the State - regulating the rate of interest: The Senate passed, February 16th, an act to incorporate the Masonic Deposit 'Savings Bank, with. C. W. Bachelor, Thomas W. Wright, George F. M.Cleane,, A. H. Gress, R. J. Anderson, Jacob Stuckrath,William Scott, Jas. Herdman, George Glass, Isitac Whittier, J. H. Stew art, C. F. Wells, G. C. Biddle, A. S. Bell, Jamea Brown, John. Chialett, James Michaels ' Wm. Stewart, Alfred Slack and Jas. Finley as corporators. A supplement to the several acts in -1 corporating the Wm. M'Kee ferny in Allegheny county, on Senate calendar February 16th, wasoldected to. The Senate, on February 16th, passed an act huthorizing the School' Directors of East Birmiegham to;borrow money, in addition to the Ham authorized by a previous act, for the purpose of paying and discharging debts contracted in erecting a school house, and for the pur pose of erecting another school building, and of enabling the directors to fund and consolidate present indebtedness, the sum thus borrowed not to exceed sixty thou sand dollars, at a rate of interest not to exceed seven per cent. per anntiin. The Senate passed, Feb. 16th, an act to enable the Commissioners of Allegheny county to improve the public buildings and to pay for the same: It authorizes the Commissioners, with the consent of the Board of Inspectors of the County Prison, to contract for and cause to be erected such new buildings, additions, improvements and repairs as may be deemed, by the Commissioners and Prison Inspectors, necessary and proper, and for this purpose the Commissioners are authorized to levy andcollect a specie tax, to be called an "improvement tax, not to exceed• two mills on the dollar. Real Estate Transfers. The following deeds were filed of rec ord before H. &dyely, Esq., Recorder, February 17,1869: David 11111 to Geo. Rupp, kpril 1..1815; lot Fo 50 in Patterson's plan ot Itits. Filth ward, lthr ay $l.llO W. McClure to Isaac Mills. Feb. 12, 1i,69; lot No. 24. in Bergres plan. israddo ks Field .$275 John M. Tate to J. F. Seri& F .13. 3. 1859; an I vided half of a lot on Western avenue, elxth ward, Allegheny, 40 by 122 feet .... . ... Feb' Jatries2l. e nder to Moore Thompson, eb 1505; lo: i Nos 12 to Is inclusive, in Snyder's plan in 21st ward, Pitt,.b.trgh al,BOO Vim. Watson to James McLain and J. D. Salley,' Feb. 12 1819; tract rat'. laud In th,, 23, 1 1 ward Pittsburgh, con . ltitling Mac/es $4.2.787 David Miller to clamor! Cab e; February 15. 1889: lot on Walnut street, McKeesport, 70 by 140 feet IMAM Joseplrll. Gazzan to J. r. Rabenstein, May DI. 1816; lots Nos. 224 and 225 in Mall ntockts plan. `i hind enth ward 0.600 D. 'Sands et I. to Edward Rabensteln, March 7, .1868: four lots In Thirteenth ward, late Pitt township, in McClintock and Gazzan's nlan 03 11 , Robinson to Elizabeth McAdams, Dece ll m .l ber =, 1860; lot on • , aebster street, 'Eleventh ward.' Pittsburgh, 21 by 127 feet James 8. Craft to Fred. Knyer, May 28, 1868: lot on BeVord street, Fourteenth ward, Pitts burgh. 24 by 119 feet $3OO N. Miller to Jonn Koppltz. Mar 22, 1807; lot on Mary street, Fast Birmingham, 23 by 129 feet.. 111, Adam Diehl t , !Victor . nayder. February 186 741 9; lot No. 11 in Fish's plan, liirmingham, 40 by OU feet 42400 I A. J. Rapp to John Kopeitz, February 1. 1856; lot on Jane street. ;Et's:Birmingham, 20 by TA feet Bccond A. B. Cnurcu to Win. Glass. April 1, 1 1850: lot on Marshall street, Allegheny City. 24 ; by 88 feet" I ar i a Hawkins to John P. Prager, March 14, 424 1663; tract of land In Indiana township, con tgluing 14 acres and 11 perches 050 ob ervatory to 'trustees of Western Gravervity of Pennsylvania, July 1, 1867; lands, buildings and appurtadinc -a of the Alleghenv Observatory, belug 9 acres of land in Allegheny City 21 Wm. hobinzon's Executors to Thomas Carson, Iltov. ratter 12; 1868; lots Nos 77, 78 and 70 'noon's plan, corner of Fayette and Charles street. l 11th ward. Allegheny 4.1,740 II N. Tlitrrell to Filen Leech, July 50, 1860; lot en Chisb•tt street, .BeYeateenth ward, Pitts burgh, 70 by 150 feet 6700 A dn.'s Layman to Gottfried Fahr, February 1689; lot on Forty-fourth street, Fitt. hu rgh, 20 by 100 feet 41.610 Wm. Want to .1. A. Blair, February 16,18t4; lot ou Mkseball tart Alieghei.y, 24 by 811ft.;.5500 Sanse day twelve mortgages were'filed of record. FEnitttlity. 18, IMP. Jacob Ewes to fhoittas McGowan, February 11. 1800; lot No 9, Iteineman's plan, Sementh wand callaf hear, 27 bylo f et $1,3f9 it..C. Wilier William Wilton F.-bniary 12, 1891; 1 , 4 on Madison avenue, Fourth ward,Alle ghetty • $lO2 'fierega &nee. to Louisa Krauss, Foitruarf3s. 1869; lot on Jane street, East filrmingliam; 20 by 60 feet 91 Th.mas A. Mellon to: Charles King, Match ie. 1847; lot No . 28, Mel•oo's plan, Twenty first ward, Plitsburgh, ou , Park street, 120 by 150 feet 0400 William patterson to Jatnes Stewart, Ft b‘uary 13, PO; lot on Menem; street, Second ward, Al leghteit 20 by 100 feet 91 900 Jacob o.'ileintz to George Hottnelster, August 29. 1880; losAmi Sarah street, East tiirminghatri. 24 by 130 feet SIXO George atter, Sr., to H. and G. Lauer. Jr.. Ftb rum y 20. 1860: lot on Ca "son str. et, South Pitts burgh, 84 by 108 feet $1 John 0. Hide r to William M. AV hittahor.Aagost 26, 1867: two lots In Anqty, Mifflin. township. 48 by i2o,feet 33,600 'John Grusin to John Mc Callen, July 28, 1368: lot in Wilkins township,' containing 134 perches b 0 siohn 61cCallen, October tickiey borough, ea , •ll 93 uRI • $3 M Heineman, October ton street, Fourth ward !pit' $7OO George Thornburgh to .1:4 17. 18631 two tot! "eirl by 200 feet, with build! John Shields to le.rellne • 10, 1507: lot oti Waalrin Alleghen , 20 by 123 ief Clpline to] Mr Connell, from the Committee on . Finance, has report :d to the Senate an act to provide for the payment of the damages awarded tb a Allegheny County Agricultural Societ, under the act of April 16th, 1862, ent itled, "an act for the adjudication and payment of certain mil itary clainis." It reads that the Auditor ( 1 1 General and State Tr asurer are author ized and required t examine'whetber eny portion or all of the damages adju dicated in favor of t e Allegheny Conn ty Agricultural Soo ety, arising out of the occupation of tti it fair ,grounds by the State troops durieg the late war, un der the 'eighth section of said act is properly chargeable CO the State of Penn sylvania,,and to certify the amount,•if any in found due, and the Auditor Gen eral is hereby authorized and required ,te draw his warrant \ upon the State Treasurer in favor of the said Allegheny County Agricultural Society for the sum so certified, which a - • 1 out of any funds in the Tn ierwise appropriated. I—The New York a cir cumstantial accoupt writer by an °dicer to who! on was s, ade, by Charles 3 atter urds killed John Id John A attbewa, •and win If mur dered by a fellow cl ig Sing, about a year ago. , laration does not release Mrs... —.mg. ,in from the charge of complicity with his crime, OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. Pittsburgn, February 9th. 1869. ...M — NOTiCE.—The assessment for the partial grading or Mahon street, from Kirkpatrick street to bolt', stseet, is now teady for examination and an he seen at this' office until fltillAY, February 19. 1869, when it will he returned to the City Trou•urer`a ante for cellection. feB:e24 H. J. MOORE, City Engineer. arBATCHELOWS HAIR DYE. 'This splendid Hair Dye Is the best in the wdrld: *he only true and perfect Dye; harmless, relia ble, Instantaneous; no disappointment; no ri diculous tints: remedies the lil effects of bad dyes; invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful. black or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers% and properly applted at Batche lor's Wig Factory, No. 16 Bond street. New York. •an2B:p2B RrBIFARRIAGE AND CELIBA. CY.—Au Essay for yilung and on the crime of Solitude, and the HlsEAhr.S•and A BUSTS which create Impedimenta to BIARHIAGE, with sure means of tiller. sent In seal.d letter en velop,•s. free ofirharge. Add- eon. Dr..l. off IL LINHOUGFITON, Howard Astoclation. Nitta delphlaora. • ' lat9:llAT BOOTS, SHOES AND CARPETS SMITHSON'S' EMPORIUPC 55 AND 57 FIFTH AVENUE. Messrs. H. B. SMITHSON & proprietors of the well known Mammoth Auction House are creating an excitement consequent upon the ar rival of new goods which are bang sold ut re markably low prices. Goods °term' variety; the finest sewed lyoti, the most rashlonable bal moral gaiters and anklet shoes, slippers, blankets, flannels, cloths. cassimeres, eutlery and carpets.' Call and examine. No trouble to show goods. Ladies% misses , and children's furs at 'almost your own prices. All goods war ranted as represented. note . BY G tu LEGGATE. . AT AUCTIONT LOT ON LINCOLN AVENUE, • The special attention Of those in quest of first class property for p . rivate reshlence is invited to the sale on fetaiDAl .F. bruary 100 Lat 2 o'clock. of that magnificent lot of ground, fronting 100 feet on the north side of Lincoln avenue. di rectly opposite the new Orphan syltun, and ex. tending. back r distance of 140 leer. acknowl edged to be Lincoln h avenueacat sites In Al legheny City. lonable street intim ratty; It is wide. well paved, hurl built characterp he finest mod costliest dwel lings. Its In these respects is perma nently secured. The present lot is the oa.ly cant one on the north side of the avenue. Whets a southern front and faces the beautiful building and ornamental groahots of rime 0 , phan's Home. Is within one square of the Western avenue cars. A. careful consideration of the pro-inactive ad vantages of owning elicit a lot On sucu a street Is solicited. An equal opportunity can never again occur on Lincoln fINI'IIUP. Trams OF SALE-1141f cash; balance In three yearly payments. Any further particulars wilt be given by A. LIEU GAT street, hen felS 150 Federal street, Allegheny'. be Paid. 4 SSIGNEEN -SALE IN BAN II - RUPTCY.-4RIttAY 31ORNING, Ify brun r Lb. at 1.0 o clock. %Ili be sold et No. 89 Mar ke street. near , Iffltn avenue, bY miler of Joh n H. Batley, Assignee. In Jlankrimtev of James lifeeonnel I and Alexander U. 3feConnell, Co. partners, the entire large no k or Boots, Woes, die.. In store; • Also the Coulaters, Shill:lug, and other fixtures., fella A.,MILWAINE. Auctioneer. SEMETINGS AND 13A r kTING. HOLMES, BELL . tr. CO., , ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. Ilaut fac torero Of EfEAVI MEDIUM a . nfl LIGII7 SETV:ETINGS AND BATTING N(~TICEB "'"" CITY TREASURER'S °Frier, FITT:4110=11, February .11114 . 1b00. EgrNOTICE IS HEREBY (OVEN to an. OWNERS OF DRAYS, CARTS, CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, dcc.. (whetlvr. , sident or non shient,) to toe City or Pitt-burgh, to pay their Licenses at this (ace TORTHWITII, In accordance wltn an Act of Ass trab'y approved March 30, 11.60, and an ordinance ot the Coun cils of the passed n pril 16, 11460. All Licenses not paid on or before MAY 15, 1569—trlii be p.'ac4l In the hands of it notice of ficer for collection. subject to a collection fee of 50 cents, and all persons wild ne.lcot or refuse .o take oAt L i censes orUI sobjec! peni'ty double the alllollllt orthell.:ens,, to be :eeuvered before the Mayor. The old metal plates of last year must 6e re turned at the time Licenses are taken out, or 25 cents additional will be charged on each Licenae. RATES OF LICENSE: Each one horse vehicle S 7.50 Each two horse vcnicle .12 00 - Each four horse vehicle • 15.00 Each two horse hack 15.00 Omnibus and Timber Wheels drawn by two horses, $lB.OO each. One &Alar extra will be charged for each additional horse used In any of the above vehicles. A. J. COCHRAN. fe12:.146:31WF City Treasurer. OFFICE OF '.7ITT ENGINEER AT D SURVEYOR, I PITTSBURGH, NOTI CV TO Febrta C ary O 13, 1 889. NTRA t3T- OltS.—tealed Proposals for the grading, paving and curbing of Ca THE STREt.T. from Forty-fourtb to Forty-oft]: street LiCUST ALLEY, from Fountain street to Forty .first street: • ALSPIND ALLEY, from Rat er street to the Allegheny Valley Railroad. FOSTErt ALLEY, 'rota. Butler street to the Allegheny Valley Railroad; . Will be received at this office until SATUR DAY, February 27, 1869. Specifications and Blanks for bidding can be bad at this office. No bide will be received unless made out on the Dreyer blanks. Toe Committee reeerve the right to reject any or all bide. - 3, MOORS, fel3 City Engineer. , EgirT o • lll TlLDEllB.—"Separate Proposals. addressed toHall. Commis sioners for the Erection of City , will be re (deed at the race of the Commissioners, No. 68 SMITHFIF Lll until • 3103ZDAY, the let day of March next, for the Stone Work, Beck Work, Iron Work and Carperder Work, Required in the erection of the new el•y Hall according to the plans and suethications of the same, which can be wen at the . Ortice of J. W. BERK, Architect, In - Appolo Building, No. 80 Fourth Avenue, where all requisite intormation will be given. T F12,V8 STEEL, Secretary, OFFICa or CITY ICI:WI:EMI ANDSCRVEYOR,./ ' Yluaburgb. February* 4th, 1808. "NOTICE OF ' SEWER BUILDERS. SEALED rEOPOSALS for the r . onstructionf a public sewer on fifth or refloat 'rani* avenue. from Washington street to Dinwiddle street. about twenty seven handrad feet (Sl7OO, and also for a public sewer on Diamond alley, froth the Wood street sewer to SnOthileld street, will be received at tide office until SATURDAY. Feb ruary 14 , 1869. Specincations and blanks for bidding c.n be had by calling at tills Mike. •o bids wilt be received by the Committee unless made out on the regular blanks. • The Committee reserve the right to re:ect or ill Mils. fel e 5. J; MOORE, City Engineer: OFFICE OF CITY EN , IINICER AND 13IIRMATOR, • • elrrAlrußou. February 4.1809. f 'NOTICE: TO FaLIVJOHY 151E.N.—S,aleil Prcposals fo• furnishing the City of P it burg er with castings for the catchbasing requ'red in the sewers it .w about being contract..! fn, will be receiv.4l, at this of nee until S. T MUM Y. 'Feb. 20, 1869 Specifications can seen at this °thee. The Committee reserve ti.e, right to reject any or all bids. 11. 4. „SlOOttk, • ft”:e4 • City Engineer. SPECIAL _NOTICES. AUCTION, SALES BY H. B. SMITHSON & 00. FOR THE MILLION. 100 by 140 Feet. BY A. wrLwana PurpeiTSIT'ACM. ANCHOR. AND MAGNOLIA INEMI B EN FRAN :11 INSURANC E= OFFICE •IN FIIAN No. 41 ;Ohio A iiO3.I:E, cotarAN wt.' known to the Com to merit a shun. "V ITV.I.VTIw.. D. itimlLE Henry Irwin. ID. DIRE L I (leo. L. Situon Brun, J. R. S W. M. Stewart, ch. Jog. Lautnar, Ji fl H. apE:o3.s • IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE C OF LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1803. CASH CAPIT UP AND INVESTED F NDS F.E.O ING 48,000,000 IN GOLD. Insurance swains; Fit IC effected on Ho Buildings, Goods, Wilms, and Mere Steamboats, &c. Policies issued payabl or currency. iff - fr United_,btntes Bran 40 PINE. STREET Netv York. Al losses of the United States Bruno adjuisted In New York. I J. Y. Mica.a.A.UOMILIDT, A. PITTSBUIRGH, PA. Office, 67 FOI7IIIIEI STREET. MR. McLAUGHLIN a also Agent for tl Medan Life Insurance Company. WESTERN SURANCE I PANT OF PITTSBURGH. EXANDER MAME, President. WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General A Office, WI Water etre( t, Spang A Co.' house, up stairs, Pittebu rgh. Will ine against all kinds managed rinr Risks. A home Inst tution, rector,- who are' well known to the co and who Sr. determined .by promptness a City to maintain the character which th assumed, as o'rering the best protection who - desire to be insured. - nthicrOnS: Aleiander - Nlmlek, Jonn.R. hieCtlj , , Chas. J. Clark James McAuley, • • •Wllllain S. Ey Alexander. Speer, Joseph •Blrkpa Andrew Acklen, David M. Long, Win. Morri on e I).llamsen. • I pEIINSYLTA.NI.4I INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSSU ' OFFICE. No. 107,4 WOOD STREET, 01 COMMERCE BUILDING, This le a Home Company, and Insures los. ov Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. HORNET PATRICE, Treaanrer. HUGH Iic : ELHENY, Secretary. Leonard Walter, DIRYCTOBS: George Wilson, C. C. Boyle, , Geo. W. Evans Robert Patrick. J. Lappe, •Jacob Painter, . J. C. Fielner, Josiah Bung, John Voegtley. Jas. H. Hopkins', A. Ammon. Henry Bpronl, • INDEPPINITIIt • • AGAINST LOSS . BT FIR FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO, OF PHILADE OFFICE, 438 h 437 CHEBTNITT BT., ntn in zCSOiI M s. Charles R. Banck D er, ordecai H. .nia 'lobMu Wagner, ' David S. Brow., Samuel Grant, Isa waac Lea C , Jacob B. Smith, Ed C. Da I, Porge W. Richards, George Pales. CHARLES - G., BA.NCREB, President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEELE. :3ecre tam, pro trni. j. GARDNER N 7, North West corner Third an F d Wood Streets meN:wls PPEOPLES'EMU - LANCE CGI!1 PANT. OFFICE. N. E.,CORNEE WOOD a FIFTH BTB Home Company, takln g Flre and Marine 11.1ilki DLTMCTORS: Capt. John L. Rhoads, Samuel P. Shrive; Charles Arbuckle, Jared M. Brush, Win F. Lang, Samuel McCrickart President. t ea President. , DON r G e ne r a l Agent. WM. Phillips, John Watt, John K. ('arks, Capt. James Miller, 'Wm. Van Kirk, James 1). Arerner, W3l. PHILLIPs, JOHN WATT, Vt W. F. tiARDNEII CAPT. JAS. Wilt NATIONAL INSURANCE CO., OF THE OITY OF ALLEOICENY. Office, No. S 9 FEDI:IIAL STREET, entrance on ntoetton Avenue., FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. W. W. MARTIN, President • JAB. E. STEVENSON. Secretary. IETOBS: A. l B. En nilen 10 D . EL SC . Williams Jno. Vas, Lockhart, Jae. L. Braham, I Robt, Les, Jno. Brown, Jr. 10eo. Oerst, ocl7:rat ALL EGMENY INSURANCE COMPANY or PITTSTIIIROIL OFFICE, No. 31 FIFTH STREET, BARE Ewer. Tn sores against all kinds of Fire and Marine Mak, • JOHN IRWIN, Ju. President. 'JOHN D. McCORD, Vice President. C. G. DONNELL.. Secretary, CAPT. Wlt. DEAN. General Agent. - prawovons: John Irwin, Jr.,, Crpt. WmoDean, John 1). McCord. B. L. Fahnestock C, 0. Hussey, W. 11. Everson, Harvey Childs, Robert H. Davis, ' T. J. Hoskinson. Francis tellers, Charles Hays, Cant. J. T. Stockdsle. LITHOGRAPHEM. BENJAMIN 1111101tIILY P/XILIP .CL.lllb. QINGERLY&CLEIS,Succeison to GED. Y. BCIIIXCEINAN & PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHERS.. ' The. only Steam Lithographic, Establishment NV est' of the Mountains. Business Cards, Letter Heads. Sonde, Labels, Circulars Show Cards, Dipiomaii. Portmits, Views. Certificates of De posits, Invitation earl Lo„. bros. 75i mid 14 Third street. Pittsloirgh. . LEGAL. BUILDING AND LOAN AFlSO ciAnori or NRANKS OWN, No. I. Notice Is hereby riven that an application has been made at No. 442. March Term, 1869, tor a char , er of incorporatl di for toe above named kintloing and. LOllll Absociation, which will be granted at next term of 'out% maims exceptions thereto are tiled. MIN C mccolitia•4, 1e5:e14-Y Attorney for Applicants. pArElt. PAPER. Printing, Straw, Rag l. glass, • , Carpet, ROOFING, BARDWARE AND MANILLAS, Manufactured and sold by .FRAZIERi_IIIETZGER cE CO., 82 TINED AVENUE. Sir•OASTI PAID- FOR ROPE, RAGS AND OLD PAPERS. ' c,": SKATES, SKATES, SKATES. American Rink, York Club, miure, Starr, &c. M=E2ORi= WRITESIDES & DRUM, 4(.14 TO FEDERAL HT., ALLEUHEN =EI SWINT & BRATT, ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL 'CARVERS, No, 63 Sandusky St., Allegheny, Pa. A. large assortment of. NEWEL POSTS and ft Ai 1. nTE US constantly on Land.. TUI INO, of all descriptions. done. oc9sY9B =I E COMP GE llut i PA iOLIN SAVIN DINGS, S BANK 13NIDZI bony Directors . st by fair :xttilizsged b .unlty, who t td your patron °Meta retary EOM BEM r_4_,TT''PITTe.,!,IIURGEIL TEE EATHE. I LrAterson, Wm , ranz, Gott'. 1 0, Jac.) .1 1 7 1'stork Josep ,Inkartd, Jere. I /Cooper, lb 14 aue Rush, Craig, obcb. H. W. WILGIAMS. Dit. J. 1.. THAY t: FILANK J. HOW. Introducing the foPewing first-class artists: 31 4 1.1.. E :VAR's. the dialling equestrledne: Mr. 44 11ORDE M. KELL I , the chat-120,n leAper: Mr. CHAItLEs ci.,11, the champion barebatk. rider; Mr. JAME KEYNi•LDS, olown; 3lessrs- BLIRR9WB and 13 UPID EAU In their cantle trans formailiAss; Mr. JAME, AIAUIOAI.. classic eaves Ilan and double somersaultlst; Mr. CHARLES Ms.DIGAN; rcemc Rider; Mr WM. MoDUAN, trytt.nast, and a host of anxil *ries. Ali trick horse GEN. bitA.NT, PO4IES . and AI TILED. MATINEES every Wednesday and Saturdayaf terkeens at a o'clock. ..... IT, PAM I . ED- sea and .andlee, In gold Udine, will be • lar'S ill VP I 3 E AMERICAN TI - 11,ATRE. 4 • • • (Late TuraiiirdVa .VAILIETIKS.I rma FRIDAY EVENING, February I6th, 11369, Gun% THE MAN-FL-41, nightly draw 4 helmets to witness his wonucrthl !eats of Eating, iimo king and Drinking under water Morley's Punch. and Judy figur. sln new , peclaliles. b'econd ap pearance of Job tiny Booker and Gus. Wil llams the Amer! as :Aar Goni,que Smythe as that rascal Thoinas. Uld Sbady's Visit net Brigand's Lone. • OM.. sse• • • Q Ma by DI . unity, Ilber y th have ose The Great Faintly Itesorte. FIFTH AVENUY, t , tulthtteld and Wood streets, opv..!te d Che tr.. Sir 'Oven Day nod f!..vent.".4% as the y,•ar round. r:-.iidr•n. 1 i 01118. ii 3 Mf'"OXY • . PHOTECIINICON, Brilliant ChronxophotieViews of Scrip tura' Scenes and Incidents. Also of RN =3 • For the BENEFIT OF THE VOW AIM MIS SION SUNDAY SCHOOL. at Ihr SECuNIS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, corirt.r i.f renn and Irwin erects, THURSDA EVENING, Feb ry rul9, ary Os. and FRIDAY EVEN F6b rua 1869, Doors open at 7 o'clock. Thr audlene- Is re quested to oe seated at 1 act Hre ,. I u i•;. , s. before time of commtneement-74 o'clo , k • • Admlsston-AdUlts, 25 icents: Children 15 cents. . . Mice's may be purchased at tlo- doer, or of C. C. hielor, H. Kleber & Bru., , Co., and H. S. Davis ,t; Co. zelB:e67 GEM iTII 'FIRS. COOPER, WALLACE and Jur .WILLARD, HOMEOPATHISTS, Will remove their (Mice on the First of April next to No. 72 ptaanorid, Allegheny city, rear . of C!ty h ail. .)aa0:179 • W. De CAMP, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Unice, No. 137 FOURTH AVENUE, Pitts burgh, (formerly occupied by Hon Walter 11. Lowrie, 'Ada nractice la the U.'S. Circuit and 111strl .t Courts. in the State Supreme and all the Cuurts of Allegheny county, and make collec tions In most of the adjacent (*unties. Ja29:d73 WM. B. Zit EEPER, ALDERMAN AND EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. OFFICE, 89 FIFTH AVENUE. Special attention given to 'conveyancing and collections Deeds Bonds and Mortgages drawn up. and alt legal Duelagas attended to promptly and accurately. JOS. A. BUTLER; ALDEBIOI AND POLIDE NAGISTILATE. Office, 1213 WYLIE STREET, near Washington 1 LTTSI 1 11G11, PA., Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgment ..- .Depositions, Collections, and all other legal mat e business executed promptly. mh2o:n9 SMIUEL McMASTERS, J. Thompson Jos. Myers, C. V. Boyle, Jacob Kopp. • Ex-0111clo Justlei of the Peace and Police Max trate. Office GRANT STREET, opposite the Cathedral. PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgment% Denositlous, and ail Legal liminess etecnted with promptness and dispatch. mh.til IT C. BIACHIIELL, /..1.6 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, rny24:b2s JOHN A. STRAIN, EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THP: PEACE AND FOLIOS MAGISTRATE. Otrice,lLl FIFTH sTRErr, oppo.:lte the Ca thedral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds., Bends, Mort gages, Acknowledgments, DepogliurtS and all Legs Business executed with onnuntuess and dtsuatch. Tj lISTACE .S. MOllllO4, MX-OFPICI JIETBTiCE oar THE•PEACE AND • UL ICE MAGISTRATE. OFFICE, 73 PENNA, AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. - Deeds Bonds, Mortgages Aclmowledgments, Depositions and tll Legal - Business executed rritli promptness and dispatch. meZi A AMMON, Justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE AHD IFISU RANut AM). CARSON STREET, EAST BUMISt/11AM. Colleotton of Rei , ts solicited and p rompoy at— ena ed to. zny3:llo JOHN W. RIDiDELL, Otßee, 116 Diamond Street, (opposite the gout Honied fel6:t4l U. S. FERGUSON, SECOND FLOOR, FROXT 80011. A ft K IE.LEi, lil7rouNmiz - -Azr.-L.A.w, ang:noMolAV -- • CIOLG ,14.`2:11 86 C 0 . 98 ,gcb, yEA 6;.-4 , ii.0.ril TOILET SOAPS ::..! Are prvp.tn.,l by skilled. . worbineb. from the best emu:risk. mid knoAvnas y y; the STA ?MAR) by dealers cuettnnerl. Soil every, where. _ de270611. MEM2 AMUSEI~~~h ~; lar'NEW 01"El:1-A HOUSE. Lessee' WV. RENDICRSO2 . Manager M. W. CANNIM . Farewell bereft of the favorite or. i :le, ETTIE HENDERSON FRTD y EVENING. February Itith. the Beautiful two act unoilca drama of ti e DA UGTITER OF THE REOI3IENT • Madeline. with sour. httle Henderson. To conclude - with the elegant Comedy of the rotiTHFUTi DAYS OF HICHILLEU. Count St. aged 16..110:e Henderson. Uncle Turn's Ca in 51..ttiuee on , aturdar. hatnr lay evening 11.1 , ,a lof Harry H‘itto. Monday even!ng—T:?. great Female Gymnast. 51'.1e and .he /ALUMS Comedian_ YANKEE ltoillNSO:C. Manager. Equa Irian Director. DR. JAMES L. THAYtR'S GREAT CIRCUS OI'EN EVERY NIGHT. BURNELUS MI.'S-1E64 AND PiinLon VENAGERIEI, Phanlel& and the Holy Land, By 'REV. ALFRED TAYLOR, OF PETILADELPIRA PROFESSIONki, AI_JDIF.I3.IkLALN, No. S 9 Grant Eqtreat. PITTSB UROFI. AI4I)EIi,MA.INT, ALIDERM.A_LN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, PITTSBURGH, PA. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 87 Fifth hltreet, No. 98 FIEFTR t . P ITTd;1111N141-1. PA El MEI