The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, February 19, 1869, Image 3

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    Financial Natters in New York
Gold Closed at 131;4'
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
NEW YORK, February 18, 1869
Money market easier, at 7 per cent. on
call, which occasioned a cheerfulness and
buoyancy on stock exchange. There is
no reason to expect a gins of money in
the immediate future, but if there should
be no locking up of greenbacks the' sup.
will be equal to any demand that can
reasonably be expected. Sterling a shade
better; prime bankers' 83@9% per cent.,
and short sight 9 44@9)4 per cent; the
transactions a ere large, though the de
mand from iinpotters was light. Gold
lower; /opened at 1343;, and after the
day's activity and excitement closed at
134 g. Gold is abundant, and loans, were
made at 6@lo per cent. for carrying. It
is bAieved the combination operating for
a rise have partially unloaded. Clear
ance, 157,000,000.
Governments opened dull and a frac
tion lower, the recent weakness in Ex.
change having checked foreign pur
chases, but in the afternoon there was a'
better demand, especially on the latter
issues of five-twenties, and the market
was firmer, closing steady. Coupons of
1881, 113 y, ®114; '62,• 114,4(4)115; 'do.
'64, 111®111%; do. '65, 1 1 2%1;4)113%i
new do., 110©110%; do. '67, 110%
110%; do. '6B, 110%@ill; Ten-Forties,
State Bonds dull and lower. Missonris,
87%,©88; New Tennessess, 66@66%;.
North Carolinas, 59@59 7 x; Viginias, 6135.
The stook market opened steady, ex
cept for Pacific Maili which sold as low
as 105, with a large business. New York
Central, Ohio and Mississippi -and St.
Paul were features and advanced. Mis
cellaneous shares dull but flrm. 'Ex
press shares active, with Adams as the
leading stock, which rose. from 64(§66%.
In the afternoon the railway market was
strong and buoyant, with an increased
. Activity and an advance of I ®3 per cent.
from the lowest point. The, upward turn
was occasioned by the easing np of the
money market, and the purchases to
cover speculative sales made on expec
tation- of a decided stri ri ngency. Fort
Wayne, New York Cen - aock
Island were noticeable t featur n es d . REx
press still active, Adams touching 673;,
but finally re -acted about two per cent.
Pacific Mail recovered to 107%. Miscel
lanenus list better.
Elve thirty -. - •
Prices:--Oumberland, 86©
89;:-Wells,:Express, American,
443pg46; Adams, 65.N®66%; . Merchants
Union, 17% @IS; Quicksilver,
Canton, 6t@61%; Pacific Mall, 107V,,©
107%; Western Union Telegraph, 37@
37%; Hartford and Erie, 28; , Mariposa,
8(9%; do preferred, .28%@2831; New
York Central, 1623( 3 @16.3; Erie 35'
.35%; Hud50n,.135®135%; Harlem, 135%.2)
136; Reading. -92%@)92%; Terre Haute,
39®39%;,Nabash, 66%®66%; preferred,
77@78; St. Patd,- 6f466%;• preferred, 78
@7B . ;‘; Fort Wayne, 120©120%; Ohio and
.Mississippi, 35%@34%; Michigan South
ern, 94i/A94%; Illinois Central; 143;
Pittsburgh. 90y@91; Toledo, 104.5-02)
,104%; Rock IsUnd, 108©108%; North
western, 82%@83; do. • preferred, siyogi
91m; St. pref.:, like. C. and tI.
C.,:47; C. C. 6t 1., 69; Chicago and Al
ton pref., 158. z , • •
Mining Shares dull; Smith 11c
lee: 165[a185-
• -
Copper Stocks at - Boston—Calamet,
50; • Copper Falls 16 ; Franklin, 19
Hancock, .3%; Mizinesota,3; Quincy, 293;.
Receipts at. the Sub-Treasury, • 8986,400
payments, •8650,304; balance, 11.89,474,=3,
Markets 'by Telegraph:
New Tonic, Febroary .18.—Cotten dull
and. yo lower; sales 3,600 bales at 29c for
Middling :uplands.; Flour dull, heavy
and 10a15e lower; receipts, 3,620 barrels;
sales 5,700 bbls at $5,65a6,40 foreuperfine
. State and Westerns 3460a7,05 'for extra
State; $6,45a7,25 for extra Weatern47,3s
, for white wheat extra;- - 311y7588,30
for - round hoop Ohio; $7.50a6,50 for extra
.. St., Louis; $9;00a12,00 fOr good choice di?.,
closing .dull and c heavy.' ;lips , Flaar
;.'quiet; sales ,200 bbls at:55,25a7,20.- Corn'
Meal in r moderateirequast; sales 'at la for
Western;. $4 for white, and $4,50a4i95ff0r
yellow. Whisky, dull; sales of 50 tibls
_Western free at 95c. ; Wheat dull arid 2a`
.3e, lower; ,fecells34o4o bus; sales 47,600'
,hue $1,56a1,60X, for., No.. $ spiting:in
store and delivered, the latter , for very
choice, 9.;1 1 4 5 2 1Mia; 1 5. for choige t white
Michigan. •. Rye guiet and dull.- 'Bar
ley dull; sales 5,60 u bui Germuui at32,30a
jtarley. Malt , quiet: Cord 'dull
and heaVy audio lower; receipts, 20;575
bus; Aiales 46,000 bus at 89a91e for new
mice fl western, closing at 90a$1 • for old
do in store. Oats dull and lc loier; re=
ceipts, 14,215 -bus, sales 27,000 bus at
743 o for western in store, and 760 for do
afloat. Rice dull. Coffee in fair demand
and 1 ,4a1i0 better; sales 5,500 bags Rio at
/5a16%c gold. Sugar Arm; sales 125 biz
Cuba at 1334a133.ic, and 1,600 has Ha
, vanna at 133;a14X 1 c. Molasses dull; sales
50 bbls New Orleans at b2aBsc. Petro
leum firm at 22a22ic fee crude, and 37a
37340 for relined bonded. Hops dull at
150 for American. Linseed Oil dull at
$1,024403. Spirits Turpentine 55a55X0.
- Pork- heavy'andlower at $32,75a32,07 for
fie* mega,' $32,25 for old 'd0,A26,50a,27,50:
for-rprime -and 1'4,5041,00 • for prime'
~mess, and ' new mess sellers April, 08;12.
Beef: sales 140 bbls 59a10.80 for, new
plain mess, and 114a19,50 for new' ex
trajneas. Tierce BBeef quiet,.. With sales
1 80iiereelit127a30.for , qpiline metal, and
113045 for India' mesa,- Beef lisms
*di - WOO o S.bbls l at. Igaaa: Cut Bleata,
steady- at! 14a143‘43-.40r , shoulders, and
17 ,Va 18 p1 . 9r Pressed 3 . 00, , •
.1i14411:: wetiterii, , aia. , 1 4 0ifa5,40 , lor'
• city:- MiddleS hpayy. - Lard heiriT, with
630 0 tierces, st” 1.8,Ka204 Chiefly at
%COM for steamy, ands 221,22340 for
/kettle letidered: sales 150 tierces
steam, seller, Pobrtiary - arid April, at)
r = 19y 3 c. Butter firmer at25a350 for Ohio.-
, Cheese firm:, Ifreightata Liverpool low-,
er, with engegempAte3o,ooo bush.,wheat
al._4sid per nil, and 6io v i ci'pOr steam.,
-ifate4tl-Flour, closed dull,and is 10albe
on, medium and , good grades.'
Wbe#t isheavyandla2c lower,.with only:
millipg and export demand,: Bye
Jo. riOndsal,,und,soldat,3l,4s for,w,estera..
144E00 and heavy at 76yc for Western-,
, - , lwatort,Cor.u.dull,and lower at $9/000
Artew,,mixed western; old, do. is nom-..
- inal,at ; Pork is quiet at $32,50a32,75
for messi cash, and regular.. Beef
and is without material change, Cat j
Meats - are steady with a moderate in
quiry. , Bacon dull and unchanged.
Lard quiet at .111%a193.‘ for fair, to prime
and market steady. Eggs closed steady
' at 22a24.0
CHICAOOi Feb. 18.—Exchange weak at
1-10'per cent. Flour quiet, endowing to,
the decline in wheat holders gladly ao.„.
cepted tha current range-of prices paid
yesterday; sales 2,800 bbls at 15,15a6,25
for spring extras; 0,2529,50 'for winter
' extras, 14,25a5 for - spring superfine,
brands... Wheat dull and Weak, with a
decline of %We per bn; sales at 81,21 a.
1,24 for. No. 1; $1,18y‘a1,15% for No. 2,
closing weak at 11416y,a1,15% `for "Nci.2
spring. Corn is also dull at a decline of
se,a 6 ge per inn; new sold at '58 1 ,409c; for
No. 2 60o,land no grade 4-57a563(,c, clos
ing at 683‘958gclfor new for future de- , ,
livery; sales were at 691faT0o for No. 1,
sellers Or May; 66c sellers for last half
of April, and 65c sellers for May for No.
2. Oats dull buethe, market is a shade
firmer, with sales at 54a.54,c for No. 2,
closing dull at 54c. Rye quiet at $1,17%
for winter, and $1.19%51,20 for fresh re
c-ipts No. 1. Barley dull at $1,90 for
winter, and $1,92 for flesh receipts No. 2.
Highwines neglected, dull and nominal
at 89a90c: Provisions dull. Mess pork
sold at, $33,50, buyers for March, but for
bash; the market was nominal, at 1332.50
for extra prime. Pork nominal at $26,50.
Lard dull and a little better than atonal
' nal at 19c; the only sales reported being
at 19Mc for steam in settlement, and at
19y,c, seller for March. Clear Sides sold
at 16c. Dry Salted Shoulders sold at
1214 c, loose. Dressed Hogs dull at sl3a
14 for lots, dividing on 200 lbs, and at
$12a13,50 all round, closing* about sl3a
13,50 for shipping lots. Receipts-7,363
bbls 25,t318 bush wheat; 47,813 bush
corn; 7,256 bush oats; 4,852 hush 'rye;
1,950 bush barley; 1,094 dressed hogs;
3,365 live hogs. Shipments-9:807 bbls
flour; 52,357 bush wheat; 13,754 bush
corn; 4,672 bush oats; 10,160 bush rye;
3,350 live hogs; 989 dressed hogs.
CINCINNATI, February 18.—Flour dull
and lower, with sales family at 87a7,25.
Wheat very dull; red, winter was offered
this afternoon at $1,50a1,60, without buy
ers. Corn dull, and closing with no buy._
era at.better than 62c. Rye is a shade
firma& with sales No. 1 at $1,42a1,43.
Oats dull; •No. 1 at 67a68c. Barley un-
changed and quiet. Cotton dull and no
demand; middling nominally 2714a28c,
Mess Pork, Bulk Meats and nom
inally unchanged,with no demand; Mess
Pork can be bought at $33, Bulk Meats
at 13a15c, and Bacon INo far shoulders,
17a173.0 for clear rib sides, and ugt for
clear sides. There is better demand for
Lard, with sales 420 tierces at ‘19;10 for
country, and2o43 for city 15tieroesci
sold' at 20c, buyer for March.hßette
firm and in good demand at 33a37. Eggs
firm at 18a19o. There is no • change in
Oils. Tobacco quiet, with sales 135 hhds
at saloc for lugs, and 9a12a20a26 flir leaf.
Sugar active and Kai4a higher; refined
at 19)ia20c, for hard, Coffee unchanged.
Gold market dull at 134, buying. Ex
,change dull at one-tenth per cent. die
count, buying.
IST. LOUIS, February .I&—Tobacco—
buyers and sellers are apart and there is
very little doing. Cotton and Hemp=
nothing transpired. Flour quiet and un
changed; $5,50a6 for fall sdperfine; $6,25a
6,50 for do extra p 17a7,50 for do double
extra. Wheat dull at $1,45a1,90 for fair
to choice fall; spring lower '
at $1,30a1,32
for No. 2. Corn dull and drooping, at
68a73c. Oats dull and declining, and
business small, at 62a66c. Barley very
, quiet, with small sales of choice - fall at
p,so. Rye firm, at $1,30a1,33. Whisky
'dull and lower, at 94e. Pork steady, at
$33. Bulk meats dull, with no round
lots offering; jobbing sales—shoulders,
13y,0, clear rib, 18!,4c; clear sides, 1630
17c. all packed. Bacon dull and un
changed; 14y a c for shoulders; 1714a171,c,c
fof clear rib; 17Nal8c for clear sides.
Lard nominal, at 19a20c. Receipts-1,800
, barrels flour. 11,500 bash wheat, 4,900
bush corn, 5,300 bush oats, 700 bush rye
1,200' hogs.
NEW ORLEANS, February 17—Cotton
very unsettled, middlings nominal at
• 281, sellera• rnfusing that figure; sales,
1,500 bales; receipts, 4,658 balea; exports,
2.172 bales. - Sugar steady; common 12a
12yZe„ prime 14;ic, yellow clarified 32c.
Molasses , steady, at, 78a80c for prime.
Flour firmer; superfine $6,37a6,50, double
extra g 7,25, treble do $7,50. Corn scarce
at 80c. Oats firm at 72a73c. Whlsky;-
western rectified $1a1,05. Ceffee very
firm and the stock light: fair 15a16c,
prime 17a18c.
MlLWAlDlEE,FebruarylB.—Flour dull
and weak and prices uncnanged. Wheat
more active but lower at $1,183.0 for No.
1, and $1,13 for _No. 2, Oats tirmer, at
53%e for No. 2.. Corn film at. 57a60c for
new.. .Rye firm at $1,14a1,15 for No. 1.
Barley nominal. 'Provisions quiet and
unchanged. Dressed Hogs firmer at $l3
WA. itecelets-2,ooo'bbls flour, B,opo,bus
Wheat, 2,000 oats, 1,000 bus barley, 100
dressed hogs. , Shipments-2,000 barrels
flour, 11;000 bus wheat, 200 bbls and 60
tea pork. , , .
Tomano, February 18.—Flonr dull and
heavy. Wheat—amber 1340 lower at
$1,644: No. 1 'white Michigan IMo lower
at 5/,87.g: Corn: a shade. better but not,
activeynew 68a68M:on spot, 69 seller for
March and 73 seller:for last half of April;
condemned lo better at 69. Oats dulland
unchinged: small sales at 60 for Michi
gan. Rye dull:and unchanged. • Barley,
steady at $2 fur State and $2,20 for Can
ada. .Dressed Hogs dull Cloverseed
quiet at ;8.28'1 . 9,30. '• ,
PHILADELPHIA; February 18.—Flour
Market depressed by , the itringency in
Money'. Sugar and Molasaes'excited and
adwinchigi Wheat very dull for inferior;
goCKI red firm at $1,80a1,90; white, $2.10a
2,20. Rye actiVe at $1,65. Corn' dull,
yellow, 88a89c; white, 81a86o. Oita firm;
Western, 74a76c. Provisions dull. Mess
Pork,'-533. Beef HamS, $34. Hams in
pickle, 18WA185io. Shoulders in salt, 14
al4 4e.. Lard, 206 e. Whisky nominal.
Februyry'lB.-LTobacco so.
.five; sales of 334 hhda lugs to medium
cutting leaf at IBWa. Cotton, 280. Mess
pork 33c. Lard,_2oa2o3o. BaccuiL-sales
of shoulders at 14Va• clear riltaides, 17c;
clear sides, .181 V. ; Bulk meacs7.shonld.
era, 1.334 c; clear rib ;sides. IQ/e; clear
sides, ,17o„alt packed. F10ur,,V,5,75a
16,25. Wheat, $1,6541,70. - Corn, 60a70c.'
Oats, ‘ 65 1 , 6 6 0-, R9l 1 1,
3 ,r-1 4 4,1,46-.
key, 98a. ' , t
BALTIMORE, February . 13.—FlOur'is• in
p.ood demand and prices unchanged.
Wheat dull:, prime Talley • red ! 52,20 a
2,3o.,',CorliLopened firmbnt closed dull;
white is srat t . 9oa*; yellow, 88i.
94 Ada' ''Toa7bc. ;Rye titan at
11;30a1;60; eels Iki:•rk, /AO, ,Pa Cori
Arai atettzre., ter titiSid"* . 6 Jair ' i / o•
183018 Walters; 155015.xc: ;#10418,.
" d.qui kat 210," ." •
Crzyp.t.szin,....February 18..-"-Wheit•L-
No. 1 red $1,62; No. 2 &o,:
$1,80,,,.._C0rp-0.#38 of 3
N 4 0E0,64,1 • Rye held 'at $1,8041;52 for.
No. 1, and $T,25 4 0 ,28 I'4 Na 2. Fetro, ,
leum ceritieneti and , heaYy, and
.,ricektend ,downward'; Is ruled at
ilat - ^itined.dull and .nominal; standard-
hlteln:Car lota it" 33a33W,,03; prime light
strawte'White; au,' • •
.13uPpe.x,o,,,FebrAwX 1 7.7-Rieittr; Imre.
flag uiry,,.but-Pattritet ‘Witilit.eity.(grq,und .
a p dD ß , ppro;.,phirp t rp r Rr'
rionc, nom aa.., Oa pt.,„•
dull, small 04:Itt ' is lb it'Ol9`tola track..
Oats nominal at 6,ic ins eate l .:' Bye held
it 11,35- in'store. }limy
,nomlnal: Park
dull at 8,33; Lard , dull at',9l.o.''' High.
04c. Seeds thn, quiet and
Burraw, February 18:—Flour now.
,unchanged. Wheat held at preyi=
°as rates with no demand. `,Corn dull;
small sales at 76377 c on track. Oats
firm at 650 in attire, the demand ' trivial.
Rye held at $1;35 in store. Barley firm.
Seeds steady. Moss
i pork, • laid,: and
high wines nnabanged. , - •
18,-Cotton dull
and nominai:at,27,4,a2Bc; receipts 'Were
1,073 bales; exports, 993 baleo: ,Flour steadY: Corp, 72a730 Oats, $418.5 is
Hay, i sL7',;'' TlTati; /.44230. Cornmeal; /3.40
a3,50%F0rk ; ' $34: - Bulk Meats quiet;
tdear aide 4, 17;fc; shoulders, 14a. Dress.
ed Hogs,
SAN FBANODIOX4 Feb; 17.—F1qur; sales
of extra:were made at 1115,75, and Oregon
extra; at $4,75a5,25. Wheat: sales were
made of cholas shipping at #1,75. Legal .
Tenders, 750.
The weather continues very changea
ble; on Wednesday evening it was soft
with considerable rain while yesterday
it was cold with a western wind. River
falling steadily with eleven feet by the
Monongahela marks.
The Kenton from Portsmouth, and
Bayard from Parkersburg would arrive
last night, and will return again to-day.
Business was dull at the landing yes
terday, the shipments being very light,
but we are in hopes that an improveinent
is near at band. There is one thing, how
ever, that is well to bear in mind, this
has been an unusually open winter, and
with navigation uninterrupted, with the
exception perhaps of a conple of weeks,
tnere is no great accumulation of manu
factured goods, • and it is possible that
the shipments both West and South this
Spring may not bees large as usual. At
no time since the war has there been as
many boats loaded for New Orleans, as
during the past winter. It is thought,
however, that there will be a good deal
of freight and &large number of passen
gers, here within the next ninety days,
for the 'Upper Mississippi and Mis
souri 'Rivers, so that after all. the spring
busins may yet come to the standard.
The linmigration westward from this
place has been large for several years
past in the Spring, and we see no reason
why this one should be an el - caption.
&Sam was raised on the Carrie V.
Konntxon Wednesday, but owing to the
boilers leaking badly, her trial trip was
deferred until Saturday. The interest
trianifested 'in regard to the engines on
this boat' is not subsiding, and 'there will
.doubtlessibe an unasually large number
of steamboatmen on her when she makes
her trial 'trip.
The Bayard, Capt. Geo. D. Moore, is
the regular packet for 'Parkersburg to
day, leaving promptly at noon.
The hull for Capt.. Torn. Poe's. new
Mountain boat arrived from the boat
yard yesterday.
Work is progressing raphlly on the
new Northern, Line Packet, Minneapo.
Its. She is Vary much sidadred b all
Who have seen her.
Capt. M. A. Col's, new mountain boat,
it, is expected, will be completed about
the ndddle of next month.
The Lorena, Capt. Sam Shuman, is
filling up steadily for St. Louis, and will
'positively take her departure on Satur
day. The Lorena is one of the beat
boats in the trade.
Capt. Swaney contemplates ,loading
the Armadillo fbr St. Louis, after the
The Cunene, is enroute from Nash
ville to Pittsburgh. ..
-The New Orleans Crescent says: A
negro who had been stealing whisky
was pursued yesterday morning upon
the upper steamboat binding. and after
having been beaten nearly to death by
those humane officers, he was placed
upon a dray and driven to the lock up.
Our levee police are expert in the use of
their badge of office, the club—especially
upon the persons of defenseless wisp.
-ft said that .the Line
Packet is
Company and White r Collar Line,
of St. Louis. intend consolidating the In
terest of both by forming a daily line to
St. Paul.. composed of ten steamers—
five from each company to leave on al
ternate days. If accomplished, this will
prove a wise arrangement, avoiding ru-*
mons competition and disastrous ex
—The motion for a new trial in the
case of the steamboat Imperial and own
era vs. the Louisville and Nashville
Railroad; the owners of the boat having
a few days since been awarded a judg
ment of 322.000 damages, was argued in
the Circuit Court yesterday at Nashville
and allowed—the defendant to pay costs
to the precise time.
—A St. LOMB telegram save: Rumors
are current that the Ndrthern and,White.
Collar Lines have; agreed upon au ar-,
rangemisra under which they will start
one boat through to St. Paul on alternate
days, but nothing of a really definite
character has transpired. •
: --The silver cup whih was vo for
at kfair lately. , held in .c Natchea,. to ted
given to the steamboat Captain receiving
a majority of votes,was won by CapteTout
Leathers, of the Belle Lee, who received
over 3,900 votes.
• —The Iron` County (Mo.) Regicter saye
Mr. Sweeny : has made as mill e t failure
to clear out and navigate' Black River,
and that, by'blundering; be has caused
eonsiderable loss to his friends.
Rockport Democrat says Mr.
Jno. James, Sr., intetids t phschig another
packet In the Evansville and•Cincittqati
trade in connection with the Charmer.
- —The Mary Davage• and R. C. Grey
wore advertised to leave ,Clneinnati for
Pittsburgh on,Wednesday.- The former,
boat is en route from Now Orleans.
--Captain MB. Peirsel, hue of the G.
A. Thompson, has taken chance:of the
Cheyenne, and will load her for Arkan
sas 'river.
--Captain Chas. David, having -Fecov
.ered front his recent illness, h.* reßilMed
command of the Louisville packer, Oen.
--Captain Elish . Spencer i 8 billding a
light draught steamer at the npper ship-
yard of the Parkersburg Company.
,and- impOrt4, from
New Orleans, passed. Little Rock for Ft:
Smith on Saturday. Tha
Bellevertion Is. snouts from St.
Louis toirlttsburgh.
—"f4 B lezfi lk di ; ' Or.4Yd.t.! Cincinnati
it !I
, a , ' ) iltiVeii'and'Weathdr.
• LopwriLLEt; February.4B. 7 % Ti7eithei
oltiar and tallthji; withgins
'feet Ititifiniclic.lo.lvatefikk • • -
/; • / • ;IMPORTS /lifif;RAILROAD.
'P2 tßo p c , POVArE -& ,
CiAoo` jI44 , IIOAD.'Pe 'rt . /141-43 'Vali
merali• 1/ilitdokoet ":// '; 5 / dcP'do; Uni on
Irsin Mills; 2 do do Coletna6;,Rallim &
Cof 2" 'ears: / dry *led "sh e' •E 11,
Myttra s 4l. : Ck4l2llars wheat, J, S'/Ligget dt,
Co; 50 'bbilf 200 Skis tlbui"flaivolt & Dew.
bourah 400/ 6ble/flo U V,oia er'; 3 t'arsivheat, l
Scott it Glaal; 1 ear corK/Pdp.t.
Shbmaker & ' Langenhefinf 1.1//oki,/mid
' slings, IT//fGenard; :2 cars - barley; Id
' /Carltb/t/ . it Co, 82 bids' lipples;lT'Reit; la !
bhis apples, W 13( Graf & Co; 188' bbla
apples, Bauth 6 - :"IlLyson; bbls'
apples, S B Shriver & Co; 6 oars' lime,
slime, Shoenberger & Blair; 7 bible applem, M
bleanor IHar 87 bxs cheese,
Rankin: 25 doz per;
brooms, 21 bts cheese, W.
S Ewart it Co; 25 bas starch; Thomas &
Co; 39 aka 'rags, Godfrey it Clark;2s bbls
oil, B L )ahnestodk-& Co; 74 bxs"cheese,
/W- Hasiage & Co; 35 dra brooms; W
Miller & Co; / car oats R Knox it Son;
1 bbl butter,,T lEfw,e6zletoni2 bbls tallo
M Delatige.
0444 , V.susasto AND, "Pmesinitik
BAAL', "PbrUarY New York
ore, Shoenberger, Blair NC(); 2 di? do, /1/ 1
car pig iron, Rseae , Gra/I'4 Dull; . 1 car,
lumber, R & S.Wilson; 1 do potatoes Me"-
Vitty & Wyraan; I do, atone, J L L Epoz,
1 do pig iron, 4 levers, 1 bx. iron, .
Smith; 1 car pig iron, Union Iron Mills;
5 . bbls ,011, J NV Drape; 3 blabs apples, 10
bids - bean_ I s Volgt, Mahood & CO3; bx
,per, J M CoOPer.. & - Co; '4 bbls tallow,.
W .naccrus '& :Sp/4'B bbls wine, II Zlm
merman; 3 oars pig iron, Mitchell, Ste
venson & Co; 20 hlids sugar, 24 eadstobe,
Smith, Johnson & Co; 40 bbls fruit, 2 bbls
eggs, W H Graff t Co; 22 bbls beans, H
Rea, Jr; 2 bbls beans, 2 do eggs, F H
Craighead; 4 bxs queensware, Ring &
Co; 2 bbls eggs, 2 do apples, Head t
ruary 18,-240 bbls oil, James Wilkins;
400 do do, Fisher Bro; 480 do do, Johns
thanklGallagher; 21 bgs rye, dos 9 Finch;
110 do oats, J W Thuraby; 1 car hay,
Moreland lc Mitchell; 3 bbls, refikicd oil,
Munhall & Megraw. 40 do do, W Mc-
Curcheon; 7 aks wool, Frank Bro di Co;
14 aks dry apples, 5 do rags, 5 do onions,
E Heazletou; 36 sks rye, Scott dr Gisal;
100 sks oats, Keil dr Ritchart;. 15 eks
wheat, 11 Knox; 4 cars metal, McKnight,
Porter S. Co; 2 do do, John Moorhead.
ALLEGHENY. STATION, February 18. ,
,5 bbls oil, HM Henderson; 4 cars barley,
Gilmore, Straub dot Co; 10 sks oats; E It
Maginn• i 4 cars limestone, Superior Inn
Co; 50 bbls flour, Hippley Beckert; 2.0
sks flax seed, S B Swydani; 1 car met:l,
Lewis, Bailey dr Dalzell; 10 bxs Daki
powder. G W Fust,: 1. .car lam I ,
Goush & R.
, ,
LOIIIS—The steamer
VollEgit Ca p t. 1). SHUMAN.
Will leave for the above and Intermediate por a
on THIS DA X, /Stb lnat.. at 4 p. 31.
Forfrelght or passage apply on board or to
LACK. or
fels J. D. COLLINGWOOD, Agents:
pITTSBURGH, 42 2 W it
Marietta and Parkersburg Line.
Leave Company's Wharf Boat, toot of Wood
SAYA. - SD A. S. sasa:Krark, Master.
falai' EAGLE' L. IiDSNNAN, Master.
'Freight will be received at all hours by
• eels JAMES COLLINS. Arent. '
Numbering, exteen first-dais vessels, among
In ,he celebrated
crry' OP LONDON.
Balling EVERY SATURDAY, from Pier 45.
rth Illver.-New York. ?or nassage or further
Intornay.len sturdy to
TO FIFTH. STREET. febrookle
v osrlvnnno , lt* Pont 11111.• plttshnr
ilk the attention of all interested In the. mine
tlon of the extravayant cost of Butter, to their
praettcal and thonomlthl system of making pure
prime Butter by the aid of the
A brief allusion to the origin of this'lrerortant
discovery may tot prove uninteresting. Among
the authent'eated records of the re noweed Cap
' tale Cook's voyage around the world, is found
the si :element, that while sojourning !bra theft
time on the Brallian Coast of South America, he
oh: e rved the natives using, in the preparation of
their food, abceotfai oil.' which, ppon eranlina-
Item lie found to pdssess, the appearance, • taste
and fisvorof Butter; titen furtl.or Inquiry, how
ever, he - ascertained that it was.tramply a sub
stance that the natives distilled in a crude and
limpet:feet manner,. from a._ rich and luxuriant
plant thaterew spontaneously and nbundantli in
.:tbat , warm A few fears ago,
au eminent French chemist, while on a profes
atonal vlsit'tot he tropics, made numerous exper
iments with this remarkable produetlon of na
ture, and succeeded .in extracting a concentrated
essence of tke plant. The formula.for Its prep s.
rat!on; and the Sale Eight fer its sale In this
country are the exelraldve property of elder Coin.
papyihy lebete it wall purchased from the orlgl
nal discoverer. We damn for dal; 'remarkable,-
lta brtts nee a net gain Of frOm Sato 110 . 0
„per cent. Is made In tb,epaztufaclure of Buttery
2d.—Thitt tititter; Which from age or wiratever•
:• cans.; -maybe strong ; rancid,' streaked or
coarse-grained, and comparatively useless for;
general use, by the aid of this Extract,. Is re
stored tells Original • freshne is and sweetness,.
fine-grain; and evenstelor. • :
3d.—.ivy the use of this Este. et; one pound of
delicious, fresh Butter IS actually made from
one pint of milk.
4tll.—That a pure •and excellent table Butter can
be made, at a cost of from 15 to 20 c nts per
pound. The chief expense wherein being But.
ter, which Is the essential base.
50.-2 hat Butter manufactured by the aid of
this Extract is equatelie every respect to the best.
Butter made by the Ordinary method.
oth.—The Extract after thorough analysis, by
&biochemists, Is pronounced perfectly free from
- any deleterloeis substance. the ing'redlent3 be
teg perelyof a vegetable nature. 7' •
liitherin.probl: of be foregoing assertions, the
IractOry of this company Is matifeg,,one ton of
Butter per day s which meets' with ready sale
lithe Meer Tokk Krrket, and Isemistliniral froM
the tables pt , liestaliranta end'
l i ritiate families la this city and chew - here. ••:
' A 'srainple Plieinge•of the Eitrailef eualcient
reeke 50 les. tif Better; with fell directions; foe
uee ) , wilibeeept. pi, any address, ,on receipt of
a:1111316i of real Merit at 4;
Aillt , E o 4l4 l lliorrs imitations,: we Nook* apectally
caution the public against counterfeits and worth.l
tobiluitesioneo • :stclye l P, Lltie it th eh, tl n r 9fea a l n e tNtlkent iy,lß. -
sclri A e 9 I IRAPY AO. P.t.rCoo
1 1474ni7ifk i gra 41%4: 1416411/6 "
.. mew. ceentv.enfi.lf lilghtrafitale:.•.ifecing
ta capitalists ?axe App rtuotttei ireteblubieg
It 1 44 1 1ei
_PU 6 / p colt fpaf. , ,0 e_tlorFloi!4 pFplicst ;;
• • .44,griklii . ,V . V!inted Everyls , l3Tii,
f; M " CAllAltT+:i'Pti're s yeb !¢D Coartlii,, 41
pound, sufficient to give a . rivh.troiciiin,lepor
200 lbs. iif White butter, 50 cents per pounder:
racskage.:sent to sun; addrees.:_so.FArte e tshoeld
be wilbout It, as white and stresay Butter is
Worth:from:six to ten cents. a imund , less In all,
markela than that °ea rich yellow feB:el6
NT 4ll lc E r/Ig e Oglace. of the
.40il1YE ' A.Nir
cor:ort 4 , 011K8 hes 'this day beetiltEMOVED _
fic;reli s co• 07.zrourtb yltivettut,.rittsburgh,i
TO -10.902'0RT,
No. 460 Rebecca, Street, Allegheny.
Brio office at. HARRIS &
3.1.1 LIBERTY STRE AT; corner of Tenthafor..
.merly Wayne). Orders left at the; Factory. at: .
Harris I'e, or sent through the Pittsburgh
Post•ONce, will rendre prompt attention..
nstug the
the; only true and Wilt regelated.:Htiyetnor
made: perfect In Its Operations and truly
A tarot slam Governor oan kV seen *Vibe oftleeof
TB Rl n k ,Y AL. 4R OlLETTctleehantealtg.mglueer
and Solletter or Patents, Ho. 70 Federal street,
'Alldltion4' ol 479 - the tallY agent for fhb Oevarnor
ryFRESH r lBlll .llitijalittil Pill.
liltES3 etill cantlnaes to fill all eltrand toil&
ordera tor • • . . 1; '
; ,
bend 101;4. 4o brAMOI1)0 atAargistspitti•
barge, or Ade old .twellAulowtti TWL14.:(7111,
bTAND, AUegkenv market • oc3o
87 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa,
All Kinds of Country Produce,
au orders for Merchandise promptly tilled, at
LOWEST market rates. Particular attention
given to the sale of Rutter, Eggs ' Cheese Dried
&c, We feel confident that we can give
entire satisfaction, by making QUICK seLas and
and therefore respectfully solicit your consign
ments. Ail correspondence answered promptly.
Marking Plates furnished free. Grain in store
and to arrive daily. • anBltt73
.E fi c TA TIED BY A. & T
No. 271 Liberty Street,
pri—rssumari. PA.
se :ylB
waorameide DRALZEB IX
Grocerien. Flour. Grain. Produeea
Fro ' , Mons, Flab. Chow, Carbon ;
011. dce..
Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STR EET , near Lib
erty street . Pittsburgh . Pa. neBinSb
PITEItaGICIL ' • • ies: P. Bicaurr.
AND DltatZlB:th.
• •
71,0NR, GRAIN, S__DS; MILT' RED, Go,
.349 Liberty Bs., PlUsbruThi
11V81Nik J. B. Astral.
beaters in , FLOUR; GRAIN ',and PRODUCE
above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. les
M e . STEELE & SONi •-•
Comnsisston Aterchigittir;
Am> Dsosainii'
FLOUR, GFR.A.IN,4 1 VT5 7 r1"5. !Ito.
No. 95 0010 near tut. Conititoti,
• tALratellENT CITY. PA.
: , -
Wholesale and Retail Grocers,
• .
F ET - grt •
For the sale or riour, Grain, .Bacon, Lard, Bat
ter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, aud Produce generally,
No. 111 kLUIE.EP. riTRENT,, corner of First,
Pittsburgh. • - • fe22:80.
ALERCHANTI; and 'dealerra.du FLOUR,
ALLY, No. 19 DIAMOND. apposite Clay Nall,
Allegheny City. 3117:r37
Wholesale Gro ers, Commission Welchem%
Inn Dealers in Prod ce, .-Flour, - Bacon Cheme,
Irish, Carbon and L rd Oil , Iron, Rads. Gilt*,
Cotton Yarns and . a I I ";:sbargh liturufactu*s
generally. and
. 1 1 1 . mtCOND STREET,
Plttiburgh. . . . . . ,
aortic r. mann. Jam. uoveii n: nous,.
cesilor 4 to JOHN I. ROUSE_ it CO t
wEi WHole
srocerrs and li
Commission ercbs s; tor
n Pro• datithtteld and Water Streets. PI btirglt.
JOallr sairroN
No. 6 61.82' . 45T6E.E.T. P urzh.
Istos 221 arta 223 .T..ll)erti Street
Corner of Irwin, -.VOW offer to .ttke ,t4a4p at low
figures, strletlr
; • :.-"• •
' Prime New froll,.New Oileans - Spgar and
Molasses. .•
Eorto.4lCO. Claw ?ma vignah
New Yekrt„ - Phliaaeltlla and • Baltimore" Re
fined-do. •
LOYertige.' Brnnils;' Stuart 'a,
„Adams , and Long island Syrups.
' Porto Ittco, Cuba and Enal Leh Island lionises..
youn g Braun, Jiipe t p, irrassrl‘l„; liuMloWder
and Oolong Teas. • • • I
Carolintvand 41algoln • , ,
Java, Laguayra and In Coffees;
Tooacen. -Lard 011, Flat, Nabs; Glaagi Soaps, •
Cotton Yarns, &c., constantly on baud. •
Fine Brandies,Wineenni). Segars.
Oltenia, Moselle, and .Sparkling Hock. Wines
' or Mosel & Co.. in bottles.
Sparkling Moselle ' Sellars berg. gmandsjobannis
burg, llookbeimer.Burgundy, ate. •
Brandenburg & Tea , Fine Olive 011.. ,
• do do ,Clarets._intoorted lu bottles.
do do - %bite wines, in bottles.
14...W0rk & Sons, Spa•kling Catawba.. ,
Fine old Neerry, bladetrannd Port Winne.
Free Oki Mnuougant la Bye Wldakisa.,pure l
do Very SuperlOrOld . smteh do do.
. • : eIL.X4II. 0 0 •
S.l l i e Vents for Mont & chandon GrOnd 171 n.
im •-• • 1 r• $.
erzena,y and Selleri•Oltainpmne.
Brandies crow own oeleotioM and-waVrted.:
'!;i; ;1.;:
ffisititEBl l Bl o ATENrefil6 i
cal Furniture Mandactunrii,
, ! 1 ? 7 , 81 1 , '1 1 ,. ; )7vv.• v•lt'U
..?In , ; •
? 14YPir"?. PROT4A .t V -0111 7E, •
, 4 .
forheniveerAi rg , wrronvmoorP--,
iliAlikirsiPig •
) it:ltittat lABSIVItir kiirrr OP igitW
;PAPO;W4O,,t(' or opr, silApis,
t . i i Nth RECELSINta l.
`'"At' 107 *met St{ei)t.'
NEAR' PI mini AvElim . •
WASTE OF - ' •
The undersigned deems it his' duty to inform
consumers of Hydrant Water In'thiett*Of
.burgh ::that'-extensiv e end r highly ..hurortant
changes itt tho..Ameiatoery, at theJ..ower Water
Winks r e q uire, for the ntesent. careful use
'and strict nreventlon or the Wasti'of 'Water.'
-Railroad cemponlekantl ;Abe; large consumers
must use 'stem egonotny In nee of water for 'II
'plain:tees, and the Ilse of all street Waihers and
ate.pings,.eneeprin' e a se of dre, - Intm be sue.
pen4ed nntlltgrt4er notlee.. . .
,aeszpat pRENOs, '
• ' Superintend tilrater Works.
_____ ea
dult atornigulltor ore- J.• - n.CAICIPLELT).
r r7()N:v vid 8 v
L '-
On and after TVESDAf, Yovernher, 171/t.
1150,, traina will arrive at and depart irom the
Pepe'. corner of Grant and Water streets, follows:
Mall to and from Union- •
10W11 7 :00 A. m. 6:00 r.IE.
McKeesport Accomdt'n 11:00 A. Ir 2:05 P.
sr. Ex. to and from lint'n. 3:00 P. M. IV: Il; A. sr.
West Newton Accom'd 4:30 P. at. 8::5 A. M.
Braddock's Accomdt'n. 6:15 P. St. 7:50 P. X.
Night Ac. tosicK"sport..lo:3o P. M. 6:45 A. 14
Sunday Church Train to
and trom.West Newte.n. 1:00 P. 11 1.10:00 A.
For tickets apply to
KING, Agent.
W. B. STOUT, Superintendent: n=l
CHANGE . 111 - Ir • mor”msaar,
On a TRAINSOAY, November 9th, ISSS,
TWO DAILY will leave Pittsburgh
Station, corner of Eleventh and Pike streets for
Franklin, 0111 City, Buffalo, and all points an the
011 Regions.
Mall .. .. 7:15 a m Mali 5:4-0 p m
Express • 7:10 ta i.Express . - 0;30 a m
Brady's B Ac 3:00 p m:Bradys - B . Ac 10:30 am
•• Ist Sods-Works.-- , •, • • ilstSoda Works. -
Accould_ 10:50 a m Accomod`n. 8.210 a m 2d Soda Works 12d Sodallork s
AccomOd'n., 5:00 p`m! Accdruodln.
Church Train leave Pittsburgh. at 1:10 P. H.
Arrive at Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. It.
'PAISSOZHOTI - Uktlg express train have :but
one change of cars between. Pittsburgh; Buffalo
and all Rektens,• Mail - and Express Trains stop
only at psincipal points. lilted Way and Ac- '
commodstiod trains stop at all stations. •
W. FOSTER ROPE, Ticket'Agent. • • net
CHANe 1808 TIMIC—On and alter SIINO/LY.
N0v.22d,, tzains , will.leave and auTive as
tnt 'Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time:
. , . . .
.jr` Paget. Arrive.
Expres.....«. 3:13 a. m. 151:13 a. m.
Past lona a. m. 7:aap. m.
Fast Express 2:58 p. m. 12:18 a. m.
Mixed Way 5:43 a. in. 6:43
McDonald's Ace , n, No . 111.98 a. m. 8:33 p.m.
Steubenville Aceonaveciel.-13:98 p.m. 9:48 a. m.
11aDonalti's Aeo'n. No. 2.4:08.p. m. 3:18p. m.
Sir SI: ISS P. 11E. Express veill leave r
12:13 P; M. Mall will 'arrive daily.
The 10:13- a. m. 'Train leaves' daily, Sunday,
e, cepted, and makes close connections al New.
:ark • ,ra • !Zanesville ,and. Pointe On ' fisfidtisitY
Mansfield A Newark It. E.
S. F. SCULL, deneral Ticket Arent,
W. W. CARD, Sup , t...Steubenville. Ohio.
I§o o - ----
' !,':i . : 1 •:,. r a . ..'
P liH, FORT WAYNE h clue . GO
Frem. Dec. MOtb, 11368. trains will leave .
D , .
and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, • Ms
burgh city time, as fellpws:, . , 1
.14(21111. 1 'Aeries.
i - J
chica_g0 31 x....3:0.7 WM10111%489- Ex.., 2:1211
Erie's Ygn , 17:20 a tu ,niottgo Er.. '11:58
Cl. & Wh!g3D18:118 a MWheelituy Ex 11:13tt
Chicago Mall. 6:58 a in Crestline Hall 3:93pi
Chlcapi r s..lo:oll a in Chicago Ex.—A/13SM
Cl. It Ex 2:23pm Cleveland Ex 4 :08gi '
Chicago x.- Elit3 inp Erie aYrn Ex 15:L3pi
4:53 an.' Ci. hWh'g Ex 5 : 55 7i
//spout/rocs Allegheny. I Arrive in A itergubsi,
N. Brigt'n Ac.8:53 a m.N Brigt'n Ac. 7:03 ain
Leetsdale "._ 10:918 a cr.IN..
Br a " g:2B am
".'.11:88 ata New astle , "10:33 a=
Rochester " 1:33 pre Lee!s ale
~ "9:13 am
Leetsdale ..!, ; ec .3:58 pm ' , " 1:98 pm
N. Brlgt'n .5:33pm N. lirigt'n " 9:43 pm
N. Berra " .8:28 pail Leetsdale - " 4:83 pal
Leetsdile. " /o:43pm " " 7:18 Tma
Leetsdale:Sun. Leetsdale Stlll. ,at
day Church. 1:13 p m day t.hurcb. 9:9E ear
A Sir 51:43 p. m. iftleago Express leaves daily.
My - • uais B.
m. ()blears Express arrives daily.
do ' P. R. MYERB. General Ticket Agent.
. . „
A.D. Onand atter Nov 2Stb , 11868, Trains
will "arrive at and depart Irom the Union Depot,
corner Washington and. Liberty streets, as
Mall 1:30 a m
Past Line...:. 240 a m
Wall , s No. 1.. 6 20 a m
Briutonicein. 7:30 am
Wait's N 0.2.: a m
Cincinnati E5..9:40 am
Johnstown Ac10:35 a mi
Baltimore Ex. 1.45 mi
Exprese2:os pmi
N0;8... 130 pml
BmildocksNo111:50 pm]
Wall's No. 4. 7:135 nth
Wlly rasina,r 10:20p mi
The Church Train leaves Walls' Station every
Sunday at , - .11:181 4. , m... reaching Pittaburgh at
TWO a.i m. Returning, leaves Pittsbargia at
181:6O 11. m. and• arches at Walla, Station at
2:00 p. tn. •
'Cincinnati Express • leaves daily. , 1111 other
trays daily e4,cept Suriday.
4Por farther informarin i milt:th:
hePeliMsylvahlaßal W.
lroad Company 4niteati-
PWile any risk forßaggage, ekeept,for wearing ILD •
parel, and limit their responalbilltY to Vrie Zinn
are. • Dollars in value,. All Baggage excee.ling
thy t amount In value will be at, the r 151: of the,
owner. in•lesa taken *expect:Ll contract. , •
5023 ,
• Geneva But.erinteattent. Altoona; ra.
LROAD.--On and after Nov. 214 13613. the
Pa..senger Trains on • the , Western -Penimylvanist
Rai road will arrive at and depart trom the
.Feder: tiltreet Depol4 3 Allegheity City. es rolicnva:
Arrive. Depart.
tloringd , b N 016140.
In1:02 re
Bree%girt No.18:20 a m Freeport No. 1 9;15 am
• haprestil4....lo:4o M l Sllitepb , g NOI ills 20 a m
Sharpteg Ne.11:25 p mlEapress . 2:40 p
'Freeport No. 2*:00 p prlngd ie leo :110 pm
Math „..ehg.s D p0rt...N0.25:20 p m
Sp ringd'e N016:45 o to. n e rkfi d'e No 27:10 DM
traine , tuo daily ex diladay.
The Church Train leaves llegheny Junction
eVer? denday 1117:40 *.. M., reselling Alleg heny
City al 0:50 a. m. Returning, leaves
City at l.:30 m. and arrive at allegn tuty ute.
Bon at 3:45 D. in.
• COMXCTATIorr T2CIIIITS—For sale. In packages
of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut
etreet. Bennett, Pine Creek, lama and
gliarpsbur k and good only on the trains ' stopping
at Stations (pacified tkkets.:
The ,trains leaving allegherty City at 7:00 a.
an. Make direct connection at Freepor; tvlthWal,—
ker's line or Stages fbr.Butler and Rannahnown.
Through tickets may tie purchased at an Oflc
No. 3 et, Clair street. near the Suapensic nßritiga,,
Pittsbur:h, and at the De t , AZeghMl-•
Poe Portlier information ep
, Federal Street Benet.
The Western Pennsylvania Rat:tread !nu not
glinte paltylisk for , Deggage, except • Ibr wenring
apparel, and limit thetr respontantfity to
Idunctrett Dollen :Ix , - - .Talue. • Alt. teggn
eeedinn Ills amonneln value at tne rtek et
"the owner. are lest askew by ept contract...,
Elezt*Til linnerlatenden*AltOoVls.
tivi Y
kjp 11017211.
, ,
, • -r:
r •-• :
iti l9 ll)lolitlNF IND I, ll4:NOzintimun
PWR,l o frilo - Phe ?tif., ll PAn4 -4!_t E
Voletrado, ..1 literada4
Vilisriiiiiii' 'vahe' ' ' •. ' i
ti 'W
.: - ;!__,;: :1; ••- ,„; ~ 1 •.- ,‘,.,.
,I.i .4114gpillas ..rri E.Nrafiiikksigtent
. ,
•- ' I liest , Brettek) . Idahoi J 1
__areignia a _ • _ 1
TiFitffaiiii blifieloktil rad eltiLeAvenworth
dallap*exoented.n the arrival ot trains
kit- ell troutis aria ns.nnl •
bat an dt. oe Railroad (at:IIRM COgneet.,._
!Inv , :nt ,. .Lairrezunk.fropeks , still ...wwntAo,7lla
stakes for all vointa .in Kansas. At ena , of
trftk etreat_2,oF notorth wills the 11.1NrrEto
AU points the Tenantle
. ,
Ahand with BAND .. ,
of COACHES for Fort Mob, Bent's Fort, Pass.-
gi va ta "'Nand : 11 11. , Polnts In Ari
zona and ew ettloo. •
• With • tha it , Ijadditions iof rolling stock
and equipment, and the arrangements made
With responsible iner hindTransportation Lines
frcim its weatern terminus._ Oda now
.nnecinalied.' sOr• the trans road misaionoil ers
frelseht to the Par West.
Tickets for Nue at ail the principal oVices in
the Uulted,Eitates and Canadsa •
Ito sure and aslcfbr Octets via TIM RICKY
EASTERN' Dirouorr•
PrP.lo;t and Tlr kat Lit
Day Esp_reas.. 2;30 am
, Wall`a No: 1.. 8:30 am
Mall Train 8:15 am
• Cincln , tlE o x. 12:15pm
Johnstown Ae. 3:25
Brad docks No I .1:2 nim
'Phila. Express 5:10 xm
Wall s No. 3.. s:2opm
Wall's No: - 9.. 6:15 pm
Fast Mae..
.... 7:50 pm
Wall's Zi 0.3..11:50 pm
4. Aram/Aust.
Geteral euperlntendes
J. NIG wansTien„,