NEW , ADIMRTIEUMENTS. BATES BELL'S MEW GOODS. Mourning Goods, American Silks, White Goods, Plain Dress‘ Goods, Linen Damasks, - Shirt Fronts, Corsets, Ladies' Underclothing, Lace Curtains, Vestibule Lace, Linen Goods, Cashmere, Shawls, Thibet Shawls, Flannels. feI7:NVWF AT WHOLESALE, SUSPENDERS, HANDXERCHIEFS, kCEILINO AND COTTON IMcoalerwr, WHITE` GOODS, EMBROIDERIES; Buttons, Braids and Notions, The largest assortment In the city. at LOWEST CASH PRICES. JOSEPH. HORNE /c, CO ME LAMEST ASSORTMENT In the City LOWEST PRICES. E 4 14 a 01 0 A GOOD CARPET :~~, 25 Cents a Yard. OLIVER ' • Iic,CLINTOCK • 1 I • & COMPANY, No. 28 Fifth Avenue 'HENRC. FRY HAS THIS DAY withdrawn from 4 he frm of EEY. Y WieLE & REYNi ILDS. Thu business will be continued by SEMPLeI REYNOLDS CO.. who are charged Ishii the settlement of the busi ness of the late Arm. CRESCENT FLINT GLASS WORKS SEMPLE, REYNOLDS & CO, Manufacturers of all lauds of Bas and Kerosene Lamp Shades, Yln• Pressed, Blown, Cut and Ingmed TABLE GLASSWARE, OSTICE AND SAMPLE BOOK No. 104 Fourth .411:veritie la retiring from thelate Arm of FRY, EEMPLE & RSYROLDS. cheertully commend their sac' . eel/ O,ll A° the patronage and confidence of the former customers of the house. HENRY C. FRY. "Tlgnintall. February 12th. IEB9. fe Meet ARCHITECTURAL SURVEYORS HAZiD•BOOL A Hand Book of Formulae. Tables and Memo randa for Architectural Surveyors, and others engaged in Building. BY JOHN THOMAS fIT ST, Civil Engineer- Second Edition. In one Pocket Volume. PAIOE gu.SO. Yor sale by KAY & COMPANY, 65 Wood Street. tel 6 .161*their,2KnitgENis SEND Dobbins' Domestic Illustrated Family • Bible soper'or to any other.. Address ETItoET & 11.1 Nassau street. New 'York. Aarbold only tn agents.. Refers to Eastern Publtshers. When/mm . 4-T • . . 1111 A OLL BUTTER.-10 half bbls Choice Roll Butter,_ just reselyed NW for foils J. B. U. ANYLVAAS. NEW - .AWMTIEMUKENTS, AT TIIE LOWBST PRNE6, !lin Assortment of Unbleached Sheeting Muslim, Li • n /Meetings, Honey Comb Quilts, TableLinens—ali kindi Linen Handkerchiefs, AT THE POE Bleached Sheeting Pillow Case Shirting [Latins, Pillow Case Li nen s; Irish Linens, Heavy White Quilts, Marseilles Quilts, Tofiet Table Napkin s and Doyiies, Linen Towail Linen To Stockings and Gloves, Embroideries, tee., tee., 1!3i3 WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, 180 AND 182 FEDERAL STREET, ALIMGEMNY.I, Att. 3EL M BOVARD, ROSE do CO OIL CLOTHS. BOVARD, ROSE — dc CO Window Sliades, BOVARD, ROSE & CO 21 FIFTH AVENUE. fe9:dawT 51 51 51 Fifth Avenue, CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS. H'CALLUM BROTHERS, H'CALLITH BROTHERS, H'CALLIIH BROTHERS, 51 Fifth Avenu l e • an ABOVE V 7111) STREET. JANIJAItIf, J_so9. MorMUMI) & 0011)INS WILL CONTINUE THEIS - I AERUAL CLEARANCE SALE TWO' WEEKS LONGER. Giriatprltarigutris Myer Illbo Offered. to Close , Out peolal Linea of Goode, at 71 and 78 MI Avenue, Second Floor. per TRADE MARK. • WEDGE ' S v uiv..l.nopr , . 1 .. Lamp' \ : CifiIINEYS: felo:e2 gIIEARL ASH--30 cas ks Pri Ai lne Pearl Ash now In store and r sale 12 , - J B. UANYIBUme PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1869. NEW AI:ATER'I'IS NEW STOOK OF Cassimeres, Jeans, lie, FOR NEN AND BOYS' WEAR, AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY. _ _ NEW SPRIN CI Dress Goods Desirable Fabrics and Colors. ,CM BLACK ALPACAS AND POPLIN FOR TRAVELIN SUITS, r = SCOTCH WINCEYS IN NEW SHADES. Pals' ely Shawls, Thibet Shawls, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, FEDERAL STREET, WILLIAM KILLER Se! C 0.,, Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Ooruer of Irwin, now off tillhe trade at low figures, Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. TSB. Porto Rico, Cuba and 'English Island Sugars. New York.. Philadelphia and Baltimore Re fined do. Bolden Udps. Loverings. Brunfls, Stuart's, Adams' URI Long bland pyrupi. Porto 'Rico, C 1143 and Enallsh Island Molasses. Young flys. Japan, imperial, 13tinpuwder and Out ng 'Yeas. Carolina and itangoin Rice. Java. Laguayra and in Coffees. Tooacco, •Lard Ac., 011. Fish. Nails, Glass, Soaps, Cotton Yarns, constantly on hand. Fine Braudies,Wines and Segara. }Menial. Moselle. and Sparkling Hoek Wines of iliniel - & Co.. in bottles. Sparkling Mogen-, Eiekaraberg. and Jobannis burg, lioekheimer. Burgundy. rte. Brandenburg & Fr. res. Fine Olive Oil. do do Clarets, imported lo bottles. do • do Vi bite Wines. in bottles. M. Wort & Sons Sparkling Catawba. Fine old Sperry. Madeira and Port Wines. Free Old Monongaaela R Whiskies, pure. do. Very Superior Old Seoteb do do. ALSO, Bra pezia!e Agents for Moet & Chandon's Grand Inn. tra . _ Verawpay and Satiety Champagne. Brandies of our own selection and warranted. L . .) 2•d43 FOR SALE. Acre at Woods Run. ' 4 Acres anu House in ELS. Liberty. 8 Acres, unimproved, on Troy MU. • S Acres an Greensburg Pike. & Acres on Four Mile Ban ltoi IS( miles from P. G. R. R. 70 Acres near P. P. W. & C. R. IL 118 Acres near Pa. R. R., Westmoreland court- ty. 90 Acres at Hill Side Station. Pa. R. IL 4 Farms In Preston county, West Virginia. 165 Acres in Armstrong county, underlaid with Coal. 108 Acres and good Improvements, in Trumbull county. Ohio. 900 Acres of Timber land, with Saw Mill and dwellings. House and Lot oa Center Avenue, near Kirk patrick. House and Lot on Vlcroy street. House and Lot In Emit Liberty. Honse and Lot in Ma isfleld. House and Lot on Carroll street, Allegheny. House and Lot on Braver avenue. Si Houses and 4 Lots, very cheap, on Vine street. 9 Lots, very cheap, t 2 Rouses sad Lot on 1 Howe of 0 Rooms s Farms in Illinois. hill Coal Lands in Alleglio cite and Beaver countl TILIII..' 9 Houses of 9 Room. tn I 3 de. of 3 do._ d NI do. of 3 do. d A do. of 8 do. d 1 do. of 8 do. d I do: of 0 do. do I do. of 3 do. do 1 do. of 5 do. do 1 - do. of 4 do. de 1 do. or 7 do. d I The Ho u s es d s f that do. I h 0a;) very t y e ar to good tar - mum D. P. Hatch's No. 91 gran Ell GRAY'S FE MUIR C. E. R BlaelLand Colored Printing & Lithographl • Street, nhad and SU Wer/7 NEW STYLEES "OATS AND CAPS, Ili AX -41. GOOP. BARGAINS IN 10E1 NO. ISO AND IS2 ALLEGBENIt. . ALSO, IMPORTERS OF In Vine street. Franklln street. nit A Lots on Roberts St. r sour' and West Virginia. ny, Westmoreland, Fq -s In Penna. _2 r. I'he 17th ward; rentl3o o . 17th do. do. 14.4 . ltith do. do. 156 . , Bth do. do. 360 ~ Bth do. do. 300 514 do. do. 600 6th .10. do. 199 . oth do. do. 940 . .17th do. do. 16 2d du. lit street.. e for rent will be rented to for the balance of the 2MCI :al Estate Office it., Pittsburgh. En INH WORM. BINSON, MAIIICIPACTIIIIII cir INE9, VARNISHES, PHILADELPHIA. fe16:00 JIIBT RECEIVED AT MCCORD & CO's, in WOOD STREET W. De CAMP ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.. Celcer No. 13 7 FOURTH AVKNUIat Pitts burgh, (formerly occupied by. Hun Walter H. Lowrie, ) ors/nice lu the U. S. Circuit and pow t Courts. In the State Supreme and all the Courts of Allegheny co u nty. „ d make „ Hee . Uoug 111 most at the adjacent thuritles. je2ll:d7g W Norruss'— 'sego. qv" lats. , . siwastrot ~u stpontss *eitaaregbefe . " la.. not tx IntanttWOOß MNAS each lain be So tweed esthete whom* °sea for TWENTI-PIVE OXNTB : eaet stietattcrmai Mkt FIVE cum's. ANTED--HELP. vA • ED—GARDENER—one thor • nichly competent to take dh•rge of s sms.l p. wit h Greenhestc. A p ply at No. 174 W o a d treet. LOCKH tRt TEENY £ CO. . WANTED—A young man of good education to Deaf me Student of ‘s edicint in the once of a regular Physician. Ad dress, "Physician," GAZWITZ office. ANTED-HELP.-AT EDP V V PLOYMENT OFFICE._ No. 3 dt. Chau Street. BOYb 431.1tbts and IfiCN, for - different Maids kin d so}ment. Persons minting belp of all can be supplied on short notice. WANTED-SITUATION. _ , • ED.lrmbiediatelg,' or ibe •11r4 of April. by s youn_g man unrry. a PLACE TO ,L'EAHN THE TRADE.- Address Z., GsrErrS Or week. WANi by from the TINNING FIG% for a TED---BOARDEM3, WANTED. - BOARDERS. - A few boarders can be acenimodated with boanl and lodrag at 153 THIIeD AVENUE. WAN T ED. - ADDERS. Pleasant room, with board, suitable for gentleman and wife, or two young gentlemen, at 68 FOURTH STREET. Also, a iew day or din. nee boarders can be accommodated. Reference required. WANTED-AGENTS. WANTED—To employ a le* good MEN to distribute Dr. Ashbaugh's Great Rheumatic Remedy, "The Wonder of the orld." on the package system, not to be paid for until fully tested. Address J. C. Twrow. vzom di. Clair street, Pittsburgh, Pa. WO WANTS. WANTED -HOUSE:-A &web up it house of four or Ilve rooms, by a fun. ily with no children. Adores*, D. D..aszarts OFFICE. WANTED—Bonds and Mort gages to the amount of $50,000 on city or county unencumbered property., having from on. to Ave years to run, In amounts ranging front $5OO to $5 ei 000. Also, business accommodation paper to the amount of $40,000, In sums from $6OO to $3,000, and from 60 days to 4 months torch. 160 acres of good Western lands t.a exchange for furniture. Apply to • B. McLATN R 00.. Jan Cor. 4th avenue and limitheeld street. TO LET. TO-LET.—The Large, THREE STORIED BUILDING, No. 196 PENN STREET, adlolning the St. Mir Hotel, occupied by Doctor Speer, .fiom April Lt next. The house is adralrably located for a residence, or ofilet s. Ap;ly, for terms, to, JAMES VERNER Esq., once ClVzens raasenger Railway, or lit IM DIAMOND SQUARE TO I.I7T—A House of 12 rooms. newly papered aad paiuted, No. SS Eighth attest. near Faun; imuhdlale possessi , a. A HI 098 E of 7 rooms. No. 99 Eighth street, The two corner offices on the Drat lightedlso the two basement rooms—dAy and weil —No A 49. corner of Penn and Eighth'. Inquire at 977 PENN STRII.ET. MO•I:ET—That THREE STORY BUILDING, No. 71 Logan street, contain ing OW rooms and baelnz large ya d attached. Rent $4OO per annum. Enquire of T. P. HOUS TON, GAZYTTZ °rms. TO-LET.—A fine. large, well. finished ROOM. suitable for an office. to rimdch Buildin. second floor, back.' • Apply at Room for terms, &c. • To LET-HOUSE-177 WYLIE STREET. near Logan, containing 9 rooms, with brick stable in rear. A eery suitable loca tion for a physician. Inquiir of JAMES P QUINN. Mitt Liberty street. ry0 -LET, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION a well - 11 kited comfortable ALL on r Lfts avenue. 30 by 80 feet; well Box for society meetings. Address Lock Box UM PlPaborgh Postodice. TO.LET..--STORE and DWEL. LINO, No. SID Beaver Atenue. Allegheny : contains live rooms, tlnlstolt attic, store room and large cellar: gas and water. Apply to S. S. D. 1:110111PCON, on the premises. raiser slon given April let. rfo-LET.—ROOMS.—TWO One , BOOMS la GAZETTE BUILDING. Apply at Lountlag Room. 84 and 66 Fifth avenue. rilO LET.--TWO Handsomely ihrnished rooms. with mss and are. one on it door. and one front up stain.. Inquire at 199 Third avenue 90 -LET. - FRONT OFFICE, Stew , d awry. 56 Smithfield street. r,noalre rug Store, corner Fourth avenue and Smith field sUeet. IO•L.ETe--41 FRONT ROOM, on second floor, well-furnished, with am and For terms, anp'y at No. 33 NINTH formed) band. • • 0-LET,LIRIE KILN • AND QULBRIEII for leue; Kinn in stood order au Limestone complete. 't ransportation can be furnished. Enquire at No. 413 LUISERTY S'fltISET, up stairs. MO LET.—Six Offices on the „1,. Corner of Penn and Eighth Mr. Los; 3 on first and 3on the Second floor, (one Very large.) Also, a well lighted arm dry kfuemtnt ntore Itqom. To let—A dwelling next the corner, No. 29, on Eh hth street, with rooms. Also one mini 11 rooms, No. 25 Os Elena street. Also, a Warehouse, No. 188 'l3mittiffeld 'Meer. Apply at 277 Penn stieet. TC.LET.--ONE STORE ROOM. rouu BASEMENTiI, well liglited and otted. _ OFFICES In the second story. eLEEPING Roollitl in the third story, and ONE LARGE HALL. with two • ante-rooins, In the fourth story of A. H. English & Co's new LItlH Poona avenue. avenue A. H. ENG -1 CO.. No. SID Fifth O•LET.-THE SECOND AND • THIR 1 STORIES of a Business House on ye eral street. A legbeny city. Mach room is 90 b E y 80. Splendid location for a' PHUT OtiitAPH.. X. SAMPI.S. ROOM or linht Manufacturing. Spacious front entrance and in the best ton:Mess rutin of the street. For particulars apply to CROFT & PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agents and Brokers, No. 130 Fourth Arenne. J. s. SWINT J:11. slam RWINT & AIICHMWTIMAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, . No, .1 Sandusky St., Allegheny, Pa. A larite assortment of IfilfWiffs POCTIII and 11Al.LoTRS constantly on hand. Ttlull MO, of all descriAttosul. done. . _ , ocacrall KEYSTONE POTTERY. M. HIES o#, CO., 'l/4#• Jiludifactoren of REEENSWARE. BRISTOL WARE at office and Warehouse. 363 LIBERTY STREET arAll orders otomptly attended to. next to No. of Otti Hall. iIa OHN PECK, OBNAMENTAL i BAIR WORK= AND 2 WWI, No. Third street., near littilthtleld, ttaburgb. Always on hand, sdteneral Vs° ent or Li. die.. Wit& BANDS CURLS" &linemen's W1(18. - Torkas, scutixs, ouln cauarts. 1,1 It ACZ I, EMS . do. 41.. A. gOOdPACO ln. cash will Iy. eivetl kr RAW HAIR. I . Ladles , and Gentiesaen.a Hale to the nriativat manner. 101110AGE)14 1 0, . TEN LICATHEB, for sle b J. y * R SA LE F°RB A LE.--16th WAR' .- BRICK 130IIele of seven rooms. on William stn. e i t adjoin ne the •esidvnee of F. K. Dun•, let 40 feet Own t mud 360 feet deep; well =- proved andrlD d with fruit trees. Ir n a nice. on the mein APP, or of L. B. DOPY, 83 DIA MOND BTB T. FOB SALE.-STOCEL AND FIX. T —Tee Stnek and Mixtures of a brat. class Vanilla Grocery More. The undersigned, art Ling tin mot.ein anotuer business offer.. the 49F r if s T aant d- t 's e toc m k A l l egh eny nC. ity ti..W.PUSEY, FOR SALE.—That handFome TWO 'STORY BRICK. fOrtliD MOE, No. 5a03 Western avenue. Allegh•ny COY. on the lainn so h f a h , e ' S M r a o r omse. e ni P h a e s d s e attic r ba a t t h i Woam cohno t and cold water and gas throughout. The bait& inti a 84 feet Wide. a ec ot ted on lot 48 feetfront front by 120 bare and to ai 20 er alley. Term• ease. For partigulars enquire at the AL LEORENY POSTOMM • • VOR SALM OR RENT.--That 1 elegant RESIDENLE, corner Western Ave nne and Stilwell it , eet. Allegheny. Lot 100 b y OW het. • - House contains le •rooMe, wt all modern Imurovements., -Apply to GEOIIOs H. HOLTZMAN, NO fourth avenue (up stars ' ) Plttsmargh. • IWOIISALE--Destrable Western AVENUE ER-IDENCE, located on West ern Avenue, Alleybeny ell. 'A doubt, two. story brick residence of eleven rooms, ball •nd good ctliar, finished in Brat class stele. .Lot 48 by 120 feet to a litel foot alley: Terms very easy. Apply to oitorr & rut Real Estate A ants. No. 139 Fourth •venue. feli:e43 FOR SALE.-RARE CHANCE FOR A WAGON WARYR—At Parnassus !Station, A. V. R. R., 11 miles from the shy. ball an acre or ground with shop and dwedlna and a large quantity of lumber; abundance of work for three hands: .blaekamlth shop cony's. silent; rare opening for a man of small mousy, I be sold on very easy terms. Apply to CHO rr I PH Neal Estate' Agents, No. 139 Fourth Avenue. • • FOR SALE.-LOOK HERE - $35 PI R AORI: will 'purchase alarm of 131 acres in A* rnst , opg county, Pa, acre s s tom Posston - Mallon A. V. R. K. Al in good Water; balance under Cu tivation; 40 acres in grass, orchard of 400 choice bearing fruit trees; two good dwelling houses, one a brick of rooms anti good cellar: the other a new frame of tiree or five rooms; bank barn. almost new 40 by 36. and all necessary outbuildings, abund ance of good water and In good neighborhood. Owner has determined to go west, otherwise It could not be bought at the above price. 'I smut VitnY &An. Apply t o 1011 Orr & PRILLtrd, Real Estate Agents. N0..139 Fourth avenue. FOR SALL it —FARe--24 acres of good land In Richland township, en the ut:er Plank Road. IT milts from Alleghent City, with good Donee and barn and other out hullo loge; s good selection of fruit on the place. and all the around is in goad working order, making a desirable country place for a man doing business in the city. Apply to JAMES HARK SON, Itsq, on the pre.elses, or S. P. RABBI SOS 15DIamond.,Alieglimiv City. felSteir 11OR SALF.--OVER $7OO 000 worth of Kral Estate. comprising Faring. Ills, stores Houses. Lots. C4l Works. Snit Works, &c.. As. The • PITTSItuRGH REAL ES • Al E. REGISTER , ' contains Tull particulars of all of the above. Sent vs= to any address. si CRO Agents HILM, Publishen and Real Es. te No. 139 fourth avenue. . FOR SALE.-IREFINERIL-A Vir4l. Class Refinery, in cbmplete run plug order, nearly new. Ras been in operation but a few moutus, striated on 'he A. V. R. U. beyond the present city Milts. rapacity live hundred bbls per week. Can be doubled with no Pitts expense eseeptine_an additional Apply ar2511 and 24 kieRKEr STREET, Pitir burgh burgh, FOR SALE--FARM.-2 00 acret of good Land. situated in Penn Tp.. West tuureland county, two miles from Irwin Station of the Penns. R. IL Improvements, hewed 101 bousr In good repair, bank barn and otder out. buildings. Terms moderate. Enquire SUPS WILSON, Larlmer's Station. or E. Penn Station. FOR EIALE.BUSINESS PROP RTY.—Is now offered for este that desira ble LOT OF GROUND No. 167 r mlthtleld street. This is we•l located far bust nein. Parties on lookout for a rood stand do well to call • n BAILRY, FARRELL & CU No. 167 •-mit htleld street. FOR SALE-BUSINESS STANI —A well known and prosperous wholesale bust nese stand, with stock and !Sutures, Is offered to sale. ratiatictory reasons are given for the Ma posal. Apply at 77 WOOD STREET. OR SALE.—A NEW FRAME nou of Mx rooms and one acre lot In Mt. Ki noun of Good well en the _premises. En gnire a No. SG DIAMOND MEET, Pitts burgh. FOB SALE.—A LEAVE of two TIIREK BTORY BRIVH 110I3IES In a bus iness bratlon. It bas four years to sun; sent low. Address. W. X.. •ZSITS OFFICE. -FOR SALE.—A New House of Seven Rooms and Ball. corner of Pride and 'orbes streets. Water and Gas In the house; also Range in kitchen. EjECETOOS 9 SALE OF REAL ESTATE. The followine valuableproperty belonging to the estate of J. Id. POUTER, deceased, Is now open to o the If private bids are not satisfac tory to the Executors, the property will be ex pusCd at Public me, commencing On Monday, March 1at,1869. One Farm, known as the Irwin farm, contain ing one hundred and twenty-seven aeres, more landss, situated In Barret township. Westmore county. about one hundred yards wan t A.V. It. R. and Allegheny river, reserving the coal. Also, one farm. ki.own as the Martin fat m,con talning ninety-two acres, more or less. situated in Burrel township Westmoreland county. about one and one-half miles from Allegheny river and A, V• Without reservation all to coil and minerals. Also, one farm, known as the Pell farm, con tat lug one hundred and thirty-fire 'errs, more or less. situated In Fawn township, Allegheny count*, about one mile from W. P. usitroad and Allegheny r.ver, with coaland minerals. Also, one farm, known as the Vantine farm, situated In Fawn town/dry. Allegheny county containing forty-four acres, more or less, about one mile from W. .P. Railroad and Allegheny rlyer. ' Also. one farm, known as the Vantine farm. containing twenty-six acres, more or less, situ ated In Fawn township. Allegheny county, about cum mile from river and railroad. All the above laud Is eligihly situated, and. ex cept the Irwin farm, the coal la whh u nd er l aid served, the banuice of the farms are with coal and limestone. Infirmatton as to 331 RMS OF SALE, Or in reference to the above firms, can be had of either of the • xecutors retain, at Tarer turn, Allegheny county. Pa. in connection therewith will also be sold TWO LOTS, No. 81 and 88. fa the borough of Tarentum, fn which ts shtick house. end but • short Maumee from le oars. ltsilroad. Sale to Commence on the Bell Farm, on Mardi Ist 1889. st 10 co , elna A. X.. and to couttuno until all le so.d, " JAMSti H. YULTONI logo 11c0aL Hxt enters. * X. V. EVANS, TaiUntlintaa.. Feb. 16, 1869. fel6:e6t ExEcurons , tux. SHOE STORE. . . - Thema. food will, It:Tend fixturerof stioe store of tbe tate J. Y. McCall, Esq., 33E Liberty street, Ilttsburgb. Best location battle city, and doing a prospatius business: For thither Putt' Wars Inquire at 334 Libertv street. EMMA M. McCIALL, J. D. RAMALEY. Executors: = .1 - WESTERN LAND AGENCY. 70,000 - Acres of Land for Sale, In lowa and Minnesota; price from $.OO to $B.OO per acre. Land bought and sold on corn. mission. Taxes paid; Titles examined; abstracts furnished; burveying and Plotting done. infOrmstion furnished in reference to quality and valuation of landi. General collect ing business done. Address CM POI tea ON sTocKTInt A WENIUN nE offa the following desirable residence for is well Anton. 41 and convenient. with a large lot of grOunti 30 by 040 feet,. *table laud carriage hone The .11011*4 4 ba. *wide hall, two rue parlors, witb raStb,e wanties, coulee Ore, AA. Inning room, 11.341ben *Lim a good range, .batb room, water -snd g.s, wash room, water closets. 6 c lambers. Op. It needs only to no sew to be apdreclattd. B. 01/TIIIIERT it SONS. 4106 BO Smith/Sold West. , attlng done mb2m, LACE Limmrs. terSEALED PIIOPOSA fi Will be reel:Avail' mail 1 HURSDA. , Febinary at thb MAYOR'S OFFICE, for/ the mniclna of F.FTY, or mcMe, POLICE OEMS, the parties to iunilsb.trimmingsorlit the exeePll oll of buttons. Sample uniforms to b. seen at the / office. . fel3:e4B JAILED M. BRIIIMI, Mayor. IarTRIU9II I II OIL CORIPANIC; NOTICE.—The annual meeting of the Stock holders of the 1 1 EIIIMPII OIL O OMPAIit will beheld at their office s No, 19 TVYNTH (late Irwin) STREET, - • • I On 31onday,li.rch. Ist, 1869, at 8 P.M., I For the purposeief electing officers for the ensu ing year,:guid 14r the :transaction of such other business is may 'come before th+n• feleaC WILLIAM MOSSLER, Secretarv. CITY Tuzasunstrii Prrrenuacia, Pebrizaryl 11th, 1869. IarNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all OWNERS OF RAYS, CARTS. • CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, do.. ( hetber resident or non resident,) In the 'Oily f Pittsbwrgh, to pay their Licenses at this Ollce FORTHWITH, in accordance with an Act. of skembly approved' March 30, 11360; and arattdinance of - the Coun cils of the t.ity of Pittsburgh, passed April 16. 1860. All LiCentes not paid on or betbre MAT 15, 1869, will be placed in the hands of a police of ficer for collection, subject to a collection fee of 50 cents, and all persons who neglect or refuse to take out Licenses Will be subject to a penalty double the Amount of the license, to be recovered betbre the Mayor. The old metal plates of last year must be re. . turned at the time Licenses are taken out, or 95 i cents' additional - will be charged on each • License.. • BATES OF LICENSE: ' ' Each one horse vehicle , IV 1.50 Each two horse venicle ' 'l9 00 ' Each four horse vehicle 15.00 , Each two horse back • - ' ` - ` - .-15.00 Omnibus and Timber Wheels ,dapirt. by two. • horses, 618.00 each. Ono dullafeitri will be charged for each additicinal horse lied In any of • the above vehicles. A. J. canutauir; ... rei4:a4a:mwr . ~ City Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE .r.m.gelizarr VALLEY R.B. / Pittsburgh. J anuary Bb. 1869. 5 WEITOCKUOLDEIEU S ANNUAL 3fESTINH.—The regular Annual meeting of the Allegheny Valley Baoad Company will street. at tbd otnee of the ompany. To 28 Pike on THEMDAY. A id day of February._ 1869. for the TIU , OOSE of electin a Board of Managers for the routing year an d the trallSlLO lion ofinch other business as may be presented. • ja.V:d6g JOHN BALLANTINE, necretarr. Orricg OF ENCIINITR .&1 5 D Stravvrort, I YITTSBOBCIII, rebrIIIITy 13, 11569. wmoricE 'ro CONTRACT °M.—SeaIed Proposals fur the grading. pavrog_and curbing of CENTER STREET. froM Forty-fourth to Forty.n Rh street, - LoCtIST ALLEN!, from Fountain street to Forty : first street;___ ALM. IND ALLEY frerr Butter street tO the Allegheny Valley Railroad. FOSTEar. ALLEY, from Butler street to the Allegheny Val ey Railroad; • • Will be received at this office until SATUR- D AY. February 31, 1889. Specifications and Manse for bidding can be bad at this ffice. No bids will be received unless made out on o the ortper blanks. Tue Committee reserve the right to reject ear or all bids. SI. J. MOORS. fell City Engineer. la -NOTICE: Al'persons indebted to the City of Allegheny for GRADING AND PAVING, are hereby noti fied to call and pay their assessments to the mi dersigned, on or before the llith day of February. After the above date all claims remaining an paid will be pieced in the hands of the City So licitor for collection, with costs added. °Moe in , the second story of City Hall . Hours for business from 8 to 9 A. at. and I to 51 r. ts: THOM 1.13 MEGRAW, Street Commisslonor. ' ALLROugwv - , Feb. 3. 1869. IWTO BUlLDERll.—"Separate Proposals, addressed to the Commis sioners for the Erection of City Hall.`•. will be re elved at the office of the Commissioners. No. SMITHPIe eTßitE'r, until MONDAY, theist day of March next, for the Stone Work- WI) Brick Work . iron Wort an Carpenter r. Required in the erection of the new Ct• p Hall. according to the plans and specilication. of the same, which can be seen at the once of J. W. Eitre, Architect, in Appoio Building, No. 80 Fourth Avenue, where all requisite information will be given. NOTICE TO CARPENTERS. CONTROLLHE'R °Fries, 5 CITY OP ALLEGHENY. February 10. 1868. SEALED PSOPUSALs will be r.eelved at this Office until 3 o'clott on FIDNISUAY. the 1811 Ines, tor plunking the yard of the SECOND WARD CATftE SCALES. SPECIFICATIONS' The entire y.rd to be covered with the best quality of Pine Grub. Oink laid close en plank sleepers, three het from center to cen"e-r. soltdly bedded In the ground and tilled up level between, the planking to be well spited don's . The plank ing to run across the yard and to be h.adeti on the sleepers. R. B. FRANCIS, City Controller. felo:e3o OPEICZ OF CITY ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, 1. Pittsburgh. February 4th, 1809. ,t IW"NOTICE OF SEALED PE OPOSALS for the constriction of from l Wa ew ig on n sfre or t P oD s n wvniae ave rneut,, - about twenty seven hundr-d feet (A 700,1 and also for a public sewer on Diamond alley, from the Wood street sewer to Smithfield street, will be received at this °Mee until SATURDAY. Feb. ruary *0,1860. Specifications and blanks for bidding o.n be bad by calling at this office. Co bids vt be received by the Committee unless made out on the regular blanks The Committee reserve the right to re:ect any Or all bide. Let el • H. J. MOOSE, City Engineer. Oriltricrry Prrr.ntritoth February 4. 1869. WNOSICE TO FOUNDRY - MEN.—Sealed Proposabi fcr• furnishing the City of Pittsburgh, with castings for the catehbuing required in the sewers n w about being contract.d be received at this of fice until SaTOMDA.Y. Tab. $l9, 1869 Specifications can be seen at this oflice. The Committee reserve the right to reject any or all bids. 31 J. 11100dJI, fettel - Citl Engineer. UTIPICIi 01. OlTif ENGITilia AND : mut - row. t Pittsburgh. February 9th. 1809. s. tgrIVOTICE.—The assessment for the partial 'iodine of Mallon street. from Kirkpatrich. strait to Bobo stseet, is now ready for examination and ran be seen at this Mhos until raw&T, February 19. (889. when It. mill be returned to the City Txsasureris aloe for - collection. • figne24 H. J. MOORE. City misaluber• FRENCIiBUBRIST I ONES. ,THE BEST IitIIZA.T CLEANERS IZF USE.' ]Portable Flour and Feed Mills, 310 and 321 Liberty St., Pittsburgh. F I° 4 3 V II : II T A R Ft ; y{yEpeTr i f ivEn BED wierra spas, Very ebetee, fbr sale by !MANOR & HARPER• - SAW Liberty street. v. C. WAY, ILLTNGTOI4. lOWA. 2_,000 4 1 /.. "li s t Els O F "A Y R D.2INcIIS & STSVEWS,,N. OBLARELIOF SORGHUM` &MANIC& DLLLINOBB &EITZVICICPO2I. • casks No. t Pot run in store and for saki . oilmjcws J. THOMAS STEEL, Secretary SEWER BUILDERS French Burr Smut Machines, BOLTING cairns, All numbers and beet quality. For sale at WALLAfIE. saV3